Utstarcom Inc v. Starent Networks Corp et al
Plaintiff: Utstarcom Inc
Defendant: Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason, Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, CLELIA NEVES, Shaji Radhakrishnan and ANTHONY SCHOENER
Case Number: 1:2007cv02582
Filed: May 8, 2007
Court: US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
Office: Chicago Office
County: XX US, Outside the State of IL
Presiding Judge: George W Lindberg
Nature of Suit: Patent
Cause of Action: 35 U.S.C. § 145 Patent Infringement
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on December 14, 2010. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
December 14, 2010 Opinion or Order SEALED/RESTRICTED documents 174, 177, 178, 179, 198, 199, 211, 212, 213, 227, 231, 232, 233, 237, 251, 256, 260, 266, 267, 284, 285, 286, 300, 308, 309, 310, 311, 345, 346, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 373 destroyed per court order dated 11/22/2010. (dlc, )
November 22, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 426 MINUTE entry before Honorable George W. Lindberg:The parties in this case are given to December 6, 2010 to remove all documents filed under seal with the Clerk of Court. Parties are to contact the Clerk of Court with respect to instructions on how to retrieve said documents. The Clerk of Court is given authority to destroy all under seal documents in his possession if they are not retrieved by the close of business December 6, 2010.Mailed notice (sct, )
October 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 425 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: The parties have settled all remaining claims in the action. Accordingly, pursuant to Federal Rule of Procedure 41(a)(1), all parties in this action, by their respective counsel, jointly stipulate and agree to dismiss this action, including all claims asserted at any time, with prejudice. The parties shall bear their own costs and fees. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice (slb, )
October 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 424 STIPULATION of Dismissal (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
October 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 423 Special Master Order No. 29 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
October 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 422 Special Master Order No. 28 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 30, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 421 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: The parties having filed no objections within the time allowed, the Special Master's report and recommendation #406 with respect to defendant Starent Networks Corp.'s motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent 7,173,905 is adopted in its entirety. Defendant Starent Networks Corp's motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent 7,173,905 #175 is granted. Mailed notice (slb, )
September 30, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 420 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: The Special Master in Special Master Order No. 21 #374 denied plaintiff's motion for a return order #279 . Accordingly, plaintiff's motion for a return order #279 is denied. Mailed notice (slb, )
September 29, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 419 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Objections to Special Master Order No. 27 to be filed by 4:30p.m. on 9/30/2009. Mailed notice (slb, )
September 28, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 418 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendants Brain Espy, Todd Kelly, Charles Rygula, Starent Networks Corp Appendix of Exhibits to Defendants' Local Rule 56.1 Statement of Facts in Support of Their Motion for Summary Judgment on Count I (Trade Secret Misappropriation) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Tabs 1-20, #2 Exhibit Tabs 21-25, #3 Exhibit Tab 26, #4 Exhibit Tabs 27-32, #5 Exhibit Tabs 33-40, #6 Exhibit Tabs 41-55, #7 Exhibit Tabs 56-63, #8 Exhibit Tabs 64-67)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 28, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 417 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendants Brain Espy, Todd Kelly, Charles Rygula, Starent Networks Corp Local Rule 56.1 Statement of Facts in Support of Their Motion for Summary Judgment on Count I (Trade Secret Misappropriation) (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 28, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 416 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendants Brain Espy, Todd Kelly, Charles Rygula, Starent Networks Corp Memorandum in Support of Their Motion for Summary Judgment on Count I (Trade Secret Misappropriation) (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 28, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 415 MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Todd Kelly, Charles Rygula, Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment on Count I (Trade Secret Misappropriation) (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 25, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 414 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Reply in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,684,256 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 23, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 412 SEALED DOCUMENT by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc DECLARATION OF JAMES R. BURDETTE, ESQ. IN SUPPORT OF UTSTARCOM, INC.'S OPPOSITION TO STARENT NETWORKS CORP.'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT OF NONINFRINGEMENT OF U.S. PATENT NO. 6,765,900 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B - PT 1, #3 Exhibit B - PT 2, #4 Exhibit B - PT 3, #5 Exhibit B - PT 4, #6 Exhibit B - PT 5, #7 Exhibit B - PT 6, #8 Errata B - PT 7, #9 Exhibit B - PT 8, #10 Exhibit B - PT 9, #11 Exhibit B - PT 10, #12 Exhibit B - PT 11, #13 Exhibit B - PT 12, #14 Exhibit C)(Archibald, James)
September 23, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 411 SEALED RESPONSE by Utstarcom Inc to MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,765,900 #379 UTSTARCOM INC.'S BRIEF IN OPPOSITION TO STARENT'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT OF NONINFRINGEMENT OF U.S. PATENT NO. 6,765,900 (Archibald, James)
September 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 410 Special Master Order No. 23 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 409 Special Master Order No. 24 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 408 Special Master Order No. 25 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 407 Special Master Order No. 26 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 406 Special Master Order No. 27 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 9, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 405 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Appendix of Exhibits to Starent Networks, Corp.'s Local Rule 56.1 Statement of Facts in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of Claim 6 of U.S. Patent 6,963,582 Due to Indefiniteness (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Tab 01, #2 Exhibit Tab 02, #3 Exhibit Tab 03, #4 Exhibit Tab 04 (part 1), #5 Exhibit Tab 04 (part 2), #6 Exhibit Tab 04 (part 3), #7 Exhibit Tab 05, #8 Exhibit Tab 06, #9 Exhibit Tab 07, #10 Exhibit Tab 08, #11 Exhibit Tab 09, #12 Exhibit Tab 10, #13 Exhibit Tab 11, #14 Exhibit Tab 12, #15 Exhibit Tab 13)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 9, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 404 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Local Rule 56.1 Statement of Facts in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of Claim 6 of U.S. Patent 6,963,582 Due to Indefiniteness (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 9, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 403 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Memorandum in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of Claim 6 of U.S. Patent 6,963,582 Due to Indefiniteness (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 9, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 402 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment of Invalidity of Claim 6 of U.S. Patent 6,963,582 Due to Indefiniteness (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 4, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 401 SEALED RESPONSE by Utstarcom Inc to Rule 56 statement #368 Re Starent Networks Corp.'s Motion for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,684,256 (Archibald, James)
September 4, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 400 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc Declaration of James R. Burdett in Support of UTStarcom, Inc.'s Opposition to Starent Networks Corp.'s Motion for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,684,256 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Archibald, James)
September 4, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 399 SEALED RESPONSE by Utstarcom Inc to MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment of noninfringement of the '256 patent #364 (Archibald, James)
August 19, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 398 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Declaration of James T. Wilson in Support of Starent Networks, Corp.s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment concerning UTStarcom's Trade Secret Claim (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 19, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 397 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Appendix of Exhibits to Starent Networks, Corp.'s Local Rule 56.1 Statement of Facts in Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment concerning UTStarcom's Trade Secret Claim (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Tab 01, #2 Exhibit Tab 02, #3 Exhibit Tab 03, #4 Exhibit Tab 04, #5 Exhibit Tab 05, #6 Exhibit Tab 06, #7 Exhibit Tab 07, #8 Exhibit Tab 08, #9 Exhibit Tab 09, #10 Exhibit Tab 10, #11 Exhibit Tab 11, #12 Exhibit Tab 12)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 19, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 396 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Local Rule 56.1 Statement of Facts in Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment concerning UTStarcom's Trade Secret Claim (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 19, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 395 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment concerning UTStarcom's Trade Secret Claim (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 19, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 394 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment concerning UTStarcom's Trade Secret Claim (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
July 29, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 393 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Defendant Starent's motion for summary judgment on Count VIII #296 is mooted by the stipulation of dismissal with prejudice of Count VIII #387 .Mailed notice (slb, )
July 28, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 392 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: The court accepts and adopts the Special Master's Decision and Special Master Order No. 21 #374 .Mailed notice (slb, )
July 28, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 391 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: SEALED MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for Attorneys' Fees is referred to the Special Master. Mailed notice (slb, )
July 27, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 390 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Amended Motion for Attorneys' Fees (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, part 1, #3 Exhibit 2, part 2, #4 Exhibit 2, part 3, #5 Exhibit 2, part 4, #6 Exhibit 3, #7 Exhibit 4, #8 Exhibit 5, #9 Exhibit 6, #10 Exhibit 7, #11 Exhibit 8)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
July 24, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 389 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of Sealed motion, #388 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 7/29/2009 at 10:00 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
July 24, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 388 SEALED MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for Attorneys' Fees (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex. 1, #2 Exhibit Ex. 2, part 1, #3 Exhibit Ex. 2, part 2, #4 Exhibit Ex. 2, part 3, #5 Exhibit Ex. 2, part 4, #6 Exhibit Ex. 3, #7 Exhibit Ex. 4, #8 Exhibit Ex. 5, #9 Exhibit Ex. 6, #10 Exhibit Ex. 7, #11 Exhibit Ex. 8)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
July 10, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 387 STIPULATION of Dismissal WITH PREJUDICE OF COUNT VIII OF THE FOURTH AMENDED COMPLAINT (Archibald, James)
July 10, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 386 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc Declaration of Peter J. Curtin, Esq. in Support of UTStarcom, Inc.'s Sur-Reply Brief in Opposition to Starent's Motion for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,173,905 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2)(Archibald, James)
July 10, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 385 SEALED REPLY by Utstarcom Inc to MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment of noninfringement of the '905 patent #175 UTStarcom, Inc.'s Sur-Reply Brief in Opposition to Starent's Motion for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,173,905 (Archibald, James)
June 29, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 384 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Declaration of Christopher S. Schultz in Support of Starent's Reply In Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,173,905 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 29, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 383 SEALED REPLY by Starent Networks Corp to MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment of noninfringement of the '905 patent #175 (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 382 SEALED EXHIBIT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Exhibits to Tab 6 - Virgile Declaration in Support of Starent Networks Corp.'s Motion for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,765,900 regarding sealed document,, #381 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Virgile Declaration Ex. A, #2 Exhibit Virgile Declaration Ex. B, #3 Exhibit Virgile Declaration Ex. C, #4 Exhibit Virgile Declaration Ex. D, #5 Exhibit Virgile Declaration Ex. E, #6 Exhibit Virgile Declaration Ex. F, #7 Exhibit Virgile Declaration Ex. G, #8 Exhibit Virgile Declaration Ex. H, #9 Exhibit Virgile Declaration Ex. I)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 381 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Local Rule 56.1 Statement of Facts in Support of its Motion for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,765,900 (Attachments: #1 Appendix, #2 Appendix Tab 1, #3 Appendix Tab 2, #4 Appendix Tab 3, #5 Appendix Tab 4, #6 Appendix Tab 5, #7 Appendix Tab 6, #8 Appendix Tab 7, #9 Appendix Tab 8, #10 Appendix Tab 9, #11 Appendix Tab 10, #12 Appendix Tab 11, #13 Appendix Tab 12, #14 Appendix Tab 13, #15 Appendix Tab 14, #16 Appendix Tab 15, #17 Appendix Tab 16)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 380 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendant Starent Networks Corp Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,765,900 (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 379 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,765,900 (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 15, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 378 Special Master Order No. 22 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 15, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 377 ATTORNEY Appearance for Counter Defendants Utstarcom Inc, Utstarcom Inc, Utstarcom Inc, Utstarcom Inc, Utstarcom Inc, Utstarcom Inc, Utstarcom Inc, Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc by Christopher Todd Williams (Williams, Christopher) . Modified on 6/15/2009 (cdy, ).
June 10, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 376 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Application by Christopher Williams to appear pro hac vice on behalf of the plaintiff #355 is granted. Mailed notice (slb, )
June 10, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 375 STIPULATION of Dismissal of Certain Claims and Defendants (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 2, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 374 Special Master Order No. 21 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 1, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 373 DECLARATION of Christopher Schultz in support of defendant Starent Networks, Corps's memorandum in reply to Utstarcom's response to Starent's motion for summary judgment on count VIII of the Fourth Amended Complaint. (gcy, )(RESTRICTED).
June 1, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 372 REPLY by Defendant Starent Networks Corp to Response #356 , Rule 56 statement, #298 , memorandum in support of motion, #297 , motion for summary judgment #296 , other, #300 , appendix, #299 (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
May 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 366 Stipulation and Order Regarding Expert Discovery by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
May 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 371 APPENDIX of Exhibits to defendant Starent Networks Corp. Local Rule 56.1 statement of facts in support of its motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent no. 6,684,256. (Volume III Of III). (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
May 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 370 APPENDIX of Exhibits to defendant Starent Networks Corp. Local Rule 56.1 statement of facts in support of its motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent no. 6,684,256. (Volume II Of III). (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
May 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 369 APPENDIX of Exhibits to defendant Starent Networks Corp. Local Rule 56.1 statement of facts in support of its motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent no. 6,684,256. (Volume I Of III). (RESTRICTED) (gcy, )
May 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 368 RULE 56.1 Statement of facts in support of its motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,684,256 by Starent Networks Corp. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
May 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 367 MEMORANDUM in support of its motion for summary judgment of noninfringement U.S. Patent No. 6,684,256 by Starent Networks. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
May 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 365 NOTICE of Correction regarding #363 . (aac, )
May 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 364 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment of noninfringement of the '256 patent (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
May 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 363 INCORRECT Document (PDF) linked. (Gollwitzer, Arthur) Modified on 5/22/2009 (aac, ).
May 15, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 362 Special Master Order No. 20 (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
May 14, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 361 PLAINTIFF UTSTARCOM, INC.'S ANSWER to counterclaim OF SHAJI RADHAKRISHNAN AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES by Utstarcom Inc(Archibald, James)
May 14, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 360 PLAINTIFF UTSTARCOM, INC.'S ANSWER to counterclaim OF SANIL PUTHIYANDYIL AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES by Utstarcom Inc(Archibald, James)
May 14, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 359 PLAINTIFF UTSTARCOM, INC.'S ANSWER to counterclaim OF RAJESH RAMANKUTTY AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES by Utstarcom Inc(Archibald, James)
May 14, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 358 PLAINTIFF UTSTARCOM, INC.'S ANSWER to counterclaim OF MATTHEW HARPER AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES by Utstarcom Inc(Archibald, James)
May 14, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 357 ANSWER to counterclaim AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES by Utstarcom Inc(Archibald, James)
May 11, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 356 RESPONSE by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to Starent's motion for summary judgment on Count VIII of the Fourth Amended Complaint or, in the alternative, summary judgment on paragraph EE of plaintiff's request for relief. (gcy, ) (RESTRICTED).
May 8, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 355 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 50, receipt number 07520000000003746319. (Williams, Christopher) Modified on 5/8/2009 (ca, ).
May 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 354 DECLARATION of James Olivier, in support of Utstarcom, Inc's opposition to Starent Networks Corp's motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,173.905. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
May 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 353 DECLARATION of James Burdett, Esq, in support of Utstarcom, Inc's opposition to Starent Networks Corp.'s motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,173,905. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
May 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 352 BRIEF in Opposition to Starent's motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,173,905. by Utstarcom Inc (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
May 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 351 RESPONSE to defendant Starent Networks Corp's Local Rule 56.1 Statement of fact in support of its motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,173, 905 by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
April 30, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 350 SUR-REPLY by Defendant Starent Networks Corp to motion for miscellaneous relief #279 (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 30, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 349 Special Master Order No. 19 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 348 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg:Status hearing held on 4/22/2009. Mailed notice (slb, )
April 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 347 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Status hearing reset for 4/22/2009 at 1:30p.m. Mailed notice (slb, )
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 346 DECLARATION of Christopher L. Rudd in support of plaintiff UTStarcom Inc.'s reply in support of its motion for return order. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 345 REPLY by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc's in support of its motion for return order. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 344 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Mark Zarich(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 343 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by James Wininger(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 342 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Amit Tiwari(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 341 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth), COUNTERCLAIM filed by Starent Networks Corp against Utstarcom Inc. by Starent Networks Corp (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits A-C)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 340 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth), COUNTERCLAIM filed by Rajesh Ramankutty against Utstarcom Inc. by Rajesh Ramankutty (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits A-C)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 339 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Gennady Sirota(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 338 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Paul Shieh(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 337 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by ANTHONY SCHOENER(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 336 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth), COUNTERCLAIM filed by Shaji Radhakrishnan against Utstarcom Inc. by Shaji Radhakrishnan (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits A-C)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 335 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Charles Rygula(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 334 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth), COUNTERCLAIM filed by Sanil Puthiyandyil against Utstarcom Inc. by Sanil Puthiyandyil (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits A-C)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 333 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Nick Lopez(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 332 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Todd Kelly(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 331 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth), COUNTERCLAIM filed by Matthew Harper against Utstarcom Inc. by Matthew Harper (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits A-C)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 330 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Troy Gabel(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 329 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Brain Espy(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 328 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Dale Eliason(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 327 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by Noel Charath(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 326 ANSWER to amended complaint (fourth) by John Andy Capener(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 20, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 325 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Plaintiff's motion for reconsideration #316 is denied. The basis of plaintiff's motion is that "the Court's attention had not been directed to the parties' recent fact development and briefing to the Special Master on the nature and scope of that Asset Purchase Agreement." The order plaintiff seeks to have the court reconsider was one dismissing several counts for failure to state a claim. If the "recent fact development" had been cited to the court, it would have been excluded by the court as matter outside of the pleading. See FRCP 12(d). Mailed notice (slb, )
April 17, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 324 RESPONSE by Starent Networks Corpin Opposition to MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc for reconsideration regarding order on motion to dismiss,,, text entry,, #301 Plaintiff's Motion for Reconsideration of Docket No. 301 Order Dismissing Counts IX - XII and XIII - XV #316 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 17, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 323 Enter stipulated order as to the claims against Anthony Schoener. Signed by the Honorable George W. Lindberg on 4/17/2009:Mailed notice(slb, )
April 16, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 322 STIPULATION Stipulated Order As To The Claims Against Anthony Schoener (Speiss, Thomas)
April 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 321 Special Master Order No. 18 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 8, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 320 Notice of Motion for Reconsideration of Docket No. 301 Order Dismissing Counts IX - XII and XIII - XV NOTICE of Motion by Thomas J. Speiss for presentment of motion for reconsideration, motion for relief, #316 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 4/22/2009 at 09:30 AM. (Speiss, Thomas)
April 8, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 319 STIPULATION regarding motion for miscellaneous relief #279 Stipulation and Order Regarding Time for Serving UTStarcom's Reply (Speiss, Thomas)
April 7, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 318 MEMORANDUM by Utstarcom Inc in support of motion for reconsideration, motion for relief, #316 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3)(Speiss, Thomas)
April 7, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 317 for Reconsideration of Docket No. 301 Order Dismissing Counts IX - XII and XIII - XV NOTICE of Motion by Thomas J. Speiss for presentment of (Speiss, Thomas)
April 7, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 316 MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc for reconsideration regarding order on motion to dismiss,,, text entry,, #301 Plaintiff's Motion for Reconsideration of Docket No. 301 Order Dismissing Counts IX - XII and XIII - XV (Speiss, Thomas)
April 3, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 315 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Defendants' unopposed motion for extension of time to answer or otherwise plead to the fourth amended compliant up to and including April 21, 2009 is granted. No court of appearance required on 4/8/2009. Mailed notice (slb, )
April 3, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 314 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Status hearing set for 4/22/2009 at 1:00p.m. Leave of court is given to out-of-town counsel(s) to appear by telephone. Mailed notice (slb, )
April 3, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 313 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion for extension of time to file answer, #312 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 4/8/2009 at 10:00 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 3, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 312 MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, ANTHONY SCHOENER, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason for extension of time to file answer (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 1, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 307 Special Master Order No. 17 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
March 31, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 311 DECLARATION of Laura K. Johnson in support of Starent Networks, Corp's memorandum in opposition to plaintiff Utstarcom's motion to return order. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
March 31, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 310 DECLARATION of Scott A. Herbst in support of Starent Networks, Corp's memorandum in opposition to plaintiff Utstarcom's motion for return order. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
March 31, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 309 MEMORANDUM by Starent Networks Corp in Opposition to plaintiff Utstarcom's motion for return order. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
March 31, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 308 DECLARATION of of Brian Espy in support of Starent Networks, Corp's opposition to plaintiff Utstarcom's motion for return order. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
March 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 306 Special Master Order No. 12 (revised) by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
March 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 305 Special Master Order No. 16 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
March 25, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 304 MEMORANDUM Opinion and Order Signed by the Honorable George W. Lindberg on 3/25/2009:Mailed notice(slb, )
March 25, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 303 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Defendant Schoeners motion to dismiss UTStarcom's Fourth Amended Complaint for lack of personal jurisdiction #263 is denied. Mailed notice (slb, )
March 24, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 302 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Ruling on the pending motion to dismiss will be made by mail. No court appearance required on 3/25/2009. The parties are directed to agree on a date for a status hearing and to notify the Court's courtroom deputy, Sandra Brooks of the agreed upon date.Mailed notice (slb, )
March 24, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 301 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Defendants' motion to dismiss Counts I, VI, VII, and IXXX of plaintiffs fourth amended complaint #209 is granted in part and denied in part. The motion is denied in its entirety as to Count I. The motion is granted in part as to Count VI, which is dismissed only with respect to any claim of interference based on misappropriation of trade secrets. The motion is granted as to Counts VII and IXXX, which are dismissed. Mailed notice (slb, )
March 20, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 300 TAB 7 of Appendix of exhibits to defendant Starent Networks Corp.'s Statement of Undisputed facts in support of tis motion for summary judgment on count VIII of the fourth amended complaint or, in the alternative, summary judgment on paragraph EE of plaintiff's request for relief by defendants. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, ) Modified on 3/23/2009 (gcy, ).
March 20, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 299 APPENDIX Rule 56 statement, #298 of Exhibits to Defendant Starent Networks, Corp.'s Motion for Summary Judgment on Count VIII of the Fourth Amended Complaint or, in the Alternative, Summary Judgment on Paragraph EE of Plaintiff's Request for Relief (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
March 20, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 298 RULE 56.1 Statement by Starent Networks Corp regarding motion for summary judgment #296 on Count VIII of the Fourth Amended Complaint or, in the Alternative, Summary Judgment on Paragraph EE of Plaintiff's Request for Relief (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
March 20, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 297 MEMORANDUM by Starent Networks Corp in support of motion for summary judgment #296 on Count VIII of the Fourth Amended Complaint or, in the Alternative, Summary Judgment on Paragraph EE of Plaintiff's Request for Relief (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
March 20, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 296 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment on Count VIII of the Fourth Amended Complaint or, in the Alternative, Summary Judgment on Paragraph EE of Plaintiff's Request for Relief (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
March 12, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 295 STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Regarding Preservation of Evidence (Speiss, Thomas)
March 11, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 294 ATTORNEY APPEARANCE FORM FOR JEFFREY L. EICHEN by Utstarcom Inc (Eichen, Jeffrey)
March 11, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 293 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg:Application to appear pro hac vice #290 is granted.Mailed notice (slb, )
March 11, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 292 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Ruling set for 3/25/2009 at 11:00a.m. on Defendants Brian Espy, Troy Gabel, et al. motion (209) to dismiss. Mailed notice (slb, )
February 24, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 291 NOTICE by Utstarcom Inc of Filing Special Master Order No. 15 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Speiss, Thomas)
February 24, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 290 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 50, receipt number 07520000000003536158. (Attachments: #1 Appendix Attachment A to Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice)(Eichen, Jeffrey)
February 20, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 288 NOTICE by Utstarcom Inc of Filing Decision and Special Master Order No. 14 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Speiss, Thomas)
February 19, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 289 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Plaintiff's UTStarcom Inc's motion for return order #279 is referred to the Special Master for ruling. The briefing schedule entered on 2/17/2009 shall remain in place. The ruling date set on 2/17/2009 is vacated. Mailed notices (gcy, )
February 17, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 287 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Ruling to be made by mail on or before 3/4/2009 on Defendants Brian Espy, Troy Gabel, et al. motion (209) to dismiss. No court appearance required on 2/25/2009. Mailed notice (slb, )
February 16, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 283 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Response due 3/3/2009 to Utstarcom's motion for return order. Reply due 3/10/2009. Ruling set for 4/22/2009 at 10:00a.m. No court appearance required on 2/18/2009. Mailed notice (slb, )
February 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 286 DECLARATION of Chandra Warrier in support of Plaintiff UTStarcom, Inc's. Motion for return of Trade Secret Documents.(RESTRICTED) (gcy, )
February 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 285 EXPERT Witness Report #1 of Dr. Charles Pfleger in support of Plaintiff's motion for return order. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
February 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 284 DECLARATION of Christopher L. Rudd in support of plaintiff UTStarcom, Inc's motion for return of Trade Secret Documents. (RESTRICTED).(gcy, )
February 12, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 282 NOTICE OF MANUAL FILING OF SEALED DOCUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR RETURN ORDER by Utstarcom Inc (Rudd, Christopher)
February 12, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 281 MEMORANDUM by Utstarcom Inc in support of motion for miscellaneous relief #279 Memorandum in Support of Motion for Return Order (Speiss, Thomas)
February 12, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 280 NOTICE of Motion by Thomas J. Speiss for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief #279 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 2/18/2009 at 10:00 AM. (Speiss, Thomas)
February 12, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 279 MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom IncFor Return Order (Speiss, Thomas)
February 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 278 NOTICE by Utstarcom Inc of Filing Special Master Order No. 13 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Speiss, Thomas)
January 29, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 277 REPLY by Defendant ANTHONY SCHOENER to motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction #263 (Attachments: #1 Appendix Westlaw Cases)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 276 Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Starent Networks, Corp.'s Amended Counterclaims #270 by Utstarcom Inc (Speiss, Thomas)
January 23, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 275 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Defendant Starent's motion for leave to file supplemental exhibit in support of its motion to dismiss #271 is denied. The supplemental exhibit would pertain to the motion to dismiss Count VII, which defendant Starent states is made pursuant to FRCP 12(b)(6). The supplemental exhibit would consist of matters outside of the pleadings. On this Rule 12(b)(6) motion the court will be excluding any matters outside of the pleadings. See FRCP 12(d). Accordingly, defendant Starent is not being allowed to file its supplemental exhibit. Mailed notices (gcy, )
January 23, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 274 Decision and Special Master Order No. 12 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 273 RESPONSE by Utstarcom Incin Opposition to MOTION by Defendant ANTHONY SCHOENER to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction #263 (Speiss, Thomas)
January 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 272 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion for leave to file #271 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 1/28/2009 at 10:00 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 22, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 271 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for leave to file Supplemental Exhibit (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 9, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 270 Amended COUNTERCLAIM filed by Starent Networks Corp against Utstarcom Inc.(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 8, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 269 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Response due 1/22/2009 to Defendant ANTHONY SCHOENER motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction. Reply due 1/29/2009. Ruling set for 2/25/2009 at 10:00a.m. Ruling reset to 2/25/2009 at 10:00a.m. on Defendants Brian Espy, Troy Gabel, et al. motion (209) to dismiss. No court appearance required on 1/14/2009 and 1/21/2009. Mailed notice (slb, )
January 8, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 268 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp to amend/correct Its Counterclaims is granted. No court appearance required on 1/14/2009. Mailed notice (slb, )
January 7, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 267 AMENDED EXHIBITS in support of its motion for leave to amend counterclaims by Defendant Starent Networks Corp. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
January 7, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 266 EXHIBIT C in support of his motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction by Defendant ANTHONY SCHOENER. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
January 7, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 265 MEMORANDUM by ANTHONY SCHOENER in support of motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction #263 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit Exhibit B, Part I, #3 Exhibit Exhibit B, Part II, #4 Exhibit Exhibits C and D)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 7, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 264 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction #263 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 1/14/2009 at 10:00 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 7, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 263 MOTION by Defendant ANTHONY SCHOENER to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 7, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 262 Attorney Appearance Form by Utstarcom Inc (Burdett, James)
January 7, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 261 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on 09/24/08 before the Honorable George W. Lindberg. Court Reporter Contact Information: Colleen Conway @ 312.435.5594 or colleen_conway@ilnd.uscourts.gov. IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at www.ilnd.uscourts.gov under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings. Redaction Request due 1/28/2009. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 2/9/2009. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 4/7/2009. (Conway, Colleen)
January 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 260 EXHIBITS by Defendant Starent Networks Corp in support of its motion for leave to amend its counterclaims #257 . (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
January 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 259 MEMORANDUM by Starent Networks Corp in support of motion to amend/correct #257 Its Counterclaims (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits A-C (D-H filed under seal))(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 258 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion to amend/correct #257 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 1/14/2009 at 10:00 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 257 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp to amend/correct Its Counterclaims (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
December 24, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 256 SUR-REPLY by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc in opposition to defendant's Motion to compel production of Carrier Business Unit's privileged documents. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
December 19, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 255 ANSWER to counterclaim Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Starent Networks, Corp.'s Counterclaims by Utstarcom Inc(Speiss, Thomas)
December 18, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 254 ORDER Signed by the Honorable George W. Lindberg on 12/18/2008:Mailed notice(slb, )
December 18, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 253 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Enter order expanding Special Master's Authority. Mailed notice (slb, )
December 16, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 252 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant ANTHONY SCHOENER (gcy, )
December 12, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 251 REPLY MEMORANDUM by Defendant Starent Networks Corp in support of its motion to compel production of 3Com documents. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
December 9, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 250 ATTORNEY APPEARANCE FORM JAMES BURDETT by Utstarcom Inc (Archibald, James)
December 9, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 249 ATTORNEY APPEARANCE FORM by Utstarcom Inc (Archibald, James)
December 8, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 247 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Ruling set for 1/21/2009 at 10:00a.m. on the motions to dismiss(173 and 209). Mailed notice (slb, )
December 5, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 248 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Motion by James Burdett for leave to appear pro hac vice #186 is granted. Motion by James Archibald for leave to appear pro hac vice #240 is granted. Mailed notices (gcy, )
December 5, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 246 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Plaintiff's motion for withdrawal of counsel #242 is granted. Leave of court is given to Jenna F. Leavitt to withdraw her appearance on behalf of plaintiff. No court appearance is required on 12/10/08. Mailed notices (gcy, )
December 5, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 245 MEMORANDUM and Order Signed by the Honorable George W. Lindberg on 12/5/2008: Mailed notice(slb, )
December 5, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 244 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Plaintiff's motion to dismiss defendant Starent's Third, Fourth and Fifth Counterclaims #181 is granted in part and denied in part. The motion is granted as to the Fifth Counterclaim in its entirety and as to the Fourth Counterclaim as it relates to the filing of any lawsuit. The motion is denied as to the Fourth Counterclaim as it relates to plaintiff's communications with Verizon and Nextel and as to the Third Counterclaim in its entirety.Mailed notice (slb, )
December 3, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 243 Plaintiff's Notice of Motion for Withdrawal of Counsel Jenna Leavitt: NOTICE of Motion by JoAnna M. Esty for presentment of motion to withdraw as attorney #242 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 12/10/2008 at 10:00 AM. (Attachments: #1 Certificate of Service to Notice of Motion of Withdrawal of Counsel Jenna Leavitt)(Esty, JoAnna)
December 3, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 242 MOTION by counsel for Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to withdraw as attorney Jenna Leavitt (Attachments: #1 Certificate of Service to Motion of Withdrawal of Counsel Jenna Leavitt)(Esty, JoAnna)
December 3, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 241 Special Master Order No. 11 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
December 3, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 240 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 50, receipt number 07520000000003323821. (Attachments: #1 Supplement Attachment A)(Archibald, James)
December 2, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 239 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Plaintiff's motion to clarify the court's November 7, 2008, Minute Order #234 is granted. Plaintiff shall submit by email a draft of an order that will expand the Special Master's authority to the extent required. No court appearance required on 12/3/2008. Mailed notice (slb, )
December 2, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 238 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Ruling reset to 1/21/2009 at 10:00a.m. on Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. motion to dismiss Starent's Third, Fourth and Fifth Counterclaims. Mailed notice (slb, )
November 26, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 237 REPLY MEMORANDUM by defendant Starent in support of its motion to compel production of documents related to U.S. Patent No. 6,684,256. (RESTRICTED) (mjc, )
November 24, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 236 MEMORANDUM by Utstarcom Inc in support of motion to clarify #234 the Court's November 7, 2008 Minute Order and Suggestion for Resolution of a Jurisdictional Issue Pertaining to that Order (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Speiss, Thomas)
November 24, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 235 NOTICE of Motion by Thomas J. Speiss for presentment of motion to clarify #234 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 12/3/2008 at 10:00 AM. (Speiss, Thomas)
November 24, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 234 MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to clarify the Court's November 7, 2008 Minute Order and Suggestion for Resolution of a Jurisdictional Issue Pertaining to that Order (Speiss, Thomas)
November 20, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 233 DECLARATION of Christopher S. Schultz in support of defendant Starent's reply memorandum in support of its motion to dismiss Count VII of Plaintiff's Third Amended complaint for failure to comply with the Special Master's Orders to provide interrogatory responses Exhibit H. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
November 20, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 232 DECLARATION of Christopher S Schultz in support of Defendant Starent's reply Memorandum in support of its motion to dismiss count VII of Plaintiff's third amended complaint for failure to comply with the Special Master's Orders to provide interrogatory responses Exhibit G. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
November 20, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 231 DECLARATION of Christopher S. Schultz in support of defendants Starent's reply memorandum in support of its motion to dismiss count VII of plaintiff's third amended complaint for failure to comply with the Special Master's Orders to provide interrogatory responses Exhibit C. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
November 20, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 230 DECLARATION of CHRISTOPHER S. SCHULTZ regarding reply, #229 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C - FILED UNDER SEAL COVER PAGE, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G - FILED UNDER SEAL COVER PAGE, #8 Exhibit H - FILED UNDER SEAL COVER PAGE)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
November 18, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 228 Special Master Order No. 10 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
November 13, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 227 DECLARATION of of Christopher L. Rudd in support of plaintiff's Utstarcom's opposition to defendant's motion to dismiss count VII of plaintiff's third amended complaint. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
November 13, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 226 AMENDED memorandum in opposition to motion #223 to dismiss Count VII of Plaintiff's Third Amended Complaint (Speiss, Thomas)
November 13, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 225 AMENDED memorandum in opposition to motion #222 to compel production of documents related to the '256 patent (Speiss, Thomas)
November 13, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 224 DECLARATION of Thomas J. Speiss, III regarding memorandum in opposition to motion #222 to compel production of documents related to the '256 patent (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Speiss, Thomas)
November 13, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 223 MEMORANDUM by Utstarcom Inc in Opposition to motion to dismiss #173 Count VII of Plaintiff's Third Amended Complaint (Speiss, Thomas)
November 13, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 222 MEMORANDUM by Utstarcom Inc in Opposition to motion to compel #192 production of documents related to the '256 patent (Speiss, Thomas)
November 7, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 221 REPLY by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason to motion to dismiss, #209 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
November 7, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 220 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Motion by Defendants Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan and Starent Networks Corporation to refer summary judgment motions to the Special Master is granted. No court appearance required on 11/12/2008. Mailed notice (slb, )
October 31, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 219 MEMORANDUM by Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason in support of motion for miscellaneous relief, #217 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
October 31, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 218 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief, #217 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 11/12/2008 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
October 31, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 217 MOTION by Defendants Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks CorpRefer Summary Judgment Motions to the Special Master (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
October 30, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 216 MEMORANDUM by Utstarcom Inc in Opposition to motion to dismiss, #209 (Esty, JoAnna)
October 28, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 215 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Ruling reset to 12/3/2008 at 10:00a.m. on Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. motion to dismiss Starent's Third, Fourth and Fifth Counterclaims. No court appearance required on 10/29/2008.Mailed notice (slb, )
October 16, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 214 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Response due 10/30/2008 to Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, and Dale Eliason motion to dismiss Counts I, VI, VII, and IX-XX of Plaintiff's Fourth Amended Complaint. Reply due 11/7/2008. Ruling set for 12/3/2008 at 10:00a.m. No court appearance required on 10/22/2008. Mailed notice (slb, )
October 15, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 213 OPPOSITION by Plaintiff to defendants' motion to compel production of the Carrier Business Unit's Privileged Documents. (RESTRICTED).(gcy, )
October 14, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 212 APPENDIX of Exhibits in support of defendants' motion to dismiss counts I, VI, VII, and IX-XX of plaintiff's Fourth Amended Complaint. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
October 14, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 211 MEMORANDUM by defendants in support of their motion to dismiss counts I, VI, VII, and IX-XX of plaintiff's Fourth Amended Complaint. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
October 14, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 210 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion to dismiss, #209 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 10/22/2008 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
October 14, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 209 MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason to dismiss Counts I, VI, VII, and IX-XX of Plaintiff's Fourth Amended Complaint (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
October 7, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 208 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Ruling reset to 10/29/2008 at 10:00a.m. on Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. motion to dismiss Starent's Third, Fourth and Fifth Counterclaims.Mailed notice (slb, )
September 25, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 207 FOURTH AMENDED complaint by Utstarcom Inc against all defendants (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to 4th Amended Complaint, #2 Exhibit B to 4th Amended Complaint, #3 Exhibit C to 4th Amended Complaint, #4 Exhibit D to 4th Amended Complaint, #5 Exhibit E - ZZ to 4th Amended Complaint, #6 Exhibit AA - PP to 4th Amended Complaint)(Esty, JoAnna)
September 25, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 206 Special Master Order No. 9 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 24, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 205 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Based on the oral argument of the parties, the court reconsiders today's earlier order. Plaintiff is granted leave to file on or before 9/26/2008 the version of the Fourth Amended Complaint that was attached as an exhibit to plaintiff's motion for leave to file amended complaint #165 .Mailed notice (mjc, )
September 24, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 204 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Defendants motion to strike Fourth Amended Complaint #193 is granted. The Fourth Amended Complaint is stricken with prejudice. Defendants motion to dismiss Fourth Amended Complaint #196 is denied as mooted by the striking of the Fourth Amended Complaint. In ruling on plaintiffs motion to file an amended complaint the court presumed that the complaint attached as an exhibit was the one plaintiff would be filing. The case will proceed on the portions of the Third Amended Complaint that remain viable after this courts 7/23/2008 order dismissing Counts I, VI, and VIII-XV #158 . Mailed notice (mb, )
September 24, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 203 RESPONSE by Utstarcom Incin Support of MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to dismiss Starent's Third, Fourth and Fifth Counterclaims #181 PLAINTIFF UTSTARCOM'S REPLY IN SUPPORT OF ITS MOTION TO DISMISS DEFENDANTS' COUNTERCLAIMS (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Attachment 1)(Speiss, Thomas)
September 22, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 202 RESPONSE by Utstarcom Incin Opposition to MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, #196 (Speiss, Thomas)
September 22, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 201 RESPONSE by Utstarcom Incin Opposition to MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, #193 (Speiss, Thomas)
September 17, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 200 MEMORANDUM by Starent Networks Corp in Opposition to motion to dismiss #181 -- DEFENDANT STARENT NETWORKS, CORP.'S MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF'S MOTION UNDER FEDERAL RULE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 12(b)(6) TO DISMISS THE THIRD, FOURTH, AND FIFTH COUNTERCLAIMS ASSERTED BY STARENT (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 15, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 199 APPENDIX of exhibits to defendants' memorandum in support of their motion to dismiss count I,IV,VII,X,XIII-XIX, and XXI -XXIX of plaintiff's fourth amended complaint. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
September 15, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 198 MEMORANDUM IN Support of their motion to dismiss Counts I,IV,VII,X,XIII,and XXI-XXIX of plaintiff's fourth amended complaint by defendants (RESTRICTED).(gcy, )
September 15, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 197 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion to dismiss, #196 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 9/24/2008 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 15, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 196 MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason to dismiss Counts I, IV, VII, X, XIII to XIX, and XXI to XXIX of Plaintiff's Fourth Amended Complaint (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 15, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 195 MEMORANDUM motion to strike, #193 by Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, B, and C)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 15, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 194 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion to strike, #193 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 9/24/2008 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 15, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 193 MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason to strike Plaintiff's Fourth Amended Complaint (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 10, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 192 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp to compel production of documents related to the '256 patent (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 10, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 191 MEMORANDUM by Starent Networks Corp in support of motion to compel #190 production of documents related to the '256 patent (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, B, and C, #2 Exhibit D and E, #3 Exhibit F, G, and H, #4 Exhibit I, part 1 of 2, #5 Exhibit I, part 2 of 2)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 10, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 190 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp to compel production of documents related to the '256 patent (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 10, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 189 MEMORANDUM by Starent Networks Corp in support of motion to compel #188 production of 3Com documents (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, Part 1 of 3, #4 Exhibit C, Part 2 of 3, #5 Exhibit C, Part 3 of 3, #6 Exhibit D, #7 Exhibit E, #8 Exhibit F, Part 1 of 2, #9 Exhibit F, Part 2 of 2, #10 Exhibit G, Part 1 of 3, #11 Exhibit G, Part 2 of 3, #12 Exhibit G, Part 3 of 3)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 10, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 188 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp to compel production of 3Com documents (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
September 5, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 187 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Leave of court is given to James R. Burdett to appear pro hac vice on behalf of the plaintiff. Mailed notices (gcy, )
September 2, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 186 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Burdett, James)
September 2, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 185 Special Master Order No. 8 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 28, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 184 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: The status hearing scheduled for 9/3/2008 is stricken. Defendant's motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of the '905 patent is taken under advisement. Response due 9/17/2008 to plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. motion to dismiss Starent's Third, Fourth and Fifth Counterclaims. Reply due 9/24/2008. Ruling set for 10/29/2008 at 9:30a.m. No court appearance required on 9/3/2008.Mailed notice (slb, )
August 27, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 183 MEMORANDUM by Utstarcom Inc in support of motion to dismiss #181 Starent's Counterclaims (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Attachments 1-2)(Speiss, Thomas)
August 27, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 182 NOTICE of Motion by Thomas J. Speiss for presentment of motion to dismiss #181 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 9/3/2008 at 09:30 AM. (Speiss, Thomas)
August 27, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 181 MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to dismiss Starent's Third, Fourth and Fifth Counterclaims (Speiss, Thomas)
August 27, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 180 FOURTH AMENDED complaint by Utstarcom Inc against ANTHONY SCHOENER, Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-D, #2 Exhibit E-O, #3 Exhibit P-CC, #4 Exhibit DD-PP)(Speiss, Thomas)
August 26, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 179 APPENDIX of exhibits to Starent Network Corp.'s Local Rule 56.1 Statement of facts in support of its motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,173,905. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
August 26, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 178 RULE 56.1 STATEMENT of facts in support of its motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,173,905 #175 by Starent Networks Corp. (RESTRICTED) (gcy)
August 26, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 177 MEMORANDUM in support of its motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,173,905 #175 by Starent Networks Corp. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
August 26, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 176 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion for summary judgment #175 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 9/3/2008 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 26, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 175 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for summary judgment of noninfringement of the '905 patent (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 13, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 174 MEMORANDUM by Starent Network Corp in support of its motion to dismiss count VII or plaintiff's third amended complaint for failure to comply with the Special Master's orders to provide interrogatory response. (RESTRICTED). (gcy, )
August 13, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 173 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp to dismiss Count VII for failure to comply with the Special Master's Discovery Orders (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 12, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 172 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: No court appearance is required on 8/13/2008.Mailed notice (slb, )
August 11, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 171 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Defendant Starent Networks Corp.'s motion to set briefing schedule #169 is denied. Plaintiff's motion for leave to amend the complaint and to provide a more definite statement, and clarification of the 7/23 order #165 is granted in part and denied in part. Plaintiff is granted leave to file an amended complaint on or before 8/27/2008. The balance of the motion is denied, as the orders of 5/20/2008 and 7/23/2008 are clear as to what is required in the amended complaint. Failure to comply with those orders may result in dismissal of those claims re-pled with insufficient definiteness. Mailed notices (gcy, )
August 8, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 170 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion by filer to set a briefing schedule #169 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 8/13/2008 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 8, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 169 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp to set a briefing schedule on UTSI's Motion to Reconsider the Court's July 23, 2008, Order (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 7, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 168 ANSWER to amended complaint --THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT--, COUNTERCLAIM filed by Starent Networks Corp against Utstarcom Inc. by Starent Networks Corp (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 4, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 167 MEMORANDUM by Utstarcom Inc in support of motion to amend/correct,, motion for relief, #164 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - 1 of 5, #2 Exhibit 1 - 2 of 5, #3 Exhibit 1 - 3 of 5, #4 Exhibit 1 - 4 of 5, #5 Exhibit 1 - 5 of 5, #6 Exhibit 2 to 5)(Speiss, Thomas)
August 4, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 166 Plaintiff's NOTICE of Motion by Thomas J. Speiss for presentment of motion to amend/correct,, motion for relief, #164 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 8/13/2008 at 09:30 AM. (Speiss, Thomas)
August 1, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 165 MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to amend/correct MOTION by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to amend/correct the Complaint to Provide a More Definite Statement and for Clarification of the 7/23 Order #163 , MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to amend/correct MOTION by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to amend/correct the Complaint to Provide a More Definite Statement and for Clarification of the 7/23 Order #163 MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to amend/correct MOTION by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to amend/correct the Complaint to Provide a More Definite Statement and for Clarification of the 7/23 Order #163 #164 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - 1 of 5, #2 Exhibit 1 - 2 of 5, #3 Exhibit 1 - 3 of 5, #4 Exhibit 1 - 4 of 5, #5 Exhibit 1 - 5 of 5, #6 Exhibit 2 to 5)(Speiss, Thomas)
August 1, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 164 MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to amend/correct MOTION by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to amend/correct the Complaint to Provide a More Definite Statement and for Clarification of the 7/23 Order #163 (Speiss, Thomas)
August 1, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 163 MOTION by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to amend/correct the Complaint to Provide a More Definite Statement and for Clarification of the 7/23 Order (Speiss, Thomas)
August 1, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 162 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc by Bernard J. Nussbaum (Nussbaum, Bernard)
July 28, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 161 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg:The status hearing scheduled for 8/27/2008 is stricken. Status hearing set to 9/3/2008 at 09:30 AM.Mailed notice (slb, )
July 28, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 160 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: The status hearing scheduled for 7/30/2008 is stricken. Status hearing reset to 8/27/2008 at 10:00a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
July 24, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 159 Special Master Order No. 7 by Starent Networks Corp (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
July 23, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 158 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Defendants' motion to strike and dismiss Counts I, VI, and VIII-XV of plaintiff's third amended complaint #149 is granted. Counts I, VI, and VIII-XV of plaintiff's third amended complaint are dismissed, This court's order of 5/20/2008 (146) required plaintiff to "provide a definite statement specifying which defendants committed which alleged acts with respect to" the claims against which this motion is directed, and plaintiff's third amended complaint which was filed in response to this order fails to provide the specifics with respect to the individual defendants which the order of 5/20/08 requires. Mailed notices (gcy, )
July 22, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 157 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg:The ruling date of 7/23/2008 is stricken. Ruling to be made by mail on 7/23/2008 on defendants' motion to strike and dismiss counts I, VI, and VIII-XV of plaintiff's third amended complaint. No court appearance required on 7/23/2008.Mailed notice (slb, )
July 2, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 156 RESPONSE by Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliasonin Support of MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, #149 (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 26, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 155 Certificate of Service of Reply to Defendants' Motion to Strike and Dismiss by Utstarcom Inc (Esty, JoAnna)
June 25, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 154 REPLY by Utstarcom Inc to MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, #149 , memorandum in support of motion,, #151 PLAINTIFF UTSTARCOM, INC.'S REPLY TO DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO STRIKE AND DISMISS COUNTS I, VI, AND VIII-XV OF PLAINTIFF'S THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-8 to Reply to Defendants' Motion to Strike and Dismiss, #2 Appendix to Reply to Defendants' Motion to Strike and Dismiss)(Esty, JoAnna)
June 23, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 153 NOTICE by Utstarcom Inc of Filing Special Master Order No. 6 (Speiss, Thomas)
June 11, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 152 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Response due 6/25/2008 to Defendants' motion to strike and dismiss counts I, VI, and VIII-XV of plaintiff's third amended complaint. Reply due 7/2/2008. Ruling set for 7/23/2008 at 9:30a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
June 9, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 151 MEMORANDUM by Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason in support of motion to strike, #149 -- MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO STRIKE AND DISMISS COUNTS I, VI, AND VIII-XV OF PLAINTIFF'S THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 9, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 150 Defendants' NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion to strike, #149 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 6/18/2008 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 9, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 149 MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason to strike DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO STRIKE AND DISMISS COUNTS I, VI, AND VIII-XV OF PLAINTIFF'S THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
May 30, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 148 THIRD AMENDED complaint by Utstarcom Inc against all defendants (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to D)(Esty, JoAnna)
May 29, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 147 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings before Judge Honorable Sidney I. Schenkier held on 1/29/08 (Volumes 1). (gcy, )
May 20, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 146 MINUTE entry before the Honorable George W. Lindberg: Defendants' motion to dismiss, or in the alternative, for a more definite statement as to Counts I, VII, and IX-XVI of the Second Amended Complaint #131 is denied in part and granted in part. The request for dismissal of Counts I, VII, and IX-XVI is denied. The request for a more definite statement is granted. Plaintiff shall provide a more definite statement specifying which defendants committed which alleged acts with respect to Counts I, VII, and IX-XV. The status hearing scheduled for 5/21/2008 is stricken. Status hearing set for 7/30/2008 at 9:30a.m. No court appearance required on 5/21/2008.Mailed notice (slb, )
May 13, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 145 MINUTE entry before Judge Honorable George W. Lindberg: The status hearing and ruling date on the pending motion(s) to dismiss reset to 5/21/2008 at 9:45a.m. No court appearance required on 5/14/2008.Mailed notice (slb, )
April 18, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 144 MINUTE entry before Judge Honorable George W. Lindberg: The status hearing and ruling date on the pending motion(s) to dismiss reset to 5/14/2008 at 9:30a.m. No court appearance required on 4/23/2008.Mailed notice (slb, )
April 17, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 143 NOTICE by Starent Networks Corp of Filing Special Master Order No. 5 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Special Master Order No. 5)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
April 2, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 142 NOTICE by Starent Networks Corp of Filing of Special Master Order Nos. 1-4 and Protective Order (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Special Master Orders)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
February 27, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 141 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Status hearing held on 2/27/2008. Ruling reset to 4/23/2008 at 9:30a.m. on defendants' motion under FRCP 12(b)(6) to dismiss, or in the alternative for a more definite statement under FRCP 12(e), regarding counts I, VII and IX-XVI of the second amended complaint.Mailed notice (slb, )
February 20, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 140 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings before Judge George W. Lindberg held on 1/30/08 (Volumes 1). (gcy, )
January 30, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 139 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Status hearing held and continued to 4/23/2008 at 9:30a.m. The date for filing dispositive motions, the date for submitting the proposed pretrial order and trial date are stricken.Mailed notice (slb, )
January 29, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 138 REPLY by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason to motion to dismiss,, #129 -- DEFENDANTS' REPLY IN SUPPORT OF THEIR MOTION UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) TO DISMISS, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE FOR A MORE DEFINITE STATEMENT UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(e), REGARDING COUNTS I, VII, AND IX-XVI OF THE SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 22, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 137 RESPONSE by Utstarcom Incin Opposition to MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, #129 (Esty, JoAnna)
January 9, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 136 APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Utstarcom Inc by Thomas J. Speiss; Order entered granting leave by Judge George W. Lindberg. Filing fee $ 50 paid, receipt number 18912287 (gcy, )
January 9, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 135 APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Utstarcom Inc by Jackie M. Joseph; Order entered granting leave by Judge George W. Lindberg. Filing fee $ 50 paid, receipt number 10726562. (gcy, )
January 9, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 134 APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Utstarcom Inc by Randolph S. Sergent; Order entered granting leave by Judge George W. Lindberg. Filing fee $ 50 paid, receipt number 10726563. (gcy, )
January 8, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 133 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Response due 1/22/2008 to defendants' motion under FRCP 12(b)(6) to dismiss, or in the alternative for a more definite statement under FRCP 12(e), regarding counts I, VII and IX-XVI of the second amended complaint. Reply due 1/29/2008. Ruling set for 2/27/2008 at 9:30a.m. No court appearance required on 1/9/2008.Mailed notice (slb, )
January 4, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 132 DECLARATION of ARTHUR GOLLWITZER III regarding motion to dismiss,, #129 by Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason -- DECLARATION OF ARTHUR GOLLWITZER III IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS' MOTION UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) TO DISMISS, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE FOR A MORE DEFINITE STATEMENT UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(e), REGARDING COUNTS I, VII, AND IX-XVI OF THE SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A#2 Exhibit B - PART I OF II#3 Exhibit B - PART II OF II#4 Exhibit C#5 Exhibit D#6 Exhibit E)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 4, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 131 MEMORANDUM by Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason in support of motion to dismiss,, #129 -- DEFENDANTS' MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF THEIR MOTION UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) TO DISMISS, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE FOR A MORE DEFINITE STATEMENT UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(e), REGARDING COUNTS I, VII, AND IX-XVI OF THE SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 4, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 130 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion to dismiss,, #129 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 1/9/2008 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
January 4, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 129 MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason to dismiss -- MOTION UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) TO DISMISS, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE FOR A MORE DEFINITE STATEMENT UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(e), REGARDING COUNTS I, VII, AND IX-XVI OF THE SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
December 26, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 128 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings before Judge George W. Lindberg held on 10/3/07 (Volumes 1). (gcy, )
December 12, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 127 SECOND AMENDED complaint by Utstarcom Inc against Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, CLELIA NEVES, Shaji Radhakrishnan, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A#2 Exhibit B#3 Exhibit C#4 Exhibit D#5 Exhibit E)(Leavitt, Jenna)
December 11, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 126 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : The status hearing scheduled for 12/12/2007 is stricken and reset to 1/30/2008 at 9:30a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
December 11, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 125 ORDER On agreed motion regarding second amended complaint. Signed by Judge George W. Lindberg on 12/11/2007:Mailed notice(slb, )
December 11, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 124 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg :Utstarcom motion to amend/correct the complaint is grantedMailed notice (slb, )
December 5, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 123 MOTION by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to amend/correct Agreed Motion Regarding Second Amended Complaint (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Second Amended Complaint#2 Exhibit A to Second Amended Complaint#3 Exhibit B to Second Amended Complaint#4 Exhibit C to Second Amended Complaint#5 Exhibit D to Second Amended Complaint#6 Exhibit E to Second Amended Complaint#7 Exhibit B - Proposed Order)(Leavitt, Jenna)
December 5, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 122 Notice Of Agreed Motion Regarding Second Amended Complaint NOTICE of Motion by Jenna F. Leavitt for presentment of before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 12/12/2007 at 09:30 AM. (Leavitt, Jenna)
November 16, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 121 FIRST AMENDED complaint by Utstarcom Inc against CLELIA NEVES, Shaji Radhakrishnan, Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A#2 Exhibit B#3 Exhibit C#4 Exhibit D#5 Exhibit E)(Leavitt, Jenna)
October 29, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 120 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings before Judge George W. Lindberg held on 8/29/07; 10/5/2007 (Volumes 2). (gcy, )
October 29, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 119 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : The status hearing scheduled for 10/31/2007 is stricken and reset to 12/12/2007 at 10:30a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
October 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 116 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Status hearing reset to 10/31/2007 at 10:30a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
October 17, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 118 STIPULATION regarding appointment of Specail Master (Proposed) Order Signed by Judge George W. Lindberg on 10/17/2007:(gcy, )
October 17, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 117 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Enter stipulation regarding appointment of special matter. Mailed notices (gcy, )
October 17, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 115 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Status hearing held and continued to 10/31/2007 at 9:30a.m. Plaintiff is granted leave to file an amended complaint on or before 11/16/2007. Defendants' answer to be filed by 12/6/2007 to the amended complaint. Plaintiffs' motion to dismiss counterclaims is withdrawn.Mailed notice (slb, )
October 3, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 114 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Status hearing held and continued to 10/17/2007 at 9:30a.m. Response to the motion to dismiss due 10/17/2007. Reply due 10/24/2007. Ruling set for 11/7/2007 at 9:30a.m. Hon. Edward A. Bobrick(Ret.) is appointed Special Master.Mailed notice (slb, )
October 2, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 113 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Status hearing and the motion to dismiss will be called at 9:45a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
September 27, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 112 SUPPLEMENT by Utstarcom Inc to memorandum in support of motion #103 to dismiss 3rd, 4th and 5th claims asserted by Starent in its counterclaim (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Esty, JoAnna)
September 25, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 104 NOTICE of Motion by JoAnna M. Esty for presentment of motion to dismiss #100 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 10/3/2007 at 09:30 AM. (Esty, JoAnna)
September 25, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 103 MEMORANDUM by Utstarcom Inc in support of motion to dismiss #100 the 3rd, 4th and 5th Claims Asserted by Starent in Its Counterclaim (Esty, JoAnna)
September 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 102 NOTICE of Correction regarding MOTION by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to dismiss the 3rd, 4th and 5th Claims Asserted by Starent in Its Counterclaim[99 Modified on 11/7/2007 (gcy, ).
September 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 101 MOTION by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to dismiss the 3rd, 4th and 5th Claims Asserted by Starent in Its Counterclaim (Attachments: #1 Memorandum in Support of Motion Under FRCP 12(b)(6) To Dismiss the 3rd, 4th and 5th Claims Asserted by Starent in Its Counterclaim)(Esty, JoAnna)
September 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 100 MOTION by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to dismiss the 3rd, 4th and 5th Claims Asserted by Starent in Its Counterclaim (Esty, JoAnna)
September 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 99 MOTION by Counter Defendant Utstarcom Inc, Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to dismiss the 3rd, 4th and 5th Claims Asserted by Starent in Its Counterclaim (Esty, JoAnna)
September 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 111 COPY of Check paid to Clerk, N.D. of Illinois. (gcy, )
September 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 110 APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason by James T. Wilson; Order entered by the Honorable Judge George Lindberg. (gcy, ) Modified on 9/26/2007 (gcy, ).
September 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 109 APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason by Christopher S. Schultz; Order entered by the Honorable Judge George Lindberg. (gcy, ) Modified on 9/26/2007 (gcy, ).
September 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 108 APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason by Scot A. Herbst; Order entered by the Honorable Judge George Lindberg. (gcy, ) Modified on 9/26/2007 (gcy, ).
September 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 107 APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason by E. Robert Yoches; Granted by the Honorable Judge George Lindberg. (gcy, ) Modified on 9/26/2007 (gcy, ).
September 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 106 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Leave of court is given to E. Robert Yoches, Scott A. Herbst, Christopher S. Schultz and James T. Wilson to appear pro hac vice on behalf of defendants Starent Networks Corp., John (Andy) Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason, Brian Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew harper, Sani Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, and Mark Zarich. Mailed notices (gcy, )
September 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 105 APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason by Scott R. Mosko; Order entered granting leave by Judge George W. Lindberg. Filing fee $ 50 paid, receipt number 10341448. (gcy, ) Modified on 9/26/2007 (gcy, ).
September 19, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 98 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Status hearing held and continued to 10/3/2007 at 10:00a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
September 17, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 96 TRANSCRIPT of proceedings for the following dates: 9/12/2007; Before the Honorable George W. Lindberg. (Document not scanned) (vcf, )
September 12, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 95 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Status hearing held and continued to 9/19/2007 at 10:00a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
September 11, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 97 NOTICE of Submission of Chart regarding Parties' Positions Concerning Trade Secret Document by Utstarcom Inc. (Attachments: #1 Part 2 of Notice)(gcy, )
September 5, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 93 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Status hearing held and continued to 9/12/2007 at 10:00a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
September 4, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 94 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings before Judge George W. Lindberg held on 8/1/07 (Volumes 1). (gcy, )
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 92 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand and, COUNTERCLAIM filed by Starent Networks Corp against Utstarcom Inc. by Starent Networks Corp (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A#2 Exhibit B#3 Exhibit C#4 Exhibit D#5 Exhibit E#6 Exhibit F#7 Exhibit G#8 Exhibit H)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 91 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Mark Zarich(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 90 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by James Wininger(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 89 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Amit Tiwari(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 88 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Gennady Sirota(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 87 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Paul Shieh(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 86 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Charles Rygula(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 85 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Rajesh Ramankutty(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 84 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Sanil Puthiyandyil(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 83 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Nick Lopez(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 82 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Todd Kelly(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 81 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Matthew Harper(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 80 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Troy Gabel(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 79 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Brain Espy(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 78 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Dale Eliason(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 77 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Noel Charath(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 76 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by John Andy Capener(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 29, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 75 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg :Defendant Starent Networks Corp unopposed motion for leave to allow Starent to represent individual defendants at settlement conference is granted for the reasons stated in open court.Mailed notice (slb, )
August 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 74 NOTICE of Motion by Christopher R. Parker for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief #73 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 8/29/2007 at 09:30 AM. (Parker, Christopher)
August 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 73 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks CorpUnopposed Motion for Leave to Allow Starent to Represent Individual Defendants at Settlement Conference (Parker, Christopher)
August 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 72 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Starent Networks Corp by Christopher R. Parker (Parker, Christopher)
August 16, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 71 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg :Discovery cutoff date set for 1/7/2008. Discovery hearing set for 12/5/2007 at 9:30a.m. Motion for summary judgment and supporting memorandum due 1/23/2008. Response to the motion for summary judgment to be filed on or before 2/6/2008. Reply due 2/13/2008. Ruling set 3/19/2008 at 9:30a.m. Proposed pretrial order to be submitted to chambers at 10:00a.m. on 3/31/2008. Trial set for 4/7/2008 at 10:00a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
August 16, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 70 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Defendants' motion for protective order and identification of trade secrets #52 is granted. Plaintiffs motion to compel discovery and for leave of court to take twenty-five depositions #57 is granted in part and denied in part. A status hearing is set for 9/5/2007 at 9:30 am to report on whether they have been able to settle this case in a clients' face-to-face settlement conference conducted in accordance with this courts procedures; if the case is not settled, whether there is unanimous consent to transfer this action to the assigned Magistrate Judge; and if not, for the submission of a Rule 26(f) report.Mailed notice (slb, )
August 16, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 69 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg :Defendants' motion to dismiss is denied.Mailed notice (slb, )
August 15, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 68 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Hearing on plaintiff's motion to compel discovery and for leave to take twenty-five depositions is stricken. Hearing reset on the motion for protective order is stricken. Both motions will be ruled on by mail on 8/16/2007. No court appearance required on 8/16/2007.Mailed notice (slb, )
August 15, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 67 REPLY by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to memorandum in opposition to motion, #65 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A#2 Exhibit Exhibit 1 to Exhibit A#3 Exhibit Exhibit 2 to Exhibit A#4 Exhibit Exhibit 3 to Exhibit A#5 Exhibit Exhibit 4 to Exhibit A#6 Exhibit Exhibit 5 to Exhibit A#7 Exhibit Exhibit 6 to Exhibit A#8 Exhibit Exhibit 7 to Exhibit A#9 Exhibit Exhibit 8 to Exhibit A#10 Exhibit Exhibit 9a to Exhibit A#11 Exhibit Exhibit 9b to Exhibit A#12 Exhibit Exhibit B)(Saito, Marina)
August 15, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 66 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Hearing reset to 8/16/2007 at 11:15a.m. on plaintiff's motion to compel discovery and for leave to take twenty-five depositions. Hearing reset to 8/16/2007 at 11:15a.m. on the motion for protective order.Mailed notice (slb, )
August 14, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 65 MEMORANDUM by Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason in Opposition to motion to compel #57 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits 1 and 2)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 10, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 64 MINUTE entry before Judge Nan R. Nolan :Document 63 entered today was entered in error and is hereby vacated.Notice mailed by judge's staff (ntf, )
August 10, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 63 MINUTE entry before Judge Nan R. Nolan :Motion by Plaintiff to compel discovery and for leave of court to take twenty five depositions #57 is stricken as improperly filed. This matter is no longer referred to Magistrate Judge Nolan. The motion shall be re-filed and re-notice before the District Judge.Mailed notice (lxs, )
August 9, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 61 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg :Hearing reset to 8/16/2007 at 9:15a.m. on plaintiff's motion to compel discovery and for leave to take twenty-five depositions. Hearing reset to 8/16/2007 at 9:15a.m. on the motion for protective order. No court appearance required on 8/15/2007. Mailed notice (slb, )
August 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 62 NOTICE of Correction regarding MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to compel Discovery And For Leave Of Court To Take Twenty-Five Depositions #56 (gcy, )
August 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 60 DECLARATION of JoAnna M. Esty regarding motion to compel #57 by Utstarcom Inc (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Letter dated 8/6/2007#2 Exhibit Exhibit B - Letter dated 8/3/2007)(Esty, JoAnna)
August 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 59 MEMORANDUM by Utstarcom Inc in support of motion to compel #57 Discovery And For Leave Of Court To Take Twenty-Five Depositions (Esty, JoAnna)
August 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 58 NOTICE of Motion by JoAnna M. Esty for presentment of motion for protective order #52 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 8/15/2007 at 09:30 AM. (Esty, JoAnna)
August 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 57 MOTION by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc to compel Discovery And For Leave Of Court To Take Twenty-Five Depositions (Esty, JoAnna)
August 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 56 DOCUMENT ENTERED IN ERROR.(Esty, JoAnna) Additional Modified on 8/9/2007 (gcy, ).
August 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 55 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Hearing reset to 8/16/2007 at 9:15a.m. on defendant's motion for for protective order and identification of trade secrets. No court appearance required on 8/15/2007. Mailed notice (slb, )
August 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 54 MEMORANDUM by Starent Networks Corp in support of motion for protective order #52 and Identification of Trade Secrets (Attachments: #1 Declaration Herbst Declaration#2 Exhibit Exhibit 1#3 Exhibit Exhibit 2#4 Exhibit Exhibit 3#5 Exhibit Exhibit 4#6 Exhibit Exhibit 5#7 Exhibit Exhibit 6)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 53 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion for protective order #52 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 8/15/2007 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 52 MOTION by Defendant Starent Networks Corp for protective order and Identification of Trade Secrets (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
August 1, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 51 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : Status hearing held and continued to 9/19/2007 at 9:30a.m.Mailed notice (slb, )
July 30, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 50 RESPONSE by Utstarcom Incin Opposition to MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, N #47 (Saito, Marina)
July 25, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 49 MEMORANDUM by Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason in support of motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction, #47 pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) (Attachments: #1 Declaration Dec. of Sirota#2 Declaration Dec. of Herbst#3 Exhibit Herbst Dec. Ex. 1#4 Exhibit Herbst Dec. Ex. 2)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
July 25, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 48 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction, #47 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 8/1/2007 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
July 25, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 47 MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
July 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 46 AFFIDAVIT of Service filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc regarding Summons served on Todd Kelly on July 19, 2007 (Esty, JoAnna)
July 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 45 AFFIDAVIT of Service filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc regarding Summons served on Amit Tiwari on July 20, 2007 (Esty, JoAnna)
July 20, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 44 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg : MOTION by Defendant Nick Lopez for extension of time to answer or otherwise plead is granted. Defendant Nick Lopez answer to be filed on or before 7/25/2007. No court appearance required on 7/25/2007.Mailed notice (slb, )
July 19, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 43 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of extension of time #42 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 7/25/2007 at 09:30 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
July 19, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 42 MOTION by Defendant Nick Lopez for extension of time to answer or otherwise plead (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
July 17, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 41 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons served on Charles Rygula on July 5, 2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
July 17, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 40 AFFIDAVIT of Service filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc regarding Summons served on Nick Lopez on June 26, 2007 (Esty, JoAnna)
July 3, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 39 MINUTE entry before Judge Nan R. Nolan :Case no longer referred to Nan R. Nolan., Judge Nan R. Nolan no longer referred to the case.Mailed notice (dl)
July 3, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 38 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ORDER: Case referred to magistrate judge Nan R. Nolan. Signed by Judge James F. Holderman on 7/3/07. (gcy, )
July 3, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 37 MINUTE entry before Judge Sidney I. Schenkier : Motion hearing held. Defendants motion for emergency leave to take deposition of Mr. Rosenbaum (doc. # 34) is denied. Mr. Rosenbaum is to provide a decleration to defense counsel that his counsel did not advise him to contact defendants; until the decleration is provided, the Court directs Mr. Rosenbaum to not contact defendant. All matters relating to this referral having been resolved, the referral is hereby terminated. Mailed notice (mmm, )
July 2, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 36 RESPONSE by Utstarcom Incin Opposition to MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason for discovery - Leave to Take Deposition of Rosenba #34 (Samuels, Julie)
June 28, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 35 Emergency NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion for discovery, #34 before Honorable George W. Lindberg on 7/3/2007 at 09:00 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 28, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 34 MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason for discovery - Leave to Take Deposition of Rosenbaum (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits A, B, C, and D)(Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 27, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 33 MINUTE entry before Judge John W. Darrah : Defendants' motion for an extension of time to file answer or otherwise plead to the complaint is granted to and including 7/25/07 #27 . Mailed notices (gcy, )
June 26, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 32 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on Dale Eliason on 06/05/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 26, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 31 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on John "Andy" Capener on 06/07/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 25, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 30 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendants Todd Kelly, Nick Lopez, Charles Rygula, Paul Shieh, Gennady Sirota, Amit Tiwari. (gcy, )
June 25, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 29 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on Noel Charath on 06/09/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 22, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 28 NOTICE of Motion by Arthur Gollwitzer, III for presentment of motion for extension of time to file answer, #27 before Honorable John W. Darrah on 6/27/2007 at 09:00 AM. (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 22, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 27 MOTION by Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason for extension of time to file answer or otherwise plead (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 25 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on Mark Zarich on 06/04/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 24 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on James "Jim" Wininger on 06/06/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 23 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on Starent Networks, Corporation on 06/04/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on Rajesh Ramankutty on 06/04/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 21 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason by Lawrence R. Robins (Robins, Lawrence)
June 20, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 26 NOTICE of Correction regarding certificate of service #16 . (air, )
June 20, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 20 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on Sanil Puthiyandyil on 06/04/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 20, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 19 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on Matthew Harper on 06.06/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 20, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 18 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on Troy Gabel on 06/05/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 20, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 17 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Service of Summons and Complaint served on Brian Espy on 06/06/2007, filed by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc. (Esty, JoAnna)
June 20, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 16 CERTIFICATE of Service by Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc (Esty, JoAnna) Modified on 6/21/2007 (air, ).
June 13, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 15 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg :The status hearing scheduled for 7/18/2007 is stricken and reset to 8/1/2007 at 9:30a.m. Mailed notice (slb, )
June 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 14 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Starent Networks Corp by Arthur Gollwitzer, III (Gollwitzer, Arthur)
June 6, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 12 MINUTE entry before Judge George W. Lindberg :Status hearing set for 7/18/2007 at 09:30 AM.Mailed notice (slb, )
May 31, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 11 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendants Brain Espy, Troy Gabel, Matthew Harper, Sanil Puthiyandyil, Rajesh Ramankutty, James Wininger, Mark Zarich, Starent Networks Corp, John Andy Capener, Noel Charath, Dale Eliason. (mjc, )
May 16, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 13 APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Utstarcom Inc by Christopher Rudd; Order entered granting leave by Judge George W. Lindberg. Filing fee $ 50 paid, receipt number 10647783. (gcy, )
May 16, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 10 APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Utstarcom Inc by Jenna F. Leavitt; Order entered granting leave by Judge George W. Lindberg. Filing fee $ 50 paid, receipt number 10647782. (gcy, )
May 14, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 9 ATTORNEY Appearance for Ulstarcom Inc by JoAnna M. Esty (gcy, ) Modified on 5/16/2007 (gcy, ).
May 10, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 8 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc by Steven M Lubezny (Lubezny, Steven)
May 10, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 7 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Utstarcom Inc by Marina N. Saito (Saito, Marina)
May 10, 2007 Opinion or Order MAILED Patent Report to Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, Alexandria, VA. (gcy, )
May 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 5 NOTICE of claims pursuant to LR 3.4 by Utstarcom Inc. (gcy, )
May 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 4 AFFILIATE Disclosure Statement by Utstarcom Inc. (gcy, )
May 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 3 INCORRECT LINK: ATTORNEY Appearance for plaintiff by JoAnna M. Esty, Marina N. Salto and Steven Lubezny. Modified on 5/10/07. (gcy) (gcy, )
May 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 2 CIVIL Cover Sheet. (gcy, )
May 8, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 1 COMPLAINT filed by Utstarcom Inc; Jury Demand.(gcy, )

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Plaintiff: Utstarcom Inc
Represented By: James Kenway Archibald
Represented By: JoAnna M. Esty
Represented By: Bernard J. Nussbaum
Represented By: Christopher Rudd
Represented By: Christopher Todd Williams
Represented By: Jackie M. Joseph
Represented By: James R. Burdett
Represented By: Jeffrey L. Eichen
Represented By: Jenna F. Leavitt
Represented By: Marina N. Saito
Represented By: Randolph S. Sergent
Represented By: Steven M Lubezny
Represented By: Thomas J. Speiss
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Defendant: Starent Networks Corp
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher R. Parker
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: John Andy Capener
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Noel Charath
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Dale Eliason
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Brain Espy
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Troy Gabel
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Matthew Harper
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Todd Kelly
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Nick Lopez
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Sanil Puthiyandyil
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Rajesh Ramankutty
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Charles Rygula
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Paul Shieh
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Gennady Sirota
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Amit Tiwari
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: James Wininger
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Mark Zarich
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
Represented By: Christopher S. Schultz
Represented By: E. Robert Yoches
Represented By: James T. Wilson
Represented By: Lawrence R. Robins
Represented By: Scott A. Herbst
Represented By: Scott R. Mosko
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Defendant: Shaji Radhakrishnan
Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
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Represented By: Arthur Gollwitzer, III
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