Unicom Systems Inc v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp et al
Unicom Systems Inc, Unicom Systems, Inc. and Unicom Engineering, Inc. |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, US Bank National Association, East West Bank, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, 1 through 20 DOES, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., U.S. Bank National Association, MUFG Union Bank, N.A., OneWest Bank, N.A. and Does 1 through 20, inclusive |
Unicom Government, Inc., Firetide, Inc., GTSI Financial Services, Inc., GTSI Professional Services, Inc., Network Engines International, Inc., Rockstar Holding Corporation, U.S. Robotics Corporation, IET Solutions, LLC, Softlanding Systems Incorporated, Macro 4, Inc., Unicom Global, Inc., Wingsweep Corporation, Corry S. Hong, Christine H. Hong and Roes |
2:2023cv02507 |
April 4, 2023 |
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California |
Wesley L Hsu |
Rozella A Oliver |
Contract: Other |
28 U.S.C. § 1441 Notice of Removal -- Other Contract |
None |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on May 19, 2023. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
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Filing 20 Joint STIPULATION to Continue Scheduling Conference from June 8, 2023 to a date and time available to the Court after June 28, 2023 Re: Initial Order Setting R26 Scheduling Conference - form only #18 filed by Defendants and Cross-Complainant Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 19 Notice OF INITIAL STANDING ORDER filed by Defendants and Cross-Complainant East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., MUFG Union Bank, N.A., OneWest Bank, N.A., U.S. Bank National Association. (Brady, Matthew) |
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Filing 17 TEXT ONLY ENTRY by Chambers of Judge Fernando M. Olguin. This matter has been assigned to District Judge Fernando M. Olguin. The Court refers counsel to the Court's Initial Standing Order found on the Court's Website under Judge Olguin's Procedures and Schedules. Please read this Order carefully. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (gga) TEXT ONLY ENTRY |
Filing 16 EXHIBIT Filed filed by Defendants Does, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., MUFG Union Bank, N.A., OneWest Bank, N.A., U.S. Bank National Association, Cross Claimant Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.. [Exhibit 173] as to Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening),,,,,,,, #1 . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 173 - Stipulation and Order to Dismiss Claims and Cross-Claims)(Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 15 Certificate of Service of 1) Notice of Case Assignment, 2) Notice to Parties of Court-Directed ADR Program; and 3) Notice to Counsel re Consent to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge filed by Defendants Does, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., MUFG Union Bank, N.A., U.S. Bank National Association, Cross Claimant Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. re: Notice to Parties of Court-Directed ADR Program (ADR-8) - optional html form #13 , Notice to Counsel Re: Consent to Proceed before a US Magistrate Judge - optional html form #14 , Notice of Assignment to United States Judges(CV-18) - optional html form #12 (Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 14 Notice to Counsel Re Consent to Proceed Before a United States Magistrate Judge. (lh) |
Filing 12 NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Fernando M. Olguin and Magistrate Judge Rozella A. Oliver. (lh) |
CONFORMED FILED COPY OF ANSWER to Cross-COMPLAINT, filed by Plaintiffs and Cross-Defendants Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Firetide, Inc., GTSI Financial Services, Inc., GTSI Professional Services, Inc., Christine H. Hong, Corry S. Hong, IET Solutions, LLC, Macro 4, Inc., Network Engines International, Inc., Rockstar Holding Corporation, Roes, Softlanding Systems Incorporated, U.S. Robotics Corporation, Unicom Engineering, Inc., Unicom Engineering, Inc., Unicom Global, Inc., Unicom Government, Inc., Unicom Government, Inc., Unicom Systems, Inc., Unicom Systems, Inc., Wingsweep Corporation. (FILED IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ON 8/28/2017 SUBMITTED ATTACHED TO EXHIBIT #3 )(lh) |
CONFORMED FILED COPY OF ANSWER to Amended Complaint, filed by Defendant and Cross-Complainant East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., MUFG Union Bank, N.A., OneWest Bank, N.A., U.S. Bank National Association. (FILED IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ON 9/20/2018 SUBMITTED ATTACHED TO EXHIBITS #5 )(lh) |
CONFORMED FILED COPY OF FIRST AMENDED ANSWER TO CROSS-COMPLAINT, filed by Plaintiffs and Cross-Defendants U.S. Robotics Corporation, Firetide, Inc., Unicom Systems, Inc., Unicom Engineering, Inc., Roes, Unicom Government, Inc., Softlanding Systems Incorporated, GTSI Professional Services, Inc., Corry S. Hong, Network Engines International, Inc., Unicom Global, Inc., Unicom Government, Inc., Rockstar Holding Corporation, Unicom Engineering, Inc., Wingsweep Corporation, Macro 4, Inc., GTSI Financial Services, Inc., Unicom Systems, Inc., Christine H. Hong, MUFG Union Bank, N.A., IET Solutions, LLC. (FILED IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ON 8/30/2017 SUBMITTED ATTACHED TO EXHIBIT #3 ) (lh) |
CONFORMED COPY OF THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT against Defendants and Cross-Claimant Does, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., MUFG Union Bank, N.A., OneWest Bank, N.A., U.S. Bank National Association amending Amended Complaint,,,, filed by Plaintiffs and Cross-Defendants U.S. Robotics Corporation, Firetide, Inc., Unicom Systems, Inc., Unicom Engineering, Inc., Roes, Unicom Government, Inc., Softlanding Systems Incorporated, GTSI Professional Services, Inc., Corry S. Hong, Network Engines International, Inc., Unicom Global, Inc., Unicom Government, Inc., Rockstar Holding Corporation, Unicom Engineering, Inc., Wingsweep Corporation, Macro 4, Inc., GTSI Financial Services, Inc., Unicom Systems, Inc., Christine H. Hong, IET Solutions, LLC. (FILED IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ON 9/12/2018 SUBMITTED ATTACHED TO NOTICE OF REMOVAL #1 )(lh) |
CONFORMED FILED COPY OF SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT against Defendants and Cross-Claimant U.S. Robotics Corporation, Does, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., MUFG Union Bank, N.A., OneWest Bank, N.A., U.S. Bank National Association amending Complaint - (Discovery), Crossclaim,,,, filed by Plaintiffs and Cross-Defendants U.S. Robotics Corporation, Firetide, Inc., Unicom Systems, Inc., Unicom Engineering, Inc., Roes, Unicom Government, Inc., Softlanding Systems Incorporated, GTSI Professional Services, Inc., Corry S. Hong, Network Engines International, Inc., Unicom Global, Inc., Unicom Government, Inc., Rockstar Holding Corporation, Unicom Engineering, Inc., Wingsweep Corporation, Macro 4, Inc., GTSI Financial Services, Inc., Unicom Systems, Inc., Christine H. Hong, IET Solutions, LLC (FILED IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ON 5/23/2018 SUBMITTED ATTACHED TO EXHIBITS #4 )(lh) |
CONFORMED FILED COPY CROSSCLAIM against Cross-Defendants Firetide, Inc., GTSI Financial Services, Inc., GTSI Professional Services, Inc., Christine H. Hong(as Trustee of The Corry and Christine Hong Trust), Christine H. Hong(an individual), Corry S. Hong(as Trustee of The Corry and Christine Hong Trust), Corry S. Hong(an individual), IET Solutions, LLC, Macro 4, Inc., Network Engines International, Inc., Rockstar Holding Corporation, Roes, Softlanding Systems Incorporated, U.S. Robotics Corporation, Unicom Engineering, Inc., Unicom Enterprises, Inc., Unicom Global, Inc., Unicom Government, Inc., Unicom International, Inc., Unicom Systems, Inc., Wingsweep Corporation, filed by Defendant and Cross-Complainant Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FILED IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ON 7/21/2017 SUBMITTED ATTACHED TO EXHIBITS #2 ) (lh) |
CONFORMED FILED COPY OF COMPLAINT against Defendants Silicon Valley Bank, Does, East West Bank, MUFG Union Bank, N.A., OneWest Bank, N.A., U.S. Bank National Association, Buchalter Nemer, filed by Plaintiffs Unicom Systems, Inc., Unicom Government, Inc., Unicom Engineering, Inc. (FILED IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ON 9/27/2016 SUBMITTED ATTACHED TO NOTICE OF REMOVAL #1 ) (lh) |
Filing 11 Certificate of Compliance with 28 U.S.C. Section 1446 filed by Defendants 1 through 20 DOES, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, US Bank National Association re: Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening),,,,,,,, #1 (Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 10 Certificate of Service of Notice to Adverse Party of Removal to Federal Court filed by Defendants 1 through 20 DOES, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, US Bank National Association re: Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening),,,,,,,, #1 (Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 9 NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Defendants and Cross-Complainant 1 through 20 DOES, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, US Bank National Association, identifying U.S. Bank, N.A., East West Bank, MUFG Union Bank, N.A., CIT Bank, N.A., Silicon Valley Bank. (Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 8 CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Defendants 1 through 20 DOES, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, US Bank National Association. (Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 7 EXHIBIT Filed filed by Defendants 1 through 20 DOES, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, US Bank National Association. CONTINUED EXHIBITS as to Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening),,,,,,,, #1 . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 147 - Def.s Notice of MSJ or Adjudication re Prohibited Indebtedness, #2 Exhibit 148 Proof of Service of Def.s MSJ Memos and Declarations, #3 Exhibit 149 Sep. Statement of UMFs ISO Def.s MSJ or Adjudication re Prohibited Investments, #4 Exhibit 150 Sep. Statement of UMFs ISO Def.s MSJ or Adjudication re Prohibited Indebtedness, #5 Exhibit 151 Declaration of Leo Plotkin, #6 Exhibit 152 - Declaration of Matthew M. Brady, #7 Exhibit 153 Unopposed Exparte Application to File Exhibits Under Seal, #8 Exhibit 154 Order Granting Unopposed Ex Parte App to File Exhibits Under Seal, #9 Exhibit 155 Notice of Lodging Re Defs. Ex Parte Application to File Exhibits Under Seal, #10 Exhibit 156 Proof of Service of Exparte Application to File Exhibits Under Seal, #11 Exhibit 157 Declaration of Leo Plotkin ISO Exparte Application to Continue Trial Date, #12 Exhibit 158 Declaration of Matthew M. Brady ISO Exparte Application to Continue Trial Date, #13 Exhibit 159 Ex parte Application to Continue Trial Date, Memo of Points and Authorities, #14 Exhibit 160 Minute Order Granting Ex parte Application, #15 Exhibit 161 Order Granting Unopposed Ex parte Application to File Exhibits Under Seal, #16 Exhibit 162 Notice of Lodging re Bank Groups Ex parte Application to Continue Trial Date, #17 Exhibit 163 Order Granting Unopposed Ex parte Application to File Exhibits Under Seal, #18 Exhibit 164 Proof of Service re Ex parte Application to Continue Trial Date, #19 Exhibit 165 Notice of Entry of Order Granting Def.s Ex parte Application, #20 Exhibit 166 Joint Status Conference Statement, #21 Exhibit 167 Minute Order re Trial Date, #22 Exhibit 168 FDICs Exparte Application for Mandatory Stay, #23 Exhibit 169 Proof of Service to Declaration ISO FDICs Application for Mandatory Stay, #24 Exhibit 170 Stipulation and Order to Modify Pre-trial Dates, #25 Exhibit 171 Declaration ISO FDICs Application for Mandatory Stay, #26 Exhibit 172 Notice of Entry of Order Granting FDICs Application for Mandatory Stay)(Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 6 EXHIBIT Filed filed by Defendants 1 through 20 DOES, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, US Bank National Association. CONTINUED EXHIBITS as to Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening),,,,,,,, #1 . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 125 Issued Deposition Subpoena to John Choi, #2 Exhibit 126 Issued Deposition Subpoena to Phil Adkins, #3 Exhibit 127 Issued Deposition Subpoena to James Schreiber, #4 Exhibit 128 Issued Deposition Subpoena to Aaron Mazzolini, #5 Exhibit 129 Issued Deposition Subpoena to Thomas M. Nies, #6 Exhibit 130 Issued Deposition Subpoena to Claudia Brind-Woody, #7 Exhibit 131 Issued Deposition Subpoena to Lynne Driscoll, #8 Exhibit 132 Stipulated App to Take 3rd Party Depo of Eric Vaughan in Texas, #9 Exhibit 133 Issued Deposition Subpoena to William LaFontaine, #10 Exhibit 134 Joint Status Conference Statement, #11 Exhibit 135 Joint Status Conference Statement (Amended), #12 Exhibit 136 Case Anywhere Message Board, #13 Exhibit 137 Jones Decl. ISO Defs. MSJ, or, in the Alternative, Summary Adjudication, #14 Exhibit 138a - Brady Decl. ISO Defs. MSJ, or, in the Alternative, Summary Adjudication [1 of 6], #15 Exhibit 138b - Brady Decl. ISO Defs. MSJ, or, in the Alternative, Summary Adjudication [2 of 6], #16 Exhibit 139a - Brady Decl. ISO Defs. MSJ, or, in the Alternative, Summary Adjudication [3 of 6], #17 Exhibit 139b - Brady Decl. ISO Defs. MSJ, or, in the Alternative, Summary Adjudication [4 of 6], #18 Exhibit 139c - Brady Decl. ISO Defs. MSJ, or, in the Alternative, Summary Adjudication [5 of 6], #19 Exhibit 139d - Brady Decl. ISO Defs. MSJ, or, in the Alternative, Summary Adjudication [6 of 6], #20 Exhibit 140 Winter Decl. ISO Def.s MSJ or Adjudication, #21 Exhibit 141 - Tom Caramanico Decl. ISO Def.s MSJ or Adjudication, #22 Exhibit 142 - Regan Decl. ISO Def.s MSJ or Adjudication, #23 Exhibit 143 Index of Exhibits ISO Def.s MSJ or Adjudication, #24 Exhibit 144 Def.s Memo of Ps and As ISO MSJ or Adjudication, #25 Exhibit 145 Def.s Memo of Ps and As ISO MSJ or Adjudication)(Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 5 EXHIBIT Filed filed by Defendants 1 through 20 DOES, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, US Bank National Association. CONTINUED EXHIBITS as to Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening),,,,,,,, #1 . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 99 Opp. to Demurrer to SAC, #2 Exhibit 100 Opp. to MTS Consequential Damages and SAC, #3 Exhibit 101 Opp. to Demurrer to SAC, #4 Exhibit 102 Opp. to MTS Consequential Damages and SAC, #5 Exhibit 103 Defs. Memo of Ps and As in Reply to Pls Opp to MTS Allegations of SAC, #6 Exhibit 104 Defs. Repy Memo of Ps and As ISO Demurrer to SAC, #7 Exhibit 105 Order re Defs. Demurrer to SAC and Motion to Strike Portions of SAC, #8 Exhibit 106 Third Amended Complaint (TAC), #9 Exhibit 107 Defs. Answer to TAC, #10 Exhibit 108 Notice of Case Reassignment and Order for Plaintiff to Give Notice, #11 Exhibit 109 Notice of Rejection, #12 Exhibit 110 Certificate of Mailing, #13 Exhibit 111 Minute Order, #14 Exhibit 112 Joint Status Conference Report, #15 Exhibit 113 Certificate of Electronic Service, #16 Exhibit 114 Minute Order, #17 Exhibit 115 Joint Status Conference Report, #18 Exhibit 116 Certificate of Electronic Service, #19 Exhibit 117 Minute Order, #20 Exhibit 118 Notice of Entry of Stipulation and Order to Set Pretrial and Trial Dates, #21 Exhibit 119 Notice of Entry of Stipulation and Order to Set Pretrial and Trial Dates, #22 Exhibit 120 Joint Status Conference Report, #23 Exhibit 121 Certificate of Electronic Service, #24 Exhibit 122 Minute Order, #25 Exhibit 123 Notice of Change of Firm Address)(Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 4 EXHIBIT Filed filed by Defendants 1 through 20 DOES, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, US Bank National Association. CONTINUED EXHIBITS as to Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening),,,,,,,, #1 . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 73 Opposition to Motion to Strike, #2 Exhibit 74 Response to RJN re Def.s Motion to Strike, #3 Exhibit 75 - Def.s Reply to Opposition to Demurrer to FAC, #4 Exhibit 76 - Def.s Reply to Opposition to Demurrer to FAC, #5 Exhibit 77 - Def.s POS re Reply to Demurrer, MTS Opp., Response to Pl.s Counter RJN, #6 Exhibit 78 - Def.s Response to Plaintiffs Counter Request for Judicial Notice, #7 Exhibit 79 Plaintiffs Supplemental Opposition to Motion to Strike, #8 Exhibit 80 - Def.s Response to Pls. Supplemental Opp. to MTS Allegations in FAC, #9 Exhibit 81 Ex Parte Application for Stipulation and Protective Order, #10 Exhibit 82 Minute Order re Ex Parte Application for Stipulation and Protective Order, #11 Exhibit 83 - Minute Order re Ex Parte Application for Stipulation and Protective Order, #12 Exhibit 84 Notice of Motion and Motion to Approve Stipulation and Protective Order, #13 Exhibit 85 POS re Motion to Approve Stipulation and Protective Order, #14 Exhibit 86 Notice of Corrected Hearing Date, #15 Exhibit 87 Minute Order, #16 Exhibit 88 - Minute Order, #17 Exhibit 89 - Minute Order, #18 Exhibit 90 Minute Order re Forwarding Ref.s Order to Judge Nelson, #19 Exhibit 91 Order re Def.s Demurrer to FAC and MTS, #20 Exhibit 92 Second-Amended Complaint (SAC), #21 Exhibit 93 Plotkin Decl. ISO Def.s Demurrer and MTS SAC, #22 Exhibit 94 Defs. MTS Consequential Damages and SAC, #23 Exhibit 95 Defs. Demurrer to SAC, #24 Exhibit 96 Defs. RJN ISO Demurrer to SAC, #25 Exhibit 97 Proof of Service re Defs. Demurrer to SAC)(Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 3 EXHIBIT Filed filed by Defendants 1 through 20 DOES, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, US Bank National Association. CONTINUED EXHIBITS as to Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening),,,,,,,, #1 . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 47 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - Softlanding Systems, #2 Exhibit 48 - Request for Dismissal with Prejudice (Buchalter), #3 Exhibit 49 - Answer of Cross Defendants, #4 Exhibit 50 - First Amended Answer to Cross Complaint, #5 Exhibit 51 - Plotkin Decl. ISO Exparte Application for Order for Appointment of Referee, #6 Exhibit 52 - Ex parte Application for Order for Appointment of Referee, #7 Exhibit 53 - Order Appointing Court Approved Reporter, #8 Exhibit 54 - Jordan Decl. ISO Exparte Application for Order for Appointment of Referee, #9 Exhibit 55 - Plotkin Decl. ISO Ex parte Application for Order for Appointment of Referee, #10 Exhibit 56 - Ex parte Application for Order for Appointment of Referee, #11 Exhibit 57 - Joint Stipulation for Appointment of Referee, #12 Exhibit 58 - Minute Order re Exparte Application for Order for Appointment of Referee, #13 Exhibit 59 - Minute Order re Exparte Application for Order for Appointment of Referee, #14 Exhibit 60 - Minute Order re Exparte Application for Order for Appointment of Referee, #15 Exhibit 61 Proof of Service ISO Exparte Application for Order Appointing Referee, #16 Exhibit 62 Referees Statement of Notice Re Proceedings, #17 Exhibit 63 Minute Order Appointing Judge Stone as Referee, #18 Exhibit 64 - Minute Order Appointing Judge Stone as Referee, #19 Exhibit 65 - Minute Order Appointing Judge Stone as Referee, #20 Exhibit 66 Order on Joint Stipulation for Appointment of Judicial Referee, #21 Exhibit 67 Plotkin Decl. ISO Defendants Demurrer to FAC, #22 Exhibit 68 - Def.s Notice of Hearing on Demurrer and Demurrer to FAC, #23 Exhibit 69 - Def.s Notice of Motion and Motion to Strike Allegations of FAC, #24 Exhibit 70 - Def.s Proof of Service of Demurrer to FAC, #25 Exhibit 71 - Def.s RJN ISO Motion to Strike Allegations of FAC)(Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 2 EXHIBIT Filed filed by Defendants 1 through 20 DOES, East West Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA, Onewest Bank NA, US Bank National Association. CONTINUED EXHIBITS as to Notice of Removal (Attorney Civil Case Opening),,,,,,,, #1 . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 21 - Minute Order re Court Order Setting Initial Status Conference, #2 Exhibit 22 - Initial Status Conference Order (Complex Cases and Class Actions), #3 Exhibit 23 - Notice of Court Order, #4 Exhibit 24 - Declaration of Neil Watt in Opposition to Motion for Change of Venue, #5 Exhibit 25 - Opposition to Motion for Change of Venue, #6 Exhibit 26 - Winter Decl. ISO Reply on Bank Defendants Motion for Change of Venue, #7 Exhibit 27 - Reply ISO Bank Defendants Motion for Change of Venue, #8 Exhibit 28 - Stip. to Judicial Reference, and to Continue Hearing Dates, #9 Exhibit 29 - Cross-Complaint of the Bank Group Defendants, #10 Exhibit 30 - Summons to Cross-Complaint of the Bank Group Defendants, #11 Exhibit 31 - Joint Stip. to Continue ISC and Hearing on Motion for Change of Venue, #12 Exhibit 32 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - GTSI, #13 Exhibit 33 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - US Robotics, #14 Exhibit 34 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt Unicom Intl, #15 Exhibit 35 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt Wingsweep (1), #16 Exhibit 36 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt Wingsweep (2), #17 Exhibit 37 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - Corry S. Hong Et Al, #18 Exhibit 38 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - Macro4 (1), #19 Exhibit 39 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - Unicom Enterprises, #20 Exhibit 40 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - Macro4 (2), #21 Exhibit 41 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - Network Engines Int'l, #22 Exhibit 42 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - Rockstar Holding, #23 Exhibit 43 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - Jet Solutions (1), #24 Exhibit 44 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt -US Robotics (2), #25 Exhibit 45 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt - Jet Solutions (2))(Brady, Matthew) |
Filing 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, case number PC057316 Fee Exemption in accordance with statute, filed by Defendants and Cross-Complainant Onewest Bank NA, East West Bank, US Bank National Association, 1 through 20 DOES, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, MUFG Union Bank NA. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - LASC Case Access Docke, #2 Exhibit 2 - Complaint, Summons, Civil Cover Sheet, #3 Exhibit 3 - Intentionally Left Blank, #4 Exhibit 4 - Def.s Motion to Change Venue, #5 Exhibit 5 - RJN ISO Def.s Moton to Change Venue, #6 Exhibit 6 - Jordan Decl. ISO Def.s Motion to Change Venue, #7 Exhibit 7 - Buchalters Joinder in Def.s Motion to Change Venue, #8 Exhibit 8 - Buchalters Demurrer to Complaint, #9 Exhibit 9 - RJN ISO Buchalters Demurrer to Complaint, #10 Exhibit 10 - Memo of Ps and As ISO Def. Buchalter Demurrer to Plaintiffs Complaint, #11 Exhibit 11 - Proof of Service re Def. Buchalter Demurrer to Plaintiff's Complaint, #12 Exhibit 12 - Joint Stip. to Stay Action and Continue Hearing Dates [Proposed], #13 Exhibit 13 - Joint Stip. to Stay Action and Continue Hearing Dates, #14 Exhibit 14 - Minute Order re Transfer of Case to CCW- Certificate of Mailing, #15 Exhibit 15 - Minute Order re Transfer of Case to CCW-Complex Case Designation, #16 Exhibit 16 - Notice of Termination of Stay and Notice of Status Conference and Hearing, #17 Exhibit 17 - Jordan Decl. ISO Bank Defs. Motion for Change of Venue, #18 Exhibit 18 - Bank Defs. Motion for Change of Venue; Memo of Ps and As, #19 Exhibit 19 - RJN ISO Bank Defs. Motion for Change of Venue) (Attorney Matthew M Brady added to party 1 through 20 DOES(pty:dft), Attorney Matthew M Brady added to party East West Bank(pty:dft), Attorney Matthew M Brady added to party Federal Deposit Insurance Corp(pty:dft), Attorney Matthew M Brady added to party MUFG Union Bank NA(pty:dft), Attorney Matthew M Brady added to party Onewest Bank NA(pty:dft), Attorney Matthew M Brady added to party US Bank National Association(pty:dft))(Brady, Matthew) |
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