Serge Kraif v. Hubert Guez
Serge Kraif |
Hubert Guez |
Roxanne Guez |
2:2012cv06206 |
July 18, 2012 |
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California |
S James Otero |
Michael R Wilner |
Contract: Other |
28 U.S.C. § 1332 |
Both |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on July 3, 2018. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 199 SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Davis, Richard) |
Filing 198 NOTICE filed by Judgment Creditor Serge Kraif. Regarding Entry of Order Denying Third Party Claim (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Edwards, Natasha) |
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Filing 196 MINUTES OF Motion Hearing held before Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner. (See Minute Order for details) Court Recorder: CS 5/3/2017. (vm) |
Filing 195 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) (shows no service date) re Third Party Claim by D.A.R.C. LLC (copy attached, not conformed filed stamped- filer did not file with the court) (lc) |
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Filing 193 STIPULATION to Withdraw Motion NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Hearing Claim of Exemption, re Claim #183 , #186 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Trunnell, Christian) |
Filing 192 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Hearing Third Party Claim, re Proof of Service (subsequent documents) #181 , filed by Judgment Creditor Serge Kraif. Motion set for hearing on 5/3/2017 at 09:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner. (Attachments: #1 Notice of Hearing, #2 Memorandum, #3 Declaration, #4 Exhibit, #5 Proof of Service) (Davis, Richard) |
Filing 191 SCHEDULING NOTICE RE: MOTION HEARING by Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner. On The Court's own motion, the motion hearing set for April 12, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. is rescheduled to April 19, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Hearing Claim of Exemption, re Claim #183 #186 THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (vm) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 190 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed on Genetic Denin International, LLC re Hubert Guez on writ of execution, levy (subsequent) re wage garnishment on employer served 3/24/17. (see attachment) (lc) |
Filing 189 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed on Third Party, Genetic Denin International, LLC re Hubert Guez on writ of execution, levy (subsequent levy) documents. Remarks: served and mailed on 3/24/17 (see attachments). (lc) Modified on 3/31/2017 (lc). Modified on 3/31/2017 (lc). |
Filing 188 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) re Writ of Execution/ Levy returned unexecuted for Hubert Guez; served at Genetic Denim International LLC on 3/8/17 - Unable to effect service at given address. Remarks: Remarks: Served on: NA; Mailed on NA. See attached Proof of Service. (lom) |
Filing 187 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) re Writ of Execution/ Levy returned unexecuted for Hubert Guez; served at Genetic Denim International LLC on 3/8/17 - Unable to effect service at given address. Remarks: Served on: NA. See attached Proof of Service. (lom) |
Filing 186 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Hearing Claim of Exemption, re Claim #183 , filed by Judgment Creditor Serge Kraif. Motion set for hearing on 4/12/2017 at 09:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner. (Attachments: #1 Notice of Opposition to Claim of Exemption, #2 Memorandum of Points and Authorities, #3 Declaration of Richard S. Davis, #4 Exhibit, #5 Proof of Service) (Davis, Richard) |
Filing 185 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed. Remarks: served and mailed writ of execution/levy on third party USDC Central District re judgment entered by the court, see attachments. (lc) |
Filing 184 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed . Remarks: re writ of execution, levy on judgment served on Employer 100 N. Carolwood Dr., LLC (see attachments) re debtor Spouse. (lc) Modified on 3/6/2017 (lc). |
Filing 183 CLAIM OF EXEMPTION filed by defendant Hubert Guez. (lc) |
Filing 182 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) re Claim of exemption filed by HERBERT GUEZ (see page 2) returned executed on 3/2/17: Remarks: mailed claim to attorney. (lc) |
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Filing 178 MINUTES OF Motion Hearing held before Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner. (See Minute Order for details) Court Recorder: CS 2/1/2017. (vm) |
Filing 177 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned unexecuted as to Genetic Denim LLC. re Serge Kraif on 1/5/17. Remarks: unable to effect service (lc) |
Filing 176 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) RE: Writ of Execution/Levy on Genetic Denim, LLC. Returned unexecuted on 1/5/2017. Remarks: Unable to effect service at given address. Appears to be a vacant address. Per building Management Garnishee has been gone over a year. (vv) |
Filing 175 REPLY in support NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for Spousal Earnings Withholding Order #161 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proof of Service)(Davis, Richard) |
Filing 174 REPLY in support NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for to Setoff Judgments #160 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proof of Service)(Davis, Richard) |
Filing 171 Opposition in opposition re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for to Setoff Judgments #160 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit, #6 Exhibit, #7 Exhibit, #8 Exhibit, #9 Exhibit)(Trunnell, Christian) |
Filing 170 DECLARATION of Hubert Guez in opposition NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for Spousal Earnings Withholding Order #161 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Trunnell, Christian) |
Filing 169 Opposition In Opposition re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for Spousal Earnings Withholding Order #161 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Trunnell, Christian) |
Filing 173 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) RE writ of execution and levy re wage garnishment on Genetic Denim International returned executed on 12/21/6 and mailed 12/21/16.(SEE SPECIFICS ON ATTACHMENTS) (lc) (lc) |
Filing 172 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) RE writ of execution and levy on Genetic Denim International re Hubert Guez returned executed on 12/21/6 and mailed 12/21/16.(SEE SPECIFICS ON ATTACHMENTS) (lc) Modified on 1/13/2017 (lc). |
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Filing 167 STIPULATION to Reschedule Hearing Date filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Trunnell, Christian) |
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Filing 164 NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. correcting Proof of Service (subsequent documents) #162 (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service re Motion for a Spousal Earnings Withholding Order)(Davis, Richard) |
Filing 163 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif, re NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for to Setoff Judgments #160 served on 11/28/2016. (Davis, Richard) |
Filing 162 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif, re NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for Spousal Earnings Withholding Order #161 served on 11/28/2016. (Davis, Richard) |
Filing 161 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for Spousal Earnings Withholding Order filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Motion set for hearing on 1/9/2017 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum in Support of Motion for Spousal Earnings Withholding Order, #2 Declaration of Richard Davis in Support of Motion for Spousal Earnings Withholding Order, #3 Proposed Order Authorizing Spousal Earnings Withholding Order, #4 Exhibit 1, #5 Exhibit 2, #6 Exhibit 3, #7 Exhibit 4, #8 Exhibit 5, #9 Exhibit 6) (Davis, Richard) |
Filing 160 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for to Setoff Judgments filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Motion set for hearing on 1/9/2017 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum in Support of Motion to Setoff Judgments, #2 Declaration of Richard Davis in Support of Motion to Setoff Judgments, #3 Proposed Order to Setoff Judgments, #4 Exhibit 1, #5 Exhibit 2, #6 Exhibit 3) (Davis, Richard) |
Filing 159 WRIT of EXECUTION issued. The pending REQUEST for Writ of execution #154 terminated. (lc) |
Filing 158 Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Writ of Execution)(Davis, Richard) |
Filing 157 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285)re Writ of Execution - Levy returned executed upon Hubert Guez, served at Comerica Bank, San Jose, CA on 4/6/16. Remarks: 3/9/16 fwd to 011 in JDIS and mailed out. (lom) |
Filing 156 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) re writ of execution and specific levy documents returned executed upon HSBC, and Roxanne Guez, Hubert Guez served and mailed on 2/22/16. Remarks: see attachments ofproof of service thereon (lc) |
Filing 155 ALIAS WRIT of execution issued. The pending REQUEST for Writ of execution #154 terminated. (lc) |
Filing 154 AFFIDAVIT AND REQUEST for issuance of Writ of execution filed by plaintiff Serge Kraif. (lc) |
Filing 153 ORIGINAL WRIT of Execution Returned Executed as to Hubert Guez. (jp) |
Filing 152 MINUTES OF Judgment Debtor Exam held before Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner. (See Minutes for details) Court Recorder: CS 12/16/2015. (vm) |
Filing 151 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) re Hubert Guez as to writ of execution, levy. Remarks: mailed to 3rd party packet to Wells Fargo Bank Legal Department. (lc) |
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Filing 149 REQUEST for Order for SERVICE OF PROCESS BY REGISTERED PROCESS SERVER filed by ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF/JUDGMENT CREDITOR Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Fickel, Mary) |
Filing 148 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF/JUDGMENT CREDITOR Serge Kraif, re APPLICATION for Judgment Debtor Exam as to Hubert Guez #146 , Order on Motion for Judgment Debtor Exam #147 served on 10/20/2015. (Fickel, Mary) |
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Filing 146 APPLICATION for Judgment Debtor Exam as to Hubert Guez filed by Attorney for Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Application set for hearing on 12/16/2015 at 09:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Fickel, Mary) |
Filing 145 MINUTES OF CLAIM OF EXEMPTION held before Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner. For the reasons stated at the hearing on the claim today and as summarized below, the claim is DENIED. (See Minutes for further details) Court Recorder: CS 9/16/2015. (vm) |
Filing 144 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF CLAIM OF EXEMPTION filed by Movant Roxanne Guez. (Trunnell, Christian) |
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Filing 142 NOTICE filed by Attorney for Plaintiff/Judgment Creditor Serge Kraif. Notice of Opposition to Claim of Exemption (Attachments: #1 Notice of Hearing on Claim of Exemption, #2 Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Debtor's Claim of Exemption, #3 Declaration of Richard S. Davis in Opposition to Judgment Debtor's Claim of Exemption)(Fickel, Mary) |
Filing 141 CLAIM OF EXEMPTION filed by third party Roxanne Guez. (lc) |
Filing 140 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Serge Kraif on 8/4/15. Remarks: Mailed Roxanne Guez claim of exemption to plaintiffs attorney Richard Davis. (lc) |
Filing 139 NOTICE of filing claim of exemption from US Department of Justice US Marshal's Service re claim of exemption filed by Roxanne Guez and instructions thereon (lc) |
Filing 138 PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Hubert Guez on 7/14/15 - served upon April Schroeder. Remarks: Writ of Execution/Levy on Wells Fargo Bank. (shb) |
Filing 137 MINUTES OF Judgment Debtor Exam held before Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner. (See Minutes for details) Court Recorder: CS 7/8/2015. (vm) |
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Filing 135 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF/JUDGMENT CREDITOR Serge Kraif, re Order on Application for Judgment Debtor Exam #133 served on 06/07/2015. (Fickel, Mary) |
Filing 134 REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE ATTORNEY Christian W. Trunnell in place of attorney James H. Turken and Fawn A. Schanz filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Granting Request to Substitute Attorney, #2 Supplement Certificate of Service)(Schanz, Fawn) |
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Filing 132 NOTICE OF REASSIGNMENT OF CASE filed pursuant to Application for Judgment Debtor Exam filed on 5/19/15. Case transferred to Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner for any discovery matters that are or may be referred by the District Judge. Case number will now read CV12-06206 SJO (MRWx). (mg) |
Filing 131 APPLICATION for Judgment Debtor Exam as to Roxanne Guez filed by Plaintiff/Judgment Creditor Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Richard S. Davis, #2 Proposed Order)(Fickel, Mary) |
Filing 130 ABSTRACT of Judgment issued in favor of plaintiff Serge Kraif and against Hubert Guez in the principal amount of $ 850,000.00, interest in the amount of $ 223,222.40, attorneys fees of $.00, costs of $.00. RE: Judgment, #26 (lc) |
Filing 129 ORIGINAL WRIT of Execution Returned against Huebert Guez. (lom) |
Filing 128 WRIT of Execution issued against Hubert Guez. (lom) |
Filing 127 AFFIDAVIT AND REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF WRIT OF EXECUTION by Richard S Davies re Judgment #26 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (lom) |
Filing 126 ABSTRACT of Judgment issued in favor of Plaintiff Serge Kraif and against Hubert Guez in the principal amount of $ 850,000.00, interest in the amount of $ 228,222.40, attorneys fees of $ 0.00, costs of $ 0.00, RE: Judgment, #26 . (lom) |
Filing 125 WRIT of Execution issued against Hubert Guez. (lom) |
Filing 124 AFFIDAVIT AND REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF WRIT OF EXECUTION by Richard S Davies re Judgment #26 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (lom) |
Filing 123 NOTICE of Association of Counsel associating attorney Mary L. Fickel on behalf of Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Attorney Mary Louise Fickel added to party Serge Kraif(pty:pla))(Fickel, Mary) |
Filing 121 NOTICE OF ORDER VACATING HEARING ON MOTION: The Court finds the motion suitable for disposition without oral argument and vacates the hearing re the MOTION to AMEND Order Awarding Attorney Fees filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. #118 , set for hearing on November 17, 2014. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 78(b). The briefing schedule remains as set by Local Rule. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (vcr) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 120 REPLY in support MOTION to AMEND Order Awarding Attorney Fees, #112 , Judgment, #26 #118 Pursuant to FRCP 59(e); Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 118 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to AMEND Order Awarding Attorney Fees, #112 , Judgment, #26 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Motion set for hearing on 11/17/2014 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Declaration iso Motion to Amend or Alter Judgment, #2 Proposed Order Granting Motion to Amend or Alter Judgment)(Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 117 ABSTRACT of Judgment issued in favor of Plaintiff Hubert Guez and against Serge Kraif in the principal amount of $.00, interest in the amount of $.00, attorneys fees of $ 148,668.40, costs of $.00. RE: Order Awarding Attorney Fees, #112 (lc) |
Filing 116 ABSTRACT of Judgment issued in favor of Plaintiff Hubert Guez and against Serge Kraif in the principal amount of $.00, interest in the amount of $.00, attorneys fees of $ 148,668.40, costs of $.00. RE: Order Awarding Attorney Fees, #112 (lc) |
Filing 115 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY RE ABSTRACT. The document is being returned to you for correction of: IYI Please leave attested date blank; Abstract must be typed with no white out or scratches. Please return this form with the corrected document when returned to the clerk's office for filing. (lc) |
Filing 114 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY WRIT OF EXECUTION. The document is being returned to you for correction of: Entered date of Writ/Abstract is incorrect (refer to docket). Entered date is 09/22/2014. Please leave attested date blank Please return this form with the corrected document when returned to the clerk's office for filing. (lc) Modified on 10/10/2014 (lc). |
Filing 113 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY RE ABSTRACT. The document is being returned to you for correction of: entered date incorrect. Please return this form with the corrected document when returned to the clerk's office for filing. (lc) |
Filing 112 JUDGMENT ON ATTORNEYS FEES by Judge S. James Otero: Judgment entered in favor of Defendant Hubert Guez for the amount of $148,668.40, which represents the attorneys fees that were reasonable and necessary to Hubert Guezs successful defense of Plaintiff Serge Kraifs second claim for relief alleged in this action for fraud and deceit, plus interest to accrue thereon at the legal rate from the date of the Clerks entry of this Judgment until the full satisfaction of this Judgment. (lc) |
Filing 111 NOTICE OF LODGING filed by Defendant Hubert Guez re Order on Motion for Attorney Fees,,, #110 (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order /Proposed Judgment on Attorneys Fees)(Schanz, Fawn) |
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Filing 108 NOTICE OF ORDER VACATING HEARING ON MOTION: The Court finds the following matters suitable for disposition without oral argument and vacates the hearing re the Renewed MOTION for Attorney Fees filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. #99 , and the MOTION for Attorney Fees and Non-Statutory Costs; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in support thereof filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif #100 , set for hearing on August 18, 2014. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 78(b). The briefing schedule remains as set by Local Rule.THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (vcr) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 107 APPLICATION for attorney James T. Smith to Appear Pro Hac Vice(PHV Fee of $325 receipt number 0973-14253816 paid.) filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 106 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Cheryl S Chang counsel for Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Judd A. Serotta is no longer attorney of record for the aforementioned party in this case for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 105 REPLY in support of a motion MOTION for Attorney Fees and Non-Statutory Costs; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in support thereof #100 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 104 REPLY In Support of Renewed MOTION for Attorney Fees #99 ; Declaration of James H. Turken In Support Thereof filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 103 Opposition Yes re: Renewed MOTION for Attorney Fees #99 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Cheryl Chang, #2 Proposed Order)(Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 102 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Attorney Fees and Non-Statutory Costs; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in support thereof #100 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 101 SCHEDULING NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR ATTORNEY'S FEES #100 by Judge S. James Otero re: On the Court's own motion, Plaintiff's MOTION for Attorney Fees and Non-Statutory Costs is continued for hearing from 8/11/14 to 8/18/2014 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. The briefing schedule shall be in compliance with the Local Rules.THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (vcr) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 100 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Attorney Fees and Non-Statutory Costs; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in support thereof filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Motion set for hearing on 8/11/2014 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Judd Serotta, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2-7, #4 Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Motion for Attorneys' Fees and Non-Statutory Costs)(Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 99 NOTICE OF MOTION AND Renewed MOTION for Attorney Fees filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. Motion set for hearing on 8/18/2014 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Granting Guez's Renewed Motion for Attorneys' Fees)(Schanz, Fawn) |
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Filing 95 REQUEST for Order for Status Conference filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Request set for hearing on 11/25/2013 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 94 NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES in Electronically Filed Documents RE: Miscellaneous Document #93 . The following error(s) was found: Incorrect event selected. Proposed Document was not submitted as a separate attachment. The correct event is: REQUEST: Order. The Request is missing proposed order. Other error(s) with document(s): In alternative: 1) prepare a formal Notice of Lodging to be docketed under its corresponding event of "Notice of Lodging", and to which the order should be uploaded as a separate attachment to that main document. In response to this notice the court may order (1) an amended or correct document to be filed (2) the document stricken or (3) take other action as the court deems appropriate. You need not take any action in response to this notice unless and until the court directs you to do so. (cch) |
Filing 93 Request for Status Conference filed by Defendant Hubert Guez (Schanz, Fawn) |
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Filing 92 NOTIFICATION by Circuit Court of Appellate Docket Number 13-56937 9th CCA regarding Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals #87 as to Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (dmap) |
Filing 89 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by plaintiff-appellant Serge Kraif, re Appeals Docketing Statement (A-11a) #88 , Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, #87 served on 11/14/13. (Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 88 Civil Appeals Docketing Statement received from forwarded to 9th CCA. RE: Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, #87 (Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 87 NOTICE OF APPEAL to the 9th CCA filed by Plaintiff-Appellant Serge Kraif. Appeal of Order, Terminated Case,, #75 , Order on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, Order on Motion to Bifurcate,,,, #66 (Appeal fee of $455 receipt number 0973-12979578 paid.) (Attachments: #1 Representation Statement, #2 Statement of Related Cases)(Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 86 REPLY in support of APPLICATION to the Clerk to Tax Costs against Defendant Hubert Guez #80 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Cheryl Chang)(Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 85 REPLY filed by Defendant Hubert Guez to APPLICATION to the Clerk to Tax Costs against Defendant Hubert Guez #78 (Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 84 OBJECTIONS to APPLICATION to the Clerk to Tax Costs against Defendant Hubert Guez #80 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of James Turken, #2 Exhibit Exhibit 2 to the Declaration of James Turken)(Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 83 Objection re: APPLICATION to the Clerk to Tax Costs against Defendant Hubert Guez #78 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Judd Serotta)(Chang, Cheryl) |
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Filing 81 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Order for Consolidation of the Hearings for Plaintiff's and Defendant's Respective Motions for Attorneys Fees and Extension of Time to File Opposition Papers filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Exhibit A to E to Declaration of Cheryl S. Chang, #3 Proposed Order)(Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 80 APPLICATION to the Clerk to Tax Costs against Defendant Hubert Guez filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Application set for hearing on 11/14/2013 at 09:00 AM before Clerk of Court. (Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 79 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Attorney Fees and Non-Statutory Costs; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in support thereof filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Motion set for hearing on 12/9/2013 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Judd A. Serotta in support of Plaintiff Serge Kraifs Motion for Attorneys Fees and Non-Statutory Costs, #2 Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Judd A. Serotta in support of Plaintiff Serge Kraifs Motion for Attorneys Fees and Non-Statutory Costs, #3 Exhibit 2 through 7 to Declaration of Judd A. Serotta in support of Plaintiff Serge Kraifs Motion for Attorneys Fees and Non-Statutory Costs, #4 Proposed Order)(Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 78 APPLICATION to the Clerk to Tax Costs against Defendant Hubert Guez filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. Application set for hearing on 11/14/2013 at 09:00 AM before Clerk of Court. (Turken, James) |
Filing 77 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Attorney Fees And Declaration of James H. Turken In Support Thereof filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. Motion set for hearing on 11/25/2013 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Turken, James) |
Filing 76 NOTICE of Change of address by Cheryl S Chang attorney for Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Changing attorneys address to 2029 Century Park East, Sixth Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Chang, Cheryl) |
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Filing 74 Joint STIPULATION to Dismiss Case pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(ii) filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Chang, Cheryl) |
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Filing 71 BRIEF filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Regarding Fraud Damages regarding Order on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, Order on Motion to Bifurcate,,,, #66 . (Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 70 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Cheryl S Chang counsel for Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Eduardo Martorell is no longer attorney of record for the aforementioned party in this case for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Chang, Cheryl) |
Filing 69 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Cheryl S Chang counsel for Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Adding Cheryl S. Chang as attorney as counsel of record for Plaintiff for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Chang, Cheryl) |
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Filing 66 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS)by Judge S. James Otero: ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT AS TO PLAINTIFF'S SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF #50 ;DENYING DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO BIFURCATE THE LIABILITY AND DAMAGES PHASESOF TRIAL #52 .Further, the Court ORDERS Plaintiff to file a supplemental brief on what damages Plaintiff believes he may be entitled to recover on his claim for fraud in light of the Court's Order, including citations to supporting authority. Plaintiff shall file this brief on or before September 16, 2013, and it shall not exceed five pages. (lc) |
Filing 65 REPLY In Support of MOTION to Bifurcate Damages & Liability #52 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Fawn A. Schanz In Support of Motion to Bifurcate)(Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 64 REPLY In Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issue of Damages #50 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Attachments: #1 Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Statement of Genuine Disputes of Material Fact)(Turken, James) |
Filing 63 NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. correcting Objection/Opposition (Motion related), #60 (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Eduardo Martorell in Support of Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Opposition to Defendant Hubert Guez's Second Motion for Summary Judgment)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 62 NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. correcting Objection/Opposition (Motion related), #59 (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Judd A. Serotta in Support of Opposition to Motion to Bifurcate)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 61 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) by Judge S. James Otero: The Court finds these matters suitable for disposition without oral argument and vacates the hearing re MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issue of Damages filed byDefendant Hubert Guez #50 , set for August 19, 2013, and the MOTION to Bifurcate Damages & Liability filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. #52 , set for August 26, 2013. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 78(b). (lc) |
Filing 60 OPPOSITION OPPOSITION re: MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issue of Damages #50 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum Kraif's Statement of Genuine Disputes of material Fact by Opposing Party in Support of Opposition to Second Motion for Summary Judgment, #2 Declaration of Eduardo Martorell in Support of Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Opposition to Defendant Hubert Guez's Motion for Summary Judgment)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 59 OPPOSITION OPPOSITION re: MOTION to Bifurcate Damages & Liability #52 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Judd A. Serotta in Support of Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Opposition to Defendant Hubert Guez's Motion to Bifurcate)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
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Filing 57 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Peter F Jazayeri counsel for Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Peter F. Jazayeri is no longer attorney of record for the aforementioned party in this case for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Jazayeri, Peter) |
Filing 56 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) by Judge S. James Otero: ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT'S REQUEST FOR LEAVE OF COURT FOR CONSIDERATION OF CONCURRENTLY FILED MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT #51 ; DENYING PLAINTIFF'S EX PARTE APPLICATION TO TAKE SECOND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT OFF CALENDAR #54 .Plaintiff shall file his opposition to the Motion on or before August 5, 2013. Defendant shall file his reply, if any, on or before August 12, 2013. The Court vacates the hearing currently set for August 19, 2013, and will reset it only if it deems it necessary. (lc) |
Filing 55 STIPULATION for Order Postponement of Hearing on Defendant's Motion for Bifurcation Pursuant to Stipulation filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Granting Postponement of Hearing on Defendant's Motion for Bifurcation Pursuant to Stipulation)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 54 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Order for Granting Plaintiff's Ex Parte Application to Take Second Motion for Summary Judgment Off Calendar for Violations of Standing Order Paragraphs 19(A) and 19(B) filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Ex Parte Application to Take Second Motion for Summary Judgment Off Calendar for Violations of Standing Order Paragraphs 19(A) and 19(B), #2 Declaration of Eduardo Martorell in Support of Plaintiff's Ex Parte Application to Take Second Motion for Summary Judgment Off Calendar for Violations of Standing Order Paragraphs 19(A) and 19(B), #3 Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff's Ex Parte Application to Take Second Motion for Summary Judgment Off Calendar for Violations of Standing Order Paragraphs 19(A) and 19(B))(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 53 NOTICE filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. Notice of Errata Re: Defendant Hubert Guez's Notice of Motion and Motion to Bifurcate The Liability And Damages Phases of Trial (Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 52 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Bifurcate Damages & Liability filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. Motion set for hearing on 8/19/2013 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Declaration (Part 1) Fawn Schanz In Support of Motion To Bifurcate, #2 Declaration (Part 2) Fawn Schanz In Support of Motion To Bifurcate, #3 Proposed Order)(Turken, James) |
Filing 51 REQUEST for Leave to Consideration of Defendant's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. Request set for hearing on 8/19/2013 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Granting Request For Leave of Court For Consideration of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment)(Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 50 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issue of Damages filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. Motion set for hearing on 8/19/2013 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Fawn Schanz ISO Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Part 1), #2 Declaration of Fawn Schanz ISO Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Part 2), #3 Declaration of Fawn Schanz ISO Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Part 3), #4 Supplement Defendant's Proposed Statement of Facts, #5 Proposed Order Granting Partial Summary Judgment)(Schanz, Fawn) |
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Filing 47 STIPULATION for Protective Order filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Regarding Stipulated Protective Order Re Discovery of Confidential/Financial Information in Aid of Execution of Judgment)(Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 46 STIPULATION to Continue Trial and All Related Dates from October 16, 2013 to December 18, 2013 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
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Filing 43 Notice of Electronic Filing re Reply (Motion related), #42 e-mailed to bounced due to 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'No such user - psmtp'. Primary e-mail address corrected. Notice of Electronic Filing resent addressed to with a request that he update his profile. Pursuant to the General Order and Local Rules it is the attorneys obligation to maintain all personal contact information including e-mail address in the CM/ECF system. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY.(tyw) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 42 REPLY In Support Of MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Second Claim For Relief In The Operative Complaint For Fraud and Deceit #35 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Attachments: #1 Defendant Hubert Guez's Response to Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Statement of Genuine Disputes of Material Fact)(Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 41 NOTICE OF LODGING filed Notice of Lodging the Proposed Order Denying Defendant Hubert Guez's Motion for Summary Judgment re Response in Opposition to Motion #38 (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Denying Defendant Hubert Guez's Motion for Summary Judgment)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 40 DECLARATION re Response in Opposition to Motion #38 Declaration of Eduardo Martorell in support of Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Opposition to Defendant Hubert Guez's Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 39 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Second Claim For Relief In The Operative Complaint For Fraud and Deceit #35 Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Statement of Genuine Disputes of Material Fact by Opposing Party and Conclusions of Law in Support of Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 38 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Second Claim For Relief In The Operative Complaint For Fraud and Deceit #35 filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Martorell, Eduardo) |
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Filing 36 STIPULATION for Order Granting Postponement of Hearing on Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 35 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Second Claim For Relief In The Operative Complaint For Fraud and Deceit filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. Motion set for hearing on 4/1/2013 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Declaration of Fawn A. Schanz ISO Motion for Summary Judgment (Part 1), #2 Declaration Declaration of Fawn A. Schanz ISO Motion for Summary Judgment (Part 2), #3 Declaration Declaration of Fawn A. Schanz ISO Motion for Summary Judgment (Part 3), #4 Proposed Order [Proposed} Statement of Uncontroverted Facts And Conclusions of Law In Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, #5 Proposed Order Granting Defendants' Motion For Summary Judgment, #6 Proposed Order [Proposed] Final Judgment On The Complaint's Second Claim For Relief For Fraud, #7 Supplement Certificate of Service)(Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 34 MINUTES OF Status Conference held before Judge S. James Otero: The Court reviews the procedural history. The Court indicates that on 1/3/13, it GrantedPlaintiff's Motion for Entry of Final Judgment as to His First Cause of Action for Breach of Contract. The Court and counsel confer regarding remaining Second Cause of Action. The trial date remains October 16, 2013 @ 9:00 a.m.The Court requires the parties to meet and confer regarding dates for the taking of depositions. The Court places this matter on second call.Matter recalled. The Court Orders that the deposition of defendant shall be taken on or before March 11, 2013; Plaintiff's deposition shall be taken on or before March 15, 2013. All depositions shall continue until completed.Court Recorder: CS 2/4/13. (lc) |
Filing 33 ABSTRACT of Judgment issued in favor of plaintiff Serge Kraif and against Hubert Guez in the principal amount of $ 850,000.00, interest in the amount of $ 145,084.24, attorneys fees of $.00, costs of $.00. RE: Judgment, #26 (lc) (Main Document 33 replaced on 7/22/2015) (mba). |
Filing 32 NOTICE of Change of Attorney Information for attorney Peter F Jazayeri counsel for Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Adding Peter F. Jazayeri as attorney as counsel of record for Serge Kraif for the reason indicated in the G-06 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif (Jazayeri, Peter) |
Filing 31 NOTICE of Judgment Debtor's Consent for Service on Attorney filed by Plaintiff/Judgment Creditor Serge Kraif. (Jazayeri, Peter) |
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Filing 29 STIPULATION for Order Proposed Order Granting Stipulation Regarding Request for Telephonic Appearance at Status Conference filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Stipulation Regarding Request for Telephonic Appearance at Status Conference)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 28 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY WRIT OF EXECUTION Please return this form with the corrected document when returned to the clerk's office for filing. If tere are no amounts for Principal, Interest, Costs and/or Attorney Fees, please enter -0- on each line. Please leave attested date blank. (lc) |
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Filing 26 JUDGMENT by Judge S. James Otero, in favor of plaintiff Serge Kraif against defendant Hubert Guez on the Complaint's First Cause of Action, entitled "Breach of Contract," in the amount of $850,000.00, plus $116.44 per day (which constitutes 5% interest per annum) commencing on September 1, 2009. (lc) |
Filing 24 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) by Judge S. James Otero: The Court finds this matter suitable for disposition without oral argument and vacates the hearingre the MOTION for Judgment as a Matter of Law on the basis of: F. R. Civ. P. 54(b), MOTION for Entry of Judgment pursuant to Rule 54(b) filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. #19 , set for January 7, 2013. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 78(b). (lc) |
Filing 22 MINUTES OF Scheduling Conference held before Judge S. James Otero:The Court sets the following schedule: Jury Trial: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 @ 9:00 a.m.Pretrial Conference: Monday, October 7, 2013 9:00 a.m.; Motion Cutoff: Monday, August 19, 2013 10:00 a.m.; Discovery Cutoff: Tuesday, July 16, 2013;Last Date to Amend: Thursday, January 3, 2013; Reference of the above case to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Pilot Program, General Order 02-07, is vacated. Settlement referred to Private Mediation.Court Recorder: CS 12/3/12. (lc) |
Filing 21 NOTICE of Change of Attorney Information for attorney Fawn Ayres Schanz counsel for Defendant Hubert Guez. Adding James H. Turken as attorney as counsel of record for Hubert Guez for the reason indicated in the G-06 Notice. Filed by defendant Counsel for Hubert Guez (Schanz, Fawn) |
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Filing 19 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Judgment as a Matter of Law on the basis of: F. R. Civ. P. 54(b), MOTION for Entry of Judgment pursuant to Rule 54(b) filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Motion set for hearing on 1/7/2013 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Entry of Final Judgment as to His First Cause of Action for Breach of Contract, #2 Declaration Declaration of Eduardo Martorell in Support of Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Motion for Entry of Final Judgment as to His First Cause of Action for Breach of Contract, #3 Exhibit Martorell Decl Exh 1 - Complaint, #4 Exhibit Martorell Decl Exh 2 - Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Proposed Statement of Uncontroverted Facts, #5 Exhibit Martorell Decl Exh 3 - Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Notice of Motion and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support Thereof, #6 Exhibit Martorell Decl Exh 4 - Defendant Hubert Guez's Notice of Non-Opposition to Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #7 Exhibit Martorell Decl Exh 5 - Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Order, #8 Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff Serge Kraif's Motion for Entry of Final Judgment as to His First Cause of Action for Breach of Contract Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b))(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 18 STIPULATION for Order Granting Stipulation Regarding Request for Telephonic Appearance at Scheduling Conference filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Granting Stipulation Regarding Request for Telephonic Appearance at Scheduling Conference)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 17 JOINT REPORT of CONFERENCE OF PARTIES HELD PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 26(f) filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Martorell, Eduardo) |
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Filing 15 NOTICE OF NON-OPPOSITION to MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to First Claim for Breach of Contract in the Complaint and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof #14 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez. (Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 14 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to First Claim for Breach of Contract in the Complaint and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Motion set for hearing on 11/13/2012 at 10:00 AM before Judge S. James Otero. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Serge Kraif in support of Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #2 Exhibit A to Declaration of Serge Kraif in support of Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #3 Exhibit B to Declaration of Serge Kraif in support of Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #4 Exhibit C to Declaration of Serge Kraif in support of Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #5 Exhibit D to Declaration of Serge Kraif in support of Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #6 Plaintiff Serge Kraif's [Proposed] Statement of Uncontroverted Facts, #7 Proposed Order)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
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Filing 12 ANSWER to Complaint - (Discovery), Complaint - (Discovery) #1 with JURY DEMAND and Certificate of Service filed by Defendant Hubert Guez.(Schanz, Fawn) |
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Filing 10 APPLICATION for attorney Judd A. Serotta to Appear Pro Hac Vice(PHV Fee of $325 receipt number 0973-10927312 paid.) filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Order on Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case)(Martorell, Eduardo) |
Filing 9 STIPULATION Extending Time to Answer the complaint as to Hubert Guez answer now due 9/13/2012, re Complaint - (Discovery), Complaint - (Discovery) #1 filed by Defendant Hubert Guez.(Schanz, Fawn) |
Filing 8 NOTICE AND CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by Defendant Hubert Guez, (Schanz, Fawn) |
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Filing 6 SCHEDULING NOTICE by Judge S. James Otero. The Court refers counsel to the Court's Standing Order found on the Court's Website under Judge Otero's Procedures and Schedules. Please read this Order carefully. It governs this case and differs in some respect from the Local Rules. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY.(vcr) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 5 NOTICE OF FILING FEE DUE on Pro Hac Vice Application mailed to Judd A. Serotta for Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Your Pro Hac Vice application has not been received by the court. Please return your completed Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case, form G-64, or a copy of the Notice of Electronic Filing of your application and the $325.00 fee and this notice immediately. Out-of-state federal government attorneys who are not employed by the U.S. Department of Justice are required to file a Pro Hac Vice application; no filing fee is required. (et) |
Filing 3 NOTICE of Related Case(s) filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. Related Case(s): CV 10-3731-VBF (FMOx). (et) (ds). |
Filing 2 CERTIFICATION AND NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif. (et) (ds). |
Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Defendant Hubert Guez. Case assigned to Judge S. James Otero for all further proceedings. Discovery referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen J. Hillman.(Filing fee $ 350 PAID.) Jury Demanded., filed by Plaintiff Serge Kraif.(et) (ds). |
21 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint - (Discovery) #1 as to Defendant Hubert Guez. (et) |
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