Employee Painters Trust et al v. C&C Flooring, Inc. et al
Plaintiff: Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative, District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund and Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
Defendant: Circus and Eldorado Joint Venture, LLC, G Peg I, LLC, Edward Cerasoli, Boyd Gaming Corporation, CSY & Associates, C&C Flooring, C&C Flooring, Inc., Eldorado Resorts LLC, Cool Breeze Refrigeration, Inc., Holly Cerasoli, Smith's Food and Drug Centers, Inc. and Old Republic Insurance Company
Case Number: 2:2014cv00204
Filed: February 6, 2014
Court: U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada
Office: Las Vegas Office
Presiding Judge: Robert C Jones
Referring Judge: Peggy A Leen
Nature of Suit: Labor: E.R.I.S.A.
Cause of Action: 29 U.S.C. § 1132
Jury Demanded By: None
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on January 23, 2017. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
January 23, 2017 Filing 47 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge Robert C. Jones, on 1/23/2017. By Deputy Clerk: Lesa Ettinger.A Notice of Voluntary Dismissal (ECF No. #44 ) filed on 1/10/2017 dismissing this action pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. IT IS ORDERED that the Status Conference set for 1/26/2017 is hereby vacated. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - LE)
January 17, 2017 Filing 46 NOTICE Request to Appear Telephonically by District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Wolff, Laura) Modified on 1/18/2017 changed entry from notice to motion. (WJ).
January 17, 2017 Filing 45 STATUS REPORT by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Wolff, Laura)
January 10, 2017 Filing 44 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Wolff, Laura)
January 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 43 ORDER setting Status Conference for 1/26/2017 at 9:00 AM in LV Courtroom 4B before Judge Robert C. Jones. Joint Status Report due by 1/17/2017. Requests to Appear Telephonically to be filed by 1/17/2017. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 1/5/2017. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KR)
September 8, 2016 Filing 42 RESPONSE to #41 Notice re 4m Dismissal,, filed by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Wolff, Laura)
September 7, 2016 Filing 41 NOTICE of intent to dismiss pursuant to FRCP 4(m). The Amended Complaint in this action was filed on 02/14/2014. To date no proper proof of service has been filed as to E. Cerasoli, G Peg I, Eldorado Resorts, Circus & Eldorado Joint Venture, CSY & Assoc. FRCP 4(m) dismissal deadline set for 10/7/2016. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KW)
May 19, 2015 Filing 40 DEFAULT JUDGMENT in favor of Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative and against Defendant C&C Flooring, Inc. in the amount of $14,343.11. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 5/19/2015. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
May 8, 2015 Filing 39 Submission of PROPOSED Default Judgment ; filed by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative . (Cope, Sara)
May 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 38 ORDER that the #36 Proposed Judgment is Rejected without prejudice. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 5/7/2015. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
April 30, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 37 ORDER that the #32 Proposed Order Submission is Rejected. Plaintiffs may submit another proposed judgment consistent with this Order. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 4/30/2015. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
April 15, 2015 Filing 36 PROPOSED Default Judgment re #28 Motion for Default Judgment filed by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Wolff, Laura) Wrong event selected by counsel. Modified entry to reflect that document is a proposed default judgment on 4/17/2015 (EDS).
April 14, 2015 Filing 35 Supplement to #28 MOTION for Default Judgment filed by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Wolff, Laura) Modified event from motion to supplement on 4/14/2015 (EDS).
April 13, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 34 ORDER that the #32 Proposed Judgment is Rejected. Plaintiffs may submit another proposed judgment consistent with this Order. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 4/13/2015. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
March 27, 2015 NOTICE of Docket Correction and Attorney Action Required: to #31 MOTION for Default Judgment: ERROR: Wrong event selected by attorney Laura J. Wolff. CORRECTION: Attorney refiled the document using the correct event as #32 Submission of PROPOSED ORDER. MOTION #31 is terminated by Court. (no image attached)(RFJ)
March 25, 2015 Filing 32 Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on #28 MOTION for Default Judgment ; filed by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Wolff, Laura)
March 25, 2015 Filing 31 ERROR: Wrong event selected by attorney. CORRECTION: Attorney refiled document using the correct event as #32 . Motion #31 terminated by Court. MOTION for Default Judgment. (Wolff, Laura) Modified on 3/27/2015 (RFJ).
March 19, 2015 Filing 33 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Evidentiary Hearing RE: #28 Motion for Default Judgment held on 3/19/2015 before Judge Robert C. Jones. Crtrm Administrator: Lesa Ettinger; Pla Counsel: Sara Cope; Def Counsel: None appearing; Court Reporter/FTR #: Margaret Griener; Time of Hearing: 10:35 a.m. - 10:38 a.m.; Courtroom: 6A; Also present in the courtroom is Todd Koch. The Court makes inquiry and hears representations of counsel with respect to the motion at issue. As stated on the record, the Court grants plaintiffs' motion for default judgment against C&C Flooring, Inc. Counsel for plaintiffs shall prepare and submit a proposed order. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - LE)
March 12, 2015 Filing 30 NOTICE of Change in Hearing Location: Evidentiary Hearing RE: #28 Motion for Default Judgment set for 3/19/2015 10:00 AM in LV Courtroom 4A before Judge Robert C. Jones. (no image attached)(LE)
February 18, 2015 Filing 29 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge Robert C. Jones on 2/18/2015. RE: #28 MOTION for Default Judgment. Evidentiary Hearing set for 3/19/2015 10:00 AM in LV Courtroom 4B before Judge Robert C. Jones. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
February 12, 2015 Filing 28 MOTION for Default Judgment by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Default Judgment, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Errata 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 7, #9 Exhibit 8, #10 Exhibit 9, #11 Exhibit 10)(Wolff, Laura)
February 10, 2015 Filing 27 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal with Prejudice, filed by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Wolff, Laura)
November 20, 2014 Filing 26 NOTICE re: #25 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT; filed by District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Wolff, Laura)
November 19, 2014 Filing 25 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to C&C Flooring and C&C Flooring, Inc. re #24 AMENDED MOTION for Entry of Clerks Default. (SLD)
November 17, 2014 Filing 24 AMENDED MOTION for Entry of Clerks Default; filed by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. Motion ripe 11/17/2014. (Attachments: #1 Default)(Wolff, Laura)
October 28, 2014 Filing 23 STATEMENT of of Death by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Wolff, Laura)
October 27, 2014 Filing 22 MOTION for Entry of Clerks Default by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. Motion ripe 10/27/2014. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order Proposed Default)(Wolff, Laura)
October 2, 2014 Party Smith's Food and Drug Centers, Inc. terminated per #20 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal with prejudice. (SLD)
October 2, 2014 Filing 21 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal with Prejudice; filed by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Cope, Sara)
October 2, 2014 Filing 20 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal with Prejudice, filed by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Cope, Sara)
September 26, 2014 Party Old Republic Insurance Company terminated per #19 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal with prejudice. (SLD)
September 26, 2014 Filing 19 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Plaintiffs Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Porter, Karen)
August 26, 2014 Party Cool Breeze Refrigeration, Inc. terminated per #18 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal with prejudice. (SLD)
August 26, 2014 Filing 18 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Porter, Karen)
May 28, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 17 ORDER ON STIPULATION Granting #16 Stipulation for Extension of Time (Third Request) to File Answer to #6 Amended Complaint. Old Republic Insurance Company answer due 6/20/2014. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peggy A. Leen on 5/28/2014. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
May 21, 2014 Filing 16 THIRD STIPULATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME re: #6 AMENDED COMPLAINT; filed by Plaintiffs Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Cope, Sara)
May 7, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 15 ORDER ON STIPULATION Granting #14 Stipulation for Extension of Time (Second Request) re #6 Amended Complaint. Defendant Old Republic Insurance Company's answer due 5/21/2014. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peggy A. Leen on 5/7/2014. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
April 29, 2014 Filing 14 STIPULATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME (Second Request) re: #6 AMENDED COMPLAINT; filed by Plaintiffs Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Cope, Sara)
March 24, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 13 ORDER ON STIPULATION Granting #10 Stipulation to Extend Deadline to File Answer to #6 First Amended Complaint. Defendant Old Republic Insurance Company's answer due 4/21/2014. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peggy A. Leen on 3/24/2014. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLD)
March 21, 2014 Filing 12 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Employee Painters Trust, District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund. C&C Flooring, Inc. served on 2/28/2014, answer due 3/21/2014. (Porter, Karen)
March 21, 2014 Filing 11 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Employee Painters Trust, District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund. C&C Flooring served on 3/10/2014, answer due 3/31/2014; Edward Cerasoli served on 3/10/2014, answer due 3/31/2014; Holly Cerasoli served on 3/10/2014, answer due 3/31/2014. (Porter, Karen)
March 21, 2014 Filing 10 STIPULATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME (First Request) by Plaintiffs Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Cope, Sara)
February 25, 2014 Filing 9 Summons Issued as to CSY & Associates re #6 Amended Complaint. (MAJ)
February 25, 2014 Filing 8 PROPOSED SUMMONS to be issued , filed by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Cope, Sara)
February 24, 2014 Filing 7 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Employee Painters Trust, District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund. Cool Breeze Refrigeration, Inc. served on 2/11/2014, answer due 3/4/2014; Old Republic Insurance Company served on 2/13/2014, answer due 3/6/2014; Smith's Food and Drug Centers, Inc. served on 2/11/2014, answer due 3/4/2014. (Cope, Sara)
February 14, 2014 Filing 6 AMENDED COMPLAINT against C&C Flooring, C&C Flooring, Inc., Edward Cerasoli, Holly Cerasoli, Circus and Eldorado Joint Venture, LLC, Cool Breeze Refrigeration, Inc., Eldorado Resorts LLC, G Peg I, LLC, Old Republic Insurance Company, Smith's Food and Drug Centers, Inc., CSY & Associates dba Eldorado Hotel & Casino, filed by Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Employee Painters Trust, District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund. Adds new parties. Proof of service due by 6/14/2014. (Cope, Sara)
February 14, 2014 Filing 5 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Plaintiffs District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative. (Cope, Sara)
February 11, 2014 Filing 4 CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative that identifies all parties that have an interest in the outcome of this case. Other Affiliate International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, Employee Painters Trust, Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund, Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative added. . (Cope, Sara)
February 7, 2014 Filing 3 Summons Issued as to Boyd Gaming Corporation, C&C Flooring, C&C Flooring, Inc., Edward Cerasoli, Holly Cerasoli, Circus and Eldorado Joint Venture, LLC, Cool Breeze Refrigeration, Inc., Eldorado Resorts LLC, G Peg I, LLC, Old Republic Insurance Company, and Smith's Food and Drug Centers, Inc. (ASB)
February 7, 2014 Filing 2 NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL RULE IB 2-2: In accordance with 28 USC 636(c) and FRCP 73, the parties in this action are provided with a link to the "AO 85 Notice of Availability, Consent, and Order of Reference - Exercise of Jurisdiction by a U.S. Magistrate Judge" form on the Court's website - #www.nvd.uscourts.gov. Consent forms should NOT be electronically filed. Upon consent of all parties, counsel are advised to manually file the form with the Clerk's Office. A copy of form AO 85 has been mailed to parties not receiving electronic service. (no image attached) (ASB)
February 6, 2014 Case assigned to Judge Robert C. Jones and Magistrate Judge Peggy A. Leen. (ASB)
February 6, 2014 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Boyd Gaming Corporation, C&C Flooring, C&C Flooring, Inc., Edward Cerasoli, Holly Cerasoli, Circus and Eldorado Joint Venture, LLC, Cool Breeze Refrigeration, Inc., Eldorado Resorts LLC, G Peg I, LLC, Old Republic Insurance Company, Smith's Food and Drug Centers, Inc. (Filing fee $400 receipt number 0978-3124276), filed by Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, Employee Painters Trust, District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund, The Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative, Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 2/16/2014. Proof of service due by 6/6/2014. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet, #2 Summons, #3 Summons, #4 Summons, #5 Summons, #6 Summons, #7 Summons, #8 Summons, #9 Summons, #10 Summons, #11 Summons, #12 Summons) (Cope, Sara)

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Plaintiff: Painters Holiday and Vacation Fund
Represented By: Sara D Cope
Represented By: Karen J Porter
Represented By: Kevin B Christensen
Represented By: Laura J. Wolff
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Plaintiff: Employee Painters Trust
Represented By: Sara D Cope
Represented By: Karen J Porter
Represented By: Kevin B Christensen
Represented By: Laura J. Wolff
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Plaintiff: Painters and Allied Trades Labor-Management Cooperation Initiative
Represented By: Sara D Cope
Represented By: Karen J Porter
Represented By: Kevin B Christensen
Represented By: Laura J. Wolff
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Plaintiff: District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman & Apprentice Training Trust Fund
Represented By: Sara D Cope
Represented By: Karen J Porter
Represented By: Kevin B Christensen
Represented By: Laura J. Wolff
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Plaintiff: Northern Nevada Painters and Allied Trades Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
Represented By: Sara D Cope
Represented By: Karen J Porter
Represented By: Kevin B Christensen
Represented By: Laura J. Wolff
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Defendant: Circus and Eldorado Joint Venture, LLC
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Defendant: G Peg I, LLC
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Defendant: Edward Cerasoli
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Defendant: Boyd Gaming Corporation
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Defendant: CSY & Associates
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Defendant: C&C Flooring
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Defendant: C&C Flooring, Inc.
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Defendant: Eldorado Resorts LLC
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Defendant: Cool Breeze Refrigeration, Inc.
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Defendant: Holly Cerasoli
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Defendant: Smith's Food and Drug Centers, Inc.
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Defendant: Old Republic Insurance Company
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