March 25, 2013 |
MINUTE ORDER; 170 Stipulated Motion for Extension to Respond to Second Discovery by Both Plaintiffs and Defendants is GRANTED. The Scheduling Order 160 is further modified to extend the following deadlines: Rebuttal Expert Disclosure Deadline is 4/15/2013, Deadline to Respond to Second Set of Written Discovery is 4/8/2013, by Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 3/25/2013.(klmcd, )
February 28, 2013 |
MINUTE ENTRY for Discovery Hearing proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 2/28/2013. Granting in part and denying in part 150 Motion for Protective Order, with respect to subpoenas. The subpoenas shall be limited to the follo wing information: (1) earnings or other compensation of Plaintiffs; (2) Plaintiffs job descriptions, resumes, and representations regarding job duties at Mesa Field Services; and (3) work held by Plaintiffs prior and/or subsequent to their employment at Mesa Field Services. ORDERED: Defendants Oral Motion to Compel response to Request for Production of Documents No. 4 and Interrogatory No. 10 is GRANTED. Deadline for response is March 8, 2013, otherwise sanctions may be imposed. FTR: B. Abiakam. (babia)
February 21, 2013 |
MINUTE ORDER granting 158 Stipulated Third Motion to Amend Scheduling Order Regarding Expert Reports. The Scheduling Order entered on September 24, 2012 129 , as amended on January 15, 2013 46 , is further modified to extend the following deadlines: Plaintiffs' Affirmative Expert Disclosure Deadline February 20, 2013; Defendant's Rebuttal Expert Disclosure Deadline April 1, 2013. By Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 02/21/13. (alvsl)
February 14, 2013 |
MINUTE ORDER. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that 154 Plaintiffs' opposed Second Motion to Amend Scheduling Order for Additional Time to Disclose Expert Opinion Information is taken under advisement by the Court. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that on or be fore February 26, 2013 the parties shall jointly contact the Court via the undersigned's telephonic discovery dispute procedures to resolve the present Motion 154 and any written discovery dispute that impacts the Motion 154 . By Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 02/14/13. (alvsl)
February 12, 2013 |
ORDER denying 142 APPEAL OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE DECISION to District Court; finding as moot 149 Motion to Strike. Although motion 150 will be referred to the magistrate judge, and is not yet ripe for review, the Court directs counsel to confer again concerning its subject matter and to make a renewed effort in good faith to resolve the dispute before defendant files its response. By Judge R. Brooke Jackson on 02/12/13. (alvsl)
January 15, 2013 |
MINUTE ORDER; Plaintiffs' Unopposed 144 Motion to Amend Scheduling Order and Motion for Extension of Time to Disclose Experts is GRANTED. The Scheduling Order 129 is amended to extend the following deadline: Affirmative Expert Disclosure Deadline is 2/19/2013, by Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 1/15/2013.(klmcd, )
December 10, 2012 |
ORDER denying 134 Plaintiffs' Amended Opposed Motion for Leave to File Fifth Amended Complaint. By Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 12/10/12. (alvsl)
September 26, 2012 |
ORDER SETTING TRIAL AND FINAL PRETRIAL/TRIAL PREPARATION CONFERENCE: A five-day Jury Trial is set for 7/29/2013 09:00 AM in Courtroom A 902 before Judge R. Brooke Jackson. A Trial Preparation Conference is set for 7/10/2013 at 08:00 AM in Courtroom A 902 before Judge R. Brooke Jackson. By Judge R. Brooke Jackson on 09/26/2012. (rbjsec. )
September 24, 2012 |
STIPULATED CONFIDENTIALITY PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 9/24/2012. (klmcd, )
June 20, 2012 |
MINUTE ORDER. The parties Stipulated Motion to Continue 7/9/2012 Scheduling Conference 119 is GRANTED. The Scheduling Conference set for July 9, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. is VACATED and RESET to September 24, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom C-204. The parties shall submit the proposed scheduling order no later than 9/19/2012. By Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 6/20/2012.(sahsl, )
December 20, 2011 |
ORDER on Pending Motion. Denying as moot 13 Motion to Certify Class. Accepted in Part and Rejected in Part re 92 Report and Recommendations. Granting in part and denying in part 65 Second Motion to Amend Complaint. Granting 88 Third Moti on to Amended Complaint, except that the Court has requested a Fourth Amended Complaint instead of the tendered Third Amended Complaint. Denying 98 Plaintiffs Motion for Leave to File Reply. The Court conditionally certifies a class re: Plainti ff David Gastons 68 Amended Motion for Conditional Collective Action Certification. The Court orders that counsel meet and confer no later than 1/16/2012. The Court orders that the running of the statute of limitations is equitably tolled as to David Gaston, David Smith and any members of the putative class, by Judge R. Brooke Jackson on 12/20/11.(lsw, )
July 15, 2011 |
ORDER granting 32 Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration of the claims of Plaintiffs Matthew Daugherty, Darwin Harper, Daniel Gaston, Guillermo Grado, Charles Grimsley, and Jared Langley. Arbitration of Plaintiffs claims may take place only in a m anner not inconsistent with this Courts Order; and The claims of Plaintiffs Matthew Daugherty, Darwin Harper, Daniel Gaston, Guillermo Grado, Charles Grimsley, and Jared Langley are STAYED pending completion of arbitration. by Judge William J. Martinez on 7/15/2011.(erv, )
May 24, 2011 |
ORDER denying without prejudice 53 Plaintiff David Gastons Motion to Lift Stay by Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 5/24/2011.(erv, )
April 8, 2011 |
ORDER denying 31 Defendant Encana Oil & Gas (USA), Inc.s Amended Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff David Gastons Claims, by Judge William J. Martinez on 4/8/2011.(erv, )
February 18, 2011 |
ORDER The parties are directed to confer and to file a Joint Status Report due by 2/28/2011. by Judge William J. Martinez on 2/18/2011. (erv, )
December 13, 2010 |
MINUTE ORDER denying as moot 14 Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1) or, in the Alternative, Motion to Compel Arbitration and Stay the Arbitration Pending Arbitration; denying as moot 15 Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff David Gaston's Claim, by Chief Judge Wiley Y. Daniel on 12/13/10.(mnf, )