WPIX, Inc. et al v. IVI, Inc. et al Featured Case
Plaintiff: WPIX, Inc., WNET.ORG, American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., The CW Television Stations Inc., NBC Universal, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Universal Network Television, LLC, Telemundo Network Group LLC, NBC Telemundo License Company, Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, MLB Advanced Media, L.P., Cox Media Group, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Fox Television Stations, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Telefutura Network, WGBH Educational Foundation, THIRTEEN and Public Broadcasting Service
Defendant: IVI, Inc. and Todd Weaver
Case Number: 1:2010cv07415
Filed: September 28, 2010
Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
Office: Foley Square Office
County: New York
Presiding Judge: Naomi Reice Buchwald
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
Cause of Action: 17 U.S.C. § 101
Jury Demanded By: None
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on August 15, 2011. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
May 16, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 62 ORDER. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that pursuant to this Court's Order, entered on April 19, 2011, Plaintiffs may post a cash deposit with the Clerk of the Court in the amount of $10,000.00 in lieu of a bond. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 5/2/11) (rjm)
May 10, 2011 Filing 61 MEMO ENDORSEMENT on 31 NOTICE OF MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PARTICIPATE AMICI. ENDORSEMENT: Application granted. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 5/10/2011) (jpo)
May 10, 2011 Filing 60 MEMO ENDORSEMENT on NOTICE OF CROSS-MOTION TO TRANSFER PURSUANT TO 28 USC 1404 AND TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF PERSONAL JURISDICTION. ENDORSEMENT: Denied on the record at oral argument on February 2, 2011. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 5/10/2011) (jpo)
April 18, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 59 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER denying 37 Motion to Stay. Plaintiffs are hereby ordered to post a bond in accordance with this opinion within one week. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 4/18/11) Copies Mailed By Chambers. (cd)
March 28, 2011 Filing 58 RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. No Corporate Parent. Document filed by IVI, Inc..(Bierman, Ellen)
March 25, 2011 Filing 57 ANSWER to Amended Complaint with JURY DEMAND. Document filed by IVI, Inc.. Related document: 42 Amended Complaint,,,,,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, WPIX, Inc., NBC Telemundo License LLC, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Cox Media Group, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, CBS Broadcasting Inc., The CW Television Stations Inc..(Bierman, Ellen)
March 22, 2011 Filing 56 REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Handwerker, Gavin)
March 22, 2011 Filing 55 DECLARATION of Todd Weaver in Support re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Handwerker, Gavin)
March 18, 2011 Filing 54 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,. Corrected. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Telemundo License LLC, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
March 18, 2011 Filing 53 DECLARATION of Steven Segaller in Opposition re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Telemundo License LLC, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, WPIX, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Zimroth, Peter)
March 18, 2011 Filing 52 DECLARATION of Martin P. Messinger in Opposition re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Telemundo License LLC, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, WPIX, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Zimroth, Peter)
March 18, 2011 Filing 51 DECLARATION of Marsha L. Reed in Opposition re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Telemundo License LLC, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, WPIX, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Zimroth, Peter)
March 18, 2011 Filing 50 DECLARATION of Jane Sunderland in Opposition re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Telemundo License LLC, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, WPIX, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Zimroth, Peter)
March 18, 2011 Filing 49 DECLARATION of Jaime Rodriguez in Opposition re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Telemundo License LLC, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, WPIX, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Zimroth, Peter)
March 18, 2011 Filing 48 DECLARATION of Carly Seabrook in Opposition re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Telemundo License LLC, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, WPIX, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Zimroth, Peter)
March 18, 2011 Filing 47 DECLARATION of Christopher Scott Morrow in Opposition re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Telemundo License LLC, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, WPIX, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2)(Zimroth, Peter)
March 18, 2011 Filing 46 FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT DOCKET ENTRY - MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Telemundo License LLC, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter) Modified on 3/21/2011 (ldi).
March 14, 2011 Filing 44 SUPPLEMENTAL RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Telemundo License LLC, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC, WPIX, Inc..(Zimroth, Peter)
March 11, 2011 Filing 43 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST for proceedings held on February 2, 2011 before Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver.(Handwerker, Gavin)
March 10, 2011 Filing 42 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT amending 1 Complaint against IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver.Document filed by CBS Broadcasting Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., WPIX, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Disney Enterprises, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, The CW Television Stations Inc., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., THIRTEEN, The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Universal Network Television, LLC, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Public Broadcasting Service, WNET.ORG, NBC Universal, Inc., Telemundo Network Group LLC, Telefutura Network, NBC Studios, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, MLB Advanced Media, L.P., Univision Television Group, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., NBC Telemundo License LLC, Open 4 Business Productions LLC, WNJU-TV Broadcasting LLC. Related document: 1 Complaint,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, CBS Broadcasting Inc., The CW Television Stations Inc. (mro) (Additional attachment(s) added on 3/14/2011: # 1 Exhibits 1-7, # 2 Exhibits 8-41, # 3 Exhibits 42-80, # 4 Exhibits 81-100, # 5 Exhibits 101-113 Part 1, # 6 Exhibits 101-113 Part 2) (ama).
March 9, 2011 Filing 45 TRANSCRIPT of proceedings held on February 2, 2011 12:15 p.m. before Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald. (ajc)
March 9, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 41 STIPULATION AND ORDER, that Plaintiffs may file a First Amended Complaint. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 3/7/2011) (lnl)
March 1, 2011 Filing 40 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Handwerker, Gavin)
March 1, 2011 Filing 39 DECLARATION of Ellen M. Bierman in Support re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1- PC Magazine, # 2 Errata 2- Cisco IPTV Headend)(Handwerker, Gavin)
March 1, 2011 Filing 38 DECLARATION of Stephen Graham in Support re: 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Handwerker, Gavin)
March 1, 2011 Filing 37 MOTION to Stay re: 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver.(Handwerker, Gavin)
March 1, 2011 Appeal Record Sent to USCA (Electronic File). Certified Indexed record on Appeal Electronic Files for 24 Declaration in Opposition to Motion,, filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver, 13 Declaration in Support of Motion,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, CBS Broadcasting Inc., The CW Television Stations Inc., 18 CROSS MOTION to Transfer Case and.CROSS MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction. filed by Todd Weaver, IVI, Inc., 16 Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, 33 Amicus Curiae Appearance filed by Open Technology Inititiave, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Access Project, Public Knowledge, 9 Declaration in Support of Motion,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, The CW Television Stations Inc., 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction. filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, The CW Television Stations Inc., 7 Declaration in Support of Motion,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, The CW Television Stations Inc., 35 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,, 3 Notice of Case Assignment/Reassignment, 5 Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, The CW Television Stations Inc., 31 MOTION to File Amicus Brief. filed by Open Technology Inititiave, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Access Project, Public Knowledge, 8 Declaration in Support of Motion,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, The CW Television Stations Inc., 15 Certificate of Service Other,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, The CW Television Stations Inc., 36 Notice of Appeal filed by Todd Weaver, IVI, Inc., 14 MOTION for Lawrence D. Graham and Ellen M. Bierman to Appear Pro Hac Vice. filed by Todd Weaver, IVI, Inc., 30 Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion filed by Todd Weaver, IVI, Inc., 22 Declaration in Opposition to Motion filed by Todd Weaver, IVI, Inc., 34 Certificate of Service Other, filed by Open Technology Inititiave, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Access Project, Public Knowledge, 2 Rule 7.1 Corporate Disclosure Statement,,,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, The CW Television Stations Inc., 32 Rule 7.1 Corporate Disclosure Statement filed by Open Technology Inititiave, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Access Project, Public Knowledge, 26 Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, The CW Television Stations Inc., 20 Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion filed by Todd Weaver, IVI, Inc., 25 Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, 1 Complaint,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, The CW Television Stations Inc., 27 Declaration in Support of Motion,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Telefutura Network, WNET.ORG, Telemundo Network Group LLC, Universal Network Television, LLC, THIRTEEN, NBC Telemundo License Company, WPIX, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., NBC Studios, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Public Broadcasting Service, Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Univision Television Group, Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, The CW Television Stations Inc., 28 Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Motion,,, filed by NBC Universal, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Fox Television Stations, Inc., WGBH Educa
March 1, 2011 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Certified Copy of Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re: 36 Notice of Appeal. (nd)
March 1, 2011 Transmission of Notice of Appeal to the District Judge re: 36 Notice of Appeal. (nd)
February 28, 2011 Filing 36 NOTICE OF APPEAL from 35 Memorandum Order. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. Filing fee $ 455.00, receipt number E 930693. (nd)
February 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 35 MEMORANDUM ORDER: Thus, plaintiffs motion for a preliminary injunction is granted and it is hereby ORDERED that defendants and their officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys who receive actual notice of this injunction by personal service or otherwise, and all other persons who are in active concert or participation with any of them who receive actual notice of this injunction by personal service or otherwise, are hereby ENJOINED from infringing by any means, directly or indirectly, any of plaintiffs exclusive rights under Section 106(1)-(5) of the Copyright Act, including but not limited to through the streaming over mobile telephone systems and/or the Internet of any of the broadcast television programming in which any plaintiff owns a copyright.. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 2/22/2011) Copies Mailed By Chambers. (jpo)
February 2, 2011 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald: Oral Argument held on 2/2/2011. (ab)
February 1, 2011 Filing 34 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of Motion for Leave to File Amici with supporting Declaration, motion and proposed Amici brief, Rule 7.1 Statement, and Appearance served on WPIX, Inc., ivi, Inc., and Todd Weaver on 1/31/2011. Document filed by Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Access Project, Open Technology Inititiave, Public Knowledge. (Klear, Jennifer)
January 31, 2011 Filing 33 Amicus Curiae APPEARANCE entered by Jennifer Alison Klear on behalf of Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Access Project, Open Technology Inititiave, Public Knowledge.(Klear, Jennifer)
January 31, 2011 Filing 32 RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. no Corporate Parent. Document filed by Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Access Project, Open Technology Inititiave, Public Knowledge.(Klear, Jennifer)
January 31, 2011 Filing 31 MOTION to File Amicus Brief. Document filed by Public Knowledge, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Access Project, Open Technology Inititiave. Return Date set for 2/2/2011 at 09:00 AM. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Jennifer A. Klear in Support of Motion for Leave to File Amici (10 Civ. 07415) (NRB), # 2 Motion for Leave to File Amici (10 Civ. 07415)(NRB), # 3 Exhibit Amici Brief in Support of Defendants (10 Civ. 07415)(NRB))(Klear, Jennifer)
November 10, 2010 Filing 30 REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 18 CROSS MOTION to Transfer Case and.CROSS MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Handwerker, Gavin)
November 3, 2010 Filing 29 DECLARATION of Christopher Scott Morrow in Opposition re: 18 CROSS MOTION to Transfer Case and.CROSS MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9)(Zimroth, Peter)
November 3, 2010 Filing 28 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re: 18 CROSS MOTION to Transfer Case and.CROSS MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
October 29, 2010 Filing 27 DECLARATION of CHRISTOPHER SCOTT MORROW in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5)(Zimroth, Peter)
October 29, 2010 Filing 26 REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
October 27, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 25 ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE ON WRITTEN MOTION granting 17 Motion for Robert Alan Garrett to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Plaintiffs. Counsel shall forward the pro hac vice fee to the Clerk of Court. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 10/26/10) (djc)
October 22, 2010 Filing 24 DECLARATION of Ellen M. Bierman, Esq. in Opposition re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit EX4 (excerpts HR 94-1476), # 2 Exhibit EX5 (56 FR 31580), # 3 Exhibit EX6 (57 FR 3284), # 4 Exhibit EX7 (iCrave Complaint)), # 5 Exhibit EX8 (SOA Companies), # 6 Exhibit EX9 (Bayland), # 7 Exhibit EX10 (Consolidated), # 8 Exhibit EX11 (Arkwest Communications), # 9 Exhibit EX12 (Allendale), # 10 Exhibit EX13 (Surewest), # 11 Exhibit EX14 (United Communications), # 12 Exhibit EX15 (Sky Angel Decision), # 13 Exhibit EX16 General instructions, # 14 Exhibit EX17 (SHVERA), # 15 Exhibit EX18 FCC database)(Handwerker, Gavin)
October 22, 2010 Filing 23 DECLARATION of Stephen Graham in Opposition re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit EX2 (internet by FCC), # 2 Exhibit EX3 FCC email)(Handwerker, Gavin)
October 22, 2010 Filing 22 DECLARATION of Todd Weaver in Opposition re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit EX1 (Hulu - Screenshots (Portrait)))(Handwerker, Gavin)
October 22, 2010 Filing 21 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Handwerker, Gavin)
October 21, 2010 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on 17 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice,,, in the amount of $25.00, paid on 10/18/2010, Receipt Number 917597. (jd)
October 20, 2010 Filing 20 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 18 CROSS MOTION to Transfer Case and.CROSS MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Handwerker, Gavin)
October 20, 2010 Filing 19 DECLARATION of Todd Weaver in Support re: 18 CROSS MOTION to Transfer Case and.CROSS MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction.. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit 7)(Handwerker, Gavin)
October 20, 2010 Filing 18 CROSS MOTION to Transfer Case and., CROSS MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver.(Handwerker, Gavin)
October 18, 2010 Filing 17 MOTION for Robert Alan Garrett to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc..(mbe)
October 18, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 16 ORDER ADMITTING COUNSEL PRO HAC VICE. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that Lawrence D. Graham and Ellen M. Bierman are admitted to practice pro hac vice as counsel for Defendants ivi, Inc. and Todd Weaver, in the above-captioned case in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. granting 14 Motion for Lawrence D. Graham and Ellen M. Bierman to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 10/14/10) (rjm)
October 14, 2010 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on 14 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice in the amount of $50.00, paid on 10/08/2010, Receipt Number 917058. (jd)
October 13, 2010 Filing 15 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Boccanfuso, Anthony)
October 8, 2010 Filing 14 MOTION for Lawrence D. Graham and Ellen M. Bierman to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Document filed by IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver.(mro)
October 8, 2010 Filing 13 DECLARATION of Eric Meyrowitz in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
October 8, 2010 Filing 12 DECLARATION of Jaime Rodriguez in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
October 8, 2010 Filing 11 DECLARATION of Stephen Segaller in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
October 8, 2010 Filing 10 DECLARATION of Eric Brass in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
October 8, 2010 Filing 9 DECLARATION of Therese M. Weiler in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
October 8, 2010 Filing 8 DECLARATION of Martin D. Franks in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
October 8, 2010 Filing 7 DECLARATION of Benjamin N. Pyne in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
October 8, 2010 Filing 6 DECLARATION of Christopher Scott Morrow in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6 Part 1, # 7 Exhibit 6 Part 2, # 8 Exhibit 7, # 9 Exhibit 8, # 10 Exhibit 9 Part 1, # 11 Exhibit 9 Part 2, # 12 Exhibit 10, # 13 Exhibit 11)(Zimroth, Peter)
October 8, 2010 Filing 5 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.. (Zimroth, Peter)
October 8, 2010 Filing 4 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc..(Zimroth, Peter)
October 7, 2010 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald: Telephone Conference held on 10/7/2010. (mro)
September 30, 2010 Filing 3 NOTICE OF CASE REASSIGNMENT to Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald. Judge Paul A. Crotty is no longer assigned to the case. (ldi)
September 28, 2010 Filing 2 RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. Identifying Tribune Broadcasting Company; Tribune Broadcasting Holdco, LLC; Tribune Company; Disney Enterprises, Inc.; The Walt Disney Company; CBS Corporation; National Amusements, Inc.; CBS Corporation; General Electric Corporation; Vivendi, S.A.; NBC Universal Inc.; Cox Enterprises, Inc.; Fisher Communications, Inc.; News Corportion; Tribune Broadcasting Company; Tribune Broadcasting Holdco, LLC; PTI Holdings, Inc.; Univision Communication, Inc.; Broadcast Media Partners Holdings, Inc.; Univision Communication Inc.; Univision Networks & Studios, Inc.; Broadcast Media partners Holdings, Inc.; WNET.ORG; as Corporate Parent. Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., Fox Television Stations, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., NBC Studios, Inc., NBC Telemundo License Company, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Public Broadcasting Service, THIRTEEN, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, The CW Television Stations Inc., The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Network Television, LLC, Univision Television Group, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, WNET.ORG, WPIX, Inc.(ama)
September 28, 2010 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (Filing Fee $ 350.00, Receipt Number 916291)Document filed by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CBS Broadcasting Inc., Cox Media Group, Inc., Tribune Television Holdings, Inc., CBS Studios, Inc., THIRTEEN, WPIX, Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation, Universal Network Television, LLC, The Univision Network Limited Partnership, Disney Enterprises, Inc., Tribune Television Northwest, Inc., Public Broadcasting Service, WNET.ORG, NBC Universal, Inc., Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Telefutura Network, Telemundo Network Group LLC, NBC Studios, Inc., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, NBC Telemundo License Company, Univision Television Group, Inc., MLB Advanced Media, L.P., Fox Television Stations, Inc., Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C., The CW Television Stations Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5-28, # 6 Exhibit 29-55)(ama)
September 28, 2010 Mailed notice to Register of Copyrights to report the filing of this action. (ama)
September 28, 2010 Case Designated ECF. (ama)
September 28, 2010 Magistrate Judge Gabriel W. Gorenstein is so designated. (ama)
September 28, 2010 SUMMONS ISSUED as to IVI, Inc., Todd Weaver. (ama)

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Plaintiff: The CW Television Stations Inc.
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Plaintiff: Universal Network Television, LLC
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Plaintiff: Telemundo Network Group LLC
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Plaintiff: Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball
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Plaintiff: MLB Advanced Media, L.P.
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Plaintiff: Cox Media Group, Inc.
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Plaintiff: Fisher Broadcasting-Seattle TV, L.L.C.
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Plaintiff: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
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Plaintiff: Fox Television Stations, Inc.
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Plaintiff: Tribune Television Holdings, Inc.
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Plaintiff: Tribune Television Northwest, Inc.
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Plaintiff: Univision Television Group, Inc.
Represented By: Robert Alan Garrett
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Plaintiff: The Univision Network Limited Partnership
Represented By: Robert Alan Garrett
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Plaintiff: Telefutura Network
Represented By: Robert Alan Garrett
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Plaintiff: WGBH Educational Foundation
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Plaintiff: THIRTEEN
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Plaintiff: Public Broadcasting Service
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Defendant: IVI, Inc.
Represented By: Ellen M. Bierman
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Defendant: Todd Weaver
Represented By: Ellen M. Bierman
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