Hamer v. JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan et al
Plaintiff: Anthony S. Hamer
Defendant: JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America and JP Morgan Chase Bank NA
Case Number: 3:2023cv00832
Filed: June 20, 2023
Court: U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut
Presiding Judge: Janet C Hall
Referring Judge: Robert A Richardson
Nature of Suit: Labor: E.R.I.S.A.
Cause of Action: 29 U.S.C. § 1001 E.R.I.S.A.: Employee Retirement
Jury Demanded By: None
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on August 7, 2023. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
August 7, 2023 Filing 84 Memorandum in Opposition re #60 MOTION to Dismiss with Incorporated Memorandum of Law In Support filed by Anthony S. Hamer. (Serebin, Lisa)
August 1, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 83 SCHEDULING ORDER REGARDING CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Amended Pleadings due by 8/21/2023; Discovery due by 6/15/2024; Dispositive Motions due by 6/15/2024; Joint Status Report due by 10/31/2023; Joint Trial Memorandum due by 6/15/2024 SO ORDERED by Judge Janet C. Hall on 8/1/2023.(Sichanh, Christina)
August 1, 2023 Filing 82 NOTICE of Appearance by Rachel Shaskos Urquhart on behalf of JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America (Urquhart, Rachel)
August 1, 2023 Filing 81 NOTICE of Appearance by Lisa Serebin on behalf of Anthony S. Hamer (Serebin, Lisa)
July 28, 2023 Filing 80 NOTICE of Appearance by Joseph Creitz on behalf of Anthony S. Hamer (Creitz, Joseph)
July 26, 2023 Filing 79 CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING re #75 MOTION for Attorney(s) Rachel S. Urquhart to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice (paid $200 PHV fee; receipt number ACTDC-7427461) by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Mule, Nicole)
July 26, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 78 ORDER granting #75 Motion for Attorney Rachel S. Urquhart to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Certificate of Good Standing due by 9/24/2023. Signed by Clerk on 7/26/2023. (Freberg, B)
July 26, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 77 ORDER granting #72 Motion for Attorney Lisa S. Serebin to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Clerk on 7/26/2023. (Freberg, B)
July 26, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 76 ORDER granting #71 Motion for Attorney Joseph A. Creitz to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Clerk on 7/26/2023. (Freberg, B)
July 26, 2023 Filing 75 MOTION for Attorney(s) Rachel S. Urquhart to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice (paid $200 PHV fee; receipt number ACTDC-7427461) by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Mule, Nicole)
July 25, 2023 Filing 74 NOTICE of Appearance by Eric P Mathisen on behalf of JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America (Mathisen, Eric)
July 24, 2023 Filing 73 Joint REPORT of Rule 26(f) Planning Meeting. (Pomeroy, Scott)
July 24, 2023 Filing 72 MOTION for Attorney(s) Lisa S. Serebin to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice (paid $200 PHV fee; receipt number ACTDC-7424813) by Anthony S. Hamer. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Affidavit of Lisa S. Serebin, #2 Certification of Service)(Newfield, Jason)
July 24, 2023 Filing 71 MOTION for Attorney(s) Joesph A. Creitz to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice (paid $200 PHV fee; receipt number ACTDC-7424790) by Anthony S. Hamer. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Affidavit of Joesph Creitz, #2 Certification of Service)(Newfield, Jason)
July 21, 2023 Filing 70 CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING re #65 MOTION for Attorney(s) Eric P. Mathisen to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice (paid $200 PHV fee; receipt number ACTDC-7420082) by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Mule, Nicole)
July 20, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 69 ORDER denying, without prejudice, #61 Motion for Attorney Lisa S. Serebin to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice for failure to comply with Local Rule 83.1(d). Signed by Judge Janet C. Hall on 7/20/2023. (Freberg, B)
July 20, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 68 ORDER denying, without prejudice, #61 Motion for Attorney Joseph A. Creitz to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice for failure to comply with Local Rule 83.1(d). Signed by Judge Janet C. Hall on 7/20/2023. (Freberg, B)
July 20, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 67 ORDER granting #65 Motion for Attorney Eric P. Mathisen to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Certificate of Good Standing due by 9/18/2023. Signed by Clerk on 7/20/2023. (Freberg, B)
July 20, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 66 ORDER denying #63 Motion to Stay for failure to show good cause. The 26f Report shall be submitted. SO ORDERED by Judge Janet C. Hall on 7/20/2023. (DeRubeis, B.)
July 20, 2023 Filing 65 MOTION for Attorney(s) Eric P. Mathisen to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice (paid $200 PHV fee; receipt number ACTDC-7420082) by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Mule, Nicole)
July 20, 2023 Filing 64 NOTICE of Appearance by Nicole S. Mule on behalf of JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America (Mule, Nicole)
July 19, 2023 Filing 63 Joint MOTION to Stay by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America.Responses due by 8/9/2023 (Pomeroy, Scott)
July 18, 2023 Filing 62 MOTION for Attorney(s) Lisa S. Serebin to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice (paid $200 PHV fee; receipt number ACTDC-7417444) by Anthony S. Hamer. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Affirmation of Jason Newfield, #2 Affidavit Affirmation of Lisa A Serebin)(Newfield, Jason)
July 18, 2023 Filing 61 MOTION for Attorney(s) Joseph A. Creitz to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice (paid $200 PHV fee; receipt number ACTDC-7417374) by Anthony S. Hamer. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Affirmation of Jason Newfield, #2 Affidavit Affirmation of Joseph Creitz)(Newfield, Jason)
July 17, 2023 Filing 60 MOTION to Dismiss with Incorporated Memorandum of Law In Support by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America.Responses due by 8/7/2023 (Pomeroy, Scott)
July 12, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 59 ORDER: The parties in this case are hereby Ordered to meet and confer and file a joint Rule 26(f) Report of Planning Meeting by July 24, 2023. (Rule 26 Meeting Report due by 7/24/2023) SO ORDERED by Judge Janet C. Hall on 7/12/2023. (DeRubeis, B.)
July 11, 2023 Filing 58 NOTICE of Appearance by Jason A. Newfield on behalf of Anthony S. Hamer (Newfield, Jason)
July 5, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 57 ORDER granting #56 Motion for Extension of Time until July 17, 2023 to File Response to Complaint. SO ORDERED by Judge Janet C. Hall on 7/5/2023. (Sichanh, Christina)
July 5, 2023 Answer deadline updated for JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, and Prudential Insurance Company of America to 7/17/2023. (Sichanh, Christina)
June 30, 2023 Filing 56 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time until July 17, 2023 to File Response to Complaint by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Pomeroy, Scott)
June 30, 2023 Filing 55 Disclosure Statement by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan identifying Corporate Parent JPMorgan Chase & Co. for JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan. (Pomeroy, Scott)
June 30, 2023 Filing 54 Disclosure Statement by Prudential Insurance Company of America identifying Corporate Parent Prudential Financial, Inc. for Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Pomeroy, Scott)
June 20, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 53 STANDING DISCOVERY ORDER Signed by Judge Janet C. Hall on 6/20/2023.(Freberg, B)
June 20, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 52 Order on Pretrial Deadlines: Amended Pleadings due by 8/19/2023 Discovery due by 12/20/2023 Dispositive Motions due by 1/24/2024 Signed by Clerk on 6/20/2023.(Freberg, B)
June 20, 2023 Filing 51 Notice: Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 7.1, a disclosure statement must be filed with a party's first appearance, pleading, petition, motion, response, or other request addressed to the Court and must be supplemented if any required information changes during the case. Signed by Clerk on 6/20/2023.(Freberg, B)
June 20, 2023 Filing 50 NOTICE TO COUNSEL NOT ADMITTED TO THE BAR OF THE US DISTRICT COURT OF CONNECTICUT Re: Local Rule 83.1 Admission of Attorneys. The above captioned case has been received and filed in our court. Please see our Local Rule 83.1 regarding Admission of Attorneys that is available on our website at www.ctd.uscourts.gov. You will not be added to the case, nor will we accept further filings until you have complied with Local Rule 83.1. If you have any questions about this procedure, please contact the Clerk's Office. Signed by Clerk on 6/20/2023.(Freberg, B)
June 20, 2023 Filing 49 NOTICE: ANY MOTIONS PENDING AT THE TIME OF TRANSFER MUST BE REFILED IN OUR DISTRICT. Signed by Clerk on 6/20/2023.(Freberg, B)
June 20, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 48 STANDING PROTECTIVE ORDER Signed by Judge Janet C. Hall on 6/20/2023.(Freberg, B)
June 20, 2023 Filing 46 Case electronically transferred in from District of California Northern; Case Number 3:22-cv-06886. Electronic file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received. (Freberg, B).
June 20, 2023 Judge Janet C. Hall and Judge Robert A. Richardson added. (Freberg, B)
June 19, 2023 *** Case electronically transferred to the District of Connecticut *** (far, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/19/2023)
June 16, 2023 Filing 45 The court terminates #19 the motion to dismiss without prejudice to its resolution in the transferee court. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (lblc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/16/2023)
June 16, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 44 ORDER. In the attached order, the court grants #26 the motion to transfer venue to the District of Connecticut and declines to decide #19 the motion to dismiss. Signed by Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler on June 16, 2023. (lblc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/16/2023)
June 15, 2023 Filing 43 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler: Motion Hearing held on 6/15/2023 re #19 MOTION to Dismiss, #26 MOTION to Change Venue. Counsel proffered argument. Court takes motions under submission as stated.Digital Recording Time: 10:36 - 10:47 = 11 Minutes. Plaintiff Attorney: Joseph Creitz, Lisa Serebin. Defendant Attorney: Sean Nalty. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (afm, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 6/15/2023)
May 25, 2023 Filing 42 CLERKS NOTICE RESETTING MOTIONS HEARING. Motions Hearing #19 MOTION to Dismiss and #26 MOTION to Change Venue set for 5/25/2023 is reset to 6/15/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar.Initial Case Management Conference previously set for 6/22/2023 is reset to 7/20/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only. Case Management Statement due by 7/13/2023. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar. Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/lb General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.Zoom Guidance and Setup: #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/zoom/. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/25/2023)
May 24, 2023 Filing 41 CLERK'S NOTICE: Because of the size of the calendar and the interplay with the in-person 10:30 a.m. calendar, the court is beginning the Zoom calendar at 8:30 a.m. and is able to allot about ten minutes per side for oral argument. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/24/2023)
May 19, 2023 Filing 40 CLERKS NOTICE RESETTING MOTION HEARING TIME. Motions Hearing set for 5/25/2023 at 9:30 AM is reset to 8:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar.Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/lb General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.Zoom Guidance and Setup: #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/zoom/. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/19/2023)
May 17, 2023 Filing 39 CLERKS NOTICE RESETTING MOTIONS HEARING. Motions Hearing #19 MOTION to Dismiss and #26 MOTION to Change Venue set for 5/18/2023 is reset to 5/25/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar.Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/lb General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.Zoom Guidance and Setup: #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/zoom/. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/17/2023)
May 5, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 38 ORDER re #36 Stipulation to Continue Hearing Date on Motion to Transfer Venue. Motions Hearing #19 MOTION to Dismiss and #26 MOTION to Change Venue previously set for 5/11/2023 is reset to 5/18/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar.Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/lb General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.Zoom Guidance and Setup: #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/zoom/. Signed by Judge Laurel Beeler on 05/05/2023. (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/5/2023)
May 3, 2023 Filing 37 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER re #19 MOTION to Dismiss , #26 MOTION to Change Venue Hearing Date filed by JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Nalty, Sean) (Filed on 5/3/2023)
May 3, 2023 Filing 36 *** FILED IN ERROR. REFER TO DOCUMENT #37 . *** STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER re #26 MOTION to Change Venue Hearing Date filed by JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Helm, Graham) (Filed on 5/3/2023) Modified on 5/3/2023 (fff, COURT STAFF).
May 1, 2023 Filing 35 CLERKS NOTICE RESETTING MOTIONS HEARING. Motion Hearing #19 MOTION to Dismiss and #26 MOTION to Change Venue previously set for 5/4/2023 is reset to 5/11/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar.Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/lb General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.Zoom Guidance and Setup: #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/zoom/. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/1/2023)
April 20, 2023 Filing 34 REPLY (re #26 MOTION to Change Venue ) filed byJP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Nalty, Sean) (Filed on 4/20/2023)
April 20, 2023 Filing 33 REPLY (re #19 MOTION to Dismiss ) filed byJP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Nalty, Sean) (Filed on 4/20/2023)
March 30, 2023 Filing 32 CLERK'S NOTICE RESETTING MOTION HEARING: Pursuant the parties' stipulation, the court resets the Motions Hearings #19 MOTION to Dismiss and #26 MOTION to Change Venue to 5/4/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. Replies due by 4/20/2023. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar. Initial Case Management Conference previously set for 5/25/2023 is reset to 6/22/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only. Case Management Statement due by 6/15/2023. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar.Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/lb General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.Zoom Guidance and Setup: #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/zoom/. (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/30/2023)
March 29, 2023 Filing 31 STIPULATION re 28 Clerk's Notice Setting Zoom Hearing.,,,,, Set Motion and Deadlines/Hearings,,,, filed by JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Nalty, Sean) (Filed on 3/29/2023)
March 22, 2023 Filing 30 OPPOSITION/RESPONSE (re #26 MOTION to Change Venue ) Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Transfer Venue filed byAnthony S. Hamer. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Declaration of Anthony S. Hamer in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Change Venue)(Serebin, Lisa) (Filed on 3/22/2023)
March 22, 2023 Filing 29 OPPOSITION/RESPONSE (re #19 MOTION to Dismiss ) Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss filed byAnthony S. Hamer. (Serebin, Lisa) (Filed on 3/22/2023)
February 28, 2023 Filing 28 CLERKS NOTICE SETTING ZOOM HEARING. Motion Hearing #26 MOTION to Change Venue set for 4/20/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. Responses due by 3/22/2023. Replies due by 4/5/2023. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar.Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/lb General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.Zoom Guidance and Setup: #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/zoom/. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/28/2023)
February 17, 2023 Filing 27 NOTICE of Change In Counsel by Patricia Arias Musitano for Defendants JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. and JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Long Term Disability Plan (Musitano, Patricia) (Filed on 2/17/2023)
February 15, 2023 Filing 26 MOTION to Change Venue filed by JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. Motion Hearing set for 4/20/2023 09:30 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom B, 15th Floor before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. Responses due by 3/1/2023. Replies due by 3/8/2023. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Tamika Williams, #2 Declaration Daniela Nese, #3 Request for Judicial Notice, #4 Proposed Order)(Nalty, Sean) (Filed on 2/15/2023)
February 13, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 25 ORDER re #20 Stipulation of the Parties re Briefing Schedule for Defendants' Motion to Dismiss and Motion to Transfer Venue. Motion Hearing #19 MOTION to Dismiss set for 4/20/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. Responses due by 3/22/2023. Replies due by 4/5/2023. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar.Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/lb General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.Zoom Guidance and Setup: #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/zoom/. Signed by Judge Laurel Beeler on 02/13/2023. (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/13/2023)
February 13, 2023 Filing 24 CLERK'S NOTICE SETTING ZOOM HEARING: Motion Hearing #19 MOTION to Dismiss set for 4/20/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. Responses due by 2/24/2023. Replies due by 3/3/2023. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar. Initial Case Management Conference previously set for 3/16/2023 is reset to 5/25/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only. Case Management Statement due by 5/18/2023. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar. Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/lb General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.Zoom Guidance and Setup: #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/zoom/. (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/13/2023)
February 13, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 23 Order by Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler granting #18 Motion Consent Order Granting Substitution of Counsel by Sean Patrick Nalty The Prudential Insurance Company of America [AO-154]. (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/13/2023)
February 13, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 22 Order by Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler granting #17 Consent Order Granting Substitution of Counsel by Sean Patrick Nalty JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. [AO-154]. (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/13/2023)
February 13, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 21 Order by Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler granting #16 Consent Order Granting Substitution of Counsel and Proposed Order by Sean Patrick Nalty for JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Long Term Disability Benefit Plan [AO-154]. (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/13/2023)
February 13, 2023 Filing 20 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER re #19 MOTION to Dismiss and Motion to Transfer Venue filed by JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Nalty, Sean) (Filed on 2/13/2023)
February 10, 2023 Filing 19 MOTION to Dismiss filed by JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. Motion Hearing set for 4/20/2023 09:30 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom B, 15th Floor before Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. Responses due by 2/24/2023. Replies due by 3/3/2023. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Nalty, Sean) (Filed on 2/10/2023)
January 12, 2023 Filing 18 Consent Order Granting Substitution of Counsel and Proposed Order by Sean Patrick Nalty The Prudential Insurance Company of America [AO-154] (Nalty, Sean) (Filed on 1/12/2023) Modified on 2/7/2023 (lsk, COURT STAFF).
January 12, 2023 Filing 17 Consent Order Granting Substitution of Counsel and Proposed Order by Sean Patrick Nalty JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. [AO-154] (Nalty, Sean) (Filed on 1/12/2023) Modified on 2/7/2023 (lsk, COURT STAFF).
January 12, 2023 Filing 16 Consent Order Granting Substitution of Counsel and Proposed Order by Sean Patrick Nalty for JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Long Term Disability Benefit Plan [AO-154] (Nalty, Sean) (Filed on 1/12/2023) Modified on 2/7/2023 (lsk, COURT STAFF).
December 20, 2022 Filing 15 CONSENT/DECLINATION to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge by Prudential Insurance Company of America.. (James, Jason) (Filed on 12/20/2022)
December 20, 2022 Filing 14 CONSENT/DECLINATION to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge by JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan.. (Amador, Richard) (Filed on 12/20/2022)
December 19, 2022 Filing 13 STIPULATION re #7 Stipulation, #1 Complaint, Further Extend Time to Respond to Plaintiff's Complaint filed by Prudential Insurance Company of America. (James, Jason) (Filed on 12/19/2022)
December 14, 2022 Filing 12 CLERK'S NOTICE RESETTING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE: Initial Case Management Conference previously set for 2/2/2023 is reset to 3/16/2023 at 9:30 AM in San Francisco - Videoconference Only. Case Management Statement due by 3/9/2023. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar.Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at #https://www.cand.uscourts.go v/lb General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.Zoom Guidance and Setup: #https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/zoom/. (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/14/2022)
December 13, 2022 Filing 11 STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME TO RESPOND TO PLAINTIFFS COMPLAINT filed by JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.. (Musitano, Patricia) (Filed on 12/13/2022)
December 6, 2022 Filing 10 CLERK'S NOTICE Re: Consent or Declination: Defendants shall file a consent or declination to proceed before a magistrate judge. Note that any party is free to withhold consent to proceed before a magistrate judge without adverse substantive consequences. The forms are available at: #http://cand.uscourts.gov/civilforms. Consent/Declination due by 12/20/2022. (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/6/2022)
November 30, 2022 Filing 9 STIPULATION to Extend Time to Respond to Plaintiff's Complaint filed by JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.. (Musitano, Patricia) (Filed on 11/30/2022)
November 23, 2022 Filing 8 CLERK'S NOTICE Re: Consent or Declination: Defendant Prudential Insurance Company of America shall file a consent or declination to proceed before a magistrate judge. Note that any party is free to withhold consent to proceed before a magistrate judge without adverse substantive consequences. The forms are available at: #http://cand.uscourts.gov/civilforms. Consent/Declination due by 12/7/2022. (ejk, COURT STAFF) (Fi led on 11/23/2022)
November 23, 2022 Filing 7 STIPULATION re #1 Complaint, to Extend Time to Respond to Plaintiff's Complaint filed by Prudential Insurance Company of America. (James, Jason) (Filed on 11/23/2022)
November 7, 2022 Filing 6 Summons Issued as to Defendants JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan, Prudential Insurance Company of America. (tn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/7/2022)
November 7, 2022 Filing 5 Initial Case Management Scheduling Order with ADR Deadlines: Joint Case Management Statement due by 1/26/2023. Initial Case Management Conference set for 2/2/2023 at 11:00 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom B, 15th Floor. (tn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/7/2022)
November 4, 2022 Filing 4 CONSENT/DECLINATION to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge by Anthony S. Hamer.. (Creitz, Joseph) (Filed on 11/4/2022)
November 4, 2022 Filing 3 Case assigned to Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. Counsel for plaintiff or the removing party is responsible for serving the Complaint or Notice of Removal, Summons and the assigned judge's standing orders and all other new case documents upon the opposing parties. For information, visit E-Filing A New Civil Case at http://cand.uscourts.gov/ecf/caseopening.Standing orders can be downloaded from the court's web page at www.cand.uscourts.gov/judges. Upon receipt, the summons will be issued and returned electronically. A scheduling order will be sent by Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) within two business days. Consent/Declination due by 11/18/2022. (as, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/4/2022)
November 4, 2022 Filing 2 Proposed Summons. (Attachments: #1 Summons Proposed Summons, #2 Summons Proposed Summons)(Serebin, Lisa) (Filed on 11/4/2022)
November 4, 2022 Filing 1 COMPLAINT FOR BENEFITS AND FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT INCOME SECURITY ACT OF 1974 (ERISA) against All Defendants, (Filing Fee: $402.00, receipt number ACANDC-17698600). Filed by Anthony S. Hamer. (Attachments: #(1) Civil Cover Sheet)(Serebin, Lisa) (Filed on 11/4/2022) Modified on 11/7/2022 (tn, COURT STAFF).

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Plaintiff: Anthony S. Hamer
Represented By: Jason A. Newfield
Represented By: Joseph Creitz
Represented By: Lisa Serebin
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Defendant: JP Morgan Chase Long-term Disability Benefit Plan
Represented By: Scott K. Pomeroy
Represented By: Eric P Mathisen
Represented By: Nicole S. Mule
Represented By: Rachel Shaskos Urquhart
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Defendant: Prudential Insurance Company of America
Represented By: Scott K. Pomeroy
Represented By: Eric P Mathisen
Represented By: Nicole S. Mule
Represented By: Rachel Shaskos Urquhart
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Defendant: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA
Represented By: Scott K. Pomeroy
Represented By: Nicole S. Mule
Represented By: Eric P Mathisen
Represented By: Rachel Shaskos Urquhart
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