Mike Bulaon et al v. General Motors LLC et al
Devon Lapier, John Andrade, Laura Huizar, Rafael Ceja, Willis Hayes, Orlando Ibarra, Holly Ellis, Erasmo Garcia, Raed Ari, David Bell, Nick Brannon, Dan Breckenridge, Frank Marshall, Mark Doty, Solomon Aleka, Martin Mahmoudi, Daniel Braun, Jim Gill, Linda Hayes, Patricia Belk, Marcos Cobian, Luis Lopez, Frank Belk, Chad Hughes, Francisco Delacruz, Kyle Krall, Scott Kidd, Calvin Ciapponi, Thaddeus Dykier, Mark Bunker, Michael L. Manna Ranch, Inc., Brent Lehr, Michael Jackson, Larry Capatosto, Alfonso Hernandez, Casey Dean, Dale Hale, Amos Gates, Tim Allen, Cole Einhaus, Ron Lake, David Fee, Jose Huiza, Elaine Marshall, Sean Kehoe, Robert Ellington, Linda Brubaker, Franklin Kempner, Jon Aleka, Andy Fok, Michael Hosford, Victor Davis, David Graham, Mike Gurtovoy, James Aukes, Edward Curley, Mauro Lopez, Jose Acevedo, Janine Lehr, Dudley Baker, Ruben Hurtado, Dan Klatt, Bill Brubaker, Stanley Bronstrup, Jerry Kenny, Dustin Coyner, Kip Holbrook, Michael Blankenship, Ryan Berry, Robert Garitano, Robert Brenier, Idovino Artifon, Mike Lapier, Gerando Barron, Meridith Holloway, Mayra Hernandez, Darrell Anderson, Matt Manna, Daniel Duffy, Alex Llamas, Kevin Harms, Jon Barnhart, Richard Dryer, Billy Duckworth and Mike Bulaon |
Courtesy Chevrolet Center, General Motors LLC, Paradise Chevrolet, Robert Bosch GmbH and Robert Bosch LLC |
2:2019cv05205 |
June 14, 2019 |
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California |
Michael W Fitzgerald |
Karen L Stevenson |
Other Fraud |
28 U.S.C. § 1441 |
Plaintiff |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on July 2, 2019. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 22 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal filed by Plaintiffs Jose Acevedo, Jon Aleka, Solomon Aleka, Tim Allen, Darrell Anderson, John Andrade, Raed Ari, Idovino Artifon, James Aukes, Dudley Baker, Jon Barnhart, Gerando Barron, Frank Belk, Patricia Belk, David Bell, Ryan Berry, Michael Blankenship, Nick Brannon, Daniel Braun, Dan Breckenridge, Robert Brenier, Stanley Bronstrup, Bill Brubaker, Linda Brubaker, Mike Bulaon, Mark Bunker, Larry Capatosto, Rafael Ceja, Calvin Ciapponi, Marcos Cobian, Dustin Coyner, Edward Curley, Victor Davis, Casey Dean, Francisco Delacruz, Mark Doty, Richard Dryer, Billy Duckworth, Daniel Duffy, Thaddeus Dykier, Cole Einhaus, Robert Ellington, Holly Ellis, David Fee, Andy Fok, Erasmo Garcia, Robert Garitano, Amos Gates, Jim Gill, David Graham, Mike Gurtovoy, Dale Hale, Kevin Harms, Linda Hayes, Willis Hayes, Alfonso Hernandez, Mayra Hernandez, Kip Holbrook, Meridith Holloway, Michael Hosford, Chad Hughes, Jose Huiza, Laura Huizar, Ruben Hurtado, Orlando Ibarra, Michael Jackson, Sean Kehoe, Franklin Kempner, Jerry Kenny, Scott Kidd, Dan Klatt, Kyle Krall, Ron Lake, Devon Lapier, Mike Lapier, Brent Lehr, Janine Lehr, Alex Llamas, Luis Lopez, Mauro Lopez, Martin Mahmoudi, Matt Manna, Elaine Marshall, Frank Marshall, Michael L. Manna Ranch, Inc.. Dismissal is Without Prejudice. (Miller, Charles) |
Filing 21 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Change Venue to Eastern District of Michigan filed by Defendant General Motors LLC. Motion set for hearing on 7/29/2019 at 10:00 AM before Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Declaration of R. Smith in Support of Motion, #3 Exhibit A, #4 Exhibit B, #5 Proof of Service) (Smith, Renee) |
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Filing 19 Corrected APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Renee D. Smith to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant General Motors LLC (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $400 Previously Paid on 6/19/2019, Receipt No. 0973-23948039) filed by Defendant General Motors LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Bladow, Robyn) |
Filing 18 RESPONSE BY THE COURT TO NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES IN ELECTRONICALLY FILED DOCUMENTS RE: APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Renee D. Smith to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant General Motors LLC (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $400 Fee Paid, Receipt No. 0973-23948039) #15 by Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald. The document is stricken and counsel is ordered to file an amended or corrected document by July 3, 2019. In addition to the erros noted in the Notice to Filer of Deficiencies (Docket No. 17), the application is not hand-signed (see Local Rule 5-4.3.4). The amended application must cure all defects. (lt) Modified on 6/21/2019 (lt). |
Filing 17 NOTICE of Deficiency in Electronically Filed Pro Hac Vice Application RE: APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Renee D. Smith to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant General Motors LLC (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $400 Fee Paid, Receipt No. 0973-23948039) #15 . The following error(s) was/were found: Local Rule 83- Application not complete: state and/or federal courts to which the applicant has been admitted are not listed. Other error(s) with document(s): No state court/bar listed. (lt) |
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Filing 15 ** STRICKEN PURSUANT TO RESPONSE BY THE COURT TO NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES IN ELECTRONICALLY FILED DOCUMENTS DATED 6/21/19 ** APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Renee D. Smith to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant General Motors LLC (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $400 Fee Paid, Receipt No. 0973-23948039) filed by Defendant General Motors LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Bladow, Robyn) Modified on 6/21/2019 (lt). |
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Filing 13 Joint STIPULATION for Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleading and Remand Motion filed by Defendant General Motors LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Bladow, Robyn) |
Filing 12 RESPONSE filed by Pro Hac Vice attorney Michael E. Heygood on behalf of Plaintiffs Jose Acevedo, et al. RE: Notice of Filing Fee Due. PHV fee N/A. (lt) |
Filing 11 NOTICE of Related Case(s) filed by Defendant General Motors LLC. Related Case(s): 2:19-cv-05211 (Bladow, Robyn) |
Filing 9 NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Christina A. Snyder and Magistrate Judge Karen L. Stevenson. (car) |
Filing 8 NOTICE OF PRO HAC VICE APPLICATION DUE for Non-Resident Attorney Renee D Smith. A document recently filed in this case lists you as an out-of-state attorney of record. However, the Court has not been able to locate any record that you are admitted to the Bar of this Court, and you have not filed an application to appear Pro Hac Vice in this case. Accordingly, within 5 business days of the date of this notice, you must either (1) have your local counsel file an application to appear Pro Hac Vice (Form G-64) and pay the applicable fee, or (2) complete the next section of this form and return it to the court at cacd_attyadm@cacd.uscourts.gov. You have been removed as counsel of record from the docket in this case, and you will not be added back to the docket until your Pro Hac Vice status has been resolved. (car) |
Filing 7 NOTICE OF PRO HAC VICE APPLICATION DUE for Non-Resident Attorney Michael E Heygood. A document recently filed in this case lists you as an out-of-state attorney of record. However, the Court has not been able to locate any record that you are admitted to the Bar of this Court, and you have not filed an application to appear Pro Hac Vice in this case. Accordingly, within 5 business days of the date of this notice, you must either (1) have your local counsel file an application to appear Pro Hac Vice (Form G-64) and pay the applicable fee, or (2) complete the next section of this form and return it to the court at cacd_attyadm@cacd.uscourts.gov. You have been removed as counsel of record from the docket in this case, and you will not be added back to the docket until your Pro Hac Vice status has been resolved. (car) |
CONFORMED COPY OF PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT Executed by Plaintiffs upon Defendant Robert Bosch LLC Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon Becky DeGeorge, Agent for CSC in compliance with California Code of Civil Procedure by personal service.Original Summons NOT returned. Filed in State Court on 6/4/2019 Submitted with Attachment 3 Pg. 77 to Notice of #1 (car) |
CONFORMED COPY OF PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT Executed by Plaintiffs upon Defendant General Motors LLC served on 5/15/2019, answer due 6/5/2019. Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon Becky De George Agent for CSC in compliance with California Code of Civil Procedure by personal service.Original Summons NOT returned. Filed in State Court on 6/4/19 Submitted with attachment 3 to notice of removal #1 (car) |
CONFORMED COPY OF PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT Executed by Plaintiffs upon Defendant Courtesy Chevrolet Center served on 5/16/2019, answer due 6/6/2019. Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon Rebecca Morales Registered Agent in compliance with California Code of Civil Procedure by service on a domestic corporation, unincorporated association, or public entity. Original Summons NOT returned. Filed in State Court on 6/4//19 Submitted with attachment 3 to notice of removal #1 (car) |
CONFORMED COPY OF PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT Executed by Plaintiffs upon Defendant Robert Bosch LLC as Agent for Robert Bosch Gmbh served on 5/24/2019, answer due 6/14/2019. Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon Becky De George Agent for CSC in compliance with California Code of Civil Procedure by personal service. Original Summons NOT returned. Filed in State Court on 6/4/2019 Submitted with attachment 3 to notice of removal Pg. 74 #1 (car) Modified on 6/17/2019 (car). |
CONFORMED COPY OF COMPLAINT against Defendants Courtesy Chevrolet Center, General Motors LLC, Paradise Chevrolet, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch LLC. Jury Demanded, filed by plaintiffs. Filed in State Court on 5/10/2019 Submitted with attachment 1 Exhibit 1 Part 1 to notice of removal #1 (car) |
Filing 6 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Defendant General Motors LLC, re Certificate/Notice of Interested Parties #4 , Notice (Other) #3 , Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel (G-123), #5 , Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening), #1 , Civil Cover Sheet (CV-71) #2 served on June 14, 2019. (Bladow, Robyn) |
Filing 5 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Robyn Eileen Bladow counsel for Defendant General Motors LLC. Adding Robyn E. Bladow as counsel of record for Defendant General Motors LLC for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendant General Motors LLC. (Bladow, Robyn) |
Filing 4 Defendant General Motors LLC's Corporate Disclosure Statement Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 7.1 and CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by Defendant General Motors LLC, (Bladow, Robyn) |
Filing 3 NOTICE filed by Defendant General Motors LLC. Notice of Pendency of Other Actions Pursuant to L.R. 83-1.4.1 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Bladow, Robyn) |
Filing 2 CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Defendant General Motors LLC. (Bladow, Robyn) |
Filing 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, case number 19CHCV00392 Receipt No: 0973-23921700 - Fee: $400, filed by Defendant General Motors LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 (Part 1 of 3), #2 Exhibit 1 (Part 2 of 3), #3 Exhibit 1 (Part 3 of 3)) (Attorney Robyn Eileen Bladow added to party General Motors LLC(pty:dft))(Bladow, Robyn) |
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