Epic Systems Corporation v. Tata Consultancy Services Limited et al
Plaintiff: Epic Systems Corporation
Defendant: Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation d/b/a TCA America
Interested Party: Stroz Friedberg, LLC
Case Number: 3:2014cv00748
Filed: October 31, 2014
Court: U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin
Office: Madison Office
County: Dane
Presiding Judge: William M Conley
Referring Judge: Stephen L Crocker
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions
Cause of Action: 18 U.S.C. § 1030 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on September 23, 2024. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
September 6, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1055 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel by Martha Jahn Snyder re: Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Snyder, Martha)
August 11, 2022 Opinion or Order USCA Case Number 22-2420 for #1051 Notice of Appeal, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (jat)
August 10, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1054 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel by Martha Jahn Snyder re: Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Notice of Withdrawal of Anthony A. Tomaselli and Anita Marie Boor) (Snyder, Martha)
August 10, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1053 Transmission of Notice of Appeal, Order, Amended Judgment and Docket Sheet to Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals re: #1051 Notice of Appeal, (Attachments: #1 Order, #2 Amended Judgment, #3 Docket Sheet) (lak)
August 10, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1052 Appeal Information Packet. (lak)
August 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1051 NOTICE OF APPEAL by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited as to #1046 Judgment, #1045 Order. Filing fee of $ 505, receipt number AWIWDC-3104582 paid. No Docketing Statement filed. (Egleson, Christopher)
July 28, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1050 ORDER granting #1049 Proposed Amended Agreed Order Regarding Security During Post-Judgment Proceedings and Appeal. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 7/28/22. (jat)
July 26, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1049 Proposed Amended Agreed Order Regarding Security During Post-Judgment Proceedings and Appeal, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Trela, Constantine) Modified on 7/27/2022. (lak)
July 19, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1048 Status Report / Parties' Joint Status Report Regarding Post-judgment Security by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Saros, Nick)
July 12, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1047 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER ** In light of the court's entry of an amended judgment, the parties are directed to confer and submit a joint proposal, by July 19, 2022, on how the court should modify defendants' post-judgment security obligation. Defendants' current motion to vacate the order regarding post-judgment security, dkt. #1043 , is MOOT. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 7/12/2022. (rks)
July 12, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1046 AMENDED JUDGMENT in favor of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation against defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation as to plaintiff's claims for breach of contract, violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 19 U.S.C. 1030(g) claims, violations of the Wisconsin Computer Crimes Act, Wis. Stat. 943. 70(2)(a), fraudulent misrepresentation, misappropriation of trade secrets, unfair competition, unjust enrichment and deprivation of property; in favor of defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation against plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation as to plaintiff's conversion claim; in favor of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation against defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation dismissing defendants' counterclaims; in favor of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation against Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation in the amount of $280,000,000.00. (WMC /rks) (rks).
July 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1045 ORDER that: The jury's award of punitive damages is reduced to $140 million. The clerk of court is directed to file an amended final judgment, replacing the fourth paragraph of the original judgment with the following language:IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that judgment is entered in favor of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation against Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation in the amount of $280,000,000.00. In all other respects, the court's original, final judgment remains unchanged. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 6/30/2022. (rks)
June 23, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1044 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #1043 Motion to Vacate, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - TCS Financial Data) (Saros, Nick)
June 16, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 1043 Motion to Vacate Agreed Order Regarding Security During Post-Judgment Proceedings and Appeal by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Response due 6/23/2022. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Agreed Order Regarding Security During Post-Judgment Proceedings and Appeal) (Trela, Constantine)
February 24, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 1042 Brief in Reply by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited in Support of Dummy Motion - No NEFS TCS's Post-Remand Reply Brief on Punitive Damages (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Redline Comparison of Opinions) (Trela, Constantine)
February 10, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 1041 Response re: 1039 Order on Stipulation, 1036 Order on Motion for Hearing,,, Epic Systems' Memorandum Regarding Entry of Punitive Damages Award by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Excerpts from TCS Reports and Communications, #2 Exhibit B - TCS Management Listing) (Richmond, Rick)
January 13, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 1040 Post-Remand Opening Brief on Punitive Damages by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Trela, Constantine) Modified on 1/14/2021. (lak)
December 14, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 1039 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The parties' joint stipulation to extend the post-remand briefing schedule (dkt. #1038 ) is GRANTED. Defendants' opening brief explaining why the court should not award $140 million in punitive damages is now due January 13, 2021; plaintiff's response is due February 10, 2021; and defendants' reply is due February 24, 2021. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 12/14/2020. (kwf)
December 11, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 1038 Joint Stipulation to Extend Post-Remand Briefing Schedule by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Mandell, Jeffrey)
December 9, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 1037 USCA JUDGMENT affirming in part, vacating and remanding as to #1026 Notice of Appeal filed by Epic Systems Corporation, #1023 Notice of Appeal filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. Entire record consisting of 1 CD returned. (Attachments: #1 Appellate Opinion, #2 Amended Appellate Opinion, #3 Denial of Rehearing, #4 Second Denial of Rehearing, #5 Mandate) (kwf)
December 9, 2020 Opinion or Order Punitive Damages. (kwf)
November 30, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 1036 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The court is in receipt of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation's motion for hearing. (Dkt. #1035 .) Since the court has not yet received the mandate from the Seventh Circuit, plaintiff's motion is premature at best and must be DENIED for lack of jurisdiction. Regardless, the court sees no reason for a hearing, and instead will set the following briefing schedule: within 21 days of the receipt of the mandate in this court, defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation may file a brief explaining why the court should not award $140 million in punitive damages; plaintiff may file a response 14 days thereafter; and defendants may file a reply 7 days after plaintiff's response. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 11/30/2020. (kwf)
November 30, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 1035 Motion for Hearing by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Request for a Post-Remand Status Conference). (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 11/30/2020. (lak)
December 6, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1034 Joint Notice by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: Preparation of Record on Appeal. (Trela, Constantine) Modified on 12/6/2019. (lak)
April 17, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1033 ORDER on Bill of Costs: Costs Taxed in favor of Plaintiff in the amount of $721,646.36. Signed by Peter A. Oppeneer, Clerk of Court on 4/17/19. (jat)
April 11, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1032 Court Reporter Certification of Seventh Circuit Transcript Information Sheet re: #1026 Notice of Appeal. (kwf)
April 10, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1031 Transcript Request Form by Counter Defendant Epic Systems Corporation, Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
April 9, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1030 Court Reporter Certification of Seventh Circuit Transcript Information Sheet re: #1023 Notice of Appeal. (kwf)
April 5, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1029 Transcript Request Form by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Trela, Constantine)
April 4, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1028 Transmission of Cross Notice of Appeal, Orders, Judgment and Docket Sheet to Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals re: #1026 Cross Notice of Appeal, (Attachments: #1 Order No.: 976, #2 Judgment No.: 978, #3 Opinion and Order No.: 1022, #4 Docket Sheet) (lak)
April 4, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1027 Appeal Information Packet. (lak)
April 4, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1026 CROSS NOTICE OF APPEAL by Counter Defendant Epic Systems Corporation, Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation as to #1022 Order on Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law, #976 Order on Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law, Order on Motion for Attorney Fees, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Leave to File, Order on Motion to Amend/Correct, Order on Motion for Clarification, Order on Motion for Hearing, #978 Judgment. Filing fee of $ 505, receipt number 0758-2437935 paid. No Docketing Statement filed. (Richmond, Rick)
April 4, 2019 Opinion or Order USCA Case Number 19-1613 for #1026 Notice of Appeal, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (kwf)
March 25, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1025 Transmission of Notice of Appeal, Orders, Judgment and Docket Sheet to Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals re: #1023 Notice of Appeal, (Attachments: #1 Amended Opinion and Order No.: 944, #2 Order No.: 976, #3 Order No.: 977, #4 Judgment No.: 978, #5 Opinion and Order No.: 1022, #6 Docket Sheet) (lak)
March 25, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1024 Appeal Information Packet. (lak)
March 25, 2019 Opinion or Order USCA Case Number 19-1528 for #1023 Notice of Appeal, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (kwf)
March 22, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1023 NOTICE OF APPEAL by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited as to #977 Order, #944 Order, #1022 Order on Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law, #976 Order on Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law, Order on Motion for Attorney Fees, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Leave to File, Order on Motion to Amend/Correct, Order on Motion, Order on Motion for Clarification, Order on Motion for Hearing, #978 Judgment. Filing fee of $ 505, receipt number 0758-2431094 paid. No Docketing Statement filed. (Trela, Constantine)
March 22, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1022 OPINION AND ORDER denying #996 motions for judgment as a matter of law pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 50(b), for a new trial pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 59 and for reconsideration of dismissal of counterclaims pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 60. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 3/22/2019. (kwf)
August 3, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 1021 ORDER granting #1019 Motion for Clarification, but denying the requested relief either to find that provision of the injunction is still active or to extend the timeframe. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 8/3/2018. (kwf)
August 1, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 1020 Declaration of Brett Rehm filed by Counter Defendant Epic Systems Corporation, Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation in Support re: #1019 Motion for Clarification. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 8/2/2018. (lak)
August 1, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 1019 Motion for Clarification of the Time Period Alloted for the Court-Appointed Monitor as Stated in the Amended Permanent Injunction by Counter Defendant Epic Systems Corporation, Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 8/2/2018. (lak)
May 9, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 1018 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #1017 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Kelly M. Morrison terminated. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker on 5/9/2018. (kwf)
May 9, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 1017 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney (Kelly M. Morrison) by Counter Defendant Epic Systems Corporation, Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Response due 5/16/2018. (Morrison, Kelly)
January 5, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 1016 Brief in Reply in Opposition to Bill of Costs by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #1004 Bill of Costs filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Robben, Philip)
December 20, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1015 Supplemental Declaration of Nick G. Saros re: #1004 Bill of Costs, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit K - Deposition Invoices, #2 Exhibit L - Hotel Invoice, #3 Exhibit M - Outside Printing Invoices, #4 Exhibit N - ESI Invoices Not Requested, #5 Exhibit O - ESI Invoices Requested) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 12/21/2017: Linked to the pending motion instead of the brief. (lak)
December 20, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1014 Brief in Support of Bill of Costs by Counter Defendant Epic Systems Corporation, Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #1004 Bill of Costs filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick)
December 15, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1013 Brief in Reply by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited in Support of #996 Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law or, in the Alternative, a New Trial or Remittitur and to Vacate the Court's Order Granting Epic's Motion to Dismiss, Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 50 (b), 59, and 60(b). (Robben, Philip) Modified on 12/18/2017. (lak)
December 13, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1012 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The parties' stipulation #1011 is accepted and then some: the new deadline is January 5, 2018. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker on 12/13/2017. (kwf)
December 12, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1011 Joint Stipulation for Extension of Time to File Reply Brief in Support of Opposition to Epic's Bill of Costs by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
December 11, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1010 Objection to Bill of Costs by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #1004 Bill of Costs filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Robben, Philip)
December 1, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1009 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The court has filed under seal the agreed order regarding security during post-judgment proceedings and appeal with attachments. The parties have until December 7, 2017, to explain why the court should not unseal the order itself (while keeping the attachments under seal). Absent any response, the court will unseal the order after that date. Additionally, the telephonic hearing at 2:00 p.m. on December 1, 2017 is removed from the court's calendar. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 12/1/2017. (kwf)
December 1, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1008 AGREED ORDER Regarding Security During Post-Judgment Proceedings and Appeal. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 11/30/2017. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Form of Letter of Credit (Sealed), #2 Exhibit B - Form of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Escrow Agreement (Sealed)) (kwf) Modified on 12/12/2017. (lak)
November 30, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1007 Brief in Opposition by Counter Defendant Epic Systems Corporation, Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #996 Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
November 30, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1006 Declaration of Nick G. Saros re: #1004 Bill of Costs, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Summons and Subpoena Costs, #2 Exhibit B - Jenner Deposition Costs, #3 Exhibit C - Quarles Deposition Costs, #4 Exhibit D - Deposition Costs Chart, #5 Exhibit E - Court Transcription Costs, #6 Exhibit F - Outside Vendor Printing Costs, #7 Exhibit G - Jenner Copying Costs, #8 Exhibit H - Alphagraphics Copying and Exemplification Costs, #9 Exhibit I - Visual Advantage Exemplification Costs, #10 Exhibit J - Taxable E Discovery Costs) (Saros, Nick)
November 30, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1005 Corrected Redaction to #1002 Notice. (Agreed Order Regarding Security During Post-Judgment Proceedings and Appeal) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Form Letter of Credit, #2 Exhibit B - Form of Escrow Agreement) (Richmond, Rick)
November 30, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1004 Bill of Costs by Counter Defendant Epic Systems Corporation, Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Peter A. Oppeneer, Clerk of Court. Objection to Bill of Costs due 12/11/2017. Brief in Support to Bill of Costs due 12/20/2017. Brief in Reply in Opposition to Bill of Costs due 12/26/2017. (Saros, Nick)
November 30, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1003 Disregard. See #1005 . Modified on 12/1/2017. (lak/kwf)
November 30, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1002 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Agreed Order Regarding Security During Post-Judgment Proceedings and Appeal), (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Form of Letter of Credit, #2 Exhibit B - Form of Escrow Agreement) (Richmond, Rick)
November 8, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1001 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The parties' most recent joint stipulation regarding enforcement of judgment (dkt. #1000 ) is ACCEPTED. Plaintiff's response to defendants' motion to stay execution and approving a letter of credit as appropriate security (dkt. #989 ) is now due November 28, 2017. The parties should be advised that there will be no further extensions. Absent an agreement by the parties, a hearing will be held to address the need for a bond or other assurance of payment at 2:00 p.m. on December 1, 2017. Counsel for defendants to initiate the call to Chambers at 608-264-5087. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 11/8/2017. (kwf)
November 7, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1000 Joint Stipulation for Order Regarding Enforcement of Judgment by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Tomaselli, Anthony)
November 2, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 999 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The court is in receipt of defendants' motion for judgment as a matter of law or, in the alternative, a new trial and to vacate the court's order granting Epic's motion to dismiss, pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 50(b), 59 and 60(b). (Dkt. #996 .) Given the length of defendants' supporting brief, it is hardly surprising that a number of the arguments were fully briefed and considered by the court previously, or should have been raised earlier. While plaintiff is free to file a response to all of the arguments raised in defendants' brief, responses to the following arguments that either appear to be new or are more fully developed in defendants' most recent filing are likely to be the most meaningful: sections I.A, I.B, I.D.1, I.F, II.A, II.B, II.C and IV. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 11/2/2017. (kwf)
November 1, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 998 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The parties' joint stipulation regarding enforcement of judgment (dkt. #995 ) is ACCEPTED. Plaintiff's response to defendants' motion to stay execution and approving a letter of credit as appropriate security (dkt. #989 ) is now due November 7, 2017. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 11/1/2017. (kwf)
October 31, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 997 Brief in Support of #996 Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
October 31, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 996 MOTION FOR JUDGMENT AS A MATTER OF LAW OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, FOR A NEW TRIAL OR REMITTITUR, AND TO VACATE THE COURT'S ORDER AND JUDGMENT GRANTING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO DISMISS TCS'S COUNTERCLAIMS by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Brief in Opposition due 11/30/2017. Brief in Reply due 12/15/2017. (Robben, Philip)
October 31, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 995 Joint Stipulation for Order Regarding Enforcement of Judgment by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Tomaselli, Anthony)
October 26, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 994 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The parties' joint stipulation regarding enforcement of judgment #993 is ACCEPTED. Plaintiff's response to defendants' motion to stay execution and approving a letter of credit as appropriate security #989 is now due October 31, 2017. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 10/26/2017. (arw)
October 26, 2017 Opinion or Order Reset Briefing Deadlines re: #989 Motion to Stay Execution of Judgment and Approving a Letter of Credit as Appropriate Security. Response due 10/31/2017. (arw)
October 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 993 Joint Stipulation Regarding Enforcement of Judgment by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Tomaselli, Anthony)
October 18, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 992 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER accepting #991 Joint Stipulation for Stay Regarding Enforcement of Judgment. Hearing scheduled for 10/18/2017 is canceled. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 10/18/17. (jat)
October 18, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 991 Joint Stipulation for Stay Regarding Enforcement of Judgment by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
October 17, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 990 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER ** The court is in receipt of defendants' motion to stay execution of judgment and approving a letter of credit as appropriate security. (Dkt. #989 .) Unless the parties can reach an agreement as to a short continuation of the stay before then, the court will hold a telephonic conference tomorrow, October 18, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. Counsel for Defendant responsible for setting up the call to chambers at (608) 264-5087. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 10/17/2017. (mfh)
October 17, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 989 Motion to Stay Execution of Judgment and Approving a Letter of Credit as Appropriate Security by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Response due 10/24/2017. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Letter of Credit Form, #2 Exhibit B - Apple Letter of Credit, #3 Exhibit C - October 10, 2017 Email, #4 Exhibit D - October 12, 2017 Email, #5 Exhibit E - October 16, 2017 Email) (Neider, Barbara)
October 13, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 988 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **Although the court is hard-pressed to devise arguments TCS can raise in a post-judgment motion or motions that have not already been made and rejected or waived, the parties' joint stipulation regarding enforcement of judgment (dkt. #987 ) is ACCEPTED. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 10/13/2017. (kwf)
October 13, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 987 Joint Stipulation for Stay of Enforcement of Judgment by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
October 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 986 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #985 Motion to Admit Christopher M. Egleson Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on 10/5/2017. (lak)
October 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 985 Motion to Admit Christopher M. Egleson Pro Hac Vice. ( Pro Hac Vice fee $ 100 receipt number 0758-2117065.) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Egleson, Christopher)
October 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 984 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #981 Motion to Admit Carter Glasgow Phillips Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on 10/5/2017. (lak)
October 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 983 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #980 Motion to Admit Robert N. Hochman Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on 10/5/2017. (lak)
October 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 982 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #979 Motion to Admit Constantine L. Trela, Jr., Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on 10/5/2017. (lak)
October 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 981 Motion to Admit Carter Glasgow Phillips Pro Hac Vice. ( Pro Hac Vice fee $ 100 receipt number 0758-2116874.) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Phillips, Carter)
October 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 980 Motion to Admit Robert N. Hochman Pro Hac Vice. ( Pro Hac Vice fee $ 100 receipt number 0758-2116830.) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Hochman, Robert)
October 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 979 Motion to Admit Constantine L. Trela, Jr Pro Hac Vice. ( Pro Hac Vice fee $ 100 receipt number 0758-2116824.) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Trela, Constantine)
October 3, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 978 JUDGMENT entered in favor of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation against defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation as to plaintiff's claims for breach of contract, violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 19 U.S.C. 1030(g) claims, violations of the Wisconsin Computer Crimes Act, Wis. Stat. 943.70(2)(a), fraudulent misrepresentation, misappropriation of trade secrets, unfair competition, unjust enrichment and deprivation of property; in favor of defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation against plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation as to plaintiff's conversion claim; in favor of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation against defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International. Corporation dismissing defendants' counterclaims; in favor of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation against defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation in the amount of $420,000,000.00; in favor of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation against defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation, permanently enjoining defendants. (WMC/PAO) (kwf)
September 29, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 977 ORDER Granting Plaintiff's Motion to Dismiss Counterclaims (dkt. #326). Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 09/29/2017. (mfh)
September 29, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 976 ORDER denying #830 Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law ; denying #843 Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law ; granting in part and denying in part #913 Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law ; denying #916 Motion for Attorney Fees. ; denying as moot #932 Motion to Strike ; denying #934 Motion for Leave to File ; granting #953 Motion to Amend/Correct ; denying as moot #954 Motion for Appointment of a Monitor Pursuant to the Court's April 27, 2016 Injunction and for Other Related Relief ; granting #962 Motion for Clarification. ; denying as moot #968 Motion for Hearing Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 09/29/2017. (mfh)
April 28, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 975 Notice by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #973 Response to Notice of Supplemental Authority. (TCS's Response to Epic's Discussion of the Supreme Court's Goodyear Decision). (Robben, Philip) Modified on 4/30/2017. (lak)
April 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 974 Redaction to #973 Response to Notice of Supplemental Authority by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/26/2017. (lak)
April 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 973 Response to Notice of Supplemental Authority by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #972 Notice of Supplemental Authority. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/26/2017. (lak)
April 19, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 972 Notice of Supplemental Authority by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #916 Motion for Attorney Fees and Costs, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co v. Haeger et al.) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 4/19/2017. (lak)
March 22, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 971 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **Defendants' motion to supplement regarding expert testimony (dkt. #867 ) is GRANTED. The court will address the substance of defendants' challenges to the damages phase of trial in a separate opinion and order on defendants' motion for judgment as a matter of law (dkt. #913 ). Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 3/22/2017. (kwf)
January 6, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 970 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #969 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Alison Leigh MacGregor terminated. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker on 1/6/2017. (kwf)
January 4, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 969 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Response due 1/11/2017. (MacGregor, Alison)
January 3, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 968 Motion for Hearing (Telephonic Status Conference) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/4/2017: Corrected docketing event; dated January 3, 2016. (lak)
December 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 967 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #966 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Alina Cristina Mejer terminated. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker on 12/21/2016. (kwf)
December 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 966 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney / Motion to Withdraw Appearance of Attorney Alina C. Mejer by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Response due 12/28/2016. (Robben, Philip)
December 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 965 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #962 Motion for Clarification, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
December 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 964 Redaction to #963 Brief in Support, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
December 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 963 Brief in Support of #962 Motion for Clarification, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
December 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 962 Motion for Clarification re: #959 Order on Motion for Permanent Injunction, Order on Motion for Extension of Time, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Response due 12/8/2016. (Robben, Philip)
November 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 961 Redaction to #960 Brief in Opposition, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
November 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 960 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #954 Motion for Appointment of a Monitor Pursuant to the Court's April 27, 2016 Injunction and for Other Related Relief filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 11/9/2016. (lak)
November 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 959 OPINION AND ORDER granting in part and denying in part #911 Motion to Modify Permanent Injunction; granting #915 Motion for Extension of Time Regarding the Submission Regarding the Appointment of a Monitor. The court appoints Samuel Rubin of Stroz Friedberg, LLC as the monitor as described in 4 of the Amended Permanent Injunction. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 11/2/2016. (kwf)
November 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 958 Redaction to #956 Declaration of Rick Richmond by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit 2 - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit 3 - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit 4 - Slipsheet) (Richmond, Rick)
November 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 957 Redaction to #955 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
November 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 956 Declaration of Rick Richmond filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #954 Motion for Appointment of a Monitor Pursuant to the Court's April 27, 2016 Injunction and for Other Related Relief, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - June 2016 Correspondence from Brindha Selliah to the Court, #2 Exhibit 2 - 7/8/2016 Email Attaching Epic's Response to Brindha Selliah's Request, #3 Exhibit 3 - 7/8/2016 Saros Declaration in Support of Epic's Response to Brindha Selliah's Request, #4 Exhibit 4 - 7/11/2016 Email Attaching TCS's Response to Brindha Selliah's Request) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 11/2/2016. (lak)
November 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 955 Brief in Support of #954 Motion for Appointment of a Monitor Pursuant to the Court's April 27, 2016 Injunction and for Other Related Relief by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
November 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 954 Motion for Appointment of a Monitor Pursuant to the Court's April 27, 2016 Injunction and for Other Related Relief by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Response due 11/8/2016. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 11/8/2016 (jls).
August 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 953 Motion to Amend/Correct re: 952 Order on Motion to Seal. Request for Amendment of the Court's August 17, 2016 Order by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 8/26/2016: Corrected docketing event. (lak)
August 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 952 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The court is in receipt of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation's unopposed motion to seal certain trial exhibits. (Dkt. #946 .) In its brief in support of its motion, Epic details the exhibits it seeks to seal as covering Epic trade secrets and other confidential information concerning software, licensing agreements with third parties, and financial information. Moreover, Epic also seeks to seal exhibits produced by third parties, most notably Epic's client Kaiser, and exhibits containing personal information of its employee Philippe Guionnet. Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c)(1)(G), the court finds plaintiff has demonstrated good cause for maintaining these exhibits under seal. See also Jessup v. Luther, 277 F.3d 926, 929 (7th Cir. 2002) (explaining that sealing of certain information may be warranted "in order to protect trade secrets or other compelling interests in secrecy). As such, the motion is GRANTED. The following exhibits are to be maintained under seal: 4, 4A, 39, 169, 188, 199, 199A, 209, 211, 258, 259, 270, 271, 307, 309, 427A, 433, 436, 436A, 437, 437A, 438, 440, 536, 700, 801, 833, 860, 1008, 1247, 2003, 2004, 2020, 2093, 2094, 2100, 2101, 2105, 2126, 2128, and 2234. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker on 8/17/2016. (kwf)
August 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 951 Response Stating No Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #946 Motion to Seal filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (MacGregor, Alison)
August 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Briefing Deadlines as to #946 Motion to Seal Certain Trial Exhibits. Response due 8/16/2016. (kwf/bgw)
August 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 950 Exhibit to #947 Brief in Support filed by Epic Systems Corporation, #946 Motion to Seal filed by Epic Systems Corporation. Redacted Exhibit 199. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 8/10/2016. (lak)
August 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 949 Declaration of Jeffrey S. Roberts filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #946 Motion to Seal. (Richmond, Rick)
August 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 948 Declaration of Clement S. Roberts filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #946 Motion to Seal. (Richmond, Rick)
August 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 947 Brief in Support of #946 Motion to Seal Certain Trial Exhibits by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
August 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 946 Motion to Seal Certain Trial Exhibits by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Richmond, Rick)
July 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 945 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: Sealing Trial Transcript and Exhibits. (Richmond, Rick)
July 27, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 944 AMENDED OPINION AND ORDER granting in part and denying in part #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; granting in part and denying in part #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; denying #413 Motion for an Order Denying or Deferring Consideration of Defendants' Partial Motion for Summary Judgment Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(d); granting in part and denying in part as moot #448 Motion to Compel Responses to its Fourth Set of Interrogatories; denying #484 Motion to Compel Responses to Defendants' Third Set of Interrogatories; granting in part and reserving in part #326 Motion to Dismiss Defendants' Counterclaims and Immediately Sever and Stay All Counterclaim Proceedings. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 7/27/2016. (kwf)
July 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 943 Redaction to #942 Post Trial Brief by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 7/23/2016. (lak)
July 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 942 Post Trial Brief. Response to Epic's Response to TCS's Submission of the Declaration of Ajit Menon by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
July 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 941 Post Trial Brief in Opposition to Plaintiff's Request for Judicial Notice by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 7/19/2016: Linked to motion #913 . (lak)
July 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 940 Redaction to #939 Trial Brief Epic's Response to TCS's Submission of the Declaration of Ajit Menon Regarding Compliance with the Injunction by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Richmond, Rick)
July 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 939 Post Trial Brief. Epic's Response to TCS's Submission of the Declaration of Ajit Menon Regarding Compliance with the Injunction by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
June 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 938 Post Trial Brief and Request for Judicial Notice of TCS's Recent Statements in Newly Issued 2015-2016 Annual Report and June 17, 2016 Annual Shareholders Meeting by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - TCS Annual Report 2015-2016, #2 Exhibit B - June 19, 2016 Article Reporting on TCS's Annual Meeting, #3 Exhibit C - June 18, 2016 Article Reporting on TCS's Annual Meeting, #4 Exhibit D - TCS Website Confirming Meeting) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 7/1/2016: Linked to motion #913 . (lak)
June 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 937 Redaction to #936 Declaration of Ajit Menon by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 6/24/2016. (lak)
June 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 936 Declaration of Ajit Menon filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #888 Permanent Injunction, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - List of Keywords) (Robben, Philip)
June 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 935 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #932 Motion to Strike, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 6/23/2016. (lak)
June 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 934 Motion for Leave to File A Reply Brief In Further Support of Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law as to Damages and to Strike the Damages Phase Testimony of Thomas Britven and Stirling Martin [dkt. 913] by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
June 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 933 Brief in Support of #932 Motion to Strike Those Portions of Defendants' Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Plaintiff's Application for Attorneys' Fees and Costs that Constitute Improper and Untimely Requests for Reconsideration or, in the Alternative, for Leave to File a Short Reply to Address TCS's Arguments by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 6/10/2016. (lak)
June 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 932 Motion to Strike #927 Brief in Opposition, Those Portions of Defendants' Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Plaintiff's Application for Attorneys' Fees and Costs that Constitute Improper and Untimely Requests for Reconsideration or, in the Alternative, for Leave to File a Short Reply to Address TCS's Arguments by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Brief in Opposition due 6/23/2016. Brief in Reply due 6/30/2016. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 6/10/2016. (lak)
June 6, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 931 Corrected Declaration of Kristina M. Allen In Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Attorneys' Fees and Costs filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #916 Motion for Attorney Fees, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - TCS Highlighted Version of Epic Exhibit A Jenner Monthly Invoices [Part 1], #2 Exhibit 1 - TCS Highlighted Version of Epic Exhibit A Jenner Monthly Invoices [Part 2], #3 Exhibit 2 - Summary Analysis of Jenner & Block Monthly Invoices) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 6/6/2016. (lak)
June 3, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 930 Redaction to #931 Declaration of Kristina M. Allen by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - TCS Highlighted Version of Epic Exhibit A Jenner Monthly Invoices, #2 Exhibit 2 - Summary Analysis of Jenner & Block Monthly Invoices) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 6/5/2016. (lak)
June 3, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 929 Redaction to #927 Brief in Opposition, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 6/5/2016. (lak)
June 3, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 928 Disregard. See #931 . (Sealed Document) Modified on 6/6/2016. (lak)
June 3, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 927 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #916 Motion for Attorney Fees filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
June 3, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 926 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #913 Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
June 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 925 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Submission Regarding A Court-Appointed Monitor, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Sam Rubin CV, #2 Exhibit B - Neal Hochberg CV, #3 Exhibit C - Ellen Zimiles and Salvatore LaScala bios, #4 Exhibit D - Saros email With Robben) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 6/2/2016. (lak)
June 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 924 Redaction to #923 Trial Brief. Memorandum Concerning the Court's Appointment of a Monitor Pursuant to the April 27, 2016, Injunction, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 6/2/2016 (lak).
June 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 923 Post Trial Brief. Memorandum Concerning the Court's Appointment of a Monitor Pursuant to the April 27, 2016, Injunction by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Navigant's Experience) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 6/2/2016. (lak)
May 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 922 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation of Joint Submission of Clip Reports of Video Testimony Played During Trial. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Arun Agarwal, #2 Exhibit 2 - Ramareddy Baddam, #3 Exhibit 3 - Curtis Bajak, #4 Exhibit 4 - Madhusudana Bandarapu, #5 Exhibit 5 - Natarajan Chandrasekaran, #6 Exhibit 6 - Jason Cline, #7 Exhibit 7 - Philippe Guionnet, #8 Exhibit 8 - Sankari Gunasekaran, #9 Exhibit 9 - Anmol Gupta, #10 Exhibit 10 - David Jones, #11 Exhibit 11 - Priscilla Kingston, #12 Exhibit 12 - Ajay Krishnaswamy, #13 Exhibit 13 - Commander Melmangalam Ramanthan Kumar, #14 Exhibit 14 - Mukesh Kumar, #15 Exhibit 15 - Bill McCarthy, #16 Exhibit 16 - Venu Medikonda, #17 Exhibit 17 - Santosh Mohanty, #18 Exhibit 18 - Madhavi Mukherji, #19 Exhibit 19 - Mahendra Pandian, #20 Exhibit 20 - Vishwa Prasad Duddukuru, #21 Exhibit 21 - Venugopal Reddy, #22 Exhibit 22 - Narasimhan Srinivasan, #23 Exhibit 23 - Narasimhan Srinivasan (Rebuttal), #24 Exhibit 24 - Skrikanth Telkapalli, #25 Exhibit 25 - Vikram Vadamalai) (Richmond, Rick)
May 19, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 921 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **Defendants' motion for clarification (dkt. #919 ) is GRANTED. The clerk of court is directed the amend the briefing schedule on defendants' motion for judgment as a matter of law (dkt. #913 ) as follows: plaintiff's opposition brief is due 6/3/16. No reply. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 5/19/2016. (kwf)
May 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 920 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #911 Motion for Permanent Injunction filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 5/17/2016. (lak)
May 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 919 Motion for Clarification re: 875 Order. Request for clarification regarding the ECF-generated briefing schedule for their motion for judgment as a matter of law and to strike the damages phase testimony of Thomas Britven and Stirling Martin by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Response due 5/23/2016. (Robben, Philip)
May 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Briefing Deadlines as to #916 Motion for Attorney Fees and Costs. Brief in Opposition due 6/3/2016. (kwf)
May 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 918 Redaction to #917 Brief in Support of Epic's Motion for Attorneys' Fees and Costs by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet) (Richmond, Rick)
May 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 917 Brief in Support of #916 Motion for Attorney Fees and Costs by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Jenner & Block Monthly Invoices) (Richmond, Rick)
May 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 916 Motion for Attorney Fees and Costs by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
May 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 915 Joint Motion for Extension of Time Regarding the Submission Regarding the Appointment of a Monitor by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Saros, Nick)
May 6, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 914 Brief in Support of #913 Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law as to Damages and to Strike the Damages Phase Testimony of Thomas Britven and Stirling Martin by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 5/8/2016. (lak)
May 6, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 913 MOTION FOR JUDGMENT AS A MATTER OF LAW as to Damages and to Strike the Damages Phase Testimony of Thomas Britven and Stirling Martin by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Brief in Opposition due 6/6/2016. Brief in Reply due 6/20/2016. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 5/8/2016. (lak)
May 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 912 Notice of Motion by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #911 Proposed Amended Permanent Injunction (Redline Proposals). (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 5/5/2016. (lak)
May 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 911 PROPOSED AMENDED PERMANENT INJUNCTION (Redline Proposals) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 5/5/2016. (lak)
May 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 910 Corrected Post Trial Brief in Support of Injunctive Relief by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Richmond, Rick)
May 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 909 Disregard; refiled as #911 Proposed PERMANENT INJUNCTION (Redline Proposals). Modified on 5/5/2016. (arw)
May 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 908 Disregard; refiled as #910 Corrected Post Trial Brief in Support of Injunctive Relief. Modified on 5/5/2016. (arw)
May 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 907 Transcript of Ninth Day of Jury Trial Afternoon Session, held 4/14/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
May 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 906 Transcript of Eighth Day of Jury Trial Afternoon Session, held 4/13/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
May 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 905 Transcript of Seventh Day of Jury Trial Afternoon Session, held 4/12/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
May 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 904 Transcript of Sixth Day of Jury Trial Afternoon Session, held 4/11/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
May 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 903 Transcript of Fifth Day of Jury Trial Morning Session, held 4/8/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
May 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 902 Transcript of Fourth Day of Jury Trial Morning Session, held 4/7/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
May 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 901 Transcript of Third Day of Jury Trial Morning Session, held 4/6/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
May 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 900 Transcript of Second Day of Jury Trial Morning Session, held 4/5/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
May 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 899 Transcript of First Day of Jury Trial Morning Session, held 4/4/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 898 Transcript of Tenth Day of Jury Trial Morning Session, held 4/15/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 897 Transcript of Ninth Day of Jury Trial Morning Session, held 4/14/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 896 Transcript of Eighth Day of Jury Trial Morning Session, held 4/13/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 895 Transcript of Seventh Day of Jury Trial Morning Session, held 4/12/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 894 Transcript of Sixth Day of Jury Trial Morning Session, held 4/11/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 893 Transcript of Fifth Day of Jury Trial Afternoon Session, held 4/8/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 892 Transcript of Fourth Day of Jury Trial Afternoon Session, held 4/7/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 891 Transcript of Third Day of Jury Trial Afternoon Session, held 4/6/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 890 Transcript of Second Day of Jury Trial Afternoon Session, held 4/5/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 889 Transcript of First Day of Jury Trial Afternoon Session, held 4/4/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 27, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 888 PERMANENT INJUNCTION. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/27/2016. (kwf)
April 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 887 Redaction to #885 Trial Brief. Defendants' Response To Plaintiff's Proposed Injunction by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Version of Proposed Permanent Injunction, #2 Exhibit B - Redline Version of Proposed Permanent Injunction) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 4/26/2016. (lak)
April 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 886 Disregard. See #887 . Modified on 4/26/2016. (lak)
April 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 885 Post Trial Brief. Defendants' Response To Plaintiff's Proposed Injunction by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Proposed Permanent Injunction, #2 Exhibit B - Redline Version of Proposed Permanent Injunction) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 4/26/2016. (lak)
April 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 884 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation's motion for clarification (dkt. #883 ) is GRANTED. No response to defendants' Rule 50(a) motions (dkt. # #830 , #843 ) is required or necessary. The clerk of court is directed to modify the briefing schedule on both motions to reflect that both are now under advisement. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/25/2016. (kwf)
April 20, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 883 Motion for Clarification by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation Regarding the ECF-generated Briefing Schedule for Pre-Verdict Rule 50(A) Motions. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/21/2016: Corrected docketing event. (lak)
April 20, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 882 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The court is in receipt of defendants Tata America International Corporation and Tata Consultancy Services Limited's second motion for extension of time to respond to plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation's proposed permanent injunction (dkt. #881 ), which is DENIED. Defendants attempt to justify their request for a further extension by tying it to the date they intend to file their motion on damages. Any relief from the jury's damages award, however, is almost entirely separate from the entry of an injunction -- a remedy to which Epic was entitled on April 13, 2016, when the jury found liability in Epic's favor -- and to the extent related, will be better considered with an actual, permanent injunction in place. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/20/2016. (kwf)
April 20, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 881 Motion for Extension of Time (Additional Extension to Respond to Proposed Injunction) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. Response due 4/27/2016. (Neider, Barbara)
April 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 880 Proposed Permanent Injunction by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/19/2016. (lak)
April 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 879 Post Trial Brief in Support of Injunctive Relief by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
April 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 878 Court Exhibits from Jury Trial held before District Judge William M. Conley. (Attachments: #1 Court Exhibit 1 - Jury Question and Response, #2 Court Exhibit 2 - Jury Note, #3 Court Exhibit 3 - Jury Question, #4 Court Exhibit 4 - Jury Question, #5 Court Exhibit 5 - Jury Question, #6 Court Exhibit 6 - Jury Question, #7 Court Exhibit 7 - Jury Question and Response, #8 Court Exhibit 8 - Jury Note) (arw)
April 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 877 Trial Exhibit List. (arw)
April 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 876 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Tenth Day of Jury Trial held on 4/15/2016. Damages verdict in the amount of $940,000,000.00 returned in favor of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. [4:10] (Court Reporters CS, LS) (arw)
April 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 875 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **Consistent with the court's directions in open court April 15, 2016, in addition to any deadlines that may apply under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for post-verdict motions, defendants may file a challenge to the compensatory and punitive damage verdicts at any time and plaintiff may have twenty-one (21) days to respond. In addition, the following will apply to the court's consideration of any further sanction for defendants' discovery abuses in this case: (1) Epic may have thirty (30) days to file proof of expenses incurred by virtue of the work on discovery in this lawsuit by its lead counsel, Jenner & Block, including a breakout of amounts invoiced and paid for that work, and underlying attorney time records; and (2) TCS may have twenty-one (21) days to object, including its own commensurate information for all timekeepers and firms that represented them during the same period to the extent either the hours, rates or total amount for comparable work is challenged. No reply or proposed reply should be submitted with respect to either the response or objection without advance leave of court. Finally, consistent with the jury's verdict on liability #871 , plaintiff shall submit proposed language for a permanent injunction no later than Monday, April 18, 2016. Defendants' motion for extension of time #874 is GRANTED. Defendants may have until Monday, April 25, 2016, to respond. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/16/2016. (bgw) Modified on 4/18/2016. (arw)
April 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 874 Motion for Extension of Time by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. Response due 4/22/2016. (Neider, Barbara)
April 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 873 Supplemental Damages Jury Instructions. (arw)
April 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 872 Damages Jury Instructions. (arw)
April 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 871 Jury Verdict - Damages: Verdict returned in favor of Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation in the amount of $940,000,000.00. (arw)
April 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 870 Stipulation re: Annual Revenue and Profit (FY15) by Defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Doyle, Paul)
April 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 869 Redaction to #867 Motion to Supplement Regarding Expert Testimony Sealed Document by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (Neider, Barbara)
April 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 868 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Ninth Day of Jury Trial held on 4/14/2016. Liability verdict returned in favor of plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Trial continues. [4:28] (Court Reporters CS, LS) (arw)
April 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 867 Motion to Supplement Regarding Expert Testimony Sealed Document by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Mejer, Alina)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 866 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation Offer of Proof in Support of Epic's Damages Theory Related to the Kaiser Contract, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Trial Exhibit 0022, #2 Trial Exhibit 0023, #3 Trial Exhibit 0032, #4 Trial Exhibit 0058, #5 Trial Exhibit 0071, #6 Trial Exhibit 0103, #7 Trial Exhibit 0159, #8 Trial Exhibit 0159A, #9 Trial Exhibit 0188, #10 Trial Exhibit 0296, #11 Exhibit - Guionnet Clip Report, #12 Exhibit - Gupta Clip Report, #13 Exhibit - Medikonda Clip Report, #14 Exhibit - Sundar Clip Report) (Richmond, Rick)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 865 Redaction to #852 Trial Brief in Support of Epic's Unjust Enrichment Damages Theory by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Richmond, Rick)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 864 Redaction to #851 Notice (Other) Response to TCS's Offer of Proof Regarding Damages Theories by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Richmond, Rick)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 863 Redaction to #862 Deposition Designations Objections and Counter-designations re: Damages by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Objections to Epic's Clip Reports, #2 Exhibit B - Counter-designations) (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 4/15/2016: Corrected docketing event, etc. (lak)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 862 Deposition Designations Objections and Counter-designations re Damages by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Objections to Epic's Clip Reports, #2 Exhibit B - Counter-designations) (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 4/15/2016. (lak)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 861 REDACTED ORDER rejecting without prejudice to further order of this court damages proffer by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/14/2016. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/14/2016. (arw)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 860 ORDER rejecting without prejudice to further order of this court damages proffer by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/14/2016. (Sealed Document) (arw)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 859 Deliberation Jury Instructions. (arw)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 858 Closing Jury Instructions. (arw)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 857 Introductory Jury Instructions. (arw)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 856 Jury Instructions: Orientation Remarks and Voir Dire. (arw)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 855 Jury Verdict - Liability: Verdict returned in favor of Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (arw)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 854 Notice by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS's Response to Epic's Brief in Support of its Unjust Enrichment Theory), (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit - Britven Demonstratives (Part 1), #2 Exhibit - Britven Demonstratives (Part 2), #3 Exhibit - Britven Demonstratives (Part 3)) (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 4/15/2016. (lak)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 853 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Eighth Day of Jury Trial held on 4/13/2016. Trial continues. [4:16] (Court Reporters CS, LS) (arw)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 852 Trial Brief in Support of Epic's Unjust Enrichment Damages Theory by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 851 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #846 Notice. Response to TCS's Offer of Proof Regarding Damages Theories. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
April 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Trial Date: 10th Day Jury Trial set for 4/15/2016 at 8:00 AM. (arw)
April 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 850 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Closing Slides (Richmond, Rick)
April 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 849 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Slides used or referred to by Tom Britven in Epic's Proffer on Damages). (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Tom Britven Proffer Slides, #2 Exhibit 2 - Trial Exhibit 0423) (Richmond, Rick)
April 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 848 Notice by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit - Closing Slides) (Neider, Barbara)
April 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 847 Notice by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Offer of Proof Regarding Production of Documents). (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit - Declaration of Badipatla with Exhibits, #2 Exhibit - Declaration of Erik Laykin with Exhibits) (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 4/14/2016: Declarations were not filed as separate docket entries per Electronic Filing Procedures. (lak)
April 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 846 Notice by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Offer of Proof Re Damages Theories). (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit - Supplemental Interrogatory Response of Epic) (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 4/14/2016. (lak)
April 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 845 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Seventh Day of Jury Trial held on 4/12/2016. Evidence entered, trial continues. [7:28] (Court Reporters CS, LS) (arw)
April 13, 2016 Opinion or Order The parties are directed to file this evening their respective slides used in closing arguments. Plaintiff is also directed to file all slides used or referred to by its expert Thomas Britven in Epic's proffer on damages. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 04/13/2016. (bgw)
April 13, 2016 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Trial Date: 9th Day Jury Trial set for 4/14/2016 at 08:00 AM. (voc)
April 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 844 Proposed Jury Instructions - Damages. Defendants' Request for a Corrective Instruction Regarding Unjust Enrichment, by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
April 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 843 MOTION FOR JUDGMENT AS A MATTER OF LAW by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Brief in Opposition due 5/12/2016. Brief in Reply due 5/27/2016. (Neider, Barbara)
April 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 842 Brief in Support of #841 Proposed Revisions to Damages Instructions and Verdict by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 4/12/2016. (lak)
April 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 841 Proposed Jury Instructions - Damages (Revisions to Jury Instructions and Verdict Form Regarding Damages) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (Neider, Barbara)
April 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 840 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Sixth Day of Jury Trial held on 4/11/2016. Evidence entered, trial continues. [7:55] (Court Reporters CS, LS) (arw)
April 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 839 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation of Epic's proposed curative instructions in response to improper testimony from TCS's expert Eric Laykin. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
April 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Trial Date: 8th Day Jury Trial set for 4/13/2016 at 8:00 AM. (arw)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 838 Redaction to #832 Joint Stipulation with Respect to Exhibit 2751 by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/12/2016. (lak)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 837 Redaction to #836 Motion for Clarification by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/12/2016. (lak)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 836 Motion for Clarification re: #804 Errata Sheet. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/12/2016: Corrected docketing event.(lak)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 835 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The parties' proposed Exhibit 2751 by joint stipulation for admission as a summary of Exhibit 2098 (dkt. #832 ) is ACCEPTED. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/11/2016. (kwf)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 834 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The parties' joint stipulation to summarize deposition testimony of Ravi Raju and Iyappan Rathina (dkt. #821 ) is ACCEPTED. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/11/2016. (kwf)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 833 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **Plaintiff's motion in limine to exclude exhibits and testimony related to the supplemental report of TCS's expert Erik Laykin (dkt. #810 ) is DENIED AS MOOT. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/11/2016. (kwf)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 832 Corrected Stipulation to submit Exhibit 2751 to the jury (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 831 Joint Stipulation to submit Exhibit 2751 to the jury (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 830 MOTION FOR JUDGMENT AS A MATTER OF LAW by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Brief in Opposition due 5/11/2016. Brief in Reply due 5/26/2016. (Neider, Barbara)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 829 Notice by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (Proffer With Respect to the Expert Testimony of Erik Laykin). (Sealed Document) (Neider, Barbara)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 828 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **Order regarding rulings on Bajak deposition designations (dkt. #808 ) is modified, for the reasons explained on the record, to overrule any objection to page 222, lines 16-19 and 22-24. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/11/2016. (kwf)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 827 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The parties joint stipulations (dkt. # #809 , #814 , #815 ) are all ACCEPTED. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/11/2016. (kwf)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 826 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Fifth Day of Jury Trial held on 4/8/2016. Evidence entered, trial continues. [8:28] (Court Reporters CS, LS) (arw)
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Trial Date: 7th Day Jury Trial set for 4/12/2016 at 8:00 AM. (arw)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 825 Joint Stipulation for Admission of Summary of Exhibit 2098 (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016. (lak)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 824 Brief in Support of #823 Proposed Special Verdict and Revisions to Jury Instructions Regarding Damages by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - ABA Model Jury Instructions) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016. (lak)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 823 Proposed Special Verdict - Damages (Proposed Revisions) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016. (lak)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 822 Response to Proposed Damages Jury Instructions (Proposed Revisions) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016. (lak)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 821 Joint Stipulation to Summarize Deposition Testimony of Ravi Raju and Iyappan Rathina (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016. (lak)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 820 ORDER re: #817 Response to Narrative Deposition Summary. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/10/16. (bgw)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 819 ORDER re: Rulings on #745 and #813 Objections to Deposition Designations of Narasimhan Srinivasan and Natarajan Chandrasekaran. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/10/16. (bgw) Modified on 4/11/2016. (kwf)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 818 Deposition Designations. Defendants' Response to #813 Epic's Further Amended Deposition Designations of Narasimhan Srinivasan by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 817 Response to Narrative Deposition Summary of Ravi Raju and Iyappan Rathina. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 816 Contested Exhibits. Joint Request for the Court to Rule on the Disputed Redactions to Exhibits 94, 95, 96, 97 and 555 by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Epic's Proposed Redactions, #2 Exhibit B - TCS's Proposed Redactions) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016: Added exhibit descriptions. (lak)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 815 Joint Stipulation to Summarize Deposition Testimony of Suraj Kartha, Arulbigju Kaspar, and Brad Kowalski (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016. (lak)
April 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Defendants' response to plaintiff's motion in limine to exclude exhibits and testimony related to the supplemental report of TCS's expert Erik Laykin (dkt. #810 ) is due by 12:00 p.m. on April 11, 2016. (bgw) Modified on 4/11/2016. (kwf)
April 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 814 Joint Stipulation for Submission of Transcription of Curtis Bajak Notes (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 456A - Transcription of Handwritten Note (Redacted by Agreement), #2 Exhibit 457A - Transcription of Handwritten Note (Redacted by Agreement), #3 Exhibit 470 - Transcription of Handwritten Note) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016. (lak)
April 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 813 Amended Deposition Designations of Narasimhan Srinivasan by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
April 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 812 Redaction to #811 Brief in Support of Motion in Limine to Exclude Exhibits and Testimony Related to the Supplemental Report of TCS's Expert Erik Laykin by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016. (lak)
April 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 811 Brief in Support of #810 Motion in Limine to Exclude Exhibits and Testimony Related to the Supplemental Report of TCS's Expert Erik Laykin by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016. (lak)
April 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 810 Motion in Limine to Exclude Exhibits and Testimony Related to the Supplemental Report of TCS's Expert Erik Laykin by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/11/2016. (lak)
April 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 809 Joint Stipulation to Summarize Deposition Testimony of Nazia Khader, Venkatakrishnan Narasimhan, Deepa Pandurangan, Bharathi Ponnambalan, and Indana Susmita (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
April 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 808 ORDER re: Ruling on #745 Deposition Designations as to Curt Bajak. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/8/2016. (jls)
April 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 807 ORDER re: Ruling on #777 Deposition Designations as to Vijaya Badipatla and Madhusudana Bandarapu. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/8/2016. (kwf)
April 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 806 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Fourth Day of Jury Trial held on 4/7/2016. Evidence entered, trial continues. [8:18] (Court Reporters CS, LS) (arw)
April 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Trial Date: 6th Day Jury Trial set for 4/11/2016 at 08:30 AM. (voc)
April 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 805 Rule 26(a)(3) Pretrial Disclosures (Expert Witness Disclosure) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/8/2016. (lak)
April 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 804 Errata Sheet to Deposition of Priscilla Kingston. (Sealed Document) (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 4/8/2016: Corrected docketing event. (lak)
April 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 803 ORDER re: Ruling on #745 Deposition Designations as to Ajay Krishnaswamy. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/7/2016. (jls)
April 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 802 ORDER re: Ruling on #745 Deposition Designations as to Jason Cline. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/7/2016. (kwf)
April 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 801 ORDER re: Ruling on #733 and #767 Deposition Designations as to Ramareddy Baddam and Madhavi Mukherji. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/7/2016. (kwf)
April 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 800 ORDER re: Ruling on #554 and #777 Deposition Designations as to Venugopal Reddy. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/7/2016. (kwf)
April 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 799 ORDER re: Ruling on #767 Deposition Designations as to Srikanth Telkapalli. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/7/2016. (kwf)
April 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 798 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Third Day of Jury Trial held on 4/6/2016. Evidence entered, trial continues. [8:30] (Court Reporters CS, LS) (arw)
April 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Trial Date: 5th Day Jury Trial set for 4/8/2016 at 8:30 AM. (arw)
April 6, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 797 Deposition of Erik Laykin taken on April 2, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
April 6, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 796 ORDER re: Ruling on #767 Deposition Designations as to Nazia Khader, Sankari Gunasekaran, Priscilla Kingston, Mukesh Kumar, and Vikran Vadamalai. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/6/2016. (kwf)
April 6, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 795 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Second Day of Jury Trial held on 4/5/2016. Evidence entered, trial continues. [7:33] (Court Reporters CS, LS) (arw)
April 6, 2016 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Trial Date: 4th Day Jury Trial set for 4/7/2016 at 8:30 AM. (arw)
April 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 794 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Jury Selection and First Day of Trial held on 4/4/2016. Evidence entered, trial continues. [6:43] (Court Reporters CS, LS) (arw)
April 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 793 ORDER re: Ruling on #733 , #767 , and #792 Deposition Designations as to Santosh Mohanty, Mahendra Pandian, and Deepa Pandurangan. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/5/2016. (kwf)
April 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Trial Date: 3rd Day Jury Trial set for 4/6/2016 at 8:30 AM. (arw)
April 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Telephone Status Conference held on 4/3/2016. [1:05] (Court Reporter LS.) (kwf)
April 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 792 Corrected Deposition Designations for Santosh Mohanty by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick)
April 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 791 Deposition Designations (Request to Temporarily Withhold Review of Deposition Designations of Santosh Mohanty) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick)
April 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 790 ORDER re: Ruling on #767 Deposition Designations as to Paul Amalraj. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/4/2016. (kwf)
April 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 789 Transcript of Telephonic Status Conference, held 4/3/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 788 Transcript of Telephonic Status Conference, held 4/1/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
April 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Trial Date: 2nd Day Jury Trial set for 4/5/2016 at 8:30 AM. (arw)
April 3, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 787 Deposition Designations in Response to Epic's Fifth Set of Amended Deposition Designations by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
April 3, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 786 ORDER: GRANTING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART #779 Motion to present testimony from Stirling Martin and Carl Dvorak regarding the value of Epic's confidential and trade secret information by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Plaintiff's motion for clarification regarding rulings on objections to depositions designations of Duddukuru and Jones (dkt. #780 ) is GRANTED as to Duddukuru and GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART as to Jones. As for Duddukuru, the ruling is modified to sustain the objection from 179:21:-180:10. As for Jones, Epic may present deposition testimony simply directing the jury to the relevant portion of the Master Services Agreement, but Epic may not reinsert those lengthier portions struck by the court because they amount to reading from the agreement and asking the witness if he sees the relevant passage. The objection raised in defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation's supplement (dkt. #778 ) is OVERRULED for the reasons provided on the record. Plaintiff's motion to file an opposition to defendants' supplement (dkt. #782 ) is GRANTED. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/3/2016. (bgw) Modified on 4/4/2016 (voc).
April 3, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 785 ORDER re Rulings on #745 Deposition Designations of Bill McCarthy. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/3/2016. (bgw)
April 3, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 784 Brief in Opposition by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #779 Motion to Present Testimony from Stirling Martin and Carl Dvorak Regarding the Value of Epic's Confidential and Trade Secret Information filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Neider, Barbara)
April 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 783 Deposition Designations. Objections to Defendants' Response to Epic's Amended Deposition Designations of Witnesses Venu Medikonda, Commander Melmangalam Ramanathan Kumar, Curtis Bajak, David Jones, and Bill McCarthy by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
April 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 782 Opposition re: #778 Supplement. Opposition to Defendants' Supplement to Their Objections to Epic's Deposition Designations by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/4/2016 (voc).
April 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 781 Deposition Designations in Response to Epic's Fourth Set of Amended Deposition Designations by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
April 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 780 Motion for Clarification re #771 Order re rulings on objections to deposition designations of Vishwa Prasad Duddukuru and David Jones by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Response due 4/11/2016. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/4/2016 (voc).
April 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 779 Motion to Present Testimony from Stirling Martin and Carl Dvorak Regarding the Value of Epic's Confidential and Trade Secret Information by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Response due 4/11/2016. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/4/2016 (voc).
April 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 778 Supplement to #641 Objections to Trial Exhibits filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation, #774 Deposition Designations filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation, #764 Deposition Designations filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation, #751 Deposition Designations filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Neider, Barbara)
April 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 777 Amended Deposition Designations as to Venugopal Reddy, Vijaya Badipatla, Ravi Raju, Venkatakrishnan Narasimhan, Bharathi Ponnambalam, Indana Susmita, Suraj Kartha, Arulbigju Kaspar, and Narasimhan Srinivasan. by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 776 ORDER on closing instructions. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/1/2016. (mfh)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 775 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Jury Book Agreed Upon by Parties). (Tomaselli, Anthony)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 774 Deposition Designations (Response to Epic's Third Set of Amended Deposition Designations, re: Dkt #757) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 773 ORDER on Telephone Status Conference. Defendants' motion in limine to exclude testimony of experts Wes Rishel and Samuel S. Rubin (dkt. #690 ) is GRANTED IN PART, DENIED IN PART AND RESERVED IN PART as set forth on the record. Defendants' motion to supplement with respect to March 30, 2016, pretrial conference call (dkt. #746 ) is DENIED AS MOOT. The court will hold a telephonic conference on the parties' joint submission of remaining contested exhibits (dkt. #772 ) on Sunday, April 3, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. Plaintiff to establish call. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/1/2016. (kwf)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 772 Joint Stipulation for Remaining Contested Exhibits by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Contested Exhibits) (Richmond, Rick)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 771 ORDER re: Ruling on #745 Deposition Designations as to David Jones. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 4/1/2016. (kwf)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 770 Corrected Deposition Designations of Brad Kowalski by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 769 Counter Expert Report of Wes Rishel by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Status Conference: Telephone Status Conference set for 4/3/2016 at 7:30 PM before District Judge William M. Conley. Counsel for Plaintiff responsible for setting up the call to chambers at (608) 264-5087. (kwf)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Telephone Status Conference held on 4/1/2016 [3:15] (Court Reporter LS.) (mfh)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Telephone Status Conference held on 3/30/2016 [:45] (Court Reporter LS.) (mfh)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 768 Objections to TCS's Requested Revisions to the Court's March 28, 2016 Jury Instructions, Verdict Form, and Voir Dire Questions by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 767 Amended Deposition Designations of witnesses: Paul Amalraj, Santosh Mohanty, Mahendra Pandian, Nazia Khader, Sankari Gunasekaran, Priscilla Kingston, Mukesh Kumar, Vikram Vadamalai, Srikanth Telkapalli, Iyappan Rathina, and Ramareddy Baddam by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 766 Redaction to #754 Brief in Opposition, to TCS's Motion in Limine to Exclude Testimony Related to the Supplemental Expert Report of Wes Rishel and the Expert Report of Samuel S. Rubin by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Richmond, Rick)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 765 Witness List (Defendants' Order of Witnesses) by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 764 Deposition Designations (Response to Epic's Second Set of Amended Deposition Designations, Dkt. #745, 8 witnesses), by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 763 Redaction to #760 Objections to Proposed Jury Instructions. (Brief in Opposition to Epic's Proposed Revisions to the Court's Adverse Inference Jury Instruction) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 4/1/2016. (lak)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 762 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER ** ORDER granting #758 Motion for Extension of Time. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 3/31/2016. (bgw)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 761 ORDER re Rulings on #733 Deposition Designations for Arun Agarawal, Vishwa Prasad Duddukuru and Anmol Gupta. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 3/31/2016. (bgw)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 760 Objections to #742 Proposed Jury Instructions (Brief in Opposition to Epic's Proposed Revisions to the Court's Adverse Inference Jury Instruction) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Neider, Barbara)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 759 Witness List (Plaintiff's Order of Witnesses) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 4/1/2016. (lak)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 758 Joint Motion for Extension of Time to Submit Revised Materials for Jury Binder by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Tomaselli, Anthony)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 757 Amended Deposition Designations of Venu Medikonda and Melmangalam Ramanthan Kumar by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 31, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 756 Proposed Stipulation of Facts by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 4/1/2016. (lak)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 755 Corrected Deposition Designations (Objections to TCS's counter-designations of Vishwa Prasad Duddukuru and Madhusudana Bandarapu) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 754 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #690 Motion in Limine, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation to Exclude Testimony Related to the Supplemental Expert Report of Wes Rishel and the Expert Report of Samuel S. Rubin (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 753 Disregard. See #755 for Corrected Deposition Designations. Modified on 3/31/2016. (lak)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 752 Redaction to #750 Proposed Stipulation for Parties to Agree to Facts re: UserWeb Access (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Proposed Stipulation of Facts) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/31/2016. (lak)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 751 Deposition Designations (Response to Epic's First Set of Amended Deposition Designations, Dkt. 733) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 750 Proposed Stipulation for Parties to Agree to Facts re: UserWeb Access (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Proposed Stipulation of Facts) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/31/2016. (lak)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 749 Transcript of Telephonic Status Conference, held 3/30/2016 before Chief Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 748 Redaction to #746 Motion to Supplement with Respect to March 30, 2016 Pretrial Conference Call by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - TCS Supplemental Responses and Objections to Plaintiff's Feb. 25, 2016 Interrogatories) (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 3/30/2016: Corrected docketing event, termed motion, removed duplicate text. (lak)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 747 ORDER on Telephone Status Conference. Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation's objections to two of TCS's witnesses is OVERRULED with respect to Vishwanathan Landeri, and RESERVED with respect to Dipankar Chakrabarty. Defendants Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Tata America International Corporation's response to plaintiff's amended deposition designations for six witnesses (dkt. #733 ) is due by 5:00 p.m., March 30, 2016. Defendants' response to plaintiff's amended deposition designations for eight witnesses (dkt. #745 ) is due by 5:00 p.m., March 31, 2016. Plaintiff's previously-served stipulation on the TCS TCOE witnesses is due by 5:00 p.m., March 30, 2016. Defendants' response to the proposed stipulation is due by 5:00 p.m., March 31, 2016. Both sides may submit revised materials for the jury binder by 5:00 p.m., March 31, 2016. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 3/30/2016. (kwf)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 746 Motion to Supplement with Respect to March 30, 2016 Pretrial Conference Call (Sealed Document) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - TCS Supplemental Responses and Objections to Plaintiff's Feb. 25, 2016 Interrogatories) (Neider, Barbara)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 745 Amended Deposition Designations (Bajak, Chandrasekaran, Cline, Jones, Kowalski, Krishnaswamy, McCarthy, Srinivasan) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 744 Corrected Witness List by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 743 Disregard. See #744 for Corrected Witness List. Modified on 3/30/2016. (lak)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 742 Proposed Revisions to the Adverse Inference Instruction by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/30/2016. (lak)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 741 Redaction to #739 Witness List (Opposition to Epic's Statement Regarding TCS Witnesses) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/30/2016. (lak)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 740 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of re: #739 Witness List (Opposition to Epic's Statement Regarding TCS Witnesses), (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Email from TCS to Epic re: Scheduling Inspections) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/30/2016. (lak)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 739 Witness List (Opposition to Epic's Statement Regarding TCS Witnesses) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/30/2016. (lak)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 738 Brief in Support re: #735 Requested Revisions to the Court's March 28, 2016 Closing Instructions, #736 Requested Revisions to the Court's March 28, 2016 Verdict Form by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 3/30/2016. (lak)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 737 Revisions to Proposed Voir Dire and Orientation Remarks by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 3/30/2016. (lak)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 736 Requested Revisions to the Court's March 28, 2016 Verdict Form by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 3/30/2016. (lak)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 735 Requested Revisions to the Court's March 28, 2016 Closing Instructions by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 3/30/2016. (lak)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 734 Revised Witness List by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/30/2016. (lak)
March 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 733 Amended Deposition Designations by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 732 Redaction to #730 Declaration of Rick Richmond In Support Of Epic's Statement Regarding TCS Witnesses Not Disclosed During Discovery by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Epic's Sixth Set of Interrogatories, #2 Exhibit 2 - TCS Responses and Objections to Epic's Sixth Set of Interrogatories) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/29/2016. (lak)
March 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 731 Redaction to #729 Witness List (Epic's Statement Regarding TCS Witnesses Not Disclosed During Discovery) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 730 Declaration of Rick Richmond In Support Of Epic's Statement Regarding TCS Witnesses Not Disclosed During Discovery by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Epic's Sixth Set of Interrogatories, #2 Exhibit 2 - TCS Responses and Objections to Epic's Sixth Set of Interrogatories) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/29/2016. (lak)
March 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 729 Witness List (Epic's Statement Regarding TCS Witnesses Not Disclosed During Discovery) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
March 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 728 OPINION AND ORDER. The January 11, 2016 Order to Show Cause #391 is deemed satisfied and discharged. Stroz Friedburg LLC's motion #496 to expunge or amend the order is granted in part and denied in part, consistent with this opinion. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 3/28/2016. (arw)
March 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 727 Transcript of Telephonic Status Conference, held 3/25/2016 before District Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
March 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 726 Transcript of Final Hearing, held 3/24/2016 before District Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (kwf)
March 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Briefing Deadlines re: #690 Motion in Limine to Exclude Testimony Related to the Supplemental Expert Report of Wes Rishel and the Expert Report of Samuel S. Rubin. Response due 3/30/2016. See #719 ORDER on Final Pretrial Conference. (arw)
March 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 725 Redaction to #724 Expert Report, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Bersin CV, #2 Exhibit B - Expert Testimony and Disclosures) (Robben, Philip)
March 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 724 Expert Report of Brent K. Bersin regarding damages by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Bersin CV, #2 Exhibit B - Expert Testimony and Disclosures) (Robben, Philip)
March 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 723 Redaction to #722 Expert Report by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Nadkarni Report) (Robben, Philip)
March 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Telephone Status Conference held on 3/25/2016 [:30] (Court Reporter LS.) (mfh)
March 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 722 Expert Report of Prakash Nadkarni by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (MacGregor, Alison) Modified on 3/25/2016: Appendix A and B are attached. (lak)
March 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 721 Expert Witness Disclosures by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
March 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 720 Expert Witness Disclosures by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
March 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 719 ORDER on Final Pretrial Conference; setting briefing on #690 Motion in Limine, denying #543 Motion in Limine, denying as moot #561 Motion in Limine, denying in part and reserving in part #590 Motion in Limine. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 03/24/2016. (mfh) Modified on 3/28/2016. (arw)
March 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 717 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Final Pretrial Conference held on 3/24/2016. Trial predicted to last 10 days. Fourteen jurors will be called forward, eight jurors will be impaneled. Telephone Status Conferences set for 3/25/2016, 3/30/2016 and 4/1/2016 at 11:00 AM before District Judge William M. Conley. Counsel for plaintiff responsible for setting up the call to chambers at (608) 264-5087. [3:35] (Court Reporter LS) (arw)Attention: In the event of a settlement of this matter over the weekend, counsel are advised to contact the Clerk of Court at (608) 287-4875 or the Chief Deputy Clerk at (608) 354-8004.
March 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 716 Supplemental Expert Report of Wes Rishel by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/25/2016: Exhibits B, C and D are attached. (lak)
March 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 715 Expert Report of Samuel S. Rubin by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/25/2016: Exhibits 1 - 7 are attached. (lak)
March 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 714 Redaction to #711 Deposition Designations (Brief In Support of Objections to TCS's Deposition Designations) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Deadlines and Hearings: Telephone Status Conferences set for 3/25/2016, 3/30/2016 and 4/1/2016 at 11:00 AM before District Judge William M. Conley. Counsel for Plaintiff responsible for setting up the call to chambers at (608) 264-5087. (arw)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 713 Redaction to #712 Deposition Designations (Brief in Support of Objections to Epic's Deposition Designations) by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Progress Chart for Deposition Designations, #2 Exhibit B - Witness Objection and Counter-Designation Chart (Part 1), #3 Exhibit B - Witness Objection and Counter-Designation Chart (Part 2), #4 Exhibit B - Witness Objection and Counter-Designation Chart (Part 3)) (Robben, Philip)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 712 Deposition Designations (Brief in Support of Objections to Epic's Deposition Designations) by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Progress Chart for Deposition Designations, #2 Exhibit B - Witness Objection and Counter-Designation Chart (Part 1), #3 Exhibit B - Witness Objection and Counter-Designation Chart (Part 2), #4 Exhibit B - Witness Objection and Counter-Designation Chart (Part 3)) (Robben, Philip)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 711 Deposition Designations (Brief In Support of Objections to TCS's Deposition Designations) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 710 Deposition of Kela Feldman taken on December 2, 2015. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 709 ORDER granting plaintiff's #521 Motion for Sanctions as set forth in the order; denying defendants' #604 Motion for Sanctions Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 03/23/2016. (mfh)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 708 Corrected Deposition Designations Regarding Anuj Karla by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 707 Objection to Rule 26(a)(3) Designations by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 706 Objection to Rule 26(a)(3) Designations by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 705 Notice by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation Regarding Bottled Water During Trial. (Boor, Anita)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 704 Redaction to #699 Supplemental Expert Report of Erik Laykin dated March 21, 2016 by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Laykin CV, #2 Exhibit B - Materials Relied Upon, #3 Exhibit C - Eligible Hospital Tables, #4 Exhibit D - Evolve Suite White Paper, #5 Exhibit E - Epic Initial Development, #6 Exhibit F - Med Mantra Development, #7 Exhibit H - Epic and Med Mantra Screenshots, #8 Exhibit I - Appendex A: Glossaries of Terms) (Neider, Barbara)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 703 ORDER granting #532 Motion for Leave to File and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on defendants' unclean hands affirmative defense; denying #511 Motion in Limine; denying #540 Motion in Limine; denying in part and reversing in part #543 Motion in Limine; denying #556 Motion in Limine; granting in part, denying in part and reversing in part #561 Motion in Limine; denying #564 Motion in Limine; granting in part and denying in part #567 Motion in Limine; denying #571 Motion in Limine; denying #573 Motion in Limine; granting #575 Motion in Limine; granting #577 Motion in Limine; denying #579 Motion in Limine; denying as moot #581 Motion in Limine; granting in part,denying in part and reversing in part #590 Motion in Limine. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 3/23/2016. (jls)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 702 Supplemental Exhibit List by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
March 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 701 Redaction to #700 Expert Report by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1 - Slipsheet, #2 Attachment 2 - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit 1 - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit 2 - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/23/2016. (lak)
March 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 700 Supplemental Expert Report of Brent K. Bersin regarding damages by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1 - Bersin CV, #2 Attachment 2 - Documents Reviewed and Considered, #3 Exhibit A - Epic Revenue, #4 Exhibit B - TCS Revenues from Med Mantra) (Robben, Philip)
March 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 699 Supplemental Expert Report of Erik Laykin by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Appendix A, #2 Exhibit A - Laykin CV, #3 Exhibit B - Materials Relied Upon, #4 Exhibit C - Eligible Hospital Tables, #5 Exhibit D - Evolve Suite White Paper, #6 Exhibit E - Epic Initial Development, #7 Exhibit F - Med Mantra Development, #8 Exhibit H - Epic and Med Mantra Screenshots) (Robben, Philip)
March 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 698 Disregard. See #699 . (Sealed Document) Modified on 3/22/2016. (lak)
March 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 697 Disregard. See #700 . (Sealed Document) Modified on 3/22/2016. (lak)
March 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 696 Notice of Appearance filed by Anita Marie Boor for Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Boor, Anita)
March 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 695 Deposition Designations (Objections to TCS's Counter-Designations) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 694 Redaction to #693 Declaration of Philip D. Robben by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit B - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit C - September 24, 2015 Email Between Melissa Byroade, Counsel for TCS, and Annamarie Van Hoesen, Counsel for Epic, #4 Exhibit D - November 24, 2015 Email Between Melissa Byroade, Counsel for TCS, and Julie Shepard, Counsel for Epic) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/21/2016. (lak)
March 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 693 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support re: #690 Motion in Limine, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Supplemental Expert Report of Wes Rishel (With Exhibits) (Has not been filed separately.), #2 Exhibit B - Expert Report of Samuel S. Rubin (With Exhibits) (Has not been filed separately.), #3 Exhibit C - September 24, 2015 Email Between Melissa Byroade, Counsel for TCS, and Annamarie Van Hoesen, Counsel for Epic, #4 Exhibit D - November 24, 2015 Email Between Melissa Byroade, Counsel for TCS, and Julie Shepard, Counsel for Epic) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/21/2016. (lak)
March 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 692 Redaction to #691 Brief in Support by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/21/2016. (lak)
March 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 691 Brief in Support of #690 Motion in Limine to Exclude Testimony Related to the Supplemental Expert Report of Wes Rishel and the Expert Report of Samuel S. Rubin by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/21/2016. (lak)
March 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 690 Motion in Limine to Exclude Testimony Related to the Supplemental Expert Report of Wes Rishel and the Expert Report of Samuel S. Rubin by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/21/2016. (lak)
March 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 689 Deposition Designations (Objections to Epic's Deposition Counter-Designations) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 688 Redaction to #628 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 3/18/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 687 Supplemental Deposition Designations by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 686 Redaction to #675 Declaration of Samuel S. Rubin by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 685 Redaction to #673 Declaration of Nick Saros by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - 3/7/2016 to 3/8/2016 Email correspondence between Philip Robben and Nick Saros, #2 Exhibit 2 - 11/20/2015 to 11/24/2015 Email correspondence between Melissa Byroade and Julie Shepard, #3 Exhibit 3 - 2/26/2016 email correspondence from Philip Robben to Nick Saros, #4 Exhibit 4 - Slipsheet, #5 Exhibit 5 - 3/3/2016 to 3/8/2016 Email correspondence between Alison MacGregor and Julie Shepard, #6 Exhibit 6 - Slipsheet) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 3/17/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 684 Redaction to #677 Declaration of Julie Shepard by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit B - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit C - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit D - Slipsheet, #5 Exhibit E - Slipsheet, #6 Exhibit F - Slipsheet, #7 Exhibit G - Slipsheet, #8 Exhibit H - Slipsheet, #9 Exhibit I - Slipsheet, #10 Exhibit J - Slipsheet, #11 Exhibit K - Slipsheet, #12 Exhibit L - Slipsheet, #13 Exhibit M - Slipsheet, #14 Exhibit N - Slipsheet) (Shepard, Julie) Modified on 3/17/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 683 Redaction to #670 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/17/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 682 Redaction to #639 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 3/17/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 681 Redaction to #633 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 3/17/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 680 Redaction to #638 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 3/17/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 679 Redaction to #637 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 3/17/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 678 Redaction to #630 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 3/17/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 677 Declaration of Julie Shepard filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation in Support of Epic's Opposition re: #604 Motion for Sanctions, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - 11/30/2015 Plaintiff's Request for Inspection (Forensic Analysis), #2 Exhibit B - Rubin statements chart, #3 Exhibit C - 12/22/2015 Email re Kiosk Log, #4 Exhibit D - Deposition Exhibit 713, #5 Exhibit E - Deposition Exhibit 732, #6 Exhibit F - Document bates stamped TCS00302743 through TCS00302743_002, #7 Exhibit G - Deposition Exhibit 736, #8 Exhibit H - Deposition Exhibit 735, #9 Exhibit I - Deposition Exhibit 710, #10 Exhibit J - Deposition Exhibit 711, #11 Exhibit K - Deposition Exhibit 712, #12 Exhibit L - Deposition Exhibit 729, #13 Exhibit M - Deposition Exhibit 714, #14 Exhibit N - Deposition Exhibit 737) (Shepard, Julie)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 676 Disregard. Duplicate of #648 . Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 675 Declaration of Samuel S. Rubin filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation in Support of Epic's Opposition re: #604 Motion for Sanctions. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 674 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #581 Motion in Limine filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 673 Declaration of Nick Saros filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation in Support of Epic's Oppositions re: #556 Motion in Limine, #511 Motion in Limine, #540 Motion in Limine, #564 Motion in Limine, #561 Motion in Limine, #543 Motion in Limine, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - 3/7/2016 to 3/8/2016 Email correspondence between Philip Robben and Nick Saros, #2 Exhibit 2 - 11/20/2015 to 11/24/2015 Email correspondence between Melissa Byroade and Julie Shepard, #3 Exhibit 3 - 2/26/2016 email correspondence from Philip Robben to Nick Saros, #4 Exhibit 4 - 3/14/2016 - Epic's Supplemental Expert Report of Thomas W. Britven, #5 Exhibit 5 - 3/3/2016 to 3/8/2016 Email correspondence between Alison MacGregor and Julie Shepard, #6 Exhibit 6 - Document bates stamped EPIC1698403-EPIC1698407.) (Saros, Nick)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 672 Disregard. See #677 . (Sealed Document) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 671 Disregard. See #675 . (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 670 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #604 Motion for Sanctions, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 669 Declaration of Rick Richmond re: #668 Objection to Provisional Witness List, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Linked In Page of Dipankar Chakraborty, #2 Exhibit B - 2/18/2016 Email to TCS re: Venugopal Reddy Deposition) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 668 Objection to Provisional Witness List, by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 667 Deposition Designations of TCS objected to and counter-designated by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 666 Redaction to #665 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 665 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #579 Motion in Limine, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 664 Redaction to #663 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 663 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #577 Motion in Limine, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 662 Redaction to #661 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 661 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #567 Motion in Limine, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 660 Redaction to #659 Declaration of Erik Laykin by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Laykin CV, #2 Exhibit B - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit C - Order denying motion exclude Laykin) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 659 Declaration of Erik Laykin filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #590 Motion in Limine (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Laykin CV, #2 Exhibit B - Symantec motion to exclude Laykin, #3 Exhibit C - Order denying motion exclude Laykin) (Robben, Philip)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 658 Deposition Designations of Epic Systems Corporation objected to and counter-designated by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 657 Redaction to #656 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 656 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #590 Motion in Limine, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 655 Objections to Trial Exhibits by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 654 Disregard. See #673 . (Sealed Document) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 653 Redaction to #652 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 652 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #532 Motion for Leave to File, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 651 Redaction to #650 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 650 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #573 Motion in Limine, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 649 Redaction to #647 Declaration of Philip D. Robben by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit B - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit C - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 648 Redaction to #674 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 647 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Opposition re: #581 Motion in Limine, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Exhibit 1099, #2 Exhibit B - Exhibit 1095, #3 Exhibit C - Exhibit 1087) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 646 Disregard. See #674 . (Sealed Document) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 645 Redaction to #644 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 644 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #575 Motion in Limine, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 643 Redaction to #642 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 642 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #571 Motion in Limine, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 641 Objections to Trial Exhibits of Epic Systems Corporation by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 640 Proposed Supplemental Voir Dire by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak) (Additional attachment(s) added on 3/16/2016: #1 Exhibit A - Sampling of News Articles) (lak).
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 639 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #540 Motion in Limine, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 638 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #561 Motion in Limine, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 637 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #556 Motion in Limine, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 636 Response to #587 Proposed Voir Dire of Epic Systems Corporation by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Vergeront, Meg) Modified on 3/16/2016: Linked to the document. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 635 Response to #588 , #589 Proposed Special Verdict of Epic Systems Corporation by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Vergeront, Meg) Modified on 3/16/2016: Linked to the documents. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 634 Response to Proposed Liability and Damages Jury Instructions of Epic Systems Corporation by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Vergeront, Meg) Modified on 3/16/2016. (lak)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 633 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #564 Motion in Limine, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 632 Objections to #547 Proposed Voir Dire by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Tomaselli, Anthony)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 631 Objections to #552 Proposed Special Verdict, #551 Proposed Jury Instructions by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Tomaselli, Anthony)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 630 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #511 Motion in Limine, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 629 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Epic's Request for a Missing Witness Instruction. (Neider, Barbara)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 628 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #543 Motion in Limine, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 627 Deposition of Anuj Kalra taken on January 20, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 626 Deposition of Kaylan Dahnireddy taken on January 18, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 625 Deposition of Karun Biyani taken on January 18, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
March 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 624 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #623 Motion to Admit Talat Ansari Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on 3/14/2016. (lak)
March 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 623 Motion to Admit Talat Ansari Pro Hac Vice. ( Pro Hac Vice fee $ 50 receipt number 0758-1766208.) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Ansari, Talat)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 622 Redaction to #621 Declaration of Philip D. Robben by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - SlipSheet, #2 Exhibit B - SlipSheet, #3 Exhibit C - SlipSheet, #4 Exhibit D - SlipSheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/14/2016. (lak)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 621 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Memorandum of Law in Opposition filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #521 Motion for Sanctions, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Exhibit 397, #2 Exhibit B - 2015-10-14 Letter to M. Byroade, #3 Exhibit C - TCS Supplemental Responses to First Set of Interrogatories, #4 Exhibit D - March 2016 Email Correspondence re: Inspections) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/14/2016: Removed duplicate text. (lak)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 620 Redaction to #619 Declaration of Ajit Menon by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - SlipSheet, #2 Exhibit B - SlipSheet) (Robben, Philip)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 619 Declaration of Ajit Menon filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #521 Motion for Sanctions, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Menon Chart re: Downloads, #2 Exhibit B - Menon Correspondence with Stroz) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/14/2016: Removed duplicate text. (lak)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 618 Redaction to #617 Declaration of Erik Laykin by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Laykin Bio, #2 Exhibit B - SlipSheet, #3 Exhibit C - SlipSheet, #4 Exhibit D - SlipSheet) (Robben, Philip)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 617 Declaration of Erik Laykin filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #521 Motion for Sanctions , (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Laykin Bio, #2 Exhibit B - Release Notes- (Part 1), #3 Exhibit B - Release Notes- (Part 2), #4 Exhibit B - Release Notes- (Part 3), #5 Exhibit B - Release Notes- (Part 4), #6 Exhibit B - Release Notes- (Part 5), #7 Exhibit B - Release Notes- (Part 6), #8 Exhibit C - Traceability Matrix, #9 Exhibit D - Test Summary Reports) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/14/2016: Removed duplicate text. (lak)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 616 Redaction to #615 Brief in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Sanctions by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 615 Brief in Opposition by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #521 Motion for Sanctions filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 614 Deposition of Madhusudana Bandarapu taken on March 4, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 613 Deposition of Sumana Sravanthi taken on March 3, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
March 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 612 Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran taken on March 2, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
March 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 611 Notice of Appearance filed by Alina Cristina Mejer for Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Mejer, Alina)
March 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 610 Notice of Appearance filed by Kristina M Allen for Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Allen, Kristina)
March 9, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Briefing Deadlines as to #604 Renewed Motion for Sanctions. Response due 3/15/2016. No reply. (kwf/bgw)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 609 Exhibits to #607 Declaration filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. Exhibit F - Ajit Menon Interview Volume 1. (Ex Parte Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit G - Ajit Menon Interview, Volume 2) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/8/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 608 Redaction to #607 Declaration of August Horvath by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit B - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit C - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit D - Slipsheet, #5 Exhibit E - Slipsheet, #6 Exhibit F - Slipsheet, #7 Exhibit G - Slipsheet, #8 Exhibit H - Slipsheet, #9 Exhibit I - Slipsheet, #10 Exhibit J - Slipsheet, #11 Exhibit K - Slipsheet, #12 Exhibit L - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 607 Declaration of August Horvath in Support of Defendants' Renewed Motion for Sanctions filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #604 Renewed Motion for Sanctions, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Select pages from Exhibit 1114, #2 Exhibit B - Exhibit 1120, #3 Exhibit C - Exhibit 1128, #4 Exhibit D - Exhibit 1122, #5 Exhibit E - Exhibit 1121, #6 Exhibit F - Slipsheet. See #609 for the document., #7 Exhibit G - Slipsheet. See #609 for the document., #8 Exhibit H - Exhibit 1129, #9 Exhibit I - Exhibit 1123, #10 Exhibit J - Exhibit 1118, #11 Exhibit K - Exhibit 1116, #12 Exhibit L - Exhibit 1115) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/8/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 606 Redaction to #605 Brief in Support by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 605 Brief in Support of #604 Renewed Motion for Sanctions by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 604 Renewed Motion for Sanctions by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 603 Deposition of Rick Richmond taken on 02/05/16. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 602 Deposition of Samuel Rubin taken on 02/05/16. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 601 Redaction to #591 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 600 Redaction to #585 Declaration of Rick Richmond by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit 2 - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit 3 - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit 4 - 3/3/2016 Email correspondence between Alison MacGregor and Julie Shepard) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 599 Redaction to #582 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 598 Redaction to #580 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 597 Redaction to #578 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 596 Redaction to #576 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 595 Redaction to #574 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 594 Redaction to #572 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 593 Redaction to #568 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 592 Exhibit List by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 591 Brief in Support of #590 Motion in Limine -Daubert Motion To Exclude Certain Opinions Of TCS's Expert Erik Layki) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 590 Motion in Limine -Daubert Motion To Exclude Certain Opinions Of TCS's Expert Erik Laykin by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 589 Proposed Special Verdict - Damages by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 588 Proposed Special Verdict - Liability by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 587 Proposed Voir Dire by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 586 Deposition Designations by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Index And Page Lines Of Epic's Deposition Designations) (Richmond, Rick)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 585 Declaration of Rick Richmond filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation In Support Of Epic's Motions In Limine re: #571 Motion in Limine, #579 Motion in Limine, #575 Motion in Limine, #567 Motion in Limine, #581 Motion in Limine, #573 Motion in Limine, #577 Motion in Limine, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - 2/25/2016 Defendants' Supplemental Responses and Objections to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories, #2 Exhibit 2 - Deposition Exhibit 1052, #3 Exhibit 3 - 2/2/2016 Defendants' Responses and Objections to Plaintiff's Sixth Set of Interrogatories, #4 Exhibit 4 - 3/3/2016 Email correspondence between Alison MacGregor and Julie Shepard) (Richmond, Rick)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 584 Rule 26(a)(3) Pretrial Disclosures by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Rule 26(a)(3) Statement for Wes Rishel, #2 Exhibit B - Rule 26(a)(3) Statement for Thomas Britven, #3 Exhibit C - Rule 26(a)(3) Statement for Samuel Rubin, #4 Exhibit D - Rule 26(a)(3) statement for Carl Dvorak, #5 Exhibit E - Rule 26(a)(3) Statement for Stirling Martin) (Richmond, Rick)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 583 Proposed Jury Instructions - Liability and Damages by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Tomaselli, Anthony)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 582 Brief in Support of #581 Motion in Limine No. 7 to Preclude Evidence And Argument Of The Matters Raised By TCS In Its "Unclean Hands" Defense by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 581 Motion in Limine No. 7 to Preclude Evidence And Argument Of The Matters Raised By TCS In Its "Unclean Hands" Defense by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 580 Brief in Support of #579 Motion in Limine No. 6 to Preclude Evidence And Argument Re Philippe Guionnet's Allegations Relating To Topics Other Than Epic by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 579 Motion in Limine No. 6 to Preclude Evidence And Argument Re Philippe Guionnet's Allegations Relating To Topics Other Than Epic by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 578 Brief in Support of #577 Motion in Limine No. 5 to Preclude Evidence And Argument That TCS's Med Mantra-Based Software Was Not Improved Using Epic's Confidential Information In The EHR Products Epic Was Never Allowed To Inspect by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 577 Motion in Limine No. 5 to Preclude Evidence And Argument That TCS's Med Mantra-Based Software Was Not Improved Using Epic's Confidential Information In The EHR Products Epic Was Never Allowed To Inspect by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 576 Brief in Support of #575 Motion in Limine No. 4 to Preclude Evidence And Argument Regarding Epic's Alleged Contractual Obligation To Provide TCS Access To Userweb by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 575 Motion in Limine No. 4 to Preclude Evidence And Argument Regarding Epic's Alleged Contractual Obligation To Provide TCS Access To Userweb by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 574 Brief in Support of #573 Motion in Limine No. 3 to Preclude Evidence And Argument That TCS Used Epic's Confidential Information Only For Testing Services by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 573 Motion in Limine No. 3 to Preclude Evidence And Argument That TCS Used Epic's Confidential Information Only For Testing Services by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 572 Brief in Support of #571 Motion in Limine No. 2 To Preclude Evidence And Argument That Only A Limited Number Of Individuals Or Testing Teams Accessed Epic's Userweb by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 571 Motion in Limine No. 2 to Preclude Evidence And Argument That Only A Limited Number Of Individuals Or Testing Teams Accessed Epic's Userweb by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 570 Redaction to #569 Declaration of Philip D. Robben by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit B - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit C - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit D - Slipsheet, #5 Exhibit E - Slipsheet, #6 Exhibit F - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 569 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in support of defendants' motion in limine to exclude the "comparative analysis" document filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #564 Motion in Limine, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Deposition Exhibit 97, #2 Exhibit B - Nick Saros's Declaration in Support of Epic's Motion for Expedited Discovery, dated November 6, 2014, #3 Exhibit C - Suresh Muthuswami's Declaration in Support of Epic's Motion for Expedited Discovery, dated November 30, 2015, #4 Exhibit D - Epic's Objections and Responses to TCS's Third Set of Interrogatories, dated February 2, 2016, #5 Exhibit E - Ajit Menon's Declaration in Support of Epic's Motion for Expedited Discovery, dated December 16, 2015, #6 Exhibit F - TCS's Responses and Objections to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories, dated May 26, 2015) (Robben, Philip)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 568 Brief in Support of #567 Motion in Limine No. 1 to Preclude Evidence And Argument That TCS Could Have Created The Med Mantra-Epic Comparative Analysis From Publicly Available Information by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 567 Motion in Limine No. 1 to Preclude Evidence And Argument That TCS Could Have Created The Med Mantra-Epic Comparative Analysis From Publicly Available Information by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 566 Redaction to #565 Brief in Support by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 565 Brief in Support of #564 Motion in Limine to Exclude the "Comparative Analysis" Document by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 564 Motion in Limine to Exclude the Comparative Analysis by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 563 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in support of defendants' motion in limine to exclude any references to TCS's participation in outsourcing, its use of H1B visas, or it being a "foreign" company filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #561 Motion in Limine, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Article dated 02/19/2016 and titled "The Fight Over Immigrant Workers Heads to Dairy Farms" from The Huffington Post, #2 Exhibit B - Article dated 02/08/2013 and titled "Offshoring Continues to Cost Wisconsin Among the Most Jobs in the Country", #3 Exhibit C - Article dated 02/18/16 and titled "Thousands protest 'anti-immigrant' legislation in Wisconsin" from CNNPolitics.com) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 562 Brief in Support of #561 Motion in Limine to Exclude Any References to TCS's Participation in Outsourcing, Its Use of H1B Visas, or It Being a "Foreign" Company by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 561 Motion in Limine to Exclude Any References to TCS's Participation in Outsourcing, Its Use of H1B Visas, or It Being a "Foreign" Company by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 560 Redaction to #559 Declaration of Philip D. Robben by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - TCS's Second Set of Document Requests, dated June 12, 2015, #2 Exhibit B - TCS's Second Set of Interrogatories, dated June 12, 2015, #3 Exhibit C - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit D - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016: Deleted duplicate text. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 559 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in support of defendants' motion in limine to exclude evidence and argument related to plaintiff's claim for damages filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #556 Motion in Limine, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - TCS's Second Set of Document Requests, dated June 12, 2015, #2 Exhibit B - TCS's Second Set of Interrogatories, dated June 12, 2015, #3 Exhibit C - Epic's Objections and Responses to TCS's Second Set of Document Requests, dated July 20, 2015, #4 Exhibit D - Epic's Supplemental Responses to TCS's Second Set of Document Requests, dated December 2, 2015) (Robben, Philip)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 558 Redaction to #557 Brief in Support by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 557 Brief in Support of #556 Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence and Argument Related to Plaintiff's Claims for Damages by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016: Deleted dupliate text. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 556 Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence and Argument Related to Plaintiff's Claims for Damages by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 555 Witness List by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 554 Witness List and Deposition Designations by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 553 Memorandum in Support of #552 Proposed Special Verdict, #551 Proposed Jury Instructions by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 552 Proposed Special Verdict - Liability and Damages by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 551 Proposed Jury Instructions - Liability and Damages by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 550 Expert Witness Disclosures by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 549 Redaction to #548 Declaration of Melissa E. Byroade by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - August 18. 2015 letter Philippe Guionnet emailed to Rick Richmond and Natajaran Chandrasekaran, #2 Exhibit B - August 21, 2015 email Philippe Guionnet sent to Melissa Byroade, Philip Robben, Lee Brenner and Rick Richmond, #3 Exhibit C - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit D - Slipsheet, #5 Exhibit E- press release, dated June 13, 2013, from the Apollo Hospitals website, entitled "HIMSS Analytics Stage 6 Award") (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 548 Declaration of Melissa E. Byroade in support of defendants' motion in limine to exclude the deposition testimony of Philippe Guionnet and to preclude Mr. Guionnet from testifying at trial regarding the development of Med Mantra filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #543 Motion in Limine, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - August 18. 2015 letter Philippe Guionnet emailed to Rick Richmond and Natajaran Chandrasekaran, #2 Exhibit B - August 21, 2015 email Philippe Guionnet sent to Melissa Byroade, Philip Robben, Lee Brenner and Rick Richmond, #3 Exhibit C - Nick Saros's Declaration in Support of Epic's Motion for Expedited Discovery, dated November 6, 2014, #4 Exhibit D - Deposition Exhibit 97, #5 Exhibit E - Press Release, dated June 13, 2013, from the Apollo Hospitals website, entitled "HIMSS Analytics Stage 6 Award") (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016 (lak).
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 547 Proposed Voir Dire by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 546 Exhibit List by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 545 Redaction to #544 Brief in Support by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 544 Brief in Support of #543 Motion in Limine to Exclude the Deposition Testimony of Philippe Guionnet and to Preclude Mr. Guionnet from Testifying at Trial Regarding the Development of Med Mantra by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016: Deleted duplicate text. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 543 Motion in Limine to Exclude the Deposition Testimony of Philippe Guionnet and to Preclude Mr. Guionnet from Testifying at Trial Regarding the Development of Med Mantra by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 542 Redaction to #541 Brief in Support by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 541 Brief in Support of #540 Motion in Limine to Exclude Cumulative Testimony Regarding Access to UserWeb by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016: Deleted duplicate text. (lak)
March 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 540 Motion in Limine to Exclude Cumulative Testimony Regarding Access to UserWeb by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 3/7/2016. (lak)
March 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 539 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER ** Defendants may have until March 11, 2016, to file a response to Epic's motion for sanctions (dkt. #521 ). In addition to the arguments made in plaintiff's supporting memorandum, defendants should address the impact of the court's summary judgment decision today finding as a matter of law that defendants failed to give prompt and full notice of their ongoing, unauthorized access to Epic's UserWeb in breach of contract and violation of state and federal statute. In particular, the court seeks comment as to whether the court or jury may consider the impact of defendants' almost two year silence on plaintiff's ability (1) to take steps to prevent any misuse of information or documents that were wrongfully accessed or (2) to prevent spoliation of evidence of misuse. No reply will be allowed unless requested by the court. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 3/2/2016. (mfh)
March 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 538 OPINION and ORDER granting in part and denying in part #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; granting in part and denying in part #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; denying #413 Motion for an Order Denying or Deferring Consideration of Defendants' Partial Motion for Summary Judgment Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(d); granting in part and denying in part as moot #448 Motion to Compel Responses to its Fourth Set of Interrogatories; denying #484 Motion to Compel Responses to Defendants' Third Set of Interrogatories; granting in part and reserving in part #326 Motion to Dismiss Defendants' Counterclaims and Immediately Sever and Stay All Counterclaim Proceedings. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 3/2/2016. (kwf)
February 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 537 Redaction to #531 Brief in Support Of Its Motion for Sanctions by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
February 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 536 Redaction to #523 Declaration of Samuel S. Rubin by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Slipsheet) (Richmond, Rick)
February 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 535 Redaction to #524 Declaration and Exhibit Entries #526 , #527 , #528 , #529 , #530 , by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit 2 - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit 3 - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit 4 - Slipsheet, #5 Exhibit 5 - Slipsheet, #6 Exhibit 6 - Slipsheet, #7 Exhibit 7 - Slipsheet, #8 Exhibit 8 - Slipsheet, #9 Exhibit 9 - Slipsheet, #10 Exhibit 10 - Slipsheet, #11 Exhibit 11 - Slipsheet, #12 Exhibit 12 - Slipsheet, #13 Exhibit 13 - Slipsheet, #14 Exhibit 14 - Slipsheet, #15 Exhibit 15 - Slipsheet, #16 Exhibit 16 - Slipsheet, #17 Exhibit 17 - Slipsheet, #18 Exhibit 18 - Slipsheet, #19 Exhibit 19 - Slipsheet, #20 Exhibit 20 - Corporate brochure by Tata Consultancy Services, "A New Way Forward.", #21 Exhibit 21 - Press release, "TCS Recognized as Leader in Digital Services by Everest Group.", #22 Exhibit 22 - TCS's webpage, "The TCE Co-Innovation Network (COINTM).", #23 Exhibit 23 - TCS's webpage, "Experience certainty.", #24 Exhibit 24 - Press release, "TCS Recognized as a Leader in Manufacturing SLM IT Strategic Consulting by IDC Marketscape.", #25 Exhibit 25 -Slipsheet, #26 Exhibit 26 - 2/13/2015 Email correspondence from Melissa Byroade to Kate Spelman, #27 Exhibit 27 - 1/20/2016 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben attaching deposition notices, #28 Exhibit 28 - 1/26/2016 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben attaching requests for admission, #29 Exhibit 29 - 2/4/2016 Email from Philip Robben to Rick Richmond attaching proposed interrogatory, #30 Exhibit 30 - 2/8/2016 Email from Philip Robben to Rick Richmond, #31 Exhibit 31 - Defendants' Responses and Objections to Plaintiff's Seventh Set of Interrogatories, #32 Exhibit 32 - Slipsheet, #33 Exhibit 33 - Slipsheet, #34 Exhibit 34 - Slipsheet, #35 Exhibit 35 - Slipsheet, #36 Exhibit 36 - Slipsheet, #37 Exhibit 37 - 2/16/2016 Email from Philip Robben to Julie Shepard, #38 Exhibit 38 - Epic's Objections and Responses to Defendants' Third Set of Interrogatories, served 2/2/2016, #39 Exhibit 39 - 6/26/2015 Correspondence from Melissa Byroade to Nick Saros and Kate Spelman, #40 Exhibit 40 - Notice of Deposition of Mahendra Pandian, #41 Exhibit 41 - 12/23/2015 Email from Alison MacGregor to Julie Shepard and Andrew Sullivan, #42 Exhibit 42 - 12/31/2015 Email from Alison MacGregor to Julie Shepard and Andrew Sullivan, #43 Exhibit 43 - 1/27/2016 Email from Dean Razavi to AnnaMarie Van Hoesen, #44 Exhibit 44 - Slipsheet, #45 Exhibit 45 - 12/21/2015 and 12/29/2015 Emails from Alison MacGregor to Julie Shepard and Andrew Sullivan attaching supplemental interrogatory responses, #46 Exhibit 46 - TCS India's Amended Response and Objections to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories No. 16, #47 Exhibit 47 -TCS America's Amended Response and Objections to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories No. 16, #48 Exhibit 48 - 12/7/2015 Email from Andrew Sullivan to Melissa Byroade, Kristina Allen and Alina Mejer, #49 Exhibit 49 - 12/17/2015 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben, #50 Exhibit 50 - 12/9/2015 Email from Melissa Byroade to Andrew Sullivan, #51 Exhibit 51 - 12/21/2015 Email from Eric Cohen to counsel for Epic regarding Defendants' production of documents bates-stamped TCS00050984 through TCS00135123, #52 Exhibit 52 - 12/4/2015 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben, #53 Exhibit 53 - 12/16/2015 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben, #54 Exhibit 54 - 12/21/2015 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben, #55 Exhibit 55 - 12/24/2015 Email regarding TCS's production of documents bates-stamped TCS00302591 through TCS00318787, #56 Exhibit 56 - Plaintiff's Request for Inspection, #57 Exhibit 57 - 9/23/2015 Letter from Julie Shepard to Melissa Byroade, #58 Exhibit 58 - 10/22/2015 Email from Julie Shepard to Melissa Byroade, #59 Exhibit 59 - 12/9/2015 Email from Nick Saros to Philip Robben, Alison MacGregor, and Melissa Byroade, #60 Exhibit 60 - 12/28/2015 Email from Julie Shepard to Alison MacGregor and Melissa Byroade, #61 Exhibit 61 - 1/10/2016 Email from Julie Shepard to Alison MacGregor and Melissa Byroade, #62 Exhibit 62 - 10/30/2015 Email from Alison MacGregor to Julie Shepard, #63 Exhibit 63 - 10/28/2015 Email from Julie Shepard to Alison MacGregor, #64 Exhibit 64 - 7/24/2015 Letter from Kate Spelman to Melissa Byroade, #65 Exhibit 65 - 10/28/2015 Email from Melissa Byroade to Kelly Morrison, #66 Exhibit 66 - 12/2/2015 Email from Melissa Byroade to Andrew Sullivan, #67 Exhibit 67 - Slipsheet, #68 Exhibit 68 - Slipsheet, #69 Exhibit 69 - Slipsheet, #70 Exhibit 70 - Slipsheet, #71 Exhibit 71 - TCS's Supplemental Responses and Objections to Epic's Fourth Set of Interrogatories, #72 Exhibit 72 - Chart Identifying Epic Documents Found on Images Provided To, Or Taken By, Stroz, #73 Exhibit 73 - Slipsheet, #74 Exhibit 74 - Slipsheet, #75 Exhibit 75 - Slipsheet, #76 Exhibit 76 - Slipsheet, #77 Exhibit 77 - Slipsheet) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/1/2016. (lak)
February 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 534 Redaction to #532 Motion for Leave to File Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Re: Defendants' Sixth Affirmative Defense (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #2 Exhibit B - Memorandum in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #3 Exhibit C - Declaration of Rick Richmond in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #4 Exhibit D - Declaration of Clement S. Roberts, #5 Exhibit E - Proposed Findings of Fact in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 3/1/2016: Two docket events were selected when docketing this. (lak)
February 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 533 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **The parties' joint motion to reschedule the final pretrial conference (dkt. #525 ) is GRANTED. The conference will now take place on March 24, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 2/29/2016. (kwf)
February 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Briefing Deadlines as to #532 Motion for Leave to File Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Re: Defendants' Sixth Affirmative Defense. Response due 3/15/2016. (kwf/bgw)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 532 Motion for Leave to File Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Re: Defendants' Sixth Affirmative Defense (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #2 Exhibit B - Memorandum in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #3 Exhibit C - Declaration of Rick Richmond in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #4 Exhibit D - Declaration of Clement S. Roberts, #5 Exhibit E - Proposed Findings of Fact in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment) (Richmond, Rick)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 531 Brief in Support of #521 Motion for Sanctions by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 530 Exhibit to #524 Declaration filed by Epic Systems Corporation. Exhibit 61 - 1/10/2016 Email from Julie Shepard to Alison MacGregor and Melissa Byroade, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 62 - 10/30/2015 Email from Alison MacGregor to Julie Shepard, #2 Exhibit 63 - 10/28/2015 Email from Julie Shepard to Alison MacGregor, #3 Exhibit 64 - 7/24/2015 Letter from Kate Spelman to Melissa Byroade, #4 Exhibit 65 - 10/28/2015 Email from Melissa Byroade to Kelly Morrison, #5 Exhibit 66 - 12/2/2015 Email from Melissa Byroade to Andrew Sullivan, #6 Exhibit 67 - Deposition Exhibit 311, #7 Exhibit 68 - Deposition Exhibit 802, #8 Exhibit 69 - Deposition Exhibit 819, #9 Exhibit 70 - Document produced as TCS00050753-TCS00050754, #10 Exhibit 71 - TCS's Supplemental Responses and Objections to Epic's Fourth Set of Interrogatories, #11 Exhibit 72 - Chart Identifying Epic Documents Found on Images Provided To, Or Taken By, Stroz, #12 Exhibit 73 - 7/9/2015 Letter from Kate Spelman to Melissa Byroade, #13 Exhibit 74 - 8/25/2015 Email from Kate Spelman to Melissa Byroade, #14 Exhibit 75 - Deposition Exhibit 467, #15 Exhibit 76 - 2/3/2016 Letter from Melissa Byroade to AnnaMarie Van Hoesen, #16 Exhibit 77 - 2/16/2016 Email from Melissa Byroade to Nick Saros) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 2/29/2016. (lak)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 529 Exhibit to #524 Declaration filed by Epic Systems Corporation. Exhibit 51 - 12/21/2015 Email from Eric Cohen to counsel for Epic regarding Defendants' production of documents bates-stamped TCS00050984 through TCS00135123, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 52 - 12/4/2015 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben, #2 Exhibit 53 - 12/16/2015 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben, #3 Exhibit 54 - 12/21/2015 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben, #4 Exhibit 55 - 12/24/2015 Email regarding TCS's production of documents bates-stamped TCS00302591 through TCS00318787, #5 Exhibit 56 - Plaintiff's Request for Inspection, #6 Exhibit 57 - 9/23/2015 Letter from Julie Shepard to Melissa Byroade, #7 Exhibit 58 - 10/22/2015 Email from Julie Shepard to Melissa Byroade, #8 Exhibit 59 - 12/9/2015 Email from Nick Saros to Philip Robben, Alison MacGregor, and Melissa Byroade, #9 Exhibit 60 - 12/28/2015 Email from Julie Shepard to Alison MacGregor and Melissa Byroade) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 2/29/2016. (lak)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 528 Exhibit to #524 Declaration filed by Epic Systems Corporation. Exhibit 41 - 12/23/2015 Email from Alison MacGregor to Julie Shepard and Andrew Sullivan, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 42 - 12/31/2015 Email from Alison MacGregor to Julie Shepard and Andrew Sullivan, #2 Exhibit 43 - 1/27/2016 Email from Dean Razavi to AnnaMarie Van Hoesen, #3 Exhibit 44 - Deposition Exhibit 845, #4 Exhibit 45 - 12/21/2015 and 12/29/2015 Emails from Alison MacGregor to Julie Shepard and Andrew Sullivan attaching supplemental interrogatory responses, #5 Exhibit 46 - TCS India's Amended Response and Objections to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories No. 16, #6 Exhibit 47 - TCS America's Amended Response and Objections to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories No. 16, #7 Exhibit 48 - 12/7/2015 Email from Andrew Sullivan to Melissa Byroade, Kristina Allen and Alina Mejer, #8 Exhibit 49 - 12/17/2015 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben, #9 Exhibit 50 - 12/9/2015 Email from Melissa Byroade to Andrew Sullivan) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 2/29/2016. (lak)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 527 Exhibit to #524 Declaration filed by Epic Systems Corporation. Exhibit 31 - Defendants' Responses and Objections to Plaintiff's Seventh Set of Interrogatories, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 32 - Deposition Exhibit 555, #2 Exhibit 33 - Deposition Exhibit 574, #3 Exhibit 34 - Deposition Exhibit 557, #4 Exhibit 35 - Deposition Exhibit 569, #5 Exhibit 36 - Deposition Exhibit 571, #6 Exhibit 37 - 2/16/2016 Email from Philip Robben to Julie Shepard, #7 Exhibit 38 - Epic's Objections and Responses to Defendants' Third Set of Interrogatories, served 2/2/2016, #8 Exhibit 39 - 6/26/2015 Correspondence from Melissa Byroade to Nick Saros and Kate Spelman, #9 Exhibit 40 - Notice of Deposition of Mahendra Pandian) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 2/29/2016. (lak)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 526 Exhibit to #524 Declaration filed by Epic Systems Corporation. Exhibit 21 - Press release, "TCS Recognized as Leader in Digital Services by Everest Group.", (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 22 - TCS's webpage, "The TCE Co-Innovation Network (COINTM).", #2 Exhibit 23 - TCS's webpage, "Experience certainty.", #3 Exhibit 24 - Press release, "TCS Recognized as a Leader in Manufacturing SLM IT Strategic Consulting by IDC Marketscape.", #4 Exhibit 25 -Defendants' Privilege Log, #5 Exhibit 26 - 2/13/2015 Email correspondence from Melissa Byroade to Kate Spelman, #6 Exhibit 27 - 1/20/2016 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben attaching deposition notices, #7 Exhibit 28 - 1/26/2016 Email from Rick Richmond to Philip Robben attaching requests for admission, #8 Exhibit 29 - 2/4/2016 Email from Philip Robben to Rick Richmond attaching proposed interrogatory, #9 Exhibit 30 - 2/8/2016 Email from Philip Robben to Rick Richmond) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 2/29/2016. (lak)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 525 Joint Motion to Reschedule Final Pretrial Conference by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Neider, Barbara)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 524 Declaration of Rick Richmond filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #521 Motion for Sanctions (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Deposition Exhibit 52, #2 Exhibit 2 - Deposition Exhibit 51, #3 Exhibit 3 - Deposition Exhibit 80, #4 Exhibit 4 - Deposition Exhibit 449, #5 Exhibit 5 - Deposition Exhibit 450, #6 Exhibit 6 - Deposition Exhibit 460, #7 Exhibit 7 - Deposition Exhibit 463A, #8 Exhibit 8 - Deposition Exhibit 456, #9 Exhibit 9 - Deposition Exhibit 457, #10 Exhibit 10 - Deposition Exhibit 458, #11 Exhibit 11 - Deposition Exhibit 459, #12 Exhibit 12 - Deposition Exhibit 461, #13 Exhibit 13 - Deposition Exhibit 463, #14 Exhibit 14 - Deposition Exhibit 713, #15 Exhibit 15 - Deposition Exhibit 465, #16 Exhibit 16 - Deposition Exhibit 466, #17 Exhibit 17 - Deposition Exhibit 468, #18 Exhibit 18 - Deposition Exhibit 472, #19 Exhibit 19 - Deposition Exhibit 563, #20 Exhibit 20 - Corporate brochure by Tata Consultancy Services, "A New Way Forward.") (Richmond, Rick)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 523 Declaration of Samuel S. Rubin filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #521 Motion for Sanctions (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Curriculum Vitae of Samuel S. Rubin) (Richmond, Rick)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 522 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #520 Motion to Admit AnnaMarie A. Van Hoesen Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on 2/26/2016. (lak)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 521 Motion for Sanctions by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 520 Motion to Admit AnnaMarie A. Van Hoesen Pro Hac Vice. ( Pro Hac Vice fee $ 50 receipt number 0758-1754018.) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Van Hoesen, AnnaMarie)
February 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 519 Scheduling Order: Rule 26(a)(3) Disclosures and Motions in Limine due 3/4/2016, Responses due 3/15/2016. Contested exhibits due 3/23/2016. Final Pretrial Conference reset for 3/25/2016 at 10:00 AM. Deposition Designations are now due 3/4/2016, Objections and Counter-Designations due 3/15/2016, Objections to Counter-Designations due 3/18/2016. Additional deadlines contained in the order. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 2/25/2016. (arw)
February 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 518 Deposition of Stirling Martin taken on January 21, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
February 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 517 Deposition of Sumit Rana taken on January 22, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
February 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 516 Redaction to #514 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in support of defendants' motion in limine to exclude evidence that Epic information was used to develop or enhance Med Mantra or other TCS products by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit B - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 2/18/2016. (lak)
February 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Briefing Deadlines re: #511 Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence that Epic Information Was Used to Develop or Enhance Med Mantra or Other TCS Products. Response due 3/11/2016. No reply. (arw/bgw)
February 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 514 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #511 Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence that Epic Information Was Used to Develop or Enhance Med Mantra or Other TCS Products, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - TCS's third set of interrogatories to Epic, dated December 29, 2015, #2 Exhibit B - Epic's objections and responses to TCS's third set of interrogatories, dated February 2, 2016) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 2/18/2016. (lak)
February 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 513 Redaction to #512 Brief in Support, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 2/18/2016. (lak)
February 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 512 Brief in Support of #511 Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence that Epic Information Was Used to Develop or Enhance Med Mantra or Other TCS Products by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 2/18/2016. (lak)
February 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 511 Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence that Epic Information Was Used to Develop or Enhance Med Mantra or Other TCS Products by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
February 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 510 Deposition of Mahendra Pandian taken on February 12, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
February 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 509 Deposition of Dambarudhar Behera taken on February 12, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
February 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 508 Amended Document by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Amendment to #502 Deposition of Narasimhan Srinivasan. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 2/17/2016. (lak)
February 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 507 Redaction to #496 Motion to Amend/Correct #391 Order to Show Cause, (Sealed Document) by Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC. (Skilton, John)
February 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 506 Redaction to #494 Declaration by Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - 2015-12-10 Email Chain) (Skilton, John)
February 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 505 Redaction to #495 Declaration, by Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Handwritten Notes, #2 Exhibit 2 - Outline, #3 Exhibit 3 - 2015-12-12 Calendar Appointment, #4 Exhibit 4 - 2015-12-21 Calendar Appointment) (Skilton, John)
February 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 504 Redaction to #493 Statement of Facts by Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC. (Skilton, John) Modified on 2/17/2016. (lak)
February 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 503 Redaction to #492 Response to Order by Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC. (Skilton, John)
February 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Matter for the State Bar of California; see #391 Order to Show Cause issued on 1/11/2016. (arw)
February 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 502 Disregard. See #508 . (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 2/17/2016. (lak)
February 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 501 Deposition of Bharathi Ponnambalan taken on January 13, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 500 Redaction to #497 Brief in Opposition to TCS's Motion to Compel Responses to its Third Set of Interrogatories by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Saros, Nick)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 499 Redaction to #498 Declaration of Nick Saros by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Deposition Exhibit 732, #2 Exhibit 2 - Deposition Exhibit 738) (Saros, Nick)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 498 Declaration of Nick Saros re: #484 Motion to Compel, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Deposition Exhibit 732, #2 Exhibit 2 - Deposition Exhibit 738) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 2/12/2016. (lak)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 497 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #484 Motion to Compel, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 496 Motion to Expunge or Amend January 11, 2016 Order to Show Cause and Minute Entry by Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC. Response due 2/18/2016. (Sealed Document) (Skilton, John) Modified on 2/18/2016. (arw)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 495 Declaration of Wendy T. Wu filed by Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC re: #391 Order to Show Cause, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Handwritten Notes, #2 Exhibit 2: Outline, #3 Exhibit 3: 2015-12-15 Calendar Appointment, #4 Exhibit 4: 2015-12-21 Calendar Appointment) (Skilton, John)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 494 Declaration of James M. Aquilina filed by Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC re: #391 Order to Show Cause, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: 2015-12-10 Email Chain) (Skilton, John)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 493 Statement of Facts re: #391 Order to Show Cause by Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC. (Sealed Document) (Skilton, John) Modified on 2/12/2016. (lak)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 492 Response re: #391 Order to Show Cause by Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC. (Sealed Document) (Skilton, John)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 491 Notice of Appearance filed by John S. Skilton for Interested Party Stroz Friedberg, LLC. (Skilton, John) Modified on 2/12/2016. (lak)
February 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 490 Deposition of Judith R. Faulkner taken on January 24, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 489 Redaction to #487 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Motion to Compel Responses to its Third Set of Interrogatories by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - SlipSheet, #2 Exhibit B - SlipSheet, #3 Exhibit C - SlipSheet, #4 Exhibit D - SlipSheet, #5 Exhibit E - SlipSheet, #6 Exhibit F - SlipSheet, #7 Exhibit G - SlipSheet, #8 Exhibit H - SlipSheet, #9 Exhibit I - SlipSheet, #10 Exhibit J - SlipSheet) (Robben, Philip)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 488 Disregard. See #489 . Redaction to #487 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Motion to Compel Responses to its Third Set of Interrogatories by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Modified on 2/5/2016. (arw) Modified on 2/8/2016. (lak)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 487 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Motion to Compel Responses to its Third Set of Interrogatories filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #484 Motion to Compel, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - 12/29/15 TCS's Third Set of Interrogatories to Epic, #2 Exhibit B - 2/2/16 Epic's Responses to TCS's Third Set of Interrogatories, #3 Exhibit C - Exhibit 57, #4 Exhibit D - Exhibit 77, #5 Exhibit E - Exhibit 97, #6 Exhibit F - Exhibit 1097, #7 Exhibit G - Exhibit 1082, #8 Exhibit H - Exhibit 1098, #9 Exhibit I - Selected Pages from Exhibit 325, #10 Exhibit J - 9/9/15 Transcript of Telephone Motion Hearing before Judge Crocker) (Robben, Philip)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 486 Redaction to #485 Brief in Support of Motion to Compel Responses to its Third Set of Interrogatories by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 2/5/2016: Removed duplicate docket text. (lak)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 485 Brief in Support of #484 Motion to Compel Responses to its Third Set of Interrogatories by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 2/5/2016: Removed duplicate docket text. (lak)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 484 Motion to Compel Responses to Defendant's Third Set of Interrogatories by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. Response due 2/11/2016. (Robben, Philip)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 483 Deposition of Eric Helsher taken on January 19, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 482 Deposition of Ritesh Kumar Manjpuria taken on January 29, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 481 Deposition of Venkatakrishnan Narasimhan taken on January 27, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 480 Deposition of Bill McCarthy taken on January 27, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 479 Deposition of Agnihotra Ghosh taken on January 26, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 478 Deposition of Gautam Chhibber taken on January 25, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 477 Deposition of Brad Kowalski taken on January 22, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 476 Deposition of Revanthi Purushotham taken on January 21, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 475 Deposition of Madhavi Mukherji taken on January 13, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 474 Deposition of Saswat Mishra taken on January 12, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 473 Deposition of Suraj Kartha taken on January 11, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 472 Deposition of Curtis Bajak taken on January 7, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Shepard, Julie)
February 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 471 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #470 Motion to Admit August Theodore Horvath Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on 2/1/2016. (lak)
February 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 470 Motion to Admit August Theodore Horvath Pro Hac Vice. ( Pro Hac Vice fee $ 50 receipt number 0758-1732896.) by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Counter Claimant Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Horvath, August)
January 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 469 Redaction to #468 Brief in Reply in Support of Plaintiffs' Expedited Motion to Dismiss Defendants' Counterclaims and to Immediately Sever and Stay All Counterclaim Proceedings by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Tomaselli, Anthony) Modified on 1/31/2016. (lak)
January 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 468 Brief in Reply by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation in Support of #326 Motion to Dismiss Defendants' Counterclaims and to Immediately Sever and Stay All Counterclaim Proceedings. (Sealed Document) (Tomaselli, Anthony) Modified on 1/31/2016. (lak)
January 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 467 Redaction to #464 Brief in Opposition by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Byroade, Melissa)
January 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 466 Redaction to #465 Declaration of Melissa E. Byroade in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Response to its Fourth Set of Interrogatories by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - SlipSheet, #2 Exhibit B - Jan 2016 emails between R Richmond and M Byroade, #3 Exhibit C - 2016-01-20 Email from A MacGregor, #4 Exhibit D - SlipSheet, #5 Exhibit E - SlipSheet, #6 Exhibit F - SlipSheet, #7 Exhibit G - SlipSheet) (Byroade, Melissa) Modified on 1/31/2016. (lak)
January 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 465 Declaration of Melissa E. Byroade in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Response to its Fourth Set of Interrogatories filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #448 Motion to Compel (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A- 2016-01-14 TCS Responses and Objections to Fourth Set of Interrogatories, #2 Exhibit B- Jan 2016 emails between R Richmond and M Byroade, #3 Exhibit C- 2016-01-20 Email from A MacGregor, #4 Exhibit D- 2016-01-28 Defendants Supplemental Responses to Fourth Interrogatories, #5 Exhibit E- Oct 2015 Emails from TCS regarding Naresh Yallapragada, #6 Exhibit F- Deposition Exhibit 478, #7 Exhibit G- TCS00018151) (Byroade, Melissa) Modified on 1/29/2016. (lak)
January 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 464 Brief in Opposition by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #448 Motion to Compel filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
January 29, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 463 Deposition of Mohan Krishna Jasti taken on January 20, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
January 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 462 Redaction to #460 Response to Proposed Findings of Fact, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
January 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Reset Briefing Deadlines re: #448 Motion to Compel Responses to its Fourth Set of Interrogatories by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Response due 1/29/2016 by 12:00 PM. (arw/bgw)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 460 Response to Additional Proposed Findings of Fact filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/26/2016. (lak)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 459 Redaction to #458 Reply in Support of Proposed Findings of Fact,, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 458 Reply in Support of Proposed Findings of Fact filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/26/2016. (lak)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 457 Redaction to #456 Declaration by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit B - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 456 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Further Support of Defendants' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Epic's Responses to TCS's Second Set of Document Requests, #2 Exhibit B - Epic's Supplemental Interrogatory Responses to Second Set of Interrogatories) (Robben, Philip)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 455 Redaction to #454 Brief in Reply in Further Support of their Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/26/2016. (lak)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 454 Brief in Reply in Support of #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and in Opposition to #413 Motion for Order Denying or Deferring Consideration of Defendants' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, filed by Defendants and Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/27/2016. (arw)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 453 Redaction to #450 Declaration of Nick Saros filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-Epic's Fourth Set of Interrogatories to Tata, #2 Exhibit 2-Defendants' Responses and Objections To Plaintiff's Fourth Set of Interrogatories, #3 Exhibit 3-January 7, 2016 email from M. Byroade to J. Shepard, #4 Exhibit 4-January 11, 2016 email from N. Saros to M. Byroade, #5 Exhibit 5-January 14, 2016 email sent at 10:47 a.m. PST from R. Richmond to M. Byroade, #6 Exhibit 6-January 14, 2016 email received at 4:55 p.m. PST from M. Byroade to R. Richmond, #7 Exhibit 7-January 14, 2016 email sent at 6:34 p.m. PST from R. Richmond to M. Byroade, #8 Exhibit 8-Document bate-stamped TCS00007931, #9 Exhibit 9-Document bate-stamped TCS00018151-52) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 1/26/2016: Corrected docketing event and linked to the correct document. (lak)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 452 Redaction to #449 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 1/26/2016: Corrected the docketing event and linked to the correct document. (lak)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 451 Deposition of Revathi Purushotham taken on January 21, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 450 Declaration of Nick Saros filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #448 Motion to Compel (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-Epic's Fourth Set of Interrogatories to Tata, #2 Exhibit 2-Defendants' Responses and Objections To Plaintiff's Fourth Set of Interrogatories, #3 Exhibit 3-January 7, 2016 email from M. Byroade to J. Shepard, #4 Exhibit 4-January 11, 2016 email from N. Saros to M. Byroade, #5 Exhibit 5-January 14, 2016 email sent at 10:47 a.m. PST from R. Richmond to M. Byroade, #6 Exhibit 6-January 14, 2016 email received at 4:55 p.m. PST from M. Byroade to R. Richmond, #7 Exhibit 7-January 14, 2016 email sent at 6:34 p.m. PST from R. Richmond to M. Byroade, #8 Exhibit 8-Document bate-stamped TCS00007931, #9 Exhibit 9-Document bate-stamped TCS00018151-52) (Saros, Nick)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 449 Brief in Support of #448 Motion to Compel Responses to its Fourth Set of Interrogatories by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 448 Motion to Compel Responses to its Fourth Set of Interrogatories by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. Response due 2/1/2016. (Saros, Nick)
January 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 447 Transcript of Telephonic Motion Hearing, held 1/22/16 before Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (jat)
January 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 446 ORDER denying #363 Motion to Compel; granting in part and denying in part #429 Motion for Protective Order and #436 Emergency Motion to Compel. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 1/22/2016. (arw)
January 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 445 Deposition of Ajit Menon taken on January 15, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly)
January 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 444 Deposition of Arun Agarwal taken on January 14, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly)
January 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 443 Redaction to #442 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Motion for a Protective Order Quashing Plaintiff's Notice of Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - 2015-12-15 Deposition Notice of Natarajan Chandrasekaran, #2 Exhibit B - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit C - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit D - Slipsheet, #5 Exhibit E - Slipsheet, #6 Exhibit F - Slipsheet, #7 Exhibit G - Slipsheet, #8 Exhibit H - Slipsheet, #9 Exhibit I - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/22/2016. (lak)
January 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 442 Declaration of Philip D. Robben re: #429 Motion for Protective Order Quashing Plaintiff's Notice of Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - 2015-12-15 Deposition Notice of Natarajan Chandrasekaran, #2 Exhibit B - 2016-01-06 Letter from P. Robben, #3 Exhibit C - Jan 8 - Jan 18 email chain between R. Richmond & P. Robben, #4 Exhibit D - 2016-01-20 email from R. Richmond, #5 Exhibit E - Deposition exhibit 31, #6 Exhibit F - Deposition exhibit 53, #7 Exhibit G - Deposition exhibit 325, #8 Exhibit H - Deposition exhibit 327, #9 Exhibit I - Deposition exhibit 367) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/22/2016. (lak)
January 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Telephone Motion Hearing held on 1/22/2016 re #363 Motion to Compel Plaintiff's Compliance with Defendants' Fourth Set of Document Requests, #429 Motion for Protective Order Quashing Plaintiff's Notice of Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation, #436 Emergency Motion to Compel Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran filed by Epic Systems Corporation [:20]() (Court Reporter LS.) (mfh)
January 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Deadlines and Hearings: Telephone Motion Hearing set for 1/22/2016 at 3:00 PM before District Judge William M. Conley re: #363 Motion to Compel, #429 Motion for Protective Order, #436 Emergency Motion to Compel. Counsel for Defendants responsible for setting up the call to chambers at (608) 264-5087. (arw/wmc)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 441 Redaction to #438 Brief in Support of Emergency Motion to Compel Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 440 Redaction to #439 Declaration of Rick Richmond In Support of Plaintiff's Emergency Motion to Compel Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Deposition Exhibit 717, #2 Exhibit 2 - Deposition Exhibit 719, #3 Exhibit 3 - Deposition Exhibit 734, #4 Exhibit 4 - Notice of Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran, #5 Exhibit 5 - 01/06/2016 Correspondence regarding deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran, #6 Exhibit 6 - Deposition Exhibit 091, #7 Exhibit 7 - Deposition Exhibit 083) (Richmond, Rick)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 439 Declaration of Rick Richmond filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #436 Emergency Motion to Compel, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Deposition Exhibit 717, #2 Exhibit 2 - Deposition Exhibit 719, #3 Exhibit 3 - Deposition Exhibit 734, #4 Exhibit 4 - Notice of Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran, #5 Exhibit 5 - 01/06/2016 Correspondence regarding deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran, #6 Exhibit 6 - Deposition Exhibit 091, #7 Exhibit 7 - Deposition Exhibit 083) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/22/2016. (lak)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 438 Brief in Support of #436 Emergency Motion to Compel Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/22/2016. (lak)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 437 Deposition of Ajit Menon taken on 01/14/2016. (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Deposition of Ajit Menon (Part 2), #2 Deposition of Ajit Menon (Part 3), #3 Deposition of Ajit Menon (Part 4)) (Robben, Philip)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 436 Emergency Motion to Compel Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. Response due 1/28/2016. (Richmond, Rick)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 435 Redaction to #434 Declaration of Natarajan Chandrasekaran by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit B - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/21/2016. (lak)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 434 Declaration of Natarajan Chandrasekaran filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #429 Motion for Protective Order, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Deposition exhibit 159, #2 Exhibit B - Deposition exhibit 159A) (Robben, Philip)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 433 Disregard. See #442 . (Sealed Document) Modified on 1/22/2016. (lak)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 432 Disregard. See #443 . Modified on 1/22/2016. (lak)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 431 Redaction to #430 Brief in Support of Their Motion for a Protective Order Quashing Plaintiff's Notice of Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/21/2016. (lak)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 430 Brief in Support of #429 Motion for Protective Order Quashing Plaintiff's Notice of Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/21/2016. (lak)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 429 Motion for Protective Order Quashing Plaintiff's Notice of Deposition of Natarajan Chandrasekaran by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/21/2016. (lak)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 428 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **Defendants' deadline to respond to #413 Epic Systems' Motion for an Order Denying or Deferring Consideration of Defendants' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment is extended by one business day, to Monday, January 25, 2016. Defendants may file a combined brief in response to Epic's motion and in reply in support of their own motion for partial summary judgment, dkt. #197 . Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker on 1/21/2016. (arw)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 427 Disregard. See #437 for a version that's easier to read. (Sealed Document) Modified on 1/22/2016. (lak)
January 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 426 Deposition of Jason Cline taken on January 15, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
January 19, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 425 Redaction to #424 Brief in Opposition, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
January 19, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 424 Brief in Opposition by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #326 Motion to Dismiss, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/20/2016. (lak)
January 16, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 423 Redaction to #417 Response to Proposed Findings of Fact by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 422 Redaction to #418 Declaration by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-Rishel CV) (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 421 Redaction to #416 Declaration by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-Exhibit 467 of C. Bajak Deposition, #2 Exhibit 2-Exhibit 423 of DV Prasad Deposition, #3 Exhibit 3-Exhibit 411 of P. Hegde Deposition, #4 Exhibit 4-Exhibit 827 of T. Mandal Deposition, #5 Exhibit 5-Document bate-stamped EPIC0088928 through EPIC0088931, #6 Exhibit 6-Exhibit 722 of R. Raju Deposition, #7 Exhibit 7-Document bate-stamped TCS00019960-19971, #8 Exhibit 8-Document bate-stamped TCS00008300, #9 Exhibit 9-Document bate-stamped TCS00007964-65) (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 420 Redaction to #415 Additional Proposed Findings of Fact by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 419 Redaction to #414 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 418 Declaration of Wes Rishel filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-Rishel CV) (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 417 Response to Proposed Findings of Fact filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 416 Declaration of Rick Richmond filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition re: #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-Exhibit 467 of C. Bajak Deposition, #2 Exhibit 2-Exhibit 423 of DV Prasad Deposition, #3 Exhibit 3-Exhibit 411 of P. Hegde Deposition, #4 Exhibit 4-Exhibit 827 of T. Mandal Deposition, #5 Exhibit 5-Document bate-stamped EPIC0088928 through EPIC0088931, #6 Exhibit 6-Exhibit 722 of R. Raju Deposition, #7 Exhibit 7-Document bate-stamped TCS00019960-19971, #8 Exhibit 8-Document bate-stamped TCS00008300, #9 Exhibit 9-Document bate-stamped TCS00007964-65) (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 415 Additional Proposed Findings of Fact filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 414 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 413 Motion for an Order Denying or Deferring Consideration of Defendants' Partial Motion for Summary Judgment Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(d) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Response due 1/22/2016. (Richmond, Rick)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 412 Deposition of Paul Amalraj taken on January 13, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 411 Deposition of Tapas Mondal taken on January 12, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 410 Deposition of Sankari Gunasekaran taken on January 12, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 409 Deposition of Ravi Raju taken on January 11, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 408 Deposition of Indana Susmita taken on January 11, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 407 Deposition of Arulbigju Kaspar taken on January 08, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 406 Deposition of Ajit Menon taken on January 15, 2016 (Vol. 2). (ROUGH DRAFT) (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly) Modified on 1/15/2016 (voc).
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 405 Deposition of Bharathi Ponnambalan taken on January 13, 2006 (2016) (ROUGH DRAFT) . (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly) Modified on 1/15/2016 (voc).
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 404 Deposition of Ajit Menon taken on January 14, 2016 (ROUGH DRAFT) . (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly) Modified on 1/15/2016 (voc).
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 403 Deposition of Santosh Mohanty taken on January 09, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly)
January 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 402 Deposition of Srikanth Telkapalli taken on September 14, 2015. (Sealed Document) (Morrison, Kelly)
January 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 401 Deposition of Priscilla Kingston taken on January 07, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 1/15/2016. (lak)
January 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 400 Declaration of Brett Rehm filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #363 Motion to Compel. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 1/15/2016. (lak)
January 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 399 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #363 Motion to Compel, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 1/15/2016. (lak)
January 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 398 Disregard. See #399 . Modified on 1/15/2016. (lak)
January 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 397 Deposition of Deepa Pandurangan taken on January 9, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 1/15/2016. (lak)
January 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 396 Deposition of Melmangalam Ramanthan Kumar taken on January 8, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 1/15/2016. (lak)
January 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 395 Deposition of Alok Kumar taken on January 7, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 1/15/2016. (lak)
January 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 394 Deposition of Ajay Krishnaswamy taken on January 12, 2016. (Sealed Document) (Saros, Nick) Modified on 1/14/2016. (lak)
January 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 393 Disregard. See #396 for condensed version. (Sealed Document) Modified on 1/15/2016. (lak)
January 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 392 Disregard. See #395 for condensed version. (Sealed Document) Modified on 1/15/2016. (lak)
January 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 391 Order to Show Cause Issued. Attorneys James Aquilina and Wendy Wu are barred from further involvement in Stroz's work with Jenner & Block and Epic in this matter. On or before 2/11/2016, Stroz shall show cause as to why this court should not forward the facts surrounding Aquilina and Wu's involvement in the discussion with a represented individual to the State Bar of California. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 1/11/2016. (arw) Modified on 3/28/2016. (arw)Amended on March 28, 2016: The order to show cause was deemed satisfied and discharged, consistent with dkt. #728 .
January 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 390 Transcript of Telephonic Motion Hearing, held 1/8/2016 before Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: LS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (voc)
January 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 389 ORDER granting in part and denying in part #337 Motion for Protective Order ; granting in part and denying in part #343 Motion to Compel. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 01/08/2016. (mfh)
January 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 388 Redaction to #387 Declaration of Erik Laykin by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Laykin CV, #2 Exhibit B - Documents Requested by Laykin) (Robben, Philip)
January 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 387 Declaration of Erik Laykin filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #363 Motion to Compel, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Laykin CV, #2 Exhibit B - Documents Requested by Laykin - Under Seal) (Robben, Philip)
January 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 386 Redaction to #382 Reply in Support of Proposed Findings of Fact by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/8/2016. (lak)
January 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 385 Redaction to #380 Declaration of Rick Richmond, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Med Mantra Organization Structure Chart, #2 Exhibit 2 - November 17, 2013 email correspondence between Anmol Gupta and Philippe Guionnet, #3 Exhibit 3 - December 11, 2015 email correspondence between DV Prasad and Venu Medikonda, #4 Exhibit 4 - Assessment Report on complaint raised by Mr. Guionnet, #5 Exhibit 5 - Kaiser Permanente EPIC Issue - Queries and Responses, #6 Exhibit 6 - Plaintiff's Rule 26(a)(2) Disclosure of Wes Rishel, #7 Exhibit 7 - Preliminary Expert Report of Thomas W. Britven) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/8/2016: Corrected docketing event. (lak)
January 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 384 Redaction to #381 Response to Additional Proposed Findings of Fact by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/8/2016. (lak)
January 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 383 Redaction to #379 Brief in Reply In Support Of Its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
January 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Telephone Motion Hearing held on 1/8/2016 re #343 Emergency Motion to Compel Appearance and Testimony filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation, #337 Emergency Motion for Protective Order re: TCS's Counterclaim Discovery filed by Epic Systems Corporation [:30] (Court Reporter LS.) (mfh)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 382 Reply in Support of Proposed Findings of Fact filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/8/2016. (lak)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 381 Response to Additional Proposed Findings of Fact filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 380 Declaration of Rick Richmond filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Med Mantra Organization Structure Chart, #2 Exhibit 2 - November 17, 2013 email correspondence between Anmol Gupta and Philippe Guionnet, #3 Exhibit 3 - December 11, 2015 email correspondence between DV Prasad and Venu Medikonda, #4 Exhibit 4 - Assessment Report on complaint raised by Mr. Guionnet, #5 Exhibit 5 - Kaiser Permanente EPIC Issue - Queries and Responses, #6 Exhibit 6 - Plaintiff's Rule 26(a)(2) Disclosure of Wes Rishel, #7 Exhibit 7 - Preliminary Expert Report of Thomas W. Britven) (Richmond, Rick)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 379 Brief in Reply by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation in Support of #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 378 Redaction to #376 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Emergency Motion for a Protective Order Regarding TCS's Counterclaim Discovery by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - SlipSheet, #2 Exhibit B - SlipSheet) (Robben, Philip)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 377 Redaction to #372 Declaration, in Support of Epic's Opposition to TCS's Motion to Compel Appearance and Testimony by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - 7/16/2015 Letter, #2 Exhibit B - E-mail from Mr. Prasad, #3 Exhibit C - 6/26/2015 Letter, #4 Exhibit D - Chart Regarding Depositions) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/8/2016: Added exhibit descriptions. (lak)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 376 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Emergency Motion for a Protective Order Regarding TCS's Counterclaim Discovery filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #337 Motion for Protective Order (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Selected Pages from TCS Answer and Counterclaims- Under Seal, #2 Exhibit B - Epic Document produced as EPIC0121648 - EPIC0121650 - Under Seal) (Robben, Philip)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 375 Redaction to #371 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 374 Redaction to #373 Brief in Opposition by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (Robben, Philip)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 373 Brief in Opposition by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #337 Motion for Protective Order filed by Epic Systems Corporation (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 372 Declaration of Rick Richmond filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation in Support of Epic's Opposition re: #343 Motion to Compel, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - 7/16/2015 Letter, #2 Exhibit B - E-mail from Mr. Prasad, #3 Exhibit C - 6/26/2015 Letter, #4 Exhibit D - Chart Regarding Depositions) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/7/2016: Added exhibit descriptions. (lak)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 371 Brief in Opposition by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #343 Motion to Compel, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 370 Disregard. See #388 . Modified on 1/11/2016. (lak)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 369 Disregard. See #387 . (Sealed Document) Modified on 1/11/2016. (lak)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 368 Redaction to #367 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Motion to Compel by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - 11.23.15 TCS Fourth Set of Document Requests to Epic, #2 Exhibit B - SlipSheet, #3 Exhibit C - SlipSheet, #4 Exhibit D - SlipSheet, #5 Exhibit E - SlipSheet) (Robben, Philip)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 367 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Motion to Compel filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #363 Motion to Compel, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - 11.23.15 TCS Fourth Set of Document Requests to Epic, #2 Exhibit B - 12.07.15 Email from Epic to TCS- Under Seal, #3 Exhibit C - 12.10.15 Email from TCS to Epic re Meet and Confer- Under Seal, #4 Exhibit D - 12.14.15 Letter to Julie Shepard re Epic Documents- Under Seal, #5 Exhibit E - 12.23.15 Epic's Objections and Responses to Defendants' Fourth Set of Doc Requests- Under Seal) (Robben, Philip)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 366 Redaction to #365 Brief in Support of Motion to Compel Plaintiff's Compliance with Defendants' Fourth Set of Document Requests by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 365 Brief in Support of #363 Motion to Compel Plaintiff's Compliance with Defendants' Fourth Set of Document Requests by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 364 Deposition of Christina Shiroma taken on December 2, 2015. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
January 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 363 Motion to Compel Plaintiff's Compliance with Defendants' Fourth Set of Document Requests by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. Response due 1/14/2016. (Robben, Philip)
January 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 362 Redaction to #361 Declaration of Scott Brown In Connection With Epic's Report re the Court's December 31, 2015 Order by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Stroz Engagement Letter (Ex. A to Brown Decl)) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/6/2016. (lak)
January 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 361 Declaration of Scott Brown In Connection With Epic's Report re the Court's December 31, 2015 Order by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Stroz Engagement Letter (Ex. A to Brown Decl)) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/6/2016: Per counsel, changed restriction from Ex Parte to Sealed. (lak)
January 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 360 Redaction to #354 Declaration, re the Court's December 31, 2015 Order by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Email correspondence between Mr. Rubin and Mr. Menon dated December 29, 2015 - January 1, 2016, #2 Exhibit 2 - Website biography of Shanmugam Sankara, #3 Exhibit 3 - Website biography of Ashim Kapur, #4 Exhibit 4 - Website biography of Aditi Tatti) (Richmond, Rick)
January 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 359 Redaction to #358 Submission re the Court's December 31, 2015 Order by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/6/2016. (lak)
January 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 358 Submission re the Court's December 31, 2015 Order by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Stroz Engagement Letter (Ex. A to Brown Decl)) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/6/2016: Per counsel, changed restriction from Ex Parte to Sealed. (lak)
January 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Deadlines and Hearings re: #337 Emergency Motion for Protective Order by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Response due by noon on 1/7/2016. No reply. Telephone Motion Hearing set for 1/8/2016 at 2:00 PM before District Judge William M. Conley. Counsel for Plaintiff responsible for setting up the call to chambers at (608) 264-5087. (arw/mfh)
January 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Set Deadlines and Hearings re: #343 Emergency Motion to Compel by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Response due by noon on 1/7/2016. No reply. The court will consider this motion at the telephone motion hearing already scheduled for 1/8/2016 at 2:00 PM. (arw/mfh)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 357 Disregard. See #362 . Modified on 1/5/2016. (lak)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 356 Disregard. See #360 . Modified on 1/5/2016. (lak)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 355 Status Report Epic's Report re the Court's December 31, 2015 Order by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation (Richmond, Rick)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 354 Declaration of Rick Richmond re: #353 Status Report re: the Court's December 31, 2015 Order, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Email correspondence between Mr. Rubin and Mr. Menon dated December 29, 2015 - January 1, 2016, #2 Exhibit 2 - Website biography of Shanmugam Sankara, #3 Exhibit 3 - Website biography of Ashim Kapur, #4 Exhibit 4 - Website biography of Aditi Tatti) (Richmond, Rick)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 353 Status Report Re: The Court's December 31, 2015 Order, by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/5/2016. (lak)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 352 Disregard. See #361 . (Ex Parte Document) Modified on 1/5/2016. (lak)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 351 Disregard. See #358 . (Ex Parte Document) Modified on 1/5/2016. (lak)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 350 Deposition of Mohan Krishna Jasti taken on December 23, 2015. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 349 Deposition of DV Prasad taken on December 16, 2015. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 348 Deposition of Iyappan Rathina taken on December 9, 2015. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 347 Deposition of Pushpa Hedge taken on December 10, 2015. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 1/5/2016: Corrected spelling of last name. (lak)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 346 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Emergency Motion to Compel Appearance and Testimony filed by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #343 Motion to Compel, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - December 11, 2015 Deposition Notice Served on Epic, #2 Exhibit B - Correspondence between Epic Counsel & TCS Counsel) (Robben, Philip)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 345 Redaction to #344 Brief in Support, by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 344 Brief in Support of #343 Emergency Motion to Compel Appearance and Testimony by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 1/4/2016. (lak)
January 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 343 Emergency Motion to Compel Appearance and Testimony by Counter Claimants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. Response due 1/11/2016. (Robben, Philip)
December 31, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 342 ORDER granting in part and denying in part #330 Motion for Sanctions as set forth in the order. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 12/31/2015. (mfh)
December 31, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 341 Declaration of Rick Richmond filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: TCS's Counterclaim Discovery re: #337 Emergency Motion for Protective Order, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - 12/11/2015 Email form Defendants attached 26 notices of depositions, #2 Exhibit 2 - 12/11/2015 Defendants' 5th set of RFPs, #3 Exhibit 3 - 12/18/2015 and 12/30/2015 email between counsel for Plaintiff and Defendants, #4 Exhibit 4 - 12/30/2015 and 12/31/2015 email between counsel for Plaintiff and Defendants) (Richmond, Rick)
December 31, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 340 Brief in Support of #337 Emergency Motion for Protective Order re: TCS's Counterclaim Discovery by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
December 31, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 339 Transcript of Telephone Motion Hearing, held 12/30/2015 before District Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (arw)
December 31, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 338 Transcript of Telephone Motion Hearing, held 12/23/2015 before District Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (arw)
December 31, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 337 Emergency Motion for Protective Order re: TCS's Counterclaim Discovery by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
December 31, 2015 Opinion or Order Set Briefing Deadlines re: #337 Emergency Motion for Protective Order by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Brief in Opposition due 1/19/2016. Brief in Reply due 1/29/2016. (arw/slc)
December 30, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 336 Exhibit to #330 Motion for Sanctions by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Audio CD containing Exhibits D and E to #333 the Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of the Motion for Sanctions. (Neider, Barbara)
December 30, 2015 Opinion or Order Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Telephone Motion Hearing held on 12/30/2015 re #330 Motion for Sanctions filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation [:30] (Court Reporter CS.) (mfh)
December 30, 2015 Opinion or Order Set Deadlines as to #330 Motion for Sanctions. Telephone Motion Hearing set for 12/30/2015 at 03:00 PM before Judge William M. Conley. Counsel for Defendant responsible for setting up the call to chambers at (608) 264-5087. (jat)
December 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 335 Redaction to #334 Exhibit A - Email from Epic counsel Nick Saros to TCS counsel dated December 8, 2015 by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
December 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 334 Exhibit A to #333 Declaration, filed by Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Tata America International Corporation. Email from Epic counsel Nick Saros to TCS counsel dated December 8, 2015. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 12/30/2015. (lak)
December 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 333 Declaration of Philip D. Robben in Support of Defendants' Motion for Sanctions filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #330 Motion for Sanctions, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - SlipSheet, #2 Exhibit B - James N. Aquilina's professional biography, #3 Exhibit C - Wendy T. Wu's professional biography, #4 Exhibit D - Stroz Friedberg's December 15, 2015 call with Ajit Menon, #5 Exhibit E - Stroz Friedberg's December 21, 2015 call with Ajit Menon) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 12/30/2015. (lak)
December 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 332 Redaction to #331 Brief in Support of Defendants' Motion for Sanctions and Disqualification of Jenner & Block LLP by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
December 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 331 Brief in Support of #330 Motion for Sanctions and Disqualification of Jenner & Block LLP by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
December 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 330 Motion for Sanctions by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
December 28, 2015 Opinion or Order Reset Briefing Deadlines re: #326 Expedited Motion to Dismiss by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Brief in Opposition due 1/19/2016. Brief in Reply due 1/29/2016. (arw/slc)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 329 Redaction to #327 Brief in Support by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Tomaselli, Anthony) Modified on 12/28/2015. (lak)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 328 Declaration of Meme Hilley filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #326 Motion to Dismiss, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Deposition Notice - Anubhav Gupta, #2 Exhibit 2 - Deposition Notice - Anuj Kalra, #3 Exhibit 3 - Deposition Notice - Arun Karuppaiah, #4 Exhibit 4 - Deposition Notice - Ayush Sharma, #5 Exhibit 5 - Deposition Notice - Chandrasekhar Mothali, #6 Exhibit 6 - Deposition Notice - Deepak Jindal, #7 Exhibit 7 - Deposition Notice - Dipen Thakkar, #8 Exhibit 8 - Deposition Notice - Eldhose Rajan, #9 Exhibit 9 - Deposition Notice - Eric Helsher, #10 Exhibit 10 - Deposition Notice - Gaurav Singh, #11 Exhibit 11 - Deposition Notice - Judith Faulkner, #12 Exhibit 12 - Deposition Notice - Kalyan Dhanireddy, #13 Exhibit 13 - Deposition Notice - Karun Biyani, #14 Exhibit 14 - Deposition Notice - Manish Kumar, #15 Exhibit 15 - Deposition Notice - Mohan Kantrapati, #16 Exhibit 16 - Deposition Notice - Naveen Venkatesh, #17 Exhibit 17 - Deposition Notice - Perveen Kumar, #18 Exhibit 18 - Deposition Notice - Peter Devault, #19 Exhibit 19 - Deposition Notice - Romika Singh, #20 Exhibit 20 - Deposition Notice - Shankar Manickam, #21 Exhibit 21 - Deposition Notice - Sohadra Upadhyay, #22 Exhibit 22 - Deposition Notice - Sravan Parnandi, #23 Exhibit 23 - Deposition Notice - Sumit Rana, #24 Exhibit 24 - Deposition Notice - Suresh Thippireddy, #25 Exhibit 25 - Deposition Notice - Vamsi Vasireddy, #26 Exhibit 26 - Deposition Notice - Yogi Sanghi, #27 Exhibit 27 - TCS Fifth Set of Document Requests, #28 Exhibit 28 - E-mail, #29 Exhibit 29 - Clinical Market Share) (Tomaselli, Anthony) Modified on 12/28/2015. (lak)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 327 Brief in Support of #326 Motion to Dismiss Defendant's Counterclaims and to Immediately Sever and Stay All Counterclaim Proceedings by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Tomaselli, Anthony) Modified on 12/28/2015. (lak)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 326 Expedited Motion to Dismiss Defendants' Counterclaims and Immediately Sever and Stay All Counterclaim Proceedings by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. Response due 12/30/2015. (Tomaselli, Anthony) Modified on 12/28/2015. (lak)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 325 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **Consistent with the court's rulings during today's telephonic hearing with counsel for the parties, plaintiff's Emergency Motion to Compel Production of Documents in Advance of India Depositions (dkt. #312 ) is GRANTED as follows: (1) defendants shall produce all responsive documents for witnesses noticed since November 5, 2015, in searchable form no later than tomorrow, December 24, 2015, including documents from Santosh Mohanty and Ravi Raju that have yet to be fully reviewed by defendants' counsel; (2) defendants shall produce all responsive documents for witnesses noticed since November 11-12, 2015, no later than Wednesday, December 30, 2015; and (3) defendants shall complete production of all documents for witnesses noticed since December 15-17, 2015, on a rolling basis to be completed on or before Wednesday, January 6, 2016. In addition, for this latter category of nine witnesses, plaintiff's may designate for deposition in the United States three out of the six, so-called "DeVita" witnesses and one out of three, so-called "Tester" witnesses during or after the week of January 11, 2016. The remaining five witnesses noticed since December 15-17, 2015, shall be made available by defendants for live video depositions during or after that same week. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 12/23/2015. (kwf)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 324 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER granting #323 Motion to Admit Julie Shepard Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter A. Oppeneer on 12/23/2015. (lak)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 323 Motion to Admit Julie Shepard Pro Hac Vice. ( Pro Hac Vice fee $ 50 receipt number 0758-1708289.) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. (Shepard, Julie)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 322 Disregard. See #323 . Modified on 12/23/2015. (lak)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 321 Redaction to #319 Declaration of Alison L. MacGregor in Opposition to Plaintiff's Emergency Motion to Compel Production of Documents in Advance of India Depositions by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Assorted news articles regarding flood, #2 Exhibit B - SlipSheet, #3 Exhibit C - SlipSheet, #4 Exhibit D - SlipSheet, #5 Exhibit E - SlipSheet, #6 Exhibit F - SlipSheet) (MacGregor, Alison) Modified on 12/23/2015. (lak)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 320 Redaction to #318 Brief in Opposition to Plaintiff's Emergency Motion to Compel TCS to Produce Documents in Advance of India Depositions by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (MacGregor, Alison)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 319 Declaration of Alison L. MacGregor in Opposition to Plaintiff's Emergency Motion to Compel Production of Documents in Advance of India Depositions filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #312 Motion to Compel, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Assorted news articles regarding flood, #2 Exhibit B - 12.19.15 Email from Epic to TCS, #3 Exhibit C - 12.16.15 Email from TCS to Epic, #4 Exhibit D - 12.18.15 Email from TCS to Epic, #5 Exhibit E - 12.11.15 Email from TCS to Epic, #6 Exhibit F - Correspondence between TCS and Epic) (MacGregor, Alison)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 318 Brief in Opposition by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #312 Motion to Compel, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (MacGregor, Alison)
December 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Telephone Motion Hearing held on 12/23/2015 re #312 Emergency Motion to Compel TCS to Produce Documents in Advance of India Depositions (Sealed Document) filed by Epic Systems Corporation [:40] (mfh)
December 22, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 317 Redaction to #314 Declaration of Andrew Sullivan by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Chart re: status of TCS document production to witnesses/custodians, #2 Exhibit B - 11/24/2015 Andrew Sullivan Email to Melissa Byroade, #3 Exhibit C - 11/25/2015 Andrew Sullivan Email to Melissa Byroade, #4 Exhibit D - 12/4/2015 Andrew Sullivan Email to Melissa Byroade, #5 Exhibit E - 12/10/2015 Andrew Sullivan Email to Melissa Byroade, #6 Exhibit F - 12/11/2015 Melissa Byroade Email to Andrew Sullivan, #7 Exhibit G - 12/16/2015 Rick Richmond Email to Philip Robben, #8 Exhibit H - 12/21/2015 Email chain between Julie Shepard and Alison MacGregor, #9 Exhibit I - 12/21/2015 Rick Richmond Email to Philip Robben) (Richmond, Rick)
December 22, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 316 Redaction to #313 Brief in Support of Motion to Compel TCS to Produce Documents in Advance of India Depositions by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
December 22, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 315 Redaction to #312 Emergency Motion to Compel TCS to Produce Documents in Advance of India Depositions (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
December 22, 2015 Opinion or Order Reset Briefing Deadlines as to #312 Emergency Motion to Compel TCS to Produce Documents in Advance of India Depositions. Response due 12/23/2015 by 10:00 AM. (kwf)
December 22, 2015 Opinion or Order Set Telephone Motion Hearing as to #312 Emergency Motion to Compel TCS to Produce Documents in Advance of India Depositions. Telephone Motion Hearing set for 12/23/2015 at 01:30 PM before District Judge William M. Conley. Counsel for Plaintiff responsible for setting up the call to chambers at (608) 264-5087. (kwf)
December 21, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 314 Declaration of Andrew Sullivan filed by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation re: #312 Motion to Compel, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Chart re: status of TCS document production to witnesses/custodians, #2 Exhibit B - 11/24/2015 Andrew Sullivan Email to Melissa Byroade, #3 Exhibit C - 11/25/2015 Andrew Sullivan Email to Melissa Byroade, #4 Exhibit D - 12/4/2015 Andrew Sullivan Email to Melissa Byroade, #5 Exhibit E - 12/10/2015 Andrew Sullivan Email to Melissa Byroade, #6 Exhibit F - 12/11/2015 Melissa Byroade Email to Andrew Sullivan, #7 Exhibit G - 12/16/2015 Rick Richmond Email to Philip Robben, #8 Exhibit H - 12/21/2015 Email chain between Julie Shepard and Alison MacGregor, #9 Exhibit I - 12/21/2015 Rick Richmond Email to Philip Robben) (Richmond, Rick) Modified on 12/22/2015: Changed name. (lak)
December 21, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 313 Brief in Support of #312 Motion to Compel TCS to Produce Documents in Advance of India Depositions by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Richmond, Rick)
December 21, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 312 Emergency Motion to Compel TCS to Produce Documents in Advance of India Depositions (Sealed Document) by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker. Response due 12/28/2015. (Richmond, Rick)
December 18, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 311 ORDER granting #310 Amended Stipulation to Protective Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker on 12/17/2015. (arw)
December 17, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 310 Amended Stipulation to Protective Order by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 309 Redaction to #308 Response to Proposed Findings of Fact in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 308 Response to Proposed Findings of Fact filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. Defendants' Response to Plaintiff's Proposed Findings of Fact in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 307 Redaction to #306 Declaration of Alison L. MacGregor In Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Slipsheet, #2 Exhibit 2 - Slipsheet, #3 Exhibit 3 - Slipsheet, #4 Exhibit 4 - Slipsheet, #5 Exhibit 5 - Slipsheet, #6 Exhibit 6 - Slipsheet, #7 Exhibit 7 - Slipsheet, #8 Exhibit 8 - Slipsheet, #9 Exhibit 9 - Slipsheet, #10 Exhibit 10 - Slipsheet, #11 Exhibit 11 - Slipsheet, #12 Exhibit 12 - Slipsheet, #13 Exhibit 13 - Slipsheet, #14 Exhibit 14 - Slipsheet, #15 Exhibit 15 - Slipsheet) (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 306 Declaration of Alison L. MacGregor filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited In Opposition re: #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1- Exhibit 318 Philippe Guionnet (Part 1), #2 Exhibit 1- Exhibit 318 Philippe Guionnet (Part 2), #3 Exhibit 1- Exhibit 318 Philippe Guionnet (Part 3), #4 Exhibit 2- Exhibit 35 Philippe Guionnet, #5 Exhibit 3- Exhibit 53 Philippe Guionnet, #6 Exhibit 4- Exhibit 319 Philippe Guionnet, #7 Exhibit 5- Exhibit 332 Philippe Guionnet, #8 Exhibit 6- Exhibit 336 Philippe Guionnet, #9 Exhibit 7- Exhibit 72 Philippe Guionnet, #10 Exhibit 8- Exhibit 76 Philippe Guionnet, #11 Exhibit 9- Exhibit 81 Philippe Guionnet, #12 Exhibit 10- Exhibit 84 Philippe Guionnet, #13 Exhibit 11- Exhibit 88 Philippe Guionnet, #14 Exhibit 12- Exhibit 397 Suresh Muthuswami, #15 Exhibit 13- 05-27-15 TCS Responses & Objections to Epic's First Set of Interrogatories, #16 Exhibit 14- 12-02-15 Epic Supplemental Responses and Objections to TCS' Second Set of Interrogatories, #17 Exhibit 15- Responses to TCS Questionnaire, #18 Exhibit 16- Exhibit 39 Guionnet Deposition) (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 305 Redaction to #304 Declaration of Ajit Menon by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 304 Declaration of Ajit Menon filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 303 Redaction to #302 Declaration of Erik Laykin by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 302 Declaration of Erik Laykin filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #197 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 301 Redaction to #300 Proposed Findings of Fact In Support of Its Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 300 Proposed Findings of Fact filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment / In Support of Its Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 299 Redaction to #298 Brief in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)
December 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 298 Brief in Opposition by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Sealed Document) (Robben, Philip)
December 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 297 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER accepting and entering #292 Joint Stipulation for Amendment to Protective Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stephen L. Crocker on 12/15/2015. (arw)
December 11, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 296 Redaction to #295 Answer to Second Amended Complaint, Counterclaim by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Doyle, Paul) Modified on 12/14/2015. (lak)
December 11, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 295 ANSWER to Second Amended Complaint, COUNTERCLAIM against Epic Systems Corporation by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Doyle, Paul) Modified on 12/14/2015. (lak)
December 11, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 294 Transcript of Telephonic Motion Hearing, held 12/7/2015 before Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (voc)
December 11, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 293 Transcript of Motion Hearing, held 12/4/2015 before Judge William M. Conley. Court Reporter: CS. Please review the court policy regarding electronic transcripts: see #Electronic Transcript Instructions and #Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. (voc)
December 10, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 292 Joint Stipulation for Amendment to Protective Order to add New Provision to Section 7.5: Procedures Applying to WebEx Inspections of Products by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick) Modified on 12/11/2015. (lak)
December 10, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 291 ORDER granting in part and denying in part #245 Motion to Compel; denying #256 Motion to Compel; granting #261 Motion to Compel. Plaintiff's request for sanctions is RESERVED and its reply in support of its motion for summary judgment is now due 1/7/2016. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 12/10/2015. (arw)
December 10, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 290 AMENDED COMPLAINT (Second) against Epic Systems Corporation, filed by Epic Systems Corporation. (Saros, Nick)
December 10, 2015 Opinion or Order Reset Briefing Deadlines re: #195 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Plaintiff Epic Systems Corporation. Brief in Reply due 1/7/2016. (arw)
December 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Continued Telephone Motion Hearing held on 12/7/2015 re #245 Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding TCS Investigations filed by Epic Systems Corporation, #256 Motion to Compel Documents and a Continued Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition filed by Epic Systems Corporation, #261 Motion to Compel Information Related to EHR Products Other Than "Med Mantra" filed by Epic Systems Corporation [1:00] (Court Reporter cs.) (skv)
December 4, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 289 In Camera Submission of Engagement Letter by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Ex Parte Document) (Byroade, Melissa)
December 4, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 288 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge William M. Conley: Motion Hearing held on 12/4/2015 re #245 Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding TCS Investigations filed by Epic Systems Corporation, #256 Motion to Compel Documents and a Continued Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition filed by Epic Systems Corporation, #261 Motion to Compel Information Related to EHR Products Other Than "Med Mantra" filed by Epic Systems Corporation. [2:10] (Court Reporter CS.) (jef)
December 4, 2015 Opinion or Order Set Deadlines: Telephone Motion Hearing on Motion to Compel set for 12/7/2015 at 09:00 AM before Judge William M. Conley. Counsel for Plaintiff responsible for setting up the call to chambers at (608) 264-5087. (jat)
December 4, 2015 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Deadlines as to #195 MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT. Brief in Reply due 1/8/2016. (jef)
December 3, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 287 Redaction to #286 Declaration, by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - TCS's Responses and Objections to Epic's First Set of Expedited Discovery Requests, #2 Exhibit B - Epic's First Set of Interrogatories, #3 Exhibit C - Epic's Second Set of Requests for Production of Documents, #4 Exhibit D - TCS's Responses and Objections to Epic's First Set of Interrogatories, #5 Exhibit E - July 9, 2015 letter, #6 Exhibit F - July 22, 2015 letter, #7 Exhibit G - Epic's September 16, 2015 letter, #8 Exhibit H - TCS's responses and objections to Epic's Third Set of Interrogatories) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 12/4/2015. (lak)
December 3, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 286 Declaration of Melissa E. Byroade in opposition to Plaintiff's motion to compel information related to EHR products other than "Med Mantra" filed by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited re: #261 Motion to Compel, (Sealed Document) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - TCS's Responses and Objections to Epic's First Set of Expedited Discovery Requests, #2 Exhibit B - Epic's First Set of Interrogatories, #3 Exhibit C - Epic's Second Set of Requests for Production of Documents, #4 Exhibit D - TCS's Responses and Objections to Epic's First Set of Interrogatories, #5 Exhibit E - July 9, 2015 letter, #6 Exhibit F - July 22, 2015 letter, #7 Exhibit G - Epic's September 16, 2015 letter, #8 Exhibit H - TCS's responses and objections to Epic's Third Set of Interrogatories) (Robben, Philip) Modified on 12/3/2015. (lak)
December 3, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 285 ** TEXT ONLY ORDER **ORDER denying #279 Motion for Mediation. Signed by District Judge William M. Conley on 12/3/15. (jat)
December 3, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 284 Redaction to #283 Brief in Opposition to Plaintiff's motion to compel information related to EHR products other than "Med Mantra" by Defendants Tata America International Corporation, Tata Consultancy Services Limited. (Robben, Philip)