Fenton v. Story et al
Jeffrey Ryan Fenton |
Frank Goad Clement, Jr., Alexander Sergey Koval, Virginia Lee Story, John Brandon Coke, Bank of America N.A., Michael Weimar Binkley, Roy Patrick Marlin, Charles M. Walker, James Michael Hivner, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, Rubin Lublin TN PLLC, Samuel Forrest Anderson, Elaine Beaty Beeler, Andy Dwane Bennett, Henry E. Hildebrand, III, William Neal McBrayer, Rothschild & Ausbrooks PLLC, Thomas E. Anderson, Mary Elizabeth Maney Ausbrooks, Kathryn Lynn Yarbrough, Spragins, Barnett & Cobb PLC, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Bank of America Corporation, Bankers Title & Escrow Corporation, McArthur Sanders Real Estate, Story and Abernathy, PLLC, Cadence Bank, N.A., Tennessee State of, Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson County Tennessee, Supreme Court of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts and Hostettler, Neuhoff & Davis, LLC |
3:2024cv01282 |
October 25, 2024 |
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee |
Other Fraud |
42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act |
Plaintiff |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on December 20, 2024. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 191 MEMORANDUM in Support of #190 First MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim filed by Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, James Michael Hivner, William Neal McBrayer, Supreme Court of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee State of . (Jenkins, Peako) |
Filing 190 First MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim by Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, James Michael Hivner, William Neal McBrayer, Supreme Court of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee State of. (Jenkins, Peako) |
TN State Bar status verified as active for William S. Hickerson, Gregory Brown admitted to this court. (kc) |
Filing 189 NOTICE of Appearance by Gregory Brown on behalf of Samuel Forrest Anderson (Brown, Gregory) |
Filing 188 NOTICE of Appearance by William S. Hickerson on behalf of Samuel Forrest Anderson (Hickerson, William) |
TN State Bar status verified as active for Marcus W. Shute, Jr, James R. Embrey, Jr admitted to this court. (kc) |
Filing 187 NOTICE of Appearance by James R. Embrey, Jr on behalf of Mary Elizabeth Maney Ausbrooks (Embrey, James) |
Filing 186 NOTICE of Appearance by Marcus W. Shute, Jr on behalf of Mary Elizabeth Maney Ausbrooks (Shute, Marcus) |
Filing 185 First MOTION to Dismiss by Henry E. Hildebrand, III. (Bassett, Laura) |
Filing 184 MEMORANDUM in Support of #183 MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim filed by Elaine Beaty Beeler . (Carson, Lisa) |
Filing 183 MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim by Elaine Beaty Beeler. (Carson, Lisa) |
Filing 182 NOTICE of Proof of Service by Jeffrey Ryan Fenton. Samuel Forrest Anderson served on 10/23/2024. (kc) |
Filing 181 NOTICE of Proof of Service by Jeffrey Ryan Fenton. Bank of America, N.A. served on 10/21/2024. (kc) |
Filing 180 NOTICE of Amended Proof of Service by Jeffrey Ryan Fenton. Kathryn Lynn Yarbrough served on 10/25/2024. (kc) |
Filing 179 NOTICE of Amended Proof of Service by Jeffrey Ryan Fenton. Charles M. Walker served on 10/28/2024. (kc) |
Filing 178 NOTICE of Amended Proof of Service by Jeffrey Ryan Fenton. Hostettler, Neuhoff & Davis, LLC served on 11/4/2024. (kc) |
Filing 177 MOTION for Alternative Service by Jeffrey Ryan Fenton. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A1-B2)(kc) |
Filing 176 REPLY to Response to re #99 AMENDED MOTION for sanctions filed by Jeffrey Ryan Fenton. (kc) |
TN State Bar status verified as active for Anthony M. Noel admitted to this court. (kc) |
Filing 175 NOTICE of Appearance by Anthony M. Noel on behalf of Henry E. Hildebrand, III (Noel, Anthony) |
Filing 174 MEMORANDUM in Support of #173 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Bank of America N.A. . (Halvorson, Erik) |
Filing 173 MOTION to Dismiss by Bank of America N.A.. (Halvorson, Erik) |
Filing 172 MEMORANDUM in Support of #171 MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim filed by Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson County Tennessee . (Carson, Lisa) |
Filing 171 MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim by Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson County Tennessee. (Carson, Lisa) |
Filing 170 MEMORANDUM in Support of #169 MOTION to Dismiss All of Plaintiff's Claims Against It With Prejudice filed by Cadence Bank, N.A. . (Ingram-Hogan, Kimberly) |
Filing 169 MOTION to Dismiss All of Plaintiff's Claims Against It With Prejudice by Cadence Bank, N.A.. (Ingram-Hogan, Kimberly) |
Filing 168 MEMORANDUM in Support of #167 MOTION to Dismiss Emergency MOTION for Hearing filed by Charles M. Walker . (Jones, Anica) |
Filing 167 MOTION to Dismiss , Emergency MOTION for Hearing by Charles M. Walker. (Jones, Anica) |
Filing 166 First MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer by Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, James Michael Hivner, William Neal McBrayer, Supreme Court of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee State of. (Jenkins, Peako) |
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Filing 164 BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Cadence Bank, N.A.. (Cate, George) |
Filing 163 BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Hostettler, Neuhoff & Davis, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Attachment Members Information)(Suedekum, Danica) |
NOTICE TO FILER re DE#155 : The option selected on the Business Entity Disclosure Statement requires additional information to be attached;however, this additional information was not included. Counsel shall re-file the document with the additional information using the form on the Court's website under the Forms section. Counsel shall use the event Business Entity Disclosure Statement under Other Documents when filing this document. (kc) |
Filing 162 REPLY to Response to re #76 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction Defendants Virgina Lee Story & Story & Abernathy, PLLP's Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to FED.R.CIV.P.12(b)(1)(2)(3)(4)&(5) filed by Virginia Lee Story. (Calme, Megan) |
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Filing 159 MEMORANDUM in Support of #158 Emergency MOTION for Leave to File Document Under Seal filed by Charles M. Walker . (Jones, Anica) |
Filing 158 Emergency MOTION for Leave to File Document Under Seal by Charles M. Walker. (Jones, Anica) |
Filing 157 MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Bank of America N.A.. (Attachments: #1 Attachment Proposed Order)(Halvorson, Erik) |
Filing 156 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer by Bank of America N.A.. (Attachments: #1 Attachment Proposed Order Granting)(Halvorson, Erik) |
Filing 155 BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Hostettler, Neuhoff & Davis, LLC. (Goldammer, Benjamin) |
TN State Bar status verified as active for Megan R. Calme, Sarah M. Mathews admitted to this court. (kc) |
TN State Bar status verified as active for Kimberly Michelle Ingram-Hogan, George H. Cate, III admitted to this court. (kc) |
Filing 154 MOTION to Substitute Attorney Defendants Motion to Substitute Counsel by Virginia Lee Story, Story Abernathy Campbell Ashworth McGill Walters An Association of Attorneys. (Calme, Megan) |
Filing 153 MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Cadence Bank, N.A.. (Attachments: #1 Attachment Proposed Order)(Cate, George) |
Filing 152 NOTICE of Appearance by George H. Cate, III on behalf of Cadence Bank, N.A. (Cate, George) |
Filing 151 NOTICE of Appearance by Kimberly Michelle Ingram-Hogan on behalf of Cadence Bank, N.A. (Ingram-Hogan, Kimberly) |
TN State Bar status verified as active for Erik Halvorson admitted to this court. (kc) |
Filing 150 NOTICE of Appearance by Erik Halvorson on behalf of Bank of America N.A. (Halvorson, Erik) |
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Filing 146 AFFIDAVIT re #145 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer or Other Responsive Pleading by Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson County Tennessee. (Carson, Lisa) |
Filing 145 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer or Other Responsive Pleading by Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson County Tennessee. (Carson, Lisa) |
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Filing 143 NOTICE/INFORMATION regarding Consent of the Parties to the Magistrate Judge. (kc) |
Filing 142 NOTICE of Business Entity Disclosure Statement filing requirement. (kc) |
Filing 141 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 217 to parties re obligation of counsel to keep Court apprised of current contact information. (kc) |
Filing 140 ***DISREGARD. ENTERED IN ERROR.*** NOTICE of Initial Case Management Conference by Telephone is set for 2/10/2025 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Barbara D. Holmes. (kc) Modified on 10/30/2024 (kc). |
Filing 139 Joint MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, James Michael Hivner, William Neal McBrayer, Supreme Court of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee State of. (Jenkins, Peako) |
Filing 138 Joint MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Elaine Beaty Beeler, Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson County Tennessee. (Carson, Lisa) |
Filing 137 NOTICE of Appearance by Lisa M. Carson on behalf of Elaine Beaty Beeler, Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson County Tennessee (Carson, Lisa) |
TN State Bar status verified as active for Lisa M. Carson admitted to this court. (kc) |
TN State Bar status verified as active for Anica Clarissa Jones admitted to this court. (kc) |
TN State Bar status verified as active for Danica G Suedekum admitted to this court. (kc) |
Notice mailed to pro se party regarding filing of new case (docket sheet & certificate of service form included). (kc) |
Filing 136 MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Charles M. Walker. (Jones, Anica) |
Filing 135 NOTICE of Appearance by Danica G Suedekum on behalf of Hostettler, Neuhoff & Davis, LLC (Suedekum, Danica) |
Filing 134 MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF #133 Motion to Dismiss filed by Hostettler, Neuhoff & Davis, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Declaration of Neuhoff)(Goldammer, Benjamin) Modified on 10/30/2024. (kc) |
Filing 133 First MOTION to Dismiss Hostettler, Neuhoff & Davis, LLC by Hostettler, Neuhoff & Davis, LLC. (Goldammer, Benjamin) |
TN State Bar status verified as active for Peako Andrea Jenkins admitted to this court. (kc) |
Filing 132 NOTICE of Appearance by Peako Andrea Jenkins on behalf of Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, James Michael Hivner, William Neal McBrayer, Supreme Court of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee State of (Jenkins, Peako) |
Filing 131 Case transferred in from the District of Michigan Western; Case Number 1:23-cv-01097. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received. |
Filing 130 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by defendant Charles M. Walker re Brief in Support of a Motion #128 , MOTION to dismiss for failure to state a claim MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction #126 , Certificate of Compliance Regarding Word Count #129 (Cobb, Ryan) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 129 CERTIFICATE of compliance re word count for Brief in Support of a Motion #128 filed by Charles M. Walker (Cobb, Ryan) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 128 BRIEF in support of MOTION to dismiss for failure to state a claim MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction #126 filed by Charles M. Walker (Cobb, Ryan) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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Filing 126 MOTION to dismiss for failure to state a claim , MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction by defendant Charles M. Walker; (Cobb, Ryan) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 125 CORRECTED STIPULATION and PROPOSED ORDER re extending time to answer amended complaint by defendant Bank of America, N.A. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Proposed Order) (Baucus, Laura); this entry replaces #122 Modified text on 10/25/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
(NON-DOCUMENT) ATTORNEY APPEARANCE of Dawn Nicole Williams on behalf of defendant Bank of America, N.A. (Williams, Dawn) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Copy of Order Transferring Case to Other District #127 sent via U.S. Mail to Jeffrey Ryan Fenton and Thomas E. Anderson (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 124 RESPONSE in opposition to AMENDED MOTION for sanctions #99 with certificate of compliance filed by Story and Abernathy, PLLC, Virginia Lee Story (Mock, Valerie) Modified text on 10/25/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 123 NOTICE to attorney Laura C. Baucus regarding recent filing #122 (eod) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 122 STIPULATION and PROPOSED ORDER by defendant Bank of America, N.A. [Attorney Laura C. Baucus added to party Bank of America, N.A.(pty:dft)] (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Baucus, Laura) Modified text on 10/24/2024 (eod) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
(NON-DOCUMENT) ATTORNEY APPEARANCE of Laura C. Baucus on behalf of defendant Bank of America, N.A. (Baucus, Laura) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 121 SUMMONS returned executed; Virginia Lee Story served on 8/26/2024, answer due 9/16/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 120 SUMMONS returned executed; Story and Abernathy, PLLC served on 8/26/2024, answer due 9/16/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 119 SUMMONS returned executed; Sandra Jane Leach Garrett served on 9/20/2024, answer due 10/11/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 117 SUMMONS returned executed; John Brandon Coke served on 9/7/2024, answer due 9/30/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 116 SUMMONS returned executed; James Michael Hivner served on 8/27/2024, answer due 9/17/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 114 SUMMONS returned executed; Elaine Beaty Beeler served on 8/26/2024, answer due 9/16/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 111 RESPONSE in opposition to MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction Defendants Virgina Lee Story & Story & Abernathy, PLLP's Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to FED.R.CIV.P.12(b)(1)(2)(3)(4)&(5) #76 (titled Objection) with certificate of service filed by Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 110 RESPONSE in opposition to MOTION to dismiss #78 (titled Objection) with certificate of service filed by Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 109 MOTION to stay all dispositive motions with certificate of service by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 108 SUMMONS returned executed; Cadence Bank served on 9/6/2024, answer due 9/27/2024 (eod) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 107 SUMMONS returned executed; Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee served on 9/9/2024, answer due 9/30/2024 (eod) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 106 SUMMONS returned executed; Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of TN served on 9/9/2024, answer due 9/30/2024 (eod) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 105 SUMMONS returned executed; Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee ; Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts; Williamson County Sheriff's Office; Williamson, County of served on 8/30/2024, answer due 9/20/2024 (eod) Modified text on 10/21/2024 (eod) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 104 SUMMONS returned executed; Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division served on 9/7/2024, answer due 9/30/2024 (eod) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 103 SUMMONS returned executed; Tennessee, State of served on 8/29/2024, answer due 9/19/2024 (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service on Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti, #2 Proof of Service on Secretary Tre Hargett, #3 Proof of Service on Treasurer David H. Lillard, Jr., #4 Proof of Service on Senator Richard Briggs, #5 Proof of Service on Justice Sharon G. Lee) (eod) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 102 RESPONSE TO #72 named as Amended declaration voicing plaintiff's concerns about transferring this action to Tennessee filed by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ns) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 101 AFFIDAVIT named as Amended counter-affidavit to affidavit of Virginia Lee Story by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B) (ns) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 100 AMENDED MOTION for order named as Amended motion to require all filings to include a certification (with expedited request) by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A) (ns) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 99 AMENDED MOTION for sanctions by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B) (ns) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 98 RESPONSE TO #72 NOTICE of intent to transfer action filed by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ns) Modified text on 10/8/2024 per Chambers (ns). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 97 MOTION for sanctions by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (ns) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 96 MOTION for order named as "Motion for all filings to be submitted under penalty of perjury" (expedited consideration requested) by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Counter-Affidavit to Affidavit of Virginia Lee Story) (ns) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 95 SUMMONS returned executed; Rothschild & Ausbrooks PLLC served on 8/26/2024, answer due 9/16/2024; Kathryn Lynn Yarbrough served on 9/6/2024, answer due 9/27/2024 (Attachments: #1 Second Summons Returned Executed) (slk) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 94 PROOF OF SERVICE by defendants Roy Patrick Marlin, McCarthur Sanders Real Estate re FIRST MOTION to dismiss, or in the alternative, for summary judgment #92 , Certificate of Compliance Regarding Word Count #93 upon Plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Densham, Sandra) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 93 CERTIFICATE of compliance re word count for FIRST MOTION to dismiss, or in the alternative, for summary judgment #92 filed by Roy Patrick Marlin, McCarthur Sanders Real Estate (Densham, Sandra) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 92 FIRST MOTION to dismiss, or in the alternative, for summary judgment by defendants Roy Patrick Marlin, McCarthur Sanders Real Estate; (Densham, Sandra) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Copy of Order on Stipulation and Proposed Order, #91 sent via U.S. Mail to Thomas E. Anderson and Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (slk) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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Filing 90 MOTION to amend/correct 66 (titled Notice, Declaration, and Motion regarding the naming and address of Defendant Bank of America in the Lawsuit) with certificate of service by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit A-2, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit B-2, #5 Exhibit C, #6 Exhibit D, #7 Exhibit E, #8 Exhibit F, #9 Exhibit F-2, #10 Exhibit F-3, #11 Exhibit F-4, #12 Exhibit F-5, #13 Exhibit F-6, #14 Exhibit F-7, #15 Exhibit G, #16 Exhibit G-2, #17 Exhibit G-3, #18 Exhibit G-4, #19 Exhibit G-5, #20 Exhibit H, #21 Exhibit H-2) (pjw) Modified text on 9/26/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 89 MOTION to amend/correct 66 (titled Notice, Declaration, and Motion regarding the naming and address of Defendant Thomas Anderson in the Lawsuit) with certificate of service by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit C-2, #5 Financial Documents C-3, #6 Exhibit C-4, #7 Exhibit C-5, #8 Exhibit D, #9 Exhibit E) (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 88 SUMMONS returned executed; Thomas E. Anderson served on 8/26/2024, answer due 9/16/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 87 BRIEF in support of MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, insufficiency of service of process, and failure to state a claim #86 with certificate of service filed by Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC (Chaness, Bret) Modified text on 9/25/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 86 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, insufficiency of service of process, and failure to state a claim with certificate of service by defendant Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC (Chaness, Bret) Modified text on 9/25/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 85 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by defendant Cadence Bank re STIPULATION and PROPOSED ORDER to Extend Defendant Cadence Bank's Time to Answer or Otherwise Respond to Plaintiff's Amended Complaint (ECF 66) Pursuant to Rule 6(b)(1) by defendant Cadence Bank #84 , Corporate Disclosure Statement #83 (Gutierrez, Michael) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 84 STIPULATION and PROPOSED ORDER to Extend Defendant Cadence Bank's Time to Answer or Otherwise Respond to Plaintiff's Amended Complaint (ECF 66) Pursuant to Rule 6(b)(1) by defendant Cadence Bank (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Gutierrez, Michael) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 83 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Cadence Bank (Gutierrez, Michael) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
(NON-DOCUMENT) ATTORNEY APPEARANCE of Tyler A. Burk on behalf of defendant Cadence Bank (Burk, Tyler) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
(NON-DOCUMENT) ATTORNEY APPEARANCE of Michael L. Gutierrez on behalf of defendant Cadence Bank (Gutierrez, Michael) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 82 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE on behalf of Thomas E. Anderson served on 9/16/2024, answer due 10/7/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 81 CERTIFICATE of compliance re word count for MOTION to dismiss #78 filed by Elaine Beaty Beeler, Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of TN, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, James Michael Hivner, William Neal McBrayer, Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee, State of, Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson, County of (Gallagher, Brian) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 80 CERTIFICATE regarding compliance with LCivR 7.1(d) re MOTION to dismiss #78 with certificate of service filed by Elaine Beaty Beeler, Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of TN, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, James Michael Hivner, William Neal McBrayer, Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee, State of, Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson, County of (Gallagher, Brian) Modified text on 9/23/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 79 BRIEF in support of MOTION to dismiss #78 with certificate of service filed by Elaine Beaty Beeler, Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of TN, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, James Michael Hivner, William Neal McBrayer, Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee, State of, Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson, County of (Gallagher, Brian) Modified text on 9/23/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 78 MOTION to dismiss with certificate of service by defendants Elaine Beaty Beeler, Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of TN, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, James Michael Hivner, William Neal McBrayer, Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee, State of, Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson, County of (Gallagher, Brian) Modified text on 9/23/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Copy of Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Answer, Order on Proposed Order #77 sent via U.S. Mail to Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (mg) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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(NON-DOCUMENT) ATTORNEY APPEARANCE of Brian Joseph Gallagher on behalf of defendants Elaine Beaty Beeler, Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of TN, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, James Michael Hivner, William Neal McBrayer, Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee, State of, Williamson County Sheriff's Office, Williamson, County of (Gallagher, Brian) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 76 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction Defendants Virgina Lee Story & Story & Abernathy, PLLP's Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to FED.R.CIV.P.12(b)(1)(2)(3)(4)&(5) by defendants Virginia Lee Story, Story and Abernathy, PLLC; (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Affidavit of Virgina Lee Story) (Mock, Valerie) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 75 PROPOSED ORDER regarding Motion for Extension of Time to respond to Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint by defendants Roy Patrick Marlin, McCarthur Sanders Real Estate (Densham, Sandra) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 74 BRIEF in support of MOTION for extension of time to file answer re 66 Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint #73 filed by Roy Patrick Marlin, McCarthur Sanders Real Estate (Densham, Sandra) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 73 MOTION for extension of time to file answer re 66 Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint by defendants Roy Patrick Marlin, McCarthur Sanders Real Estate; (Densham, Sandra) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Copy of Order on Motion for Recusal #71 , Notice (Other) #72 , Order on Objection #70 sent via U.S. Mail to Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ns) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 72 NOTICE of intent to transfer action; brief should be filed before 10/4/2024; (Judge Paul L. Maloney, cmc) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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Filing 69 DECLARATION re 66 and service by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment (submitted as a flash drive)) (ns) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
SUMMONS ISSUED as to defendant Bank of America Corporation and returned to plaintiff via mail per his phone request (proposed summons attached to Doc #16 ) (pjw) Modified text on 9/6/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 68 SUPPLEMENT re Amended Complaint, 66 (titled Memorandum of Law Regarding Void Tennessee Court Orders) by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 67 LETTER from the Clerk to Plaintiff regarding a clerical error with the amended complaint filed stamp; corrected first page mailed to plaintiff on 8/23/2024 (jlg) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
SUMMONS NOT ISSUED as to defendant Bank of America Corporation (none provided) (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
SUMMONS ISSUED as to defendants Bankers Title & Escrow Corporation, Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of TN, Cadence Bank, Hostettler, Neuhoff & Davis, LLC, McCarthur Sanders Real Estate, Story and Abernathy, PLLC, Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee, Williamson County Sheriff's Office and returned to plaintiff at front counter in Lansing Clerk's Office (pjw) Modified text on 8/26/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 65 DIGITAL MEDIA EXHIBIT of Flash Drive and DVD by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1 - DVD, #2 Attachment 2, #3 Attachment 3, #4 Attachment 4, #5 Attachment 5) (ems) Modified text on 8/23/2024 (ems). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 64 DIGITAL MEDIA EXHIBIT of DVD of Slam the Gavel Podcast Video by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1 - DVD) (ems) Modified text on 8/20/2024 (ems). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 63 EXHIBITS of Auction Warranty Deed & ADA Request for Modification by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1, #2 Attachment 2) (ems) Modified text on 8/20/2024 (ems). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 62 OBJECTION re #55 by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 61 MOTION for extension of time to complete service by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 60 MOTION for recusal by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
SUMMONS NOT ISSUED as to defendants Sara B. McKinney, Story Abernathy Campbell Ashworth McGill Walters An Association of Attorneys (none provided) (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
SUMMONS ISSUED as to defendants Samuel Forrest Anderson, Thomas E. Anderson, Mary Elizabeth Maney Ausbrooks, BancorpSouth Bank, Bank of America, N.A., Elaine Beaty Beeler, Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, Henry Edward Hildebrand, III, James Michael Hivner, Alexander Sergey Koval, Roy Patrick Marlin, William Neal McBrayer, Rothschild & Ausbrooks PLLC, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Spragins, Barnett & Cobb PLC, Virginia Lee Story, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee, State of, Charles M. Walker, Williamson, County of, Kathryn Lynn Yarbrough and returned to plaintiff to pick up 8/20/2024 (pjw) Modified text on 8/19/2024 (pjw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 59 DECLARATION certifying testimony in video is accurate and true by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (mg) Modified text on 7/24/2024 (mg). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 58 EXHIBIT importan related issues- Tennessee Supreme Court by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1, #2 Attachment 2, #3 Attachment 3, #4 Attachment 4, #5 Attachment 5) (mg) Modified text on 7/24/2024 (mg). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 57 EXHIBIT individual email communication exhibits by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1) (mg) Modified text on 7/24/2024 (mg). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 56 SUPPLEMENT re Exhibit #42 , Exhibit #48 , Exhibit #52 , Exhibit #43 , Exhibit #47 , Exhibit #50 , Exhibit #49 , Exhibit #44 , Exhibit #46 , Exhibit #45 , Exhibit #51 by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1) (mg) Modified text on 7/24/2024 (mg). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Copy of Order on Motion for Prepayment of Service Fees, Order on Motion for Extension of Time, Order on Motion for Protective Order #55 sent via U.S. Mail to Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jlg) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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Filing 54 EXHIBIT re #30 , #29 by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Digital Exhibits) (eod) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 53 DECLARATION of irrefutable proof of a criminal conspiracy spanning state and federal courts by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Exhibit L, #13 Exhibit M) (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 52 EXHIBIT (part 4 of 4b) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 51 EXHIBIT (part 4 of 4a) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 50 EXHIBIT (part 3 of 4d) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 49 EXHIBIT (part 3 of 4c) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 48 EXHIBIT (part 3 of 4b) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 47 EXHIBIT (part 3 of 4a) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 46 EXHIBIT (part 2 of 4b) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 45 EXHIBIT (part 2 of 4a) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 44 EXHIBIT (part 1 of 4c) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 43 EXHIBIT (part 1 of 4b) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 42 EXHIBIT (part 1 of 4a) small individual exhibits with web URLS by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 41 EXHIBIT of Tennessee Rules of Judicial and Professional Conduct by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 40 EXHIBIT of Tennessee Petition of Remonstrance by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 39 EXHIBIT (part 2 of 2) regading conspiracy against rights under color of law by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 38 EXHIBIT (part 1 of 2) regading conspiracy against rights under color of law by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 37 DECLARATION about financial and family structure by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 36 MOTION for order named as motion for prepayment of service fees by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 35 DECLARATION regarding service fees by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 34 DECLARATION (part 2 of 2) about professional and judicial misconduct during 8/1/2019 hearing in Chancery Court by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) Modified text on 3/26/2024 (jjm). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 33 DECLARATION (part 1 of 2) about professional and judicial misconduct during 8/1/2019 hearing in Chancery Court by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) Modified text on 3/26/2024 (jjm). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 32 DECLARATION about Jeffrey Fenton's Disabilities by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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Copy of Order Regarding Report and Recommendation #31 sent via U.S. Mail to Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 30 DIGITAL EXHIBIT (Disc 2 of Audio/Video Files) by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 29 DIGITAL EXHIBIT (Disc 1 of Audio/Video Files) by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 28 DECLARATION about phone call with Trustee John McLemore by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 27 DECLARATION about Arons & Associates divorce planning by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 26 EXHIBIT of recorded phone call by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Audio CD) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 25 DECLARATION of irrefutable proof of a criminal conspiracy spanning State and Federal Courts by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1, #2 Attachment 2, #3 Attachment 3, #4 Attachment 4, #5 Attachment 5, #6 Attachment 6, #7 Attachment 7, #8 Attachment 8, #9 Attachment 9, #10 Attachment 10, #11 Attachment 11, #12 Attachment 12, #13 Attachment 13, #14 Attachment 14, #15 Attachment 15) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 24 DECLARATION re #23 certifying the authenticity and accuracy of 8/29/2019 transcript of evidence and audio recordings of hearing by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 23 EXHIBIT of Transcript of Hearing from August 29, 2019 by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1, #2 Attachment 2, #3 Attachment 3, #4 Attachment 4 - Audio CD) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 22 EXHIBIT of Transcript of Proceedings from August 1, 2019 by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 21 BRIEF by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton of Memorandum of Law regarding court actions in Tennessee (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 20 EXHIBIT of Response in Tennessee Chancery Court by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 19 EXHIBIT of Tennessee Court Motions in Chronological Order by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1, #2 Attachment 2, #3 Attachment 3, #4 Attachment 4, #5 Attachment 5, #6 Attachment 6, #7 Attachment 7, #8 Attachment 8, #9 Attachment 9, #10 Attachment 10, #11 Attachment 11, #12 Attachment 12, #13 Attachment 13, #14 Attachment 14) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 18 DECLARATION of Marsha Ann Felton regarding son Jeffrey Ryan Fenton and Tennessee legal proceedings by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1, #2 Attachment 2, #3 Attachment 3, #4 Attachment 4, #5 Attachment 5, #6 Attachment 6, #7 Attachment 7, #8 Attachment 8, #9 Attachment 9, #10 Attachment 10) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 17 MOTION for protective order by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1) (ems) Modified date filed on 1/22/2024 (ems). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 16 MOTION for extension of time to serve parties by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (Attachments: #1 Proposed Summons) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 15 DECLARATION re #14 in support of Objection to Report and Recommendation by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 14 OBJECTION by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton to Report and Recommendation #8 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Copy of Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File #13 sent via U.S. Mail to Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jjm) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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Filing 12 DECLARATION of ADA abuse in chancery court by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jlg) Modified textnon 1/2/2024 (jjm). [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 11 DECLARATION in support of objection to 12/13/2023 report and recommendation by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (jlg) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 10 MOTION for extension of time to file objection to report and recommendation by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (jlg) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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Filing 8 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION re 1 ; objections to R&R due within 14 days; signed by Magistrate Judge Ray Kent (fhw) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Copy of Report and Recommendation #8 , Order on Pro Se Application for Electronic Filing and Service #9 sent via U.S. Mail to Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (slk) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 7 MOTION for order to maintain venue by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton; (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Copy of Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge #6 sent via U.S. Mail to Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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Filing 5 PRO SE APPLICATION for electronic filing and service by plaintiff Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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Copy of Order of Recusal #3 , Notice Regarding Reassignment of Case #4 sent via U.S. Mail to Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Filing 2 NOTICE of receipt of case (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
Copy of Receipt of Case Notice #2 sent via U.S. Mail to Jeffrey Ryan Fenton (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
SUMMONS NOT ISSUED as to defendants Samuel Forrest Anderson, Thomas E. Anderson, Mary Elizabeth Maney Ausbrooks, BancorpSouth Bank, Bank of America, N.A., Elaine Beaty Beeler, Andy Dwane Bennett, Michael Weimar Binkley, Chancery Court for Williamson County Tennessee, Frank Goad Clement, Jr, John Brandon Coke, Sandra Jane Leach Garrett, Henry Edward Hildebrand, III, James Michael Hivner, Alexander Sergey Koval, Roy Patrick Marlin, William Neal McBrayer, Sara B. McKinney, Rothschild & Ausbrooks PLLC, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Spragins, Barnett & Cobb PLC, Virginia Lee Story, Story Abernathy Campbell Ashworth McGill Walters An Association of Attorneys, Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts, Tennessee Court of Appeals Middle Division, Tennessee, State of, Charles M. Walker, Williamson, County of, Kathryn Lynn Yarbrough (summonses not provided at time of filing by plaintiff as he stated he had them at home and would present them at a later date) (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
RECEIPT: in the amount of $402.00, receipt number 500000088; for civil case filing fee (ems) [Transferred from Michigan Western on 10/25/2024.] |
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