Bouck v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co et al
Plaintiff: Dennis R Bouck
Defendant: Kansas City Southern Railway Co, Electro-Motive Diesel Inc, International Paper Co, Foster Wheeler L L C, Comet Industries Inc, Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C and Progress Rail Locomotive Inc
Case Number: 5:2020cv01298
Filed: October 2, 2020
Court: U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana
Presiding Judge: Elizabeth E Foote
Referring Judge: S Maurice Hicks
2 Judge: Mark L Hornsby
Nature of Suit: P.I. : Asbestos
Cause of Action: 45 U.S.C. § 51 Railways: Fed. Employer's Liability Act
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on March 17, 2022. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
March 17, 2022 Filing 87 JUDGMENT granting #86 Joint/Voluntary Motion to Dismiss Kansas City Southern Railway Co. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 3/17/2022. (crt,Keifer, K)
March 16, 2022 Filing 86 JOINT MOTION to Dismiss by Kansas City Southern Railway Co and Dennis R. Brock Motion Ripe Deadline set for 3/16/2022. (Attachments: #1 Proposed order)(aty,Landry, Robert) Modified to add filer on 3/16/2022 (Whitener, M).
February 9, 2022 Filing 85 JUDGMENT granting #84 Joint/Voluntary Motion to Dismiss International Paper Company. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 2/9/2022. (crt,Keifer, K)
February 8, 2022 Filing 84 JOINT MOTION to Dismiss Claim Against International Paper Company by International Paper Co, Dennis R Bouck. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 2/8/2022. (Attachments: #1 Proposed order Joint Motion of Dismissal)(aty,Smith, Thomas) Modified on 2/8/2022 to add filer (Miletello, A).
December 17, 2021 Filing 83 MINUTES for proceedings held before Judge Elizabeth E Foote: Telephone CONFERENCE held on 12/17/2021. The 90-day Order shall remain in place. At the end of the 90-day period, the parties may jointly petition to extend the 90-day period to consummate the settlement, if necessary. (crt,Keifer, K)
December 15, 2021 Filing 82 MINUTE ENTRY: District Judge Telephone Status Conference set for 12/17/2021 at 09:00 AM by phone before Judge Elizabeth E Foote. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 12/15/2021. (crt,McDonnell, D)
December 1, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 81 90 DAY ORDER DISMISSING CASE: Within ninety (90) days of the signing of this Order, the parties shall submit to the Court a joint motion to dismiss or a stipulation of dismissal signed by all parties. Any motion that may be pending in this case is hereby DENIED AS MOOT. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 12/1/2021. (crt,Keifer, K)
December 1, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 80 ORDER granting #78 Joint/Voluntary Motion to Dismiss Defendant Foster Wheeler LLC. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 12/1/2021. (crt,Keifer, K)
November 29, 2021 Filing 78 JOINT MOTION to Dismiss Foster Wheeler LLC by Foster Wheeler L L C, Dennis R Bouck. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 11/29/2021. (Attachments: #1 Proposed order)(aty,McCoy, Lacey) Modified on 11/29/2021 to add filer and modify docket text (Miletello, A).
November 12, 2021 Filing 79 MINUTES for proceedings held before Judge Elizabeth E Foote: PRETRIAL CONFERENCE held on 11/12/2021. The parties informed the Court that they have reached a settlement. A 90 day order shall follow. (crt,Keifer, K)
November 10, 2021 Filing 77 MINUTE ENTRY: This matter is set for trial the week of December 13, 2021. At the Zoom pretrial conference, the Court will fully explore all pending evidentiary and legal issues and discuss its trial procedures. Accordingly, the conference may be lengthy. All trial counsel shall participate and should allot sufficient time in their schedules. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 11/10/2021. (crt,Keifer, K)
November 10, 2021 Filing 76 MEMORANDUM RULING denying #53 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Kansas City Southern Railway Co. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 11/10/2021. (crt,Keifer, K)
November 9, 2021 Filing 75 NOTICE of Settlement between International Paper Company and Plaintiff by International Paper Co (aty,Arthur, Mary)
November 5, 2021 Filing 74 MEMORANDUM in Opposition re #66 MOTION in Limine filed by Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (aty,Landry, Robert)
November 5, 2021 Filing 73 EXHIBIT LIST (Joint) by Kansas City Southern Railway Co, Dennis R Bouck. (aty,Landry, Robert) Modified on 11/5/2021 to add filer (Miletello, A).
November 5, 2021 Filing 72 WITNESS LIST filed (restricted access) (Joint) by Kansas City Southern Railway Co, Dennis R Bouck. (aty,Landry, Robert) Modified on 11/5/2021 to add filer (Miletello, A).
November 5, 2021 Filing 71 PROPOSED PRETRIAL ORDER by Kansas City Southern Railway Co, Dennis R. Bouck. (aty,Landry, Robert) Modified on 11/5/2021 to add filer (Miletello, A).
November 5, 2021 Filing 70 MEMORANDUM in Opposition re #68 MOTION in Limine filed by Dennis R Bouck. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Roggli Depo, #2 Exhibit 2 - Kradin Depo, #3 Exhibit 3 - Ewing Depo, #4 Exhibit 4 - Bouck Depo, #5 Exhibit 5 - KCSR RFA Responses, #6 Exhibit 6 - KCSR Asb Report, #7 Exhibit 7 - KCSR Master List)(aty,Clark, Matthew) Modified docket text on 11/5/2021 (Miletello, A).
November 1, 2021 Filing 69 NOTICE of Motion Setting regarding: #68 MOTION in Limine. Motions referred to Judge Elizabeth E Foote. (crt,Miletello, A)
October 29, 2021 Filing 68 MOTION in Limine by Kansas City Southern Railway Co. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 10/29/2021. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum / Brief, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Proposed order)(aty,Landry, Robert)
October 29, 2021 Filing 67 NOTICE of Motion Setting regarding: #66 MOTION in Limine . Motions referred to Judge Elizabeth E Foote. (crt,Crick, S)
October 29, 2021 Filing 66 MOTION in Limine by Dennis R Bouck. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 10/29/2021. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum / Brief)(aty,Clark, Matthew)
October 7, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 65 MINUTE ENTRY: The pretrial conference set for 11/12/2021 at 1:30 p.m. will be held by Zoom videoconference. The Court will send the Zoom invites directly to counsel in advance of the conference. The attorneys are reminded to send to chambers a paper copy of any exhibits to which that party notes objections in the pretrial order. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 10/7/2021. (crt,Keifer, K)
September 23, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 64 ORDER granting #63 Motion to Compel. KCS is ordered to respond to the discovery no later than Sept. 30, 2021. Signed by Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby on 9/23/2021. (crt,Keller, J)
September 22, 2021 Filing 63 MOTION to Compel Kansas City Southern Railway Co by Dennis R Bouck. Motions referred to Mark L Hornsby. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 9/22/2021. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum / Brief, #2 Exhibit A - P's discovery requests to KCSR, #3 Exhibit B - P's 2nd discovery requests to KCSR, #4 Exhibit C - P's 3rd discovery requests to KCSR, #5 Exhibit D - P's 5th discovery requests to KCSR, #6 Exhibit E - 30b6 request and draft NOD, #7 Certificate re efforts to resolve-LR 37.1, #8 Proposed order)(aty,Clark, Matthew) Modified docket text on 9/22/2021 (Miletello, A).
September 20, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 62 ORDER granting #61 Motion to Withdraw #54 MOTION for Summary Judgment. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 9/20/2021. (crt,Keifer, K)
September 20, 2021 Motions Transferred regarding #61 MOTION to Withdraw #54 MOTION for Summary Judgment . Motions referred to Judge Elizabeth E Foote. (crt,Miletello, A)
September 17, 2021 Filing 61 MOTION to Withdraw #54 MOTION for Summary Judgment by International Paper Co. Motions referred to Mark L Hornsby. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 9/17/2021. (Attachments: #1 Proposed order)(aty,Arthur, Mary) Modified docket text on 9/20/2021 (Miletello, A).
September 10, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 60 ORDER granting #59 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Amber Lauren Stewart terminated. Signed by Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby on 9/10/2021. (crt,Miletello, A)
September 9, 2021 Filing 59 Ex Parte MOTION to Withdraw Amber L. Stewart as Attorney by International Paper Co. Motions referred to Mark L Hornsby. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 9/9/2021. (Attachments: #1 Proposed order)(aty,Arthur, Mary) Modified docket text on 9/9/2021 (Miletello, A).
August 31, 2021 Filing 58 REPLY to Response to Motion re #53 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (aty,Landry, Robert)
August 24, 2021 Filing 57 MEMORANDUM in Opposition re #53 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Dennis R Bouck. (Attachments: #1 Statement of material facts, #2 Exhibit 1 - Fifth Discovery Requests to KCSR, #3 Exhibit 2 - Discovery Requests to KCSR, #4 Exhibit 3 - WLF Amicus Curiae)(aty,Clark, Matthew)
August 16, 2021 Filing 56 NOTICE of Motion Setting regarding: #53 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment and #54 MOTION for Summary Judgment. Motions referred to Judge Elizabeth E Foote. (crt,Miletello, A)
August 16, 2021 Filing 55 STATEMENT of Undisputed Facts re #53 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment by Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (aty,Landry, Robert) Modified on 8/16/2021 to more accurately described pleading submitted (Miletello, A).
August 16, 2021 Filing 54 MOTION for Summary Judgment by International Paper Co. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum / Brief, #2 Statement of material facts, #3 Exhibit A, #4 Proposed order)(aty,Arthur, Mary) Modified docket text on 8/16/2021 (Miletello, A).
August 16, 2021 Filing 53 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment by Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum / Brief, #2 Proposed order)(aty,Landry, Robert) Modified on 8/16/2021 to indicate #55 Statement of Undisputed Facts submitted separately (Miletello, A).
July 22, 2021 Filing 52 MINUTES for proceedings held before Judge Elizabeth E Foote: granting #49 Motion for Extension; STATUS CONFERENCE held on 7/22/2021. Dispositive Motions due by 8/16/2021. Discovery deadline is extended to 10/1/2021. All other deadlines remain in place. (crt,Keifer, K)
July 21, 2021 Filing 51 NOTICE of Settlement by Foster Wheeler L L C (aty,McCoy, Lacey)
July 20, 2021 Filing 50 MINUTE ENTRY: A telephone status conference is set for 7/22/2021 at 1:30 PM before Judge Elizabeth E Foote to discuss the motion to extend deadlines. See pdf for call in information. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 7/20/2021. (crt,Keifer, K)
July 16, 2021 Filing 49 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Discovery and Dispositive Motion Deadline by Dennis R Bouck. Motions referred to Mark L Hornsby. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 7/16/2021. (Attachments: #1 Proposed order)(aty,Clark, Matthew) Modified docket text on 7/16/2021 (Miletello, A).
July 16, 2021 Motions Transferred regarding #49 Motion for Extension of Discovery and Dispositive Motion Deadline. Motions referred to Judge Elizabeth E Foote. (crt,Miletello, A)
May 26, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 48 CONSENT PATHOLOGY ORDER. Signed by Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby on 5/26/2021. (crt,Miletello, A)
May 25, 2021 Filing 47 Unopposed MOTION for Entry of Consent Pathology Order by Kansas City Southern Railway Co. Motions referred to Mark L Hornsby. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 5/25/2021. (Attachments: #1 Proposed order)(aty,Landry, Robert)
April 29, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 46 ORDER granting #45 Motion to Extend Expert Deadlines. Defendants Expert Info/Reports due by 9/1/2021. Expert Depositions due by 9/15/2021. Daubert Motions due by 10/1/2021. Signed by Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby on 4/29/2021. (crt,Miletello, A)
April 28, 2021 Filing 45 Unopposed MOTION to Extend Expert Deadlines by Kansas City Southern Railway Co. Motions referred to Mark L Hornsby. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 4/28/2021. (Attachments: #1 Proposed order, #2 Memorandum / Brief)(aty,Landry, Robert) Modified on 4/28/2021 to capture more accurate motion event and modify docket text (Miletello, A).
February 8, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 44 SCHEDULING ORDER: Jury Trial set for 12/13/2021 at 9:00 AM in Shreveport, Courtroom 2 before Judge Elizabeth E Foote. Pretrial Conference set for 11/12/2021 at 1:30 PM in chambers before Judge Elizabeth E Foote. Pretrial Order due by 11/5/2021. Joinder of Parties and Amendment of Pleadings due by 4/1/2021. Plaintiffs Witness List due by 6/1/2021. Defendants witness list is due seven(7) days after receipt of plaintiffs list. Plaintiffs Expert Info/Reports due by 5/1/2021. Defendants Expert Info/Reports due by 6/1/2021. Discovery deadline 8/1/2021. Compel discovery 8/1/2021. Expert Depositions due by 8/1/2021. Dispositive Motions due by 8/1/2021. Daubert Motions due by 8/22/2021. Proposed Pretrial Order inserts and exhibits exchanged by 10/8/2021. Conference/Meeting of counsel to prepare pretrial order to be held by 10/22/2021. Motions in Limine due by 10/29/2021. Trial Brief/Pretrial Submissions due by 11/12/2021. Electronic Exhibits due by 12/3/2021. Trial Depositions due by 12/3/2021. Signed by Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby on 2/8/2021. (crt,Keller, J)
January 27, 2021 Filing 43 MINUTES for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby: Telephone SCHEDULING CONFERENCE held on 1/27/2021. (crt,Keller, J)
January 5, 2021 Filing 42 ELECTRONIC MINUTE ENTRY:A telephone Status Conference has been set for 1/27/2021 at 11:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby. Dial-in instructions will be emailed to all counsel of record. Trial counsel for each party must participate. Signed by Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby on 1/5/2021. (crt,Rider, M)
January 4, 2021 Filing 41 ELECTRONIC MINUTE ENTRY: This matter is referred to Magistrate Judge Hornsby for a scheduling conference. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 1/4/2021. (crt,Keifer, K)
January 4, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 40 ORDER granting #38 Motion to Dismiss as to Wabtec Transportation Systems, LLC. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 1/4/2021. (crt,Keifer, K)
January 4, 2021 Filing 39 NOTICE of No Opposition on behalf of Dennis R Bouck re #38 MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim (aty,Clark, Matthew) Modified on 1/4/2021 to modify docket text (Miletello, A).
December 28, 2020 Set/Reset Deadlines as to #38 MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 12/28/2020. (crt,Dunford, T)
December 28, 2020 Filing 38 Unopposed MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim by Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum / Brief, #2 Proposed order)(aty,Boyd, Erin) Modified on 12/28/2020 to modify docket text (Miletello, A).
December 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 37 ORDER granting #23 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim; granting #28 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim. Plaintiff's claims against Progress Rail Locomotive and Comet Industries are hereby DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 12/23/2020. (crt,Keifer, K)
December 15, 2020 Filing 36 NOTICE of No Opposition re #28 MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim by Dennis R Bouck (Attachments: #1 Proposed order)(aty,Clark, Matthew) Modified on 12/15/2020 to create docket entry relationship and modified docket text (Miletello, A).
December 15, 2020 Filing 35 NOTICE of no opposition re #23 MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim by Dennis R Bouck (aty,Clark, Matthew) Modified on 12/15/2020 to modify docket text (Miletello, A).
December 15, 2020 Filing 34 PROPOSED ORDER/JUDGMENT Unopposed Order by Dennis R Bouck re #23 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim,. (aty,Clark, Matthew)
December 7, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 33 ORDER granting #32 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re #23 MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim and #28 MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim. Responses due by 12/16/2020. Replies due by 12/23/2020. Signed by Judge Elizabeth E Foote on 12/7/2020. (crt,Keifer, K)
December 1, 2020 Filing 32 Unopposed MOTION to Continue Submission Date re #23 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim with consent by Dennis R Bouck. Motions referred to Mark L Hornsby. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 12/1/2020. (Attachments: #1 Proposed order)(aty,Clark, Matthew) Modified on 12/1/2020 to capture more accurate motion event, create docket entry relationship and modify docket text (Miletello, A).
December 1, 2020 Motions Transferred regarding #32 MOTION to Continue Submission Date. Motions referred to Judge Elizabeth E Foote. (crt,Miletello, A)
November 27, 2020 Filing 31 ANSWER to #1 Complaint, with Jury Demand by Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C.(aty,Boyd, Erin)
November 25, 2020 Filing 30 NOTICE of Motion Setting regarding: #28 MOTION to Dismiss against Progress Rail Locomotive Inc. Motions referred to Judge Elizabeth E Foote. (crt,Miletello, A)
November 25, 2020 Filing 29 ELECTRONIC MINUTE ENTRY issued by the Clerk. In accordance with Standing Order 1.62, this matter is hereby reassigned. Case reassigned to Judge Elizabeth E Foote. Chief Judge S Maurice Hicks, Jr no longer assigned to case. All future filings should bear the name of the new judge assignment.(crt,Whidden, C)
November 25, 2020 Filing 28 MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim by Progress Rail Locomotive Inc. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum / Brief)(Attorney Mark N Bodin added to party Electro-Motive Diesel Inc(pty:dft))(aty,Bodin, Mark) Modified on 11/25/2020 to capture more accurate motion event and modify docket text (Miletello, A).
November 23, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 27 ORDER OF RECUSAL. Referred to Chief Judge for reassignment. Signed by Chief Judge S Maurice Hicks, Jr on 11/23/2020. (crt,Miletello, A)
November 16, 2020 Filing 26 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Comet Industries Inc. (aty,Marionneaux, Mark)
November 13, 2020 Filing 25 NOTICE of Corporate Disclosure Statement Requirement re: #23 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim sent to Mark A Marionneaux on behalf of Comet Industries Inc. Corporate Disclosure Statement due by 11/27/2020. (crt,Miletello, A)
November 13, 2020 Filing 24 NOTICE of Motion Setting regarding: #23 MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim. Motions referred to Chief Judge S Maurice Hicks, Jr. (crt,Miletello, A)
November 13, 2020 Filing 23 MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim by Comet Industries Inc. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum / Brief, #2 Proposed order)(Attorney Mark A Marionneaux added to party Comet Industries Inc(pty:dft))(aty,Marionneaux, Mark) Modified on 11/13/2020 to modify docket text (Miletello, A).
November 2, 2020 Filing 22 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C identifying Corporate Parent Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corporation for Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C. (aty,Boyd, Erin)
October 30, 2020 Filing 21 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Kansas City Southern Railway Co identifying Corporate Parents Kansas City Southern, Vanguard Group Inc for Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (aty,Landry, Robert) Modified on 10/30/2020 to modify docket text (Miletello, A).
October 29, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 20 ORDER granting #11 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer re #1 Complaint and the deadline for Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C to file responsive pleadings is extended by 30 days. Signed by Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby on 10/29/2020. (crt,Miletello, A)
October 28, 2020 Filing 19 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by International Paper Co. (aty,Penn, Elizabeth)
October 28, 2020 Filing 18 ANSWER to #1 Complaint, by International Paper Co.(Attorney Elizabeth Riddell Penn added to party International Paper Co(pty:dft))(aty,Penn, Elizabeth)
October 28, 2020 Filing 17 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Foster Wheeler L L C identifying Corporate Parent John Wood Group P L C for Foster Wheeler L L C. (aty,McCoy, Lacey)
October 28, 2020 Filing 16 ANSWER to #1 Complaint, with Jury Demand by Foster Wheeler L L C.(Attorney Lacey Taylor McCoy added to party Foster Wheeler L L C(pty:dft))(aty,McCoy, Lacey)
October 27, 2020 Filing 15 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Progress Rail Locomotive, Inc. f/k/a Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc. identifying Corporate Parents Progress Rail International Corp, Progress Rail Services Corp, Progress Rail Services Holdings Corp, Progress Rail Services L L C, Caterpillar Inc for Progress Rail Locomotive, Inc. f/k/a Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc. (aty,Bodin, Mark) Modified on 10/27/2020 to modify text (Miletello, A).
October 27, 2020 Filing 14 ANSWER to #1 Complaint, with Jury Demand by Progress Rail Locomotive, Inc. f/k/a Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc..(Attorney Mark N Bodin added to party Progress Rail Locomotive, Inc. f/k/a Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc.(pty:dft))(aty,Bodin, Mark)
October 27, 2020 Filing 13 NOTICE of Corporate Disclosure Statement Requirement re: #11 Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer sent to Erin Helen Boyd on behalf of Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C. Corporate Disclosure Statement due by 11/10/2020. (crt,Miletello, A)
October 27, 2020 Filing 12 NOTICE of Corporate Disclosure Statement Requirement re: #10 Answer to Complaint sent to Robert E Landry on behalf of Kansas City Southern Railway Co. Corporate Disclosure Statement due by 11/10/2020. (crt,Miletello, A)
October 27, 2020 Filing 11 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re #1 Complaint, with consent by Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C. Motions referred to Mark L Hornsby. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 10/27/2020. (Attachments: #1 Proposed order)(Attorney Erin Helen Boyd added to party Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C(pty:dft))(aty,Boyd, Erin)
October 27, 2020 Filing 10 ANSWER to #1 Complaint, with Jury Demand by Kansas City Southern Railway Co.(Attorney Robert E Landry added to party Kansas City Southern Railway Co(pty:dft))(aty,Landry, Robert)
October 6, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 9 TRANSFER ORDER regarding admission status of counsel. Signed by Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby on 10/6/2020. (crt,Jones, P)
October 6, 2020 Filing 8 ELECTRONIC JURISDICTIONAL REVIEW FINDING: Having reviewed the pleadings, and any amended pleadings, the court finds that subject matter jurisdiction exists pursuant to: 28 U.S.C. section 1331. This finding is preliminary and may be reconsidered sua sponte or on appropriate motion. Signed by Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby on 10/6/2020. (crt,Rider, M)
October 5, 2020 Filing 7 SUMMONS ISSUED as to Comet Industries Inc, Electro-Motive Diesel Inc, Foster Wheeler L L C, International Paper Co, Kansas City Southern Railway Co, Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C. (crt,Jones, P)
October 5, 2020 Filing 6 PROPOSED TRANSFER ORDER Referred to Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby. Motion Ripe Deadline set for 10/5/2020. (crt,Jones, P)
October 5, 2020 Filing 5 DISTRICT CASE transferred in from District of Louisiana Middle; Case Number 3:20-cv-00645. Original file copy of transfer order and docket sheet received
October 5, 2020 CASE Assigned to Chief Judge S Maurice Hicks, Jr and Magistrate Judge Mark L Hornsby. (crt,Jones, P)
October 2, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 4 GENERAL ORDER: All pleadings and other papers filed under seal in civil and criminal actions shall be maintained under seal for thirty days following final disposition of the action. After that time, all sealed pleadings and other papers shall be placed in the case record unless a District Judge or Magistrate Judge, upon motion and for good cause shown, orders that the pleading or other paper be maintained under seal. The deadline for filing any motions regarding the unsealing of any document shall be within thirty days of the final disposition of any action and shall contain a concise statement of reasons for maintaining the pleading or other paper under seal. ATTENTION: If a motion to retain documents under seal is NOT filed, all documents shall be placed in the public case record, unless specifically identified in the attached General Order . Signed by Chief Judge Shelly D. Dick on 07/08/2019. (KMW) [Transferred from Louisiana Middle on 10/5/2020.]
October 2, 2020 Opinion or Order Filing 3 ORDER granting #2 MOTION to Transfer Case to USDC Western District of Louisiana. Signed by Judge Brian A. Jackson on 10/1/2020. (KMW) [Transferred from Louisiana Middle on 10/5/2020.]
September 29, 2020 Filing 2 MOTION to Transfer Case to USDC Western District of Louisiana by All Plaintiffs. (Attachments: #1 Attachment proposed Order)(Clark, Matthew) [Transferred from Louisiana Middle on 10/5/2020.]
September 29, 2020 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number ALAMDC-2178570.), filed by DENNIS R. BOUCK. (Attachments: #1 Attachment Civil Cover Sheet, #2 Attachment Summons, #3 Attachment Summons, #4 Attachment Summons, #5 Attachment Summons, #6 Attachment Summons, #7 Attachment Summons)(Clark, Matthew) (Attachment 1 replaced on 9/29/2020) (EDC). Modified on 9/29/2020 to flatten document. (EDC). [Transferred from Louisiana Middle on 10/5/2020.]

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Defendant: Kansas City Southern Railway Co
Represented By: Brian Michael Bradford
Represented By: Robert E Landry
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Defendant: Electro-Motive Diesel Inc
Represented By: Deirdre C McGlinchey
Represented By: Mark N Bodin
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Defendant: International Paper Co
Represented By: Daniel Steven Roberts
Represented By: Walter Garner Watkins, III
Represented By: Mary Reeves Arthur
Represented By: Elizabeth Riddell Penn
Represented By: Thomas Peyton Smith
Represented By: Amber Lauren Stewart
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Defendant: Foster Wheeler L L C
Represented By: John J Hainkel, III
Represented By: Kelsey Anne Eagan
Represented By: Roth Martin Hainkel
Represented By: Angela M Bowlin
Represented By: Lacey Taylor McCoy
Represented By: Magali Ann Puente-Martin
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Defendant: Comet Industries Inc
Represented By: Jay M Jalenak, Jr
Represented By: Scott L Zimmer
Represented By: Gregory M Anding
Represented By: Mark A Marionneaux
Represented By: Michael D Lowe
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Defendant: Wabtec Transportation Systems L L C
Represented By: Erin Helen Boyd
Represented By: Edwin A Ellinghausen, III
Represented By: Christopher Thomas Grace, III
Represented By: Brian C Bossier
Represented By: Laura Michelle Gillen
Represented By: Whitney Charmaine Stewart
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Defendant: Progress Rail Locomotive Inc
Represented By: Deirdre C McGlinchey
Represented By: Mark N Bodin
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Plaintiff: Dennis R Bouck
Represented By: Frank Joseph Swarr
Represented By: Philip Charles Hoffman
Represented By: Matthew C Clark
Represented By: Mickey P Landry
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