Weiss v. National Westminster Bank PLC
Plaintiff: Tehila Topporowitch
Plaintiff / Appellant: Steven Averbach, Shmuel Reinitz, Maida Averbach, for the Estate of David Averbach, Harry Leonard Beer, for the Estate of Alan Beer, Phyllis Maisel, Shayna Applebaum, Ora Cohen, Phyllis Pam, Chaya Miller, Bryan Wolf, Nechama Richter, David Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Aaron Strauss, Helen Weider, Deborah Steinmetz, Leah Horovitz, Yitzchak Applebaum, Alexander Rozenstein, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ovadia Topporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Malky Breuer, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Blumy Rom, Jason Kirschenbaum, Gloria Kushner, Bruce Mazer, Altea Steinherz, Max Schwartz, Matanya Nathansen, Nilly Choman, Stanley Wolf, Elizabeth Schwartz, Anna Beer, Eric M. Singer, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Julia Rozenstein Schon, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, Orit Steinmetz, Joseph Strauss, Ariela Freirmark, Michael Schwartz, Richard Blutstein, Julie Averbach, for the Estate of Steven Averbach, Nava Steinmetz, David Averbach, Jacob Steinmetz, for the Estate of Amic Steinmetz, Joseph Zarkowsky, Robert L. Coulter, Sr., for the Estate of Janis Rut Coulter, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Julie Averbach, Richard Blutstein, for the Estate of Esta Blutstein, Arie Miller, Tovi Horovitz, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Robert Coulter, Chaya Freisel, E.N.C., a minor, Natanel Steinmetz, Michael Goldstein, Neta Nechama Cohen, Fran Strauss Baxter, Joseph Rose, Amichai Steinmetz, Sara Malka Richter, Judith Singer, Noah Litle, Greta Geller, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Yitzchk Weiss, Roisie Engelman, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, Orly Rom, Esther Deutsch, Daniel Rozenstein, Debra Applebaum, Shoshana Nathansen, Moses Strauss, Gittel Zarkowsky, Bernice Wolf, for the Estate of Debra Ruth Horovitz and the Estate of Eli Natan Horovitz, Adam Averbach, Yeruchaim Weiss, Mendy Reinitz, Menache Agababa, Shira Applebaum, Shulamite Horovitz, Rivka Reena Pam, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, Joshua Faudem, Bshava Zarkowsky, Einat Noked, for the Estate of Eyal Noked, Shaina Chava Nadel, Eli Cohen, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, T.Y.G., a minor, Netanel Miller, Ari Horovitz, Jonathan Steinherz, Orly Cohen, Avrohom D. Richter, Gila Aluf, Avishag Noked, Yechiel Richter, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Blumy Strauss, William J. Baxter, Greta Geler, Erik Schecter, David Kirschenbaum, Akiva Anachovich, Yehezkhel Agababa, Tzvi Weiss, Yitzchok Richter, Eileen Sapadin, Leib Weiss, Hadassah Freirmark, Jacqueline Chambers, Temima Spetner, Hannah Litle, Y.M.G, Richard Coffey, Ephraim Tita, for the Estate of Bertin Tita, Chana Nathansen, Uri Horovitz, Sean Averbach, Abraham Zarkowsky, Yehudit Nathansen, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Levana Cohen Harooch, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Yehuda Agababa, A.N., a minor, Ezra Tita, Chana Freedman, Yitzhak Goldberg, Phillip Schwartz, Larry Carter, for the Estate of Diane Leslie Carter, Daniel Cohen, Esther Goldberg, Jacob Steinmetz, Menachem Freirmark, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Shrage Zarkowsky, Jacob Schwartz, Aron Zarkowsky, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, Dianne Coulter Miller, Michael Averbach, Gittle Cohen, Merav Cohen, Eugene Goldstein, Heidi Litle, Shaun Coffel, Sarri Anne Singer, Karen Goldberg, Rachel Rosner, Breina Richter, Moshe Richter, Samuel Reinitz, Yisroel Richter, Rachel Potolski, Philip Litle, for the Estate of Abigail Litle, Leibel Reinitz, David Horovitz, Shoshana Burgett, Richard Goldstein, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Baruch Zuri Noked, Shlomo Tratner, Chana Weiss, Deborah Steinmetz, for the Estate of Amic Steinmetz, Devir Averbach, Nevenka Gritz, for the Estate of Norman Gritz, Elishua Litle, Rebekah Blutstein, Natan Applebaum, for the Estate of David Applebaum and the Estate of Naava Applebaum, Larry Carter, for the Estate of Diane Lelie Carter, Katherine Baker, Malka Weiss, Yehuda Zarkowsky, Zohar Fater, Josiah Litle, Gal Ganzman, Yehuda Toporowitch, Sarah Elyakim, David Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Margali Reinitz, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, for the Estate of Martin Kirschenbaum, Perl Brailofsky, Philip Strauss, Estelle Carroll, Tamir Averbach, Yakov Yosef Richter, Batsheva Horovitz, Barbara Ingardia, Eyal Noked, Chaya Beili, Malvia Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Miriam Zarkowsky, Michal Honickman, for the Estate of Howard Goldstein, Robert Singer, Yisrael Topporowitch, Tranne Richter, Eliezer Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Shira Cohen, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Mendel Zarkowsky, for the Estate of Eli Zarkowsky and for the Estate of Goldie Zarkowsky, Yehudis Richter, Shoshana Tita, Tvi Horovitz, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, Danielle Teitelbaum, T.N., a minor, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Nechama Horovitz, Katherine Baker, for the Estate of Esta Blutstein, Trany Zarkowsky, Moshe Horovitz, Miriam Leah Richter, Nevenka Gritz, Rivka Reinitz, Ester Buxbaum and Geela Applebaum Gordon
Defendant / Appellee: National Westminster Bank PLC
Case Number: 19-863
Filed: April 3, 2019
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
Nature of Suit: Other


We have the following opinions for this case:

Date Filed Description
April 7, 2021 Summary Weiss v. National Westminster Bank PLC

Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on May 31, 2019. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
May 31, 2019 Filing 73 CURED DEFECTIVE Notice of Appearance as Additional Counsel [ # 2559530-2 ], on behalf of Appellee Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Erik Schecter, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED.[2576924] [19-1159]--[Edited 05/31/2019 by ST] [Entered: 05/31/2019 03:42 PM]
May 17, 2019 Filing 72 ATTORNEY, Michael Radine for Yehuda Toporowitch Baruch Zuri Noked Nevenka Gritz Rebekah Blutstein Philip Strauss Tamir Averbach Shoshana Nathansen Yehudit Nathansen Nava Steinmetz Daniel Cohen Shaun Coffel Gal Ganzman Menache Agababa Devir Averbach Harry Leonard Beer Daniel Rozenstein Amichai Steinmetz Levana Cohen Harooch Dianne Coulter Miller Michael Averbach Rivka Toporowitch Julia Rozenstein Schon Pearl B. Toporowitch Richard Blutstein Maida Averbach Deborah Steinmetz Yitzchk Weiss Larry Carter Malka Weiss Robert L. Coulter Sr. Richard Goldstein Joseph Strauss Esther Deutsch Steven Averbach Robert L Coulter Jr. Blumy Strauss Sarah Elyakim Lorraine Goldstein Merav Cohen T.Y.G. Greta Geler Ora Cohen Shaina Chava Nadel Chana Freedman Michael Goldstein David Toporowitch Orly Cohen Roisie Engelman Adam Averbach Aaron Strauss Leib Weiss Estelle Carroll Matanya Nathansen Jacqueline Chambers Yeruchaim Weiss Blumy Rom Sarri Anne Singer Tzvi Weiss Eyal Noked Bruce Mazer Judith Buchman-Ziv Phyllis Maisel Robert Coulter David Averbach Orit Steinmetz Hezekial Toporowitch Orly Rom Richard Coffey Shira Cohen Sean Averbach Eileen Sapadin Zohar Fater Barbara Ingardia Eric M. Singer Chana Nathansen Moses Strauss Tehila Topporowitch Chaya Beili T.N. Joshua Faudem Julie Averbach Jacob Steinmetz Natanel Steinmetz Katherine Baker Eugene Goldstein Judith Singer Shoshana Goldberg, in case 19-863 Michael Radine for Yehuda Toporowitch Nevenka Gritz Tamir Averbach Shoshana Nathansen Chaya Miller Gal Ganzman Menache Agababa Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar Refael Kitsis an Rogen Devir Averbach Harry Leonard Beer Dianne Coulter Miller Jason Kirschenbaum Julia Rozenstein Schon Pearl B. Toporowitch Yitzchk Weiss E.N.C. Esther Deutsch Einat Noked Robert L Coulter Jr. Blumy Strauss Merav Cohen T.Y.G. Ora Cohen Yehezkhel Agababa Joshua Kirschenbaum Esther Goldberg Yitzhak Goldberg Roisie Engelman Netanel Miller Aaron Strauss Leib Weiss Jacqueline Chambers Tzvi Weiss Judith Buchman-Ziv David Averbach Orit Steinmetz Orly Rom Richard Coffey Shira Cohen Eileen Sapadin Moses Strauss Tehila Topporowitch Chaya Beili T.N. Joshua Faudem Julie Averbach Natanel Steinmetz Katherine Baker Eugene Goldstein Shoshana Goldberg Baruch Zuri Noked Binyamin Elkana Noked Rebekah Blutstein Philip Strauss Michal Honickman Yehudit Nathansen Nava Steinmetz Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill Daniel Cohen Shaun Coffel Daniel Rozenstein Amichai Steinmetz Levana Cohen Harooch Yehuda Agababa Michael Averbach Rivka Toporowitch Avishag Noked Richard Blutstein Chana Weiss Deborah Steinmetz Maida Averbach Larry Carter Malka Weiss Robert L. Coulter Sr. Richard Goldstein Joseph Strauss David Kirschenbaum Steven Averbach Alexander Rozenstein Robert Singer Sarah Elyakim Lorraine Goldstein Greta Geler Shaina Chava Nadel Faiga Zvia Lieberman Chana Freedman Karen Goldberg Shoshana Burgett Michael Goldstein David Toporowitch Orly Cohen Eliezer Goldberg Adam Averbach Estelle Carroll Matanya Nathansen Yeruchaim Weiss Blumy Rom Sarri Anne Singer Eyal Noked Bruce Mazer Phyllis Maisel Greta Geller Robert Coulter Hezekial Toporowitch Sean Averbach Zohar Fater Barbara Ingardia Eric M. Singer Chana Nathansen Nilly Choman Jacob Steinmetz David Goldstein Judith Singer, in case 19-1159, [ # 71 ], ADDED.[2566988] [19-1159, 19-863] [Entered: 05/17/2019 05:13 PM]
May 17, 2019 Filing 71 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Orly Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eileen Sapadin, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Orit Steinmetz, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Chana Weiss, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss, Y.M.G and Appellee-Cross-Appellee Anna Beer in 19-863, Appellee A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Anna Beer, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Chana Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Leib Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss and Y.M.G in 19-1159, FILED. Service date 05/17/2019 by CM/ECF. [2566870] [19-863, 19-1159] [Entered: 05/17/2019 04:10 PM]
May 13, 2019 Filing 69 CURED DEFECTIVE Notice of Appearance as Additional Counsel [ # 2561928-2 ], on behalf of Appellee Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Erik Schecter, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED.[2562408] [19-1159] [Entered: 05/13/2019 01:17 PM]
May 13, 2019 Filing 68 ATTORNEY, Patrick Rocco for Yehuda Zarkowsky Yehuda Toporowitch Yisroel Richter Moshe Richter Debra Applebaum Moshe Horovitz Joseph Zarkowsky Bernice Wolf Elishua Litle Gittle Cohen Shrage Zarkowsky Rivka Toporowitch Menachem Freirmark Pearl B. Toporowitch Josiah Litle Bshava Zarkowsky Elizabeth Schwartz Max Schwartz Abraham Zarkowsky Ari Horovitz Gittel Zarkowsky Margali Reinitz Shira Applebaum Ezra Tita Yehudis Richter Shayna Applebaum Mendy Reinitz Miriam Ehrenfeld Shlomo Chaim Richter Phyllis Pam Tranne Richter Yitzchak Applebaum Jacob Schwartz Trany Zarkowsky Nechama Horovitz Natan Applebaum Leah Horovitz Fran Strauss Baxter Shoshana Tita Yitzchak Topporowitch Ephraim Tita Noah Litle Tovi Belle Applebaum Rachel Potolski Phillip Schwartz Shulamite Horovitz Aron Zarkowsky Michael Schwartz David Toporowitch Shmuel Reinitz William J. Baxter Batsheva Horovitz Philip Litle Yakov Yosef Richter Ester Buxbaum Avrohom D. Richter Tovi Horovitz Stanley Wolf Breina Richter Yakov Reinitz Malvia Reinitz Mendel Zarkowsky Sara Malka Richter Yitzchok Richter Helen Weider Ariela Freirmark Rivka Reena Pam Samuel Reinitz Yechiel Richter Rachel Rosner Yitzchok Reinitz Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber Joseph Rose Hezekial Toporowitch Bryan Wolf David Horovitz Miriam Leah Richter Yisrael Topporowitch Geela Applebaum Gordon Tvi Horovitz Tehila Topporowitch Hadassah Freirmark Leibel Reinitz Rivka Reinitz Perl Brailofsky Uri Horovitz Miriam Zarkowsky Ezriel Zarkowsky Chaya Tziporah Cohen Hannah Litle Nechama Richter Heidi Litle Ovadia Topporowitch Malky Breuer, in case 19-1159, [ # 2561928-2 ], ADDED.[2562396] [19-1159] [Entered: 05/13/2019 01:03 PM]
May 13, 2019 Filing 67 CURED DEFECTIVE Acknowledgment and Notice of Appearance [ # 2561927-2 ], on behalf of Appellee Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED.[2562359] [19-1159] [Entered: 05/13/2019 12:31 PM]
May 10, 2019 Filing 66 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Acknowledgment and Notice of Appearance, [ # 2560666-2 ], on behalf of Appellee Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, David Toporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED.[2561247] [19-1159] [Entered: 05/10/2019 12:58 PM]
May 10, 2019 Filing 65 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Notice of Appearance as Additional Counsel, [64], on behalf of Appellee A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Blumy Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Chana Weiss, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss and Y.M.G in 19-1159, Appellant-Cross-Appellee A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, Chana Weiss, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss and Y.M.G in 19-863, FILED.[2561223] [19-1159, 19-863] [Entered: 05/10/2019 12:36 PM]
May 9, 2019 Filing 64 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Zohar Fater, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Blumy Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Chana Weiss, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss, Y.M.G and Appellee-Cross-Appellee Anna Beer in 19-863, Appellee A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Anna Beer, Chaya Beili, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss and Y.M.G in 19-1159, FILED. Service date 05/09/2019 by CM/ECF. [2560641] [19-863, 19-1159] [Entered: 05/09/2019 05:48 PM]
May 9, 2019 Filing 63 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Notice of Appearance as Additional Counsel, [ # 2559530-2 ], on behalf of Appellee Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Helen Weider, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED.[2559891] [19-1159]--[Edited 05/09/2019 by ST]--[Edited 05/31/2019 by ST] [Entered: 05/09/2019 11:20 AM]
May 8, 2019 Filing 62 FORM D, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant National Westminster Bank PLC in 19-863, Appellant National Westminster Bank PLC in 19-1159, FILED. Service date 05/08/2019 by CM/ECF.[2559535] [19-863, 19-1159] [Entered: 05/08/2019 06:36 PM]
May 8, 2019 Filing 61 FORM C, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant National Westminster Bank PLC in 19-863, Appellant National Westminster Bank PLC in 19-1159, FILED. Service date 05/08/2019 by CM/ECF.[2559534] [19-863, 19-1159] [Entered: 05/08/2019 06:34 PM]
May 8, 2019 Filing 60 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant National Westminster Bank PLC in 19-863, Appellant National Westminster Bank PLC in 19-1159, FILED. Service date 05/08/2019 by CM/ECF.[2559533] [19-863, 19-1159] [Entered: 05/08/2019 06:31 PM]
May 7, 2019 Filing 59 SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellant-Cross-Appellee Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Erik Schecter, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky in 19-863 Brief due date as 06/25/2019. Joint Appendix due date as 06/25/2019, FILED.[2557567] [19-863, 19-1159] [Entered: 05/07/2019 12:01 PM]
May 7, 2019 Filing 58 SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellant-Cross-Appellee A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Gloria Kushner, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Chana Weiss, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss and Y.M.G in 19-863 Brief due date as 06/25/2019. Joint Appendix due date as 06/25/2019, FILED.[2557329] [19-863, 19-1159] [Entered: 05/07/2019 10:26 AM]
May 2, 2019 Filing 51 NEW CASE MANAGER, Khadijah Young, ASSIGNED.[2554434] [19-863] [Entered: 05/02/2019 04:42 PM]
April 30, 2019 Filing 46 LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellant Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Erik Schecter, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky, Yehuda Zarkowsky and Appellant-Cross-Appellee The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, informing Court of proposed due date 06/25/2019, RECEIVED. Service date 04/30/2019 by CM/ECF.[2551842] [19-863] [Entered: 04/30/2019 03:02 PM]
April 30, 2019 Filing 41 CURED DEFECTIVE Form C [ # 25 ], on behalf of Appellant A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Anna Beer, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Ester Buxbaum, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Miriam Ehrenfeld, Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Gloria Kushner, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Erik Schecter, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, Danielle Teitelbaum, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Chana Weiss, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Y.M.G, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky, Yehuda Zarkowsky, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss and Appellant-Cross-Appellee Yeruchaim Weiss, FILED.[2551188] [19-863]--[Edited 05/03/2019 by ST] [Entered: 04/30/2019 09:46 AM]
April 30, 2019 Filing 40 CAPTION, adding cross designations, AMENDED.[2551147] [19-863] [Entered: 04/30/2019 09:24 AM]
April 30, 2019 Filing 39 NOTE: See lead case, 19-863, containing complete set of docket entries.[2551146] [19-1159] [Entered: 04/30/2019 09:22 AM]
April 29, 2019 Filing 37 FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL ELECTRONIC INDEX, in lieu of record, FILED.[2551104] [19-1159] [Entered: 04/30/2019 08:52 AM]
April 29, 2019 Filing 33 LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellant A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Anna Beer, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Chana Weiss, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss, Y.M.G and Tehila Topporowitch, informing Court of proposed due date 06/25/2019, RECEIVED. Service date 04/29/2019 by CM/ECF.[2551029] [19-863] [Entered: 04/29/2019 05:48 PM]
April 26, 2019 Filing 38 NEW CASE #19-1159, on behalf of National Westminster Bank PLC, FILED.[2551138] [19-863] [Entered: 04/30/2019 09:18 AM]
April 26, 2019 Filing 36 PAYMENT OF DOCKETING FEE, on behalf of Appellant National Westminster Bank PLC, district court receipt # ANYEDC-11423685, FILED.[2551096] [19-1159] [Entered: 04/30/2019 08:50 AM]
April 26, 2019 Filing 35 DISTRICT COURT OPINION AND ORDER, dated 03/31/2016, RECEIVED.[2551082] [19-1159] [Entered: 04/30/2019 08:37 AM]
April 26, 2019 Filing 34 DISTRICT COURT JUDGMENT, dated 03/31/2019, RECEIVED.[2551080] [19-1159] [Entered: 04/30/2019 08:33 AM]
April 26, 2019 Filing 32 NOTICE OF CIVIL APPEAL, with district court docket, on behalf of Appellant National Westminster Bank PLC, FILED. [2550912] [19-1159] [Entered: 04/29/2019 04:47 PM]
April 23, 2019 Filing 31 ATTORNEY, Patrick Rocco for Yehuda Zarkowsky Yisroel Richter Moshe Richter Debra Applebaum Moshe Horovitz Joseph Zarkowsky The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum Bernice Wolf Chaya Freisel Elishua Litle Gittle Cohen Shrage Zarkowsky Shlomo Tratner Menachem Freirmark Josiah Litle Bshava Zarkowsky Elizabeth Schwartz Max Schwartz Abraham Zarkowsky Ari Horovitz Gittel Zarkowsky Margali Reinitz Shira Applebaum Ezra Tita Yehudis Richter Erik Schecter Shayna Applebaum Mendy Reinitz Miriam Ehrenfeld Shlomo Chaim Richter Phyllis Pam Tranne Richter Yitzchak Applebaum Jacob Schwartz Trany Zarkowsky Nechama Horovitz Natan Applebaum Leah Horovitz Fran Strauss Baxter Shoshana Tita Ephraim Tita Yitzchak Topporowitch Noah Litle Tovi Belle Applebaum Rachel Potolski The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz Phillip Schwartz Shulamite Horovitz Aron Zarkowsky Michael Schwartz Shmuel Reinitz William J. Baxter Batsheva Horovitz Philip Litle Yakov Yosef Richter Ester Buxbaum Avrohom D. Richter Tovi Horovitz Stanley Wolf Breina Richter Yakov Reinitz Malvia Reinitz Mendel Zarkowsky Sara Malka Richter Yitzchok Richter Helen Weider Ariela Freirmark Rivka Reena Pam Samuel Reinitz Yechiel Richter Rachel Rosner Yitzchok Reinitz Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber Joseph Rose The Estate of Tiferet Tratner Bryan Wolf David Horovitz Miriam Leah Richter Yisrael Topporowitch Geela Applebaum Gordon Tvi Horovitz Hadassah Freirmark Leibel Reinitz Rivka Reinitz Perl Brailofsky Uri Horovitz Miriam Zarkowsky Ezriel Zarkowsky Chaya Tziporah Cohen Hannah Litle Nechama Richter Heidi Litle Ovadia Topporowitch The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz Malky Breuer, in case 19-863, [ # 29 ], ADDED.[2545688] [19-863] [Entered: 04/23/2019 10:23 AM]
April 23, 2019 Filing 30 ATTORNEY, Susan Marlene Davies for Yehuda Zarkowsky Yisroel Richter Moshe Richter Debra Applebaum Moshe Horovitz Joseph Zarkowsky The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum Bernice Wolf Chaya Freisel Elishua Litle Gittle Cohen Shrage Zarkowsky Shlomo Tratner Menachem Freirmark Josiah Litle Bshava Zarkowsky Elizabeth Schwartz Max Schwartz Abraham Zarkowsky Ari Horovitz Gittel Zarkowsky Margali Reinitz Shira Applebaum Ezra Tita Yehudis Richter Erik Schecter Shayna Applebaum Mendy Reinitz Miriam Ehrenfeld Shlomo Chaim Richter Phyllis Pam Tranne Richter Yitzchak Applebaum Jacob Schwartz Trany Zarkowsky Nechama Horovitz Natan Applebaum Leah Horovitz Fran Strauss Baxter Shoshana Tita Ephraim Tita Yitzchak Topporowitch Noah Litle Tovi Belle Applebaum Rachel Potolski The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz Phillip Schwartz Shulamite Horovitz Aron Zarkowsky Michael Schwartz Shmuel Reinitz William J. Baxter Batsheva Horovitz Philip Litle Yakov Yosef Richter Ester Buxbaum Avrohom D. Richter Tovi Horovitz Stanley Wolf Breina Richter Yakov Reinitz Malvia Reinitz Mendel Zarkowsky Sara Malka Richter Yitzchok Richter Helen Weider Ariela Freirmark Rivka Reena Pam Samuel Reinitz Yechiel Richter Rachel Rosner Yitzchok Reinitz Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber Joseph Rose The Estate of Tiferet Tratner Bryan Wolf David Horovitz Miriam Leah Richter Yisrael Topporowitch Geela Applebaum Gordon Tvi Horovitz Hadassah Freirmark Leibel Reinitz Rivka Reinitz Perl Brailofsky Uri Horovitz Miriam Zarkowsky Ezriel Zarkowsky Chaya Tziporah Cohen Hannah Litle Nechama Richter Heidi Litle Ovadia Topporowitch The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz Malky Breuer, in case 19-863, [ # 28 ], ADDED.[2545669] [19-863] [Entered: 04/23/2019 10:11 AM]
April 22, 2019 Filing 29 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Philip Litle, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Ariela Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Shoshana Tita, Ezra Tita, Ephraim Tita, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Rachel Potolski, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Joseph Rose, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, Helen Weider, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Gittle Cohen, Chaya Freisel, Rachel Rosner, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky, Yehuda Zarkowsky, Erik Schecter and Shlomo Tratner, FILED. Service date 04/22/2019 by CM/ECF. [2545441] [19-863] [Entered: 04/22/2019 06:59 PM]
April 22, 2019 Filing 28 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Debra Applebaum, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Philip Litle, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Ariela Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Shoshana Tita, Ezra Tita, Ephraim Tita, Rachel Potolski, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Joseph Rose, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, Helen Weider, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Gittle Cohen, Chaya Freisel, Rachel Rosner, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky, Yehuda Zarkowsky, Erik Schecter and Shlomo Tratner, FILED. Service date 04/22/2019 by CM/ECF. [2545437] [19-863] [Entered: 04/22/2019 06:42 PM]
April 19, 2019 Filing 27 ATTORNEY, Gary M. Osen for Yehuda Toporowitch Rebekah Blutstein Philip Strauss Tamir Averbach Shoshana Nathansen Yehudit Nathansen Nava Steinmetz Daniel Cohen Shaun Coffel Gal Ganzman Menache Agababa Refael Kitsis an Rogen Devir Averbach Daniel Rozenstein Amichai Steinmetz Dianne Coulter Miller Yehuda Agababa Michael Averbach Rivka Toporowitch Julia Rozenstein Schon Pearl B. Toporowitch Temima Spetner Deborah Steinmetz Yitzchk Weiss Larry Carter Malka Weiss Joseph Strauss Esther Deutsch Steven Averbach Einat Noked Robert L Coulter Jr. Blumy Strauss Lorraine Goldstein Merav Cohen Eli Cohen Greta Geler Ora Cohen Shaina Chava Nadel Chana Freedman Joshua Kirschenbaum Shoshana Burgett Michael Goldstein David Toporowitch Orly Cohen Anna Beer Roisie Engelman Adam Averbach Aaron Strauss Leib Weiss Estelle Carroll Danielle Teitelbaum Matanya Nathansen Jacqueline Chambers Yeruchaim Weiss Blumy Rom Sarri Anne Singer Tzvi Weiss Eyal Noked Bruce Mazer Judith Buchman-Ziv Jonathan Steinherz Phyllis Maisel Robert Coulter David Averbach Orit Steinmetz Hezekial Toporowitch Orly Rom Richard Coffey Shira Cohen Sean Averbach Eileen Sapadin Zohar Fater Barbara Ingardia Eric M. Singer Chana Nathansen Moses Strauss Tehila Topporowitch Joshua Faudem Julie Averbach Jacob Steinmetz Natanel Steinmetz Gila Aluf Neta Nechama Cohen Eugene Goldstein Judith Singer, in case 19-863, [ # 26 ], ADDED.[2543813] [19-863] [Entered: 04/19/2019 09:47 AM]
April 18, 2019 Filing 26 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant Yitzchk Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Malka Weiss, Leib Weiss, Yehuda Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, David Toporowitch, Danielle Teitelbaum, Philip Strauss, Moses Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Aaron Strauss, Orit Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Amichai Steinmetz, Jonathan Steinherz, Altea Steinherz, Temima Spetner, Sarri Anne Singer, Judith Singer, Eric M. Singer, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eileen Sapadin, Daniel Rozenstein, Orly Rom, Blumy Rom, Eyal Noked, Einat Noked, Yehudit Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Chana Nathansen, Shaina Chava Nadel, Dianne Coulter Miller, Chaya Miller, Bruce Mazer, Phyllis Maisel, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Barbara Ingardia, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michael Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, David Goldstein, Gal Ganzman, Chana Freedman, Joshua Faudem, Zohar Fater, Roisie Engelman, Esther Deutsch, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert Coulter, Shira Cohen, Orly Cohen, Ora Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Merav Cohen, Eli Cohen, Daniel Cohen, Richard Coffey, Shaun Coffel, Jacqueline Chambers, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Estelle Carroll, Shoshana Burgett, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Rebekah Blutstein, Anna Beer, Tamir Averbach, Steven Averbach, Sean Averbach, Michael Averbach, Devir Averbach, David Averbach, Adam Averbach, Gila Aluf, Yehuda Agababa and Yehezkhel Agababa, FILED. Service date 04/18/2019 by CM/ECF. [2543413] [19-863] [Entered: 04/18/2019 03:25 PM]
April 17, 2019 Filing 25 FORM C, on behalf of Appellant Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Erik Schecter, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED. Service date 04/17/2019 by CM/ECF.[2542093] [19-863] [Entered: 04/17/2019 11:21 AM]
April 17, 2019 Filing 24 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Form C, [21], [22], [23], on behalf of Appellant Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Esther Goldberg, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Erik Schecter, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED.[2541857] [19-863]--[Edited 04/17/2019 by ST] [Entered: 04/17/2019 09:25 AM]
April 16, 2019 Filing 23 ADDENDUM, on behalf of Appellant Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Erik Schecter, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED. Service date 04/16/2019 by CM/ECF.[2541762] [19-863] [Entered: 04/16/2019 10:40 PM]
April 16, 2019 Filing 22 ADDENDUM, on behalf of Appellant Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Erik Schecter, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED. Service date 04/16/2019 by CM/ECF.[2541761] [19-863] [Entered: 04/16/2019 10:39 PM]
April 16, 2019 Filing 21 FORM C, on behalf of Appellant Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Erik Schecter, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED. Service date 04/16/2019 by CM/ECF.[2541760] [19-863] [Entered: 04/16/2019 10:33 PM]
April 16, 2019 Filing 20 FORM D, on behalf of Appellant Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Ester Buxbaum, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Miriam Ehrenfeld, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Erik Schecter, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, FILED. Service date 04/16/2019 by CM/ECF.[2541759] [19-863] [Entered: 04/16/2019 10:31 PM]
April 16, 2019 Filing 19 FORM D, on behalf of Appellant A.N., Menache Agababa, Akiva Anachovich, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Nilly Choman, Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, Nevenka Gritz, Michal Honickman, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Arie Miller, Netanel Miller, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Alexander Rozenstein, Robert Singer, T.N., T.Y.G., Chana Weiss and Y.M.G, FILED. Service date 04/16/2019 by CM/ECF.[2541756] [19-863] [Entered: 04/16/2019 10:15 PM]
April 16, 2019 Filing 18 FORM C, on behalf of Appellant A.N., Menache Agababa, Akiva Anachovich, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Nilly Choman, Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, Nevenka Gritz, Michal Honickman, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Arie Miller, Netanel Miller, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Alexander Rozenstein, Robert Singer, T.N., T.Y.G., Chana Weiss and Y.M.G, FILED. Service date 04/16/2019 by CM/ECF.[2541755] [19-863] [Entered: 04/16/2019 10:14 PM]
April 15, 2019 Filing 17 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee National Westminster Bank PLC, FILED. Service date 04/15/2019 by CM/ECF.[2540496] [19-863] [Entered: 04/15/2019 05:14 PM]
April 15, 2019 Filing 16 ATTORNEY, Ari Ungar for Yehuda Toporowitch Nevenka Gritz Tamir Averbach Gloria Kushner Shoshana Nathansen Chaya Miller Gal Ganzman Menache Agababa Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar Refael Kitsis an Rogen Devir Averbach Harry Leonard Beer Dianne Coulter Miller Jason Kirschenbaum Julia Rozenstein Schon Pearl B. Toporowitch Yitzchk Weiss E.N.C. Y.M.G Esther Deutsch Einat Noked Robert L Coulter Jr. Blumy Strauss Altea Steinherz Merav Cohen T.Y.G. Ora Cohen Yehezkhel Agababa Joshua Kirschenbaum Esther Goldberg Yitzhak Goldberg Roisie Engelman Netanel Miller Aaron Strauss Leib Weiss Jacqueline Chambers Akiva Anachovich Tzvi Weiss Judith Buchman-Ziv Jonathan Steinherz David Averbach Orit Steinmetz Orly Rom Richard Coffey Shira Cohen Eileen Sapadin A.N. Isabelle Kirschenbaum Moses Strauss Chaya Beili T.N. Joshua Faudem Julie Averbach Natanel Steinmetz Gila Aluf Neta Nechama Cohen Katherine Baker Eugene Goldstein Shoshana Goldberg Baruch Zuri Noked Binyamin Elkana Noked Rebekah Blutstein Philip Strauss Michal Honickman Yehudit Nathansen Nava Steinmetz Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill Daniel Cohen Shaun Coffel Daniel Rozenstein Amichai Steinmetz Levana Cohen Harooch Yehuda Agababa Michael Averbach Rivka Toporowitch Avishag Noked Richard Blutstein Temima Spetner Chana Weiss Deborah Steinmetz Maida Averbach Larry Carter Malka Weiss Robert L. Coulter Sr. Richard Goldstein Joseph Strauss David Kirschenbaum Steven Averbach Alexander Rozenstein Robert Singer Sarah Elyakim Lorraine Goldstein Eli Cohen Greta Geler Shaina Chava Nadel Faiga Zvia Lieberman Chana Freedman Karen Goldberg Shoshana Burgett Michael Goldstein David Toporowitch Orly Cohen Eliezer Goldberg Anna Beer Adam Averbach Estelle Carroll Danielle Teitelbaum Matanya Nathansen Yeruchaim Weiss Blumy Rom Sarri Anne Singer Eyal Noked Bruce Mazer Phyllis Maisel Greta Geller Robert Coulter Ilana Eropa Dorfman Hezekial Toporowitch Sean Averbach Arie Miller Zohar Fater Barbara Ingardia Eric M. Singer Chana Nathansen Nilly Choman Jacob Steinmetz David Goldstein Judith Singer, in case 19-863, [ # 15 ], ADDED.[2540282] [19-863] [Entered: 04/15/2019 03:19 PM]
April 15, 2019 Filing 15 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Anna Beer, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Gloria Kushner, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Chana Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss, Y.M.G, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss and Yeruchaim Weiss, FILED. Service date 04/15/2019 by CM/ECF. [2540023] [19-863] [Entered: 04/15/2019 12:03 PM]
April 15, 2019 Filing 14 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Anna Beer, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Gloria Kushner, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Chana Weiss, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss and Y.M.G, FILED. Service date 04/15/2019 by CM/ECF. [2539992] [19-863] [Entered: 04/15/2019 11:54 AM]
April 15, 2019 Filing 13 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Anna Beer, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Gloria Kushner, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Chana Weiss, Malka Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss and Y.M.G, FILED. Service date 04/15/2019 by CM/ECF. [2539963] [19-863] [Entered: 04/15/2019 11:48 AM]
April 15, 2019 Filing 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellant A.N., Menache Agababa, Akiva Anachovich, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Nilly Choman, Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, Nevenka Gritz, Michal Honickman, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Arie Miller, Netanel Miller, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Alexander Rozenstein, Robert Singer, T.N., T.Y.G., Chana Weiss and Y.M.G, FILED. Service date 04/15/2019 by CM/ECF.[2539949] [19-863] [Entered: 04/15/2019 11:43 AM]
April 15, 2019 Filing 11 ATTORNEY, Gary M. Osen for Karen Goldberg Baruch Zuri Noked Binyamin Elkana Noked Nevenka Gritz Esther Goldberg Michal Honickman Eliezer Goldberg Yitzhak Goldberg Netanel Miller Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill Menache Agababa Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar Refael Kitsis an Rogen Harry Leonard Beer Akiva Anachovich Avishag Noked Jason Kirschenbaum Richard Blutstein Chana Weiss Maida Averbach Greta Geller Robert L. Coulter Sr. Ilana Eropa Dorfman E.N.C. Y.M.G David Kirschenbaum Arie Miller Alexander Rozenstein A.N. Isabelle Kirschenbaum Chaya Beili Robert Singer Sarah Elyakim Nilly Choman T.N. Julie Averbach T.Y.G. Shoshana Goldberg Katherine Baker, in case 19-863 , [ # 10 ], ADDED.[2539907] [19-863] [Entered: 04/15/2019 11:21 AM]
April 15, 2019 Filing 10 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant Yehezkhel Agababa, Menache Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, A.N., Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Anna Beer, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Gloria Kushner, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Chana Weiss, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss, Y.M.G, Julie Averbach and Julie Averbach, FILED. Service date 04/15/2019 by CM/ECF. [2539727] [19-863] [Entered: 04/15/2019 10:09 AM]
April 11, 2019 Filing 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellant Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf and Stanley Wolf, FILED. Service date 04/11/2019 by CM/ECF.[2538270] [19-863] [Entered: 04/11/2019 04:01 PM]
April 3, 2019 Filing 6 PAYMENT OF DOCKETING FEE, on behalf of Appellant Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Debra Applebaum, Natan Applebaum, Shayna Applebaum, Shira Applebaum, Tovi Belle Applebaum, Yitzchak Applebaum, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Fran Strauss Baxter, William J. Baxter, Anna Beer, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Perl Brailofsky, Malky Breuer, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Ester Buxbaum, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Chaya Tziporah Cohen, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Gittle Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Miriam Ehrenfeld, Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Ariela Freirmark, Hadassah Freirmark, Menachem Freirmark, Chaya Freisel, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Geela Applebaum Gordon, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Ari Horovitz, Batsheva Horovitz, David Horovitz, Leah Horovitz, Moshe Horovitz, Nechama Horovitz, Shulamite Horovitz, Tovi Horovitz, Tvi Horovitz, Uri Horovitz, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Gloria Kushner, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Elishua Litle, Hannah Litle, Heidi Litle, Josiah Litle, Noah Litle, Philip Litle, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Phyllis Pam, Rivka Reena Pam, Rachel Potolski, Leibel Reinitz, Malvia Reinitz, Margali Reinitz, Mendy Reinitz, Rivka Reinitz, Samuel Reinitz, Shmuel Reinitz, Yakov Reinitz, Yitzchok Reinitz, Avrohom D. Richter, Breina Richter, Miriam Leah Richter, Moshe Richter, Nechama Richter, Sara Malka Richter, Shlomo Chaim Richter, Tranne Richter, Yakov Yosef Richter, Yechiel Richter, Yehudis Richter, Yisroel Richter, Yitzchok Richter, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Joseph Rose, Rachel Rosner, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Erik Schecter, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Elizabeth Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Phillip Schwartz, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber, Danielle Teitelbaum, The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum, The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz, The Estate of Tiferet Tratner, The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz, Ephraim Tita, Ezra Tita, Shoshana Tita, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Ovadia Topporowitch, Yisrael Topporowitch, Yitzchak Topporowitch, Shlomo Tratner, Helen Weider, Chana Weiss, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss, Bernice Wolf, Bryan Wolf, Stanley Wolf, Y.M.G, Abraham Zarkowsky, Aron Zarkowsky, Bshava Zarkowsky, Ezriel Zarkowsky, Gittel Zarkowsky, Joseph Zarkowsky, Mendel Zarkowsky, Miriam Zarkowsky, Shrage Zarkowsky, Trany Zarkowsky and Yehuda Zarkowsky, district court receipt # NYEDC-11345399, FILED.[2539150] [19-863] [Entered: 04/12/2019 02:21 PM]
April 3, 2019 Filing 5 ELECTRONIC INDEX, in lieu of record, FILED.[2539138] [19-863] [Entered: 04/12/2019 02:12 PM]
April 3, 2019 Filing 4 DISTRICT COURT JUDGMENT, dated 03/31/2019, RECEIVED.[2539134] [19-863] [Entered: 04/12/2019 02:11 PM]
April 3, 2019 Filing 3 DISTRICT COURT OPINION AND ORDER, dated 03/31/2019, RECEIVED.[2539132] [19-863] [Entered: 04/12/2019 02:10 PM]
April 3, 2019 Filing 1 NOTICE OF CIVIL APPEAL, with district court docket, on behalf of Appellant A.N., Menache Agababa, Yehezkhel Agababa, Yehuda Agababa, Gila Aluf, Akiva Anachovich, Adam Averbach, David Averbach, Devir Averbach, Julie Averbach, Julie Averbach, Maida Averbach, Michael Averbach, Sean Averbach, Steven Averbach, Tamir Averbach, Doctor Katherine Baker, Doctor Katherine Baker, Anna Beer, Harry Leonard Beer, Chaya Beili, Rebekah Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Doctor Richard Blutstein, Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill, Judith Buchman-Ziv, Shoshana Burgett, Estelle Carroll, Doctor Larry Carter, Doctor Larry Carter, Jacqueline Chambers, Nilly Choman, Shaun Coffel, Richard Coffey, Daniel Cohen, Eli Cohen, Merav Cohen, Neta Nechama Cohen, Ora Cohen, Orly Cohen, Shira Cohen, Robert Coulter, Robert L Coulter, Jr., Robert L. Coulter, Sr., Esther Deutsch, Ilana Eropa Dorfman, E.N.C., Sarah Elyakim, Roisie Engelman, Zohar Fater, Joshua Faudem, Chana Freedman, Gal Ganzman, Greta Geler, Greta Geller, Eliezer Goldberg, Esther Goldberg, Karen Goldberg, Shoshana Goldberg, Yitzhak Goldberg, David Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, Lorraine Goldstein, Michael Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Nevenka Gritz, Nevenka Gritz, Levana Cohen Harooch, Michal Honickman, Barbara Ingardia, Jacqueline Chambers and Levana Cohen for the Estat Bablar, David Kirschenbaum, Isabelle Kirschenbaum, Jason Kirschenbaum, Joshua Kirschenbaum, Refael Kitsis an Rogen, Gloria Kushner, Faiga Zvia Lieberman, Phyllis Maisel, Bruce Mazer, Arie Miller, Chaya Miller, Dianne Coulter Miller, Netanel Miller, Shaina Chava Nadel, Chana Nathansen, Matanya Nathansen, Shoshana Nathansen, Yehudit Nathansen, Avishag Noked, Baruch Zuri Noked, Binyamin Elkana Noked, Einat Noked, Eyal Noked, Blumy Rom, Orly Rom, Alexander Rozenstein, Daniel Rozenstein, Eileen Sapadin, Julia Rozenstein Schon, Eric M. Singer, Judith Singer, Robert Singer, Sarri Anne Singer, Temima Spetner, Altea Steinherz, Jonathan Steinherz, Amichai Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Deborah Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Jacob Steinmetz, Natanel Steinmetz, Nava Steinmetz, Orit Steinmetz, Aaron Strauss, Blumy Strauss, Joseph Strauss, Moses Strauss, Philip Strauss, T.N., T.Y.G., Danielle Teitelbaum, David Toporowitch, Hezekial Toporowitch, Pearl B. Toporowitch, Rivka Toporowitch, Yehuda Toporowitch, Chana Weiss, Leib Weiss, Malka Weiss, Tzvi Weiss, Yeruchaim Weiss, Yitzchk Weiss and Y.M.G, FILED. [2536873] [19-863] [Entered: 04/10/2019 01:14 PM]

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Plaintiff / appellant: Steven Averbach
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shmuel Reinitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Maida Averbach, for the Estate of David Averbach
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Harry Leonard Beer, for the Estate of Alan Beer
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Phyllis Maisel
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shayna Applebaum
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Ora Cohen
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Phyllis Pam
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Chaya Miller
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Bryan Wolf
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Nechama Richter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: David Goldstein
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Lorraine Goldstein
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: The Estate of Yissocher Dov Reinitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Aaron Strauss
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Helen Weider
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Deborah Steinmetz
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Leah Horovitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yitzchak Applebaum
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Alexander Rozenstein
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Miriam Ehrenfeld
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Ovadia Topporowitch
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Hezekial Toporowitch
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Malky Breuer
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Refael Kitsis an Rogen
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Blumy Rom
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Jason Kirschenbaum
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Gloria Kushner
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Bruce Mazer
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Altea Steinherz
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Max Schwartz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Matanya Nathansen
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Nilly Choman
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Stanley Wolf
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Elizabeth Schwartz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Anna Beer
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Eric M. Singer
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Ezriel Zarkowsky
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Julia Rozenstein Schon
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: The Estate of Mordechai Reinitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Orit Steinmetz
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Joseph Strauss
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Ariela Freirmark
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Michael Schwartz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Richard Blutstein
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Julie Averbach, for the Estate of Steven Averbach
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Nava Steinmetz
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: David Averbach
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Jacob Steinmetz, for the Estate of Amic Steinmetz
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Joseph Zarkowsky
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Robert L. Coulter, Sr., for the Estate of Janis Rut Coulter
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Faiga Zvia Lieberman
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Julie Averbach
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Richard Blutstein, for the Estate of Esta Blutstein
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Arie Miller
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Tovi Horovitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Pearl B. Toporowitch
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Robert Coulter
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Chaya Freisel
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: E.N.C., a minor
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Natanel Steinmetz
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Michael Goldstein
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Neta Nechama Cohen
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Fran Strauss Baxter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Joseph Rose
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Amichai Steinmetz
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Sara Malka Richter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Judith Singer
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Noah Litle
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Greta Geller
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Baruch Yehuda Ziv Brill
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yitzchk Weiss
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Roisie Engelman
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Ilana Eropa Dorfman
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Orly Rom
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Esther Deutsch
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Daniel Rozenstein
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Debra Applebaum
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shoshana Nathansen
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Moses Strauss
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Gittel Zarkowsky
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Bernice Wolf, for the Estate of Debra Ruth Horovitz and the Estate of Eli Natan Horovitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Adam Averbach
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yeruchaim Weiss
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Mendy Reinitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Menache Agababa
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shira Applebaum
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shulamite Horovitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Rivka Reena Pam
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: The Estate of Tiferet Tratner
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Joshua Faudem
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Bshava Zarkowsky
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Einat Noked, for the Estate of Eyal Noked
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shaina Chava Nadel
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Eli Cohen
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: The Estate of Jacqueline Applebaum
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: T.Y.G., a minor
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Netanel Miller
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Ari Horovitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Jonathan Steinherz
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Orly Cohen
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Avrohom D. Richter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Gila Aluf
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Avishag Noked
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yechiel Richter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Tovi Belle Applebaum
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Blumy Strauss
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: William J. Baxter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Greta Geler
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Erik Schecter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: David Kirschenbaum
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Akiva Anachovich
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yehezkhel Agababa
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Tzvi Weiss
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yitzchok Richter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Eileen Sapadin
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Leib Weiss
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Hadassah Freirmark
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Jacqueline Chambers
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Temima Spetner
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Hannah Litle
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Y.M.G
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Richard Coffey
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Ephraim Tita, for the Estate of Bertin Tita
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Chana Nathansen
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Uri Horovitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Sean Averbach
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Abraham Zarkowsky
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yehudit Nathansen
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Judith Buchman-Ziv
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Levana Cohen Harooch
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shlomo Chaim Richter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yehuda Agababa
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: A.N., a minor
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Ezra Tita
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Chana Freedman
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yitzhak Goldberg
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Phillip Schwartz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Larry Carter, for the Estate of Diane Leslie Carter
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Daniel Cohen
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Esther Goldberg
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Jacob Steinmetz
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Menachem Freirmark
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Joshua Kirschenbaum
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shrage Zarkowsky
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Jacob Schwartz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Aron Zarkowsky
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Raizel Shimon Leah Tauber
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Dianne Coulter Miller
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Michael Averbach
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Gittle Cohen
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Merav Cohen
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Eugene Goldstein
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Heidi Litle
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shaun Coffel
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Sarri Anne Singer
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Karen Goldberg
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Rachel Rosner
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Breina Richter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Moshe Richter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Samuel Reinitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yisroel Richter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Rachel Potolski
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Philip Litle, for the Estate of Abigail Litle
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Leibel Reinitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: David Horovitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shoshana Burgett
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Richard Goldstein
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Chaya Tziporah Cohen
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Baruch Zuri Noked
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Shlomo Tratner
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Chana Weiss
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Deborah Steinmetz, for the Estate of Amic Steinmetz
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Devir Averbach
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Nevenka Gritz, for the Estate of Norman Gritz
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Elishua Litle
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Rebekah Blutstein
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Natan Applebaum, for the Estate of David Applebaum and the Estate of Naava Applebaum
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Larry Carter, for the Estate of Diane Lelie Carter
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Katherine Baker
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Malka Weiss
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yehuda Zarkowsky
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Zohar Fater
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Josiah Litle
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Gal Ganzman
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yehuda Toporowitch
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Sarah Elyakim
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: David Toporowitch
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Rivka Toporowitch
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Margali Reinitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Isabelle Kirschenbaum, for the Estate of Martin Kirschenbaum
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Perl Brailofsky
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Philip Strauss
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Estelle Carroll
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Tamir Averbach
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yakov Yosef Richter
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Batsheva Horovitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Barbara Ingardia
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Eyal Noked
Represented By: Peter Raven-Hansen Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Chaya Beili
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Michael Radine Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Malvia Reinitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yakov Reinitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yitzchok Reinitz
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Miriam Zarkowsky
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Michal Honickman, for the Estate of Howard Goldstein
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Robert Singer
Represented By: Aaron A. Schlanger Esq.
Represented By: Gary M. Osen Esq.
Represented By: Ari Ungar Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Yisrael Topporowitch
Represented By: James P. Bonner
Represented By: Patrick Rocco Esq.
Represented By: Susan Marlene Davies Esq.
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