Grossmanns6 Family Real Estate LLC et al v. Great Lakes Synergy Corporation
Plaintiff: Seth E Dizard, Grossmanns6 Family Real Estate LLC, Supreme Cores Inc and The Warren and Ellen Grossmann Living Trust
Defendant: Great Lakes Synergy Corporation
Case Number: 2:2020cv00905
Filed: June 16, 2020
Court: U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin
Presiding Judge: William E Duffin
Nature of Suit: Environmental Matters
Cause of Action: 42 U.S.C. § 6901 Resource & Recovery Act
Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on August 26, 2022. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
August 26, 2022 Opinion or Order Case Terminated pursuant to Stipulation for Dismissal #49 , pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(ii). This action is dismissed on the merits, with prejudice and without costs or fees to any party. An order is not required. See Scott v. Delbert Servs. Corp., 973 F. Supp. 2d 949 (E.D. Wis. 2013). (lz)
August 25, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 49 STIPULATION of Dismissal by Grossmanns6 Family Real Estate LLC, Supreme Cores Inc, The Warren and Ellen Grossmann Living Trust. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Maassen, Eric)
July 26, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 48 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin: Telephonic Status Conference held on 7/26/2022. Dismissal papers to be submitted in approx. 30 days. If not filed, Court will conduct another status conference. (Tape #ATT Conf 9:29-9:32 am) (lz)
June 2, 2022 Opinion or Order NOTICE of Hearing: Telephonic Status Conference set for7/21/2022 at 9:00 AM HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO 7/26/2022 09:30 AM before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin. Participants shall call the court conference line at 888-278-0296 and enter access code 8322317# to join the call. (cc: all counsel) (mlm)
May 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 47 Minute Entry for Telephonic Status Conference held on 5/9/2022 before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin. Court giving parties 60 days to complete the settlement agreement. Once 60 days passes, the court will lift the stay and set dates. Telephonic Status Conference set for 7/21/2022 09:00 AM in by Telephone before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin. (Tape #9:02-9:10) (mlm)
March 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 46 LETTER from Eric Maassen re: Status Conference Date. (Maassen, Eric)
March 9, 2022 Opinion or Order NOTICE of Hearing: Based on counsel's letter #46 the 3/11/2022 10:00 AM Telephonic Status Conference HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO 5/9/2022 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin. Participants shall call the court conference line at 888-278-0296 and enter access code 8322317# to join the call. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
March 7, 2022 Opinion or Order NOTICE of Hearing: Telephonic Status Conference set for 3/11/2022 10:00 AM in by Telephone before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin. Participants shall call the court conference line at 888-278-0296 and enter access code 8322317# to join the call. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
January 3, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 45 STATUS REPORT (Joint) by All Plaintiffs. (Maassen, Eric)
November 3, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 44 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin: Telephonic Status Conference held on 11/3/2021. Parties are working towards settlement. If a stipulation and order for dismissal is not filed by the end of the year, the court will consider conducting another status conference. (Tape #ATT Conf 9:29-9:34 am) (lz)
October 1, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 43 TEXT ONLY ORDER: The court finding good cause, the parties' joint expedited motion to reschedule status conference (ECF No. #42 ) is granted. The October 4, 2021 status conference shall be rescheduled for November 3, 2021 at 9:30 A.M. Participants shall call the court conference line at 888-278-0296 and enter access code 8322317# to join the call. Signed by Magistrate Judge William E Duffin on 10/1/2021. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
September 30, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 42 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION To Reschedule Status Conference by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. (Zenk, Lauren)
September 3, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 41 TEXT ONLY ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge William E Duffin on 9/3/2021 granting #40 Motion for Extension of Time and to Reschedule Hearing. Telephonic Status Conference rescheduled to 10/4/2021 09:30 AM in by Telephone before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin. Participants shall call the court conference line at 888-278-0296 and enter access code 8322317# to join the call. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
September 2, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 40 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time - RESCHEDULE STATUS CONFERENCE by Grossmanns6 Family Real Estate LLC, Supreme Cores Inc, The Warren and Ellen Grossmann Living Trust. (Maassen, Eric)
July 15, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 39 TEXT ONLY ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge William E. Duffin: For good cause, the Joint Motion to Reschedule the Telephonic Status Conference (ECF No. #38 ) is GRANTED. Telephonic Status Conference rescheduled to 9/3/2021 09:30 AM in By Telephone before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin. Participants shall call the court conference line at 888-278-0296 and enter access code 8322317# to join the call. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
July 14, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 38 Joint MOTION to Modify - Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion by All Parties to Reschedule Status Conference by Grossmanns6 Family Real Estate LLC. (Maassen, Eric)
June 17, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 37 TEXT ONLY ORDER: The court finding good cause, the joint 7(h) motion to vacate scheduling order and set status conference (ECF No. #36 ) is granted. The scheduling order (ECF No. #35 ) is vacated. The clerk shall schedule a status conference at least 30 days out from todays date. Signed by Magistrate Judge William E Duffin on 6/17/2021. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
June 17, 2021 Opinion or Order NOTICE of Hearing: Telephonic Status Conference set for 7/19/2021 09:00 AM in By Telephone before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin. Participants shall call the court conference line at 888-278-0296 and enter access code 8322317# to join the call. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
June 16, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 36 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Vacate Scheduling Order and Set Status Conference by All Plaintiffs. (Maassen, Eric)
December 30, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 35 SCHEDULING ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge William E Duffin on 12/30/2020. Rule 26(a) Disclosures to be exchanged by 12/31/2020. Amended Pleadings/Join Parties due by 1/25/2021. The party with the burden of proof Expert Witness List due by 7/15/2021. Opposing Party's Expert Witness List due by 8/24/2021. Discovery due by 9/23/2021. Dispositive/Daubert Motions due by 10/22/2021. Completion of mediation deadline is 12/31/2021. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
December 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 34 Minute Entry for Telephonic Rule 16 Scheduling Conference held on 12/23/2020 before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin. The court sets dates pursuant to the parties' Rule 26(f) Report and will issue a Scheduling Order. (Tape #9:30:00-9:40:00) (mlm)
December 21, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 33 Joint REPORT of Rule 26(f) Plan by All Plaintiffs. (Maassen, Eric)
December 9, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 32 TEXT ONLY ORDER: For good cause, the Unopposed Motion to Reschedule the Scheduling Conference and Date for Rule 26(f) Report (ECF No. #31 ) is GRANTED. The Telephonic Rule 16 Scheduling Conference is set for 12/23/2020 at 9:30 AM and the parties' Rule 26(f) report is due by 12/21/2020. Participants shall call the court's conference line at 888-278-0296 and enter access code 8322317# to join the call. Signed by Magistrate Judge William E Duffin on 12/9/2020. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
December 8, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 31 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time - UNOPPOSED MOTION TO RESCHEDULE SCHEDULING CONFERENCE AND DATE FOR RULE 26(f) REPORT by All Plaintiffs. (Maassen, Eric)
December 8, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 30 NOTICE of Appearance by Amanda K Beggs on behalf of All Plaintiffs. Attorney(s) appearing: Amanda K. Beggs (Beggs, Amanda)
December 3, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 29 NOTICE of Hearing: Telephonic Rule 16 Scheduling Conference set for 12/18/2020 09:30 AM in By Telephone before Magistrate Judge William E Duffin. Participants shall call the court's conference line at 888-278-0296 and enter access code 8322317# to join the call. The parties' Rule 26(f) report shall be electronically filed with the court no later than 12/15/2020. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
November 16, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 28 Defendant's ANSWER to #1 Complaint, and Affirmative Defenses by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation.(Goldschmidt, James)
November 2, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 27 DECISION AND ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge William E Duffin on 11/2/2020. Great Lakes's motion to dismiss (ECF No. #17 ) is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. Grossmanns's demand for a jury trial (ECF No. #5 ) is STRICKEN as to Counts I and II of the complaint. (cc: all counsel)(mlm)
October 1, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 26 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation re #17 MOTION to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Complaint . (Attachments: #1 Appendix Index of Unpublished Cases in Support of Defendant's Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss)(Goldschmidt, James)
September 17, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 25 UNPUBLISHED Decision - Index of Unpublised Cases Supporting Plaintiffs Brief in Opposition to Defendants Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs Complaint filed by All Plaintiffs (Maassen, Eric)
September 17, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 24 BRIEF in Opposition filed by All Plaintiffs re #17 MOTION to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Complaint Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6). (Maassen, Eric)
August 18, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 23 TEXT ONLY ORDER: The court finding good cause, the plaintiff's unopposed motion for an extension of time to respond to defendant's motion to dismiss (ECF No. #22 ) is granted. The new schedule is as follows: The plaintiff shall respond no later than September 17, 2020. The defendant shall reply no later than October 1, 2020. Signed by Magistrate Judge William E Duffin on 8/18/2020. (cc: all counsel) (mlm)
August 17, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 22 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss by Grossmanns6 Family Real Estate LLC, The Warren and Ellen Grossmann Living Trust. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order to Extend Time to Respond to Motion to Dismiss)(Maassen, Eric)
August 6, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 21 PROPOSED Proposed Order Granting Motion to Dismiss filed by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. (Goldschmidt, James)
August 6, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 20 DECLARATION of James Goldschmidt in Support of Defendant Great Lakes Synergy Corporation's Motion to Dismiss (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H)(Goldschmidt, James)
August 6, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 19 APPENDIX by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation of Unpublished Cases in Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. (Goldschmidt, James)
August 6, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 18 BRIEF in Support filed by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation re #17 MOTION to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Complaint . (Goldschmidt, James)
August 6, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 17 MOTION to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Complaint by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. (Goldschmidt, James)
July 24, 2020 Opinion or Order Consent to Magistrate Judge Jurisdiction. (mlm)
July 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 16 Magistrate Judge Jurisdiction Form filed by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. (NOTICE: Pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 73 this document is not viewable by the judge.) (Zenk, Lauren)
July 22, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 15 NOTICE of Appearance by Lauren R Harpke on behalf of Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Lauren R. Harpke (Harpke, Lauren)
July 16, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 14 NOTICE of Appearance by James E Goldschmidt on behalf of Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: James E. Goldschmidt (Goldschmidt, James)
July 16, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 13 TEXT ONLY ORDER: Pending before the court is the parties' "Stipulation to Extend Defendant's Time to Answer Complaint." (ECF No. #11 .) The court does not routinely rule on stipulations. Construing the stipulation as a motion and the court finding good cause, the motion is granted. Defendant Great Lakes Synergy Corporation shall file a responsive pleading to the complaint no later than August 6, 2020. Signed by Magistrate Judge William E Duffin on 7/16/2020. (cc: all counsel) (mlm)
July 16, 2020 Opinion or Order NOTICE from the clerk to Defendant Great Lakes Synergy Corporation requesting that the Consent/Refusal form to Magistrate Judge William E. Duffin be filed within 21 days; the form is available at the court's web site: (mlm)
July 15, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 12 PROPOSED Order Granting Stipulated Extension filed by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. (Zenk, Lauren) Modified on 7/16/2020 (mlm).
July 15, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 11 STIPULATED MOTION to Extend Defendant's Time to Answer Complaint by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. (Zenk, Lauren)
July 15, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 10 DISCLOSURE Statement by Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. (Zenk, Lauren)
July 15, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 9 NOTICE of Appearance by Lauren N Zenk on behalf of Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Lauren N. Zenk (Zenk, Lauren)
July 10, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by All Plaintiffs of Plaintiffs' Demand for Jury Trial (Maassen, Eric)
July 10, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by All Plaintiffs of Consent/Refusal to Proceed Before Magistrate Judge Form (Maassen, Eric)
July 7, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 6 Magistrate Judge Jurisdiction Form filed by All Plaintiffs. (NOTICE: Pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 73 this document is not viewable by the judge.) (Maassen, Eric)
July 7, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 5 DEMAND for Trial by Jury by All Plaintiffs. (Maassen, Eric)
July 2, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 4 AFFIDAVIT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by All Plaintiffs on Great Lakes Synergy Corporation, c/o Steven Dehmlow (Maassen, Eric) Modified on 7/6/2020 (mlm).
July 2, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 3 AFFIDAVIT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by All Plaintiffs on Great Lakes Synergy Corporation, c/o Nancy Dehmlow (Maassen, Eric) Modified on 7/6/2020 (mlm).
June 17, 2020 Opinion or Order Case Opening Modification(s); The following modification(s) have been made to your case entry: The attached summons was not prepared using the version found on our website - please follow the instructions and resubmit the summons using the event Request for Issuance of Summons which is found under the heading other documents. ; Please refer to the # attorney case opening instructions, the # summons instructions and the # party name guidelines found in the user manual for further guidance (mlm)
June 17, 2020 Opinion or Order Summons Issued as to Great Lakes Synergy Corporation. (asc)
June 16, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 2 DISCLOSURE Statement by All Plaintiffs. (Maassen, Eric)
June 16, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Great Lakes Synergy Corporation by Grossmanns6 Family Real Estate LLC, Seth E Dizard, Supreme Cores Inc. ( Filing Fee PAID $400 receipt number AWIEDC-3480675) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Summons, #3 Civil Cover Sheet)(Maassen, Eric)
June 16, 2020 Opinion or Order NOTICE Regarding assignment of this matter to Magistrate Judge William E Duffin ;Consent/refusal forms for Magistrate Judge Duffin to be filed within 21 days;the consent/refusal form is available on our website (bx)

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Defendant: Great Lakes Synergy Corporation
Represented By: James E Goldschmidt
Represented By: Lauren R Harpke
Represented By: Lauren N Zenk
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Plaintiff: Seth E Dizard
Represented By: Eric L Maassen
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Plaintiff: Grossmanns6 Family Real Estate LLC
Represented By: Eric L Maassen
Represented By: Amanda K Beggs
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Plaintiff: Supreme Cores Inc
Represented By: Eric L Maassen
Represented By: Amanda K Beggs
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Plaintiff: The Warren and Ellen Grossmann Living Trust
Represented By: Amanda K Beggs
Represented By: Eric L Maassen
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