Incentive Capital v. Camelot Entertainment Group et al Featured Case
Plaintiff: Incentive Capital
Defendant: Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Camelot Distribution Group, Robert P. Atwell, Jamie R. Thompson, Steven Istock, Ted Baer and Peter Jarowey
Case Number: 2:2011cv00288
Filed: March 25, 2011
Court: U.S. District Court for the District of Utah
Office: Central Office
County: Salt Lake
Presiding Judge: Clark Waddoups
Nature of Suit: Other Contract
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1332
Jury Demanded By: None
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on April 19, 2012. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
January 20, 2012 Filing 127 DISPOSITION OF EXHIBITS filed with the Court. Counsel to take possession of exhibits within 10 days of this notice or exhibits will be disposed of by clerk's office. (jwt)
December 1, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 126 ORDER granting 124 Motion to Dismiss. Case Closed. Magistrate Judge Samuel Alba no longer assigned to case. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 11/28/11. (jmr)
November 28, 2011 Filing 125 WRIT of Execution issued. Signed by Judge Waddoups on 11/28/11. (jmr)
November 16, 2011 Filing 124 STIPULATED MOTION to Dismiss and Proposed Order Granting Dismissal with Prejudice by Incentive Capital. (Pia, Joseph) Modified on 11/16/2011 ; changed event from Stipulation to Stipulated Motion (asp).
November 16, 2011 Filing 123 PETITION for Writ of Execution by Incentive Capital. (Pia, Joseph)
October 31, 2011 Filing 122 NOTICE: VACATING IPT SET FOR 12/07/2011 DUE TO STAY. (tab)
October 31, 2011 Deadlines/Hearings terminated. IPT vacated due to stay. (tab)
October 25, 2011 Filing 121 AMENDED NOTICE OF INITIAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE:The Attorneys Planning Meeting Report and Proposed Scheduling Order forms, available on the court web site at, should be prepared 30 days before the Initial Pretrial Conference hearing date.NOTICE TO COUNSEL, The Court may enter a scheduling order and vacate the hearing if counsel(a) file a stipulated Attorneys Planning Meeting Report; and(b) e-mail a Proposed Scheduling Order to ipt@utd.uscourts.gov30 days before the scheduled hearing. See instructions at Initial Pretrial Conference reset for Wednesday, 12/7/2011 11:30 AM in Room 477 before Magistrate Judge David Nuffer. (moved from 11/9/11 per request of the parties) (asb)
October 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 120 STIPULATION AND ORDER CONCERNING DEFENDANT PETER JAROWEY'S REPLY TO PLAINTIFF INCENTIVE CAPITAL, LLC'S OPPOSITION TO THE MOTION TO QUASH SERVICE-see order for details. Signed by Magistrate Judge Samuel Alba on 10/20/11. (jmr)
October 14, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 119 ORDER granting Stipulated 118 Motion to Stay. Signed by Magistrate Judge Samuel Alba on 10/14/11. (jmr)
October 13, 2011 Filing 118 Stipulated MOTION to Stay All Proceedings filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Pia, Joseph)
October 12, 2011 Filing 117 OBJECTIONS to 116 Attorney Planning Meeting / Defendant Peter Jarowey's Objections to Plaintiff's Proposed Attorneys' Planning Meeting Report filed by Peter Jarowey. (Shapiro, David)
October 10, 2011 Filing 116 REPORT OF ATTORNEY PLANNING MEETING. (Pia, Joseph)
October 7, 2011 Filing 115 Stipulated MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 106 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, 94 MOTION to Quash Service of the Summons and Amended Complaint /Stipulation and (Proposed) Order Concerning Defendant Peter Jarowey's Reply to Plaintiff Incentive Capital, LLC's Opposition to the Motion to Quash Service filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Shapiro, David)
September 27, 2011 Filing 114 Stipulated MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 106 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, 94 MOTION to Quash Service of the Summons and Amended Complaint / Stipulation and (Proposed) Order Concerning Defendant Peter Jarowey's Reply to Plaintiff Incentive Capital, LLC's Opposition to the Motion to Quash Service filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Shapiro, David)
September 27, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 113 ORDER granting 111 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 111 Stipulated MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 106 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, 94 MOTION to Quash Service of the Summons and Amended Complaint / Stipulation and (Proposed) Order Concerning Defendant Peter JaroweyStipulated MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 106 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, 94 MOTION to Quash Service of the Summons and Amended Complaint / Stipulation and (Proposed) Order Concerning Defendant Peter Jarowey. Replies due by 10/3/2011.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Samuel Alba on 9/27/11. (jmr)
September 23, 2011 Filing 112 STIPULATION of Parties Re: Filing of Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Writ of Attachment by Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson. (Snow, John)
September 19, 2011 Filing 111 Stipulated MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 106 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, 94 MOTION to Quash Service of the Summons and Amended Complaint / Stipulation and (Proposed) Order Concerning Defendant Peter Jarowey's Reply to Plaintiff Incentive Capital, LLC's Opposition to the Motion to Quash Service filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Shapiro, David)
September 15, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 110 ORDER re 109 Stipulation filed by Steven Istock, Camelot Distribution Group, Jamie R. Thompson, Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Film Group, Camelot Entertainment Group. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 9/15/11. (jmr)
September 15, 2011 Filing 109 STIPULATION of Parties Re Filing of Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Writ of Attachment by Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson. (Snow, John)
September 14, 2011 Filing 108 REPLY to Response to Motion re 42 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Defendant Ted Baer. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(James, Dennis)
September 12, 2011 Filing 107 NOTICE OF INITIAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE: (Notice generated by Theresa Brown)The Attorneys Planning Meeting Report and Proposed Scheduling Order forms, available on the court web site at, should be prepared 30 days before the Initial Pretrial Conference hearing date.NOTICE TO COUNSEL, The Court may enter a scheduling order and vacate the hearing if counsel(a) file a stipulated Attorneys Planning Meeting Report; and(b) e-mail a Proposed Scheduling Order to ipt@utd.uscourts.gov30 days before the scheduled hearing. See instructions at Initial Pretrial Conference set for 11/9/2011 11:30 AM in Room 477 before Magistrate Judge David Nuffer. (tab)
September 6, 2011 Filing 106 MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 94 MOTION to Quash Service of the Summons and Amended Complaint filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Pia, Joseph)
September 6, 2011 Filing 105 Motions No Longer Referred: 103 MOTION for Writ Attachment (saw)
September 1, 2011 Filing 104 MEMORANDUM in Support re 103 MOTION for Writ Attachment filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Pia, Joseph)
September 1, 2011 Filing 103 MOTION for Writ Attachment filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order) Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Pia, Joseph)
August 31, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 102 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO PERMIT FILING OF OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO DISMISS TODAY- re 83 MOTION for Leave to File Opposition to Motion to Dismiss today filed by Incentive Capital. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 8/30/11. (jmr)
August 31, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 101 ORDER AND MEMORANDUM DECISION granting 83 Motion for Leave to File; denying 88 Motion to Strike. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 8/30/11. (jmr)
August 30, 2011 Filing 100 NOTICE OF HEARING ON MOTION re: 42 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction : (Notice generated by jwt) Motion Hearing set for 2/15/2012 03:30 PM in Room 102 before Judge Clark Waddoups. (jwt)
August 26, 2011 Filing 99 MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 88 Defendant's MOTION to Strike 87 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Pia, Joseph)
August 26, 2011 Filing 98 REPLY to Response to Motion re 83 MOTION for Leave to File Opposition to Motion to Dismiss today filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Pia, Joseph)
August 22, 2011 Filing 97 AFFIDAVIT/DECLARATION of Peter M. Jarowey II in Support re 94 MOTION to Quash Service of the Summons and Amended Complaint filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. (Shapiro, David)
August 22, 2011 Filing 96 AFFIDAVIT/DECLARATION of David J. Shapiro in Support re 94 MOTION to Quash Service of the Summons and Amended Complaint filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Certificate of Service)(Shapiro, David)
August 22, 2011 Filing 95 MEMORANDUM in Support re 94 MOTION to Quash Service of the Summons and Amended Complaint filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. (Shapiro, David)
August 22, 2011 Filing 94 MOTION to Quash Service of the Summons and Amended Complaint filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order) Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Shapiro, David)
August 12, 2011 Filing 93 Motions No Longer Referred: 88 Defendant's MOTION to Strike 87 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion. Motion will be handled by Judge Waddoups. (saw)
August 12, 2011 Filing 92 NOTICE OF ADR, e-mailed or mailed to Defendants Robert P. Atwell, Ted Baer, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Peter Jarowey, Jamie R. Thompson, Counter Claimants Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson, Counter Defendant Incentive Capital, Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (jmr)
August 11, 2011 Filing 91 ANSWER to 73 Counterclaim filed by Incentive Capital.(Pia, Joseph)
August 10, 2011 Filing 90 Defendant's MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 83 MOTION for Leave to File Opposition to Motion to Dismiss today filed by Defendant Ted Baer. (James, Dennis)
August 10, 2011 Filing 89 MEMORANDUM in Support re 88 Defendant's MOTION to Strike 87 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, filed by Defendant Ted Baer. (James, Dennis)
August 10, 2011 Filing 88 Defendant's MOTION to Strike 87 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, filed by Defendant Ted Baer. Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(James, Dennis)
August 5, 2011 Filing 87 MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 42 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit 1 to Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit 2 to Exhibit A, # 4 Exhibit 3 to Exhibit A, # 5 Exhibit 4 to Exhibit A, # 6 Exhibit 5 to Exhibit A, # 7 Exhibit 6 to Exhibit A, # 8 Exhibit 7 to Exhibit A, # 9 Exhibit 8 to Exhibit A, # 10 Exhibit 9 to Exhibit A)(Pia, Joseph)
August 5, 2011 Filing 86 STIPULATION re 47 MOTION to Quash service pursuant to Rule 12(b)(5) by Incentive Capital. (Pia, Joseph)
August 5, 2011 Filing 85 Motions No Longer Referred: 83 MOTION for Leave to File Opposition to Motion to Dismiss today (saw)
August 5, 2011 Filing 84 MEMORANDUM in Support re 83 MOTION for Leave to File Opposition to Motion to Dismiss today filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Pia, Joseph)
August 5, 2011 Filing 83 MOTION for Leave to File Opposition to Motion to Dismiss today filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order) Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Pia, Joseph)
August 5, 2011 Filing 82 OBJECTIONS to 81 Request to Submit for Decision filed by Incentive Capital. (Pia, Joseph)
August 5, 2011 Filing 81 REQUEST to Submit for Decision re 42 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Defendant Ted Baer. (James, Dennis)
August 4, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 80 DOCKET TEXT ORDER granting 67 Motion for the court to reconsider its grant of Plaintiff's motion to allow an extension to respond to Mr. Baer's motion to dismiss. The court has again considered its order and again concludes that the grant was correct. The court's order therefore stands. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 8/4/2011. No attached document. (jmm)
August 4, 2011 Filing 79 REPLY to Response to Motion re 67 MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, filed by Defendant Ted Baer. (James, Dennis)
July 29, 2011 Filing 78 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT** SUMMONS Returned Executed by Incentive Capital as to Peter Jarowey served on 7/23/2011, answer due 8/22/2011. (Pia, Joseph)
July 27, 2011 Filing 77 EXHIBITS filed by Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson re 73 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 9, # 2 Exhibit 10)(Snow, John)
July 27, 2011 Filing 76 EXHIBITS filed by Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson re 73 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim. (Snow, John)
July 27, 2011 Filing 75 EXHIBITS filed by Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson re 73 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim. (Snow, John)
July 27, 2011 Filing 74 EXHIBITS filed by Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson re 73 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 2, # 2 Exhibit 3, # 3 Exhibit 4, # 4 Exhibit 5)(Snow, John)
July 27, 2011 Filing 73 ANSWER to 2 Amended Complaint, with Jury Demand, COUNTERCLAIM against Incentive Capital filed by Camelot Distribution Group, Robert P. Atwell, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group.(Snow, John)
July 21, 2011 Filing 72 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT**Summons Issued Electronically as to Peter Jarowey. Instructions to Counsel:1. Click on the document number.2. If you are prompted for an ECF login, enter your 'Attorney' login to CM/ECF.3. Print the issued summons for service. (lnp)
July 19, 2011 Filing 71 MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 67 MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Pia, Joseph)
July 12, 2011 Filing 70 Motion No Longer Referred to Magistrate Judge Samuel Alba: 67 MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, (cas)
July 6, 2011 Filing 69 Motions No Longer Referred: 67 MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time. Motion will be handled by Judge Waddoups. (saw)
July 1, 2011 Filing 68 MEMORANDUM in Support re 67 MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, filed by Defendant Ted Baer. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(James, Dennis)
July 1, 2011 Filing 67 MOTION Reconsider Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant Ted Baer's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction re 65 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, filed by Defendant Ted Baer. Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(James, Dennis)
July 1, 2011 Filing 66 MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 62 Plaintiff's MOTION for Extension of Time To Respond To Defendant Baer's Motion to Dismiss and Defendant Jarowey's Motion to Quash filed by Defendant Ted Baer. (James, Dennis)
July 1, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 65 ORDER granting 62 Motion for Extension of Time - The deadline for Plaintiff to respond to Defendant Ted Baers Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Defendant Peter Jaroweys Motion to Quash Service shall be extended five days after the Atwell Defendants file a response to Plaintiffs Complaint. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 7/1/2011. (ce)
June 27, 2011 Filing 64 Motions No Longer Referred: 62 Plaintiff's MOTION for Extension of Time To Respond To Defendant Baer's Motion to Dismiss and Defendant Jarowey's Motion to Quash (saw)
June 27, 2011 Filing 63 Minute Order. Proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Samuel Alba. After hearing arguments from counsel, Court granted the 59 MOTION for Extension of Time Answer or Otherwise Respond to Complaint filed by Steven Istock, Camelot Distribution Group, Jamie R. Thompson, Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Film Group, Camelot Entertainment Group. Defendants are to file their answer by 7/27/11. Written Order to follow oral order: No. Attorney for Plaintiff: Joseph G. Pia, Attorney for Defendant John Snow. Court Reporter: Electronic.(Time Start: 45:04, Time End: 48:41, Room 248.) (ss)
June 24, 2011 Filing 62 Plaintiff's MOTION for Extension of Time To Respond To Defendant Baer's Motion to Dismiss and Defendant Jarowey's Motion to Quash filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order) Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Pia, Joseph)
June 24, 2011 Filing 61 Plaintiff's MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 59 MOTION for Extension of Time Answer or Otherwise Respond to Complaint filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Pia, Joseph)
June 24, 2011 Filing 60 NOTICE OF HEARING ON MOTION re: 59 MOTION for Extension of Time Answer or Otherwise Respond to Complaint: Motion Hearing set for 6/27/2011 10:30 AM in Room 248 before Magistrate Judge Samuel Alba. Counsel arguing this motion must be present in the courtroom. (cas)
June 23, 2011 Filing 59 MOTION for Extension of Time Answer or Otherwise Respond to Complaint filed by Defendants Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order) Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Snow, John)
June 17, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 58 ORDER granting 56 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 56 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 47 MOTION to Quash service pursuant to Rule 12(b)(5). Responses due by 6/24/2011. Signed by Magistrate Judge Samuel Alba on 6/17/2011. (cas)
June 16, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 57 ORDER granting 54 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 42 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Responses due by 6/24/2011. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 06/15/2011. (asp)
June 15, 2011 Filing 56 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 47 MOTION to Quash service pursuant to Rule 12(b)(5) filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order) Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Pia, Joseph)
June 14, 2011 Filing 55 Motions No Longer Referred: 54 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 42 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction (saw)
June 14, 2011 Filing 54 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 42 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order) Motions referred to Samuel Alba.(Pia, Joseph)
June 1, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 53 ORDER granting 51 Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of David J. Shapiro,Marc E. Kasowitz for Peter Jarowey. Attorneys admitted Pro Hac Vice may download a copy of the District of Utahs local rules from the courts web site at; granting 52 Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of David J. Shapiro,Marc E. Kasowitz for Peter Jarowey. Attorneys admitted Pro Hac Vice may download a copy of the District of Utahs local rules from the courts web site at Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 05/31/2011. (asp)
May 25, 2011 Filing 52 MOTION for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Marc E. Kasowitz, Registration fee $ 15, receipt number 1088-1359366, filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. (Attachments: # 1 Application for Admission, # 2 Order for Pro Hac Vice Admission, # 3 Electronic Case Filing Registration)(Petty, Wayne)
May 25, 2011 Filing 51 MOTION for Admission Pro Hac Vice of David J. Shapiro, Registration fee $ 15, receipt number 1088-1359344, filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. (Attachments: # 1 Application for Admission, # 2 Order for Pro Hac Vice Admission, # 3 Electronic Case Filing Registration)(Petty, Wayne)
May 25, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 50 DOCKET TEXT ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Samuel Alba under 28:636 (b)(1)(A), Magistrate to hear and determine all nondispositive pretrial matters. Motions referred to Samuel Alba. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 5/25/2011. No attached document.(saw)
May 25, 2011 Magistrate Judge Samuel Alba added as referral magistrate judge. (asb)
May 23, 2011 Filing 49 AFFIDAVIT/DECLARATION of David J. Shapiro in Support re 45 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer, 47 MOTION to Quash service pursuant to Rule 12(b)(5) filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C)(Petty, Wayne)
May 23, 2011 Filing 48 MEMORANDUM in Support re 47 MOTION to Quash service pursuant to Rule 12(b)(5) filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. (Petty, Wayne)
May 23, 2011 Filing 47 MOTION to Quash service pursuant to Rule 12(b)(5) filed by Defendant Peter Jarowey. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Petty, Wayne)
May 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 46 ORDER granting 45 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer re 1 Complaint. Answer deadline updated for Robert P. Atwell answer due 6/27/2011; Camelot Distribution Group answer due 6/27/2011; Camelot Entertainment Group answer due 6/27/2011; Camelot Film Group answer due 6/27/2011; Steven Istock answer due 6/27/2011; Jamie R. Thompson answer due 6/27/2011. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 5/20/2011. (jtj)
May 17, 2011 Filing 45 Defendant's MOTION for Extension of Time Answer to Complaint filed by Defendants Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Snow, John) Modified on 5/18/2011 to change Event Type to Time to File Answer (jtj).
May 16, 2011 Filing 44 AFFIDAVIT of Julius Arthur Ted Baer III re 42 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Ted Baer. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3)(James, Dennis)
May 16, 2011 Filing 43 MEMORANDUM in Support re 42 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Defendant Ted Baer. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A-Part 1, # 2 Exhibit A-Part 2, # 3 Exhibit A-Part 3, # 4 Exhibit A-Part 4, # 5 Exhibit B-Part 1, # 6 Exhibit B-Part 2)(James, Dennis)
May 16, 2011 Filing 42 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Defendant Ted Baer. (James, Dennis)
May 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 41 ORDER granting 33 Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Jonathan M. Levitan for Robert P. Atwell,Jonathan M. Levitan for Camelot Distribution Group,Jonathan M. Levitan for Camelot Entertainment Group,Jonathan M. Levitan for Camelot Film Group,Jonathan M. Levitan for Steven Istock,Jonathan M. Levitan for Jamie R. Thompson. Attorneys admitted Pro Hac Vice may download a copy of the District of Utahs local rules from the courts web site at Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 05/13/2011. (asp)
May 12, 2011 Filing 40 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Clark Waddoups: Motion Hearing held on 5/12/2011 re 28 Second MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Incentive Capital. Jurisdictional issue addressed prior to argument on motion. The court recognizes jurisdiction. The court denies 35 Motion to Require Appearance of Party Witnesses for the reasons stated. Argument presented on the TRO motion. James Mecham is sworn and testifies. Plaintiff's exhibits #11 (email dated 3/25/11 from Stacy Sadikoff to Lisa Blake) and #12 (screenshots of Variety online magazine) are received. After further argument the court DENIES the motion for the reasons stated. Attorney for Plaintiff: Joseph Pia, Attorney for Defendant: John Snow, Jonathan Levitan (by phone). Court Reporter: Patti Walker. (jwt)
May 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 39 ORDER denying 35 Motion to Compel Presence of Witnesses; denying 19 Motion for Preliminary Injunction; denying 28 Motion for TRO; denying 28 Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 5/12/2011. (jtj)
May 12, 2011 Filing 38 OBJECTIONS to 29 Memorandum in Support of Motion, Objections to Portions of The Declaration of James Mecham filed by Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson. (Snow, John)
May 11, 2011 Filing 37 NOTICE of Appearance by Karen E. O'Brien on behalf of Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson (O'Brien, Karen)
May 11, 2011 Filing 36 MEMORANDUM in Support re 35 MOTION To Require Appearance Of Party Witnesses At Hearing For Temporary Restraining Order And Preliminary Injunction filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Pia, Joseph)
May 11, 2011 Filing 35 MOTION To Require Appearance Of Party Witnesses At Hearing For Temporary Restraining Order And Preliminary Injunction filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pia, Joseph)
May 11, 2011 Filing 34 AFFIDAVIT of Robert P. Atwell in Opposition re 29 Memorandum in Support of Motion, 28 Second MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit)(Snow, John)
May 10, 2011 Filing 33 MOTION for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Jonathan M. Levitan, Registration fee $ 15, receipt number 1088-1349381, filed by Defendants Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Application for Pro Hac Vicie of Jonathan M. Levitan, # 2 Exhibit Electronic Case Filing Registration, # 3 Text of Proposed Order)(Snow, John)
May 9, 2011 Filing 32 NOTICE OF HEARING ON MOTION re: 28 Second MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order MOTION for Preliminary Injunction : (Notice generated by jwt) Motion Hearing set for 5/12/2011 03:30 PM in Room 102 before Judge Clark Waddoups. (jwt)
May 6, 2011 Filing 31 ERRATA Submission of Oversized Exhibit Q to 28 Second MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and MOTION for Preliminary Injunction, 29 Memorandum in Support of Motion filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. NOTE: this exhibit has not been scanned. (ce)
May 6, 2011 Filing 30 NOTICE of Appearance by John A. Snow on behalf of Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson (Snow, John)
May 5, 2011 Filing 29 MEMORANDUM in Support re 28 Second MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 Part 1, # 2 Exhibit 1 Part 2, # 3 Exhibit 1 Part 3, # 4 Exhibit 1 Part 4, # 5 Exhibit 2, # 6 Exhibit 3 Part 1, # 7 Exhibit 3 Part 2)(Pia, Joseph)
May 5, 2011 Filing 28 Second MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order, MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pia, Joseph)
May 5, 2011 Filing 27 NOTICE of Appearance by John A. Snow on behalf of Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock (Snow, John)
May 3, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 26 ORDER denying 19 Motion for TRO. See Order for details. Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 5/3/2011. (jtj)
May 3, 2011 Filing 25 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT** SUMMONS Returned Executed by Incentive Capital as to Ted Baer served on 4/15/2011, answer due 5/16/2011. (Pia, Joseph)
May 2, 2011 Filing 24 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Clark Waddoups: Motion Hearing held on 5/2/2011 re 19 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Incentive Capital. Mr. Levitan has not yet filed his motion for pro hac vice. The court will allow him to appear for this matter. Mr. Joseph Pia is sworn and testifies. Evidence entered (Plaintiff's Exhibits A-E to the memorandum in support of the motion). Mr. Dorius requests the matter be continued. Mr. Levitan objects. The court hears argument and denies the motion for TRO for the reasons stated on the record. Attorney for Plaintiff: Nathan Dorius, Attorney for Defendant: John Snow, Jonathan Levitan (by phone). Court Reporter: Laura Robinson. (jwt)
April 29, 2011 Filing 23 NOTICE OF HEARING ON MOTION re: 19 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order MOTION for Preliminary Injunction : (Notice generated by jwt) Motion Hearing set for 5/2/2011 04:00 PM in Room 102 before Judge Clark Waddoups. (jwt)
April 28, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 22 ORDER OF RECUSAL: Judge Tena Campbell recused. Case reassigned to Judge Clark Waddoups for all further proceedings. Signed by Judge Tena Campbell on 4/28/11 (alt)
April 28, 2011 Judge Clark Waddoups added. Judge Tena Campbell no longer assigned to case. (alt)
April 28, 2011 Judge Tena Campbell added. Magistrate Judge Paul M. Warner no longer assigned to case. Per 21 Order. (asp)
April 27, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 21 DOCKET TEXT ORDER FOR CASE TO BE REASSIGNED. Pursuant to court policy, Plaintiff's filing of a motion for immediate injunctive relief renders this case ineligible for consent to the jurisdiction of a magistrate judge. Accordingly, the court orders that this case be reassigned to a district judge through random reassignment. Signed by Magistrate Judge Paul M. Warner on 4/27/2011. (No attached document.)(srs)
April 27, 2011 Filing 20 Ex Parte (Not Sealed) MEMORANDUM in Support re 19 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K)(Pia, Joseph)
April 27, 2011 Filing 19 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order, MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Plaintiff Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pia, Joseph)
April 27, 2011 Filing 18 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT** SUMMONS Returned Executed by Incentive Capital as to Robert P. Atwell served on 4/22/2011, answer due 5/23/2011. (Pia, Joseph)
April 27, 2011 Filing 17 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT** SUMMONS Returned Executed by Incentive Capital as to Jamie R. Thompson served on 4/22/2011, answer due 5/23/2011. (Pia, Joseph)
April 27, 2011 Filing 16 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT** SUMMONS Returned Executed by Incentive Capital as to Steven Istock served on 4/22/2011, answer due 5/23/2011. (Pia, Joseph)
April 27, 2011 Filing 15 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT** SUMMONS Returned Executed by Incentive Capital as to Camelot Entertainment Group served on 4/22/2011, answer due 5/23/2011. (Pia, Joseph)
April 27, 2011 Filing 14 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT** SUMMONS Returned Executed by Incentive Capital as to Camelot Distribution Group served on 4/22/2011, answer due 5/23/2011. (Pia, Joseph)
April 27, 2011 Filing 13 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT** SUMMONS Returned Executed by Incentive Capital as to Camelot Film Group served on 4/22/2011, answer due 5/23/2011. (Pia, Joseph)
April 27, 2011 Filing 12 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT** SUMMONS Returned Executed by Incentive Capital as to Peter Jarowey served on 4/22/2011, answer due 5/23/2011. (Pia, Joseph)
April 21, 2011 Filing 11 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT** Summons Returned Unexecuted as to Peter Jarowey. (Attachments: # 1 Part Two, # 2 Part Three)(jmr)
April 15, 2011 Filing 10 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT**Summons Issued Electronically as to Peter Jarowey. Instructions to Counsel:1. Click on the document number.2. If you are prompted for an ECF login, enter your 'Attorney' login to CM/ECF.3. Print the issued summons for service. (lnp)
April 15, 2011 Filing 9 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT**Summons Issued Electronically as to Ted Baer. Instructions to Counsel:1. Click on the document number.2. If you are prompted for an ECF login, enter your 'Attorney' login to CM/ECF.3. Print the issued summons for service. (lnp)
April 15, 2011 Filing 8 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT**Summons Issued Electronically as to Jamie R. Thompson. Instructions to Counsel:1. Click on the document number.2. If you are prompted for an ECF login, enter your 'Attorney' login to CM/ECF.3. Print the issued summons for service. (lnp)
April 15, 2011 Filing 7 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT**Summons Issued Electronically as to Steven Istock. Instructions to Counsel:1. Click on the document number.2. If you are prompted for an ECF login, enter your 'Attorney' login to CM/ECF.3. Print the issued summons for service. (lnp)
April 15, 2011 Filing 6 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT**Summons Issued Electronically as to Camelot Film Group. Instructions to Counsel:1. Click on the document number.2. If you are prompted for an ECF login, enter your 'Attorney' login to CM/ECF.3. Print the issued summons for service. (lnp)
April 15, 2011 Filing 5 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT**Summons Issued Electronically as to Camelot Entertainment Group. Instructions to Counsel:1. Click on the document number.2. If you are prompted for an ECF login, enter your 'Attorney' login to CM/ECF.3. Print the issued summons for service. (lnp)
April 15, 2011 Filing 4 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT**Summons Issued Electronically as to Camelot Distribution Group. Instructions to Counsel:1. Click on the document number.2. If you are prompted for an ECF login, enter your 'Attorney' login to CM/ECF.3. Print the issued summons for service. (lnp)
April 15, 2011 Filing 3 **RESTRICTED DOCUMENT**Summons Issued Electronically as to Robert P. Atwell. Instructions to Counsel:1. Click on the document number.2. If you are prompted for an ECF login, enter your 'Attorney' login to CM/ECF.3. Print the issued summons for service. (lnp)
April 14, 2011 Filing 2 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson. New Defendants: Ted Baer; Peter Jarowey., filed by Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J) (Pia, Joseph)
March 25, 2011 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Robert P. Atwell, Camelot Distribution Group, Camelot Entertainment Group, Camelot Film Group, Steven Istock, Jamie R. Thompson (Filing fee $ 350, receipt number 4681043112), filed by Incentive Capital. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit List, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Civil Cover Sheet) Assigned to Magistrate Judge Paul M. Warner (lnp)

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Plaintiff: Incentive Capital
Represented By: Nathan S. Dorius
Represented By: Joseph G. Pia
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Defendant: Camelot Entertainment Group
Represented By: Jonathan M. Levitan
Represented By: Karen E. O'Brien
Represented By: John A. Snow
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Defendant: Camelot Film Group
Represented By: Jonathan M. Levitan
Represented By: Karen E. O'Brien
Represented By: John A. Snow
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Defendant: Camelot Distribution Group
Represented By: Jonathan M. Levitan
Represented By: Karen E. O'Brien
Represented By: John A. Snow
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Defendant: Robert P. Atwell
Represented By: Jonathan M. Levitan
Represented By: Karen E. O'Brien
Represented By: John A. Snow
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Defendant: Jamie R. Thompson
Represented By: Jonathan M. Levitan
Represented By: Karen E. O'Brien
Represented By: John A. Snow
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Defendant: Steven Istock
Represented By: Jonathan M. Levitan
Represented By: Karen E. O'Brien
Represented By: John A. Snow
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Defendant: Ted Baer
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Defendant: Peter Jarowey
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