State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Hoopono-Services for the Blind v. United States of America et al
Plaintiff: State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind
Defendant: United States, United States Department of the Army and United States of America
Case Number: 1:2021cv00310
Filed: July 16, 2021
Court: U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii
Referring Judge: ROM TRADER
Nature of Suit: Other Statutes: Administrative Procedures Act/Review or Appeal of Agency Decision
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 2201
Jury Demanded By: None
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on September 7, 2021. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
September 3, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 36 NOTICE of Dismissal State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind. (Goellner, Ryan)
August 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 34 Declaration re #26 Response in Opposition to Motion, Defendants' Withdrawal of the Final Sentence of Paragraph 12 of the Ryan Lee Declaration Submitted in Support of Defendants' Memo in Opposition to Plaintiff's Amended Motion for TRO; COS. (Ching, Edric)
August 17, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 33 EP: CONFIDENTIAL TELEPHONIC SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE held.The following participated by telephone: Plaintiff representatives, Lea Dias* and Lori Wada*;Defendant representative, Maj. Tarik Downie*.Discussion had. No settlement. While Court declares impasse, parties encouraged to contact the Court should further settlement discussions believed to be productive.Parties request District Judge Kobayashi rule on Plaintiff's pending ECF #19 Amended Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction. (No Record / 10:15 - 11:50 a.m.) (MAGISTRATE JUDGE ROM TRADER)(laa)
August 16, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 32 EO: Pursuant to the STIPULATION re #19 Amended MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction filed by the parties on 8/16/2021 (Dkt. No. #31 ); The Court hereby VACATES the 8/19/2021 hearing. (JUDGE LESLIE E. KOBAYASHI) (afe)
August 16, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 31 Joint STIPULATION of Facts Regarding #19 Plaintiff's Amended MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction by State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind. (Edwards, Daniel) Modified on 8/20/2021 (emt, ).
August 13, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 30 EO: The parties joint request to extend the deadline for the parties to submit a stipulated set of facts (ECF No. #29 ) is hereby GRANTED. The parties shall file their stipulated facts by August 16, 2021. (JUDGE LESLIE E. KOBAYASHI)(rls, )
August 13, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 29 Letter Re: Joint request for extension of deadlines addressed to Judge Leslie E. Kobayashi from Edric M. Ching, Assistant U.S. Attorney, dated August 13, 2021. (emt, )
August 11, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 28 REPLY in Support of #19 Amended MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction, #24 Supplemental MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order To Correct ECF Filing Error filed by State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Arbitration Decision in OOD v. WPAFB, #2 Exhibit 2: Declaration of Daniel Edwards)(Goellner, Ryan) Modified on 8/16/2021 (emt, ).
August 5, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 27 SECOND STIPULATION REGARDING DEADLINES; ORDER - Signed by JUDGE LESLIE E. KOBAYASHI. (emt, )
August 2, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 26 RESPONSE in Opposition re #19 Amended MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction ; COS filed by United States Department of the Army, United States of America. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Ryan Lee, #2 Exhibit "A", #3 Exhibit "B", #4 Exhibit "C", #5 Exhibit "D", #6 Exhibit "E", #7 Exhibit "F")(Ching, Edric)
July 29, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 25 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind re #19 Amended MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction, #23 Amended Complaint, #24 Supplemental MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order To Correct ECF Filing Error, #18 Amended Complaint,,, (Goellner, Ryan)
July 29, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 24 Supplemental MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order To Correct ECF Filing Error Ryan W. Goellner appearing for Plaintiff State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind (Attachments: #1 Memorandum Memo in Support of Motion)(Goellner, Ryan)
July 29, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 23 Supplemental AMENDED COMPLAINT to Correct ECF Filing Error against United States Department of the Army, United States of America, filed by State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Verification of Lea Dias)(Goellner, Ryan)
July 28, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 22 EO: COURT ORDER ISSUING ADDITIONAL DEADLINES REGARDING PLAINTIFF'S AMENDED MOTION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. On July 28, 2021, the First Stipulation Regarding Deadlines; Order ("Stipulation and Order") was filed. [Dkt. no. #21 .] In light of the parties' stipulation, the status conference scheduled for July 28, 2021 is VACATED. The parties state that they will "meet and confer in an effort to agree to some type of stipulated set of facts that would obviate the need for a hearing on the" Motion. [Stipulation and Order at 3.] The parties are DIRECTED to file their stipulated facts by August 11, 2021. The stipulated facts shall also include a statement regarding whether they request an oral argument on the Motion or whether they request the Motion be submitted on the written memoranda of law and the stipulated facts. If the parties determine that they are unable to reach an agreement on the stipulated facts, the parties are DIRECTED to inform this Court immediately, through a letter submitted by facsimile to (808)541-1386, that the parties are unable to agree. In that instance, a hearing on the Motion will be held on August 18, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Further information about the hearing will be sent to counsel. (JUDGE LESLIE E. KOBAYASHI) (afe)
July 28, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 21 FIRST STIPULATION REGARDING DEADLINES; ORDER - Signed by JUDGE LESLIE E. KOBAYASHI. (emt, )
July 28, 2021 Opinion or Order ADVISORY ENTRY. Incorrect Attorney Filer- Please be advised that Documents #18 Amended Complaint, #19 Amended MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction and #20 Certificate of Service filed by Plaintiff State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Service for the Blind, were signed by an attorney other than the one identified as the e-filer. The name of the CM/ECF User under whose login and password the document is being electronically filed must correspond to the signature of the attorney signing the CM/ECF filed document. The filing party shall use its discretion should they feel the necessity to re-submit corrected filings. (emt, )
July 27, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 20 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind re #19 Amended MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction, #18 Amended Complaint,, (Goellner, Ryan) Modified on 7/28/2021 This document is signed by attorneys James W. Walther and Daniel F. Edwards (emt, ).
July 26, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 19 Amended MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction Ryan W. Goellner appearing for Plaintiff State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind (Attachments: #1 Memorandum)(Goellner, Ryan) Modified on 7/28/2021 This document is signed by attorneys James W. Walther and Daniel F. Edwards (emt, ).
July 26, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 18 VERIFIED AMENDED COMPLAINT for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief against United States Department of the Army, United States of America, filed by State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: December 22, 2015 Letter, #2 Exhibit 2: Solicitation Amendment 4, #3 Exhibit 3: 2017 Arbitration Decision, #4 Exhibit 4: Acorn Contract, #5 Exhibit 5: Appeal Decision, #6 Exhibit 6: Preliminary Notice, #7 Exhibit 7: Modification P00016 and P00017, #8 Exhibit 8: Declaration of Joseph Blackstone, #9 Exhibit 9: Declaration of James Chinn, #10 Exhibit 10: Declaration of Lea Dias, #11 Verification of Lea Dias)(Goellner, Ryan) Modified on 7/27/2021 (emt, ). Modified on 7/28/2021 This document is signed by attorneys James W. Walther and Daniel F. Edwards (emt, ).
July 22, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 17 EO: Per parties' joint request, Court sets Confidential Telephonic Settlement Conference for 8/17/2021 at 10:15 AM before MAGISTRATE JUDGE ROM TRADER. Confidential Settlement Conference statements due by 8/10/2021 to and other participants must call-in at least five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the conference. Call-in instructions are below:1. Dial 1-888-363-4735.2. Access Code 2070326. (MAGISTRATE JUDGE ROM TRADER)(laa)
July 20, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 16 EP: Status hearing regarding #2 First MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction held by video teleconference (VTC).Parties present by video teleconference (VTC).Court hears from the parties regarding status of the case and TRO.Court direct the parties to continue to meet and confer and reach out to Magistrate Judge Rom Trader to schedule an early settlement conference. Status Conference - DJ is set for 7/28/2021 at 09:00 AM by Video Conference Hearing before JUDGE LESLIE E. KOBAYASHI. The Courtroom manager will provide participants with the instructions and information to connect by video in advance of the scheduled video conference. Participants must connect to the conference at least five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the hearing.(Reporter-Gloria Bediamol) (JUDGE LESLIE E. KOBAYASHI) (afe)
July 20, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 15 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind (Youmans, Lynne)
July 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 14 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE AS TO RYAN W. GOELLNER re #7 , #9 - Signed by MAGISTRATE JUDGE ROM TRADER on 7/19/2021. (emt, )
July 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 13 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE AS TO DANIEL F. EDWARDS re #6 , #8 , #10 - Signed by MAGISTRATE JUDGE ROM TRADER on 7/19/2021. (emt, )
July 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 12 NOTICE of Appearance by Edric Ming-Kai Ching on behalf of United States, United States Department of the Army on behalf of United States, United States Department of the Army. (Ching, Edric)
July 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 11 EO: RE: #2 First MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction. Motion Hearing is set for 7/20/2021 at 01:30 PM by Video Conference Hearing before JUDGE LESLIE E. KOBAYASHI. The Courtroom manager will provide participants with the instructions and information to connect by video in advance of the scheduled video conference. Participants must connect to the conference at least five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the hearing. (JUDGE LESLIE E. KOBAYASHI) (afe)
July 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 10 First MOTION to Amend/Correct #8 Application Daniel Edwards Pro Hac Vice Motion Lynne Marice Youmans appearing for Plaintiff State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind (Youmans, Lynne)
July 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 9 First MOTION to Amend/Correct #7 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Ryan Goellner Filing fee $ 300, receipt number 0975-2553695. Lynne Marice Youmans appearing for Plaintiff State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind (Youmans, Lynne)
July 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 8 Application re #6 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Daniel Edwards Filing fee $ 300, receipt number 0975-2553694. . (Edwards, Daniel) Modified on 7/20/2021 Document signed by Lynne M. Youmans, Esq. (emt, ).
July 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 7 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Ryan Goellner Filing fee $ 300, receipt number 0975-2553695.Daniel F. Edwards appearing for Plaintiff State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind (Edwards, Daniel) Modified on 7/20/2021 Document signed by Lynne M. Youmans, Esq. (emt, ).
July 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 6 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Daniel Edwards Filing fee $ 300, receipt number 0975-2553694.Daniel F. Edwards appearing for Plaintiff State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind (Edwards, Daniel) Modified on 7/20/2021 Document is not signed (emt, ).
July 19, 2021 Opinion or Order ADVISORY ENTRY. Incorrect Attorney Filer - Please be advised that Documents #6 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Daniel Edwards Filing fee $ 300, receipt number 0975-2553694, #7 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Ryan Goellner Filing fee $ 300, receipt number 0975-2553695., #8 Application, were signed by an attorney other than the one identified as the e-filer. The name of the CM/ECF User under whose login and password the document is being electronically filed must correspond to the signature of the attorney signing the CM/ECF filed document. (emt, )
July 16, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 5 CIVIL Waiver of Service Packet - Notice to Parties Regarding Service Pursuant to Rule 4 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Attachments: #1 Notice of a Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons, #2 Waiver of the Service of Summons)(jni)
July 16, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 4 Order Setting Telephonic Rule 16 Scheduling Conference is set for 09:00AM on 9/13/2021 before MAGISTRATE JUDGE ROM TRADER - Signed by CHIEF JUDGE J. MICHAEL SEABRIGHT on 7/16/2021. (Attachments: #1 Memo Re: Corporate Disclosures) ATTACH THE SCHEDULING ORDER TO THE INITIATING DOCUMENT (COMPLAINT/NOTICE OF REMOVAL). THE SCHEDULING ORDER AND MEMO RE: CORPORATE DISCLOSURES MUST BE SERVED WITH THE DOCUMENT.(jni)
July 16, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 3 NOTICE of Case Assignment: Please reflect Civil case number CV 21-00310 LEK-RT on all further pleadings. (jni)
July 16, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 2 First MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction Lynne Marice Youmans appearing for Plaintiff State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Hoopono-Services for the Blind (Attachments: #1 Memorandum)(Youmans, Lynne)
July 16, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 1 Verified COMPLAINT for Declaratory and Injuctive Relief against Defendants State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Hoopono-Services for the Blind ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number 0975-2553435.), filed by State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Hoopono-Services for the Blind. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Declaration Lea Dias, #6 Verification, #7 Civil Cover Sheet)(Youmans, Lynne) Docket Text Modified on 7/16/2021 (jni)
July 16, 2021 Opinion or Order ADVISORY ENTRY-Exhibits not Labeled - Please be advised that exhibits attached to Document #1 Complaint are not labeled. The filing party may refer to Section 5.0 - Exhibits, of the CM/ECF Procedures Guide, which states "All exhibits attached to papers shall show the exhibit number or letter at the bottom of the first page of the exhibit." No further action is necessary. (jni)

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Plaintiff: State of Hawaii, Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ho'opono - Services for the Blind
Represented By: James W. Walther
Represented By: Lynne Marice Youmans
Represented By: Daniel F. Edwards
Represented By: Ryan W. Goellner
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Defendant: United States
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Defendant: United States Department of the Army
Represented By: Edric Ming-Kai Ching
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Defendant: United States of America
Represented By: Edric Ming-Kai Ching
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