In re: High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation Featured Case
Plaintiff: Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Daniel Stover and Deserae Ryan
Defendant: Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google, LLC, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd. and Pixar
Petitioner: Chris Eubank, Christopher Donnelly, Greg Garrison and Robert Arriaga
Appellant: Brad Greenspan
Interested Party: Robert A. Nitsch, Jr., Georgia Cano and Microsoft Corporation
Not Classified By Court: Attorney Palm Inc.
Case Number: 5:2011cv02509
Filed: May 23, 2011
Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Office: San Jose Office
County: San Francisco
Presiding Judge: Paul Singh Grewal
Referring Judge: Lucy H Koh
Nature of Suit: Civil Rights: Jobs
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1441
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on November 9, 2017. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
November 9, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1120 Second Letter from Fitih M. Cinnor re #1118 . (iym, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/9/2017)
November 6, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1119 Response re #1118 Letter and Status Report byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey, #2 Declaration of Kenneth Jue)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 11/6/2017)
October 16, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1118 Letter from Fitih M. Cinnor. Counsel for Plaintiffs shall file a response by Monday, November 6, 2017. (iym, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/16/2017) Modified on 10/16/2017 (iym, COURT STAFF).
November 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 1117 Order Requiring Hourly Rate Justification for Motion for Attorneys' Fees. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 11/10/16. (lhklc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/10/2016)
September 14, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 1116 Transcript of Proceedings held on 06/23/2016, before Judge Koh. Court Reporter Irene L. Rodriguez, telephone number Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerk's Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. (Re (319 in 5:14-cv-04062-LHK) Transcript Order ) Release of Transcript Restriction set for 12/13/2016. (Rodriguez, Irene) (Filed on 9/14/2016)
December 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1115 NOTICE by Apple Inc. Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 12/8/2015)
October 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1114 Certificate of Interested Entities by Google Inc. identifying Corporate Parent Alphabet Inc. for Google Inc.. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 10/8/2015)
September 2, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1113 FINAL JUDGMENT AND DISMISSAL. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 9/2/2015. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/2/2015) **THE CLERK SHALL CLOSE THE CASE FILES** Modified on 9/3/2015 (sms, COURT STAFF).
September 2, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1112 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting in part and denying in part (1068) Motion for Attorney's Fees; granting in part and denying in part (1072) Motion for Attorney's Fees; granting in part and denying in part (1075) Motion for Attorney's Fees in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/2/2015)
September 2, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1111 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting (1087) Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/2/2015)
July 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1110 NOTICE of Change of Address by Joseph R. Saveri (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 7/29/2015)
July 24, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1109 Supplemental Status Report Regarding Further Communications with Certain Class Member Objectors by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 7/24/2015) Modified text on 7/28/2015 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 24, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1108 The Joseph Saveri Law Firm's Supplemental Submission Regarding Its Lodestar by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3)(Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 7/24/2015) Modified text on 7/28/2015 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 20, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1107 ORDER TO FILE BILLING RECORDS SUPPORTING LODESTAR CALCULATION FOR THE JOSEPH R. SAVERI LAW FIRM, INC. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 7/20/2015. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/20/2015)
July 20, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1106 STATUS REPORT REGARDING FURTHER COMMUNICATIONS WITH CERTAIN CLASS MEMBER OBJECTORS by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 7/20/2015)
July 20, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1105 Class Counsel's Joint Supplemental Submission Regarding Fees and Costs by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 7/20/2015) Modified text on 7/20/2015 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1104 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting #1103 Motion for Extension of Time to File (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/16/2015)
July 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1103 First MOTION for Extension of Time to File Joint Submission Regarding Attorneys' Fees filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Declaration of Joseph R. Saveri in Support of Motion to Extend Time, #2 Proposed Order)(Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 7/16/2015)
July 13, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1102 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Apple Inc. for Court Reporter Kimberly Thorpe. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 7/13/2015)
July 13, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1101 Transcript of Proceedings held on July 9, 2015, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Kimberly Thorpe, Telephone number 408 761-5673. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. (Re #1097 Transcript Order, #1098 Transcript Order, #1099 Transcript Order ) Redaction Request due 8/3/2015. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/13/2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/13/2015. (Related documents(s) #1097 , #1098 , #1099 ) (sp, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/13/2015)
July 13, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1100 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Google Inc. for Court Reporter Kimberly Thorpe. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 7/13/2015)
July 10, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1099 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Intel Corp. for Court Reporter Kimberly Thorpe. (Kristovich, Bethany) (Filed on 7/10/2015)
July 9, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1098 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Kimberly Thorpe. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/9/2015)
July 9, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1097 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Siddharth Hariharan for Court Reporter Kimberly Thorpe. (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 7/9/2015)
July 9, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1096 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Hon. Lucy H. Koh: Motion Hearing held on 7/9/2015 re: #1087 , #1072 , #1068 , and #1075 from 2:27-4:12PM and 4:38-4:58PM. Hearing held. The Court hears arguments from counsel. Two objectors speak at the hearing. Hearing is concluded. Courtroom Deputy: Stacy Sakamoto. Court Reporter: Kimberly Thorpe. Representing Plaintiffs: Attorney Daniel C. Girard (Plaintiff Devine); Attorneys Kelly Dermody, Brendan Patrick Glackin, Dean Michael Harvey, Anne Brackett Shaver, and Joseph R. Saveri (all other Plaintiffs). Representing Defendants: Attorney Gregory P. Stone (Intel); Attorneys George Riley and Christina Joanne Brown (Apple); Attorneys Lee H. Rubin, Robert Addy Van Nest, and Justina Kahn Sessions (Google); and, Attorney David Craig Kiernan (Adobe). (This is a text-only notice; there is no document associated with this entry.) (sms, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 7/9/2015) Modified on 7/9/2015 (sms, COURT STAFF).
June 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1095 Declaration of Kenneth Jue in Support of #1093 Reply to Opposition/Response filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #1093 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 6/29/2015)
June 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1094 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #1093 Reply to Opposition/Response filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G)(Related document(s) #1093 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 6/29/2015)
June 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1093 REPLY (re #1075 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards ) filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 6/29/2015)
June 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1092 REPLY in Support of ( #1068 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Award ) filed by Michael Devine. (Girard, Daniel) (Filed on 6/29/2015) Modified text on 6/30/2015 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1091 Joinder re #1087 MOTION for Settlement Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement by Michael Devine. (Girard, Daniel) (Filed on 6/15/2015)
June 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1090 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #1087 MOTION for Settlement Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Related document(s) #1087 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 6/15/2015)
June 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1089 Declaration of Kenneth Jue in Support of #1087 MOTION for Settlement Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Exhibit L, #13 Exhibit M, #14 Exhibit N, #15 Exhibit O, #16 Exhibit P)(Related document(s) #1087 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 6/15/2015)
June 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1088 Proposed Order re #1087 MOTION for Settlement Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement [Proposed] Final Judgment and Dismissal by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 6/15/2015)
June 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1087 MOTION for Settlement Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 7/9/2015 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 6/29/2015. Replies due by 7/6/2015. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 6/15/2015)
June 5, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1086 AFFIDAVIT Declaration of Kenneth Jue, on behalf of Settlement Administrator, Regarding Compliance With Notice Requirements by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 6/5/2015)
May 21, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1085 Supplemental Declaration of Joseph R. Saveri in Support of #1072 MOTION for Attorney Fees Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 (Part 1 of 2), #2 Exhibit 1 (Part 2 of 2), #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5)(Related document(s) #1072 ) (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 5/21/2015) Modified text on 5/22/2015 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 19, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1084 NOTICE by Adobe Systems Inc. Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 5/19/2015)
May 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1083 Declaration of Kelly M. Dermody in Support of #1075 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3 (Part 1), #4 Exhibit 3 (Part 2), #5 Exhibit 4 (Part 1), #6 Exhibit 4 (Part 2), #7 Exhibit 5, #8 Exhibit 6 (Part 1), #9 Exhibit 6 (Part 2), #10 Exhibit 7, #11 Exhibit 8 (Part 1), #12 Exhibit 8 (Part 2), #13 Exhibit 8 (Part 3), #14 Exhibit 8 (Part 4), #15 Exhibit 8 (Part 5), #16 Exhibit 8 (Part 6), #17 Exhibit 8 (Part 7), #18 Exhibit 9, #19 Exhibit 10, #20 Exhibit 11, #21 Exhibit 12)(Related document(s) #1075 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/8/2015)
May 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1082 Declaration of Dean M Harvey in Support of #1075 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #1075 ) (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 5/8/2015)
May 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1081 Declaration of James J. Sabella in Support of #1075 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4a, #5 Exhibit 4b)(Related document(s) #1075 ) (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 5/8/2015)
May 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1080 Declaration of Brendan P. Glackin in Support of #1075 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit Exhibit F)(Related document(s) #1075 ) (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 5/8/2015)
May 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1079 Declaration of Brian Fitzpatrick in Support of #1075 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #1075 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/8/2015)
May 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1078 Declaration of Daniel Stover in Support of #1075 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed byDaniel Stover. (Related document(s) #1075 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/8/2015)
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1077 Declaration of Mark Fichtner in Support of #1075 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed byMark Fichtner. (Related document(s) #1075 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/7/2015)
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1076 Declaration of Siddharth Hariharan in Support of #1075 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #1075 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/7/2015)
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1075 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 7/9/2015 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 5/21/2015. Replies due by 6/29/2015. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Proposed Order)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/7/2015)
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1074 Declaration of Eric L. Cramer in Support of #1072 MOTION for Attorney Fees Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D (Part 1 of 4), #5 Exhibit D (Part 2 of 4), #6 Exhibit D (Part 3 of 4), #7 Exhibit D (Part 4 of 4), #8 Exhibit E)(Related document(s) #1072 ) (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 5/7/2015)
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1073 Declaration of Joseph R. Saveri in Support of #1072 MOTION for Attorney Fees Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Declaration of William B. Rubenstein, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4 (Part 1 of 2), #5 Exhibit 4 (Part 2 of 2), #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6)(Related document(s) #1072 ) (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 5/7/2015)
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1072 Co-Lead Counsel Joseph Saveri Law Firm's MOTION for Attorney Fees Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 7/9/2015 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 5/21/2015. Replies due by 5/28/2015. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 5/7/2015) Modified text on 5/11/2015 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1071 Proposed Order re #1068 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Award by Michael Devine. (Girard, Daniel) (Filed on 5/7/2015)
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1070 Declaration of Michael Devine in Support of #1068 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Award filed byMichael Devine. (Related document(s) #1068 ) (Girard, Daniel) (Filed on 5/7/2015)
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1069 Declaration of Daniel C. Girard in Support of #1068 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Award filed byMichael Devine. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4)(Related document(s) #1068 ) (Girard, Daniel) (Filed on 5/7/2015)
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1068 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Award filed by Class Representative Michael Devine. Motion Hearing set for 7/9/2015 01:30 PM before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 5/21/2015. Replies due by 5/28/2015. (Girard, Daniel) (Filed on 5/7/2015) Modified text on 5/11/2015 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 5, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1067 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting #1066 Motion for Pro Hac Vice (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/5/2015)
May 5, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1066 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice of Robert G. Eisler ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-9497218.) filed by Class Plaintiffs. (Eisler, Robert) (Filed on 5/5/2015)
April 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1065 NOTICE by Siddharth Hariharan of Change of Firm Affiliation (Nussbaum, Linda) (Filed on 4/29/2015)
April 21, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1064 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Siddharth Hariharan for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 4/21/2015)
March 30, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1063 ORDER GRANTING REQUEST TO WITHDRAW LETTER. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 3/30/2015. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/30/2015)
March 27, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1062 Letter received by the Court from individual objecting to proposed Settlement. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 3/27/2015. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/27/2015)
March 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1061 ORDER of USCA as to #972 Notice of Appeal filed by Brad Greenspan. Pursuant to Circuit Rule 42-1, this appeal is dismissed for failure to file opening brief. This order served on the district court shall constitute the mandate of this court. (dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/23/2015)
March 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1060 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Google Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 3/16/2015)
March 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1059 Transcript of Proceedings held on 3-2-15, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580 email: Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. (Re #1056 Transcript Order ) Release of Transcript Restriction set for 6/15/2015. (Related documents(s) #1056 ) (las, ) (Filed on 3/16/2015)
March 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1058 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 3/16/2015)
March 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1057 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Apple Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 3/16/2015)
March 6, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1056 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Michael Devine for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Kramer, Elizabeth) (Filed on 3/6/2015)
March 4, 2015 Opinion or Order Calendar amended: re #1054 - Final Approval Hearing set for 7/9/2015 at 1:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/4/2015)
March 4, 2015 Opinion or Order Calendar amended: re 1054 - Final Approval Hearing set for 7/9/2015 at 1:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/4/2015)
March 3, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1055 ORDER RE MOTIONS FOR ATTORNEYS FEES AND COSTS. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 3/3/2015. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/3/2015)
March 3, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1054 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting #1032 Motion for Preliminary Approval (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/3/2015)
March 2, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1053 ORDER SEALING TRANSCRIPT PORTION. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 3/2/2015. (lhklc3S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/2/2015)
March 2, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1052 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting #1037 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal (lhklc3S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/2/2015)
March 2, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1051 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Hon. Lucy H. Koh: Hearing re Motion for Preliminary Approval of a Class Action, ECF No. #1032 , held on 3/2/2015 from 2:10-2:52PM. An Order regarding today's proceedings will be filed. Court Reporter: Lee-Anne Shortridge. Courtroom Deputy: Stacy Sakamoto. Representing Plaintiffs: Attorneys Kelly M. Dermody, Brendan Patrick Glackin, Dean Michael Harvey, and Anne Brackett Shaver for Plaintiffs Fitchner, Hariharan, Stover, and the Class; Attorneys Joseph R. Saveri and James Gerard Beebe Dallal as Co-Lead Plaintiffs' Counsel; and, Attorney Daniel C. Girard on behalf of Plaintiff Devine. Representing Defendants: Attorney David Khernan on behalf of Adobe; Attorneys Robert A. Van Nest and Justina Kahn Sessions on behalf of Google, Inc.; Attorney Lee Rubin also on behalf of Google, Inc.; Attorney Gregory P. Stone on behalf of Intel Corporation; and, Attorney George A. Riley on behalf of Apple. (This is a text-only minute order; there is no document associated with this entry.) (sms, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 3/2/2015)
March 2, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1050 Letter received by the Court from individual objecting to proposed Settlement. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 3/2/2015. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/2/2015)
February 6, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1049 NOTICE by Apple Inc. re #1047 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Notice of Filing Revised Redacted Documents in Response to Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Unseal (Attachments: #1 Dermody Declaration and Exhibit A, #2 Harris Declaration and Exhibit A)(Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 2/6/2015)
February 3, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1048 ORDER of USCA: Petitioners unopposed motion to dismiss the petition for a writ of mandamus pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 42(b) is hereby GRANTED. The parties will bear their own costs. PETITION DISMISSED. A copy of this order served on the district court shall constitute the mandate of this court. USCA #14-72745 (dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/3/2015)
January 30, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1047 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting in part and denying in part #991 Administrative Motion to Unseal (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/30/2015)
January 28, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1046 ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION RE EXPERT DISCOVERY by Magistrate Judge Paul Singh Grewal granting (91) in case 5:14-cv-04062-LHK. Associated Cases: 5:14-cv-04062-LHK, 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:12-cv-01262-LHK, 5:14-cv-04203-LHK, 5:14-cv-04422-LHK, 5:14-cv-04592-LHK, 5:14-cv-04634-LHK (psglc2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/28/2015)
January 27, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1045 NOTICE by Apple Inc. Notice of Mailing of Letter to Attorneys General Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1715 (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 1/27/2015)
January 26, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1044 CLERK'S NOTICE REGARDING UPCOMING CALENDARED EVENTS. Pursuant to this Notice, the 2/11/2015 Case Management Conference (ECF No. #1022 ) is hereby vacated. Furthermore, the pending Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement (ECF No. #1032 ) shall now be heard on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before the Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (This is a text-only notice; there is no document associated with this entry.) (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/26/2015)
January 26, 2015 Opinion or Order Calendar amended, re 1043 Order: Pre-Trial Conference and Trial dates vacated. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/26/2015)
January 26, 2015 Opinion or Order Calendar amended, re #1043 Order: Pre-Trial Conference and Trial dates vacated. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/26/2015)
January 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1043 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting #1042 Stipulation (lhklc3S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/23/2015)
January 22, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1042 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER VACATING PRETRIAL AND TRIAL DATES filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 1/22/2015)
January 16, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1041 Joinder re #1032 MOTION for Settlement Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement; Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support Thereof and Request for Modification of Settlement Notice by Michael Devine. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Michael Devine in support of Joinder)(Girard, Daniel) (Filed on 1/16/2015)
January 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1040 Declaration in Support of #1039 Brief, re PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3)(Related document(s) #1039 ) (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 1/15/2015)
January 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1039 Brief re #1032 MOTION for Settlement Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement; Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support Thereof filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #1032 ) (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 1/15/2015)
January 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1038 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #1037 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of Exhibit C and Attachment 1 to the Settlement Agreement filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7)(Related document(s) #1037 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 1/15/2015)
January 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1037 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of Exhibit C and Attachment 1 to the Settlement Agreement filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 1/15/2015)
January 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1036 Declaration of Daniel Stover in Support of #1032 Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement; Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support Thereof filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #1032 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 1/15/2015) Modified on 1/16/2015 (srmS, COURT STAFF).
January 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1035 Declaration of Siddharth Hariharan in Support of #1032 Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement; Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support Thereof filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #1032 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 1/15/2015) Modified on 1/16/2015 (srmS, COURT STAFF).
January 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1034 Declaration of Mark Fichtner in Support of #1032 Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement; Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support Thereof filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #1032 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 1/15/2015) Modified on 1/16/2015 (srmS, COURT STAFF).
January 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1033 Declaration of Kelly M. Dermody In Support of ( #1032 ) Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 1/15/2015) Modified on 1/16/2015 (srmS, COURT STAFF).
January 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1032 Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement; Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support Thereof filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 3/19/2015 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 1/29/2015. Replies due by 2/5/2015. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 1/15/2015) (Hearing Date Approved - sms, COURT STAFF). Modified on 1/16/2015 (srmS, COURT STAFF).
December 15, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1031 CLERK'S NOTICE CORRECTING TRIAL START DATE IN ECF NO. #986 . The Parties shall take note that jury selection and trial will commence on Friday, April 10, 2015 rather than Thursday, April 9, 2015. The following court days (17) are reserved for trial: 4/10/2015, 4/13/2015, 4/14/2015, 4/17/2015, 4/20/2015, 4/21/2015, 4/24/2015, 4/27/2015, 4/28/2015, 5/1/2015, 5/4/2015, 5/5/2015, 5/8/2015, 5/11/2015, 5/12/2015, 5/15/2015, and 5/18/2015. All trial days begin at 9:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (This is a text-only notice; there is no document associated with this entry.) (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/15/2014)
December 15, 2014 Opinion or Order Date terminated, re 1031 : 4/9/2015 date removed from the case calendar. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/15/2014)
December 8, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1030 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh denying as moot #1019 Motion for Leave to File (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/8/2014)
December 3, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1029 EXHIBITS re #991 Administrative Motion to Unseal All Papers Associated with Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel Declaration of Robert A. Van Nest in Support of Sealing Papers Filed in Connection with Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Motion to Compel (Redacted), #2 Motion to Compel (Unredacted/Highlighted), #3 Opposition (Redacted), #4 Opposition (Unredacted/Highlighted), #5 Reply (Redacted), #6 Reply (Unredacted/Highlighted))(Related document(s) #991 ) (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 12/3/2014)
November 26, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1028 ORDER RE PLAINTIFFS' SUR-SUR REPLY. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 11/26/2014. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/26/2014)
November 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1027 NOTICE by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover re #1023 Order on Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Brief (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 11/24/2014)
November 20, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1026 Order denying #1001 Motion to Relate Case (Arriaga). Signed by Hon. Lucy H. Koh on 11/20/2014. A copy of this Order will be posted in the Arriaga, 14-CV-04656-NC, docket. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/20/2014)
November 19, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1025 ORDER #1003 RELATING case Ryan et al. v. Microsoft Corporation, 14-CV-04634-EJD, to In re: High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation, 11-CV-02509-LHK. Pursuant to the Order, the Ryan case is re-assigned to the Hon. Lucy H. Koh and all future filings will bear her initials. See Order for additional details. A copy of this Order shall be filed in the Ryan docket. Signed by Hon. Lucy H. Koh on 11/19/2014. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/19/2014)
November 19, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1024 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh deferring ruling on #991 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal.(lhklc5S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/19/2014)
November 19, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1023 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #990 Motion for Leave to File.(lhklc5S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/19/2014)
November 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1022 ORDER CONTINUING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND PRETRIAL CONFERENCE. Signed by Judge Lucy Koh on 11/18/14. (lhklc5S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/18/2014)
November 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #1022 : Case Management Conference now set for 2/11/2015 at 2:00PM; and, Pretrial Conference set for 3/19/2015 at 1:30PM. Both events to take place in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/18/2014)
November 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re 1022 : Case Management Conference now set for 2/11/2015 at 2:00PM; and, Pretrial Conference set for 3/19/2015 at 1:30PM. Both events to take place in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/18/2014)
November 17, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1021 Statement REGARDING DOCUMENT ADMISSIBILITY AND AUTHENTICATION by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 11/17/2014)
November 17, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1020 NOTICE of Appearance by Sanjay Mohan Nangia for Microsoft Corporation (Nangia, Sanjay) (Filed on 11/17/2014)
November 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1019 MOTION for Leave to File Reply to Motion for Administrative Relief to Consider Whether Cases Should be Related (re #1003 MOTION to Relate Case) filed by Deserae Ryan. (Related document(s) #1003 ) (Menhennet, Janine) (Filed on 11/13/2014) Modified text on 11/14/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 12, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1018 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 11/12/2014)
November 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1017 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #1012 Motion for Pro Hac Vice.(lhklc5, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/11/2014)
November 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1016 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #1011 Motion for Pro Hac Vice.(lhklc5, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/11/2014)
November 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1015 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #1010 Motion for Pro Hac Vice.(lhklc5, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/11/2014)
November 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1014 RESPONSE (re #1003 MOTION to Relate Case ) filed byMicrosoft Corporation. (Davis, Allison) (Filed on 11/10/2014)
November 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1013 Corporate Disclosure Statement by Microsoft Corporation. (Davis, Allison) (Filed on 11/10/2014) Modified text on 11/12/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1012 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice (w/ Certificate of Good Standing) ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-9062048.) filed by Microsoft Corporation. (Tewell, Candice) (Filed on 11/10/2014)
November 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1011 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice (w/ Certificates of Good Standing) ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-9062016.) filed by Microsoft Corporation. (Maguire, Robert) (Filed on 11/10/2014)
November 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1010 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice (w/ Certificate of Good Standing) ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-9061949.) filed by Microsoft Corporation. (Rummage, Stephen) (Filed on 11/10/2014)
November 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1009 NOTICE of Substitution of Counsel by Allison Ann Davis and Notice of Appearance (Davis, Allison) (Filed on 11/10/2014)
October 30, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1008 NOTICE by Apple Inc. Notice of Withdrawal of Victoria L. Weatherford as Counsel for Defendant (Weatherford, Victoria) (Filed on 10/30/2014)
October 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1007 ORDER RELATING CASE Wentworth v. Lucasfilm LTD., LLC et al., 3:14-CV-4422, to In re: High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation, 5:11-CV-02509. Pursuant to the Order, the Wentworth case is re-assigned to the Hon. Lucy H. Koh and all future filings will bear her initials. See Order for additional details. A copy of this Order will be filed in the Wentworth docket. Signed by Judge Hon. Lucy H. Koh on 10/28/2014. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/28/2014)
October 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1006 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #1005 Stipulation.(lhklc5S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/27/2014)
October 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1005 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER re #1003 MOTION to Relate Case filed by Microsoft Corporation. (Schenck, Matthew) (Filed on 10/24/2014)
October 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1004 NOTICE of Appearance by Matthew J. Schenck and Fred Plevin on behalf of Microsoft Corp. (Schenck, Matthew) (Filed on 10/24/2014)
October 23, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1003 MOTION to Relate Case filed by Deserae Ryan. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Janine R. Menhennet, #2 Proposed Order)(Menhennet, Janine) (Filed on 10/23/2014)
October 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1002 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #1000 . It is hereby ordered that 14-CV-04592-NC, Garrison v. Oracle Corporation, is related to In re: High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation, 11-CV-02509. Pursuant to the Order, the Garrison case is re-assigned to the Hon. Lucy H. Koh and all future filings will bear her initials. See Order for additional details. A copy of this Order will be filed in the Garrison docket. Signed by Judge Hon. Lucy H. Koh on 10/22/2014.(sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/22/2014)
October 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1001 MOTION to Relate Case filed by Robert Arriaga. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proposed Order)(Belong, Tyler) (Filed on 10/21/2014)
October 15, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1000 MOTION to Relate Case filed by Greg Garrison. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proposed Order)(Belong, Tyler) (Filed on 10/15/2014)
October 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 999 COUNSEL POSTED DOCUMENT IN WRONG CASE NOTICE of Appearance of Ari Cherniak by Julian Ari Hammond (Hammond, Julian) (Filed on 10/14/2014) Modified on 10/24/2014. Docket No. 998 and 999 in Case No.5:11-cv-02509-LHK were incorrectly filed. These documents should have been filed in related Case No. 5:14-cv-04203-LHK. (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 998 COUNSEL POSTED DOCUMENT IN WRONG CASE NOTICE of Appearance of Polina Pecherskaya by Julian Ari Hammond (Hammond, Julian) (Filed on 10/14/2014) Modified on 10/24/2014. Docket No. 998 and 999 in Case No.5:11-cv-02509-LHK were incorrectly filed. These documents should have been filed in related Case No. 5:14-cv-04203-LHK. (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 997 ORDER RELATING CASE Cano v. Pixar et al, 5:14-CV-04203-PSG, to In re: High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation, 5:11-CV-02509. Pursuant to the Order, the Cano case is re-assigned to the Hon. Lucy H. Koh and all future filings will bear her initials. See Order for additional details. A copy of this Order will be filed in the Cano docket. Signed by Judge Hon. Lucy H. Koh on 10/6/2014. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/7/2014)
September 25, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 996 MOTION to Relate Case filed by Georgia Cano. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proposed Order)(Sklaver, Steven) (Filed on 9/25/2014)
September 23, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 995 ORDER RELATING 3:14-CV-04062, Nitsch v. Dreamworks, to 5:11-CV-02509, In re: High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation. Pursuant to the Order, the Nitsch case is re-assigned to the Hon. Lucy H. Koh and all future filings will bear her initials. See Order for additional details. A copy of this Order has been filed in the Nitsch case, Doc. 12. (Signed by Judge Hon. Lucy H. Koh on 9/23/14.) (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/23/2014)
September 23, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 994 OPPOSITION to ( #991 Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Unseal All Papers Associated with Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel ) filed by Google Inc.. (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 9/23/2014) Modified text on 9/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 993 ORDER of USCA. This petition for a writ of mandamus raises issues that warrant a response. Accordingly, within 21 days after the date of this order, the real parties in interest shall file a response. The district court, within 21 days after the date of this order, may file a response if it so desires. Petitioners may file a reply within 10 days after service of the response(s). The petition, response(s) and any reply are referred to a merits panel for oral argument. Upon completion of briefing, the Clerk shall place this petition for writ of mandamus on the next available calendar. The Clerk shall serve this order on the district court and District Judge Lucy Koh. USCA #14-72745 (dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/22/2014)
September 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 992 OPPOSITION to ( #990 ADMINISTRATE MOTION for Leave to File SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF IN CONNECTION WITH PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR APPLICATION OF THE PER SE STANDARD ) filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 9/22/2014) Modified text on 9/23/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 19, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 991 Administrative Motion to Unseal All Papers Associated with Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Unredacted Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of Motion to Compel)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 9/19/2014) Modified text on 9/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 990 ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION for Leave to File SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF IN CONNECTION WITH PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR APPLICATION OF THE PER SE STANDARD filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to Admin Motion, #2 Exhibit B to Admin Motion, #3 Exhibit C to Admin Motion, #4 Exhibit D to Admin Motion, #5 Exhibit E to Admin Motion)(Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 9/18/2014) Modified text on 9/19/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 15, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 989 MOTION to Relate Case Nitsch v. DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc., No. 14-cv-4062-VC filed by Robert A. Nitsch, Jr. (Dubner, Jeffrey) (Filed on 9/15/2014)
September 12, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 988 Plaintiffs Reply in Support of #830 Motion for Application of the Per Se Standard filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 9/12/2014) Modified on 9/15/2014 linking entry to document #830 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 987 NOTICE of Change In Counsel by Lisa Janine Cisneros NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF COUNSEL (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 9/11/2014)
September 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing, re Order 986 . A further Case Management Conference is set for 11/19/2014 at 2:00 PM; a Pretrial Conference is set for 12/19/2014 at 1:30 PM; and, Jury Selection/Trial is set for 4/9/2015 at 9:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. See Written Order for additional deadlines. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/9/2014)
September 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing, re Order #986 . A further Case Management Conference is set for 11/19/2014 at 2:00 PM; a Pretrial Conference is set for 12/19/2014 at 1:30 PM; and, Jury Selection/Trial is set for 4/9/2015 at 9:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. See Written Order for additional deadlines. (sms, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/9/2014)
September 8, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 986 CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER. Signed by Judge Lucy Koh on 9/8/14. (lhklc5S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/8/2014)
September 8, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 985 Class Counsel and Non-Settling Defendants' Joint Report REgarding Trial Date by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 9/8/2014) Modified text on 9/9/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 984 NOTICE OF CORRESPONDENCE TO THE COURT. Signed by Judge Lucy Koh on 9/5/14. (lhklc5, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/5/2014)
September 4, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 983 SUPPLEMENTAL CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Google Inc.. (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 9/4/2014) Modified text on 9/5/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 4, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 982 ORDER ON PROPOSED TRIAL SCHEDULE. Signed by Judge Lucy Koh on 9/4/14. (lhklc5S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/4/2014)
September 3, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 981 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 9/3/2014)
August 25, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 980 USCA Appeal Fees received $ 505 receipt number 54611014973 re #972 Notice of Appeal filed by Brad Greenspan (dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/25/2014) (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
August 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #974 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief Further Case Management Conference set for 9/10/2014 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/13/2014)
August 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re 974 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief Further Case Management Conference set for 9/10/2014 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/13/2014)
August 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 979 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh denying #971 Motion to Intervene. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/13/2014)
August 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 978 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #925 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/13/2014)
August 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 977 ORDER of USCA as to #972 Notice of Appeal filed by Brad Greenspan. Order to show cause docket fee due. (dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/11/2014)
August 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 975 NOTICE of Appearance by Andrew Michael Purdy (Purdy, Andrew) (Filed on 8/11/2014)
August 8, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 976 USCA Case Number 14-16528 Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for #972 Notice of Appeal filed by Brad Greenspan. The schedule is set as follows: Fee due from Appellant Brad Greenspan on 08/07/2014. Transcript ordered by 09/08/2014. Transcript due 10/06/2014. Appellant Brad Greenspan opening brief due 11/17/2014. Appellees Adobe Systems, Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corporation, Brandon Marshall and Daniel Stover answering brief due 12/17/2014. Appellant's optional reply brief is due 14 days after service of the answering brief. (Attachments: #1 USCA Time Schedule Order)(dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/8/2014)
August 8, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 974 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh denying #920 Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Approval of Settlements with Adobe, Apple, Google, and Intel. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/8/2014)
August 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 973 Mailed request for payment of docket fee to appellant (cc to USCA) (dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/7/2014)
August 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 972 NOTICE OF APPEAL to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals filed by Brad Greenspan. Appeal of Order on Motion to Intervene #954 (APPEAL FEE NOT PAID.) (dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/7/2014)
July 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 971 MOTION to Intervene filed by Christopher Donnelly. Responses due by 8/7/2014. Replies due by 8/14/2014. (dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/24/2014)
July 23, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 970 NOTICE of Withdrawal of Paula L. Blizzard as Counsel for Defendant Lucasfilm Ltd (Blizzard, Paula) (Filed on 7/23/2014) Modified text on 7/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 969 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), Kahn Ex. 2 filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 58, #2 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 63, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. K, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. L, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. M, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. S)(Related document(s) #956 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 968 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), Cisneros Exhibit YY filed byPixar. (Related document(s) #956 ) (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 967 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), Leamer Expert Report (October 2012) filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Leamer Expert Report (October 2013), #2 Exhibit Leamer Expert Report (December 2013))(Related document(s) #956 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 966 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), Cisneros Exhibit 711 filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #956 ) (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 965 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros FF, #2 Exhibit Cisneros PP, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2135, #4 Exhibit Kahn 7, #5 Exhibit Shaver J)(Related document(s) #956 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 964 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), of Filing Revised Redacted Documents in Response to Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Motion to Seal filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros KKK, #2 Exhibit Cisneros U, #3 Exhibit Cisneros V, #4 Exhibit Becker Report, #5 Exhibit Stiroh Report, #6 Exhibit Google MSJ, #7 Exhibit MSJ 32, #8 Exhibit MSJ 35, #9 Exhibit MSJ 36, #10 Exhibit Harvey 86)(Related document(s) #956 ) (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 963 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), of Filing Revised Redacted Documents in Response to Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Motion to Seal filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 472, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 608, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 614, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 626, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 1741)(Related document(s) #956 ) (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 962 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 416, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 Part 1 of 3, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 Part 2 of 3, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 Part 3 of 3, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2487, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2800, #7 Exhibit Cisneros A, #8 Exhibit Cisneros C, #9 Exhibit Cisneros D, #10 Exhibit Cisneros F, #11 Exhibit Harvey 41, #12 Exhibit Harvey 43)(Related document(s) #956 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 961 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), Harvey Ex. 143 - REDACTED filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 145 - REDACTED, #2 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 146 - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 150 - REDACTED, #4 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 153 - REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 398 - REDACTED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 399 - REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 400 - REDACTED)(Related document(s) #956 ) (Sergi, Gregory) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 960 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), of Filing Revised Redacted Documents in Response to Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Motion to Seal filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros R, #2 Exhibit Cisneros S, #3 Exhibit Cisneros T, #4 Exhibit Cisneros V, #5 Exhibit Cisneros W)(Related document(s) #956 ) (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 959 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), Expert Report of David Lewin - REDACTED filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #956 ) (Sergi, Gregory) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 958 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice (Other), Expert Reports of Manning, Hallock and Marx filed byAdobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Hallock (5-10-13), #2 Exhibit Hallock (10-27-13), #3 Exhibit Marx (12-11-13))(Related document(s) #956 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 957 EXHIBITS re #956 Notice of Filing Revised Redacted Documents in Response to #953 Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Motion to Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 608, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 614, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 674, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 1606, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 1609, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2426)(Related document(s) #956 ) (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 7/11/2014) Modified on 7/14/2014 linking entry to document #953 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 956 NOTICE of Filing of Revised Redacted Documents in Response to #953 Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Motion to Seal by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 7/11/2014) Modified on 7/14/2014 linking entry to document #953 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 8, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 955 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE re #952 Motion to Intervene, by Chris Eubank, Gary Nelson, Brad Greenspan (Elliott-Jones, Cathy) (Filed on 7/8/2014) Modified on 7/14/2014 linking entry to document #952 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 8, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 954 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh denying #952 Motion to Intervene. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/8/2014)
July 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 953 Order by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting #687 , #725 , #877 , #884 , #885 , #896 Motions to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document; granting in part and denying in part #773 , #790 Administrative Motions to File Under Seal. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/7/2014)
July 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 952 MOTION to Intervene for Recusal, 60(a), and FRCP 2521 filed by Chris Eubank. Motion Hearing set for 8/28/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 7/21/2014. Replies due by 7/28/2014. (Elliott-Jones, Cathy) (Filed on 7/7/2014)
July 2, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 951 Letter from Class Member Deepti Yadlapalli in Support of Proposed Settlement . (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/2/2014)
July 1, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 950 Letter from Class Member Paul Richards in Support of Proposed Settlement. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/1/2014)
June 30, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 949 Letter from class member Richard Kuo. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/30/2014)
June 25, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 948 Transcript of Proceedings held on 6-19-14, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580 email: Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. (Re #942 Transcript Order ) Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/23/2014. (Related documents(s) #942 ) (las, ) (Filed on 6/25/2014)
June 20, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 947 Amended Final Judgment (Intuit, Pixar, and Lucasfilm). Signed by Lucy H. Koh. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/20/2014)
June 20, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 946 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Intel Corp. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 6/20/2014)
June 20, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 945 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Google Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 6/20/2014)
June 20, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 944 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Michael Devine for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Kramer, Elizabeth) (Filed on 6/20/2014)
June 20, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 943 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Google Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 6/20/2014)
June 20, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 942 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 6/20/2014)
June 20, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 941 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Adobe Systems Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 6/20/2014)
June 20, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 939 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Apple Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 6/20/2014)
June 19, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 940 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 6/19/2014 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 6/19/2014) re #920 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement filed by Siddharth Hariharan, Mark Fichtner, Daniel Stover. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 6/19/2014)
June 12, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 938 REPLY (re #920 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement ) filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 6/12/2014)
June 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 937 Joint MOTION Requesting Entry of Amended Final Judgment filed by Intuit Inc.. Responses due by 6/23/2014. Replies due by 6/30/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Proposed Amended Final Judgment)(Kiernan, David) (Filed on 6/9/2014)
June 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 936 FINAL JUDGMENT (Defendants Lucasfilm, Pixar, and Intuit). Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/9/2014)
June 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 935 JOINT CONSENT MOTION Requesting that Judgment be Set Out in a Separate Document filed by Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. Responses due by 6/20/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Proposed Final Judgment)(Henn, Emily) (Filed on 6/6/2014) Modified text on 6/9/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 934 Memorandum in Opposition to ( #920 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement )filed by Michael Devine. (Girard, Daniel) (Filed on 6/5/2014) Modified text on 6/6/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 3, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 933 Notice of Mailing of Letter to Attorneys General Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1715 by Adobe Systems Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to Notice of Mailing of Letter to Attorneys General)(Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 6/3/2014) Modified text on 6/4/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 932 NOTICE of Appearance by Elizabeth Antonia Kramer (Kramer, Elizabeth) (Filed on 5/27/2014)
May 23, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 931 NOTICE of Appearance by Christina H Sharp (Sharp, Christina) (Filed on 5/23/2014)
May 23, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 930 NOTICE of Appearance by Daniel C. Girard (Girard, Daniel) (Filed on 5/23/2014)
May 23, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 929 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh denying without prejudice #559 , #565 , #830 , #855 Pretrial Motions; granting #738 , #789 , #843 , #867 , #878 , #879 Administrative Motions to File Under Seal (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2014)
May 23, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 928 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #919 Stipulation Regarding Substitution of Counsel for Michael Devine. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 927 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #925 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7)(Related document(s) #925 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 926 Proposed Order re #925 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 925 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 924 Declaration of Daniel Stover in Support of #920 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #920 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 923 Declaration of Siddharth Hariharan in Support of #920 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #920 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 922 Declaration of Mark Fichtner in Support of #920 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #920 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 921 Declaration of Kelly M. Dermody in Support of #920 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement filed byMark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6)(Related document(s) #920 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 920 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 6/19/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 6/5/2014. Replies due by 6/12/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 919 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER re #918 Notice of Substitution of Counsel, #917 Notice of Substitution of Counsel REGARDING SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL filed by Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 918 NOTICE of Substitution of Counsel by Kelly M. Dermody AND CONSENT ORDER (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 917 NOTICE of Substitution of Counsel by Kelly M. Dermody AND CONSENT ORDER (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/22/2014)
May 16, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 916 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #718 Motion for Attorneys' Fees, Reimbursement of Expenses, and Service Awards. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/16/2014)
May 16, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 915 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #809 Motion for Settlement. (Attachments: #1 List of Opt-Outs). (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/16/2014)
May 16, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 914 Letters received by the Court from individuals objecting to proposed Settlement. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/16/2014)
May 8, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 912 NOTICE OF IN CAMERA SUBMISSION OF DETAILED TIME RECORDS by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover re #718 MOTION for Attorney Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards, #809 MOTION for Final Approval of Class Action Settlements (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/8/2014) Modified text on 5/8/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 911 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Google Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 5/7/2014)
May 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 910 Transcript of Proceedings held on 5-1-14, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580 email: Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/5/2014. (Related documents(s) #908 ) (las, ) (Filed on 5/7/2014)
May 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 909 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Adobe Systems Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 5/6/2014)
May 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 908 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 5/5/2014)
May 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 907 Proposed Order re #809 MOTION for Settlement Notice of Motion and Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlements, #905 Proposed Order [CORRECTED] by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 5/5/2014)
May 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 906 Proposed Order re #718 MOTION for Attorney Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/5/2014)
May 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 905 Proposed Order re #809 MOTION for Final Approval of Class Action Settlements by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/5/2014) Modified text on 5/6/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 1, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 913 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 5/1/2014 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 5/1/2014) re #809 MOTION for Settlement; #718 MOTION for Attorney Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards filed by Michael Devine, Siddharth Hariharan, Mark Fichtner, Daniel Stover. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 5/1/2014)
April 25, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #904 Order (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/25/2014)
April 25, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re 904 Order (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/25/2014)
April 25, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 904 Order Vacating Pretrial and Trial Dates and Setting Preliminary Approval Hearing Date. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 4/25/2014. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/25/2014)
April 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 903 Declaration of Anne B. Shaver in Support of #902 Notice (Other), filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #902 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 4/24/2014)
April 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 902 NOTICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover Notice of Update Regarding Motions for Final Approval, Attorneys Fees and Costs, and Service Awards (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 4/24/2014)
April 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 901 Letter from Requesting Removal from Docket. (Pletcher, Anna) (Filed on 4/24/2014) Modified on 4/25/2014 Attorney Anna Pletcher and party United States of America were added to the docket on 4/26/2013 when counsel posted the Transcript Order (document no. 412) (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 900 Letter from Kelly Dermody, Lieff Cabraser; Robert Van Nest, Keker & Van Nest; Joseph Saveri, Saveri Law Firm to the Honorable Lucy H. Koh. (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 4/24/2014)
April 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 899 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike CORRECTION OF DOCKET [822-8] filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/22/2014)
April 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 898 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike CORRECTION OF DOCKET [821-10] filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/22/2014)
April 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 897 NOTICE of Errata and Errata to Certain Filings Related to Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike (ECF Nos. 838-2; 825-8; 821-10; 822-8; 807; and 860-1 by Google Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 112, #2 Exhibit Harvey 122)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/22/2014) Modified text on 4/23/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 896 MOTION to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/22/2014)
April 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 895 Proposed Order re #889 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motions in Limine by Google Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/21/2014)
April 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 894 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of #889 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motions in Limine filed by Google Inc.. (Related document(s) #889 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/21/2014) Modified text on 4/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 893 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #889 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motions in Limine filed by Apple Inc.. (Related document(s) #889 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/21/2014) Modified text on 4/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 892 Declaration of Gregory M. Sergi in Support of #889 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motions in Limine filed by Intel Corp.. (Related document(s) #889 ) (Sergi, Gregory) (Filed on 4/21/2014) Modified text on 4/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 891 Declaration of Roberta D. Tonelli in Support of #889 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motions in Limine filed by Intuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #889 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 4/21/2014) Modified text on 4/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 890 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #889 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motions in Limine filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #889 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/21/2014) Modified text on 4/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 889 Defendants' Joint Response to #879 Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motions in Limine filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Shaver Ex. 1- REDACTED, #2 Exhibit Shaver Ex. 1- SEALED, #3 Exhibit Plaintiffs' Opp'n to Motions In Limine- REDACTED, #4 Exhibit Plaintiffs' Opp'n to Motions In Limine- SEALED, #5 Exhibit Shaver Ex. 278- REDACTED, #6 Exhibit Shaver Ex. 278- SEALED, #7 Exhibit Shaver Ex. 279- REDACTED, #8 Exhibit Shaver Ex. 279- SEALED, #9 Exhibit Shaver Ex. 281A- REDACTED, #10 Exhibit Shaver Ex. 281A- SEALED, #11 Exhibit Shaver Ex. 80- REDACTED, #12 Exhibit Shaver Ex. 80- SEALED)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/21/2014) Modified on 4/22/2014 incorrect selected when posting document (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 888 EXHIBITS re #879 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal CORRECTION OF DOCKET # [879-15] filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #879 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 4/21/2014)
April 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 887 RESPONSE (re #830 MOTION Application of the Per Se Standard ) Defendants' Joint Response filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Sergi Declaration, #2 Exhibit 3-27-2014 Hearing, #3 Exhibit Leamer Depo Excerpts, #4 Exhibit Marx Depo Excerpts)(Sergi, Gregory) (Filed on 4/18/2014)
April 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 886 NOTICE of Errata and Errata to Revised Redacted Exhibit 3 to the Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification by Adobe Systems Inc. re #737 Notice of Filing Revised Redacted Documents in Response to Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Motions to Seal , (Attachments: #1 Errata)(Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/18/2014) Modified text on 4/18/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 885 MOTION to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document Re: ECF 737-9 filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/18/2014)
April 17, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 884 MOTION to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. Responses due by 5/1/2014. Replies due by 5/8/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 4/17/2014)
April 17, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 883 OPPOSITION to ( #855 Defendants' JOINT MOTION in Limine ) Correction of Docket #880 filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 4/17/2014) Modified text on 4/18/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 17, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 882 OPPOSITION to #855 Defendants' JOINT MOTIONS in Limine Correction of Docket # [879-2] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 4/17/2014) Modified on 4/18/2014 counsel posted document using incorrect event type and failed to linke entry to related document (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 17, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 881 Declaration of Anne B. Shaver in Support of #880 Opposition/Response to Motion Defendants' Joint Motions In Limine filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit 1-9, #3 Exhibit 10, #4 Exhibit 11, #5 Exhibit 12, #6 Exhibit 13-19, #7 Exhibit 80, #8 Exhibit 166, #9 Exhibit 278, #10 Exhibit 279, #11 Exhibit 281A, #12 Exhibit 449, #13 Exhibit 637, #14 Exhibit 648, #15 Exhibit 650, #16 Exhibit 653, #17 Exhibit 1871)(Related document(s) #880 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 4/17/2014)
April 17, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 880 ***PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED. PLEASE SEE DOCKET #883 . *** RESPONSE (re #855 MOTION in Limine Defendants' Joint Motions in Limine ) filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 4/17/2014) Modified on 4/18/2014 (ewn, COURT STAFF). (Main Document 880 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
April 17, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 879 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Anne B. Shaver, #2*** PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED. PLEASE SEE DOCKET #882 . *** , Exhibit Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motions In Limine - Redacted , #3 Exhibit Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motions In Limine, #4 Exhibit A, #5 Exhibit 1, #6 Exhibit 2, #7 Exhibit 3, #8 Exhibit 4, #9 Exhibit 5, #10 Exhibit 6, #11 Exhibit 7, #12 Exhibit 8, #13 Exhibit 9, #14 Exhibit 13, #15 Exhibit 14, #16 Exhibit 15, #17 Exhibit 16, #18 Exhibit 17, #19 Exhibit 18, #20 Exhibit 19, #21 Exhibit 80, #22 Exhibit 278 - Redacted, #23 Exhibit 278, #24 Exhibit 279 - Redacted, #25 Exhibit 279, #26 Exhibit 281A, #27 Exhibit 637, #28 Exhibit 1871)(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 4/17/2014) Modified on 4/18/2014 (ewn, COURT STAFF). (Attachment 2 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
April 15, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 878 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants Opposition to Plaintiffs Motion to Compel filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Unredacted Version of Defendants Opposition to Plaintiffs Motion to Compel, #2 Unredacted Version of Declaration of Cody S. Harris in Support of Defendants Opposition to Plaintiffs Motion to Compel, #3 Unredacted Version of Exhibit A to Decl. of Cody Harris ISO Defs. Oppo)(Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 4/15/2014)
April 15, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 877 MOTION to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 4/15/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 876 Proposed Order re #867 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Application of the Per Se Standard by Google Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 875 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of #867 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Application of the Per Se Standard filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #867 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 874 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #867 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Application of the Per Se Standard filed byApple Inc.. (Related document(s) #867 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 873 Declaration of Gregory M. Sergi in Support of #867 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Application of the Per Se Standard filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #867 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 872 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #867 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Application of the Per Se Standard filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #867 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 871 EXHIBITS re #867 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Application of the Per Se Standard filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 6 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 7 - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 7 - SEALED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 8 - REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 8 - SEALED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 10 - REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 10 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #867 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 870 Declaration of Roberta D. Tonelli in Support of #867 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Application of the Per Se Standard filed byIntuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #867 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 869 EXHIBITS re #867 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Application of the Per Se Standard filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 5 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #867 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 868 EXHIBITS re #867 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Application of the Per Se Standard filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2925 - SEALED (part 1 of 2), #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2925 - SEALED (part 2 of 2), #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2928- REDACTED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2928- SEALED)(Related document(s) #867 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 867 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Regarding Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Application of the Per Se Standard filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2924 - REDACTED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2924- SEALED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2926- REDACTED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2926- SEALED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2927- REDACTED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2927- SEALED)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 866 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike CORRECTION OF DOCKET # [825, #8] [825, #9] filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 19 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 865 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike CORRECTION OF DOCKET #841 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 864 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike CORRECTION OF DOCKET #807 [807, #1] filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 389 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 863 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike CORRECTION OF DOCKET # [838, #2], [838, #3] [838, #4] [838, #5] filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Stiroh Expert Report (Part 1) - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Stiroh Expert Report (Part 2) - Unredacted, #3 Exhibit Stiroh Expert Report (Part 3) - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 862 EXHIBITS re #843 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal CORRECTION OF DOCKET #860 , [860 #1] filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros JJJ - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #843 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 861 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike CORRECTION OF DOCKET # [828, #10], [828, #11] filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 86 (Part 2) - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Harvey 86 (Part 3) - Unredacted, #3 Exhibit Harvey 86 (Part 4) - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Harvey 86 (Part 5) - Unredacted, #5 Exhibit Harvey 86 (Part 6) - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Harvey 86 (Part 7) - Unredacted, #7 Exhibit Harvey 86 (Part 8) - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Harvey 86 (Part 9) - Unredacted, #9 Exhibit Harvey 86 (Part 10) - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014)
April 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 860 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 ***PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED.***Exhibit Cisneros JJJ - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros DDD - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros DDD - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/14/2014) (Attachment 1 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
April 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 859 Proposed Order re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike by Google Inc.. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 4/11/2014)
April 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 858 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. J - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. K - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. K - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. L - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. L - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. M - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. M - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. N - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. N - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. Q - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. Q - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. S - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. S - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. T - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. T - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/11/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 857 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byApple Inc.. (Related document(s) #790 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 856 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Leaner Report Oct. 2012 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Leamer Report Dec. 2012 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Leaner Report Dec 2012 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Leamer Report May 2013 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Leamer Report May 2013 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Leamer Report July 2013 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Leamer Report July 2013 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Leamer Report Oct. 2013 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Leamer Report Oct. 2013 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Leamer Report Dec 2013 - Readcted, #11 Exhibit Leamer Report Dec. 2013 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Leamer Depo. Ex 114)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 855 JOINT MOTIONS in Limine filed by Google Inc.. Responses due by 4/17/2014. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proposed Order)(Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 4/10/2014) Modified text on 4/18/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 854 Declaration of Gregory M. Sergi in Support of #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #790 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 853 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisernos 1856 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisernos 1858 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisernos 1858 (part 1 of 2) - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisernos 1858 (part 2 of 2) - Unredacted, #5 Exhibit Cisernos 1859 - Redacted, #6 Exhibit Cisernos 1859 - Unredacted, #7 Exhibit Cisernos 2249 - Redacted, #8 Exhibit Cisernos 2249 - Unredacted, #9 Exhibit Cisernos 2262 - Redacted, #10 Exhibit Cisernos 2262 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 852 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Talley Depo Excpt - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 851 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Murphy Supp Rpt (June 2013) - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 850 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 849 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 8 of 11) - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (9 of 11) - Unredacted, #3 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 10 of 11) - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 11 of 11) - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 848 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Murphy Rpt (Nov 2012) Pt 1 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Murphy Rpt (Nov 2012) Pt 2 - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Murphy Rpt (Nov 2012) Pt 2 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 847 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 2 of 11) - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 3 of 11) - Unredacted, #3 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 4 of 11) - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 5 of 11) - Unredacted, #5 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 6 of 11) - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 846 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Murphy Rpt (Nov 2013) - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 845 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisernos 268 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisernos 278 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisernos 278 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisernos 279 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisernos 279 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisernos 861 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisernos 861 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Cisernos 1130 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Cisernos 1130 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Cisernos 1376 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Cisernos 1376 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Cisernos 1854 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Cisernos 1854 - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 1 of 4) - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 2 of 4) - Redacted, #16 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 3 of 4) - Redacted, #17 Exhibit Cisernos 1855 (Part 4 of 4) - Redacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 844 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Lewin Rpt - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Lewin Supp Rpt - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Lewin Supp Rpt - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 843 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 7, #9 Exhibit 8, #10 Exhibit 182, #11 Exhibit 2924, #12 Exhibit 2925, #13 Exhibit 2926, #14 Exhibit 2927, #15 Exhibit 2928)(Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 842 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Snyder Rpt - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Talley Rpt - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Talley Rpt - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 841 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. NOTE: MAIN DOCUMENT FILE APPEARS TO BE CORRUPTED AND HAS BEEN LOCKED PENDING REVIEW. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Attachments - Unredacted (Part 1), #2 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Attachments - Unredacted (Part 2), #3 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Attachments - Unredacted (Part 3), #4 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Exhibits - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Exhibits - Unredacted (Part 1), #6 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Exhibits - Unredacted (Part 2), #7 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Exhibits - Unredacted (Part 3), #8 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Exhibits - Unredacted (Part 4))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014) Modified on 4/11/2014 (ewn, COURT STAFF).
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 840 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 68 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Harvey 69 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Harvey 69 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Harvey 70 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Harvey 70 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Harvey 71 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Harvey 71 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Harvey 72 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Harvey 72 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Harvey 73 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Harvey 73 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Harvey 74 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Harvey 74 - Unreacted, #14 Exhibit Harvey 75 - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Harvey 75 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 839 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Appendices - Redacted (Part 1), #3 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Appendices - Redacted (Part 2), #4 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Appendices - Unredacted (Part 1), #5 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Appendices - Unredacted (Part 2), #6 Exhibit Betsey Becker Expert Report Appendices - Unredacted (Part 3))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 838 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 1609 - Unredacted, #2***PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED.***, #3 Exhibit Lauren Stiroh Expert Report - Unredacted (Part 1), #4 Exhibit Lauren Stiroh Expert Report - Unredacted (Part 2), #5 Exhibit Lauren Stiroh Expert Report - Unredacted (Part 3))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014) Modified on 4/11/2014 (ewn, COURT STAFF). (Attachment 2 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 837 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 58 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Harvey 59 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Harvey 59 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Harvey 60 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Harvey 60 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Harvey 61 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Harvey 61 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Harvey 62 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Harvey 62 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Harvey 63 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Harvey 63 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Harvey 64 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Harvey 64 - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Harvey 66 - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Harvey 66 - Unredacted, #16 Exhibit Harvey 67 - Redacted, #17 Exhibit Harvey 67 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 836 Declaration of Roberta D. Tonelli in Support of #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #790 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 835 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 18 - Unredacted (Part 1), #2 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 18 - Unredacted (Part 2), #3 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 18 - Unredacted (Part 3), #4 Exhibit Harvey 87 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Harvey 87 - Unredacted (Part 1), #6 Exhibit Harvey 87 - Unredacted (Part 2), #7 Exhibit Harvey 87 - Unredacted (Part 3))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 834 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #790 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 833 Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of #830 MOTION Application of the Per Se Standard filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 *** PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED *** PLEASE SEE DOCKET #871 . *** , #11 Exhibit 166, #12 Exhibit 182, #13 Exhibit 223, #14 Exhibit 597, #15 Exhibit 1871, #16 Exhibit 2923, #17 Exhibit 2924, #18 Exhibit 2925, #19 Exhibit 2926, #20 Exhibit 2927, #21 Exhibit 2928)(Related document(s) #830 ) (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 4/10/2014) Modified on 4/15/2014 (ewn, COURT STAFF). (Attachment 10 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 832 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byAdobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Manning 10-28-13 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Marx 12-11-13 - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Marx 12-11-13 - SEALED, #4 Exhibit Hallock 5-10-13 - REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Hallock 5-10-13 - SEALED, #6 Exhibit Hallock 10-27-13 - REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Hallock 10-27-13 - SEALED, #8 Exhibit Hallock Dep 6-7-13 - REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Hallock Dep 6-7-13 - SEALED, #10 Exhibit Shaw Dep 7-3-13 - REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Shaw Dep 7-3-13 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 831 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 1741 - Unredacted (Part 1), #2 Exhibit Cisneros 1741 - Unredacted (Part 2), #3 Exhibit Harvey 91 - Redacted (Part 1), #4 Exhibit Harvey 91 - Redacted (Part 2), #5 Exhibit Harvey 91 - Redacted (Part 3), #6 Exhibit Harvey 91 - Redacted (Part 4), #7 Exhibit Harvey 91 - Redacted (Part 5), #8 Exhibit Harvey 91 - Unredacted, #9 Exhibit Harvey 92 - Redacted, #10 Exhibit Harvey 92 - Unredacted (Part 1), #11 Exhibit Harvey 92 - Unredacted (Part 2), #12 Exhibit Harvey 92 - Unredacted (Part 3), #13 Exhibit Harvey 93 - Redacted, #14 Exhibit Harvey 93 - Unredacted (Part 1), #15 Exhibit Harvey 93 - Unredacted (Part 2))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 830 MOTION Application of the Per Se Standard filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 5/8/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 4/18/2014. Replies due by 4/24/2014. (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 829 NOTICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover Regarding Motions in Limine (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 828 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 172 - Unredacted (Part 1), #2 Exhibit Cisneros 172 - Unredacted (Part 2), #3 Exhibit Cisneros 1606 - Redacted (Part 1), #4 Exhibit Cisneros 1606 - Redacted (Part 2), #5 Exhibit Cisneros 1606 - Unredacted (Part 1), #6 Exhibit Cisneros 1606 - Unredacted (Part 2), #7 Exhibit Cisneros 1606 - Unredacted (Part 3), #8 Exhibit Cisneros 1606 - Unredacted (Part 4), #9 Exhibit Harvey 86 - Redacted, #10 Exhibit Harvey 86 - Unredacted (Part 1), #11 Exhibit Harvey 86 - Unredacted (Part 2))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 827 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 94 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Harvey 96 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Harvey 96 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Harvey 98 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Harvey 98 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Harvey 101 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Harvey 101 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 826 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 124 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Evans 1 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Evans 1 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Kahn 3)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 825 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Google Motion for Summary Judgment Brief - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 15 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 15 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 16 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 16 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 17 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 17 - Unredacted, #8 ***PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED.*** Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 19 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 19 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 32 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 32 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 33, #13 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 34 - Redacted, #14 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 34 - Unredacted, #15 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 35 - Redacted, #16 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 35 - Unredacted, #17 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 36 - Redacted, #18 Exhibit Google MSJ Exhibit 36 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014) (Attachment 8 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 824 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike Plaintiffs' Consolidated Opposition to Defendants' Joint and Individual Motions for Summary Judgment [Redacted] filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #790 ) (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 823 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 129 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Harvey 130 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Harvey 130 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Harvey 131 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Harvey 131 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Harvey 132 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Harvey 132 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Harvey 133 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Harvey 133 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Harvey 134 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Harvey 134 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Harvey 135 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Harvey 135 - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Harvey 136 - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Harvey 136 - Unredacted, #16 Exhibit Harvey 137 - Redacted, #17 Exhibit Harvey 137 - Unredacted, #18 Exhibit Harvey 138 - Redacted, #19 Exhibit Harvey 138 - Unredacted, #20 Exhibit Harvey 139 - Redacted, #21 Exhibit Harvey 139 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 822 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 118 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Harvey 119 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Harvey 119 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Harvey 120 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Harvey 120 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Harvey 121 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Harvey 121 - Unredacted, #8***PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED.*** Exhibit Harvey 122 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Harvey 122 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Harvey 123 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Harvey 123 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Harvey 125 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Harvey 125 - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Harvey 126 - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Harvey 126 - Unredacted, #16 Exhibit Harvey 127 - Redacted, #17 Exhibit Harvey 127 - Unredacted, #18 Exhibit Harvey 128 - Redacted, #19 Exhibit Harvey 128 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014) (Attachment 8 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 821 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 103 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Harvey 106 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Harvey 106 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Harvey 108 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Harvey 108 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Harvey 110 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Harvey 110 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Harvey 111 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Harvey 111 - Unredacted, #10***PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED.*** Exhibit Harvey 112 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Harvey 112 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Harvey 113 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Harvey 113 - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Harvey 114 - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Harvey 114 - Unredacted, #16 Exhibit Harvey 115 - Redacted, #17 Exhibit Harvey 115 - Unredacted, #18 Exhibit Harvey 117 - Redacted, #19 Exhibit Harvey 117 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014) (Attachment 10 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 820 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 76 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Harvey 77 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Harvey 77 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Harvey 78 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Harvey 78 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Harvey 80 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Harvey 80 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Harvey 85 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Harvey 85 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Harvey 89 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Harvey 89 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Harvey 90 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Harvey 90 - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Harvey 95 - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Harvey 95 - Unredacted, #16 Exhibit Harvey 97 - Redacted, #17 Exhibit Harvey 97 - Unredacted, #18 Exhibit Harvey 100 - Redacted, #19 Exhibit Harvey 100 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 819 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros U - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros V - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros V - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros W - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros W - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros X - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros X - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros Z - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros Z - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Cisneros BB - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Cisneros BB - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Cisneros CC - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Cisneros CC - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Cisneros DD - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Cisneros DD - Unredacted, #16 Exhibit Cisneros JJ - Redacted, #17 Exhibit Cisneros JJ - Unredacted, #18 Exhibit Cisneros LL - Redacted, #19 Exhibit Cisneros LL - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 818 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 2422 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2425 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2425 - Unredacted (Part 1), #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2425 - Unredacted (Part 2), #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2425 - Unredacted (Part 3), #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2425 - Unredacted (Part 4), #7 Exhibit Cisneros 2425 - Unredacted (Part 5), #8 Exhibit Cisneros 2426 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 2426 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 817 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 1618 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 1625 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 1625 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 1629 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 1629 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 1753 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 1753 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 2362 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 2362 - Unredacted (Part 1), #10 Exhibit Cisneros 2362 - Unredacted (Part 2), #11 Exhibit Cisneros 2362 - Unredacted (Part 3), #12 Exhibit Cisneros 2362 - Unredacted (Part 4), #13 Exhibit Cisneros 2364 - Redacted, #14 Exhibit Cisneros 2364 - Unredacted (Part 1), #15 Exhibit Cisneros 2364 - Unredacted (Part 2), #16 Exhibit Cisneros 2364 - Unredacted (Part 3), #17 Exhibit Cisneros 2366 - Redacted, #18 Exhibit Cisneros 2366 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 816 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike [Ex. 1304 Redacted] filed byPixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1304 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 1306 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 1306 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 1307 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 1307 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 1308 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 1308 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 1309 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 1309 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 2356 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 2356 Unredacted (Part 1), #12 Exhibit 2356 Unredacted (Part 2), #13 Exhibit XX Redacted, #14 Exhibit XX Unredacted, #15 Exhibit YY Redacted, #16 Exhibit YY Unredacted, #17 Exhibit ZZ Redacted, #18 Exhibit ZZ Unredacted, #19 Exhibit AAA Redacted, #20 Exhibit AAA Unredacted, #21 Exhibit BBB Redacted, #22 Exhibit BBB Unredacted, #23 Exhibit CCC Redacted, #24 Exhibit CCC Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 815 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 157 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Harvey 159 - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Harvey 159 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 814 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 650 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 653 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 653 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 660 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 660 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 666 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 666 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 667 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 667 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 668 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Cisneros 668 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Cisneros 674 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Cisneros 674 - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Cisneros 872 - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Cisneros 872 - Unredacted, #16 Exhibit Cisneros 1600 - Redacted, #17 Exhibit Cisneros 1600 - Unredacted, #18 Exhibit Cisneros 1613 - Redacted, #19 Exhibit Cisneros 1613 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 813 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 7 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 8 - SEALED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2740 - REDACTED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2740 part 1 - SEALED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2740 part 2 - SEALED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2740 part 3 - SEALED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 2743 - REDACTED, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 2743 - SEALED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 2744 - REDACTED, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 2744 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 812 Proposed Order re #809 MOTION for Settlement Notice of Motion and Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlements by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 811 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 34 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Harvey 35 - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Harvey 35 - SEALED, #4 Exhibit Harvey 37 - REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Harvey 37 - SEALED, #6 Exhibit Harvey 41 - REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Harvey 41 - SEALED, #8 Exhibit Harvey 42 - REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Harvey 42 - SEALED, #10 Exhibit Harvey 43 - REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Harvey 43 - SEALED, #12 Exhibit Harvey 44 - REDACTED, #13 Exhibit Harvey 44 - SEALED, #14 Exhibit Harvey 45 - REDACTED, #15 Exhibit Harvey 45 - SEALED, #16 Exhibit Harvey 47 - REDACTED, #17 Exhibit Harvey 47 - SEALED, #18 Exhibit Harvey 48 - REDACTED, #19 Exhibit Harvey 48 - SEALED, #20 Exhibit Harvey 49 - REDACTED, #21 Exhibit Harvey 49 - SEALED, #22 Exhibit Harvey 50 - REDACTED, #23 Exhibit Harvey 50 - SEALED, #24 Exhibit Harvey 51 - REDACTED, #25 Exhibit Harvey 51 - SEALED, #26 Exhibit Harvey 52 - REDACTED, #27 Exhibit Harvey 52 - SEALED, #28 Exhibit Harvey 53 - REDACTED, #29 Exhibit Harvey 53 - SEALED, #30 Exhibit Harvey 54 - REDACTED, #31 Exhibit Harvey 54 - SEALED Part 1, #32 Exhibit Harvey 54 - SEALED Part 2, #33 Exhibit Harvey 189 REDACTED, #34 Exhibit Harvey 189 SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 810 Declaration of Anne Shaver in Support of #809 MOTION for Settlement Notice of Motion and Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlements filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5)(Related document(s) #809 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 809 MOTION for Final Approval of Class Action Settlements; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 5/1/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 4/24/2014. Replies due by 5/1/2014. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 4/10/2014) Modified text on 5/6/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 808 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 2738 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 1 - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 2 - REDACTED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 1 - SEALED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 2 - SEALED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 3 - SEALED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 4 - SEALED, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 5 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 807 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 ***PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED.***Exhibit Cisneros 389 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 471 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 471 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 472 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 472 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 608 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 608 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 614 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 614 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 616 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Cisneros 616 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Cisneros 621 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Cisneros 621 - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Cisneros 626 - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Cisneros 626 - Unredacted, #16 Exhibit Cisneros 635 - Redacted, #17 Exhibit Cisneros 635 - Unredacted, #18 Exhibit Cisneros 648 - Redacted, #19 Exhibit Cisneros 648 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014) (Attachment 1 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 806 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike [Ex. 129 Redacted] filed byPixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 129 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 134 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 134 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 172 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 172 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 177 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 177 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 178 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 178 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 179 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 179 Unredacted, #12 Exhibit 180 Redacted, #13 Exhibit 180 Unredacted, #14 Exhibit 420 Redacted, #15 Exhibit 420 Unredacted, #16 Exhibit 421 Redacted, #17 Exhibit 421 Unredacted, #18 Exhibit 424 Redacted, #19 Exhibit 424 Unredacted, #20 Exhibit 947 Redacted, #21 Exhibit 947 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 805 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 173 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 175 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros175 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 176 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 176 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 190 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 190 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 192 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 192 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 200 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Cisneros 200 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Cisneros 201 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Cisneros 201 - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Cisneros 204 - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Cisneros 204 - Unredacted, #16 Exhibit Cisneros 278 - Redacted, #17 Exhibit Cisneros 278 - Unredacted, #18 Exhibit Cisneros 279 - Redacted, #19 Exhibit Cisneros 279 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 804 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 2487 - SEALED Part 1, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2487 - SEALED Part 2, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2501 - REDACTED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2501 - SEALED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2800 - REDACTED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2800 - SEALED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 2812 - REDACTED, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 2812 - SEALED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 2823 - REDACTED, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 2823 - SEALED, #11 Exhibit Cisneros 2825 - REDACTED, #12 Exhibit Cisneros 2825 - SEALED, #13 Exhibit Cisneros A - REDACTED, #14 Exhibit Cisneros A - SEALED, #15 Exhibit Cisneros B - REDACTED, #16 Exhibit Cisneros B - SEALED, #17 Exhibit Cisneros C - REDACTED, #18 Exhibit Cisneros C - SEALED, #19 Exhibit Cisneros D - REDACTED, #20 Exhibit Cisneros D - SEALED, #21 Exhibit Cisneros F - REDACTED, #22 Exhibit Cisneros F - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 803 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 2362 part 1 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2362 part 2 - SEALED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2362 part 3 - SEALED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2364 - REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2364 part 1 - SEALED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2364 part 2 - SEALED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 2364 part 3 - SEALED, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 2364 part 4 - SEALED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 2366 - REDACTED, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 2366 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 802 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike [Ex. 945 Redacted] filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 945 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 959 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 959 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 2084 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 2084 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 2088 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 2088 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 2092 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 2092 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 2094 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 2094 Unredacted, #12 Exhibit 2096 Redacted, #13 Exhibit 2096 Unredacted, #14 Exhibit 2100 Redacted, #15 Exhibit 2100 Unredacted, #16 Exhibit RR Redacted, #17 Exhibit RR Unredacted, #18 Exhibit SS Redacted, #19 Exhibit SS Unredacted, #20 Exhibit TT Redacted, #21 Exhibit TT Unredacted, #22 Exhibit UU Redacted, #23 Exhibit UU Unredacted, #24 Exhibit VV Redacted, #25 Exhibit VV Unredacted, #26 Exhibit WW Redacted, #27 Exhibit WW Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 801 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 - REDACTED Part 2, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 - REDACTED Part 3, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 - SEALED Part 1, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 - SEALED Part 2, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 - SEALED Part 3, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 - SEALED Part 4)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 800 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 1107 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 1760 - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 1760 - SEALED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 1761 - REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 1761 - SEALED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2135 - REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 2135 Part 1 of 2 - SEALED, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 2135 Part 2 of 2 - SEALED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 2140 - REDACTED, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 2140 - SEALED, #11 Exhibit Cisneros 2142 - REDACTED, #12 Exhibit Cisneros 2142 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 799 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 210 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 211 - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 211 - SEALED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 212 - REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 212 - SEALED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 214 - REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 214 - SEALED, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 216 - REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 216 - SEALED, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 300 - REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Cisneros 300 - SEALED, #12 Exhibit Cisneros 303 - REDACTED, #13 Exhibit Cisneros 303 - SEALED, #14 Exhibit Cisneros 416 - REDACTED, #15 Exhibit Cisneros 416 - SEALED, #16 Exhibit Cisneros 1158 - REDACTED, #17 Exhibit Cisneros 1158 - SEALED, #18 Exhibit Cisneros 1159 - REDACTED, #19 Exhibit Cisneros 1159 - SEALED, #20 Exhibit Cisneros 1160 - REDACTED, #21 Exhibit Cisneros 1160 - SEALED, #22 Exhibit Cisneros 1250 - REDACTED, #23 Exhibit Cisneros 1250 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 798 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2043 (UNREDACTED), #2 Exhibit 2356 (REDACTED), #3 Exhibit 2356, PT. 1 (UNREDACTED), #4 Exhibit 2356, PT. 2 (UNREDACTED), #5 Exhibit 2356, PT. 3 (UNREDACTED), #6 Exhibit HH (REDACTED), #7 Exhibit HH (UNREDACTED))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 797 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros MM - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros PP - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros PP - SEALED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros QQ - REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros QQ - SEALED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 912 - REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 912 - SEALED, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 914 - REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 914 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 796 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 2030, PT. 3 (UNREDACTED), #2 2030, PT. 4 (REDACTED), #3 2030, PT. 4 (UNREDACTED), #4 2031 (REDACTED), #5 2031 (UNREDACTED), #6 2033 (REDACTED), #7 2033 (UNREDACTED), #8 2035 (REDACTED), #9 2035 (UNREDACTED))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 795 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 399 (UNREDACTED), #2 400 (REDACTED), #3 400 (UNREDACTED), #4 478 (REDACTED), #5 478 (UNREDACTED), #6 781 (REDACTED), #7 781 (UNREDACTED), #8 2030, PT. 1 (REDACTED), #9 2030, PT. 1 (UNREDACTED), #10 2030, PT. 2 (REDACTED), #11 2030, PT. 2 (UNREDACTED))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 794 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike [Ex. 8 Redacted] filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 8 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 163 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 163 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 170 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 170 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 171 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 171 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 359 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 359 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 360 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 360 Unredacted, #12 Exhibit 690 Redacted, #13 Exhibit 690 Unredacted, #14 Exhibit 710 Redacted, #15 Exhibit 710 Unredacted, #16 Exhibit 711 Redacted, #17 Exhibit 711 Unredacted (Part 1), #18 Exhibit 711 Unredacted (Part 2), #19 Exhibit 715 Redacted, #20 Exhibit 715 Unredacted, #21 Exhibit 727 Redacted, #22 Exhibit 727 Unredacted, #23 Exhibit 728 Redacted, #24 Exhibit 728 Unredacted, #25 Exhibit 729 Redacted, #26 Exhibit 729 Unredacted, #27 Exhibit 730 Redacted, #28 Exhibit 730 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #790 ) (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 4/10/2014) Modified on 4/10/2014 (ewn, COURT STAFF). Modified on 4/10/2014 (ewn, COURT STAFF).
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 793 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 150 (UNREDACTED), #2 Exhibit 152 (REDACTED), #3 Exhibit 152 (UNREDACTED), #4 Exhibit 153 (REDACTED), #5 Exhibit 153 (UNREDACTED), #6 Exhibit 391 (REDACTED), #7 Exhibit 391 (UNREDACTED), #8 Exhibit 393 (REDACTED), #9 Exhibit 393 (UNREDACTED), #10 Exhibit 398 (REDACTED), #11 Exhibit 398 (UNREDACTED))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 792 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 148, PT. 2 (REDACTED), #2 Exhibit 148, PT. 1 (UNREDACTED), #3 Exhibit 148, PT. 2 (UNREDACTED), #4 Exhibit 148, PT. 3 (UNREDACTED), #5 Exhibit 148, PT. 4 (UNREDACTED), #6 Exhibit 148, PT. 5 (UNREDACTED), #7 Exhibit 148, PT. 6 (UNREDACTED), #8 Exhibit 148, PT. 7 (UNREDACTED), #9 Exhibit 148, PT. 8 (UNREDACTED), #10 Exhibit 149 (REDACTED), #11 Exhibit 149 (UNREDACTED))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 791 EXHIBITS re #790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 140 (UNREDACTED), #2 Exhibit 142 (REDACTED), #3 Exhibit 142, PT. 1 (UNREDACTED), #4 Exhibit 142, PT. 2 (UNREDACTED), #5 Exhibit 143 (REDACTED), #6 Exhibit 143 (UNREDACTED), #7 Exhibit 145 (REDACTED), #8 Exhibit 145 (UNREDACTED), #9 Exhibit 146 (REDACTED), #10 Exhibit 146 (UNREDACTED))(Related document(s) #790 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 790 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Joint Renewed Motion to Seal Materials in Connection with Summary Judgment and Daubert Motions and Defendants' Motion to Strike filed by Google Inc.. (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 4/10/2014)
April 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 789 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros, #2 Motion to Compel, #3 Declaration of Kelly M. Dermody, #4 Proposed Order Granting Motion to Compel)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 4/9/2014)
April 4, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 788 ORDER by Judge Lucy Koh denying #556 Motion for Summary Judgment; granting in part and denying in part #557 Motion to Strike; denying #570 Motion to Exclude. (lhklc2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/4/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 787 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 3/27/2014 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 3/28/2014), Motion Hearing held on 3/27/2014 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 3/28/2014). (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 786 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byApple Inc.. (Related document(s) #773 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 785 EXHIBITS re #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Brown Ex 9 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Kahn Ex 8 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Kahn Ex 8 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Shaver Ex F - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Shaver Ex F - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #773 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 784 Proposed Order re #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification by Google Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 783 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #773 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 782 EXHIBITS re #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Brown Ex 8 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex FF - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex FF - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex II - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex II - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Ex JJ - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros Ex JJ - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Kahn Ex 7 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Kahn Ex 7 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Shaver Ex J - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Shaver Ex J - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #773 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 781 EXHIBITS re #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1130 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1376 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1376 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Kahn Ex 2 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Kahn Ex 2 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Kahn Ex 13 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Kahn Ex 13 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #773 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 780 EXHIBITS re #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex V - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex W - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex W - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex X - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex X - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Ex EE - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros Ex EE - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Harvey Ex 14 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Harvey Ex 14 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Shaver Ex E - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Shaver Ex E - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Shaver Ex K - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Shaver Ex K - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Shaver Ex O - Redacted, #15 Exhibit Shaver Ex O - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #773 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 779 EXHIBITS re #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex R - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex S - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex S - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex T - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex T - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #773 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 778 EXHIBITS re #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex Q - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #773 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 777 Declaration of Roberta D. Tonelli in Support of #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byIntuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #773 ) (Tonelli, Roberta) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 776 EXHIBITS re #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1613 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1618 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1618 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1625 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1625 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1629 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1629 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1753 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1753 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 2422 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 2422 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 2425 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 2425 - Part 1 - Unredacted, #14 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 2425 - Part 2 - Unredacted, #15 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 2425 - Part 3 - Unredacted, #16 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 2425 - Part 4 - Unredacted, #17 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 2425 - Part 5 - Unredacted, #18 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 2426 - Redacted, #19 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 2426 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #773 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 775 EXHIBITS re #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Exhibit 1606 - Part 1 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Exhibit 1606 - Part 2 - Unredacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Exhibit 1606 - Part 3 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Exhibit 1606 - Part 4 - Unredacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Exhibit 1606 - Part 5 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Exhibit 1606 - Part 6 - Unredacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros Exhibit 1609 - Redacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros Exhibit 1609 - Part 1 - Unredacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros Exhibit 1609 - Part 2 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #773 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 774 EXHIBITS re #773 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 616 - Unredacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 621 - Redacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 621 - Unredacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 660 - Redacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 660 - Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 666 - Redacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 666 - Unredacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 668 - Redacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 668 - Unredacted, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 674 - Redacted, #11 Exhibit Cisernos 674 - Unredacted, #12 Exhibit Cisneros 1600 - Redacted, #13 Exhibit Cisneros 1600 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #773 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 773 Renewed Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 173 - Redacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 173 - Unredacted, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 176 - Redacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 176 - Unredacted, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 472 - Redacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 472 - Unredacted, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 608 - Redacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 608 - Unredacted, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 614 - Redacted, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 614 - Unredacted)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/28/2014) Modified text on 3/31/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 772 Declaration of Ronald A. Bertino, for Heffler Claims Group, Appointed Claims Administrator by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 3/28/2014) Modified text on 3/31/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 771 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh denying #554 , #560 , #561 , #564 Motions for Summary Judgment (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 770 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Apple Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Rothstein, James) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 769 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 3/28/2014)
March 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 768 Case Management Order by Judge Lucy H. Koh; denying without prejudice #567 , #577 , #599 , #608 , #708 Administrative Motions to File Under Seal. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/27/2014)
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 765 Declaration of Non-Party Sheryl Sandberg in Support of #455 Reply to Opposition/Response, to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #455 ) (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014)
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 764 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,, Declaration of Anne B. Shaver in Support of Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of #418 Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit D, #3 Exhibit G, #4 Exhibit H, #5 Exhibit I, #6 Exhibit L, #7 Exhibit N, #8 Exhibit 1304, #9 Exhibit 2738, #10 Exhibit 2739 part 1, #11 Exhibit 2739 part 2, #12 Exhibit 2739 part 3, #13 Exhibit 2739 part 4)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 linking entry to document #418 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 763 REDACTION to Declaration of Anne B. Shaver in Support of Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of #418 Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit L, #6 Exhibit M)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 linking entry to document #418 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 762 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,, Rebuttal Supplemental Expert Report of Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014)
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 761 REDACTION Rebuttal Supplemental Expert Report of Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014)
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 760 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,, Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of #418 Supplemental Class Certification Motion by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 linking entry to document #418 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 759 REDACTION Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of #418 Supplemental Class Certification Motion by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 entry linked to document #418 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 758 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,, Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [ECF No. 418-2] by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 14, #14 Exhibit 15, #15 Exhibit 16, #16 Exhibit 17)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 doc. #418 linked (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 757 REDACTION Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [418-2] by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 7)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 linking entry to document #418 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 756 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,, Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [ECF No. 418-2] by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2739 part 1, #2 Exhibit 2739 part 2, #3 Exhibit 2739 part 3, #4 Exhibit 2739 part 4, #5 Exhibit 2740 part 1, #6 Exhibit 2740 part 2, #7 Exhibit 2743, #8 Exhibit 2744, #9 Exhibit 2800)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 doc. #418 linked (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 755 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,, Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [418-2] by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2486 part 1, #2 Exhibit 2486 part 2, #3 Exhibit 2486 part 3, #4 Exhibit 2486 part 4, #5 Exhibit 2487, #6 Exhibit 2501, #7 Exhibit 2738)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 doc. #418 linked (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 754 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,, Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [ECF No. 418-2] by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2002, #2 Exhibit 2030 part 1, #3 Exhibit 2030 part 2, #4 Exhibit 2033, #5 Exhibit 2035, #6 Exhibit 2084, #7 Exhibit 2088, #8 Exhibit 2094, #9 Exhibit 2096, #10 Exhibit 2100, #11 Exhibit 2135 part 1, #12 Exhibit 2135 part 2, #13 Exhibit 2140, #14 Exhibit 2142, #15 Exhibit 2425, #16 Exhibit 2426)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 doc. #418 linked (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 753 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,, Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [ECF No. 418-2] by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1613, #2 Exhibit 1618, #3 Exhibit 1625, #4 Exhibit 1629, #5 Exhibit 1753, #6 Exhibit 1760, #7 Exhibit 1761, #8 Exhibit 1854, #9 Exhibit 1855 part 1, #10 Exhibit 1855 part 2, #11 Exhibit 1855 part 3, #12 Exhibit 1856, #13 Exhibit 1858, #14 Exhibit 1859)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 linking entry to document #418 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 752 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,, Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification [ECF No. 418-2] by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1600, #2 Exhibit 1606 part 1, #3 Exhibit 1606 part 2, #4 Exhibit 1606 part 3, #5 Exhibit 1606 part 4, #6 Exhibit 1606 part 5, #7 Exhibit 1609)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 doc. #418 linked (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 751 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,, Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [ECF No. 418-2] by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 912, #2 Exhibit 914, #3 Exhibit 944, #4 Exhibit 945, #5 Exhibit 959, #6 Exhibit 1107, #7 Exhibit 1130, #8 Exhibit 1158, #9 Exhibit 1159, #10 Exhibit 1160, #11 Exhibit 1250, #12 Exhibit 1305, #13 Exhibit 1306, #14 Exhibit 1308 part 1, #15 Exhibit 1308 part 2, #16 Exhibit 1309)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 doc. #418 linked (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 750 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal, Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [ECF No. 418-2] by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 8, #2 Exhibit 119, #3 Exhibit 129, #4 Exhibit 137, #5 Exhibit 173, #6 Exhibit 210, #7 Exhibit 216, #8 Exhibit 268, #9 Exhibit 278, #10 Exhibit 279, #11 Exhibit 300, #12 Exhibit 359, #13 Exhibit 360, #14 Exhibit 391, #15 Exhibit 392, #16 Exhibit 393, #17 Exhibit 397, #18 Exhibit 398, #19 Exhibit 399, #20 Exhibit 400, #21 Exhibit 416, #22 Exhibit 420, #23 Exhibit 424, #24 Exhibit 478, #25 Exhibit 616, #26 Exhibit 690 part 1, #27 Exhibit 690 part 2, #28 Exhibit 690 part 3, #29 Exhibit 690 part 4, #30 Exhibit 710, #31 Exhibit 715, #32 Exhibit 727, #33 Exhibit 728, #34 Exhibit 729, #35 Exhibit 730, #36 Exhibit 781)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 entry linked to document #418 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 749 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,, Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [ECF No. 418-2] by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit F, #6 Exhibit I, #7 Exhibit J, #8 Exhibit K, #9 Exhibit L, #10 Exhibit M, #11 Exhibit N, #12 Exhibit O, #13 Exhibit P, #14 Exhibit Y, #15 Exhibit Z, #16 Exhibit BB, #17 Exhibit CC, #18 Exhibit DD, #19 Exhibit EE, #20 Exhibit KK, #21 Exhibit LL, #22 Exhibit MM, #23 Exhibit NN, #24 Exhibit OO, #25 Exhibit PP, #26 Exhibit QQ, #27 Exhibit RR, #28 Exhibit SS, #29 Exhibit TT, #30 Exhibit UU, #31 Exhibit VV)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014)
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 748 OPPOSITION to ( #738 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO STRIKE THE CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT COMMUNICATION DISCLOSED IN THE JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, FILE UNDER SEAL ) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified text on 3/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 747 REDACTION to Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification [ECF 418-2] by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1855 part 1 [Redacted], #2 Exhibit 1855 part 2 [Redacted], #3 Exhibit 1855 part 3 [Redacted], #4 Exhibit 1855 part 4 [Redacted], #5 Exhibit 1855 part 5 [Redacted], #6 Exhibit 1855 part 6 [Redacted], #7 Exhibit 1855 part 7 [Redacted], #8 Exhibit 1855 part 8 [Redacted], #9 Exhibit 1855 part 9 [Redacted], #10 Exhibit 1855 part 10 [Redacted], #11 Exhibit 1855 part 11 [Redacted], #12 Exhibit 1855 part 12 [Redacted], #13 Exhibit 1858 [Redacted], #14 Exhibit 1868, #15 Exhibit 1870, #16 Exhibit 1871, #17 Exhibit 1872, #18 Exhibit 2735, #19 Exhibit 2800 [Redacted])(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 linking entry to document #418 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 746 REDACTION to Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [ECF No. 418-2] by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 119, #2 Exhibit 175, #3 Exhibit 186, #4 Exhibit 192, #5 Exhibit 199, #6 Exhibit 202, #7 Exhibit 216 [Redacted], #8 Exhibit 223, #9 Exhibit 250, #10 Exhibit 295, #11 Exhibit 331, #12 Exhibit 369, #13 Exhibit 458, #14 Exhibit 557, #15 Exhibit 563, #16 Exhibit 597, #17 Exhibit 648, #18 Exhibit 650, #19 Exhibit 653, #20 Exhibit 711 part 1, #21 Exhibit 711 part 2, #22 Exhibit 711 part 3, #23 Exhibit 711 part 4, #24 Exhibit 711 part 5, #25 Exhibit 716, #26 Exhibit 872, #27 Exhibit 959, #28 Exhibit 1305)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified on 3/24/2014 linking entry to document #418(dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 745 REDACTION to Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification [ECF No. 418-2] by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit C [Redacted], #2 Exhibit E, #3 Exhibit F [Redacted], #4 Exhibit H, #5 Exhibit K [Redacted], #6 Exhibit L [Redacted], #7 Exhibit M [Redacted], #8 Exhibit N [Redacted], #9 Exhibit P [Redacted], #10 Exhibit U, #11 Exhibit Y [Redacted], #12 Exhibit AA, #13 Exhibit BB [Redacted], #14 Exhibit DD [Redacted], #15 Exhibit FF, #16 Exhibit GG, #17 Exhibit HH)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified text on 3/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 744 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,, Supplemental Expert Report of Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014)
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 743 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,, Expert Witness Report of Kevin F. Hallock by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014)
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 742 REDACTION Expert Witness Report of Kevin F. Hallock by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014)
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 741 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal, Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion and Brief in Support of Class Certification (ECF No. #418 ) by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified text on 3/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 740 REDACTION to #418 Plaintiff's Supplemental Motion and Brief in Support of Class Certification by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified text on 3/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 739 Notice of Compliance with the Court's March 14, 2014 Order Re Motions to Seal by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Daniel Stover re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal, (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified text on 3/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 738 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO STRIKE THE CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT COMMUNICATION DISCLOSED IN THE JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, FILE UNDER SEAL filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proposed Order, #3 Unredacted Version of CMC Statement)(Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 3/21/2014)
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 737 Notice of Filing Revised Redacted Documents in Response to Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Motions to Seal by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Defendants' Opp to Supp Class Cert (REDACTED), #2 Exhibit Shaw Expert Report (REDACTED), #3 Exhibit Brown Decl. Exh. 2, #4 Exhibit Brown Decl. Exh. 3 (REDACTED), #5 Exhibit Brown Decl. Exh. 4, #6 Exhibit Brown Decl. Exh. 5, #7 Exhibit Brown Decl. Exh. 6, #8 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exh. 1 (REDACTED), #9***PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED.*** Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exh. 3 (REDACTED), #10 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exh. 4 (REDACTED), #11 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exh. 6, #12 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exh. 9 (REDACTED), #13 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exh. 14, #14 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exh. 15, #15 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exh. 23)(Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 3/21/2014) Modified text on 3/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF). (Attachment 9 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 736 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #730 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,, Defendants' Opposition to Supplemental Class Certification Motion (SEALED) by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Shaw Expert Report (SEALED), #2 Exhibit Murphy Expert Report (SEALED), #3 Exhibit Brown Decl. Exh. 3 (SEALED), #4 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exhibit 1 (SEALED), #5 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exhibit 3 (SEALED), #6 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exhibit 4 (SEALED), #7 Exhibit Kahn Decl. Exhibit 9 (SEALED))(Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 3/21/2014)
March 20, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 735 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT [REDACTED] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 3/20/2014) Modified text on 3/21/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 19, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 734 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #732 Motion for Pro Hac Vice.(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/19/2014)
March 19, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 733 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #731 Motion for Pro Hac Vice.(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/19/2014)
March 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 732 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8460681.) filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 3/18/2014)
March 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 731 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8460621.) filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 3/18/2014)
March 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 730 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting in part and denying in part (417) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part (424) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part (450) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part (454) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK (lhklc4, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/14/2014)
March 11, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 729 NOTICE of Appearance by Cody Shawn Harris (Harris, Cody) (Filed on 3/11/2014)
March 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Deadlines as to 570 JOINT MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE EXPERT TESTIMONY OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D., 556 Joint MOTION for Summary Judgment Based on Motion to Exclude Testimony of Dr. Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D., 559 JOINT MOTION to Exclude the Expert Testimony of Matthew Marx, 557 JOINT MOTION to Strike the Improper Rebuttal Testimony in Dr. Leamer's Reply Expert Report or, in the Alternative, MOTION for Leave to Submit a Reply Report of Dr. Stiroh, 565 MOTION Exclude Expert Testimony Proffered by Defendants [REDACTED]. Motion Hearing set for 3/27/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/10/2014)
March 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re 728 Order Further Case Management Conference set for 3/27/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/10/2014)
March 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Deadlines as to #570 JOINT MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE EXPERT TESTIMONY OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D., #556 Joint MOTION for Summary Judgment Based on Motion to Exclude Testimony of Dr. Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D., #559 JOINT MOTION to Exclude the Expert Testimony of Matthew Marx, #557 JOINT MOTION to Strike the Improper Rebuttal Testimony in Dr. Leamer's Reply Expert Report or, in the Alternative, MOTION for Leave to Submit a Reply Report of Dr. Stiroh, #565 MOTION Exclude Expert Testimony Proffered by Defendants [REDACTED]. Motion Hearing set for 3/27/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/10/2014)
March 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #728 Order Further Case Management Conference set for 3/27/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/10/2014)
March 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 728 Order RE: Distribution of Argument on Pending Motions and Reminder Class Notice. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 3/10/2014. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/10/2014)
March 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 727 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 3/6/2014)
March 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 726 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #718 MOTION for Attorney Fees Notice Of Motion And Motion For Attorneys' Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards Correction of Docket Nos. #724 [724-1] filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Related document(s) #718 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 3/6/2014)
March 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 725 MOTION to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 3/6/2014)
March 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 724 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #718 MOTION for Attorney Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. *** PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED *** (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Related document(s) #718 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 3/5/2014) Modified on 3/6/2014 (wv, COURT STAFF). Modified text on 3/6/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF). (Main Document 724 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF). (Attachment 1 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF).
March 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 723 Declaration of Daniel Stover in Support of #718 MOTION for Attorney Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #718 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 3/5/2014) Modified text on 3/6/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 722 Declaration of Siddharth Hariharan in Support of #718 MOTION for Attorney Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #718 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 3/5/2014) Modified text on 3/6/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 721 Declaration of Mark Fichtner in Support of #718 MOTION for Attorney Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #718 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 3/5/2014) Modified text on 3/6/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 720 Declaration of Michael Devine in Support of #718 MOTION for Attorney Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #718 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 3/5/2014) Modified text on 3/6/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 719 Declaration of Kelly M. Dermody in Support of #718 MOTION for Attorney Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14, #15 Exhibit 15, #16 Exhibit 16, #17 Exhibit 17)(Related document(s) #718 ) (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 3/5/2014) Modified text on 3/6/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 718 MOTION for Attorney Fees, Reimbursement Of Expenses, And Incentive Awards filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 5/1/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 3/19/2014. Replies due by 3/26/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 3/5/2014) Modified text on 3/6/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 717 NOTICE of Appearance by Bethany Woodard Kristovich (Kristovich, Bethany) (Filed on 2/28/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 716 Omnibus Declaration of Christina J. Brown in Support of #715 Reply re Joint Motion to Exclude the Expert Testimony of Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. , #714 Reply to Joint Motion to Strike the Improper Rebuttal Testimony in Dr. Leamer's Reply Expert Report or, in the Alternative, MOTION for Leave to Submit a Reply Report of Dr. Stiroh filed by Apple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Exhibit L, #13 Exhibit M, #14 Exhibit N, #15 Exhibit O, #16 Exhibit P, #17 Exhibit Q)(Related document(s) #715 , #714 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/27/2014) Modified text on 2/28/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 715 REPLY (re #570 JOINT MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE EXPERT TESTIMONY OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D. ) filed byApple Inc.. (Riley, George) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 714 REPLY (re #557 JOINT MOTION to Strike the Improper Rebuttal Testimony in Dr. Leamer's Reply Expert Report or, in the Alternative, MOTION for Leave to Submit a Reply Report of Dr. Stiroh ) filed byApple Inc.. (Riley, George) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 713 REPLY (re #560 MOTION for Summary Judgment ) filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Mittelstaedt, Robert) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 712 JOINT REPLY BRIEF in Support of ( #556 Joint MOTION for Summary Judgment Based on Motion to Exclude Testimony of Dr. Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. ) and Joint Objections to Plaintiffs' Evidence Submitted in Oppositon to Summary Judgment filed by Google Inc.. (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 2/27/2014) Modified text on 2/28/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 711 Declaration of Christina J. Brown in Support of #710 Apple's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Individual Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Apple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G)(Related document(s) #710 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/27/2014) Modified text on 2/28/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 710 REPLY Memorandum in Support of ( #561 MOTION for Summary Judgment ) filed by Apple Inc.. (Riley, George) (Filed on 2/27/2014) Modified text on 2/28/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 709 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover re #706 Reply to Opposition/Response, #707 Declaration in Support, #708 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 708 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey, #2 Exhibit 2 [UNDER SEAL], #3 Exhibit 3 [UNDER SEAL])(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 707 Declaration of Brendan P. Glackin in Support of #706 Reply in Support of Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony Proffered by Defendants filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2 [REDACTED], #3 Exhibit 3 [REDACTED], #4 Exhibit 4)(Related document(s) #706 ) (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 2/27/2014) Modified text on 2/28/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 706 REPLY (re #565 MOTION Exclude Expert Testimony Proffered by Defendants [REDACTED] ) filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 705 Proposed Order re #695 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal by Intel Corp.. (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 704 Declaration of Eric B. Evans and Exhibits in Support of #695 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Redacted, #2 Exhibit 1 - Unredacted)(Related document(s) #695 ) (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 2/27/2014) Modified text on 2/28/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 703 Declaration of Eric B. Evans in Support of #702 Reply of its Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2)(Related document(s) #702 ) (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 2/27/2014) Modified text on 2/28/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 702 REPLY in Support of ( #564 MOTION for Summary Judgment ) filed by Google Inc.. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 2/27/2014) Modified text on 2/28/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 701 Declaration of Rowan T. Mason in Support of #695 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byIntuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #695 ) (Mason, Rowan) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 700 Declaration of James M. Kennedy in Support of #695 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byPixar. (Related document(s) #695 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 699 Declaration of Rhonda Hjort in Support of #695 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #695 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 698 REPLY Memorandum in Support of ( #559 JOINT MOTION to Exclude the Expert Testimony of Matthew Marx ) filed by Intel Corp.. (Phillips, Bradley) (Filed on 2/27/2014) Modified text on 2/28/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 697 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #695 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byApple Inc.. (Related document(s) #695 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 696 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #695 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #695 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 695 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Intel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of John Mittelbach, #2 Exhibit A - unredacted, #3 Exhibit A (pt. 1) - redacted, #4 Exhibit A (pt. 2) - redacted, #5 Exhibit A (pt. 3) - redacted)(Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 694 REPLY Memorandum in Support of ( #554 MOTION for Summary Judgment Pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.Pro.56 ) filed by Intel Corp.. (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 2/27/2014) Modified text on 2/28/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 27, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 693 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #691 Motion for Pro Hac Vice.(lhklc2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/27/2014)
February 26, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 692 JOINT SETTLEMENT STATUS REPORT by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 2/26/2014) Modified text on 2/27/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 26, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 691 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8407198.) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Supplement - Certificate of Good Standing)(Srinivasan, SuDarsana) (Filed on 2/26/2014)
February 25, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 690 NOTICE re #555 Filing Corrected Declaration of Steven M. Perry re #555 in Support of #554 MOTION for Summary Judgment by Intel Corp. (Attachments: #1 Declaration (Corrected))(Perry, Steven) (Filed on 2/25/2014) Modified text on 2/26/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 689 EXHIBIT 23 to the Declaration of Dean M. Harvey, Part 2 in Support of #633 Exhibits to an Administrative Motion to File Under Seal, filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 23 Part 2A of 4, #2 Exhibit Harvey 23 Part 2B of 4)(Related document(s) #633 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/24/2014) Modified text on 2/25/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 688 NOTICE OF ERRATA AND ERRATA to Exhibits I-O to #562 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of Defendant Adobe's Motion for Summary Judgment by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit I through Q (Redacted))(Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/24/2014) Modified text on 2/25/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 687 MOTION to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document Re: ECF 562-2 filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/24/2014)
February 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 686 Order RE: Settlement Status Report. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 2/24/2014. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/24/2014)
February 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 685 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 1160 SEALED)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/24/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 684 Proposed Order Regardin Sealing Requests in #622 JOINT RESPONSE to 608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Oppositon Briefs and Filings re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 by Google Inc.. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/26/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 683 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 157 Sealed, #2 Exhibit Harvey 159 Redacted, #3 Exhibit Harvey 159 Sealed)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 682 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cineros MM Redacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros NN Sealed, #3 Exhibit Cineros NN Redacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros OO Sealed, #5 Exhibit Cineros OO Redacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros PP Sealed, #7 Exhibit Cineros PP Redacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros QQ Sealed, #9 Exhibit Cineros QQ Redacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 681 Declaration of Christina J. Brown in Support of #622 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Apple Inc.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/26/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 680 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 2 Redacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2740 part 1 Sealed, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2740 part 2 Sealed, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2740 part 3 Sealed, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2740 Redacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2743 Sealed, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 2743 Redacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 2744 Sealed, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 2744 Redacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 679 Declaration of Leslie Fithian in Support of #622 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Apple Inc.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/26/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 678 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 Cisneros Ex.1856 REDACTED filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 1856 UNDER SEAL, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 1858 REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 1858 UNDER SEAL, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 1859 REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 1859 UNDER SEAL, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2249 REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2249 UNDER SEAL, #8 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2262 REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros Ex. 2262 UNDER SEAL)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 677 Declaration of Rowan T. Mason in Support of #622 JOINT RESPONSE to 608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Oppositon Briefs and Filings re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Intuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Mason, Rowan) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/26/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 676 Declaration of John Geering in Support of #622 JOINT RESPONSE to 608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Oppositon Briefs and Filings re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Intuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Mason, Rowan) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/26/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 675 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 278 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 279 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 279 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 674 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 Cisneros Ex 1855 - Part 1 - REDACTED filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1855 - Part 2 - REDACTED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1855 - Part 1 - UNDER SEAL, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1855 - Part 2 - UNDER SEAL, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1855 - Part 3 - UNDER SEAL, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1855 - Part 4 - UNDER SEAL)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 673 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 2738 Redacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 1 Sealed, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 2 Sealed, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 3 Sealed, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 4 Sealed, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 5 Sealed, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 6 Sealed, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 7 Sealed, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 2739 part 8 Sealed)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 672 Declaration of James Oh in Support of #622 Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/25/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 671 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #622 Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintifffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/25/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 670 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 Cisneros Ex 268 REDACTED filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 268 UNDER SEAL, #2 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 278 REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 278 UNDER SEAL, #4 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 279 REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 279 UNDER SEAL, #6 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 861 REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 861 UNDER SEAL, #8 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1130 REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1130 UNDER SEAL, #10 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1376 REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1376 UNDER SEAL, #12 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1854 REDACTED, #13 Exhibit Cisneros Ex 1854 UNDER SEAL)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 669 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 Cisneros Ex L REDACTED filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisnero Ex L UNDER SEAL, #2 Exhibit Cisnero Ex M REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisnero Ex M UNDER SEAL, #4 Exhibit Cisnero Ex N REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisnero Ex N UNDER SEAL, #6 Exhibit Cisnero Ex PPP REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisnero Ex PPP UNDER SEAL, #8 Exhibit Cisnero Ex Q REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Cisnero Ex Q UNDER SEAL, #10 Exhibit Cisnero Ex S REDACTEDD, #11 Exhibit Cisnero Ex S UNDER SEAL, #12 Exhibit Cisnero Ex T REDACTED, #13 Exhibit Cisnero Ex T UNDER SEAL)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 668 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of #622 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Google Inc.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/25/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 667 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisnero 912 Redacted, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 914 Sealed, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 914 Redacted, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 1107 Sealed, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 1107 Redacted, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 1760 Sealed, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 1760 Redacted, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 1761 Sealed, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 1761 Redacted, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 2135 Part 1 Sealed, #11 Exhibit Cineros 2135 Part 2 Sealed, #12 Exhibit Cisneros 2135 Redacted, #13 Exhibit Cisneros 2140 Sealed, #14 Exhibit Cisneros 2140 Redacted, #15 Exhibit Cisneros 2142 Sealed, #16 Exhibit Cisneros 2142 Redacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 666 Declaration of Omid Kordestani in Support of #622 Opposition/Response to Motion, Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 665 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 47 SEALED, #2 Exhibit Harvey 48 REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Harvey 48 SEALED, #4 Exhibit Harvey 49 REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Harvey 49 SEALED, #6 Exhibit Harvey 50 REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Harvey 50 SEALED, #8 Exhibit Harvey 51 REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Harvey 51 SEALED, #10 Exhibit Harvey 52 REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Harvey 52 SEALED, #12 Exhibit Harvey 53 REDACTED, #13 Exhibit Harvey 53 SEALED, #14 Exhibit Harvey 54 REDACTED, #15 Exhibit Harvey 54 SEALED 1 of 2, #16 Exhibit Harvey 54 SEALED 2 of 2)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 664 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 135 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 136 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 136 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 137 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 137 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 138 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 138 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 139 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 139 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 663 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 Cisnero Ex DDD REDACTED filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisnero Ex DDD UNDER SEAL, #2 Exhibit Cisnero Ex HHH REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisnero Ex HHH UNDER SEAL, #4 Exhibit Cisnero Ex I REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisnero Ex I UNDER SEAL, #6 Exhibit Cisnero Ex J REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisnero Ex J UNDER SEAL, #8 Exhibit Cisnero Ex JJJ REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Cisnero Ex JJJ UNDER SEAL, #10 Exhibit Cisnero Ex K REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Cisnero Ex K UNDER SEAL, #12 Exhibit Cisnero Ex KKK REDACTED, #13 Exhibit Cisnero Ex KKK UNDER SEAL)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 662 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 132 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 133 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 133 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 134 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 134 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 661 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 34 SEALED, #2 Exhibit Harvey 35 REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Harvey 35 SEALED, #4 Exhibit Harvey 37 REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Harvey 37 SEALED, #6 Exhibit Harvey 41 REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Harvey 41 SEALED, #8 Exhibit Harvey 42 REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Harvey 42 SEALED, #10 Exhibit Harvey 43 REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Harvey 43 SEALED, #12 Exhibit Harvey 44 REDACTED, #13 Exhibit Harvey 44 SEALED, #14 Exhibit Harvey 45 REDACTED, #15 Exhibit Harvey 45 SEALED, #16 Exhibit Harvey 189 REDACTED, #17 Exhibit Harvey 189 SEALED, #18 Exhibit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Opposition - REDACTED, #19 Exhibit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Opposition - SEALED)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 660 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros A SEALED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros B REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros B SEALED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros C REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros C SEALED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros D REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros D SEALED, #8 Exhibit Cisneros F REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros F SEALED)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 659 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 58 REDACTED filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 58 UNDER SEAL, #2 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 59 REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 59 UNDER SEAL, #4 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 60 REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 60 UNDER SEAL, #6 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 61 REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 61 UNDER SEAL, #8 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 62 REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 62 UNDER SEAL, #10 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 63 REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 63 UNDER SEAL, #12 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 64 REDACTED, #13 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 64 UNDER SEAL, #14 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 66 REDACTED, #15 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 66 UNDER SEAL, #16 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 67 REDACTED, #17 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 67 UNDER SEAL, #18 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 68 REDACTED, #19 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 68 UNDER SEAL, #20 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 69 REDACTED, #21 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 69 UNDER SEAL, #22 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 70 REDACTED, #23 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 70 UNDER SEAL, #24 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 71 REDACTED, #25 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 71 UNDER SEAL, #26 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 72 REDACTED, #27 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 72 UNDER SEAL, #28 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 73 REDACTED, #29 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 73 UNDER SEAL, #30 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 74 REDACTED, #31 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 74 UNDER SEAL, #32 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 75 REDACTED, #33 Exhibit Harvey Ex. 75 UNDER SEAL)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 658 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2366 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 90 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 90 Sealed, #4 Exhibit 91 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 91 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 95 Reacted, #7 Exhibit 95 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 127 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 127 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 128 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 128 Unredacted, #12 Exhibit 129 Redacted, #13 Exhibit 129 Unredacted, #14 Exhibit 130 Redacted, #15 Exhibit 130 Unredacted, #16 Exhibit 131 Redacted, #17 Exhibit 131 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 657 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2033 Redacted, #2 Exhibit 2035 Unredacted, #3 Exhibit 2035 Redacted, #4 Exhibit 2043 Unredacted, #5 Exhibit 2043 Redacted, #6 Exhibit 2356 (Part 1) Unredacted, #7 Exhibit 2356 (Part 2) Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 2356 (Part 3) Unredacted, #9 Exhibit 2356 Redacted, #10 Exhibit HH Unredacted, #11 Exhibit HH Redacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 656 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2030 (Part 1) Redacted, #2 Exhibit 2030 (Part 2) Unredacted, #3 Exhibit 2030 (Part 2) Redacted, #4 Exhibit 2030 (Part 3) Unredacted, #5 Exhibit 2030 (Part 3) Redacted, #6 Exhibit 2030 (Part 4) Unredacted, #7 Exhibit 2030 (Part 4) Redacted, #8 Exhibit 2031 Unredacted, #9 Exhibit 2031 Redacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 655 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2362 Unreacted, Part 1, #2 Exhibit 2362 Unredacted, Part 2, #3 Exhibit 2362 Unreacted, Part 3, #4 Exhibit 2362 Unredacted, Part 4, #5 Exhibit 2364 Redacted, #6 Exhibit 2364 Unredacted, Part 1, #7 Exhibit 2364 Unredacted, Part 2, #8 Exhibit 2364 Unredacted, Part 3)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 654 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 123 Unredacted, Part 1, #2 Exhibit 123 Unredacted, Part 2, #3 Exhibit 124 Redacted, #4 Exhibit 124 Unredacted, #5 Exhibit 125 Redacted, #6 Exhibit 125 Unredacted, #7 Exhibit 126 Redacted, #8 Exhibit 126 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 653 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 391 Redacted, #2 Exhibit 393 Unredacted, #3 Exhibit 393 Redacted, #4 Exhibit 398 Unredacted, #5 Exhibit 398 Redacted, #6 Exhibit 399 Unredacted, #7 Exhibit 399 Redacted, #8 Exhibit 400 Unredacted, #9 Exhibit 400 Redacted, #10 Exhibit 478 Unredacted, #11 Exhibit 478 Redacted, #12 Exhibit 781 Unredacted, #13 Exhibit 781 Redacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 652 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 2487 SEALED 1 of 2, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2487 SEALED 2 of 2, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2501 REDACTED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2501 SEALED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2800 REDACTED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2800 SEALED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 2812 REDACTED, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 2812 SEALED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 2823 REDACTED, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 2823 SEALED, #11 Exhibit Cisneros 2825 REDACTED, #12 Exhibit Cisneros 2825 SEALED)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 651 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 96 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 98 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 98 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 100 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 100 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 101 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 101 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 103 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 103 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 106 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 106 Unredacted, #12 Exhibit 108 Redacted, #13 Exhibit 108 Unredacted, #14 Exhibit 111 Redacted, #15 Exhibit 111 Unredacted, #16 Exhibit 112 Redacted, #17 Exhibit 112 Unredacted, #18 Exhibit 113 Redacted, #19 Exhibit 113 Unredacted, #20 Exhibit 114 Redacted, #21 Exhibit 114 Unredacted, #22 Exhibit 115 Redacted, #23 Exhibit 115 Unredacted, #24 Exhibit 117 Redacted, #25 Exhibit 117 Unredacted, #26 Exhibit 118 Redacted, #27 Exhibit 118 Unredacted, #28 Exhibit 119 Redacted, #29 Exhibit 119 Unredacted, #30 Exhibit 120 Redacted, #31 Exhibit 120 Unredacted, #32 Exhibit 121 Redacted, #33 Exhibit 121 Unredacted, #34 Exhibit 122 Redacted, #35 Exhibit 122 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 650 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byPixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1304 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 1306 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 1306 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 1307 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 1307 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 1308 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 1308 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 1309 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 1309 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 2356 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 2356 Unredacted (Part 1), #12 Exhibit 2356 Unredacted (Part 2), #13 Exhibit XX Redacted, #14 Exhibit XX Unredacted, #15 Exhibit YY Redacted, #16 Exhibit YY Unredacted, #17 Exhibit ZZ Redacted, #18 Exhibit ZZ Unredacted, #19 Exhibit AAA Redacted, #20 Exhibit AAA Unredacted, #21 Exhibit BBB Redacted, #22 Exhibit BBB Unredacted, #23 Exhibit CCC Redacted, #24 Exhibit CCC Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 649 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 148 (Part 2) Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 148 (Part 3) Unredacted, #3 Exhibit 148 (Part 4) Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 148 (Part 5) Unredacted, #5 Exhibit 148 (Part 6) Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 148 (Part 7) Unredacted, #7 Exhibit 148 (Part 8) Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 149 Unredacted, #9 Exhibit 149 Redacted, #10 Exhibit 150 Unredacted, #11 Exhibit 150 Redacted, #12 Exhibit 152 Unredacted, #13 Exhibit 152 Redacted, #14 Exhibit 153 Unredacted, #15 Exhibit 153 Redacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 648 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byPixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 129 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 134 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 134 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 172 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 172 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 177 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 177 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 178 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 178 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 179 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 179 Unredacted, #12 Exhibit 180 Redacted, #13 Exhibit 180 Unredacted, #14 Exhibit 420 Redacted, #15 Exhibit 420 Unredacted, #16 Exhibit 421 Redacted, #17 Exhibit 421 Unredacted, #18 Exhibit 424 Redacted, #19 Exhibit 424 Unredacted, #20 Exhibit 947 Redacted, #21 Exhibit 947 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 647 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 89 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 92 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 92 Unredacted, Part 1, #4 Exhibit 92 Unredacted, Part 2, #5 Exhibit 93 Redacted, #6 Exhibit 93 Unredacted, Part 1, #7 Exhibit 93 Unredacted, Part 2, #8 Exhibit 94 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 94 Unredacted, Part 1, #10 Exhibit 94 Unredacted, Part 2)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 646 Declaration of James M. Kennedy in Support of #622 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administratie Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Pixar. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/25/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 645 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 945 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 959 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 959 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 2084 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 2084 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 2088 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 2088 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 2092 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 2092 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 2094 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 2094 Unredacted, #12 Exhibit 2096 Redacted, #13 Exhibit 2096 Unredacted, #14 Exhibit 2100 Redacted, #15 Exhibit 2100 Unredacted, #16 Exhibit RR Redacted, #17 Exhibit RR Unredacted, #18 Exhibit SS Redacted, #19 Exhibit SS Unredacted, #20 Exhibit TT Redacted, #21 Exhibit TT Unredacted, #22 Exhibit UU Redacted, #23 Exhibit UU Unredacted, #24 Exhibit VV Redacted, #25 Exhibit VV Unredacted, #26 Exhibit WW Redacted, #27 Exhibit WW Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 644 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byIntel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 140 Redacted, #2 Exhibit 142 (Part 1) Unredacted, #3 Exhibit 142 (Part 2) Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 142 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 143 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 143 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 145 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 145 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 146 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 146 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 148, Part 1 Redacted, #12 Exhibit 148, Part 2 Redacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 643 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 REDACTED 2 of 3, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 REDACTED 3 of 3, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 SEALED 1 of 4, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 SEALED 2 of 4, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 SEALED 3 of 4, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 2486 SEALED 4 of 4)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 642 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 86 Unredacted, Part 1, #2 Exhibit 86 Unredacted, Part 2, #3 Exhibit 87 Redacted, Part 1, #4 Exhibit 87 Redacted, Part 2, #5 Exhibit 87 Unredacted, Part 1, #6 Exhibit 87 Unredacted, Part 2)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 641 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cisneros 210 SEALED, #2 Exhibit Cisneros 211 REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Cisneros 211 SEALED, #4 Exhibit Cisneros 212 REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Cisneros 212 SEALED, #6 Exhibit Cisneros 214 REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Cisneros 214 SEALED, #8 Exhibit Cisneros 216 REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Cisneros 216 SEALED, #10 Exhibit Cisneros 300 REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Cisneros 300 SEALED, #12 Exhibit Cisneros 303 REDACTED, #13 Exhibit Cisneros 303 SEALED 1 of 2, #14 Exhibit Cisneros 303 SEALED 2 of 2, #15 Exhibit Cisneros 416 REDACTED, #16 Exhibit Cisneros 416 SEALED, #17 Exhibit Cisneros 1158 REDACTED, #18 Exhibit Cisneros 1158 SEALED, #19 Exhibit Cisneros 1159 REDACTED, #20 Exhibit Cisneros 1159 SEALED, #21 Exhibit Cisneros 1250 REDACTED, #22 Exhibit Cisneros 1250 SEALED)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 640 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 172 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 76 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 76 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 78 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 78 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 80 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 80 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 85 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 85 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 639 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit V Unredacted, #2 Exhibit W Redacted, #3 Exhibit W Unredacted, #4 Exhibit X Redacted, #5 Exhibit X Unredacted, #6 Exhibit Z Redacted, #7 Exhibit Z Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 77 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 77 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 638 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit BB Unredacted, #2 Exhibit CC Redacted, #3 Exhibit CC Unredacted, #4 Exhibit JJ Redacted, #5 Exhibit JJ Unredacted, #6 Exhibit LL Redacted, #7 Exhibit LL Unredacted, #8 Exhibit U Redacted, #9 Exhibit U Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 637 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 [Ex. 8 Redacted] filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 8 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 163 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 163 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 170 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 170 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 171 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 171 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 359 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 359 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 360 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 360 Unredacted, #12 Exhibit 690 Redacted, #13 Exhibit 690 Unredacted, #14 Exhibit 710 Redacted, #15 Exhibit 710 Unredacted, #16 Exhibit 711 Redacted, #17 Exhibit 711 Unredacted (Part 1), #18 Exhibit 711 Unredacted (Part 2), #19 Exhibit 715 Redacted, #20 Exhibit 715 Unredacted, #21 Exhibit 727 Redacted, #22 Exhibit 727 Unredacted, #23 Exhibit 728 Redacted, #24 Exhibit 728 Unredacted, #25 Exhibit 729 Redacted, #26 Exhibit 729 Unredacted, #27 Exhibit 730 Redacted, #28 Exhibit 730 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 636 Declaration of Rhonda Hjort in Support of #622 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 635 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 EXHIBITS TO DEFENDANTS' JOINT RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS' ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO FILE UNDER SEAL filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 24 SEALED, #2 Exhibit Harvey 25 REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Harvey 25 SEALED, #4 Exhibit Harvey 26 REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Harvey 26 SEALED, #6 Exhibit Harvey 27 REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Harvey 27 SEALED Part 1 of 3, #8 Exhibit Harvey 27 SEALED Part 2 of 3, #9 Exhibit Harvey 27 SEALED Part 3 of 3, #10 Exhibit Harvey 28 REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Harvey 28 SEALED)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 634 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2425 Unredacted, Part 1, #2 Exhibit 2425 Unredacted, Part 2, #3 Exhibit 2425 Unredacted,Part 3, #4 Exhibit 2425 Unredacted, Part 4, #5 Exhibit 2425 Unredacted, Part 5, #6 Exhibit 2426 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 2426 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit DD Redacted, #9 Exhibit DD Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 633 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 EXHIBITS TO DEFENDANTS' JOINT RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS' ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO FILE UNDER SEAL filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 23 REDACTED 2 of 4, #2 Exhibit Harvey 23 REDACTED 3 of 4, #3 Exhibit Harvey 23 REDACTED 4 of 4, #4 Exhibit Harvey 23 SEALED 1 of 7, #5 Exhibit Harvey 23 SEALED 2 of 7, #6 Exhibit Harvey 23 SEALED 3 of 7, #7 Exhibit Harvey 23 SEALED 4 of 7, #8 Exhibit Harvey 23 SEALED 5 of 7, #9 Exhibit Harvey 23 SEALED 6 of 7, #10 Exhibit Harvey 23 SEALED 7 of 7)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 632 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1618 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 1625 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 1625 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 1629 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 1629 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 1741 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 1741 Unredacted, Part 1, #8 Exhibit 1741 Unredated, Part 2, #9 Exhibit 1741 Unredacted, Part 3, #10 Exhibit 1741 Unredacted, Part 4, #11 Exhibit 1741 Unredacted, Part 5, #12 Exhibit 1741 Unredacted, Part 6, #13 Exhibit 1753 Redacted, #14 Exhibit 1753 Unredacted, #15 Exhibit 2422 Redacted, #16 Exhibit 2422 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 631 Declaration of John P. Mittelbach in Support of #622 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Intel Corp.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 630 Declaration of Kasia Hanson in Support of #622 Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Intel Corp.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 629 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 Exhibits to Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Harvey 4 - SEALED, #2 Exhibit Harvey 5 - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Harvey 5 - SEALED, #4 Exhibit Harvey 6 - REDACTED, #5 Exhibit Harvey 6 - SEALED, #6 Exhibit Harvey 7 - REDACTED, #7 Exhibit Harvey 7 - SEALED, #8 Exhibit Harvey 8 - REDACTED, #9 Exhibit Harvey 8 - SEALED, #10 Exhibit Harvey 9 - REDACTED, #11 Exhibit Harvey 9 - SEALED, #12 Exhibit Harvey 10 - REDACTED, #13 Exhibit Harvey 10 - SEALED, #14 Exhibit Harvey 11 - REDACTED, #15 Exhibit Harvey 11 - SEALED, #16 Exhibit Harvey 13 - REDACTED, #17 Exhibit Harvey 13 - SEALED, #18 Exhibit Harvey 14 - REDACTED, #19 Exhibit Harvey 14 - SEALED)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 628 Declaration of Todd Christensen in Support of #622 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Intel Corp.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 627 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1606 Unredacted, Part 1, #2 Exhibit 1606 Unredacted, Part 2, #3 Exhibit 1606 Unredacted, Part 3, #4 Exhibit 1606 Unredacted, Part 4, #5 Exhibit 1606 Unredacted, Part 5, #6 Exhibit 1606 Unredacted, Part 6, #7 Exhibit 1613 Redacted, #8 Exhibit 1613 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 626 Declaration of Lawrence S. Achorn in Support of #622 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Opposition Briefs and Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Intel Corp.. (Related document(s) #622 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 625 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 173 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 201 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 201 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 389 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 389 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 471 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 471 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 472 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 472 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 608 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 608 Unredacted, #12 Exhibit 614 Redacted, #13 Exhibit 614 Unredacted, #14 Exhibit 616 Redacted, #15 Exhibit 616 Unredacted, #16 Exhibit 621 Redacted, #17 Exhibit 621 Unredacted, #18 Exhibit 626 Redacted, #19 Exhibit 626 Unredacted, #20 Exhibit 635 Redacted, #21 Exhibit 635 Unredacted, #22 Exhibit 660 Redacted, #23 Exhibit 660 Unredacted, #24 Exhibit 666 Redacted, #25 Exhibit 666 Unredacted, #26 Exhibit 674 Redacted, #27 Exhibit 674 Unredacted, #28 Exhibit 1600 Redacted, #29 Exhibit 1600 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 624 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 668 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 872 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 872 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 1609 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 1609 Unredacted, Part 1, #6 Exhibit 1609 Unredacted, Part 2, #7 Exhibit 97 Redacted, #8 Exhibit 97 Unredacted, #9 Exhibit 110 Redacted, #10 Exhibit 110 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 623 EXHIBITS re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 175 Unredacted, #2 Exhibit 176 Redacted, #3 Exhibit 176 Unredacted, #4 Exhibit 190 Redacted, #5 Exhibit 190 Unredacted, #6 Exhibit 192 Redacted, #7 Exhibit 192 Unredacted, #8 Exhibit 200 Redacted, #9 Exhibit 200 Unredacted, #10 Exhibit 204 Redacted, #11 Exhibit 204 Unredacted, #12 Exhibit 648 Redacted, #13 Exhibit 648 Unredacted, #14 Exhibit 650 Redacted, #15 Exhibit 650 Unredacted, #16 Exhibit 653 Redacted, #17 Exhibit 653 Unredacted, #18 Exhibit 667 Redacted, #19 Exhibit 667 Unredacted)(Related document(s) #608 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/21/2014)
February 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 622 JOINT RESPONSE to #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related to Plaintiffs' Oppositon Briefs and Filings re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Google Inc.. (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 2/21/2014) Modified text on 2/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 19, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 621 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #614 Motion to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/19/2014)
February 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 620 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh denying #601 Motion to Enforce this Court's Case Management Order. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/18/2014)
February 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 619 OPPOSITION to (re #601 ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION to Enforce December 18, 2013 Case Management Order and Local Rule 7-11 re #557 Joint MOTION to Strike THE IMPROPER REBUTTAL TESTIMONY IN DR. LEAMERS REPLY EXPERT REPORT OR, I ) filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp.. (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 2/14/2014) Modified text on 2/18/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re 618 Order Further Case Management Conference set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/13/2014)
February 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #618 Order Further Case Management Conference set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/13/2014)
February 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 618 Order Continuing Case Management Conference. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 2/13/2014. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/13/2014)
February 12, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 617 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 2/12/2014)
February 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 616 NOTICE OF ERRATA AND ERRATA re #587 Declaration of Anne M. Selin , #576 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of Sealing Requests by Google Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/10/2014) Modified text on 2/11/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 615 NOTICE OF ERRATA AND ERRATA to Proposed Redacted Version of Exhibit 2 to Cisneros Declaration (Stiroh Report) by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit (Proposed Redacted Version of Cisneros Ex. 2 - Stiroh Report- REDACTED))(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/10/2014) Modified on 2/11/2014 linking entry to document #567 , #586 , #592 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 614 MOTION to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document (Dkt. Nos. 581-3 and 592) filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/10/2014)
February 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 613 NOTICE OF ERRATA and ERRATA to Exhibit O to the Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of Defendants' Joint Administrative Motion to Seal by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit O to Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of Defendants' Joint Administrative Motion to Seal)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/10/2014) Modified on 2/11/2014 linking entry to document #577 and #581 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 612 Order Expediting Briefing on #601 Administrative Motion to Enforce December 18, 2013 Case Management Order and Local Rule 7-11. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 02/10/2014. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/10/2014)
February 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 611 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover re #608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant To Local Rule 79-5(D) To File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 2/7/2014)
February 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 610 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #609 Stipulation.(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/7/2014)
February 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 609 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER TO EXTEND TIME FOR DEFENDANTS' RESPONSES TO PLAINTIFFS' ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL filed by Google Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/7/2014)
February 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 608 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Filings Related To Plaintiffs Opposition Briefs And Filings Re Dkts. 554, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561, 564, 570 filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros ISO Motion to Seal, #2 Redacted Consolidated Opposition to Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment, #3 Unredacted Highlighted Consolidated Opposition to Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment, #4 Manual Filing Notification Pursuant To Local Rule 5.1(f), #5 Exhibit 9 to Harvey Decl. Redacted Leamer Merits Report, #6 Exhibit 9 to Harvey Decl. Unredacted Highlighted Leamer Merits Report, #7 Exhibit 10 to Harvey Decl. Redacted Hallock Merits Report, #8 Exhibit 10 to Harvey Decl. Unredacted Highlighted Hallock Merits Report, #9 Exhibit 11 to Harvey Decl. Redacted Manning Merits Report, #10 Exhibit 11 to Harvey Decl. Unredacted Highlighted Manning Merits Report, #11 Exhibit 13 to Harvey Decl. Redacted Leamer Merits Reply, #12 Exhibit 13 to Harvey Decl. Unredacted Highlighted Leamer Merits Reply, #13 Exhibit 14 to Harvey Decl. Unredacted Marx Rebuttal Report)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 2/7/2014) Modified text on 2/24/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 607 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #603 Opposition to Motion, #602 Opposition to Motion, #604 Opposition to Motion, #600 Opposition to Motion, filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Slip Sheet re Lodged Documents, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 15, #4 Exhibit 16, #5 Exhibit 17, #6 Exhibit 18, #7 Exhibit 19, #8 Exhibit 20, #9 Exhibit 21, #10 Exhibit 29, #11 Exhibit 30, #12 Exhibit 31, #13 Exhibit 32, #14 Exhibit 188, #15 Exhibit 189, #16 Exhibit 191, #17 Exhibit 192, #18 Exhibit 193, #19 Exhibit 194, #20 Exhibit 202, #21 Exhibit 203, #22 Exhibit 204, #23 Exhibit 205, #24 Exhibit 206, #25 Exhibit 207, #26 Exhibit 208, #27 Exhibit 209, #28 Exhibit 211)(Related document(s) #601 , #603 , #602 , #604 , #600 ) (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 2/7/2014) Modified text on 2/10/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 606 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover re #603 Opposition/Response to Motion, #605 Declaration in Support,,, By Electronic Mail (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 2/6/2014)
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 605 Declaration of LISA J. CISNEROS in Support of #603 Consolidated Opposition to Motion , #602 Opposition to Motion, #604 Opposition to Motion, #600 Opposition to Motion, filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Slip Sheet re Lodged Documents, #2 Exhibit 166, #3 Exhibit 167, #4 Exhibit 168, #5 Exhibit 169, #6 Exhibit 2923, #7 Exhibit 2854)(Related document(s) #603 , #602 , #604 , #600 ) (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 2/6/2014) Modified text on 2/7/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 604 OPPOSITION to ( #570 JOINT MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE EXPERT TESTIMONY OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D. ) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 2/6/2014) Modified text on 2/7/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 603 CONSOLIDATED OPPOSITION to ( #556 Joint MOTION for Summary Judgment Based on Motion to Exclude Testimony of Dr. Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. , #564 MOTION for Summary Judgment, #561 MOTION for Summary Judgment, #560 MOTION for Summary Judgment, #554 MOTION for Summary Judgment [REDACTED] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 2/6/2014) Modified text on 2/7/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 602 Memorandum of Law in Oppostion to ( #559 JOINT MOTION to Exclude the Expert Testimony of Matthew Marx ) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 2/6/2014) Modified text on 2/7/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 601 ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION to Enforce December 18, 2013 Case Management Order and Local Rule 7-11 re #557 JOINT MOTION to Strike the Improper Rebuttal Testimony in Dr. Leamer's Reply Expert Report or, in the Alternative, MOTION for Leave to Submit a Reply Report of Dr. Stiroh, filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 2/20/2014. Replies due by 2/27/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 2/6/2014) Modified text on 2/7/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 600 OPPOSITION to ( #557 Joint MOTION to Strike Reply Report of Edward Leamer, Ph.D. ) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 2/6/2014) Modified text on 2/7/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 599 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit Redacted Exhibit 3 to Kahn Declaration, #3 Exhibit Sealed Exhibit 3 to Kahn Declaration, #4 Declaration Declaration of Anne M. Selin)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 2/6/2014)
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 598 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #597 Opposition to Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony Proffered by Defendants filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 [Redacted], #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3 [Placeholder], #4 Exhibit 4 [Redacted], #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8 [Redacted])(Related document(s) #597 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 2/6/2014) Modified text on 2/7/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
February 6, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 597 OPPOSITION to ( #565 MOTION Exclude Expert Testimony Proffered by Defendants [REDACTED] ) filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Mittelstaedt, Robert) (Filed on 2/6/2014) Modified text on 2/7/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 16, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 596 EXHIBITS re #586 Opposition/Response to Motion, Cisneros Declaration Ex. 5, Part 2 - Redacted filed byApple Inc.. (Related document(s) #586 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/16/2014)
January 16, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 595 Transcript of Proceedings held on 12-18-13, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580 email: Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 4/16/2014. (Related documents(s) #549 ) (las, ) (Filed on 1/16/2014)
January 15, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 594 ORDER of USCA re 13-80223: Petitioners motion to seal portions of the excerpts of record is granted. Respondents motion to seal portions of their supplemental excerpts of record is granted. All documents sealed pursuant to the district courts January 24, 2012 protective order and referenced in the parties motions shall remain under seal. The motion of the Chamber of Commerce, et al., for leave to file an amicus curiae brief in support of petitioners is granted. The Clerk shall file the brief submitted on November 14, 2013. Petitioners motion for leave to file a reply in support of the petition for permission to appeal is granted. Petitioners November 25, 2013 reply has been filed. The court, in its discretion, denies the petition for permission to appeal the district courts October 24, 2013 order granting class action certification. (dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/15/2014)
January 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 593 EXHIBITS re #567 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Notice of Errata and Errata to Cisneros Declaration Exhibit 8 filed with Defendants' Joint Response in Support of Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal #586 filed byAdobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Corrected Ex. 8 Redacted, #2 Corrected Ex. 8 UNREDACTED)(Related document(s) #567 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/14/2014)
January 14, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 592 *** MAIN DOCUMENT REMOVED PURSUANT TO ORDER #621 *** EXHIBITS re #567 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal and Defendants' Joint Response in Support of Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal #586 ; Ex. 2 Redacted (part 1) filed byAdobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Ex. 2 Redacted (part 2), #2 Ex. 2 UNREDACTED (part 1), #3 Ex. 2 UNREDACTED (part 2), #4 Ex. 2 UNREDACTED (part 3), #5 Ex. 4 Redacted, #6 Ex. 4 UNREDACTED, #7 Ex. 5 Redacted (part 1), #8 Ex. 5 Redacted (part 2), #9 Ex. 5 Redacted (part 3), #10 Ex. 5 Redacted (part 4), #11 Ex. 5 UNREDACTED (part 1), #12 Ex. 5 UNREDACTED (part 2), #13 Ex. 5 UNREDACTED (part 3), #14 Ex. 5 UNREDACTED (part 4), #15 Ex. 5 UNREDACTED (part 5), #16 Ex. 5 UNREDACTED (part 6), #17 Ex. 5 UNREDACTED (part 7), #18 Ex. 7 Redacted (part 1), #19 Ex. 7 Redacted (part 2), #20 Ex. 7 Redacted (part 3), #21 Ex. 7 Redacted (part 4), #22 Ex. 7 Redacted (part 5), #23 Ex. 7 UNREDACTED (part 1), #24 Ex. 7 UNREDACTED (part 2), #25 Ex. 8 Redacted, #26 Ex. 8 UNREDACTED, #27 Ex. 10 Redacted, #28 Ex. 10 UNREDACTED, #29 Ex. 13 Redacted, #30 Ex. 13 UNREDACTED)(Related document(s) #567 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/14/2014) Modified on 2/5/2014 (fff, COURT STAFF). (Main Document 592 replaced on 2/20/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 2/20/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
January 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 591 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #586 Joint Response to Motion, filed by Apple Inc.. (Related document(s) #586 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/13/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 590 Declaration of David Kiernan in Support of #586 Joint Response to Motion, filed by Intuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #586 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 1/13/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 589 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #586 Joint Response to Motion to File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #586 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 1/13/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 588 Declaration of John Mittelbach in Support of #586 Joint Response to File Under Seal Portions of Plaintiffs' Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony Proferred by Defendants filed by Intel Corp.. (Related document(s) #586 ) (Mittelbach, John) (Filed on 1/13/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 587 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of #586 Joint Response to File Under Seal Portions of Plaintiffs' Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony Proferred by Defendants filed by Google Inc.. (Related document(s) #586 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 1/13/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 586 JOINT RESPONSE to ( #567 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal ) filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/13/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 585 RESPONSE (re #577 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal ) filed byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Mason Stubblefield ISO Intuit Response to Motion to Seal)(Kiernan, David) (Filed on 1/13/2014)
January 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 584 Declaration of Rhonda Hjort in Support of #582 Opposition/Response to Motion filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #582 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 1/13/2014)
January 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 583 Declaration of James M. Kennedy in Support of #582 Opposition/Response to Motion filed byPixar. (Related document(s) #582 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 1/13/2014)
January 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 582 JOINT RESPONSE (re #577 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal ) filed by Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order (Amended))(Henn, Emily) (Filed on 1/13/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 581 NOTICE OF ERRATA AND ERRATA TO EXHIBITS N-P, I and U to the Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #577 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit N - REDACTED, #2 Exhibit N - SEALED, *** #3 Exhibit O - DOCUMENT REMOVED PURSUANT TO ORDER #621 . *** , #4 Exhibit O - SEALED PT 1, #5 Exhibit O - SEALED PT 2, #6 Exhibit O - SEALED PT 3, #7 Exhibit P - REDACTED, #8 Exhibit P - SEALED, #9 Exhibit T - REDACTED, #10 Exhibit T - SEALED, #11 Exhibit U - REDACTED, #12 Exhibit U - SEALED)(Related document(s) #577 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 1/10/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF). Modified on 2/4/2014 (ewn, COURT STAFF). (Attachment 3 replaced on 2/20/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 2/20/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 580 Declaration of Gregory M. Sergi in Support of #577 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #577 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 1/10/2014)
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 579 Declaration of Rosemary Arriada-Keiper in Support of #577 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #577 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 1/10/2014)
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 578 Declaration of Jeff Vijungco in Support of #577 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #577 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 1/10/2014)
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 577 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn, #2 Proposed Order, #3 Exhibit A - REDACTED, #4 Exhibit A - SEALED, #5 Exhibit B - REDACTED, #6 Exhibit B - SEALED, #7 Exhibit C - REDACTED, #8 Exhibit C - SEALED, #9 Exhibit D - Redacted, #10 Exhibit D - Sealed, #11 Exhibit E - Redacted, #12 Exhibit E - Sealed, #13 Exhibit F - Redacted, #14 Exhibit F - Sealed, #15 Exhibit G - Sealed, #16 Exhibit H - Sealed, #17 Exhibit V - Redacted, #18 Exhibit V - Sealed, #19 Exhibit W - Sealed, #20 Exhibit X - Sealed, #21 Exhibit I - Redacted, #22 Exhibit I - Sealed, #23 Exhibit J - Redacted, #24 Exhibit J - Sealed, #25 Exhibit K - Redacted, #26 Exhibit K - Sealed, #27 Exhibit L - Redacted, #28 Exhibit L - Sealed, #29 Exhibit M - Redacted, #30 Exhibit M - Sealed, #31 Exhibit N - Redacted, #32 Exhibit N - Sealed, #33 Exhibit O - Redacted, #34 Exhibit O - Sealed, #35 Exhibit P - Redacted, #36 Exhibit P - Sealed, #37 Exhibit Q - Redacted, #38 Exhibit Q - Sealed, #39 Exhibit R - Redacted, #40 Exhibit R - Sealed, #41 Exhibit S - Redacted, #42 Exhibit S - Sealed, #43 Exhibit T - Redacted, #44 Exhibit T - Sealed, #45 Exhibit U - Redacted, #46 Exhibit U - Sealed, #47 Exhibit Y - Redacted, #48 Exhibit Y - Sealed, #49 Exhibit Z - Redacted, #50 Exhibit Z - Sealed)(Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 1/10/2014)
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 576 Declaration of Anne M. Selin In Support of #577 Defendants' Joint Administrative Motion to Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 1/10/2014) Modified on 1/22/2014 linking entry to document #577 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 575 Declaration of CHRISTINA J. BROWN IN SUPPORT OF #577 DEFENDANTS JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO FILE UNDER SEAL filed by Apple Inc.. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/10/2014) Modified on 1/22/2014 linking entry to document #577 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 574 Declaration of LAUREN J. STIROH in Support of #570 JOINT MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE EXPERT TESTIMONY OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D. filed by Apple Inc.. (Related document(s) #570 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/10/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 573 Declaration of CHRISTINA J. BROWN in Support of #570 JOINT MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE EXPERT TESTIMONY OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D. filed by Apple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14)(Related document(s) #570 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/10/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 572 Proposed Order re #564 MOTION for Summary Judgment by Google Inc.. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 1/10/2014)
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 571 Proposed Order re #570 JOINT MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE EXPERT TESTIMONY OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D. by Apple Inc.. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/10/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 570 NOTICE OF MOTION AND JOINT MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE EXPERT TESTIMONY OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D., AND MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT THEREOF filed by Apple Inc.. Motion Hearing set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 2/6/2014. Replies due by 2/27/2014. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/10/2014) Modified text on 1/22/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 569 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of #564 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14, #15 Exhibit 15, #16 Exhibit 16, #17 Exhibit 17, #18 Exhibit 18, #19 Exhibit 19, #20 Exhibit 20, #21 Exhibit 21, #22 Exhibit 22, #23 Exhibit 23, #24 Exhibit 24, #25 Exhibit 25, #26 Exhibit 26, #27 Exhibit 27, #28 Exhibit 28, #29 Exhibit 29, #30 Exhibit 30, #31 Exhibit 31, #32 Exhibit 32, #33 Exhibit 33, #34 Exhibit 34, #35 Exhibit 35, #36 Exhibit 36, #37 Exhibit 37, #38 Exhibit 38)(Related document(s) #564 ) (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 1/9/2014)
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 568 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover re #566 Declaration in Support, #565 MOTION Exclude Expert Testimony Proffered by Defendants [REDACTED] (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 1/9/2014)
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 567 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros, #3 Exhibit A-Redacted version, #4 Exhibit B-Unredacted version)(Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 1/9/2014)
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 566 Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros in Support of #565 MOTION Exclude Expert Testimony Proffered by Defendants [REDACTED] filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #565 ) (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 1/9/2014)
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 565 MOTION Exclude Expert Testimony Proffered by Defendants [REDACTED] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 2/6/2014. Replies due by 2/27/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 1/9/2014)
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 564 MOTION for Summary Judgment; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Google Inc.. Motion Hearing set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 1/23/2014. Replies due by 1/30/2014. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 1/9/2014) Modified text on 1/21/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 563 Declaration of VICTORIA L. WEATHERFORD in Support of #561 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Apple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14, #15 Exhibit 15, #16 Exhibit 16, #17 Exhibit 17)(Related document(s) #561 ) (Weatherford, Victoria) (Filed on 1/9/2014) Modified text on 1/21/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 562 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #560 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - H, #2 PURSUANT TO ORDER #953 DOCUMENT REMOVED Exhibit I - Q, #3 Exhibit 223 - 224)(Related document(s) #560 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 1/9/2014) (Attachment 2 replaced on 7/10/2014) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/10/2014 (sp, COURT STAFF).
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 561 MOTION for Summary Judgment; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Apple Inc.. Motion Hearing set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 2/6/2014. Replies due by 2/27/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Riley, George) (Filed on 1/9/2014) Modified text on 1/21/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 560 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. Motion Hearing set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 2/6/2014. Replies due by 2/27/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Mittelstaedt, Robert) (Filed on 1/9/2014)
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 559 JOINT MOTION to Exclude the Expert Testimony of Matthew Marx; and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Intel Corp.. Motion Hearing set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 2/6/2014. Replies due by 2/27/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Declaration Sergi Declaration (with exhibits))(Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 1/9/2014) Modified text on 1/21/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 558 Declaration of CHRISTINA J. BROWN in Support of #557 Joint MOTION to Strike NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO STRIKE THE IMPROPER REBUTTAL TESTIMONY IN DR. LEAMERS REPLY EXPERT REPORT OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, FOR LEAVE TO SUBMIT A REPLY REPORT OF DR. STIROH; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPO filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8)(Related document(s) #557 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/9/2014)
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 557 JOINT MOTION to Strike the Improper Rebuttal Testimony in Dr. Leamer's Reply Expert Report or, in the Alternative, MOTION for Leave to Submit a Reply Report of Dr. Stiroh; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Apple Inc.. Motion Hearing set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 2/6/2014. Replies due by 2/27/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Riley, George) (Filed on 1/9/2014) Modified on 2/7/2014 counsel failed to select multiple motion events (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 556 Joint MOTION for Summary Judgment Based on Motion to Exclude Testimony of Dr. Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. filed by Google Inc.. Motion Hearing set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 2/6/2014. Replies due by 2/27/2014. (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 1/9/2014)
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 555 Declaration of Steven M. Perry in Support of #554 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #554 ) (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 1/9/2014)
January 9, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 554 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Intel Corp.. Motion Hearing set for 3/20/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 2/6/2014. Replies due by 2/27/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 1/9/2014)
January 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 553 Order Approving Revised Notice. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 01/07/2014. (Attachments: #1 Revised Notice) (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/7/2014)
January 2, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 552 NOTICE of Appearance by Steven McCall Perry (Perry, Steven) (Filed on 1/2/2014)
December 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 551 Letter from Kelly M. Dermody re Class Notice. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Class Notice)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 12/23/2013)
December 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 550 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 12/19/2013)
December 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 549 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Apple Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 12/19/2013)
December 18, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 548 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 12/18/2013 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 12/18/2013). Further Case Management Conference set for 2/19/2014 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 12/18/2013)
December 18, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 547 Case Management Order. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 12/18/2013. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/18/2013)
December 18, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 546 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting in part and denying in part #479 Motion to Enforce Local Rule 7-3(d)(1).(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/18/2013)
December 16, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 545 Order Vacating Notice Mailing Deadline. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 12/16/2013. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/16/2013)
December 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 544 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting #541 Motion to Appear by Telephone (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/12/2013)
December 11, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 543 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Palm Inc., Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Revised Notice (Clean), #2 Revised Notice (Redline))(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 12/11/2013)
December 11, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 542 Letter from Co-Lead Counsel to the Court . (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Dallal, James) (Filed on 12/11/2013)
December 11, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 541 MOTION to Appear by Telephone at the December 18, 2013 Case Management Conference filed by Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Henn, Emily) (Filed on 12/11/2013)
October 31, 2013 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #540 Order on Motion for Settlement Final Approval Hearing re Pixar, Lucasfilms & Intuit set for 5/1/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/31/2013)
October 31, 2013 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re 540 Order on Motion for Settlement Final Approval Hearing re Pixar, Lucasfilms & Intuit set for 5/1/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/31/2013)
October 30, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 540 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #501 Motion for Settlement. (Attachments: #1 Claim Form, #2 Notice)(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/30/2013)
October 30, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 539 Transcript of Proceedings held on 10-21-13, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580 email: Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 1/28/2014. (Related documents(s) #528 ) (las, ) (Filed on 10/30/2013)
October 30, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 538 NOTICE by Intel Corp. re #430 Redacted Document,, OF FILING REVISED REDACTED INTEL CORP. DOCUMENTS FILED IN RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS' ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO FILE UNDER SEAL PLAINTIFFS' MOTION IN SUPPORT OF CLASS CERTIFICATION AND RELATED DOCUMENTS (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF BRADLEY S. PHILLIPS IN SUPPORT, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B (Part 1 of 10), #4 Exhibit B (Part 2 of 10), #5 Exhibit B (Part 3 of 10), #6 Exhibit B (Part 4 of 10), #7 Exhibit B (Part 5 of 10), #8 Exhibit B (Part 6 of 10), #9 Exhibit B (Part 7 of 10), #10 Exhibit B (Part 8 of 10), #11 Exhibit B (Part 9 of 10), #12 Exhibit B (Part 10 of 10))(Phillips, Bradley) (Filed on 10/30/2013)
October 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 537 NOTICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover re #527 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal, Second Notice of Filing Pursuant to the Court's October 21, 2013 Case Management Order (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 10/28/2013)
October 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 536 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #527 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal, Attachment D to Plaintiffs' Settlement Agreement with Intuit by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 10/28/2013)
October 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 535 NOTICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover re #501 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlements [REDACTED] Notice of Filing Pursuant to October 21, 2013 Case Management Order (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 10/28/2013)
October 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 533 NOTICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover re #501 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlements [REDACTED] Notice Of Filing Revised And Supplemental Settlement Documents (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 10/25/2013)
October 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 532 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL by Court Staff. (Attachments: #1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/25/2013)
October 24, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 531 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting #418 Motion to Certify Class (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/24/2013)
October 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 530 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Intel Corp. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 10/22/2013)
October 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 529 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 10/22/2013)
October 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 528 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Apple Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 10/22/2013)
October 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 534 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 10/21/2013 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 10/21/2013) re #501 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlements [REDACTED] filed by Michael Devine, Siddharth Hariharan, Mark Fichtner, Daniel Stover, Brandon Marshall, Further Case Management Conference held on 10/21/2013 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 10/21/2013). Further Case Management Conference set for 12/18/2013 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 10/21/2013)
October 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 527 Case Management Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh; Order granting in part and denying in part (504) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK. Associated Cases: 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:11-cv-03538-LHK, 5:11-cv-03539-LHK, 5:11-cv-03540-LHK, 5:11-cv-03541-LHK, 5:12-cv-01262-LHK (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/21/2013)
October 20, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 526 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting (524) Stipulation in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK.Associated Cases: 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:11-cv-03538-LHK, 5:11-cv-03539-LHK, 5:11-cv-03540-LHK, 5:11-cv-03541-LHK, 5:12-cv-01262-LHK(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/20/2013)
October 20, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 525 RESPONSE to #523 the Non-Settling Defendants' Unauthorized Supplemental Filing of Updated Case Management Statement by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 10/20/2013) Modified text on 10/21/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 18, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 524 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Regarding Substitution of Counsel for Intel Corporation filed by Intel Corp.. (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 10/18/2013)
October 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 523 CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT [UPDATED] filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp.. (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 10/17/2013)
October 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 522 NOTICE of Substitution of Counsel by Gregory P. Stone AND CONSENT ORDER (Stone, Gregory) (Filed on 10/17/2013)
October 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 521 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #509 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PLAINTIFFS' OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS' JOINT ADMIN. MOT. FOR LEAVE TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD ISO THEIR OPPOSITION TO THE MOT. FOR CLASS CERT. AND MOT. TO STRIKE DR. LEAMER'S EXPERT REPORT, Docket No. (redacted version at Docket No. 270) by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration DECLARATION OF EDWARD E. LEAMER IN OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION, Docket No. (redacted version at Docket No. 270-1))(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 10/7/2013)
October 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 520 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #509 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, REPLY EXPERT REPORT OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D ISO December 10, 2012 Reply Brief (redacted version at Docket No. 249) by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 10/7/2013)
October 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 519 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #509 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, EXPERT REPORT OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D ISO October 1, 2012 Motion to Certify Class (redacted version at Docket No. 190) by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 10/7/2013)
October 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 518 REDACTION to #509 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by Intel Corp., Apple Inc., Intuit Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., Pixar, Google Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Expert Report of Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D., #2 Expert Report of Professor Kevin M. Murphy (part 1), #3 Expert Report of Professor Kevin M. Murphy (part 2), #4 Expert Report of Professor Kevin M. Murphy (part 3), #5 Reply Expert Report of Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D.)(Brown, Christina) (Filed on 10/7/2013)
October 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 517 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #509 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #273 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 9, #9 Exhibit 10, #10 Exhibit 11, #11 Exhibit 12, #12 Exhibit 13, #13 Exhibit 14 (part 1), #14 Exhibit 14 (part 2), #15 Exhibit 15, #16 Exhibit 16, #17 Exhibit 17 (part 1), #18 Exhibit 17 (part 2), #19 Exhibit 17 (part 3), #20 Exhibit 18 (part 1), #21 Exhibit 18 (part 2), #22 Exhibit 19, #23 Exhibit 20, #24 Exhibit 21, #25 Exhibit 22, #26 Exhibit 23, #27 Exhibit 25, #28 Exhibit 26, #29 Exhibit 27)(Brown, Christina) (Filed on 10/7/2013)
October 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 516 REDACTION to #509 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 14 to Brown Declaration in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification (Part 1), #2 Exhibit 14 to Brown Declaration in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification (Part 2), #3 Exhibit 14 to Brown Declaration in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification (Part 3), #4 Exhibit 14 to Brown Declaration in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification (Part 4), #5 Exhibit 19 to Brown Declaration in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification, #6 Exhibit 21 to Brown Declaration in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification, #7 Exhibit 25 to Brown Declaration in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification, #8 Exhibit 26 to Brown Declaration in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification, #9 Exhibit 27 to Brown Declaration in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification, #10 Motion to Strike Leamer Report)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 10/7/2013)
October 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 515 REDACTION to #509 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A to March 1, 2013 Joint Discovery Status Report)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 10/7/2013)
October 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 514 REDACTION to #509 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Plaintiffs Motion for Class Certification, #2 Exhibit 14 to Declaration of Ann B. Shaver in Support of Plaintiffs Motion for Class Certification, #3 Exhibit 4 to Declaration of Dean Harvey in Support of Plaintiffs Reply, #4 Exhibit 26 to Harvey Decl., #5 Exhibit 29 to Harvey Decl.)(Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 10/7/2013)
October 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 513 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #509 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Defendants' Joint Administrative Motion for Leave to Supplement the Record by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Supplemental Declaration of Professor Kevin M. Murphy)(Brown, Christina) (Filed on 10/7/2013)
October 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 512 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #509 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Expert Report of Professor Kevin M. Murphy by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 10/7/2013)
October 1, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 511 CLERKS NOTICE CONTINUING FURTHER CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL Further Case Management Conference set for 10/21/2013 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. Motion Hearing set for 10/21/2013 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. *****THIS IS A TEXT-ONLY NOTICE. THERE IS NO DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS DOCKET ENTRY***** (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/1/2013)
October 1, 2013 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re 511 Clerks Notice, Clerks Notice Continuing Motion Hearing, Set Motion and Deadlines/Hearings,,, (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/1/2013)
September 30, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 510 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting #491 Motion for Leave to File; granting #496 Motion for Leave to File; granting #498 Motion for Leave to File; granting #499 Motion for Leave to File; granting #505 Motion for Leave to File. ****THIS IS A TEXT-ONLY ENTRY. THERE IS NO DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS DOCKET ENTRY**** (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/30/2013)
September 30, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 509 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting in part and denying in part (307) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part (335) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part (346) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part (394) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part (271) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part (283) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK (lhklc4, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/30/2013)
September 26, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 508 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 9/26/2013) Modified text on 9/30/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 507 NOTICE by Intuit Inc. of Mailing of Letter to Attorneys General Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1715 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Kiernan, David) (Filed on 9/25/2013)
September 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 506 NOTICE by Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar of Letter to Attorneys General (Attachments: #1 Letter)(Henn, Emily) (Filed on 9/25/2013)
September 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 505 MOTION for Leave to File Statement of Recent Decision filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Proposed Order and Stipulation)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 9/25/2013)
September 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 504 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Settlements filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Declaration Dean M. Harvey, #8 Proposed Order)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 9/21/2013)
September 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 503 Declaration of Joseph R. Saveri in Support of #501 MOTION for Preminary Approval of Class Action Settlement [REDACTED] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Related document(s) #501 ) (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 9/21/2013) Modified text on 9/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 502 Declaration of Kelly M. Dermody in Support of #501 MOTION for Preliminary Approval [REDACTED] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6)(Related document(s) #501 ) (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 9/21/2013) Modified text on 9/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 501 MOTION for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlements; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof [REDACTED] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 10/3/2013 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 10/7/2013. Replies due by 10/15/2013. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Granting Plaintiffs Motion for Conditional Class Certification and Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlements with Defendants Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm, Ltd., and Pixar)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 9/21/2013) Modified text on 9/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 500 Letter from Co-Lead Class Counsel and Counsel for Settling Defendants re Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlements. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 9/19/2013)
September 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 499 MOTION for Leave to File Statement of Recent Decision filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Proposed Order)(Dallal, James) (Filed on 9/19/2013)
August 30, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 498 MOTION for Leave to File Statement of Recent Decision filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Proposed Order)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 8/30/2013)
August 27, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 497 CHART Related to #424 Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal and Suporting Declarations Filed on May 17, 2013 filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Related document(s) #424 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 8/27/2013) Modified text on 8/28/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
August 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 496 MOTION for Leave to File Statement of Recent Decision filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Statement of Recent Decision, #2 Proposed Order and Stipulation)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 8/23/2013)
August 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 494 Transcript of Proceedings held on 8-8-13, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580 email: Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/18/2013. (Related documents(s) #492 ) (las, ) (Filed on 8/19/2013)
August 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 493 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 8/12/2013)
August 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 492 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Apple Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 8/12/2013)
August 9, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 491 MOTION for Leave to File Statement of Recent Decision filed by Apple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Statement of Recent Decision, #2 Proposed Order and Stipulation)(Riley, George) (Filed on 8/9/2013)
August 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 495 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 8/8/2013 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 8/8/2013) re #418 SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION to Certify Class filed by Michael Devine, Siddharth Hariharan, Mark Fichtner, Daniel Stover, Brandon Marshall, Further Case Management Conference held on 8/8/2013 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 8/8/2013), Case referred to Private ADR.. Further Case Management Conference set for 10/3/2013 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 8/8/2013)
August 1, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 490 CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 8/1/2013)
July 30, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 489 Letter from Co-Lead Class Counsel re Notice of Settlement. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/30/2013)
July 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 488 NOTICE of Appearance by Justina Kahn Sessions (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 7/29/2013)
July 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 487 NOTICE of Appearance by Eugene Morris Paige (Paige, Eugene) (Filed on 7/29/2013)
July 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 486 NOTICE of Appearance by Daniel Edward Purcell (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 7/29/2013)
July 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 485 OPPOSITION to ( #479 MOTION TO ENFORCE LOCAL RULE 7-3(d)(1) AND STRIKE DEFENDANTS' IMPROPER SUR REPLY )filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Brown, Christina) (Filed on 7/28/2013) Modified text on 7/29/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 26, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 484 JOINT BRIEF Regarding the Impact of the Proposed Pixar and Lucasfilm Settlements on the Supplemental Class Certification Motion re #460 Order by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 7/26/2013) Modified text on 7/29/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 26, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 483 BRIEF Regarding the Impact of the Proposed Settlement on Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class Certification re #460 Order by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/26/2013) Modified text on 7/29/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 482 NOTICE of Appearance by Robert Addy Van Nest Daniel Purcell, Eugene M. Paige, Justina K. Sessions (Van Nest, Robert) (Filed on 7/25/2013)
July 24, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 481 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #477 Stipulation to Permit Keker & Van Nest LLP to Withdraw as Counsel for Lucasfilm.(lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/24/2013)
July 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 480 Declaration of DEAN M. HARVEY in Support of #479 MOTION TO ENFORCE LOCAL RULE 7-3(d)(1) AND STRIKE DEFENDANTS' IMPROPER SUR REPLY filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E)(Related document(s) #479 ) (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/23/2013)
July 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 479 MOTION TO ENFORCE LOCAL RULE 7-3(d)(1) AND STRIKE DEFENDANTS' IMPROPER SUR REPLY filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. Responses due by 7/29/2013. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/23/2013)
July 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 478 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Raynee Mercado. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/22/2013)
July 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 477 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Substituting Counsel by Lucasfilm and Pixar filed by Pixar. (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 7/22/2013)
July 20, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 476 Proposed Order re #462 Defendants Joint Response To Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal CORRECTION OF DOCKET #467 . by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 7/20/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 475 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #462 Defendants Joint Response To Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal filed by Apple Inc.. (Related document(s) #462 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 474 EXHIBITS re #462 Defendants Joint Response To Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2738, #2 Exhibit 2739 (Part 1), #3 Exhibit 2739 (Part 2), #4 Exhibit 2739 (Part 3))(Related document(s) #462 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 473 EXHIBITS re #462 Defendants Joint Response To Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit F, #2 Exhibit G, #3 Exhibit H, #4 Exhibit J, #5 Exhibit K, #6 Exhibit L, #7 Exhibit M, #8 Exhibit N, #9 Exhibit O)(Related document(s) #462 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 472 EXHIBITS re #462 Defendants Joint Response To Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit B, #2 Exhibit C, #3 Exhibit D)(Related document(s) #462 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 471 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #469 Objection to Reply Evidence filed byAdobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Related document(s) #469 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 7/19/2013)
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 470 REPLY in Support of 418 Supplemental Class Certification MOTION filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Leamer)(Related document(s) #462 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified on 7/23/2013 incorrect event type selected when posting document. Entry linked to document #418 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 469 OBJECTIONS to Evidence in Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of Supplemental Class Certification Motion and Rebuttal Supplemental Expert Report of Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. re #457 Declaration of Edward E. Leamer , #455 Reply to Opposition/Response, by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 468 STATUS REPORT re Mediation by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 7/19/2013)
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 467 Proposed Order re #462 Defendants Joint Response To Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 466 Declaration of Frank Busch in Support of #462 Defendants Joint Response To Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal filed by Intel Corp.. (Related document(s) #462 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 465 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of #462 Defendants Joint Response To Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Related document(s) #462 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 464 Declaration of Rowan T. Mason in Support of #462 Defendants Joint Response To Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal filed by Intuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #462 ) (Mason, Rowan) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 463 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #462 Defendants Joint Response To Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #462 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 462 JOINT RESPONSE to #454 Plaintiffs Administrative Motion To File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc.. (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified on 7/23/2013 counsel posted document incorrectly as a motion and failed to link entry to related document (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 461 RESPONSE to ( #454 PLAINTIFFS ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO FILE UNDER SEAL PLAINTIFFS REPLY IN SUPPORT OF SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E)(Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 7/19/2013) Modified text on 7/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 460 ORDER REGARDING JULY 12, 2013 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT LETTER. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 7/14/2013. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/14/2013)
July 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 459 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover re #457 Declaration in Support, #456 Declaration in Support, #455 Reply to Opposition/Response, #458 Declaration in Support, (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 7/12/2013)
July 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 458 Declaration of Non-Party Sheryl Sandberg in Support of #455 Reply to Opposition/Response [REDACTED] filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #455 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 7/12/2013)
July 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 457 Declaration of Edward E. Leamer in Support of #455 Reply to Opposition/Response [REDACTED] filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #455 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 7/12/2013)
July 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 456 Declaration of Anne B. Shaver in Support of #455 Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of Supplemental Class Certification Motion filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit)(Related document(s) #455 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 7/12/2013) Modified text on 7/15/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 455 REPLY in Support of ( #418 SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION to Certify Class ) [REDACTED] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 7/12/2013) Modified text on 7/15/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
July 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 454 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Anne B. Shaver, #2 Proposed Order, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit, #6 Exhibit)(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 7/12/2013)
July 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 453 Letter from Co-Lead Class Counsel re Notice of Settlement. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/12/2013)
June 27, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 452 NOTICE OF ERRATA to #439 Opposition to Supplemental Class Certification Motion and #440 Supplemental Expert Report of Professor Kevin M. Murphy by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Corrected Exhibit 7)(Brown, Christina) (Filed on 6/27/2013) Modified text on 6/28/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 451 Declaration of JUSTINA K. SESSIONS in Support of #450 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #450 ) (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 6/22/2013) Modified on 6/25/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 450 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Opposition to Plaiintiffs' Supplemental Moiton in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4)(Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 6/22/2013) Modified text on 6/25/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 449 Declaration of Frank Busch in Support of #450 Defendants Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Intel Corp.. (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 6/22/2013) Modified on 6/25/2013 linking entry to document #450 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 448 Declaration of Catherine T. Zeng in Support of #450 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Intuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #450 ) (Zeng, Catherine) (Filed on 6/22/2013) Modified on 6/25/2013 linking entry to document #450 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 447 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #450 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #450 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 6/22/2013) Modified on 6/25/2013 linking entry to document #450 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 446 DECLARATION of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #439 Opposition to Supplemental to Motion for Class Certification filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-10, part 1, #2 Exhibit 1-10, part 2, #3 Errata 11-20, #4 Exhibit 21-27, #5 Errata 28-30, part 1, #6 Exhibit 28-30, part 2)(Related document(s) #439 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 6/22/2013) Modified text on 6/25/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 445 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #439 Opposition to Supplemental Class Certification Motion filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10)(Related document(s) #439 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 6/22/2013) Modified text on 6/25/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 442 EXHIBIT Expert Report of Kathryn Shaw, Ph.D re #439 Opposition to Motion filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #439 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 6/22/2013) Modified text on 6/25/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 444 Declaration of James M. Kennedy in Support of #450 Defendants' Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Document filed by Pixar. (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 6/21/2013) Modified on 6/25/2013 linking entry to document #450 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 443 Declaration of Anne M. Selin In Support of #450 Defendants' Joint Administrative Motion to Seal Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Document filed by Google Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 6/21/2013) Modified on 6/25/2013 linking entry to document #450 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 441 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #450 Defendants' Joint Adminstrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Apple Inc.. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 6/21/2013) Modified on 6/25/2013 linking entry to document #450 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 440 Supplemental Expert Report of Professor Kevin M. Murphy in Support of #439 Opposition to Motion filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Appendix)(Related document(s) #439 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 6/21/2013) Modified text on 6/25/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
June 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 439 OPPOSITION to ( #418 SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION to Certify Class ) filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 6/21/2013) Modified text on 6/25/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 31, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 438 Transcript of Proceedings held on May 15, 2013, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter Raynee H. Mercado, CSR, Telephone number 510-451-7530,, Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/29/2013. (Related documents(s) #434 ) (rhm) (Filed on 5/31/2013)
May 30, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 437 ORDER RE: DISCOVERY STATUS REPORTS. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on May 30, 2013. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/30/2013)
May 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 436 STATUS REPORT Joint Discovery Status Report by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of James G. Dallal re: Extension of Time to File Due to Technical Failure Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 5-1(e)(5))(Dallal, James) (Filed on 5/28/2013)
May 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 435 MEDIATION STATUS REPORT by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 5/22/2013) Modified text on 5/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 20, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 434 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Apple Inc. for Court Reporter Raynee Mercado. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 5/20/2013)
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 433 EXHIBITS re #432 Declaration in Support, Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of Defendants' Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents, Exhibits 1-8 filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit H, #2 Exhibit I, #3 Exhibit J, #4 Exhibit K, #5 Exhibit L, #6 Exhibit M, #7 Exhibit N, #8 Exhibit O, #9 Exhibit P, #10 Exhibit 268, #11 Exhibit 278, #12 Exhibit 279, #13 Exhibit 1130, #14 Exhibit 1376, #15 Exhibit 1854, #16 Exhibit 1855 (part 1), #17 Exhibit 1855 (part 2), #18 Exhibit 1855 (part 3), #19 Exhibit 1856, #20 Exhibit 1858, #21 Exhibit 1859)(Related document(s) #432 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 5/17/2013)
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 432 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #424 Joint Response to Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Apple Inc.. (Related document(s) #424 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 5/17/2013) Modified text on 5/20/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 431 Declaration of James M. Kennedy in Support of #424 Joint Response to Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Cisneros Ex. 129, #2 Cisneros Ex. 137, #3 Cisneros Ex. 420, #4 Cisneros Ex. 424, #5 Cisneros Ex. 1306, #6 Cisneros Ex. 1308, #7 Cisneros Ex. 1309, #8 Cisneros Ex. QQ, #9 Cisneros Ex. RR, #10 Cisneros Ex. SS, #11 Cisneros Ex. TT, #12 Cisneros Ex. UU, #13 Cisneros Ex. VV)(Related document(s) #424 ) (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 5/17/2013) Modified text on 5/20/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 430 REDACTION Declaration of Krystal N. Bowen in Support of #424 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents by Intel Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 9, #2 Exhibit 10, #3 Exhibit Y, #4 Exhibit Z, #5 Exhibit AA, #6 Exhibit BB, #7 Exhibit CC, #8 Exhibit DD, #9 Exhibit 391, #10 Exhibit 392, #11 Exhibit 393, #12 Exhibit 397, #13 Exhibit 398, #14 Exhibit 399, #15 Exhibit 400, #16 Exhibit 478, #17 Exhibit 781, #18 Exhibit 2030, #19 Exhibit 2033, #20 Exhibit 2035)(Bowen, Krystal) (Filed on 5/17/2013) Modified text on 5/20/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 429 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #424 Joint Response to Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-D, F, #2 Exhibit 11, #3 Exhibit 12, #4 Exhibit 210, #5 Exhibit 216, #6 Exhibit 300, #7 Exhibit 416, #8 Errata 1158, #9 Exhibit 1159, #10 Exhibit 1160, #11 Exhibit 1250, #12 Exhibit 2486-1, #13 Exhibit 2486-2, #14 Exhibit 2486-3, #15 Exhibit 2487, #16 Exhibit 2501, #17 Exhibit 2800, #18 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Related document(s) #424 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 5/17/2013) Modified text on 5/20/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 428 EXHIBITS re #418 SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION to Certify Class Public Exhibits to Cisneros Declaration, Exhibit U filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 175, #2 Exhibit 186, #3 Exhibit 192, #4 Exhibit 557, #5 Exhibit 597, #6 Exhibit 648, #7 Exhibit 650, #8 Exhibit 651, #9 Exhibit 653, #10 Exhibit 661, #11 Exhibit 872, #12 Exhibit 1868, #13 Exhibit 1869, #14 Exhibit 1870, #15 Exhibit 1871, #16 Exhibit 1872, #17 Exhibit 2735)(Related document(s) #418 ) (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 5/17/2013)
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 427 Declaration of Eric B. Evans in Support of #424 Joint Response to Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Q, #2 Exhibit R, #3 Exhibit S, #4 Exhibit T, #5 Exhibit V, #6 Exhibit W, #7 Exhibit X, #8 Exhibit EE)(Related document(s) #424 ) (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 5/17/2013) Modified text on 5/20/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 426 Declaration of Justina K. Sessions in Support of #424 Joint Response to Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 17, #2 Exhibit 8, #3 Exhibit 112, #4 Envelope 359, #5 Exhibit 360, #6 Exhibit 690, #7 Exhibit 710, #8 Exhibit 711, #9 Exhibit 715, #10 Exhibit 716, #11 Exhibit 727, #12 Exhibit 728, #13 Exhibit 729, #14 Exhibit 730, #15 Exhibit 944, #16 Exhibit 945, #17 Exhibit 959, #18 Exhibit 2002, #19 Exhibit 2084, #20 Exhibit 2088, #21 Exhibit 2094, #22 Exhibit 2096, #23 Exhibit 2100, #24 Exhibit KK, #25 Exhibit LL, #26 Exhibit MM, #27 Exhibit NN, #28 Exhibit OO, #29 Exhibit PP)(Related document(s) #424 ) (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 5/17/2013) Modified text on 5/20/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 425 Declaration of Catherine T. Zeng in Support of #424 Response to Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Intuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit EE, #2 Exhibit FF, #3 Exhibit GG, #4 Exhibit HH, #5 Exhibit II, #6 Exhibit JJ, #7 Exhibit 912, #8 Exhibit 914, #9 Exhibit 1107, #10 Exhibit 1760, #11 Exhibit 1761, #12 Exhibit 2135, #13 Exhibit 2140, #14 Exhibit 2142, #15 Exhibit 2738, #16 Exhibit 2739 Part 1, #17 Exhibit 2739 Part 2, #18 Exhibit 2739 Part 3, #19 Exhibit 2740 Part 1, #20 Exhibit 2740 Part 2, #21 Exhibit 2743, #22 Exhibit 2744, #23 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Related document(s) #424 ) (Zeng, Catherine) (Filed on 5/17/2013) Modified text on 5/20/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 424 Joint Response to Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion in Support of Class Certification and Related Documents filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Expert Witness Report of Kevin Hallock - REDACTED, #2 Exhibit Supplemental Expert Report of Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. - REDACTED, #3 Exhibit Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion and Brief in Support of Class Certification - REDACTED, #4 Proposed Order, #5 Certificate/Proof of Service POS of Documents Lodged Under Seal)(Kiernan, David) (Filed on 5/17/2013) Modified text on 5/20/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 423 JOINT DISCOVERY STATUS REPORT by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 5/17/2013) Modified text on 5/20/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 15, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 422 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 5/15/2013 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 5/15/2013). Further Case Management Conference set for 8/8/2013 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (Court Reporter Raynee Mercado.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 5/15/2013)
May 15, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 421 CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 5/15/2013. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/15/2013)
May 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 420 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #371 Stipulation Regarding Document Admissibility and Authentication.(lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/14/2013)
May 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 419 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #370 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Robert T. Haslam, III terminated.(lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/14/2013)
May 10, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 418 SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION to Certify Class and Brief in Support of Class Certification filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 8/8/2013 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 6/21/2013. Replies due by 7/12/2013. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Dean Harvey, #2 Declaration Lisa Cisneros, #3 Exhibit Redacted Expert Report of Kevin Hallock, #4 Exhibit Redacted Expert Report of Edward Leamer, #5 Proposed Order)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 5/10/2013) Modified text on 5/13/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 10, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 417 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1:Redacted Supplemental Class Certification Motion, #2 Exhibit 2:Redacted Expert Report of Kevin Hallock, #3 Exhibit 3: Redacted Report of Edward Leamer, #4 Proposed Order)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 5/10/2013)
May 10, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 416 JOINT DISCOVERY STATUS REPORT by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Dallal, James) (Filed on 5/10/2013) Modified text on 5/13/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 415 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 5/8/2013) Modified text on 5/9/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
May 3, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 414 Joint Discovery Status Report by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Dallal, James) (Filed on 5/3/2013) Modified text on 5/6/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 26, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 413 JOINT DISCOVERY STATUS REPORT by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Dallal, James) (Filed on 4/26/2013) Modified text on 4/29/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 26, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 412 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Pletcher, Anna) (Filed on 4/26/2013)
April 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 411 Declaration of Heather Moser Grenier filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 4/25/2013)
April 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 410 Declaration of Thomas M. Jeon in Support of #402 Order dated April 15, 2013 filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Signature Attestation)(Related document(s) #402 ) (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 4/25/2013)
April 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 409 Declaration of Joy C. Sherrod Regarding Intel's Production Of Compensation Related Discovery Materials filed byIntel Corp.. (Shah, Sujal) (Filed on 4/25/2013)
April 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 408 Declaration of James M. Kennedy on behalf of Pixar pursuant tp #402 Court's April 15, 2013 Order filed by Pixar. (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 4/25/2013) Modified on 4/26/2013 linking entry to document #402 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 407 Declaration of William G. Berry Re #402 April 15, 2013 Order filed by Google Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/25/2013) Modified on 4/26/2013 linking entry to document #402 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 406 Declaration of Adobe's In-House Counsel Karen Robinson filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 4/25/2013)
April 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 405 Declaration of Thomas Henry Intuit's In-House counsel filed byIntuit Inc.. (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 4/25/2013)
April 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 404 Joint Discovery Status Report by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Dallal, James) (Filed on 4/19/2013) Modified text on 4/22/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 15, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 403 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 4/15/2013)
April 15, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 402 ORDER Regarding April 12, 2013 Joint Discovery Status Report. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 4/15/2013. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/15/2013)
April 13, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 401 Declaration of Justina K. Sessions in Support of #394 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of the Expert Reports of Dr. Leamer and Dr. Murphy filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #394 ) (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 4/13/2013)
April 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 400 Declaration of James M. Kennedy in Support of #394 Defendants' Renewed Motion to Seal filed by Pixar. (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 4/12/2013) Modified on 4/15/2013 linking entry to document #394 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 399 Declaration of Lin Kahn in Support of #394 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of the Expert Reports of Dr. Leamer and Dr. Murphy filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #394 ) (Kahn, Lin) (Filed on 4/12/2013)
April 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 398 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #394 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of the Expert Reports of Dr. Leamer and Dr. Murphy filed byApple Inc.. (Related document(s) #394 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/12/2013)
April 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 397 Declaration of Catherine T. Zeng in Support of #394 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of the Expert Reports of Dr. Leamer and Dr. Murphy filed byIntuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #394 ) (Zeng, Catherine) (Filed on 4/12/2013)
April 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 396 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of #394 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of the Expert Reports of Dr. Leamer and Dr. Murphy filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #394 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 4/12/2013)
April 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 395 Declaration of Frank Busch in Support of #394 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of the Expert Reports of Dr. Leamer and Dr. Murphy filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #394 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 4/12/2013)
April 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 394 Joint Renewed Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of the Expert Reports of Dr. Leamer and Dr. Murphy filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-1, #2 Exhibit B-1 (part 1), #3 Exhibit B-1 (part 2), #4 Exhibit B-1 (part 3), #5 Exhibit C-1, #6 Exhibit D-1, #7 Exhibit E-1, #8 Exhibit F-1, #9 Exhibit G-1, #10 Exhibit A-2 (highlighted), #11 Exhibit B-2 (highlighted), #12 Exhibit C-2 (highlighted), #13 Exhibit D-2 (highlighted), #14 Exhibit E-2 (highlighted), #15 Exhibit F-2 (highlighted), #16 Exhibit G-2 (highlighted), #17 Proposed Order)(Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/12/2013) Modified text on 4/15/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 393 Joint Discovery Status Report by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 4/12/2013) Modified text on 4/15/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 392 Transcript of Proceedings held on 4-8-13, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580 email: Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/11/2013. (Related documents(s) #387 ) (las, ) (Filed on 4/12/2013)
April 9, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 391 Notice of Withdrawal of Motion Regarding Dkt. Nos. #195 , #211 , #254 , #264 , and #292 (Hinman, Frank) (Filed on 4/9/2013)
April 9, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 390 NOTICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover OF WITHDRAWAL REGARDING DKT. NOS. #186 AND #246 (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 4/9/2013)
April 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 389 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Apple Inc. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 4/8/2013)
April 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 388 Minute Entry and Case Management Order: Further Case Management Conference held on 4/8/2013 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 4/8/2013). Further Case Management Conference set for 5/15/2013 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. Final Pretrial Conference set for 5/8/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. Jury Selection set for 5/27/2014 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Jury Trial set for 5/27/2014 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 4/8/2013)
April 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 387 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Lucasfilm Ltd. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Paige, Eugene) (Filed on 4/8/2013)
April 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 386 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 4/8/2013) Modified text on 4/9/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
April 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #388 Case Management Conference - Further, Set Hearings Final Pretrial Conference set for 5/8/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/8/2013)
April 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re 388 Case Management Conference - Further, Set Hearings Final Pretrial Conference set for 5/8/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/8/2013)
April 5, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 385 STATUS REPORT Joint Discovery Status Report by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 4/5/2013)
April 5, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 384 ORDER RE: JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on April 5, 2013. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/5/2013)
April 5, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 383 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL by Court Staff. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/5/2013) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/5/2013: #1 Certificate/Proof of Service) (mpbS, COURT STAFF).
April 5, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 382 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting in part and denying in part (187) Motion to Certify Class; denying (210) Motion to Strike ; denying (263) Motion for Leave to File in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/5/2013)
April 2, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 381 CLERKS NOTICE CONTINUING FURTHER CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE Further Case Management Conference set for 4/8/2013 10:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. *****THIS IS A TEXT ONLY NOTICE. THERE IS NO DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS DOCKET ENTRY***** (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/2/2013)
April 1, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 380 ORDER REGARDING DISCOVERY. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 4/01/2013. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/1/2013)
March 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 379 Joint Discovery Status Report by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 3/29/2013) Modified text on 4/1/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 378 DECLARATION of Eric B. Evans in Opposition to #361 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal pursuant to Order dkt. no. 361 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #361 ) (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 3/29/2013)
March 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 377 OPPOSITION to #361 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal pursuant to Order dkt. no. 361 by Google Inc.. (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 3/29/2013) Modified text on 4/1/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 376 Declaration of D. Harvey in Support of #361 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal pursuant to Order dkt. no. 361 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #361 ) (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 3/29/2013)
March 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 375 Supplemental Brief re #361 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed pursuant to Order dkt. no. 361 filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #361 ) (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 3/29/2013)
March 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 374 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #339 Motion for Leave to File Recent Decision.(lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/29/2013)
March 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 373 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #343 Motion for Leave to File Recent Decision.(lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/29/2013)
March 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 372 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #368 Motion for Leave to File.(lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/29/2013)
March 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 371 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Regarding Document Admissibility and Authentication filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Mittelstaedt, Robert) (Filed on 3/28/2013)
March 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 370 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Pixar. Responses due by 4/11/2013. Replies due by 4/18/2013. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Haslam, Robert) (Filed on 3/28/2013)
March 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 369 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Intel Corp. for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 3/28/2013)
March 27, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 368 MOTION for Leave to File Statement of Recent Decision filed by Intuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Proposed Order)(Zeng, Catherine) (Filed on 3/27/2013)
March 26, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 367 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover for Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/26/2013)
March 26, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 366 Transcript of Proceedings held on 3-13-13, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580 email: Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 6/24/2013. (Related documents(s) #363 ) (las, ) (Filed on 3/26/2013)
March 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 365 Joint Discovery Status Report by Google Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/22/2013) Modified text on 3/25/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 364 NOTICE of Appearance by Amanda R. Conley (Conley, Amanda) (Filed on 3/21/2013)
March 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 363 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Apple Inc. from Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 3/19/2013)
March 18, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 362 ORDER RE: MARCH 15, 2013 STATUS REPORT. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on March 18, 2013. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/18/2013)
March 18, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 361 ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT GOOGLE INC.'S RENEWED ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO FILE UNDER SEAL PURSUANT TO FEBRUARY 28, 2013 SEALING ORDER by Judge Paul S. Grewal, granting #347 . (ofr, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/18/2013)
March 15, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 360 STATUS REPORT Joint Discovery Status Report by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 3/15/2013)
March 15, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 359 ORDER RE: REDACTIONS FOR LACK OF RELEVANCE AND/OR RESPONSIVENESS. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on March 15, 2013. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/15/2013)
March 15, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 358 NOTICE of Change In Counsel by Cody Shawn Harris NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF COUNSEL (Harris, Cody) (Filed on 3/15/2013)
March 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 356 Statement Regarding Document Redactions by Intel Corp.. (Shah, Sujal) (Filed on 3/14/2013)
March 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 355 Statement Regarding Document Redactions by Apple Inc.. (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 3/14/2013)
March 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 354 Statement re #350 Order Regarding Redactions by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 3/14/2013)
March 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 353 Statement re #350 Order Defendants Adobe Systems Inc. and Intuit Inc.'s Statements Regarding Redactions by Adobe Systems Inc., Intuit Inc.. (Mittelstaedt, Robert) (Filed on 3/14/2013)
March 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 352 Statement re #350 Order Statement regarding Redactions by Google Inc.. (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 3/14/2013)
March 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 351 Statement Regarding Document Redactions by Pixar. (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 3/14/2013)
March 13, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 357 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 3/13/2013 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 3/13/2013). Further Case Management Conference set for 4/2/2013 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 3/13/2013)
March 13, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 350 CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on March 13, 2013. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/13/2013)
March 13, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 349 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting (348) Motion for Pro Hac Vice in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK for Nields.Associated Cases: 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:11-cv-03538-LHK, 5:11-cv-03539-LHK, 5:11-cv-03540-LHK, 5:11-cv-03541-LHK, 5:12-cv-01262-LHK(lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/13/2013)
March 13, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 348 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-7545843.) filed by Pixar. (Nields, John) (Filed on 3/13/2013)
March 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 347 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Pursuant to February 28, 2013 Sealing Order filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proposed Order, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit, #6 Exhibit, #7 Exhibit, #8 Exhibit, #9 Exhibit, #10 Exhibit)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 3/12/2013)
March 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 346 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Eric B. Evans, #2 Signature Page (Declarations/Stipulations))(Evans, Eric) (Filed on 3/8/2013)
March 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 345 ERRATA re #343 MOTION for Leave to File Statement of Recent Decision CORRECTION OF DOCKET #, #343 [343-1] by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 3/8/2013)
March 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 344 CORRECTIONS to #340 Joint Case Management Statement, by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 3/8/2013) Modified text on 3/11/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 343 MOTION for Leave to File Statement of Recent Decision filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 *** EXHIBIT 1 FILED IN ERROR, REFER TO DOCUMENT #345 . *** Exhibit 1, #2 Proposed Order)(Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 3/8/2013) Modified on 3/11/2013 (fff, COURT STAFF).
March 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 342 ORDER RE: DEPOSITION OBJECTIONS. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on March 8, 2013. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/8/2013)
March 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 341 NOTICE by Google Inc. re #334 Order on Motion to Compel Notice of Compliance with February 27, 2013 Order (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 3/8/2013)
March 6, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 340 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 3/6/2013) Modified text on 3/8/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 4, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 339 MOTION for Leave to File Statement of Recent Decision filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Supplement, #2 Declaration, #3 Proposed Order)(Dallal, James) (Filed on 3/4/2013)
March 4, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 338 NOTICE OF REQUEST for In Camera Review by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 3/4/2013) Modified text on 3/5/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 2, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 337 Declaration of Lisa J. Cisneros Regarding Late Filing on 3/2/2013 Statement re #335 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Exhibits 1 and 2 to the March 1, 2013 Joint Discovery Status Report, #336 Status Report, by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/2/2013) Modified text on 3/4/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 2, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 336 JOINT DISCOVERY STATUS REPORT by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to Joint Discovery Status Report, #2 Slip Sheet)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/2/2013) Modified text on 3/4/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
March 2, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 335 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Exhibits 1 and 2 to the March 1, 2013 Joint Discovery Status Report filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits 1 and 2)(Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 3/2/2013)
February 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 334 ORDER RE PLAINTIFFS' MOTION TO COMPEL PRODUCTION by Judge Paul S. Grewal denying #278 Motion to Compel (psglc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/28/2013)
February 28, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 333 ORDER GRANTING-IN-PART SEALING MOTIONS by Judge Paul S. Grewal granting #313 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part #319 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part #326 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part #329 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting in part and denying in part #331 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal; granting #279 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal (psglc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/28/2013)
February 26, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 332 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 2/26/2013 before Magistrate Judge Paul S. Grewal re #278 MOTION to Compel: The court takes matter under submission; written order after hearing to be issued. (Court Reporter: Summer Fisher.) (ofr, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 2/26/2013)
February 20, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 331 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Declaration of Eric B. Evans, #6 Proposed Order)(Evans, Eric) (Filed on 2/20/2013)
February 20, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 330 ORDER RE Privilege Logs. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 2/20/2013. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/20/2013)
February 18, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 329 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Declaration of Eric B. Evans, #4 Proposed Order)(Evans, Eric) (Filed on 2/18/2013)
February 18, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 328 RESPONSE (re #278 MOTION to Compel Google Documents [REDACTED] ) Supplement regarding Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Eric B. Evans)(Evans, Eric) (Filed on 2/18/2013)
February 15, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 327 STATUS REPORT Joint Discovery Status Report by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 2/15/2013)
February 13, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 326 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions of Plaintiffs' Supplement Regarding Motion to Compel Google Documents filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 2/13/2013)
February 13, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 325 Supplemental Brief re #278 MOTION to Compel Google Documents [REDACTED] filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration (Supplemental) of Dean M. Harvey in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel [Redacted])(Related document(s) #278 ) (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 2/13/2013)
February 11, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 324 STIPULATION AND ORDER PERMITTING SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEFING REGARDING PLAINTIFFS' MOTION TO COMPEL GOOGLE DOCUMENTS by Judge Paul S. Grewal, granting #323 . (ofr, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/11/2013)
February 8, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 323 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Permiting Supplemental Briefing Regarding Plaintiffs Motion to Compel Google Documents filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 2/8/2013)
February 5, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 322 ORDER REGARDING JOINT DISCOVERY STATUS REPORT TO THE COURT. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 2/05/2013. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/5/2013)
February 5, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 321 Transcript of Proceedings held on 01-17-13, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 5/6/2013. (las, ) (Filed on 2/5/2013)
February 1, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 320 Statement JOINT DISCOVERY STATUS REPORT by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 2/1/2013)
January 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 319 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal re Google's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel and Supporting Documents filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Declaration of Laszlo Bock, #4 Declaration of Eric B. Evans, #5 Proposed Order)(Evans, Eric) (Filed on 1/25/2013)
January 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 318 OPPOSITION to ( #278 MOTION to Compel Google Documents [REDACTED] ) filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Lee H. Rubin, #2 Declaration of Alan Eustace)(Evans, Eric) (Filed on 1/25/2013) Modified text on 1/28/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 25, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 317 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting (310) Motion to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK.Associated Cases: 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:11-cv-03538-LHK, 5:11-cv-03539-LHK, 5:11-cv-03540-LHK, 5:11-cv-03541-LHK, 5:12-cv-01262-LHK(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/25/2013)
January 24, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 316 STATUS REPORT by Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 1/24/2013)
January 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 315 ORDER DENYING MOTION TO SHORTEN TIME by Judge Paul S. Grewal, denying #280 Motion to Shorten Time. (ofr, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/23/2013)
January 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 314 EXHIBITS G1-a to #307 Defendant's Renewed Administrative Motion filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 1/23/2013) Modified on 1/28/2013 linking entry to document #307 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 313 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Google's Response In Support of Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal Portions of Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel Google Documents and the Declaration of Dean M. Harvey In Support Thereof filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit Exhibit 3, #4 Proposed Order, #5 Declaration Declaration of Anne M. Selin, #6 Exhibit, #7 Exhibit, #8 Exhibit)(Selin, Anne) (Filed on 1/23/2013)
January 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 312 EXHIBITS re #308 Redacted Document,,,, Exhibit 22a to Declaration of Christina Brown filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #308 ) (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 1/23/2013)
January 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 311 Proposed Order re #310 MOTION to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 1/23/2013)
January 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 310 MOTION to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 1/23/2013)
January 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 309 EXHIBITS re #307 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byAdobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-1b, #2 Exhibit A-1c, #3 Exhibit A-1d, #4 Exhibit A-1e, #5 Exhibit A-1f, #6 Exhibit B-1, #7 Exhibit C-1, #8 Exhibit D-1, #9 Exhibit E-1, #10 Exhibit F-1, #11 Exhibit G-1a,*** PURSUANT TO ORDER #317 , DOCUMENT REMOVED. DOCUMENT TO BE REFILED LATER. *** #12 Exhibit G-1b, #13 Exhibit G-1c, #14 Exhibit H-1, #15 Exhibit I-1, #16 Exhibit J-1, #17 Exhibit K-1)(Related document(s) #307 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/23/2013) Modified on 1/23/2013 (fff, COURT STAFF). (Attachment 11 replaced on 1/31/2013) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 1/31/2013 (sp, COURT STAFF).
January 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 308 REDACTION to #304 Redacted Document by Intel Corp., Apple Inc., Intuit Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., Pixar, Google Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14a, #15 Exhibit 14b, #16 Exhibit 14c, #17 Exhibit 14d, #18 Exhibit 14e, #19 Exhibit 14f, #20 Proposed Order 15, #21 Exhibit 16, #22 Exhibit 17, #23 Exhibit 18, #24 Exhibit 19, #25 Exhibit 20, #26 Exhibit 21, #27 Exhibit 22a,*** PURSUANT TO ORDER #317 , DOCUMENT REMOVED. DOCUMENT TO BE REFILED LATER. *** #28 Exhibit 22b, #29 Exhibit 22c, #30 Exhibit 23, #31 Exhibit 24, #32 Exhibit 25, #33 Exhibit 26, #34 Exhibit 27)(Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/23/2013) Modified on 1/23/2013 (fff, COURT STAFF). (Attachment 27 replaced on 1/31/2013) (sp, COURT STAFF). Modified on 1/31/2013 (sp, COURT STAFF).
January 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 307 Renewed Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Apple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/23/2013) Modified text on 1/28/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 23, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 306 Declaration of Christina J. Brown in Support of #307 Renewed Administrative Motion to Seal filed by Apple Inc.. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/23/2013) Modified on 1/28/2013 linking entry to document #307 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 305 Declaration of Anne M. Selin in Support of Defendants' Renewed Motion to Seal filed byGoogle Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 304 REDACTION OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION by Intel Corp., Apple Inc., Intuit Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., Pixar, Google Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 303 Declaration of Justina K. Sessions in Support of Defendants' Renewed Administrative Motion to Seal filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 302 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #273 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Motion to Strike the Report of Dr. Edward E. Leamer #210 by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Susan J. Welch, #2 Exhibit to Welch Declaration)(Busch, Frank) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 301 REDACTION to #210 MOTION to Strike the Report of Dr. Edward E. Leamer in compliance with the Court's January 15, 2013 Order #273 by Intel Corp., Apple Inc., Intuit Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., Pixar, Google Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit to Welch Declaration in Support)(Busch, Frank) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 300 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #292 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants Joint Response in Support of Plaintiffs Administrative Motion to Seal filed byApple Inc.. (Related document(s) #292 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 299 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #273 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Letter from Brendan P. Glackin RE CORRECTION TO CONSOLIDATED REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION AND IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO STRIKE, AND REPLY EXPERT REPORT OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D. by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 298 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #273 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PLAINTIFFS' CONSOLIDATED REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION AND IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO STRIKE in compliance with the Court's January 15, 2013 Order by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 10, #6 Exhibit 13, #7 Exhibit 15, #8 Exhibit 16, #9 Exhibit 17, #10 Exhibit 18, #11 Exhibit 19, #12 Exhibit 20, #13 Exhibit 22, #14 Exhibit 23, #15 Exhibit 24, #16 Exhibit 25, #17 Exhibit 26, #18 Exhibit 27, #19 Exhibit 29, #20 Exhibit 30)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 297 REDACTION to PLAINTIFFS' CONSOLIDATED REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION AND IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO STRIKE in compliance with the Court's January 15, 2013 Order #273 by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Brandon Marshall. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey, #2 Exhibit 1 (redacted), #3 Exhibit 2 (redacted), #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4 (redacted), #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 7, #9 Exhibit 8, #10 Exhibit 9, #11 Exhibit 10 (redacted), #12 Exhibit 11, #13 Exhibit 12, #14 Exhibit 13 (redacted), #15 Exhibit 14, #16 Exhibit 21, #17 Exhibit 26 (redacted), #18 Exhibit 27 (redacted), #19 Exhibit 28, #20 Exhibit 29 (redacted), #21 Exhibit 31, #22 Exhibit 32, #23 Exhibit 33, #24 Exhibit 34)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 296 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #273 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PLAINTIFFS' NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION, AND MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Anne B. Shaver in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification, #2 Exhibit 4, #3 Exhibit 14, #4 Exhibit 15, #5 Exhibit 21, #6 Exhibit 24, #7 Exhibit 25, #8 Exhibit 29, #9 Exhibit 32, #10 Exhibit 34, #11 Exhibit 37, #12 Exhibit 39, #13 Exhibit 40, #14 Exhibit 42, #15 Exhibit 43, #16 Exhibit 44, #17 Exhibit 45, #18 Exhibit 46, #19 Exhibit 47, #20 Exhibit 48, #21 Exhibit 49, #22 Exhibit 54, #23 Exhibit 59, #24 Exhibit 62, #25 Exhibit 63, #26 Exhibit 67, #27 Exhibit 68)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 295 Declaration of Catherine T. Zeng in Support of #292 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants Joint Response in Support of Plaintiffs Administrative Motion to Seal filed byIntuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #292 ) (Zeng, Catherine) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 294 Declaration of Frank Busch in Support of #292 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants Joint Response in Support of Plaintiffs Administrative Motion to Seal filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #292 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 293 AFFIDAVIT OF EDWARD T. COLLIGAN AND EXHIBITS A AND B in compliance with the Court's January 15, 2013 Order #273 by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 292 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendants Joint Response in Support of Plaintiffs Administrative Motion to Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit Opposition [REDACTED], #3 Exhibit Declaration [REDACTED], #4 Opposition [highlighted], #5 Declaration [highlighted])(Busch, Frank) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 291 REDACTION to DECLARATION OF ANNE B. SHAVER IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION in compliance with the Court's January 15, 2013 Order #273 by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Brandon Marshall. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4 (redacted), #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14 (redacted), #15 Exhibit 16, #16 Exhibit 17, #17 Exhibit 18, #18 Exhibit 19, #19 Exhibit 20, #20 Exhibit 21 (redacted), #21 Exhibit 22, #22 Exhibit 23, #23 Exhibit 24 (redacted), #24 Exhibit 25 (redacted), #25 Exhibit 26, #26 Exhibit 27, #27 Exhibit 28, #28 Exhibit 29 (redacted), #29 Exhibit 30, #30 Exhibit 31, #31 Exhibit 32 (redacted), #32 Exhibit 33, #33 Exhibit 34 (redacted), #34 Exhibit 35, #35 Exhibit 36, #36 Exhibit 37 (redacted), #37 Exhibit 38, #38 Exhibit 39 (redacted), #39 Exhibit 40 (redacted), #40 Exhibit 41, #41 Exhibit 42 (redacted), #42 Exhibit 50, #43 Exhibit 51, #44 Exhibit 52, #45 Exhibit 53, #46 Exhibit 55, #47 Exhibit 56, #48 Exhibit 57, #49 Exhibit 58, #50 Exhibit 60, #51 Exhibit 61, #52 Exhibit 62 (redacted), #53 Exhibit 63 (redacted), #54 Exhibit 64, #55 Exhibit 65, #56 Exhibit 66, #57 Exhibit 67 (redacted), #58 Exhibit 68 (redacted), #59 Exhibit 69, #60 Exhibit 70, #61 Exhibit 71)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 290 REDACTION to PLAINTIFFS' NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION, AND MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT in compliance with the Court's January 15, 2013 Order #273 by Daniel Stover, Siddharth Hariharan, Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Brandon Marshall. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 289 NOTICE of Compliance with #273 Court's January 15, 2013 Order re Motions to Seal by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/22/2013) Modified text on 1/23/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 288 Declaration of Frank Wagner in Support of #283 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #283 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 287 Declaration of Tina M. Evangelista in Support of #283 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #283 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 286 Letter from Eric Evans to Honorable Paul S. Grewal. (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 285 Declaration of Lisa K. Borgeson in Support of #283 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byIntuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #283 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 284 Declaration of Donna Morris in Support of #283 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #283 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 283 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Exhibit F, #8 Exhibit G, #9 Proposed Order Granting Renewed Administrative Motion to File Under Seal)(Kiernan, David) (Filed on 1/22/2013)
January 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 282 Minute Entry and Case Management Order: Further Case Management Conference held on 1/17/2013 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 1/17/2013). Further Case Management Conference set for 3/13/2013 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 1/17/2013)
January 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 281 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 1/17/2013 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 1/17/2013) re #187 MOTION to Certify Class and Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed by Michael Devine, Siddharth Hariharan, Mark Fichtner, Daniel Stover, Brandon Marshall. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 1/17/2013)
January 16, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 280 MOTION to Shorten Time on Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Granting Plaintiffs' Motion to Shorten Time on Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/16/2013)
January 16, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 279 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal , Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 79-5(d), Portions of Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel Google Documents and the Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support Thereof filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel Google Documents [Redacted], #2 Exhibit B: Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support Thereof with Exhibits A-O [Redacted], #3 Exhibit C: Highlighted Version of Plaintiffs' Motion To Compel Google Documents, #4 Exhibit D: Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support Thereof)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/16/2013)
January 16, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 278 MOTION to Compel Google Documents [REDACTED] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 2/26/2013 10:00 AM in Courtroom 5, 4th Floor, San Jose before Magistrate Judge Paul Singh Grewal. Responses due by 1/30/2013. Replies due by 2/6/2013. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of Plaintiffs Motion to Compel and Plaintiffs Motion to Shorten Time, Exhibits A-O [REDACTED], #2 Proposed Order Granting Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel Google Documents)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/16/2013)
January 16, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 277 ORDER TO BRING EQUIPMENT INTO COURTROOM re #272 Notice (Other), filed by Intuit Inc.. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 1/16/13. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/16/2013)
January 16, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 276 ERRATA re #222 Declaration in Support, #221 Declaration in Support of Joint Administrative Motion to Seal dated Nov. 12, 2012 by Google Inc.. (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 1/16/2013)
January 16, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 275 CLERKS NOTICE re Deficiency (dhmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/16/2013)
January 16, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 274 ERRATA re #215 Declaration in Support, by Apple Inc.. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/16/2013)
January 15, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 273 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting in part and denying in part (186) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Documents Related to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification; granting in part and denying in part (211) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Documents Related to Defendants' Opposition to Class Certification; granting in part and denying in part (246) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Documents Related to Plaintiffs' Consolidated Reply in Support of its Motion for Class Certification and Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Strike; granting (252) Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portion of Glackin Letter; granting in part and denying in part (254) Defendants' Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/15/2013)
January 15, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 272 NOTICE by Intuit Inc. of Request to Bring Electronic Equipment into the Courtroom (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Zeng, Catherine) (Filed on 1/15/2013) Modified on 1/16/2013 COUNSEL POSTED DOCUMENT INCORRECTLY AS A NOTICE (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 271 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A [Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Administrative Motion - Redacted], #2 Exhibit B [Declaration of Dr. Edward E. Leamer in Opposition to Defendants' Administrative Motion - Redacted], #3 Exhibit C [Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Administrative Motion - Redactions Highlighted], #4 Exhibit D [Declaration of Dr. Edward E. Leamer in Opposition to Defendants' Administrative Motion - Redactions Highlighted])(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/14/2013)
January 14, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 270 OPPOSITION to ( #263 JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION for Leave to Supplement the Record in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification ) and ( #210 MOTION to Strike the Report of Dr. Edward E. Leamer ) [REDACTED] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Dr. Edward E. Leamer in Opposition to Defendants' Administrative Motion)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/14/2013) Modified text on 1/16/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 11, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 269 ORDER Re: Motions to Seal. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 1/11/2013. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/11/2013)
January 10, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 268 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/10/2013)
January 10, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 267 NOTICE of Appearance by Lisa Janine Cisneros (Cisneros, Lisa) (Filed on 1/10/2013)
January 9, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 266 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #264 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byApple Inc.. (Related document(s) #264 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/9/2013)
January 9, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 265 Declaration of Frank Busch in Support of #264 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #264 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 1/9/2013)
January 9, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 264 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to Administrative Motion to Seal, #2 Exhibit B to Administrative Motion to Seal, #3 Exhibit C to Administrative Motion to Seal, #4 Declaration of Anne Selin, #5 Proposed Order)(Evans, Eric) (Filed on 1/9/2013)
January 9, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 263 JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION for Leave to Supplement the Record in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification; Declaration of Eric B. Evans; Supplemental Declaration of Kevin Murphy; Proposed Order filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Eric B. Evans, #2 Exhibit A to Evans Decl., #3 Declaration of Kevin Murphy, #4 Proposed Order)(Evans, Eric) (Filed on 1/9/2013) Modified text on 1/10/2013 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
January 9, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 262 NOTICE of Change of Address by James Gerard Beebe Dallal for Joseph Saveri Law Firm (Dallal, James) (Filed on 1/9/2013)
December 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 261 Declaration of Frank Wagner in Support of #254 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #254 ) (Selin, Anne) (Filed on 12/18/2012)
December 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 260 Declaration of Justina K. Sessions in Support of #254 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #254 ) (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 12/18/2012)
December 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 259 Declaration of James M. Kennedy in Support of #254 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byPixar. (Related document(s) #254 ) (Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 12/17/2012)
December 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 258 Declaration of Christina Brown in Support of #254 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byApple Inc.. (Related document(s) #254 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 12/17/2012)
December 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 257 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #254 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #254 ) (Wang, Lin) (Filed on 12/17/2012)
December 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 256 Declaration of Catherine T. Zeng in Support of #254 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byIntuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #254 ) (Zeng, Catherine) (Filed on 12/17/2012)
December 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 255 Declaration of Susan J. Welch in Support of #254 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #254 ) (Welch, Susan) (Filed on 12/17/2012)
December 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 254 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Appendix Appendix A, #2 Exhibit Exhibits A-C, #3 Proposed Order)(Evans, Eric) (Filed on 12/17/2012)
December 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 252 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal LETTER RE CORRECTION TO CONSOLIDATED REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION AND IN OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS MOTION TO STRIKE THE REPORT OF DR. EDWARD E. LEAMER, AND REPLY EXPERT REPORT OF EDWARD E. LEAMER, PH.D. filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit Redacted Letter)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 12/12/2012)
December 11, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 251 CLERKS NOTICE CONTINUING FURTHER CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE TO DATE OF MOTION HEARING Further Case Management Conference set for 1/17/2013 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. ****THIS IS A TEXT-ONLY ENTRY. THERE IS NO DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS DOCKET ENTRY**** (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/11/2012)
December 10, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 250 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover re #247 Reply to Opposition/Response, (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 12/10/2012)
December 10, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 249 Declaration of Edward E. Leamer in Support of #247 Reply to Opposition/Response, filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #247 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 12/10/2012)
December 10, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 248 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #247 Reply to Opposition/Response, filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits Filed Under Seal, #2 Exhibit 7, #3 Exhibit 8, #4 Exhibit 9, #5 Exhibit 10, #6 Exhibit 11, #7 Exhibit 31, #8 Exhibit 32, #9 Exhibit 33, #10 Exhibit 34)(Related document(s) #247 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 12/10/2012)
December 10, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 247 REPLY (re #187 MOTION to Certify Class and Memorandum of Points and Authorities, #210 MOTION to Strike the Report of Dr. Edward E. Leamer ) filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 12/10/2012)
December 10, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 246 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Anne Shaver, #2 Proposed Order, #3 Exhibit Redacted Reply Class Certification, #4 Exhibit Redacted Reply Report Edward Leamer, #5 Exhibit Exhibits Under Seal)(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 12/10/2012)
December 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 245 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Palm Inc., Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 12/5/2012)
November 26, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 244 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #113 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Katerine M Lehe. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/26/2012)
November 21, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 243 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #194 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Jonathan A D Herczeg terminated.(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/21/2012)
November 21, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 242 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh denying (213) Motion for Hearing; granting in part and denying in part (232) Motion ; granting (235) Motion to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/21/2012)
November 19, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 241 Proposed Order re #240 Declaration in Support, #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal AS TO INFORMATION DESIGNATED CONFIDENTIAL BY PLAINTIFFS by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A (Opposition to Plaintiffs Motion for Class Certification: Plaintiffs Proposed Redactions), #2 Exhibit B (Exhibits to the Declaration of Christina Brown: Plaintiffs Proposed Redactions), #3 Exhibit C (Exhibits to the Declaration of Susan J. Welch: Plaintiffs Proposed Redactions))(Forderer, Joseph) (Filed on 11/19/2012)
November 19, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 240 Declaration of JOSEPH P. FORDERER in Support of #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal AS TO INFORMATION DESIGNATED CONFIDENTIAL BY PLAINTIFFS filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #211 ) (Forderer, Joseph) (Filed on 11/19/2012)
November 19, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 239 Declaration of Frank M. Hinman in Support of #238 Opposition to Motion, filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-E)(Related document(s) #238 ) (Hinman, Frank) (Filed on 11/19/2012) Modified text on 11/20/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 19, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 238 OPPOSITION to ( #232 MOTION Administrative Motion for Order Compelling Defendants to Comply with Civil Local Rules 7-3(a) and 3-4(c)(2) ) filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Hinman, Frank) (Filed on 11/19/2012) Modified text on 11/20/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 16, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 237 OPPOSITION to ( #213 MOTION for an Evidentiary Hearing on Class Certification Issues ) filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Denying Defendants' Administrative Motion)(Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 11/16/2012) Modified text on 11/19/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 16, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 236 Amended Declaration of Brendan P. Glackin in Support of #232 MOTION Administrative Motion for Order Compelling Defendants to Comply with Civil Local Rules 7-3(a) and 3-4(c)(2) CORRECTION OF DOCKET #233 . filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Related document(s) #232 ) (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 11/16/2012) Modified text on 11/19/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 16, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 235 MOTION to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 11/16/2012)
November 15, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 234 Proposed Order re #232 MOTION Administrative Motion for Order Compelling Defendants to Comply with Civil Local Rules 7-3(a) and 3-4(c)(2) by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 11/15/2012)
November 15, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 233 Declaration of Brendan P. Glackin in Support of #232 MOTION Administrative Motion for Order Compelling Defendants to Comply with Civil Local Rules 7-3(a) and 3-4(c)(2) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A , #2 Exhibit B)(Related document(s) #232 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 11/15/2012) Modified on 11/16/2012 (ewn, COURT STAFF). Modified on 11/16/2012 (ewn, COURT STAFF). Modified on 11/28/2012 PURSUANT TO ORDER (DOC. #242) THE GLACKIN DECLARATION IS PERMANENTLY LOCKED (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 15, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 232 MOTION Administrative Motion for Order Compelling Defendants to Comply with Civil Local Rules 7-3(a) and 3-4(c)(2) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. Responses due by 11/29/2012. Replies due by 12/6/2012. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 11/15/2012)
November 15, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 231 NOTICE of Appearance Google Inc. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 11/15/2012)
November 14, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 230 Expert Report of Professor Kevin M. Murphy in Support of #209 Opposition/Response to Motion CORRECTION OF DOCKET #212 , filed byAdobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Related document(s) #209 ) (Hinman, Frank) (Filed on 11/14/2012) Modified text on 11/19/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 14, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 229 Proposed Order re #224 Proposed Order Revised Proposed Order re #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 11/14/2012)
November 13, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 228 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Apple Inc. re #209 Opposition/Response to Motion, #215 Declaration in Support, (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 11/13/2012)
November 13, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 227 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Intel Corp. re #212 Declaration in Support, #210 MOTION to Strike the Report of Dr. Edward E. Leamer, #215 Declaration in Support, (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 11/13/2012)
November 13, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 226 Transcript of Proceedings held on 06-04-12, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/11/2013. (las, ) (Filed on 11/13/2012)
November 13, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 225 Proposed Order re #210 MOTION to Strike the Report of Dr. Edward E. Leamer by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 11/13/2012)
November 13, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 224 Proposed Order re #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 11/13/2012)
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 223 EXHIBITS re #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A (Opp), #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E)(Related document(s) #211 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 11/12/2012)
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 222 Declaration of Christina J. Brown in Support of #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byApple Inc.. (Related document(s) #211 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 11/12/2012)
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 221 Declaration of Frank Wagner in Support of #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #211 ) (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 11/12/2012)
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 220 Declaration of Frank Busch in Support of #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byIntel Corp.. (Related document(s) #211 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 11/12/2012)
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 219 Declaration of Justina K. Sessions in Support of #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #211 ) (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 11/12/2012)
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 218 Declaration of James M. Kennedy in Support of #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byPixar. (Related document(s) #211 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 11/12/2012)
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 217 Declaration of Lin W. Kahn in Support of #211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #211 ) (Mittelstaedt, Robert) (Filed on 11/12/2012)
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 216 Proposed Order re #213 ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION for an Evidentiary Hearing on Class Certification Issues by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 11/12/2012) Modified text on 11/14/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 215 Declaration of Christina J. Brown in Support of #209 Opposition to Motion for Class Certification filed by Apple Inc. PUBLIC REDACTED VERSION. (Attachments: #1 Ex. 1-6, #2 Ex. 7, #3 Ex. 8-15, #4 Ex. 16, #5 Ex. 17, #6 Ex. 18, #7 Ex. 19-22, #8 Ex. 23, #9 Ex. 24, #10 Ex. 25-27)(Related document(s) #209 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 11/12/2012) Modified text on 11/14/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 214 Declaration of Catherine T. Zeng in Support of #211 joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Intuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #211 ) (Zeng, Catherine) (Filed on 11/12/2012) Modified text on 11/14/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 213 MOTION for an Evidentiary Hearing on Class Certification Issues filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 11/12/2012) Modified text on 11/14/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 212 *** FILED IN ERROR. DOCUMENT LOCKED. PLEASE SEE DOCKET #230 . *** Expert Report of Prefessor Kevin M. Murphy in Support of #209 Opposition/Response to Motion for Class Certification filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Related document(s) #209 ) (Hinman, Frank) (Filed on 11/12/2012) Modified text on 11/14/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF). Modified on 11/14/2012 (wv, COURT STAFF).
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 211 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 11/12/2012)
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 210 MOTION to Strike the Report of Dr. Edward E. Leamer filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. Motion Hearing set for 1/17/2013 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 11/26/2012. Replies due by 12/3/2012. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Susan J. Welch, #2 Exhibit)(Hinman, Frank) (Filed on 11/12/2012)
November 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 209 OPPOSITION to ( #187 MOTION for Class Certification ) filed by Apple Inc.. (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 11/12/2012) Modified text on 11/13/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 208 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting (207) Motion for Pro Hac Vice in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK.Associated Cases: 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:11-cv-03538-LHK, 5:11-cv-03539-LHK, 5:11-cv-03540-LHK, 5:11-cv-03541-LHK(lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/17/2012)
October 16, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 207 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice Thomas A. Isaacson ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-7203150.) filed by Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Certificate/Proof of Service Certificate of Good Standing)(Isaacson, Thomas) (Filed on 10/16/2012)
October 11, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 206 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #205 Motion for Pro Hac Vice.(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/11/2012)
October 10, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 205 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice Chinue T. Richardson ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-7189136.) filed by Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Certificate/Proof of Service Certificate of Good Standing)(Richardson, Chinue) (Filed on 10/10/2012)
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 204 Declaration of Mark Bentley Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 79-5(d) in Support of #195 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Apple Inc.. (Related document(s) #195 ) (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 10/9/2012) Modified text on 10/10/2012 to conform with caption of document (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 203 Declaration of Tina M. Evangelista in Support of #195 Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Plaintiffs' Notice of Motion and Motion for Class Certification and Memorandum of Law in Support filed by Intel Corp.. (Related document(s) #195 ) (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 10/9/2012) Modified text on 10/10/2012 to conform with caption of document (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 202 Declaration of James M. Kennedy Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 79-5(d) Submitted in Support of #195 Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Pixar. (Related document(s) #195 ) (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 10/9/2012) Modified text on 10/10/2012 to conform with caption of document (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 201 Declaration of Frank Wagner in Support of #195 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Related document(s) #195 ) (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 10/9/2012) Modified text on 10/10/2012 to conform with caption of document (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 200 Declaration of Alan Eustace in Support of #195 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Google Inc.. (Related document(s) #195 ) (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 10/9/2012) Modified text on 10/10/2012 to conform with caption of document (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 199 Declaration of DAVID J. ANDERMAN in Support of #195 Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #195 ) (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 10/9/2012) Modified text on 10/10/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 198 Proposed Order Granting #186 Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A (Plaintiffs Notice of Motion and Motion for Class Cert_Proposed Redactions), #2 Exhibit B (Expert Report of Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. With Proposed Redactions), #3 Exhibit C (Exhibits With Proposed Redactions))(Kiernan, David) (Filed on 10/9/2012) Modified text on 10/10/2012 to conform with caption of document (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 197 Declaration of Lisa Borgeson in Support of #186 Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byIntuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #195 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 10/9/2012) Modified text on 10/10/2012 to conform with caption of document (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 196 Declaration of Donna Morris in Support of #195 Joint Response to Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal filed byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Related document(s) #195 ) (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 10/9/2012) Modified text on 10/10/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 195 Defendants' Joint Response to #186 Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to Seal filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Intuit Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Kiernan, David) (Filed on 10/9/2012) Modified on 10/10/2012 counsel posted document incorrectly as a motion and failed to link entry to document #186 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
October 8, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 194 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Jonathan Herczeg filed by Pixar. Responses due by 10/22/2012. Replies due by 10/29/2012. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Henn, Emily) (Filed on 10/8/2012)
October 8, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 193 Proposed Order re #192 Declaration in Support of Granting Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal by Palm Inc.. (Smith, Benjamin) (Filed on 10/8/2012)
October 8, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 192 Declaration of Robert Booth In Support of Plaintiffs' Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byPalm Inc.. (Smith, Benjamin) (Filed on 10/8/2012)
October 1, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 191 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover re #188 Declaration in Support,, #189 Declaration in Support, #186 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal , #190 Declaration in Support, #187 MOTION to Certify Class and Memorandum of Points and Authorities (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 10/1/2012)
October 1, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 190 Declaration of Edward E. Leamer, Ph.D. in Support of #187 MOTION to Certify Class and Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3)(Related document(s) #187 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 10/1/2012)
October 1, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 189 Declaration of Edward Colligan in Support of #187 MOTION to Certify Class and Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A & B)(Related document(s) #187 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 10/1/2012)
October 1, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 188 Declaration of Ann B. Shaver in Support of #187 MOTION to Certify Class and Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 6, #2 Exhibit 7, #3 Exhibit 8, #4 Exhibit 9, #5 Exhibit 10, #6 Exhibit 1-5, 11-55, 58-68, and 70, #7 Exhibit 56, #8 Exhibit 57, #9 Exhibit 69, #10 Exhibit 71)(Related document(s) #187 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 10/1/2012)
October 1, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 187 MOTION to Certify Class and Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. Motion Hearing set for 1/17/2013 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 11/12/2012. Replies due by 12/10/2012. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 10/1/2012)
October 1, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 186 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Joseph P. Forderer, #2 Proposed Order, #3 Exhibit Class Certification Brief (Redacted), #4 Exhibit Colligan Declaration (Redacted), #5 Exhibit Expert Report (Redacted), #6 Exhibit Exhibits to Shaver Declaration (Redacted), #7 Exhibit Exhibits to Colligan Declaration (Redacted))(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 10/1/2012)
September 19, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 185 NOTICE of Appearance by James Gerard Beebe Dallal (Dallal, James) (Filed on 9/19/2012)
September 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 184 Transcript of Proceedings held on 09-12-12, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 12/17/2012. (las, ) (Filed on 9/18/2012)
September 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #183 Case Management Conference - Further, Set Hearings (Inadvertently not calendared when Case Management Order was docketed) Further Case Management Conference set for 12/12/2012 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/12/2012)
September 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 183 Minute Entry and Case Management Order: Further Case Management Conference held on 9/12/2012 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 9/12/2012). Final Pretrial Conference set for 10/31/2013 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. Jury Selection set for 11/12/2013 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Jury Trial set for 11/12/2013 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Motion Hearing set for 1/17/2013 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 9/12/2012)
September 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 182 RESPONSE to #181 Plaintiffs' Supplemental Case Management Statement by Google Inc.. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 9/12/2012) Modified text on 9/13/2012 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
September 11, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 181 CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT (SUPPLEMENTAL) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 9/11/2012)
September 6, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 180 NOTICE of Appearance by Joseph Peter Forderer (Forderer, Joseph) (Filed on 9/6/2012)
September 6, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 179 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Michael Devine. (Leebove, Lisa) (Filed on 9/6/2012)
July 23, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 178 ORDER to Show Cause Why Case No. 5:12-CV-01262-LHK Should Not Be Dismissed for Failure to Prosecute. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 7/23/2012. (lhklc1S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/23/2012) Modified on 7/23/2012 (lhklc1S, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 177 CLERKS NOTICE AMENDING TRIAL SCHEDULE (CHANGING DATE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF TRIAL) Jury Selection set for 8/26/2013 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Jury Trial set for 8/26/2013 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/19/2012)
July 10, 2012 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #176 Order on Stipulation, Hearing re Class Certification Motion set for 12/13/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/10/2012)
July 10, 2012 Opinion or Order Set Deadlines/Hearings: Fact Discovery Cutoff 1/29/13; Expert Discovery Cutoff 3/26/2013. Final Pretrial Conference set for 7/31/2013 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. Jury Selection set for 8/27/2013 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Jury Trial set for 8/27/2013 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/10/2012)
July 10, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 176 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting (175) Stipulation in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK. Associated Cases: 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:11-cv-03538-LHK, 5:11-cv-03539-LHK, 5:11-cv-03540-LHK, 5:11-cv-03541-LHK, 5:12-cv-01262-LHK(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/10/2012)
July 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 175 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER AMENDING CASE SCHEDULE filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/9/2012)
July 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 174 AMENDED ANSWER to Plaintiffs' #65 Consolidated Amended Complaint byApple Inc.. (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 7/5/2012) Modified on 7/6/2012 (gm, COURT STAFF).
July 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 173 AMENDED ANSWER to #65 Amended Complaint byGoogle Inc.. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 7/5/2012) Modified on 7/6/2012 (gm, COURT STAFF).
July 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 172 AMENDED ANSWER to #65 Amended Complaint byPixar. (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 7/5/2012) Modified on 7/6/2012 (gm, COURT STAFF).
July 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 171 AMENDED ANSWER to Plaintiffs' #65 Consolidated Amended Complaint byIntuit Inc.. (Zeng, Catherine) (Filed on 7/5/2012) Modified on 7/6/2012 (gm, COURT STAFF).
July 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 170 AMENDED ANSWER to #65 AMENDED COMPLAINT byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 7/5/2012) Modified on 7/6/2012 (gm, COURT STAFF).
July 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 169 Amended ANSWER to #65 Amended Complaint byIntel Corp.. (Pickett, Donn) (Filed on 7/5/2012) Modified on 7/6/2012 (gm, COURT STAFF).
July 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 168 AMENDED ANSWER to #65 Consolidated Amended Complaint byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 7/5/2012) Modified on 7/6/2012 (gm, COURT STAFF).
July 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 167 NOTICE of Appearance by Lisa Jennifer Leebove (Leebove, Lisa) (Filed on 7/5/2012)
July 3, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 166 NOTICE of Appearance by Kevin Edward Rayhill (Rayhill, Kevin) (Filed on 7/3/2012)
July 2, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 165 ORDER re Case Schedule. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 7/2/2012. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/2/2012)
July 2, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 164 ORDER re Discovery. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 6/28/2012. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/2/2012)
July 2, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 163 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting #161 Motion for Pro Hac Vice.(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/2/2012)
July 2, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 162 STATUS REPORT REGARDING REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS AND DATA by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 7/2/2012)
June 21, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 161 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice of Peter A. Barile III ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-6911874.) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Barile, Peter) (Filed on 6/21/2012)
June 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 160 Declaration of Justina K. Sessions re #148 Regarding Lucasfilm's Document and Data Production filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Sessions, Justina) (Filed on 6/18/2012) Modified on 6/19/2012 linking entry to entry #148 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
June 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 159 Declaration of Christina Brown re #148 Order Regarding Apple Inc.'s Document and Data Productions by Apple Inc.. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 6/18/2012) Modified text on 6/19/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
June 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 158 Declaration of Frank M. Hinman re #148 Order Regarding Intel's Production of Data and Documents by Intel Corp.. (Hinman, Frank) (Filed on 6/18/2012) Modified text on 6/19/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
June 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 157 Declaration of Jonathan Herczeg re #148 Order Regarding Pixar's Production of Documents and Data by Pixar. (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 6/18/2012) Modified text on 6/19/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
June 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 156 Declaration of David C. Kiernan re #148 Order Regarding Defendant Adobe Systems Incorporateds Production of Data and Documents by Adobe Systems Inc.. (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 6/18/2012) Modified text on 6/19/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
June 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 155 Declaration of Catherine T. Zeng re #148 Order Regarding Defendant Intuit Inc.'s Production of Data and Documents by Intuit Inc.. (Zeng, Catherine) (Filed on 6/18/2012) Modified text on 6/19/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
June 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 154 Declaration of Eric B. Evans regarding Compliance with #148 June 5, 2012 Case Management Order by Google Inc.. (Evans, Eric) (Filed on 6/18/2012) Modified text on 6/19/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
June 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 153 NOTICE of Compliance with the Courts June 5, 2012 Case Management Order by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey Regarding Plaintiffs Compliance with the Courts June 5, 2012 Case Management Order, #2 Declaration of Joseph R. Saveri Regarding Compliance with the Courts June 5, 2012 Case Management Order)(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 6/18/2012) Modified text on 6/19/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
June 15, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 152 Stipulation and Order Regarding Amending Answers and Affirmative Defenses by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting (151) Stipulation in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK. Associated Cases: 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:11-cv-03538-LHK, 5:11-cv-03539-LHK, 5:11-cv-03540-LHK, 5:11-cv-03541-LHK, 5:12-cv-01262-LHK (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/15/2012) Modified text on 6/18/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
June 14, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 151 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Regarding Amending Answers and Affirmative Defenses filed by Pixar. (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 6/14/2012)
June 14, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 150 NOTICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover of withdrawal of Attorney John Radice (Nussbaum, Linda) (Filed on 6/14/2012)
June 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Pursuant to Signed Order ( 148 ). Case Reassigned to Magistrate Judge Paul Singh Grewal for all further discovery disputes. Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd no longer assigned to the case. (tsh, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/12/2012)
June 12, 2012 Opinion or Order Pursuant to Signed Order ( #148 ). Case Reassigned to Magistrate Judge Paul Singh Grewal for all further discovery disputes. Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd no longer assigned to the case. (tsh, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/12/2012)
June 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 148 Case Management Order; Referral of Discovery; Further Case Management Order. *** Counsel is advised that this Order contains new dates in addition to the dates discussed at the June 4, 2012 Case Management Conference.*** . Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 6/5/2012. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/5/2012)
June 4, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 149 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 6/4/2012 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 6/4/2012). Further Case Management Conference set for 9/12/2012 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 6/4/2012)
June 4, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 147 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting (144) Motion to Amend/Correct. Associated Cases: 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:11-cv-03538-LHK, 5:11-cv-03539-LHK, 5:11-cv-03540-LHK, 5:11-cv-03541-LHK, 5:12-cv-01262-LHK(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/4/2012)
June 3, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 146 Declaration of Joseph R. Saveri in Support of #144 MOTION to Amend/Correct Plaintiffs Unopposed Administrative Motion to Amend Pretrial Order No. 1 filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Related document(s) #144 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 6/3/2012)
June 3, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 145 Declaration of Anne B. Shaver in Support of #144 MOTION to Amend/Correct Plaintiffs Unopposed Administrative Motion to Amend Pretrial Order No. 1 filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to Shaver Declaration - Firm Resume)(Related document(s) #144 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 6/3/2012)
June 3, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 144 UNOPPOSED ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION to Amend Pretrial Order No. 1 filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. Responses due by 6/18/2012. Replies due by 6/25/2012. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A to Motion - [Proposed Order])(Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 6/3/2012) Modified text on 6/4/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
June 1, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 143 NOTICE of Appearance by Joseph R. Saveri (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 6/1/2012)
June 1, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 142 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 6/1/2012)
May 29, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 141 Discovery Dispute Joint Report #2 by Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 5/29/2012) Modified text on 5/30/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
May 29, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 140 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh denying (137) Motion for Extension of Time to File in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK. Associated Cases: 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:11-cv-03538-LHK, 5:11-cv-03539-LHK, 5:11-cv-03540-LHK, 5:11-cv-03541-LHK, 5:12-cv-01262-LHK(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/29/2012)
May 29, 2012 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re 140 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File, Further Case Management Conference set for 6/4/2012 02:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/29/2012)
May 29, 2012 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #140 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File, Further Case Management Conference set for 6/4/2012 02:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/29/2012)
May 25, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 139 Proposed Order re #137 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 6-3 by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 5/25/2012)
May 25, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 138 Declaration of Ann B. Shaver in Support of #137 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 6-3 filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Exhibit L, #13 Exhibit M, #14 Exhibit N, #15 Exhibit O, #16 Exhibit P, #17 Exhibit Q, #18 Exhibit R, #19 Exhibit S, #20 Exhibit T, #21 Exhibit U, #22 Exhibit 1, #23 Exhibit 2)(Related document(s) #137 ) (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 5/25/2012)
May 25, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 137 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 6-3 filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 5/25/2012)
May 25, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 136 ASSOCIATION of Counsel Joseph R. Saveri, Saveri Law Firm by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 5/25/2012)
May 24, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 135 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh denying (134) Stipulation in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK.Associated Cases: 5:11-cv-02509-LHK, 5:11-cv-03538-LHK, 5:11-cv-03539-LHK, 5:11-cv-03540-LHK, 5:11-cv-03541-LHK, 5:12-cv-01262-LHK(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/24/2012)
May 24, 2012 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re 135 Order on Stipulation, Further Case Management Conference set for 7/25/2012 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/24/2012)
May 24, 2012 Opinion or Order Set/Reset Hearing re #135 Order on Stipulation, Further Case Management Conference set for 7/25/2012 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/24/2012)
May 23, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 134 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER [Extending Case Management Conference] filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 5/23/2012)
May 22, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 133 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Apple Inc. re #132 Answer to Amended Complaint (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 5/22/2012)
May 21, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 132 ANSWER to Amended Complaint byApple Inc.. (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 5/21/2012)
May 21, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 131 ANSWER to Amended Complaint byGoogle Inc.. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 5/21/2012)
May 21, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 130 ANSWER to Amended Complaint byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 5/21/2012)
May 21, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 129 ANSWER to Amended Complaint byPixar. (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 5/21/2012)
May 21, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 128 Defendant Intuit Inc's ANSWER to Amended Complaint (Jury Demand) byIntuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Stewart, Craig) (Filed on 5/21/2012)
May 21, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 127 Defendant Adobe Systems Inc.'s ANSWER to Amended Complaint byAdobe Systems Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Kiernan, David) (Filed on 5/21/2012)
May 21, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 126 ANSWER to Amended Complaint byIntel Corp.. (Pickett, Donn) (Filed on 5/21/2012)
May 16, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 125 NOTICE of Appearance by Kelly M. Dermody (Dermody, Kelly) (Filed on 5/16/2012)
May 16, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 124 NOTICE of Appearance by Richard Martin Heimann (Heimann, Richard) (Filed on 5/16/2012)
May 1, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 123 STIPULATION Extending Time to Answer Consolidated Amended Complaint filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 5/1/2012)
April 26, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 122 NOTICE of Substitution of Counsel by Frank H Busch and Sujal J. Shah (Busch, Frank) (Filed on 4/26/2012)
April 25, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 121 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting (116) Motion to Relate Case in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK. Related Case: 5:12-cv-1262-LHK (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/25/2012) Modified on 4/26/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
April 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 120 Minute Entry and Case Management Order: Further Case Management Conference held on 4/18/2012 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 4/18/2012). Further Case Management Conference set for 5/31/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (Court Reporter Christine Bedard.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 4/18/2012)
April 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 119 ORDER by Judge Lucy H. Koh granting in part and denying in part (79) Motion to Dismiss; denying (83) Motion to Dismiss in case 5:11-cv-02509-LHK. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/18/2012)
April 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 118 Declaration of Lee H. Rubin in Support of #116 MOTION to Relate Case With Corrected Exhibit A filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Related document(s) #116 ) (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 4/17/2012)
April 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 117 Declaration of Lee H. Rubin in Support of #116 MOTION to Relate Case filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Related document(s) #116 ) (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 4/17/2012)
April 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 116 MOTION to Relate Case filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 4/17/2012)
April 11, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 115 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 4/11/2012)
March 30, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 114 STIPULATION re: Production Format of Electronically Stored Information filed by Apple Inc.. (Brown, Christina) (Filed on 3/30/2012)
March 23, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 113 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Motion for Leave to Withdraw as Counsel filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. Responses due by 4/6/2012. Replies due by 4/13/2012. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Lehe, Katherine) (Filed on 3/23/2012)
January 31, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 112 Transcript of Proceedings held on 1-26-12, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 4/30/2012. (las, ) (Filed on 1/31/2012)
January 30, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 111 STATUS REPORT PLAINTIFFS STATUS REPORT REGARDING DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE OF PRAYER FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF AND CAL. BUS. & PROF. CODE 16600 CLAIM, PURSUANT TO THE COURTS JANUARY 26, 2012 MINUTE ORDER AND CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER (Dkt. 108) by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Lehe, Katherine) (Filed on 1/30/2012)
January 27, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 109 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/27/2012)
January 26, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 110 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 1/26/2012 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 1/26/2012) re #83 Amended MOTION to Dismiss filed by Lucasfilm Ltd., #79 MOTION to Dismiss Consolidated Amended Complaint filed by Apple Inc.. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 1/26/2012)
January 26, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 108 Minute Entry and Case Management Order: Further Case Management Conference held on 1/26/2012 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 1/26/2012). Further Case Management Conference set for 4/18/2012 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 1/26/2012)
January 24, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 107 STIPULATION AND ORDER (MODIFIED BY THE COURT) re #95 . Signed by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd on 1/24/12. (hrllc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/24/2012)
January 24, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 106 ORDER Granting #105 Request to Bring Electronic Equipment into the Courtroom, filed by Apple Inc.. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 1/24/12. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/24/2012) Modified text on 1/25/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
January 24, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 105 REQUEST by Apple Inc. to Bring Electronic Equipment into the Courtroom (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Brown, Christina) (Filed on 1/24/2012) Modified text on 1/25/2012 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
January 23, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 104 ORDER Concerning Testifying Expert Discovery. Signed by Judge Lucy H. Koh on 1/23/2012. (lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/23/2012)
January 19, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 103 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover re #102 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Joint Case Management Conference Statement (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/19/2012)
January 19, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 102 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Joint Case Management Conference Statement filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Joint Case Management Conference Statement (Proposed Public Redacted Version))(Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 1/19/2012)
January 18, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 101 NOTICE of Appearance by Joshua P. Davis (Davis, Joshua) (Filed on 1/18/2012)
January 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 100 NOTICE by Intuit Inc. of Attorney Name and Email Change (Broderick, Catherine) (Filed on 1/5/2012)
December 5, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 99 STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Concerning Testifying Expert Discovery by Intuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Certificate/Proof of Service Proof of Service by U.S. Mail)(Broderick, Catherine) (Filed on 12/5/2011)
December 5, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 98 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Apple Inc. re #97 Reply to Opposition/Response (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 12/5/2011)
December 2, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 97 REPLY (re #79 MOTION to Dismiss Consolidated Amended Complaint ) filed byApple Inc.. (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 12/2/2011)
December 2, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 96 REPLY (re #83 Amended MOTION to Dismiss ) DEFENDANT LUCASFILM LTD.'S REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFFS' CONSOLIDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT filed byLucasfilm Ltd.. (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 12/2/2011)
December 1, 2011 Opinion or Order CLERKS NOTICE: The parties are advised to take notice of the new Standing Order Regarding Motions to File Under Seal in Civil Actions before U.S. District Judge Lucy H. Koh.THIS IS A TEXT ONLY DOCKET ENTRY, THERE IS NO DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS NOTICE. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/1/2011)
December 1, 2011 Opinion or Order CLERKS NOTICE: The parties are advised to take notice of the new Standing Order Regarding Motions to File Under Seal in Civil Actions before U.S. District Judge Lucy H. Koh.THIS IS A TEXT ONLY DOCKET ENTRY, THERE IS NO DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS NOTICE (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/1/2011)
November 30, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 95 STIPULATION Stipulated [Proposed] Protective Order by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 11/30/2011)
November 7, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 94 Transcript of Proceedings held on 10-27-11, before Judge Lucy H. Koh. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lee-Anne Shortridge, Telephone number 408-287-4580. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/6/2012. (las, ) (Filed on 11/7/2011)
November 4, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 93 DECLARATION of Dean M. Harvey in Opposition to #79 MOTION to Dismiss Consolidated Amended Complaint filed byMichael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F)(Related document(s) #79 ) (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 11/4/2011)
November 4, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 92 OPPOSITION to ( #79 JOINT MOTION to Dismiss Consolidated Amended Complaint ) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 11/4/2011) Modified text on 11/7/2011 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
November 4, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 91 OPPOSITION to ( #83 AMENDED MOTION to Dismiss ) filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 11/4/2011) Modified text on 11/7/2011 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
November 4, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 90 STATUS REPORT Regarding Voluntary Dismissal of Related Case, Pursuant To The Courts October 26, 2011 Minute Order and Case Management Order (Dkt. 88) by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Lehe, Katherine) (Filed on 11/4/2011)
November 3, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 89 NOTICE by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover re #65 Amended Complaint [NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF PRAYER FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF] (Glackin, Brendan) (Filed on 11/3/2011)
October 26, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 88 Minute Entry and Case Management Order: Initial Case Management Conference held on 10/26/2011 before Judge Lucy H. Koh (Date Filed: 10/26/2011). Further Case Management Conference set for 1/26/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. Jury Selection set for 6/10/2013 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Jury Trial set for 6/10/2013 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Pretrial Conference set for 5/15/2013 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (Court Reporter Lee-Anne Shortridge.) (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 10/26/2011)
October 25, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 87 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options (Harris, Cody) (Filed on 10/25/2011)
October 25, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 86 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options of Google Inc. (Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 10/25/2011)
October 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 85 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT Amended Joint Case Management Conference Statement filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 10/20/2011)
October 19, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 84 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Shaver, Anne) (Filed on 10/19/2011)
October 17, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 83 Amended MOTION to Dismiss filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. Motion Hearing set for 1/26/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 10/27/2011. Replies due by 11/3/2011. (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 10/17/2011)
October 14, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 82 CLERKS NOTICE Continuing Motion Hearing, Set/Reset Deadlines as to #79 MOTION to Dismiss Consolidated Amended Complaint, #77 MOTION to Dismiss. Motion Hearing set for 1/26/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/14/2011)
October 14, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 81 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Apple Inc. re #79 MOTION to Dismiss Consolidated Amended Complaint (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 10/14/2011)
October 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 80 Joint MOTION to Stay Discovery filed by Google Inc.. Motion Hearing set for 12/8/2011 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 10/27/2011. Replies due by 11/3/2011. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Lee H. Rubin, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Proposed Order)(Rubin, Lee) (Filed on 10/13/2011)
October 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 79 MOTION to Dismiss Consolidated Amended Complaint filed by Apple Inc.. Motion Hearing set for 1/19/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 11/4/2011. Replies due by 12/2/2011. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proposed Order)(Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 10/13/2011)
October 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 78 Proposed Order re #77 Motion to Dismiss, by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 10/13/2011) Modified on 10/14/2011 linking entry to document #77 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
October 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 77 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. Motion Hearing set for 1/19/2012 09:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Lucy H. Koh. Responses due by 10/27/2011. Replies due by 11/3/2011. (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 10/13/2011)
October 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 76 Statement DISCOVERY DISPUTE JOINT REPORT #1 by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Brandon Marshall, Pixar, Daniel Stover. (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 10/13/2011)
October 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 75 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options by Henn and Kennedy for Pixar (Henn, Emily) (Filed on 10/12/2011)
October 6, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 74 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 10/6/2011)
October 5, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 73 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options (Alinder, Zachary) (Filed on 10/5/2011)
October 5, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 72 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 10/5/2011)
October 4, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 71 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options (Broderick, Catherine) (Filed on 10/4/2011)
October 4, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 70 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options (Kiernan, David) (Filed on 10/4/2011)
September 28, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 69 Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting in part and denying in part #66 Motion for Leave to File.(lhklc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/28/2011)
September 27, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 68 NOTICE of Substitution of Counsel by Frank Hinman substituting in for Holly A. House as counsel for Intel Corporation (Hinman, Frank) (Filed on 9/27/2011)
September 26, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 67 OPPOSITION to ( #66 MOTION for Administrative Relief Requesting Leave to File a Separate Motion to Dismiss ) ; Declaration of Eric B. Fastiff in Opposition, filed by Michael Devine, Mark Fichtner, Siddharth Hariharan, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Stover. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 9/26/2011) Modified text on 9/27/2011 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
September 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 66 MOTION for Leave to File DEFENDANT LUCASFILM LTD.'S MOTION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF REQUESTING LEAVE TO FILE A SEPARATE MOTION TO DISMISS; DECLARATION OF DANIEL PURCELL IN SUPPORT filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 9/22/2011)
September 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 65 AMENDED COMPLAINT Consolidated against Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. Filed bySiddharth Hariharan. (Saveri, Joseph) (Filed on 9/13/2011)
September 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 64 ORDER re #21 in 5:11-cv-03541-LHK: Adopting, as modified, Proposed Pretrial Order No. 1. Signed by Judge Koh on 9/12/2011. Case Numbers 11-CV-3538, 11-CV-3539, 11-CV-3540 and 11-CV-3541 are hereby CONSOLIDATED under MASTER FILE No. 11-CV-2509 LHK. All docket entries regarding the Consolidated Action shall be docketed under Master File Number 11-CV-2509. If a document pertains to only one or some of the consolidated cases, it will be docketed on the Master Docket with the notation in the docket text as to the case number(s) to which it pertains. (lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/12/2011) Modified text on 9/13/2011 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
September 6, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 63 Proposed Pretrial Order Number 1 by Adobe Systems Inc., Intel Corp., Siddharth Hariharan, Pixar, Lucasfilm Ltd., Google Inc., Apple Inc., Intuit Inc.. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 9/6/2011)
August 11, 2011 Opinion or Order Case Assigned to Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd for all discovery matters. (tsh, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/11/2011)
August 8, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 62 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Siddharth Hariharan of Standing Order Regarding Case Management In Civil Cases For The Northern District Of California, San Jose Division (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 8/8/2011)
August 8, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 61 CLERKS NOTICE SETTING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AFTER REASSIGNMENT Case Management Statement due by 10/19/2011. Case Management Conference set for 10/26/2011 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 4th Floor, San Jose. (mpb, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/8/2011)
August 5, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 60 ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned to Judge Hon. Lucy H. Koh for all further proceedings. Judge Hon. Saundra Brown Armstrong no longer assigned to the case. Signed by The Executive Committee, on 08/05/2011. (jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/5/2011)
August 5, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 59 NOTICE of Change of Address by Daniel Edward Purcell (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 8/5/2011)
August 4, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 58 ORDER: That case numbers C-11-2509-SBA, C-11-3538-SBA, C-11-3539-SBA, C-11-3540-SBA and C-11-3541-SBA be TRANSFERRED to the San Jose Division re #35 Notice and #56 Motion to Transfer Case. Signed by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong, on 7/28/11. (lrc, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/4/2011) Modified on 8/5/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
August 2, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 57 Declaration of Eric B. Fastiff in Support of #56 Motion to Transfer Actions to the San Jose Division filed by Siddharth Hariharan. (Related document(s) #56 ) (Fastiff, Eric) (Filed on 8/2/2011) Modified on 8/3/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
August 2, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 56 MOTION to Transfer Case to the San Jose Division, filed by Siddharth Hariharan. Responses due by 8/8/2011. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Fastiff, Eric) (Filed on 8/2/2011) Modified on 8/3/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
July 28, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 55 ORDER by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong GRANTING #49 Motion for Pro Hac Vice for Sarah R. Schalman-Bergen (jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/28/2011)
July 28, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 54 ORDER by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong GRANTING #50 Motion for Pro Hac Vice for Shanon J. Carson (jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/28/2011)
July 28, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 53 ORDER by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong GRANTING #51 Motion for Pro Hac Vice for Eric L. Cramer (jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/28/2011)
July 27, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 52 ORDER by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong GRANTING #41 Motion to Relate Cases: C-11-3539-HRL; C-11-3538-HRL; C-11-3540-PSG; C-11-3541-PSG. Signed by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong, on 07/25/11 (lrc, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/27/2011) Modified on 7/28/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
July 26, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 51 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for Eric L. Cramer ( Filing fee $ 275, receipt number 44611007340.) filed by Siddharth Hariharan. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/26/2011)
July 26, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 50 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for Shanon J. Carson ( Filing fee $ 275, receipt number 44611007340.) filed by Siddharth Hariharan. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/26/2011)
July 26, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 49 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for Sarah R. Schalman-Bergen ( Filing fee $ 275, receipt number 44611007340.) filed by Siddharth Hariharan. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/26/2011)
July 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 48 STIPULATION Extending Time to Respond to Complaint, filed by Apple Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Lucasfilm Ltd., Google Inc., Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Pixar. (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 7/22/2011) Modified on 7/25/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
July 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 47 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Intuit Inc. re #41 MOTION to Relate Case (Broderick, Catherine) (Filed on 7/20/2011)
July 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 46 Proposed Order re #32 , #35 Notice of Pendency of other Actions or Proceedings, by Siddharth Hariharan. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/20/2011) Modified on 7/21/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
July 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 45 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #44 Response to Motion to Relate Cases, filed by Siddharth Hariharan. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Related document(s) #44 ) (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/20/2011) Modified on 7/21/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
July 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 44 RESPONSE re #41 Motion to Relate Cases filed by Siddharth Hariharan. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 7/20/2011) Modified on 7/21/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 43 EXHIBITS to #42 Declaration in Support of Catherine T. Broderick filed by Intuit Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit Exhibit D)(Related document(s) #42 ) (Broderick, Catherine) (Filed on 7/19/2011) Modified on 7/20/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 42 Declaration of Catherine T. Broderick in Support of #41 Motion to Relate Cases filed by Intuit Inc.. (Related document(s) #41 ) (Broderick, Catherine) (Filed on 7/19/2011) Modified on 7/20/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 41 MOTION to Relate Cases: C-11-3539-HRL; C-11-3538-HRL; C-11-3540-PSG; C-11-3541-PSG, filed by Intuit Inc.. (Broderick, Catherine) (Filed on 7/19/2011) Modified on 7/20/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
July 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 40 ORDER by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong GRANTING #38 Motion for Pro Hac Vice for Linda P. Nussbaum (jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/13/2011)
July 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 39 ORDER by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong GRANTING #37 Motion for Pro Hac Vice for John D. Radice (jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/13/2011)
July 6, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 38 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for Linda P. Nussbaum ( Filing fee $ 275, receipt number 34611061839.), filed by Siddharth Hariharan. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/6/2011)
July 6, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 37 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for John D. Radice ( Filing fee $ 275, receipt number 34611061838.) filed by Siddharth Hariharan. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/6/2011)
June 30, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 36 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #35 Second Notice of Pendency of Other Actions or Proceedings filed by Siddharth Hariharan. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Related document(s) #35 ) (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 6/30/2011) Modified on 7/1/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
June 30, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 35 Second NOTICE of Pendency of Other Actions or Proceedings, filed by Siddharth Hariharan (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 6/30/2011) Modified on 7/1/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
June 30, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 34 Certificate of Interested Entities by Siddharth Hariharan (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 6/30/2011)
June 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 33 Declaration of Dean M. Harvey in Support of #32 Notice of Pendency of Other Actions or Proceedings filed by Siddharth Hariharan. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Related document(s) #32 ) (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 6/29/2011) Modified on 6/30/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
June 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 32 NOTICE of Pendency of other Actions or Proceedings, filed by Siddharth Hariharan (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 6/29/2011) Modified on 6/30/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
June 28, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 31 Declaration of Daniel Purcell in Support re #1 Notice of Removal filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 6/28/2011) Modified on 6/30/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
June 28, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 30 NOTICE of Filing of Declaration of Kumud Kokal in Support re #1 Notice of Removal, filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 6/28/2011) Modified on 6/30/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
June 21, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 29 ORDER by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong GRANTING #26 Motion for Pro Hac Vice for Jonathan Herczeg (jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/21/2011)
June 21, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 28 ORDER by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong GRANTING #25 Motion for Pro Hac Vice for Deborah A. Garza (jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/21/2011)
June 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 27 CASE MANAGEMENT SCHEDULING ORDER: Case Management Conference set for 9/15/2011 03:00 PM., via Telephone. Signed by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong, on 6/20/11. (lrc, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/20/2011) Modified on 6/21/2011 (jlm, COURT STAFF).
June 16, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 26 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for Jonathan Herczeg ( Filing fee $ 275, receipt number 44611007160.) filed by Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/16/2011)
June 16, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 25 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for Deborah A. Garza ( Filing fee $ 275, receipt number 44611007160.) filed by Pixar. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/16/2011)
June 1, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 24 ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned to Judge Hon. Saundra Brown Armstrong for all further proceedings. Judge Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero no longer assigned to the case.. Signed by Executive Committee on 6/1/11. (as, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/1/2011)
May 31, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 23 CLERK'S NOTICE of Impending Reassignment to U.S. District Judge (klhS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/31/2011)
May 27, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 22 Declination to Proceed Before a U.S. Magistrate Judge by Siddharth Hariharan. (Harvey, Dean) (Filed on 5/27/2011)
May 26, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 17 STIPULATION /Extending Time To Respond To Complaint by Adobe Systems Inc., Apple Inc., Google Inc., Siddharth Hariharan, Intel Corp., Intuit Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar. (Tubach, Michael) (Filed on 5/26/2011)
May 24, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 21 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Lucasfilm Ltd. re #18 Declaration in Support, #19 Notice (Other) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/24/2011)
May 24, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 20 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Lucasfilm Ltd. re #7 Declaration in Support, #14 Notice (Other), #15 Notice (Other), #11 Notice (Other), #6 Declaration in Support, #1 Notice of Removal, #10 Certificate of Interested Entities, #3 Declaration in Support, #12 Notice (Other), #4 Declaration in Support, #5 Declaration in Support, #9 Declaration in Support, #8 Declaration in Support, #13 Notice (Other), #2 Declaration in Support, #16 ADR Scheduling Order (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/24/2011)
May 24, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 19 NOTICE of Corporate Disclosure Statement by Intel Corp. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/24/2011)
May 24, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 18 AMENDED Declaration of Cody Harris in Support of #1 Notice of Removal, filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #1 ) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/24/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 16 ADR SCHEDULING ORDER: Case Management Statement due by 8/26/2011. Case Management Conference set for 9/2/2011 01:30 PM in Courtroom A, 15th Floor, San Francisco. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 15 NOTICE of Corporate Disclosure Statement by Pixar (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 14 NOTICE of Corporate Disclosure Statement by Intuit Inc. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 13 NOTICE of Corporate Disclosure Statement by Google Inc. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 12 NOTICE of Corporate Disclosure Statement by Adobe Systems Inc. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 11 NOTICE of Corporate Disclosure Statement by Apple Inc. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 10 Certificate of Interested Entities by Lucasfilm Ltd. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 9 Declaration of Debbie R. Oldham-Auker in Support of #1 Notice of Removal, filed by Intel Corp.. (Related document(s) #1 ) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 8 Declaration of James M. Kennedy in Support of #1 Notice of Removal, filed by Pixar. (Related document(s) #1 ) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 7 Declaration of Tadhg Bourke in Support of #1 Notice of Removal, filed by Google Inc. (Related document(s) #1 ) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 6 Declaration of Joel Pdolyny in Support of #1 Notice of Removal, filed by Apple Inc. (Related document(s) #1 ) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 5 Declaration of Jack Gilmore in Support of #1 Notice of Removal, filed by Adobe Systems, Inc. (Related document(s) #1 ) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 4 Declaration of Rhonda Hjort in Support of #1 Notice of Removal, filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #1 ) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 3 Declaration of David Anderman in Support of #1 Notice of Removal, filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #1 ) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 2 Declaration of Cody Harris in Support of #1 Notice of Removal (Alameda County Superior Court Complaint attach) filed by Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Related document(s) #1 ) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Filing 1 JOINT NOTICE OF REMOVAL of Action from State Court; No Process from Alameda County Superior Court. Their case number is RG11574066. (Filing fee $350.00 receipt number 34611060153). Filed by Intel Corp., Apple Inc., Intuit Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., Pixar, Google Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1 JOINT NOTICE OF REMOVAL of Action from State Court; No Process from Alameda County Superior Court. Their case number is RG11574066. (Filing fee $350.00 receipt number 34611060153). Filed by Intel Corp., Apple Inc., Intuit Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., Pixar, Google Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet) (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)
May 23, 2011 Opinion or Order CASE DESIGNATED for Electronic Filing. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/23/2011)

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Plaintiff: Siddharth Hariharan
Represented By: Andrew Michael Purdy
Represented By: Anne Brackett Shaver
Represented By: Brendan Patrick Glackin
Represented By: Dean Michael Harvey
Represented By: Eric L. Cramer
Represented By: Eric B. Fastiff
Represented By: James Gerard Beebe Dallal
Represented By: John D. Radice
Represented By: Joseph Peter Forderer
Represented By: Joseph R. Saveri
Represented By: Joshua P. Davis
Represented By: Katherine M Lehe
Represented By: Kelly M. Dermody
Represented By: Kevin E. Rayhill
Represented By: Linda Phyllis Nussbaum
Represented By: Lisa Janine Cisneros
Represented By: Peter A. Barile, III
Represented By: Richard Martin Heimann
Represented By: Robert G. Eisler
Represented By: Sarah Rebecca Schalman-Bergen
Represented By: Shanon Jude Carson
Represented By: SuDarsana Srinivasan
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Plaintiff: Brandon Marshall
Represented By: Andrew Michael Purdy
Represented By: Anne Brackett Shaver
Represented By: Brendan Patrick Glackin
Represented By: Dean Michael Harvey
Represented By: Eric L. Cramer
Represented By: Eric B. Fastiff
Represented By: James Gerard Beebe Dallal
Represented By: John D. Radice
Represented By: Joseph Peter Forderer
Represented By: Joseph R. Saveri
Represented By: Joshua P. Davis
Represented By: Katherine M Lehe
Represented By: Kelly M. Dermody
Represented By: Kevin E. Rayhill
Represented By: Linda Phyllis Nussbaum
Represented By: Lisa Janine Cisneros
Represented By: Peter A. Barile, III
Represented By: Richard Martin Heimann
Represented By: Sarah Rebecca Schalman-Bergen
Represented By: Shanon Jude Carson
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Plaintiff: Michael Devine
Represented By: Daniel C. Girard
Represented By: Dena C. Sharp
Represented By: Elizabeth Antonia Kramer
Represented By: Anne Brackett Shaver
Represented By: Brendan Patrick Glackin
Represented By: Dean Michael Harvey
Represented By: Eric L. Cramer
Represented By: Eric B. Fastiff
Represented By: James Gerard Beebe Dallal
Represented By: John D. Radice
Represented By: Joseph Peter Forderer
Represented By: Joseph R. Saveri
Represented By: Joshua P. Davis
Represented By: Katherine M Lehe
Represented By: Kelly M. Dermody
Represented By: Kevin E. Rayhill
Represented By: Linda Phyllis Nussbaum
Represented By: Lisa Janine Cisneros
Represented By: Lisa Jennifer Leebove
Represented By: Peter A. Barile, III
Represented By: Richard Martin Heimann
Represented By: Sarah Rebecca Schalman-Bergen
Represented By: Shanon Jude Carson
Represented By: SuDarsana Srinivasan
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Plaintiff: Mark Fichtner
Represented By: Andrew Michael Purdy
Represented By: Anne Brackett Shaver
Represented By: Brendan Patrick Glackin
Represented By: Dean Michael Harvey
Represented By: Eric L. Cramer
Represented By: Eric B. Fastiff
Represented By: James Gerard Beebe Dallal
Represented By: John D. Radice
Represented By: Joseph Peter Forderer
Represented By: Joseph R. Saveri
Represented By: Joshua P. Davis
Represented By: Katherine M Lehe
Represented By: Kelly M. Dermody
Represented By: Kevin E. Rayhill
Represented By: Linda Phyllis Nussbaum
Represented By: Lisa Janine Cisneros
Represented By: Peter A. Barile, III
Represented By: Richard Martin Heimann
Represented By: Sarah Rebecca Schalman-Bergen
Represented By: Shanon Jude Carson
Represented By: SuDarsana Srinivasan
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Plaintiff: Daniel Stover
Represented By: Andrew Michael Purdy
Represented By: Anne Brackett Shaver
Represented By: Brendan Patrick Glackin
Represented By: Dean Michael Harvey
Represented By: Eric L. Cramer
Represented By: Eric B. Fastiff
Represented By: James Gerard Beebe Dallal
Represented By: John D. Radice
Represented By: Joseph Peter Forderer
Represented By: Joseph R. Saveri
Represented By: Joshua P. Davis
Represented By: Katherine M Lehe
Represented By: Kelly M. Dermody
Represented By: Kevin E. Rayhill
Represented By: Linda Phyllis Nussbaum
Represented By: Lisa Janine Cisneros
Represented By: Peter A. Barile, III
Represented By: Richard Martin Heimann
Represented By: Sarah Rebecca Schalman-Bergen
Represented By: Shanon Jude Carson
Represented By: SuDarsana Srinivasan
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Plaintiff: Deserae Ryan
Represented By: Janine Renee Menhennet
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Appellant: Brad Greenspan
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Defendant: Adobe Systems Inc.
Represented By: Lin Wang Kahn
Represented By: Robert Addy Van Nest
Represented By: Craig Andrew Waldman
Represented By: David Craig Kiernan
Represented By: Robert Allan Mittelstaedt
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Defendant: Apple Inc.
Represented By: George A. Riley
Represented By: Robert Addy Van Nest
Represented By: Amanda R. Conley
Represented By: Christina Joanne Brown
Represented By: Flora F. Vigo
Represented By: George Riley
Represented By: James Keith Rothstein
Represented By: Michael Frederick Tubach
Represented By: Victoria Leigh Weatherford
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Defendant: Google, LLC
Represented By: Anne M Selin
Represented By: Cody Shawn Harris
Represented By: Daniel Edward Purcell
Represented By: Donald M. Falk
Represented By: Edward D. Johnson
Represented By: Eric Ricoh Evans
Represented By: Eugene Morris Paige
Represented By: Justina Kahn Sessions
Represented By: Lee H. Rubin
Represented By: Robert Addy Van Nest
Represented By: Sarah Eileen Reynolds
Represented By: Vincent J. Connelly
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Defendant: Intel Corp.
Represented By: Gregory P. Stone
Represented By: Krystal N. Bowen
Represented By: Robert Addy Van Nest
Represented By: Angela Marie Munoz
Represented By: Bethany Woodard Kristovich
Represented By: Bradley S. Phillips
Represented By: Donn P. Pickett
Represented By: Frank H. Busch
Represented By: Frank Hinman
Represented By: Gregory M. Sergi
Represented By: Holly A. House
Represented By: John P Mittelbach
Represented By: Steven McCall Perry
Represented By: Sujal Shah
Represented By: Zachary J. Alinder
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Defendant: Intuit Inc.
Represented By: Catherine Tara Zeng
Represented By: Craig Ellsworth Stewart
Represented By: David Craig Kiernan
Represented By: Robert Allan Mittelstaedt
Represented By: Roberta Diane Tonelli
Represented By: Rowan Thomas Mason
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Defendant: Lucasfilm Ltd.
Represented By: Chinue Turner Richardson
Represented By: Cody Shawn Harris
Represented By: Daniel Edward Purcell
Represented By: Deborah A. Garza
Represented By: Emily Johnson Henn
Represented By: Eugene Morris Paige
Represented By: John Watkins Keker
Represented By: John W. Nields, Jr.
Represented By: Justina Kahn Sessions
Represented By: Paula L. Blizzard
Represented By: Thomas A. Isaacson
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Defendant: Pixar
Represented By: Robert T. Haslam, III
Represented By: Chinue Turner Richardson
Represented By: Deborah A. Garza
Represented By: Emily Johnson Henn
Represented By: John W. Nields, Jr.
Represented By: Jonathan A D Herczeg
Represented By: Thomas A. Isaacson
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Petitioner: Chris Eubank
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Petitioner: Christopher Donnelly
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Petitioner: Greg Garrison
Represented By: Tyler Jay Belong
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Petitioner: Robert Arriaga
Represented By: Tyler Jay Belong
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Interested party: Robert A. Nitsch, Jr.
Represented By: Jeffrey Benjamin Dubner
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Interested party: Georgia Cano
Represented By: Ari Nathan Cherniak
Represented By: Julian Ari Hammond
Represented By: Polina Brandler
Represented By: Steven Gerald Sklaver
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Interested party: Microsoft Corporation
Represented By: Matthew J. Schenck
Represented By: Allison Ann Davis
Represented By: Candice M. Tewell
Represented By: Robert J Maguire
Represented By: Sanjay Mohan Nangia
Represented By: Stephen Michael Rummage
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Not classified by court: Attorney Palm Inc.
Represented By: Benjamin Patrick Smith
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