Duru v. President Trump Administration et al
Rose Adanma Duru |
U.S. Court of Appeals, Nathalia Cibolti, Randall A. Constantine, Social Security Administration-SSA, HCA Healthcare Corporation of America, Office of Attorney General Texas, Mazursky Constantine, LLC, Dr. Michael F. Doherty, Kaiser Permanente Maryland, U.S.P.S., Kaiser Permanente U.S.A. Inc., Kaiser Permanente Northern CA, Office of the Clerk, Mark Langley, Geoffrey Beckham, Craig Faerber, David R. Clouston, Mr. Henry J. Kaiser, The Northern Trust Company, The State Department of the United States of America, Dr. Robert "Rob" Schreiner, President Trump Administration, Un-Named Black Female Co-Defendant Bailey's Crossroads Center, H & R Block Advisors, State of Texas-Judicial Court, Christopher P. Richie, Bank of America U.S.A. Inc., Angela D. Caesar, Kaiser Family Foundation, Court Administrator, Kaiser Permanente Colorado, Mr. Charles Schwab, H & R Block Bailey's Crossroads Center, Bank of America, Mr. Kerry Kohnen, Henrietta King, U.S. Civil Court Administrators, Kaiser Permanente Venture Investments, The Southeast Permanente Medical Group-TSPMG, Un-Named Co-Defendant-White Female Physician Executive-KPGA, Kaiser Permanente Georgia, The Permanente Federation, LLC, Kaiser Permanente Virginia, Internal Revenue Service, Leslye E. Mosley, Law Firm- Sessions, Fishman, Nathan and Israel, LLP, Melinda Louie, U.S.P.S, H & R Block U.S.A. Inc., Deputy Clerks of U.S. Courthouse-DC, Jodi Maddox, Pathways to Housing DC, Rex Tillerson, Mr. Kim Kaiser, Kaiser Permanente Capitol Hill, Kaiser Permanente Southern CA, The City of Washington, DC District of Columbia Government, Charles Schwab, H&R Block Eastern Enterprises, Inc., States of Texas District Court Administrator and State of Texas District Court Clerk |
1:2019cv00874 |
July 1, 2019 |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia |
Theresa Carroll Buchanan |
Liam O'Grady |
Securities/Commodities |
28 U.S.C. § 1332 |
Plaintiff |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on April 17, 2020. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 60 USCA Mandate re #54 Notice of Appeal. The judgment of this court, entered February 24, 2020, takes effect today. (lcre, ) |
Filing 59 USCA JUDGMENT as to #54 Notice of Appeal. In accordance with the decision of this court, the judgment of the district court is affirmed. (lcre, ) |
Filing 58 Unpublished Opinion of USCA re #54 Notice of Appeal - Affirmed. (lcre, ) |
Filing 57 Letter from the 4th Circuit requesting the transmittal of the record. (lcre, ) |
Filing 56 USCA Case Number 19-2134 4th Circuit Case Manager A. Walker for #54 Notice of Appeal filed by Rose Adanma Duru. (lcre, ) |
Assembled INITIAL Electronic Record Transmitted to 4CCA re #54 Notice of Appeal (lcre, ) |
Filing 55 Transmission of Notice of Appeal to US Court of Appeals re #54 Notice of Appeal (All case opening forms, plus the transcript guidelines, may be obtained from the Fourth Circuit's website at www.ca4.uscourts.gov) (lcre, ) |
Filing 54 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to #51 Order on Motion to Dismiss, by Rose Adanma Duru. Filing fee paid $ 505. (Attachments: #1 Receipt)(lcre, ) |
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Filing 50 Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Jason G. Schuette and Certification of Local Counsel Aaron S. Book Filing fee $ 75, receipt number 0422-6837194. by State of Texas District Court Clerk, States of Texas District Court Administrator. (Book, Aaron) |
Filing 49 Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by John Butrus and Certification of Local Counsel Aaron S. Book Filing fee $ 75, receipt number 0422-6837192. by State of Texas District Court Clerk, States of Texas District Court Administrator. (Book, Aaron) |
Filing 48 RESPONSE in Opposition re #37 MOTION for Default Judgment as to State of Texas District Court Clerk -- Gary Fitzsimmons -- Dallas, Texas, and State of Texas District Court Administrator -- Dallas, Texas, filed by State of Texas District Court Clerk, States of Texas District Court Administrator. (Book, Aaron) |
Filing 47 NOTICE of Appearance by Aaron Samuel Book on behalf of State of Texas District Court Clerk, States of Texas District Court Administrator (Book, Aaron) |
Filing 46 Opposition to #35 MOTION for Default Judgment as to The Northern Trust Company filed by The Northern Trust Company. (McGraw, Wendy) |
Reset Deadlines as to #34 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #38 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #41 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #32 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #33 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #35 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #39 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #36 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #40 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #37 MOTION for Default Judgment as to. Motion Hearing set for 9/20/2019 at 10:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 500 before Magistrate Judge Theresa Carroll Buchanan. (klau, ) |
Filing 45 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #34 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #38 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #41 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #33 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #35 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #39 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #36 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #40 MOTION for Default Judgment as to, #37 MOTION for Default Judgment as to : Motion Hearing set for 9/20/2019 at 10:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 1000 before District Judge Liam O'Grady. (lcre, ) |
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Filing 43 Opposition to #34 MOTION for Default Judgment as to filed by HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(Corporate Headquarters-One Park Plaza), HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(North Texas Division). (Machado, Leslie) |
Filing 42 MOTION for Extension of Time to Answer or Otherwise Respond by Angela D. Caesar, Court Administrator, Deputy Clerks of U.S. Courthouse-DC, Internal Revenue Service, Office of the Clerk, President Trump Administration, Social Security Administration-SSA, The State Department of the United States of America, Rex Tillerson, U.S. Civil Court Administrators, U.S. Court of Appeals, U.S.P.S(Dallas, Texas), U.S.P.S(San Francisco, CA), U.S.P.S.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Barghaan, Dennis) |
Filing 41 MOTION for Default Judgment as to Mr. Kerry Kohnen,Henrietta King, Dr. Robert "Rob" Schreiner, Craig Faerber, Dr. Michael F. Doherty,Un-Named Co-Defendant-White Female Physician Executive-KPGA by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Attachment)(lcre, ) |
Filing 40 MOTION for Default Judgment as to Kaiser Family Foundation, Kaiser Permanente U.S.A. Inc., Kaiser Permanente Northern CA, Kaiser Permanente Southern CA, Kaiser Permanente Colorado, Kaiser Permanente Maryland,Kaiser Permanente Georgia, The Southeast Permanente Medical Group-TSPMG, Kaiser Permanente Capitol Hill, Kaiser Permanente Virginia, The Permanente Federation, LLC, Kaiser Permanente Venture Investments, Mr. Henry J. Kaiser, Mr. Kim Kaiser, Mr. Kerry Kohnen,Dr. Robert "Rob" Schreiner by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Attachment)(lcre, ) |
Filing 39 MOTION for Default Judgment as to Pathways to Housing DC, Nathalia Cibolti, and The City of Washington, DC District of Columbia Government by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Attachment)(lcre, ) |
Filing 38 MOTION for Default Judgment as to Law Firm- Sessions, Fishman, Nathan and Israel, LLP, Christopher P. Richie, David R. Clouston, and Leslye E. Mosley by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Attachment)(lcre, ) |
Filing 37 MOTION for Default Judgment as to Office of Attorney General Texas, Court Administrator State of Texas Judicial Court, and the State of Texas- Judicial Court by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Attachment)(lcre, ) |
Filing 36 MOTION for Default Judgment as to Randall A. Constantine and Mazursky Constantine, LLC by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Attachment)(lcre, ) |
Filing 35 MOTION for Default Judgment as to The Northern Trust Company, by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Attachment)(lcre, ) |
Filing 34 MOTION for Default Judgment as to HCA Healthcare Corporation of America North Texas Division and HCA Healthcare Corporation of America Corporate Headquarters-Nashville, TN by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Attachment)(lcre, ) |
Filing 33 MOTION for Default Judgment as to Bank of America U.S.A. Inc., Bank of America, by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Attachment)(lcre, ) |
Filing 32 MOTION for Default Judgment as to Charles Schwab, Jodi Maddox, Geoffrey Beckham, Melinda Louie and Mr. Charles Schwab by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Attachment)(lcre, ) |
Filing 31 NOTICE by H & R Block Advisors, H & R Block Bailey's Crossroads Center, H & R Block U.S.A. Inc., H&R Block Eastern Enterprises, Inc. re #9 Memorandum in Support, #8 MOTION to Dismiss , or in the Alternative, Motion to Quash Service, with Roseboro,. of Non-Opposition (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Proposed Order)(Bennett, Ellis) |
Reset Deadlines as to #11 MOTION to Dismiss and for Entry of a Pre-filing injunction. Motion Hearing set for 9/20/2019 at 10:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 1000 before District Judge Liam O'Grady. (clar, ) |
Filing 30 Notice of Hearing Date set for 09/20/2019 re #11 MOTION to Dismiss and for Entry of a Pre-filing injunction (Machado, Leslie) |
Reset Deadlines as to #15 MOTION to Dismiss with Roseboro. Motion Hearing set for 9/20/2019 at 10:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 1000 before District Judge Liam O'Grady. (clar, ) |
Filing 29 Notice of Hearing Date (Amended) set for 09/20/2019 re #15 MOTION to Dismiss with Roseboro,. (McGraw, Wendy) |
Per LO chambers motions set for 8/30/19 have been removed from the docket and the parties have been notified to file an Amended Notice of Hearing - Deadlines Terminated (clar, ) |
Filing 28 Waiver of re #9 Memorandum in Support, #8 MOTION to Dismiss , or in the Alternative, Motion to Quash Service, with Roseboro,. Waiver of Oral Argument by H & R Block Advisors, H & R Block Bailey's Crossroads Center, H & R Block U.S.A. Inc., H&R Block Eastern Enterprises, Inc. (Bennett, Ellis) |
Filing 27 Waiver of by Geoffrey Beckham, Melinda Louie, Jodi Maddox, Charles Schwab(401K/IRA), Charles Schwab(Schwab) (Prior, Francis) |
Filing 26 Waiver of re #23 First MOTION to Dismiss by David R. Clouston, Law Firm- Sessions, Fishman, Nathan and Israel, LLP, Leslye E. Mosley, Christopher P. Richie (Prior, Francis) |
Filing 25 Roseboro Notice as to Motion to Dismiss by Geoffrey Beckham, Melinda Louie, Jodi Maddox, Charles Schwab(401K/IRA), Charles Schwab(Schwab) (Prior, Francis) |
Filing 24 Roseboro Notice as to Motion to Dismiss by David R. Clouston, Law Firm- Sessions, Fishman, Nathan and Israel, LLP, Leslye E. Mosley, Christopher P. Richie (Prior, Francis) |
Notice of Correction: The filing user has been notified to file a Notice of Hearing Date or a Notice of Waiver of Oral Argument re #23 First MOTION to Dismiss (lcre, ) |
Notice of Correction: The filing user has been notified to file a Notice of Hearing Date or a Notice of Waiver of Oral Argument re #22 First MOTION to Dismiss (lcre, ) |
Filing 23 First MOTION to Dismiss by David R. Clouston, Law Firm- Sessions, Fishman, Nathan and Israel, LLP, Leslye E. Mosley, Christopher P. Richie. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Prior, Francis) |
Filing 22 First MOTION to Dismiss by Geoffrey Beckham, Melinda Louie, Jodi Maddox, Charles Schwab(401K/IRA), Charles Schwab(Schwab). (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Prior, Francis) |
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Set Deadlines as to #15 MOTION to Dismiss with Roseboro. Motion Hearing set for 8/30/2019 at 10:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 1000 before District Judge Liam O'Grady. (clar, ) |
Filing 20 Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Georgia L. Lucier and Certification of Local Counsel Wendy C. McGraw Filing fee $ 75, receipt number 0422-6766710. by The Northern Trust Company. (McGraw, Wendy) |
Filing 19 NOTICE of Appearance by Wendy Cohen McGraw on behalf of The Northern Trust Company (McGraw, Wendy) |
Filing 18 Financial Interest Disclosure Statement (Local Rule 7.1) by The Northern Trust Company. (McGraw, Wendy) |
Filing 17 Notice of Hearing Date set for 8/30/2019 re #15 MOTION to Dismiss with Roseboro,. (McGraw, Wendy) |
Filing 16 Memorandum in Support re #15 MOTION to Dismiss with Roseboro,. filed by The Northern Trust Company. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4)(McGraw, Wendy) |
Filing 15 MOTION to Dismiss with Roseboro,. by The Northern Trust Company. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Proposed Order)(McGraw, Wendy) |
Set Deadlines as to #11 MOTION to Dismiss and for Entry of a Pre-filing injunction. Motion Hearing set for 8/30/2019 at 10:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 1000 before District Judge Liam O'Grady. (clar, ) |
Notice of Correction: The filing user has been notified to file a Notice of Hearing Date or a Notice of Waiver of Oral Argument re #8 MOTION to Dismiss , or in the Alternative, Motion to Quash Service, with Roseboro,. (lcre, ) |
Filing 14 Notice of Hearing Date set for 8/30/2019 re #11 MOTION to Dismiss and for Entry of a Pre-filing injunction (Machado, Leslie) |
Filing 13 Memorandum in Support re #11 MOTION to Dismiss and for Entry of a Pre-filing injunction filed by HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(Corporate Headquarters-One Park Plaza), HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(North Texas Division). (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Machado, Leslie) |
Filing 12 Roseboro Notice as to Motion to Dismiss and for Entry of a Pre-filing injunction by HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(Corporate Headquarters-One Park Plaza), HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(North Texas Division) (Machado, Leslie) |
Filing 11 MOTION to Dismiss and for Entry of a Pre-filing injunction by HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(Corporate Headquarters-One Park Plaza), HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(North Texas Division). (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Machado, Leslie) |
Filing 10 Corporate Disclosure Statement by HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(North Texas Division). (Machado, Leslie) |
Filing 9 Memorandum in Support re #8 MOTION to Dismiss , or in the Alternative, Motion to Quash Service, with Roseboro,. filed by H & R Block Advisors, H & R Block Bailey's Crossroads Center, H & R Block U.S.A. Inc., H&R Block Eastern Enterprises, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Bennett, Ellis) |
Filing 8 MOTION to Dismiss , or in the Alternative, Motion to Quash Service, with Roseboro,. by H & R Block Advisors, H & R Block Bailey's Crossroads Center, H & R Block U.S.A. Inc., H&R Block Eastern Enterprises, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Proposed Order)(Bennett, Ellis) |
Filing 7 Summons Issued as to: Nathalia Cibolti, David R. Clouston, Michael F. Doherty, Craig Faerber, Henry J. Kaiser, Kim Kaiser, Kaiser Permanente Capitol Hill, Kaiser Permanente Colorado, Kaiser Permanente Georgia, Kaiser Permanente Maryland, Kaiser Permanente Northern CA, Kaiser Permanente Southern CA, Kaiser Permanente U.S.A. Inc., Kaiser Permanente Venture Investments, Kaiser Permanente Virginia, Henrietta King, Kerry Kohnen, Law Firm- Sessions, Fishman, Nathan and Israel, LLP, Leslye E. Mosley, Pathways to Housing DC, Christopher P. Richie, Robert "Rob" Schreiner, The Permanente Federation, LLC, The Southeast Permanente Medical Group-TSPMG, Un-Named Co-Defendant-White Female Physician Executive-KPGA. (acha, ) |
Filing 6 Summons Issued as to: Bank of America, Bank of America U.S.A. Inc., Geoffrey Beckham, Randall A. Constantine, Court Administrator, H & R Block Advisors, H & R Block Bailey's Crossroads Center, H & R Block U.S.A. Inc., HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(Corporate Headquarters-One Park Plaza), HCA Healthcare Corporation of America(North Texas Division), Kaiser Family Foundation, Melinda Louie, Jodi Maddox, Mazursky Constantine, LLC, Office of Attorney General Texas, Charles Schwab(401K/IRA), Charles Schwab(Schwab), State of Texas-Judicial Court, The City of Washington, DC District of Columbia Government, The Northern Trust Company, Un-Named Black Female Co-Defendant Bailey's Crossroads Center. (acha, ) |
Filing 5 Summons Issued to USA by SPS as to: Deputy Clerks of U.S. Courthouse-DC, Internal Revenue Service, Mark Langley, Office of the Clerk, President Trump Administration, Social Security Administration-SSA, The State Department of the United States of America, Rex Tillerson, U.S. Civil Court Administrators, U.S. Court of Appeals, U.S.P.S(Dallas, Texas), U.S.P.S(San Francisco, CA), U.S. Attorney-EDVA G. Zachary Terwilliger and U.S. Attorney General- William Barr. (acha, ) |
Filing 4 COMPLAINT (Part 4-) against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 14683079416.), filed by Rose Adanma Duru. (acha, ) |
Filing 3 COMPLAINT (Part 3-) against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 14683079416.), filed by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Part 2 of 2)(acha, ) |
Filing 2 COMPLAINT (Part 2-) against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 14683079416.), filed by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Part 2 of 2)(acha, ) |
Filing 1 COMPLAINT against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 14683079416.), filed by Rose Adanma Duru. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet)(acha, ) |
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