Krepack v. Friedstein
Plaintiff: Howard D. Krepack
Defendant: Jay Friedstein
Case Number: 1:2008cv02605
Filed: December 1, 2008
Court: U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado
Office: P.I.: Other Office
County: XX US, Outside State
Presiding Judge: Christine M Arguello
Referring Judge: Laird T Milburn
Nature of Suit: P.I.: Other
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Personal Injury
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on January 11, 2010. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
January 11, 2010 Filing 53 STIPULATION of Dismissal of Case Mutual Stipulation for Dismissal with Prejudice by Defendant Jay Friedstein. (Wasson, Karen)
January 8, 2010 Filing 52 STIPULATION of Dismissal of Case by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order (PDF Only))(Karp, Sander)
December 28, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 51 MINUTE ORDER The Court, having been advised by counsel for Plaintiff, Sandy Karp, on December 22, 2009 that this case has been settled, HEREBY ORDERS that settlement documents dismissing all claims shall be filed with the Court no later than January 11, 2010. Dismissal Paper due by 1/11/2010. by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 12/28/09. (erv, )
December 21, 2009 Filing 50 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn: Pretrial Conference held on 12/21/2009, Proposed Pretrial Order due by 2/1/2010. (erv, )
December 16, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 49 ORDER denying #39 Plaintiff's Motion to Compel by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 12/16/09.(erv, )
December 15, 2009 Filing 48 Proposed Pretrial Order by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - D)(Karp, Sander)
December 9, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 47 ORDER denying #44 Plaintiff's Motion for Reconsideration and its Order dated November 12, 2009 #43 . by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 12/9/09.(erv, ) (Modified on 12/11/2009 corrected spacing error)(erv, ).
November 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 46 MEMORANDUM regarding #44 First MOTION for Reconsideration re #43 Order,, filed by Howard D. Krepack. Motion referred to Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 11/13/09. TEXT ONLY ENTRY - NO DOCUMENT ATTACHED (cmasec)
November 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 45 ORDER denying Without Prejudice as Premature #42 Plaintiffs Motion in Limine To Exclude the Testimony of Defense Witness Seth Bayer by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 11/13/09.(erv, )
November 13, 2009 Filing 44 First MOTION for Reconsideration re #43 Order,, by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Zumbrennen, Todd)
November 12, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 43 ORDER re: #41 Defendant's Response to Motion that requests a thirty (30) day extension to file an amended response it its response to Plaintiffs #39 requests for admissions that are at issue. Since no reply has been timely filed by Plaintiff to Defendants request for additional time, the Court, hereby GRANTS Defendants request and hereby ORDERS Defendant to file an amended response to Plaintiffs requests for admissions on or before November 23, 2009. by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 11/12/09. (erv, )
October 29, 2009 Filing 42 MOTION in Limine To Exclude Testimony of Defense Witness Seth Bayer by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Proposed Order (PDF Only))(Karp, Sander)
October 23, 2009 Filing 41 RESPONSE to #39 MOTION to Compel filed by Defendant Jay Friedstein. (Wasson, Karen)
October 13, 2009 Filing 40 MEMORANDUM regarding #39 MOTION to Compel filed by Howard D. Krepack. Motion referred to Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 10/09/09. TEXT ONLY ENTRY - NO DOCUMENT ATTACHED (cmasec)
October 13, 2009 Filing 39 MOTION to Compel by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Proposed Order (PDF Only))(Karp, Sander)
July 28, 2009 Filing 38 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn: Settlement Conference held on 7/28/2009. (erv, )
July 24, 2009 Filing 37 NOTICE of Entry of Appearance by J. Gregory Morrell on behalf of Jay Friedstein (Morrell, J.)
July 20, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 36 ORDER GRANTING IN PART #33 Defendants motion for determination of Dr. Mark Purnells deposition fee by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 7/20/09.(erv, )
June 24, 2009 Filing 35 MEMORANDUM regarding #33 MOTION for Costs Determination of Dr. Mark Purnell's Deposition Fee filed by Jay Friedstein. Motion referred to Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 6/24/09. TEXT ONLY ENTRY - NO DOCUMENT ATTACHED(cmasec)
June 23, 2009 Filing 34 RESPONSE to #33 MOTION for Costs Determination of Dr. Mark Purnell's Deposition Fee filed by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 1 to Exhibit 2)(Karp, Sander)
June 5, 2009 Filing 33 MOTION for Costs Determination of Dr. Mark Purnell's Deposition Fee by Defendant Jay Friedstein. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit Exhibit E, #6 Proposed Order (PDF Only) Order)(Wasson, Karen)
April 28, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 32 MINUTE ORDER Settlement Conference Reset for 7/28/2009 01:00 PM in Room 323 (Grand Junction) before Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn. by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 4/28/09. (erv, )
April 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 31 ORDER granting #28 Defendants Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Plaintiffs First Set of Written Discovery up to and including April 20, 2009 by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 4/13/09.(erv, )
April 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 30 ORDER granting #24 Plaintiffs Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendants First Set of Discovery up to and incl 4/20/09 by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 4/13/09.(erv, )
April 13, 2009 Filing 29 MEMORANDUM regarding #28 Unopposed MOTION For Extension of Time to respond to Plaintiff's first set of written discovery filed by Jay Friedstein.Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 4/13/09. TEXT ONLY ENTRY - NO DOCUMENT ATTACHED(erv, )
April 10, 2009 Filing 28 Unopposed MOTION For Extension of Time to respond to Plaintiff's first set of written discovery by Defendant Jay Friedstein. (Wasson, Karen)
April 9, 2009 Filing 27 BRIEF in Support re #24 MOTION For Extension of Time To Respond to Discovery Supplement to Motion for Extension to Respond to Discovery filed by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Karp, Sander)
April 1, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 26 SCHEDULING ORDER: by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 4/1/09. (erv, )
April 1, 2009 Filing 25 MEMORANDUM regarding #24 MOTION For Extension of Time To Respond to Discovery filed by Howard D. Krepack.Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 04//01/09. TEXT ONLY ENTRY - NO DOCUMENT ATTACHED(jjh, )
April 1, 2009 Filing 24 MOTION For Extension of Time To Respond to Discovery by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order (PDF Only))(Karp, Sander)
March 24, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 22 MINUTE ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above-entitled matter is scheduled for a Settlement Conference on July 27, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. in the United States District Court, 400 Rood Avenue, Room 323, Grand Junction, Colorado 81501. by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 3/24/09. (erv, )
March 23, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 23 MINUTE ORDER Proposed Pretrial Order due by 12/15/2009. Final Pretrial Conference set for 12/21/2009 01:00 PM in Room 323 (Grand Junction) before Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn. by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 3/23/09. (erv, )
March 23, 2009 Filing 21 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn: Scheduling Conference held on 3/23/2009. Discovery due by 11/16/2009. Dispositive Motions due by 12/15/2009. Settlement Conference set for 7/27/2009 at 01:00 PM before Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn. (Court Reporter FTR LTM AM.) (wjc, )
March 19, 2009 Filing 20 Unopposed MOTION for Leave to Appear By Telephone At Scheduling/Planning Conference by Defendant Jay Friedstein. (Wasson, Karen)
March 9, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 19 ORDER granting #17 Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to Appear Telephonically at the Scheduling Conference 3/23/09 by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 3/9/09.(erv, )
March 3, 2009 Filing 18 MEMORANDUM regarding #17 MOTION for Leave to Appear at Scheduling Coneference filed by Howard D. Krepack.Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 3/3/09. TEXT ONLY ENTRY - NO DOCUMENT ATTACHED(erv, )
March 3, 2009 Filing 17 MOTION for Leave to Appear at Scheduling Coneference by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order (PDF Only))(Karp, Sander)
February 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 16 ORDER Scheduling Conference set for 3/23/2009 11:00 AM in Room 323 (Grand Junction) before Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn. by Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn on 2/26/09. (erv, )
February 20, 2009 Filing 15 Proposed Scheduling Order by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Karp, Sander)
February 18, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 14 MINUTE ORDER: VACATING Scheduling Conference set for 3/3/2009 09:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Kathleen M. Tafoya by Magistrate Judge Kathleen M. Tafoya on 2/18/09. TEXT ONLY ENTRY - NO DOCUMENT ATTACHED(kmtcd)
February 17, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 13 ORDER Plaintiffs #4 Motion to Reassign is GRANTED, and the Clerk ofthe Court is directed to REASSIGN this matter to Magistrate Judge Laird T. Milburn by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 02/17/2009.(sah, )
February 13, 2009 Filing 12 RESPONSE to Motion re #4 MOTION to Reassign Case Magistrate Judge filed by Defendant Jay Friedstein. (Wasson, Karen)
February 9, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 11 ORDER re: #4 Plaintiffs MOTION to Reassign Case Magistrate Judge filed by Howard D. Krepack. Defendant is hereby ORDERED to file a written response to Plaintiffs motion to reassign in writing with the Court on or before February 20, 2009. by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 2/9/09. (erv, )
January 26, 2009 Filing 10 CERTIFICATE of Mailing/Service of Documents #2 , #3 and #4 by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Karp, Sander) Modified on 1/28/2009 to create linkages(gmssl, ).
January 16, 2009 Filing 9 ANSWER to #1 Complaint and Jury Demand by Jay Friedstein.(Wasson, Karen) (Modified on 1/20/2009 to add link to complaint)(erv, ).
December 19, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 8 MINUTE ORDER granting #6 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer re #1 Complaint Jay Friedstein answer due 1/17/2009. by Magistrate Judge Kathleen M. Tafoya on 12/18/08.(erv, )
December 18, 2008 Filing 7 MEMORANDUM regarding #6 MOTION For Extension of Time filed by Howard D. Krepack. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Kathleen M. Tafoya, by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 12/18/08. (Text Only Entry - No Document Attached)(erv, )
December 17, 2008 Filing 6 MOTION For Extension of Time to Answer by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order (PDF Only))(Karp, Sander)
December 16, 2008 Filing 5 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Howard D. Krepack. Jay Friedstein served on 12/10/2008, answer due 12/30/2008. (Karp, Sander)
December 9, 2008 Filing 4 MOTION to Reassign Case Magistrate Judge by Plaintiff Howard D. Krepack. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order (PDF Only))(Karp, Sander)
December 4, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 3 ORDER Scheduling Conference set for 3/3/2009 09:30 AM in Courtroom C205 before Magistrate Judge Kathleen M. Tafoya. Signed by Magistrate Judge Kathleen M. Tafoya on 12/4/08. (erv, )
December 3, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 2 ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Kathleen M. Tafoya. Signed by Judge Christine M. Arguello on 12/3/08. (erv, )
December 1, 2008 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Jay Friedstein ( Filing fee $ 350, Receipt Number COX014799) Summons issued, filed by Howard D. Krepack. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet, #2 Receipt)(llk, )

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Plaintiff: Howard D. Krepack
Represented By: Sander N. Karp
Represented By: Todd D. Zumbrennen
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Defendant: Jay Friedstein
Represented By: J. Gregory Morrell
Represented By: Karen Reed Wasson
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