July 13, 2015 |
CONSENT JUDGMENT AND STIPULATED PERMANENT INJUNCTION by Judge Margaret M. Morrow. Judgment is hereby entered in favor of Plaintiffs against Cavalier Closeouts, Inc., Cavalier Sportswear, Inc., and Eyal Allen Dahan, individually, as to all claims, jointly and severally, for statutory damages pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117(c) in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per each of six (6) counterfeit versions of The North Face Registered Trademarks asserted in the Complaint. Plaintiffs are therefore awarded statutory damages of six million dollars ($6,000,000). (See attached document for details. ) (MD JS-6. Case Terminated) (lom)
June 18, 2014 |
CONSENT DECREE AND STIPULATED PERMANENT INJUNCTION filed by Judge Margaret M. Morrow against Defendants Christopher J Delao, Your Call Apparrel and Distribution Company, LLC,, Pursuant to a comprehensive settlement agreement between Plaintiff The No rth Face Apparel Corp., and Plaintiff VF Outdoor, Inc. ("Plaintiffs") and YourCall Apparel & Distribution Company, LLC, a Wisconsin corporation, and Christopher J. Delao, individually (collectively, "Your Call Apparel") which comp letely disposes of all claims by Plaintiffs against Your Call Apparel, the parties have stipulated to the entry of the following CONSENT DECREE AND STIPULATED PERMANENT INJUNCTION.. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED ADJUDGED AND DECREED AS FOLLOWS: Your Call Appa rel and its servants, employees, affiliates and agentsare permanently enjoined from: (a) manufacturing, importing, advertising, marketing, promoting, supplying, distributing, offering for sale, or selling any products, goods, merchandise or apparel b earing unauthorized, infringing, or counterfeit versions of one or more of The North Face Registered Trademarks or any other mark, designation or design element substantially similar or confusing thereto, including but not limited to any of Plaintiff s registered trademarks. (b) engaging in any other activity constituting unfair competition with Plaintiffs, or acts and practices that deceive consumers, the public, and/or trade, including without limitation, the use of designations and design elem ents associated with Plaintiffs; and (c) engaging in any other activity that will cause the distinctiveness of The North Face Registered Trademarks to be diluted, tarnished, or blurred. Any violation of this CONSENT DECREE AND STIPULATED PERMANENT I NJUNCTION by Your Call Apparel shall entitle Plaintiffs to a presumption of further injunctive relief. This Court has and retains jurisdiction over the parties and of the action for consideration and disposition of any contempt motion and citation for violation of any terms of this CONSENT DECREE ANDSTIPULATED PERMANENT INJUNCTION. (REVIEW DOCUMENT FOR FULL AND COMPLETE DETAILS) (lw)
June 4, 2014 |
CONSENT DECREE AND STIPULATED PERMANENT INJUNCTION filed by Judge Margaret M. Morrow: against defendant Factory Connection LLC, Pursuant to a comprehensive settlement agreement between Plaintiff The North Face Apparel Corp., and Plaintiff VF Outdoor , Inc. ("Plaintiffs") and Defendant Factory Connection, LLC ("Factory Connection") which completely disposes of all claims by Plaintiffs against Factory Connection, the parties have stipulated to the entry of the following CONSEN T DECREE AND STIPULATED PERMANENT INJUNCTION, and request that the Court approve of and enter same into the record. After considering the parties proposal, the Court finds that the CONSENT DECREE AND STIPULATED PERMANENT INJUNCTION should be entered. WHEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED ANDDECREED (REVIEW DOCUMENT FOR FULL AND COMPLETE DETAILS) (lw)