July 9, 2010 |
ORDER OF DISMISSAL. The Stipulation for Dismissal With Prejudice 110 is APPROVED. Defendant/third-party plaintiffs claims against third-party defendant, Metco Landscape, Inc., are DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE with the parties to pay their own attorney fees and costs. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 07/09/2010. (sah, )
July 7, 2010 |
ORDER OF DISMISSAL. The Stipulation for Dismissal of All Claims With Prejudice 108 is APPROVED. Any pending motion is DENIED as moot. This action is DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE with the parties to pay their own attorney fees and costs. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 07/07/2010. (sah, )
June 23, 2010 |
ORDER ASSESSING JURY COSTS. The jury costs of $2,294.50 are ASSESSED against the plaintiff and the defendant, jointly and severally, which jury costs SHALL BE PAID to the clerk of the court by 07/09/2010. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 06/23/2010. (sah, )
June 16, 2010 |
Minute ORDER granting 98 Motion for Order to Allow Computer Equipment With Camera in the Courtroom for Purposes of Trial Exhibit Display. Plaintiff's technology assistant, Michael Cline, is PERMITTED to bring his computer into the courtroom during the pendency of the trial to be conducted during the week of 06/21/10 by Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 06/16/10.(jjh, )
May 28, 2010 |
ORDER. Plaintiffs Motion To Bifurcate 45 , filed 02/23/2010, is GRANTED. only plaintiffs claims against defendant, Colorado Mills Mall LimitedPartnership, SHALL BE TRIED during the initial trial of this case, which is currently scheduled to commence on Monday, 06/21/2010. The court SHALL SCHEDULE a trial of defendants third-party claims, if necessary, after the jury returns its verdict in the trial set to commence 06/21/2010. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 05/28/2010.(sah, )
May 20, 2010 |
ORDER. Defendant Colorado Mills Mall Limited Partnerships Motion for Summary Judgment 54 , filed 04/14/2010, is DENIED. With the permission of the magistrate judge, the order of reference 64 , filed May 5, 2010, as to plaintiffs Motion To Amend t he Scheduling Order Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 16(b)(4) [#62], filed May 5, 2010, and Plaintiffs Motion for Leave To Filean Amended Complaint Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 15(a)(2) 63 , filed May 5, 2010, isWITHDRAWN. Plaintiffs Motion To Amend the Scheduling Ord er Pursuant toF.R.C.P. 16(b)(4) 62 , filed May 5, 2010, is DENIED AS MOOT. Plaintiffs Motion for Leave To File an Amended Complaint Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 15(a)(2) 63 , filed May 5, 2010, is DENIED AS MOOT. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 05/20/2010.(sah, )
April 23, 2010 |
MINUTE ORDER. Defendants Withdrawal of Opposition To Plaintiffs Motion To Bifurcate 57 filed 04/23/2010 is GRANTED. Defendant and third party plaintiffs Response in Opposition To Plaintiffs Motion To Bifurcate 47 filed03/15/2010, is WITHDRAWN. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 04/23/2010.(sah, )
April 9, 2010 |
MINUTE ORDER denying without prejudice 51 Defendant and Third Party Plaintiff Colorado Mills Mall Limited Partnerships Motion to Compel by Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 4/9/2010.(klmcd)
February 24, 2010 |
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix: Discovery Hearing held on 2/24/2010. granting 38 Defendant Colorado Mills Mall Limited Partnerships Motion to Amend Scheduling Order Re: Expert Disclosures. Discovery due by 3/31/2010. Dispositive Motions due by 4/16/2010. (Court Reporter FTR - Kathleen Finney) (klmcd)
December 14, 2009 |
MINUTE ORDER. Defendant Colorado Mills Mall Limited Partnerships Unopposed Motion to Amend Scheduling Order 27 is GRANTED. The deadline for Defendant Colorado Mills Limited Partnership to join a party to this action is through 12/14/2009. Defendant Colorado Mills Mall Limited Partnerships Unopposed Motion for Leave to File Third Party Complaint 28 is GRANTED. The Clerk is directed to file the Third-Party Complaint. By Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 12/14/2009.(sah, )
November 17, 2009 |
ORDER. The Stipulation For Dismissal of Defendant Interstate Cleaning Corporation Without Prejudice 20 filed 11/12/2009, is APPROVED. Plaintiffs claims against defendant, Interstate Cleaning Corporation, are DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Defendant, Interstate Cleaning Corporation, is DROPPED as a named party to this action, and the case caption is amended accordingly. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 11/17/2009. (sah, )
September 9, 2009 |
TRIAL PREPARATION CONFERENCE ORDER by Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 9/9/09. Three (3) day Jury Trial set for 6/21/2010 08:30 AM in Courtroom A1001 before Judge Robert E. Blackburn. Trial Preparation Conference set for 5/28/2010 at 09:30 AM in Courtroom A1001 before Judge Robert E. Blackburn. (rebsec, )