Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation v. The Partnerships And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A
Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation |
The Partnerships And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A, Blase Zoerer, BianlanjiudEh, azs666, Best Sliger, BiweikaomZq, BitunhuioJ, Aless Photography, baihe, Belong_U, BengzhanguanyanyAk, BengkangouWqN, amargaret, beihaidaofj, BeishuibaqinYp, blue skyer, BeisiyoushuonhS, Alpea Merchandise, Aana2017, Bisuo Daily, Abby Bienes Races, Big things have small beginnings, BengjingzixiecDx, 15983070819@163.com, BO52, Boagett, Boper zhang, Bou Shimi Soxi, Boun Ecqes, boyunyu38178, Brilliant Department Store, bromickras, BujiayongsVv, ButongbuwenOQg, BuxipaiyanSr, Caeiore, CaijuzhongloupE, Candycandy23, Canquefredo, Caradere, CartoonsDibujos, Caste LLPC, Catch light in the dark, Celebrity shop 08, cgidudfi, chaoneng, Charming_Corner, ChedunzhiyQy, ChenggumengZd, ChengjiapaikCz, Chengquehuias, ChengwenxiepuqE, chenliliang, ChenyouweitI, cherrish, Chinese style_GQ, Chitsu, chixiaorong, ChunyuyenuoVop, Cibaixinel, CifuhejingeKh, CirengonghR, Claudia T., Comfy_life, CongtunjingtaoMMz, COQUILLE CASSE, Corinnasmgl, creation Imagination, crucerodeoro, cuiarui00010, cvjsaudcshnsz, Cww 99, daijiaonq, dancuiyuanlai, dasdfklhsdfj, Deargirl, Dengjuxiang, differhand, DilushuoYd, djkdfhfndklf, djsmxncbcic, Do not allow time to stay on the road of life, Dog Cloth Blue, dongmaodong, DoupingshuooT, DuanjiangmijikN, Duanleigaipo, DunjingfenchengjC, Dunludaobeiwu, Dutumaoqiaovr, E-Shopping Mall, Ejonir injonirS, enjoy365, Entirr Gsk, eoubuuwjo, Especialidades, Essopfe, estellsear, eusxuaupguyelrbx, f-cloths, Fairy Kiss, FairyFor, Fancy_Everyday, fanlin mengX, Fashion du, fashion jing, Fashion Leaderss, Fashion Lemon Tree, fashion_store, fashion67, fastion8, Fatenmose Golakey, fdssfg LI, forasno2, forboy, foyuntian26171, Francisco Lima, Freedom_Bird, FRESH-IMPRESS, FuchenfeipaeJ, FufangxievDz, full_house, fuselage gap, fweewqf, Ganpengbing, Gantalei Sailuo Matemen, ganxiufengying, GaojietuiyanhC, Gentleman's home, ghostlady, gjwgjw, gogo88shop, Goods' life, gudechaoliupu, gullwing, guochengjie, Habit is a second nature, Hadjembals, haiwang5, hangyubaobei, hanxing21221, HaoangmeitNY, haojia93, HaopayePm, happy pandas, Hedongfual, heibaipei, heorus, hesongyang, hezhifang, hhehhwwwm, highest&coolman, homesale, homingcase, HOOSE POHVE, houguofang, huabaobao, huaerdeduoduo, huangchen123, HuangchentuoBU, huanghaotinsggx, huangwenyuan1, HuanhaobahandF, HuanmuzhizhiwX, HuanyichengcangkFz, HuanzhiyiyiLk, HUKPUC, hxsxjasxagxab, HZMKAE, iiuwiiziiaq, Imagine boldly, Incineradores Y Calderas Mega, INDIAN STAR, instylecloset, JANEL RIEL DIY Molds Store, JanuaryStore, jdjhru5478, jdzjhfgsjfmeiblc, JiajuheUdd, JiangliangxunmO, jiao jiao te mai, JinglianluanuW, hehhejfusss, HegubeilugBp, JicaishitiS, jingrui, JishifeimM, JitangzhengwYh, JiumaolianghuanhYn, JiwenshaminNF, Jkk Juer, JOJO Jewelry, Jotsubitos, jsaoiydiausyd, junyan guo shuai, KamShun Fashion, Kaoxiongliaoloh, Kayshine, keaiyaeshop, KelanqisF, KemengtuhT, KenlanbijXf, KenshanbiniD, Keviews Baby'scar, KHG Scarborough fair, Kjanotzn, klfhjklsffhj5, koobeekk, Krisde xyn, KuiyancheliaopZg, KUN DSVSGH, la tiendita blanca, LangjiyansvP, LareBezsni, leam521@tree, leileixiaospng, li yunyun, LianghehuaxunmB, liangpengzhi04869, LieliaoqiaoKkw, lifefit, lijunlin, Lily Fashion1, linzhihen, LIU_1993, liujinyang, liurong4381, liurongrong62736, liuxinwen27146, liuyuanzhi39024, liweike1, liyingkh, Lonely Planet, lookday, LuangengyingzhangaFi, LuanjiangsiyZ, LubicuobijVw, lujinling, luochon2017nanzhuang, LuodangchuangwoCI, luoyuing, LuzhaojiuxiacEL, ly pengfei, m17772458151@163.com, maicheng, maierdanijiang14120, Make money every day, MALORYTan, mazaolin, meihaodejieju, MeihuanggangrH, midaoxing, Ming Ming xie, Moon Make The World Better, MudaorangyongJfn, mufsqrolspsgncft, Mulan Chen, NaiqianjiangjiaotmG, NaiyanzhuojioV, nanayatou, NanqiangdaojiaotU, nfdghn, Niceshow, ningmong, nnbiiieffp, Norge, nowadays, Ohyes Trade, okcyy, Okdid, Olivia maga, olrunning, orchidfarm, owes, oznustirsy, Park Jsnegiow, Pasardo Store, pengcui, Perfeel Fashion, Pickmeup233, pimingm123youxiang, ping you sun, PinglankongeT, plazam, Please hold your time, pmxiypuxrev, Polar, poqey bay123yab, PPPenny, Principles, PuzhangqiankE, qianlitiaoyi, qiaochen123, QiaoqiangrangshidJx, QiaoyuantaopRu, qingchun, qinpinglinlin, qiuhongyudong, qixiongxiong, QizhiQu, qolivtrt, Ranfenduliangji, red stars, RenyingtuilC, reqing, Rock crystal, RONGSHU255, rosekey, Running la, rzemety, sadvdsfbreavredf, Sarisojed, SDyingxiongzh, SECRET DAMSEL, sesongs, Set my spirit free, ShanciyilangFo, ShaolanbinTa, ShapeU, She Lorlebv, SHERI FECTOCES, Shipiankengmaoxe, ShiyongpingrQ, ShoudoujushanrS, shoujibuanfen, Sijiyuanzhuangqnn, singular, skyoknew, smart4u, Social Shopping, SolutionsJJ, SOPHWI-LP, Sopop, SouhuidaoyanuA, SouyatuoliangpO, Sun shines for you, Sunshine754, sunwenhai84412, SuperLi Trade, suunny, svunamasv, tajt123, Talk, tanyanhua, taofeifei70464, TaohuanfeikebJ, Tauro fine, tfydrg, ThemusicNigulifeactivities, This is a pair of eyes that you find, tiancong, Tigritospolar, Time_In_Time, To maintain a good mood is the good life, Top style, Tras El_Vestidor, trendy mall, trendy_world, Trot_UP, TujujiezhiHZz, TunshaochunaI, TuogongmeijiqRp, tuotuoma, twvfxecear, TYAKASHA Earth Shop, uuvuymtegbezbyhi, uyzs, Vand Kicbx, VintagObsessions, VIVI Fashion, Vivian172522009@163.com, vxyusid, wangbo77795, wangguoqin, wangjiankun79383, wangjingjin, wanglixia, wangshuai32917, wangtingw, wangwei46995, wangweiwangpu, wangyong43721, weidada, WeidangzhangvJ, WeijiaofenlX, weishopjkl, weiweishenhou, wenshufeng1104, wg0008, WoshigufX, WREFVCa, WTT1994, WujiaojuqJw, wumei150329, WUU ZARAXG, WYXJVN KYVKAZWI, xiaolianzi, xiaoqindedianpu, xiaoxiafu357, XiefeiqiuyuanRk, xinglongzhuanqian, xiongshuaipeng58630, XKICIOJ, XMB mobile experience, XSTLYQTB JYZCYKAA, xumeijing, XunmeikantangqDW, Xutao, YanfangmisTO, yangboyang, yangrenyun, yangxueqing, yanjin50891, yanjinglei88781, YANQINA Flag Store, YanzhongtuuZK, YilangliaoBco, YirangmuqiansNu, Yiwu Lanheng E-Commerce Co.,Ltd, yiXingsai, yiying, ynunour, yoisawngge, yongfang chen, YonggoucangxL, yongmeizuimei, Yongquediqinxyi, yonxiangfuzhuang2017, YoumihetongQvP, YuantuiyancongnB, YuantuomengshunuW, YunfeitangyancX, YunlayuanbPu, yunzetian, yushihaoyu, Zajieyunpt, Zccccccl, Zenithdorri, ZhangmeiyuepingkE, zhangtao10393, zhangtianliang33, ZhangwuwayemWr, zhangxueming15449, zhaofang, ZhejiyixDz, ZhenaokanwenwS, ZhengdaogengyuanqWr, ZhimenjiaotunQV, ZhishicaiXT, ZhiyaguqS, zhouling1234, zhouludedian, ZhuangzizhangmDt, ZhuijiewolanyF, ZhuochizhanqVy, Zik gller, zinxin11, zucheqiongding, zuoguiyin, Zydcl0317@163.com, zzxmqxj@163.com, asdfghjkl003, autothings, chinakelly_jewelry, daisywear, Gerouswomen, janet2011, junglegirl, trendywill, value111, rfvadf, Starry_Dream, Turouman Cerwan and VVXX100 FACTION BOOKSHOP |
1:2024cv08702 |
September 20, 2024 |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois |
Mary M Rowland |
Copyright |
17 U.S.C. § 101 Copyright Infringement |
Plaintiff |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on November 18, 2024. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 32 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: The Court has reviewed the status report #31 . Any response to the motion for default #30 is due on 12/9/24. Status report due on 12/16/24. Plaintiff is to send a proposed default order to the court's proposed order box by 12/12/24. Mailed notice (ags) |
Filing 31 STATUS Report by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 30 MOTION by Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation for entry of default as to Def. No. 1-473 , MOTION by Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation for default judgment as to as to Def. No. 1-473 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit One: Declaration of L. Pittaway)(Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 29 THIRD AMENDED SCHEDULE A by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 28 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to VVXX100 FACTION BOOKSHOP on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Turouman Cerwan on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Starry_Dream on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
NEW PARTIES: rfvadf, Starry_Dream, Turouman Cerwan and VVXX100 FACTION BOOKSHOP added to case caption. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 27 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to ZhejiyixDz on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ZhenaokanwenwS on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ZhengdaogengyuanqWr on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ZhimenjiaotunQV on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ZhishicaiXT on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ZhiyaguqS on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; zhouling1234 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; zhouludedian on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ZhuangzizhangmDt on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ZhuijiewolanyF on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ZhuochizhanqVy on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Zik gller on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; zinxin11 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; zucheqiongding on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; zuoguiyin on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Zydcl0317@163.com on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; zzxmqxj@163.com on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; asdfghjkl003 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; autothings on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; chinakelly_jewelry on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; daisywear on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Gerouswomen on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; janet2011 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; junglegirl on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; trendywill on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; value111 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 26 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to yangboyang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yangrenyun on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yangxueqing on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yanjin50891 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yanjinglei88781 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YANQINA Flag Store on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YanzhongtuuZK on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YilangliaoBco on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YirangmuqiansNu on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Yiwu Lanheng E-Commerce Co.,Ltd on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yiXingsai on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yiying on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ynunour on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yoisawngge on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yongfang chen on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YonggoucangxL on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yongmeizuimei on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Yongquediqinxyi on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yonxiangfuzhuang2017 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YoumihetongQvP on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YuantuiyancongnB on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YuantuomengshunuW on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YunfeitangyancX on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YunlayuanbPu on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yunzetian on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; yushihaoyu on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Zajieyunpt on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Zccccccl on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Zenithdorri on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ZhangmeiyuepingkE on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; zhangtao10393 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; zhangtianliang33 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ZhangwuwayemWr on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; zhangxueming15449 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; zhaofang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 25 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to Top style on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Tras El_Vestidor on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; trendy mall on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; trendy_world on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Trot_UP on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; TujujiezhiHZz on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; TunshaochunaI on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; TuogongmeijiqRp on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; tuotuoma on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; twvfxecear on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; TYAKASHA Earth Shop on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; uuvuymtegbezbyhi on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; uyzs on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Vand Kicbx on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; VintagObsessions on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; VIVI Fashion on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Vivian172522009@163.com on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; vxyusid on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wangbo77795 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wangguoqin on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wangjiankun79383 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wangjingjin on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wanglixia on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wangshuai32917 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wangtingw on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wangwei46995 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wangweiwangpu on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wangyong43721 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; weidada on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; WeidangzhangvJ on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; WeijiaofenlX on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; weishopjkl on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; weiweishenhou on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wenshufeng1104 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wg0008 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; WoshigufX on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; WREFVCa on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; WTT1994 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; WujiaojuqJw on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; wumei150329 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; WUU ZARAXG on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; WYXJVN KYVKAZWI on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; xiaolianzi on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; xiaoqindedianpu on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; xiaoxiafu357 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; XiefeiqiuyuanRk on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; xinglongzhuanqian on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; xiongshuaipeng58630 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; XKICIOJ on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; XMB mobile experience on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; XSTLYQTB JYZCYKAA on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; xumeijing on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; XunmeikantangqDW on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Xutao on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; YanfangmisTO on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 24 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to qolivtrt on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Ranfenduliangji on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; red stars on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; RenyingtuilC on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; reqing on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Rock crystal on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; RONGSHU255 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; rosekey on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Running la on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; rzemety on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; sadvdsfbreavredf on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Sarisojed on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; SDyingxiongzh on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; SECRET DAMSEL on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; sesongs on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Set my spirit free on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ShanciyilangFo on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ShaolanbinTa on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ShapeU on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; She Lorlebv on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; SHERI FECTOCES on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Shipiankengmaoxe on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ShiyongpingrQ on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ShoudoujushanrS on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; shoujibuanfen on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Sijiyuanzhuangqnn on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; singular on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; skyoknew on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; smart4u on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Social Shopping on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; SolutionsJJ on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; SOPHWI-LP on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Sopop on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; SouhuidaoyanuA on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; SouyatuoliangpO on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Sun shines for you on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Sunshine754 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; sunwenhai84412 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; SuperLi Trade on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; suunny on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; svunamasv on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; tajt123 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Talk on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; tanyanhua on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; taofeifei70464 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; TaohuanfeikebJ on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Tauro fine on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; tfydrg on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ThemusicNigulifeactivities on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; This is a pair of eyes that you find on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; tiancong on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Tigritospolar on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Time_In_Time on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; To maintain a good mood is the good life on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 23 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to MALORYTan on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; mazaolin on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; meihaodejieju on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; MeihuanggangrH on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; midaoxing on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Ming Ming xie on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Moon Make The World Better on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; MudaorangyongJfn on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; mufsqrolspsgncft on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Mulan Chen on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; NaiqianjiangjiaotmG on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; NaiyanzhuojioV on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; nanayatou on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; NanqiangdaojiaotU on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; nfdghn on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Niceshow on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ningmong on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; nnbiiieffp on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Norge on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; nowadays on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Ohyes Trade on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; okcyy on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Okdid on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Olivia maga on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; olrunning on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; orchidfarm on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; owes on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; oznustirsy on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Park Jsnegiow on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Pasardo Store on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; pengcui on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Perfeel Fashion on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Pickmeup233 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; pimingm123youxiang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ping you sun on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; PinglankongeT on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; plazam on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Please hold your time on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; pmxiypuxrev on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Polar on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; poqey bay123yab on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; PPPenny on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Principles on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; PuzhangqiankE on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; qianlitiaoyi on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; qiaochen123 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; QiaoqiangrangshidJx on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; QiaoyuantaopRu on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; qingchun on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; qinpinglinlin on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; qiuhongyudong on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; qixiongxiong on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; QizhiQu on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 22 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to klfhjklsffhj5 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; koobeekk on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Krisde xyn on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; KuiyancheliaopZg on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; KUN DSVSGH on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; la tiendita blanca on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; LangjiyansvP on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; LareBezsni on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; leam521@tree on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; leileixiaospng on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; li yunyun on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; LianghehuaxunmB on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; liangpengzhi04869 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; LieliaoqiaoKkw on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; lifefit on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; lijunlin on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Lily Fashion1 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; linzhihen on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; LIU_1993 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; liujinyang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; liurong4381 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; liurongrong62736 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; liuxinwen27146 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; liuyuanzhi39024 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; liweike1 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; liyingkh on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Lonely Planet on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; lookday on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; LuangengyingzhangaFi on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; LuanjiangsiyZ on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; LubicuobijVw on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; lujinling on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; luochon2017nanzhuang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; LuodangchuangwoCI on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; luoyuing on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; LuzhaojiuxiacEL on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ly pengfei on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; m17772458151@163.com on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; maicheng on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; maierdanijiang14120 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Make money every day on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 21 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to hezhifang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; hhehhwwwm on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; highest&coolman on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; homesale on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; homingcase on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HOOSE POHVE on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; houguofang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; huabaobao on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; huaerdeduoduo on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; huangchen123 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HuangchentuoBU on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; huanghaotinsggx on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; huangwenyuan1 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HuanhaobahandF on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HuanmuzhizhiwX on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HuanyichengcangkFz on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HuanzhiyiyiLk on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HUKPUC on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; hxsxjasxagxab on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HZMKAE on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; iiuwiiziiaq on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Imagine boldly on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Incineradores Y Calderas Mega on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; INDIAN STAR on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; instylecloset on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JANEL RIEL DIY Molds Store on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JanuaryStore on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; jdjhru5478 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; jdzjhfgsjfmeiblc on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JiajuheUdd on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JiangliangxunmO on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; jiao jiao te mai on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JinglianluanuW on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; hehhejfusss on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HegubeilugBp on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JicaishitiS on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; jingrui on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JishifeimM on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JitangzhengwYh on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JiumaolianghuanhYn on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JiwenshaminNF on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Jkk Juer on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; JOJO Jewelry on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Jotsubitos on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; jsaoiydiausyd on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; junyan guo shuai on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; KamShun Fashion on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Kaoxiongliaoloh on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Kayshine on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; keaiyaeshop on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; KelanqisF on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; KemengtuhT on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; KenlanbijXf on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; KenshanbiniD on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Keviews Baby'scar on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; KHG Scarborough fair on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Kjanotzn on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 20 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to FairyFor on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Fancy_Everyday on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; fanlin mengX on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Fashion du on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; fashion jing on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Fashion Leaderss on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Fashion Lemon Tree on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; fashion_store on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; fashion67 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; fastion8 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Fatenmose Golakey on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; fdssfg LI on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; forasno2 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; forboy on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; foyuntian26171 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Francisco Lima on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Freedom_Bird on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; FRESH-IMPRESS on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; FuchenfeipaeJ on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; FufangxievDz on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; full_house on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; fuselage gap on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; fweewqf on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Ganpengbing on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Gantalei Sailuo Matemen on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ganxiufengying on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; GaojietuiyanhC on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Gentleman's home on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ghostlady on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; gjwgjw on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; gogo88shop on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Goods' life on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; gudechaoliupu on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; gullwing on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; guochengjie on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Habit is a second nature on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Hadjembals on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; haiwang5 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; hangyubaobei on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; hanxing21221 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HaoangmeitNY on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; haojia93 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; HaopayePm on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; happy pandas on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Hedongfual on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; heibaipei on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; heorus on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; hesongyang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 19 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to ChengwenxiepuqE on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; chenliliang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ChenyouweitI on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; cherrish on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Chinese style_GQ on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Chitsu on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; chixiaorong on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ChunyuyenuoVop on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Cibaixinel on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; CifuhejingeKh on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; CirengonghR on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Claudia T. on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Comfy_life on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; CongtunjingtaoMMz on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; COQUILLE CASSE on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Corinnasmgl on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; creation Imagination on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; crucerodeoro on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; cuiarui00010 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; cvjsaudcshnsz on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Cww 99 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; daijiaonq on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; dancuiyuanlai on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; dasdfklhsdfj on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Deargirl on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Dengjuxiang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; differhand on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; DilushuoYd on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; djkdfhfndklf on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; djsmxncbcic on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Do not allow time to stay on the road of life on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Dog Cloth Blue on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; dongmaodong on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; DoupingshuooT on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; DuanjiangmijikN on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Duanleigaipo on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; DunjingfenchengjC on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Dunludaobeiwu on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Dutumaoqiaovr on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; E-Shopping Mall on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Ejonir injonirS on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; enjoy365 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Entirr Gsk on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; eoubuuwjo on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Especialidades on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Essopfe on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; estellsear on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; eusxuaupguyelrbx on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; f-cloths on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Fairy Kiss on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 18 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation as to 15983070819@163.com on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Aana2017 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Abby Bienes Races on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Aless Photography on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Alpea Merchandise on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; amargaret on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; azs666 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; baihe on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; beihaidaofj on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BeishuibaqinYp on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BeisiyoushuonhS on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Belong_U on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BengjingzixiecDx on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BengkangouWqN on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BengzhanguanyanyAk on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Best Sliger on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BianlanjiudEh on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Big things have small beginnings on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Bisuo Daily on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BitunhuioJ on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BiweikaomZq on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Blase Zoerer on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; blue skyer on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BO52 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Boagett on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Boper zhang on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Bou Shimi Soxi on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Boun Ecqes on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; boyunyu38178 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Brilliant Department Store on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; bromickras on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BujiayongsVv on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ButongbuwenOQg on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; BuxipaiyanSr on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Caeiore on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; CaijuzhongloupE on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Candycandy23 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Canquefredo on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Caradere on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; CartoonsDibujos on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Caste LLPC on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Catch light in the dark on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Celebrity shop 08 on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; cgidudfi on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; chaoneng on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Charming_Corner on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ChedunzhiyQy on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ChenggumengZd on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; ChengjiapaikCz on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024; Chengquehuias on 10/23/2024, answer due 11/13/2024. (Pittaway, Lydia) |
SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A (vkm, ) |
![]() |
Filing 16 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff's motion for electronic service #14 , for third-party expedited discovery #13 , and to seal #12 are granted. Enter Order. Plaintiff is to file a status report by 11/12/24 updating the court on discovery efforts. Mailed notice. (jg, ) |
Filing 15 DECLARATION of L. Pittaway (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 14 MOTION by Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation FOR ELECTRONIC SERVICE OF PROCESS PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 4(f)(3) (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 13 MOTION by Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation FOR THIRD PARTY EXPEDITED DISCOVERY AND INCORPORATED MEMORANDUM OF LAW (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 12 MOTION by Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation to seal (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 11 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation EXHIBITS ONE THROUGH THREE TO THE DECLARATION OF JUN WU (DOC. 9); Exhibit One: Copyright Registrations (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Two: Second Amended Schedule A, #2 Exhibit Three: Evidence (Part 1 of 10), #3 Exhibit Three: Evidence (Part 2 of 10), #4 Exhibit Three: Evidence (Part 3 of 10), #5 Exhibit Three: Evidence (Part 4 of 10), #6 Exhibit Three: Evidence (Part 5 of 10), #7 Exhibit Three: Evidence (Part 6 of 10), #8 Exhibit Three: Evidence (Part 7 of 10), #9 Exhibit Three: Evidence (Part 8 of 10), #10 Exhibit Three: Evidence (Part 9 of 10), #11 Exhibit Three: Evidence (Part 10 of 10))(Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 10 DECLARATION of JUN WU (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 9 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation SECOND AMENDED SCHEDULE A (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 8 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation by Michael Thomas Stanley (Stanley, Michael) |
Filing 7 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation AMENDED SCHEDULE A (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 6 MAILED copyright report to Registrar, Washington DC. (daj, ) |
Filing 5 NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 4 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation SCHEDULE A (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 3 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation by Lydia Pittaway (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 2 CIVIL Cover Sheet (Pittaway, Lydia) |
Filing 1 COMPLAINT filed by Yiwu Baimei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., a Chinese Limited Corporation; JURY DEMAND. Filing fee $ 405, receipt number AILNDC-22503561. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit One: Registrations, #2 Exhibit Two: CBP Report, #3 Exhibit Three: Law Review Article, #4 Exhibit Four: HSI Report)(Pittaway, Lydia) |
CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Mary M. Rowland. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Young B. Kim. Case assignment: Random assignment. (Civil Category 3). (bi, ) |
CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached #Consent To# form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order. (bi, ) |
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