Jeffrey Orr, et al v. Willard Elyea, et al
Case Number: 19-1412
Filed: March 6, 2019
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
Nature of Suit: Other
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on April 12, 2019. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
April 12, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 22 ORDER re: 1. Joint jurisdictional memorandum. 2. Jurisdictional memorandum. 3. Motion to consolidate. This appeal is procedurally improper and untimely. See Fed. Rs. Civ. P. 5(a)(2), 23(f). Accordingly, the appeal is DISMISSED. The motion to consolidate is DENIED as unnecessary. [ # 17 ] Diane S. Sykes, Circuit Judge; Amy C. Barrett, Circuit Judge and Amy J. St. Eve, Circuit Judge. [22] [6997879] [19-1412] (CMD) [Entered: 04/12/2019 05:41 PM]
April 10, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 21 ORDER: In the present case, plaintiffs-appellants Circuit Rule 3(c) docketing statement filed on April 8, 2019 (plaintiffs-appellants second attempt at filing a compliant statement) fails to set forth the dates on which the parties filed their notices of appeal. This information must be provided. plaintiffs-appellants file a complete statement of jurisdiction that includes the dates that the parties filed their notices of appeal. The statement is due on or before April 16, 2019. DW [21] [6997094] [19-1412] (FP) [Entered: 04/10/2019 04:23 PM]
April 9, 2019 Filing 20 Motion filed by Appellants Illinois Department of Corrections and Louis Shicker in 19-1380, Appellees Illinois Department of Corrections, Louis Schicker and Wexford Health Sources, Inc. in 19-1412 for stay Motion to Stay the district court's February 4, 2019 order pending appeal. [20] [6996803] [19-1380, 19-1387, 19-1412] (Chenevert, Kaitlyn) [Entered: 04/09/2019 06:48 PM]
April 8, 2019 Filing 19 Amended Docketing Statement filed by Appellant Jeffrey Orr. Prior or Related proceedings: Yes. 19-8004; 19-1380; 19-1387 [19] [6996241] [19-1412] (Heller, H.) [Entered: 04/08/2019 02:24 PM]
April 2, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 18 ORDER: The appellant shall file a complete statement of jurisdiction that includes the omitted information. The statement is due on or before April 8, 2019. (See order for details). DW [18] [6994772] [19-1412] (AP) [Entered: 04/02/2019 12:07 PM]
April 1, 2019 Filing 17 Motion filed by Appellant Jeffrey Orr in 19-1412 to consolidate. [17] [6994451] [19-1412, 19-1380, 19-1387] (Heller, H.) [Entered: 04/01/2019 01:33 PM]
April 1, 2019 Filing 16 Jurisdictional memorandum filed by Appellant Jeffrey Orr in 19-1412. [16] [6994448] [19-1412, 19-1380, 19-1387] (Heller, H.) [Entered: 04/01/2019 01:23 PM]
April 1, 2019 Filing 15 Docketing Statement filed by Appellant Jeffrey Orr. Prior or Related proceedings: Yes. 19-1380 19-1387 [15] [6994447] [19-1412] (Heller, H.) [Entered: 04/01/2019 01:21 PM]
March 28, 2019 Filing 14 Filed status report by Appellant Wexford Health Sources, Inc. in 19-1387. [14] [6993834] [19-1387, 19-1380, 19-1412] (Teuscher, Julie) [Entered: 03/28/2019 01:00 PM]
March 26, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 13 ORDER: Appellants David Dickson, Harold Higgens, Jeffrey Orr, Scott Padrick and Charles B. Palmer are directed to file the overdue Docketing Statement within 14 days from the date of this Rule to Show Cause. JR. Docketing statement response due for Appellants David Dickson, Harold Higgens, Jeffrey Orr, Scott Padrick and Charles B. Palmer by 04/09/2019. [13] [6993224] [19-1412] (VG) [Entered: 03/26/2019 10:48 AM]
March 18, 2019 Filing 12 Filed Seventh Circuit Transcript Information Sheet by Appellant Wexford Health Sources, Inc. in 19-1387. [12] [6991264] [19-1387, 19-1380, 19-1412] (Teuscher, Julie) [Entered: 03/18/2019 11:52 AM]
March 15, 2019 Filing 11 Jurisdictional memorandum filed by Appellees Illinois Department of Corrections, Louis Schicker and Wexford Health Sources, Inc.. [11] [6991146] [19-1412] (Chenevert, Kaitlyn) [Entered: 03/15/2019 04:23 PM]
March 15, 2019 Filing 10 Filed Seventh Circuit Transcript Information Sheet by Appellants Illinois Department of Corrections, Louis Shicker and Steve Meeks in 19-1380. [10] [6991091] [19-1380, 19-1387, 19-1412] (Chenevert, Kaitlyn) [Entered: 03/15/2019 02:59 PM]
March 14, 2019 Filing 9 Circuit Rule 26.1 Disclosure Statement and Appearance filed by Attorney Julie A. Teuscher for Appellee Wexford Health Sources, Inc. in 19-1412. [9] [6990716] (L-Yes; E-Yes; R-No) [19-1412, 19-1380, 19-1387] (Teuscher, Julie) [Entered: 03/14/2019 11:24 AM]
March 14, 2019 Filing 8 Circuit Rule 26.1 Disclosure Statement and Appearance filed by Attorney Julie A. Teuscher for Appellant Wexford Health Sources, Inc. in 19-1387. [8] [6990713] (L-Yes; E-Yes; R-No) [19-1380, 19-1387, 19-1412] (Teuscher, Julie) [Entered: 03/14/2019 11:18 AM]
March 12, 2019 Filing 7 Notice of Circuit Rule 33 mediation issued. The mediation will be conducted by phone, Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. Central Time. See Notice for further details and requirements. JNS [7] [6990395] [19-1412] (AD) [Entered: 03/13/2019 10:14 AM]
March 8, 2019 Filing 6 Circuit Rule 26.1 Disclosure Statement and Appearance filed by Attorney Julie A. Teuscher for Appellant Wexford Health Sources, Inc. in 19-1387. [6] [6989633] (L-Yes; E-Yes; R-No) [19-1387, 19-1380, 19-1412] (Teuscher, Julie) [Entered: 03/08/2019 11:54 AM]
March 8, 2019 Filing 5 Filed Non-Party response to motion for permission to appeal by Jeffrey Orr, plaintiff-appellee. [6989543] [19-1380, 19-1387, 19-1412]--[Edited 03/08/2019 by CAG to reflect correct document filed.]--[Edited 03/08/2019 by CMD - Incorrectly filed in these cases, docketed the entry in 19-8004.] (Heller, H.) [Entered: 03/08/2019 09:25 AM]
March 7, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 4 ORDER: Appellants David Dickson, Harold Higgens, Jeffrey Orr, Scott Padrick, Charles B. Palmer and Appellees Willard O. Elyea, Illinois Department of Corrections, Michael Pruisis, Louis Schicker and Wexford Health Sources, Inc. shall file a brief memorandum stating why this appeal should not be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. Briefing is SUSPENDED pending further court order. (See order for further details) [6989474] Jurisdictional memorandum due for Appellants David Dickson, Harold Higgens, Jeffrey Orr, Scott Padrick and Charles B. Palmer and Appellees Willard O. Elyea, Doctor, Illinois Department of Corrections, Michael Pruisis, Louis Schicker, Doctor and Wexford Health Sources, Inc. by 03/15/2019. DW [4] [6989474] [19-1412] (AD) [Entered: 03/07/2019 04:06 PM]
March 7, 2019 Filing 3 Appearance form filed by Attorney Kaitlyn N. Chenevert for Appellants Louis Shicker, Steve Meeks and Illinois Department of Corrections in 19-1380, Appellees Louis Schicker and Illinois Department of Corrections in 19-1412. [3] [6989356] (L-Yes; E-Yes; R-Yes) [19-1380, 19-1387, 19-1412]-[Edited 03/07/2019 by VG - to reflect termination and addition of counsel] (Chenevert, Kaitlyn) [Entered: 03/07/2019 12:14 PM]
March 6, 2019 Filing 2 THIS CAUSE CONSISTS OF MORE THAN 5 PARTIES FOR EITHER SIDE. The following are those parties to this cause as reflected on the District Court docket, yet are not reflected on the Appellate docket/caption for administrative purposes: APPELLANTS: Dustin L. Collins, Chansouk Haksasila, Miquel Santos, Rodney Graves, Terry Reeves, Robert Quinn, David Workman, Eugene Smola, Nancy Gray, John L. Markiewicz, Donald Dawson, Allen Peters, Jeff Hammer, Christopher Fogarty, Robert Garrett, Kenneth Bauza, Clayton Rockman, Wendell Ross, Michael D. Smith, Michael Montgomery, Ronnie Johnson, Dennis Haradon, Michael D. Roy, Kent L. Fields, Jay C. Frame, Gregory Thompson, Quinten B. Smith, Brad Creason, Chase Copelen, Kevin Taylor, Jon Kent Roberts, John Small, Greg Bashares, Michael E. Denning, Michael Sheehan, John Bernard Lathon, Daniel Baxter, Donald Rutherford, Lewis Henry, Terry Dibble, James DeBarbara, Gary Daily, Lawrence Moye, Norman Bell, Debra Blanchard, Vito Basile, Edward Franco, Forrest Sanders, Cornelius Lewis, Fernando Hernandez, Timothy Giancana, Eric Zike, Lavertis Stewart, Ronnie Stookey-Ortiz, James Bourque, Ernesto Perez, Andre Villanueva, Guadalupe Lopez, Robert Kolonski, David Peterson, John Rossi, Jacalyn Aratri, Ernest Blossom, David Henson, Claxton Williams, Jr., Jesse Rice, Raymond Kasper, et al. APPELLEES: Roger Walker and Steven Meeks. [2] [6989298] [19-1412] (VG) [Entered: 03/07/2019 10:22 AM]
March 6, 2019 Filing 1 State prisoner's civil rights case docketed. Fee Paid. Appellant's brief due on or before 04/15/2019 for David Dickson, Harold Higgens, Jeffrey Orr, Scott Padrick and Charles B. Palmer. Docketing Statement due for Appellants David Dickson, Harold Higgens, Jeffrey Orr, Scott Padrick and Charles B. Palmer by 03/13/2019. Transcript information sheet due by 03/20/2019. [1] [6989287] [19-1412] (VG) [Entered: 03/07/2019 09:59 AM]

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Plaintiff / appellant: DAVID DICKSON
Represented By: H. Kent Heller
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Plaintiff / appellant: HAROLD HIGGENS
Represented By: H. Kent Heller
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Plaintiff / appellant: CHARLES B. PALMER
Represented By: H. Kent Heller
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Plaintiff / appellant: JEFFREY ORR
Represented By: H. Kent Heller
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Plaintiff / appellant: SCOTT PADRICK
Represented By: H. Kent Heller
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Defendant / appellee: WEXFORD HEALTH SOURCES, INC.
Represented By: Julie Ann Teuscher
Represented By: Joseph N. Rupcich
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Defendant / appellee: MICHAEL PRUISIS
Represented By: James Andrew Borland
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Defendant / appellee: LOUIS SCHICKER, Doctor
Represented By: Kaitlyn Noel Chenevert
Represented By: Lisa A. Cook
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Defendant / appellee: WILLARD O. ELYEA, Doctor
Represented By: Russell L. Reed
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Represented By: Kaitlyn Noel Chenevert
Represented By: Lisa A. Cook
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