F & G Research, Inc. v. Google, Inc. Featured Case

Plaintiff F & G Research, Inc. sued Google, Inc. for patent infringement over U.S. Patent No. 5,313,229 entitled "Mouse and Method for Concurrent Cursor Position and Scrolling Control."

Plaintiff: F & G Research, Inc.
Defendant: Google, Inc.
Counter Claimant: Google, Inc.
Counter Defendant: F & G Research, Inc.
Case Number: 0:2006cv60905
Filed: June 22, 2006
Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida
Office: Ft. Lauderdale Office
County: Broward
Presiding Judge: Cecilia M. Altonaga
Presiding Judge: William C. Turnoff
Nature of Suit: Patent
Cause of Action: 35 U.S.C. ยง 0271 Patent Infringement
Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff

Available Case Documents

The following documents for this case are available for you to view or download:

Date Filed Document Text
March 6, 2008 Filing 136
NOTICE by Google, Inc. of Satisfaction of Judgment (Hillyer, Gregory)
January 2, 2008 Filing 135
TRANSCRIPT INFORMATION FORM by F & G Research, Inc. re 130 Notice of Appeal. No Transcript Requested. Circuit Court Number 2008-1092 (cqs)
November 21, 2007 Filing 134
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT FROM FEDERAL CIRCUIT re 130 Notice of Appeal receipt of: Notice of Appeal transmittal letter, date received by Federal Circuit 11/15/2007; Federal Circuit #2008-1092. (amb)
November 19, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 133
ORDER of DISMISSAL of USCA as to 130 Notice of Appeal filed by F & G Research, Inc., Appeal was eroneously docketed by 11th Circuit court of Appeals. (Appeal is moving forward at Federal Circuit- Patent. ) USCA # 07-15030-B (cqs)
November 1, 2007 Filing 131
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT FROM USCA re 130 Notice of Appeal receipt of: NOa date received by USCA 10/26/07 USCA number 07-15030-B (cqs)
October 18, 2007 Filing 130
NOTICE OF APPEAL as to 129 Judgment,, 67 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment, 128 Order on Motion for Reconsideration, Order on Motion for Summary Judgment,,,, by F & G Research, Inc. Filing fee $ 455.00, receipt number 968848. (cqs)
September 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 129
FINAL JUDGMENT in favor of the Defendant, Google, and against Plaintiff, F&G. Plaintiff shall take nothing from Google, and this action is dismissed. The Court reserves jurisdiction to enter an award of attorneys' fees and costs.Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on September 20, 2007.(ps1)
September 10, 2007 Filing 127
TRANSCRIPT of Oral Argument Proceedings held on 9/5/2007 before Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga. Court Reporter: Barbara Medina- phone number 305-523-5518 1-61 pages.. (cqs)
September 5, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 125
ORDER granting in part and denying in part 122 and 123 Motion to Compel Discovery and for Sanctions Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37(d); please see order for details. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on September 5, 2007. (ps1)
August 28, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 120
ORDER granting 119 Motion to Bring Electronic Equipment into the courtroom. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on August 28, 2007. (ps1)
August 3, 2007 Filing 110
NOTICE by F & G Research, Inc. of Correction to its Memorandum in Support of Its Response and Cross Motion for Summary Judgment Re: Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment on Direct Infringement (Brufsky, Allen)
August 2, 2007 Filing 109
Statement of: of Undisputed Facts by F & G Research, Inc. re 108 Cross MOTION for Summary Judgment of Direct Infringement and in the Alternative for Active Inducement of Infringement. (Brufsky, Allen)
July 27, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 107
June 18, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 97
ORDER regarding deadlines relating to claim construction; please see order for details.Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on June 18, 2007.(ps1)
June 15, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 93
ORDER denying as moot 71 Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Discovery and for Sanctions.Signed by Magistrate Judge William C. Turnoff on 6/15/2007. (lc1)
June 14, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 89
ORDER denying 81 Motion to Stay Discovery, and denying 85 (renumbered by clerk to D.E. 86), filed by F & G Research, Inc.Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on June 14, 2007. (ps1)
June 4, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 74
ORDER Setting Hearing on Motion 71 Plaintiff's MOTION to Compel Discovery and For Sanctions Under Rule 37 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Incorporated Memorandum of Law, 72 MOTION for Sanctions: Motion Hearing set for 6/15/2007 02:00 PM in Miami Division before Magistrate Judge William C. Turnoff.Signed by Magistrate Judge William C. Turnoff on 6/4/2007.(lc1)
April 17, 2007 Filing 70
NOTICE of Change of Address by Gregory Loyde Hillyer (Hillyer, Gregory)
April 12, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 69
ORDER re 68 Joint Report Regarding Claim Construction Briefing filed by Google, Inc., Claim Construction Briefs due 6/29/2007, Rebuttal Briefs due 7/16/2007. Markman Hearing set for 8/1/2007 09:00 AM in Miami Division before Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga.Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 4/12/2007.(ls)
March 28, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 67
ORDER granting 43 Motion for Summary Judgment and Attorney's Fees.Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 3/28/2007. (ls)
March 7, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 66
ORDER granting 63 Joint Motion to Continue Claim Construction Deadlines.Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 3/7/2007 (ls)
March 4, 2007 Filing 62
STATUS REPORT (Supplemental) re:Motion for Summary Judgment and Attorneys Fees by F & G Research, Inc.. (Brufsky, Allen)
March 2, 2007 Filing 61
STATUS REPORT Joint by Google, Inc.. (Hillyer, Gregory)
February 22, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 60
ORDER requiring the parties to file a status report by March 2, 2007 re: defendant's motion for summary judgment and for attorneys' fees(D.E.43). Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on February 22, 2007 (ps1)
February 14, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 59
ORDER granting 58 Motion to Bring Electronic Equipment into the courtroom. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on February 14, 2007 (ps1)
February 8, 2007 Filing 52
MOTION for Hearing re 43 Defendant's MOTION for Summary Judgment and For Attorneys' Fees by Google, Inc.. (Hillyer, Gregory)
January 31, 2007 Filing 51
REPLY to Response to Motion re 43 Defendant's MOTION for Summary Judgment and For Attorneys' Fees filed by Google, Inc.. (Hillyer, Gregory)
January 24, 2007 Filing 50
RESPONSE to 44 Statement of Undisputed Facts filed by Google in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment and For Attorney's Fees filed by F & G Research, Inc.. (Brufsky, Allen)
December 29, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 48
ORDER granting 47 Motion for Enlargement of Time for Summary Judgment and Claim Construction Briefing; the parties are to be governed by the schedule contained in the joint motion. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on December 29, 2006. (ps1)
December 19, 2006 Filing 44
Statement of: Facts in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment and for Attorneys' Fees by Google, Inc. re 43 Defendant's MOTION for Summary Judgment and For Attorneys' Fees. (Hillyer, Gregory)
December 8, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 42
ORDER Scheduling Mediation before Laurence A. Greenberg on 9/30/2007 at 9:00. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 12/8/2006. (ls)
November 29, 2006 Filing 39
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Proposed Order Scheduling Mediation by F & G Research, Inc.. (Brufsky, Allen)
November 27, 2006 Filing 35
Plaintiff's MOTION for the Court to Assign Mediation Dates by F & G Research, Inc.. (Brufsky, Allen)
November 21, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 33
ORDER granting 32 Motion to select a non-certified mediator; proposed order scheduling mediation due within 5 days of the date of this order. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on November 21, 2006. (ps1)
November 13, 2006 Filing 30
Second MOTION for Extension of Time to File Proposed Mediation Schedule by F & G Research, Inc.. (Englander, Joseph)
November 6, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 29
ORDER granting 28 Motion for Extension of Time to File proposed order scheduling mediation; parties shall file the proposed order no later than November 13, 2006. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on November 6, 2006. (ps)
October 3, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 27
ORDER referring case to mediation. 15 days to appoint mediator ( Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 10/03/06) [EOD Date: 10/4/06] (nt, Deputy Clerk)
September 29, 2006 Filing 26
Joint Discovery Plan And Scheduling Report by F & G Research, Inc., Google, Inc. 9/29/06 (mh, Deputy Clerk)
September 20, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 25
ORDER granting [24-1] motion to extend time to file scheduling report set Scheduling meeting report due for 9/29/06 ( Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 09/20/06) [EOD Date: 9/21/06] (sk, Deputy Clerk)
September 15, 2006 Filing 24
AGREED MOTION by F & G Research, Inc., Google, Inc. (Attorney ) to extend time to file scheduling report (dp, Deputy Clerk)
September 14, 2006 Filing 23
ANSWER by F & G Research, Inc. to [16-1] counter claim (sk, Deputy Clerk)
September 13, 2006 Filing 21
JOINT MOTION by F & G Research, Inc., Google, Inc. to extend time to file scheduling report (sk, Deputy Clerk)
September 6, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 20
ORDER granting [18-1] motion for Ryan J. McBrayer to appear pro hac vice ( Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 9/6/06) [EOD Date: 9/7/06] (mh, Deputy Clerk)
September 5, 2006 Filing 18
MOTION by Google, Inc. for Ryan J. McBrayer to appear pro hac vice (tb, Deputy Clerk)
August 28, 2006 Filing 16
COUNTERCLAIM by Google, Inc. against F & G Research, Inc. (sk, Deputy Clerk)
August 21, 2006 Filing 15
Certification of interested parties by Google, Inc. (cj, Deputy Clerk)
August 11, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 14
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Defendant shall comply with the Order Requiring the filing of Certificates of Interested parties Response to Order to Show Cause due 8/21/06 ( Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 08/11/06) [EOD Date: 8/14/06] (bs, Deputy Clerk)
August 2, 2006 Filing 13
Certification of Interested Parties and Corporate Disclosure Statement by F & G Research, Inc. (rb, Deputy Clerk)
July 27, 2006 Filing 11
RETURN OF SERVICE executed for Google, Inc. on 6/28/06 Answer due on 7/18/06 for Google, Inc. (sk, Deputy Clerk)
July 26, 2006 Filing 8
AGREED MOTION by F & G Research, Inc. (Attorney ) to extend time to file the joint scheduling report (Former Deputy Clerk)
July 25, 2006 Filing 9
AGREED MOTION by F & G Research, Inc. for enlargement of time for defendant to answer to otherwise respond to the amended complaint (ss, Deputy Clerk)
July 11, 2006 Filing 7
MOTION by F & G Research, Inc. (Attorney ) to extend time to file an answer or other response to the complaint (cj, Deputy Clerk)
July 6, 2006 Filing 4
AMENDED COMPLAINT by F & G Research, Inc. , (Answer due 7/16/06 for Google, Inc. ) amending [1-1] complaint (cj, Deputy Clerk)
June 28, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 3
ORDER transferring case to Judge Altonaga ( Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 06/26/06) [EOD Date: 6/29/06] (sk, Deputy Clerk)
June 22, 2006 Filing 2
SUMMONS(ES) issued for Google, Inc. (ss, Deputy Clerk)
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Plaintiff: F & G Research, Inc.
Represented By: Christina Danielle DeAngelis
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Defendant: Google, Inc.
Represented By: Ryan J. McBrayer
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Counter claimant: Google, Inc.
Represented By: Ryan J. McBrayer
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