Rich et al v. Taser International, Inc.
Plaintiff: Randy Rich, Nick Jensen and Tanya Jensen
Defendant: Taser International, Inc.
Case Number: 2:2009cv02450
Filed: December 30, 2009
Court: US District Court for the District of Nevada
Office: Las Vegas Office
Presiding Judge: Nancy J Koppe
Referring Judge: James C Mahan
Nature of Suit: Personal Inj. Prod. Liability
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on April 2, 2014. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
April 2, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 208 ORDER Granting 207 Motion to Seal. Signed by Magistrate Judge Nancy J. Koppe on 4/2/14. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - EDS)
March 25, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 206 ORDER Denying without prejudice 205 Plaintiffs' Motion to Seal. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, however, that Docket No. 204 be SEALED at least on a temporary basis. Plaintiffs shall file a properly supported motion to keep that document under seal by 4/1/2014. Signed by Magistrate Judge Nancy J. Koppe on 03/25/2014. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AC)
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 202 ORDER DISMISSING CASE Granting #200 Stipulation for Dismissal with prejudice.. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 2/6/14. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - EDS)
February 5, 2014 Filing 201 Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on #200 Stipulation of Dismissal ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc. . (Angulo, Peter)
February 5, 2014 Filing 200 STIPULATION of Dismissal by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Petersen, Pamela)
January 6, 2014 Filing 194 NOTICE of Trial Conflict by Taser International, Inc. re #193 Order Regarding Trial,,. (Petersen, Pamela)
January 2, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 193 ORDER REGARDING TRIAL. Jury Trial set for 2/10/2014 09:00 AM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Calendar Call set for 2/5/2014 01:30 PM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Exhibit List due by 2/5/2014. Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law due by 2/5/2014. Proposed Voir Dire due by 2/5/2014. Proposed Jury Instructions due by 2/5/2014. Trial Briefs due by 2/5/2014. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 1/2/2014. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DXO)
December 3, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 190 ORDER REGARDING TRIAL. Jury Trial set for 1/6/2014 09:00 AM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Calendar Call set for 1/2/2014 01:30 PM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Exhibit List due by 1/2/2014. Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law due by 1/2/2014. Proposed Voir Dire due by 1/2/2014. Proposed Jury Instructions due by 1/2/2014. Trial Briefs due by 1/2/2014. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 12/3/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DXO)
November 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 189 ORDER ON STIPULATION Granting #188 Stipulation to Continue Trial. Jury Trial rescheduled for 1/6/2014 09:00 AM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Calendar Call scheduled for 1/2/2014 01:30 PM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 11/8/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
November 7, 2013 Filing 188 STIPULATION to Continue re #187 Order Regarding Trial; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Petersen, Pamela)
November 5, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 187 ORDER REGARDING TRIAL. Jury Trial set for 12/2/2013 09:00 AM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Calendar Call set for 11/27/2013 01:30 PM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Exhibit List due by 11/27/2013. Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law due by 11/27/2013. Proposed Voir Dire due by 11/27/2013. Proposed Jury Instructions due by 11/27/2013. Trial Briefs due by 11/27/2013. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 11/5/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DXO)
September 24, 2013 Filing 186 NOTICE of Withdrawal of a Portion of its Omnibus Motion in LImine by Taser International, Inc. re #156 MOTION in Limine , #157 Memorandum. (Petersen, Pamela)
September 13, 2013 Filing 185 (1st Notice) NOTICE: of Non-Compliance with Special Order 109: that John Jerry Glas is in violation of Special Order 109. Participation in the electronic filing system became mandatory for all attorneys effective January 1, 2006. You are required to register for the Courts Case Management and Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) program and the electronic service of pleadings. Please visit the Courts website, then select ATTORNEY REGISTRATION located in the middle of the web page to register.(no image attached) (RFJ)
August 6, 2013 Filing 184 REPLY to Response to #156 MOTION in Limine filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John)
August 6, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 183 ORDER Granting #182 Defendant's Motion for Leave to File Reply in Support of #156 Motion in Limine. Defendant shall file the reply (doc. #182 -1) within 7 days of entry of this order. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 08/06/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AC)
August 2, 2013 Filing 182 MOTION for Leave to File Reply Brief in Support of Motion in Limine by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 8/2/2013. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Reply Brief to Motion in Limine)(Maley, John)
August 1, 2013 Filing 181 LETTER from The Corporation Trust Company of Nevada to Attorney Richard H. Reeve re C. Dean Milne. (SLD)
July 25, 2013 Filing 180 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge James C. Mahan, on 7/25/2013. By Deputy Clerk: David Oakes. Calendar Call previously set for 7/31/2013 at 1:30 p.m., is VACATED and reset for 11/27/2013 01:30 PM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Jury Trial previously set for 8/5/2013 at 9:00 a.m., is VACATED and reset for 12/2/2013 09:00 AM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan.(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DXO)
July 24, 2013 Filing 179 EXHIBIT(s) (Exhibit A - Excerpts from the deposition of Piotr Kubiczek, M.D.) to #173 Response to Motion ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John)
July 23, 2013 Filing 178 RESPONSE to #156 MOTION in Limine Sections B(2), B(4) and B(5) and Numerous Exhibits, filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Williamson, Peter)
July 23, 2013 Filing 177 RESPONSE to #156 MOTION in Limine Sections A(4) AND A(5), filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4)(Williamson, Peter)
July 23, 2013 Filing 176 RESPONSE to #153 Sixth MOTION in Limine to Exclude Extraneous Reports and Documents, filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Replies due by 8/2/2013. (Maley, John)
July 23, 2013 Filing 175 RESPONSE to #156 MOTION in Limine (Sections A(7), A(8), B(1), B(3), B(7), B(8), B(9), B(10), B(11), B(13), AND B(17), filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Williamson, Peter)
July 23, 2013 Filing 174 NON-OPPOSITION to #156 MOTION in Limine (Sections A(1), A(2), A(3), A(6), B(6), BOTH SECTIONS B(12), B(18), B(19), B(20), B(21), B(23) and VARIOUS EXHIBITS; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Williamson, Peter)
July 23, 2013 Filing 173 RESPONSE to #152 Fifth MOTION in Limine to Exclude Cause of Death Opinions of Medical Examiner Dr. Piotr Kubiczek, filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Replies due by 8/2/2013. (Maley, John)
July 23, 2013 Filing 172 RESPONSE to #148 First MOTION in Limine to Exclude Defendant's Tendered Expert Dr. Jan Leestma, filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Replies due by 8/2/2013. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Dr. Leestma Expert Report, #2 Exhibit Excerpts from Dr. Leestma's Deposition)(Maley, John)
July 23, 2013 Filing 171 RESPONSE to #154 Seventh MOTION in Limine to Exclude Improper Character Evidence, filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Replies due by 8/2/2013. (Maley, John)
July 23, 2013 Filing 170 RESPONSE to #149 Second MOTION in Limine to Exclude Evidence or Argument of Decedent Dr. Ryan Rich's Comparative Negligence, filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Replies due by 8/2/2013. (Maley, John)
July 23, 2013 Filing 169 RESPONSE to #155 Eighth MOTION in Limine to Exclude Defendant's Tendered Expert Keith Hock, filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Replies due by 8/2/2013. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Keith Hock Rebuttal Expert Report, #2 Exhibit B - Keith Hock Expert Report)(Maley, John)
July 23, 2013 Filing 168 RESPONSE to #151 Fourth MOTION in Limine to Exclude Cause of Death Opinions of Non-Medical Experts and to Limit Expert Opinions to Each Expert's Field of Expertise, filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Replies due by 8/2/2013. (Maley, John)
July 23, 2013 Filing 167 RESPONSE to #150 Third MOTION in Limine to Exclude Defendant's Tendered Expert Andrew Hinz, filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Replies due by 8/2/2013. (Maley, John)
July 22, 2013 Filing 166 PROPOSED Jury Instructions by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich .(Williamson, Peter)
July 22, 2013 Filing 165 PROPOSED Jury Instructions by Defendant Taser International, Inc. .(Maley, John)
July 22, 2013 Filing 164 PROPOSED Verdict Form by Defendant Taser International, Inc. .(Maley, John)
July 9, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 163 ORDER Granting #160 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Attorney John Jerry Glas and approving Attorney Peter M. Angula as Designation of Local Counsel for Taser International, Inc. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 7/9/2013. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
July 8, 2013 Filing 162 NOTICE of Corrected Image/Document re #160 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by John Jerry Glas and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo (Filing fee $ 200 receipt number 0978-2879178) filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc. by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Service of corrected image is attached). (Angulo, Peter)
July 8, 2013 Filing 161 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge James C. Mahan, on 7/8/2013. By Deputy Clerk: David Oakes. RE: #160 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by John Jerry Glas and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo (Filing fee $ 200 receipt number 0978-2879178) filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc. IT IS THE ORDER OF THE COURT that John Jerry Glas defendant's counsel is directed to correct question 8 (no line can be left blank) in petitioner's Verified Petition (#160) within (14) days of the entry of this order and re-file using the "Notice of Corrected Image/Document" event in CM/ECF. Petitioner's failure to take such corrective measures will result in the denial of Mr. Glas' Verified Petition. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DXO)
July 8, 2013 Filing 160 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by John Jerry Glas and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo (Filing fee $ 200 receipt number 0978-2879178) filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc. . Motion ripe 7/8/2013. (Angulo, Peter) Modified to add link to corrected image #162 on 7/8/2013. (MAJ)
July 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 159 ORDER REGARDING TRIAL. Jury Trial set for 8/5/2013 09:00 AM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Calendar Call set for 7/31/2013 01:30 PM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Exhibit List due by 7/31/2013. Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law due by 7/31/2013. Proposed Voir Dire due by 7/31/2013. Proposed Jury Instructions due by 7/31/2013. Trial Briefs due by 7/31/2013. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 7/8/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DXO)
July 7, 2013 Filing 158 APPENDIX to #156 MOTION in Limine ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Johnson Report, #2 Exhibit B - Robert Johnson Deposition, #3 Exhibit C - James Davis Letter, #4 Exhibit D - Lavid Report, #5 Exhibit E - Nathan Lavid Deposition, #6 Exhibit F - Patrick Tchou Deposition Designations, #7 Exhibit G - Douglas Zipes Deposition Excerpts (Turner case), #8 Exhibit H - Douglas Zipes Depositions Excerpts (Butler case), #9 Exhibit I - Douglas Zipes Deposition Excerpts (Rich case), #10 Exhibit J - Piotr Kubiczek Deposition Excerpts, #11 Exhibit K - Circulation Correction)(Maley, John)
July 6, 2013 Filing 157 MEMORANDUM filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc. re #156 MOTION in Limine . (Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Omnibus Motion in Limine) (Maley, John)
July 6, 2013 Filing 156 MOTION in Limine by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 7/23/2013. (Maley, John)
July 6, 2013 Filing 155 Eighth MOTION in Limine to Exclude Defendant's Tendered Expert Keith Hock by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Responses due by 7/23/2013. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Williamson, Peter)
July 6, 2013 Filing 154 Seventh MOTION in Limine to Exclude Improper Character Evidence by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Responses due by 7/23/2013. (Williamson, Peter)
July 6, 2013 Filing 153 Sixth MOTION in Limine to Exclude Extraneous Reports and Documents by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Responses due by 7/23/2013. (Williamson, Peter)
July 6, 2013 Filing 152 Fifth MOTION in Limine to Exclude Cause of Death Opinions of Medical Examiner Dr. Piotr Kubiczek by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Responses due by 7/23/2013. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3)(Williamson, Peter)
July 6, 2013 Filing 151 Fourth MOTION in Limine to Exclude Cause of Death Opinions of Non-Medical Experts and to Limit Expert Opinions to Each Expert's Field of Expertise by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Responses due by 7/23/2013. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5)(Williamson, Peter)
July 6, 2013 Filing 150 Third MOTION in Limine to Exclude Defendant's Tendered Expert Andrew Hinz by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Responses due by 7/23/2013. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2)(Williamson, Peter)
July 6, 2013 Filing 149 Second MOTION in Limine to Exclude Evidence or Argument of Decedent Dr. Ryan Rich's Comparative Negligence by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Responses due by 7/23/2013. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Williamson, Peter)
July 6, 2013 Filing 148 First MOTION in Limine to Exclude Defendant's Tendered Expert Dr. Jan Leestma by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Responses due by 7/23/2013. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Williamson, Peter)
April 5, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 147 ORDER Discharging #144 Order to Show Cause Signed by Magistrate Judge Nancy J. Koppe on 4/5/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLR)
April 4, 2013 Filing 146 RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE by Defendant Taser International, Inc. (Defendant's and Counsel's Response to Order to Show Cause). (Maley, John)
April 2, 2013 Filing 145 NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Pamela B Petersen on behalf of Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Petersen, Pamela)
March 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 144 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Show Cause Response due by 4/4/2013. Signed by Magistrate Judge Nancy J. Koppe on 03/28/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AC)
March 28, 2013 Filing 143 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Settlement Conference held on 3/28/2013 before Magistrate Judge Nancy J. Koppe. Pla Counsel: John Snow, Peter Williamson and Richard Reeve; Plas Randy Rich, Chris Rich, Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen; Def Counsel: John Maley; Def Rep Michael Brave; Time of Hearing: 9:00-10:02. The Court met with each side in caucuses and heard presentations from counsel and the parties. No settlement was reached. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - TM)
February 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 142 ORDER Granting #141 Defendant's Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. David T Ballard withdrawn from the case. Signed by Magistrate Judge Nancy J. Koppe on 02/14/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AC)
February 13, 2013 Filing 141 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by David T. Ballard. by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 2/13/2013. (Ballard, David)
February 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 140 ORDER Scheduling Settlement Conference: Settlement Conference set for 3/28/2013 09:00 AM in LV Chambers before Magistrate Judge Nancy J. Koppe. Signed by Magistrate Judge Nancy J. Koppe on 2/12/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLR)
February 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 139 ORDER re #136 Proposed Pretrial Order filed by Tanya Jensen, Taser International, Inc., Nick Jensen, Randy Rich. Proposed Jury Instructions due by 7/31/2013. Proposed Voir Dire due by 7/31/2013. Trial Briefs due by 7/31/2013. Calendar Call set for 7/31/2013 01:30 PM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Jury Trial set for 8/5/2013 09:00 AM in LV Courtroom 6A before Judge James C. Mahan. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 2/12/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
February 11, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 138 ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Koppe to set a settlement conference. Jury trial has been set for 8/5/2013. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 2/11/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DXO)
February 11, 2013 Filing 137 AMENDED PROPOSED Pretrial Order filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich, Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Plaintiffs' Deposition Designations, #2 Exhibit B - Defendant's Deposition Designations)(Maley, John)
February 11, 2013 Notice of Docket Correction to #136 Notice (Other) : ERROR: Wrong event selected by attorney John R. Maley . Counsel advised in the future please file documents in accordance with Special Order 109 filing procedures, to properly set or terminate schedule deadlines and to prevent delay in the timely filing of documents. CORRECTION: Court modified event as #136 PROPOSED Pretrial Order. (no image attached)(RFJ)
February 8, 2013 Filing 136 PROPOSED Pretrial Order by Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich, Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Plaintiffs' Deposition Designations, #2 Exhibit B - Defendant's Deposition Designations)(Maley, John)
January 9, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 135 ORDER Denying #128 Defendant's Motion for District Judge to Reconsider Order. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 01/09/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AC)
January 7, 2013 Filing 134 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Robert C. Jones, on 1/7/2013. IT IS ORDERED that this case is reassigned to Magistrate Judge Nancy J. Koppe for all further proceedings. Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston no longer assigned to case. All further documents must bear the correct case number 2:09-CV-2450 JCM-NJK. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)
October 11, 2012 Filing 133 REPLY to Response to #128 OBJECTIONS re LR IB 3-1 or MOTION for District Judge to Reconsider Order re #119 Order OBJECTIONS re LR IB 3-1 or MOTION for District Judge to Reconsider Order re #119 Order filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Defendant's Reply Memorandum of Points and Authorities to Reconsider Order of March 30, 2012 Denying Summary Judgment in Light of New Precedent from Ninth Circuit Upholding Adequacy of TASER's Warnings as a Matter of Law) (Maley, John)
October 1, 2012 Filing 132 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Robert C. Jones, on 10/1/2012. IT IS ORDERED that this case is reassigned to Judge James C. Mahan for all further proceedings. Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr no longer assigned to case. All further documents must bear the correct case number 2:09-cv-02450-JCM-RJJ. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AF)
October 1, 2012 Filing 131 RESPONSE to #128 OBJECTIONS re LR IB 3-1 or MOTION for District Judge to Reconsider Order re #119 Order filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Replies due by 10/11/2012. (Williamson, Peter)
October 1, 2012 Filing 130 NOTICE of Change of Firm Name; filed by Taser International, Inc.. (Angulo, Peter)
September 26, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 129 ORDER Denying #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment with regard to standing of Plaintiff R.J., a minor,. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 9/26/2012. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLR)
September 19, 2012 Filing 128 OBJECTIONS re LR IB 3-1 or MOTION for District Judge to Reconsider Order re #119 Order filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 10/6/2012. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Marquez v. City of Phoenix, et al. Decision, #2 Exhibit B - Rosa v. TASER Int'l Decision, #3 Exhibit C - TASER Device Download, #4 Exhibit D - Dep. of Dr. Zipes in Fahy v. TASER Int'l, #5 Exhibit E - Dep. of Dr. Zipes in Piskura v. TASER Int'l)(Maley, John) M
August 22, 2012 Filing 127 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr, on 8/22/2012. By Deputy Clerk: Candace Knab. ORDERED that #125 MOTION for Attorney Fees is DENIED as moot. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
August 20, 2012 Filing 126 NOTICE (Joint Notice of Resolution of Plaintiffs' Application for Attorneys' Fees Re: Denial of TASER International, Inc.'s Rule 11 Motion for Sanctions) by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich, Defendant Taser International, Inc. re #125 MOTION for Attorney Fees. (Maley, John)
August 14, 2012 Notice of Docket Correction to #125 DECLARATION: ERROR: Wrong event selected by attorney Peter M Williamson . Counsel advised in the future please file documents in accordance with Special Order 109 filing procedures. CORRECTION: Court modified event as #125 MOTION for Attorney Fees. (no image attached)(RFJ)
August 13, 2012 Filing 125 MOTION for Attorney Fees re #111 MOTION for Sanctions; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B-1, #3 Exhibit B-2)(Williamson, Peter) Wrong event selected by attorney, evetn modified on 8/14/2012 (RFJ).
August 2, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 124 ORDER that Defendant TASER International, Inc.s Motion for Sanctions #111 is DENIED. Plaintiffs shall have fourteen (14) days within which to file an Application for Costs and Fees incurred for TASERs Motion for Sanctions #111 . Plaintiffs Motion for Sanctions #114 is DENIED. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 8/2/12. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)
May 4, 2012 Filing 123 RESPONSE to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John)
May 4, 2012 Filing 122 REPLY to Response to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Williamson, Peter)
April 20, 2012 Filing 121 Supplemental BRIEF re #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment RE: Standing of Plaintiff R.J. to Bring Wrongful Death Action ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John) Modified text on 5/2/2012 (SRK).
April 20, 2012 Filing 120 MEMORANDUM #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment, RE: Whether the Adoption of Plaintiff R.J., a Minor, by Her Stepfather Precludes Her from Bringing a Wrongful Death Action with Regard to Her Natural Father, Dr. Ryan Rich; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich re (Williamson, Peter) Modified text on 5/2/2012 (SRK).
March 30, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 119 ORDER Granting #50 Motion in Limine to exclude the testimony of Dr. Jerome Engel. FURTHER ORDERED that #51 Motion in Limine to exclude the testimony of Dr. Michael Wogalter is GRANTED. FURTHER ORDERED that #52 Motion in Limine to exclude the testimony of Dr. Douglas Zipes is DENIED. FURTHER ORDERED that #53 Motion for Summary Judgment is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. FURTHER ORDERED that #109 Motion to Strike is GRANTED. Plaintiffs' supplemental report of Dr. Zipes (#108-1) is stricken from the record. FURTHER ORDERED that the parties shall have 21 days within which to file contemporaneous memoranda of points and authorities briefing the issue of whether the adoption of Plaintiff R.J., a minor, by her stepfather precludes her from bringing this wrongful death action with regard to her natural father, Dr. Rich. The parties shall have an additional 14 days thereafter within which to file their respective responses. There will be no replies. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 3/30/12. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
March 27, 2012 Filing 118 Supplemental MEMORANDUM filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich re #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment), #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes). Plaintiff's Supplemental Authority in Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment and Motion to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes (Attachments: #1 Exhibit "A")(Williamson, Peter)
February 27, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 117 ORDER granting #102 Motion for Attorney Fees. The court awards a portion of the expenses claimed by counsel for Taser. On the Motion to Quash #61 the Court awards $4,500.00 to Taser's counsel. As to the Motion to Compel #94 the Court awards $3,000.00. These expenses are to be paid by the party plaintiffs and their counsel due to the egregious disregard for the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the scheduling order. Said costs shall be paid on or before March 16, 2012. Signed by Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston on 2/27/12. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)
February 23, 2012 Filing 116 REPLY to Response to #111 MOTION for Sanctions (TASER's Motion and Memorandum of Points and Authorities for Sanctions Under Rule 11 for Failure to Properly Dismiss) ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John).
February 23, 2012 Filing 115 REPLY to Response to #109 MOTION to Strike #108 Response to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John) Docket entry relationship modified on 3/6/2012 (SRK).
February 13, 2012 Filing 114 RESPONSE to #111 MOTION for Sanctions (TASER's Motion and Memorandum of Points and Authorities for Sanctions Under Rule 11 for Failure to Properly Dismiss) , filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Replies due by 2/23/2012. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit "A")(Williamson, Peter).
February 13, 2012 Filing 113 REPLY to Response to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment) ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen. (Reeve, Richard)
February 13, 2012 Filing 112 RESPONSE to #109 MOTION to Strike #108 Response to Motion, (TASER's Rule 37 Motion and Memorandum of Points and Authorities to Strike Plaintiff's Late-Disclosed New Expert Report as "Supplemental Authority") , filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen. Replies due by 2/23/2012. (Reeve, Richard)
January 25, 2012 Filing 111 MOTION for Sanctions (TASER's Motion and Memorandum of Points and Authorities for Sanctions Under Rule 11 for Failure to Properly Dismiss) by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 2/11/2012. (Attachments: #1 Appendix, #2 Exhibit A - TASER's Second Requests for Admissions, #3 Exhibit B - Expert Report of Douglas Zipes, #4 Exhibit C - Zipes Deposition, #5 Exhibit D - Expert Report of Mark Kroll, #6 Exhibit E - Kubiczek Deposition, #7 Exhibit F - Coroner's Inquest)(Maley, John)
January 25, 2012 Filing 110 MEMORANDUM filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc. re #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment). (TASER's Response Memorandum of Points and Authorities to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Authority in Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment) (Attachments: #1 Appendix, #2 Exhibit A - TASER's Second Requests for Admissions, #3 Exhibit B - Expert Report of Mark Kroll, #4 Exhibit C - Opinion in Carlock v. Williamson, #5 Exhibit D - Zipes Deposition, #6 Exhibit E - Transcript in Fontenot v. TASER, #7 Exhibit F - Zipes Deposition in Piskura v. TASER, #8 Exhibit G - Studies of Ventricular Fibrillation Caused by Electric Shock, #9 Exhibit H - The Persistence of VF and Its Implication for Evaluating EMS)(Maley, John)
January 25, 2012 Filing 109 MOTION to Strike #108 Response to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment; by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 2/11/2012. (Attachments: #1 Appendix, #2 Exhibit A - TASER's Second Set of Requests for Admissions, #3 Exhibit B - Expert report of Mark Kroll, #4 Exhibit C - Order in English v. TASER, #5 Exhibit D - Order in English v. TASER, #6 Exhibit Expert report of Douglas Zipes, #7 Exhibit F - Zipes Deposition, #8 Exhibit G - Trial Transcript in Turner v. TASER, #9 Exhibit H - Zipes Deposition in Piskura v. TASER)(Maley, John) Modified text on 3/6/2012 (SRK).
January 18, 2012 Filing 108 Supplemental RESPONSE to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment), filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Replies due by 2/4/2012. (Attachments: # STRICKEN per #119 ORDER (1) Exhibit 1)(Williamson, Peter) Modified text on 1/19/2012 (SRK).
January 9, 2012 Filing 106 EXHIBIT(s) 1 - Order of Magistrate Judge in Response to Motion to Compel filed in Piskura v. City of Oxford, et al., to #103 Response to Motion ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Williamson, Peter)
January 6, 2012 Filing 107 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Hearing re motion for attorney fees #102 held on 1/6/2012 before Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston. Crtrm Administrator: J. Ries; Pla Counsel: Peter M. Williamson; Def Counsel: Peter M. Angulo; Court Reporter/FTR #: 9:36 - 10:04; Time of Hearing: 9:30 a.m.; Courtroom: 3D; The court canvasses and hears representations and arguments of counsel. The court takes this matter under submission and will issue a separate order. Mr. Williamson shall submit to this court the opinion from the Southern District of Ohio by 1/9/12. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JAR)
January 3, 2012 Filing 105 REPLY to Response to #102 MOTION for Attorney Fees Pursuant to Mag. Judge Johnston's Order of November 29, 2011 ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Transcript of Hearing 11/29/11)(Maley, John)
December 29, 2011 Filing 104 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston, on 12/29/2011. By Judicial Assistant: MXS. Motion Hearing set for 1/6/2012 09:30 AM in LV Courtroom 3D before Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston RE: #102 MOTION for Attorney Fees Pursuant to Mag. Judge Johnston's Order of November 29, 2011. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MXS)
December 27, 2011 Filing 103 RESPONSE to #102 MOTION for Attorney Fees Pursuant to Mag. Judge Johnston's Order of November 29, 2011, filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Replies due by 1/6/2012. (Williamson, Peter)
December 13, 2011 Filing 102 MOTION for Attorney Fees Pursuant to Mag. Judge Johnston's Order of November 29, 2011 by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 12/30/2011. (Maley, John)
December 9, 2011 Filing 101 REPLY to #99 Objection to #98 Supplement Re #53 Motion for Summary Judgment and #52 Motion in Limine by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John) Docket entry relationship modified on 12/19/2011 (SRK).
December 6, 2011 Filing 100 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings, 97 Miscellaneous Hearing, held on 11/29/11, before Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Donna Davidson, 775-329-0132. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber using the court's "Transcript Order" form available on our website before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 12/27/2011. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/6/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/5/2012. (DD)
December 6, 2011 Filing 99 OBJECTION to #98 Supplement Re #53 Motion for Summary Judgment and #52 Motion in Limine ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Williamson, Peter) Docket entry relationship modified on 12/19/2011 (SRK).
December 2, 2011 Filing 98 SUPPLEMENT to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment), #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes) ; by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John)
November 29, 2011 Filing 97 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Hearing re motion to quash #61 and motion to compel #94 held on 11/29/2011 before Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston. Crtrm Administrator: J. Ries; Pla Counsel: Peter M. Williamson; Def Counsel: Peter M. Angulo; Court Reporter/FTR #: 2:03 - 2:58; Time of Hearing: 1:30 p.m.; Courtroom: 3D; The court canvasses and hears arguments and representations of counsel. ORDERED that the motion to quash #61 is GRANTED. Defense counsel shall submit an affidavit regarding fees and costs by 12/13/11 and a response shall be due 12/27/11. FURTHER ORDERED that the motion to compel #94 is GRANTED IN PART and DENIED IN PART. Answers that were modified are allowed by the court. Defense counsel shall have until 12/13/11 to file an affidavit regarding fees and costs and a response shall be due 12/27/11. The parties will be contacted by the judicial assistant of this court in setting a future hearing regarding fees and costs. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JAR)
November 28, 2011 Filing 96 RESPONSE to #94 MOTION to Compel Plaintiffs to Provide Responsive Answers to Requests for Admission and Parallel Requests for Production and Interrogatories, filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Memorandum in Opposition Replies due by 12/8/2011. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit "A", #2 Exhibit "B")(Williamson, Peter)
November 10, 2011 Filing 95 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston, on 11/10/2011. By Judicial Assistant: MXS. Motion Hearing set for 11/29/2011, at 01:30 PM in LV Courtroom 3D before Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston RE: #61 MOTION to Quash Plaintiffs' July 12, 2011 Subpoena to the Clark County Coronor's Office. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MXS)
November 9, 2011 Filing 94 MOTION to Compel Plaintiffs to Provide Responsive Answers to Requests for Admission and Parallel Requests for Production and Interrogatories by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 11/26/2011. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of David T. Ballard, #2 Exhibit A Declaration, TASER's Requests for Admissions to Plaintiffs, #3 Exhibit B to Declaration, TASER's Second Requests for Admissions to Plaintiffs, #4 Exhibit C to Declaration, Plaintiffs' Responses to RFA, #5 Exhibit D to Declaration, Letter dated 8/3/11, #6 Exhibit E to Declaration, Letter dated 8/5/11, #7 Exhibit F to Declaration, Letter dated 10/17/11, #8 Exhibit G to Declaration, Letter dated 7/7/11)(Maley, John)
October 24, 2011 Filing 93 REPLY to #92 Response to Motion, ; (Defendant TASER International, Inc.'s Reply to Plaintiffs' Objection to TASER's Filing of Supplemental Authority in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment and Motion to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes) filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John)
October 20, 2011 Filing 92 RESPONSE to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment), #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes), filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Replies due by 11/6/2011. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Burton, John)
October 17, 2011 Filing 91 SUPPLEMENT to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment), #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes) ; (TASER INTERNATIONAL, INC.'S SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORITY SUPPORTING MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND MOTION TO EXCLUDE TENDERED EXPERT DR. DOUGLAS ZIPES) by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Hirsch v. CSX Transportation)(Maley, John)
September 23, 2011 Filing 90 NOTICE of Change of Address by Peter M Williamson. Notice of Change of Firm Name, Office Address & Email Address (Williamson, Peter)
August 25, 2011 Filing 89 APPENDIX (TASER's Supplemental Appendix) to #87 Reply to Response to Motion, #88 Reply to Response to Motion, #86 Reply to Response to Motion, #85 Reply to Response to Motion ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 71, Engel Dep., #2 Exhibit 72, Milne Dep., #3 Exhibit 73, NIJ Website page, #4 Exhibit 74, Hutchinson Dep., #5 Exhibit 75, Nerheim Dep., #6 Exhibit 76, Kubiczek Dep., #7 Exhibit 77, Multi-Organ Effects of Conducted Electrical Weapons, #8 Exhibit 78, TASER Instructor Course Version 13, #9 Exhibit 79, TASER User Course Version 13, #10 Exhibit 80, TASER Instructor Course Version 14, #11 Exhibit 81, TASER User Course Version 14, #12 Exhibit 82, Zipes Dep.)(Maley, John)
August 25, 2011 Filing 88 REPLY to Response to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment) ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John)
August 25, 2011 Filing 87 REPLY to Response to #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes) ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John)
August 25, 2011 Filing 86 REPLY to Response to #51 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Michael Wogalter) ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John)
August 25, 2011 Filing 85 REPLY to Response to #50 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Jerome Engel) ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Maley, John)
August 18, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 84 ORDER granting #83 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. TASER is allowed 10 additional pages, for up to 30 pages, for its Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, and is also allowed an additional 7 days to file its reply memoranda supporting its motions to exclude Dr. Engel, Dr. Wogalter, and Dr. Zipes. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 8/18/11. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)
August 16, 2011 Filing 83 MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages (TASER's Motion for Leave for Up To 10 Additional Pages for Reply Supporting Motion for Summary Judgment and For an Extension of Time to File Reply Memoranda Supporting Motions to Exclude Plaintiffs' Expert Witnesses) by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 8/16/2011. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Maley, John)
August 12, 2011 Filing 82 APPENDIX Plaintiff Randy Richs Amended Global Appendix of Evidence and Excerpts of Depositions in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendant Taser International Inc.s Motion for Summary Judgment to #67 Brief ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 130a, #2 Exhibit 130b, #3 Exhibit 132a, #4 Exhibit 132b, #5 Exhibit 142)(Williamson, Peter)
August 12, 2011 Filing 81 APPENDIX Plaintiff Randy Richs Amended Global Appendix of Evidence and Excerpts of Depositions in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendant Taser International Inc.s Motion for Summary Judgment to #67 Brief ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 108a, #2 Exhibit 108b, #3 Exhibit 110a, #4 Exhibit 110b)(Williamson, Peter)
August 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 80 ORDER Granting #79 Motion to Defer the Date for Filing Joint Pretrial Order. ORDERED that the date for filing the joint Pretrial Order is deferred until 30 days after the Court issues a decision on TASER's motion for summary judgment. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 8/10/11. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
August 10, 2011 Filing 79 Joint MOTION to Defer the Date for Filing Joint Pretrial Order by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 8/27/2011. (Maley, John)
August 9, 2011 Filing 78 NOTICE by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich re #67 Brief. Notice of Lodging Original Exhibits with Court in Support of Plaintiffs' Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment (Williamson, Peter)
August 8, 2011 Filing 77 RESPONSE to #50 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Jerome Engel; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit "A")(Williamson, Peter) Docket entry relationship modified on 8/22/2011 (SRK).
August 8, 2011 Filing 76 APPENDIX of Evidence and Excerpts of Depositions in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment to #67 Brief ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 149, #2 Exhibit 150, #3 Exhibit 151, #4 Exhibit 152, #5 Exhibit 153)(Williamson, Peter)
August 8, 2011 Filing 75 APPENDIX of Evidence and Excerpts of Depositions in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment to #67 Brief ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 140, #2 Exhibit 141, #3 Exhibit 143, #4 Exhibit 145, #5 Exhibit 146, #6 Exhibit 148)(Williamson, Peter)
August 8, 2011 Filing 74 APPENDIX of Evidence and Excerpts of Depositions in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment to #67 Brief ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 131, #2 Exhibit 133, #3 Exhibit 134, #4 Exhibit 135, #5 Exhibit 136, #6 Exhibit 137, #7 Exhibit 138, #8 Exhibit 139, #9 Exhibit 140)(Williamson, Peter)
August 8, 2011 Filing 73 APPENDIX of Evidence and Excerpts of Depositions in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment to #67 Brief ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 126, #2 Exhibit 127, #3 Exhibit 128, #4 Exhibit 129)(Williamson, Peter)
August 8, 2011 Filing 72 APPENDIX of Evidence and Excerpts of Depositions in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 121, #2 Exhibit 122, #3 Exhibit 123, #4 Exhibit 124, #5 Exhibit 125)(Williamson, Peter)
August 8, 2011 Filing 71 APPENDIX of Evidence and Excerpts of Depositions in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment to #67 Brief ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 115, #2 Exhibit 116, #3 Exhibit 117, #4 Exhibit 119, #5 Exhibit 120)(Williamson, Peter)
August 8, 2011 Filing 70 APPENDIX of Evidence and Excerpts of Depositions in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment to #67 Brief ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 106, #2 Exhibit 107, #3 Exhibit 109)(Williamson, Peter)
August 8, 2011 Filing 69 APPENDIX of Evidence and Excerpts of Depositions in Support of Plaintiffs' Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment to #67 Brief ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit 111, #2 Exhibit Exhibit 112, #3 Exhibit Exhibit 113, #4 Exhibit Exhibit 114, #5 Exhibit Exhibit 115)(Williamson, Peter)
August 8, 2011 Filing 68 APPENDIX of Evidence and Excerpts of Depostions in in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment to #67 Brief ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit 100, #2 Exhibit Exhibit 101, #3 Exhibit Exhibit 102, #4 Exhibit Exhibit 103, #5 Exhibit Exhibit 104, #6 Exhibit Exhibit 105)(Williamson, Peter)
August 8, 2011 Filing 67 RESPONSE to #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Williamson, Peter) Docket entry relationship modified on 8/22/2011 (SRK).
August 8, 2011 Filing 66 RESPONSE to #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes), filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E)(Burton, John)
August 8, 2011 Filing 65 RESPONSE to #51 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Michael Wogalter), filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Burton, John)
August 1, 2011 Filing 64 REPLY to Response to #61 MOTION to Quash Plaintiffs' July 12, 2011 Subpoena to the Clark County Coronor's Office ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Excerpts from Deposition of Dr. Kubiczek)(Maley, John)
July 29, 2011 Filing 63 DECLARATION of Peter M. Williamson in Reply to TASER's Motion to Quash re #61 MOTION to Quash Plaintiffs' July 12, 2011 Subpoena to the Clark County Coronor's Office ; filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Excerpts of Deposition of Piotr Kubiczek, M.D.)(Williamson, Peter)
July 26, 2011 Filing 62 NOTICE by Defendant Taser International, Inc. re #51 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Michael Wogalter), #50 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Jerome Engel), #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes). (Courtesy Notice of Ripeness) (Maley, John)
July 26, 2011 Filing 61 MOTION to Quash Plaintiffs' July 12, 2011 Subpoena to the Clark County Coronor's Office by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 7/26/2011. (Maley, John)
July 13, 2011 Filing 60 Mail Returned as Undeliverable re #45 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages, addressed to Richard Reeve. (Address corrected. Remailed). (MMM)
July 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 59 ORDER granting #58 Motion to Extend Deadline. Responses due by 8/7/2011 re #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment. The page limitation of the brief is extended up to 15 additional pages. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 7/12/11. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)
July 7, 2011 Filing 58 First MOTION to Extend Time regarding dispositive matter (First Request) for Filing Opposition Brief to TASER's Motion for Summary Judgment and Motions in Limine and Request to Extend Page Limit of Opposition Brief and Proposed Order; by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Motion ripe 7/7/2011. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Williamson, Peter) .
July 2, 2011 Filing 57 APPENDIX (TASER's Appendix - Volume IV (Exs. 56-70)) to #51 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Michael Wogalter), #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment), #50 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Jerome Engel), #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes) ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 56 - Acute Effects of TASER X26 Discharges in Swine, #2 Exhibit 57 - Transcript of Pretrial Conf. in Turner case, #3 Exhibit 58 - Michael Wogalter Deposition from Turner case, #4 Exhibit 59 - Michael Wogalter Deposition, #5 Exhibit 60 - Wogalter Handbook of Warnings, #6 Exhibit 61 (Part 1) John Peters, PhD Expert Report, #7 Exhibit 61 (Part 2), #8 Exhibit 62 - Patrick Smith Expert Report, #9 Exhibit 63 (Part 1) Dorin Panescu Expert Report, #10 Exhibit 63 (Part 2), #11 Exhibit 64 - Michael Evans Expert Report, #12 Exhibit 65 - Edward Leestma Expert Report, #13 Exhibit 66 - Charles Revell Deposition, #14 Exhibit 67 - Spring Valley Hospital Records, #15 Exhibit 68 (Part 1) PERF Document, #16 Exhibit 68 (Part 2), #17 Exhibit 68 (Part 3), #18 Exhibit 69 - The Effect of Less-Lethal Weapons, #19 Exhibit 70 - CED, a prospective, population based study)(Maley, John)
July 2, 2011 Filing 56 APPENDIX (TASER's Appendix - Volume III (Exs. 43-55) to #51 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Michael Wogalter), #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment), #50 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Jerome Engel), #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes) ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 43 - Declaration of Thom Jackson, #2 Exhibit 43A - Lazoff Employee Profile, #3 Exhibit 43B - Lazoff Training Records, #4 Exhibit 43C - Lazoff TASER Training Certif., #5 Exhibit 43D - Lazoff TASER Training Certif., #6 Exhibit 43E - TASER Product Warnings 4/12/06, #7 Exhibit 43F - TASER Product Warning 3/1/07, #8 Exhibit 43G - TASER Warnings, Liability and Release Form, #9 Exhibit 43H - TASER Warnings, Liability and Release Form, #10 Exhibit 43I - NHP Dept. Policy Manual, #11 Exhibit 44 - Multi-Method Eval. of Police Use of Force, #12 Exhibit 45 - AMA Report, #13 Exhibit 46 - Safety and Injury Profile of CEWs, #14 Exhibit 47 - Inquest Hearing Transcript, #15 Exhibit 48 - Effects of Cocaine Intox. on Threshold for Stun Gun, #16 Exhibit 49 - Nanthakumar Letter to the Editory, #17 Exhibit 50 - Electro. Consequ. of Neuro. Incap. Device Discharges, #18 Exhibit 51 - TASER X26 Discharges in Swine, #19 Exhibit 52 - Relation of TASER Deploy. to Increase In-Custody Sudden Death, #20 Exhibit 53 - Transcript of Hearing on Motions in Walker case, #21 Exhibit 54 - Vent. Fibrillation after Stun Gun Discharge, #22 Exhibit 55 - TASER-Induced Rapid Venr. Myocardial Capture)(Maley, John)
July 2, 2011 Filing 55 APPENDIX (TASER's Appendix of Evidence - Volume II (Exs. 21-42 to #51 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Michael Wogalter), #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment), #50 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Jerome Engel), #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes) ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 21 (Part 1) NIJ Report 2001, #2 Exhibit 21 (Part 2), #3 Exhibit 22 - NIJ Report - Police - 2001, #4 Exhibit 23 - Mountain View Hospital Records, #5 Exhibit 24 - Raymond Mathieson, PC Deposition, #6 Exhibit 25 - Valley Hospital Records, #7 Exhibit 26 - Peter Mansky MD Deposition, #8 Exhibit 27 - Craig Morris DDS Deposition, #9 Exhibit 28 - Randy Rich Deposition, #10 Exhibit 29 - Leslie Johnson Deposition, #11 Exhibit 30 - Greg Rich Deposition, #12 Exhibit 31 - Criss Rich Deposition, #13 Exhibit 32 - Joan McCraw, MSN Deposition, #14 Exhibit 33 - Mark Kroll Deposition in Turner matter, #15 Exhibit 34 - Jerome Engel MD Deposition, #16 Exhibit 35 - Douglas Zipes, MD Deposition, #17 Exhibit 36 - Douglas Zipes Deposition from Turner matter, #18 Exhibit 37 - Douglas Zipes deposition from Williams matter, #19 Exhibit 38 - Douglas Zipes deposition from Butler matter, #20 Exhibit 39 - Douglas Zipes Report, #21 Exhibit 40 - IACP - Concepts and Issues Paper, #22 Exhibit 41 - AMR Report, #23 Exhibit 42 - Declaration of Det. Barry Jensen)(Maley, John)
July 2, 2011 Filing 54 APPENDIX (TASER's Appendix of Evidence (Volume 1 - Exs. 1-20)) to #51 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Michael Wogalter), #53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment), #50 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Jerome Engel), #52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes) ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Expert Report of James R. Stone MD, #2 Exhibit 2 - ECD Exposure: A Review of Morbidity and Mortality, #3 Exhibit 3 - Expert Report of Gary M. Vilke, MD, #4 Exhibit 4 - Expert Report of Mark Kroll, PhD, #5 Exhibit 5 - The cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic effects of long duration ECD, #6 Exhibit 6 - Presenting Rhythm Study, #7 Exhibit 7 - Echocardiographic Eval. of TASER X26, #8 Exhibit 8 - Echocardiographic Eval. of TASER X26, #9 Exhibit 9 - Emerg. Dept. Eval. after CEW Use, #10 Exhibit 10 - The respir., metabolic and neuro. effects of new gen. ECD, #11 Exhibit 11 - Tany Jensen Dep., #12 Exhibit 12 - Charles Swerdlow MD Dep. from Butler case, #13 Exhibit 13 - Report of Jerome Engel, MD, #14 Exhibit 14 - Addit. Info. on TASER ECD safety, #15 Exhibit 15 - Supple. Declaration of Patrick W. Smith, #16 Exhibit 15A - TASER ECD Manufacturing Report, #17 Exhibit 15 B - Invoices and Packing Slips, #18 Exhibit 15 - TASER Product Warning - 4/12/06, #19 Exhibit 15 D - TASER Training CD 13.0 Filed Manually, #20 Exhibit 15E Officer Training, #21 Exhibit 15 F - TASER Training Bulletin 13-12, #22 Exhibit 15G- Training Communications, #23 Exhibit 15H - Trooper Lazoff Certification Test, #24 Exhibit 15I - TASER Operating Manual, #25 Exhibit 15J - TASER Operating Manual, #26 Exhibit 14K - TASER Training CD 14.0 File Manually, #27 Exhibit 15L - TASER X26 Electrical Characteristics, #28 Exhibit 16 - Autopsy Report, #29 Exhibit 17 - Report by Dr. Bennett Omalu, #30 Exhibit 18 (Part 1) Trooper Lazoff Deposition, #31 Exhibit 18 (Part 2), #32 Exhibit 18 (Part 3), #33 Exhibit 19 - Piotr Kubiczek, MD Deposition, #34 Exhibit 20 - Detective Jensen Deposition)(Maley, John)
July 2, 2011 Filing 53 MOTION for Summary Judgment (TASER's Motion and Brief Supporting Summary Judgment) by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 7/26/2011. (Maley, John)
July 2, 2011 Filing 52 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Douglas Zipes) by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 7/19/2011. (Maley, John)
July 2, 2011 Filing 51 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Michael Wogalter) by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 7/19/2011. (Maley, John)
July 2, 2011 Filing 50 MOTION in Limine (TASER's Motion and Supporting Memorandum to Exclude Tendered Expert Dr. Jerome Engel) by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 7/19/2011. (Maley, John)
July 1, 2011 Filing 49 NOTICE of Manual Filing by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. DVD 2 Exhibits D and K to Exhibit 15 filed with the Clerk's Office. (Angulo, Peter)
June 30, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 48 ORDER Granting #42 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Richard H. Reeve and approving Designation of Local Counsel John A. Snow for NIck Jensen and Tanya Jensen. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 6/29/11. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
June 28, 2011 Filing 47 NOTICE of Corrected Image/Document re #42 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Richard H. Reeve and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel John A. Snow (Filing fee $ 175) VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Richard H. Reeve and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel John A. Snow (Filing fee $ 175) by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen. (Service of corrected image is attached). (Reeve, Richard)
June 28, 2011 Filing 46 (1st Notice) NOTICE: of Non-Compliance with Special Order 109: that Richard H. Reeve is in violation of Special Order 109. Participation in the electronic filing system became mandatory for all attorneys effective January 1, 2006. You are required to register for the Courts Case Management and Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) program and the electronic service of pleadings. Please visit the Courts website, then select CM/ECF Info, to register the Attorney(s).(no image attached) (RFJ)
June 24, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 45 ORDER Granting #44 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 6/24/11. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
June 23, 2011 Filing 44 MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 6/23/2011. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Maley, John)
June 17, 2011 Filing 43 NOTICE: Attorney Action Required to #42 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Richard H. Reeve, Esq. and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel John A. Snow Attorney Richard H. Reeve, Esq. advised to file a Notice of Corrected Image/Document event under the Notices category and link to #42 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel. Note: Counsel will need to Answer question number 9 on page 3 of the #42 Verified Petition/Designation. If you have any questions please call Quality Control @ 775-686-5744. (no image attached)(BLG)
May 13, 2011 Filing 42 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Richard H. Reeve and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel John A. Snow (Filing fee $ 175.00 - Receipt #NVLAS003810) by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen. Motion ripe 5/13/2011. (Attachments: #1 receipt)(MMM) Correct image #47 filed on 6/28/2011 (SRK).
April 7, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 41 ORDER Denying #36 Motion to Enter Revised Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order. See order for details. Signed by Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston on 4/7/11. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
March 30, 2011 Filing 40 Joint STATUS REPORT by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Gibeaut, Holly).
March 3, 2011 Filing 39 REPLY to Response to #36 MOTION to Amend/Correct (TASER's Motion to Enter Revised Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order) MOTION to Amend/Correct (TASER's Motion to Enter Revised Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order) ; filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (TASER's Reply in Support of Motion to Enter Revised Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order) (Maley, John)
March 2, 2011 Filing 38 RESPONSE to #36 MOTION to Amend/Correct (TASER's Motion to Enter Revised Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order) MOTION to Amend/Correct (TASER's Motion to Enter Revised Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order), filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Replies due by 3/12/2011. (Williamson, Peter)
February 16, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 37 ORDER Granting #35 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Attorney David T. Ballard, and approving Designation of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo, for Taser International, Inc.. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 2/16/11. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
February 15, 2011 Filing 36 MOTION to Amend/Correct (TASER's Motion to Enter Revised Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order) by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Responses due by 3/4/2011. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Revised Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order)(Maley, John)
February 15, 2011 Filing 35 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by David T. Ballard and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo (Filing fee $ 175 receipt number 0978-1887566) filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 2/15/2011. (Angulo, Peter)
February 3, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 34 ORDER Granting #33 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Damon R. Leichty and approving Designation of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo for Taser International, Inc.. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 2/3/11. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
February 2, 2011 Filing 33 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Damon R. Leichty and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo (Filing fee $ 175 receipt number 0978-1873168) filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 2/2/2011. (Angulo, Peter)
January 31, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 32 SCHEDULING ORDER Granting #27 Proposed Discovery Plan/Scheduling Order. Discovery due by 5/30/2011. Motions due by 6/15/2011. Proposed Joint Pretrial Order due by 6/30/2011. Signed by Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston on 1/31/11. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
January 26, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 31 ORDER STRIKING FILED DOCUMENT(S). Docket No. #28 Affidavit of Service, and #29 Affidavit of Service, are stricken per Local Rule. Signed by Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston on 1/26/11. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
January 26, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 30 ORDERED that the parties shall file a joint Interim Discovery Status Report on 3/30/11. FURTHER ORDERED that the joint Interim Discovery Status Report shall contain the items enumerated in this order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston on 1/26/11. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)
January 25, 2011 Filing 29 STRICKEN per #31 Order dated 1/26/11 AFFIDAVIT of Service Custodian of Records by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Snow, John)
January 25, 2011 Filing 28 STRICKEN per #31 Order dated 1/26/11 AFFIDAVIT of Service Joan McGraw by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Snow, John)
December 8, 2010 Filing 27 PROPOSED Discovery Plan/Scheduling Order filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc. (Revised Stipulated Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order and Ex. A and Ex. B). (Attachments: #1 Exhibit C - Plaintiffs' Disclosures)(Maley, John)
November 19, 2010 Filing 26 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Hearing re proposed discovery plan and scheduling order #24 held on 11/19/2010 before Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston. Crtrm Administrator: J. Ries; Pla Counsel: Peter M. Williamson; Def Counsel: Peter M. Angulo, John R. Maley and J. Curtis Greene; Court Reporter/FTR #: 9:36 - 9:55; Time of Hearing: 9:30 a.m.; Courtroom: 3D; The parties appeared telephonically. The court canvasses and hears representations from the parties. ORDERED that the proposed discovery plan and scheduling order #24 is denied without prejudice. The parties are to immediately begin discovery and to make their Rule 26 initial disclosures. By 12/8/10 the parties are to submit to the court a detailed proposed schedule that indicates experts and dates for their depositions, if they are going to be taken, as well as other needs of discovery with a complete schedule that's detailed listing what is required and when it will be done. The parties are also to attach to the proposed discovery plan and scheduling order a copy of the inventory of initial disclosures, witnesses and exhibits. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JAR)
November 17, 2010 Filing 25 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston, on 11/17/2010. By Judicial Assistant: MXS. Hearing by telephone conference call set for 11/19/2010, at 09:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston RE: #24 Proposed Discovery Plan/Scheduling Order. The parties are directed to call into the court's meet me line at (702)868-4906, conference code 123456.(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MXS)
November 5, 2010 Filing 24 PROPOSED Discovery Plan/Scheduling Order filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Williamson, Peter)
June 22, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 23 ORDER granting #21 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Holly L. Gibeaut for Taser International, Inc. and approving Designation of Attorney Peter Angulo as Local Counsel. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 6/22/10. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)
June 22, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 22 ORDER granting #20 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Michael A. Brave for Taser International, Inc. and approving Designation of Attorney Peter M. Angulo as Local Counsel. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 6/22/10. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)
June 22, 2010 Filing 21 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Holly L. Gibeaut and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo (Filing fee $ 175 receipt number 0978-1650504) filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 6/22/2010. (Angulo, Peter)
June 22, 2010 Filing 20 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Michael A. Brave and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo (Filing fee $ 175 receipt number 0978-1650503) filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 6/22/2010. (Angulo, Peter)
May 27, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 19 ORDER granting #16 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Attorney J. Curtis Greene for Taser International, Inc. and approving Attorney Peter M. Angulo as Designation of Local Counsel. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 5/26/10. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)
May 27, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 18 ORDER granting #17 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Attorney John R. Maley for Taser International, Inc. and approving Attorney Peter M. Angulo as Designation of Local Counsel. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 5/26/10. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)
May 26, 2010 Filing 17 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by John R. Maley and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo (Filing fee $ 175 receipt number 0978-1622572) filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 5/26/2010. (Angulo, Peter)
May 26, 2010 Filing 16 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by J. Curtis Greene and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Peter M. Angulo (Filing fee $ 175 receipt number 0978-1622554) filed by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. Motion ripe 5/26/2010. (Angulo, Peter)
May 5, 2010 Filing 15 CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by Taser International, Inc.. There are no known interested parties other than those participating in the case. (Angulo, Peter)
April 26, 2010 Filing 14 STATEMENT of Taser International, Inc. Corporate Disclosure Statement by Defendant Taser International, Inc.. (Angulo, Peter)
April 26, 2010 Filing 13 ANSWER to #1 Complaint, with Jury Demand filed by Taser International, Inc.. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 5/6/2010. Discovery Plan/Scheduling Order due by 6/10/2010.(Angulo, Peter)
March 9, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 12 ORDER Granting #11 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Attorney John Burton and approving Designation of Local Counsel for Attorney John Snow for Plaintiffs. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 3/9/10. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ASB)
March 8, 2010 Filing 11 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by John Burton and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel John Snow (Filing fee $ 175 receipt number 0978-1541464) filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Motion ripe 3/8/2010. (Williamson, Peter)
February 25, 2010 Filing 10 CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. There are no known interested parties other than those participating in the case. (Williamson, Peter)
February 12, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 9 ORDER Granting #8 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Peter M. Williamson and approving Designation of Local Counsel for Attorney John Snow for Plaintiffs. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 2/12/10. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ASB)
February 12, 2010 Filing 8 VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Peter M. Williamson and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel John Snow (Filing fee $ 175 receipt number 0978-1519621) filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Motion ripe 2/12/2010. (Williamson, Peter)
January 21, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 7 ORDER granting #6 Motion to Appoint Guardian ad Litem. Tanya A. Jensen and Nick Jensen are appointed Guardians ad Litem for R. J. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 1/21/10. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)
December 31, 2009 Filing 6 MOTION to Appoint Guardian ad Litem by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. Motion ripe 12/31/2009. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Snow, John)
December 31, 2009 Filing 5 Summons Issued as to Taser International, Inc. re #1 Complaint. (ECS)
December 31, 2009 Filing 4 PROPOSED SUMMONS to be issued to Taser International, Inc., filed by Plaintiffs Nick Jensen, Tanya Jensen, Randy Rich. (Snow, John)
December 30, 2009 Filing 3 NOTICE TO COUNSEL PURSUANT TO LOCAL RULE IA 10-2. Counsel Peter M. Williamson and John Burton to comply with completion and electronic filing of the Designation of Local Counsel and Verified Petition. For your convenience, click on the following link to obtain the form from the Court's website - Counsel is also required to register for the Court's Case Management and Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) system and the electronic service of pleadings. Please visit the Court's website to register Attorney(s). Verified Petition due by 2/13/2010.(no image attached) (ASB)
December 30, 2009 Filing 2 NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL RULE IB 2-2: In accordance with 28 USC 636(c) and FRCP 73, the parties in this action are provided with a link to the "AO 85 Notice of Availability, Consent, and Order of Reference - Exercise of Jurisdiction by a U.S. Magistrate Judge" form on the Court's website - Consent forms should NOT be electronically filed. Upon consent of all parties, counsel are advised to manually file the form with the Clerk's Office. (no image attached) (ASB)
December 30, 2009 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Taser (Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0978-1479977), filed by Tanya Jensen, Nick Jensen, Randy Rich. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 1/9/2010. Proof of service due by 4/29/2010. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet, #2 Summons)(Snow, John)
December 30, 2009 NOTICE of Docket Correction to #1 Complaint, Summons : ERROR: Summons not issued, Wrong form used; CORRECTION: Attorney John Snow advised to download and complete updated "AO 440 (Rev. 12/09) Summons in a Civil Action" form from Court's Website and refile as a separate event using "Proposed Summons to be Issued" event, found under the under the Service of Process category. (no image attached)(SRK)
December 30, 2009 Case assigned to Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr and Magistrate Judge Robert J. Johnston. (ASB)

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Plaintiff: Randy Rich
Represented By: John Burton
Represented By: John A. Snow
Represented By: Peter M Williamson
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Plaintiff: Nick Jensen
Represented By: John Burton
Represented By: John A. Snow
Represented By: Peter M Williamson
Represented By: Richard H Reeve
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Plaintiff: Tanya Jensen
Represented By: John Burton
Represented By: John A. Snow
Represented By: Peter M Williamson
Represented By: Richard H Reeve
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Defendant: Taser International, Inc.
Represented By: Damon R. Leichty
Represented By: Holly L. Gibeaut
Represented By: J. Curtis Greene
Represented By: John Jerry Glas
Represented By: John R. Maley
Represented By: Michael A. Brave
Represented By: Peter Maitland Angulo
Represented By: David T Ballard
Represented By: Pamela B Petersen
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