October 21, 2011 |
ORDER OF DISMISSAL. The Amended Stipulation for Dismissal With Prejudice of All Claims 266 is APPROVED. The Trial Preparation Conference set for 3/16/2012 is VACATED. The jury trial set for 4/2/2012 is VACATED. Any pending motion is DENIED as moot. This action is DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE with the parties to pay their own attorney fees and costs. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 10/21/2011 (sah, )
August 31, 2011 |
MINUTE ORDER: denying as moot 183 Motion to Compel; denying as moot 186 Motion to Compel; denying as moot 193 Motion to Modify the Scheduling Order. Dismissal Paper due by 11/30/2011. All future hearings set before Magistrate Judge Boland are VACATED, by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 8/31/11.(bnbcd, )
July 29, 2011 |
MINUTE ORDER: denying as moot 205 Motion to Compel; granting 246 Joint Motion to Deny Without Prejudice, as Moot, Joint Motion to Compel Deposition Responses of Michelle Bower and Sharon Harrison, by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 7/29/11.(bnbcd, )
July 14, 2011 |
MINUTE ORDER: Pursuant to a Notice of Settlement Regarding Ward Tino Valencia and Notice of Settlement Regarding Plaintiff Tino Valencia, it has come to the attention of the Court that this matter has been resolved. Denying as moot 188 Motion to Co mpel; denying as moot 200 Motion to Compel; denying as moot. 216 Motion to Stay. The parties shall file a stipulation or motion to dismiss withprejudice, pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 41(a) on or before October 12, 2011, or a status report addressing why dismissal has not been accomplished. by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 7/14/11.(bnbcd, )
June 30, 2011 |
MINUTE ORDER. REM Defendants Motion For Leave To File Multiple Dispositive Motions And to Exceed Page Limits 210 is GRANTED. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 6/30/2011.(sah, )
May 27, 2011 |
ORDER : denying without prejudice 180 Plaintiffs Consolidated Motion to Compel REM/Mentor to Provide Responsive Answers and Documents to Discovery Requests, by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 5/27/11.(bnbcd, )
May 25, 2011 |
ORDER: granting 156 Plaintiffs Motion to Enforce the Courts March 23 Order.Production of all documents as specified in the order compelling discovery and based on mistreatment as that term is defined in section 27-10.5-115, C.R.S. The parties competing requests for attorneys fees are DENIED, by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 5/25/11.(bnbcd, )
May 11, 2011 |
ORDER. The Stipulation for Dismissal With Prejudice of All Claims By Karla Diaz and Celestino Paul Diaz, as Legal Guardian for Felipe Cantrell Cervantes Against All Defendants 165 is APPROVED. All claims by plaintiffs, Karla Diaz and Celestino Paul Diaz, as legal guardian for Felipe Cantrell Cervantes, against all defendants are DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE with the parties to pay their own attorney fees and costs. Plaintiffs, Karla Diaz and Celestino Paul Diaz, as legal guardian for Felipe Cantrell Cervantes, are DROPPED as named parties to this action, and the case caption is amended accordingly. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 5/11/2011. (sah, )
March 24, 2011 |
ORDER. The Motion to Compel: Settlement Agreement 107 is GRANTED. The Motion to Compel: Similarly Situated 115 is GRANTED IN PART and DENIED IN PART. The Motion to Strike 131 is DENIED. The Motion to Seal 122 is GRANTED IN PART and DENIED IN PART. By Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 3/24/2011.(sah, )
March 18, 2011 |
ORDER. Plaintiffs Motion fro Partial Remand, and Stay of this Federal Action Pending Resolution of the State Action 33 filed 6/16/2010, is DENIED. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 3/18/2011.(sah, )
January 20, 2011 |
ORDER : on or before March 21, 2011, plaintiffs Karla Diaz and Celestino Paul Diaz, as legal guardian for Felipe Cantrell Cervantes, and all defendants shall file a stipulation of or motion to dismiss those claims with prejudice, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a), or a status report addressing why dismissal has not been accomplished, by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 1/2011. (bnbcd, )
December 22, 2010 |
ORDER :granting 74 Defendants' Motion for Order confirming that defense counsel may conduct Ex parte witness interviews of plaintiffs' treating healthcare providers, by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 12/22/10.(bnbcd, )
August 18, 2010 |
PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 8/18/10. (bnbcd, )
July 20, 2010 |
ORDER : Supplemental Scheduling Conference set for 8/18/2010 08:30 AM in Courtroom A 401 before Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland. The parties shall prepare a revised proposed scheduling order and submit it to my chambers on or before August 16, 2010. Telephonic Status Conference set for 8/11/2010 08:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland, by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 7/20/10. (bnbcd, )
July 16, 2010 |
ORDER: denying 34 Plaintiffs Motion to Stay Rule 12(b)(6) Proceedings Pending Disposition of Motion for Partial Remand or, in the Alternative, for an Unopposed Extension of Time to Submit a Rule 12(b)(6 ) Response. The plaintiffs shall respond to the pending motions to dismiss on or before July 30, 2010, by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 7/16/10.(bnbcd, )
June 4, 2010 |
ORDER : Scheduling Conference set for 7/20/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom A 401 before Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland, by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 6/4/10. (bnbcd, )
June 1, 2010 |
MINUTE ORDER granting 5 defendants National Holdings, Inc. and REM Colorado, Inc.s Motion To Substitute Redacted Exhibits. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 06/01/2010.(sah, )