Harris N.A. v. Bacchus Fresh International, Inc. et al
Harris N.A. |
MBG Marketing, Inc., Colimex, Inc., Bacchus Fresh International, Inc., McDaniel Fruit Co., Mex Flores Produce Co., Inc., Seald Sweet LLC, Agricola Y Comercial Cabilfruit S.A., Amazon Produce Network, LLC and B. D. Tropical, Inc. |
Tom Lange Co., Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Continental Fresh, LLC, Valper, S.A., Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc. and A.W. Produce Co., Inc. |
David F. Esterline and Robert M. Jajkowski |
Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., Agroexport LLC, New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Cohn Produce Company, Inc., Valper S.A. de C.V., Shipping Point Marketing, Inc. and Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. |
Plantation Produce Co. |
1:2011cv01647 |
March 9, 2011 |
US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois |
Chicago Office |
Cook |
Rebecca R Pallmeyer |
Agriculture Acts |
07 U.S.C. § 499 |
None |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on April 12, 2013. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 179 MANDATE of USCA dated 04/12/2013 regarding notice of appeal #175 ; USCA No. 13-1712: It is ordered that this case is dismissed, pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 42(b). (np, ) |
Filing 178 LETTER from the Seventh Circuit regarding the record on appeal in USCA no. 13-1712: No record to be returned. (np, ) |
Filing 177 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of receipt of short record on appeal regarding notice of appeal #175 ; USCA Case No. 13-1712 (np, ) |
Filing 176 TRANSMITTED to the 7th Circuit the short record on notice of appeal #175 . Notified counsel (dj) |
Filing 175 NOTICE of appeal by Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc. regarding orders #172 , #173 Filing fee $ 455, receipt number 0752-8212320. (Keaton, Michael) |
Filing 174 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiffs Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. by Michael John Keaton (Keaton, Michael) |
Filing 173 ENTERED JUDGMENT on 3/25/2013: Mailed notice(etv, ) |
Filing 172 MEMORANDUM Opinion and Order Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 3/25/2013: Mailed notice(etv, ) |
Filing 171 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: For the reasons stated in the Memorandum, the court denies the Agro Plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment #149 and grants Defendant Esterline's motion for summary judgment #146 as to all Plaintiffs. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 170 NOTICE by Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. Entry of Order in Bacchus Bankruptcy Case (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 169 NOTICE by Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. Filing of Motion to Abandon & Dispose of Bacchus Fresh International, Inc.'s Corporate Records (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 168 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Unopposed motion for second amended order to distribute PACA trust assets #166 granted. Enter Second Amended Order To Distribute PACA Trust Assets. (For further detail see separate order and exhibit.) Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 167 SECOND AMENDED order to distribute Paca Trust Assets signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 10/12/2012. (Exhibits) Mailed notice. (np, ) |
Filing 166 MOTION by Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. to amend/correct Order to Distribute PACA Trust Assets, Amended (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 165 AMENDED ORDER Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 10/1/2012.(pcs, ) |
Filing 164 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: The Valper Group's Unopposed Motion for amended order to distribute PACA Trust Assets #163 is granted. Enter Amended Order to distribute PACA Trusts Assets. (For further details see order). (pcs, ) |
Filing 163 MOTION by Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. to amend/correct Order to Distribute PACA Trust Assets (Attachments: #1 Second Post-Settlement Trust Chart, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 162 RESPONSE by Third Party Defendants David F. Esterline, David F. Esterline, Cross Defendant David F. Esterline to response in opposition to motion, #159 Response to Additional Facts (Gardner, Mary) |
Filing 161 REPLY by David F. Esterline(David Esterline) to MOTION by Third Party Defendants David F. Esterline, David F. Esterline, Cross Defendant David F. Esterline for summary judgment Against All Plaintiffs #146 , response in opposition to motion, #159 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - CHRobinson v. Auster)(Gardner, Mary) |
Filing 160 REPLY by Plaintiffs Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. to motion for summary judgment, #149 against David F. Esterline (Crees, John) |
Filing 159 RESPONSE by Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp.in Opposition to MOTION by Third Party Defendants David F. Esterline, David F. Esterline, Cross Defendant David F. Esterline for summary judgment Against All Plaintiffs #146 (Attachments: #1 Response to Fact Statement, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B)(Crees, John) |
Filing 158 EXHIBIT by Third Party Defendants David F. Esterline, David F. Esterline, Cross Defendant David F. Esterline Exhibit 2 regarding memorandum in opposition to motion #155 (Gardner, Mary) |
Filing 157 EXHIBIT by Third Party Defendants David F. Esterline, David F. Esterline, Cross Defendant David F. Esterline Exhibit 1 regarding memorandum in opposition to motion #155 (Gardner, Mary) |
Filing 156 RESPONSE by Third Party Defendants David F. Esterline, David F. Esterline, Cross Defendant David F. Esterline to memorandum in opposition to motion #155 , motion for summary judgment, #149 Response to Statement of Facts (Attachments: #1 Affidavit of David Esterline, Supplemental)(Gardner, Mary) |
Filing 155 MEMORANDUM by David F. Esterline(David Esterline) in Opposition to motion for summary judgment, #149 (Gardner, Mary) |
Filing 154 NOTICE by Erin Kathryn Russell of Change of Address (Russell, Erin) |
Filing 153 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer. Pursuant to Stipulation, Defendant David F. Esterline is dismissed without prejudice. The court understands that AgroExport Group's claims against Defendant Esterline remain pending. Mailed notice (lw, ). |
Filing 152 STIPULATION of Dismissal -- Stipulation For Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice of Defendant David F. Esterline Only (Read, R.) |
Filing 151 ORDER Enforcing Settlement and Disbursing Funds. Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 8/8/2012. (lw, ) |
Filing 150 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer. Status hearing held on 8/8/2012. Joint motion to enforce settlement and disburse funds [ #144 ] granted. The Oder dated March 29, 2012 (Doc #118 ) is vacated. Enter Order Enforcing Settlement and Disbursing Funds. Motions for summary judgment [ #146 , #149 ] are entered and continued for briefing. Responses to be filed by or on 9/5/2012; replies 9/19/2012. (For further detail see minute.) Mailed notice (lw, ). |
Filing 149 MOTION by Plaintiffs Cohn Produce Company, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp., Agroexport LLC, Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc. for summary judgment against David F. Esterline (Attachments: #1 Memorandum of Law, #2 Statement of Undisputed Facts, #3 Exhibit A, #4 Exhibit B, #5 Exhibit C, #6 Exhibit D, #7 Exhibit E, #8 Exhibit F, #9 Exhibit G, #10 Exhibit H)(Crees, John) |
Filing 148 STATEMENT by David F. Esterline(David Esterline) of Uncontested Material Facts in Support of David Esterline's Motion for Summary Judgment against all PACA Plaintiffs (Attachments: #1 Affidavit David Esterline, #2 Affidavit Ana Meza)(Gardner, Mary) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 147 MEMORANDUM by David F. Esterline(David Esterline) of Law in Support of Defendant David F. Esterline's Motion for Summary Judgment against all Plaintiffs #146 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Anthony Marano v MS-Grand, #2 Exhibit 2-Sato v S&M Produce, #3 Exhibit 3-Taylor v USDA)(Gardner, Mary) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 146 MOTION by Third Party Defendants David F. Esterline, David F. Esterline, Cross Defendant David F. Esterline for summary judgment Against All Plaintiffs (Gardner, Mary) |
Filing 145 NOTICE of Motion by John Charles Crees for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief,, #144 before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 8/14/2012 at 08:45 AM. (Crees, John) |
Filing 144 JOINT MOTION by Third Party Plaintiffs A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc., Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., Agroexport LLC, C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Cohn Produce Company, Inc., Frutas Piuranas SAC, New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp., Shipping Point Marketing, Inc., Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. to Enforce Agreed Settlement and Disburse Funds (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Proposed Order)(Crees, John) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 143 MANDATE of USCA dated 07/27/2012 regarding notice of appeal #122 ; USCA No. 12-1782. It is Ordered that the appellants' motion is Granted. In light of the district court's indication of a willingness to grant the parties' requested relief, this appeal is Remanded to the district court pursuant to Circuit Rule 57 and Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 12.1(b). The parties are reminded that [a]ny party dissatisfied with the judgment as modified must file a fresh notice of appeal. Cir. R. 57. The mandate shall issue forthwith. (lw, ). |
Filing 142 LETTER from the USCA regarding the record on appeal in USCA no. 12-1782. No record to be returned. (lw, ) |
Filing 140 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Motion hearing held. Joint motion for indicative ruling #135 is granted. Enter Order. Any motion for summary judgment regarding Esterline to be filed by 8/7/l2012. Status hearing set for 8/8/2012 at 09:00 AM. [For further detail see separate order.] Mailed notice (jmp, ) |
Filing 141 ORDER on Joint motion for Indicative Ruling Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 7/17/2012 (Attachments): Mailed notice (jmp, ) |
Filing 139 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer. Motion for leave to deposit trust funds with the court [ #138 ] granted. Counsel for Valper is permitted to deposit funds into the registry of the Court for the benefit of the qualified PACA trust beneficiaries, directed the Clerk of the U.S. District Court to accept said monies and deposit same into the PACA Trust Fund associated with this civil action. Mailed notice (lw, ). |
Filing 138 MOTION by ThirdParty Plaintiff Valper, S.A. to deposit funds from Tropical Banana (agreed by all parties) (Russell, Erin) |
Filing 137 EXHIBIT by Third Party Plaintiffs A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Valper, S.A., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc., Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., Agroexport LLC, C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Cohn Produce Company, Inc., Frutas Piuranas SAC, New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp., Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A. regarding MOTION by Third Party Plaintiffs A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Valper, S.A., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc., Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S #135 (Crees, John) |
Filing 136 NOTICE of Motion by John Charles Crees for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief,, #135 before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 7/17/2012 at 08:45 AM. (Crees, John) |
Filing 135 JOINT MOTION by Third Party Plaintiffs A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Valper, S.A., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc., Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., Agroexport LLC, C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Cohn Produce Company, Inc., Frutas Piuranas SAC, New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp., Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A. for Indicative Ruling (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Crees, John) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 134 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Telephone status conference set for 5/14/2012 is stricken. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 133 NOTICE by Michael H. Erdman of Change of Address for Teeple Leonard & Erdman (Erdman, Michael) |
Filing 132 ORDER dated 04/19/2012 from the 7th Circuit regarding notice of appeal #122 ; Appellate case no. : 12-1782. It is ordered that the appellant file this overdue Docketing Statement with the clerk of this court within fourteen (14) days of this order. Failure to do so will result in a one hundred dollar ($100.00) fine and/or dismissal of this notice of appeal. (lw, ) |
Filing 131 USCA RECEIVED on 04/18/2012 the long record regarding notice of appeal #122 consisting of six volumes of pleadings and one volume of transcripts. (lw, ) |
Filing 130 USCA RECEIVED on 4/18/12 the long record regarding notice of appeal #122 (dj, ) |
Filing 129 TRANSMITTED to the USCA for the 7th Circuit the long record on appeal #122 (USCA no. 12-1782).(dj, ) |
Filing 128 SEVENTH CIRCUIT transcript information sheet by Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. (Crees, John) |
Filing 127 ORDER dated 04/04/2012 from the 7th Circuit regarding notice of appeal #122 ; Appellate case no. : 12-1782. It is Ordered that appellants shall file, on or before April 18, 2012, a brief memorandum stating why this appeal should not be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. A motion for voluntary dismissal pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 42(b) will satisfy this requirement. Briefing shall be suspended pending further court order. (lw, ) |
Filing 126 ACKNOWLEDGMENT of receipt of short record on appeal regarding notice of appeal #122 ; USCA Case No. 12-1782. (lw, ) |
Filing 125 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Motion hearing held. Tom Lange Group's motion for order approving fourth PACA Trust Chart and authorizing distribution of Net PACA Trust Assets to valid PACA Trust Claimants #119 is entered and continued. All matters stayed pending appeal filed by AgroExport LLC et al. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 124 TRANSMITTED to the 7th Circuit the short record on notice of appeal #122 . Notified counsel (dj, ) |
Filing 123 NOTICE of Appeal Due letter sent to counsel of record (dj, ) |
Filing 122 NOTICE of appeal by Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. regarding orders #104 , #118 Filing fee $ 455, receipt number 0752-7008694. (Crees, John) |
Filing 121 NOTICE by A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc. of Filing Fourth PACA Trust Chart (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A- Fourth PACA Trust Chart)(Read, R.) |
Filing 120 NOTICE of Motion by R. Jason Read for presentment of motion for order, #119 before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 4/3/2012 at 08:45 AM. (Read, R.) |
Filing 119 MOTION by Cross Claimants A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Third Party Plaintiffs A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc. for order approving Fourth PACA Trust Chart and Authorizing Distribution of Net PACA Trust Assets to Valid PACA Trust Claimnants (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A- Fourth PACA Trust Chart)(Read, R.) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 118 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Telephone conference convened. The court sustains objections to any award of attorneys fees to any party other than the Tom Lange Group. Counsel for Tom Lange Group will prepare a revised PACA claim chart and proposed order. Motion for summary judgment, if any, against Mr. Esterline to be filed on or before 5/11/2012; further status conference by telephone set for 5/14/2012 at 10:30 a.m., the call to be initiated by counsel. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 117 RESPONSE by Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. to objections to Third PACA Trust Chart, #116 (Stokes, Craig) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 116 OBJECTIONS by Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. to the Valper Group's First PACA Trust Chart (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Crees, John) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 115 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: By agreement, telephone status hearing set for 3/20/2012 is stricken and reset to 3/29/2012 at 8:30 a.m., call to be initiated by counsel. (etv, ) |
REQUEST by Plaintiff Valper S.A. de C.V. for Distribution of PACA Trust Assets (Omitted Relief from Doc. #114 ) (lw, ) |
Filing 114 NOTICE by Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. Filing of Third PACA Trust Chart (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - PACA Trust Chart, #2 Exhibit B - Postage Expense, #3 Exhibit C - Metadata Extraction Expense, #4 Exhibit D - Records Storage Expense)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 113 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: As the court has ruled on pending objections, the motions for ruling on objections [86, 90, 93] are terminated as moot. Telephone status hearing set for 3/20/2012 at 8:30 a..m., call to be initiated by counsel. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 112 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: The Valper Group and Tom Lange group have objected to Plantation Produce's claim against the estate. In response, Plantation Produce asserts it did not have proper notice of the court in which the case was pending. Whatever the merit of that assertion may be, Plantation Produce is unquestionably now aware of the proceeding and has yet to file a Complaint in Intervention, as required by the court-ordered claim procedures. Any such Complaint is now grossly untimely. The objection to Plantation Produce's claim is sustained. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 111 REPLY by Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Valper S.A. de C.V. to Response #108 Valper Group's & Tom Lange Group's Reply in Support of their Objections to Plantation Produce's Claim (Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 110 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Reply, if any, to Plantation Produce's response to be filed within 10 days. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 109 LETTER from Kenneth Maples dated 2/3/2012. (jmp, ) |
Filing 108 RESPONSE by Claimant Plantation Produce Co. to objections filed by the Valper Group and Tom Lange Group #102 . (jmp, ) |
Filing 107 NOTICE by Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. Filing Second PACA Trust Chart (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 106 ORDER. Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 1/19/2012. (lw, ) |
Filing 105 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer. Valper's motion for leave to deposit funds having been granted, It is Hereby Ordered: Counsel for Valper is hereby authorized and directed to deposit Velazquez, Inc.'s check in the amount of $8,185.80, Seminole Produce Distributing, Inc.'s check in the amount of $1,734.00, and Reyes Produce Corp.'s check in the amount of $252.00 into the registry of the Court in the above-captioned matter. Enter Order. (For further detail see separate order.) Mailed notice (lw, ). |
Filing 104 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Hearing held on PACA claims objections. On January 18, 2012, parties appeared before the court for resolution of remaining disputes, and the court made rulings, memorialized below. The Valper Group's motion to deposit trust funds with the court #95 is granted. Valper will prepare a revised trust chart within 14 days. (For further details see minute order.) Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 103 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: On the court's own motion, hearing on PACA claims objections set for 1/12/2012 is stricken and reset to 1/18/2012 at 2:00 PM. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 102 OBJECTIONS by Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. to other #98 Objection by the Valper Group and by the Tom Lange Group to Plantation Produce Co.'s PACA Proof of Claim (Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 101 RESPONSE by Cross Claimants A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc. to supplement #100 Tom Lange Group's Response To The Valper Group's Supplement To PACA Creditors' Objections To Its PACA Trust Claims And Renewal of Objections (Read, R.) |
Filing 100 SUPPLEMENT to its Response to PACA Creditors' Objections to its PACA Trust Claims #83 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit)(Stokes, Craig) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 99 COMPLIANCE Report by Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. (Stokes, Craig) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 98 PACA Proof by Kenneth Maples of Claim of Plantation Produce Co. (Exhibits.) (lw, ) |
Filing 97 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Status hearing held on 11/18/2011. Any renewed or amended objections or position papers (amendments limited to new issues raised by recently-discovered e-mail account) to be submitted by 1/9/2012. Hearing on PACA claims objections set for 11/18/2011 is stricken and reset to 1/12/2012 at 2:00 PM. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 96 DECLARATION of Mark Dirrigl regarding declaration #66 filed earlier with PACA Proof of Claim (Attachments: #1 Exhibit PACA Trust Chart, #2 Exhibit Bills of Lading)(Russell, Erin) |
Filing 95 MOTION by Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. to deposit funds into the PACA Trust Fund (Russell, Erin) |
Filing 94 RESPONSE by Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. to objections #91 in Opposition to AgroExport LLC's Objection to 1st PACA Trust Chart (Attachments: #1 Proposed Revised 1st PACA Trust Chart)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 93 MOTION by Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. in response in Opposition to MOTION by Plaintiffs Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. to Rule on Certain PACA Creditors' Objections to PACA Trust Claims Instanter #90 (Attachments: #1 Proposed and Revised PACA Trust Chart)(Stokes, Craig) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 92 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Hearing on the PACA claims objections set for 11/18/2011 at 2:30 PM. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 91 OBJECTIONS by Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. to notice of filing, #89 First PACA Trust Chart (Crees, John) |
Filing 90 MOTION by Plaintiffs Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. to Rule on Certain PACA Creditors' Objections to PACA Trust Claims Instanter (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Crees, John) |
Filing 89 NOTICE by Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. Filing of First PACA Trust Chart (Attachments: #1 First PACA Trust Chart)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 88 NOTICE by Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. of PACA Trust Charts (Crees, John) |
Filing 87 REPLY by Third Party Plaintiffs A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc. to motion for miscellaneous relief #86 Tom Lange Group's Reply To The Valper Group's Motion To Rule On Certain PACA Creditors' Objections To PACA Trust Claims (Read, R.) |
Filing 86 MOTION by Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Valper S.A. de C.V. for Court to Rule on Objections (Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 85 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on 04/08/11 before the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer. Continued Hearing. Court Reporter Contact Information: Colleen Conway@312.435.5594 or colleen_conway@ilnd.uscourts.gov. IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at www.ilnd.uscourts.gov under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings. Redaction Request due 10/3/2011. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 10/13/2011. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 12/12/2011. (Conway, Colleen) |
Filing 84 NOTICE by Erin Kathryn Russell of Change of Address (Russell, Erin) |
Filing 83 RESPONSE by Plaintiffs Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A., Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., ThirdParty Plaintiff Valper, S.A. to objections #79 , objections #80 to PACA Trust Claims (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit, #6 Exhibit)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 82 RESPONSE by Plaintiffs Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. in opposition to certain objections to PACA Trust Claims regarding declaration #60 , amended complaint, #58 , declaration #63 , declaration #59 , declaration #61 , declaration #62 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Crees, John) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 81 CERTIFICATE of Service by Cross Claimants A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc. regarding objections #80 (Read, R.) |
Filing 80 OBJECTIONS The Tom Lange Group's Omnibus Objections To PACA Proofs Of Claim (Read, R.) |
Filing 79 OBJECTIONS to Claims (Crees, John) |
Filing 78 OBJECTIONS to Certain PACA Proofs of Claim (Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 77 ORDER. Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 8/8/2011. (lw, ) |
Filing 76 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer. Plaintiff's motion for leave to deposit in court #56 granted. It is hereby ordered: The Clerk of the District Court and its Financial Administrator shall, pursuant to Rule 67 of the Fed. R. Civ. P., accept the Plaintiff's deposit of $6,419.50 for the common benefit of the PACA trust beneficiaries herein and deposit the same into the "PACA Trust Fund" associated with the above captioned matter. Enter Order. [For further detail see minute order.] Mailed notice (lw, ). |
Filing 75 WITHDRAWING Jason R. Klinowski as counsel for Plaintiffs Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp., Defendants Agroexport LLC, Cohn Produce Company, Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc. and substituting John Charles Crees as counsel of record (Crees, John) |
Filing 74 BRIEF by Frutas Piuranas SAC, Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A. in Support of PACA Proof of Claim (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Stokes, Craig) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 73 CERTIFICATE of Service of PACA Proof of Claim for Claimants Valper S.A. de C.V., Agric y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., Agric Saturno S.A., C.I Wolf, and Frutas Piuranas SAC (Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 72 PACA Proof of Claim by Valper S.A. de C.V. (Attachments: #1 Valper Trust Chart, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 71 PACA Proof of Claim by Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A. (Attachments: #1 Saturno Trust Chart, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 70 PACA Proof of Claim by Frutas Piuranas SAC (Attachments: #1 Frutas Piuranas Trust Chart, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit, #6 Exhibit) (Poor Quality Original)(Stokes, Craig) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 69 PACA Proof of Claim by C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit CI Wolf Trust Chart, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit, #6 Exhibit)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 68 PACA Proof of Claim by Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit) (Poor Quality Original) (Stokes, Craig) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 67 INTERVENOR complaint filed by Frutas Piuranas SAC, Valper S.A. de C.V., Agricola y Comercial Cabilfrut S.A., Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., C.I. Wolf & Wolf Latin America S.A. against Bacchus Fresh International, Inc., David F. Esterline(David Esterline)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 66 PACA Proof of Claim of Shipping Point Marketing Inc. (Russell, Erin) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 65 INTERVENOR complaint filed by Shipping Point Marketing, Inc. against Bacchus Fresh International, Inc., David F. Esterline(David Esterline), Harris N.A., Robert M. Jajkowski(Russell, Erin) |
Filing 64 WITHDRAWING Jason R. Klinowski as counsel for Plaintiff Agroexport LLC, Defendant Agroexport LLC and substituting John Charles Crees as counsel of record (Crees, John) |
Filing 63 DECLARATION of Isaac Sanchez in Support of PACA Trust Claim of Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp. (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 62 DECLARATION of Jonathan Cohn in Support of PACA Trust Claim of Cohn Produce Company, Inc. (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 61 DECLARATION of Dante Galeazzi in Support of PACA Trust Claim of Rio Queen Citrus, Inc. (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 60 DECLARATION of Cesar Garcia in Support of PACA Trust Claim of New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc. (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 59 DECLARATION of Jose A. Rodriguez in Support of PACA Trust Claim of Agroexport LLC (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 58 Second AMENDED complaint by Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Cohn Produce Company, Inc., Agroexport LLC, Sanchez Hass Avocado Corp., New Mundoexport Fruit, Inc. against Bacchus Fresh International, Inc., David F. Esterline(David Esterline) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Trust Charts & Invoices)(Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 57 NOTICE of Motion by Jason Ryan Klinowski for presentment of motion to deposit funds #56 before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 8/9/2011 at 09:00 AM. (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 56 MOTION by Defendant Agroexport LLC to deposit funds into the PACA Trust Account (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 55 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Motion hearing held. Rule 60(B) motion for relief from order #51 is denied. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 53 Amended NOTICE of Motion by Jason Ryan Klinowski for presentment of motion to vacate #51 before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 7/26/2011 at 09:00 AM. (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 52 NOTICE of Motion by Jason Ryan Klinowski for presentment of motion to vacate #51 before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 8/4/2011 at 08:45 AM. (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 51 RULE 60(B) MOTION by Defendant Agroexport LLC for relief from Order. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Transcript, #2 Exhibit Transcript, #3 Text of Proposed Order)(Klinowski, Jason) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 54 LETTER from Mark Hudson dated 03/17/2011 (Exhibits). (lw, ) |
Filing 50 LETTER from Mark Hudson dated 03/17/2011 (Exhibits). (lw, ) |
Filing 47 CERTIFICATE of Service by Defendants A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc. regarding intervenor complaint, third party complaint, crossclaim,,,,,,,,, #40 , other #42 , other #44 , other #46 , other #45 , other #41 , other #43 (Read, R.) |
Filing 46 PACA PROOF OF CLAIM of Tom Lange Co., Inc. by Tom Lange Co., Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 -- Trust Chart and Supporting Documents)(Read, R.) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 45 PACA PROOF OF CLAIM of Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc., d/b/a Western Fresh Marketing by Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 -- Trust Chart and Supporting Documents)(Read, R.) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 44 PACA PROOF OF CLAIM of Duda & Sons, Inc. by Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 -- Trust Chart and Supporting Documents)(Read, R.) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 43 PACA PROOF OF CLAIM of A-W Produce Co., Inc. by A.W. Produce Co., Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 -- Trust Chart and Supporting Documents)(Read, R.) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 42 PACA PROOF OF CLAIM of Continental Fresh, LLC by Continental Fresh, LLC (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 -- Trust Chart and Supporting Documents)(Read, R.) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 41 PACA PROOF OF CLAIM of Sun Tropical Foods by Sun Tropical Foods, LLC (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 -- Trust Chart and Supporting Documents)(Read, R.) (Docket Text modified by Clerks' Office.) |
Filing 40 INTERVENOR complaint filed by Tom Lange Co., Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc. against David F. Esterline, Bacchus Fresh International, Inc., THIRD party complaint by Tom Lange Co., Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc. against David F. Esterline., CROSSCLAIM by Tom Lange Co., Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc. against Bacchus Fresh International, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A -- Personal Guaranty)(Read, R.) |
Filing 49 AMENDED CONSENT INJUNCTION AND ORDER establishing PACA Claims Procedure. Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 7/19/2011. (lw, ) |
Filing 48 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer. Enter Amended Consent Injunction and Order establishing PACA Claims Procedure. Case having been terminated in error on 6/17/2011, the case is reinstated. [For further details see minute order.] Mailed notice (lw, ). |
Filing 39 NOTICE of Motion by Erin Kathryn Russell for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief #38 before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 7/20/2011 at 08:45 AM. (Russell, Erin) |
Filing 38 MOTION by ThirdParty Plaintiff Valper, S.A. Agreed Motion to Extend Schedule (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Russell, Erin) |
Filing 37 CONSENT INJUNCTION AND ORDER Establishing PACA Claims Procedure. Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 6/17/2011. (lw, ) |
Filing 36 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer. It is hereby stipulated and agreed, by and between the PACA Trust Claimants and the Defendants, as follows: the Defendants have indicated their individual and collective consent to the entry of this order. This court shall exercise exclusive in rem jurisdiction over this action, the PACA Trust Assets and the PACA Trust Account established pursuant to this Order. The Court also hereby retains jurisdiction to enter further order to enforce the terms of this PACA Claims Procedure. Since the initial disclosures and discovery are, in part, being provided for in this Order, the parties to this action are relieved of complying with Rule 26 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Enter Consent Injunction and Order Establishing PACA Claims Procedure. [For further detail see minute order.] Mailed notice (lw, ). |
Filing 35 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Status hearing held on 6/15/2011. Revised consent injunction order to be submitted to the court. Sanctions of $100 each awarded to attorneys Erin Russell and John L. Leonard to be paid by Mr. Klinowski within 30 days. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 34 DECLARATION of Jason R. Klinowski, Esq. as Counsel for Agroexport LLC (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H)(Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 33 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Status hearing held on 6/9/2011. Status hearing set for 6/15/2011 at 04:00 PM. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 32 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Status hearing held on 5/10/2011. Status hearing set for 6/9/2011 at 09:00 AM. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 31 SUGGESTION of Bankruptcy as to Bacchus Fresh International, Inc. (Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 30 ORDER on Motion for Substitution of Counsel. Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 4/13/2011. (lw, ) |
Filing 29 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer. Joint motion requesting leave to substitute attorney #27 granted. The law firm of Teeple Leonard & Erdman, shall be and is hereby substituted in this action for Stokes Law Office LP and the Russel Group, and shall hereinafter be the counsel of record for Defendants A-W Produce Co, Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC and Sun Tropical Foods, LLC. Craig A. Stokes and Erin K. Russell granted leave to withdraw. Enter Order for Substitution of Counsel. [For further details see minute order.] Mailed notice (lw, ). |
Filing 28 NOTICE of Motion by Craig A. Stokes for presentment of motion to substitute attorney #27 before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 4/18/2011 at 09:00 AM. (Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 27 MOTION by Defendants A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc. to substitute attorney Joint Motion (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 26 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Hearing held to resolve differences about the consent order for claim administration. Revised Order, reflecting changes ordered by the court to be submitted to chambers. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 25 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Tom Lange Co., Inc. by John L. Leonard (Leonard, John) |
Filing 24 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Hearing held and continued to 4/8/2011 at 12:30 PM. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 23 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Motion hearing held. Parties' joint motion to reassign case and consolidate cases #19 granted. Case 11 C 1654, Agroexpot LLC v. Bacchus Fresh International Inc., et al, currently assigned to Judge Castillo to be reassigned to Judge Pallmeyer and consolidated for all purposes with the above cause. Hearing set for 4/7/2011 at 11:30 AM. Defendant's reply to be 4/6/2011 by 3:00 PM. Defendant Esterline's Answer to be filed by 4/6/2011. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 22 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: On the court's own motion, parties' joint motion to reassign case #19 continued to 4/4/2011 will be held at 9:45 AM. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 21 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Motion hearing held. Parties' joint motion to reassign case and consolidate cases #19 entered and continued to 4/4/2011 at 9:00 AM. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 20 NOTICE of Motion by Craig A. Stokes for presentment of motion to consolidate cases, motion to reassign case,, #19 before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 3/22/2011 at 08:45 AM. (Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 19 MOTION by Defendants Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Tom Lange Co., Inc., Valper, S.A., Third Party Defendant David F. Esterline, Plaintiff Harris N.A. to consolidate cases, MOTION by Defendants Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Tom Lange Co., Inc., Valper, S.A., Third Party Defendant David F. Esterline, Plaintiff Harris N.A. to reassign case (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 18 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Motion hearing held. ArgoExport LLC's motion to reassign case to Judge Castillo #12 is denied without prejudice. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 17 RESPONSE by Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., David F. Esterline, Harris N.A., Tom Lange Co., Inc., Valper, S.A. in Opposition to MOTION by Defendant Agroexport LLC to reassign case to Judge Castillo and to consolidate with Case No. 1:11-CV-1654 for all purposes #12 Joint Response, Partial Opposition (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exh A, #2 Exhibit Exh B, #3 Exhibit Exh C, #4 Exhibit Exh D)(Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 16 ATTORNEY Appearance for Third Party Defendant David F. Esterline by Mary Elizabeth Gardner (Gardner, Mary) |
Filing 15 Valper's ANSWER to Complaint, THIRD party complaint by Valper, S.A. against David F. Esterline, Robert M. Jajkowski., CROSSCLAIM by Valper, S.A. against Bacchus Fresh International, Inc.., COUNTERCLAIM filed by Valper, S.A. against Harris N.A.. by Valper, S.A. (Russell, Erin) |
Filing 14 APPENDIX motion to reassign case #12 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Plaintiff''s Complaint, #2 Exhibit Movant's First Amended Complaint, #3 Exhibit TRO)(Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 13 NOTICE of Motion by Jason Ryan Klinowski for presentment of motion to reassign case #12 before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 3/17/2011 at 08:45 AM. (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 12 MOTION by Defendant Agroexport LLC to reassign case to Judge Castillo and to consolidate with Case No. 1:11-CV-1654 for all purposes (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 11 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Agroexport LLC by Jason Ryan Klinowski (Klinowski, Jason) |
Filing 10 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., Tom Lange Co., Inc. by Michael Howard Erdman (Erdman, Michael) |
Filing 9 SUMMONS Issued as to defendants A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Agricola Y Comercial Cabilfruit S.A., Agroexport LLC, Amazon Produce Network, LLC, B. D. Tropical, Inc., Bacchus Fresh International, Inc., Cohn Produce Company, Inc., Colimex, Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc., MBG Marketing, Inc., McDaniel Fruit Co., Mex Flores Produce Co., Inc., Rio Queen Citrus, Inc., Seald Sweet LLC, Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Tom Lange Co., Inc., Valper, S.A., Western Fresh Marketing Services, Inc. (lw, ) |
Filing 8 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Valper, S.A. by Erin Kathryn Russell Amended (Russell, Erin) |
Filing 7 MINUTE entry before Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer: Status hearing set for 5/10/2011 at 09:00 AM, courtroom 2119. Mailed notice (etv, ) |
Filing 6 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Valper, S.A. by Craig A. Stokes Erin K. Russell (Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 5 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants A.W. Produce Co., Inc., Continental Fresh, LLC, Sun Tropical Foods, LLC, Valper, S.A. by Craig A. Stokes (Stokes, Craig) |
Filing 4 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Harris N.A. by David Thomas Beech Audley (Audley, David) |
Filing 3 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Harris N.A. by Joseph Patrick Lombardo (Lombardo, Joseph) |
Filing 2 CIVIL Cover Sheet (Lombardo, Joseph) |
Filing 1 COMPLAINT IN THE NATURE OF INTERPLEADER filed by Harris N.A.; Filing fee $ 350, receipt number 0752-5779095. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-B)(Lombardo, Joseph) |
CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Young B. Kim. (nsf, ) |
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