Students for Fair Admissions v. University of Texas at Austin
Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated |
University of Texas at Austin, James B. Milliken, Chancellor of the University of Texas System in his Offical Capacity, Steven Leslie, Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the University of Texas System in his Official Capacity, Daniel Sharphorn, Vice Chancellor and General Counsel of the University of Texas System in his Official Capacity, Jay Hartzell, Interim President of the University of Texas at Austin in his Official Capacity, Board of Regents of the Texas State University System, David J. Beck, Member of the Board of Regents in his Official Capacity, Christian Melton Crain, Member of the Board of Regents in her Official Capacity, Kevin P. Eltife, Member of the Board of Regents in his Official Capacity, R. Steven Hicks, Member of the Board of Regents in his Official Capacity, Jodie Lee Jiles, Member of the Board of Regents in his Official Capacity, Janiece Longoria, Member of the Board of Regents in her Official Capacity, Nolan Perez, Member of the Board of Regents in his Official Capacity, Kelcy L. Warren, Member of the Board of Regents in his Official Capacity, James C. (Rad) Weaver, Member of the Board of Regents in his Official Capacity, Daniel Jaffe, Interim Executive Vice President and Provost, Rachelle Hernandez, Senior Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Student Success, Miguel Wasielewski, Executive Director for Office of Admissions, James B. Milliken, Chancellor of the University of Texas System in his Official Capacity and Christina Melton Crain, Esq., Member of the Board of Regents in her Official Capacity |
Black Student Alliance, Texas Orange Jackets, Texas NAACP, Adaylin Alvarez, Morgan Bennett, Liz Kufour, Brianna Mallorie McBride, Desiree Ortega-Santiago, Nima Rahman, Alexandra Trujillo and Rosaleen Xiong |
21-50715 |
August 10, 2021 |
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit |
Other |
We have the following opinions for this case:
Description |
Students for Fair Admissions v. Univ of TX |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on October 4, 2021. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
RECORD EXCERPTS FILED. # of Copies Provided: 0 [21-50715] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: RECORD EXCERPTS FILED by Appellant Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated. Date of service: 10/04/2021 via email - Attorney for Appellants: Begakis, Connolly, Consovoy, McCarthy, Norris; Attorney for Appellees: Christian, Gilman, Hinojosa, McKetta, Nitsch, Pidcock, Powers [21-50715] (John Michael Connolly ) [Entered: 10/04/2021 04:22 PM] |
APPELLANT'S BRIEF FILED # of Copies Provided: 0 A/Pet's Brief deadline satisfied. Appellee's Brief due on 11/03/2021 for Appellees Adaylin Alvarez, David J. Beck, Morgan Bennett, Black Student Alliance, Board of Regents of the Texas State University System, Christina Melton Crain, Kevin P. Eltife, Jay Hartzell, Rachelle Hernandez, R. Steven Hicks, Daniel Jaffe, Jodie Lee Jiles, Liz Kufour, Steven Leslie, Janiece Longoria, Brianna Mallorie McBride, James B. Milliken, Desiree Ortega-Santiago, Nolan Perez, Nima Rahman, Daniel Sharphorn, Texas NAACP, Texas Orange Jackets, Alexandra Trujillo, University of Texas at Austin, Kelcy L. Warren, Miguel Wasielewski, James C. (Rad) Weaver and Rosaleen Xiong [21-50715] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: APPELLANT'S BRIEF FILED by Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated. Date of service: 10/04/2021 via email - Attorney for Appellants: Begakis, Connolly, Consovoy, McCarthy, Norris; Attorney for Appellees: Christian, Gilman, Hinojosa, McKetta, Nitsch, Pidcock, Powers [21-50715] (John Michael Connolly ) [Entered: 10/04/2021 04:19 PM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Rosaleen Xiong in 21-50715, Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Alexandra Trujillo in 21-50715, Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Nima Rahman in 21-50715, Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Desiree Ortega-Santiago in 21-50715, Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Brianna Mallorie McBride in 21-50715, Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Liz Kufour in 21-50715, Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Morgan Bennett in 21-50715, Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Adaylin Alvarez in 21-50715, Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Texas NAACP in 21-50715, Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Texas Orange Jackets in 21-50715, Attorney Brian Pidcock for Appellee Black Student Alliance in 21-50715 [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 09/15/2021 11:48 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Neil K. Gilman for party(s) Appellee Texas Orange Jackets Appellee Texas NAACP Appellee Desiree Ortega-Santiago Appellee Morgan Bennett Appellee Black Student Alliance Appellee Adaylin Alvarez Appellee Brianna Mallorie McBride Appellee Alexandra Trujillo Appellee Liz Kufour Appellee Nima Rahman Appellee Rosaleen Xiong, in case 21-50715 [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 09/09/2021 01:04 PM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) David G. Hinojosa for party(s) Appellee Texas Orange Jackets Appellee Texas NAACP Appellee Desiree Ortega-Santiago Appellee Morgan Bennett Appellee Black Student Alliance Appellee Adaylin Alvarez Appellee Brianna Mallorie McBride Appellee Alexandra Trujillo Appellee Liz Kufour Appellee Nima Rahman Appellee Rosaleen Xiong, in case 21-50715 [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 09/09/2021 11:59 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) William Christian for party(s) Appellee Daniel Jaffe Appellee Daniel Sharphorn Appellee Miguel Wasielewski Appellee University of Texas at Austin Appellee Steven Leslie Appellee Kevin P. Eltife Appellee James C. (Rad) Weaver Appellee Jodie Lee Jiles Appellee David J. Beck Appellee Board of Regents of the Texas State University System Appellee James B. Milliken Appellee Christina Melton Crain Appellee R. Steven Hicks Appellee Rachelle Hernandez Appellee Jay Hartzell Appellee Janiece Longoria Appellee Nolan Perez Appellee Kelcy L. Warren, in case 21-50715 [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 09/09/2021 11:49 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Marianne W. Nitsch for party(s) Appellee Daniel Jaffe Appellee Daniel Sharphorn Appellee Miguel Wasielewski Appellee University of Texas at Austin Appellee Steven Leslie Appellee Kevin P. Eltife Appellee James C. (Rad) Weaver Appellee Jodie Lee Jiles Appellee David J. Beck Appellee Board of Regents of the Texas State University System Appellee James B. Milliken Appellee Christina Melton Crain Appellee R. Steven Hicks Appellee Rachelle Hernandez Appellee Jay Hartzell Appellee Janiece Longoria Appellee Nolan Perez Appellee Kelcy L. Warren, in case 21-50715 [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 09/09/2021 11:43 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Matthew Christopher Powers for party(s) Appellee Daniel Jaffe Appellee Daniel Sharphorn Appellee Miguel Wasielewski Appellee University of Texas at Austin Appellee Steven Leslie Appellee Kevin P. Eltife Appellee James C. (Rad) Weaver Appellee Jodie Lee Jiles Appellee David J. Beck Appellee Board of Regents of the Texas State University System Appellee James B. Milliken Appellee Christina Melton Crain Appellee R. Steven Hicks Appellee Rachelle Hernandez Appellee Jay Hartzell Appellee Janiece Longoria Appellee Nolan Perez Appellee Kelcy L. Warren, in case 21-50715 [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 09/09/2021 11:37 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [21-50715] (Brian Pidcock ) [Entered: 09/09/2021 10:02 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [21-50715] (Neil K. Gilman ) [Entered: 09/08/2021 11:11 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [21-50715] (David G. Hinojosa ) [Entered: 09/02/2021 12:13 PM] |
Attorney David G. Hinojosa is advised to resubmit an appearance form. Reason: No signature on appearance form. [21-50715] (BF) [Entered: 09/02/2021 12:01 PM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [21-50715] (David G. Hinojosa ) [Entered: 09/02/2021 11:52 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [21-50715] (Matthew Christopher Powers ) [Entered: 08/30/2021 09:23 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [21-50715] (William Christian ) [Entered: 08/30/2021 09:46 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [21-50715] (Marianne W. Nitsch ) [Entered: 08/30/2021 09:32 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) William S Consovoy for party(s) Appellant Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated, in case 21-50715 [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 08/26/2021 09:56 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [21-50715] (William S Consovoy ) [Entered: 08/25/2021 05:42 PM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Thomas McCarthy for party(s) Appellant Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated, in case 21-50715 [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 08/24/2021 11:06 AM] |
BRIEFING NOTICE ISSUED A/Pet's Brief Due on 10/04/2021 for Appellant Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated. [21-50715] (DDL) [Entered: 08/23/2021 09:43 AM] |
ELECTRONIC RECORD ON APPEAL FILED. Admitted Exhibits on File in District Court? No. Video/Audio Exhibits on File in District Court? No Electronic ROA deadline satisfied. [21-50715] (DDL) [Entered: 08/23/2021 09:43 AM] |
CASE CAPTION updated. Appellee Christian Melton Crain in 21-50715 substituted by Appellee Christina Melton Crain in 21-50715 [21-50715] (MFY) [Entered: 08/23/2021 09:21 AM] |
CASE CAPTION updated. Party information modified for James B. Milliken in 21-50715. [21-50715] (MFY) [Entered: 08/23/2021 09:12 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [21-50715] (Thomas McCarthy ) [Entered: 08/19/2021 10:35 AM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) John Michael Connolly for party(s) Appellant Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated, in case 21-50715 [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 08/16/2021 02:02 PM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Steven Christopher Begakis for party(s) Appellant Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated, in case 21-50715 [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 08/16/2021 01:58 PM] |
ELECTRONIC RECORD ON APPEAL REQUESTED from District Court for 1:20-CV-763. Electronic ROA due on 08/31/2021. [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 08/16/2021 01:54 PM] |
INITIAL CASE CHECK by Attorney Advisor complete. Action: Case OK to Process. [9643933-2] Initial AA Check Due satisfied. [21-50715] (CAS) [Entered: 08/16/2021 01:49 PM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [21-50715] (John Michael Connolly ) [Entered: 08/13/2021 02:26 PM] |
APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [21-50715] (Steven Christopher Begakis ) [Entered: 08/13/2021 02:22 PM] |
APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Cameron Thomas Norris for Appellant Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated in 21-50715 [21-50715] (MVM) [Entered: 08/11/2021 01:58 PM] |
APPEARANCE FORM received from Mr. Cameron Thomas Norris for Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [21-50715] (Cameron Thomas Norris ) [Entered: 08/10/2021 04:46 PM] |
TRANSCRIPT ORDER received advising transcript unnecessary for appeal purposes. [21-50715] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: TRANSCRIPT ORDER received from Appellant Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated advising transcript unnecessary for appeal purposes. Date of Service: 08/10/2021 via email - Attorney for Appellees: McKetta, Pidcock; Attorney for Appellant: Norris [21-50715] (Cameron Thomas Norris ) [Entered: 08/10/2021 04:59 PM] |
CIVIL RIGHTS CASE docketed. NOA filed by Appellant Students for Fair Admissions, Incorporated [21-50715] (MFY) [Entered: 08/10/2021 12:15 PM] |
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