State Of New York et al v. Scalia
District of Columbia, State of Colorado, State of Minnesota, State of Maryland, State of Illinois, State of Washington, State of New Mexico, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State Of New York, State of Vermont, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State of Rhode Island, State of Delaware, State of New Jersey, State of Oregon, Commonwealth of Virginia, State of California and State of Michigan |
United States Department of Labor, Eugene Scalia and United States of America |
1:2020cv01689 |
February 26, 2020 |
US District Court for the Southern District of New York |
Gregory H Woods |
Other Statutes: Administrative Procedures Act/Review or Appeal of Agency Decision |
05 U.S.C. § 551 |
None |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on September 8, 2020. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 57 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT Notice is hereby given that an official transcript of a CONFERENCE proceeding held on 4/15/2020 has been filed by the court reporter/transcriber in the above-captioned matter. The parties have seven (7) calendar days to file with the court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript may be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days....(McGuirk, Kelly) |
Filing 56 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings re: CONFERENCE held on 4/15/2020 before Judge Gregory H. Woods. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Rebecca Forman, (212) 805-0300. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 5/14/2020. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/26/2020. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/22/2020..(McGuirk, Kelly) |
Filing 55 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Jeffrey Paul Dunlap on behalf of State of Maryland..(Dunlap, Jeffrey) |
Filing 54 ORDER granting #48 Motion for Jeffrey P. Dunlap to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Gregory H. Woods: Initial Pretrial Conference held via telephone on 4/15/2020. (Daniels, Anthony) |
Filing 53 ORDER. As discussed on the record during the telephone conference held on April 15, 2020, the deadline for Defendant to submit its motion to dismiss and accompanying papers is extended to May 11, 2020. Plaintiffs' opposition to Defendant's motion is due no later than three weeks following service of Defendant's motion; Defendant's reply is due no later than one week following service of Plaintiffs' opposition. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Woods, Gregory) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING DEFICIENT MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE. Notice to RE-FILE Document No. #52 MOTION for Mamoona Hafeez Siddiqui to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19441743. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): The Certificate of Good Standing must be issued from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Virginia 100 North 9th Street, 5th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219 804-786-2251;. Re-file the motion as a Corrected Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice - attach the correct signed PDF - select the correct named filer/filers - attach valid Certificates of Good Standing issued within the past 30 days - attach Proposed Order. (ad) |
Filing 52 FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT PRO HAC VICE MOTION - MOTION for Mamoona Hafeez Siddiqui to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19441743. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by Commonwealth of Virginia. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Affidavit in Support of Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice, #2 Supplement Certificate of Good Standing, #3 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order for Admission Pro Hac Vice).(Siddiqui, Mamoona) Modified on 4/15/2020 (ad). |
Filing 51 LETTER RESPONSE in Opposition to Motion addressed to Judge Gregory H. Woods from Fiona J. Kaye dated April 14, 2020 re: #49 LETTER MOTION for Conference regarding Defendants' anticipated motion to dismiss addressed to Judge Gregory H. Woods from Natasha W. Teleanu dated 4/10/2020. . Document filed by Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, District of Columbia, State Of New York, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Delaware, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington..(Kaye, Fiona) |
Filing 50 ORDER with respect to #49 Letter Motion for Conference. The Court will address Defendants' proposed motion to dismiss at the initial pretrial conference scheduled for April 15, 2020. Both parties should be prepared to discuss their respective positions with respect to the proposed motion. The Court anticipates that it will set a briefing scheduled for Defendants' motion at the same conference. Plaintiffs are directed to submit a responsive letter briefly stating their position with respect to the proposed motion no later than April 14, 2020. (Signed by Judge Gregory H. Woods on 4/10/2020) (mro) |
Filing 49 LETTER MOTION for Conference regarding Defendants' anticipated motion to dismiss addressed to Judge Gregory H. Woods from Natasha W. Teleanu dated 4/10/2020. Document filed by Eugene Scalia, United States Department of Labor, United States of America..(Teleanu, Natasha) |
Filing 48 MOTION for Jeffrey P. Dunlap to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19394322. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of Maryland. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit, #2 Exhibit Certificates of Good Standing, #3 Text of Proposed Order).(Dunlap, Jeffrey) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #48 MOTION for Jeffrey P. Dunlap to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19394322. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (ad) |
Filing 47 JOINT LETTER addressed to Judge Gregory H. Woods dated April 8, 2020 Document filed by Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, District of Columbia, State Of New York, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Delaware, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1).(Kaye, Fiona) |
Filing 46 ORDER granting #44 Letter Motion to Expedite. Application granted. The initial pretrial conference scheduled for May 28, 2020 is rescheduled to April 15, 2020 at 4 p.m. The conference will take place by telephone. The parties are directed to call (888) 557-8511 and enter the access code 7470200 at that time. The parties are also directed to comply with the Court's Emergency Rules, particularly the provision requiring the parties to email an appearance sheet to Chambers before the telephone conference. In addition, the requirement that the parties submit a proposed case management plan is waived. However, the parties must still submit a joint letter describing the case no later than April 8, 2020. In the interim, Defendants are directed to identify and compile the administrative record associated with the challenged regulation, so that it can be promptly produced in the event that the Court directs its production. (Signed by Judge Gregory H. Woods on 3/25/2020) (rj) |
Set/Reset Hearings: Initial Conference set for 4/15/2020 at 04:00 PM before Judge Gregory H. Woods via telephone. (rj) |
Filing 45 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Tania Maestas on behalf of State of New Mexico..(Maestas, Tania) |
Filing 44 LETTER MOTION to Expedite Initial Pretrial Conference addressed to Judge Gregory H. Woods from Fiona J. Kaye dated March 25, 2020. Document filed by Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, District of Columbia, State Of New York, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Delaware, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington..(Kaye, Fiona) |
Filing 43 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Natasha Waglow Teleanu on behalf of Eugene Scalia, United States Department of Labor, United States of America..(Teleanu, Natasha) |
Filing 42 ORDER granting #40 Motion for Estelle Bronstein to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
Filing 41 ORDER granting #39 Motion for Marc Abrams to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
Filing 40 MOTION for Estelle Bronstein to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19154292. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of New Jersey. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Attorney Affidavit, #2 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order, #3 Exhibit Certificates of Good Standing).(Bronstein, Estelle) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #40 MOTION for Estelle Bronstein to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19154292. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (vba) |
Filing 39 MOTION for Marc Abrams to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19142437. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of Oregon. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Marc Abrams In Support of Motion to Admit Pro Hac Vice, #2 Certificate of Good Standing from Oregon Supreme Court, #3 Order for Admission Pro Hac Vice).(Abrams, Marc) |
Filing 38 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Marc Abrams on behalf of State of Oregon..(Abrams, Marc) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #39 MOTION for Marc Abrams to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19142437. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (wb) |
Filing 37 ORDER granting #36 Motion for Jonathan D. Moler to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #36 MOTION for Jonathan D. Moler to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19068448. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (vba) |
Filing 36 MOTION for Jonathan D. Moler to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19068448. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of Minnesota. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit, #2 Exhibit Certificate in Good Standing, #3 Text of Proposed Order).(Moler, Jonathan) |
Filing 35 ORDER granting #31 Motion for Alvar Ayala to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
Filing 34 ORDER granting #29 Motion for Matthew L. Walker to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
Filing 33 ORDER granting #27 Motion for JEFFREY T. SPRUNG to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
Filing 32 ORDER granting #26 Motion for Ryan B. Smith to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
Filing 31 MOTION for Alvar Ayala to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19065917. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of Illinois. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Affidavit of Alvar Ayala, #2 Exhibit 1 - Certificate of Good Standing Alvar Ayala, #3 Text of Proposed Order).(Ayala, Alvar) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #31 MOTION for Alvar Ayala to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19065917. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (wb) |
Filing 30 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Kathleen Konopka on behalf of District of Columbia..(Konopka, Kathleen) |
Filing 29 MOTION for Matthew L. Walker to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19046566. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of Michigan. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit, #2 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing, #3 Text of Proposed Order).(Walker, Matthew) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #29 MOTION for Matthew L. Walker to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19046566. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (vba) |
Filing 28 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Jeffrey T. Sprung on behalf of State of Washington..(Sprung, Jeffrey) |
Filing 27 MOTION for JEFFREY T. SPRUNG to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19031285. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of Washington. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit, #2 Supplement, #3 Text of Proposed Order).(Sprung, Jeffrey) |
Filing 26 MOTION for Ryan B. Smith to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19030988. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit for Ryan B. Smith's application for admission pro hac vice, #2 Exhibit Cert. of Good Standing for Ryan B. Smith's application for admission pro hac vice, #3 Text of Proposed Order for Ryan B. Smith's application for admission pro hac vice).(Smith, Ryan) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #27 MOTION for JEFFREY T. SPRUNG to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19031285. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (aea) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #26 MOTION for Ryan B. Smith to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19030988. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.>. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (wb) |
Filing 25 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE. All Defendants. Service was made by Mail. Document filed by State of Minnesota, State of Illinois, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State Of New York, State of Washington, State of New Mexico, District of Columbia, State of California, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State of New Jersey, Commonwealth of Virginia, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Maryland, State of Colorado, State of Vermont, State of Michigan, State of Delaware..(Kaye, Fiona) |
Filing 24 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Christian Douglas Wright on behalf of State of Delaware..(Wright, Christian) |
Filing 23 ORDER granting #19 Motion for ERIC R. OLSON to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
Filing 22 ORDER granting #17 Motion for Christian Douglas Wright to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
Filing 21 ORDER granting #15 Motion for Tania Maestas to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
Filing 20 ORDER granting #14 Motion for Zachary L. Risk to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Gregory H. Woods)(Text Only Order) (Daniels, Anthony) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #19 PROPOSED MOTION for ERIC R. OLSON to Appear Pro Hac Vice STATE OF COLORADO. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (vba) |
Filing 19 PROPOSED MOTION for ERIC R. OLSON to Appear Pro Hac Vice STATE OF COLORADO. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of Colorado. Return Date set for 3/4/2020 at 05:00 PM. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Affidavit In Support of Motion for Pro Hac Vice, #2 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing, #3 Text of Proposed Order Order Granting Motion for Pro Hac Vice).(Olson, Eric) |
Filing 18 ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED as to Eugene Scalia, United States Department of Labor..(dnh) |
Filing 17 MOTION for Christian Douglas Wright to Appear Pro Hac Vice for the State of Delaware. Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19006035. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of Delaware. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order Order on Christian Douglas Wright Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice, #2 Affidavit Declaration for Christian Douglas Wright Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice, #3 Exhibit Good Standing Certificate for Christian Douglas Wright Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice).(Wright, Christian) |
Filing 16 PROPOSED ORDER. Document filed by State of Michigan. Related Document Number: #14 ..(Risk, Zachary) Proposed Order to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. |
Filing 15 MOTION for Tania Maestas to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19004895. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of New Mexico. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit New Mexico Certificate of Good Standing, #2 Exhibit New York Certificate of Good Standing, #3 Affidavit, #4 Text of Proposed Order).(Maestas, Tania) |
Filing 14 MOTION for Zachary L. Risk to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19005146. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by State of Michigan. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit, #2 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing, #3 Text of Proposed Order).(Risk, Zachary) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #17 MOTION for Christian Douglas Wright to Appear Pro Hac Vice for the State of Delaware. Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19006035. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.>/FO. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (wb) |
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. #15 MOTION for Tania Maestas to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19004895. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff., #14 MOTION for Zachary L. Risk to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-19005146. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (wb) |
Filing 13 REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to Eugene Scalia; United States Department of Labor, re: #1 Complaint,,. Document filed by Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, District of Columbia, State Of New York, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Delaware, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington..(Kaye, Fiona) |
Filing 12 NOTICE OF INITIAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE: his case has been assigned to me for all purposes. It is hereby ORDERED that counsel f or all parties appear for an initial conference with the Court at the time and place listed below. DUE DATE OF JOINT LETTER: May 21, 2020. DATE AND PLACE OF CONFERENCE: May 28, 2020 at 3 p.m. in Courtroom 12C of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse at 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York, 10007. SO ORDERED. Initial Conference set for 5/28/2020 at 03:00 PM in Courtroom 12C, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007 before Judge Gregory H. Woods. (Signed by Judge Gregory H. Woods on 3/02/2020) (ama) |
Filing 11 ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED as to United States of America, U.S. Attorney and U.S. Attorney General..(dnh) |
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING DEFICIENT REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS. Notice to Attorney Julie Rivchin Ulmet to RE-FILE Document No. #10 Request for Issuance of Summons. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): 'As to' Error; the party listed on the summons PDF must correspond with the party listed in the as to docket entry. Re-file the document using the event type Request for Issuance of Summons found under the event list Service of Process - select the correct filer/filers - and attach the correct summons form PDF. (dnh) |
Filing 10 FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT PLEADING - SUMMONS REQUEST As To - REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to United States Department of Labor, re: #1 Complaint,,. Document filed by Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, District of Columbia, State Of New York, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Delaware, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington..(Ulmet, Julie) Modified on 3/2/2020 (dnh). |
Filing 9 REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to United States of America, re: #1 Complaint,,. Document filed by Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, District of Columbia, State Of New York, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Delaware, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington..(Ulmet, Julie) |
Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn is so designated. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 636(c) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 73(b)(1) parties are notified that they may consent to proceed before a United States Magistrate Judge. Parties who wish to consent may access the necessary form at the following link: # (pc) |
CASE OPENING INITIAL ASSIGNMENT NOTICE: The above-entitled action is assigned to Judge Gregory H. Woods. Please download and review the Individual Practices of the assigned District Judge, located at # Attorneys are responsible for providing courtesy copies to judges where their Individual Practices require such. Please download and review the ECF Rules and Instructions, located at # |
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING DEFICIENT REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS. Notice to Attorney Julie Rivchin Ulmet to RE-FILE Document No. #4 Request for Issuance of Summons, #5 Request for Issuance of Summons, #3 Request for Issuance of Summons,,. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): the wrong filer/filers were selected for the request for issuance of summons;. Re-file the document using the event type Request for Issuance of Summons found under the event list Service of Process - select the correct filer/filers - and attach the correct summons form PDF. (pc) |
Case Designated ECF. (pc) |
Filing 8 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Matthew Colangelo on behalf of State Of New York..(Colangelo, Matthew) |
Filing 7 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Fiona Jeannette Kaye on behalf of State Of New York..(Kaye, Fiona) |
Filing 6 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Nancy A. Walker on behalf of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania..(Walker, Nancy) |
Filing 5 FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT PLEADING - FILER ERROR - REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, re: #1 Complaint,,. Document filed by State Of New York..(Ulmet, Julie) Modified on 2/27/2020 (pc). |
Filing 4 FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT PLEADING - FILER ERROR - REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, re: #1 Complaint,,. Document filed by State Of New York..(Ulmet, Julie) Modified on 2/27/2020 (pc). |
Filing 3 FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT PLEADING - FILER ERROR - REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to EUGENE SCALIA, in his official capacity as Secretary of the United States Department of Labor, re: #1 Complaint,,. Document filed by Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, District of Columbia, State Of New York, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Delaware, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington..(Ulmet, Julie) Modified on 2/27/2020 (pc). |
Filing 2 CIVIL COVER SHEET filed..(Ulmet, Julie) |
Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Eugene Scalia, United States Department of Labor, United States of America. (Filing Fee $ 400.00, Receipt Number ANYSDC-18926604)Document filed by State of Minnesota, State of Illinois, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State Of New York, State of New Mexico, District of Columbia, State of California, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State of New Jersey, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Maryland, State of Colorado, State of Michigan, State of Delaware, State of Washington, State of Vermont, Commonwealth of Virginia..(Ulmet, Julie) |
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