Jason Lust v. Animal Logic Entertainment US, et al
Jason Lust |
Animal Logic Entertainment US, Zareh Nalbandian and Does 1 through 20, inclusive |
SAJ Productions, LLC |
Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment PTY Ltd. and Animal Logic LLC |
Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. |
2:2017cv00308 |
January 13, 2017 |
US District Court for the Central District of California |
John A Kronstadt |
Alexander F MacKinnon |
Copyright |
28 U.S.C. § 1441 |
Plaintiff |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on September 18, 2019. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 129 (IN CHAMBERS) REDACTED ORDER Re Defendants/Counter Claimants and Third-party Complainants' Motion for Summary Judgment, or in the Alternative, for Partial Summary Judgment (Redacted Dkt. #90 , Sealed Dkt. 107) by Judge John A. Kronstadt: The Motion #90 is GRANTED in PART. Counsel shall confer and file a joint trial report no later than 10/2/2019. (SEE ORDER FOR FURTHER SPECIFICS). (jp) |
Filing 128 Notice of Electronic Filing re Text Only Scheduling Notice,, 127 e-mailed to Alec R. Govi, agovi@jjllplaw.com bounced due to 5.1.0 - Unknown address error. The primary e-mail address associated with the attorney record has been deleted. Pursuant to Local Rules it is the attorneys obligation to maintain all personal contact information including e-mail address in the CM/ECF system. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (lmh) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 127 (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER RE NOTICE OF AMENDED STANDING ORDER by Judge John A. Kronstadt: Counsel are advised that on March 25, 2019, the Court amended its Consolidated Standing Order. Counsel shall refer to this Court's Procedures and Schedules found on the website for the United States District Court (http://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/honorable-john-kronstadt) to obtain a copy of the Order. The March 25, 2019 version of the Consolidated Standing Order is effective in this action immediately. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (rrey) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 126 ORDER Re Stipulation to Continue Deposition of Nate Greenwald to August 22, 2018 #125 by Judge John A. Kronstadt. Pursuant to the parties' stipulation, the request to permit the deposition of Nate Greenwald to take place on August 22, 2018 is GRANTED. (jp) |
Filing 125 STIPULATION to Continue DEPOSITION OF NATE GREENWALD TO AUGUST 22, 2018 filed by Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant Jason Lust and Third Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust, Jason Lust, SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order ON STIPULATION TO CONTINUE DEPOSITION OF NATE GREENWALD TO AUGUST 22, 2018)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 124 (IN CHAMBERS) PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS OF CRAIG EMANUEL, NATE GREENWALD AND CATHERINE MCDONNELL AFTER DISCOVERY CUT-OFF (DKT. #87 ) by Judge John A. Kronstadt: Plaintiffs' Motion for Leave to Take Depositions After Discovery Cut-Off (Dkt. 87) is GRANTED IN PART as to Nate Greenwald only. The deposition shall be conducted by July 20, 2018, unless the parties and relevant non-parties stipulate to a later date. (et) Modified on 6/21/2018 (ake). |
Filing 123 MINUTES of Plaintiffs Motion for leave to take depositions of Craig Emanuel, Nate Greenwald and Catherine McDonnell after discovery cut-off #87 ; Defendants/Counterclaimants and Third-Party Complainants' Motion for Summary Judgment, or in the alternative, for Partial Summary Judgment (Redacted #90 , Sealed #107 before Judge John A. Kronstadt. The motion hearing his held. Counsel address the Court. The Court takes Plaintiff's Motion and Defendants' Motion UNDER SUBMISSION and a ruling will be issued. Court Reporter: Alex Joko. (et) |
Filing 122 DECLARATION of Ross Johnson IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF, COUNTERCLAIM-DEFENDANT, AND THIRD-PARTY DEFENDANTS OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT APPLICATION to file document Plaintiff's Opposition to MSJ, Plaintiff's Separate Statement of Genuine Disputes of Fact, Plaintiff's Separate Statement of Additional Material Facts, Exhibits to Declarations of Ron Funnell and Jason Lu #108 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit QQQ to DECLARATION OF ROSS JOHNSON IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF, COUNTERCLAIM-DEFENDANT, AND THIRD-PARTY DEFENDANTS OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 121 DECLARATION of Jere Hausfater IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF, COUNTERCLAIM-DEFENDANT, AND THIRD-PARTY DEFENDANTS OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT APPLICATION to file document Plaintiff's Opposition to MSJ, Plaintiff's Separate Statement of Genuine Disputes of Fact, Plaintiff's Separate Statement of Additional Material Facts, Exhibits to Declarations of Ron Funnell and Jason Lu #108 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit PPP to DECLARATION OF JERE HAUSFATER IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF, COUNTERCLAIM-DEFENDANT, AND THIRD-PARTY DEFENDANTS OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 120 SEALED DOCUMENT Defendants' Reply In Support of Motion for Summary re Order on Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal,, #119 filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Defendants' Objections And Response to Lust's Separate Statement of Genuine Issues In Disputes, #2 Defendants' Response to Plaintiff's Additional Material Facts in Support of Their Opposition)(Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 119 ORDER RE: ANIMAL LOGIC ENTERTAINMENT, ET AL.'S APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENTS UNDER SEAL (DKT. 115) by Judge John A. Kronstadt: The Application is GRANTED. The following documents may be filed under seal: An unredacted copy of ALE's Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment. An unredacted copy of Separate Statement of Additional Material Facts In Support of Their Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment. An unredacted copy of Defendants' Objections and Response to Lust's Separate Statement of Genuine Issues in Dispute. (bp) |
Filing 117 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, re Sealed Declaration in SupportDeclaration,, #116 served on 4-9-18. (Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 116 SEALED DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION to file document (1) Reply In Support of Motion For Summary Judgment; (2) Response to Plaintiff's Separate Statement of Additional Material Facts; (3) Objections And Response to Lust's Separate Statement of Genuine Issues In D #115 filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Response to Plaintiff's Separate Statement of Additional Material Facts, #2 Defendants' Objections And Response to Lust's Separate Statement of Genuine Issues in Disputes)(Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 115 APPLICATION to file document (1) Reply In Support of Motion For Summary Judgment; (2) Response to Plaintiff's Separate Statement of Additional Material Facts; (3) Objections And Response to Lust's Separate Statement of Genuine Issues In Dispute under seal filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 114 REPLY In Support NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to First Amended Complaint, Third Party Complaint, Counterclaims #90 REDACTED filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Redacted Document Response to Plaintiff's Separate Statement of Additional Material Facts In Support of Their Opposition to Motion For Summary Judgment, #2 Defendants' Objections to Evidence Filed In Opposition To Motion For Summary Judgment, #3 Redacted Document Defendants' Objections And Response To Lust's Separate Statement of Genuine Issues In Dispute, #4 Declaration (Supplemental) of John Shaeffer, #5 Exhibit 39-42, #6 Declaration (Supplemental) of Rob Cornish, #7 Proposed Order on Defendants' Objections to Evidence Filed In OppoSition to Motion For Summary Judgment)(Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 113 REPLY IN SUPPORT NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Take Depositions of Craig Emanuel, Nate Greenwald, Catherine McDonnell after Discovery Cut-off #87 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 112 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant Jason Lust and Third Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust, Jason Lust, SAJ Productions, LLC, re Sealed Declaration in SupportDeclaration,, #111 served on March 27, 2018. (Govi, Alec) |
Filing 111 SEALED DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF Renewed APPLICATION to file document Declaration of Alec Govi and Exhibits 3, 5, 6, and 10 under seal #101 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit UNREDACTED 3 to Declaration of Alec Govi, #2 Exhibit UNREDACTED 5 to Declaration of Alec Govi, #3 Exhibit UNREDACTED 6 to Declaration of Alec Govi, #4 Exhibit UNREDACTED 10 to Declaration of Alec Govi)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 110 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to First Amended Complaint, Third Party Complaint, Counterclaims #90 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Redacted SEPARATE STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FACTS IN SUPPORT OF THEIR OPPOSITION, #2 Redacted SEPARATE STATEMENT OF GENUINE DISPUTES OF MATERIAL FACT IN SUPPORT OF THEIR OPPOSITION, #3 Declaration OF MIKE CALLAGHAN, #4 Declaration OF JASON LUST IN SUPPORT, #5 Exhibit P to Declaration of Jason Lust, #6 Exhibit Q to Declaration of Jason Lust, #7 Exhibit Redacted BBB o Declaration of Jason Lust, #8 Exhibit BB, EE, GG, KK, MM, NN, RRo Declaration of Jason Lust, #9 Exhibit TT,WW,AAA o Declaration of Jason Lust, #10 Exhibit CCC, DDD,EEE,FFF o Declaration of Jason Lust, #11 Declaration OF RON FUNNELL, #12 Exhibit Redacted A to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #13 Exhibit Redacted B to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #14 Exhibit Redacted C to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #15 Exhibit Redacted D to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #16 Exhibit Redacted E to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #17 Exhibit Redacted F to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #18 Exhibit Redacted G to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #19 Exhibit Redacted HH to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #20 Exhibit Redacted J to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #21 Exhibit K to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #22 Exhibit L to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #23 Exhibit M to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #24 Exhibit N to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #25 Exhibit O to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #26 Exhibit Redacted R to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #27 Exhibit Redacted S to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #28 Exhibit Redacted T to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #29 Exhibit U to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #30 Exhibit V to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #31 Exhibit W to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #32 Exhibit Redacted X to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #33 Exhibit Y to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #34 Exhibit Z to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #35 Exhibit AA to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #36 Exhibit CC to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #37 Exhibit DD to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #38 Exhibit Redacted HH to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #39 Exhibit II to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #40 Exhibit Redacted JJ to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #41 Exhibit LL to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #42 Exhibit Redacted OO to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #43 Exhibit Redacted PP to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #44 Exhibit Redacted QQ to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #45 Exhibit SS to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #46 Exhibit Redacted UU to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #47 Exhibit Redacted VV to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #48 Exhibit XX to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #49 Exhibit YY to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #50 Exhibit ZZ to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #51 Exhibit Redacted GGG to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #52 Exhibit Redacted HHH to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #53 Exhibit III to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #54 Exhibit Redacted JJJ to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #55 Exhibit Redacted LLL to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #56 Exhibit Redacted MMM to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #57 Exhibit Redacted NNN to Declaration of Ron Funnell, #58 Exhibit Redacted OOO to Declaration of Ron Funnell)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 109 SEALED OPPOSITION RE NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to First Amended Complaint, Third Party Complaint, Counterclaims #90 , Order #7 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Unredacted Document SEPARATE STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FACTS IN SUPPORT OF THEIR OPPOSITION, #2 Unredacted Document SEPARATE STATEMENT OF GENUINE DISPUTES OF MATERIAL FACT IN SUPPORT OF THEIR OPPOSITION, #3 Exhibit Unredacted BBB to Declaration of Jason Lust, #4 Exhibit Unredacted A to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #5 Exhibit Unredacted B to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #6 Exhibit Unredacted C to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #7 Exhibit Unredacted D to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #8 Exhibit Unredacted C to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #9 Exhibit Unredacted F to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #10 Exhibit Unredacted G to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #11 Exhibit Unredacted H to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #12 Exhibit Unredacted J to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #13 Exhibit Unredacted R to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #14 Exhibit Unredacted S to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #15 Exhibit Unredacted T to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #16 Exhibit Unredacted X to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #17 Exhibit Unredacted HH to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #18 Exhibit Unredacted JJ to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #19 Exhibit Unredacted OO to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #20 Exhibit Unredacted PP to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #21 Exhibit Unredacted QQ to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #22 Exhibit Unredacted UU to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #23 Exhibit Unredacted VV to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #24 Exhibit Unredacted GGG to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #25 Exhibit Unredacted HHH to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #26 Exhibit Unredacted JJJ to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #27 Exhibit Unredacted LLL to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #28 Exhibit Unredacted MMM to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #29 Exhibit Unredacted NNN to Declaration of RON FUNNELL, #30 Exhibit Unredacted OOO to Declaration of RON FUNNELL)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 108 APPLICATION to file document Plaintiff's Opposition to MSJ, Plaintiff's Separate Statement of Genuine Disputes of Fact, Plaintiff's Separate Statement of Additional Material Facts, Exhibits to Declarations of Ron Funnell and Jason Lust under seal filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. Application set for hearing on 6/18/2018 at 08:30 AM before Judge John A. Kronstadt. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF ALEC GOVI IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL, #2 Proposed Order)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 107 SEALED DOCUMENT Unredacted Motion for Summary Judgment and Unredacted Separate Statement of Uncontested Facts and Conclusions of Law in Support of Motion re Order on Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal,,,,,,,, #98 , Order on Motion for Ruling,,, #106 filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Separate Statement of Uncontested Facts & Conclusions of Law)(Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 106 (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER RE REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION REGARDING ORDER RE APPLICATIONS TO FILE UNDER SEAL (DKT. 100) by Judge John A. Kronstadt: On March 15, 2018, the Court issued an order ruling on several applications to file under seal (Order(Dkt. 98)). On March 19, 2018, Defendants, Counterclaimants and Third-Party Complainants filed arequest for clarification as to this order. Dkt. 100. By granting the application to file under seal as tocertain documents containing confidential, trade secret and other private information, the Order wasreferring to certain exhibits attached to the Declarations of John Shaeffer (Dkt. No. 91) and CraigEmanuel (Dkt. No. 90-4), as well as unredacted copies of the motion for summary judgment and theseparate statement of uncontested facts and conclusions of law in support of their motion. The Orderdenied the application only as to Exhibit 38. (bp) |
Filing 104 SEALED DOCUMENT Declaration of Craig Emanuel w-Exs. A-D re Order on Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal,,,,,,,, #98 filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D)(Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 103 SEALED DOCUMENT Exhibits to Declaration of John Shaeffer re Order on Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal,,,,,,,, #98 filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3-4, #4 Exhibit 5, #5 Exhibit 6-11, #6 Exhibit 12, #7 Exhibit 13, #8 Exhibit 14, #9 Exhibit 15, #10 Exhibit 16, #11 Exhibit 17-18, #12 Exhibit 19, #13 Exhibit 20, #14 Exhibit 21, #15 Exhibit 22, #16 Exhibit 23, #17 Exhibit 24, #18 Exhibit 25, #19 Exhibit 26, #20 Exhibit 27, #21 Exhibit 28-37, #22 Exhibit 38)(Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 102 EXHIBIT 38 to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to First Amended Complaint, Third Party Complaint, Counterclaims #90 filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 101 Renewed APPLICATION to file document Declaration of Alec Govi and Exhibits 3, 5, 6, and 10 under seal filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. Application set for hearing on 6/18/2018 at 10:00 AM before Judge John A. Kronstadt. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS RENEWED APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL DOCUMENTS, #2 Exhibit A to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #3 Proposed Order)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 100 REQUEST for Ruling Applications to File Under Seal [DOCKET 98] filed by Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 99 OPPOSITION to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Take Depositions of Craig Emanuel, Nate Greenwald, Catherine McDonnell after Discovery Cut-off #87 filed by Counter Claimants Animal Logic Entertainment PTY Ltd., Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC, Third Party Plaintiffs Animal Logic Entertainment PTY Ltd., Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC, Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of John Shaeffer, #2 Exhibit 1-5 to John Shaeffer Declaration)(Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 98 (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER RE APPLICATIONS TO FILE UNDER SEAL (DKT. #86 , #88 , #92 ) by Judge John A. Kronstadt: The Lust Application (Dkt. 86) is DENIED, without prejudice to the filing of a renewed application that complies with the Local Rules and Standing Order. The AL First Application (Dkt. 88) is DENIED, without prejudice to Animal Logic refiling a renewed application that complies with the Local Rules. The AL Second Application complies with the requirements of the Local Rules and the Standing Order (Dkt. 92) and is GRANTED IN PART. See Order for details. (ake) |
Filing 97 (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER CONTINUING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS OF CRAIG EMANUEL, NATE GREENWALD AND CATHERINE MCCONNELL AFTER DISCOVERY CUT-OFF (DKT. #87 ) AND DEFENDANTS/COUNTERCLAIMANTS AND THIRD PARTY COMPLAINANTS' MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT (DKT. #90 ) by Judge John A. Kronstadt: The Court, on its own motion, continues the Motions from May 14, 2018 to June 18, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. The Motions will be advanced if an earlier date becomes available on the Court's calendar. Counsel shall refer to the Court's Standing Order with respect to the briefing schedule for motions. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (ake) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 96 ORDER ON REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTION OR WITHDRAWAL OF ATTORNEY by Judge John A. Kronstadt: granting #89 Request to Substitute Attorney. Attorney William H Edmonson terminated. (twdb) |
Filing 95 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Defendants, Counterclaimants, and Third-Party Complainants Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, re Sealed Declaration in SupportDeclaration, #94 , Sealed Declaration in SupportDeclaration,,, #93 served on March 6, 2018. (Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 94 SEALED DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION to file document Memorandum, Separate Statement, Exhibits to Shaeffer Declaration, Exhibits to Emanuel Declaration under seal #92 filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Separate Statement)(Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 93 SEALED DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION to file document Memorandum, Separate Statement, Exhibits to Shaeffer Declaration, Exhibits to Emanuel Declaration under seal #92 filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 2 to Shaeffer Declaration, #2 5 to Shaeffer Declaration, #3 12 to Shaeffer Declaration, #4 14 to Shaeffer Declaration, #5 16 to Shaeffer Declaration, #6 19 to Shaeffer Declaration, #7 20 to Shaeffer Declaration, #8 22 to Shaeffer Declaration, #9 23 to Shaeffer Declaration, #10 24 to Shaeffer Declaration, #11 26 to Shaeffer Declaration, #12 27 to Shaeffer Declaration, #13 38 to Shaeffer Declaration, #14 Declaration Craig Emanuel, #15 A to Emanuel Declaration, #16 B to Emanuel Declaration, #17 C to Emanuel Declaration, #18 D to Emanuel Declaration)(Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 92 APPLICATION to file document Memorandum, Separate Statement, Exhibits to Shaeffer Declaration, Exhibits to Emanuel Declaration under seal filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Amanda Murray, #2 Proposed Order)(Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 91 DECLARATION of John Shaeffer SUPPORT NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to First Amended Complaint, Third Party Complaint, Counterclaims #90 filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit, #6 Exhibit, #7 Exhibit, #8 Exhibit, #9 Exhibit, #10 Exhibit, #11 Exhibit, #12 Exhibit, #13 Exhibit, #14 Exhibit, #15 Exhibit, #16 Exhibit, #17 Exhibit, #18 Exhibit, #19 Exhibit, #20 Exhibit, #21 Exhibit, #22 Exhibit, #23 Exhibit, #24 Exhibit, #25 Exhibit, #26 Exhibit, #27 Exhibit, #28 Exhibit, #29 Exhibit, #30 Exhibit, #31 Exhibit, #32 Exhibit, #33 Exhibit, #34 Exhibit, #35 Exhibit, #36 Exhibit, #37 Exhibit, #38 Exhibit)(Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 90 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to First Amended Complaint, Third Party Complaint, Counterclaims filed by Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. Motion set for hearing on 5/14/2018 at 08:30 AM before Judge John A. Kronstadt. (Attachments: #1 Redacted Separate Statement, #2 Declaration of Saul Brenner, #3 Declaration of Rob Cornish, #4 Declaration of Craig Emanuel, #5 Proposed Order) (Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 89 REQUEST TO WITHDRAW ATTORNEY William Hayes Edmonson as counsel of record filed by Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant Jason Lust and Third-Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust, Jason Lust, SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order ON REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF WITHDRAWAL OF ATTORNEY) (Edmonson, William) |
Filing 88 APPLICATION for Leave to file Under Seal Documents Previously Designated Confidential In Support of Defendants, Counterclaimants And Third-Party Complainants' Motion For Summary Judgment filed by Defendant/Counterclaimants/Third-Party Complainants Animal Logic Entertainment PTY Ltd., Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Of Amanda Murray ISO, #2 Exhibit 2,5,8,9,12,14,16,19,20,22,23,24,26,27,38,A,B,C,D, #3 Proposed Order) (Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 87 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Take Depositions of Craig Emanuel, Nate Greenwald, Catherine McDonnell after Discovery Cut-off filed by Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant Jason Lust and Third Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust, Jason Lust, SAJ Productions, LLC. Motion set for hearing on 5/14/2018 at 10:00 AM before Judge John A. Kronstadt. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR LEAVE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS [ REDACTED], #2 Exhibit 1 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #3 Exhibit 2 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #4 Exhibit 3 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #5 Exhibit 4 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #6 Exhibit 5 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #7 Exhibit 6 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #8 Exhibit 7 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #9 Exhibit 8 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #10 Exhibit 9 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #11 Exhibit 10 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #12 Exhibit 11 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #13 Exhibit 12 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #14 Exhibit 13 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #15 Exhibit 14 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #16 Proposed Order GRANTING PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR LEAVE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS) (Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 86 APPLICATION to file document Declaration of Alec Govi and Exhibits 3, 5, 6, and 10 under seal filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. Application set for hearing on 5/14/2018 at 10:00 AM before Judge John A. Kronstadt. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL DOCUMENTS, #2 Proposed Order RE: APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL DOCUMENTS PREVIOUSLY DESIGNATED CONFIDENTIAL)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 85 MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) FURTHER ORDER RE PRIVILEGE ISSUE (ECF No. 64) by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon. In his supplemental brief, plaintiff makes two arguments for access to documents on defendant's privilege log. For the reasons discussed below, the Court rejects both arguments and therefore denies plaintiff's motion, with one limited exception. As for CTRL 3422, the Court agrees that the description is insufficient to support a privilege claim. To remedy this issue, defendant shall either amend the privilege log description to provide additional information that would support the privilege assertion or submit CTRL 3422 to the Court for in camera review. It shall comply with this obligation within seven days of this order. (See document for further details.) #64 . (sbou) |
Filing 84 SEALED DOCUMENT in support of Further Brief re: Plaintiff's Motion to Compel re Order on Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal, #82 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Unredacted Document Underacted DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS FURTHER BRIEF, #2 Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Neville Johnson - FILED UNDER SEAL, #3 Exhibit 4 to Declaration of Neville Johnson - FILED UNDER SEAL, #4 Exhibit 6 to Declaration of Neville Johnson - FILED UNDER SEAL, #5 Exhibit 8 to Declaration of Neville Johnson - FILED UNDER SEAL, #6 Exhibit 9 to Declaration of Neville Johnson - FILED UNDER SEAL, #7 Exhibit 10 to Declaration of Neville Johnson - FILED UNDER SEAL)(Govi, Alec) |
Filing 83 MEMORANDUM in Support of Further Brief re: Motion to Compel filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Redacted Document DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS FURTHER BRIEF, #2 Exhibit 1 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #3 Exhibit 2 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #4 Exhibit 3 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #5 Exhibit 4 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #6 Exhibit 5 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #7 Exhibit 6 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #8 Exhibit 7 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #9 Exhibit 8 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #10 Exhibit 9 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #11 Exhibit 10 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #12 Exhibit 11 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #13 Exhibit 12 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON, #14 Exhibit 13 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE L. JOHNSON)(Govi, Alec) |
Filing 82 ORDER RE: APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL DOCUMENTS PREVIOUSLY DESIGNATED CONFIDENTIAL IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S FURTHER BRIEF by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon. (See document for further details.) granting #76 APPLICATION to Seal Document. (sbou) |
Filing 81 SEALED DOCUMENT Exhibits A-B re Order on Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal, #78 filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to Shaeffer's Dec, #2 Exhibit B to Shaeffer's Dec, #3 Exhibit C to Shaeffer's Dec)(Murray, Amanda) |
Filing 80 MEMORANDUM in Opposition TO PLAINTIFF'S FURTHER BRIEF RE COMMUNICATIONS WITH CAA filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Shaeffer, #2 Exhibit A-B Slip Sheets (Filed Under Seal), #3 Exhibit C to Shaeffer's Declaration)(Murray, Amanda) |
Filing 79 STIPULATION to Compel STIPULATION RE: THE PARTIES UNDER SEAL FILINGS OF FURTHER BRIEFS filed by Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant Jason Lust and Third Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust, Jason Lust, SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order RE: STIPULATION RE: THE PARTIES UNDER SEAL FILINGS OF FURTHER BRIEFS RE: PLAINTIFFS MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER PRODUCTION)(Govi, Alec) |
Filing 77 APPLICATION to file document Exhibits A and B to Declaration of John Shaeffer under seal filed by Defendant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Amanda Murray, #2 Proposed Order)(Murray, Amanda) |
Filing 76 APPLICATION to file document - Memorandum of Points and Authorities in support of Further Brief; Declaration of Neville L. Johnson in support of Further Brief; Exhibits 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 attached to Johnson Declaration under seal filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF ALEC GOVI IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL DOCUMENTS PREVIOUSLY DESIGNATED CONFIDENTIAL, #2 Proposed Order RE: APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL DOCUMENTS PREVIOUSLY DESIGNATED CONFIDENTIAL IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS FURTHER BRIEF RE: COMMUNICATIONS WITH CAA IN SUPPORT OF JOINT STIPULATION RE: PLAINTIFFS MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION FROM ANIMAL LOGIC ENTERTAINMENT LLC AND LOEB & LOEB LLP)(Govi, Alec) |
Filing 75 MINUTES OF Motion Hearing held before Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon: Plaintiff's motion to compel further responses to requests for production #64 is denied for the reasons stated on the record. Each side shall file a 10 page brief addressing the privilege issue re communications with CAA by 2/14/18. (See document for details.) Recorded on Courtsmart. (ib) |
Filing 74 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Ronald Peter Funnell counsel for Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. Adding Ronald P. Funnell as attorney as counsel of record for Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant Jason Lust; Third-Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant Jason Lust, Third Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attorney Ronald Peter Funnell added to party Jason Lust(pty:cd), Attorney Ronald Peter Funnell added to party Jason Lust(pty:pla), Attorney Ronald Peter Funnell added to party SAJ Productions, LLC(pty:3pd))(Funnell, Ronald) |
Filing 73 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Neville Lawrence Johnson counsel for Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. Jennifer J. McGrath is no longer counsel of record for the aforementioned party in this case for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant Jason Lust, Third Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 72 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon: The hearing on plaintiff's Motion to Compel #64 , heretofore scheduled for hearing on 2/6/18 at 10:00AM before Magistrate Judge MacKinnon in Courtroom #780 of the Roybal Federal Building, is continued on the calendar to 2:00PM on the same date and at the same location. (ib) |
Filing 71 SEALED DOCUMENT - Exhibits 2-3 to Declaration of Neville Johnson in support of Plaintiff's Supplemental Brief re: Joint Stipulation re Memorandum in Support of Motion,, #70 , Order on Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal #69 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Neville Johnson - FILED UNDER SEAL, #2 Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Neville Johnson - FILED UNDER SEAL)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 70 MEMORANDUM in Support of Supplemental Brief re: Joint Stipulation re: Plaintiff's Motion to Compel filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF NEVILLE JOHNSON IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF RE: JOINT STIPULATION RE: PLAINTIFFS MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION FROM ANIMAL LOGIC ENTERTAINMENT LLC AND LOEB & LOEB LLP, #2 Exhibit 1 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE JOHNSON, #3 Exhibit 2 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE JOHNSON, #4 Exhibit 3 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE JOHNSON, #5 Exhibit 4 to DECLARATION OF NEVILLE JOHNSON, #6 Exhibit 5 to Declaration of Neville L. Johnson)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 69 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon granting #68 plaintiff's APPLICATION to File Documents Under Seal. (See document for details). (ib) |
Filing 68 APPLICATION to file document Exhibits 2-3 to Declaration of Neville Johnson under seal filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. Application set for hearing on 2/6/2018 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF ALEC GOVI IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL DOCUMENTS, #2 Proposed Order RE: APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL DOCUMENTS PREVIOUSLY DESIGNATED CONFIDENTIAL BY PLAINTIFFS SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF JOINT STIPULATION RE: PLAINTIFFS MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION FROM ANIMAL LOGIC ENTERTAINMENT LLC AND LOEB & LOEB LLP)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 67 ORDER GRANTING IN PART PLAINTIFF'S EX PARTE APPLICATION TO AMEND THE SCHEDULING ORDER by Judge John A. Kronstadt #58 . The Application is GRANTED IN PART. To the extent that Judge MacKinnon grants Plaintiff's request for further discovery, the deadline for the completion of that discovery will be extended to a date designated by Judge MacKinnon in his order. In the interim, all current dates remain in place. To the extent that either side contends that an amendment to initial or rebuttal expert disclosures is warranted by the discovery, if any, authorized by the Order issued by Judge MacKinnon on the present disputes, counsel shall meet and confer to seek to resolve that dispute. If the parties are unable to reach such an agreement, the dispute may be presented to the Court for review, which could result in an extension of certain deadlines presently in place. (pso) |
Filing 65 SEALED DOCUMENT re Joint Stipulation re Discovery Motion,,, #64 , Order on Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal #62 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of OF ALEC R. GOVI, #2 Exhibit 1 to 3, 11 to Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI, #3 Declaration OF JASON LUST, #4 Exhibit 16-17 to Declaration of Jason Lust, #5 Declaration of Amanda Murray, #6 Exhibit A to C to Declaration of Amanda Murray)(Govi, Alec) |
Filing 64 JOINT STIPULATION to APPLICATION to file document Exhibits 1-3, 12, 16-17 to Decl. of A. Govi; Exhibits A, B, and C to Decl. of A. Murray; indicated portions of Stipulation and Decl. of A. Govi. under seal #61 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration DECLARATION OF ALEC R. GOVI, #2 Exhibit 1 to 5 to DECLARATION OF ALEC R. GOVI, #3 Exhibit 6 to 14 to DECLARATION OF ALEC R. GOVI, #4 Declaration OF JASON LUST, #5 Exhibit 15-17 to DECLARATION OF JASON LUST, #6 Declaration of Amanda Murray, #7 Declaration of Neville L. Johnson, #8 Proposed Order RE: JOINT STIPULATION UNDER LOCAL RULE 37-2 REGARDING PLAINTIFF JASON LUSTS MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION FROM DEFENDANT ANIMAL LOGIC ENTERTAINMENT LLC AND NON-PARTY LOEB & LOEB LLP)(Govi, Alec) |
Filing 63 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Alec R Govi counsel for Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. Adding Alec R. Govi as attorney as counsel of record for Jason Lust, SAJ Productions, LLC for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant Jason Lust; Third-Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust, SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attorney Alec R Govi added to party Jason Lust(pty:cd), Attorney Alec R Govi added to party Jason Lust(pty:pla), Attorney Alec R Govi added to party SAJ Productions, LLC(pty:3pd))(Govi, Alec) |
Filing 62 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon granting #61 Plaintiff's EX PARTE APPLICATION to File Documents Under Seal. (ib) |
Filing 61 APPLICATION to file document Exhibits 1-3, 12, 16-17 to Decl. of A. Govi; Exhibits A, B, and C to Decl. of A. Murray; indicated portions of Stipulation and Decl. of A. Govi. under seal filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. Application set for hearing on 2/6/2018 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF ALEC GOVI IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL, #2 Proposed Order RE: APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL DOCUMENTS)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 59 OPPOSITION in opposition re: EX PARTE APPLICATION to Amend RE: SCHEDULING ORDER Order on Motion to Amend/Correct #56 #58 filed by Counter Claimants Animal Logic Entertainment PTY Ltd., Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC, Third Party Plaintiffs Animal Logic Entertainment PTY Ltd., Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC, Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of John Shaeffer In Support Of Opposition to Plaintiff's Ex Parte Application, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4)(Shaeffer, John) |
Filing 58 EX PARTE APPLICATION to Amend RE: SCHEDULING ORDER Order on Motion to Amend/Correct #56 filed by Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant Jason Lust and Third Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust, SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF ALEC R. GOVI IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE MOTION TO AMEND SCHEDULING ORDER, #2 Exhibit 1 to 5 to Declaration of Alec R. Govi, #3 Exhibit 6 to 9 to Declaration of Alec R. Govi, #4 Proposed Order) (Attorney Neville Lawrence Johnson added to party SAJ Productions, LLC(pty:3pd)) (Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 57 MINUTES OF Telephone Conference held before Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon: Plaintiff shall provide defendant with his portion of a joint stipulation regarding the disputed discovery matters by 1/3/18 at 5:00pm. Defendants shall add their portion to the joint stipulation and return it to plaintiff by 1/10/18 at 5:00pm. Plaintiff shall then file the joint stipulation with the Court, and the matter will be deemed submitted. Recorded on Courtsmart. (ib) |
Filing 56 ORDER GRANTING IN PART EX PARTE APPLICATION TO CONTINUE THE DISCOVERY CUT-OFF DATE by Judge John A. Kronstadt #54 . The Court GRANTS the Application and modifies the Scheduling Order. Refer to the Court's order for details. (pso) |
Filing 55 Opposition In Opposition re: EX PARTE APPLICATION to AMEND SCHEDULING ORDER Scheduling Conference, #16 #54 filed by Counter Claimants Animal Logic Entertainment PTY Ltd., Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC, Third Party Plaintiffs Animal Logic Entertainment PTY Ltd., Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC, Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of John Shaeffer In Support of Opposition to Plaintiff's Ex Parte Application to Amend The Scheduling Order, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C)(Murray, Amanda) |
Filing 54 EX PARTE APPLICATION to AMEND SCHEDULING ORDER Scheduling Conference, #16 filed by Plaintiff/ Counterclaim-Defendant, Jason Lust and Third-Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust, Jason Lust, SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF JENNIFER J. McGRATH IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE MOTION TO AMEND SCHEDULING ORDER, #2 Proposed Order) (McGrath, Jennifer) |
Filing 53 MINUTES OF Motion Hearing held before Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon GRANTING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART Non-Party Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.'s Production of Document #47 . (See document for details. Recorded on Courtsmart. (ib) |
Filing 52 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon: The Court having been advised that the parties have resolved the issues which were to be discussed on a telephone conference set for 10/13/17 at 10:00AM, the telephone conference is taken off-calendar. (ib) |
Filing 51 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon: A Telephone Conference re a discovery dispute is set for 10/13/2017 at 10:00AM before Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon. Non-parties' counsel and plaintiff's counsel shall email short statements that set out their positions by 5pm on 10/11/17. (See document for call in information) (ib) |
Filing 50 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon: On the Court's own motion, the hearing on plaintiff's Motion to Compel Production from Non-Party Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. re Subpoena to Produce Documents #47 , and all related matters #49 heretofore scheduled for hearing on 10/10/17 at 10:00AM, are continued to 10/17/17 at 10:00AM. (ib) |
Filing 49 Supplemental REQUEST to Supplement Opposition to Motion to Compel, per Local Rule 37-2.3 re Stipulation to Compel,, #47 filed by Non-Party Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.. Request set for hearing on 10/10/2017 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon. (Attorney Jean-Paul Jassy added to party Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.(pty:obj))(Jassy, Jean-Paul) |
Filing 48 SEALED DOCUMENT re Order on Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal #46 filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit B to Declaration of Lara Mackey, #2 Exhibit C to Declaration of J. Jassy)(McGrath, Jennifer) |
Filing 47 Joint STIPULATION to Compel FURTHER PRODUCTION FROM NON-PARTY COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC filed by Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant Jason Lust and Third Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust, Jason Lust, SAJ Productions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 to Declaration JENNIFER J. MCGRATH, #2 Exhibit 2 to Declaration JENNIFER J. MCGRATH, #3 Exhibit 3 to Declaration JENNIFER J. MCGRATH, #4 Exhibit A to Declaration Lara Mackey, #5 Proof of Service)(McGrath, Jennifer) |
Filing 46 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon granting #45 APPLICATION to file documents UNDER SEAL. (See document for details). (ib) |
Filing 45 APPLICATION to file document Exhibit B and Exhibit C to JOINT STIPULATION UNDER LOCAL RULE 45-1 AND 37-2 REGARDING PLAINTIFF JASON LUSTS MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER PRODUCTION FROM NON-PARTY COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC. RE: SUBPOENA TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTS under seal filed by Counter Defendant Jason Lust, Plaintiff Jason Lust, ThirdParty Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. Application set for hearing on 10/10/2017 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon. (Attachments: #1 Declaration OF JENNIFER J. MCGRATH IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION TO FILE UNDER SEAL DOCUMENTS, #2 Proposed Order)(Attorney Jennifer J McGrath added to party SAJ Productions, LLC(pty:3pd))(McGrath, Jennifer) |
Filing 44 NOTICE OF INTERESTED PARTIES filed by THIRD-PARTY DEFENDANT SAJ Productions, LLC. (Edmonson, William) |
Filing 43 ANSWER to Amended Counterclaim, #37 with JURY DEMAND filed by Counterdefendant Jason Lust, Jason Lust.(Attorney William H Edmonson added to party Jason Lust(pty:cd))(Edmonson, William) |
Filing 42 ANSWER to Third Party Complaint, #38 JURY DEMAND filed by Third-Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC.(Attorney William H Edmonson added to party SAJ Productions, LLC(pty:3pd))(Edmonson, William) |
Filing 41 NOTICE of Change of Attorney Business or Contact Information: for attorney William H Edmonson counsel for Plaintiff Jason Lust. Changing address to 8560 Sunset Boulevard, Fifth Floor, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Filed by plaintiff jason lust. (Edmonson, William) |
Filing 40 PROOF OF SERVICE Executed by Third-party plaintiff Animal Logic Entertainment PTY Ltd., Animal Logic LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment US, upon Third-party defendant SAJ Productions, LLC served on 5/17/2017, answer due 6/13/2017. Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon Jason Lust, agent for service of process in compliance with Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by personal service.Original Summons NOT returned. (Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 39 PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon. re Stipulation for Protective Order #36 . (sbou) |
Filing 38 THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT against Third-party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment PTY Ltd. ; Jury Demand, filed by Third-Party Complainants Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment US. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit s A-B to Third-party Complaint)(Murray, Amanda) |
Filing 37 FIRST AMENDED COUNTERCLAIM against Counterclaim-defendant Jason Lust amending Counterclaim, #21 , Third Party Complaint, #26 ; JURY DEMAND, filed by Defendants & Counterclaimants Zareh Nalbandian, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment US (Attachments: #1 Exhibit s A & B to First Amended Counterclaims, #2 Redlined Version of First Amended Counterclaims)(Murray, Amanda) |
Filing 36 STIPULATION for Protective Order filed by Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant Jason Lust and Third Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order [PROPOSED] PROTECTIVE ORDER)(McGrath, Jennifer) |
Filing 35 ORDER RE STIPULATION TO FILECORRECTED COUNTERCLAIMSAND THIRD-PARTY COMPLAINT #34 by Judge John A. Kronstadt: IT IS HEREBY ORDER THAT Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC, and Animal Logic Entertainment Pty Ltd may file their corrected Counterclaims and Third-Party Complaint to replace the Counterclaims and Third-Party Complaint filed on May 11, 2017, Dkt. No. #26 . A First Amended Counterclaim shall be filed as its own docket entry by May 23, 2017. A redline version shall be attached showing the changes that were made to the May 5, 2017 version at Dkt. #21 . Additionally, the Third-Party Complaint shall be filed as its own docket entry by May 23, 2017. (ah) |
Filing 34 Joint STIPULATION to To File Corrected Counterclaims and Third-Party Complaint Striking Electronically Filed Documents (G-106),, #33 , Third Party Complaint, #26 filed by Defendants, Counterclaimants, and Third-Party Plaintiffs Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit [Counterclaims-Third-party Complaint with Exhibits A-B & redlines of same], #2 Proposed Order)(Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 33 ORDER TO STRIKE ELECTRONICALLY FILED DOCUMENT)S)by Judge John A. Kronstadt: the following document(s) be STRICKEN for failure to comply with the Local Rules, General Order and/or the Courts Case Management Order: Third Party Complaint, #26 , for the following reasons: Pursuant to Judge Kronstadt's Standing Order (Dkt. 7), all initiating pleadings, including third-party complaint, amended complaints, complaint in intervention, counterclaims and cross claims, shall be filed as a separate document. (bp) |
Filing 32 Effective May 24, 2017, Judge MacKinnon will be located at the Edward R. Roybal Federal Building, COURTROOM 840 on the 8th floor, located at 255 East Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90012. All Court appearances shall be made in Courtroom 840 of the Roybal Federal Building, and all mandatory chambers copies shall be hand delivered to the judge's mail box located outside the Clerk's Office on the 12th floor of the Roybal Federal Building. The location for filing civil documents in paper format exempted from electronic filing and for viewing case files and other records services remains at the United States Courthouse, 312 North Spring Street, Room G-8, Los Angeles, California 90012. The location for filing criminal documents in paper format exempted from electronic filing remains at the Roybal Federal Building, 255 East Temple Street, Room 178, Los Angeles, California 90012. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (rrp) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 31 ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME TO RESPOND TO COUNTERCLAIM AND THIRD-PARTY COMPLAINT by Judge John A. Kronstadt, #30 . IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the time for Plaintiff and Counterclaim- Defendant Jason Lust and Third-Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC to answer or otherwise respond to the Counterclaim and Third-Party Complaint shall be extended to June 13, 2017. (pso) |
Filing 30 STIPULATION Extending Time to Answer the complaint as to Jason Lust answer now due 6/13/2017; SAJ Productions, LLC answer now due 6/13/2017, re Counterclaim, #21 , Third Party Complaint, #26 filed by Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant Jason Lust and Third Party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC Jason Lust; SAJ Productions, LLC.(Attorney Neville Lawrence Johnson added to party SAJ Productions, LLC(pty:3pd))(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 29 NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Third Party Plaintiffs Animal Logic Entertainment LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment PTY LTD, Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC, Counter Claimants Animal Logic Entertainment LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment PTY LTD, Animal Logic LLC, Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. correcting Third Party Complaint, #26 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Third-Party Complaint with Exhibits A-B)(Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 28 21 DAY Summons Issued re Third Party Complaint, #26 as to Third-party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC. (bp) |
Filing 27 Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Third Party Complaint, #26 filed by Third-party Complainants Animal Logic Entertainment LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment PTY LTD, Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC. (Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 26 [STRICKEN PURSUANT TO ORDER DATED 5/18 DOCKET ENTRY #33] THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT against Third-party Defendant SAJ Productions, LLC ; Jury Demand, filed by Third-party complainants Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment LLC, Animal Logic LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment PTY LTD. (Attorney Jeffrey H Grant added to party Animal Logic Entertainment PTY LTD(pty:cc))(Grant, Jeffrey) Modified on 5/18/2017 (bp). |
Filing 25 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCIES in Request to Issue Summons RE: Summons Request, #24 . The following error(s) was found: Request to issue summons on a Third-Party Complaint. SAJ Productions, LLC named as a counter defendant in the counter-claim.. The summons cannot be issued until this defect has been corrected. Please correct the defect and re-file your request. (bp) |
Filing 24 Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Notice of Deficiency in Request to Issue Summons,, #23 , Counterclaim, #21 filed by Defendants-Counterclaimants Animal Logic Entertainment LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment PTY LTD, Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. (Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 23 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCIES in Request to Issue Summons RE: Summons Request #22 . The following error(s) was found: The caption of the summons must match the caption of the complaint verbatim. If the caption is too large to fit in the space provided, enter the name of the first party and then write see attached.Next, attach a face page of the complaint or a second page addendum to the Summons. Summons is not directed to the defendant(s). The defendants name must appear in the To:section of the summons. Third-party caption missing.. The summons cannot be issued until this defect has been corrected. Please correct the defect and re-file your request. (bp) |
Filing 22 Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Counterclaim, #21 filed by Counterclaimants Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. (Murray, Amanda) |
Filing 21 COUNTERCLAIM against Counterclaim-Defendants Jason Lust; Jury Demand, filed by Counterclaimants Zareh Nalbandian, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Animal Logic Entertainment US. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit s A and B to Counterclaims)(Murray, Amanda) |
Filing 20 ANSWER to Amended Complaint/Petition #19 with JURY DEMAND filed by Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian.(Attorney Amanda Dior Murray added to party Animal Logic Entertainment US(pty:dft), Attorney Amanda Dior Murray added to party Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC(pty:dft), Attorney Amanda Dior Murray added to party Zareh Nalbandian(pty:dft))(Murray, Amanda) |
Filing 19 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT against Defendants All Defendants amending Complaint - (Discovery), filed by Plaintiff Jason Lust (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to First Amended Complaint)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 18 ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION FOR FILING OF FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT AND MAKING MOOT DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS by Judge John A. Kronstadt. On April 14, 2017, the parties filed a joint stipulation ("Stipulation" (Dkt. #17 )) that plaintiff Jason Lust ("Plaintiff") may file a First Amended Complaint ("FAC" (Dkt. 17-1)). The Stipulation is GRANTED. In light of this Order, the Motion to Dismiss the prior Complaint ("Motion" (Dkt. #11 )) is now MOOT. The hearing on the Motion, previously scheduled to take place on May 8, 2017, is therefore vacated. Plaintiff shall file the FAC so that it is made available on the docket as its own docket entry no later than April 21, 2017. Any response to the FAC by Defendants is to be filed on or before May 5, 2017. (pso) |
Filing 17 STIPULATION to Amend RE: FILING OF FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT filed by Plaintiff Jason Lust. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 First Amended Complaint, #2 Exhibit A to FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 16 MINUTES OF Scheduling Conference held before Judge John A. Kronstadt. The scheduling conference is held. The Court confers with counsel regarding the status of the case. The Court has reviewed the parties March 24, 2017 Joint Report and sets the following deadlines: Last day to amend or add parties 4/28/2017. Non-Expert Discovery cut-off 11/20/2017. Last day to file motions 1/22/2018. Court Reporter: Alex Joko. (SEE CIVIL MINUTES FOR SPECIFICS) (bp) |
Filing 15 ORDER/REFERRAL to ADR Procedure No 3 by Judge John A. Kronstadt. Case ordered to a private mediator based upon a stipulation of the parties or by the court order. (ake) |
Filing 14 JOINT REPORT Rule 26(f) Discovery Plan ; estimated length of trial (seven) 7 days trial by jury, filed by Plaintiff Jason Lust.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Johnson, Neville) |
Filing 13 ORDER by Judge John A. Kronstadt: granting #12 Request to Substitute Attorney. Added attorney John Shaeffer for Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC,and Zareh Nalbandian. Attorney Saul D Brenner terminated (pso) |
Filing 12 REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE ATTORNEY John Shaeffer in place of attorney Saul D. Brenner filed by Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment US, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Attorney Jeffrey H Grant added to party Animal Logic Entertainment US(pty:dft), Attorney Jeffrey H Grant added to party Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC(pty:dft), Attorney Jeffrey H Grant added to party Zareh Nalbandian(pty:dft)) (Grant, Jeffrey) |
Filing 11 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss the Second, Third, Fourth, and Six Causes of Action and for a More Definite Statement of the Fifth Cause of Action in Plaintiff's Complaint filed by Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. Motion set for hearing on 5/8/2017 at 08:30 AM before Judge John A. Kronstadt. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum, #2 Proposed Order) (Brenner, Saul) |
Filing 10 Second STIPULATION Extending Time to Answer the complaint as to Zareh Nalbandian answer now due 2/17/2017; Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC answer now due 2/17/2017, re Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening), #1 , Complaint - (Discovery) filed by Defendants Zareh Nalbandian; Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC.(Brenner, Saul) |
Filing 9 STIPULATION Extending Time to Answer the complaint as to Zareh Nalbandian answer now due 2/7/2017; Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC answer now due 2/7/2017; Animal Logic Entertainment US answer now due 2/7/2017, re Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening), #1 , Complaint - (Discovery) filed by Defendants Zareh Nalbandian; Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC.(Brenner, Saul) |
Filing 8 ORDER SETTING RULE 16(b)/26(f) SCHEDULING CONFERENCE by Judge John A. Kronstadt. Scheduling Conference set for April 3, 2017 at 01:30 PM before Judge John A. Kronstadt. Joint Rule 16(b)/26(f) Report due February 24, 2017. (ah) Modified on 1/18/2017 (ake). |
Filing 5 NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge John A. Kronstadt and Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon. (esa) |
Filing 4 NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Defenant Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian, identifying Animal Logic, LLC. (Brenner, Saul) |
Filing 3 DECLARATION of Saul D. Brenner re Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening), #1 filed by Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 3, #2 Exhibit 4)(Brenner, Saul) |
Filing 2 CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Defendants Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC, Zareh Nalbandian. (Brenner, Saul) |
Filing 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Los Angeles Superior Court, case number BC639223 Receipt No: 0973-19192700 - Fee: $400, filed by Defendants Zareh Nalbandian, Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Summons and Complaint, #2 Exhibit 2 - LASC Court Docket) (Attorney Saul D Brenner added to party Animal Logic Entertainment, LLC(pty:dft), Attorney Saul D Brenner added to party Zareh Nalbandian(pty:dft))(Brenner, Saul) |
CONFORMED COPY OF COMPLAINT against defendants Animal Logic Entertainment US, Does 1 through 20, inclusive, Zareh Nalbandian, Jury Demand, filed by Plaintiff Jason Lust. (esa) |
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