August 1, 2013 |
JUDGMENT with attached Notice of Disposal in favor of Bloomer, Hogan, Klopfenstein, State of Ohio, Alan Mattingly, Ernie Moore, Gary Croft, Lawrence Mack, Mona Parks, Paul Shoemaker, Rudolph Divins, Tim Schweitzer, William Eleby against Adam Chasteen. Case Terminated. Signed on 8/1/2013. (kf)
June 24, 2013 |
SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS - Having reconsidered the matter upon recommittal, the Magistrate Judge again respectfully recommends that the Complaint herein be dismissed with prejudice as barred by the statute of limitations to the extent it seeks monetary damages against the Defendants in their individual capacities, dismissed without prejudice for lack of subject matter jurisdiction against the Defendants in their official capacities, and dismissed with prejudice on account of mootness to the extent it seeks injunctive relief. Objections to R&R due by 7/11/2013. Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael R Merz on 6/24/2013. (kpf1)
June 12, 2013 |
RECOMMITTAL ORDER re 32 Objection to Report and Recommendations filed by Adam Chasteen. Signed by Judge Thomas M Rose on 6/11/2013. (kf)
May 21, 2013 |
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS - It is respectfully recommended that Plaintiff's Complaint against Defendants in their official capacities be dismissed without prejudice for lack of subject matter jurisdiction by virtue of the Eleventh Amendment, t hat his claims for injunctive relief be dismissed with prejudice as moot for lack of standing, and that his claims for monetary damages be dismissed with prejudice as barred by the statute of limitationsObjections to R&R due by 6/7/2013. Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael R Merz on 5/21/2013. (kpf1)
May 20, 2013 |
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re 22 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Hogan, Klopfenstein, Alan Mattingly. Objections to R&R due by 6/6/2013. Based on the foregoing analysis, it is respectfully recommended that Pl aintiffs claims against Defendants Hogan, Mattingly, and Klopfenstein in their official capacities be dismissed without prejudice for lack of subject matter jurisdiction by virtue of the Eleventh Amendment,that his claims for injunctive relief be dismissed with prejudice as moot for lack of standing, and that his claims for monetary damages against these Defendants be dismissed with prejudice as barred by the statute of limitations. Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael R Merz on 5/20/2013. (kf)
April 25, 2013 |
ORDER TO PRO SE PLAINTIFF UPON FILING OF MOTION TO DISMISS OR MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. You are hereby notified that Defendants Croft, Eleby, Moore, Parks and Shoemaker filed with the Court on April 24, 2013, a motion to dismiss in this case Doc [ 26]. You should receive a copy of the motion directly from Defendants. Under the rules of this Court (S.D. Ohio L.R. 7.2) you are allowed twenty-one days from the date of service (April 24, 2013) within which to file a response to this motion, plus a n extra three days because of the way the motion was sent to you. Since your response date falls on a Saturday, your time to file your response with the Court is not later than May 20, 2013. Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael R Merz on 4/25/2013. (kf)
April 22, 2013 |
ORDER TO PRO SE PLAINTIFF UPON FILING OF MOTION TO DISMISS OR MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT re 22 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Hogan, Klopfenstein, Alan Mattingly. Under the rules of this Court (S.D. Ohio L. R. 7.2) you are allowed twenty-one days from the date of service (April 22, 2013) within which to file a response to this motion, plus an extra three days because of the way the motion was sent to you. Your response must be filed with the Court not later than May 16, 2013. Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael R Merz on 4/22/2013. (kf)
April 18, 2013 |
ORDER GRANTING PACER FEE EXCEPTION. Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael R Merz on 4/18/2013. (kpf1)