Jane Doe 1 et al v. Varsity Brands, LLC et al
Plaintiff: Jane Does 1, and 2 by and through their mother, Mary Doe, and Jane Doe 3, by and through her father, Joseph Doe, Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2 and Jane Doe 3
Defendant: Varsity Brands, LLC, Varsity Spirit, LLC, Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc., U.S. All Star Federation, Inc. d/b/a U.S. All Star Federation, USA Federation for Sport Cheering d/b/a USA Cheer, Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP, Bain Capital, LP, Jeff Webb, Champion Elite Legacy LLC, Ashley Hughes, Erick Kristianson, U.S. All Star Federation, Inc. doing business as U.S. All Star Federation, USA Federation for Sport Cheering doing business as USA Cheer and Champion Elite Legacy
Case Number: 6:2023cv00788
Filed: April 28, 2023
Court: US District Court for the Middle District of Florida
Presiding Judge: Wendy W Berger
Referring Judge: Leslie Hoffman Price
Nature of Suit: Other Fraud
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Fed. Question
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on October 23, 2024. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
June 26, 2023 Filing 86 CORPORATE Disclosure Statement by Bain Capital, LP identifying Corporate Parent Bain Capital, LP for Bain Capital, LP.. (Nealy-Brown, Jounice)
June 26, 2023 Filing 85 NOTICE of a related action per Local Rule 1.07(c) by Bain Capital, LP. Related case(s): Yes (Nealy-Brown, Jounice)
June 26, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 84 ORDER granting #80 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; granting #81 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; granting #82 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 6/26/2023. (MKH)
June 26, 2023 Filing 83 MOTION for Clerk's Default against Erick Kristianson AND MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by Jane Doe 3, Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2. (Bell, James) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 26, 2023 Filing 82 Unopposed MOTION for Helen Gugel to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20977712 for $150 by Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc., Varsity Brands, LLC. (Lopez, Kimberly) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 26, 2023 Filing 81 Unopposed MOTION for Robert G. Jones to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20977686 for $150 by Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc., Varsity Brands, LLC. (Lopez, Kimberly) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 26, 2023 Filing 80 Unopposed MOTION for Leon Kotlyar to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20977622 for $150 by Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc., Varsity Brands, LLC. (Lopez, Kimberly) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 23, 2023 Reset deadlines: Case management report due by 7/12/2023 (KNC)
June 23, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 79 ORDER granting #77 Motion for Extension of Time. The deadline for the parties to file their case management report is extended up to and including July 12, 2023. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 6/23/2023. (MKH)
June 23, 2023 Filing 78 NOTICE of Lead Counsel Designation by Jounice Laverne Nealy-Brown on behalf of Bain Capital, LP. Lead Counsel: Manisha M. Sheth. (Nealy-Brown, Jounice)
June 23, 2023 Filing 77 Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to File Uniform Case Management Report by Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3. (Bell, James) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price. Modified on 6/26/2023 to edit docket text (KNC).
June 23, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 76 ORDER granting #69 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 6/23/2023. (MKH)
June 23, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 75 ORDER granting #63 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; granting #64 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; granting #65 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 6/23/2023. (MKH)
June 23, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 74 ORDER granting #58 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; granting #59 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; granting #67 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 6/23/2023. (MKH)
June 22, 2023 Filing 73 CORPORATE Disclosure Statement by Varsity Spirit, LLC identifying Corporate Parent Varsity Brands, LLC for Varsity Spirit, LLC. (Moore, Jennifer) Modified on 6/22/2023 to edit docket text (KNC).
June 22, 2023 Filing 72 CORPORATE Disclosure Statement by USA Federation for Sport Cheering. (Pidermann, Stephanie)
June 22, 2023 Filing 71 NOTICE of a Related Action by USA Federation for Sport Cheering Related Cases: Yes (Pidermann, Stephanie) Modified on 6/22/2023 to edit docket text (KNC).
June 22, 2023 Filing 70 NOTICE of a related action per Local Rule 1.07(c) by Varsity Spirit, LLC. Related case(s): Yes (Moore, Jennifer)
June 22, 2023 Filing 69 Unopposed MOTION for Ashley P. Cuttino to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20966999 for $150 by Varsity Spirit, LLC. (Moore, Jennifer) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 22, 2023 Filing 68 NOTICE of Appearance by Nathan W. Hill on behalf of Bain Capital, LP (Hill, Nathan)
June 22, 2023 Filing 67 Unopposed MOTION for Alexandra Benevento to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20966614 for $150 by Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3. (Bell, James) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 22, 2023 Filing 66 NOTICE TO COUNSEL for Defendant Bain Capital, LP of Local Rule 2.02(a), which states, "The first paper filed on behalf of a party must designate only one lead counsel who - unless the party changes the designation - remains lead counsel throughout the action." Counsel must file a Notice of Lead Counsel Designation identifying lead counsel. (Signed by Deputy Clerk). (KNC)
June 21, 2023 Filing 65 Unopposed MOTION for Manisha M. Sheth to appear pro hac vice by Bain Capital, LP. (Nealy-Brown, Jounice) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 21, 2023 Filing 64 Unopposed MOTION for Kathryn Bonacorsi to appear pro hac vice by Bain Capital, LP. (Nealy-Brown, Jounice) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 21, 2023 Filing 63 Unopposed MOTION for Josef Ansorge to appear pro hac vice by Bain Capital, LP. (Nealy-Brown, Jounice) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 21, 2023 Filing 62 NOTICE of Appearance by Jonathan Kent Osborne on behalf of Bain Capital, LP (Osborne, Jonathan)
June 21, 2023 Filing 61 NOTICE of a related action per Local Rule 1.07(c) by Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc., Varsity Brands, LLC. Related case(s): Yes (Lopez, Kimberly)
June 21, 2023 Filing 60 NOTICE of Appearance by Jounice Laverne Nealy-Brown on behalf of Bain Capital, LP (Nealy-Brown, Jounice)
June 21, 2023 Filing 59 Unopposed MOTION for Bakari T. Sellers to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20963742 for $150 by Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3. (Bell, James) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 21, 2023 Filing 58 Unopposed MOTION for Jessica L. Fickling to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20963730 for $150 by Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3. (Bell, James) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 20, 2023 Filing 57 NOTICE of Lead Counsel Designation by Stephanie Pidermann on behalf of USA Federation for Sport Cheering. Lead Counsel: Stephanie Pidermann, Esq. (Pidermann, Stephanie)
June 20, 2023 Filing 56 NOTICE of a related action per Local Rule 1.07(c) by Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP. Related case(s): Yes (Zehnder, Thomas)
June 20, 2023 Filing 55 CORPORATE Disclosure Statement by Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP. (Zehnder, Thomas)
June 20, 2023 Filing 54 NOTICE of Lead Counsel Designation by Thomas A. Zehnder on behalf of Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP. Lead Counsel: Scott A. Edelman. (Zehnder, Thomas)
June 20, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 53 ORDER granting #50 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; granting #51 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Katherine Kelly Fell, Esq., and Scott A. Edelman, Esq., may specially appear in this case as counsel for Defendant Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP. The Clerk of Court is directed to mail a copy of this Order to Attorneys Fell and Edelman. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 6/20/2023. (ECJ)
June 20, 2023 Filing 52 NOTICE TO COUNSEL for Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP of Local Rule 2.02(a), which states, "The first paper filed on behalf of a party must designate only one lead counsel who - unless the party changes the designation - remains lead counsel throughout the action." Counsel must file a Notice of Lead Counsel Designation identifying lead counsel. (Signed by Deputy Clerk). (KNC)
June 19, 2023 Filing 51 Unopposed MOTION for Scott A. Edelman to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20953369 for $150 by Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP. (Zehnder, Thomas) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 19, 2023 Filing 50 Unopposed MOTION for Katherine Kelly Fell to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20953365 for $150 by Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP. (Zehnder, Thomas) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 19, 2023 Filing 49 NOTICE of Appearance by Thomas A. Zehnder on behalf of Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP (Zehnder, Thomas)
June 19, 2023 Filing 48 NOTICE of Appearance by Dustin Michael Mauser-Claassen on behalf of Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP (Mauser-Claassen, Dustin)
June 13, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 47 ORDER denying without prejudice #46 Motion for Clerk's Default. A renewed motion, which shall be filed on or before June 27, 2023, must include a memorandum of legal authority establishing that service of process was proper under applicable law. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 6/13/2023. (MKH)
June 13, 2023 Filing 46 MOTION for Clerk's Default against Erick Kristianson by Jane Doe 3, Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2. (Bell, James) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 8, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 45 ORDER granting #44 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer. U.S. All Star Federation, Inc. answer or response due 7/7/2023. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 6/8/2023. (MKH)
June 7, 2023 Filing 44 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re #1 Complaint by U.S. All Star Federation, Inc. (Alhadeff, Seth) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price. Modified on 6/8/2023 to edit docket text (KNC).
June 6, 2023 Filing 43 WAIVER of service returned executed on 05/10/2023 by Jane Doe 3, Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2 as to USA Federation for Sport Cheering. (Bell, James)
June 5, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 42 ORDER denying without prejudice for failure to comply with Local Rule 3.01(g) #36 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; denying without prejudice for failure to comply with Local Rule 3.01(g) #37 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 6/5/2023. (MKH)
June 5, 2023 Filing 41 NOTICE of a related action per Local Rule 1.07(c) by Champion Elite Legacy, Ashley Hughes. Related case(s): Yes (Lanigan, Roddy)
June 5, 2023 Filing 40 CORPORATE Disclosure Statement by Champion Elite Legacy, Ashley Hughes. (Lanigan, Roddy)
June 5, 2023 Filing 39 ANSWER and affirmative defenses to #1 Complaint with Jury Demand by Ashley Hughes.(Lanigan, Roddy)
June 5, 2023 Filing 38 ANSWER and affirmative defenses to #1 Complaint with Jury Demand by Champion Elite Legacy.(Lanigan, Roddy)
June 2, 2023 Filing 37 Unopposed MOTION for Jessica L. Fickling to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20902876 for $150 by Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3. (Bell, James) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
June 2, 2023 Filing 36 Unopposed MOTION for Alexandra Benevento to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20902837 for $150 by Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3. (Bell, James) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
May 26, 2023 Reset deadlines: for Champion Elite Legacy, Ashley Hughes. Responses to Complaint due 6/5/2023. (KNC)
May 26, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 35 ORDER granting #31 Motion for Extension of Time. The deadline for Defendants Ashley Hughes and Champion Elite Legacy, L.L.C. to respond to the complaint is extended up to and including June 5, 2023. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 5/26/2023. (MKH)
May 26, 2023 Filing 34 CORPORATE Disclosure Statement by Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc. identifying Other Affiliate Hercules VB Holdings, Inc. for Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc. (Lopez, Kimberly) Modified on 5/30/2023 to edit docket text (KNC).
May 26, 2023 Filing 33 CORPORATE Disclosure Statement by Varsity Brands, LLC identifying Other Affiliate Varsity Brands Holding Co., Inc. for Varsity Brands, LLC. (Lopez, Kimberly) Modified on 5/30/2023 to edit docket text (KNC).
May 26, 2023 Filing 32 STIPULATION Regarding Responsive Pleading Deadline re #17 Proof of service, #1 Complaint #18 Waiver of service executed by Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc., Varsity Brands, LLC. (Lopez, Kimberly) Modified on 5/30/2023 to edit docket text (KNC).
May 26, 2023 Filing 31 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #1 Complaint by Champion Elite Legacy, Ashley Hughes. (Lanigan, Roddy) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
May 26, 2023 Filing 30 NOTICE of (Lead Counsel) Appearance by Roddy Bisgaard Lanigan on behalf of Champion Elite Legacy, Ashley Hughes (Lanigan, Roddy)
May 22, 2023 Filing 29 NOTICE of Appearance by Kimberly A. Lopez on behalf of Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc., Varsity Brands, LLC (Lopez, Kimberly)
May 22, 2023 Filing 28 NOTICE of Lead Counsel Designation by Enid Ginnette Childs on behalf of Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc., Varsity Brands, LLC. Lead Counsel: E. Ginnette Childs. (Childs, Enid)
May 18, 2023 Filing 27 NOTICE of Lead Counsel Designation by Dale A. Evans, Jr on behalf of Jeff Webb. Lead Counsel: Paul E. Coggins. (Evans, Dale)
May 18, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 26 ORDER granting #24 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; granting #25 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 5/18/2023. (MKH)
May 17, 2023 Filing 25 Unopposed MOTION for Brendan P. Gaffney to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20845707 for $150 by Jeff Webb. (Evans, Dale) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
May 17, 2023 Filing 24 Unopposed MOTION for Paul E. Coggins to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20845666 for $150 by Jeff Webb. (Evans, Dale) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price.
May 16, 2023 Filing 23 NOTICE of Appearance by Jennifer Monrose Moore on behalf of Varsity Spirit, LLC (Moore, Jennifer)
May 16, 2023 Filing 22 NOTICE TO COUNSEL Dale Evans and Brendan Gaffney of Local Rule 2.02(a), which states, "The first paper filed on behalf of a party must designate only one lead counsel who - unless the party changes the designation - remains lead counsel throughout the action." Counsel must file a Notice of Lead Counsel Designation identifying lead counsel. (Signed by Deputy Clerk). (KNC)
May 16, 2023 Filing 21 NOTICE of Appearance by Dale A. Evans, Jr on behalf of Jeff Webb (Evans, Dale)
May 15, 2023 Filing 20 RETURN of service executed on 05/08/2023 by Jane Doe 3, Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2 as to Ashley Hughes. (Bell, James)
May 12, 2023 Filing 19 NOTICE TO COUNSEL Brendan Gaffney Local Rule 2.01(c), Special Admission of Non-Resident Lawyer - File a Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Co-counsel with filing rights may electronically file the motion on behalf of the non-resident lawyer or the motion may be filed on paper; Pay the Special Admission Fee; Submit a Pro Hac Vice E-File Registration through PACER. Visit www.flmd.uscourts.gov/for-lawyers for details (Signed by Deputy Clerk). (KNC)
May 12, 2023 Filing 18 WAIVER of service returned executed on 5/5/2023 by Jane Doe 3, Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2 as to Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc., Varsity Brands, LLC. (Bell, James) Modified on 5/12/2023 to edit docket text (KNC).
May 11, 2023 Filing 17 PROOF of service by Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3 (Bell, James)
May 11, 2023 Filing 16 WAIVER of service returned executed on 05/11/2023 by Jane Doe 3, Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2 as to Jeff Webb. (Bell, James)
May 10, 2023 Filing 15 PROOF of service by Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3 (Bell, James)
May 10, 2023 Filing 14 PROOF of service by Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3 (Bell, James)
May 10, 2023 Filing 13 PROOF of service by Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3 (Bell, James)
May 8, 2023 Filing 12 WAIVER of service returned executed on 05/05/2023 by Jane Doe 3, Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2 as to Varsity Spirit, LLC. (Bell, James)
May 5, 2023 Filing 11 NOTICE of Local Rule 3.02(a)(2), which requires the parties in every civil proceeding, except those described in subsection (d), to file a case management report (CMR) using the uniform form at www.flmd.uscourts.gov. The CMR must be filed (1) within forty days after any defendant appears in an action originating in this court, (2) within forty days after the docketing of an action removed or transferred to this court, or (3) within seventy days after service on the United States attorney in an action against the United States, its agencies or employees. Judges may have a special CMR form for certain types of cases. These forms can be found at www.flmd.uscourts.gov under the Forms tab for each judge. (Signed by Deputy Clerk). (RMF)
May 5, 2023 Opinion or Order Filing 10 NOTICE TO COUNSEL AND PARTIES: The Middle District of Florida's revised Local Rules become effective February 1, 2021 and can be found on the Court's public website https://www.flmd.uscourts.gov/local-rules. For a just and efficient resolution of this case, the parties are DIRECTED to read and comply with the Middle District of Florida's Local Rules. See Local Rule 1.01(a). Failure to comply with ANY Local Rules or Court Orders may result in the imposition of sanctions including, but not limited to, the dismissal of this action or entry of default without further notice. Signed by Judge Wendy W. Berger on 5/5/2023. (RMF)
May 5, 2023 Filing 9 WAIVER of service returned executed on 05/05/2023 by Jane Doe 3, Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2 as to Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP. (Bell, James)
May 5, 2023 Filing 8 NOTICE TO COUNSEL Kathryn Bonacorsi Local Rule 2.01(c), Special Admission of Non-Resident Lawyer - File a Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Co-counsel with filing rights may electronically file the motion on behalf of the non-resident lawyer or the motion may be filed on paper; Pay the Special Admission Fee; Submit a Pro Hac Vice E-File Registration through PACER. Visit www.flmd.uscourts.gov/for-lawyers for details (Signed by Deputy Clerk). (KNC)
May 5, 2023 Filing 7 WAIVER of service returned executed on 05/04/2023 by Jane Doe 3, Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2 as to Bain Capital, LP. (Bell, James)
May 1, 2023 Filing 6 NOTICE of Lead Counsel Designation by James Robert Bell on behalf of Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, Jane Doe 3. Lead Counsel: J. Robert Bell III. (Bell, James)
May 1, 2023 Filing 5 SUMMONS issued as to All Defendants. (KNC)
May 1, 2023 Filing 4 NOTICE TO COUNSEL for Plaintiff of Local Rule 2.02(a), which states, "The first paper filed on behalf of a party must designate only one lead counsel who - unless the party changes the designation - remains lead counsel throughout the action." Counsel must file a Notice of Lead Counsel Designation identifying lead counsel. (Signed by Deputy Clerk). (KNC)
May 1, 2023 Filing 2 NOTICE TO COUNSEL Alexandra Benevento, Bakari T. Sellers, Jessica Fickling Local Rule 2.01(c), Special Admission of Non-Resident Lawyer - File a Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Co-counsel with filing rights may electronically file the motion on behalf of the non-resident lawyer or the motion may be filed on paper; Pay the Special Admission Fee; Submit a Pro Hac Vice E-File Registration through PACER. Visit www.flmd.uscourts.gov/for-lawyers for details (Signed by Deputy Clerk). (AET)
April 28, 2023 Filing 3 NEW CASE ASSIGNED to Judge Wendy W. Berger and Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price. New case number: 6:23-cv-788-WWB-LHP. (AET)
April 28, 2023 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against All Defendants with Jury Demand (Filing fee $402 receipt number AFLMDC-20779123) filed by Jane Does 1, and 2 by and through their mother, Mary Doe, and Jane Doe 3, by and through her father, Joseph Doe. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Proposed Summons, #5 Proposed Summons, #6 Proposed Summons, #7 Proposed Summons, #8 Proposed Summons, #9 Proposed Summons, #10 Proposed Summons, #11 Proposed Summons, #12 Proposed Summons, #13 Proposed Summons, #14 Proposed Summons)(Bell, James) Modified on 5/1/2023 to edit docket text (KNC).

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Plaintiff: Jane Does 1, and 2 by and through their mother, Mary Doe, and Jane Doe 3, by and through her father, Joseph Doe
Represented By: James Robert Bell
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Plaintiff: Jane Doe 1
Represented By: Bakari T. Sellers
Represented By: Gregorio Antonio Francis
Represented By: Jessica Fickling
Represented By: Joseph A. Osborne
Represented By: James Robert Bell
Represented By: Alexandra Benevento
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Plaintiff: Jane Doe 2
Represented By: Jessica Fickling
Represented By: Joseph A. Osborne
Represented By: James Robert Bell
Represented By: Alexandra Benevento
Represented By: Bakari T. Sellers
Represented By: Gregorio Antonio Francis
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Plaintiff: Jane Doe 3
Represented By: James Robert Bell
Represented By: Alexandra Benevento
Represented By: Gregorio Antonio Francis
Represented By: Bakari T. Sellers
Represented By: Jessica Fickling
Represented By: Joseph A. Osborne
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Defendant: Varsity Brands, LLC
Represented By: Enid Ginnette Childs
Represented By: Helen Gugel
Represented By: Kimberly A. Lopez
Represented By: Leon Kotlyar
Represented By: Robert G. Jones
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Defendant: Varsity Spirit, LLC
Represented By: Jennifer Monrose Moore
Represented By: Ashley P. Cuttino
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Defendant: Varsity Brands Holding Company, Inc.
Represented By: Helen Gugel
Represented By: Kimberly A. Lopez
Represented By: Leon Kotlyar
Represented By: Robert G. Jones
Represented By: Enid Ginnette Childs
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Defendant: U.S. All Star Federation, Inc. d/b/a U.S. All Star Federation
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Defendant: USA Federation for Sport Cheering d/b/a USA Cheer
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Defendant: Charlesbank Capital Partners, LP
Represented By: Scott Alexander Edelman
Represented By: Dustin Michael Mauser-Claassen
Represented By: Katherine Kelly Fell
Represented By: Thomas A. Zehnder
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Defendant: Bain Capital, LP
Represented By: Manisha M. Sheth
Represented By: Jonathan Kent Osborne
Represented By: Josef Teboho Ansorge
Represented By: Jounice Laverne Nealy-Brown
Represented By: Kathryn Bonacorsi
Represented By: Nathan W. Hill
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Defendant: Jeff Webb
Represented By: Brendan P Gaffney
Represented By: Paul E. Coggins
Represented By: Dale A. Evans, Jr.
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Defendant: Champion Elite Legacy LLC
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Defendant: Ashley Hughes
Represented By: Roddy Bisgaard Lanigan
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Defendant: Erick Kristianson
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Defendant: U.S. All Star Federation, Inc. doing business as U.S. All Star Federation
Represented By: Seth Victor Alhadeff
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Defendant: USA Federation for Sport Cheering doing business as USA Cheer
Represented By: Stephanie Pidermann
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Defendant: Champion Elite Legacy
Represented By: Roddy Bisgaard Lanigan
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