Teetz v. Stepien, et al
MARQUAN TEETZ, as next friend and personal representative of the Estate of Cedric Lofton, deceased |
24-3153 |
October 15, 2024 |
U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit |
Other Civil Rights |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on December 11, 2024. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 25 [11143514] Minute order filed - the brief and appendix submitted by appellants is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filings, including all attachments and number of volumes filed (for appendices). Paper copies due 12/18/2024 by William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby and Jason Stepien. Appellee's brief now due 01/10/2025 for Marquan Teetz. (Text Only - No Attachment) [24-3153] [Entered: 12/11/2024 03:37 PM] |
Filing 24 [11143494] Appellant's appendix filed by William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby and Jason Stepien. Total number of volumes filed: 12. Served on 12/11/2024. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [24-3153] JK [Entered: 12/11/2024 03:08 PM] |
Filing 23 This entry has been removed from the docket. Per call from law firm, to be refiled. [DD][11143479] Appellant's appendix filed by William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby and Jason Stepien. Total number of volumes filed: 12. Served on 12/11/2024. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [24-3153] JK [Entered: 12/11/2024 02:45 PM] |
Filing 22 [11143471] Appellant/Petitioner's brief filed by William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby and Jason Stepien. Served on 12/11/2024 by email. Oral argument requested? Yes. Word/page count: 7767. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [24-3153] JK [Entered: 12/11/2024 02:35 PM] |
Filing 21 [11141546] Order filed by Clerk of the Court granting Appellants' motion to conventionally file exhibits containing surveillance video footage. Appellants may file the identified Exhibits on a USB drive. The USB drives shall be submitted with the paper copy of the appendix. See attached order for details. Served on 12/04/2024. [24-3153] [Entered: 12/04/2024 01:31 PM] |
Filing 20 [11141376] Motion filed by Appellants William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby and Jason Stepien for exemption from filing portion of appendix electronically. Served on: 12/04/2024. Manner of service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [24-3153] JK [Entered: 12/04/2024 10:07 AM] |
Filing 19 [11133535] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Cory R. Buck for The Board of County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n (party previously disclosed). Served on 11/01/2024. Manner of Service: email [24-3153] [Entered: 11/01/2024 02:50 PM] |
Filing 18 [11133530] Entry of appearance submitted by Cory R. Buck for Not Party The Board of County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 11/01/2024. Manner of Service: email. --[Edited 11/01/2024 by MLB to remove pdf from docket; entry filed on 11/01/24][24-3153] CRB [Entered: 11/01/2024 02:41 PM] |
Filing 17 [11133440] Filed notice record is complete. Served on 11/01/2024. Appellants' opening brief and appendix due on 12/11/2024 for William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby and Jason Stepien [24-3153] [Entered: 11/01/2024 11:06 AM] |
Filing 16 [11132525] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Charles Edward Branson and Mr. David R. Cooper for City of Wichita, Kansas, Cory Bennett, Ryan O'Hare, John Esau, Jordan Clayton, Tony Supancic, Amanda Darrow and John Knolla. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n - parties listed already disclosed. Served on 10/29/2024. Manner of Service: email [24-3153] [Entered: 10/29/2024 06:28 PM] |
Filing 15 [11132431] Entry of appearance submitted by David R. Cooper and Charles E. Branson for Not Parties City of Wichita, Kansas, Ryan O'Hare, John Esau, Jordan Clayton, Cory Bennett, Amanda Darrow, John Knolla and Tony Supancic for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 10/29/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153]--[Edited 10/29/2024 by ART to remove pdf as pleading was filed on 10/29/2024] DRC [Entered: 10/29/2024 02:08 PM] |
Filing 14 [11132212] Rule 26 Disclosure Statement filed by Marquan Teetz. More than 50 parties disclosed: no. Served on 10/29/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153] JSM [Entered: 10/29/2024 08:45 AM] |
Filing 13 [11131932] Notice of Mediation Conference filed by the Tenth Circuit Mediation Office. ZoomGov conference scheduled for 11/14/2024 at 10:00 am (MT). The mediation contact form must be completed and returned to the Mediation Office within four days of the date of this notice. [Please open the Notice for important information.] [24-3153] [Entered: 10/28/2024 10:41 AM] |
Filing 12 [11131522] Amended docketing statement filed by William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby and Jason Stepien. Served on 10/25/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153]--[Edited 10/25/2024 by DJD to modify text to note 'amended'] JK [Entered: 10/25/2024 08:44 AM] |
Filing 11 [11131306] Minute order filed - Notice due that record is complete by 10/31/2024 for Skyler O'Hara, Clerk of Court (oclk). (Text Only - No Attachment) [24-3153] [Entered: 10/24/2024 01:17 PM] |
Filing 10 [11131302] Entry of appearance filed by Jeffrey Kuhlman for Jason Stepien, Brenton Newby, Karen Conklin, William Buckner and Benito Mendoza. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: y (The party listed was previously disclosed). Served on 10/24/2024. Manner of Service: email [24-3153] [Entered: 10/24/2024 01:13 PM] |
Filing 9 [11131295] Rule 26 Disclosure Statement filed by William Buckner, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby, Jason Stepien and Karen Conklin. More than 50 parties disclosed: no. Served on 10/24/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153] JK [Entered: 10/24/2024 01:00 PM] |
Filing 8 [11131294] Notice that a transcript is not necessary filed by William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby and Jason Stepien. Transcript ordered: Served on: 10/24/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153]--[Edited 10/24/2024 by AT to use correct event code.] JK [Entered: 10/24/2024 12:56 PM] |
Filing 7 [11131291] Docketing statement filed by William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby and Jason Stepien. Served on 10/24/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153] JK [Entered: 10/24/2024 12:55 PM] |
Filing 6 [11131285] Entry of appearance submitted by Jeffrey M. Kuhlman for Appellants William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Brenton Newby, Jason Stepien and Benito Mendoza for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 10/24/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153] --[Edited 10/24/2024 by AT to remove PDF as pleading was filed on 10/24/2024.] JK [Entered: 10/24/2024 12:48 PM] |
Filing 5 [11129840] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Benjamin A Stelter-Embry for Marquan Teetz. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 10/18/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153] [Entered: 10/18/2024 12:09 PM] |
Filing 4 [11129817] Entry of appearance submitted by Benjamin Stelter-Embry for Appellee Marquan Teetz for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 10/18/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153] --[Edited 10/18/2024 by AT to remove PDF as pleading was filed on 10/18/2024.] BAS [Entered: 10/18/2024 11:20 AM] |
Filing 3 [11129755] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. John Shannon Marrese for Marquan Teetz. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: y (Most of the parties listed are or were counsel of record or are parties to the appeal). Served on 10/18/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153] [Entered: 10/18/2024 09:11 AM] |
Filing 2 [11129733] Entry of appearance submitted by John Shannon Marrese for Appellee Marquan Teetz for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 10/18/2024. Manner of Service: email. [24-3153] --[Edited 10/18/2024 by AT to remove PDF as pleading was filed on 10/18/2024.] JSM [Entered: 10/18/2024 08:36 AM] |
Filing 1 [11128486] Civil case docketed. Preliminary record filed. DATE RECEIVED: 10/15/2024. Docketing statement, transcript order form and notice of appearance due 10/29/2024 for William Buckner, Karen Conklin, Benito Mendoza, Brenton Newby and Jason Stepien. Notice of appearance due on 10/29/2024 for Marquan Teetz [24-3153] [Entered: 10/15/2024 10:32 AM] |
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