Danielle Smith et al v. Pepsi Americas et al
Plaintiff: Yvette James, Fern Sue Broyles, Rebecca Lynne, Wanda Farmer, Leland J. Chalmers, Jr., Melissa Anastasiou Dalton, Melinda J. Ford, Mary Sweet, Angela Harrington, Ralph Weber, Kevin Todd, Daniel W. Ford, Loretta Thomsen, Tracy L. Ford, Jack Tuttle, Juanita Shumaker, Shebia Cornett, Ruth Weber, Alvin E. Ford, Linda Gayle Ford, Jo Ann Wakeland, Harry Whitlock, Danielle Smith and Timothy E. Ford
Defendant: Whitman Corporation, Markien Willburn, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Pepsi Americas and Pneumo Abex LLC
Case Number: 3:2008cv02742
Filed: May 30, 2008
Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Office: San Francisco Office
County: Lake
Presiding Judge: Susan Illston
Nature of Suit: P.I.: Other
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1332
Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on April 12, 2016. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
April 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 319 ORDER DISMISSING CASE upon settlement with prejudice (with signature.) Within ninety days from the date hereof, that settlement has not in fact occurred, the foregoing order shall be vacated and this cause shall forthwith be restored to the calendar for further proceedings. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 4/11/16. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/12/2016) Modified on 4/12/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
April 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 318 ORDER DISMISSING CASE. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 4/11/16. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/11/2016)
April 7, 2016 Filing 317 NOTICE by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Whitman Corporation Notice of Settlement between Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation and Plaintiff Danielle Smith (James, Collie) (Filed on 4/7/2016)
April 1, 2016 Filing 316 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim: Settlement Conference held on 4/1/2016. Case did not settle. Parties were given a mediator's proposal and have until 4/5/2016 at 5:00 PM to respond. (Total Time in Court 3 hours.) (Not reported.) Plaintiff Attorney: Tesfaye Tsadik and William Simpich. Defendant Attorney: Collie James. This is a text only Minute Entry (mklS, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 4/1/2016)
April 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 315 ORDER RE: PRETRIAL CONFERENCE STATEMENT (Illston, Susan) (Filed on 4/1/2016)
March 22, 2016 Filing 314 CLERK'S NOTICE: Notice is given that the Settlement Conference currently set for 4/1/2016 will be held at 10:30 AM in Courtroom A, 15th Floor, San Francisco following the criminal duty calendar. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (mklS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/22/2016)
March 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 313 ORDER granting #312 Request to Appear Telephonically at Settlement Conference. Signed by Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim on 3/21/2016. (mklS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/21/2016)
March 18, 2016 Filing 312 Letter from Collie F. James, IV to Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim re Request to Appear Telephonically. (James, Collie) (Filed on 3/18/2016)
March 17, 2016 Set/Reset Hearing Settlement Conference set for 4/1/2016 09:30 AM in Courtroom A, 15th Floor, San Francisco. (ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2016)
March 17, 2016 Filing 311 Notice of Settlement Conference set for April 1, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. Signed by Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim on 3/17/2016. (sklc2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2016)
March 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 310 ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge for Settlement. Request to continue trial is denied. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 3/15/16. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/15/2016)
March 15, 2016 CASE REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim for Settlement. (mklS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/15/2016)
March 14, 2016 Filing 309 Letter from Collie F. James, IV . (James, Collie) (Filed on 3/14/2016)
February 19, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 308 ORDER DENYING DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO EXCLUDE EXPERT TESTIMONY AND FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT #280 (Illston, Susan) (Filed on 2/19/2016)
February 8, 2016 Filing 307 CLERK'S NOTICE Continuing Motion Hearing from 2/19/16 to 2/26/16. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.), Set/Reset Deadlines as to #280 MOTION for Summary Judgment Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation's Notice of Motion and Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor and Dr. Linda Remy and M. Motion Hearing set for 2/26/2016 09:00 AM in Courtroom 1, 17th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/8/2016)
January 29, 2016 Filing 306 REPLY (re #280 MOTION for Summary Judgment Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation's Notice of Motion and Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor and Dr. Linda Remy and M ) filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Whitman Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Supplemental Declaration of Collie F. James, IV, #2 Exhibit 28 to Suppl James Decl, #3 Exhibit 29 to Suppl James Decl, #4 Exhibit 30 to Suppl James Decl)(James, Collie) (Filed on 1/29/2016)
January 20, 2016 Filing 305 Declaration of William Simpich in Support of #289 Exhibits, #286 Exhibits,, #291 Opposition/Response to Motion, #283 Exhibits, #296 Opposition/Response to Motion, #295 Opposition/Response to Motion, #282 Exhibits,, #285 Exhibits, #300 Declaration in Opposition, #298 Opposition/Response to Motion, #303 Exhibits,, #287 Exhibits, #288 Exhibits, #290 Exhibits, #299 Opposition/Response to Motion, #281 Declaration in Opposition, #297 Opposition/Response to Motion, #284 Exhibits, #302 Proposed Order, re Portion of Byers Declaration filed on 1/12/2016 filed byDanielle Smith. (Related document(s) #289 , #286 , #291 , #283 , #296 , #295 , #282 , #285 , #300 , #298 , #303 , #287 , #288 , #290 , #299 , #281 , #297 , #284 , #302 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 1/20/2016)
January 20, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 304 ORDER by Judge Susan Illston granting #301 Ex Parte Application to file Oversized Memo in Opposition. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/20/2016)
January 12, 2016 Filing 303 EXHIBIT 1 and 2 re #294 Opposition/Response to Motion, #296 Opposition/Response to Motion, #298 Opposition/Response to Motion, #297 Opposition/Response to Motion, #292 Declaration in Opposition, #293 Declaration in Opposition,, Omitted-Exhibits-to Declration of Vera Byers-pp-1-35 filed byDanielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit to Byers Declration-Pp-19-25)(Related document(s) #294 , #296 , #298 , #297 , #292 , #293 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/12/2016) Modified on 1/13/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 11, 2016 Filing 302 Proposed Order Granting #301 Ex Parte Application TO FILE OVERSIZE BRIEF/MEMORANDUM re #294 Opposition/Response to Motion, #296 Opposition/Response to Motion, #282 Exhibits, #298 Opposition/Response to Motion, #288 Exhibits, #290 Exhibits, #299 Opposition/Response to Motion, #281 Declaration in O by Danielle Smith. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/11/2016) Modified on 1/12/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 301 Ex Parte Application to File Oversized Memorandum in Opposition re #294 Opposition/Response to Motion, #296 Opposition/Response to Motion, #282 Exhibits, #298 Opposition/Response to Motion, #288 Exhibits, #290 Exhibits, #299 Opposition/Response to Motion, #281 Declaration in Opposition, #297 Opposition/Response to Motion, #292 Declaration in Opposition,, #293 Declaration in Opposition,, #289 Exhibits, #286 Exhibits,, #291 Opposition/Response to Motion, #283 Exhibits, #295 Opposition/Response to Motion, #285 Exhibits, #300 Declaration in Opposition,,, #287 Exhibits, #284 Exhibits, filed by Danielle Smith. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 300 DECLARATION of Dr. Linda Remy in support of #291 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 Opposition to #280 Motion for Summary Judgment filed byDanielle Smith. (Related document(s) #294 , #289 , #286 , #291 , #283 , #296 , #295 , #282 , #285 , #298 , #287 , #288 , #290 , #299 , #281 , #297 , #292 , #284 , #293 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 299 RESPONSE (re #280 MOTION for Summary Judgment Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation's Notice of Motion and Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor and Dr. Linda Remy and M ) Final Pages of Appendix to Declaration of Vera Byers in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment filed byDanielle Smith. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016)
January 8, 2016 Filing 298 RESPONSE (re #280 MOTION for Summary Judgment Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation's Notice of Motion and Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor and Dr. Linda Remy and M ) in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment filed byDanielle Smith. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016)
January 8, 2016 Filing 297 RESPONSE (re #280 MOTION for Summary Judgment Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation's Notice of Motion and Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor and Dr. Linda Remy and M ) in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment filed byDanielle Smith. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016)
January 8, 2016 Filing 296 RESPONSE (re #280 MOTION for Summary Judgment Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation's Notice of Motion and Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor and Dr. Linda Remy and M ) in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment filed byDanielle Smith. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016)
January 8, 2016 Filing 295 RESPONSE (re #280 MOTION for Summary Judgment Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation's Notice of Motion and Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor and Dr. Linda Remy and M ) in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment filed byDanielle Smith. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016)
January 8, 2016 Filing 294 RESPONSE (re #280 MOTION for Summary Judgment Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation's Notice of Motion and Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor and Dr. Linda Remy and M ) in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment filed byDanielle Smith. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016)
January 8, 2016 Filing 293 DECLARATION of Dr. Vera Byers in Opposition to #289 Exhibits, #286 Exhibits,, #291 Opposition/Response to Motion, #283 Exhibits, #282 Exhibits, #285 Exhibits, #287 Exhibits, #288 Exhibits, #290 Exhibits, #281 Declaration in Opposition, #292 Declaration in Opposition,, #284 Exhibits, in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment filed byDanielle Smith. (Related document(s) #289 , #286 , #291 , #283 , #282 , #285 , #287 , #288 , #290 , #281 , #292 , #284 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016)
January 8, 2016 Filing 292 DECLARATION of Dr. Vera Byers in support of #291 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 Opposition to #280 Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment filed byDanielle Smith. (Related document(s) #289 , #286 , #291 , #283 , #282 , #285 , #287 , #288 , #290 , #281 , #284 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 291 RESPONSE (re #280 MOTION for Summary Judgment Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation's Notice of Motion and Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor and Dr. Linda Remy and M ) PLAINTIFF'S OPPOSITION BRIEF filed byDanielle Smith. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016)
January 8, 2016 Filing 290 Declaration of TESFAYE TSADIK in support of #291 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 Opposition and Exhibits, 17-18 filed byDanielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 17 - Stipulation re related cases, #2 Exhibit 18 - Sawyer report)(Related document(s) #289 , #282 , #288 , #281 , #286 , #283 , #285 , #287 , #284 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 289 Declaration of TESFAYE TSADIK in support of #291 Opposition and Exhibits 16 filed byDanielle Smith. (Related document(s) #286 , #283 , #282 , #285 , #287 , #288 , #281 , #284 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 288 Declaration of TESFAYE TSADIK in support of #291 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 Opposition and Exhibit 15 filed byDanielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Chilvers MFT resume)(Related document(s) #286 , #283 , #282 , #285 , #287 , #281 , #284 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 287 Declaration of TESFAYE in support of #291 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 Opposition and Exhibit 14 filed byDanielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 14 - Chilvers report)(Related document(s) #286 , #283 , #282 , #285 , #281 , #284 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 286 Declaration of TESFAYE TSADIK in support of #291 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 Opposition and Exhibits 11-13 filed byDanielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 11 Dr. O'Connor report in related Arlich case, part 1 of 3, #2 Exhibit 11 Dr. O'Connor report in related Arlich case, part 2 of 3, #3 Exhibit 11 Dr. O'Connor report in related Arlich case, part 3 of 3, #4 Exhibit 12 Gibb findings, #5 Exhibit 13 Byers resume)(Related document(s) #282 , #281 , #283 , #285 , #284 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 285 Declaration of Tesfaye Tsadik in support of #291 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 and EXHIBITS 10 (part 2 of 3 & part 3 of 3) filed by Danielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Dr. O'Connor rebuttal report, part 2 of 3, #2 Exhibit Dr. O'Connor rebuttal report, part 3 of 3)(Related document(s) #283 , #282 , #281 , #284 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 284 Declaration of Tesfaye Tsadik in support of #291 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 Opposition and EXHIBITS 6-9 filed by Danielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 6 Dr. Remy resume, #2 Exhibit 7 Dr. Remy report, #3 Exhibit 7-1 Dr. Remy rebuttal report, #4 Exhibit 8 Dr. O'Connor resume, #5 Exhibit 9 Dr. O'Connor deposition testimony)(Related document(s) #282 , #281 , #283 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 283 Declaration of Tesfaye Tsadik in support of #291 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 Opposition and EXHIBITS 10, part 1 f 3 filed byDanielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 10 - O'Connor rebuttal, part 1 of 3)(Related document(s) #282 , #281 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 282 Declaration of Tesfaye Tsadik in support of #281 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 Oppositions and EXHIBITS 2-5 filed by Danielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Defendant's Response to RFA, #2 Exhibit Danielle Smith 2009 deposition excerpts, #3 Exhibit Dr. Byers report, #4 Exhibit Dr. Byers rebuttal report, #5 Exhibit Danielle Smith 2010 deposition excerpts)(Related document(s) #281 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF). Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2016 Filing 281 DECLARATION of Tesfaye Tsadik in support of Opposition to #291 , #294 , #295 , #296 , #297 , #298 , #299 Motion to Exclude in Part Experts and for Summary Judgment filed byDanielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - ATSDR Public Health Assessment, part 1 of 3, #2 Exhibit ATSDR Public Health Assessment, part 2 of 3, #3 Exhibit ATSDR Public Health Assessment, part 3 of 3)(Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2016) Modified on 1/11/2016 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
November 20, 2015 Filing 280 MOTION for Summary Judgment and Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor and Dr. Linda Remy ; Memorandum in Support Thereof filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Pneumo Abex LLC, Whitman Corporation. Motion Hearing set for 2/19/2016 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston. Responses due by 1/8/2016. Replies due by 1/29/2016. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Collie F. James, IV, #2 Exhibit 1 to James Declaration, #3 Exhibit 2 to James Declaration, #4 Exhibit 3 to James Declaration, #5 Exhibit 4 to James Declaration, #6 Exhibit 5 to James Declaration, #7 Exhibit 6 to James Declaration, #8 Exhibit 7 to James Declaration, #9 Exhibit 8 to James Declaration, #10 Exhibit 9 to James Declaration, #11 Exhibit 10 to James Declaration, #12 Exhibit 11 to James Declaration, #13 Exhibit 12 to James Declaration, #14 Exhibit 13 to James Declaration, #15 Exhibit 14 to James Declaration, #16 Exhibit 15 to James Declaration, #17 Exhibit 16 to James Declaration, #18 Exhibit 17 to James Declaration, #19 Exhibit 18 to James Declaration, #20 Exhibit 19 to James Declaration, #21 Exhibit 20 to James Declaration, #22 Exhibit 21 to James Declaration, #23 Exhibit 22 to James Declaration, #24 Exhibit 23 to James Declaration, #25 Exhibit 24 to James Declaration, #26 Exhibit 25 to James Declaration, #27 Exhibit 26 to James Declaration, #28 Exhibit 27 to James Declaration, #29 Proposed Order)(James, Collie) (Filed on 11/20/2015) Modified on 11/23/2015 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
November 17, 2015 Filing 279 NOTICE of Change of Address by Collie Fitch James (James, Collie) (Filed on 11/17/2015)
October 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 278 ORDER, Motions terminated: #277 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Stipulation and [Proposed] Order to Modify Certain Pre-Trial Dates filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Pneumo Abex LLC. Motion Hearing set for 2/19/2016 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston.. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 10/29/15. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/29/2015)
October 21, 2015 Filing 277 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Stipulation and [Proposed] Order to Modify Certain Pre-Trial Dates filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 10/21/2015)
June 18, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 276 ORDER by Judge Susan Illston granting #275 Stipulation of dismissal of certain claims between certain plaintiffs (Shebia Cornett, Wanda Farmer, Alvin E. Ford, Daniel W. Ford, Linda Gayle Ford, Melinda J. Ford, Angela Harrington, Loretta Thomsen, Jo Ann Wakeland, and Ruth Waber) and defendants Pepsi Americas, and Pneumo Abex Corporation. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/18/2015) Modified on 6/19/2015 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
June 9, 2015 Filing 275 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice of all Claims Between Certain Plaintiffs and Defendants Pepsi Corporation, and Pneumo Abex Corporation filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation. (James, Collie) (Filed on 6/9/2015)
March 24, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 274 PRETRIAL ORDER. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 3/24/15. (Attachments: #1 Standing Order)(tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/24/2015)
March 23, 2015 Filing 273 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Hon. Susan Illston: Further Case Management Conference held on 3/20/2015. Jury Selection set for 5/2/2016 08:30 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston. Jury Trial set for 5/2/2016 08:30 AM before Hon. Susan Illston. Motion Hearing set for 1/15/2016 09:00 AM before Hon. Susan Illston. Pretrial Conference set for 4/19/2016 03:30 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston.Court Reporter Name or FTR Time N/A. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 3/23/2015)
March 13, 2015 Filing 272 Joint CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Pneumo Abex LLC, Whitman Corporation. (James, Collie) (Filed on 3/13/2015) Modified on 3/16/2015 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
February 23, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 271 ORDER Further Case Management Conference set for 2/27/15 is continued to 3/20/2015 03:30 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco.. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 2/23/15. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/23/2015)
February 23, 2015 Filing 270 Joint Stipulation to Continue Case Management Conference to March 20, 2015 filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 2/23/2015) Modified on 2/24/2015 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
February 11, 2015 Set Deadlines/Hearings: Further Case Management Conference set for 2/27/2015 03:30 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/11/2015)
January 30, 2015 Filing 268 REPLY (re #266 MOTION to Amend/Correct Scheduling Order and Supplement Expert Reports and Declaration in Support ) filed byDanielle Smith. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Linda Remy in Support of Plaintiff''s Reply Brief)(Simpich, William) (Filed on 1/30/2015)
January 16, 2015 Filing 267 RESPONSE (re #266 MOTION to Amend/Correct Scheduling Order and Supplement Expert Reports and Declaration in Support ) DEFENDANTS PEPSIAMERICAS, INC., PNEUMO ABEX CORPORATION AND WHITMAN CORPORATION'S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF DANIELLE SMITH'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO AMEND SCHEDULING ORDER AND TO SUPPLEMENT/AMEND HER EXPERT REPORTS filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Whitman Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Collie James, IV, in Support of Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc., Pneumo Abex Corporation and Whitman Corporation's Opposition to Plaintiff Danielle Smith's Motion for Leave to Amend Scheduling Order and to Supplement/Amend Her Expert Reports, #2 Exhibit A to Declaration of Collie James, IV, #3 Exhibit B to Declaration of Collie James, IV, #4 Exhibit C to Declaration of Collie James, IV, #5 Exhibit D to Declaration of Collie James, IV, #6 Exhibit E to Declaration of Collie James, IV)(James, Collie) (Filed on 1/16/2015)
December 19, 2014 Filing 266 MOTION to Amend/Correct Scheduling Order and Supplement Expert Reports and Declaration in Support filed by Danielle Smith. Motion Hearing set for 2/13/2015 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston. Responses due by 1/16/2015. Replies due by 1/30/2015. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-questionnaire response, #2 Exhibit 2-Byers-report10-03-10, #3 Exhibit 3-Remy-report-3-15-12, #4 Exhibit 4-Joint-CMC-filed-11-05-13, #5 Exhibit 5-Medicare-Medical-Lien-Notifications, #6 Exhibit 6-Joint-CMC-6-12-14, #7 Exhibit 7-Byers-report-12-18-214 & Remy Appendix)(Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 12/19/2014)
November 13, 2014 Filing 265 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Hon. Susan Illston: Further Case Management Conference held on 11/12/2014. (Date Filed: 11/13/2014) Motion Hearing set for 2/13/2015 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston.(tfS, COURT STAFF)
November 5, 2014 Filing 264 CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 11/5/2014)
September 17, 2014 Filing 263 CLERK'S NOTICE Further Case Management Conference set for 11/7/14 is continued to 11/12/2014 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. This is a docket text entry only, there is no document associated with this notice. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/17/2014)
August 13, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 262 ORDER Further Case Management Conference set for for 9/19/14 is continued 11/7/2014 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. Withdrawing Mag. Judge Westmore as the settlement judge. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 8/13/14. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/13/2014)
August 12, 2014 Filing 261 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 8/12/2014)
July 31, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 260 Notice of Settlement Conference and Settlement Conference Order before Magistrate Judge Kandis A. Westmore. Settlement Conference set for 8/18/2014 11:00 AM in Courtroom 4, 3rd Floor, Oakland. Signed by Magistrate Judge Kandis A. Westmore on 7/31/14. (sisS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/31/2014)
July 21, 2014 Filing 259 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 7/18/2014 before Susan Illston (Date Filed: 7/21/2014). Further Case Management Conference set for 9/19/2014 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Court Reporter n/a.) (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 7/21/2014)
July 21, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 258 ORDER by Judge Susan Illston granting #257 Motion to Relate Case to C-14-3021 NC. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/21/2014)
July 18, 2014 Filing 257 MOTION to Relate Case to C14-3021-NC to be Considered by the Court filed by Jo Ann Wakeland. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/18/2014) Modified on 7/21/2014 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
July 11, 2014 Filing 256 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 7/11/2014)
July 1, 2014 Filing 255 CLERKS NOTICE : Plaintiff is hereby notified that a motion for leave to file an amended complaint is required. This is a docket text entry only, there is no document associated with this notice. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/1/2014)
July 1, 2014 If document No. 254 is new case, plaintiff is to e-file as new case. (ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/1/2014)
June 30, 2014 Filing 254 ***ERRONEOUS ENTRY - FILING FEE IS TRANFERRED TO NEW CASE FILING FEE FOR CASE NUMBER C-14-3021***AMENDED COMPLAINT against All Defendants (Filing fee $400.00, Receipt number 0971-8735975). Filed by Yvette James, Markien Willburn. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet)(Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/30/2014) Modified on 7/1/2014 (ysS, COURT STAFF). Modified on 7/11/2014 (cjlS, COURT STAFF).
June 18, 2014 Filing 253 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 6/17/2014 before Susan Illston (Date Filed: 6/18/2014). Further Case Management Conference set for 7/18/2014 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Court Reporter n/a.) (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 6/18/2014)
June 12, 2014 Filing 252 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 6/12/2014)
May 15, 2014 Filing 251 CLERKS NOTICE Further Case Management Conference set for 6/19/14 is advanced to 6/17/2014 03:30 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. Counsel shall file a joint statement on or before 6/12/14. This is a docket text entry only, there is no document associated with this notice. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/15/2014)
April 22, 2014 Filing 250 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 4/18/2014 before Susan Illston (Date Filed: 4/22/2014). Further Case Management Conference set for 6/19/2014 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Court Reporter n/a.) (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 4/22/2014)
January 30, 2014 Filing 249 CLERKS NOTICE Further Case Management Conference set for 3/28/14 is continued to 4/18/2014 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. THIS IS A DOCKET TEXT ENTRY ONLY, THERE IS NO DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS NOTICE. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/30/2014)
January 16, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 248 ORDER, Motions terminated: #247 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER to Continue Case Management Conference filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Pneumo Abex LLC. Further Case Management Conference set for 1/17/14 is continued to 3/28/2014 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco.. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 1/15/14. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/16/2014)
January 13, 2014 Filing 247 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER to Continue Case Management Conference filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 1/13/2014)
November 12, 2013 Filing 246 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 11/12/2013 before Susan Illston (Date Filed: 11/12/2013). Further Case Management Conference set for 1/17/2014 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Court Reporter -Not Reported.) (beS, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 11/12/2013)
November 5, 2013 Filing 245 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 11/5/2013)
October 29, 2013 Filing 244 CLERKS NOTICE Further Case Management Conference set for 11/15/13 is advanced to 11/12/2013 02:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. This is a docket text entry only, there is no document associated with this notice. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/29/2013)
August 29, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 243 ORDER: Further Case Management Conference set for 8/30/13 is continued to 11/15/2013 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco.. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 8/28/13. : #242 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER to Continue Case Management Conference filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/29/2013)
August 28, 2013 Filing 242 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER to Continue Case Management Conference filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation. (James, Collie) (Filed on 8/28/2013)
June 13, 2013 Document #183 Returned from USCA. (ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/13/2013)
June 11, 2013 Filing 241 CLERKS Letter Spreading Mandate to Counsel re #230 Notice of Appeal. (ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/11/2013)
June 10, 2013 Filing 240 MANDATE of USCA as to #230 Notice of AppealL The judgment of this Court, entered May 16, 2013, takes effect this date.(ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/10/2013)
May 16, 2013 Filing 239 USCA Memorandum as to #230 Notice of Appeal: Affirmed in part; Reversed in part and REMANDED. The parties shall bear their own costs on appeal. (ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/16/2013)
January 28, 2013 Receipt/Acknowledgment of document #183 from USCS. (ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/28/2013)
January 23, 2013 Document #183 on Appeal to US Court of Appeals re #230 Notice of Appeal. (ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/23/2013)
March 8, 2012 Filing 238 NOTICE of Appearance by Collie Fitch James (James, Collie) (Filed on 3/8/2012)
February 24, 2012 Filing 237 NOTICE of Substitution of Counsel by Collie Fitch James (James, Collie) (Filed on 2/24/2012)
November 23, 2011 Filing 236 Transcript of Proceedings held on 7-1-2011, before Judge Susan Illston. Court Reporter/Transcriber Debra L. Pas, CRR, Telephone number (415) 431-1477. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/21/2012. (Pas, Debra) (Filed on 11/23/2011)
September 15, 2011 Filing 234 TRANSCRIPT DESIGNATION by Jo Ann Wakeland for proceedings held on 7-01-2011 before Judge Honorable Illston.. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 9/15/2011)
August 19, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 233 ORDER of USCA as to #119 Notice of Appeal : Plaintiffs-Appellants' petition for panel rehearing and petition for rehearing en banc are denied. Further petitions for rehearing and rehearing en banc shall not be entertained.(ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/19/2011)
August 16, 2011 Filing 232 USCA Case Number 11-16958 USCA for #230 Notice of Appeal filed by Jo Ann Wakeland, Danielle Smith. (ysS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/16/2011)
August 16, 2011 Filing 231 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals by Danielle Smith, Jo Ann Wakeland re #230 Notice of Appeal (Attachments: #1 Appeal Notification Form)(ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/16/2011) (Additional attachment(s) added on 8/16/2011: #2 docket sheet) (ys, COURT STAFF).
August 16, 2011 Filing 230 NOTICE OF APPEAL 11-16958 as to #217 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment, Order on Motion in Limine, #221 Judgment by Danielle Smith, Jo Ann Wakeland. Filing fee $ 455, receipt number 34611063463. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/16/2011) Modified on 8/22/2011 (ysS, COURT STAFF).
August 9, 2011 Filing 229 Declaration of Bill Simpich filed byDanielle Smith. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 8/9/2011)
August 9, 2011 Filing 228 DECLARATION of Jo Ann Wakeland in support of #277 Objection filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 8/9/2011) Modified on 8/10/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
August 9, 2011 Filing 227 OBJECTIONS to re #224 Bill of Costs, #225 Bill of Costs JoAnn Wakeland And Danielle Smith by Jo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 8/9/2011)
August 2, 2011 Filing 226 Declaration of Collie F. James in Support of #224 Bill of Costs, #225 Bill of Costs as to Danielle Smith and JoAnn Wakeland filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-4)(Related document(s) #224 , #225 ) (James, Collie) (Filed on 8/2/2011)
August 2, 2011 Filing 225 BILL OF COSTS as to JoAnn Wakeland by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 8/2/2011)
August 2, 2011 Filing 224 BILL OF COSTS as to Danielle Smith by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 8/2/2011)
July 22, 2011 Filing 223 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT No. 8 filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(James, Collie) (Filed on 7/22/2011)
July 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 222 ORDER dismissing certain defts with prejudice, with each party to bear its own costs and fees. (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/20/2011) Modified on 7/21/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
July 19, 2011 Filing 221 JUDGMENT: in favor of defendants and against plaintiffs Jo Ann Wakeland and Danielle Smith. (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/19/2011) Modified on 7/21/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
July 18, 2011 Filing 220 STIPULATION of Dismissal With Prejudice of All Claims Between Certain Plaintiffs and Defendants by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Gilbreth, Charity) (Filed on 7/18/2011)
July 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 219 ORDER Approving Compromise of Pending Action for Plaintiff Angela Harrington on Behalf of Minor Melissa Davies FILED UNDER SEAL. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 7/11/2011. (mjj2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/13/2011) (Additional attachment(s) added on 7/22/2011: #1 attachment) (ysS, COURT STAFF).
July 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 218 ORDER Approving Compromise of Pending Action for Petitioner Melissa Dalton on Behalf of Minor Rebekah Mabery Anastasiou FILED UNDER SEAL. Signed by Judge Susan Illston on 7/12/2011. (mjj2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/13/2011) (Additional attachment(s) added on 7/22/2011: #1 attachment) (ysS, COURT STAFF).
July 8, 2011 Filing 216 USCA Memorandum as to #119 Notice of Appeal filed by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton, Ralph Weber, affirming the decision of the District Court. (mjj2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/8/2011)
July 6, 2011 Filing 215 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing HELD ON 7/1/11(Date Filed: 7/6/2011) re (160 in 3:08-cv-02742-SI) MOTION in Limine To Exclude Opinion of Dr. Guzelian, Defendants' Expert filed by Jo Ann Wakeland, (157 in 3:08-cv-02742-SI) MOTION for Summary Judgment and Motion to Exclude In Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor, and Dr. William Sawyer filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC, (171 in 3:08-cv-02742-SI) MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer filed by Jo Ann Wakeland. (Court Reporter Debra Pas.) (tf, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 7/6/2011)
July 1, 2011 Filing 214 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #208 Order Granting Motion to File Under Seal NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF PETITION FOR COMPROMISE OF PENDING ACTION by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/1/2011)
July 1, 2011 Filing 213 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #208 Order Granting Motion to File Under Seal (PROPOSED) ORDER APPROVING COMPROMISE OF PENDING ACTION by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/1/2011)
July 1, 2011 Filing 212 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #208 Order Granting Motion to File Under Seal (Proposed) Order APPROVING COMPROMISE OF PENDING ACTION by Angela Harrington. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/1/2011)
June 30, 2011 Filing 211 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #208 Order Granting Motion to File Under Seal Petition by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/30/2011)
June 30, 2011 Filing 210 DOCUMENT WITHDRAWN PER WITHDRAWAL #214 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #208 Order Granting Motion to File Under Seal Petition by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/30/2011) Modified on 7/5/2011 (mjj2S, COURT STAFF).
June 30, 2011 Filing 209 DOCUMENT E-FILED UNDER SEAL re #208 Order Granting Motion to File Under Seal Petition by Angela Harrington. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/30/2011)
June 30, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 208 ORDER Granting Motion to File Under Seal (pltf must link e.filed documents to this order) (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/30/2011)
June 24, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 207 ORDER Granting Motion to File Under Seal (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/24/2011)
June 21, 2011 Filing 206 Ex Parte Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Petitions for Minors' Compromise filed by Angela Harrington and filed by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/21/2011)
June 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 205 ORDER re: lengthy brief re #190 Request. (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/20/2011) Modified on 6/21/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
June 17, 2011 Filing 204 REPLY Brief in support of (re #172 Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert)Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert) ) Plaintiffs Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Exclude Defendants Expert Frank Altmayer filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/17/2011) Modified on 6/20/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
June 17, 2011 Filing 203 REPLY (re #160 MOTION in Limine To Exclude Opinion of Dr. Guzelian, Defendants' Expert ) Plaintiffs Reply in Support of Motion to Exclude Defendants Expert Dr. Philip Guzelian Under F.R.E. and Daubert filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/17/2011)
June 17, 2011 Filing 202 Declaration of Collie F. James in Support of #201 Reply to Opposition/Response to Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony and for Summary Judgment filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-7)(Related document(s) #201 ) (James, Collie) (Filed on 6/17/2011)
June 17, 2011 Filing 201 REPLY to #189 Opposition to (re #157 MOTION for Summary Judgment and Motion to Exclude In Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor, and Dr. William Sawyer ) filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 6/17/2011) Modified on 6/20/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
June 6, 2011 Filing 200 Declaration of William M. Simpich Requesting Leave for Late Filing of Exhibits filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/6/2011)
June 6, 2011 Filing 199 EXHIBITS re #197 Exhibits, #190 Brief, #198 Exhibits, #193 Exhibits, #191 Exhibits, #194 Exhibits, #196 Exhibits, #195 Exhibits, #192 Exhibits 1 (Parts 2 and 3 of 3 - CORRECTED - filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 (Part 2 of 3), #2 Exhibit 1 (Part 3 of 3))(Related document(s) #197 , #190 , #198 , #193 , #191 , #194 , #196 , #195 , #192 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/6/2011)
June 6, 2011 Filing 198 EXHIBITS re #197 Exhibits, #190 Brief, #189 Opposition/Response to Motion, #193 Exhibits, #191 Exhibits, #194 Exhibits, #196 Exhibits, #195 Exhibits, #192 Exhibits 1 (Part 1 of 3) - CORRECTED - filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 (Part 1 of 3))(Related document(s) #197 , #190 , #189 , #193 , #191 , #194 , #196 , #195 , #192 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/6/2011)
June 6, 2011 Filing 197 EXHIBITS re #190 Brief, #189 Opposition/Response to Motion, #193 Exhibits, #191 Exhibits, #194 Exhibits, #196 Exhibits, #195 Exhibits, #192 Exhibits 5 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5)(Related document(s) #190 , #189 , #193 , #191 , #194 , #196 , #195 , #192 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/6/2011)
June 6, 2011 Filing 196 EXHIBITS re #190 Brief, #189 Opposition/Response to Motion, #193 Exhibits, #191 Exhibits, #194 Exhibits, #195 Exhibits, #192 Exhibits 4 (Part Two) filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 4 (Part Two))(Related document(s) #190 , #189 , #193 , #191 , #194 , #195 , #192 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/6/2011)
June 6, 2011 Filing 195 EXHIBITS re #190 Brief, #189 Opposition/Response to Motion, #193 Exhibits, #191 Exhibits, #194 Exhibits, #192 Exhibits 4 (Part One) filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 4 (Part 1))(Related document(s) #190 , #189 , #193 , #191 , #194 , #192 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/6/2011)
June 6, 2011 Filing 194 EXHIBITS re #190 Brief, #189 Opposition/Response to Motion, #193 Exhibits, #191 Exhibits, #192 Exhibits 2-3 -CORRECTED- filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2, #2 Exhibit 3)(Related document(s) #190 , #189 , #193 , #191 , #192 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/6/2011)
June 5, 2011 Filing 193 EXHIBITS 6-21 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 6, #2 Exhibit 7, #3 Exhibit 8, #4 Exhibit 9, #5 Exhibit 10, #6 Exhibit 11, #7 Exhibit 12 (report), #8 Exhibit 12 (resume), #9 Exhibit 13, #10 Exhibit 14, #11 Exhibit 15, #12 Exhibit 16, #13 Exhibit 17, #14 Exhibit 18, #15 Exhibit 19, #16 Exhibit 20, #17 Exhibit 21 (Pesticides article), #18 Exhibit 21 (Children's article))(Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/5/2011)
June 5, 2011 Filing 192 Declaration re EXHIBITS in #189 Opposition/Response to Motion, #190 Request, #191 Exhibits 6-7 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #190 , #189 , #191 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/5/2011) Modified on 6/6/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
June 5, 2011 Filing 191 Declaration re Exhibits in #189 Opposition/Response to Motion, #190 Request Exhibits 1-3 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #189 , #190 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/5/2011) Modified on 6/6/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
June 3, 2011 Filing 190 Request for Extension of Brief Length filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/3/2011) Modified on 6/6/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
June 3, 2011 Filing 189 RESPONSE/Opposition to (re #157 MOTION for Summary Judgment and Motion to Exclude In Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor, and Dr. William Sawyer ) Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Exclude in Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor, and Dr. William Sawyer and For Summary Judgment filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 6/3/2011) Modified on 6/6/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
June 3, 2011 Filing 188 Declaration of Collie F. James in Support of #187 Opposition/Response to Motion, to Exclude Defendants' Expert Dr. Philip Guzelian filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-3 (part1), #2 Exhibit 3 (part 2)-4, #3 Exhibit 5-11, #4 Exhibit 12-16, #5 Exhibit 17-20)(Related document(s) #187 ) (James, Collie) (Filed on 6/3/2011)
June 3, 2011 Filing 187 RESPONSE/Opposition to (re #160 MOTION in Limine To Exclude Opinion of Dr. Guzelian, Defendants' Expert ) Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Exclude Defendants' Expert Dr. Philip Guzelian filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 6/3/2011) Modified on 6/3/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
June 3, 2011 Filing 186 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC re 183 Opposition/Response to Motion for Manual Filing of Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Gina R. Tercero (James, Collie) (Filed on 6/3/2011)
June 3, 2011 Filing 185 Declaration of Gina R. Tercero in Support of #184 Opposition/Response to Motion, to Exclude Defendants' Expert Frank Altmayer filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Related document(s) #184 ) (James, Collie) (Filed on 6/3/2011)
June 3, 2011 Filing 184 RESPONSE/Opposition to (re #172 Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert)Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert) ) Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Exclude Defendants' Expert Frank Altmayer filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 6/3/2011) Modified on 6/3/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
June 3, 2011 Filing 183 Exhibit 1 to #185 Declaration of Gina R. Tercero in support of 183 Opposition to (re #172 Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert) filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. 3 VOLUMES (MANUAL FILING NOTIFICATION) (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/3/2011) Modified on 6/3/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
April 24, 2011 Filing 182 EXHIBITS re #181 Exhibits EXHIBIT 3, PART 3, pp. 190-201, Guzelian et al, "Evidence-Based Toxicology: A Comprehehsive Framework for Causation" filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #181 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/24/2011)
April 24, 2011 Filing 181 EXHIBITS re #180 Exhibits, EXHIBIT 3 PART 2, pp. 175-189- "Guzelian et al, "Evidence-Based Toxicology: A Comprehensive Framewor for Causation filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #180 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/24/2011)
April 24, 2011 Filing 180 EXHIBITS re #161 Declaration in Support EXHIBIT 3-PART 1 pp. 161-174-Guzelian et al, "Evidence-Based Toxicology: A Comprehensive Framework for Causation... filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #161 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/24/2011)
April 23, 2011 Filing 178 EXHIBITS re #176 Exhibits, #172 Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert)Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert), #173 Declaration in Support, #175 Exhibits, #171 MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer, #177 Exhibits, #174 Exhibits, Exhibit 2, Part 5 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #176 , #172 , #173 , #175 , #171 , #177 , #174 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/23/2011)
April 23, 2011 Filing 177 EXHIBITS re #176 Exhibits, #172 Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert)Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert), #173 Declaration in Support, #175 Exhibits, #171 MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer, #174 Exhibits, Exhibit 2, Part 4 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #176 , #172 , #173 , #175 , #171 , #174 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/23/2011)
April 23, 2011 Filing 176 EXHIBITS re #172 Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert)Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert), #173 Declaration in Support, #175 Exhibits, #171 MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer, #174 Exhibits, 2, Part 3 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #172 , #173 , #175 , #171 , #174 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/23/2011)
April 23, 2011 Filing 175 EXHIBITS re #172 Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert)Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert), #173 Declaration in Support, #171 MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer, #174 Exhibits, Exhibit 2, Part 2 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #172 , #173 , #171 , #174 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/23/2011)
April 23, 2011 Filing 174 EXHIBITS re #172 Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert)Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert), #173 Declaration in Support, #171 MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer Exhibit 2, Part 1 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #172 , #173 , #171 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/23/2011)
April 23, 2011 Filing 173 Declaration of William Simpich in Support of #172 Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert)Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert), #171 MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Related document(s) #172 , #171 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/23/2011)
April 23, 2011 Filing 172 Amended MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer (Daubert) filed by Jo Ann Wakeland. Motion Hearing set for 7/1/2011 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/23/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 171 MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Frank Altmayer filed by Jo Ann Wakeland. Motion Hearing set for 7/1/2011 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 170 EXHIBITS 11-Excerpts from EPA -Toxicological Review of 1,1,2,2,--Tetrachloroethane, CAS NO. 79-34-5 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 169 EXHIBITS 10--William Sawyer's Rebuttal Report, dated 03/02/2011 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 168 EXHIBITS 9--Dr. Vera Byers Rebuttal Report, dated 03/04/2011 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 167 EXHIBITS 7-Hartung, T., "Evidence-Based Toxicology---The Toolbox of... filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 166 EXHIBITS 6--Kiss, A. et al, Upper Gastrointestinal endoscopy findings in patients... filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 165 EXHIBITS 5, Mancuso,T.F., Chromium as an Insdustrial Carcinogen: filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 164 EXHIBITS 4, Ruden,C.et al, Evidence-Based Toxicology: "Sound Science" in New Disguise filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 163 EXHIBITS 2, Guzelian Deposition, dated 3/31/1011 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 162 EXHIBITS 1, Guzelian's Expert Report, dated 12/30/2010 filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 161 Declaration of Tesfaye W. Tsadik Authenticating Exhibits in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion to exclude testimony of Dr. Guzelian filed byJo Ann Wakeland. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 160 MOTION in Limine To Exclude Opinion of Dr. Guzelian, Defendants' Expert filed by Jo Ann Wakeland. Motion Hearing set for 7/1/2001 09:00 AM before Hon. Susan Illston. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 159 Proposed Order re #157 MOTION for Summary Judgment and Motion to Exclude In Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor, and Dr. William Sawyer by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 158 Declaration of Gina R. Tercero in Support of #157 MOTION for Summary Judgment and Motion to Exclude In Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor, and Dr. William Sawyer filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-8, #2 Exhibit 9, #3 Exhibit 10-17, #4 Exhibit 18-25, #5 Exhibit 26-30, #6 Exhibit 31-32, #7 Exhibit 33 part 1, #8 Exhibit 33 part 2, #9 Exhibit 34-40)(Related document(s) #157 ) (James, Collie) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 22, 2011 Filing 157 MOTION for Summary Judgment and Motion to Exclude In Part the Expert Testimony of Dr. Vera Byers, Dr. Rod O'Connor, and Dr. William Sawyer filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. Motion Hearing set for 7/1/2011 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Susan Illston. (James, Collie) (Filed on 4/22/2011)
April 4, 2011 Filing 156 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 4/1/2011 before Illston (Date Filed: 4/4/2011). Further Case Management Conference set for 7/29/2011 03:00 PM. Motion Hearing set for 7/1/2011 09:00 AM before Hon. Susan Illston. () (tf, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 4/4/2011)
March 31, 2011 Filing 155 STATUS REPORT by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Gilbreth, Charity) (Filed on 3/31/2011)
March 30, 2011 Filing 154 CLERKS NOTICE Further Case Management Conference set for 4/1/2011 11:30 AM. (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/30/2011)
March 29, 2011 Filing 153 NOTICE of Appearance by Charity Marie Gilbreth for Kirk Wilkinson (Gilbreth, Charity) (Filed on 3/29/2011)
March 24, 2011 Filing 152 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT a further case management conference regarding the notice of mediated settlements has been scheduled to occur Wednesday, March 30, 2011, at 4:00 p.m.(tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/24/2011)
March 23, 2011 Filing 151 NOTICE by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC of Mediated Settlements (Gilbreth, Charity) (Filed on 3/23/2011)
March 17, 2011 ***Deadlines terminated - #104 Pretrial preparation order.(ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2011)
March 17, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 150 Order Re: Consent to the Proposed Case Management Order No. 7. (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2011)
March 16, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 149 ORDER RE: Dismissal With Prejudice of All Claims Between Plaintiffs John Davies, Daniel Mendez, and Gerald Duncan and Defendants by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/16/2011)
March 14, 2011 Filing 148 STIPULATION of Dismissal With Prejudice of All Claims Between Plaintiffs John Davies, Daniel Mendez, and Gerald Duncan and Defendants by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Gilbreth, Charity) (Filed on 3/14/2011)
February 9, 2011 Filing 147 STIPULATION/Consent re: Proposed Case Management Order No. 7 by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Gilbreth, Charity) (Filed on 2/9/2011) Modified on 2/10/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF). Modified on 2/11/2011 (tf, COURT STAFF). The Court will not sign the proposed order attached to this stipulation as the scheduling order has already been filed.
February 8, 2011 Remark : the court will not sign Proposed Case management No. 7, pending stipulation by parties (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/8/2011)
February 2, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 146 ORDER ADJUSTING TRIAL SCHEDULE (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/2/2011)
January 27, 2011 Filing 145 Proposed Case Management Order No.7 by Fern Sue Broyles. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/27/2011) Modified on 1/28/2011 (ys, COURT STAFF).
January 21, 2011 Filing 144 STIPULATION to Continue Trial Date and Modify Case Management Schedule by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Gilbreth, Charity) (Filed on 1/21/2011)
January 21, 2011 Filing 143 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Gilbreth, Charity) (Filed on 1/21/2011)
October 5, 2010 Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Conference set for 1/28/2011 03:00 PM. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/5/2010)
October 5, 2010 ***Deadlines terminated. #125 Transcript (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/5/2010)
October 5, 2010 Filing 142 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 10/1/2010 before Illston (Date Filed: 10/5/2010). Case continued to 1/28/11 @ 3 p.m. for Further Case Management ConferenceORDERED AFTER HEARING: The parties have agreed to extend the following discovery deadlines: 1) Pltf. expert discovery cutoff is continued to 11/19/10, 2) Deft. shall produce its expert report on 12/30/10 and complete expert discovery cutoff on 1/28/11.() (tf, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 10/5/2010)
September 24, 2010 Filing 141 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT NO. 6 filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Gilbreth, Charity) (Filed on 9/24/2010)
August 25, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 140 ORDER GRANTING IN PART PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR REVIEW OF TAXATION OF COSTS re #134 (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/25/2010)
August 18, 2010 Filing 139 NOTICE by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC Notice of Withdrawal (James, Collie) (Filed on 8/18/2010)
August 6, 2010 Filing 138 Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Review of Clerk's Taxation of Costs filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 8/6/2010)
July 23, 2010 Filing 137 Declaration of Melissa Dalton in Support of #135 Brief, #136 Declaration in Support, #134 MOTION for Review of Clerk's Taxation of Costs filed byMelissa Anastasiou Dalton. (Related document(s) #135 , #136 , #134 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/23/2010)
July 23, 2010 Filing 136 Declaration of Leland Chalmers in Support of #135 Brief, #134 MOTION for Review of Clerk's Taxation of Costs filed byMelissa Anastasiou Dalton. (Related document(s) #135 , #134 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/23/2010)
July 23, 2010 Filing 135 Brief re #134 MOTION for Review of Clerk's Taxation of Costs filed byMelissa Anastasiou Dalton. (Related document(s) #134 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/23/2010)
July 23, 2010 Filing 134 MOTION for Review of Clerk's Taxation of Costs filed by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton. Motion Hearing set for 8/27/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/23/2010)
July 23, 2010 Filing 133 Proposed Order Amended Case Management Order No. 5 by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 7/23/2010)
July 20, 2010 Filing 132 Costs Taxed in amount of $ 1,279.80 against Melissa Anastasiou Dalton. (cgk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/20/2010)
July 20, 2010 Filing 131 Costs Taxed in amount of $ 1,403.75 against Leland Chalmers. (cgk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/20/2010)
July 13, 2010 Filing 130 PROTECTIVE ORDER re #129 . (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/13/2010)
July 8, 2010 Filing 129 STIPULATION and Protective Order re Protected Health Information of Decedent Gerald Duncan by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 7/8/2010)
June 30, 2010 ***Deadlines terminated. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/30/2010)
June 29, 2010 Filing 128 PRETRIAL ORDER (Attachments: #1 Standing Order)(tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/29/2010)
June 29, 2010 Filing 127 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 6/25/2010 before Illston (Date Filed: 6/29/2010). Case continued to 10/1/10 @ 3 p.m. for further case management conference () (tf, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 6/29/2010)
June 29, 2010 Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Conference set for 10/1/2010 03:00 PM. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/29/2010)
June 18, 2010 Filing 126 CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT No. 5 filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Tate, Holly) (Filed on 6/18/2010)
May 27, 2010 Filing 125 Transcript of Proceedings held on 10/16/09, before Judge Susan Illston. Court Reporter/Transcriber Kelly Bryce Shainline, E-mail courtreporter232@aol.com Telephone number (510)828-9404. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/25/2010. (Bryce, Kelly) (Filed on 5/27/2010)
May 20, 2010 Filing 124 USCA Case Number 10-16074 USCA for #119 Notice of Appeal filed by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton, Ralph Weber. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/20/2010)
May 7, 2010 Filing 123 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #119 Notice of Appeal. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/7/2010) (Additional attachment(s) added on 5/7/2010: #1 Appeal Notification Form) (ys, COURT STAFF). (Additional attachment(s) added on 5/7/2010: #2 docket sheet) (ys, COURT STAFF).
May 6, 2010 Filing 122 Notice of Selection of Portions of Reporter's Transcripts Necessary for Appeal re #119 Notice of Appeal. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/6/2010)
May 6, 2010 Filing 121 Notice of Order Transcript: Transcript Designation and Ordering Form for proceedings held on 10/16/09 (c/r: K Gryce) before Judge Susan Illston, re #119 Notice of Appeal. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/6/2010)
May 6, 2010 Filing 120 Respresentation Statement re #119 Notice of Appeal by Melissa A. Dalton, Ralph Weber. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/6/2010)
May 6, 2010 Filing 119 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to #106 Judgment by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton, Ralph Weber. Filing fee $ 455, receipt #34611045512. (Attachments: #1 Exhibits)(ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/6/2010)
May 6, 2010 Filing 118 Declaration of Collie F. James in Support of #117 Response ( Non Motion ) to Plaintiffs' Objection to Defendants' Bill of Costs filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Related document(s) #117 ) (James, Collie) (Filed on 5/6/2010)
May 6, 2010 Filing 117 RESPONSE to #115 Plaintiffs' Objection to Defendants' Bill of Costs by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 5/6/2010) Modified on 5/7/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
April 29, 2010 Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Conference set for 6/25/2010 03:00 PM. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/29/2010)
April 29, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 116 ORDER continuing cmc to 6/25/10 (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/29/2010)
April 27, 2010 Filing 115 OBJECTIONS to Bill of Costs by Plaintiffs Leland Chalmers and by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/27/2010)
April 27, 2010 Filing 114 Declaration of Melissa Dalton in Support of #115 Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Bill of Costs filed byMelissa Anastasiou Dalton. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/27/2010) Modified on 4/28/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
April 27, 2010 Filing 113 Declaration of Leland Chalmers in Support of #115 Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Bill of Costs filed byLeland J. Chalmers, Jr. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 4/27/2010) Modified on 4/28/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
April 26, 2010 Filing 112 STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order to Continue June 18, 2010 Case Management Conference to June 25, 2010 by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex Corporation. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 4/26/2010)
April 13, 2010 Filing 111 BILL OF COSTS AGAINST MELISSA ANASTASIOU DALTON CORRECTION OF DOCKET #108 by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 4/13/2010)
April 13, 2010 Filing 110 BILL OF COSTS AGAINST LELAND CHALMERS CORRECTION OF DOCKET #107 by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 4/13/2010)
April 12, 2010 Filing 109 Declaration of Holly J. Tate In Support of Application to Tax Costs Against Plaintiffs Leland Chalmers and Melissa Anastasiou Dalton filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2)(Tate, Holly) (Filed on 4/12/2010)
April 12, 2010 Filing 108 *** FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE SEE DOCKET #111 . *** BILL OF COSTS Against Melissa Anastasiou Dalton by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 4/12/2010) Modified on 4/13/2010 (ewn, COURT STAFF).
April 12, 2010 Filing 107 *** FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE SEE DOCKET #110 . *** BILL OF COSTS Against Leland Chalmers by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 4/12/2010) Modified on 4/13/2010 (ewn, COURT STAFF).
April 9, 2010 Filing 106 JUDGMENT AS TO PLAINTIFFS M. DALTON, L. CHALMERS AND R. WEBER (F. R. Civ. P. 54(b)) (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/9/2010)
February 10, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 105 PRETRIAL ORDER. Signed by Judge Illston on 2/10/10. (Attachments: #1 Standing Order)(tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/10/2010)
February 9, 2010 Set Deadlines/Hearings: Motions due by 2/4/2011. Case Management Conference set for 6/18/2010 03:00 PM. Jury Trial set for 7/11/2011 08:30 AM. Motion Hearing set for 4/29/2011 09:00 AM. Pretrial Conference set for 6/28/2011 03:30 PM. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/9/2010)
February 9, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 104 PRETRIAL ORDER. Signed by Judge Illston on 2/9/10. (Attachments: #1 Standing Order)(tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/9/2010)
February 9, 2010 Filing 103 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 2/5/2010 before Illston (Date Filed: 2/9/2010). Case continued to 6/18/10 @ 3 p.m. for Further Case Management ConferenceCase continued to 4/29/11 @ 9 a.m. for motions (file 2/4/11, opposition 3/18/11, reply 4/8/11)Case continued to 6/28/11 @ 3:30 p.m. for pretrial conferenceCase continued to 7/11/11 @ 8:30 a.m. for jury trial(discovery cutoff: 8/27/10, Pltf. designate experts (non economic): 9/10/10, Deft. designate experts (non economic): 11/12/10, Pltf. expert discovery cutoff (non economic):10/29/10, Deft. expert discovery cutoff (non economic): 1/14/11ORDERED AFTER HEARING: The Court will issue a separate judgment as to the following parties: 1) Dalton, 2) Chalmer, and 3) M. Weber. () (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 2/9/2010)
February 4, 2010 Filing 102 ASSOCIATION of Counsel by Harry Whitlock. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 2/4/2010)
January 29, 2010 Filing 101 CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT No. 4 filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order No. 4)(Tate, Holly) (Filed on 1/29/2010)
January 15, 2010 Filing 97 Declaration of Gina R. Tercero in Support of #96 Reply to Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiffs' Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Claims filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2)(Related document(s) #96 ) (James, Collie) (Filed on 1/15/2010)
January 15, 2010 Filing 96 Reply to #91 Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment on Claims Based on Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 1/15/2010) Modified on 1/19/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
January 15, 2010 Filing 95 Declaration of Collie F. James in Support of #94 Reply to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiff Leland Chalmers filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Related document(s) #94 ) (James, Collie) (Filed on 1/15/2010) Modified on 1/19/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
January 15, 2010 Filing 94 Reply Memorandum in support to #79 Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiff Leland Chalmers filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 1/15/2010) Modified on 1/19/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
January 15, 2010 Filing 93 Reply to #90 Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment on Claims by Plaintiffs Alleging Preconception Exposure filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 1/15/2010) Modified on 1/19/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
January 9, 2010 Filing 92 Request for Judicial Notice re #91 Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Partial Summary Judgement on Claims of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #91 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 1/9/2010)
January 8, 2010 Filing 91 Memorandum in Opposition to #82 Defendants' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the Claims of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress filed byHarry Whitlock. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 1/8/2010) Modified on 1/11/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2010 Filing 90 Memorandum in Opposition to #76 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment On Claims for Preconception Exposure filed byRalph Weber. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 1/8/2010) Modified on 1/11/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2010 Filing 89 EXHIBITS re #86 Declaration in Opposition EXHIBIT C filed byLeland J. Chalmers, Jr. (Related document(s) #86 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2010)
January 8, 2010 Filing 88 EXHIBITS re #86 Declaration in Opposition Exhibit B filed byLeland J. Chalmers, Jr. (Related document(s) #86 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2010)
January 8, 2010 Filing 87 EXHIBITS re #86 Declaration in Opposition Exhibit A filed byLeland J. Chalmers, Jr. (Related document(s) #86 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2010)
January 8, 2010 Filing 86 DECLARATION of Tesfaye Tsadik Authenticating Exhibits in #85 Memorandum in Opposition filed byLeland J. Chalmers, Jr. (Related document(s) #85 ) (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2010) Modified on 1/11/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
January 8, 2010 Filing 85 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to #76 , #79 , #82 Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment filed byLeland J. Chalmers, Jr. (Tsadik, Tesfaye) (Filed on 1/8/2010) Modified on 1/11/2010 (ys, COURT STAFF).
December 11, 2009 Filing 84 Proposed Order re #82 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiffs' Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Claims by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 12/11/2009)
December 11, 2009 Filing 83 Declaration of Gina R. Tercero in Support of #82 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiffs' Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Claims filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-45)(Related document(s) #82 ) (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 12/11/2009)
December 11, 2009 Filing 82 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiffs' Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Claims filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. Motion Hearing set for 2/5/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 12/11/2009)
December 11, 2009 Filing 81 Proposed Order re #79 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiff Leland Chalmers by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (James, Collie) (Filed on 12/11/2009)
December 11, 2009 Filing 80 Declaration of Collie F. James in Support of #79 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiff Leland Chalmers filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-5)(Related document(s) #79 ) (James, Collie) (Filed on 12/11/2009)
December 11, 2009 Filing 79 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Plaintiff Leland Chalmers filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. Motion Hearing set for 2/5/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (James, Collie) (Filed on 12/11/2009)
December 11, 2009 Filing 78 Proposed Order re #76 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Claims by Plaintiffs Alleging Preconception Exposure by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Dampf, Morgia) (Filed on 12/11/2009)
December 11, 2009 Filing 77 Declaration of Morgia E. Dampf in Support of #76 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Claims by Plaintiffs Alleging Preconception Exposure filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-7, #2 Exhibit 8, #3 Exhibit 9-11, #4 Exhibit 12-14, #5 Exhibit 15-19, #6 Exhibit 20-22)(Related document(s) #76 ) (Dampf, Morgia) (Filed on 12/11/2009)
December 11, 2009 Filing 76 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Claims by Plaintiffs Alleging Preconception Exposure filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. Motion Hearing set for 2/5/2010 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Dampf, Morgia) (Filed on 12/11/2009)
October 20, 2009 Set Deadlines/Hearings: Motions due by 12/11/2009. Case Management Conference set for 2/5/2010 03:00 PM. Motion Hearing set for 2/5/2010 09:00 AM. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/20/2009)
October 20, 2009 Filing 74 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 10/16/2009 before Illston (Date Filed: 10/20/2009). Case continued to 9/10/10 @ 3:00 p.m.. for Further Case Management ConferenceCase continued to 2/5/10 @ 3:00 p.m. for Further Case Management ConferenceCase continued to 2/5/10 @ 9:00 a.m. for Motions(Motion due 12/11/09, Opposition 1/8/10 Reply 1/15/10)ORDERED AFTER HEARING: Plaintiff shall designate experts (with reports and files) by 5/10/10 and complete pltf. expert depositions by 6/30/10.Defendant shall designate experts (with reports and files) by 7/12/10 and complete deft. expert depositions by 8/13/10.() (tf, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 10/20/2009)
October 20, 2009 Filing 73 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 10/16/2009 before Illston (Date Filed: 10/20/2009). (Court Reporter K. Bryce.) (tf, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 10/20/2009)
October 13, 2009 Filing 72 Proposed Order re #71 Joint Case Management Statement No. 3 by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 10/13/2009)
October 13, 2009 Filing 71 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT No. 3 filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Tate, Holly) (Filed on 10/13/2009)
October 8, 2009 Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Conference set for 10/16/2009 09:00 AM. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/8/2009)
October 8, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 70 ORDER setting 10/16/09 @ 9:00 a.m. case management conference (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/8/2009)
October 2, 2009 Filing 69 Reply to #40 Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment on Statute of Limitations Grounds filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 10/2/2009) Modified on 10/5/2009 (ys, COURT STAFF).
October 1, 2009 Filing 68 Letter from Defendants PepsiAmericas, Inc. and Pneumo Abex LLP Requesting That a Case Management Conference Be Set For October 16, 2009. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 10/1/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 67 Appendix re #51 Exhibits, #61 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #60 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #63 Exhibits,, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #57 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #64 Exhibits,, #62 Exhibits,, #49 Exhibits, #59 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #65 Exhibits,, #54 Exhibits, #58 Exhibits, Table of Authorities in Support of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Summary Judgment filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #61 , #56 , #55 , #60 , #46 , #63 , #48 , #50 , #57 , #53 , #47 , #64 , #62 , #49 , #59 , #52 , #45 , #65 , #54 , #58 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 66 Appendix re #51 Exhibits, #61 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #60 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #63 Exhibits,, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #57 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #64 Exhibits,, #62 Exhibits,, #49 Exhibits, #59 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, #58 Exhibits, Table of Contents in Support of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Summary Judgment filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #61 , #56 , #55 , #60 , #46 , #63 , #48 , #50 , #57 , #53 , #47 , #64 , #62 , #49 , #59 , #52 , #45 , #54 , #58 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 65 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #61 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #60 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #63 Exhibits,, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #57 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #64 Exhibits,, #62 Exhibits,, #49 Exhibits, #59 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, #58 Exhibits, Exhibit 16 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #61 , #56 , #55 , #60 , #46 , #63 , #48 , #50 , #57 , #53 , #47 , #64 , #62 , #49 , #59 , #52 , #45 , #54 , #58 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 64 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #61 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #60 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #63 Exhibits,, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #57 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #62 Exhibits,, #49 Exhibits, #59 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, #58 Exhibits, Exhibit 15 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #61 , #56 , #55 , #60 , #46 , #63 , #48 , #50 , #57 , #53 , #47 , #62 , #49 , #59 , #52 , #45 , #54 , #58 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 63 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #61 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #60 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #57 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #62 Exhibits,, #49 Exhibits, #59 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, #58 Exhibits, Exhibit 14,Part 4 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #61 , #56 , #55 , #60 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #57 , #53 , #47 , #62 , #49 , #59 , #52 , #45 , #54 , #58 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 62 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #61 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #60 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #57 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #59 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, #58 Exhibits, Exhibit 14, Part 3 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #61 , #56 , #55 , #60 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #57 , #53 , #47 , #49 , #59 , #52 , #45 , #54 , #58 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 61 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #60 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #57 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #59 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, #58 Exhibits, Exhibit 14, Part 2 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #56 , #55 , #60 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #57 , #53 , #47 , #49 , #59 , #52 , #45 , #54 , #58 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 60 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #57 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #59 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, #58 Exhibits, Exhibit 14, Part 1 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #56 , #55 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #57 , #53 , #47 , #49 , #59 , #52 , #45 , #54 , #58 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 59 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #57 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, #58 Exhibits, Exhibit 13 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #56 , #55 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #57 , #53 , #47 , #49 , #52 , #45 , #54 , #58 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 58 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #57 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, Exhibit 12 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #56 , #55 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #57 , #53 , #47 , #49 , #52 , #45 , #54 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 57 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #56 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, Exhibit 11 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #56 , #55 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #53 , #47 , #49 , #52 , #45 , #54 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 56 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #55 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, Exhibit 10 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #55 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #53 , #47 , #49 , #52 , #45 , #54 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 55 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition, #54 Exhibits, Exhibit 9 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #53 , #47 , #49 , #52 , #45 , #54 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 54 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #53 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition Exhibit 8 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #53 , #47 , #49 , #52 , #45 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 53 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #52 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition Exhibit 7 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #47 , #49 , #52 , #45 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 52 EXHIBITS re #51 Exhibits, #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition Exhibit 6 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #51 , #46 , #48 , #50 , #47 , #49 , #45 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 51 EXHIBITS re #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #50 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition Exhibit 5 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #46 , #48 , #50 , #47 , #49 , #45 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 50 EXHIBITS re #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #49 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition Exhibit 4 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #46 , #48 , #47 , #49 , #45 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 49 EXHIBITS re #46 Declaration in Opposition, #48 Exhibits, #47 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition Exhibit 3 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #46 , #48 , #47 , #45 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 48 EXHIBITS re #46 Declaration in Opposition, #47 Exhibits, #45 Memorandum in Opposition Exhibit 2 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #46 , #47 , #45 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 26, 2009 Filing 47 EXHIBITS re #46 Declaration in Opposition, #45 Memorandum in Opposition Exhibit 1 filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #46 , #45 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/26/2009)
September 25, 2009 Filing 46 DECLARATION of William Simpich in Opposition to #45 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment filed byHarry Whitlock. (Related document(s) #45 ) (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/25/2009)
September 25, 2009 Filing 45 Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment filed byHarry Whitlock. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 9/25/2009)
September 11, 2009 Filing 44 Proposed Order re #40 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Statute of Limitations Grounds by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 9/11/2009)
September 11, 2009 Filing 43 Declaration of Erin S. Matas in Support of #40 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Statute of Limitations Grounds filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14, #15 Exhibit 15, #16 Exhibit 16, #17 Exhibit 17, #18 Exhibit 18, #19 Exhibit 19)(Related document(s) #40 ) (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 9/11/2009)
September 11, 2009 Filing 42 Declaration of Gina R. Tercero in Support of #40 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Statute of Limitations Grounds filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 part 1, #2 Exhibit 1 part 2, #3 Exhibit 1 part 3, #4 Exhibit 1 part 4, #5 Exhibit 1 part 5, #6 Exhibit 1 part 6, #7 Exhibit 1 part 7, #8 Exhibit 1 part 8, #9 Exhibit 1 part 9, #10 Exhibit 1 part 10, #11 Exhibit 1 part 11, #12 Exhibit 1 part 12, #13 Exhibit 1 part 13, #14 Exhibit 1 part 14, #15 Exhibit 1 part 15, #16 Exhibit 1 part 16, #17 Exhibit 2)(Related document(s) #40 ) (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 9/11/2009)
September 11, 2009 Filing 41 Declaration of Morgia E. Dampf in Support of #40 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Statute of Limitations Grounds filed byPepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3 part 1, #4 Exhibit 3 part 2, #5 Exhibit 4 part 1, #6 Exhibit 4 part 2, #7 Exhibit 4 part 3, #8 Exhibit 4 part 4, #9 Exhibit 4 part 5, #10 Exhibit 5, #11 Exhibit 6, #12 Exhibit 7, #13 Exhibit 8, #14 Exhibit 9, #15 Exhibit 10, #16 Exhibit 11, #17 Exhibit 12, #18 Exhibit 13, #19 Exhibit 14, #20 Exhibit 15, #21 Exhibit 16, #22 Exhibit 17, #23 Exhibit 18, #24 Exhibit 19, #25 Exhibit 20, #26 Exhibit 21, #27 Exhibit 22)(Related document(s) #40 ) (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 9/11/2009)
September 11, 2009 Filing 40 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Statute of Limitations Grounds filed by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. Motion Hearing set for 10/16/2009 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 9/11/2009)
September 2, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 39 ORDER granting request to continue motion for summary judgment to 10/16/09. Signed by Judge Illston on 8/11/09. (tf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/2/2009)
August 12, 2009 Filing 38 Transcript of Proceedings held on 12-22-08, via telephonic conference, before Judge Susan Illston. Court Reporter/Transcriber Connie Kuhl, Telephone number 415-431-2020. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/9/2009. (ck, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/12/2009)
August 10, 2009 Filing 37 STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order to Amend Briefing Schedule for Motion for Summary Judgment on Statute of Limitations Grounds. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 8/10/2009)
July 9, 2009 Filing 36 NOTICE of Appearance by Morgia Elise Dampf (Dampf, Morgia) (Filed on 7/9/2009)
July 9, 2009 Filing 35 NOTICE of Appearance by Dina Marie Randazzo (Randazzo, Dina) (Filed on 7/9/2009)
June 18, 2009 Filing 34 JUDGMENT (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/18/2009)
June 11, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 32 ORDER Motion Hearing set for 10/9/2009 09:00 AM. (ts, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/11/2009)
June 9, 2009 Filing 31 STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order To Amend Briefing Schedule For Motion For Summary Judgment On Statute Of Limitations Grounds by Pepsi Americas, Pneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 6/9/2009)
February 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 30 ORDER adding certain claims re #29 . Signed by Judge Illston on 2/5/09. (ts, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/6/2009) Modified on 2/9/2009 (ys, COURT STAFF).
February 3, 2009 Filing 29 STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Adding Wrongful Death Claims by Pneumo Abex LLC, Pepsi Americas. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 2/3/2009)
January 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 28 ORDER DENYING PLAINTIFFS' DISCOVERY MOTIONS (SI, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/26/2009)
January 21, 2009 Set Deadlines/Hearings: Motions due by 7/19/2009. Motion Hearing set for 8/21/2009 09:00 AM. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/21/2009)
January 21, 2009 Filing 27 Minute Entry: Further Case Management Conference held on 1/16/2009 before Illston (Date Filed: 1/21/2009). Case continued to 8/21/09 () (ts, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 1/21/2009)
January 14, 2009 Filing 26 Letter Brief in Opposition to Defendants' Letter Brief to Expedite Discovery and Mandate a Prima Facie Showing filed byHarry Whitlock. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 1/14/2009)
January 12, 2009 Filing 25 Proposed Order Case Management No. 2 (submitted by Plaintiffs) by Harry Whitlock. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 1/12/2009)
January 9, 2009 Filing 24 Proposed Order re #23 Letter Brief, #22 Case Management Statement No. 2 by Pneumo Abex LLC, Pepsi Americas. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 1/9/2009)
January 9, 2009 Filing 23 Letter Brief re #22 Case Management Statement No. 2 filed byPneumo Abex LLC, Pepsi Americas. (Related document(s) #22 ) (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 1/9/2009)
January 9, 2009 Filing 22 CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT No. 2 filed by Pneumo Abex LLC, Pepsi Americas. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 1/9/2009)
September 25, 2008 Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Conference set for 1/16/2009 02:30 PM. (ys, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/25/2008)
September 25, 2008 Filing 21 Minute Entry: Initial Case Management Conference held on 9/22/2008 before Illston (Date Filed: 9/25/2008). Case continued to 1/16/09 @ 2:30 p.m. for Further Case Management ConferenceORDERED AFTER HEARING: Plaintiffs must answer questionnaire by December 12, 2008. () (ts, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 9/25/2008)
September 15, 2008 Filing 20 Proposed Order re #19 Joint Case Management Statement NO. 1 by Pneumo Abex LLC, Pepsi Americas. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 9/15/2008)
September 15, 2008 Filing 19 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT NO. 1 filed by Pneumo Abex LLC, Pepsi Americas. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 9/15/2008)
September 4, 2008 Filing 18 ADR Clerk's Notice Re: Non-Compliance with Court Order (ls7, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/4/2008)
August 15, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 17 ORDER dismissing Whitman Corp. only. Signed by Judge Illston on 8/14/08. (ts, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/15/2008)
August 13, 2008 Filing 16 STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Dismissing Defendant Whitman Corporation With Prejudice by Pneumo Abex LLC, Pepsi Americas. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 8/13/2008)
July 28, 2008 Filing 15 Certificate of Interested Entities by Pneumo Abex LLC re #14 Answer to Complaint of Defendant Pneumo Abex LLC (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 7/28/2008)
July 28, 2008 Filing 14 ANSWER to Complaint of Defendant Pneumo Abex LLC byPneumo Abex LLC. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 7/28/2008)
July 28, 2008 Filing 13 Certificate of Interested Entities by Pepsi Americas re #12 Answer to Complaint of Defendant PepsiAmericas, Inc. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 7/28/2008)
July 28, 2008 Filing 12 ANSWER to Complaint OF DEFENDANT PEPSIAMERICAS, INC. byPepsi Americas. (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 7/28/2008)
July 28, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 11 ORDER RELATING CASE 96-283. Signed by Judge Illston on 7/25/08. (ts, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/28/2008)
July 24, 2008 Filing 10 AFFIDAVIT of Service for Summons and Complaint served on Defendant Pepsi Americas on 5/10/08, filed by Harry Whitlock. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/24/2008)
July 24, 2008 Filing 9 AFFIDAVIT of Service for Summons and Complaint served on Defendant Pneumo Abex Corporation on 5/10/08, filed by Harry Whitlock. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/24/2008)
July 24, 2008 Filing 8 AFFIDAVIT of Service for Summons and Complaint served on Defendant Whitman Corporation on 5/10/08, filed by Harry Whitlock. (Simpich, William) (Filed on 7/24/2008)
July 24, 2008 Filing 7 CLERK'S NOTICE Case Management Conference set for 9/22/2008 02:00 PM. (Attachments: #1 Standing Order) (ts, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/24/2008)
July 24, 2008 Case Reassigned to Judge Hon. Susan Illston. Judge Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero no longer assigned to the case. (as, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/24/2008)
July 23, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 6 ORDER RELATING CASE 96-283, 99-3941, 01-0266, 06-2555. Signed by Judge Illston on 7/21/08. (ts, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/23/2008)
July 16, 2008 Filing 5 NOTICE by Pneumo Abex Corporation OF RELATED CASE (Tate, Holly) (Filed on 7/16/2008)
July 2, 2008 Filing 4 CLERK'S NOTICE re: Failure to E-File and/or Failure to Register as an E-Filer re: #1 Complaint (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/2/2008)
June 30, 2008 Filing 3 Summons Issued as to Pepsi Americas, Whitman Corporation, Pneumo Abex Corporation. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/30/2008)
May 30, 2008 Filing 2 ADR SCHEDULING ORDER: Case Management Statement due by 9/5/2008. Case Management Conference set for 9/12/2008 01:30 PM. (Attachments: #1 CMC Standing Order, #2 JCS Standing Order, #3 New Standing Order)(gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/30/2008)
May 30, 2008 Filing 1 COMPLAINT for Damages, Injunctive and Declaratory Relief; No Process Issued against Pepsi Americas, Whitman Corporation, Pneumo Abex Corporation (Filing fee $ 350.00, receipt number 34611019726). Filed by Melissa Anastasiou Dalton, Angela Harrington, Leland J. Chalmers, Jr, Wanda Farmer, Harry Whitlock, Linda Gayle Ford, Alvin E. Ford, Timothy E. Ford, Daniel W. Ford, Tracy L. Ford, Melinda J. Ford, Juanita Shumaker, Danielle Smith, Mary Sweet, Loretta Thomsen, Fern Sue Broyles, Jack Tuttle, Jo Ann Wakeland, Ralph Weber, Ruth Weber, Shebia Cornett. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/30/2008) (gba, COURT STAFF). (Additional attachment(s) added on 7/10/2015: #1 Civil Cover Sheet Receipt) (ysS, COURT STAFF).
May 30, 2008 CASE DESIGNATED for Electronic Filing. (gba, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/30/2008)

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Plaintiff: Yvette James
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
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Plaintiff: Fern Sue Broyles
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Rebecca Lynne
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Wanda Farmer
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Leland J. Chalmers, Jr.
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Melissa Anastasiou Dalton
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Melinda J. Ford
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Mary Sweet
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Angela Harrington
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Ralph Weber
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Kevin Todd
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Daniel W. Ford
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Loretta Thomsen
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Tracy L. Ford
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Jack Tuttle
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Juanita Shumaker
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Shebia Cornett
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Ruth Weber
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Alvin E. Ford
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Linda Gayle Ford
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Jo Ann Wakeland
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Harry Whitlock
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Danielle Smith
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Plaintiff: Timothy E. Ford
Represented By: Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
Represented By: Joseph Dario Gonzalez
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Defendant: Whitman Corporation
Represented By: Dina Marie Randazzo
Represented By: Collie Fitch James
Represented By: Morgia Dampf Holmes
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Defendant: Markien Willburn
Represented By: William Morris Simpich
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Defendant: Pneumo Abex Corporation
Represented By: Kirk Alan Wilkinson
Represented By: Dina Marie Randazzo
Represented By: Holly J. Tate
Represented By: Collie Fitch James
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Defendant: Pepsi Americas
Represented By: Kirk Alan Wilkinson
Represented By: Holly J. Tate
Represented By: Charity Marie Gilbreth
Represented By: Collie Fitch James
Represented By: Morgia Dampf Holmes
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Defendant: Pneumo Abex LLC
Represented By: Kirk Alan Wilkinson
Represented By: Holly J. Tate
Represented By: Charity Marie Gilbreth
Represented By: Collie Fitch James
Represented By: Morgia Dampf Holmes
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