Garvin et al v. Ethicon, Inc. et al
Plaintiff: Janna Garvin and Michael David Garvin
Defendant: Boston Scientific Corporation, American Medical Systems, Inc., Sofradim Production SAS, Johnson & Johnson, C. R. Bard, Inc., Mentor Worldwide LLC, Ethicon, LLC, Ethicon, Inc., Coloplast Corp. and Tissue Science Laboratories Limited
Case Number: 3:2020cv00714
Filed: October 23, 2020
Court: U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky
Presiding Judge: Benjamin Beaton
Referring Judge: Claria Horn Boom
2 Judge: Colin H Lindsay
Nature of Suit: Personal Inj. Prod. Liability
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1332
Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on July 22, 2022. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
December 8, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 117 TEXT ORDER OF REASSIGNMENT by Chief Judge Greg N. Stivers on 12/8/2020. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that, pursuant to GO 20-26, this matter is reassigned to Judge Benjamin Beaton for all further proceedings. This Notice of Electronic Filing is the Official ORDER for this entry. No document is (JWM)
November 30, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 116 Joint STATUS REPORT (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - MDL DOC 4152 ORDER Adopting MEM OP and ORDER re Elliott, #2 Exhibit 2- MDL DOC 6398 MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER re Klinge, #3 Exhibit 3 - MDL DOC 4180 MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER re Pence, #4 Appendix A - Relevant General Daubert Filings) by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson. (Pope, Susan)
November 30, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 115 ORDER Signed by Judge Rebecca Grady Jennings on 11/30/2020 granting #114 Motion for Attorney T. Matthew Leckman to Appear Pro Hac Vice. cc: Counsel (SMJ)
November 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 114 MOTION for T. Matthew Leckman to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 125, receipt number 0644-3232533. by Plaintiff Janna Garvin (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Cert. of Good Standing, #2 Exhibit ECF Form, #3 Proposed Order) (Oldfather, Ann)
November 13, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 113 ORDER Signed by Judge Rebecca Grady Jennings on 11/13/2020 granting #111 Motion for Attorney Zoe B. Littlepage to Appear Pro Hac Vice. cc: Counsel (SMJ)
November 11, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 112 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Order by Janna Garvin re #111 MOTION for Zoe B. Littlepage to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 125, receipt number 0644-3224855. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Plaintiffs' Proposed Order re Motion for Admission PHV of Zoe B. Littlepage) (Oldfather, Ann)
November 10, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 111 MOTION for Zoe B. Littlepage to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 125, receipt number 0644-3224855. by Plaintiffs Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A: Cert of Good Standing, #2 Exhibit B: ECF Form) (Oldfather, Ann) (Additional attachment(s) added on 11/12/2020: #3 Proposed Order) (SMJ).
November 10, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 110 NOTICE of Appearance by Ann B. Oldfather on behalf of Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin (Oldfather, Ann)
November 9, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 109 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. Mail sent to David B. Thomas re: DN #104 (ALS)
November 5, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 108 ORDER FOR MEETING AND REPORT signed by Magistrate Judge Colin H. Lindsay on 11/4/2020. Telephonic Rule 16 Case-Management Conference set for 12/21/2020 at 11:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Colin H. Lindsay. cc: Counsel (SMJ)
October 27, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 107 ORDER Signed by Judge Rebecca Grady Jennings on 10/27/2020 granting #102 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. William M. Gage, Christy D. Jones, Amy M. Pepke, Matthew P. Smith, Susan M. Robinson, and David B. Thomas are withdrawn as counsel of record and will receive no further electronic notice in this case. cc: Counsel (SMJ)
October 27, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 106 TEXT ORDER by Judge Rebecca Grady Jennings on 10/27/2020; pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 636(b)(1)(A), this matter is REFERRED to U.S. Magistrate Judge Colin H. Lindsay for resolution of all litigation planning issues, a scheduling conference, entry of scheduling orders, consideration of amendments thereto, and resolution of all non-dispositive matters, including discovery issues. Magistrate Judge Lindsay is further authorized to conduct a settlement conference in this matter at any time. A separate order scheduling the Rule 16 Conference will be issued by the Chambers of United States Magistrate Judge Lindsay. This Notice of Electronic Filing is the Official ORDER for this entry. No document is, CM-CHL. (ARM)
October 26, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 105 Case Reassignment (Random Selection): Case Reassigned to Judge Rebecca Grady Jennings. (JM)
October 26, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 104 ORDER OF RECUSAL signed by Judge Claria Horn Boom: Judge Claria Horn Boom RECUSES from this matter, and the action is hereby REASSIGNED to the docket of Judge Rebecca Grady Jennings for all further proceedings. Counsel are requested to change the civil action number to reflect the initials "RGJ" on all further pleadings. cc: counsel, AM (JM)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 103 Corporate Disclosure Statement by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson. (Pope, Susan)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 102 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney (William M. Gage, Christy D. Jones, Amy M. Pepke, Matthew P. Smith, Susan M. Robinson, and David B. Thomas). (Continue to receive notice:No) by Defendants Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson (Attachments: #1 Defendants' Consent to Withdrawal of William M. Gage, Christy D. Jones, Amy M. Pepke, Matthew P. Smith, Susan M. Robinson, and David B. Thomas as Counsel, #2 Proposed Order) (Pope, Susan)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 101 NOTICE of Appearance by Susan J. Pope on behalf of Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson (Pope, Susan)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 100 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Michael Bonasso re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 99 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to William M. Gage re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 98 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Amy Pepke re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 97 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Susan M. Robinson re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 96 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Matthew P. Smith re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 95 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to David B. Thomas re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 94 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Christy D. Jones re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 93 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Zoe Littlepage re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 92 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Zoe Littlepage re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 91 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to T. Matthew Leckman re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 90 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Shezad Malik re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 89 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Rainey Booth re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 88 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Natasha Ardoin re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 87 ATTORNEY NOTICE of Deficiency to Elizabeth Booth re #85 Case Transferred In - District Transfer.Reason for Deficiency: motion to appear pro hac vice not filed. Failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Court. Response due by 11/9/2020. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 86 Case Assignment (Random Selection): Case Assigned to Judge Claria Horn Boom. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 85 Case transferred in from District of West Virginia Southern; Case Number 2:13-cv-19899. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received. (KJA)
October 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Remark: copy of case assignment and NEF have been sent to participating parties advising of case transfer information. (KJA)
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 84 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (2060) - Pls' Mot to Exclude Timothy Ulatowski, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (2065) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Timothy UlatoMDL ECF (2065) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Timothy UlatowskiMDL ECF (2065) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Timothy UlatowskiMDL ECF (2065) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Timothy UlatowskiMDL ECF (2065) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Timothy UlatowskiMDL ECF (2065) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Timothy UlatowskiMDL ECF (2065) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Timothy Ulatowski, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (2134) - Defs' Resp to Mot to Exclude Timothy Ulatowski, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (2232) - Pls' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Timothy Ulatowski, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (2649) - Memorandum Opinion and Order Regarding Timothy Ulatowski, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (7346) Notice of Adoption of Pls' Mot to Exclude Timothy Ulatowski, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (2910) Defs Supp Resp and Notice of Adoption of Resp Regarding Timothy Ulatowski, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (8529) Notice of Adoption of Pls' Mot to Exclude Timothy Ulatowski, #9 Exhibit MDL ECF (8623) - Notice of Adoption of Defs' Resp to Mot to Exclude Timothy Ulatowski)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers) (mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 83 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (2039) - Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (2042) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (2187) - Defs' Resp to Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (2247) - Pls' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (2455) Part 1 - Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (2455) Part 2 - Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (2458) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (2553) Part 1 - Defs' Resp to Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #9 Exhibit MDL ECF (2553) Part 2 - Defs' Resp to Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #10 Exhibit MDL ECF (2553) Part 3 - Defs' Resp to Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #11 Exhibit MDL ECF (2621) - Pls' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #12 Exhibit MDL ECF (2723) - Memorandum Opinion and Order regarding Shelby Thames, #13 Exhibit MDL ECF (2839) Part 1 - Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #14 Exhibit MDL ECF (2839) Part 2 - Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #15 Exhibit MDL ECF (2841) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #16 Exhibit MDL ECF (2880) - Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #17 Exhibit MDL ECF (2957) - Defs' Resp to Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #18 Exhibit MDL ECF (3018) Defs Resp to Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #19 Exhibit MDL ECF (3037) - Pls' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #20 Exhibit MDL ECF (3529) Order Granting Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #21 Exhibit MDL ECF (8071) Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #22 Exhibit MDL ECF (8073) Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #23 Exhibit MDL ECF (8557) Notice of Adoption of Pls' Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames, #24 Exhibit MDL ECF (8644) - Notice of Adoption of Defs' Resp to Mot to Exclude Shelby Thames)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers) (mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 82 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (2104) - Pls' Mot to Exclude Stanton Shoemaker, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (2105) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Stanton Shoemaker, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (2239) - Defs' Resp to Pls' Mot to Exclude Stanton Shoemaker, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (2660) Memorandum Opinion and Order Regarding Stanton Shoemaker, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (2803) Notice of Adoption of Pls Mot to Exclude Stanton Shoemaker, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (2923) Defs Resp to Pls' Mot to Exclude Stanton Shoemaker, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (4211) Order Adopting Memorandum Opinion and Order Regarding Stanton Shoemaker, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (8513) Notice of Adoption of Pls Mot to Exclude Stanton Shoemaker, #9 Exhibit MDL ECF (8625) Notice of Adoption of Defs Resp to Mot to Exclude Stanton Shoemaker)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers) (mk).[Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 81 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (2035) - Pls' Mot to Exclude Christina Pramudji, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (2037) - Pls' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Christina Pramudji, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (2153) - Defs' Resp to Pls' Mot to Exclude Christina Pramudji, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (2236) - Pls' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Christina Pramudji, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (2530) - Defs' Resp to Pls' Mot to Exclude Christina Pramudji, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (2650) Memorandum Opinion and Order Regarding Christina Pramudji, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (8501) - Notice of Adoption of Pls' Mot to Exclude Christina Pramudji, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (8614) - Notice of Adoption of Defs' Resp Regarding Christina Pramudji)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers)(mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 80 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (6876) Pls Mot to Exclude C. Bryce Bowling, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (6877) Pls Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude C. Bryce Bowling, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (7020) Part 1 Defs' Resp to Pls Mot to Exclude C. Bryce Bowling, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (7020) Part 2 Defs' Resp to Pls Mot to Exclude C. Bryce Bowling, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (8476) Notice of Adoption of Pls' Mot to Exclude C. Bryce Bowling, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (8648) Notice of Adoption of Defs' Resp to Mot to Exclude C. Bryce Bowling)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers) (mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 79 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (5332) - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (5333) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (5482) - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (5484) - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (5548) - Defs' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (6519) Order Adopting Memorandum Opinion and Order Regarding Bruce Rosenzweig, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (8541) Notice of Adoption of Defs Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (8599) - Notice of Adoption of Pls Resp to Defs Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers) (mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 78 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (2049) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (2163) Part 1 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (2163) Part 2 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (2163) Part 3 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (2241) - Defs' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 1 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 2 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 3 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #9 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 4 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #10 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 5 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #11 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 6 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #12 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 7 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #13 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 8 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #14 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 9 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #15 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 10 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #16 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 11 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #17 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 12 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #18 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 13 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #19 Exhibit MDL ECF (2047) Part 14 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #20 Exhibit MDL ECF (2668) - Memorandum Opinion and Order Regarding Bruce Rosenzweig, #21 Exhibit MDL ECF (2817) - Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #22 Exhibit MDL ECF (2818) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #23 Exhibit MDL ECF (2931) - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #24 Exhibit MDL ECF (3024) - Defs' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Bruce Rosenzweig, #25 Exhibit MDL ECF (4186) Order Adopting Memorandum Opinion and Order Regarding Bruce Rosenzweig)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers) (mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 77 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (2075) - Defs' Mot to Exclude Peggy Pence, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (2078) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Peggy Pence, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (2172) - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Peggy Pence, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (2214) - Defs' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Peggy Pence, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (2664) Memorandum Opinion and Order regarding Peggy Pence, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (2759) - Defs' Mot to Exclude Peggy Pence, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (2760) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Peggy Pence, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (2949) - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Peggy Pence, #9 Exhibit MDL ECF (3017) - Defs' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Peggy Pence, #10 Exhibit MDL ECF (8531) - Notice of Adoption of Defs' Mot to Exclude Peggy Pence, #11 Exhibit MDL ECF (8596) - Notice of Adoption of Pls' Resp of Peggy Pence)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers) (mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 76 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (8519) - Notice of Adoption of Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (8588) - Notice of Adoption of Pls' Resp to Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers)(mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 75 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (2188) Part 1 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (2188) Part 2 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (2188) Part 3 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (2188) Part 4 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (2200) - Defs' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (2642) - Memorandum Opinion and Order Regarding Uwe Klinge, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (2762) Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (2765) Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #9 Exhibit MDL ECF (2960) Part 1 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #10 Exhibit MDL ECF (2960) Part 2 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #11 Exhibit MDL ECF (2960) Part 3 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #12 Exhibit MDL ECF (2960) Part 4 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #13 Exhibit MDL ECF (2960) Part 5 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #14 Exhibit MDL ECF (2960) Part 6 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #15 Exhibit MDL ECF (3626) Part 1 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #16 Exhibit MDL ECF (3626) Part 2 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #17 Exhibit MDL ECF (3630) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #18 Exhibit MDL ECF (3767) Part 1 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #19 Exhibit MDL ECF (3767) Part 2 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #20 Exhibit MDL ECF (3767) Part 3 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #21 Exhibit MDL ECF (3767) Part 4 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #22 Exhibit MDL ECF (3767) Part 5 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #23 Exhibit MDL ECF (3767) Part 6 - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #24 Exhibit MDL ECF (3855) - Defs' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers) (mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 74 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (1978) Part 1 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 2 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 3 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 4 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 5 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 6 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 7 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 8 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #9 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 9 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #10 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 10 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #11 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 11 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #12 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 12 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #13 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 13 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #14 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 14 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #15 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 15 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #16 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 16 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #17 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 17 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #18 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 18 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #19 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 19 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #20 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 20 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #21 Exhibit MDL ECF (1978) Part 21 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge, #22 Exhibit MDL ECF (1982) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Uwe Klinge)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers) (mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 73 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (8080) Part 1 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (8080) Part 2 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (8080) Part 3 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (8080) Part 4 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (8081) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (8247) - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (8311) - Defs' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (8312) - Defs' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #9 Exhibit MDL ECF (8414) Pls Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #10 Exhibit MDL ECF (8540) - Notice of Adoption of Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #11 Exhibit MDL ECF (8582) - Notice of Adoption of Pls' Resp to Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers)(mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 72 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit ECF #71 CONTINUED, MDL ECF (2082) Part 1 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (2082) Part 2 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (2082) Part 3 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (2085) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (2191) - Pls' Amended Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #6 Exhibit MDL ECF (2215) - Defs' Reply in Support of Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #7 Exhibit MDL ECF (2666) - Memorandum Opinion and Order regarding Daniel Elliott, #8 Exhibit MDL ECF (2811) Defs Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #9 Exhibit MDL ECF (2815) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #10 Exhibit MDL ECF (2952) - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #11 Exhibit MDL ECF (4364) Part 1 Defs Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #12 Exhibit MDL ECF (4364) Part 2 Defs Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #13 Exhibit MDL ECF (4364) Part 3 Defs Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #14 Exhibit MDL ECF (4367) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #15 Exhibit MDL ECF (4558) - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #16 Exhibit MDL ECF (4874) - Defs Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #17 Exhibit MDL ECF (4881) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #18 Exhibit MDL ECF (5339) Part 1 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #19 Exhibit MDL ECF (5339) Part 2 - Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #20 Exhibit MDL ECF (5340) - Defs' Mem in Support of Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #21 Exhibit MDL ECF (5491) - Pls' Resp to Defs' Mot to Exclude Daniel Elliott, #22 Exhibit MDL ECF (6522) - Memorandum Opinion and Order regarding Daniel Elliott)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers) (mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 71 JOINT DESIGNATION OF RECORD for MDL transfers re: 2:12-md-02327 - Ethicon, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit MDL ECF (238) First Amended Master Long Form Complaint, #2 Exhibit MDL ECF (239) Master Answer of Ethicon, Inc. to First Amended Master Complaint, #3 Exhibit MDL ECF (241) Master Answer of Johnson & Johnson to First Amended Master Complaint, #4 Exhibit MDL ECF (262) - Short Form Complaint, #5 Exhibit MDL ECF (263) Amended Short Form Complaint)(Gage, William) (Modified on 10/22/2020 to add party filers)(mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 9, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 70 TRANSFER ORDER FOR CASES ON EXHIBIT A directing that on 10/23/2020 the cases identified on Exhibit A that are still pending shall be transferred to the United States District Courts identified on Exhibit A pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1404(a); on or before 10/22/2020 the parties are DIRECTED to confer and to file in each pending individual member case identified in Exhibit A, all documents from the main MDL that the parties jointly deem relevant to constitute an appropriate record for the receiving court to consider; the Clerk is DIRECTED to use the appropriate function in CM/ECF to extract each member case listed on Exhibit A that remains pending and transfer it to the corresponding United States District Court listed on Exhibit A; after transfer of each member case listed in Exhibit A that is not dismissed prior to the Transfer Date, the Clerk is DIRECTED to formally close the case and strike it from the docket of this court. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 10/9/2020. (cc: Clerk of the JPMDL; counsel of record; any unrepresented party) (REF: MDL 2327; Cases Listed on Exhibit A) (kew) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 1, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 69 ORDER denying as moot #20 MOTION by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin to Reinstate Case to the Active Docket and Change of Venue. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 10/1/2020. (cc: attys; any unrepresented party) (ts) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
September 3, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 68 REPLY by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson to #65 Response In Opposition. (Attachment: #1 Exhibit 1)(Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 29, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 67 EXHIBITS by Janna Garvin in support of #65 Response In Opposition. (Littlepage, Zoe) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 28, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 66 RESPONSE by Janna Garvin in opposition to #62 MOTION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson to Limit the Case-Specific Testimony of Daniel Elliiott, M.D. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5)(Littlepage, Zoe) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 28, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 65 RESPONSE by Janna Garvin in opposition to #60 MOTION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson for Partial Summary Judgment (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7)(Littlepage, Zoe) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 19, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 64 AMENDED OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson to #58 NOTICE of Video Deposition of Brian Heckman on 8/23/2019 at 1PM by Janna Garvin (Attachment: #1 Exhibit A)(Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 14, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 63 MEMORANDUM by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson in Support of #62 MOTION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson to Limit the Case-Specific Testimony of Daniel Elliiott, M.D. (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 14, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 62 MOTION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson to Limit the Case-Specific Testimony of Daniel Elliiott, M.D. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 13, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 61 MEMORANDUM by Johnson & Johnson in Support of #60 MOTION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson for Partial Summary Judgment (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 13, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 60 MOTION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson for Partial Summary Judgment (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 13, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 59 OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson to #58 NOTICE of Video Deposition of Brian Heckman on 8/23/2019 at 1PM by Janna Garvin (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 6, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 58 NOTICE of Video Deposition of Brian Heckman on 8/23/2019 at 1PM by Janna Garvin (Attachment: #1 Appendix Deposition Protocol)(Littlepage, Zoe) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
July 29, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 57 NOTICE Proof of Service of Subpoena for Brian Heckman by Janna Garvin (Littlepage, Zoe) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
July 27, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 56 NOTICE of Deposition of Brian Heckman on 7/31/2019 at 1:00 PM by Janna Garvin (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Pretrial Order 38- Deposition Protocol, #2 Exhibit Subpoena to Brian Heckman to Testify at Deposition)(Littlepage, Zoe) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
July 26, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 55 NOTICE OF VIDEO DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Friends and Family on TBD at TBD (Pepke, Amy) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
July 8, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 54 AMENDED NOTICE OF VIDEO DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Dr. Jeffrey Toubin on July 26, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. CT (Attachments: #1 Appendix Supboena, #2 Appendix Deposition Protocol)(Smith, Matthew) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
July 3, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 53 NOTICE OF VIDEO DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Dr. Jeffrey Toubin on July 12, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. CT (Attachments: #1 Appendix Subpoena, #2 Appendix Deposition Protocol)(Smith, Matthew) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
June 27, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 52 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson for Designation and Disclosure of General and Case Specific Expert Witnesses and Defendants Non-Retained Expert Disclosures. (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
June 27, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 51 AMENDED NOTICE OF DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Daniel Elliott, M.D. on 7/21/19 at 8:00 a.m. (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
June 24, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 50 AMENDED NOTICE OF DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Daniel Elliott, M.D. on 7/21/19 at 9:00 a.m. (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
June 24, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 49 AMENDED NOTICE of Withdrawal by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson re: #46 NOTICE OF DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Daniel Elliott, M.D. on 7/21/2019 at 9:00 a.m. (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
June 24, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 48 NOTICE OF DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Daniel Elliott, M.D. on 7/21/19 at 9:00 a.m. (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
June 24, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 47 NOTICE of Withdrawal by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson re: #46 NOTICE OF DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Daniel Elliott, M.D. on 7/21/2019 at 9:00 a.m. (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
June 21, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 46 NOTICE OF DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Daniel Elliott, M.D. on 7/21/2019 at 9:00 a.m. (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
June 14, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 45 NOTICE OF VIDEO DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Dr. Roy C. Mason, Jr. on 6/24/2019 at 5:30 p.m. ET (Attachments: #1 Appendix Subpoena, #2 Appendix Deposition Protocol)(Smith, Matthew) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
May 24, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 44 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin for Designation and Disclosure of General and Case-Specific Expert Witnesses. (Littlepage, Zoe) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
May 17, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 43 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE AND COUNSEL CONTACT INFORMATION FORM by Matthew P. Smith on behalf of Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson. (Smith, Matthew) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
May 17, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 42 AMENDED NOTICE OF VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Jorge Arzac, M.D. on 06/14/2019 at 8:30 am (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Pretrial Order 38 - Deposition Protocol, #2 Exhibit Subpoena to Jorge Arzac, MD to testify at a Deposition)(Smith, Matthew) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
May 17, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 41 NOTICE OF VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Jorge Arzac, M.D. on 06/14/2019 at 8:30 am (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Pretrial Order 38 - Deposition Protocol, #2 Exhibit Subpoena to Jorge Arzac, MD to Testify at Deposition)(Smith, Matthew) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
April 19, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 40 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson for Objections and Responses to Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories, Requests for Production and Requests for Admissions. (Gage, William) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
April 18, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 39 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Janna Garvin for Objections and Responses to First Set of Interrogatories, Request for Admissions, and Request for Production. (Littlepage, Zoe) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
April 1, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 38 PROOF OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ON SUBPOENA for Dr. Virginia Stokes. (Littlepage, Zoe) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
March 27, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 37 NOTICE of Video Deposition by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson of Janna and Michael Garvin on April 17, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. (Pepke, Amy) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
March 27, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 36 NOTICE of Video Deposition of Dr. Virginia Stokes by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin (Littlepage, Zoe) (Modified on 3/28/2019 to convert event to notice to take or amend deposition) (mk). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
March 20, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 35 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin for First Set of Interrogatories, Requests for Admission, and Requests for Production. (Leckman, T.) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
March 19, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 34 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Ethicon, Inc. for First Set of Interrogatories, Requests for Admission and Requests for Production to Plaintiff. (Pepke, Amy) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
March 19, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 33 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE AND COUNSEL CONTACT INFORMATION FORM by Amy Pepke on behalf of Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson. (Pepke, Amy) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
February 11, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 32 ORDER re: #25 Consent Order Granting Substitution of Attorney by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin; Elizabeth Booth is substituted as counsel of record in place of Shezad Malik. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 2/11/2019. (cc: attys; any unrepresented party) (mek) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
February 11, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 31 ORDER granting #26 Consent Order Granting Substitution of Attorney by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin; Natasha Ardoin is substituted as counsel of record in place of Shezad Malik. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 2/11/2019. (cc: attys; any unrepresented party) (mek) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
February 11, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 30 ORDER granting #24 Consent Order Granting Substitution of Attorney by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin; Rainey Booth is substituted as counsel of record in place of Shezad Malik. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 2/11/2019. (cc: attys; any unrepresented party) (mek) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
February 11, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 29 ORDER denying as moot #27 PROPOSED ORDER to Substitute T. Matthew Leckman as Counsel in lieu of Shezad Malik by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 2/11/2019. (cc: attys; any unrepresented party) (mek) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
February 11, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 28 ORDER denying as moot #18 PROPOSED ORDER to Substitute Zoe Littlepage as Counsel in lieu of Shezad Malik by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 2/11/2019. (cc: attys; any unrepresented party) (mek) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
February 11, 2019 Opinion or Order NOTICE OF DOCKET CORRECTION re: #18 Proposed Order to Substitute Zoe Littlepage as Counsel in lieu of Shezad Malik by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin. ERROR: Multiple documents filed in one entry. CORRECTION: Documents separated and filed as documents #24 through #27) (lca) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
February 4, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 23 PRETRIAL ORDER # 328 (Docket Control Order - Ethicon, Inc. Wave 11 Cases) The cases on Exhibit A are: 1. removed from the pending inactive docket; and 2. placed on the active docket. As to the cases on Exhibits A and B: 1. The cases are no longer eligible for return to the inactive docket nor may notices of settlement be filed to relieve the parties from scheduling deadlines; 2. To the extent other defendants, in addition to Ethicon, Inc. and Johnson & Johnson, are named in the cases on Exhibits A and B, the deadlines below also apply to them; 3. The Clerk will file this Docket Control Order in the main MDL and, as of the time of that filing in the main MDL, every case listed on Exhibits A and B (hereinafter referred to as "Wave 11 cases") becomes subject to the deadlines in this Docket Control Order.; and 4. The following deadlines immediately apply in all Ethicon Wave 11 cases with one important exception. If any of the cases on any exhibit were previously on a docket control order and dispositive and Daubert deadlines had passed before such cases became inactive, the parties may not file or refile dispositive or Daubert motions without first seeking leave of court for good cause shown. A. SCHEDULING DEADLINES.. The following deadlines shall apply in all Ethicon Wave 11 cases: Plaintiff Fact Sheets due 02/15/2019; Defendant Fact Sheets due 02/22/2019; Deadline for written discovery requests due 03/25/2019; Expert disclosures served by plaintiffs due 05/24/2019; Expert disclosure served by defendants due 06/24/2019; Expert disclosure served for rebuttal due 07/01/2019; Deposition deadline and close of discovery due 08/01/2019; Filing of dispositive motions due 08/14/2019; Response to dispositive motions due 08/28/2019; Reply to response to dispositive motions due 09/04/2019; Filing of Daubert motions due 08/14/2019; Responses to Daubert motions due 08/29/2019; Reply to response to Daubert motions due 09/05/2019. B. MOTION PRACTICE. 3. Confidential Documents. Any consolidated motion to seal is due on or before 6/27/2019, and any response is due by 7/11/2019. Any reply is due by 7/18/2019. The court expects full compliance with Local Rule of Civil Procedure 26.4(c). C. CASES READY FOR TRANSFER, REMAND OR TRIAL 1. Venue Recommendations. By no later than 7/8/2019, the parties shall meet and confer concerning the appropriate venue for each of the cases, and the parties are ORDERED to submit joint venue recommendations to the court by 7/15/2019. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 2/4/2019. (cc: Clerk of the JPMDL; attys; any unrepresented party) (REF: MDL 2327; Ethicon Wave 11 cases identified on Exhibits A and B) (mek) (ADI) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
December 7, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 22 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE AND COUNSEL CONTACT INFORMATION FORM by T. Matthew Leckman on behalf of Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin. (Leckman, T.) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
November 26, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 21 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE AND COUNSEL CONTACT INFORMATION FORM by Zoe Littlepage on behalf of Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin. (Littlepage, Zoe) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 26, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 20 MOTION by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin to Reinstate Case to the Active Docket and Change of Venue. (Attachment: #1 Affidavit)(Malik, Shezad) (Modified on 11/13/2018 to convert event to motion) (lca). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 22, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 27 PROPOSED ORDER to Substitute T. Matthew Leckman as Counsel in lieu of Shezad Malik by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin. (lca) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 22, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 26 PROPOSED ORDER to Substitute Natasha Ardoin as Counsel in lieu of Shezad Malik by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin. (lca) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 22, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 25 PROPOSED ORDER to Substitute Elizabeth Booth as Counsel in lieu of Shezad Malik by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin. (lca) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 22, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 24 PROPOSED ORDER to Substitute Rainey Booth as Counsel in lieu of Shezad Malik by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin. (lca) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 22, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 19 ORDER granting the Motions filed in MDL 2327 by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson to Substitute Susan M. Robinson as Counsel in lieu of David B. Thomas, and to Substitute William M. Gage as Counsel in lieu of Christy D. Jones; the Clerk is directed to terminate Christy D. Jones and to substitute William M. Gage as counsel of record, both on the main master docket and for each individual member case in MDL 2327 with which Christy D. Jones is associated, and to terminate David B. Thomas and to substitute Susan M. Robinson as counsel of record, both on the main master docket and for each individual member case in MDL 2327 with which David B. Thomas is associated. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 5/24/2018. (cc: counsel of record; any unrepresented party) (lca) (ADI) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 22, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 18 PROPOSED ORDER to Substitute Zoe Littlepage as Counsel in lieu of Shezad Malik by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin. (Malik, Shezad) (Modified on 2/11/2019 to convert event to proposed order) (lca). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 15, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 17 ORDER The deadline to submit joint motions of dismissal is extended to 10/31/2018 for all cases in MDL 2327 currently on an inactive docket. All remaining provisions of Inactive Docket Orders entered in MDL 2327 and individual cases remain in effect. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 8/15/2018. (cc: counsel of record; any unrepresented party) (REF: MDL 2327; Cases on inactive docket) (brn) (ADI) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
May 7, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 16 ORDER (CHANGE TO CHARACTERIZATION BY CLERK'S OFFICE OF CASES ON INACTIVE DOCKET) It is directed that in all cases with an inactive docket order which resulted in "Closed" and "MDL Ethicon Inactive" flags on the docket sheet, the Clerk is directed to update the docket by removing the "Closed" flag from the docket sheet and leaving the "MDL Ethicon Inactive" flag, for reasons set forth herein. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 4/26/2018. (cc: counsel of record; any unrepresented party) (REF: MDL 2327; Member Cases Flagged "Closed" and "MDL Ethicon Inactive") (kp) (ADI) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
March 27, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 15 ORDER The deadline to submit joint motions of dismissal is extended to 8/31/2018 for all cases in MDL 2327 currently on an inactive docket. All remaining provisions of Inactive Docket Orders entered in MDL 2327 and individual cases remain in effect. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 3/16/2018. (cc: counsel of record; any unrepresented party) (REF: MDL 2327; Cases on inactive docket) (brn) (ADI) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
October 19, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 14 ORDER The deadline to submit joint motions of dismissal is extended to 3/31/2018 for all cases in MDL 2327 currently on an inactive docket. All remaining provisions of Inactive Docket Orders entered in MDL 2327 and individual cases remain in effect. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 10/19/2017. (cc: counsel of record; any unrepresented party) (REF: MDL 2327; Cases on inactive docket) (rmc) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
September 27, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 13 INACTIVE DOCKET ORDER: The court has been advised that the plaintiff(s) and Ethicon, Inc. have reached a settlement with regard to Ethicon. All discovery deadlines are continued until further order of the court. The Clerk is directed to retire this case from the active docket. Plaintiff(s) and Ethicon may submit an agreed order of dismissal with prejudice on or before 10/31/2017; if settlements are not finalized and dismissal orders are not submitted by then the Court will have a hearing to determine the appropriate action pertaining to any remaining cases on the inactive docket. Counsel for plaintiffs and defendant(s) are directed to provide quarterly reports as to their progress in dismissing cases on the inactive docket. The court will reinstate the case to the active docket if one of the parties shows good cause for such reinstatement. This Order is related to the Proposed Inactive Docket Order filed at ECF No. 4426 in MDL Case No. 2327 Ethicon. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 9/27/2017. (cc: attys; any unrepresented party) (rmc) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
June 22, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 12 AMENDED SHORT FORM COMPLAINT filed by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin against Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson. (Malik, Shezad) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
February 17, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 11 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE AND COUNSEL CONTACT INFORMATION FORM by Christy D. Jones on behalf of Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson. (Jones, Christy) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
September 16, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 10 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE AND COUNSEL CONTACT INFORMATION FORM by David B. Thomas on behalf of Ethicon, Inc., Ethicon, LLC, Johnson & Johnson. (Thomas, David) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
September 9, 2013 Opinion or Order NOTICE OF DOCKET CORRECTION re: #9 Order. ERROR: Image is a duplicate of the image attached to entry #8. CORRECTION: Duplicate image at entry #9 removed. (skh) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
September 6, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 9 INCORRECT ENTRY; SEE ENTRY #8. (Modified on 9/9/2013 to remove image as a duplicate of the image attached to entry #8) (skh). [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
September 6, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 8 ORDER granting #4 MOTION by Janna Garvin TO TRANSFER this member case from MDL 2187 C. R. Bard to MDL 2327 Ethicon. Directing the Clerk to disassociate this civil action as a member case in MDL 2187 and re-associate it with MDL 2327. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 9/6/2013. (cc: attys; any unrepresented party) (rea) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
September 6, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 7 AMENDED SHORT FORM COMPLAINT filed by Janna Garvin, Michael David Garvin against Ethicon, Inc., Ethicon, LLC, and Johnson & Johnson. (rea) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
September 6, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 6 ORDER granting plaintiff's #3 MOTION for Leave to File Amended Complaint. Signed by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin on 9/6/2013. (cc: attys; any unrepresented party) (rea) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 22, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 5 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE AND COUNSEL CONTACT INFORMATION FORM by Michael Bonasso on behalf of Boston Scientific Corporation. (Bonasso, Michael) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 4 MOTION by Janna Garvin TO TRANSFER this member case from MDL 2187 C. R. Bard to MDL 2327 Ethicon. (Malik, Shezad) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
August 21, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 3 UNOPPOSED MOTION by Janna Garvin for Leave to File Amended Pleading, with proposed document attached (Attachment: #1 Amended Complaint)(Malik, Shezad) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
July 19, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 2 TRANSMITTED PRETRIAL ORDER # 83 (AMENDED Order Scheduling Future Status Conferences & Other Matters) entered on 07/16/2013 in MDL 2187 to attorneys in member case. (jap) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]
July 12, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 1 SHORT FORM COMPLAINT. Filing Fee $400.00. Receipt # 0425-2544931. (Attachment: #1 Civil Cover Sheet) (jap) [Transferred from wvsd on 10/23/2020.]

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Defendant: Boston Scientific Corporation
Represented By: Michael Bonasso
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Defendant: American Medical Systems, Inc.
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Defendant: Sofradim Production SAS
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Defendant: Johnson & Johnson
Represented By: Amy Pepke
Represented By: William M. Gage
Represented By: Susan J. Pope
Represented By: David B. Thomas
Represented By: Susan M. Robinson
Represented By: Christy D. Jones
Represented By: Matthew P. Smith
Represented By: Lori Elizabeth Hammond
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Defendant: C. R. Bard, Inc.
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Defendant: Mentor Worldwide LLC
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Defendant: Ethicon, LLC
Represented By: William M. Gage
Represented By: David B. Thomas
Represented By: Susan M. Robinson
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Defendant: Ethicon, Inc.
Represented By: Amy Pepke
Represented By: William M. Gage
Represented By: Susan J. Pope
Represented By: David B. Thomas
Represented By: Susan M. Robinson
Represented By: Christy D. Jones
Represented By: Matthew P. Smith
Represented By: Lori Elizabeth Hammond
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Defendant: Coloplast Corp.
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Defendant: Tissue Science Laboratories Limited
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Plaintiff: Janna Garvin
Represented By: Zoe Littlepage
Represented By: Rainey Booth
Represented By: T. Matthew Leckman
Represented By: Natasha Ardoin
Represented By: Elizabeth Booth
Represented By: Shezad Malik
Represented By: Ann B. Oldfather
Represented By: Michael R. Hasken
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Plaintiff: Michael David Garvin
Represented By: Zoe Littlepage
Represented By: Rainey Booth
Represented By: T. Matthew Leckman
Represented By: Natasha Ardoin
Represented By: Elizabeth Booth
Represented By: Shezad Malik
Represented By: Ann B. Oldfather
Represented By: Michael R. Hasken
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