May 29, 2015 |
CORRECTED OPINION AND ORDER: For the reasons set forth above, defendants' motion to exclude the opinions and testimony of Dr. Roger Noll is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. The Clerk of the Court is directed to close this motion, Dkt. No. 277 in 12 Civ. 1817, and Dkt. No. 354 in 12 Civ. 3704. SO ORDERED. (See Order.) (Signed by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin on 5/29/2015) (ajs)
May 14, 2015 |
OPINION AND ORDER re: (277 in 1:12-cv-01817-SAS) JOINT MOTION To Exclude Opinions And Testimony Of Plaintiffs' Expert Dr. Roger G. Noll filed by Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Team Inc, Lincoln Hockey LLC, Hockey Western New York LLC, NHL Interactive Cyberenterprises LLC, Comcast-Spectacor L.P., NHL Enterprises L.P., New Jersey Devils LLC, San Jose Sharks LLC, Lemieux Group, L.P., National Hockey League, New York Islanders Hockey Club L.P., (354 in 1 :12-cv-03704-SAS) MOTION to Preclude the opinions and testimony of Plaintiffs' expert Dr. Roger Noll filed by Pittsburgh Baseball, Inc, MLB Advanced Media L.P., Chicago White Sox, Ltd., The Phillies, L.P., The Baseball Club of Seattle, L.P., San Francisco Baseball Associates, L.P., Major League Baseball Enterprises Inc., MLB Advanced Media, Inc., Colorado Rockies Baseball Club, Ltd., Athletics Investment Group, LLC, Officer of the Commissioner of Bas eball: For the reasons set forth above, defendants' motion to exclude the opinions and testimony of Dr. Roger Noll is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. The Clerk of the Court is directed to close this motion, Dkt. No. 277 in 12 Civ. 1817, and Dkt. No. 354 in 12 Civ. 3704. (Signed by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin on 5/14/2015) (tn)
August 8, 2014 |
OPINION AND ORDER re: (271 in 1:12-cv-03704-SAS-MHD) MOTION for Summary Judgment . filed by Pittsburgh Baseball, Inc, MLB Advanced Media L.P., Chicago White Sox, Ltd., The Phillies, L.P., The Baseball Club of Seattle, L.P., San Francisco Baseball Associates, L.P., Chicago Cubs Baseball Club, LLC, Major League Baseball Enterprises Inc., MLB Advanced Media, Inc., Colorado Rockies Baseball Club, Ltd., Athletics Investment Group, LLC, Officer of the Commissioner of Baseball, (280 in 1:12-cv-03704-SAS-MHD) MOTION for Summary Judgment . filed by New York Yankees Partnership, Yankees Entertainment and Sports Networks, LLC, (183 in 1:12-cv-01817-SAS) MOTION for Summary Judgment. filed by Com cast SportsNet Chicago, LLC, Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia, L.P., Comcast Corp., Comcast SportsNet California, LLC, Comcast Sportsnet Mid-Atlantic, L.P., (212 in 1:12-cv-01817-SAS) MOTION for Summary Judgment . filed by Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Team Inc, Lincoln Hockey LLC, Hockey Western New York LLC, NHL Interactive Cyberenterprises LLC, Comcast-Spectacor L.P., NHL Enterprises L.P., New Jersey Devils LLC, San Jose Sharks LLC, Lemieux Group, L.P., New Yo rk Islanders Hockey Club L.P., National Hockey League, (275 in 1:12-cv-03704-SAS-MHD) MOTION for Summary Judgment / Comcast Defendants revised Motion for Summary Judgment. filed by Comcast SportsNet Chicago, LLC, Comcast SportsNet Ph iladelphia, L.P., Comcast Corp., Comcast SportsNet California, LLC, (216 in 1:12-cv-01817-SAS) MOTION for Summary Judgment / Comcast Defendants revised Motion for Summary Judgment. filed by Comcast SportsNet Chicago, LLC, Comcast S portsNet Philadelphia, L.P., Comcast Corp., Comcast SportsNet California, LLC, Comcast Sportsnet Mid-Atlantic, L.P., (240 in 1:12-cv-03704-SAS-MHD) MOTION for Summary Judgment. filed by New York Yankees Partnership, Yankees Entertainment and Sports Networks, LLC, (239 in 1:12-cv-03704-SAS-MHD) MOTION for Summary Judgment. filed by Pittsburgh Baseball, Inc, MLB Advanced Media L.P., Chicago White Sox, Ltd., The Phillies, L.P., The Baseball Club of Seattle, L.P., San Fra ncisco Baseball Associates, L.P., Chicago Cubs Baseball Club, LLC, MLB Advanced Media, Inc., Colorado Rockies Baseball Club, Ltd., Athletics Investment Group, LLC, Office of the Commissioner of Baseball, Major League Baseball Enterprises In c, (241 in 1:12-cv-03704-SAS-MHD) MOTION for Summary Judgment. filed by Comcast SportsNet Chicago, LLC, Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia, L.P., Comcast Corp., Comcast SportsNet California, LLC, (180 in 1:12-cv-01817-SAS) MOTION for Summar y Judgment. filed by Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Team Inc, Lincoln Hockey LLC, Hockey Western New York LLC, NHL Interactive Cyberenterprises LLC, Comcast-Spectacor L.P., NHL Enterprises L.P., New Jersey Devils LLC, San Jose Sharks LLC, Lemieux Group, L.P., New York Islanders Hockey Club L.P., National Hockey League. For the foregoing reasons, all four motions for summary judgment are DENIED in full. The Clerk of the Court is directed to close these motions [Dkt. Nos. 180, 183 , 212, 216, 224 in Laumann, 12 Civ. 1817, and Dkt. Nos. 239, 240, 241, 261, 271, 275, 280 in Garber, 12 Civ. 3704]. A conference is scheduled for August 20, 2014 at 4:30 pm., ( Status Conference set for 8/20/2014 at 04:30 PM before Judge Shira A. Scheindlin.) (Signed by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin on 8/4/2014) (lmb)
November 25, 2013 |
OPINION AND ORDER re: (160 in 1:12-cv-03704-SAS-MHD, 160 in 1:12-cv-03704-SAS-MHD) MOTION to Compel Arbitration. MOTION to Stay - Comcast's Motion to Compel Arbitration and to Stay Claims filed by Comcast Corp., Comcast SportsNet Califo rnia, LLC, Comcast SportsNet Chicago, LLC, Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia, L.P., (131 in 1:12-cv-01817-SAS, 131 in 1:12-cv-01817-SAS) MOTION to Compel Arbitration. MOTION to Stay - Comcast's Motion to Compel Arbitration and to Stay Claims filed by Comcast Corp., Comcast SportsNet California, LLC, Comcast SportsNet Chicago, LLC, Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia, L.P., Comcast Sportsnet Mid-Atlantic, L.P., (159 in 1:12-cv-03704-SAS-MHD) MOTION to Compel Arbitration And Stay Claims filed by Root Sports Pittsburgh, Directv LLC, Directv Sports Networks LLC, Root Sports Rocky Mountain, Root Sports Northwest. For the foregoing reasons, Comcasts Motion to Compel Arbitration and Stay Claims is GRANTED as to Garret Traub, Thomas La umann, and Derek Rasmussen for the purpose of determining whether their claims are subject to the Comcast arbitration clause. Comcasts motion is DENIED as to Vincent Birbiglia, Robert Silver, Marc Lerner and David Dillon. DIRECTVs Motion to Compel Ar bitration against Marc Lerner is DENIED in full. The Clerk of the Court is directed to close these motions [Docket Entry No. 131, 12 Civ. 1817, and Docket Entry Nos. 159 and 160, 12 Civ. 3704]. A conference is scheduled for December 11, 2013 at 5:00 pm. (Signed by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin on 11/15/2013) (cd)
March 6, 2013 |
MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER re: (87 in 1:12-cv-03704-SAS) MOTION to Stay, filed by Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia, L.P., Root Sports Rocky Mountain, Comcast Corp., Root Sports Pittsburgh, Comcast Sportsnet Chicago, L.P., Directv Sports Networks LLC, Directv LLC, Comcast Sportsnet California, L.P., Root Sports Northwest, (90 in 1:12-cv- 03704-SAS) MOTION to Stay Notice of Joint Motion of the MLB defendants, The Yankee's and YES to Stay this Action, filed by Pittsburgh Baseball, Inc, MLB Advanced Media L.P., Chicago White Sox, Ltd., The Phillies, L.P., The Baseball Club of Seattle, L.P., San Francisco Baseball Associates, L.P., Major League Baseball Enterprises Inc., MLB Advanced Media, Inc., Colorado Rockies Baseball Club, Ltd., Athletics Investment Group, LLC, Officer of the Commissioner of Baseball, Office of the Commissioner of Baseball, Major League Baseball Enterprises Inc, (100 in 1:12-cv-01817-SAS) MOTION to Stay, filed by Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia, L.P., Direct v, LLC, Comcast Corp., Comcast SportsNet California, LLC, Comcast Sportsnet Chicago, L.P., Comcast Sportsnet Mid-Atlantic, L.P., Root Sports Pittsburgh, Directv Sports Networks LLC. Plaintiffs, subscribers of television and Internet packages for bas eball and hockey programming, brought two putative class actions against the National Hockey League (NHL) and Major League Baseball (MLB), various clubs within the Leagues, regional sports networks (RSNs) that televise the games, and Comcast and Dire cTV, multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs). Plaintiffs, subscribers of television and Internet packages for baseball and hockey programming, brought two putative class actions against the National Hockey League (NHL) and Major League Ba seball (MLB), various clubs within the Leagues, regional sports networks (RSNs) that televise the games, and Comcast and DirecTV, multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs). For the foregoing reasons, defendants' motions to stay are denied in full. The Clerk of the Court is directed to close these motions (Garber Dkt. Nos. 87, 90; Laumann Dkt. No. 100). (Signed by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin on 3/6/2013) (ja)
December 5, 2012 |
OPINION AND ORDER: For the foregoing reasons, Plaintiffs Garber and Herman are dismissed from both cases, and Silver is dismissed from the Garber case, for lack of antitrust standing. The Section Two claim (Claim Four) is dismissed against the RSN an d MVPD defendants, but may proceed against the League defendants. The Section One claims may proceed against all defendants. A conference in this matter is scheduled for December 18,2012 at 5:00 p.m. The Clerk of the Court is directed to close these motions [Docket Entry No. 74,12 Civ. 1817 and Docket Entry No.65, 12 Civ. 3704]. (Signed by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin on 12/5/2012) (ago)