United States of America et al v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
Plaintiff: Graham Mouw and United States of America
Defendant: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
Case Number: 2:2014cv08051
Filed: October 17, 2014
Court: U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
Office: Western Division - Los Angeles Office
Presiding Judge: John A Kronstadt
Referring Judge: Alicia G Rosenberg
Nature of Suit: Other Statutes: False Claims Act
Cause of Action: 31 U.S.C. § 3729
Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on May 10, 2016. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
May 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 60 ORDER GRANTING RELATOR'S EX PARTE APPLICATION TO DISMISS CASE WITHOUT PREJUDICE PURSUANT TO FRCP 41(a)(1) by Judge John A. Kronstadt #57 ( MD JS-6. Case Terminated ) (pso)
April 7, 2016 Filing 59 Defendant's Opposition to Relator's Ex Parte Application for an Order Dismissing the Case Without Prejudice Pursuant to FRCP 41(a)(1) or 41(a)(2): Memorandum of Points and Authorities Opposition re: EX PARTE APPLICATION to Dismiss Case Without Prejudice #57 filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (O'Brien, David)
April 6, 2016 Filing 58 DECLARATION of Peter A. Binkow In Support of EX PARTE APPLICATION to Dismiss Case Without Prejudice #57 filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Binkow, Peter)
April 6, 2016 Filing 57 EX PARTE APPLICATION to Dismiss Case Without Prejudice filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Binkow, Peter)
March 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 56 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER RE DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT (DKT. 29) by Judge John A. Kronstadt: The Motion is GRANTED, with leave to amend. Relator shall have until April 8, 2016, to file any amended complaint. This is without prejudice to a request by Relator, for good cause shown, to seek a further, reasonable extension. See Civil Minutes for Specifics. (bp)
March 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 55 ORDER DENYING RELATOR'S EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER STAYING THE CASE FOR SIXTY DAYS by Judge John A. Kronstadt: #52 . The Application is DENIED. See Order for Specifics. (bp)
February 19, 2016 Filing 54 JOINT REPORT of Selection of Mediator filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (O'Brien, David)
February 17, 2016 Filing 53 Defendant's Opposition to Relator's Ex Parte Application for an Order Staying the Case for Sixty Days in Order to Provide the Relator Time to Locate and Retain Substitution Counsel; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition re: EX PARTE APPLICATION to Stay Case pending [Stay the Case for Sixty Days in Order to Provide the Relator Time to Locate and Retain Substitute Counsel] #52 filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (O'Brien, David)
February 16, 2016 Filing 52 EX PARTE APPLICATION to Stay Case pending [Stay the Case for Sixty Days in Order to Provide the Relator Time to Locate and Retain Substitute Counsel] filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Peter A. Binkow, #2 Proposed Order) (Binkow, Peter)
February 8, 2016 Filing 51 STATUS REPORT (DISCOVERY STATUS REPORT) filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (O'Brien, David)
February 1, 2016 Filing 50 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Kara M Wolke counsel for Plaintiff Graham Mouw. Adding Kara M. Wolke as counsel of record for Graham Mouw for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Attorney Kara M Wolke added to party Graham Mouw(pty:pla))(Wolke, Kara)
February 1, 2016 Filing 49 MINUTES OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT #29 Hearing held before Judge John A. Kronstadt. The motion hearing is held. The Court states its tentative views that it is inclined to grant without prejudice the Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint (the "Motion"). Counsel address the Court. The Court takes the Motion UNDER SUBMISSION and an order will be issued. The final order will include the date by which the complaint shall be amended. Counsel shall file a joint report by February 8, 2016, regarding the status of discovery. IT IS SO ORDERED. Court Reporter: Alex Joko. (lom)
January 27, 2016 Filing 47 NOTICE of Related Supreme Court Review filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Binkow, Peter)
January 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 48 PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Alicia G. Rosenberg re Stipulation for Protective Order #44 . ***** SEE ORDER FOR DETAILS. ***** (mp)
January 26, 2016 Filing 46 COMPLAINT IN PDF SEARCHABLE FORMAT Filed Pursuant to Court's Order at Docket Entry Number 45 filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw re: Text Only Scheduling Notice,, 45 , Complaint - (Discovery), #1 (Binkow, Peter) Modified on 1/30/2016 (ake).
January 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 45 (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER RE PDF SEARCHABLE DOCUMENTS by Judge John A. Kronstadt: Relator has filed a Complaint which is not PDF searchable. Dkt. #1 . Counsel shall adhere to Local Rule 5-4.3.1 with respect to the conversion of all pleadings to a PDF so that when a pleading is e-filed, it is in the proper size and format that is PDF searchable. A PDF searchable version of the Complaint shall be filed by January 26, 2016 at 1PM. Any future document that is filed and not PDF searchable will be stricken.THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (jaklc3, ) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
January 25, 2016 Filing 44 STIPULATION for Protective Order filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc..(Aviad, Nimrod)
January 22, 2016 Filing 43 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Nimrod Haim Aviad counsel for Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. Adding Beong-Soo Kim as counsel of record for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (Aviad, Nimrod)
December 17, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 42 ORDER ON APPLICATION OF NON-RESIDENT ATTORNEY TO APPEAR IN A SPECIFIC CASE PRO HAC VICE by Judge John A. Kronstadt: granting #37 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Jason M. Crawford on behalf of Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., designating Shannon Barnard as local counsel. (lt)
December 17, 2015 Filing 41 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE In Support of Reply Memorandum filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(O'Brien, David)
December 17, 2015 Filing 40 REPLY Support of a Motion NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss Case #29 filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (O'Brien, David)
December 14, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 39 ORDER/REFERRAL to ADR Procedure No 3 by Judge John A. Kronstadt. Case ordered to a private mediator based upon a stipulation of the parties or by the court order. ADR Proceeding to be held no later than 9/15/16. Status Conference set for 10/3/2016 01:30 PM before Judge John A. Kronstadt. (bp)
December 14, 2015 Filing 38 MINUTES OF Scheduling Conference held before Judge John A. Kronstadt. The scheduling conference is held. The Court confers with counsel regarding the status of the case and the parties' December 4, 2015 joint report sets the following deadlines: Last day to amend or add parties 2/29/2016. Non-expert Discovery cut-off 10/31/2016. Last day to file Motions 12/12/2016. Last day to participate in a settlement conference/mediation 9/15/2016. Final Pretrial Conference set for 5/1/2017 03:00 PM. Jury Trial set for 5/16/2017 09:00 AM.Court Reporter: Alex Joko. See Civil Minutes For Further Specifics. (bp)
December 14, 2015 Filing 37 APPLICATION for attorney Jason M. Crawford to Appear Pro Hac Vice (PHV Fee of $325 receipt number 0973-16934324 paid.) filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Barnard, Shannon)
December 7, 2015 Filing 36 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Nimrod Haim Aviad counsel for Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. Adding Nimrod H. Aviad as counsel of record for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (Attorney Nimrod Haim Aviad added to party Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.(pty:dft))(Aviad, Nimrod)
December 4, 2015 Filing 35 JOINT REPORT Rule 26(f) Discovery Plan 16(b) Report ; estimated length of trial 8-12 days, filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw.. (Binkow, Peter)
December 1, 2015 Filing 34 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - 42 C.F.R. 422.112, #2 Exhibit 2 - 2 C.F.R. 422.503)(Binkow, Peter)
December 1, 2015 Filing 33 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss Case #29 filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Binkow, Peter)
October 22, 2015 Filing 32 STIPULATION for Order Stipulated Briefing Scheduled for Defendant's Motion to Dismiss; Stipulated Per Standing Order filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc..(O'Brien, David)
October 20, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 31 ORDER by Judge John A. Kronstadt setting Scheduling Conference for 12/14/2015 at 01:30 PM. Joint Report due on 12/4/15. (pso)
October 20, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 30 (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER CONTINUING DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT (DKT. #29 ) by Judge John A Kronstadt: The Court, on its own motion, continues the Motion from January 25, 2016 to February 1, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. Counsel shall refer to the Court's Standing Order with respect to the briefing schedule for motions. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (ake) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
October 16, 2015 Filing 29 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss Case filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. Motion set for hearing on 1/25/2016 at 08:30 AM before Judge John A. Kronstadt. (Attachments: #1 Request for Judicial Notice, #2 Exhibit A to Request for Judicial Notice, #3 Exhibit B to Request for Judicial Notice) (O'Brien, David)
September 14, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 28 TEXT ONLY ENTRY: (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER RE NOTICE OF AMENDED CONSOLIDATED STANDING ORDERS by Judge John A. Kronstadt: Counsel are advised that on September 11, 2015, the Court amended its Standing Orders. Counsel shall obtain a copy of the Orders by referring to this Court's Procedures and Schedules found on the website for the United States District Court (www.cacd.uscourts.gov). THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (pso) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
September 1, 2015 Filing 27 CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., identifying Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (Barnard, Shannon)
August 31, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 26 ORDER ON APPLICATION OF NON-RESIDENT ATTORNEY TO APPEAR IN A SPECIFIC CASE PRO HAC VICE by Judge John A. Kronstadt: granting #25 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney David W. O'Brien on behalf of Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., designating Shannon Barnard as local counsel. (lt)
August 28, 2015 Filing 25 APPLICATION for attorney David W. O'Brien to Appear Pro Hac Vice (PHV Fee of $325 receipt number 0973-16349191 paid.) filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Barnard, Shannon)
August 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 24 ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME FOR DEFENDANT TO ANSWER OR OTHERWISE RESPOND TO INITIAL COMPLAINT BY MORE THAN 30 DAYS #22 by Judge John A. Kronstadt. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Kaiser will have 60 days from August 17, 2015, or until and including October 16, 2015, to answer or otherwise respond to Relator's Complaint. (pso)
August 6, 2015 Filing 23 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Leanne Heine Solish counsel for Plaintiff Graham Mouw. Adding Leanne Heine Solish as counsel of record for Plaintiff Graham Mouw for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Attorney Leanne Heine Solish added to party Graham Mouw(pty:pla))(Solish, Leanne)
August 4, 2015 Filing 22 STIPULATION for Extension of Time to File Answer to October 16, 2015 re Complaint - (Discovery), #1 filed by Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Shannon Barnard, #2 Proposed Order)(Barnard, Shannon)
August 4, 2015 Filing 21 NOTICE of Appearance filed by attorney Shannon Barnard on behalf of Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. (Attorney Shannon Barnard added to party Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.(pty:dft))(Barnard, Shannon)
July 31, 2015 Filing 20 NOTICE OF ERRATA RE COMPLAINT filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. correcting Complaint - (Discovery), #1 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Corrected EPRP and COUM Exhibit A, #2 Supplement - Table of Corrected Entries)(Crowell, Joshua) Modified on 8/3/2015 (ake).
July 30, 2015 Filing 19 NOTICE of Change of Attorney Business or Contact Information: for attorney Kevin F Ruf counsel for Plaintiff Graham Mouw. Changing firm name to Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP. Filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Ruf, Kevin)
July 30, 2015 Filing 18 NOTICE of Change of Attorney Business or Contact Information: for attorney Peter A Binkow counsel for Plaintiff Graham Mouw. Changing firm name to Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP. Filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Binkow, Peter)
July 30, 2015 Filing 17 NOTICE of Change of Attorney Business or Contact Information: for attorney Joshua Lon Crowell counsel for Plaintiff Graham Mouw. Changing firm name to Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP. Filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Crowell, Joshua)
July 29, 2015 Filing 16 PROOF OF SERVICE Executed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw, upon Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. served on 7/27/2015, answer due 8/17/2015. Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon Becky DeGeorge - Authorized Agent for Service in compliance with Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by service on a domestic corporation, unincorporated association, or public entity. Original Summons NOT returned. (Crowell, Joshua)
July 24, 2015 Filing 15 21 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint - (Discovery), #1 as to Defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.. (shb)
July 24, 2015 Filing 14 Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint - (Discovery), #1 filed by Plaintiff Graham Mouw. (Crowell, Joshua)
July 23, 2015 Filing 13 NOTICE OF REASSIGNMENT of Assistant United States Attorney David K. Barrett on behalf of Real Party in Interest United States of America. Assistant United States Attorney Shana T Mintz terminated. (Attorney David K Barrett added to party United States of America(pty:pla))(Barrett, David)
July 13, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 12 ORDER RE: THE UNITED STATES' ELECTION TO DECLINE INTERVENTION AND RE UNSEALING by Judge John A. Kronstadt. IT IS ORDERED that: The Complaint, the Unites States' Notice of Election to Decline Intervention and Re Unsealing, and this Order shall be unsealed. See Order For Specifics. (bp)
June 29, 2015 Filing 11 NOTICE OF ELECTION TO DECLINE INERVENTION AND RE UNSEALING filed by Plaintiff United States of America. (bp)
October 17, 2014 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against defendant Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. Case assigned to Judge John A. Kronstadt for all further proceedings; Discovery referred to Magistrate Judge Alicia G. Rosenberg; (Filing fee $ 400 paid); Jury Demand; filed by plaintiff Graham Mouw. (esa) (Main Document 1 replaced on 7/15/2015) (bp). Modified on 7/15/2015 (bp).

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Defendant: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
Represented By: Beong-Soo Kim
Represented By: Shannon Barnard
Represented By: Jason M Crawford
Represented By: Nimrod Haim Aviad
Represented By: David W O'Brien
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Plaintiff: Graham Mouw
Represented By: Kevin F Ruf
Represented By: Joshua Lon Crowell
Represented By: Leanne Heine Solish
Represented By: Peter A Binkow
Represented By: Kara M Wolke
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Plaintiff: United States of America
Represented By: David K Barrett
Represented By: Shana T Mintz
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