Freeman v. MAM USA Corporation
Plaintiff: Dominique Freeman
Defendant: MAM USA Corporation
Case Number: 1:2020cv01834
Filed: March 17, 2020
Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
Presiding Judge: Edmond E Chang
Referring Judge: Gabriel A Fuentes
Nature of Suit: Other Fraud
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Fraud
Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on October 12, 2022. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
October 12, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 93 REPLY by Plaintiff Dominique Freeman to motion to amend/correct,, #80 (Kilpela, Edwin)
October 12, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 92 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: The Defendant's unopposed motion #87 to seal certain exhibits is granted provisionally. The Court will again review the propriety of sealing when evaluating the underlying motion. Emailed notice (mw, )
October 7, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 91 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: On review of the parties' joint status report (doc. #90 ), the Court sets the date for the parties' class and merits expert disclosures at 1/20/23 by agreement. Further, deposition of disclosed experts must take place within 60 days of disclosure, so that all expert discovery closes on 3/21/23. The parties' agreed schedule for the litigation of class certification and Daubert motions appears reasonable to the magistrate judge, who defers ruling to the district court, as those matters are outside the scope of referral. The next joint status report on discovery progress is due by noon on 3/14/23. Mailed notice. (jj, )
October 6, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 90 STATUS Report Joint by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin)
October 5, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 89 SEALED RESPONSE by MAM USA Corporation to MOTION by Plaintiff Dominique Freeman to amend/correct complaint #1 #80 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7)(Boland, James)
October 5, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 88 RESPONSE by MAM USA Corporationin Opposition to MOTION by Plaintiff Dominique Freeman to amend/correct complaint #1 #80 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7)(Boland, James)
October 5, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 87 MOTION by Defendant MAM USA Corporation to seal document (Unopposed) (Boland, James)
September 21, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 86 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: The parties' request in their joint status report (doc. #85 ) for two weeks to confer under Rule 26(f) about a schedule for expert discovery on class certification and merits issues, with fact discovery now closed, is granted, and a further joint status report is due and to be filed by noon on 10/6/22. Mailed notice. (jj, )
September 20, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 85 STATUS Report Joint by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin) Modified on 9/21/2022 (jj, ).
September 16, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 84 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: The Plaintiff's motion #83 to strike Exhibit H and replace it is granted insofar as the Clerk's Office shall maintain the seal on R. 80-8, and R. 83-1 is considered the replacement exhibit. Emailed notice (mw, )
September 15, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 83 MOTION by Plaintiff Dominique Freeman to strike Exhibit H to #80 and Replace it with a Corrected Filing (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Corrected Exhibit)(Kilpela, Edwin)
September 13, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 82 SUPPLEMENT to Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to Amend Case Management Order and to Amend Complaint #80 (Kilpela, Edwin)
September 12, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 81 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: On the Plaintiff's motion to file amended complaint to add Defendant MAM Vienna Corporation #80 , it is not apparent whether the motion contains a statement of conferral. If no conferral was conducted before the filing of the motion, then the Plaintiff shall immediately confer with current Defendants and then file a supplement to the motion on 09/16/2022. Assuming there is a dispute, then the defense response is due on 10/05/2022. The Plaintiff's reply is due on 10/12/2022. Emailed notice (mw, )
September 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 80 MOTION by Plaintiff Dominique Freeman to amend/correct complaint #1 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A Proposed Amendments to Complaint, #2 Exhibit B Proposed Amended Complaint, #3 Exhibit C MAM Disclosures, #4 Exhibit D Responses to Document Requests, #5 Exhibit E 02-18-2022 Correspondence, #6 Exhibit F Calong-Russo deposition excerpts, #7 Exhibit G Kohn Deposition Excerpts, #8 Exhibit H Answers to Interrogatories, #9 Exhibit I Rector Deposition Excerpts, #10 Exhibit J Hirsch Deposition Excerpts, #11 Exhibit K Evans Deposition Excerpts, #12 Exhibit L 8-16-2022 Correspondence, #13 Exhibit M Dahm Deposition Excerpts)(Kilpela, Edwin)
September 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 79 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: The Court has reviewed the separate status reports the parties filed (doc. #s #77 , #78 ) in contravention of the Court's order (doc. #76 ) for a joint status report. Reviewing the parties' information in a single document would have conserved judicial resources, and ordinarily, the Court would strike the reports and order the filing of a joint report forthwith, but given the late stage of the discovery phase of these proceedings, the Court will simply proceed in the interest of efficiency. Defendant claims that plaintiff made a joint report impossible because she "inappropriately sought to raise new issues" after the close of fact discovery (doc. #78 ), but that disagreement easily could have been flagged in a joint report. The parties kindly are requested to try harder next time to comply with the joint report requirement. In any event, the reports evince a disagreement between the parties about whether previously open fact discovery issues have been resolved. The Court resolves that dispute by declaring fact discovery to have closed on schedule on 9/2/22. Additionally, though, the supplemental "retailer sales" and "labels" production that defendant promised (doc. #78 ) must be produced by 5 p.m. on 9/15/22. Further fact discovery at this point may be conducted only on motion establishing good cause and filed after compliance with Local Rule 37.2, including on the issue of the scope of follow-up data noted in Paragraph 2(b) of plaintiff's status report (doc. #77 ). If that disagreement cannot be resolved, any such motion for further must be filed no later than 5 p.m. on 9/20/22. Also, the Court has understood the remaining "fact" discovery in this matter to concern certification propriety and the merits of the individual Plaintiff's claims. A final joint status report is due by noon on 9/20/22 on the closure of such discovery and whether the parties anticipate or propose any other type of discovery including expert. If no further discovery is anticipated and no motion to extend discovery is presented, the magistrate judge expects to terminate the referral. Mailed notice (lp, )
September 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 78 STATUS Report by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin)
September 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 77 STATUS Report by Dominique Freeman (Kilpela, Edwin)
August 26, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 76 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: Upon the Court's review of the parties' joint status report (doc. #75 ), the 9/2/22 fact discovery closure stands, and a further joint status report on any "discrete" discovery issues that may remain after that closure is due and to be filed by noon on 9/9/22. Mailed notice. (jj, )
August 26, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 75 STATUS Report Joint by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin)
August 25, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 74 NOTICE by Melissa Susan Weiner of Change of Address (Weiner, Melissa)
August 18, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 73 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: In light of the ongoing referral to the magistrate judge, the tracking status hearing of 08/19/2022 for Judge Chang is reset to 10/28/2022 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Emailed notice (mw, )
August 16, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 72 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on July 7, 2022 before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes. Order Number: 43625. Transcriber Contact Information: Annette Montalvo, IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings. Redaction Request due 9/6/2022. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/16/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/14/2022. (Montalvo, Annette)
July 20, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 71 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Jill Manning's motion to appear pro hac vice for Plaintiff #70 is granted. Emailed notice (mw, )
July 19, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 70 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 150, receipt number AILNDC-19663797. (Manning, Jill)
July 7, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 69 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: Telephonic hearing held on Defendant's motion to compel (doc. #64). For the reasons stated on the record, the motion is denied without prejudice. Case management conference held. For the reasons stated on the record, fact discovery on the propriety of class certification and the merits of the individual Plaintiff's claims is extended to 9/2/22, with a joint status report on discovery progress due by noon on 8/26/22. The Court cautioned the parties that although several fact depositions remain, the Court expects them to be scheduled and completed in short order. The Court is not ordering the filing of a deposition scheduling report, but again, the Court is seeking to have the parties complete the depositions by 9/2/22, with any further extension, if it is granted, to be limited to specific depositions or other tasks not yet performed. Mailed notice (sxw)
July 5, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 68 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: This matter coming before the Court for on referral for discovery supervision (doc. #67), and with defendant's motion to compel (doc. #64) pending, a telephonic motion hearing is set for 10 a.m. on 7/7/22 for oral argument on the motion, with no further briefing permitted without order of court. The parties should be prepared to argue their positions on the motion at the hearing, which will double as a status hearing on discovery depositions and the completion of fact discovery on the propriety of class certification and on the merits of the individual Plaintiff's claims, with the cutoff now set at 7/31/22. The call-in number for the hearing is (888) 684-8852 and the access code is 2006804. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Participants are further directed to keep their devices muted when they are not speaking. In addition, the parties are directed to review the Court's Standing Order on Civil Cases Before Magistrate Judge Fuentes, available on the Court's website. Mailed notice (sxw)
July 4, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 67 Pursuant to Local Rule 72.1, this case is hereby referred to the calendar of Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes for the purpose of holding proceedings related to: Defendant's motion #64 to compel is referred to the magistrate judge, as is all discovery supervision (including the authority to adjust all deadlines). (mw, ) Emailed notice.
July 4, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 66 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: The parties' agreed extension motion #62 on the Deposition Scheduling Report deadline is granted and the report, R. 63, is accepted. The Defendant's motion #64 to compel is referred to the magistrate judge, as is all discovery supervision (including the authority to adjust all deadlines). Emailed notice (mw, )
July 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 65 NOTICE of Motion by Martin D Syvertsen for presentment of motion to compel #64 before Honorable Edmond E. Chang on 7/7/2022 at 08:30 AM. (Syvertsen, Martin)
July 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 64 MOTION by Defendant MAM USA Corporation to compel (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H)(Syvertsen, Martin)
June 29, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 63 STATUS Report Deposition Scheduling Report by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin)
June 16, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 62 MOTION by Defendant MAM USA Corporation for extension of time to file Deposition Scheduling Report- Agreed (Syvertsen, Martin)
June 2, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 61 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: The agreed extension motion on discovery #60 is granted, given the extraordinary circumstances due to the pandemic. The Deposition Scheduling Report is due on 06/22/2022. Fact discovery on the propriety of class certification and on the merits of the individual Plaintiff's claims is extended to 07/31/2022. The tracking status hearing of 06/03/2022 is reset to 08/19/2022 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Instead, the parties shall file a discovery progress report by 08/12/2022, including the proposed next step of the litigation. Emailed notice (mw, )
May 25, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 60 MOTION by Plaintiff Dominique Freeman to Reset Certain Case Deadlines (Agreed) (Kilpela, Edwin)
May 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 59 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Plaintiff's motion to withdraw as attorney Gregory Arenson #58 is granted. Emailed notice (mw, )
May 3, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 58 MOTION by Attorney Gregory N. Arenson to withdraw as attorney for Dominique Freeman. No party information provided (Weiner, Melissa)
April 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 57 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: The agreed extension motion of fact discovery #56 is granted. Fact discovery on the propriety of class certification and the merits of the individual Plaintiff's claims is extended from 05/31/2022 to 06/30/2022. The Deposition Scheduling Report deadline is extended to from 04/26/2022 to 05/26/2022. The tracking status hearing of 05/06/2022 is reset to 06/03/2022 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Any further extensions would require extraordinary circumstances arising after today. Emailed notice (mw, )
March 28, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 56 MOTION by Plaintiff Dominique Freeman for extension of time to complete discovery (Agreed) (Kilpela, Edwin)
March 7, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 55 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Telephone motion hearing held on the Defendant's motion to quash deposition notices #51 . For the reasons discussed on the record, the motion to quash #51 is denied. Fact discovery on the propriety of class certification and the merits of the individual Plaintiff's claims is extended from 04/30/2022 to 05/31/2022 (as requested by the Plaintiff in R. 50 without objection from the defense). The Deposition Scheduling Report deadline is extended to 04/26/2022. A tracking status hearing is set for 05/06/2022 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Emailed notice (mw, )
March 4, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 54 RESPONSE by Dominique Freemanin Opposition to MOTION by Defendant MAM USA Corporation for protective order #51 (Kilpela, Edwin)
March 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 53 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: On Defendant's motion to quash deposition notices #51 , the Court sets a phone hearing for 03/07/2022 at 10:45 a.m. The Plaintiff may file a written response on 03/04/2022, or just argue the motion verbally at the hearing. The tracking status hearing of 03/04/2022 is vacated. Members of the public and media will be able to call-in to listen to this hearing. The call-in number is (877) 336-1831 and the access code is 1736479. Counsel of record will receive an email before the start of the telephonic hearing with instructions to join the call. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Emailed notice (mw, )
March 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 52 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Dominique Freeman by Elizabeth Pollock-Avery (Pollock-Avery, Elizabeth)
February 25, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 51 MOTION by Defendant MAM USA Corporation for protective order (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Syvertsen, Martin)
February 23, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 50 STATUS Report and Deposition Scheduling Report by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin)
February 11, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 49 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant MAM USA Corporation by Jeremy David Richardson (Richardson, Jeremy)
February 11, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 48 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant MAM USA Corporation by James John Boland (Boland, James)
February 11, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 47 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant MAM USA Corporation by Joseph L. Fogel (Fogel, Joseph)
February 4, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 46 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: On review of the status report, R. 45, the Defendant has produced over 27,000 documents for e-discovery, which the Plaintiff is reviewing; the parties engaged in supplemental discovery; and are preparing to take the Plaintiff's deposition in 02/2022 or early 03/2022. The Court appreciates the parties' cooperative efforts in making progress on discovery. The tracking status hearing of 02/11/2022 is reset to 03/04/2022 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Instead, the parties shall provide an overall update in discovery in the Deposition Scheduling Report that is due on 02/23/2022. Emailed notice (mw, )
February 2, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 45 STATUS Report Joint Status Report by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin)
November 23, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 44 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: On review of the agreed discovery extension motion #43 , the motion is granted for good cause in light of the unforeseen delay in ESI and overseas production, as well as the other unavoidable conflicts (the Court congratulates counsel on the upcoming family addition). The Court appreciates the detail in the motion. Fact discovery on the propriety of class certification and the merits of the individual Plaintiff's claims is extended from 01/21/2022 to 04/30/2022. The Deposition Scheduling Report deadline is extended to 02/23/2022. The tracking status hearing of 01/07/2022 is reset to 02/11/2022 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Instead, the parties shall file a discovery progress report by 02/02/2022. Emailed notice (mw, )
November 19, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 43 MOTION by Defendant MAM USA Corporation for extension of time to complete discovery Joint Motion to Extend Discovery (Syvertsen, Martin)
November 4, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 42 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Dominique Freeman by Gregory Nathan Arenson (Arenson, Gregory)
October 2, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 41 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: On review of the status report, R. 40, the parties supplemented their written discovery and ESI discovery has begun, with the Defendant aiming to finish a rolling production by 11/12/2021. With the 01/21/2022 fact discovery deadline on certification propriety and the merits of the individual Plaintiff's claims, the parties shall file a Deposition Scheduling Report by 12/20/2021. The report shall list the depositions already taken and (more importantly) the remaining deponents, all of whom must have ***confirmed*** deposition dates (not just proposed dates). Any person not on that Report will presumptively not be deposed without good cause (e.g., genuine surprise despite due diligence). If deponents are slow in confirming deposition dates, the parties should use the Report deadline to urge each other and non-parties to provide confirmed dates to avoid a motion to compel in advance of the deadline. The tracking status hearing of 10/08/2021 is reset to 01/07/2022 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Instead, the parties shall provide an update on discovery in the Deposition Scheduling Report. Emailed notice (mw, )
October 1, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 40 STATUS Report Joint by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin)
July 6, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 39 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: The status report says that written discovery requests have been exchanged, as have responses and requests (with production pending). The tracking status hearing of 07/09/2021 is reset to 10/08/2021 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Instead, the parties shall file a discovery progress report by 09/30/2021. Emailed notice (mw, )
July 1, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 38 STATUS Report Joint by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin)
June 25, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 37 AGREED CONFIDENTIALITY ORDER Signed by the Honorable Edmond E. Chang on 06/25/2021. Emailed notice (mw, )
June 25, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 36 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Plaintiffs' motion for entry of confidentiality order #35 is granted. Emailed notice (mw, )
June 23, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 35 MOTION by Plaintiff Dominique Freeman for Entry of Confidentiality Order (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Carroll, Katrina)
April 20, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 34 ANSWER to Complaint MAM USA Corporation's Answer to Class Action Complaint by MAM USA Corporation(Becker, David)
April 6, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 33 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: On review of the status report, R. 32, it is sensible to start class-certification-propriety fact discovery as the parties propose, but the Court also prefers to start fact discovery on the merits of the **named** Plaintiff's claims too (not everyone in the proposed class, just the named Plaintiff). If the parties believe that there is a problem with that, then they may file a motion to adjust the schedule and explain in detail the problem. Otherwise, the Court adopts the proposal. MAM's answer is due by 04/20/2021.. Rule 26(a)(1) disclosures due 04/30/2021. The first round of written discovery requests must be issued by 05/15/2021. The fact discovery deadline on class-certification-propriety and the merits of the individual Plaintiff's claims is 01/21/2022. The tracking status hearing of 04/09/2021 is reset to 07/09/2021 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Instead, the parties shall file a discovery progress report by 07/01/2021 (by which time the parties should have answered, or at least begun answering, the first-round of written discovery requests). Emailed notice (mw, )
April 1, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 32 STATUS Report Corrected Joint Initial by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin)
April 1, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 31 STATUS Report Joint Initial by MAM USA Corporation (Syvertsen, Martin)
March 23, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 30 MEMORANDUM Opinion and Order signed by the Honorable Edmond E. Chang. For the reasons stated in the Opinion, the Defendant's motion to dismiss #21 is granted in part and denied in part. The claims for injunctive relief (under the Fraud Act and the Deceptive Trade Practices Act) are dismissed for lack of Article III standing. But the claims for money damages under the Fraud Act and other states' consumer-protection statutes, as well as the claims for breach of warranty and unjust enrichment, all survive the motion to dismiss. The parties shall confer and file a joint initial status report, R. 9, setting forth a proposed discovery schedule, by 04/01/2021. The tracking status hearing of 03/26/2021 is reset to 04/09/2021 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Instead, the Court will review the joint status report and set the discovery schedule based on it. Emailed notice (mw, )
March 4, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 29 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: The motion #21 to dismiss is still pending, so the tracking status hearing of 03/05/2021 is reset to 03/26/2021 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Mailed notice (cn).
December 16, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 28 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: The motion to dismiss #21 remains under advisement. The tracking status hearing of 12/18/2020 is reset to 03/05/2021 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). (mw, )
October 15, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 27 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: The Court has the motion to dismiss #21 under advisement. The tracking status hearing of 10/16/2020 is reset to 12/18/2020 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Emailed notice (mw, )
August 6, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 26 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: In light of the fully briefed motion to dismiss #21 , the status hearing of 08/07/2020 is reset to 10/16/2020 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Emailed notice (mw, )
July 27, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 25 REPLY by Defendant MAM USA Corporation to motion to dismiss #21 (Becker, David)
July 10, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 24 ORDER Fifth Amended General Order 20-0012 IN RE: CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 PUBLIC EMERGENCY Signed by the Chief Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on July 10, 2020. This Order does not extend or modify any deadlines set in civil cases. No motions may be noticed for in-person presentment; the presiding judge will notify parties of the need, if any, for a hearing by electronic means or in-court proceeding. See attached Order. Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 7/10/2020: Mailed notice. (Clerk8, Docket)
July 6, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 23 RESPONSE by Dominique Freemanin Opposition to MOTION by Defendant MAM USA Corporation to dismiss #21 (Kilpela, Edwin)
June 12, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 22 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Dominique Freeman by Kelly K. Iverson (Iverson, Kelly)
June 2, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 21 MOTION by Defendant MAM USA Corporation to dismiss (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Martin Syvertsen with Exhibits A - J)(Becker, David)
May 26, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 20 ORDER ORDER Fourth Amended General Order 20-0012 IN RE: CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 PUBLIC EMERGENCY Signed by the Chief Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on May 26, 2020. This Order does not extend or modify any deadlines set in civil cases. For non-emergency motions, no motion may be noticed for presentment on a date earlier than July 15, 2020. See attached Order. Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 5/26/2020: Mailed notice. (docket10, )
May 12, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 19 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Defendant's unopposed extension motion to file dismissal motion #18 is granted to 06/02/2020. The parties may use 25 pages for the principal briefs, as requested. Plaintiff's response to the dismissal motion is due by 07/06/2020. Defendant's reply is due by 07/27/2020. The status hearing of 06/10/2020 is reset to 08/07/2020 at 8:30 a.m., but to track the case only (no appearance is required, the case will not be called). Mailed notice (mw, )
May 11, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 18 MOTION by Defendant MAM USA Corporation for extension of time , MOTION by Defendant MAM USA Corporation for leave to file excess pages Agreed Motion for Extension of Time and For Leave to File Over-Size Brief (Becker, David)
May 7, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 17 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant MAM USA Corporation by Martin D Syvertsen (Syvertsen, Martin)
May 6, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 16 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant MAM USA Corporation by David Scott Becker (Becker, David)
May 6, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 15 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: In light of the Third Amended General Order 20-0012, the answer deadline of 04/14/2020 is extended to 05/12/2020. The status hearing of 05/26/2020 is reset to 06/10/2020 at 9:45 a.m. If held, the status hearing will be held telephonically. The parties shall provide a contact number to the courtroom deputy ( by 1:00 p.m. on the prior business day. The parties shall file the joint status report by 05/15/2020. If Defendants are in default as of 05/13/2020, however, then Plaintiff shall file a motion for default by 05/26/2020, with Defendant's response due by 06/03/2020. Emailed notice (mw, )
April 24, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 14 ORDER Third Amended General Order 20-0012 IN RE: CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 PUBLIC EMERGENCY Signed by the Chief Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on April 24, 2020. All open cases are impacted by this Third Amended General Order. Parties are must carefully review all obligations under this Order, including the requirement listed in paragraph number 5 to file a joint written status report in most civil cases. See attached Order. Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 4/24/2020: Mailed notice. (docket9, )
April 16, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 13 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Bryan Fox's motion to withdraw as counsel for Plaintiff #12 is granted. Mailed notice (mw, )
April 15, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 12 MOTION by Attorney Bryan A. Fox to withdraw as attorney for Dominique Freeman. No party information provided (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fox, Bryan)
April 1, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 11 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Dominique Freeman as to MAM USA Corporation on 3/24/2020, answer due 4/14/2020. (Carroll, Katrina)
March 30, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 10 ORDER Seconded Amended General Order 20-0012 IN RE: CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 PUBLIC EMERGENCY Signed by the Chief Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on March 30, 2020. All open cases are impacted by this Second Amended General Order. Amended General Order 20-0012, entered on March 17, 2020, and General Order 20-0014, entered on March 20, 2020, are vacated and superseded by this Second Amended General. See attached Order for guidance.Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 3/30/2020: Mailed notice. (docket5, )
March 26, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 9 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Initial status hearing set for 05/26/2020 at 9:30 a.m. The parties must file a joint initial status report with the content described in the attached status report requirements at least 3 business days before the initial status hearing. Plaintiff must still file the report even if not all Defendants have been served or have responded to requests to craft a joint report. Because the Procedures are occasionally revised, counsel must read them anew even if counsel has appeared before Judge Chang in other cases. Mailed notice (Attachments: #1 Status Report Requirements) (mw, )
March 24, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 8 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Dominique Freeman by Joseph Charles Bourne (Bourne, Joseph)
March 24, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 7 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Dominique Freeman by Melissa Susan Weiner (Weiner, Melissa)
March 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 6 NOTICE TO THE PARTIES - The Court is participating in the Mandatory Initial Discovery Pilot (MIDP). The key features and deadlines are set forth in this Notice which includes a link to the (MIDP) Standing Order and a Checklist for use by the parties. In cases subject to the pilot, all parties must respond to the mandatory initial discovery requests set forth in the Standing Order before initiating any further discovery in this case. Please note: The discovery obligations in the Standing Order supersede the disclosures required by Rule 26(a)(1). Any party seeking affirmative relief must serve a copy of the following documents (Notice of Mandatory Initial Discovery and the Standing Order) on each new party when the Complaint, Counterclaim, Crossclaim, or Third-Party Complaint is served. (mc, )
March 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 5 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ORDER: Case reassigned to the Honorable Edmond E. Chang for all further proceedings. Honorable Ronald A. Guzman no longer assigned to the case. Signed by Executive Committee on 3/23/2020. (mc, )
March 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 4 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Dominique Freeman by Bryan A Fox (Fox, Bryan)
March 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 3 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Dominique Freeman by Edwin Kilpela, Jr (Kilpela, Edwin)
March 23, 2020 Opinion or Order SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant MAM USA Corporation (tg, )
March 18, 2020 Opinion or Order CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Ronald A. Guzman. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes. Case assignment: Random assignment. (td, )
March 17, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 2 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Dominique Freeman by Kyle Alan Shamberg (Shamberg, Kyle)
March 17, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 1 COMPLAINT filed by Dominique Freeman; Jury Demand. Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0752-16847684. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet)(Carroll, Katrina)

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Defendant: MAM USA Corporation
Represented By: David Scott Becker
Represented By: James John Boland
Represented By: Joseph L. Fogel
Represented By: Jeremy David Richardson
Represented By: Martin D Syvertsen
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Plaintiff: Dominique Freeman
Represented By: Kyle Alan Shamberg
Represented By: Katrina Carroll
Represented By: Joseph Charles Bourne
Represented By: Edwin Kilpela, Jr.
Represented By: Melissa Susan Weiner
Represented By: Bryan A Fox
Represented By: Elizabeth Pollock-Avery
Represented By: Gregory Nathan Arenson
Represented By: Jill M. Manning
Represented By: Kelly K. Iverson
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