A., Brian, et al v. Bredesen, et al
Plaintiff: Brian A., Bobbi Jean Brooks, Tracy B., Pamela Pallas, Jack C., Charles C., Linda Lloyd, Amy D., Frank Koon, Denise E., Charlette F., Juanita Veasy, Terry G., Carol Oldham, Andrew H., Laura Hash, Kenneth I., Russell Morel, Nancy J., Donna K., Kiera L. and Joshua M.
Defendant: Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway, Phil Bredesen and Viola Miller
Interested Party: Shiela Agneil and Department of Children's Services
Amicus Curiae: Attorney John Michael Thompson
Intervenor: Class of Minors
Case Number: 3:2000cv00445
Filed: May 10, 2000
Court: U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee
Office: Nashville Office
Presiding Judge: Joe Brown
Referring Judge: Waverly D Crenshaw
Nature of Suit: Civil Rights: Other
Cause of Action: 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act
Jury Demanded By: None
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on February 25, 2019. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
February 25, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 601 ORDER: Based on these findings and the entire record in this case, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that this Court's jurisdiction over this case is hereby TERMINATED and this case is DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE in all respects. The Court further finds that, as dismissal is based on the merits, this is not a settlement, voluntary dismissal or compromise, and, therefore, separate notice to the class is not required. Signed by Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 2/25/19. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(dt)
February 19, 2019 Filing 600 NOTICE by Department of Children's Services Defendants' Notice of Final Payment of Attorneys' Fees to Plaintiffs' Counsel and Request for Entry of Order Dismissing Case and Terminating Jurisdiction (Lakey, Jonathan)
January 18, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 599 ORDER granting #596 Motion for Attorney Fees. Within 30 days of the entry of this ORDER, and before the court enters a final order dismissing this action, Defendants shall pay a total of $35,142.84 to Children's Rights, in complete payment and settlement of all fees and expenses for the period from July 19, 2017 to December 31, 2018. Signed by Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 1/18/19. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(dt)
January 17, 2019 Filing 598 UNOPPOSED NOTICE of Compliance With Section XIX of 2017 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan, And Request For Entry Of Order Dismissing Case And Terminating Jurisdiction filed by Department of Children's Services. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A-[proposed] Order Dismissing Case With Prejudice And Terminating Jurisdiction)(Lakey, Jonathan) Modified on 1/18/2019 (dt).
January 16, 2019 Filing 597 DECLARATION of Ira Lustbader filed by Brian A. re: #596 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Summary Charts of Fees and Expenses, #2 Exhibit B: Monitoring Timeslips, #3 Exhibit C: Expenses, #4 Exhibit D: Fees on Fees Timeslips, #5 Exhibit E: Attorney Resumes)(Lustbader, Ira)
January 16, 2019 Filing 596 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Proposed Order for Attorneys' Fees and Expenses)(Lustbader, Ira)
December 19, 2018 Filing 595 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the External Accountability Center Report No. 3 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Brian A. External Accountability Center Report No. 3)(Lustbader, Ira)
June 7, 2018 Filing 594 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the External Accountability Center Report No. 2 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Brian A. External Accountability Center Report No. 2)(Lustbader, Ira)
December 14, 2017 Filing 593 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the External Accountability Center Report No. 1 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Brian A. External Accountability Center Report No. 1)(Lustbader, Ira)
November 27, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 592 ORDER: Having duly considered all papers submitted in connection with Plaintiffs' motion for approval of attorneys' fees and expenses, the Court hereby GRANTS Plaintiffs' Unopposed Motion (Doc. No. #590 ) pursuant to Section XX of the April 2017 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan (Doc. No. #588 ), Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(h), Local Civil Rule 54.01(b), and 42 U.S.C. 1988. Within thirty days of the entry of this Order, Defendants shall pay a total of $226,428.63 to Children's Rights, in complete payment and settlement of all attorneys' fees and expenses for the period from November 1, 2016 to July 18, 2017. Signed by Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 11/27/17. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(dt)
November 8, 2017 Filing 591 DECLARATION of Ira Lustbader filed by Brian A. re: #590 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Summary Charts of Fees and Expenses, #2 Exhibit B: Monitoring Timeslips, #3 Exhibit C: Expenses, #4 Exhibit D: Fees on Fees Timeslips, #5 Exhibit E: Attorney Resumes)(Lustbader, Ira)
November 8, 2017 Filing 590 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Proposed Order for Attorneys' Fees and Expenses)(Lustbader, Ira)
June 22, 2017 Filing 587 JOINT MOTION for an Order Partially Terminating Jurisdiction and Partially Dismissing Case With Prejudice. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Performance Measures/Required Provisions, #2 Exhibit B: Factual Examples of Compliance)(Lustbader, Ira) Modified on 6/23/2017 (dt).
June 12, 2017 Filing 586 Transcript filed for date of June 8, 2017 before Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw Jr.. Court Reporter: Lise Matthews, 615-589-7601, lise_matthews@tnmd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE TRANSCRIPT AND REQUEST REDACTION OF CONTENT CLASSIFIED AS PRIVATE UNDER THE NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR, ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 2008, AVAILABLE ON THE COURT'S WEBSITE UNDER THE CM-ECF LINK at: http://www.tnmd.uscourts.gov/files/20091201Notice_to_the_Bar_Transcripts.pdf. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 6/19/2017. Redaction Request due 7/3/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 7/13/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/11/2017. (Matthews, Lise)
June 8, 2017 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr: Status Conference held on 6/8/2017. Counsel Present: Jacqueline B. Dixon, Ira P. Lustbader, Daniele Gerard, Jonathan P. Lakey and Alexander Stuart Rieger. Court to take matter under advisement. Order to enter. (Court Reporter Lise Matthews.) (afs)
June 8, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 585 ORDER: As discussed at the June 8, 2017 status conference, the parties are ORDERED to file appropriate motions for the relief they seek and a joint status report on or before June 22, 2017, including: (1) a chronology of the case, citing significant case developments with citation to the docket; (2) a synopsis of the case, the underlying claims, class action developments and the progress of compliance with the settlement terms; and (3) the scope of review the Court must give to the motions that the parties submitted and identify the Courts authority to act as requested by the parties. The parties may submit any other significant information that will aid the Court. The parties should keep in mind that undersigned has not had the years of experience with this case as have the parties. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 6/8/17. (af)
June 7, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 584 ORDER: The status conference currently scheduled for June 8, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. is RESCHEDULED for 3:00 p.m. on June 8, 2017. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 6/7/2017. (eh)
June 6, 2017 Filing 583 NOTICE by Phil Bredesen, Department of Children's Services, Viola Miller, Donald Sundquist Notice of Compliance (Attachments: #1 Attachment Proposed Order of Dismissal)(Rieger, Alexander)
May 24, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 582 ORDER: The Joint Motion to Reschedule Status Conference (Doc. No. #581 ) is GRANTED. The status conference currently scheduled for May 30, 2017 is RESCHEDULED for June 8, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 5/24/2017. (hb)
May 22, 2017 Filing 581 Joint MOTION to Continue Status Conference by Phil Bredesen, Department of Children's Services, Viola Miller. (Rieger, Alexander)
May 19, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 580 ORDER: Due to the Court's schedule, the status conference is RESCHEDULED for May 30, 2017 at 2:00 p.m IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 5/19/2017. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
May 16, 2017 Filing 579 STIPULATION Joint Stipulation Seeking Court Approval of Proposed April 2017 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Proposed April 2017 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan, #2 Exhibit B: Format and Content Areas of the External Accountability Center)(Gerard, Daniele)
May 15, 2017 Filing 578 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee Monitoring Report (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee Monitoring Report)(Lustbader, Ira)
April 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 577 ORDER granting #573 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. Within 30 days of the entry of this ORDER, Defendants shall pay a total of $135,231.47 to Children's Rights, in complete payment and settlement of all fees and expenses for the period from November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2016. Signed by District Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 4/5/2017. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
April 5, 2017 TN State Bar status verified as active for Alexander Stuart Rieger. (hb)
April 4, 2017 Filing 576 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee Monitoring Report (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee Monitoring Report)(Lustbader, Ira)
April 4, 2017 Filing 575 NOTICE of Appearance by Alexander Stuart Rieger on behalf of All Defendants (Rieger, Alexander)
March 16, 2017 Filing 574 DECLARATION of Ira Lustbader filed by Brian A. re: #573 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Summary Charts of Fees and Expenses, #2 Exhibit B: Monitoring Timeslips, #3 Exhibit C: Expenses, #4 Exhibit D: Fees on Fees Timeslips, #5 Exhibit E: Attorney Resumes)(Lustbader, Ira)
March 16, 2017 Filing 573 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Proposed Order for Attorneys' Fees and Expenses)(Lustbader, Ira)
February 2, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 572 ORDER: Status Conference set for 5/26/2017 09:00 AM in Courtroom A859 before District Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw Jr. Signed by District Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 2/2/2017. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
January 19, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 571 ORDER granting #570 Motion for atty Daniele Gerard to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Joe Brown on 1/19/17. (rd)
January 19, 2017 NY State Bar status verified as active for Daniele Gerard. (hb)
January 18, 2017 Filing 570 MOTION for attorney(s) Daniele Gerard to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $75 PHV fee; receipt number 0650-2362025) by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Attachment Certificate of Good Standing from USDC/SDNY)(Lustbader, Ira)
January 10, 2017 Case Reassigned to District Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr. District Judge Todd J. Campbell no longer assigned to the case per his retirement. (af)
November 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 569 ORDER: The parties have filed Status Reports (Docket Nos. #567 and #568 ). The hearing scheduled for November 18, 2016, is CANCELLED. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 11/14/2016. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
November 1, 2016 Filing 568 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. Plaintiffs' Status Report (Russo, Sarah)
November 1, 2016 Filing 567 NOTICE of Filing by Department of Children's Services of the Status of the Case (Campbell, Martha)
September 16, 2016 Filing 566 NOTICE by Brian A. Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance of Sarah Russo (Russo, Sarah)
September 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 565 ORDER: Pending before the Court is a Joint Motion to Reschedule Status Conference (Docket No. #564 ). The Motion is GRANTED, and the Status Conference set for October 5, 2016, is CONTINUED until November 18, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. By November 1, 2016, the parties shall file written summaries of the status of the case. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 9/13/2016. (hb) Modified text on 9/13/2016 (hb).
September 12, 2016 Filing 564 Joint MOTION to Continue Status Conference by Brian A.. (Russo, Sarah)
September 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 563 ORDER: Because of scheduling conflicts, the Status Conference set for September 22, 2016, is continued until October 5th at 12:00 noon. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 9/8/2016. (hb)
July 26, 2016 Filing 562 NOTICE of Filing by Department of Children's Services Joint Notice of Filing (Attachments: #1 Exhibit TAC report 7-25-16)(Campbell, Martha)
May 26, 2016 Filing 561 NOTICE of Change of Address by Sarah Teresa Russo (Russo, Sarah)
April 27, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 560 ORDER granting #558 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 4/27/2016. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
April 26, 2016 Filing 559 DECLARATION of Ira Lustbader filed by Brian A. re: #558 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Summary Charts of Fees and Expenses, #2 Exhibit B: Monitoring Timeslips, #3 Exhibit C: Expenses, #4 Exhibit D: Fees on Fees Timeslips, #5 Exhibit E: Attorney Resumes)(Russo, Sarah)
April 26, 2016 Filing 558 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Proposed Order for Attorneys' Fees and Expenses)(Russo, Sarah)
April 21, 2016 Filing 557 Transcript filed of Status Conference for date of April 11, 2016 before Judge Todd J. Campbell. Court Reporter: Cathy Leigh, 615-512-7544, cathy_leigh@tnmd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE TRANSCRIPT AND REQUEST REDACTION OF CONTENT CLASSIFIED AS PRIVATE UNDER THE NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR, ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 2008, AVAILABLE ON THE COURT'S WEBSITE UNDER THE CM-ECF LINK at: http://www.tnmd.uscourts.gov/files/20091201Notice_to_the_Bar_Transcripts.pdf. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 4/28/2016. Redaction Request due 5/12/2016. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/23/2016. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/20/2016. (cl)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 556 ORDER: Status Conference set for 9/22/2016 at 3:00 PM before District Judge Todd J. Campbell. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 4/11/16. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(dt)
April 11, 2016 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Todd J. Campbell: Status Conference held on 4/11/2016. Next status conference to be held 9/22/16. Order to enter.(Court Reporter Cathy Leigh.)(db)
April 4, 2016 Filing 554 STIPULATION Joint Stipulation Seeking Court Approval of Proposed April 2016 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: TAC Supplement to the February 8, 2016 Monitoring Report, #2 Exhibit B: Proposed April 2016 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan, #3 Exhibit C: Proposed April 2016 MSA and Exit Plan - Redline)(Russo, Sarah)
April 4, 2016 Filing 553 NOTICE of Filing by Department of Children's Services Information Requested by the Court (Campbell, Martha)
February 8, 2016 Filing 552 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee Monitoring Report (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee Monitoring Report)(Russo, Sarah)
January 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 551 ORDER granting #550 Motion for Extension of Time to File. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 01/28/2016. (vh)
January 28, 2016 Filing 550 Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to File Monitoring Report 14 by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Excerpt of Transcript from Oct. 5, 2015 Status Conference)(Russo, Sarah)
October 9, 2015 Filing 549 Transcript filed of Status Conference for date of October 6, 2015 before Judge Todd J. Campbell. Court Reporter: Cathy Leigh, 615-512-7544, cathy_leigh@tnmd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE TRANSCRIPT AND REQUEST REDACTION OF CONTENT CLASSIFIED AS PRIVATE UNDER THE NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR, ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 2008, AVAILABLE ON THE COURT'S WEBSITE UNDER THE CM-ECF LINK at: http://www.tnmd.uscourts.gov/files/20091201Notice_to_the_Bar_Transcripts.pdf. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 10/16/2015. Redaction Request due 10/30/2015. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 11/9/2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 1/7/2016. (cl)
October 5, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 548 ORDER: Status Conference set for 4/11/2016 11:00 AM before District Judge Todd J. Campbell. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 10/5/2015. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
October 5, 2015 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Todd J. Campbell: Status Conference held on 10/5/2015. (Court Reporter Cathy Leigh.) (afs)
September 30, 2015 Filing 546 STIPULATION Joint Stipulation Seeking Court Approval of Proposed September 2015 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: TAC Supplement to the July 31, 2015 Monitoring Report, #2 Exhibit B: Proposed September 2015 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan, #3 Exhibit C: Proposed September 2015 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan - Redline)(Russo, Sarah)
July 31, 2015 Filing 545 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee Monitoring Report (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee Monitoring Report, #2 Exhibit 2: Appendices to the Monitoring Report)(Russo, Sarah)
June 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 544 ORDER: Pending before the Court is a Joint Consent Motion for Approval to Extend Time to File Monitoring Report (Docket No. #543 ). The Motion is GRANTED, and the Monitoring Report shall be filed by July 31, 2015. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 6/23/2015. (hb)
June 23, 2015 Filing 543 Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to File Monitoring Report 13 by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Excerpt of Transcript from April 13, 2015 Status Conference)(Russo, Sarah)
April 20, 2015 Filing 542 Transcript filed for dates of 4/13/15 before Judge Todd J. Campbell. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Martha Denton (615) 758-7409. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE TRANSCRIPT AND REQUEST REDACTION OF CONTENT CLASSIFIED AS PRIVATE UNDER THE NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR, ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 2008, AVAILABLE ON THE COURT'S WEBSITE UNDER THE CM-ECF LINK at: http://www.tnmd.uscourts.gov/files/20091201Notice_to_the_Bar_Transcripts.pdf. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 4/27/2015. Redaction Request due 5/11/2015. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/21/2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/20/2015. (af)
April 13, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 541 ORDER: Status Conference set for 10/5/2015 01:00 PM in Courtroom 874 before District Judge Todd J. Campbell. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 4/13/2015. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
April 13, 2015 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Todd J. Campbell: Status Conference held on 4/13/2015. Order to enter. (Court Reporter Martha Denton.) (afs)
April 7, 2015 Filing 539 STIPULATION Joint Stipulation Seeking Court Approval of Proposed April 2015 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: TAC Supplement to the Jan. 30, 2015 Monitoring Report, #2 Exhibit B: Proposed April 2015 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan, #3 Exhibit C: Proposed April 2015 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan - Redline)(Russo, Sarah)
March 27, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 538 ORDER granting #536 Motion for Attorney Fees. Within 30 days of the entry of this ORDER, Defendants shall pay a total of $186,676.94 to Children's Rights, in complete payment and settlement of all fees and expenses for the period from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 3/27/2015. (hb)
March 26, 2015 Filing 537 DECLARATION of Ira Lustbader filed by Brian A. re: #536 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Summary Charts of Fees and Expenses, #2 Exhibit B: Monitoring Timeslips, #3 Exhibit C: Expenses, #4 Exhibit D: Fees on Fees Timeslips, #5 Exhibit E: Attorney Resumes)(Russo, Sarah)
March 26, 2015 Filing 536 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Proposed Order for Attorneys' Fees and Expenses)(Russo, Sarah)
January 30, 2015 Filing 535 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee Supplemental Report (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee Supplemental Report)(Russo, Sarah)
December 18, 2014 Filing 533 STIPULATION Corrected Proposed Joint Stipulated Modification of September 19, 2014 Order and Request for Court Approval by Brian A.. (Russo, Sarah)
December 18, 2014 Filing 532 STIPULATION Proposed Joint Stipulated Modification of September 19, 2014 Order and Request for Court Approval by Brian A.. (Russo, Sarah)
September 28, 2014 Filing 531 Transcript of Status Conference filed for date of September 19, 2014 before Judge Todd J. Campbell. Court Reporter: Cathy Leigh, 615-512-7544, cathy_leigh@tnmd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE TRANSCRIPT AND REQUEST REDACTION OF CONTENT CLASSIFIED AS PRIVATE UNDER THE NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR, ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 2008, AVAILABLE ON THE COURT'S WEBSITE UNDER THE CM-ECF LINK at: http://www.tnmd.uscourts.gov/files/20091201Notice_to_the_Bar_Transcripts.pdf. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 10/6/2014. Redaction Request due 10/20/2014. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 10/29/2014. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 12/29/2014. (cl)
September 19, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 528 ORDER: Status Conference set for 4/13/2015 01:00 PM in Courtroom 874 before District Judge Todd J. Campbell. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 9/19/2014. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
September 19, 2014 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Todd J. Campbell: Status Conference held on 9/19/2014. Orders to enter.(Court Reporter Cathy Leigh.)(Bush, Doris)
September 18, 2014 Filing 527 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the TAC Supplement Related to Case Loads and Case Load Reporting and Addendum to the August 27 Supplement to the Monitoring Report (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: TAC Supplement Related to Case Loads and Case Load Reporting, #2 Exhibit 2: TAC Addendum to the August 27 Supplement to the Monitoring Report)(Russo, Sarah)
September 2, 2014 Filing 526 STIPULATION Proposed Stipulated One-Time Modification of Section XV.A of the September 2013 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan and Request for Court Approval by Brian A.. (Russo, Sarah)
September 2, 2014 Filing 525 STIPULATION Joint Stipulation Seeking Court Approval of Proposed September 2014 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - TAC Supplement to the May 31, 2014 Monitoring Report, #2 Exhibit B - Proposed September 2014 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan, #3 Exhibit C - Proposed September 2014 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan - redline)(Russo, Sarah)
June 28, 2014 Filing 524 Transcript filed of Status Conference for date of June 20, 2014 before Judge Todd J. Campbell. Court Reporter: Cathy Leigh, 615-512-7544, cathy_leigh@tnmd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE TRANSCRIPT AND REQUEST REDACTION OF CONTENT CLASSIFIED AS PRIVATE UNDER THE NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR, ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 2008, AVAILABLE ON THE COURT'S WEBSITE UNDER THE CM-ECF LINK at: http://www.tnmd.uscourts.gov/files/20091201Notice_to_the_Bar_Transcripts.pdf. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 7/7/2014. Redaction Request due 7/21/2014. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 7/29/2014. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/26/2014. (cl)
June 23, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 523 ORDER: The Court held a hearing in this case on June 20, 2014. The Court will hold a further status conference in this case on September 19, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 6/20/2014. (hb)
June 23, 2014 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Todd J. Campbell: Status Conference held on 6/23/2014. (Court Reporter Cathy Leigh.) (afs)
June 12, 2014 Filing 522 NOTICE of Filing by Department of Children's Services of the DCS Response to the January 2014 Performance Audit (Attachments: #1 Attachment DCS Response to the January 2014 Performance Audit)(Campbell, Martha)
June 12, 2014 Filing 521 NOTICE of Filing by Department of Children's Services of the TAC TFACTS update dated June 11, 2014 (Attachments: #1 Attachment TAC TFACTS update dated June 11, 2014)(Campbell, Martha)
June 12, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 520 ORDER granting #517 Motion for Sarah Teresa Russo to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Joe Brown on 6/12/2014. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
June 10, 2014 Filing 519 RECEIPT #34675031915 in the amount of $75 re #517 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (hb)
June 9, 2014 BAR STATUS for Atty. Sarah Teresa Russo of NY verified as active on this date. (hb)
June 6, 2014 Filing 518 CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING of Attorney Sarah Teresa Russo from the United States District Court for the Southern of NY filed by Brian A.. (Dixon, Jacqueline)
June 6, 2014 Filing 517 MOTION for attorney(s) Sarah Teresa Russo to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Fee not paid-due within 20 days) by Brian A.. (Dixon, Jacqueline)
June 2, 2014 Filing 516 NOTICE of Filing by Department of Children's Services of TAC Monitoring Report May 31, 2014 (Attachments: #1 Attachment TAC Monitoring Report May 31, 2014, #2 Attachment Appendices to Monitoring Report of May 31, 2014)(Campbell, Martha)
May 9, 2014 Filing 515 NOTICE of Filing by Department of Children's Services (Attachments: #1 Attachment 2013 DCS Child Death Review Annual Report)(Campbell, Martha)
April 18, 2014 Filing 514 NOTICE by Brian A. Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance of Melissa Cohen (Cohen, Melissa)
April 8, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 513 ORDER: Pending before the Court is Defendants' Unopposed Motion to Reschedule the June 6, 2014 Status Conference (Docket No. #512 ). The Motion is GRANTED, and the Status Conference set for June 6, 2014, is rescheduled until June 20, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 4/8/2014. (hb)
April 8, 2014 Filing 512 MOTION to Continue June 6, 2014 Status Conference by Department of Children's Services. (Campbell, Martha)
March 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 511 ORDER: Pending before the Court is Defendants' Unopposed Motion to Reschedule the June 6, 2014, Status Conference to June 17, 2014, if Available (Docket No. 51 0). The Motion is DENIED as the June 17, 2014 date is not available. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 3/27/2014. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
March 26, 2014 Filing 510 MOTION to Continue June 6, 2014 Status Conference by Department of Children's Services. (Campbell, Martha)
February 20, 2014 Filing 509 Letter to the Court from Sharonita L. Liles. (hb)
February 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 508 ORDER granting #505 Motion for Attorney Fees. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 2/11/2014. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
February 10, 2014 Filing 507 DECLARATION of Jacqueline Dixon filed by Brian A. re: #505 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Dixon Timesheet, #2 Exhibit B - Dixon Resume)(Cohen, Melissa)
February 10, 2014 Filing 506 DECLARATION of Ira Lustbader filed by Brian A. re: #505 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Summary Charts of Fees and Expenses, #2 Exhibit B - Monitoring Timeslips, #3 Exhibit C - Expenses, #4 Exhibit D - Fees on Fees Timeslips, #5 Exhibit E - Attorney Resumes)(Cohen, Melissa)
February 10, 2014 Filing 505 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order for Attorneys' Fees and Expenses)(Cohen, Melissa)
February 6, 2014 Filing 504 Transcript filed of Status Conference for date of September 19, 2013 before Judge Todd J. Campbell. Court Reporter: Cathy Leigh, 615-512-7544, cathy_leigh@tnmd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE TRANSCRIPT AND REQUEST REDACTION OF CONTENT CLASSIFIED AS PRIVATE UNDER THE NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR, ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 2008, AVAILABLE ON THE COURT'S WEBSITE UNDER THE CM-ECF LINK at: http://www.tnmd.uscourts.gov/files/20091201Notice_to_the_Bar_Transcripts.pdf. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 2/13/2014. Redaction Request due 2/27/2014. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 3/10/2014. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 5/7/2014. (cl)
January 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 503 ORDER: The State of Tennessee has issued a performance audit of the Department of Children's Services, dated January 2014. The parties should review the audit and be prepared to raise any concerns or suggestions at the June 6, 2014 Status Conference. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 1/27/2014. (hb)
September 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 502 ORDER: Status Conference set for 6/6/2014 12:00 NOON in Courtroom 874 before District Judge Todd J. Campbell. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 9/19/2013. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
September 19, 2013 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Todd J. Campbell: Status Conference held on 9/19/2013.(1hr/6 mins)(Court Reporter Cathy Leigh.)(Bush, Doris)
September 17, 2013 Filing 498 NOTICE of Filing by Department of Children's Services (Attachments: #1 Attachment TAC updated TFACTS report of 9-17-13)(Campbell, Martha)
September 16, 2013 Filing 497 STIPULATION Proposed Stipulated One-Time Modification of Section XV.A of the October 2012 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan and Request for Court Approval by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
September 16, 2013 Filing 496 STIPULATION by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - August 25, 2013 Letter from TAC Regarding Maintenance Designations, #2 Exhibit B - Proposed September 2013 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan, #3 Exhibit C - Proposed September 2013 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan with Redlined Changes)(Cohen, Melissa)
July 5, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 495 ORDER: Status Conference is re-set for 9/19/2013 at noon. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 7/5/13. (dt)
July 2, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 494 ORDER: Status Conference RESET for 9/6/2013 12:00 NOON before District Judge Todd J. Campbell. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 7/2/2013. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
June 24, 2013 Filing 493 Transcript filed of Status Conference for date of April 29, 2013 before Judge Todd J. Campbell. Court Reporter: Cathy Leigh, 615-512-7544, cathy_leigh@tnmd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE TRANSCRIPT AND REQUEST REDACTION OF CONTENT CLASSIFIED AS PRIVATE UNDER THE NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR, ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 2008, AVAILABLE ON THE COURT'S WEBSITE UNDER THE CM-ECF LINK at: http://www.tnmd.uscourts.gov/files/20091201Notice_to_the_Bar_Transcripts.pdf. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 7/1/2013. Redaction Request due 7/15/2013. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 7/25/2013. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/23/2013. (cl)
June 24, 2013 Filing 492 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee (Attachments: #1 Attachment Monitoring Report 10 of the Technical Assistance Committee, #2 Attachment Appendices to Monitoring Report 10 of the Technical Assistance Committee)(Cohen, Melissa)
April 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 491 ORDER: Status Conference set for 9/9/2013 12:00 NOON before District Judge Todd J. Campbell. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 4/29/2013. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
April 29, 2013 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Todd J. Campbell: Status Conference held on 4/29/2013.(Court Reporter Cathy Leigh.)(Bush, Doris)
April 25, 2013 Filing 490 NOTICE of Filing by Department of Children's Services (Fourth) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex 1 DCS Child Death Response & Review 4-25-13)(Campbell, Martha)
April 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 489 ORDER: Pending before the Court is a Joint Motion to Reschedule Status Conference (Docket No. #488 ). The Motion is DENIED because the suggested dates are not available due to a criminal trial. The Court's recent Order (Docket No. #486 ) is VACATED, and the Status Conference is reset to the original date of April 29, 2013, at 11:00 a.m. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 4/12/2013. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
April 12, 2013 Filing 488 Joint MOTION to Continue Status Conference by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
April 11, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 486 ***VACATE PER ORDER #489 *** ORDER: Status Conference continued until 5/14/2013 01:00 PM in Courtroom 874 before District Judge Todd J. Campbell. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 4/11/2013. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb) Modified text on 4/12/2013 (hb).
April 10, 2013 Filing 487 Letter to the Court re Status Conference from Andy Shookhoff, Technical Assistance Committee. (hb)
April 3, 2013 Filing 485 NOTICE by Department of Children's Services re #474 Order (Campbell, Martha) Modified text on 4/4/2013 (hb).
April 2, 2013 Filing 484 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the Report of the Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee on its Evaluation of TFACTS (Attachments: #1 Report of the Brian A. Technical Assistance Committee on its Evaluation of TFACTS)(Cohen, Melissa)
February 20, 2013 Filing 483 NOTICE by Brian A. re #474 Order, Set Hearings,,,,,, Second Joint Notice Pursuant to the Court's Order Dated January 28, 2013 (Cohen, Melissa)
February 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 482 ORDER granting #480 Motion for Attorney Fees. Within 30 days of the entry of this ORDER, Defendants shall pay a total of $153,687.69 to Children's Rights, in complete payment and settlement of all fees and expenses for the period from August 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 2/8/2013. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
February 8, 2013 Filing 481 AFFIDAVIT re #480 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses of Ira Lustbader by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A- Summary Charts, #2 Exhibit B- Monitoring Timeslips, #3 Exhibit C- Expenses, #4 Exhibit D- Fees on Fees Timeslips, #5 Exhibit E- Attorney Resumes)(Cohen, Melissa)
February 8, 2013 Filing 480 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Proposed Order for Fees)(Cohen, Melissa)
February 5, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 479 ORDER granting #477 Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 2/5/2013. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
February 4, 2013 Filing 478 Sealed Document Joint Notice Pursuant to the Court's Order Dated January 28, 2013 (Dkt. No. 474) filed by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-1 2011 Class Member Fatalities - Part 1, #2 Exhibit A-2 2011 Class Member Fatalities - Part 2, #3 Exhibit A-3 2012 Class Member Fatalities - Part 1, #4 Exhibit A-4 2012 Class Member Fatalities - Part 2, #5 Exhibit B - Redacted Fatality Review Meeting Notes, #6 Exhibit C - Child Fatalities Summary Spreadsheets, #7 Exhibit D-1 2011 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 1, #8 Exhibit D-2 2011 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 2, #9 Exhibit D-3.1 2011 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 3.1, #10 Exhibit D-3.2 2011 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 3.2, #11 Exhibit D-4.1 2011 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 4.1, #12 Exhibit D-4.2 2011 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 4.2, #13 Exhibit D-5.1 2011 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 5.1, #14 Exhibit D-5.2 2011 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 5.2, #15 Exhibit D-6.1 2011 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 6.1, #16 Exhibit D-6.2 2011 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 6.2, #17 Exhibit D-7 2012 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 1, #18 Exhibit D-8 2012 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 2, #19 Exhibit D-9 2012 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 3, #20 Exhibit D-10 2012 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 4, #21 Exhibit D-11 2012 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 5, #22 Exhibit D-12 2012 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 6, #23 Exhibit D-13.1 2012 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 7.1, #24 Exhibit D-13.2 2012 Non-Custodial Fatalities - Part 7.2)(Cohen, Melissa)
February 4, 2013 Filing 477 Joint MOTION for Leave to File Document Under Seal by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
February 4, 2013 Filing 476 NOTICE by Brian A. Pursuant to the Court's Order Dated January 28, 2013 (Dkt. No. 474) (Cohen, Melissa)
January 28, 2013 Filing 475 Transcript filed of Status Conference for date of January 25, 2013 before Judge Todd J. Campbell. Court Reporter: Cathy Leigh, 615-512-7544, cathy_leigh@tnmd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE TRANSCRIPT AND REQUEST REDACTION OF CONTENT CLASSIFIED AS PRIVATE UNDER THE NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR, ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 2008, AVAILABLE ON THE COURT'S WEBSITE UNDER THE CM-ECF LINK at: http://www.tnmd.uscourts.gov/files/20091201Notice_to_the_Bar_Transcripts.pdf. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 2/4/2013. Redaction Request due 2/19/2013. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 2/28/2013. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 4/29/2013. (cl)
January 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 474 ORDER: The Court held a Status Conference on January 25, 2013, at which the pending Motion for Access to Information Regarding Child Fatalities Necessary to Ensure Compliance with the Brian A Exit Plan (Docket No. 456) and related matters were discussed. In light of the deadlines set forth in the parties' Joint Stipulation concerning the pending Motion, which the Court has signed and entered, the parties shall file with the Court a Notice as to compliance with paragraph 1 of the Joint Stipulation by February 4, 2013. The parties shall file with the Court a Notice as to compliance with paragraph 2 of the Joint Stipulation by April 25, 2013. The Court will hold another status conference on April 29, 2013, at 11:00 a.m. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 1/28/13. (af)
January 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 472 AGREED PROTECTIVE ORDER. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 1/25/13. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(af)
January 25, 2013 Filing 471 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of a Supplemental Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee (Attachments: #1 Attachment Supplemental Monitoring Report)(Cohen, Melissa)
January 25, 2013 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Todd J. Campbell: Status Conference held on 1/25/2013. Next status conference to be held 4/29/13. (2/hrs/14 mins)(Court Reporter Cathy Leigh.)(Bush, Doris)
January 24, 2013 Filing 470 RESPONSE to Motion re #456 MOTION for Discovery for Access to Information Regarding Child Fatalities Necessary to Ensure Compliance with the Brian A. Exit Plan filed by Phil Bredesen. (Campbell, Martha)
January 24, 2013 Filing 469 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the Jointly Proposed Agreed Protective Order (Attachments: #1 Agreed Protective Order)(Cohen, Melissa)
January 24, 2013 Filing 468 STIPULATION re #456 MOTION for Discovery for Access to Information Regarding Child Fatalities Necessary to Ensure Compliance with the Brian A. Exit Plan Jointly Proposed by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
January 15, 2013 BAR STATUS for Atty. Jonathan P. Lakey of TN verified as active on this date. (hb)
January 14, 2013 Filing 467 NOTICE of Appearance by Jonathan P. Lakey on behalf of All Defendants (Lakey, Jonathan)
January 11, 2013 Filing 466 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. re #461 Declaration, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A- Plaintiffs' Letter dated November 12, 2012, #2 Exhibit B- Defendants' Email dated November 13, 2012, #3 Exhibit C- Plaintiffs' Email dated November 13, 2012, #4 Exhibit D- Defendants' Letter dated November 19, 2012, #5 Exhibit E- Defendants' Email dated November 21, 2012, #6 Exhibit G- Plaintiffs' Letter dated November 26, 2012, #7 Exhibit H- Defendants' Letter dated December 5, 2012, #8 Exhibit K- Plaintiffs' Letter dated December 19, 2012 Enclosing Proposed Protective Order, #9 Exhibit L- Defendants' Letter dated December 28, 2012, #10 Exhibit M- Plaintiffs' Letter dated January 3, 2013, #11 Exhibit N- Parties' Letter Agreement dated November 10, 2010, #12 Exhibit O- Defendants' Letter dated January 9, 2013, #13 Exhibit P- Unreported Case Kenny A. v. Perdue)(Cohen, Melissa)
January 11, 2013 Filing 465 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. re #456 MOTION for Discovery for Access to Information Regarding Child Fatalities Necessary to Ensure Compliance with the Brian A. Exit Plan (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A- Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Their Motion for Access to Information Regarding Child Fatalities Necessary to Ensure Compliance with the Brian A. Exit Plan)(Cohen, Melissa)
January 11, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 464 ORDER: Pending before the Court is Plaintiffs' Motion for Access to Information Regarding Child Fatalities Necessary to Ensure Compliance with the Brian A Exit Plan (Docket No. #456 ). Defendants shall file a Response to this Motion by January 24, 2013. The Motion will be discussed at the Status Conference on January 25, 2013. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 1/11/2013. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
January 11, 2013 Filing 463 CERTIFICATE Certificate of Service filed by Brian A. re #461 Declaration, filed by Brian A., #457 MOTION for Leave to File Document Under Seal filed by Brian A., #460 Sealed Document filed by Brian A., #459 Sealed Document filed by Brian A., #458 Sealed Document filed by Brian A., #456 MOTION for Discovery for Access to Information Regarding Child Fatalities Necessary to Ensure Compliance with the Brian A. Exit Plan filed by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
January 11, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 462 ORDER granting #457 Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal, pending further Order of the Court. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 1/11/2013. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
January 11, 2013 At DE #456 & #461 , counsel failed to include the mandatory description of the attached exhibits. The exhibits shall be RESUBMITTED by filing a Notice of Filing and attaching the exhibits with the mandatory brief description. (EXAMPLE: Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 Police Report dated 1/1/06, # 2 Exhibit 2-Unreported Case Smith v. Jones). (hb)
January 10, 2013 Filing 461 DECLARATION of Ira Lustbader filed by Brian A. re: #456 MOTION for Discovery for Access to Information Regarding Child Fatalities Necessary to Ensure Compliance with the Brian A. Exit Plan. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit G, #7 Exhibit H, #8 Exhibit K, #9 Exhibit L, #10 Exhibit M, #11 Exhibit N, #12 Exhibit O, #13 Exhibit P)(Cohen, Melissa)
January 10, 2013 Filing 460 Sealed Document filed by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
January 10, 2013 Filing 459 Sealed Document filed by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
January 10, 2013 Filing 458 Sealed Document filed by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
January 10, 2013 Filing 457 MOTION for Leave to File Document Under Seal by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
January 10, 2013 Filing 456 MOTION for Discovery for Access to Information Regarding Child Fatalities Necessary to Ensure Compliance with the Brian A. Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Cohen, Melissa)
January 2, 2013 Filing 455 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the Supplemental Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee (Attachments: #1 Attachment Supplemental Monitoring Report)(Cohen, Melissa)
November 29, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 454 ORDER granting #453 Joint MOTION to Continue Status Conference. Status Conference RESET for 1/25/2013 03:30 PM in Courtroom 874 before District Judge Todd J. Campbell. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 11/29/2012. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
November 28, 2012 Filing 453 Joint MOTION to Continue Status Conference by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
November 9, 2012 Filing 452 NOTICE by Brian A. as to the Role of the Technical Assistance Committee (Cohen, Melissa)
October 30, 2012 Filing 451 Transcript filed of Status Conference for date of October 24, 2012 before Judge Todd J. Campbell. Court Reporter: Cathy Leigh, 615-512-7544, cathy_leigh@tnmd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE TRANSCRIPT AND REQUEST REDACTION OF CONTENT CLASSIFIED AS PRIVATE UNDER THE NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR, ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS, EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 2008, AVAILABLE ON THE COURT'S WEBSITE UNDER THE CM-ECF LINK at: http://www.tnmd.uscourts.gov/files/20091201Notice_to_the_Bar_Transcripts.pdf. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 11/6/2012. Redaction Request due 11/20/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 11/30/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 1/28/2013. (cl)
October 24, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 450 ORDER: Counsel shall file with the Court a Notice as to what role the Technical Advisory Committee will take with regard to the issues discussed at the hearing. The Court will hold another Status Conference on January 4, 2013, at 1:00 p.m. Nothing herein prevents the parties from requesting a hearing or filing relevant information with the Court. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 10/24/2012. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
October 24, 2012 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Todd J. Campbell: Status Conference held on 10/24/2012. Follow-up Status Conference scheduled for 1/4/13 at 1:00 p.m. Order to enter. (Court Reporter Cathy Leigh.) (afs)
October 23, 2012 Filing 447 NOTICE by Phil Bredesen, Department of Children's Services, Viola Miller of Withdrawal and Substitution (Ferrara, Mary)
October 22, 2012 Filing 446 STIPULATION of One-Time Modification of Section XV.A of the July 2011 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan and Request for Court Approval by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 445 ORDER: Status Conference set for 10/24/2012 01:00 PM in Courtroom 874 before District Judge Todd J. Campbell. Signed by District Judge Todd J. Campbell on 10/9/2012. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(hb)
October 9, 2012 Filing 444 STIPULATION of Parties Seeking Court Approval of Proposed October 2012 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Cohen, Melissa)
October 5, 2012 Filing 443 NOTICE of Appearance by Martha A. Campbell on behalf of All Defendants (Campbell, Martha)
July 10, 2012 Filing 442 NOTICE of Substitution of Counsel by Mary Byrd Ferrara on behalf of Phil Bredesen, Department of Children's Services, George W. Hattaway, Viola Miller, Donald Sundquist (Ferrara, Mary) Modified text on 7/11/2012 (hb).
July 9, 2012 Filing 441 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee (Attachments: #1 Attachment Monitoring Report 9 of the Technical Assistance Committee, #2 Attachment Appendices to Monitoring Report 9 of the Technical Assistance Committee)(Cohen, Melissa)
February 22, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 440 ORDER: Plaintiffs have moved for approval of attorneys' fees and expenses in this matter for the period August 1, 2009 through July 31, 2011. (Docket Entry No. #438 ) Within 30 days of the entry of this ORDER, Defendants shall pay a total of $303,846.24 to Children's Rights, in complete payment and settlement of all fees and expenses for the period from August 1, 2009 to July 31, 2011. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 2/22/2012. (hb)
February 21, 2012 Filing 439 AFFIDAVIT re #438 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses of Ira P. Lustbader by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E)(Cohen, Melissa)
February 21, 2012 Filing 438 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Cohen, Melissa)
October 26, 2011 Filing 437 STIPULATED ONE-TIME MODIFICATION OF SECTION XV.A OF THE JULY 2011 MODIFIED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND EXIT PLAN. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 10/26/11. (rd)
October 26, 2011 Filing 436 PROPOSED STIPULATED One-Time Modification of Section XV.A of July 2011 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan and Request for Court Approval by Brian A. (Cohen, Melissa) Modified on 10/26/2011 (rd).
July 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 435 ORDER AND JOINT STIPULATION SEEKING COURT APPROVAL OF PROPOSED JULY 2011 MODIFIED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND EXIT PLAN. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 7/12/11. (dt)
July 12, 2011 Filing 434 JULY 2011 MODIFIED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND EXIT PLAN. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 7/12/11. (dt)
July 11, 2011 Filing 433 STIPULATION of Parties Seeking Court Approval of Proposed July 2011 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - July 2011 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan)(Cohen, Melissa)
June 20, 2011 Filing 432 RECEIPT #34675017289 in the amount of $75.00 posted by Childrens Rights for Melissa Ann Cohen, attorney for Brian A., re #430 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney and Admission Pro Hac Vice. (dt)
June 7, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 431 ORDER granting #430 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney and for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Melissa A. Cohen. Attorney Yasmin Grewal-Kok terminated. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 6/7/11. (dt)
June 7, 2011 Filing 430 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Yasmin Grewel-Kok and admit Pro Hac Vice Melissa A. Cohen by Brian A.. (Raybin, David)
June 7, 2011 Bar status for attorney Melissa Ann Cohen of NY verified as active this date. (dt)
May 17, 2011 Filing 429 NOTICE by Phil Bredesen, Department of Children's Services, Viola Miller of Substitution and Withdrawal (Appiah, Lindsey)
May 16, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 428 ORDER: Plaintiffs' Motion for Attorney Fees #426 is Granted. Plaintiffs are awarded attorneys' fees against Defendants in the amount of $148,283.30. In addition, Plaintiffs may request reasonable "fees on fees" at a later date.The Court having previously found that notice, publication and a hearing are not required in connection with Plaintiffs' periodic requests for fees herein, notice and a hearing are not required in connection with this Motion. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 5/16/11. (dt)
May 4, 2011 Filing 427 MEMORANDUM in Support of #426 MOTION for Attorney Fees filed by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
May 4, 2011 Filing 426 REVISED MOTION for Attorney Fees by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin) Modified Text on 5/6/2011 (dt).
April 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 425 ORDER: For the reasons stated in the accompanying Memorandum, Plaintiffs' Motion for Approval of Reasonable Attorneys' Fees and Expenses #412 is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. Plaintiffs' request for expenses of $14,111.07 is granted. Plaintiffs shall recalculate their attorneys' fees in light of the rulings in the accompanying Memorandum and shall file a Revised Motion for Attorneys' Fees on or before 5/4/2011. Defendants shall have until 5/11/2011, to file any Response. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 4/20/11. (dt)
April 20, 2011 Filing 424 MEMORANDUM. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 4/20/11. (dt)
April 12, 2011 Filing 423 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee (Attachments: #1 Attachment Monitoring Report 8 of the Technical Assistance Committee, #2 Attachment Appendices to Monitoring Report 8 of the Technical Assistance Committee)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
April 11, 2011 Filing 422 REPLY to Response to Motion re #412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses filed by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
March 14, 2011 Filing 421 RESPONSE in Opposition re #412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses filed by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Gautreaux v. Chicago Housing Authority, #2 Exhibit 2 - Summary of Hours Conferring with Co-counsel, #3 Exhibit 3 - Summary of Hours Communicating with Stakeholders, #4 Exhibit 4 - Exclusion of Grewal-Kok and Almonrode Time, #5 Exhibit 5 - Summary of Hours on TRO Motion and Brief, #6 Exhibit 6 - Summary of Hours Drafting and Revising FOF and COL, #7 Exhibit 7 - Summary of Hours Drafting and Revising Reply Brief, #8 Exhibit 8 - Summary of Hours on Supplemental Complaints, #9 Exhibit 9 - Summary of Hours on PI Motion and Brief, #10 Exhibit 10 - Summary of Hours on PI Reply and MTD Response, #11 Exhibit 11 - Summary of Hours on 2nd FOF and COL, #12 Exhibit 12 - Summary of Hours on Discovery)(Driver, Elizabeth)
February 1, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 420 ORDER: Pending before the Court is a Joint Motion Requesting Leave for Additional Time for Defendants to File their Response to Plaintiffs' Motion for Approval of Reasonable Attorneys' Fees and Expenses and for Plaintiffs to File a Reply Memorandum #419 . The Motion is GRANTED. Defendants shall file their Response by 3/14/2011, and Plaintiffs shall file their Reply by 4/11/2011. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 2/1/11. (dt)
February 1, 2011 Filing 419 Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses, MOTION for Leave to file Reply re #412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
December 28, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 418 ORDER granting #417 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re #412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 12/28/2010. (hb)
December 28, 2010 Filing 417 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Phil Bredesen, Department of Children's Services, Viola Miller. (Dimond, Douglas)
December 20, 2010 Filing 416 AFFIDAVIT of Eric Hecker in support of #412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Hecker Resume)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin) Modified Text on 12/21/2010 (dt).
December 20, 2010 Filing 415 AFFIDAVIT of David L. Raybin in support #412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Raybin Resume, #2 Exhibit 2 - Dixon Resume, #3 Exhibit 3 - Computerized Timeslips, #4 Exhibit 4 - Expense Report)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin) Modified Text on 12/21/2010 (dt).
December 20, 2010 Filing 414 AFFIDAVIT of Ira P. Lustbader in support #412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Summary of CR Expenses and Fees, #2 Exhibit 2 - Computerized Timeslips, #3 Exhibit 3 - Expense Report, #4 Exhibit 4 - CR Resumes)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin) Modified Text on 12/21/2010 (dt).
December 20, 2010 Filing 413 MEMORANDUM in Support of #412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses filed by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Summary Charts, #2 Exhibit B - Brian A v. Hattaway, #3 Exhibit C - 2010 Law Firm Billing Survey)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
December 20, 2010 Filing 412 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
November 10, 2010 Filing 411 2010 MODIFIED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND EXIT PLAN. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 11/10/10. (dt)
November 10, 2010 Filing 410 JOINT STIPULATION SEEKING COURT APPROVAL OF PROPOSED 2010 MODIFIED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND EXIT PLAN. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 11/10/10. (dt)
November 10, 2010 Filing 409 PROPOSED JOINT STIPULATION Seeking Court Approval of Proposed 2010 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - 2010 Modified Settlement Agreement and Exit Plan)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin) Modified Text on 11/10/2010 (dt).
November 10, 2010 Filing 408 NOTICE of Filing by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller of the Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee (Attachments: #1 Attachment Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee, #2 Attachment Appendices to the Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committtee)(Driver, Elizabeth)
October 28, 2010 Filing 407 STATUS REPORT of Parties Presenting Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
September 9, 2010 Filing 406 STATUS REPORT of Parties Presenting Exit Plan by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
June 29, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 405 JOINT STIPULATION AND ORDER EXTENDING MONITORING: The TAC shall continue in the role of independent monitor, as defined in Section XV of the 2009 Modified Settlement Agreement #288 , for an additional six-month period (i.e., through December 31, 2010). The TAC shall consist of three to five neutral experts in the child welfare field. In no event shall the number of standing TAC members be less than three or more than five. The TAC shall report on performance under the entire Settlement Agreement for Period IV. Defendants shall continue to fund the TAC's monitoring and technical assistance functions for the additional six-month period. The TAC shall exercise final authority over its use and expenditure of monitoring and technical assistance funding. The contemplated continued monitoring will best further the purposes of the Settlement Agreement.The 2009 Modified Settlement Agreement #288 remains in full force and effect. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 6/29/10. (dt)
June 29, 2010 Filing 404 STIPULATION of Parties Extending Monitoring by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
June 17, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 403 ORDER: Plaintiffs' Motion for for Approval of Attorneys' Fees and Expenses #402 is Granted. Plaintiffs are awarded $101,006.65 in attorneys' fees and $6,112.83 in costs. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 6/17/10. (dt) Modified Text on 6/18/2010 (dt).
June 8, 2010 Filing 402 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Attachment Lustbader Affidavit, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
March 31, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 401 ORDER: Therefore, Defendants' Motion to Dismiss #398 is GRANTED, and Plaintiffs' Supplemental Complaints are DISMISSED without prejudice.The hearing scheduled for April 19, 2010, is canceled, and all other pending Motions are denied as moot. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 3/31/10. (dt)
March 30, 2010 Filing 400 RESPONSE to #398 MOTION to Dismiss Supplemental Complaint as Moot filed by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin) Modified Text on 3/31/2010 (dt).
March 30, 2010 Filing 399 MEMORANDUM of Law in Support of #398 MOTION to Dismiss Supplemental Complaints as Moot filed by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Signed Copy of Senate Bill 2974)(Driver, Elizabeth) Modified Text on 3/31/2010 (dt).
March 30, 2010 Filing 398 MOTION to Dismiss Supplemental Complaints as Moot by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Driver, Elizabeth) Modified Text on 3/31/2010 (dt).
March 19, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 397 ORDER: Parities' joint motion to modify the scheduling order is hereby GRANTED.By 4/2/2010, the parties shall complete any depositions. By 4/9/2010, the parties shall file with the Court (a) any affidavits; (b) witness lists; (c) joint exhibit list; (d) parties' exhibit lists; (e) stipulated findings of fact; (f) parties' proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law; and (g) any motions in limine. The current hearing date of 4/19/2010,will remain in effect. Signed by Magistrate Judge Joe Brown on 3/19/10. (dt)
March 19, 2010 Filing 396 Certified Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #370 Order. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope Return to Sender, Unclaimed. (dt)
March 18, 2010 Filing 395 MOTION to Amend/Correct #379 Order Setting Hearing on Motion,, #378 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief from scheduling order by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller, Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway, Department of Children's Services. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Dimond, Douglas)
March 16, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 394 ORDER: Defendants' Motion to Amend Scheduling Order and Continue Hearing #387 is DENIED. The hearing on Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, which has been consolidated with a final hearing on the merits of the case, remains scheduled for Monday, 4/19/2010. In light of this ruling, Plaintiffs' Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order #391 is DENIED as moot. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 3/16/10. (dt)
March 15, 2010 Filing 393 AFFIDAVIT re #391 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order During Period of Stay and Continuance of Ira P. Lustbader by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
March 15, 2010 Filing 392 MEMORANDUM in Support of #391 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order During Period of Stay and Continuance filed by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
March 15, 2010 Filing 391 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order During Period of Stay and Continuance by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
March 15, 2010 Filing 390 AFFIDAVIT re #389 Response in Opposition to Motion to Continue of Ira P. Lustbader by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
March 15, 2010 Filing 389 RESPONSE in Opposition re #387 First MOTION to Amend Scheduling Order and Continue Hearing filed by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin) Modified Text on 3/17/2010 (dt).
March 12, 2010 Filing 388 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #377 Order and #376 Memorandum. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked Return to Sender, Attempted Not Known, Unable to Forward. (dt)
March 12, 2010 Filing 387 First MOTION to Amend Scheduling Order and Continue Hearing by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Aaron Campbell, #2 Exhibit 2 - SB 2974/HB 3020 and Amendment, #3 Exhibit 3 - Supplemental Declaration of Aaron Campbell, #4 Exhibit 4 - Attached Case)(Driver, Elizabeth) Modified Text on 3/15/2010 (dt).
March 9, 2010 Filing 386 Certified Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #367 Order, Set Hearings. Mail sent to Michael A. Guth, envelope marked Return to Sender, Unclaimed. (dt)
March 8, 2010 Filing 385 Certified Mail Returned as Undeliverable. 365 Order. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked Return to Sender, Unclaimed. (dt)
March 8, 2010 Filing 384 Certified Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #367 Order. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked Return to Sender, Unclaimed. (dt)
March 8, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 383 ORDER: Defendants' Motion to Extend Time to Answer Supplemental Complaint #382 is GRANTED, and Defendants shall have until 4/5/2010, to file their Answer. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 3/8/10. (dt)
March 5, 2010 Filing 382 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Driver, Elizabeth)
March 1, 2010 Filing 381 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #367 Order. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked Return to Sender, Not Deliverable as Addressed, Unable to Forward. (dt)
March 1, 2010 Filing 380 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. 365 Order. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked Return to Sender, Not Deliverable as Addressed, Unable to Forward. (dt)
February 25, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 379 ORDER: The parties have requested that the Court set a date for a consolidated hearing on Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction and the final merits of this case at the earliest date after 3/19/2010, that is convenient to the Court. See Docket No. #378 . The consolidated hearing shall be held on Monday, 4/19/2010, beginning at 9:00 a.m. All other deadlines are set forth in the Order of the Magistrate Judge dated 2/25/2010 (Docket No. #378 ). Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 2/25/10. (dt)
February 25, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 378 SCHEDULING ORDER: Joint Motion of the parties for scheduling order #375 is Granted. Signed by Magistrate Judge Joe Brown on 2/25/10. (dt)
February 25, 2010 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Joe Brown: Telephone Conference held on 2/25/2010. Order to enter. (mk)
February 23, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 377 ORDER: Pending before the Court are Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Supplemental Complaint and Second Supplemental Complaint (Docket No. #356 ) and Defendants' Motion to Take Judicial Notice and to Strike (Docket No. #373 ). For the reasons stated in the accompanying Memorandum, Defendants' Motions are DENIED. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 2/23/10. (af)
February 23, 2010 Filing 376 MEMORANDUM OF THE COURT. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 2/23/10. (af)
February 23, 2010 Filing 375 Joint MOTION for Scheduling Order by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
February 22, 2010 Filing 374 Certified Mail Return Receipt Card received this date as to DE #370 signed by Michael Guth on 2/19/10. (dt)
February 19, 2010 Filing 373 MOTION to Strike Testimony of Judge Meldrum by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Knoxville News Sentinel and Oak Ridger articles, #2 Exhibit 2 - Judge Meldrum resignation letter and press release, #3 Exhibit 3 - Oath of Office by Judge Fisher)(Driver, Elizabeth)
February 19, 2010 Filing 372 REPLY to Response to #356 MOTION to Dismiss Supplemental Complaint and Second Supplemental Complaint filed by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Current Draft of Rules Implementing Statute)(Driver, Elizabeth) Modified Text on 2/22/2010 (dt).
February 17, 2010 Filing 371 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT re #370 Order. (dt)
February 16, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 370 ORDER granting #369 Motion to Continue. The Telephone Conference is reset for Thursday, 2/25/2010 at 1:00 p.m. Parties are to dial 615-695-2851 to join the call. Signed by Magistrate Judge Joe Brown on 2/16/10. (dt)
February 12, 2010 Filing 369 MOTION to Continue Telephone Conference by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
February 11, 2010 Filing 368 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT re #367 Order. (km)
February 11, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 367 ORDER: Telephone Conference set for 2/16/2010 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Joe Brown. Signed by Magistrate Judge Joe Brown on 2/11/10. (cc: pro se parties Michael A. Guth and Shiela Agneil by cert and reg mail)(km)
February 11, 2010 Filing 366 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT re 365 ORDER. (dt)
February 10, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 365 ORDER granting #292 Motion for Patrick S. Almonrode to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Brown, Joe)
February 9, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 364 ORDER granting #363 Motion for Leave to File Reply to Motion to Dismiss the Supplemental Complaint. Defendants shall have until 2/19/2010, to file a Reply brief. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 2/9/10. (dt)
February 9, 2010 Filing 363 MOTION for Leave to To File Reply by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Driver, Elizabeth)
February 5, 2010 REPLY to Response to #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Brian A.. (Filed for In-Court Tracking Purposes, See DE# 361 for PDF) (dt)
February 5, 2010 Filing 362 AFFIDAVIT re #361 Response (Non-Motion or 2255 Petition) of Yasmin Grewal-Kok by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
February 5, 2010 Filing 361 RESPONSE filed by Brian A. to #356 Motion to Dismiss the Supplemental Complaints filed by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin) Modified Text on 2/9/2010 (dt).
January 21, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 360 ORDER: Motion for Leave to Reply and for Extension of Time #359 is Granted. Plaintiffs shall have until 2/5/2010, to file theircombined Reply and Response. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 1/21/10. (dt)
January 20, 2010 Filing 359 MOTION for Leave to Reply and for Extension of Time by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
January 18, 2010 Filing 358 RESPONSE in Opposition re #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5)(Driver, Elizabeth)
January 18, 2010 Filing 357 MEMORANDUM in Support of #356 MOTION to Dismiss Supplemental Complaint and Second Supplemental Complaint filed by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Driver, Elizabeth)
January 18, 2010 Filing 356 MOTION to Dismiss Supplemental Complaint and Second Supplemental Complaint by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller. (Driver, Elizabeth)
January 4, 2010 Filing 355 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #353 #354 Orders. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked Return to Sender, Not Deliverable as Addressed, Unable to Forward. (dt)
December 16, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 354 ORDER: Pending before the Court is Defendants' request that the Court consolidate the hearing on Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction with any final hearing of the merits of this case. Plaintiffs have indicated they have no opposition to this consolidation. Therefore, Defendants' request is GRANTED. The Court has referred this action to the Magistrate Judge for case management. The Magistrate Judge shall indicate in the Case Management Order a target date for the consolidated hearing in this matter. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 12/16/09. (dt)
December 14, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 353 ORDER: Pending before the Court is Defendants Motion to Extend Defendants' Time to Answer Supplemental Complaints #349 . Defendants seek additional time to file Answers to the Supplemental Complaint and Responses to Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Defendants' requests are GRANTED, and Defendants shall have until 1/18/2009, to file their Answers and Responses herein. Defendants also request that the Court consolidate the hearing on Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction with any final hearing of the merits of this case. Plaintiffs shall file a Response to this request by 1/4/2009. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 12/14/09. (dt)
December 14, 2009 Filing 352 RESPONSE to Motion re #349 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #343 Order on Motion for Leave,,,,,,, #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and to Consolidate Hearings MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #343 Order on Motion for Leave,,,,,,, #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and to Consolidate Hearings filed by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
December 11, 2009 Filing 351 DECLARATION of Douglas Earl Dimond filed by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller, Department of Children's Services re: #350 Memorandum in Support, #349 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #343 Order on Motion for Leave,,,,,,, #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and to Consolidate Hearings MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #343 Order on Motion for Leave,,,,,,, #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and to Consolidate Hearings. (Dimond, Douglas)
December 11, 2009 Filing 350 MEMORANDUM in Support of #349 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #343 Order on Motion for Leave,,,,,,, #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and to Consolidate Hearings MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #343 Order on Motion for Leave,,,,,,, #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and to Consolidate Hearings filed by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller, Department of Children's Services. (Dimond, Douglas)
December 11, 2009 Filing 349 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #343 Order on Motion for Leave,,,,,,, #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and to Consolidate Hearings by Phil Bredesen, Viola Miller, Department of Children's Services. (Dimond, Douglas)
December 9, 2009 Filing 348 AFFIDAVIT re #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction of Ira P. Lustbader by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-2, #2 Exhibit 3, #3 Exhibit 4, #4 Exhibit 5-11, #5 Exhibit 12-14, #6 Exhibit 15, Part 1, #7 Exhibit 15, Part 2, #8 Exhibit 16-17, #9 Exhibit 18, #10 Exhibit 19-22, #11 Exhibit 23, Part 1, #12 Exhibit 23, Part 2, #13 Exhibit 24, #14 Exhibit 25-26)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
December 9, 2009 Filing 347 MEMORANDUM in Support of #346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
December 9, 2009 Filing 346 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
December 4, 2009 Filing 345 SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE AND DECLARATORY RELIEF against all defendants, filed by plaintiffs.(dt)
December 4, 2009 Filing 344 SUPPLEMENTAL COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE AND DECLARATORY RELIEF against Phil Bredesen and Viola Miller, filed by plaintiffs.(dt)
December 4, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 343 ORDER: For the reasons stated in the accompanying Memorandum, Plaintiffs' Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Complaint #334 and Motion for Leave to File Second Supplemental Complaint #336 are GRANTED. The Clerk is directed to file the Supplemental Complaint (Docket No. 335-1) and the Second Supplemental Complaint (Docket No. 337-1). The Supplemental Complaint and the Second Supplemental Complaint shall be deemed filed as of the dates the Proposed Supplemental Complaints (Docket Nos. 335-1 and 337-1) were filed, 11/9/2009 and 11/12/2009, respectively. Defendants shall file Responses to the Supplemental Complaints by 1/4/2009. This case is referred to the Magistrate Judge for customized case management as to the Supplemental Complaints. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 12/4/09. (dt)
December 4, 2009 Filing 342 MEMORANDUM. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 12/4/09. (dt)
December 2, 2009 Filing 341 MOTION for Leave to File Reply re #334 MOTION for Leave to File Supplemental Complaint, #336 MOTION for Leave to File Second Supplemental Complaint, #340 Response in Opposition to Motion, by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
December 1, 2009 Filing 340 RESPONSE in Opposition re #334 MOTION for Leave to File Supplemental Complaint, #336 MOTION for Leave to File Second Supplemental Complaint filed by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Driver, Elizabeth)
November 23, 2009 Filing 339 Certified Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #331 Order and #330 Memorandum. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked Returned to Sender, Unclaimed, Unable to Forward. (dt)
November 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 338 ORDER: Pending before the Court are a Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Complaint #334 and a Motion for Leave to File Second Supplemental Complaint #336 . Defendants shall file a Consolidated Response to both Motions by 12/1/2009. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 11/13/09. (dt)
November 12, 2009 Filing 337 MEMORANDUM in Support of #336 MOTION for Leave to File Second Supplemental Complaint filed by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
November 12, 2009 Filing 336 MOTION for Leave to File Second Supplemental Complaint by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
November 9, 2009 Filing 335 MEMORANDUM in Support of #334 MOTION for Leave to File Supplemental Complaint filed by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
November 9, 2009 Filing 334 MOTION for Leave to File Supplemental Complaint by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
November 4, 2009 Filing 333 Transcript filed for dates of 10/13/09 before Judge Campbell. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Cathy Leigh, Telephone number: (615) 726-8697, Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Intent to Request Transcript Redaction due 11/16/2009. Redaction Request due 11/23/2009. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/2/2009. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/1/2010. (dt)
October 16, 2009 Filing 332 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT re #331 Order on Motion for TRO. (dt)
October 16, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 331 ORDER: Pending before the Court is Plaintiffs' Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order or, in the Alternative, for a Preliminary Injunction #296 . The Court held a hearing on Plaintiffs' Motion on 10/13/2009. For the reasons stated in the accompanying Memorandum, Plaintiffs' Motion is DENIED. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 10/15/09. (dt)
October 15, 2009 Filing 330 MEMORANDUM. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 00cv445. (dt)
October 14, 2009 Filing 329 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Brian A. re #327 Proposed Findings of Fact (Raybin, David)
October 14, 2009 Note to filer, David Raybin, re DE #327 : Pursuant to Court Policy and Procedure and Local Rule 5.01, Certificates of Service must include the names and full addresses for all persons served (whether served electronically or by other means), what was served, method of service, date of service and a signature. THE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SHALL BE RE-FILED. (dt)
October 13, 2009 Filing 328 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell: Motion Hearing held on 10/13/2009 re #296 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order filed by Brian A. (Court Reporter Cathy Leigh.) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit and Witness List) (dt) (Additional attachment(s) added on 10/13/2009: #1 Exhibit and Witness List) (dt).
October 12, 2009 Filing 327 Proposed Findings of Fact and conclusion of law (corrected) by Brian A.. (Raybin, David)
October 12, 2009 Filing 326 CORRECTED AMENDED EXHIBIT LIST filed by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway. (Driver, Elizabeth) Modified Text on 10/13/2009 (dt).
October 9, 2009 Filing 325 Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 9, 2009 Filing 324 REPLY to Response to #296 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order or, in the Alternative, a Preliminary Injunction filed by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin) Modified Text on 10/13/2009 (dt).
October 9, 2009 Filing 323 Exhibit List of Plaintiffs (Amended) by Brian A... (Attachments: #1 Exhibit S-1 to S-44, S-54 to S-55, P-1 to P-6)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 9, 2009 Filing 322 STIPULATION of Parties Amending Joint Stipulation to the Authenticity and Admissibility of Documents for Preliminary Injunction Hearing by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit S-1 to S-55)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 9, 2009 Filing 321 DECLARATION of Viola Miller filed by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, DCS Chart: DCS Historical County Commitment Data, #2 Exhibit 2, CY2008 Methamphetamine Lab Seizure Map, #3 Exhibit 3, DCS Chart: Comparison of Lab Seizures to Commitment Rates, #4 Exhibit 4, DCS Chart: Comparison of Commitment Rates to Lab Seizures)(Driver, Elizabeth)
October 9, 2009 Filing 320 DECLARATION of Paige A. Seals filed by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, Bill Summary)(Driver, Elizabeth)
October 9, 2009 Filing 319 Exhibit List by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit D-1, Bill Summary of SB 2357/HB 2389 and Declaration of Paige Seals, #2 Exhibit D-2, DCS Chart: DCS Historical County Commitment Data, #3 Exhibit D-3, DCS Chart: Comparison of Lab Seizures to Commitment Rates, #4 Exhibit D-4, DCS Chart: FY2008, FY2009 Comparison of Commitment Rates to Lab Seizures)(Driver, Elizabeth)
October 9, 2009 Filing 318 RESPONSE in Opposition re #312 MOTION for Leave to file an amicus brief filed by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway. (Driver, Elizabeth)
October 8, 2009 Filing 317 CERTIFICATE of Service filed by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 8, 2009 Note to filer, Yasmin Grewal-Kok, re DE #316 : Pursuant to Court Policy and Procedure and Local Rule 5.01, Certificates of Service must include the names and full addresses for all persons served (whether served electronically or by other means), what was served, method of service, and date of service. THECERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SHALL BE RE-FILED. (dt)
October 7, 2009 Filing 316 STIPULATION of Submission into Evidence of Deposition Witness Testimony by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 7, 2009 Received Manual Filed Exhibits as of this date. (dt)
October 6, 2009 Filing 315 STIPULATION of Submission into Evidence of Deposition and Video Recorded Witness Testimony by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 314 ORDER granting #312 Motion of the TCJFCJ for Leave to File an Amicus Curiae Brief. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 10/6/09. (dt)
October 6, 2009 Filing 313 BRIEF filed by John Michael Thompson re #312 Motion for Leave. (Thompson, John)
October 6, 2009 Filing 312 MOTION for Leave to file an amicus brief by John Michael Thompson. (Thompson, John)
October 5, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 311 ORDER granting #310 Motion for Permission to Manually File Certain Exhibits. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 10/5/09. (dt)
October 5, 2009 Filing 310 MOTION Permission to Manually File Certain Exhibits by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 2, 2009 Filing 309 STIPULATION of Parties to the Authenticity and Admissibility of Documents for Preliminary Injunction Hearing by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit S-2 through S-5, #2 Exhibit S-6, Part One, #3 Exhibit S-6, Part Two, #4 Exhibit S-6, Part Three, #5 Exhibit S-6, Part Five, #6 Exhibit S-6, Part Six, #7 Exhibit S-6, Part Seven, #8 Exhibit S-7, #9 Exhibit S-8 through S-13, #10 Exhibit S-14 through S-21, #11 Exhibit S-22, Part One, #12 Exhibit S-22, Part Two, #13 Exhibit S-23 through S-24, #14 Exhibit S-25 through S-36, #15 Exhibit S-37 through S-38, #16 Exhibit S-1, #17 Exhibit S-6, Part Four)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 2, 2009 Filing 308 Exhibit List of Plaintiffs by Brian A... (Attachments: #1 Exhibit S-1, #2 Exhibit S-7, #3 Exhibit S-8 through S-13, #4 Exhibit P-1 through P-8, #5 Exhibit S-22, Part One, #6 Exhibit S-22, Part Two, #7 Exhibit S-23 through S-24, #8 Exhibit S-25 through S-36, #9 Exhibit S-37 through S-38, #10 Exhibit S-6, Part One, #11 Exhibit S-6, Part Two, #12 Exhibit S-6, Part Three, #13 Exhibit S-6, Part Four, #14 Exhibit S-6, Part Five, #15 Exhibit S-6, Part Six, #16 Exhibit S-6, Part Seven, #17 Exhibit S-2 through S-5, #18 Exhibit S-14 through S-21)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 2, 2009 Filing 307 Witness List of Plaintiffs by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 2, 2009 Filing 306 STIPULATION of Parties' Joint Findings of Fact by Brian A.. (Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
October 2, 2009 Filing 305 Exhibit List by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway.. (Driver, Elizabeth)
October 2, 2009 Filing 304 RESPONSE in Opposition re #296 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order filed by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 to Response in Opposition to Preliminary Injunction, #2 Exhibit 2 to Response in Opposition to Preliminary Injunction, #3 Exhibit 3 to Response in Opposition to Preliminary Injunction, #4 Exhibit 4 to Response in Opposition to Preliminary Injunction, #5 Exhibit 5 to Response in Opposition to Preliminary Injunction)(Driver, Elizabeth)
September 28, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 303 ORDER granting #302 Motion to Amended Scheduling Order. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 9/28/09. (dt)
September 28, 2009 Filing 302 Joint MOTION to Amend/Correct Scheduling Order by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Grewal-Kok, Yasmin)
September 21, 2009 Filing 301 SUPPLEMENTAL Monitoring Report filed by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway. (Attachments: #1 Appendix)(Driver, Elizabeth) Modified Text on 9/22/2009 (dt).
September 21, 2009 Filing 300 NOTICE of Filing by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway Supplemental TAC Monitoring Report (Driver, Elizabeth)
September 14, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 299 ORDER Setting Hearing on #296 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction: Motion Hearing set for 10/13/2009 at 9:00 AM before Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell. The parties shall file with the Court by October 2, 2009, the following pertaining to the preliminary injunction hearing: (1) any affidavits; (2) witness lists; (3) exhibit lists; (4) any depositions and/or deposition designations; (5) any stipulations; (6) any motions in limine; and (7) supplemental briefs. Any responses shall be filed by October 9, 2009. No witness shall testify live at the preliminary injunction hearing unless the party calling such witness to testify has identified and made that witness available for a deposition prior to the hearing. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 9/14/09. (dt)
September 10, 2009 The Court is in receipt of the manually filed exhibits as of this date. (dt)
September 9, 2009 Filing 298 AFFIDAVIT of Ira P. Lustbader in support of #296 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order or, in the alternative, for a Preliminary Injunction by Brian A. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit July 2001 Brian A Settlement Agreement, #2 Exhibit Jan 2009 Modified Brian A Settlement Agreement, #3 Exhibit Public Chap 531, Minutes 4-16-2009, TCSAC Update 5-15-2009, #4 Exhibit FY 2008-09 Original Budget, Anderson Cty, #5 Exhibit TCJFCJ Minutes 2-9-09; TCJFCJ Minutes 7-10-09, #6 Exhibit TN Child & Family Services Review, April 2009, #7 Exhibit, #8 Exhibit, #9 Exhibit Tenn Title IV-E State Plan, #10 Exhibit US Child Welfare Policy)(Dixon, Jacqueline) Modified Text on 9/10/2009 (dt).
September 9, 2009 Filing 297 MEMORANDUM in Support of #296 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order or, in the alternative, for a Preliminary Injunction filed by Brian A.. (Dixon, Jacqueline) Modified Text on 9/10/2009 (dt).
September 9, 2009 Filing 296 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order or, in the alternative, for a Preliminary Injunction by Brian A.. (Dixon, Jacqueline) Modified Text on 9/10/2009 (dt).
September 9, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 295 ORDER granting #294 Motion for Permission to Manually File Certain Exhibits. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 9/9/09. (dt)
September 9, 2009 Filing 294 MOTION Permission to manually file certain exhibits by Brian A.. (Dixon, Jacqueline)
August 17, 2009 Bar status for attorney Patrick S. Almonrode of NY verified as active this date. (dt)
August 13, 2009 Filing 293 RECEIPT #34675-8615 in the amount of $75.00 posted by Childrens Rights Inc. for Patrick S. Almonrode, attorney for Brian A., re #292 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (dt)
August 13, 2009 Filing 292 MOTION for attorney(s) Patrick S. Almonrode to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Fee Paid on 8/13/09) by Brian A.. (w/ attached certificate of good standing from USDC/SDNY) (Raybin, David) Modified Text on 8/17/2009 (dt). Modified on 2/10/2010 (af).
June 16, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 291 ORDER granting #290 Motion for Attorney Fees. The Court grants Plaintiffs' motion for $102,205.50 in attorneys' fees and $3,898.51 in out-of-pocket expenses. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 6/16/09. (dt)
June 16, 2009 Filing 290 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Affidavit of Marcia Robinson Lowry, #2 Exhibit Charts, #3 Exhibit Timeslips, #4 Exhibit Expense Report, #5 Exhibit Resume)(Raybin, David)
January 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 289 STIPULATED MODIFICATIONS to the Settlement Agreement and Request for Court Approval of the January 2009 Modified Settlement Agreement: The modifications outlined in this order will best further the purposes of the Settlement Agreement. The January 2009 Modified Settlement Agreement, replaces and supersedes the 2008 Settlement Agreement entered by the Court on October 1, 2008. Other than as set forth herein, previous stipulations and orders in this action shall remain in full force and effect. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 1/13/09. (km)
January 12, 2009 Filing 288 STIPULATION by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Stipulation of Settlement of Contempt Motion, #2 Exhibit Stipulation extending monitoring, #3 Exhibit Stipulated Modification to Settlement Agreement, #4 Exhibit Stipulated Modification to 2008 Settlement Agreement, #5 Exhibit January 2009 Red lined modified settlement agreement, #6 Exhibit January 2009 modified settlement agreement)(Raybin, David)
December 15, 2008 Filing 287 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. of the Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee 12-15-08, #2 Appendix Appendices)(Raybin, David)
December 8, 2008 Filing 286 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #285 Order. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked Return to Sender, Not Deliverable as Addressed, Unable to Forward. (dt)
November 26, 2008 Note to Filer re Docket Entry No. 284: The filer's name should be typed in the space where the signature would otherwise appear on the certificate of service preceded by the symbol "s/" or inserted by facsimile signature. A signed affidavit should be filed as a separate event, not as an attachment to a pleading. Each exhibit should be filed as a separate attachment to the main document and the mandatory description field used. These documents do not need to be re-filed unless otherwise directed by the Court. (dt)
November 25, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 285 ORDER: Having duly considered all papers submitted in connection with Plaintiffs' motion for reimbursement of attorneys' fees and expenses, the Court hereby grants Plaintiffs' #284 motion for $143,358.10 in attorneys' fees and $6,210.92 in out-of-pocket expenses pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(h), Local Civil Rule 54.01(b) and 42 U.S.C. 1988. Having previously found that application of Rule 23(h) does not require approval of notice, publication and a hearing in connection with each of Plaintiffs' periodic requests for fees, the Court further orders that notice and hearing are not required in connection with this motion. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 11/25/08. (dt)
November 25, 2008 Filing 284 MOTION for Attorney Fees by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Affidavit, #2 Proposed Order Proposed order)(Raybin, David)
October 9, 2008 Filing 283 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #282 Order. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked Return to Sender, Not Deliverable as Addressed, Unable to Forward. (dt)
September 30, 2008 Filing 281 PROPOSED STIPULATED Modifications to the Settlement Agreement and Request for Court Approval of the 2008 Modified Settlement Agreement by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Stip Settling Contempt 12.29.03, #2 Exhibit Stip Extending Monitoring 02 28 06, #3 Exhibit Stip for Modification 05 09 07, #4 Exhibit Period IV 2008 Red-lined Modified SA 09 30 08, #5 Exhibit Period IV 2008 Modified SA 09 30 08, #6 Supplement Certificate of Service)(Raybin, David) Modified Text on 10/1/2008 (dt).
April 29, 2008 Filing 280 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #279 Order. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked Return to Sender, Not Deliverable as Addressed, Unable to Forward. (dt)
April 21, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 279 ORDER: Plaintiffs' Motion for $115,749.75 in attorneys' fees and $2,323.15 in out-of-pocket expenses #277 is granted. Signed by Chief Judge Todd J. Campbell on 4/21/08. (dt)
April 17, 2008 Note to Filer re Docket Entry No. 277 -278: Signed affidavit should be filed as a separate event, not as an attachment to other pleading. This document has been scanned. Scanning should be used only for documents that are not created on your computer. Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 167 on Electronic Case Filing Practices and Procedures, Section 5.08, Proposed Orders should be included as an attachment to an electronically filed motion or other request for relief. If the Court orders that counsel submit a proposed order, it should be submitted as an attachment to a Notice of Filing. These documents do not need to be re-filed unless otherwise directed by the Court. (dt)
April 16, 2008 Filing 278 Proposed Order re #277 Motion for Attorney Fees by Brian A.. (Raybin, David) Modified Text on 4/17/2008 (dt).
April 16, 2008 Filing 277 MOTION for Attorney Fees by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Affidavit and Exhibits)(Raybin, David)
September 18, 2007 Filing 276 **FILED IN ERROR-DUPLICATE ENTRY-SEE DE# 275** NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Monitoring Report Introductory Materials#2 Exhibit monitoring Report Section 1 pgs 10-38#3 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section 1 pgs 39-64#4 Exhibit Monitoring Report Sections II-IV#5 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section V#6 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section VI 105-122#7 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section VI pgs 123-143#8 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section VII#9 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section VIII-X#10 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section XI & XII#11 Appendix Appendices A-D#12 Appendix Appendix E#13 Appendix Appendices F-G#14 Appendix Appendices H-I#15 Appendix Appendix J)(Raybin, David) Modified on 9/18/2007 (dt, ).
September 18, 2007 Filing 275 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Monitoring Report Introductory Materials#2 Exhibit monitoring Report Section 1 pgs 10-38#3 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section 1 pgs 39-64#4 Exhibit Monitoring Report Sections II-IV#5 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section V#6 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section VI 105-122#7 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section VI pgs 123-143#8 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section VII#9 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section VIII-X#10 Exhibit Monitoring Report Section XI & XII#11 Appendix Appendices A-D#12 Appendix Appendix E#13 Appendix Appendices F-G#14 Appendix Appendices H-I#15 Appendix Appendix J)(Raybin, David)
September 12, 2007 Filing 274 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #273 Order on Motion for Attorney Fees. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil; envelope marked UTF. (dt)
July 24, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 273 ORDER: Plaintiff's Motion for Attorney Fees #271 is Granted. The Court hereby grants Plaintiff's motion for $188,195.55 in attorneys' fees and $5,146.27 in out-of-pocket expenses. Having previously found that application of Rule 23(h) does not require approval of notice, publication and a hearing in connection with each of Plaintiffs' periodic requests for fees, the Court further orders that notice and hearing are not required in connection with this motion. Signed by Judge Todd J. Campbell on 7/24/07. (dt)
July 24, 2007 Note to Filer re DE# 271: Signed affidavits/declarations should be filed as separate events, not as attachments to other pleadings. Each exhibit should be filed as a separate attachment to the main document and the mandatory description field used. This document does not need to be re-filed unless otherwise directed by the Court. (dt)
July 23, 2007 Filing 272 PROPOSED ORDER re: #271 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses. (Raybin, David) Modified Text on 7/24/2007 (dt).
July 23, 2007 Filing 271 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Affidavit of Marcia Robinson Lowery)(Raybin, David)
June 14, 2007 Filing 270 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #265 Order. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked, Return to Sender Not Deliverable as Addressed. (dt)
June 13, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 269 ORDER granting #266 Motion for Attorney Yasmin Grewal-Kok to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Judge Todd J. Campbell on 6/13/07. (gi, )
May 30, 2007 Filing 268 RECEIPT #114958 in the amount of $75.00 posted by Children's Rights, Inc. for Yasmin Grewal-Kok, attorney for Plaintiffs, re #266 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (dt)
May 16, 2007 Filing 267 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #264 Stipulation and Order. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil, envelope marked returned to sender, not deliverable as addressed. (dt)
May 15, 2007 Note to Filer re Docket Entry No. 266: The filer's name should be typed in the space where the signature would otherwise appear preceded by the symbol "s/" or inserted by facsimile signature. Also, the Certificate of Good Standing should be filed as separate event, not as an attachment to a document. This document does not need to be re-filed unless otherwise directed by the Court. (dt)
May 14, 2007 Filing 266 MOTION for attorney Yasmin Grewal-Kok to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Brian A.. (Raybin, David) (w/ att'd certificate of good standing) (PHV FEE PAID on 5/30/07) Modified Text on 5/15/2007 (dt). Modified Text on 5/31/2007 (dt).
May 11, 2007 Filing 265 MODIFIED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. Signed by Judge Todd J. Campbell on 5/11/07. (dt)
May 7, 2007 Filing 263 PROPOSED STIPULATED MODIFICATIONS TO THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND REQUEST FOR COURT APPROVAL OF MODIFIED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT filed by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Stipulation of Settlement of Contempt Motion#2 Exhibit Exhibit B - Stipulation Extending Monitoring#3 Exhibit Exhibit C - Red-Lined Settlement Agreement#4 Exhibit Exhibit D - Modified Settlement Agreement)(Raybin, David) Modified Text on 5/8/2007 (dt).
March 6, 2007 Filing 262 NOTICE of Filing by Brian A. Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Monitoring Report)(Raybin, David)
January 25, 2007 Filing 261 NOTICE by Brian A. Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance of Jeffrey Powell (Raybin, David)
January 25, 2007 Filing 260 NOTICE by Brian A. Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance of Corene Kendrick (Raybin, David)
January 25, 2007 Filing 259 NOTICE by Brian A. Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance of Douglas C. Gray (Raybin, David)
December 22, 2006 Filing 258 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. #257 Order on Motion for Attorney Fees. Mail sent to Shiela Agneil; envelope marked Returned to Sender, Not Deliverable as Addressed Unable to Forward. (dt)
December 11, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 257 ORDER granting #255 Motion for $130,448.05 in attorneys' fees and $8,897.71 in out-of-pocket expenses. Signed by Judge Todd J. Campbell on 12/11/06. (dt)
December 7, 2006 Filing 256 AFFIDAVIT of Marcia Robinson Lowry, Esq. in Support re #255 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses filed by Brian A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Chart Summarizing Fees#2 Exhibit Timeslips#3 Exhibit Expenses Chart#4 Exhibit Attorney Resumes#5 Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Raybin, David) Modified Text on 12/8/2006 (dt).
December 7, 2006 Filing 255 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Expenses by Brian A.. (Raybin, David)
July 7, 2006 Filing 254 Letter from Daniel Howard re: Mr. Howard's change of address. (dt)
April 4, 2006 Filing 253 NOTICE of Filing by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway, Department of Children's Services (Attachments: #1 Period II Data Report Submitted by the TAC)(Driver, Elizabeth)
March 2, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 252 ORDER granting #251 Motion for Attorney Fees. The Court having duly considered all papers submitted in connection with Plaintiffs' motion for reimbursement of attorneys' fees and expenses, the Court hereby grants Plaintiffs' motion for $146,963.37 in attorneys' fees and $10,345.50 in out-of-pocket expenses. Signed by Judge Todd J. Campbell on 3/2/06. (dt)
March 2, 2006 Note to Filer re: Docket Entry NO. 251, Motion for Attorney fees is a scanned document. Scanning should be used only for documents that do not exist in electronic format on your computer. Examples of documents that may be scanned are police reports, executed contracts, or documents that contain signatures other than that of the filing user (see section 8 - "Signatures" of our Administrative Practices and Procedures for Electronic Case Filing). Also, the affidavit, attached as an exhibit, needs to be filed as a separate document in the future. This pleadings Does Not need to be refiled. (dt)
March 1, 2006 Filing 251 MOTION for Attorney Fees by Brian A.. Responses due by 3/20/2006 (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order #2 Affidavit#3 Exhibit A#4 Exhibit B part 1, pages 1-40#5 Exhibit B part 2, pages 41-80#6 Exhibit B part 3, pages 81-92, 1-14, 1-4#7 Exhibit C#8 Exhibit D#9 Exhibit E)(Dixon, Jacqueline)
February 28, 2006 Opinion or Order Filing 250 ORDER: Stipulation extending monitoring #249 is approved. Signed by Judge Todd J. Campbell on 2/28/06. (dt)
February 24, 2006 Filing 249 STIPULATION AND PROPOSED ORDER EXTENDING MONITORING by Brian A.(Dixon, Jacqueline) Modified Text on 2/27/2006 (dt).
February 24, 2006 Filing 248 NOTICE of Change of Address by Jacqueline B. Dixon (Dixon, Jacqueline)
February 13, 2006 Filing 247 Sealed Document (dt)
February 13, 2006 Filing 246 Sealed Order (dt)
January 23, 2006 Filing 245 NOTICE of Filing by Donald Sundquist, George W. Hattaway of the TAC Monitoring Report issued Jan. 19, 2006 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Driver, Elizabeth) Modified Text on 1/23/2006 (dt).
April 13, 2005 Filing 244 NOTICE by pltfs & defts of filing the "Monitoring Report of the Technical Assistance Committee in the case of Brian A. v. Bredesen" submitted on 4/13/05. (w/ att'd monitoring report) (dlt)
February 4, 2005 Opinion or Order Filing 243 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: For the reasons stated in the accompanying Memorandum, the motion to intervene [220-1][220-2][220-3] is denied in its entirety. EOD 2/4/05 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
February 4, 2005 Filing 242 MEMORANDUM OF THE COURT (cc: all counsel)(EOD 2/4/05) (dlt)
February 4, 2005 Opinion or Order Filing 241 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: The Court having duly considered all papers submitted in conection w/ pltfs' mtn for reimbursement of attys' fees and expenses [231-1], & for the foregoing reasons, the Court hereby grants pltfs' mtn for $113,538.30 in attorneys' fees & $7,667.00 in out-of-pocket expenses. EOD 2/4/05 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
January 28, 2005 Filing 240 RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION by Dept Children's Serv to motion to intervene pursuant to FRCP Rule 24(a)(2) [220-1] & to intervene by permission under Rule 24(b)(2) [220-2]. (dlt)
January 13, 2005 Filing 239 REPLY by intervenor to response to motion to intervene [220-1] [220-2]. (w/ attachments) (dlt)
January 13, 2005 Opinion or Order Filing 238 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Motion to extend time in which to respond to the mtn to intervene [225-1] is granted and Tennessee Department of Children's Services shall have until 1/28/05 to respond to the motion to intervene [220-1] [220-2]. Motion for attorney Michael A. S. Guth, Ph.D., J.D. to appear pro hac vice [233-1] by pltfs & intervenor is granted. Motion for leave to file a reply memorandum to the mtn to intervene [234-1] is granted and the Clerk is directed to fiel the Memorandum att'd thereto. EOD 1/13/05 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
January 11, 2005 Filing 237 CERTIFICATE of Good Standing filed by pltfs for Michael Guth from the USDC/EDTN. (dlt)
December 30, 2004 Filing 236 NOTICE by pltfs of filing Judge Nixon's Order granting limited intervention as Exhibit 2 to pltfs' 12/9/04 opposition to mtn to intervene by Michael A.S. Guth. (w/ attachment) (dlt)
December 29, 2004 Filing 235 LETTER from Clerk to Michael Guth re: filing original certificate of good standing. (dlt)
December 28, 2004 Filing 232 AFFIDAVIT of Marcia Robinson Lowry re [231-1] (w/attached exhibits A-N) (km)
December 28, 2004 Filing 231 MOTION by pltfs for approval of pltfs' attys' fees and expenses (w/attached proposed order) (km)
December 23, 2004 Filing 234 MOTION by intervenor Class of Minors for leave to file a reply memorandum to the mtn to intervene . (w/ att'd proposed reply) (dlt)
December 23, 2004 Filing 233 MOTION by intervenor Class of Minors for attorney Michael A. S. Guth, Ph.D., J.D. to appear pro hac vice . (w/ att'd copy of certificate of good standing)(fee paid on 12/23/04) (dlt)
December 22, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 230 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion for attorney Corene Thaedra Kendrick to appear pro hac vice [223-1] by pltfs (cc: all counsel) (EOD 12/22/04) (jb)
December 21, 2004 Filing 229 CERTIFICATE of Good Standing filed by pltf Brian A. for Corene Thaedra Kendrick from the USDC/CDCA (dlt)
December 15, 2004 Filing 228 LETTER from intervenor Class of Minors re: Local Rule 1 Letter. (dlt)
December 9, 2004 Filing 227 AFFIDAVIT of Douglas C. Gray re [226-1]. (w/ att'd exhibits 1-3) (dlt)
December 9, 2004 Filing 226 RESPONSE (MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN OPPOSITION) by pltfs to motion to intervene pursuant to FRCP Rule 24(a)(2) [220-1] & to intervene by permission under Rule 24(b)(2) [220-2]. (dlt)
December 9, 2004 Filing 225 MOTION by Dept Children's Serv to extend time in which to respond to the mtn to intervene . (dlt)
December 8, 2004 Filing 224 LETTER from Clerk to Corene Kendrick re: filing an original certificate of good standing. (dlt)
December 3, 2004 Filing 223 MOTION by pltf Brian A. for attorney Corene Thaedra Kendrick to appear pro hac vice . (w/ attachment)(fee paid on 12/3/04) (dlt)
November 24, 2004 Filing 222 DECLARATION of Dr. Michael A. S. Guth re [220-1] [220-2] [220-3] (w/attached exhibit A) (gi)
November 24, 2004 Filing 221 MEMORANDUM by Class of Minors in support of motion to intervene pursuant to FRCP Rule 24(a)(2) [220-1], or to intervene by permission under Rule 24(b)(2) [220-2], or as amicus curiae [220-3] (gi)
November 24, 2004 Filing 220 MOTION by Class of Minors to intervene pursuant to FRCP Rule 24(a)(2) or to intervene by permission under Rule 24(b)(2) or as amicus curiae (gi)
October 26, 2004 Filing 219 NOTICE by pltfs of filing the Annual DCS Case File Review Report the period ending 12/31/03 submitted by the Technical Assistance Committee in the case of Brian A. v. Bredesen 10/25/04. (w/ attachment) (dlt)
August 19, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 218 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting joint motion for Court approval of the implementation plan [217-1]. (EOD 8/19/04) (cc: all counsel) (km)
August 16, 2004 Filing 217 JOINT MOTION for Court approval of the implementation plan (w/attached exhibits 1-4 & proposed order) (gi)
June 24, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 216 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: The motion for stay order prohibiting the Department of Children Service for State of Tennessee from moving a child in foster care [213-1] is denied for the reasons stated in the parties' joint response (DE# 213). EOD 6/24/04 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
June 23, 2004 Filing 215 PARTIES JOINT RESPONSE to motion for stay order prohibiting the Department of Children Service for the State of Tennessee from moving child in foster care [213-1]. (dlt)
June 15, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 214 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: The Court is in receipt of a petition for stay order [213-1] filed by Robert L. Brandon dated 6/9/04. Clerk is directed to serve a copy of this Order & the Petition on all counsel of record. EOD 6/15/04 (cc: all counsel) counsel) (dlt)
June 10, 2004 Filing 213 MOTION (PETITION) by Robert Brandon for stay order prohibiting the Department of Children Service for the State of Tennessee from moving a child in foster care . (w/ attachment) (dlt)
May 5, 2004 Filing 212 TRANSCRIPT filed of proceedings - mtn re attorneys' fees & expenses before Judge Campbell held on 4/30/04. C/R: Jim Spence. (dlt)
April 30, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 211 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: For the reasons stated from the bench at the hearing, the motion for approval of pltfs' attorney fees & expenses [200-1] is granted. Pltfs' counsel is awarded $771,498.78 in attorneys' fees & $66,728.29 in out-of-pocket litigation expenses for legal service from 7/27/01 to 12/29/03. EOD 4/30/04 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
April 30, 2004 Filing 210 CLERK'S RESUME: Hearing on motion for approval of pltfs' attorney fees expenses [200-1] was held on 4/30/04. The mtn was granted. Order to enter. C/R: Jim Spence (dlt)
April 19, 2004 Filing 209 LETTER from Lisa Z. Espy re: In response to ntc concerning attorney fees, my only response &/or comment is that attorneys from New York were approved to received more per hour than the Tennessee attorneys. I believe the cap should be the most paid to the Tennessee attorneys or $250.00 per hour. (dlt)
April 2, 2004 Filing 208 MEMORANDUM by pltf in support of motion for approval of pltfs' attorney fees & expenses [200-1]. (dlt) Modified on 04/05/2004
April 2, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 207 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion for leave to file memorandum in excess of 25 pages [204-1]. The Clerk is directed to file pltfs' memorandum in support of mtn for approval of pltfs' attorneys' fees & expenses. EOD 4/5/04 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
April 2, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 206 AGREED ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Approving & directing distribution of legal ntc of mtn for approval of pltfs' attorneys' fees & expenses. All provisions of the att'd ntc to class members are hereby incorporated by reference & made part of this Order as if fully set forth herein. (w/ att'd approved legal ntc of mtn for approval of pltfs' attorneys' fees & expenses) (cc: all counsel) (EOD 4/5/04) (dlt) Modified on 04/05/2004
April 2, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 205 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: The Court will hold a hearin on pltfs' motion for approval of pltfs' attorney fees & expenses [200-1] at 1:00 p.m. on 4/30/04. EOD 4/5/04 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
March 31, 2004 Filing 204 MOTION by pltf for leave to file memorandum in excess of 25 pages . (w/ att'd proposed memorandum in support of mtn for approval of pltfs' attorneys' fees & expenses) (dlt)
March 31, 2004 Filing 203 APPENDIX filed by pltf of exhibits in support of mtn for approval of pltfs' attorneys' fees & expenses [200-1]. (w/ att'd exhibits A-U) (dlt)
March 31, 2004 Filing 202 AFFIDAVIT of David L. Raybin re [200-1]. (dlt)
March 31, 2004 Filing 201 AFFIDAVIT of Marcia Robinson Lowry re [200-1]. (dlt)
March 31, 2004 Filing 200 MOTION by pltfs for approval of pltfs' attorney fees & expenses . (dlt)
March 31, 2004 PROPOSED Agreed Order approving & directing distribution of legal ntc of mtn for approval of pltfs' attorneys' fees & expenses. (w/ att'd proposed legal ntc) (dlt)
March 31, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 199 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion to extend time to file mtn for attorneys' fees & expenses [198-1]. The time is extended to 4/1/04. EOD 3/31/04 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
March 30, 2004 Filing 198 JOINT MOTION to extend time to file mtn for attorneys' fees & expenses . (w/ att'd exhibit A and proposed order) (dlt)
March 16, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 197 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Motion to extend time until 3/30/04 w/in which to file mtn for attorneys' fees & expenses [196-1] is granted. EOD 3/16/04 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
March 11, 2004 Filing 196 JOINT MOTION to extend time to file mtn for attorneys' fees & expenses . (dlt)
February 11, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 195 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion to extend time for filing pltfs' mtn for attorneys' fees & expesnses [194-1]. Defts' appeal to the Sixth Circuit of this Court's award of pltfs' attorneys' fees & costs is extended to 3/12/04. Any mtn for attorneys fees & expenses is referred to the Magistrate Judge for a R&R. EOD 2/11/04 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
February 10, 2004 Filing 194 JOINT MOTION to extend time for filing pltfs' mtn for attorneys' fees & expesnses . (w/ att'd proposed order) (dlt)
January 16, 2004 Filing 193 TRANSCRIPT filed of proceedings-settlement announcement held on 12/29/03 before Judge Campbell. (dlt)
January 13, 2004 Opinion or Order Filing 192 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion to extend time until 2/13/04 w/in which to file pltfs' mtn for attorneys' fees & expenses [191-1]. EOD 1/14/04 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
January 13, 2004 Filing 191 JOINT MOTION to extend time for filing pltfs' mtn for attorneys' fees & expenses . (w/ att'd proposed order) (dlt)
December 29, 2003 Filing 190 STIPULATION approved by Judge Todd J. Campbell of settlement of contempt motion [169-1]. Pltfs are entitled to fees and costs with regard to their motion and this resultant Stipulation. Those fees and costs will be included in a separate motion for post-judgment monitoring and enforcement activities to be submitted separately to the Court. (cc: all counsel) (EOD 12/30/03) (jb)
December 29, 2003 Filing 189 CLERK'S RESUME: Hearing held 12/29/03. A hearing was held upon request of the ptys. A proposed stipulation of settlement of contempt motion was submitted to the court for approval. Order to enter as the stipulation was approved. C/R: Jim Spence (jb)
December 23, 2003 Filing 188 REPLY AFFIDAVIT of Marcia Robinson re [187-1], re [169-1] (w/ att'd exhibits A-G) (vh)
December 23, 2003 Filing 187 REPLY MEMORANDUM by pltfs to response to motion for contempt of consent decree and further remedial relief [169-1] (w/ att'd exhibit 1) (vh)
December 17, 2003 Filing 186 MANDATE from 6th CCA dated 12/15/03 affirming the decision of the District Court [178-1] (mk)
December 10, 2003 Filing 185 DECLARATION of Mary Meador re [181-1] with attachments (mk)
December 10, 2003 Filing 184 DECLARATION of Kenneth Steverson re [181-1] with attachments (mk)
December 10, 2003 Filing 183 DECLARATION of Tam Gordon re [181-1] with attachment (mk)
December 10, 2003 Filing 182 NOTICE by deft George W. Hattaway of filing declaration of Tam Gordon, declaration of Kenneth Steverson, and declaration of Mary Meador (with attachments) (mk)
December 10, 2003 Filing 181 RESPONSE by defts to pltf's mtn for contempt and further remedial relief [169-1] (mk)
December 4, 2003 Opinion or Order Filing 180 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell re: status conference held 12/4/03 A hearing on pltf's mtn for contempt of consent decree and further remedial relief [169-1] is set for 9:00 a.m. on 1/2/04 and if needed, to continue on 1/5/04 at 9:00. Parties to exchange & file with court before 12/30/03 witness, exhibit lists, affidavits, stipulations & mtns in limine and other pre-hearing mtns. Parties to make every effort to respond to these documents before hrg begins. Pg. limitation on briefs & responses is waived. EOD 12/5/03 (cc: all counsel) (mk)
December 4, 2003 Filing 179 CLERK'S RESUME of Status conference held 12/4/03 at 1:00 . Order to enter. C/R: Jim Spence (mk)
December 1, 2003 Opinion or Order Filing 177 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion to set a status conference [176-1]. The Court will hold a status conference set for 1:00 p.m. on 12/4/03 in the Courtroom No. A-826. EOD 12/1/03 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
November 26, 2003 Filing 176 MOTION by pltf Brian A. to set a status conference . (mk)
November 24, 2003 Filing 178 INFORMATION COPY from 6th CCA dated 11/21/03: affirming the jgm of the district court (mk)
November 21, 2003 Filing 175 MEMORANDUM by pltfs in support of motion for contempt of consent decree and further remedial relief [169-1] with attached Appendices A-X (in 2 volumes) (mk)
November 21, 2003 Opinion or Order Filing 174 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting pltf's mtn for leave to file memorandum in excess of 25 pages [171-1]. Clerk directed to file the pltfs' memorandum in support with appendix 1 and 2. Defts' memorandum in response to pltfs' mtn for contempt of Consent Decree may likewise exceed 25 pages. EOD 11/21/03 (cc: all counsel) (mk)
November 21, 2003 Opinion or Order Filing 173 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell setting hearing on motion for contempt of consent decree and further remedial relief [169-1] for 9:00 am on 1/2/04. EOD 11/21/03 (cc: all counsel) (mk)
November 21, 2003 Opinion or Order Filing 172 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion for attorney Douglas C. Gray to appear pro hac vice [166-1] for pltfs. EOD 11/21/03 (cc: all counsel) (mk)
November 20, 2003 Filing 171 MOTION by pltfs for leave to file memorandum in excess of 25 pages (with attached proposed memorandum and Appendices A-X) (mk)
November 20, 2003 Filing 170 AFFIDAVIT of Marcia Robinson Lowry re [169-1] (mk)
November 20, 2003 Filing 169 MOTION by pltfs for contempt of consent decree and further remedial relief (mk)
November 19, 2003 Filing 168 LETTER from Clerk to Douglas C. Gray re: $75.00 fee for pro hac vice motion (fee paid on 11/21/03) (af) Modified on 11/21/2003
November 18, 2003 Filing 167 CERTIFICATE of Good Standing filed by Douglas C. Gray from Southern District of New York (mk)
November 18, 2003 Filing 166 MOTION by pltf Brian A. for attorney Douglas C. Gray to appear pro hac vice (fee paid 11/21/03) (mk) Modified on 11/21/2003
November 18, 2003 PROPOSED Order granting mtn of Douglas C. Gray for admission pro hac vice (mk)
November 6, 2003 Filing 165 NOTICE by pltfs of filing Settlement Agreement Compliance Report for September 1, 2001 through July 31, 2003 dated November 1, 2003 along with Appendices (3 vols in binders) (mk)
March 19, 2003 Opinion or Order Filing 164 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion to place originally filed appendices under seal [161-1] EOD 3/19/03 (cc: all counsel) (mk)
March 14, 2003 Filing 163 AFFIDAVIT of David L. Raybin re [161-1] (mk)
March 14, 2003 Filing 162 NOTICE by pltfs of filing redacted version of appendices to Interim Progress Report (which were originally filed 3/4/03) (mk)
March 14, 2003 Filing 161 MOTION by pltfs to place originally filed appendices under seal (mk)
March 4, 2003 Filing 160 NOTICE by pltfs of filing Interim Progress Report compiled by Federal Court Monitor with attached report (mk)
July 8, 2002 Filing 159 NOTICE by defts that the TN State Government partial shutdown has ended (gi)
July 3, 2002 Filing 158 TRANSCRIPT filed of proceedings - status conference before Judge Campbell on 7/3/02. C/R: James Spence. (dlt)
July 3, 2002 Opinion or Order Filing 157 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Status conference held on 7/3/02. Parties shall keep the Court advised of any new developments concerning the State budget & appropriations issues which could adversely affect compliance w/ the Settlement Agreement in this case. Court will re-evaluate the issues next week& determine whether another status conference is necessary. Counsel for the parties jointly shall notify the Monitor, Shiela Agneil, that she will be required to appear at any futher status conference in this matter. Clerk shall serve the Monitor w/ a copy of this order and all further orders in this case. EOD 7/03/02 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
July 3, 2002 Filing 156 CLERK'S RESUME: Status conference held on 7/3/02 . Status conference held. Parties were allowed time to update the court on the current budget's affect on the settlement agreement in the matter. Order to enter. See att'd, Senate Bill #3256 submitted by the pltfs as an exhibit to this hearing. C/R: Jim Spence (dlt)
July 1, 2002 Opinion or Order Filing 155 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: In light of the recent partial government shutdown in the State of Tennessee, counsel for the parties shall appear for a status conference set for 9:00 a.m. on 7/3/02 . EOD 7/1/02 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
June 21, 2002 Opinion or Order Filing 154 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion for stay pending appeal from the order awarding atty's fees & waiver of supersedeas bond [148-1]. EOD 6/24/02 (cc: all counsel) (gi)
June 19, 2002 Filing 153 RESPONSE by pltfs in opposition to motion for stay pending appeal from the order awarding atty's fees & waiver of supersedeas bond [148-1] (w/attached exhibits A-C) (gi)
June 17, 2002 Filing 152 DESIGNATION of Record on Appeal by pltfs (gi)
June 10, 2002 Filing 151 NOTIFICATION by 6th CCA of receipt of short record & assignment of appellate case number 02-5666 (af)
June 10, 2002 TRANSCRIPT Order Form submitted by state defts and marked: Transcript is unnecessary for appeal purposes (af)
June 6, 2002 Filing 150 RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION by pltfs to motion for stay pending appeal from the order awarding atty's fees & waiver of supersedeas bond [148-1] (af)
June 5, 2002 Filing 149 MEMORANDUM OF LAW by defts in support of motion for stay pending appeal from the order awarding atty's fees & waiver of supersedeas bond [148-1] (af)
June 5, 2002 Filing 148 MOTION by defts for stay pending appeal from the order awarding atty's fees & waiver of supersedeas bond (af)
June 5, 2002 Filing 147 DESIGNATION OF THE RECORD ON APPEAL by defts Donald Sundquist & George W. Hattaway (af)
May 23, 2002 Filing 146 LETTER from Clerk to all counsel of record regarding designation of the record on appeal (sent counsel docket sheet) (af) Modified on 05/23/2002
May 23, 2002 Short Record on Appeal sent to 6CCA re [144-1] (af)
May 20, 2002 Filing 145 RECEIVED filing fee from State Defts in the amt of $105, receipt no. 85909 (re: docket entry no. 144) (af)
May 20, 2002 Filing 144 NOTICE OF APPEAL by defts Donald Sundquist & George W. Hattaway from Dist. Court decision [143-1] (af)
April 19, 2002 Opinion or Order Filing 143 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting second amended request for attorneys' fees and expenses [142-1]. Pltfs are awarded a total of $1,435,380.08 in reasonable attorneys' fees and $88,977.91 in out-of-pocket expenses, plus interest accruing on these amounts since 7/27/01, the date upon which the settlement agreement was signed. EOD 4/19/02 (cc: all counsel) (dlt) Modified on 05/22/2002
April 10, 2002 Filing 142 SECOND AMENDED by pltf to request for attorneys' fees and expenses [115-1]. (w/ att'd exhibits 1-3) (dlt)
April 4, 2002 Opinion or Order Filing 141 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Defts' general objections to the hourly rates and overall fees are overruled. Court finds however, that defts' specific objections to the amended request well-taken. Pltf shall amend their request for attorneys' fees and expenses to deduct the specific entries identified in defts' response and shall submit a second amended request by 4/12/02. EOD 4/4/02 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
March 25, 2002 Filing 140 RESPONSE by defts to pltfs' amended request for attorney's fees and expenses [139-1]. (w/ att'd exhibit A) (dlt)
March 11, 2002 Filing 139 AFFIRMATION OF Marcia Robinson Lowry by pltfs in support of pltfs' amended request for attorneys' fees and expenses [138-1]. (w/ att'd exhibits 1-7) (dlt)
March 11, 2002 Filing 138 MEMORANDUM by pltf in support of pltfs' amended request for attorneys' fees and expenses from order [137-1]. (w/ att'd exhibits A-B) (dlt)
February 25, 2002 Opinion or Order Filing 137 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting in part and denying in part pltfs' mtn for attorney fees and expenses [115-1]. Pltfs are ordered to submit an amended petition for fees & expenses by 3/11/02. Defts may respond to amended request on or before 3/25/02. EOD 2/26/02 (cc: all counsel) (mk)
February 22, 2002 Filing 136 AFFIDAVIT of Gail Vaughn Ashworth re [135-1]. (the afdt is not notarized) (dlt)
February 22, 2002 Filing 135 REPLY MEMORANDUM by pltfs to response to motion for attorney fees and expenses [115-1]. (w/ att'd exhibit 1) (dlt)
January 24, 2002 Opinion or Order Filing 134 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion for leave to reply to defts' response to pltfs' mtn for attorneys' fees and expenses [133-1]. Pltfs shall have until 2/22/02 to file any reply. EOD 1/24/02 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
January 23, 2002 Filing 133 MOTION by pltfs for leave to reply to defts' response to pltfs' mtn for attorneys' fees and expenses . (dlt)
January 18, 2002 Filing 132 RESPONSE by defts to motion for attorney fees and expenses [115-1]. (w/ attachments) (dlt)
January 10, 2002 Opinion or Order Filing 131 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: State defts' request to extend ddl to file a brief in response to pltf's mtn for attorneys' fees and expenses [115-1] to 1/18/02 is granted. EOD 1/11/02 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
December 13, 2001 Filing 130 REPLY by pltf to response to motion for attorney fees and expenses [115-1]. (dlt)
December 13, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 129 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion for leave to file a reply to defts' ntc of objection to pltfs' mtn for attorneys' fees and expenses [128-1] and the Clerk is directed to docket and file the reply. EOD 12/14/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
December 12, 2001 Filing 128 MOTION by pltfs for leave to file a reply to defts' ntc of objection to pltfs' mtn for attorneys' fees and expenses . (w/ att'd proposed reply) (dlt) Modified on 12/13/2001
December 10, 2001 Filing 127 OBJECTIONS by defts to pltfs' mtn for attorney's fees and expenses [115-1]. (dlt)
September 19, 2001 Filing 126 LETTER from pltfs' counsel, Ira P. Lustbader, dated 9/18/01, re defts' mtn for a 90 day extension of time to respond to pltfs' mtn for attys' fees and expenses (gi)
September 19, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 125 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: The Court is in receipt of a letter dated 9/18/01 from Ira P. Lustbader, counsel for pltfs. Clerk shall file the letter as part of the record. All requests in the letter are denied because such requests are not filed by proper mtn. EOD 9/19/01 (cc: all counsel) (gi)
September 13, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 124 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion for extension of time until 12/10/01 to file any objection to the pltfs' mtn for attorney's fees and expenses [115-1] [123-1] (cc: all counsel) (EOD 9/14/01) (jb)
September 11, 2001 Filing 123 MOTION by defts for extension of time until 12/10/01 to file any objection to the pltfs' mtn for attorney's fees and expenses . (dlt)
August 27, 2001 Filing 122 MEMORANDUM by pltf in support of motion for attorney fees and expenses [115-1]. (w/ att'd exhibits 1-2) (dlt)
August 27, 2001 Filing 121 DECLARATION by pltfs of Wallace W. Dietz re [115-1]. (dlt)
August 27, 2001 Filing 120 AFFIDAVIT of David L. Raybin re [115-1] (dlt)
August 27, 2001 Filing 119 DECLARATION by pltfs of S. Dawn Coppock re [115-1]. (w/ att'd exhibit A) (dlt)
August 27, 2001 Filing 118 DECLARATION by pltfs of Dean Hill Rivkin re [115-1]. (w/ att'd exhibit A) (dlt)
August 27, 2001 Filing 117 DECLARATION by pltfs of Richard Emery [115-1]. (w/ att'd exhibits A-B) (dlt)
August 27, 2001 Filing 116 AFFIDAVIT of Marcia Robinson Lowry re [115-1]. (w/ attachments 1-4) (dlt)
August 27, 2001 Filing 115 MOTION by pltfs for attorney fees and expenses . (w/ att'd exhibits A1-12, B1-4 in Vols 1-3) (dlt)
August 2, 2001 Filing 114 LETTER dated 8/1/01 from E. Candis Pelfrey re: TN Foster Care System and DHS (rls)
August 2, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 113 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: The Court is in receipt of a letter dated 8/1/01 from E. Candis Pelfrey. The Clerk is directed to file the letter as part of the record in this case and furnish counsel w/a copy of the letter and this order. (cc: all counsel w/copy of letter) (EOD 8/3/01) (rls)
July 27, 2001 Filing 111 STIPULATED MODIFICATION by Judge Todd J. Campbell of Settlement Agreement [109-1]. Parties agree to modify the settlement by deleting the first sentence of Setion XIII.A. in its entirety and replacing it w/ the following: DCS shall develop & implement polices & procedures by which it can maximize funds available to it through Titles IV-B and IV-E of the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980. EOD 7/27/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
July 26, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 112 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Hearing held on 7/20/01 . Granting motions for approval of class action settlement [98-1] and for approval of class action settlement [96-1]. Contemporaneously herewith, the Court has approved and filed the Settlement Agreement, a Stipulated Modification of Settlement Agrement regarding Section V.A. and an additional Stipulated Modication of Settlement Agreement regarding Section XIII.A. Terminating case . EOD 7/27/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
July 26, 2001 Filing 110 STIPULATED MODIFICATION by Judge Todd J. Campbell of settlement agreement [109-1]. Parties agree to modify the Settlement agreement by deleting the test of Section V.A. in its entirety and replacing it with different language, details found in this order. EOD 7/27/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
July 26, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 109 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell of Settlement Agreement. Details w/in the order. EOD 7/27/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
July 20, 2001 Filing 108 TRANSCRIPT filed of proceedings-fairness hearing before Judge Campbell on 7/20/01. (dlt)
July 20, 2001 Filing 107 LETTER from Randal Lea, President, Board of Directors TN Association for Child Care, re: ntc of settlement. (dlt)
July 20, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 106 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Court is in receipt of a letter dated 7/19/01 from Randal Lea. Clerk is directed to file the letter as part of the record in this case. Clerk is further directed to furnish counsel w/ a copy of the letter and this Order. EOD 7/20/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
July 19, 2001 Filing 105 LIMITED OBJECTIONS to Proposed Settlement Agreement by pltfs in cases 3:94-0595 and 3:98-0168. (w/ attachments) (dlt)
July 19, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 104 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion for leave to file objection to proposed settlement [102-1]. EOD 7/19/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
July 16, 2001 Filing 103 CERTIFICATE of Counsel by Gordon Bonnyman (dlt)
July 16, 2001 Filing 102 MOTION by pltfs in case 3:94-0595 and pltfs in 3:98-0168 for leave to file objection to proposed settlement . (w/ att'd proposed objection to settlement) (dlt)
July 16, 2001 Filing 101 LETTER from Elizabeth C. Driver, attorney for defts, re: two letters from a child in foster care in response to the ntc concerning the Brian A. settlement agreement. (w/ att'd letters) (dlt)
July 16, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 100 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Court is in receipt of a letter dated 7/13/01 from Elizabeth C. Driver w/ attachments. Clerk is directed to file the letter and attachments as part of the record. Clerk is further directed to furnish counsel w/ a copy of the letter and attachments and this Order. EOD 7/17/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
July 16, 2001 Filing 99 MEMORANDUM of Law by defts in support of motion for approval of class action settlement [98-1]. (w/ attachments) (dlt)
July 16, 2001 Filing 98 MOTION by defts for approval of class action settlement . (dlt)
July 16, 2001 Filing 97 MEMORANDUM by pltfs in support of motion for approval of class action settlement [96-1]. (w/ att'd exhibits A-D) (dlt)
July 16, 2001 Filing 96 MOTION by pltfs for approval of class action settlement . (dlt)
July 13, 2001 Filing 95 LETTER from Jeffrey Powell, attorney for pltfs re: Letter from Gordon Bonnyman of the TN Justice Center in response to Ntc of Settlement Agreement. (w/ attachments) (dlt)
July 13, 2001 Filing 94 LETTER from Ira Lustbader, attorney for pltfs re: Two letters from Kimisha Edwards in response to ntc of the Settlement Agreement. (w/ attachments) (dlt)
July 13, 2001 Filing 93 LETTER from Ira Lustbader, attorney for pltfs re: letter from a child in foster care in response to the ntc published concerning the Brian A. Settlement Agreement. (dlt)
July 13, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 92 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Court is in receipt of a letter dated 7/6/01 from Ira P. Lustbader w/ attachments; a letter dated 7/10/01 from Ira P. Lustbader w/ attachments; and a letter dated 7/12/01 from Jeffrey K. Powell w/ attachments. Clerk is directed to file the letters and attachments as part of the record in this case. Clerk is further directed to furnish counsel w/ a copy of the letters and attachments and this Order. EOD 7/16/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
July 9, 2001 Filing 91 LETTER from Arthur S. Masker re: proposed settlement agreement. (dlt)
July 9, 2001 Filing 90 LETTER from Mary Ann Stackhouse re: proposed settlement agreement. (dlt)
July 9, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 89 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Court is in receipt of a letter dated 6/28/01 from Arthur S. Masker and a letter dated 6/28/01 from Mary Ann Stackhouse. Clerk is directed to file the letters as part of the record in this case. Clerk is further directed to furnish counsel w/ a copy of the letters and this Order. EOD 7/9/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
June 28, 2001 Filing 88 LETTER from Ira P. Lustbader attorney for pltfs re: Enclosed please find the originals of 2 separate letters from Meri Dickerson and one from Ann Moore, received by my office 6/25/01 in response to the ntc published concerning the Brian A. Settlement Agreement. (w/ att'd letters) (dlt)
June 28, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 87 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Court is in receipt of a letter dated 6/26/01 from Ira P. Lustbader attaching 2 separate letters from Meri Dickerson and a letter from Ann Moore. Clerk is directed to file the letter and attachments as part of the record in this case. Clerk is further directed to furnish counsel w/ a copy of the letter, the attachments and this Order. EOD 6/28/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
June 28, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 86 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Court is in receipt of the following filing: [85-1], [83-1], [82-1], [81-1], [80-1], [79-1], [78-1], [77-1], and [76-1]. Clerk is directed to furnish w/ a copy of the filings and this Order. (cc: all counsel, sent copies of letters to attorneys of record) (dlt)
June 26, 2001 Filing 85 LETTER from David Howard to the Court re: settlement agreement. (dlt)
June 25, 2001 Filing 84 OBJECTIONS to Settlement Agreement by T.D. (dlt)
June 25, 2001 Filing 83 LETTER from Kimisha Edwards re: Settlement Agreement and the violation of her rights. (dlt)
June 25, 2001 Filing 82 NOTICE by Ira P. Lustbader, attorney for pltfs, of filing an original and one copy of 2 handwritten letters from a child in DCS custody in foster care, in response to the Ntc published concerning Brian A. Settlement Agreement. (w/ att'd copy of letter) (dlt)
June 25, 2001 Filing 81 LETTER from Meri Dickerson to the Court re: Settlement Agreement and the civil rights of children being violated. (dlt)
June 25, 2001 Filing 80 LETTER from Meri Dickerson re: Settlement agreement and her custody battle. (dlt)
June 22, 2001 Filing 79 LETTER (copy) from Kimisha Edwards re: her custody of the state. (letter forwarded from attorney Doug Dimond) (dlt) Modified on 06/26/2001
June 21, 2001 Filing 78 LETTER from Larry J. Rose re: settlement hearing. (dlt)
June 21, 2001 Filing 77 LETTER from Denzel M. Chapman to the Court re: settlement hearing. (dlt)
June 21, 2001 Filing 76 LETTER from Arthur S. Masker to the Court re: settlement agreement in this case. (dlt)
June 21, 2001 Filing 75 LETTER by Margie Sue Pruitt to the Court re: Department of Children Services. (dlt)
June 21, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 74 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Court is in receipt of a letter dated 6/10/01 filed by Margie Sue Pruitt. Clerk is directed to file the letter as part of the record int his case. Clerk is further directed to furnish counsel w/ a copy of the letter and this Order. EOD 6/21/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
June 18, 2001 Filing 73 MAIL Returned [71-1], [72-1] addressed to Marcia Robinson Lowry attorney for pltf; envelope marked not deliverable as addressed unable to forward, return to sender. (dlt)
June 7, 2001 Filing 72 LETTER from Rebecca Moore to the Court re: Department of Children Services practice and procedures regarding her family. (w/ attachment) (dlt)
June 7, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 71 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Court is in receipt of a letter dated 6/5/01 filed by Rebecca Moore. The Clerk is directed to file the letter as part of the record in this case. The Clerk is further directed to furnish counsel w/ a copy of the letter and this Order. EOD 6/8/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
May 31, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 70 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Legal Notice of Settlement Agreement, details w/in the order. EOD 5/31/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
May 31, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 69 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell granting motion for preliminary approval of settlement agreement [62-1], and for order directing distribution of legal ntc of proposed settlement agreement and related matters [62-2]. Ddl for the receipt of objections &/or comments regarding the proposed settlement agreement shall be 12:00 p.m. on 6/25/01. Fairness hearing set for 9:00 a.m. on 7/20/01 . More details w/in the order. EOD 5/31/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
May 30, 2001 Filing 68 TRANSCRIPT filed of proceedings-hearing before Judge Campbell on 5/23/01. C/R: James Spence (dlt)
May 30, 2001 Filing 67 LETTER from pltfs re: legal authority in support of the inclusion of future foster children in the class to be certified for the purposes of the Settlement Agreement reached in this matter. (dlt)
May 30, 2001 PROPOSED Order directing distribution of legal ntc of proposed settlement agreement and related matters. (w/ att'd proposed settlement agreement) (dlt)
May 23, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 66 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Court held a hearing on 5/23/01, to consider the Joint Mtn for Prelimiary Approval of Settlement Agreement [62-1][62-2]. Counsel for the parties shall submit by 5/30/01 authorities and the revised ntc and order. If the Revised Order is signed and entered, the Court will hold a fairness hearing on the Settlement Agreement on 7/20/01 at 9:00 a.m. EOD 5/23/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
May 23, 2001 Filing 65 CLERK'S RESUME: Hearing on motion for preliminary approval of settlement agreement [62-1] and for order directing distribution of legal ntc of proposed settlement agreement and related matters [62-2] held on 5/23/01. Order to enter C/R : Jim Spence (dlt)
May 18, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 64 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Joint motion for preliminary approval of settlement agreement [62-1] and for order directing distribution of legal ntc of proposed settlement agreement and related matters [62-2] is set for hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 5/23/01. Clerk shall post this Order, and the proposed settlement documents, on the Court's website. EOD 5/18/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt) Modified on 05/18/2001
May 16, 2001 Filing 63 MEMORANDUM in support of joint motion for preliminary approval of settlement agreement [62-1] and for order directing distribution of legal ntc of proposed settlement agreement and related matters [62-2]. (w/ att'd exhibits A & B) (dlt)
May 16, 2001 Filing 62 JOINT MOTION for preliminary approval of settlement agreement and for order directing distribution of legal ntc of proposed settlement agreement and related matters . (dlt)
April 9, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 61 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Case Management Conference held on 4/5/01 . Mediation will continue through 4/30/01. All stays on discovery will be lifted as of 5/1/01 and the following scheduling order shall apply. Discovery ddl set for 3/22/02; dispositive mtn filing ddl set for 4/19/02 . EOD 4/9/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
March 14, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 60 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Parties are directed to continue mediation through 4/4/01. Case Management Conference set for 2:00 p.m. on 4/5/01 . Mr. DeMuro is requested to provide the Court w/ a progress report by the close of business on 3/31/01. EOD 3/15/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
March 1, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 59 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Parties to this action are participating in mediation of their disputes. Denying pltfs' motion for class certification [4-1] w/o prejudice to its being refiled at the conclusion of the mediation process. EOD 3/1/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
February 7, 2001 Filing 58 LETTER from Paul DeMuro re: mediation report filed under seal. (dlt)
February 7, 2001 Opinion or Order Filing 57 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Mag. Judge fully agrees at this point w/ Mr. DeMuro's report of 2/1/01, which will be filed under seal w/ an appropriate docket number. Mag. Judge directs that the mediator proceed as set forth w/ mediations scheduled from 2/6/01 through 3/9/01. Informall status conference w/ the parties and mediator following the conclusion of the meeting on 3/9/01. EOD 2/7/01 (cc: all counsel) (dlt) Modified on 06/28/2001
December 26, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 56 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Telephone conference held on 12/21/00. Magistrate Judge selects Mr. Paul W. DeMuro, 82nd Essex Ave, Montclair, NJ 07042 as the mediator in this matter. Clerk is directed to furnish Mr. DeMuro DE Nos. 1,5,22,23,25-27,33,38-45,51,52, a copy of the docket sheet, and this order. Parties are directed to consult w/ Mr. DeMuro as soon as practical to begin the mediation process, in accordance w/ the schedule set out in DE# 52. EOD 12/26/00 (cc: all counsel, mediator) (dlt)
December 18, 2000 Filing 55 LETTER from pltfs re: mediation. (w/ attachments) (dlt)
December 14, 2000 Filing 54 NOTICE by defts of filing for the Court's consideration their nominated mediators. (dlt)
December 8, 2000 Filing 53 TRANSCRIPT filed of Case Management Conference on 11/28/00 before Magistrate Judge Brown. CR: Cindi Kellam. (dlt)
December 7, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 52 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Case Management Conference held on 11/28/00 . Pltfs will provide the defts a request for production of documents by 12/5/00; defts will provide to the pltfs a copy of DCS policy manuals on 12/8/00; by 12/22/00, deft will provide to the pltfs documents requested on 12/5/00. On 12/8/00, parties will exchange names and resumes of 3 or more potential mediators; by 12/22/00 the Court will select a mediator, if parties can not agree; by 1/5/01, each party shall submit to the mediator and to the other party an outline of a proposed settlement agreement. On 2/2/01, mediator will provide a status report to the Court. EOD 12/7/00 (xc: Clerk of Court) (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
December 4, 2000 PROPOSED Order to refer case to mediation and schedule limited discovery. (dlt)
November 16, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 51 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Case management conference held on 11/15/00. Parties discussed w/ the Magistrate Judge the state's mediation proposal which was filed w/ the Court during the hearing. Parties have requested additional time to consider the mediation proposal. A further case management conference set for 1:00 p.m on 11/28/00. EOD 11/17/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
November 15, 2000 Filing 50 NOTICE by defts of filing Mediation Proposal (dlt) Modified on 11/17/2000
November 15, 2000 Filing 49 CLERK'S RESUME: Case management conference held on 11/15/00 . Order to enter. C/R : Taped No. 406 MB (dlt)
November 7, 2000 Filing 48 NOTICE by defts of Privilege Log pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(5) and the order of the Magistrate Judge, the defts assert that the following records from the Department of Children's Services legal files pertaining to the 8 named pltfs are privileged as work product and/or attorney-client communications. (dlt)
November 6, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 47 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Telephone conference reset for 3:00 p.m. on 11/15/00 , to be initiated by Mr. Lustbader. EOD 11/7/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt) Modified on 11/07/2000
October 30, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 46 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Telephone conference set for 10:00 on 11/13/00 to be initiated by counsel for the pltf. EOD 10/31/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
October 25, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 45 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: For reasons state in the accompanying Memorandum, granting in part and denying in part defts' motion to dismiss [19-1]. Pltfs' Americans w/ Disabilities Act claims are dismissed. EOD 10/26/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
October 25, 2000 Filing 44 MEMORANDUM OF THE COURT (cc: all counsel) EOD 10/26/00 (dlt)
October 25, 2000 Filing 43 LETTER from defts to the Court re: the clarification of deft's position on the discovery issues. (w/ attachments) (dlt) Modified on 10/25/2000
October 25, 2000 Filing 42 LETTER from pltfs to the Court re: discovery issues. (w/ attached exhibits 1-2) (dlt)
October 24, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 41 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Case Management conference held 10/23/00 . Clerk is directed to file letter from pltf and respon by Attorney General as the next docket entries. AG is directed to advise that contract agency that unless the files are produced in sufficient time for the AG to furnish them to the pltf by 11/7/00. Contract agency should file their objections by 11/1/00. AG is directed by 11/7/00 to advise the pltfs whether there are documents in these files which are not contained in the files that are being produced. Privilege log should be file by 11/7/00. Computerized files should be produced by 11/1/00. Pltfs are directed to furnish by 11/1/00 a letter to the defts stating in general terms what they seek to understand and furnishing documents they wish to learn more about. EOD 10/25/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
October 20, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 40 AGREED ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Telephone conference set for 3:30 on 10/23/00 w/ regard to discovery issues. EOD 10/24/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
September 22, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 39 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Brief telephone conference held on 9/21/00. Denying motion to stay discovery pending decision of appeal [36-1] as moot inasmuch as the District Court has now ruled on that matter. Clerk is directed to return this file to Judge Campbell where various dispositive mtns are pending. EOD 9/22/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
September 18, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 38 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: Pending is deft's ntc of objections [31-1] to Magistrate Judge's order denying defts' mtn to stay discovery [26-1]. Defts' mtn for review is denied. The order of the Magistrate Judge [26-1] is affirmed. EOD 9/19/00 (cc: all counsel) (gi)
September 18, 2000 Filing 37 MEMORANDUM by deft Donald Sundquist & deft George W. Hattaway in support of motion to stay discovery pending decision of appeal [36-1] (tlc)
September 18, 2000 Filing 36 MOTION by deft Donald Sundquist & deft George W. Hattaway to stay discovery pending decision of appeal (tlc)
September 12, 2000 Filing 35 RESPONSE by pltfs to objection to the Magistrate Judge's Order denying mtn to stay discovery [31-1]. (dlt)
September 1, 2000 Filing 34 REPLY by defts to response to motion to dismiss. [19-1] (dlt)
September 1, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 33 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: CMC held at the request of the pltfs' attorney on 8/31/00. Magistrate Judge appreciates the fact that the parties are tentatively scheduling depositions so that in the event the Magistrate Judge's ruling is not overturned the matter can proceed promptly. Magistrate Judge sees no reason to interject the Court into the production of documents at this time. If the parties have a serious disagreement over the matter, they are reminded of the requirement to contact the Magistrate Judge for a further telephone conference before filing formal objections. EOD 9/1/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
August 30, 2000 Filing 32 MEMORANDUM of Law by deft in support of objection [31-1] (dlt)
August 30, 2000 Filing 31 OBJECTIONS by defts to order denying the mtn to stay discovery. [26-1] (dlt)
August 28, 2000 Filing 30 LETTER from pltfs requesting a conference call regarding scheduling of depositions. (dlt)
August 21, 2000 Filing 29 RESPONSE by pltfs to motion to dismiss [19-1]. (w/ attached exhibits 1-2) (dlt)
August 21, 2000 Filing 28 REPLY by pltfs to response to motion for class certification [4-1]. (w/ attached exhibits 1-3) (dlt)
August 18, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 27 INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Case Management Conference held on 7/6/00. Pltf shall have until 8/21/00 to reply to deft's mtn for class certification[4-1]. Pltf's shall have until 8/21/00 to file a response to motion to dismiss. Discovery shall be stayed pending disposition of a mtn to dismiss. [19-1] EOD 8/18/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
August 17, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 26 ORDER and Memorandum by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown denying motion to stay discovery [14-1] for reasons set out in order. EOD 8/17/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
August 8, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 25 AGREED PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Confidentiality of any individually-identifying information in the case files pertaining to the eight named pltfs. Terming pltf's protective order [22-1]. EOD 8/8/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
August 2, 2000 PROPOSED Agreed Protective Order (dlt)
August 1, 2000 Filing 24 AFFIRMATION by pltfs of Ira P. Lustbader in support of pltfs' mtn for a protective order [22-1]. (dlt)
August 1, 2000 Filing 23 MEMORANDUM of Law by pltfs in support of motion for a protective order [22-1]. (w/ attached exhibits 1-2) (dlt)
August 1, 2000 Filing 22 MOTION by pltfs for a protective order re: governing the confidentiality of the case files of the eight named pltfs to be produced by defts on 8/10/00. (dlt)
August 1, 2000 Filing 21 CERTIFICATE of Good Standing filed by pltfs for Jeffrey Powell from the USDC SD/NY. (dlt)
July 31, 2000 Filing 20 MEMORANDUM by defts in support of motion to dismiss. [19-1] (dlt)
July 31, 2000 Filing 19 MOTION by defts to dismiss. (dlt)
July 31, 2000 Filing 18 RESPONSE by defts to motion for class certification [4-1]. (dlt)
July 19, 2000 Filing 17 REPLY by defts to response to motion to stay discovery. [14-1] (dlt)
July 17, 2000 Filing 16 RESPONSE by pltfs to motion to stay discovery. [14-1] (dlt)
July 14, 2000 PROPOSED Initial Case Management Order (dlt)
July 13, 2000 Filing 15 MEMORANDUM of Law by defts in support of motion to stay discovery. [14-1] (dlt)
July 13, 2000 Filing 14 MOTION by defts to stay discovery. (dlt)
July 12, 2000 Filing 13 NOTICE by pltfs of taking deposition of Tennessee Department of Children's Services on 7/24/00 and 8/21/00. (dlt)
July 6, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 12 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown: Plan will be field. Case management order w/ target trial date will be filed by 7/14/00. EOD 7/7/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
June 30, 2000 PROPOSED Initial Case Management Order (dlt)
June 30, 2000 JOINT PROPOSED Case Management Plan (dlt)
June 28, 2000 DEFTS' PROPOSED Case Management Plan (dlt)
June 7, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 11 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown Case Management Conference reset for 1:30 on 7/6/00. Defts' time to answer or respond to pltfs' complaint shall be extended until 7/31/00. EOD 6/7/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
June 5, 2000 ATTORNEY APPEARANCE for defts by Douglas E. Dimond per signature on an Agreed Order to reschedule ICMC and to extend the time for defts to answer. (dlt)
June 5, 2000 PROPOSED Agreed Order to reschedule the ICMC for 7/6/00 at 1:30 and to extend the time for the defts to answer until 7/31/00. (dlt)
May 16, 2000 Filing 10 RETURN OF SERVICE executed upon deft Donald Sundquist by serving Paul Summers in officail capacity only on 5/10/00. (dlt)
May 16, 2000 Filing 9 RETURN OF SERVICE executed upon deft George W. Hattaway by serving Michelle L. Richardson on 5/10/00. (dlt)
May 15, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 8 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Juliet E. Griffin Order of recusal and reassigned to Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown. In consultation w/ Judge Brown, the ICMC, scheduled for 6/19/00 at 4:00 p.m., central time, remains scheduled, unless otherwise ordered by Judge Brown. Pltfs' counsel shall serve a copy of this order upon the defts or their counsel. EOD 5/15/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt)
May 12, 2000 Opinion or Order Filing 7 ORDER by Judge Todd J. Campbell: case is being referred to the Magistrate Judge for customized case management. The stay of discovery imposed is vacated. The time for a party to respond to any pending discovery request shall run from the date the party is served w/ this order. Pltf shall promptly serve a copy of this order on defts. Upon completion of the initial case management conference, the CMO entered by the Magistrate Judge shall include a target trial date. Magistrate Judge shall promptly forward the CMO to the District Judge. Absent good cause the case shall be set for trial by order of the District Judge. EOD 5/12/00 (cc: all counsel) (dlt) Modified on 05/17/2000
May 10, 2000 Filing 6 NOTICE of Initial Case Management Conference Case referred to Magistrate Judge Juliet E. Griffin , ; Case Management Conference set for 4:00 p.m. on 6/19/00 (af)
May 10, 2000 Filing 5 MEMORANDUM OF LAW by pltfs in support of motion for class certification [4-1] (af)
May 10, 2000 Filing 4 MOTION by pltfs for class certification (af)
May 10, 2000 Filing 3 CERTIFICATE of Good Standing of Ira P. Lustbader from the SD of NY filed by pltfs (af)
May 10, 2000 Filing 2 CERTIFICATE of Good Standing of Marcia Lowry from the SD of NY filed by pltfs (af)
May 10, 2000 Filing 1 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT (Summons(es) issued); Filing fee paid in the amount of : $150 Receipt # 74028 (af)

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Plaintiff: Brian A.
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Douglas C. Gray
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Melissa A. Cohen
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Bobbi Jean Brooks
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Tracy B.
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Pamela Pallas
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Jack C.
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Charles C.
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Linda Lloyd
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Amy D.
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Frank Koon
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Denise E.
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Charlette F.
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Juanita Veasy
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Terry G.
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Carol Oldham
Represented By: Corene Thaedra Kendrick
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Powell
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Andrew H.
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Laura Hash
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Kenneth I.
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Russell Morel
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Nancy J.
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Donna K.
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Kiera L.
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Plaintiff: Joshua M.
Represented By: Daniele Gerard
Represented By: David Louis Raybin
Represented By: Ira P. Lustbader
Represented By: Jacqueline B. Dixon
Represented By: Marcia Robinson Lowry
Represented By: Patrick S. Almonrode
Represented By: Sarah Teresa Russo
Represented By: Yasmin Grewal-Kok
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Defendant: Donald Sundquist
Represented By: Alexander Stuart Rieger
Represented By: Dianne Stamey Dycus
Represented By: Douglas E. Dimond
Represented By: Elizabeth C. Driver
Represented By: Jonathan P. Lakey
Represented By: Martha A. Campbell
Represented By: Mary Byrd Ferrara
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Defendant: George W. Hattaway
Represented By: Alexander Stuart Rieger
Represented By: Dianne Stamey Dycus
Represented By: Douglas E. Dimond
Represented By: Elizabeth C. Driver
Represented By: Jonathan P. Lakey
Represented By: Martha A. Campbell
Represented By: Mary Byrd Ferrara
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Defendant: Phil Bredesen
Represented By: Alexander Stuart Rieger
Represented By: Dianne Stamey Dycus
Represented By: Douglas E. Dimond
Represented By: Elizabeth C. Driver
Represented By: Jonathan P. Lakey
Represented By: Lindsey O. Appiah
Represented By: Martha A. Campbell
Represented By: Mary Byrd Ferrara
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Defendant: Viola Miller
Represented By: Alexander Stuart Rieger
Represented By: Douglas E. Dimond
Represented By: Elizabeth C. Driver
Represented By: Jonathan P. Lakey
Represented By: Lindsey O. Appiah
Represented By: Martha A. Campbell
Represented By: Mary Byrd Ferrara
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Interested party: Shiela Agneil
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Interested party: Department of Children's Services
Represented By: Alexander Stuart Rieger
Represented By: Douglas E. Dimond
Represented By: Elizabeth C. Driver
Represented By: Lindsey O. Appiah
Represented By: Martha A. Campbell
Represented By: Mary Byrd Ferrara
Represented By: Shanta J. Murray
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Amicus curiae: Attorney John Michael Thompson
Represented By: John Michael Rettew Thompson
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Intervenor: Class of Minors
Represented By: Michael A. Guth
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