Congdon et al v., Inc. et al
Plaintiff: Linda Congdon and Brian Congdon
Defendant: Apple Leisure Corporation,, Inc., Apple Vacations, LLC, Amstar Destination Management Corporation, S.A., Amstar DMC and Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V.
Case Number: 1:2018cv00060
Filed: January 5, 2018
Court: U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware
Office: Wilmington Office
County: New Castle
Presiding Judge: Gerald A McHugh
Nature of Suit: Motor Vehicle
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1332
Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on March 25, 2019. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
March 25, 2019 Filing 40 Letter to The Honorable Gerald A. McHugh from Robert K. Beste, Esquire of Smith Katzenstein & Jenkins LLP regarding Defendants Discovery Disputes - re #25 Objections, #32 Notice to Take Deposition, #31 Notice to Take Deposition, #26 Objections, #22 Notice to Take Deposition, #11 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Over the Person , #12 Opening Brief in Support, #18 Order on Motion to Dismiss,, #30 Stipulation and Order, #29 Notice of Service, #1 Complaint,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A Through I)(Beste, Robert)
March 18, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 39 SO ORDERED, D.I. #38 Second Stipulation to Extend Discovery to May 1, 2019. Signed by Judge Gerald A. McHugh on 3/15/2019. (ceg)
March 14, 2019 Filing 38 Second STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME Discovery to May 1, 2019 - filed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon. (Lengkeek, Timothy)
March 6, 2019 Filing 37 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of Notice of Service by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon re #36 Notice to Take Deposition (Lengkeek, Timothy)
March 6, 2019 Filing 36 NOTICE to Take Deposition of Alejandro Zozaya on 3/26/2019 filed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon.(Lengkeek, Timothy)
March 4, 2019 Filing 35 NOTICE of Vacated Deposition of Corporate Representative on March 5, 2019 by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon (Lengkeek, Timothy)
March 1, 2019 Filing 34 OBJECTIONS by Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V. to #32 Notice to Take Deposition . (Beste, Robert)
March 1, 2019 Filing 33 OBJECTIONS by Apple Vacations, LLC,, Inc. to #31 Notice to Take Deposition . (Beste, Robert)
February 28, 2019 Filing 32 NOTICE to Take Deposition of Corporate Representative Pursuant to Rule 30(B)(6) on March 5, 2019 filed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon.(Lengkeek, Timothy)
February 28, 2019 Filing 31 NOTICE to Take Deposition of Corporate Representative Pursuant to Rule 30(B)(6) on March 26, 2019 filed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon.(Lengkeek, Timothy)
February 25, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 30 SO ORDERED: Stipulation and Order Regarding Jurisdictional Discovery (*proposed Stipulation and Order was emailed to Chambers). Signed by Judge Gerald A. McHugh on 2/22/2019. (ceg)
February 14, 2019 Filing 29 NOTICE OF SERVICE of, Inc.'s and Apple Vacations, LLC and AMSTAR D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V.'s Responses to Plaintiffs' First Requests Directed to Defendants Relating to Jurisdictional Discovery re #19 Notice of Service, #7 Answer to Complaint, #1 Complaint, filed by Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V., Apple Vacations, LLC,, Inc..(Beste, Robert)
January 18, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 28 STIPULATION AND ORDER Approving D.I. #27 . Signed by Judge Gerald A. McHugh on 1/18/2019. (nmg)
January 18, 2019 Filing 27 PROPOSED ORDER Proposed Confidentiality Order by Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V., Apple Vacations, LLC,, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Beste, Robert)
January 11, 2019 Filing 26 OBJECTIONS by Apple Vacations, LLC,, Inc. to #20 Notice to Take Deposition, #22 Notice to Take Deposition /Objections to Plaintiffs' Notice of Rule 30(b)(6) Videotaped Deposition. (Beste, Robert)
January 11, 2019 Filing 25 OBJECTIONS by Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V. to #20 Notice to Take Deposition, #22 Notice to Take Deposition /Objections to Plaintiffs' Notice of Rule 30(b)(6) Videotaped Deposition. (Beste, Robert)
November 28, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 24 STIPULATION AND ORDER, the period for jurisdictional discovery is extended to February 4, 2019. Signed by Judge Gerald A. McHugh on 11/27/2018. (nmg)
November 27, 2018 Filing 23 STIPULATION Stipulation and Order Regarding Jurisdictional Discovery re #20 Notice to Take Deposition, #16 Reply Brief, CORRECTING ENTRY:, #19 Notice of Service, #15 Answering Brief in Opposition, #12 Opening Brief in Support, #18 Order on Motion to Dismiss,, #17 Sur-Reply Brief, #21 Notice of Service, by Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V.. (Beste, Robert)
November 27, 2018 CORRECTING ENTRY: Removed Stipulation and Order Regarding Jurisdictional Discovery for editing, to be refiled. (rwc)
November 16, 2018 Filing 22 NOTICE to Take Deposition of Corporate Representative of Defendant(s) on December 4, 2018 filed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon.(Lengkeek, Timothy)
November 8, 2018 Filing 21 NOTICE OF SERVICE of Interrogatories and Requests for Proudction to Brian Congdon and Interrogatories and Requests for Production to Linda Congdon re #18 Order on Motion to Dismiss,, filed by Apple Vacations, LLC,, Inc..(Beste, Robert)
October 24, 2018 Filing 20 NOTICE to Take Deposition of Corporate Representative(s) of Defendants on November 12, 2018 filed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon.(Lengkeek, Timothy)
October 16, 2018 Filing 19 NOTICE OF SERVICE of Jurisdicational Interrogatories and Requests for Production filed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon.(Lengkeek, Timothy)
September 5, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 18 ORDER denying #11 Motion to Dismiss without prejudice to resubmission at the close of jurisdictional discovery. Plaintiffs are permitted discovery as to (1) the nature and extent of Amstar's contacts with Delaware and (2) the nature and extent of the relationship between Amstar and Amstar DMC, Cheap Caribbean, Apple Vacations, and Apple Leisure Group, through both depositions and written discovery. Such discovery shall be completed within 90 days. Signed by Judge Gerald A. McHugh on 9/5/2018. (nmf)
August 22, 2018 Filing 17 SUR-REPLY BRIEF re #11 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Over the Person With Certificate of Service filed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Affidavit)(Lengkeek, Timothy)
August 3, 2018 Filing 16 REPLY BRIEF re #11 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Over the Person filed by Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Beste, Robert)
July 9, 2018 Filing 15 ANSWERING BRIEF in Opposition re #11 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Over the Person filed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon.Reply Brief due date per Local Rules is 7/16/2018. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A to Answering Brief)(Lengkeek, Timothy)
June 20, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 14 ORDER approving #13 Joint Stipulation to Amend Briefing Schedule re #11 Motion to Dismiss. Plaintiffs shall file their answering brief on or before Monday, July 9, 2018; and Defendants shall file its reply brief in further support on or before Friday, August 3, 2018. (Set Briefing Schedule: Answering Brief due 7/9/2018, Reply Brief due 8/3/2018). Signed by Judge Gerald A. McHugh on 6/20/2018. (ceg)
June 20, 2018 Filing 13 Joint STIPULATION Amend Briefing Schedule re #11 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Over the Person With Proposed Order by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon. (Lengkeek, Timothy)
June 6, 2018 Case Reassigned to Judge Gerald A. McHugh of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (in lieu of Vacant Judgeship). Please include the initials of the Judge (GAM) after the case number on all documents filed. (rjb)
May 25, 2018 Filing 12 OPENING BRIEF in Support re #11 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Over the Person filed by Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V..Answering Brief/Response due date per Local Rules is 6/8/2018. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Eugene Rybicki)(Beste, Robert)
May 25, 2018 Filing 11 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Over the Person - filed by Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V.. Motions referred to Sherry R. Fallon.(Beste, Robert)
May 8, 2018 Opinion or Order SO ORDERED- re #10 Stipulated Briefing Schedule. Set Deadlines: ( Dispositive Motions due by 5/25/2018.) Signed by Judge Sherry R. Fallon on 5/8/2018. (lih)
May 3, 2018 Filing 10 Stipulated Briefing Schedule by Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V.. (Beste, Robert) Modified on 5/3/2018 (lih).
April 3, 2018 Opinion or Order SO ORDERED- re #9 Stipulation. Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V. added. Amstar Destination Management Corporation, S.A.. Set Deadline ( Dispositive Motion due by 5/11/2018.) Signed by Judge Sherry R. Fallon on 4/3/2018. (lih)
April 2, 2018 Filing 9 STIPULATION Substituting Parties re #1 Complaint, by Amstar Destination Management Corporation, S.A., Apple Leisure Corporation, Apple Vacations, LLC,, Inc.. (Beste, Robert)
March 8, 2018 Filing 8 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon. (Lengkeek, Timothy)
March 8, 2018 CORRECTING ENTRY: Docket clerk has deleted the summons returned previously filed as D.I. 8. Counsel will refile the document at a later time. (lih)
March 8, 2018 Set/Reset Answer Deadlines: Amstar Destination Management Corporation, S.A. - Complaint: Date served 1/13/2018; Date answer due: 2/5/2018. (lih)
February 28, 2018 Filing 7 ANSWER to #1 Complaint by Apple Vacations, LLC,, Inc..(Beste, Robert) Modified on 3/1/2018 (lih).
January 30, 2018 Opinion or Order SO ORDERED- re #6 STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME. Set/Reset Answer Deadlines: Apple Vacations, LLC answer due 2/28/2018;, Inc. answer due 2/28/2018. Signed by Judge Sherry R. Fallon on 1/30/2018. (lih)
January 29, 2018 Filing 6 STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to Answer to Complaint to February 28, 2018 - filed by Apple Vacations, LLC,, Inc.. (Beste, Robert)
January 11, 2018 **NOTE: If the parties jointly consent to Magistrate Judge Fallons jurisdiction to conduct all proceedings in this case, then the Pretrial Conference and Trial will be presided over by Judge Fallon consistent with 28 U.S.C. 636. Otherwise, in accordance with the District Court's procedures for "Assignment of Cases to Visiting Judges" (issued May 26, 2017 and available on the District Court's website), upon the filing of a case-dispositive motion (e.g., a motion to dismiss, a motion for judgment on the pleadings, a motion for summary judgment, or initiation of the claim construction process in a patent case), VAC cases will be reassigned to a visiting District Judge, and any further dates in the Scheduling Order, including the Pretrial Conference and Trial dates, may be adjusted dependent on the availability of the visiting District Judge.** (lih)
January 10, 2018 CASE REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Sherry R. Fallon. (This matter has been assigned to the Vacant Judgeship and referred to a Magistrate Judge for handling through case-dispositive motions. The Magistrate Judge has full authority permitted by law to manage this matter, including entering schedules through trial, deciding non-dispositive matters and making recommendations as to the resolution of dispositive matters. Litigants and counsel are reminded that they have the option of consenting to the Magistrate Judge to handle the case in full, including trial, or consenting to having a particular motion resolved by the Magistrate Judge.) (rjb)
January 10, 2018 Case Assigned to Vacant Judgeship (2017). Please include initials of VAC after the case number on all documents filed. (rjb)
January 9, 2018 Filing 5 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon., Inc. served on 1/8/2017, answer due 1/29/2017. (Lengkeek, Timothy)
January 9, 2018 Filing 4 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon. Apple Vacations, LLC served on 1/8/2018, answer due 1/29/2018. (Lengkeek, Timothy)
January 9, 2018 Filing 3 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon. Apple Leisure Corporation served on 1/7/2018, answer due 1/29/2018. (Lengkeek, Timothy)
January 5, 2018 Filing 2 Notice, Consent and Referral forms re: U.S. Magistrate Judge jurisdiction. (ceg)
January 5, 2018 Filing 1 COMPLAINT filed with Jury Demand against Amstar Destination Management Corporation, S.A., Apple Leisure Corporation, Apple Vacations, LLC,, Inc. - Magistrate Consent Notice to Pltf. ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0311-2295404.) - filed by Brian Congdon, Linda Congdon. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet)(ceg)
January 5, 2018 Summons Issued with Magistrate Consent Notice attached as to Amstar Destination Management Corporation, S.A. on 1/5/2018; Apple Leisure Corporation on 1/5/2018; Apple Vacations, LLC on 1/5/2018;, Inc. on 1/5/2018. Requesting party or attorney should pick up issued summons at the Help Desk, Room 4209, or call 302-573-6170 and ask the Clerk to mail the summons to them. (ceg)

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Plaintiff: Linda Congdon
Represented By: Timothy E. Lengkeek
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Plaintiff: Brian Congdon
Represented By: Timothy E. Lengkeek
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Defendant: Apple Leisure Corporation
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Defendant:, Inc.
Represented By: Robert Karl Beste, III
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Defendant: Apple Vacations, LLC
Represented By: Robert Karl Beste, III
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Defendant: Amstar Destination Management Corporation, S.A.
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Defendant: Amstar DMC
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Defendant: Amstar D.G.T. Cancun S. de R.L. de C.V.
Represented By: Robert Karl Beste, III
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