December 19, 2011 |
ORDER. The Court declines to 184 reconsider Judge Kriegers order. It preserved the issue for further examination. Denying 186 Motion to Bifurcate, by Judge R. Brooke Jackson on 12/19/11.(lsw, )
November 22, 2011 |
ORDER SETTING TRIAL AND TRIAL PREPARATION CONFERENCE. A 10-day jury trial is scheduled on the docket of Judge R. Brooke Jackson in the U.S. District Courthouse, Courtroom A702, 7th Floor, 901 19th Street, Denver, Colorado, to commence on June 18, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. A Trial Preparation Conference is set for June 11, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. Counsel who will try the case shall attend in person. Please see order for details. By Judge R. Brooke Jackson on 11/22/11. (rbjsec. )
September 6, 2011 |
OPINION AND ORDER GRANTING, IN PART, MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. Steadfast's 86 Objections are OVERRULED, and the 84 Magistrate Judge's 07/16/2010 Order is AFFIRMED. Chase's 100 Motion for Summary Judgment on its counterclaim is GRANTED IN PART, insofar as the Court finds as undisputed fact that Sterling is liable to Chase in the amount of $288,750, but DENIED IN PART, insofar as the Court finds that entry of judgment on that sum must await the outcome (and potential offset) of Sterling's claims against Chase. Sterling's 105 Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment against Chase is DENIED. Steadfast's 110 Motion to Bifurcate is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE, subject to being re-raised in conjunction with the Pretrial Conference. Willbros' 136 Motion for Attorney's Fees against Chase is DENIED. Chase's 140 Objections are SUSTAINED, and the Court VACATES the 135 Magistrate Judge's 12/01/2010 Order and REINSTATES Chase's [ 108] Supplemental Designation of Non-Parties at Fault. Steadfast's 143 Motion for Summary Judgment is GRANTED IN PART, insofar as Steadfast is entitled to summary judgment on that portion of Sterling's breach of contract claim that seeks policy coverage for attorneys' fees and costs incurred by Sterling in its defense of Chase's counterclaim against it, and DENIED IN PART in all other respects. Chase's 145 Motion for Leave to Supplement is DENIED AS MOOT. Willbros 39; 157 Motion for Entry of Partial Judgment Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b) is DENIED. Chase's 174 Motion for Leave to Supplement is DENIED. Pretrial Conference set for 11/22/2011 at 04:00 PM before Judge Marcia S. Krieger, by Judge Marcia S. Krieger on 09/06/2011.(wjc, )
February 28, 2011 |
MINUTE ORDER denying as moot 161 Chase Contractors, Inc.'s Motion for Leave to File Response to Willbro's Motion for Reconsideration, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 02/28/2011.(wjc, )
February 10, 2011 |
MINUTE ORDER granting 158 Third-Party Defendant's Motion for Reconsideration. The Court's 156 Minute Order is VACATED. Attorney Stuart D. Morse's 153 Motion to Withdraw as Counsel is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Attorney Stuart D ouglas Morse shall remain as co-counsel for Defendant Chase Contractors, Inc. Attorney Morse may renew his Motion to Withdraw following ruling on Third-Party Defendant Willbros' 136 Motion for Recovery of Attorney Fees and Costs, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 02/10/2011.(wjc, )
December 1, 2010 |
MINUTE ORDER granting 115 Plaintiff's Motion to Strike Chase Contractors, Inc.'s 108 Supplemental Non-Party at Fault Designation, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 12/01/2010.(wjc, )
September 21, 2010 |
ORDER granting 90 Plaintiff Sterling Construction Management, LLC.'s Motionfor Leave to Amend the Complaint Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ.P.15(a)(2). First Amended Complaint and Jury Demand [90-2] is accepted for filing as of the date of this Order. Each party to pay own attorney fees and costs for this motion, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 9/21/2010.(mjwcd)
September 12, 2010 |
OPINION AND ORDER GRANTING 26 MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS. Willbros' 26 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings is GRANTED. Chase's claims in the Third-Party Complaint are DISMISSED for failure to state a claim, by Judge Marcia S. Krieger on 109/12/2010.(wjc, )
August 6, 2010 |
MINUTE ORDER granting 87 Motion to Stay Magistrate Judge's Order. Compliance with this Court's 84 Order is stayed pending a ruling by Judge Krieger on the 86 Objection filed with respect to that Order, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 08/06/2010.(wjc, )
July 16, 2010 |
ORDER granting 59 Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Steadfast Insurance Company to Produce Documents Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(A). That Defendant shall provide unredacted copies of documents bates labeled: STD 00001-5 and STD 00026 on or befo re 08/02/2010. Documents bates labeled: STD 00001-5 and STD 00026 that were submitted by Defendant for this courts in camera review shall be SEALED and not opened except by further Order of Court. Each party shall pay their own attorney fees and costs for this 59 Motion. This court finds that under the circumstances of this case, an award of expenses would be unjust, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 07/16/2010.(wjc, )
July 9, 2010 |
MINUTE ORDER granting 76 Defendant Steadfast Insurance Company's Motion for Leave to Submit Sur-Reply to Plaintiffs Reply in Support of Motion to Compel Steadfast Insurance Company to Produce Documents Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(A), by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 7/9/2010.(mjwcd)
June 16, 2010 |
MINUTE ORDER granting 49 Defendant/Third Party Plaintiff's Motion to Amend Schedulinr Order and granting 58 Steadfast's Second Motion to Amend the Scheduling Order. Non-expert discovery deadline is therefore extended up to and including July 19, 2010, for the limited purpose of deposing Denise Tiedgen, Lane Armstrong, Doug Fisher, Ralph Sandmeyer, and a Willbros 30(b)(6) representative, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 6/16/10.(gmssl, )
May 26, 2010 |
MINUTE ORDER granting 52 Defendant Steadfast Insurance Company's Unopposed Motion to Amend the Scheduling Order 33 to Extend the Deadlines for Expert Disclosure and Discovery, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 5/26/2010.(mjwcd)
May 11, 2010 |
AGREED PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 05/11/2010. (wjc, )
March 9, 2010 |
TRIAL PREPARATION ORDER-CIVIL: Final Pretrial Conference set for 3/3/2011 at 04:00 PM in Courtroom A 901 before Judge Marcia S. Krieger. Judge Marcia S. Krieger on 3/9/10. (msksec, )
February 2, 2010 |
MINUTE ORDER granting 39 Stipulated Motion to Vacate the Settlement Conference. Settlement Conference set 3/1/2010 at 10:00 AM is vacated. Written Status Report, which shall include status following mediation with Judge Cheryl Post at JAG, is due by 3/1/2010, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 2/2/2010.(mjwcd )
November 17, 2009 |
ORDER granting 23 Plaintiff's Unopposed Motion for Leave to Amend the Caption Pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 15. The amended caption attached to Plaintiff's Motion as Exhibit A shall be the caption used by all parties in this matter, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 11/17/2009.(wjc, )
October 20, 2009 |
ORDER Scheduling Conference set for 12/17/2009 01:30 PM in Courtroom A 502 before Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe, by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Watanabe on 10/20/2009. (mjwcd)