Office Depot, Inc. v. Zuccarini
Plaintiff: Office Depot, Inc.
Defendant: John Zuccarini doing business as Country Walk
Receiver: Michael Blacksburg
Intervenor: Network Solutions, LLC and United States of America
Not Classified By Court: DS Holdings, LLC
Case Number: 3:2006mc80356
Filed: December 18, 2006
Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Office: San Francisco Office
Presiding Judge: Susan Illston
Nature of Suit: Other
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on September 17, 2012. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
September 17, 2012 Filing 225 CLERKS Letter Spreading Mandate to Counsel (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/17/2012)
September 14, 2012 Filing 224 MANDATE of USCA as to #187 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/14/2012)
August 31, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 223 ORDER of USCA as to #187 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/31/2012)
December 28, 2011 Filing 222 Appeal Record Returned: ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/28/2011)
November 10, 2011 Filing 221 NOTICE of Change of Address by Karl Stephen Kronenberger - Notice of Change of Firm Name and Roster of Attorneys (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 11/10/2011)
May 19, 2011 Filing 220 CLERKS Letter Spreading Mandate to Counsel (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/19/2011)
May 19, 2011 Filing 219 MANDATE of USCA as to #138 Amended Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/19/2011)
May 19, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 218 ORDER of USCA: No further filings shall be accepted in this closed case... as to #138 Amended Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/19/2011)
May 13, 2011 Filing 217 STATUS REPORT re Auction, Delivery of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds by Michael Blacksburg. (Blacksburg, Michael) (Filed on 5/13/2011)
April 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 216 ORDER of USCA (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 14, 2011 Filing 215 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Office Depot, Inc. (Blacksburg, Michael) (Filed on 4/14/2011)
April 14, 2011 Filing 214 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Office Depot, Inc. (Blacksburg, Michael) (Filed on 4/14/2011)
April 14, 2011 Filing 213 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Office Depot, Inc. (Blacksburg, Michael) (Filed on 4/14/2011)
March 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 212 ORDER denying defendant's requeste for emergency hearing (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/22/2011)
March 17, 2011 Filing 211 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #210 Request (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2011)
March 17, 2011 Filing 210 REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY HEARING by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2011)
March 8, 2011 Filing 209 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #208 Response ( Non Motion ) (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/8/2011)
March 8, 2011 Filing 208 RESPONSE to re #204 Reply to Opposition/Response by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/8/2011)
March 8, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 207 ORDER granting #193 Motion to Modify 9/7/10 Order ; denying #198 Motion to Stay (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/8/2011) (Additional attachment(s) added on 3/8/2011: #1 Envelope) (tf, COURT STAFF). (Additional attachment(s) added on 3/8/2011: #2 Envelope) (tf, COURT STAFF).
February 25, 2011 Filing 206 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #204 Reply to Opposition/Response, #205 Declaration in Support, (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/25/2011)
February 25, 2011 Filing 205 Declaration of Karl S. Kronenberger in Support of #204 Reply to Opposition/Response to Motion to Modify 09/07/2010 Order Authorizing Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Related document(s) #204 ) (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/25/2011)
February 25, 2011 Filing 204 REPLY (re #193 MOTION to Modify 09/07/2010 Order Authorizing Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds ; Memorandum of Points and Authorities ) filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/25/2011)
February 23, 2011 Filing 203 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #201 Notice (Other), #202 Notice (Other) (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/23/2011)
February 23, 2011 Filing 202 NOTICE by DS Holdings, LLC of Filing in Related Case in S.D. Fla. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A & B)(Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/23/2011)
February 23, 2011 Filing 201 NOTICE by DS Holdings, LLC of Filing in Related Case in E.D. Pa. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/23/2011)
February 22, 2011 Filing 200 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #198 MOTION to Stay, #199 Opposition/Response to Motion (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/22/2011)
February 22, 2011 Filing 199 OPPOSITION (re #193 MOTION to Modify 09/07/2010 Order Authorizing Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds ; Memorandum of Points and Authorities ) filed byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/22/2011)
February 22, 2011 Filing 198 EMERGENCY MOTION to Stay Hearing filed by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/22/2011)
February 2, 2011 Filing 196 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #193 MOTION to Modify 09/07/2010 Order Authorizing Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds ; Memorandum of Points and Authorities (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/2/2011)
February 2, 2011 Filing 195 Declaration of Karl S. Kronenberger in Support of #193 MOTION to Modify 09/07/2010 Order Authorizing Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds ; Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - E)(Related document(s) #193 ) (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/2/2011)
February 2, 2011 Filing 194 Declaration of Michael W. Blacksburg in Support of #193 MOTION to Modify 09/07/2010 Order Authorizing Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds ; Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Related document(s) #193 ) (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/2/2011)
February 2, 2011 Filing 193 MOTION to Modify 09/07/2010 Order Authorizing Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds ; Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed by DS Holdings, LLC. Motion Hearing set for 3/11/2011 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/2/2011)
January 7, 2011 Filing 192 USCA Memorandum as to #138 Amended Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/7/2011)
December 17, 2010 USCA Appeal Fees received $ 455 receipt number 34611054056 re #187 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/17/2010)
December 16, 2010 Filing 191 USCA Case Number 10-17792 for #187 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/16/2010)
December 9, 2010 Filing 190 Mailed request for payment of docket fee to appellant (cc to USCA) (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/9/2010)
December 9, 2010 Filing 189 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #187 Notice of Appeal (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/9/2010)
December 8, 2010 Filing 188 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #187 Notice of Appeal (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/8/2010)
December 8, 2010 Filing 187 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to #186 Order on Motion for Order of Sale, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief by John Zuccarini. Appeal Record due by 1/7/2011. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/8/2010)
December 1, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 186 ORDER ORDER RE: MOTIONS (Docs. 170, 173 175, 176, 185) (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/1/2010) (Additional attachment(s) added on 12/2/2010: #1 Envelope) (tf, COURT STAFF).
September 28, 2010 Filing 185 RESPONSE in Support filed byJohn Zuccarini. (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/28/2010)
September 27, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 184 ORDER DENYING MOTION TO SHORTEN TIME FOR HEARING AND REQUESTING A RESPONSE FROM PLAINTIFF (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/27/2010) Modified on 9/28/2010 (tf, COURT STAFF). Served via email to: "John Z"
September 16, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 183 ORDER of USCA as to #138 Amended Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/16/2010)
September 14, 2010 Filing 180 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #176 Second MOTION for Finding of Contempt Against Judgment Debtor John Zuccarini, #178 MOTION to Shorten Time on Second Motion for Finding of Contempt Against Judgment Debtor John Zuccarini (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 9/14/2010)
September 14, 2010 Filing 179 Declaration of Karl S. Kronenberger in Support of #178 MOTION to Shorten Time on Second Motion for Finding of Contempt Against Judgment Debtor John Zuccarini filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Related document(s) #178 ) (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 9/14/2010)
September 14, 2010 Filing 178 MOTION to Shorten Time on Second Motion for Finding of Contempt Against Judgment Debtor John Zuccarini filed by DS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 9/14/2010)
September 14, 2010 Filing 177 Declaration of Karl S. Kronenberger in Support of #176 Second MOTION for Finding of Contempt Against Judgment Debtor John Zuccarini filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 B)(Related document(s) #176 ) (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 9/14/2010)
September 14, 2010 Filing 176 Second MOTION for Finding of Contempt Against Judgment Debtor John Zuccarini filed by DS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 9/14/2010)
September 14, 2010 Filing 175 EMERGENCY MOTION TO DISALLOW AUCTION, TO CLARIFY ORDER, AND TO DENY DISTRIBUTION OF REVENUES filed by John Zuccarini. (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/14/2010)
September 13, 2010 Filing 182 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #181 Exhibits (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/13/2010)
September 13, 2010 Filing 181 EXHIBIT filed byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/13/2010)
September 13, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 172 ORDER DENYING APPLICATION FOR FINDINGS OF CONTEMPT (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/13/2010) (Additional attachment(s) added on 9/13/2010: #1 Envelope) (tf, COURT STAFF).
September 10, 2010 Filing 174 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #173 Objection (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/10/2010)
September 10, 2010 Filing 173 OBJECTIONS to re #169 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/10/2010)
September 9, 2010 Filing 171 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #170 MOTION to Strike #166 MOTION to Strike (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/9/2010)
September 9, 2010 Filing 170 AMENDED MOTION to Strike #166 MOTION to Strike filed by John Zuccarini. Motion Hearing set for 9/14/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/9/2010)
September 7, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 169 ORDER GRANTING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART AMENDED MOTION TO AUTHORIZE SALE OF DOMAIN NAMES AND DISTRIBUTION OF PROCEEDS (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/7/2010) (Additional attachment(s) added on 9/7/2010: #1 Envelope) (tf, COURT STAFF).
September 7, 2010 Filing 168 CLERKS NOTICE Continuing Motion Hearing Motion Hearing set for 9/15/2010 04:30 PM. (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/7/2010) (Additional attachment(s) added on 9/7/2010: #1 Envelope) (tf, COURT STAFF).
September 3, 2010 Filing 167 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #166 MOTION to Strike (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/3/2010)
September 3, 2010 Filing 166 MOTION to Strike filed by John Zuccarini. Motion Hearing set for 9/14/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/3/2010)
September 3, 2010 Filing 165 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by United States of America re #164 Response ( Non Motion ), Response ( Non Motion ) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE (Moore, Thomas) (Filed on 9/3/2010)
September 3, 2010 Filing 163 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #161 Response ( Non Motion ), #162 Amended MOTION re #140 MOTION to Authorize Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 9/3/2010)
September 3, 2010 Filing 162 Amended MOTION re #140 MOTION to Authorize Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds filed by DS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order (Amended))(Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 9/3/2010)
September 3, 2010 Filing 161 RESPONSE to re #154 Notice (Other) - DS Holdings's Response to Zuccarini's Contentions Re. Conflict of Interest by DS Holdings, LLC. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 9/3/2010)
August 30, 2010 Filing 160 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #159 Reply Memorandum (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 8/30/2010)
August 30, 2010 Filing 159 Reply Memorandum re #149 MOTION for Finding of Contempt Against Judgment Debtor John Zuccarini filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 8/30/2010)
August 25, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 158 ORDER DIRECTING DS HOLDINGS AND UNITED STATES TO RESPOND TO ZUCCARINI'S CONTENTIONS RE: CONFLICT OF INTEREST (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/25/2010) (Additional attachment(s) added on 8/27/2010: #1 Envelope) (tf, COURT STAFF).
August 24, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 157 ORDER of USCA as to #138 Amended Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/24/2010)
August 24, 2010 Filing 156 USCA Case Number 10-16383 for #138 Amended Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/24/2010)
August 20, 2010 Filing 155 CLERKS NOTICE Motion Hearing set for 9/14/2010 09:00 AM. (Attachments: #1 Envelope) (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/20/2010)
August 13, 2010 Filing 154 Supplement by John Zuccarini re #152 Opposition (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/13/2010)
August 10, 2010 Filing 153 Application for Contempt Charges filed by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/10/2010)
August 4, 2010 Filing 151 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #149 MOTION for Finding of Contempt Against Judgment Debtor John Zuccarini (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 8/4/2010)
August 4, 2010 Filing 150 Declaration of Karl S. Kronenberger in Support of #149 MOTION for Finding of Contempt Against Judgment Debtor John Zuccarini filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - B)(Related document(s) #149 ) (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 8/4/2010)
August 4, 2010 Filing 149 MOTION for Finding of Contempt Against Judgment Debtor John Zuccarini filed by DS Holdings, LLC. Motion Hearing set for 9/10/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 8/4/2010)
August 4, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 148 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO SHORTEN TIME; SETTING BRIEFING SCHEDULE ON MOTION TO AUTHORIZE SALE OF DOMAIN NAMES AND DISTRIBUTION OF PROCEEDS (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/4/2010) (Additional attachment(s) added on 8/4/2010: #1 Envelope) (tf, COURT STAFF).
August 3, 2010 Filing 152 Opposition re #140 MOTION to Authorize Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds filed byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/3/2010)
August 3, 2010 Filing 147 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #146 Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion to Authorize Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 8/3/2010)
August 3, 2010 Filing 146 Reply Memorandum re #140 MOTION to Authorize Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 8/3/2010)
July 30, 2010 Filing 145 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #143 MOTION to Shorten Time, #140 MOTION to Authorize Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 7/30/2010)
July 30, 2010 Filing 144 Declaration of Jeffrey M. Rosenfeld in Support of #143 MOTION to Shorten Time filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-B)(Related document(s) #143 ) (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 7/30/2010)
July 30, 2010 Filing 143 MOTION to Shorten Time filed by DS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 7/30/2010)
July 30, 2010 Filing 142 Declaration of Karl S. Kronenberger in Support of #140 MOTION to Authorize Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Related document(s) #140 ) (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 7/30/2010)
July 30, 2010 Filing 141 Declaration of Michael W. Blacksburg in Support of #140 MOTION to Authorize Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Related document(s) #140 ) (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 7/30/2010)
July 30, 2010 Filing 140 MOTION to Authorize Sale of Domain Names and Distribution of Proceeds filed by DS Holdings, LLC. Motion Hearing set for 8/13/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 7/30/2010)
July 21, 2010 Filing 139 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #138 Amended Notice of Appeal (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/21/2010)
July 21, 2010 Filing 138 AMENDED NOTICE OF APPEAL as to #137 Order on Motion by John Zuccarini. Appeal Record due by 8/20/2010. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/21/2010)
July 12, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 137 ORDER DENYING DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT AND MOTION TO ORDER RETURN OF DOMAIN NAMES (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/12/2010) (Additional attachment(s) added on 7/12/2010: #1 Envelope service) (tf, COURT STAFF).
July 7, 2010 Filing 134 Transcript of Proceedings held on 06/15/10, before Judge Susan Illston. Court Reporter/Transcriber James Yeomans, Telephone number (415) 863-5179. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/5/2010. (jjy, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/7/2010)
July 6, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 133 ORDER of USCA as to #123 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/6/2010)
July 2, 2010 Filing 136 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #135 Reply to Opposition (wsn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/2/2010)
July 2, 2010 Filing 135 Reply to Opposition re #100 MOTION Rule 60 (b) Relief from Judgment filed by John Zuccarini. (wsn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/2/2010)
June 28, 2010 USCA Appeal Fees received $ 455 receipt number 34611047437 re #123 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (hdj, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/28/2010)
June 28, 2010 Filing 132 Reply to Opposition re #100 MOTION Rule 60 (b) Relief from Judgment; and Request for Sanctions Against Attorney Karl Kronenberger filed byJohn Zuccarini. (Attachments: #1 Certificate of Service)(wsn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/28/2010)
June 25, 2010 Filing 131 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #130 Memorandum in Opposition TO ZUCCARINI'S RULE 60(B) MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT AND ZUCCARINI'S MOTION TO ORDER REGISTRAR TO RETURN ALL.EU DOMAIN NAMES (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 6/25/2010) (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/29/2010: #1 Appendix) (tf, COURT STAFF).
June 25, 2010 Filing 130 Memorandum in Opposition TO ZUCCARINI'S RULE 60(B) MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT AND ZUCCARINI'S MOTION TO ORDER REGISTRAR TO RETURN ALL.EU DOMAIN NAMES filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 6/25/2010)
June 25, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 129 ORDER DENYING DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO STAY THE COURT'S JUNE 15, 2010 RULING (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/25/2010) (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/29/2010: #1 Errata) (tf, COURT STAFF).
June 23, 2010 Filing 128 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #123 Notice of Appeal (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/23/2010)
June 23, 2010 Filing 127 Mailed request for payment of docket fee to appellant (cc to USCA) (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/23/2010)
June 22, 2010 Filing 126 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #125 Brief, #123 Notice of Appeal, #124 MOTION to Stay re #119 Order on Motion for TRO, Order on Ex Parte Application,, Order on Motion for Pro Hac Vice MOTION to Stay re #119 Order on Motion for TRO, Order on Ex Parte Application,, Order on Motion for Pro Hac Vice (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/22/2010)
June 22, 2010 Filing 125 Brief re #124 MOTION to Stay re #119 Order on Motion for TRO, Order on Ex Parte Application,, Order on Motion for Pro Hac Vice MOTION to Stay re #119 Order on Motion for TRO, Order on Ex Parte Application,, Order on Motion for Pro Hac Vice filed byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/22/2010)
June 22, 2010 Filing 124 MOTION to Stay Ruling re #119 Order on Motion for TRO, Order on Ex Parte Application,, Order on Motion for Pro Hac Vice filed by John Zuccarini. Motion Hearing set for 7/30/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/22/2010)
June 22, 2010 Filing 123 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to #119 Order on Motion for TRO, Order on Ex Parte Application,, Order on Motion for Pro Hac Vice by John Zuccarini. Appeal Record due by 7/22/2010. (Fee Not Paid)(ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/22/2010)
June 17, 2010 Filing 122 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 6/15/2010 before Illston (Date Filed: 6/17/2010). (Court Reporter Yeomans.) (tf, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 6/17/2010)
June 16, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 121 ORDER granting pro hac (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/16/2010)
June 16, 2010 Filing 120 certificate of service of order (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/16/2010)
June 15, 2010 Filing 115 RESPONSE to #105 by Network Solutions, LLC. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/15/2010)
June 15, 2010 Filing 114 Letter from John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/15/2010)
June 14, 2010 Filing 118 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Network Solutions, LLC re #117 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice ( Filing fee $ 210, receipt number 34611046962.) (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/14/2010)
June 14, 2010 Filing 117 MOTION for attorney Timothy B. Hyland leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice ( Filing fee $ 210, receipt number 34611046962.) filed by Network Solutions, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/14/2010)
June 14, 2010 Filing 116 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Network Solutions, LLC re 113 Ex Parte Application (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/14/2010)
June 14, 2010 Filing 113 Ex Parte Application to Immediately Intervene and File a Complaint in Intervention filed by Network Solutions, LLC. Motion Hearing set for 6/15/2010 02:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/14/2010)
June 14, 2010 Filing 112 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #111 Response ( Non Motion ) to Incorrect Statements Concerning DS Holdings' Opposition to Network Solutions' Motion to Intervene (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 6/14/2010)
June 14, 2010 Filing 111 RESPONSE to Incorrect Statements Concerning DS Holdings' Opposition to Network Solutions' Motion to Intervene by DS Holdings, LLC. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 6/14/2010)
June 9, 2010 Filing 110 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #109 Notice (Other), Notice (Other) (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 6/9/2010)
June 9, 2010 Filing 109 NOTICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #105 Ex Parte Application for Emergency Temporary Injunction Freezing Domain Names and Request for Complete Accounting of Receiver's Actions - Notice of Hearing on Ex Parte Applciation set for June 15, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 6/9/2010)
June 7, 2010 Filing 108 CLERKS NOTICE Continuing Motion Hearing (TRO) Motion Hearing set for 6/15/2010 02:00 PM. (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/7/2010)
June 3, 2010 Filing 107 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #103 Memorandum in Opposition, #105 Ex Parte Application for Emergency Temporary Injunction Freezing Domain Names and Request for Complete Accounting of Receiver's Actions (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 6/3/2010)
June 3, 2010 Filing 106 Declaration of Henry M. Burgoyne, III in Support of #105 Ex Parte Application for Emergency Temporary Injunction Freezing Domain Names and Request for Complete Accounting of Receiver's Actions filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-C)(Related document(s) #105 ) (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 6/3/2010)
June 3, 2010 Filing 105 Ex Parte Application for Emergency Temporary Injunction Freezing Domain Names and Request for Complete Accounting of Receiver's Actions filed by DS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 6/3/2010)
June 3, 2010 Filing 104 DECLARATION of Henry M. Burgoyne, III in Opposition to #97 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-C)(Related document(s) #97 ) (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 6/3/2010)
June 3, 2010 Filing 103 Memorandum in Opposition re #97 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 6/3/2010)
June 2, 2010 Filing 102 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #98 Order, #99 Notice (Other), #101 MOTION to Order Domain Name Registrar, #100 MOTION Rule 60 (b) Relief from Judgment (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/2/2010)
June 2, 2010 Filing 101 MOTION to Order Domain Name Registrar to Return domain names to the control and ownership of Defendant John Zuccarini. filed by John Zuccarini. Motion Hearing set for 7/16/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/2/2010)
June 2, 2010 Filing 99 Rule 60 (b) Relief from Judgment by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/2/2010)
June 2, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 98 ORDER ADDING NEW PARTY (USA AS DEFT) (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/2/2010)
June 1, 2010 Filing 100 MOTION Rule 60 (b) Relief from Judgment filed by John Zuccarini. Motion Hearing set for 7/16/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/1/2010)
June 1, 2010 Filing 97 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order filed by John Zuccarini. (Deft shall file a response or contact the Court immediately) (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/1/2010)
May 28, 2010 Filing 96 STIPULATION To Add Party And [proposed] Order Thereon by United States of America. (Moore, Thomas) (Filed on 5/28/2010)
May 7, 2010 Filing 94 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #93 Memorandum in Opposition, (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 5/7/2010)
May 7, 2010 Filing 93 Memorandum in Opposition DS Holdings, LLC's 1) Opposition to Zuccarini's Motion to Stay Auction of Domain Names to Allow Filing of Writ of Certiorari in the Supreme Court; and 2) Statement of Non-Opposition to Motion to Order Receiver to Provide Monthly Revenue Reports to Defendant as Required by California Rule 3.1182 filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 5/7/2010)
April 27, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 92 ORDER DIRECTING PLAINTIFF TO FILE RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT'S MOTION (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/27/2010)
April 23, 2010 Filing 91 CLERKS Letter Spreading Mandate 34 to Counsel (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/23/2010)
April 23, 2010 Filing 90 MANDATE of USCA as to 34 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/23/2010)
April 20, 2010 Filing 89 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #88 MOTION to Stay (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/20/2010)
April 20, 2010 Filing 88 MOTION to Stay Auction of Domain Names and allow filing of Writ of Certiorari in the Supreme Court filed by John Zuccarini. Motion Hearing set for 5/14/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/20/2010)
April 15, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 87 ORDER of USCA as to #77 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/15/2010)
March 12, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 86 ORDER of USCA as to 34 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/12/2010)
May 26, 2009 Filing 85 Certified and Transmitted Record on Appeal to US Court of Appeals re 34 Notice of Appeal (aaa, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/26/2009)
September 8, 2008 Filing 84 CLERKS Letter Spreading Mandate to Counsel. (ls, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/8/2008) (Additional attachment(s) added on 9/8/2008: #1 Certificate of Service) (ls, COURT STAFF).
August 22, 2008 Filing 83 USCA Order as to #77 Notice of Appeal is dismissed for lack of jurisdiction filed by John Zuccarini, 34 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/22/2008) Modified on 9/5/2008 (rcs, COURT STAFF).
July 17, 2008 Filing 82 TRANSCRIPT DESIGNATION by John Zuccarini for proceedings held on 9/7/08 before Judge Susan Illston.. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/17/2008)
June 30, 2008 Filing 81 USCA Case Number 08-16473 for #77 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini. (slh, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/30/2008)
June 24, 2008 Filing 80 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 6/20/2008 before Illston (Date Filed: 6/24/2008). (Court Reporter McVickar.) (ts, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 6/24/2008)
June 24, 2008 Filing 79 Copy of Notice of Appeal and Docket sheet mailed to all counsel (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/24/2008)
June 18, 2008 Filing 78 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re #77 Notice of Appeal (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/18/2008)
June 18, 2008 Filing 77 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to #72 Order on Motion for Reconsideration by John Zuccarini. Filing fee $ 455. Appeal Record due by 7/18/2008. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/18/2008) (USCA Case No. 08-16473)
May 22, 2008 Filing 74 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 73 Reply to Opposition (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/22/2008)
May 22, 2008 Filing 73 Reply to #70 Opposition filed byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/22/2008)
May 16, 2008 Filing 71 MOTION to Intervene United States' Motion To Intervene And Memorandum Of Points And Authorities In Support And Notice filed by United States of America. (Moore, Thomas) (Filed on 5/16/2008)
May 14, 2008 Filing 76 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 75 Notice (Other) (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/14/2008)
May 14, 2008 Filing 75 Motion for Reconsideration by John Zuccarini (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/14/2008)
May 9, 2008 Filing 70 Memorandum in Opposition re 68 MOTION for Reconsideration filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Burgoyne, Henry) (Filed on 5/9/2008)
May 5, 2008 Filing 69 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 68 MOTION for Reconsideration (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/5/2008)
May 5, 2008 Filing 68 MOTION for Reconsideration filed by John Zuccarini. Motion Hearing set for 5/30/2008 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/5/2008)
March 17, 2008 Filing 67 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 66 Declaration in Support (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2008)
March 17, 2008 Filing 66 Declaration of John Zuccarini Relating to the Addition of Six Domain Names Incorrectly transferred to the Receiver filed byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2008)
March 14, 2008 Filing 65 Response re #61 Declaration in Opposition byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/14/2008)
March 13, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 64 ORDER DENYING DEFENDANT'S MOTION RE: REVENUES FROM DOMAIN NAMES (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/13/2008)
March 11, 2008 Filing 61 DECLARATION of Michael Blacksburg , The Post-Judgment Receiver, Relating To Zuccarini's Motion For Miscellaneous Relief filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 3/11/2008)
March 10, 2008 Filing 63 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 62 Reply to Opposition (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/10/2008)
March 10, 2008 Filing 62 Reply to Opposition re 55 MOTION to Order Receiver to give priority to the IRS in the Distribution of Revenues Obtained by Domain Names filed byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/10/2008)
February 22, 2008 Filing 60 Memorandum in Opposition re 55 MOTION to Order Receiver to give priority to the IRS in the Distribution of Revenues Obtained by Domain Names filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 2/22/2008)
February 13, 2008 Filing 59 CLERK'S NOTICE Continuing Motion Hearing Motion Hearing set for 3/21/2008 11:00 AM. (ts, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/13/2008)
February 9, 2008 Filing 58 Certificate of Record Mailed to USCA re appeal #37 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to USCA : (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/9/2008)
February 8, 2008 Filing 57 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 55 MOTION to Order Receiver to give priority to the IRS in the Distribution of Revenues Obtained by Domain Names (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/8/2008)
February 8, 2008 Filing 55 MOTION to Order Receiver to give priority to the IRS in the Distribution of Revenues Obtained by Domain Names filed by John Zuccarini. Motion Hearing set for 2/29/2008 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/8/2008)
February 6, 2008 Filing 56 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 9/7/07 before Judge Susan Illston. Court Reporter: Joan Marie Columbini.. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/6/2008)
January 4, 2008 Filing 52 TRANSCRIPT DESIGNATION by John Zuccarini for proceedings held on 9/7/07. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/4/2008)
January 3, 2008 Filing 54 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 53 Notice (Other), 52 Transcript Designation (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/3/2008)
January 3, 2008 Filing 53 NOTICE by John Zuccarini re 52 Transcript Designation (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/3/2008)
December 21, 2007 Filing 51 USCA ORDER: denying 40 Motion for Appointment of Counsel. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/21/2007)
November 14, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 48 ORDER GRANTING RECEIVER'S REQUEST TO LIFT PRESERVATION ORDER (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/14/2007)
November 14, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 47 ORDER GRANTING IN PART ZUCCARINI'S MOTION FOR STAY OF ORDER PENDING APPEAL (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/14/2007)
November 9, 2007 Filing 50 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 49 Response ( Non Motion ) (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/9/2007)
November 9, 2007 Filing 49 RESPONSE to re #44 Memorandum in Opposition by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/9/2007)
October 26, 2007 Filing 46 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #45 Declaration in Support, #44 Memorandum in Opposition (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 10/26/2007)
October 26, 2007 Filing 45 Declaration of Karl S. Kronenberger in Support of #44 Memorandum in Opposition filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A#2 Exhibit B)(Related document(s) #44 ) (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 10/26/2007)
October 26, 2007 Filing 44 Memorandum in Opposition re 40 MOTION to Stay re #30 Order on Motion to Appoint Receiver filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 10/26/2007)
October 18, 2007 Filing 43 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re Opposition to Motion (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/18/2007)
October 18, 2007 Received Document Opposition re #39 MOTION to Alter Judgment REVISED REQUEST for Further Instructions and Proposed Order by John Zuccarini and ProPosed Order (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/18/2007)
October 12, 2007 Filing 42 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 40 MOTION to Stay re #30 Order on Motion to Appoint Receiver, 41 Notice of Withdrawal of Motion (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/12/2007)
October 12, 2007 Filing 41 Notice of Withdrawal of Motion filed byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/12/2007)
October 12, 2007 Filing 40 MOTION to Stay re #30 Order on Motion to Appoint Receiver filed by John Zuccarini. Motion Hearing set for 11/16/2007 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/12/2007)
October 12, 2007 USCA Case Number 07-16788 for 34 Notice of Appeal filed by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/12/2007)
October 5, 2007 Filing 39 MOTION to Alter Judgment REVISED REQUEST for Further Instructions and Proposed Order filed by Michael Blacksburg. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Receivor concerning revised Request for Instructions)(Blacksburg, Michael) (Filed on 10/5/2007)
October 3, 2007 Filing 38 MOTION to Alter Judgment RECEIVER'S Request for Further Instructions and Proposed Order filed by Michael Blacksburg. (Blacksburg, Michael) (Filed on 10/3/2007)
October 3, 2007 Filing 37 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re 34 Notice of Appeal (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/3/2007) Additional attachment(s) added on 10/3/2007 (ga, COURT STAFF).
September 25, 2007 Filing 36 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 34 Notice of Appeal, 35 MOTION to Stay re #30 Order on Motion to Appoint Receiver (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/25/2007)
September 25, 2007 Filing 35 MOTION to Stay re #30 Order on Motion to Appoint Receiver filed by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/25/2007)
September 25, 2007 Filing 34 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to #30 Order on Motion to Appoint Receiver by John Zuccarini. Filing fee $ 455, receipt number 34611010782. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/25/2007)
September 11, 2007 Filing 31 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 9/7/2007 before Illston (Date Filed: 9/11/2007). (Court Reporter Columbini.) (ts, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 9/11/2007)
September 10, 2007 Filing 33 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 32 MOTION to Delay Placing of Domain Names in Recivership and/or Auction until Appeal decision is reached (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/10/2007)
September 10, 2007 Filing 32 MOTION to Delay Placing of Domain Names in Recivership and/or Auction until Appeal decision is reached filed by John Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/10/2007)
September 10, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 30 ORDER granting application for appointment of receiver. (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/10/2007)
September 7, 2007 Filing 29 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 9/7/2007 before Illston (Date Filed: 9/7/2007). (Court Reporter J. Columbini.) (ts, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 9/7/2007)
August 7, 2007 Filing 28 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by John Zuccarini re 25 Memorandum in Opposition, 26 Declaration in Support, 27 Exhibits (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/7/2007)
August 7, 2007 Filing 27 EXHIBITS re 25 Memorandum in Opposition filed byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/7/2007)
August 7, 2007 Filing 26 Declaration of John Zuccarini in Support of 25 Memorandum in Opposition (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/7/2007)
August 7, 2007 Filing 25 Memorandum in Opposition re #18 MOTION to Appoint Receiver and MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION filed byJohn Zuccarini. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/7/2007)
June 27, 2007 Filing 24 CLERK'S NOTICE Continuing Motion Hearing Motion Hearing set for 9/7/2007 09:00 AM. (ts, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/27/2007)
June 25, 2007 Filing 23 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC re #19 Memorandum in Support, #20 Declaration in Support, #21 Declaration in Support, #22 Proposed Order, #18 MOTION to Appoint Receiver NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND APPLICATION for Appointment of Receiver (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 6/25/2007)
June 25, 2007 Filing 22 Proposed Order re #18 MOTION to Appoint Receiver NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND APPLICATION for Appointment of Receiver by DS Holdings, LLC. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 6/25/2007)
June 25, 2007 Filing 21 Declaration of Michael W. Blacksburg in Support of #18 MOTION to Appoint Receiver NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND APPLICATION for Appointment of Receiver filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Related document(s) #18 ) (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 6/25/2007)
June 25, 2007 Filing 20 Declaration of Karl S. Kronenberger in Support of #18 MOTION to Appoint Receiver NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND APPLICATION for Appointment of Receiver filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A#2 Exhibit B#3 Exhibit C#4 Exhibit D#5 Exhibit E#6 Exhibit F#7 Exhibit G#8 Exhibit H#9 Exhibit I#10 Exhibit J#11 Exhibit K#12 Exhibit L#13 Exhibit M#14 Exhibit N)(Related document(s) #18 ) (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 6/25/2007)
June 25, 2007 Filing 19 MEMORANDUM in Support re #18 MOTION to Appoint Receiver NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND APPLICATION for Appointment of Receiver filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (Related document(s) #18 ) (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 6/25/2007)
June 25, 2007 Filing 18 MOTION to Appoint Receiver NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND APPLICATION for Appointment of Receiver filed by DS Holdings, LLC. Motion Hearing set for 7/27/2007 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 6/25/2007)
May 15, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 17 ORDER denying ex parte application for turnover order. Signed by Judge Illston on 5/15/07. (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/15/2007)
April 27, 2007 Filing 16 Declaration of Karl S. Kronenberger in Support of 14 Ex Parte Application filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/27/2007)
April 27, 2007 Filing 15 MEMORANDUM in Support re 14 Ex Parte Application filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/27/2007)
April 27, 2007 Filing 14 Ex Parte Application for Turnover Order filed by DS Holdings, LLC. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/27/2007)
April 17, 2007 Filing 13 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by DS Holdings, LLC Proof of Service of Writ of Execution and Other Documents (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 4/17/2007)
March 22, 2007 Filing 12 Letter from John Zuccarini re Documents relevant to case. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/22/2007)
March 15, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 11 ORDER denying addition of names to writ of execution, without prejudice. Signed by Judge Illston on 3/15/07. (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/15/2007)
March 5, 2007 Filing 10 AFFIDAVIT Affidavit of Identity and [PROPOSED] Order by DS Holdings, LLC. (Kronenberger, Karl) (Filed on 3/5/2007)
February 21, 2007 Opinion or Order Filing 9 ORDER by Judge Susan Illston in re 5 Ex Parte Application (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/21/2007)
February 20, 2007 Filing 8 Request for Judicial Notice re 5 Ex Parte Application filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/20/2007)
February 20, 2007 Filing 7 Declaration of Karl Kronenberger in Support of 5 Ex Parte Application filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/20/2007)
February 20, 2007 Filing 6 MEMORANDUM in Support re 5 Ex Parte Application filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/20/2007)
February 20, 2007 Filing 5 Ex Parte Application for Turnover Order filed by DS Holdings, LLC. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/20/2007)
December 29, 2006 Filing 4 Ex Parte Application for Preservation Order and Discovery Order filed by DS Holdings, LLC. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/29/2006)
December 19, 2006 Filing 3 Writ Issued as to John Zuccarini in the amount of $169,153.59 (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/19/2006)
December 19, 2006 Filing 2 AFFIDAVIT of Karl Kronenberger in Support of Writ of Execution filed byDS Holdings, LLC. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/19/2006)
December 19, 2006 ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT ISSUED in the amount of $105,600.00 (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/19/2006)
December 18, 2006 Filing 1 REGISTRATION of Foreign Judgment in the amount of $105,600.00 entered 12/14/00.. Filed byOffice Depot, Inc.. (ga, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/18/2006)

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Plaintiff: Office Depot, Inc.
Represented By: Michael Woodrow De Vries
Represented By: Michael Blacksburg
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Receiver: Michael Blacksburg
Represented By: Michael Blacksburg
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Intervenor: Network Solutions, LLC
Represented By: Robert A. Cutbirth
Represented By: Timothy Brooks Hyland,
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Intervenor: United States of America
Represented By: Thomas Moore
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Defendant: John Zuccarini doing business as Country Walk
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Not classified by court: DS Holdings, LLC
Represented By: Henry M. Burgoyne, III
Represented By: Karl Stephen Kronenberger
Represented By: Jeffrey Michael Rosenfeld
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