Harrison v. Adams, et al
Plaintiff: Michael D. Harrison
Defendant: D. Adams and W.J. McGuinness
Case Number: 1:2008cv01065
Filed: July 24, 2008
Court: U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California
Office: Prisoner: Civil Rights Office
County: Kings
Presiding Judge: William M. Wunderlich
Nature of Suit: None
Cause of Action: Federal Question
Jury Demanded By: 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights

Available Case Documents

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Date Filed Document Text
October 28, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 318 ORDER ADOPTING 315 Findings and Recommendations and DENYING Plaintiff's Two Motions to Enforce Settlement (ECF Nos. 312 and 316 ), signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 10/28/2022. This case remains CLOSED. (Rivera, O)
October 12, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 315 FINDINGS and RECOMMENDATIONS to Deny 312 Plaintiff's Motion to Enforce the Settlement Agreement as Moot re 146 Amended Prisoner Civil Rights Complaint signed by Magistrate Judge Helena M. Barch-Kuchta on 10/12/2022. Referred to Judge Ishii. Objections to F&R due within fourteen (14) days. (Lawrence, A)
July 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 311 ORDER CLOSING Case in Light of Stipulation for Dismissal With Prejudice, signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 7/22/16. CASE CLOSED. (Marrujo, C)
July 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 309 ORDER after Settlement Conference signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 07/06/2016. (Flores, E)
July 6, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 307 ORDER Granting Defendants' 306 Motion for Five Day Extension of Time to File Pretrial Statement signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 07/06/2016. (Flores, E)
June 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 303 ORDER & WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AD TESTIFICANDUM signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 6/7/2016. (Sant Agata, S)
April 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 297 ORDER Setting Settlement Conference, signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 4/7/16: Settlement Conference set for 7/6/2016 at 11:00 AM at Atascadero State Hospital, 10333 El Camino Real, Atascadero, California 93422, before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston.(Hellings, J)
March 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 291 ORDER vacating 272 Discovery and Scheduling Order signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 3/18/2016. (Lundstrom, T)
March 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 290 ORDER ADOPTING 289 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; ORDER GRANTING IN PART OF DENYING IN PART 285 Plaintiff's Motion to Dismiss; and ORDER DISMISSING Defendants C. Bastianon and B. Johnson signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 3/18/2016. (Jessen, A)
February 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 289 FINDINGS and RECOMMENDATIONS to Grant in Part and Deny in Part 285 Plaintiff's Motion to Dismiss; Fourteen (14) Day Objection Deadline signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 2/22/2016. Referred to Judge Anthony W. Ishii. Objections to F&R due by 3/10/2016. (Sant Agata, S)
January 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 284 ORDER DENYING AS MOOT 268 Plaintiff's Motion to Help Service; ORDER DENYING 277 Plaintiff's Motion to Retract Newly Requested Discovery and Scheduling Order; ORDER GRANTING 280 Plaintiff's Motion to Drop Unserved Defendants; ORDERED that Defendants: Zakari, Raygoza, and Edmonds are DISMISSED, signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 1/27/2016. (Martin-Gill, S)
August 26, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 266 ORDER ADOPTING IN PART FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS to GRANT IN PART and DENY IN PART Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment 202 , 247 , signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 8/25/15: The case is to remain open. (Hellings, J)
July 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 255 ORDER Denying 251 252 Motions to Appoint Counsel signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 07/08/2015. (Flores, E)
June 22, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 249 ORDER Denying 242 Plaintiff's Motion for a Scheduling Order and for Ruling on Motion for Summary Judgment, signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 6/19/15. (Gonzalez, R)
June 18, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 247 FINDINGS and RECOMMENDATIONS to Grant in Part and Deny in Part Defendants' 202 Motion for Summary Judgment signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 06/17/2015. Objections to F&R due by 7/6/2015. (Flores, E)
June 10, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 244 ORDER ADOPTING 236 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS to Dismiss Defendant SW Campos for Insufficient Information to Effect Service of Process signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 06/10/2015. Campos terminated from action.(Flores, E)
May 21, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 238 ORDER REJECTING 232 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS to Dismiss Defendants Zakari, Bastianon, Edmonds, and Raygoza for Insufficient Information to Effect Service of Process; ORDER Discharging March 17, 2015 Order to Show Cause; ORDER Requiring Defendant CDCR to Provide First, Middle, and Last Names of Certain Defendants to Plaintiff within 30 Days signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 05/20/2015. (Flores, E)
May 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 237 ORDER Denying 228 229 Motions to Compel signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 05/15/2015. (Flores, E)
May 13, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 236 FINDINGS and RECOMMENDATIONS to Dismiss Defendant SW Campos for Insufficient Information to 233 Effect Service of Process signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 05/12/2015. Referred to Judge Ishii; Objections to F&R due by 6/1/2015.(Flores, E)
April 28, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 233 ORDER 1) GRANTING Defendants' [201 Motion to Quash Service of Process on Correctional Officers Campos and Johnson; 2) for Plaintiff to SHOW CAUSE Why Defendant SW Campos should not be Dismissed; 3) for Defense Counsel to Provide the Last Known Contact Information for Defendant LPT Johnson signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 4/27/2015. (Sant Agata, S)
March 17, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 227 ORDER Requiring Plaintiff to SHOW CAUSE Why Certain Defendants Should Not be Dismissed, signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 3/16/15. 30-Day Deadline. (Verduzco, M)
November 18, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 222 ORDER DENYING 220 Motion to Appoint Counsel signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 11/17/2014. (Jessen, A)
September 30, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 208 ORDER DENYING Plaintiff's 200 Motion to Compel Discovery, signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 9/29/2014. (Marrujo, C)
August 19, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 199 ORDER (1) Granting in Part Plaintiff's 184 Motion to Compel Discovery; (2) Denying 196 Motion to Appoint Counsel; and (3) Discharging Order to Show Cause signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 08/19/2014. (Flores, E)
May 12, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 189 ORDER DENYING 188 Motion to Appoint Counsel signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 5/9/2014. (Sant Agata, S)
April 29, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 187 ORDER DENYING 186 Motion to Appoint Counsel, signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 4/28/2014. (Marrujo, C)
December 2, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 174 ORDER Denying 172 Motion to Appoint Counsel signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 11/27/2013. (Flores, E)
November 27, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 173 ORDER Granting Plaintiff's 165 Request to Amend the Initial Scheduling Order and Denying Plaintiff's Request for Service Documents and for Service to be Completed on Additional Defendants signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 11/26/2013. (Flores, E)
August 2, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 161 ORDER Denying Plaintiff's 150 151 Motions for Screening of his Complaint as Moot signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 08/02/2013. (Flores, E)
July 30, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 160 ORDER Regarding 154 Findings and Recommendations and Determining the Claims on Which This Action Will Proceed, signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 7/30/2013. (Marrujo, C)
May 24, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 158 ORDER Denying 155 Motion to Appoint Counsel signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 05/24/2013. (Flores, E)
May 3, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 154 FINDINGS and RECOMMENDATIONS for Action to Proceed on Cognizable Eighth Amendment Claim Against Defendants Jones, Moore, Burns, Kim, Dava, Urbano, Campos, Parsons, M. Gonzalez, C. Gonzales, Cisneros, and Zakari; and for Other Claims and Defendants to be Dismissed for Failure to State a Claim re 145 , signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 5/3/13. Referred to Judge Ishii. Fourteen-Day Deadline. (Gonzalez, R)
November 13, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 149 ORDER ADOPTING FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS DENYING Plaintiff's Motions for Injunctive Relief 142 , signed by Senior Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 11/9/12: Plaintiff's Motions for Injunctive Relief 112 , 131 are DENIED. (Hellings, J)
September 27, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 142 FINDINGS and RECOMMENDATIONS signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 9/27/2012 recommending that 112 MOTION for Housing and 131 MOTION for Injunctive Relief be DENIED. Referred to Judge Anthony W. Ishii; Objections to F&R due by 10/15/2012. (Lundstrom, T)
September 25, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 140 ORDER Regarding Plaintiff's Miscellaneous 135 138 139 Motions signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 09/24/2012. (Flores, E)
September 10, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 134 ORDER Denying Motion For Appointment Of Counsel (ECF No. 130 ), signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 9/10/2012. (Fahrney, E)
July 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 123 ORDER Denying Motion For Appointment Of Counsel (ECF No. 115 ), signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 7/6/2012. (Fahrney, E)
June 15, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 113 ORDER Requiring Defendant E. Dava to Pay the United States Marshal the Costs Incurred in Effecting Service, signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 6/15/12. Twenty-Day Deadline. (Gonzalez, R)
May 11, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 109 ORDER Providing Defendant E. Dava with the Opportunity to SHOW CAUSE for Failing to Waive Service signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 05/10/2012. Show Cause Response due by 6/13/2012. (Flores, E)
March 27, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 104 ORDER Denying Miscellaneous 92 97 102 Motions signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 03/26/2012. (Flores, E)
March 26, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 103 ORDER Denying 101 Motion to Appoint Counsel signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 03/26/2012. (Flores, E)
February 27, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 98 ORDER Denying 96 Motion to Appoint Counsel signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 02/26/2012. (Flores, E)
October 17, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 82 ORDER Denying 81 Motion to Appoint Counsel signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 10/14/2011. (Flores, E)
June 14, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 74 ORDER Denying 73 Motion to Appoint Counsel and Motion for Immediate Transfer signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 06/14/2011. (Flores, E)
April 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 69 ORDER GRANTING 68 Motion to Amend and DENYING 66 Motion for Screening and 67 Motion for Clarification; Plaintiff's Fifth Amended Complaint Due June 15, 2011 signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 4/21/2011. (Sant Agata, S)
February 28, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 64 ORDER denying 57 , 61 , 62 , 63 Miscellaneous Motions signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 2/28/2011. (Lundstrom, T)
December 6, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 56 ORDER Denying 55 Motion to Transfer Case to Northern District of California signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 12/05/2010. (Flores, E)
November 10, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 54 ORDER DENYING 53 Motion for Court Order Directing Clerk to Provide and Send Documents for Plaintiff to Effectuate Service on Defendants signed by Magistrate Judge Michael J. Seng on 11/8/2010. (Sant Agata, S)
February 25, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 49 ORDER denying 34 , 37 , 47 Motions and granting 45 Motion to Amend the Complaint signed by Magistrate Judge Gary S. Austin on 2/25/2010. (Amended Complaint due by 3/30/2010). (Lundstrom, T)
February 2, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 48 ORDER DENYING 28 Motion for Preliminary Injunction signed by Magistrate Judge Gary S. Austin on 2/2/2010. (Figueroa, O)
August 17, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 40 ORDER DENYING Plaintiff's 21 Motion for Injunctive Relief, signed by Magistrate Judge Gary S. Austin on 8/17/2009. (Sondheim, M)
February 10, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 23 ORDER Denying 22 Motion to Appoint Counsel signed by Magistrate Judge William M. Wunderlich on 2/9/2009. (Esteves, C)
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Plaintiff: Michael D. Harrison
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Defendant: W.J. McGuinness
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