Parker v. Hooper
Plaintiff / Appellee: Kentrell Parker, on behalf of themselves and all others similary situated, Farrell Sampier, on behalf of themselves and all others similary situated, Reginald George, John Tonubbee, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Otto Barrera, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Clyde Carter, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Edward Giovanni, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Ricky D. Davis, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Lionel Tolbert, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Rufus White, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Shannon Hurd, Alton Adams, Ian Cazenave, Edward Washington, Alton Batiste, Kentrell Parker, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated and Farrell Sampier, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
Defendant / Appellant: Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, in his official capacity, Ashli Oliveaux, Assistant Warden for Health Services, in her official capacity, James M. LeBlanc, Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, in his official capacity, Randy Lavespere, Medical Doctor, Stacye Falgout, Paul Toce, Bill Hawkins, Cynthia Park, ACNP, John Morrison, Medical Doctor and Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections
Case Number: 23-30825
Filed: November 20, 2023
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
Nature of Suit: Prison Conditions


We have the following opinions for this case:

Date Filed Description
March 6, 2024 Summary Parker v. Hooper
February 12, 2025 Summary Parker v. Hooper

Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on January 18, 2024. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
January 18, 2024 Filing 116 Paper copies of Record Excerpts filed by Appellants Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Cynthia Park, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. Paul Toce, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Mrs. Stacye Falgout and Mr. Bill Hawkins in 23-30825 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 4. Paper Copies of Record Excerpts due deadline satisfied. [23-30825] (KMP) [Entered: 01/18/2024 08:14 AM]
January 18, 2024 Filing 115 Paper copies of Appellant Brief filed by Appellants Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Cynthia Park, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. Paul Toce, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Mrs. Stacye Falgout and Mr. Bill Hawkins in 23-30825 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-30825] (KMP) [Entered: 01/18/2024 08:12 AM]
January 11, 2024 Filing 113 RECORD EXCERPTS FILED. # of Copies Provided: 0. Paper Copies of Record Excerpts due on 01/17/2024 for Appellants Stacye Falgout, Bill Hawkins, Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Randy Lavespere, James M. LeBlanc, Ashli Oliveaux, Cynthia Park, Paul Toce and Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections. [23-30825] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: RECORD EXCERPTS FILED by Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce. Date of service: 01/11/2024 via email - Attorney for Appellants: Archey, Cody, Conine, Fernandez, McCain, Rabalais, Robert, Tomeny; Attorney for Appellees: Bosalavage, Bray, Dubner, Lubin, Schneiderman, Wright [23-30825] (Connell L. Archey ) [Entered: 01/11/2024 05:54 PM]
January 11, 2024 Filing 112 APPELLANTS' BRIEF FILED. # of Copies Provided: 0. A/Pet's Brief deadline satisfied. Paper Copies of Brief due on 01/17/2024 for Appellants Stacye Falgout, Bill Hawkins, Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Randy Lavespere, James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ashli Oliveaux, Cynthia Park and Paul Toce. [23-30825] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: APPELLANT'S BRIEF FILED by Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. Paul Toce, Ms. Cynthia Park and Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections. Date of service: 01/11/2024 via email - Attorney for Appellants: Archey, Cody, Conine, Fernandez, McCain, Rabalais, Robert, Tomeny; Attorney for Appellees: Bosalavage, Bray, Dubner, Lubin, Schneiderman, Wright [23-30825] (Connell L. Archey ) [Entered: 01/11/2024 05:52 PM]
January 9, 2024 Filing 110 CASE CALENDARED for oral argument on Monday, 03/04/2024 at 2:00 p.m. in the East Courtroom of the Wisdom Courthouse in New Orleans. [23-30825] (CBW) [Entered: 01/09/2024 07:45 PM]
January 8, 2024 Filing 106 UNOPPOSED MOTION to file Appellees' brief in excess of the word count limitation but not to exceed 22,000 words [106]. Date of service: 01/08/2024. [23-30825] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: UNOPPOSED MOTION filed by Appellees Mr. Alton Adams, Mr. Rufus White, Mr. Otto Barrera, Mr. Alton Batiste, Mr. Clyde Carter, Mr. Ian Cazenave, Mr. Ricky D. Davis, Mr. Reginald George, Mr. Edward Giovanni, Mr. Shannon Hurd, Mr. Kentrell Parker, Mr. Farrell Sampier, Mr. Lionel Tolbert, Mr. John Tonubbee and Mr. Edward Washington to file brief in excess of the word count limitation but not to exceed 22,000 words [106]. Date of service: 01/08/2024 via email - Attorney for Appellants: Archey, Cody, Conine, Fernandez, McCain, Rabalais, Robert, Tomeny; Attorney for Appellees: Bosalavage, Bray, Dubner, Lubin, Schneiderman, Wright [23-30825] (Samantha Nicole Bosalavage ) [Entered: 01/08/2024 01:24 PM]
January 8, 2024 Filing 104 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Caroline Michele Tomeny for party(s) Appellant Stacye Falgout Appellant Cynthia Park Appellant Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections Appellant Randy Lavespere Appellant Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary Appellant Paul Toce Appellant Bill Hawkins Appellant Ashli Oliveaux Appellant James M. LeBlanc, in case 23-30825 [23-30825] (JJF) [Entered: 01/08/2024 11:23 AM]
January 5, 2024 Filing 102 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Melanie Ann Bray for party(s) Appellee Reginald George Appellee Alton Adams Appellee Kentrell Parker Appellee Lionel Tolbert Appellee Edward Giovanni Appellee Farrell Sampier Appellee Rufus White Appellee Edward Washington Appellee Clyde Carter Appellee Alton Batiste Appellee Otto Barrera Appellee Ricky D. Davis Appellee John Tonubbee Appellee Ian Cazenave Appellee Shannon Hurd, in case 23-30825 [23-30825] (RCB) [Entered: 01/05/2024 04:01 PM]
January 5, 2024 Filing 101 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) John Clifton Conine Jr. for party(s) Appellant Stacye Falgout Appellant Cynthia Park Appellant Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections Appellant Randy Lavespere Appellant Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary Appellant Paul Toce Appellant Bill Hawkins Appellant Ashli Oliveaux Appellant James M. LeBlanc, in case 23-30825 [23-30825] (RCB) [Entered: 01/05/2024 08:14 AM]
January 4, 2024 Filing 99 CLERK ORDER granting Motion to withdraw as counsel filed by Mr. Ronald Kenneth Lospennato. [ # 98 ] [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 01/04/2024 03:56 PM]
January 4, 2024 Filing 98 MOTION to withdraw as counsel [98]. Date of Service: 01/04/2024. (SEE ATTACHED NOTICE). [23-30825] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: MOTION filed by Attorney Mr. Ronald Kenneth Lospennato for Appellees Mr. Alton Adams, Mr. Otto Barrera, Mr. Alton Batiste, Mr. Clyde Carter, Mr. Ian Cazenave, Mr. Ricky D. Davis, Mr. Reginald George, Mr. Edward Giovanni, Mr. Shannon Hurd, Mr. Kentrell Parker, Mr. Lionel Tolbert, Mr. John Tonubbee, Mr. Edward Washington and Mr. Rufus White to withdraw as counsel [98]. Date of Service: 01/04/2024 via email - Attorney for Appellants: Archey, Cody, Fernandez, McCain, Rabalais, Robert; Attorney for Appellees: Bosalavage, Dubner, Lospennato, Lubin, Schneiderman, Wright [23-30825] (Ronald Kenneth Lospennato ) [Entered: 01/04/2024 03:10 PM]
January 4, 2024 Filing 97 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-30825] (John Clifton Conine Jr.) [Entered: 01/04/2024 10:12 AM]
January 3, 2024 Filing 96 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-30825] (Melanie Ann Bray ) [Entered: 01/03/2024 02:49 PM]
January 3, 2024 Filing 95 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-30825] (Caroline Michele Tomeny ) [Entered: 01/03/2024 10:25 AM]
January 2, 2024 Filing 94 COURT ORDER granting Joint Motion to view and obtain sealed documents filed by Appellees Mr. Lionel Tolbert, Mr. Ian Cazenave, Mr. Kentrell Parker, Mr. Reginald George, Mr. Edward Giovanni, Mr. Alton Batiste, Mr. Shannon Hurd, Mr. Edward Washington, Mr. Farrell Sampier, Mr. John Tonubbee, Mr. Otto Barrera, Mr. Clyde Carter, Mr. Ricky D. Davis, Mr. Rufus White, Mr. Alton Adams and Appellants Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Cynthia Park, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. Paul Toce, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Mrs. Stacye Falgout and Mr. Bill Hawkins. [ # 89 ] [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 01/02/2024 05:01 PM]
January 2, 2024 Filing 89 JOINT MOTION to view and obtain sealed documents. Date of Service: 01/02/2024. [23-30825] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: UNOPPOSED JOINT STIPULATION filed by Appellees Mr. Alton Adams, Mr. Otto Barrera, Mr. Alton Batiste, Mr. Clyde Carter, Mr. Ian Cazenave, Mr. Ricky D. Davis, Mr. Reginald George, Mr. Edward Giovanni, Mr. Shannon Hurd, Mr. Kentrell Parker, Mr. Farrell Sampier, Mr. Lionel Tolbert, Mr. John Tonubbee, Mr. Edward Washington, Mr. Rufus White and Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce to view and obtain sealed document Date of Service: 01/02/2024 via email - Attorney for Appellants: Archey, Cody, Fernandez, McCain, Rabalais, Robert; Attorney for Appellees: Bosalavage, Dubner, Lospennato, Lubin, Schneiderman, Wright. [23-30825] (Connell L. Archey ) [Entered: 01/02/2024 03:52 PM]
January 2, 2024 Filing 88 COURT ORDER granting Motion to file brief in excess of word count, but not to exceed 22,000 words, filed by Appellants Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Cynthia Park, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. Paul Toce, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Mrs. Stacye Falgout and Mr. Bill Hawkins. [ # 73 ] [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 01/02/2024 10:55 AM]
December 29, 2023 Filing 86 DOCUMENT RECEIVED - NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the motion to supplement the record received from Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Mr. John Morrison, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce because the request is unnecessary. The documents you wish to supplement are included in the record at pages 46,500 through 46,535. A motion to view and obtain sealed documents is the correct request to make. However, if you feel that these documents are incorrectly sealed, you should file a motion to unseal these documents. (SEE ATTACHED NOTICE FOR ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS). [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/29/2023 02:57 PM]
December 29, 2023 Filing 83 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Jeffrey K. Cody for party(s) Appellant Stacye Falgout, Appellant Cynthia Park, Appellant Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Appellant Randy Lavespere, Appellant Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Appellant Paul Toce, Appellant Bill Hawkins, Appellant Ashli Oliveaux, Appellant James M. LeBlanc, in case 23-30825. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/29/2023 12:52 PM]
December 29, 2023 Filing 82 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-30825] (Jeffrey K. Cody ) [Entered: 12/29/2023 11:10 AM]
December 27, 2023 Filing 74 The Motion to file brief in excess of word count filed by Appellants Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Cynthia Park, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. Paul Toce, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Mrs. Stacye Falgout and Mr. Bill Hawkins in 23-30825 [ # 73 ] has been made sufficient. Sufficient Mtn/Resp/Rpl deadline satisfied. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/28/2023 11:24 AM]
December 27, 2023 Filing 73 SUFFICIENT MOTION to file Appellants' brief in excess of the word count limitation but not to exceed 22,000 words [73]. Date of service: 12/27/2023. Document is insufficient for the following reasons: Motion does not contain a Certificate of Compliance. (SEE ATTACHED NOTICE). Sufficient Mtn/Resp/Reply due on 01/02/2024 for Appellants Stacye Falgout, Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Randy Lavespere, James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ashli Oliveaux, Cynthia Park, Paul Toce and Bill Hawkins. [23-30825] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: OPPOSED MOTION filed by Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce [73]. Date of service: 12/27/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellants: Archey, Fernandez, McCain, Rabalais, Robert; Attorney for Appellees: Bosalavage, Dubner, Lospennato, Lubin, Schneiderman, Wright [23-30825] (Connell L. Archey ) [Entered: 12/27/2023 01:35 PM]
December 14, 2023 Filing 71 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Brendan Rae Schneiderman for party(s) Appellee Reginald George Appellee Alton Adams Appellee Kentrell Parker Appellee Lionel Tolbert Appellee Edward Giovanni Appellee Farrell Sampier Appellee Rufus White Appellee Edward Washington Appellee Clyde Carter Appellee Alton Batiste Appellee Otto Barrera Appellee Ricky D. Davis Appellee John Tonubbee Appellee Ian Cazenave Appellee Shannon Hurd, in case 23-30825 [23-30825] (JJF) [Entered: 12/14/2023 02:14 PM]
December 13, 2023 Filing 69 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Samantha Nicole Bosalavage for party(s) Appellee Reginald George Appellee Alton Adams Appellee Kentrell Parker Appellee Lionel Tolbert Appellee Edward Giovanni Appellee Farrell Sampier Appellee Rufus White Appellee Edward Washington Appellee Clyde Carter Appellee Alton Batiste Appellee Otto Barrera Appellee Ricky D. Davis Appellee John Tonubbee Appellee Ian Cazenave Appellee Shannon Hurd, in case 23-30825 [23-30825] (RCB) [Entered: 12/13/2023 11:03 AM]
December 12, 2023 Filing 67 BRIEFING NOTICE ISSUED. EXPEDITED SCHEDULE. A/Pet's Brief Due on 01/11/2024 for Appellants Stacye Falgout, Bill Hawkins, Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Randy Lavespere, James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ashli Oliveaux, Cynthia Park and Paul Toce. Appellees' Brief due on 02/01/2024 for Appellees Alton Adams, Otto Barrera, Alton Batiste, Clyde Carter, Ian Cazenave, Ricky D. Davis, Reginald George, Edward Giovanni, Shannon Hurd, Kentrell Parker, Farrell Sampier, Lionel Tolbert, John Tonubbee, Edward Washington and Rufus White. Reply Brief due on 02/15/2024 for Appellants Stacye Falgout, Bill Hawkins, Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Randy Lavespere, James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ashli Oliveaux, Cynthia Park and Paul Toce. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/12/2023 03:30 PM]
December 12, 2023 Filing 65 COURT ORDER. IT IS ORDERED that the motion for stay pending appeal is CARRIED WITH THE CASE. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the clerk shall set a briefing schedule on the merits and motion for stay pending appeal so that the case will be orally argued in the March session of court. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the administrative stay previously issued by a motions panel is continued pending further ordered of this court. [ # 9 ] [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/12/2023 03:20 PM]
December 12, 2023 Filing 64 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-30825] (Brendan Rae Schneiderman ) [Entered: 12/12/2023 02:54 PM]
December 12, 2023 Filing 62 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Emily Blythe Lubin for party(s) Appellee Reginald George Appellee Alton Adams Appellee Kentrell Parker Appellee Lionel Tolbert Appellee Edward Giovanni Appellee Farrell Sampier Appellee Rufus White Appellee Edward Washington Appellee Clyde Carter Appellee Alton Batiste Appellee Otto Barrera Appellee Ricky D. Davis Appellee John Tonubbee Appellee Ian Cazenave Appellee Shannon Hurd, in case 23-30825 [23-30825] (TNM) [Entered: 12/12/2023 10:12 AM]
December 11, 2023 Filing 61 APPEARANCE FORM received from Ms. Samantha Nicole Bosalavage for Mr. Farrell Sampier for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-30825] (Samantha Nicole Bosalavage ) [Entered: 12/11/2023 03:59 PM]
December 11, 2023 Filing 60 Exhibits, 3 envelopes (Each envelope contains 1 set of Trial Exhibits. Each set consist of 2 Flash Drives labeled Part A & Part B), FILED [23-30825] (DDL) [Entered: 12/11/2023 01:27 PM]
December 8, 2023 Filing 58 ELECTRONIC RECORD ON APPEAL FILED. Admitted Exhibits on File in District Court? Yes. Video/Audio Exhibits on File in District Court? No Electronic ROA deadline satisfied. [23-30825] (DDL) [Entered: 12/08/2023 11:11 AM]
December 7, 2023 Filing 53 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-30825] (Emily Blythe Lubin ) [Entered: 12/07/2023 02:24 PM]
December 7, 2023 Filing 52 CASE CAPTION updated. Involvement terminated for Appellant John Morrison in 23-30825. Reason: Was not included in NOA. [23-30825] (AMD) [Entered: 12/07/2023 02:07 PM]
December 7, 2023 Filing 48 ELECTRONIC RECORD ON APPEAL REQUESTED from District Court for 3:15-CV-318. Electronic ROA due on 12/22/2023. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/07/2023 08:45 AM]
December 7, 2023 Filing 47 TRANSCRIPTS FILED IN DISTRICT COURT. Transcript Order: Court Reporter: Natalie Whipple Breaux, Dt. Filed in Dist. Ct: 11/05/2022. Ct. Reporter Acknowledgment deadline canceled. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/07/2023 08:45 AM]
December 7, 2023 Filing 46 TRANSCRIPTS FILED IN DISTRICT COURT. Transcript Order: Court Reporter: Shannon Laura Thompson, Dt. Filed in Dist. Ct: 11/04/2023. Ct. Reporter Acknowledgment deadline canceled. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/07/2023 08:43 AM]
December 6, 2023 Filing 44 COURT ORDER - IT IS ORDERED that this appeal is EXPEDITED to the next available Oral Argument Calendar. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a temporary administrative stay is GRANTED until further orders of the court. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Appellants' opposed motion to stay remedial order and judgment pending appeal is deferred to the oral argument merits panel which receives this case. [44]; [44]; [ # 9 ] [23-30825] (AGL) [Entered: 12/06/2023 05:02 PM]
December 5, 2023 Filing 37 RESPONSE/OPPOSITION filed by Mr. Kentrell Parker, Mr. Alton Adams, Mr. Otto Barrera, Mr. Alton Batiste, Mr. Clyde Carter, Mr. Ian Cazenave, Mr. Ricky D. Davis, Mr. Reginald George, Mr. Edward Giovanni, Mr. Shannon Hurd, Mr. Farrell Sampier, Mr. Lionel Tolbert, Mr. John Tonubbee, Mr. Edward Washington and Mr. Rufus White [37] to the Motion to stay remedial order and judgment pending appeal filed by Appellants Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Cynthia Park, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. Paul Toce, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Mrs. Stacye Falgout and Mr. Bill Hawkins in 23-30825. [ # 9 ] Date of Service: 12/05/2023. [23-30825] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: RESPONSE/OPPOSITION filed by Mr. Kentrell Parker [37] to the filed by Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Mr. John Morrison, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce [ # 9 ] Date of Service: 12/05/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellant: Archey; Attorney for Appellees: Bosalavage, Dubner, Lospennato, Wright; US mail - Attorney for Appellee: Bosalavage. [23-30825] (Lydia Wright ) [Entered: 12/05/2023 12:07 PM]
December 5, 2023 Filing 36 TRANSCRIPTS FILED IN DISTRICT COURT. Transcript Order: Court Reporter: Gina Delatte-Richard, Dt. Filed in Dist. Ct: 11/04/2022. Ct. Reporter Acknowledgment deadline canceled. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/05/2023 10:27 AM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 56 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Allena McCain for party(s) Appellant Stacye Falgout, Appellant Cynthia Park, Appellant Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Appellant Randy Lavespere, Appellant Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Appellant Paul Toce, Appellant Bill Hawkins, Appellant Ashli Oliveaux, Appellant James M. LeBlanc, in case 23-30825. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/08/2023 11:05 AM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 55 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Keith Joseph Fernandez for party(s) Appellant Stacye Falgout, Appellant Cynthia Park, Appellant Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Appellant Randy Lavespere, Appellant Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Appellant Paul Toce, Appellant Bill Hawkins, Appellant Ashli Oliveaux, Appellant James M. LeBlanc, in case 23-30825. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/08/2023 10:59 AM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 54 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Randal James Robert for party(s) Appellant Stacye Falgout, Appellant Cynthia Park, Appellant Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Appellant Randy Lavespere, Appellant Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Appellant Paul Toce, Appellant Bill Hawkins, Appellant Ashli Oliveaux, Appellant James M. LeBlanc, in case 23-30825. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/08/2023 10:10 AM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 51 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Connell L. Archey for Appellant Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections in 23-30825, Attorney Connell L. Archey for Appellant Cynthia Park in 23-30825, Attorney Connell L. Archey for Appellant Bill Hawkins in 23-30825, Attorney Connell L. Archey for Appellant Paul Toce in 23-30825, Attorney Connell L. Archey for Appellant Stacye Falgout in 23-30825, Attorney Connell L. Archey for Appellant Randy Lavespere in 23-30825, Attorney Connell L. Archey for Appellant James M. LeBlanc in 23-30825, Attorney Connell L. Archey for Appellant Ashli Oliveaux in 23-30825, Attorney Connell L. Archey for Appellant Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary in 23-30825. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/07/2023 01:47 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 50 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Madaline King Rabalais for party(s) Appellant Stacye Falgout, Appellant Cynthia Park, Appellant Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Appellant Randy Lavespere, Appellant Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Appellant Paul Toce, Appellant Bill Hawkins, Appellant Ashli Oliveaux, Appellant James M. LeBlanc, in case 23-30825. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/07/2023 01:43 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 39 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Lydia Wright for party(s) Appellee Reginald George, Appellee Alton Adams, Appellee Lionel Tolbert, Appellee Edward Giovanni, Appellee Farrell Sampier, Appellee Rufus White, Appellee Edward Washington, Appellee Clyde Carter, Appellee Alton Batiste, Appellee Otto Barrera, Appellee Ricky D. Davis, Appellee John Tonubbee, Appellee Ian Cazenave, Appellee Shannon Hurd, in case 23-30825. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/05/2023 03:52 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 35 TRANSCRIPT ORDER received from Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Mr. John Morrison, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce. DETAILS: Transcript Order: Court Reporter: Gina Delatte-Richard, Proceeding Type and Date: Evidentiary (Remand) Hearing 06/14/2022 - 06/16/2022. Ct. Reporter Acknowledgment due on 12/14/2023 for Gina Laura Delatte-Richard, Court Reporter. Electronic Filing Processed: [ # 26 ] [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/05/2023 09:37 AM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 34 TRANSCRIPT ORDER received from Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Mr. John Morrison, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce. DETAILS: Transcript Order: Court Reporter: Natalie Whipple Breaux, Proceeding Type and Date: Evidentiary (Remand) Hearing 06/13/2022, Hearing 06/17/2022. Ct. Reporter Acknowledgment due on 12/14/2023 for Natalie Laura Breaux. Electronic Filing Processed: [ # 25 ] [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/05/2023 09:33 AM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 33 TRANSCRIPT ORDER received from Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Mr. John Morrison, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce. DETAILS: Transcript Order: Court Reporter: Shannon Laura Thompson, Proceeding Type and Date: Evidentiaty (Remedy) Hearing 06/06/2022 - 06/10/2022. Transcript Order ddl satisfied. Ct. Reporter Acknowledgment due on 12/14/2023 for Shannon Thompson, Court Reporter. Electronic Filing Processed: [ # 24 ] [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/05/2023 09:21 AM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 31 APPEARANCE FORM received from Mr. Connell L. Archey for Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Mr. John Morrison, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-30825] (Connell L. Archey ) [Entered: 12/04/2023 05:12 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 30 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-30825] (Allena McCain ) [Entered: 12/04/2023 05:06 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 29 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-30825] (Keith Joseph Fernandez ) [Entered: 12/04/2023 05:01 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 28 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-30825] (Randal James Robert ) [Entered: 12/04/2023 04:57 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 27 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-30825] (Madaline King Rabalais ) [Entered: 12/04/2023 04:50 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 26 ATTORNEY TRANSCRIPT ORDER form filed by Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce for Court Reporter Gina Delatte-Richard for the Court to process. Date of service: 12/04/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellant: Archey; Attorney for Appellees: Dubner, Lospennato, Wright; US mail - Attorney for Appellee: Bosalavage. [23-30825] (Connell L. Archey ) [Entered: 12/04/2023 04:41 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 25 ATTORNEY TRANSCRIPT ORDER form filed by Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce for Court Reporter Natalie Breaux for the Court to process. Date of service: 12/04/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellant: Archey; Attorney for Appellees: Dubner, Lospennato, Wright; US mail - Attorney for Appellee: Bosalavage. [23-30825] (Connell L. Archey ) [Entered: 12/04/2023 04:38 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 24 ATTORNEY TRANSCRIPT ORDER form filed by Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce for Court Reporter Shannon Thompson for the Court to process. Date of service: 12/04/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellant: Archey; Attorney for Appellees: Dubner, Lospennato, Wright; US mail - Attorney for Appellee: Bosalavage. [23-30825] (Connell L. Archey ) [Entered: 12/04/2023 04:35 PM]
December 4, 2023 Filing 23 APPEARANCE FORM received from Ms. Lydia Wright for Mr. Kentrell Parker for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-30825] (Lydia Wright ) [Entered: 12/04/2023 10:40 AM]
December 1, 2023 Filing 19 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Jeffrey B. Dubner for party(s) Appellee Reginald George, Appellee Alton Adams, Appellee Kentrell Parker, Appellee Lionel Tolbert, Appellee Edward Giovanni, Appellee Farrell Sampier, Appellee Rufus White, Appellee Edward Washington, Appellee Clyde Carter, Appellee Alton Batiste, Appellee Otto Barrera, Appellee Ricky D. Davis, Appellee John Tonubbee, Appellee Ian Cazenave, Appellee Shannon Hurd, in case 23-30825. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/01/2023 01:42 PM]
December 1, 2023 Filing 18 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-30825] (Jeffrey B. Dubner ) [Entered: 12/01/2023 10:40 AM]
December 1, 2023 Filing 17 LETTER OF ADVISEMENT. Reason: Caption was edited due to error of caption at case opening. [23-30825] (AMD) [Entered: 12/01/2023 08:40 AM]
November 30, 2023 Filing 21 APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Lydia Wright for party(s) Appellee Kentrell Parker, in case 23-30825. [23-30825] (SEP) [Entered: 12/01/2023 01:49 PM]
November 30, 2023 Filing 9 OPPOSED MOTION to stay remedial order and judgment pending appeal. [9] Ruling is requested by: 12/05/2023 at 05:00 pm. Date of service: 11/30/2023. [23-30825] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: OPPOSED MOTION filed by Appellants Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce for stay pending appeal [9] Ruling is requested by: 12/05/2023. Date of service: 11/30/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellant: Archey; Attorney for Appellee: Lospennato; US mail - Attorney for Appellee: Bosalavage [23-30825] (Connell L. Archey ) [Entered: 11/30/2023 01:41 PM]
November 30, 2023 Filing 8 APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-30825] (Lydia Wright ) [Entered: 11/30/2023 12:32 PM]
November 28, 2023 Filing 5 INITIAL CASE CHECK by Attorney Advisor complete. Action: Case OK to Process. [5] Initial AA Check Due satisfied.. Transcript order due on 12/13/2023 for Appellant Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary [23-30825] (AMD) [Entered: 11/28/2023 07:54 AM]
November 20, 2023 Filing 1 PRISONER CASE WITH COUNSEL docketed. NOA filed by Appellants Mr. Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Mrs. Stacye Falgout, Mr. Bill Hawkins, Mr. Randy Lavespere, Mr. James M. LeBlanc, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Ms. Ashli Oliveaux, Ms. Cynthia Park and Mr. Paul Toce [23-30825] (AMD) [Entered: 11/20/2023 03:36 PM]

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Plaintiff / appellee: Kentrell Parker, on behalf of themselves and all others similary situated
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
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Plaintiff / appellee: Farrell Sampier, on behalf of themselves and all others similary situated
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
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Plaintiff / appellee: Reginald George
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: John Tonubbee, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Otto Barrera, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Clyde Carter, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Edward Giovanni, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Ricky D. Davis, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Lionel Tolbert, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Rufus White, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Shannon Hurd
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Alton Adams
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Ian Cazenave
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Edward Washington
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Alton Batiste
Represented By: Ronald Kenneth Lospennato
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Kentrell Parker, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Plaintiff / appellee: Farrell Sampier, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
Represented By: Jeffrey B. Dubner
Represented By: Lydia Wright
Represented By: Samantha Nicole Bosalavage
Represented By: Melanie Ann Bray
Represented By: Emily Blythe Lubin
Represented By: Brendan Rae Schneiderman
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Defendant / appellant: Tim Hooper, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary, in his official capacity
Represented By: Connell L. Archey
Represented By: Randal James Robert
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Cody Esq.
Represented By: John Clifton Conine Esq. Jr.
Represented By: Keith Joseph Fernandez
Represented By: Allena McCain Esq.
Represented By: Madaline King Rabalais
Represented By: Caroline Michele Tomeny
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Defendant / appellant: Ashli Oliveaux, Assistant Warden for Health Services, in her official capacity
Represented By: Connell L. Archey
Represented By: Randal James Robert
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Cody Esq.
Represented By: John Clifton Conine Esq. Jr.
Represented By: Keith Joseph Fernandez
Represented By: Allena McCain Esq.
Represented By: Madaline King Rabalais
Represented By: Caroline Michele Tomeny
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Defendant / appellant: James M. LeBlanc, Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, in his official capacity
Represented By: Connell L. Archey
Represented By: Randal James Robert
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Cody Esq.
Represented By: John Clifton Conine Esq. Jr.
Represented By: Keith Joseph Fernandez
Represented By: Allena McCain Esq.
Represented By: Madaline King Rabalais
Represented By: Caroline Michele Tomeny
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Defendant / appellant: Randy Lavespere, Medical Doctor
Represented By: Connell L. Archey
Represented By: Randal James Robert
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Cody Esq.
Represented By: John Clifton Conine Esq. Jr.
Represented By: Keith Joseph Fernandez
Represented By: Allena McCain Esq.
Represented By: Madaline King Rabalais
Represented By: Caroline Michele Tomeny
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Defendant / appellant: Stacye Falgout
Represented By: Connell L. Archey
Represented By: Randal James Robert
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Cody Esq.
Represented By: John Clifton Conine Esq. Jr.
Represented By: Keith Joseph Fernandez
Represented By: Allena McCain Esq.
Represented By: Madaline King Rabalais
Represented By: Caroline Michele Tomeny
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Defendant / appellant: Paul Toce
Represented By: Connell L. Archey
Represented By: Randal James Robert
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Cody Esq.
Represented By: John Clifton Conine Esq. Jr.
Represented By: Keith Joseph Fernandez
Represented By: Allena McCain Esq.
Represented By: Madaline King Rabalais
Represented By: Caroline Michele Tomeny
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Defendant / appellant: Bill Hawkins
Represented By: Connell L. Archey
Represented By: Randal James Robert
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Cody Esq.
Represented By: John Clifton Conine Esq. Jr.
Represented By: Keith Joseph Fernandez
Represented By: Allena McCain Esq.
Represented By: Madaline King Rabalais
Represented By: Caroline Michele Tomeny
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Defendant / appellant: Cynthia Park, ACNP
Represented By: Connell L. Archey
Represented By: Randal James Robert
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Cody Esq.
Represented By: John Clifton Conine Esq. Jr.
Represented By: Keith Joseph Fernandez
Represented By: Allena McCain Esq.
Represented By: Madaline King Rabalais
Represented By: Caroline Michele Tomeny
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Defendant / appellant: John Morrison, Medical Doctor
Represented By: Connell L. Archey
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Defendant / appellant: Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections
Represented By: Connell L. Archey
Represented By: Randal James Robert
Represented By: Jeffrey K. Cody Esq.
Represented By: John Clifton Conine Esq. Jr.
Represented By: Keith Joseph Fernandez
Represented By: Allena McCain Esq.
Represented By: Madaline King Rabalais
Represented By: Caroline Michele Tomeny
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