Stephen Yagman v. Cornell Companies Inc et al
Plaintiff: Stephen Yagman
Defendant: Sarah Marie Schuh, Kevin Louis Kincey, Wes J. Mayhew, John Rutherford, James Black, Political Action Committee Inc, Kim Fowler, Derek Anthony West, Heriberto H. Tellez, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr/, Cathryn L. Porter, California the Geo Group Inc, Christopher C. Wheeler, John R. Nieser, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Ransom Ali, Mike Reed, Brian R. Evans, Ann M. Schlarb, Charles E. Samuels, George C. Zolley, Kathleen M. Keeney, John M. Hurely, Richard H. Glanton, Patrick N. Perrin, George Chinyere Adiele, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Nicole Knight, John J. Bulfin, David J. Venturella, Geo Group Inc, Stephen Fuller, David Shinn, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Harley G. Lappin, III, Brenda Burch, Carmen Navarro, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Katherine Turner, Clarence E. Anthony, Anne Newman Foreman, Jennifer Martin Del Campo, Wayne Ross, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Norman A. Carlson, Mark J. Demeo, Benjamin E. Erwin, Robert E. MCFadden, Julie M. Wood, Sarah Marie Widiger, Michael L. Benov, James E. Hyman, Randy J. McWilliams, Twenty Unknown Named Defendants, Cornell Companies Inc and Richard R. Wilber
Petitioner: United States of America
Case Number: 2:2014cv07555
Filed: September 29, 2014
Court: U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
Presiding Judge: Stephen V Wilson
Referring Judge: Carla Woehrle
Nature of Suit: Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1331
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on May 26, 2017. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
May 26, 2017 Filing 311 MANDATE of Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals filed re: Notice of Appeal #305 Amended Notice of Appeal #306 CCA # 15-56581. The judgment of the 9th Circuit Court, entered May 10, 2017, takes effect this date. This constitutes the formal mandate of the 9th CCA issued pursuant to Rule 41(a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. [See USCA Memorandum #310 AFFIRMED. ](mat)
May 10, 2017 Filing 310 MEMORANDUM from Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals filed re: Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals #305 filed by Stephen Yagman. CCA # 15-56581. The decision of the District Court is AFFIRMED. (mat)
October 28, 2015 APPEAL FEE PAID: as to Plaintiff Stephen Yagman; Receipt Number: LA125802 in the amount of $505.00 (yl)
October 21, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 309 ORDER from Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals filed re: Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, #306 filed by Stephen Yagman. CCA # 15-56581. A review of the docket reflects that appellant has not paid the docketing and filing fees for this appeal. Within 21 days from the date of this order, appellant shall: [See document] If appellant fails to comply with this order, this appeal will be dismissedautomatically by the Clerk for failure to prosecute. [See document for all details] (mat)
October 13, 2015 Filing 308 NOTIFICATION by Circuit Court of Appellate Docket Number 15-56581, 9th Circuit regarding Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals #305 as to Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (mat)
October 13, 2015 Filing 307 FILING FEE LETTER issued as to Plaintiff Stephen Yagman, re Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals #305 . (mailed to attorney address) (mat)
October 9, 2015 Filing 306 NOTICE OF APPEAL to the 9th CCA filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Appeal of Judgment #304 , Order on Motion to Dismiss Party,, Order on Motion to Dismiss/Lack of Jurisdiction,, Order on Motion to Dismiss Case,,, #303 (Appeal fee FEE NOT PAID.) (Reichmann, Joseph)
October 9, 2015 Filing 305 NOTICE OF APPEAL to the 9th CCA filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Appeal of Order on Motion for Reconsideration,, #301 , Order on Motion for Review,, #184 , Order on Motion for Reconsideration #244 , Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held, #88 , Order on Motion for Reconsideration #238 , Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,,,,,,,, #212 , Order on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment,,,,, Order on Motion to Dismiss Case,,,,, Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Order on Motion for Summary Adjudication,,,, #38 , Order on Motion for Reconsideration #231 , Order on Motion to Dismiss Party,, Order on Motion to Dismiss/Lack of Jurisdiction,, Order on Motion to Dismiss Case,,, #303 , Order on Motion to Dismiss Case,, Order on Request to Strike,,,,,,,,, #162 , Judgment #304 , Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,, #225 , Order on Request for Clerk to Enter Default, #122 , Order on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment,,,, Order on Request for Clerk to Enter Default,,,, Order on Ex Parte Application to Strike,,,, Order on Ex Parte Application for Joinder,,,, Order on Motion to Dismiss Case,,,, Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,,,,,,,,, Order on Ex Parte Application for Order,,,, Order on Motion to Strike,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Order on Motion for Joinder,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Order on Ex Parte Application for Relief,,,, Order on Ex Parte Application to Expedite,,,, Order on Motion for Summary Adjudication,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Order on Motion to Dismiss Party,,,,,,,,,,,, Order on Motion to Dismiss/Lack of Jurisdiction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #121 , Order on Motion for Summary Adjudication,,,,,,,,,,,, Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Order on Ex Parte Application for Order,,,,,, Order on Request for Leave,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #211 , Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held,, #71 , Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held, #263 , Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held,, #73 , Order on Motion for Contempt,,,,, #280 , Order on Motion for Order,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #281 , Order on Ex Parte Application for Extension of Time to File a Document,,,, Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,, Order on Request for Joinder,,, #140 (Appeal fee FEE NOT PAID.) (Reichmann, Joseph)
October 8, 2015 Filing 304 JUDGMENT by Judge Stephen V. Wilson. IT IS ADJUDGED that this action is dismissed with prejudice. (MD JS-6, Case Terminated). (mkr)
October 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 303 ORDER ACCEPTING REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE by Judge Stephen V. Wilson. IT IS ORDERED that judgment be entered (1) granting Defendants' motion to dismiss(docket nos. #114 , #118 , #119 , and #153 ); and (2) dismissing this action with prejudice. (mkr)
September 25, 2015 Filing 302 REPLY TO OBJECTION to Report and Recommendation (Issued), #279 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. , Rule 28(j) Analog on Issue of Accrual of Limitations Period, (Reichmann, Joseph)
September 9, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 301 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) IN CHAMBERS ORDER DENYING PLAINTIFF'S MOTIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION #285 #286 #287 by Judge Stephen V. Wilson. For the aforementioned reasons, the Court DENIES Plaintiff's motions for reconsideration. (lom)
September 8, 2015 Filing 300 SCHEDULING NOTICE by Judge Stephen V. Wilson. The previously scheduled Motions #285 , #286 , #287 for 9/14/2015 at 1:30 PM have been rescheduled. Motions are now set for hearing on 9/16/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (kss) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
September 3, 2015 Filing 299 JOINDER filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Kim Fowler, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Mike Reed, John Rutherford, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley joining in Response #297 . (Coleman, Susan)
September 3, 2015 Filing 298 REPLY TO OBJECTION to Report and Recommendation (Issued), #279 filed by PLAINTIFF Stephen Yagman. PLAINTIFF'S SECOND RESPONSE TO REDWOOD DEFENDANTS' SECOND RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFF'S OBJECTIONS TO R&R, DOC. 297, (Reichmann, Joseph)
September 3, 2015 Filing 297 RESPONSE filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilberto Objection to Report and Recommendations #288 (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
September 3, 2015 Filing 296 REPLY TO OBJECTION to Report and Recommendation (Issued), #279 filed by PLAINTIFF Stephen Yagman. REPLY TO REDWOOD DEFENDANTS' RESPONSE TO PLAINTNIFF'S OBJECTIONS, (Reichmann, Joseph)
September 2, 2015 Filing 295 RESPONSE filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilberto Objection to Report and Recommendations #288 (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
August 25, 2015 Filing 294 RESPONSE filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilberto Motion Related Document,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #289 (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
August 24, 2015 Filing 293 JOINDER filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West joining in Objection/Opposition (Motion related), #291 . (Park, Richard)
August 24, 2015 Filing 292 OPPOSITION re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Contempt,,,,, #280 RECONSIDERATION OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO ADJUDGE IN CONTEMPT AUSA RICHARD PARK #287 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
August 24, 2015 Filing 291 OPPOSITION re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Order,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #281 DENYING MOTION TO DEEM PLAINTIFF'S REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS 1-174 ADMITTED, #285 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
August 24, 2015 Filing 290 OPPOSITION re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Order,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #281 OF DENIAL OF MOTION TO ADJUDGE DEFENSE COUNSEL MARIAM AND WHELEN AND THEIR FIRM, GORDON & REES, LLP, TO BE VEXATIOUS LITIGANTS, #286 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
August 24, 2015 Filing 289 REQUEST FOR RULINGS ON VARIOUS OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTIONS re MOTION for Order #250 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-1 , #191 , MOTION for Sanctions against Susan Coleman, for violation of Rule 11 and also pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #67 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-3 , #193 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, and for perjury , #205 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, for perjuriously stating that service had been made electronically and violation of Rule 5(b), F.R. Civ. P. (failure to make service by USPS) , #207 , MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Joel Mariam and Allison J. Fernandez, for misconduct, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #68 , MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park, for unethical and rule-breaking conduct, made pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #69 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Susan Coleman-2 , #188 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #156 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, against Susan Coleman, for making false statements and for perjury, #215 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Richard Park-1 , #189 , MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Undisputed Issues Regarding the Redwood Laboratories Defendants #101 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #155 , MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Issues #123 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, for making false and misleading statements, and for contempt for violating two court orders , against Richard Par, #209 , MOTION for Sanctions Rule 11 MISREPRESENTING L.R. 16-12 AND L.R. 7-3 #96 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Susan Coleman-1 , #187 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #154 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, for making perjurious statement that service was made electronically and by USPS, against Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin Ellis Whelan, #210 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, for violation of L.R. 7-3 , #206 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Richard Park-2 , #190 , MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to RENEWAL OF PRIOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION OF ISSUES MOTIONS DOCS. 15-17, 19, 78, 81, 101, 123 & 197 , #256 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-2 , #192 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, against Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin Ellis Whelan, for submitting perjuriious papers, #217 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, for judge shopping violating two court orders , against Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin Ellis Whelan, #208 , MOTION for Sanctions Rule 11, F.R. Civ. P. against attorney Craig Joel Mariam, for making materially false statements to the court, #136 , MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to UNCONTROVERTED ISSUES #78 , MOTION for Sanctions 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers, for unethical misconduct by setting forth a non-existent Local Rule at footnote in their Doc. 105 by defense counsel Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin E. Whelan, #117 , MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Issues Nos. 1-159 , #197 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
August 21, 2015 Filing 288 OBJECTION to Report and Recommendation (Issued), #279 filed by PLAINTIFF Stephen Yagman.(Reichmann, Joseph)
August 16, 2015 Filing 287 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Contempt,,,,, #280 RECONSIDERATION OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO ADJUDGE IN CONTEMPT AUSA RICHARD PARK filed by PLAINTIFF Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 9/14/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Reichmann, Joseph)
August 16, 2015 Filing 286 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Order,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #281 OF DENIAL OF MOTION TO ADJUDGE DEFENSE COUNSEL MARIAM AND WHELEN AND THEIR FIRM, GORDON & REES, LLP, TO BE VEXATIOUS LITIGANTS, filed by PLAINTIFF Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 9/14/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Reichmann, Joseph)
August 16, 2015 Filing 285 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Order,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #281 DENYING MOTION TO DEEM PLAINTIFF'S REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS 1-174 ADMITTED, filed by PLAINTIFF Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 9/14/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Reichmann, Joseph)
August 16, 2015 Filing 284 NOTICE OF MOTION re NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Contempt against AUSA RICHARD PARK #271 Rule 72(a) reconsideration of denial of filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 9/14/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Reichmann, Joseph)
August 16, 2015 Filing 283 NOTICE OF MOTION re MOTION for Order #247 Rule 72(a) filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 9/14/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Reichmann, Joseph)
August 15, 2015 Filing 282 EXHIBIT Filed filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. in support of his objections to the R&R, Doc. 279, to be filed on August 20, 2015 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit)(Reichmann, Joseph)
August 13, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 281 MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. The Court rules on the pending motions as follows: Redwood Defendant's Motion for Order for Declaring Plaintiff Stephen Yagman a Vexatious Litigant (docket no. #241 ) is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Plaintiff's Motion to Adjudged Defense Counsel Craig Joel Mariam, Kevin Ellis, and their Law Firm, Goron & Reese LLP, to be Vexatious Litigants (docket no. #247 ) is DENIED. Plaintiff's Motion for Order that Plaintiff's Request for Admissions, Nos. 1-174, Propounded on February 7, 2015, to all Defendants be Deemed Admitted (docket no. #250 ) is DENIED in light of the Magistrate Judge's Report and Recommendation (docket no. #179 ). Defendants Kim Fowler, John Rutherford, and Mike Reed's Requests for Joinder in the Geo Group, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss and Reply (See Notices of Joinder, docket nos. #195 , #226 , #245 ; Geo Group, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss and Reply, docket nos. #119 , #139 ) are GRANTED. Fowler, Rutherford, and Reed are deemed to have joined in the Geo Group, Inc.'s motion and reply. (mkr)
August 10, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 280 MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. Plaintiff's Motion for Contempt (Docket no. #271 ) was filed on July 21, 2015 and is set for hearing on August 18, 2015. Briefing on the motion is complete. The Motion, which was also filed before the district court judge (Docket No. #270 ), is appropriate for resolution by the magistrate judge, and will be resolved without a hearing. The Court therefore VACATES the hearing. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 78; Local Rule 7-15. Upon review of the parties' briefing, the court hereby DENIES the motion. (mkr)
August 6, 2015 Filing 279 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION issued by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. The magistrate judge recommends that the court issues an order: (1) accepting this Report and Recommendation; (2) granting the Defendants' Motions to Dismiss (docket nos. #114 , #118 , #119 , #153 ); (3) dismissing Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint without leave to amend; and (4) dismissing this action, with prejudice. (mkr)
August 6, 2015 Filing 278 NOTICE OF FILING REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. Objections to R&R due by 8/20/2015. (mkr)
August 6, 2015 Filing 277 REPLY NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Contempt against AUSA RICHARD PARK #270 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
August 4, 2015 Filing 276 REPLY NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Contempt against AUSA RICHARD PARK #271 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
August 4, 2015 Filing 275 REPLY SUPPORT OF NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Contempt against AUSA RICHARD PARK #270 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
July 30, 2015 Filing 274 Joint REQUEST for Ruling on Outstanding Motions (L.R. 83-9) filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service) (Mariam, Craig)
July 24, 2015 Filing 273 OPPOSITION to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Contempt against AUSA RICHARD PARK #271 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
July 24, 2015 Filing 272 OPPOSITION to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Contempt against AUSA RICHARD PARK #270 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
July 21, 2015 Filing 271 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Contempt against AUSA RICHARD PARK filed by PLAINTIFF Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 8/18/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
July 21, 2015 Filing 270 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Contempt against AUSA RICHARD PARK filed by PLAINTIFF Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 8/24/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Reichmann, Joseph)
July 14, 2015 Filing 269 PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO FEDERAL DEFENDANTS RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFF'S RULE 28(J) ANALOG (DOCS. 267 & 268) re MOTION to Dismiss DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere A #114 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
July 13, 2015 Filing 268 RESPONSE IN SUPPORT of MOTION to Dismiss DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere A #114 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS' RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFF'S ADDITIONAL RULE 28(j) ANALOG IN OPPOSITION TO FEDERAL DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO DISMISS (DOC. 114) [WITH PROOF OF SERVICE] filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
July 3, 2015 Filing 267 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Joinder in Response, #113 #115 , MOTION to Dismiss Case #119 , MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction #118 , MOTION to Dismiss DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere A #114 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
June 29, 2015 Filing 266 NOTICE OF CLERICAL ERROR: Due to clerical error Re: Relator's Opposition #265 Docket on this case in error. [Should have been docketed on CV14-9771 DMG (MANx) see minutes of that case no.59] (lc)
June 22, 2015 Filing 265 RELATOR STEPHEN YAGMAN'S OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS MITCHELL'S AND JESSEN'S EXPARTE APPLICATION (DOC. 56) FOR ORDER TAKING OFF CALENDAR OR CONTINUING RELATOR'S SUMMARY ADJUDICATION MOTION (DOC. 54) filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attachments: #1 part 2, #2 part 3, #3 part 4, #4 part 5, #5 part 6)(lc) (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/29/2015: #6 part 7, #7 part 8, #8 part 9, #9 part 10, #10 part 11, #11 part 12) (lc). (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/29/2015: #12 part 13, #13 part 14, #14 part 15, #15 part 16, #16 part 17, #17 part 18) (lc). (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/29/2015: #18 part19, #19 part 20, #20 part 21, #21 part 22, #22 part 23, #23 part 24) (lc). (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/29/2015: #24 part 25, #25 part 26, #26 part 27, #27 part 28, #28 part 29) (lc). (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/29/2015: #29 part 30, #30 part 31, #31 part 32, #32 part 33, #33 part 34) (lc). Modified on 6/29/2015 (lc). (DOCKETED ON THIS CASE IN ERROR- SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOCKETED UNDER CV14-9771 DMG (MANx) see minutes of that case no.59)
June 16, 2015 Filing 264 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to RENEWAL OF PRIOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION OF ISSUES MOTIONS DOCS. 15-17, 19, 78, 81, 101, 123 & 197 , #256 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
June 9, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 263 MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (1) Plaintiff's motion for partial summary judgment was filed June 2, 2015, and noticed for hearing on June 30, 2015 (Docket no. #256 ). The noticed hearing date is ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. This does not affect the briefing schedule. Unless otherwise ordered, the motion will be taken under submission when briefing is complete, and the parties will be notified by mail or e-mail of all further proceedings. (mkr)
June 9, 2015 Filing 262 REQUEST for Joinder in Response in Opposition to Motion, #260 filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Kim Fowler, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Mike Reed, John Rutherford, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Coleman, Susan)
June 9, 2015 Filing 261 OPPOSITION re: MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to RENEWAL OF PRIOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION OF ISSUES MOTIONS DOCS. 15-17, 19, 78, 81, 101, 123 & 197 , #256 OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF'S NOTICE OF RENEWALS OF HIS MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION OF ISSUES (DOCS. 15-17, 19, 78, 81, 101, 123 AND 197) [WITH PROOF SERVICE] filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
June 9, 2015 Filing 260 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to RENEWAL OF PRIOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION OF ISSUES MOTIONS DOCS. 15-17, 19, 78, 81, 101, 123 & 197 , #256 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
June 3, 2015 Filing 259 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Order #250 THAT PLAINTIFF'S REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO REDWOOD DEFENDANTS BE DEEMED TO BE ADMITTED, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
June 3, 2015 Filing 257 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Order #250 THAT PLAINTIFF'S REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS BE DEEMED TO BE ADMITTED, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
June 2, 2015 Filing 256 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to RENEWAL OF PRIOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION OF ISSUES MOTIONS DOCS. 15-17, 19, 78, 81, 101, 123 & 197 , filed by PLAINTIFF Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 6/30/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
June 1, 2015 Filing 254 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Order #250 that Plaintiff's Requests for Admissions be Deemed Admitted filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
May 29, 2015 Filing 253 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Order #250 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Kim Fowler, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Mike Reed, John Rutherford, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Coleman, Susan)
May 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 252 MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (1) Plaintiff's motion to adjudge counsel to be vexatious litigants was filed May 19, 2015, and noticed for hearing on June 16, 2015 (Docket no. #247 ). The noticed hearing date is ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. This does not affect the briefing schedule. (2) Plaintiff's motion for order that request for admission be deed admitted was filed May 26, 2015, and noticed for hearing on June 23, 2015 (Docket no. #250 ). The noticed hearing date is ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. This does not affect the briefing schedule. Unless otherwise ordered, these motions will be taken under submission when briefing is complete, and the parties will be notified by mail or e-mail of all further proceedings. (mkr)
May 29, 2015 Filing 251 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Order #250 Federal Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Order Re Plaintiff's Requests for Admissions filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
May 26, 2015 Filing 250 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order that Plaintiff's Request for Admissions, Nos. 1-174, Propounded on February 7, 2015, to all Defendants be Deemed Admitted, and Memorandum of Points and Authorities and Declaration in Support Thereof. Motion set for hearing on 6/23/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. Filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (mkr)
May 26, 2015 Filing 249 REPLY In Support of MOTION for Order for Declaring as a Vexatious Litigant Plaintiff Stephen Yagman #241 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
May 26, 2015 Filing 248 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Order #247 filed by Defendants Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
May 19, 2015 Filing 247 Plaintiff's NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Adjudge Defense Counsel Craig Joel Mariam, Kevin Ellis, and their Law Firm, Goron & Rees LLP, to be Vexatious Litigants. Filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 6/16/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (mkr)
May 19, 2015 Filing 246 Plaintiff's OPPOSITION to Defense Counsel Craig Joel Mariam's and Kevin Ellis Whelean's Latest Motion to Declare Plaintiff to be a Vexatious Litigant. Filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. In re: MOTION #241 . (mkr) (Main Document 246 replaced on 7/22/2015) (mkr).
May 18, 2015 Filing 245 JOINDER in MOTION to Dismiss Case #119 Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint [DOC. #99] and Reply [DOC #139] filed by Defendant Mike Reed. (Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Mike Reed(pty:dft))(Coleman, Susan)
May 12, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 243 MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. Defendants' motion for an order declaring Plaintiff a vexatious litigant was file May 08, 2015, and noticed for hearing on June 9, 2015 (Docket no. #241 ). The noticed hearing date is ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. This does not affect the briefing schedule. Unless otherwise ordered, the motion will be taken under submission when briefing is complete, and the parties will be notified by mail or e-mail of all further proceedings. (mkr)
May 11, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 244 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS): ORDER ORDER DENYING #229 MOTION for Rule 72Review by Judge Stephen V. Wilson: For the aforementioned reasons, the Court DENIES Yagmans motion for reconsideration. (pj)
May 8, 2015 Filing 242 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE re MOTION for Order for Declaring as a Vexatious Litigant Plaintiff Stephen Yagman #241 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
May 8, 2015 Filing 241 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for Declaring as a Vexatious Litigant Plaintiff Stephen Yagman filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. Motion set for hearing on 6/9/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
May 6, 2015 Filing 240 PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO FEDERAL DEFENDANTS' NOTICE REGARDING DISPOSITION IN YAGMAN V. THOMAS re MOTION to Dismiss DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere A #114 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
May 6, 2015 Filing 239 NOTICE Regarding Memorandum Disposition Yagman v. Thomas, Ninth Circuit No. 12-57063 / (D.C. NO. CV10-5860 SVW (CW)) filed by DEFENDANTS George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
May 5, 2015 Filing 237 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,, #225 , Rule 72(a) reconsideration, #229 , MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,, #225 , Rule 72(a) reconsideration, #228 , MOTION for Reconsideration #223 , and Errata to Motions, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
May 4, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 238 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS): ORDER DENYING #223 MOTION for Rule 72 Review by Judge Stephen V. Wilson: For the aforementioned reasons, the Court DENIES Yagmans motion for reconsideration. (pj)
May 3, 2015 Filing 236 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,, #225 , Rule 72(a) reconsideration, #229 , Request for Joinder,,, Request for Relief,, #233 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
May 1, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 235 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS ORDER re #223 MOTION FOR RULE 72 REVIEW by Judge Stephen V. Wilson: The Motion is suitable to a determination without oral argument. Fed. R. Civ. P. 78(b); LocalRule 7-15. The hearing scheduled for May 4, 2015 is VACATED. Order to issue. (kss)
April 22, 2015 Filing 233 REQUEST for Joinder in MEMORANDUM in Opposition to Motion, #232 filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Kim Fowler, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, John Rutherford, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. Request set for hearing on 5/18/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Coleman, Susan)
April 20, 2015 Filing 234 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN REPLY on Plaintiff's Motion and Motion for Rule 72 Review #223 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (gk)
April 20, 2015 Filing 232 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,, #225 , Rule 72(a) reconsideration, #229 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
April 17, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 231 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS): ORDER DENYING MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION #185 . by Judge Stephen V. Wilson: Having considered the parties arguments and briefs, the Court DENIES Yagmans motion. (pj)
April 15, 2015 Filing 229 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,, #225 , Rule 72(a) reconsideration, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 5/18/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 15, 2015 Filing 228 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Sanctions,,,,, #225 , Rule 72(a) reconsideration, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 5/18/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 10, 2015 Filing 227 OPPOSITION TO re: MOTION for Reconsideration #223 for Rule 72 Review by PL filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Certificate of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
April 9, 2015 Filing 226 JOINDER in MOTION to Dismiss Case #119 and Reply #139 filed by Defendant John Rutherford. (Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party John Rutherford(pty:dft))(Coleman, Susan)
April 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 225 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. The following three sanctions motions by Plaintiff, filed April 3, 2015, and noticed for hearing on May 4, 2015, are ORDERED OFF CALENDAR and DENIED: docket nos. 214, 215, and 217. #214 #215 #217 (gr)
April 8, 2015 Filing 224 STATEMENT of Rule 28(j) Analog, citing new, post-briefing authorities MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-1 , #191 , MOTION for Sanctions against Susan Coleman, for violation of Rule 11 and also pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #67 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-3 , #193 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, and for perjury , #205 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, against Susan Coleman for violations of L.R.s 7-3, 5-3.2.l, F.R. Civ. P. Rule 5, against Susan Coleman, #214 , MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Mariam for dishonest, rule-breaking conduct #35 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, for perjuriously stating that service had been made electronically and violation of Rule 5(b), F.R. Civ. P. (failure to make service by USPS) , #207 , MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Joel Mariam and Allison J. Fernandez, for misconduct, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #68 , MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park, for unethical and rule-breaking conduct, made pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #69 , MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park for dishonest, illegal, and unethical conduct #37 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Susan Coleman-2 , #188 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #156 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, against Susan Coleman, for making false statements and for perjury, #215 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Richard Park-1 , #189 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #155 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, for making false and misleading statements, and for contempt for violating two court orders , against Richard Par, #209 , MOTION for Sanctions Rule 11 MISREPRESENTING L.R. 16-12 AND L.R. 7-3 #96 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Susan Coleman-1 , #187 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #154 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, for making perjurious statement that service was made electronically and by USPS, against Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin Ellis Whelan, #210 , MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park for again violating rules, this time in violation of L.R. 7-10 , by filing and unauthorized surreply without first obtaining court permission to do so, #59 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, for violation of L.R. 7-3 , #206 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Richard Park-2 , #190 , MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Mariam for dishonest, rule-breaking conduct #36 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-2 , #192 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, against Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin Ellis Whelan, for submitting perjuriious papers, #217 , MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, for judge shopping violating two court orders , against Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin Ellis Whelan, #208 , MOTION for Sanctions Rule 11, F.R. Civ. P. against attorney Craig Joel Mariam, for making materially false statements to the court, #136 , MOTION for Sanctions 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers, for unethical misconduct by setting forth a non-existent Local Rule at footnote in their Doc. 105 by defense counsel Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin E. Whelan, #117 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 5, 2015 Filing 222 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Sanctions Against Richard Park-2 , #190 , FOR REPEATED VIOLATIONS OF L.R. 7-3, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 5, 2015 Filing 221 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Sanctions Against Richard Park-1 , #189 , FOR REPEATED VIOLATIONS OF L.R. 7-3, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 5, 2015 Filing 220 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-1 , #191 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-3 , #193 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-2 , #192 , FOR REPEATED VIOLATIONS OF L.R. 7-3, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 5, 2015 Filing 219 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Sanctions Against Susan Coleman-2 , #188 , FOR VIOLATION OF L.R. 7-3, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 5, 2015 Filing 218 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Sanctions Against Susan Coleman-1 , #187 , FOR VIOLATION OF L.R. 7-3, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 3, 2015 Filing 223 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for RULE 72 REVIEW filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (pj)
April 3, 2015 Filing 217 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, against Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin Ellis Whelan, for submitting perjuriious papers, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 5/5/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 3, 2015 Filing 216 EXHIBIT 1-3 to MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, against Susan Coleman, for making false statements and for perjury, #215 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 3, 2015 Filing 215 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, against Susan Coleman, for making false statements and for perjury, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 5/5/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 3, 2015 Filing 214 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, against Susan Coleman for violations of L.R.s 7-3, 5-3.2.l, F.R. Civ. P. Rule 5, against Susan Coleman, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 5/5/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 3, 2015 Filing 213 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Review,, #184 #185 , of ruling on Rule 72(a) motion, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
April 1, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 212 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. 1. The following six sanctions motions by Plaintiff, filed March 31, 2015, and noticed for hearing on April 28, 2015, are ORDERED OFF CALENDAR and DENIED: docket nos. 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, and 210. The court directs the parties' attention to the minute order filed March 31, 2015 (docket no. 211), #205 #206 #207 #208 #209 #210 (SEE ORDER FOR FURTHER DETAILS) (gr)
March 31, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 211 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. The court ORDERS as follows: 1. Attorneys for "Federal Defendants" are ORDERED to refer to Plaintiff properly in all future captions as "Stephen Yagman," and not simply as "Yagman." [See, e.g., docket no. 170.] 2. All motions now set for hearing on March 31, 2015, April 14, 2015, April 20, 2015, April 21, 2015, April 28, 2015, or any other date are ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. 3. The following eleven sanctions motions by Plaintiff are DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE: docket nos. 136, 154, 155, 156, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, and 193. 4. The "Ex Parte Application for an Order to Show Cause Why Plaintiff and His Attorney Should Not Be Declared Vexatious Litigants" (docket no. 181) is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. 5. The Federal Defendants' request to appear telephonically on March 23, 2015 (docket no. 182) is DENIED AS MOOT. 6. Plaintiff's three motions for summary adjudication (docket nos. 101, 123, and 197) are DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE as premature in light of the pending motions to dismiss. #101 #123 #136 #154 #155 #156 #181 #182 #187 #188 #189 #190 #191 #192 #193 #197 (SEE ORDER FOR FURTHER DETAILS) (gr)
March 31, 2015 Filing 210 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, for making perjurious statement that service was made electronically and by USPS, against Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin Ellis Whelan, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/28/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 31, 2015 Filing 209 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, for making false and misleading statements, and for contempt for violating two court orders , against Richard Par, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/28/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 31, 2015 Filing 208 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, for judge shopping violating two court orders , against Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin Ellis Whelan, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/28/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 31, 2015 Filing 207 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, for perjuriously stating that service had been made electronically and violation of Rule 5(b), F.R. Civ. P. (failure to make service by USPS) , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/28/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 31, 2015 Filing 206 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, and L.R. 83-7, for violation of L.R. 7-3 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/28/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 31, 2015 Filing 205 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, inherent powers, L.R. 83-7, and for perjury , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/28/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 31, 2015 Filing 204 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-1 , #191 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-3 , #193 , MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-2 , #192 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
March 31, 2015 Filing 203 REPLY in support of MOTION to Dismiss Case #153 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
March 30, 2015 Filing 202 OPPOSITION re: MOTION for Sanctions Against Richard Park-2 , #190 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
March 30, 2015 Filing 201 OPPOSITION re: MOTION for Sanctions Against Richard Park-1 , #189 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
March 27, 2015 Filing 200 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Sanctions Against Susan Coleman-2 , #188 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Kim Fowler, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
March 27, 2015 Filing 199 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Sanctions Against Susan Coleman-1 , #187 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Kim Fowler, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
March 26, 2015 Filing 198 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Review,, #184 #185 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
March 26, 2015 Filing 197 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Issues Nos. 1-159 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/28/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Declaration of Stephen Yagman, #2 Supplement Statement of Uncontroverted Facts and Conclusions of Law, #3 Proposed Order Proposed Order on Summary Adjudication of Issues Motion)(Reichmann, Joseph)
March 26, 2015 Filing 196 OBJECTION OPPOSITION re: MOTION to Dismiss Case #119 OBJECTION TO AND REQUEST TO STRIKE BY DEFENDANT FOWLER IN MOTION TO DISMISS, DOC. 139, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 25, 2015 Filing 195 JOINDER in MOTION to Dismiss Case #119 and Reply #139 filed by Defendant Kim Fowler. (Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Kim Fowler(pty:dft))(Coleman, Susan)
March 25, 2015 Filing 194 DECLARATION of Susan E. Coleman re Joinder (non-motion),, #183 AMENDED filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Coleman, Susan)
March 24, 2015 Filing 193 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-3 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/21/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 24, 2015 Filing 192 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-2 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/21/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 24, 2015 Filing 191 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Against Craig Joel Mariam-1 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/21/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 24, 2015 Filing 190 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Against Richard Park-2 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/21/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 24, 2015 Filing 189 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Against Richard Park-1 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/21/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 24, 2015 Filing 188 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Against Susan Coleman-2 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/21/2015 at 10:00 AM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 24, 2015 Filing 187 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Against Susan Coleman-1 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/21/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 24, 2015 Filing 186 OPPOSITION re: MOTION to Dismiss Case #153 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attachments: #1 Supplement)(Reichmann, Joseph)
March 23, 2015 Filing 185 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Review,, #184 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 4/20/2015 at 01:30 PM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 19, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 184 ORDER GRANTING IN PART #127 MOTION for Rule 72 Review by Judge Stephen V. Wilson: Order 1. For the aforementioned reasons, the Court GRANTS Yagmans motion for reconsideration as to the motions for sanctions (Dkts. 35, 36, 37, 59, 67, 68, 69, and 96) and as to Yagmans ex parte application (Dkt. 77). However, the Court DECLINESYagmans invitation to rule on these motions merits. Instead, the Court expresses no opinion on these motions merits and simply DIRECTS the Magistrate Judge to rule on these motions in the first instance. For the aforementioned reasons, the Court DENIES Yagmans motion for reconsideration as to the motions for summary adjudication (Dkts. 19 & 78) and as to the denied motion for sanctions (Dkt. 117 (pj)
March 19, 2015 Filing 183 JOINDER filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley joining in EX PARTE APPLICATION for Order for to Show Cause Why Plaintiff and His Attorney Should Not Be Declared Vexatious Litigants #181 . (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
March 18, 2015 Filing 182 REQUEST for Leave FEDERAL DEFENDANTS REQUEST TO APPEAR AT MARCH 23, 2015 HEARING VIA TELEPHONE CONFERENCE filed by Federal Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Park, Richard)
March 18, 2015 Filing 181 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Order for to Show Cause Why Plaintiff and His Attorney Should Not Be Declared Vexatious Litigants filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Kevin Whelan ISO of Ex Parte Application, #2 Proposed Order, #3 Proof of Service)(Whelan, Kevin)
March 13, 2015 Filing 180 IN CHAMBERS ORDER re MOTION for Rule 72 Review and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof. Filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman #127 : Hearing on the motion is set for March 23, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. (pc)
March 11, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 179 MINUTES ORDER RE: Ex Parte Application for a Protective Order to Preclude Plaintiff from Conducting Any Discovery [Dkt. No. 165]; Joinder in Ex Parte Application by Geo Group, Inc. Defendants [Dkt. No. 166]; Joinder by Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc. Defendants [Dkt. No. 169] by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. Defendants' applications are denied on the ground that the requested relief is not warranted on an expedited ex parte basis in light of the date that the discovery requests at issue were received by counsel for defendants.On the Court's motion, it is ordered that no discovery responses are due and no discovery is to be propounded in this action for a period of sixty days from the date of this order. The time for conducting a Rule 26(f) conference of counsel is stayed for the same period. The Court will issue further orders regarding scheduling as necessary. #165 #166 #169 (gr)
March 11, 2015 Filing 178 REPLY In Support Of MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #154 , against Susan Coleman, Doc. 154, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 11, 2015 Filing 177 REPLY In Support Of MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #154 , against Craig Joel Mariam, Doc. 155 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 11, 2015 Filing 176 REPLY In Support Of MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #156 against Richard Park, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 10, 2015 Filing 175 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #155 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
March 9, 2015 Filing 174 STATEMENT of Rule 28(j) Analog Statement/New Case Law, Opposition to Motions to Dismiss MOTION to Dismiss Case #119 , MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction #118 , MOTION to Dismiss DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere A #114 ,, new case law on conspiracies, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 9, 2015 Filing 171 Opposition re: EXPARTE APPLICATION for Extension of Time to File Initial Responsive Pleading #6 , EX PARTE APPLICATION for Protective Order for TO PRECLUDE PLAINTIFF FROM CONDUCTING ANY DISCOVERY; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF RICHARD PARK IN SUPPORT THEREOF #165 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Proposed Order)(Reichmann, Joseph)
March 6, 2015 Filing 170 Amended PROOF OF SERVICE filed by DEFENDANTS George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West, re EX PARTE APPLICATION for Protective Order for TO PRECLUDE PLAINTIFF FROM CONDUCTING ANY DISCOVERY; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF RICHARD PARK IN SUPPORT THEREOF #165 served on 03/06/2015. (Park, Richard)
March 6, 2015 Filing 169 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Joinder in EX PARTE APPLICATION for Protective Order for TO PRECLUDE PLAINTIFF FROM CONDUCTING ANY DISCOVERY; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF RICHARD PARK IN SUPPORT THEREOF #165 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proof of Service)(Attorney Kevin Ellis Whelan added to party Mark J. Demeo(pty:dft), Attorney Kevin Ellis Whelan added to party Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc(pty:dft), Attorney Kevin Ellis Whelan added to party Wayne Ross(pty:dft), Attorney Kevin Ellis Whelan added to party Richard R. Wilber(pty:dft))(Whelan, Kevin)
March 6, 2015 Filing 168 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #154 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
March 6, 2015 Filing 167 Opposition re: MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. #156 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
March 6, 2015 Filing 166 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Joinder in EX PARTE APPLICATION for Protective Order for TO PRECLUDE PLAINTIFF FROM CONDUCTING ANY DISCOVERY; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF RICHARD PARK IN SUPPORT THEREOF #165 filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
March 5, 2015 Filing 165 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Protective Order for TO PRECLUDE PLAINTIFF FROM CONDUCTING ANY DISCOVERY; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF RICHARD PARK IN SUPPORT THEREOF filed by Federal Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Certificate of Service Ex Parte App, #4 Proposed Order, #5 Certificate of Service Order Ex Parte App)(Park, Richard)
March 5, 2015 Filing 164 REPLY Support Of MOTION for Sanctions Rule 11, F.R. Civ. P. against attorney Craig Joel Mariam, for making materially false statements to the court, #136 , in footnote 1 of Opposition to Plaintiff's Summary Adjudication Motion filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 4, 2015 Filing 163 NOTICE SUGGESTION OF ERROR IN MARCH 4, 2015 MINUTE ORDER, DOC. 162 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. ,as to date and paragraph 2 (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 4, 2015 Filing 161 REQUEST to Strike Redwood Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Rule 72(a) Reconsideration by Judge Wilson MOTION for Review #127 , Miscellaneous Document #149 , Response in Opposition to Motion #144 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 4, 2015 Filing 160 REQUEST to Strike Strike footnote 2 on page 2 of federal defendants' reply on their motion to dismiss, doc. 128 Reply (Motion related),, #128 , because its contents set forth by AUSA Richard Park are false filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 3, 2015 Filing 159 REQUEST to Strike Request to strike federal defendants' motion to dismiss MOTION to Dismiss DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere A #114 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 3, 2015 Filing 158 REQUEST to Strike Request to Strike Redwood defendants' motion to dismiss MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction #118 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 3, 2015 Filing 157 REQUEST to Strike Strike Cornell/Geo defendants' motion to dismiss MOTION to Dismiss Case #119 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 3, 2015 Filing 156 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 3/31/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 3, 2015 Filing 155 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 3/31/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 3, 2015 Filing 154 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Section 1927, et al. filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 3/31/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 3, 2015 Filing 153 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss Case filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. Motion set for hearing on 4/14/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
March 3, 2015 Filing 152 PLAINTIFF'S HECK V. HUMPHREY ANALYSIS re MOTION for Joinder in Response, #113 #115 , MOTION to Dismiss Case #119 , MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction #118 , MOTION to Dismiss DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere A #114 , MOTION for Joinder in Reply (Motion related), #52 #79 , Request for Joinder,,, Request for Relief,, #138 , MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Undisputed Issues Regarding the Redwood Laboratories Defendants #101 , MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Issues #123 , MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to UNCONTROVERTED ISSUES #78 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 3, 2015 Filing 151 REPLY Support of MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Issues #123 and Declaration of Stephen Yagman, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 2, 2015 Filing 150 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Sanctions Rule 11, F.R. Civ. P. against attorney Craig Joel Mariam, for making materially false statements to the court, #136 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
March 2, 2015 Filing 149 Notice of Redwood Defendants' Prior Filing and Service of Opposition re: Reply (Motion related) #146 , Response in Opposition to Motion #144 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
March 2, 2015 Filing 148 OF SERVICE filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley, re Request for Joinder,,, Request for Relief,, #138 PROOF OF SERVICE served on 02/25/2015. (Coleman, Susan)
March 2, 2015 Filing 147 OF SERVICE filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley, re Reply (Motion related),, #139 PROOF OF SERVICE served on 02/25/2015. (Coleman, Susan)
March 1, 2015 Filing 146 REPLY MOTION for Review #127 Reply in response to defendants' oppositions to plaintiff's Rule 72(a) motion, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
March 1, 2015 Filing 145 STATEMENT of Rule 28(j) Analog (New Case Authority) in Opposition to Motions to Dismiss MOTION to Dismiss Case #119 , MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction #118 , MOTION to Dismiss DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere A #114 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
February 27, 2015 Filing 144 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Review #127 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
February 26, 2015 Filing 143 NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. correcting Reply (Motion related), #130 (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
February 26, 2015 Filing 142 STATEMENT of Suggestion of Error in February 25, 2015 Minute Order MOTION for Review #127 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
February 26, 2015 Filing 141 STATEMENT of Rule 28(j) Analog (New Case Authority) Re: Federal Defendants' Motion to Dismiss MOTION to Dismiss DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere A #114 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
February 25, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 162 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. 1. The motion to dismiss by Defendants Mark J. Demeo et al. (docket no. 153, filed March 3, 2015) and set for hearing on April 14, 2015, is ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. 2. The following requests to strike filed by Plaintiff on March 3, 2015, are DENIED: docket nos. 157, 158, 159, 160, 161. #153 #157 #158 #159 #160 #161 (gr)
February 25, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 140 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. Defendants' ex parte application for extension of time to file reply (docket no. 134, filed February 24, 2015) is GRANTED. Defendants' request for joinder in objection/opposition (docket no. 138, filed February 25, 2015) is GRANTED. Plaintiff's motion for Rule 11 sanctions (docket no. 136, filed February 24, 2015) and noticed for hearing on March 24, 2015, is ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. The court will review the motion when briefing in complete. Plaintiff has also filed another motion for summary jurisdiction: Docket no. 123, filed February 17, 2015; opposition, docket nos. 129 and 133, filed February 24, 2015. It does not appear that Plaintiff has, as yet, filed a reply. This motion will also be taken under submission when briefing is complete. #134 #136 #138 (SEE ORDER FOR FURTHER DETAILS) (gr)
February 25, 2015 Filing 139 REPLY in support MOTION to Dismiss Case #119 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
February 25, 2015 Filing 138 REQUEST for Joinder in Objection/Opposition (Motion related),, #131 filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Coleman, Susan)
February 25, 2015 Filing 137 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, George C. Zolley, re EXPARTE APPLICATION for Extension of Time to File REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS #134 served on 2/24/2015. (Coleman, Susan)
February 24, 2015 Filing 136 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Rule 11, F.R. Civ. P. against attorney Craig Joel Mariam, for making materially false statements to the court, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 3/24/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
February 24, 2015 Filing 135 NOTICE OF LODGING filed Proposed Order re EXPARTE APPLICATION for Extension of Time to File REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS #134 (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Proof of Service)(Gruenberg, Kristina)
February 24, 2015 Filing 134 EXPARTE APPLICATION for Extension of Time to File REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration K. Gruenberg, #2 Proof of Service)(Gruenberg, Kristina)
February 24, 2015 Filing 133 Opposition re: MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Issues #123 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Attachments: #1 Quist Declaration, #2 McWilliams Declaration, #3 Ali Declaration, #4 Meinberg Declaration, #5 Statement of Genuine Disputes as to Material Fact, #6 Proof of Service)(Park, Richard)
February 24, 2015 Filing 132 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg counsel for Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. Adding Kristina Doan Gruenberg as attorney as counsel of record for The Geo Group, Inc., Cornell Company, Inc., Anthony, Black, Bulfin, Carlson, Evans, Foreman, Fuller, Glanton, Hurley, Hyman, Kincey, Nieser, Perrin, Porter, Schlarb, Turner, Wheeler, Wierdsma, Wood, Venturella, And Zoley for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by defendants The Geo Group, Inc., Cornell Company, Inc., Anthony, Black, Bulfin, Carlson, Evans, Foreman, Fuller, Glanton, Hurley, Hyman, Kincey, Nieser, Perrin, Porter, Schlarb, Turner, Wheeler, Wierdsma, Wood, Venturella, and Zoley. (Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Clarence E. Anthony(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party James Black(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party John J. Bulfin(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Norman A. Carlson(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Cornell Companies Inc(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Brian R. Evans(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Anne Newman Foreman(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Stephen Fuller(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Geo Group Inc(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Richard H. Glanton(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party John M. Hurely(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party James E. Hyman(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Kevin Louis Kincey(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party John R. Nieser(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Patrick N. Perrin(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Cathryn L. Porter(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Ann M. Schlarb(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Katherine Turner(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party David J. Venturella(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Christopher C. Wheeler(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Thomas M. Wierdsma(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party Julie M. Wood(pty:dft), Attorney Kristina Doan Gruenberg added to party George C. Zolley(pty:dft))(Gruenberg, Kristina)
February 24, 2015 Filing 131 Opposition Opposition re: MOTION for Review #127 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Park, Richard)
February 24, 2015 Filing 130 REPLY In Support of MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction #118 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
February 24, 2015 Filing 129 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Issues #123 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 to Opposition to MSA, #2 Exhibit 2 to Opposition to MSA, #3 Exhibit 3 to Opposition to MSA, #4 Separate Statement of Genuine Disputes, #5 Evidentiary Objections to Plaintiff's Declaration, #6 Opposition to Plaintiff's Statement of Uncontroverted Facts, #7 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
February 23, 2015 Filing 128 REPLY to Plaintiff's Opposition to Federal Defendants' Motion to Dismiss (DOC. 114) filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
February 17, 2015 Filing 127 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Rule 72 Review and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof. Filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. In re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment #19 , NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Adjudication #78 , NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions #35 , NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions #36 , NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions #37 , NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions #59 , NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions #67 , NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions #68 , NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions #69 , NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions #96 , NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions #117 , and EX PARTE APPLICATION to Expedite TO COMPEL DEFENSE COUNSEL TO ATTEND RULE 26(F) MEETING #77 .(mkr)
February 17, 2015 Filing 126 PLAINTIFF'S OPPOSITION to Geo Defendants' Motion to Dismiss, Doc. #119 . Filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (mkr)
February 17, 2015 Filing 125 PLAINTIFF'S OPPOSITION to Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc. Defendants' Motion to Dismiss, Doc. #118 . Filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (mkr)
February 17, 2015 Filing 124 PLAINTIFF'S OPPOSITION to Federal Defendants' Motion to Dismiss (Doc #114 ). Filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (mkr)
February 17, 2015 Filing 123 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Issues filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 3/17/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Stephen Yagman in support of Summary Adjudication of Issues, #2 Supplement Uncontroverted Facts and Conclusions of Law in support of Summary Adjudication of Issues Motion)(Reichmann, Joseph)
February 12, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 122 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. Plaintiff's Request for Clerk to Enter Default (docket no. 112, filed February 4, 2015) is MOOT in light of Defendants' Responses (docket nos. 113 and 114, filed February 4, 2015) and Plaintiff's Notice of Errata (docket no. 116, filed February 5, 2015). #112 (gr)
February 12, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 121 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. 1. The following motions are MOOT in light of Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint (docket no. 99, filed January 20, 2015): #9 , #11 , #15 , #19 , #26 , #27 , #29 , #31 , #35 , #36 , #37 , #45 , #46 , #59 , #60 , #62 , #65 , #66 , #67 , #68 , #69 , #70 , #74 , #77 , #78 , #79 , #96 , #100 . 2. The following motion is GRANTED: #115 3. The following motion is DENIED: #117 4. The following motion has been set for hearing before Magistrate Judge Woehrle on February 17, 2015, and the hearing date is ORDERED OFF CALENDAR: #101 5. The following motions have been set for hearing before Magistrate Judge Woehrle on March 10, 2015, and the hearing date is ORDERED OFF CALENDAR: #114 #118 #119 6. This order does not affect the deadline for filing any opposition (or reply) with respect to any pending motion. (SEE ORDER FOR FURTHER DETAILS) (gr)
February 9, 2015 Filing 120 21 DAY Summons Issued for the First Amended Complaint #99 as to All Defendants. (mkr)
February 6, 2015 Filing 119 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss Case filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. Motion set for hearing on 3/10/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum, #2 Proposed Order, #3 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
February 6, 2015 Filing 118 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. Motion set for hearing on 3/10/2015 at 10:00 AM before Judge Stephen V. Wilson. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
February 5, 2015 Filing 117 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers, for unethical misconduct by setting forth a non-existent Local Rule at footnote in their Doc. 105 by defense counsel Craig Joel Mariam and Kevin E. Whelan, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 3/10/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
February 5, 2015 Filing 116 Plaintiff's Withdrawal of Docs. 111, 112 re: Statement #111 , REQUEST for Clerk to Enter Default against Defendants All Defendants #112 (Reichmann, Joseph)
February 4, 2015 Filing 115 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Joinder in Response, #113 filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Coleman, Susan)
February 4, 2015 Filing 114 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere Adiele, Derek Anthony West, Randy J. McWilliams, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, David Shinn, Charles E. Samuels, Robert E. MCFadden, Carmen Navarro, Alexander W. Sinavsky filed by DEFENDANTS Nicole Knight, Kathleen M. Keeney, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Ransom Ali, Harley G. Lappin, III, Heriberto H. Tellez, Brenda Burch, Wes J. Mayhew, Michael L. Benov, Sarah Marie Schuh, Erwin Carl Meinberg, George Chinyere Adiele, Derek Anthony West, Randy J. McWilliams, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, David Shinn, Charles E. Samuels, Robert E. MCFadden, Carmen Navarro, Alexander W. Sinavsky. Motion set for hearing on 3/10/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Park, Richard)
February 4, 2015 Filing 113 RESPONSE filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilberto REQUEST for Clerk to Enter Default against Defendants All Defendants #112 (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
February 4, 2015 Filing 112 REQUEST for Clerk to Enter Default against Defendants All Defendants filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
February 4, 2015 Filing 111 STATEMENT DEFAULT OF ALL DEFENDANTS BECAUSE THEY FAILED TO RESPOND TIMELY TO FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT, DOC. 99 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman re: Amended Complaint/Petition #99 . (Reichmann, Joseph)
February 2, 2015 Filing 110 NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. correcting MEMORANDUM in Opposition to Motion,, #105 (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
January 30, 2015 Filing 109 REPLY support of MOTION for Sanctions Rule 11 MISREPRESENTING L.R. 16-12 AND L.R. 7-3 #96 , against defense counsel Susan Coleman, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 29, 2015 Filing 108 REPLY MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Undisputed Issues Regarding the Redwood Laboratories Defendants #101 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Stephen Yagman, #2 Exhibit 1 (Dr. Karch Declaration and CV), #3 Exhibit 2 (Letters between plaintiff and Redwood counsel, Mr. Mariam))(Reichmann, Joseph)
January 27, 2015 Filing 107 REPLY REPLY MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to UNCONTROVERTED ISSUES #78 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit 1 to Reply on Summary Adjudication Motion, #2 Exhibit Exhibit 2 in Reply on Summary Adjudication Motion)(Reichmann, Joseph)
January 27, 2015 Filing 106 REPLY filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman to Response,, #104 , Statement #102 Re: Statement of Mootness and Response thereto filed by Richard Park (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 27, 2015 Filing 105 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Undisputed Issues Regarding the Redwood Laboratories Defendants #101 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Craig J. Mariam, #2 Exhibit 1 to Craig J. Mariam Declaration, #3 Opposition to Plaintiffs' Statement of Uncontroverted Facts, #4 Defendants' Separate Statement, #5 Defendants' Evidentiary Objections, #6 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
January 26, 2015 Filing 104 RESPONSE filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony Westto Statement #102 to Plaintiff's Suggestion of Mootness, as a Result of the Filing of the FIrst Amended Complaint, DOC. 99 (Park, Richard)
January 26, 2015 Filing 103 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Sanctions Rule 11 MISREPRESENTING L.R. 16-12 AND L.R. 7-3 #96 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Coleman, Susan)
January 20, 2015 Filing 102 STATEMENT SUGGESTION OF MOOTNESS OF CERTAIN MOTIONS, ETC. filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman based on the filing of a first amended complaint (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 20, 2015 Filing 101 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to Undisputed Issues Regarding the Redwood Laboratories Defendants filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 2/17/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Steven B. Karch, M.D., #2 Supplement Uncontrovered Facts and Conclusions of Law, #3 Proposed Order)(Reichmann, Joseph)
January 20, 2015 Filing 100 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Order for a 14-Day Extension of Time to File a Response to Motion for Summary Adjudication ; Declaration of Richard M. Park in Support Thereof filed by DEFENDANTS George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Proof of Service)(Park, Richard)
January 20, 2015 Filing 99 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT against ALL DEFENDANTS All Defendants amending Complaint - (Referred),,,,, #1 , filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 20, 2015 Filing 98 REPLY to Plaintiff's Opposition to Federal Defendants' Motion to Dismiss (DOC. 62) filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
January 20, 2015 Filing 97 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to UNCONTROVERTED ISSUES #78 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Craig J. Mariam, #3 Separate Statement of Undisputed Material Fact, #4 Evidentiary Objections to Plaintiff's Declaration, #5 Opposition to Plaintiff's Statement of Uncontroverted Facts and Conclusions of Law, #6 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
January 19, 2015 Filing 96 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions Rule 11 MISREPRESENTING L.R. 16-12 AND L.R. 7-3 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 3/3/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 19, 2015 Filing 95 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Sanctions against Susan Coleman, for violation of Rule 11 and also pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #67 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 19, 2015 Filing 94 REPLY SUPPORT OF MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Joel Mariam and Allison J. Fernandez, for misconduct, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #68 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 16, 2015 Filing 93 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park, for unethical and rule-breaking conduct, made pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #69 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 16, 2015 Filing 92 REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Mariam for dishonest, rule-breaking conduct #35 REPLY TO UNTIMELY OPPOSITION filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 15, 2015 Filing 91 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Mariam for dishonest, rule-breaking conduct #36 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
January 14, 2015 Filing 90 REPLY Reply EX PARTE APPLICATION to Expedite TO COMPEL DEFENSE COUNSEL TO ATTEND RULE 26(F) MEETING AND/OR COMMENCE DISCOVERY #77 Reply to Federal Defendants' Joinder in GEO Group defendants' Opposition filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 13, 2015 Filing 89 OPPOSITION to EX PARTE APPLICATION to Expedite TO COMPEL DEFENSE COUNSEL TO ATTEND RULE 26(F) MEETING AND/OR COMMENCE DISCOVERY #77 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
January 13, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 88 MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. Plaintiff's motion for summary adjudication #78 is hereby ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. This order does not affect the deadline for filing any opposition (or reply) with respect to this motion. (mkr)
January 13, 2015 Filing 87 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park, for unethical and rule-breaking conduct, made pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #69 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
January 12, 2015 Filing 86 REPLY SUPPORT OF EX PARTE APPLICATION for Relief from THAT GEO DEFENDANTS AND THEIR COUNSEL PROVIDE SERVICE INFORMATION FOR AS-YET-UNSERVED GEO/CORNELL DEFENDANTS , who must be served by January 30, 2015 IMMEDIATE RELIEF REQUESTED #74 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 12, 2015 Filing 85 OPPOSITION to EX PARTE APPLICATION to Expedite TO COMPEL DEFENSE COUNSEL TO ATTEND RULE 26(F) MEETING AND/OR COMMENCE DISCOVERY #77 filed by Defendants Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Coleman, Susan)
January 12, 2015 Filing 84 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Sanctions against Susan Coleman, for violation of Rule 11 and also pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #67 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
January 12, 2015 Filing 83 REPLY TO OPPOSITION TO ENTER DEFAULT OF DEFEDNANT KEVEIN LOUIS KINCEY filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman re: Response in Opposition to Motion #80 (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 12, 2015 Filing 82 OPPOSITION to EX PARTE APPLICATION for Relief from THAT GEO DEFENDANTS AND THEIR COUNSEL PROVIDE SERVICE INFORMATION FOR AS-YET-UNSERVED GEO/CORNELL DEFENDANTS , who must be served by January 30, 2015 IMMEDIATE RELIEF REQUESTED #74 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
January 12, 2015 Filing 81 DECLARATION of STEPHEN YAGMAN IN SUPPORT OF SUMMARY ADJUDICATION ISSUES MOTION FILED JAN. 12, 2015 MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to UNCONTROVERTED ISSUES #78 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 12, 2015 Filing 80 OPPOSITION to REQUEST for Clerk to Enter Default against Defendant Kevin Louis Kincey #66 filed by Defendant Kevin Louis Kincey. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
January 12, 2015 Filing 79 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Joinder in Reply (Motion related), #52 filed by defendants James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter. (Coleman, Susan)
January 12, 2015 Filing 78 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to UNCONTROVERTED ISSUES filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 2/10/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum Statement of Uncontroverted Facts and Conclusions of Law, in supporot of SUMMARY ADJUDICATION OF ISSUES MOTION)(Reichmann, Joseph)
January 12, 2015 Filing 77 EX PARTE APPLICATION to Expedite TO COMPEL DEFENSE COUNSEL TO ATTEND RULE 26(F) MEETING AND/OR COMMENCE DISCOVERY filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Reichmann, Joseph)
January 12, 2015 Filing 76 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Joel Mariam and Allison J. Fernandez, for misconduct, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers #68 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
January 12, 2015 Filing 75 OPPOSITION OPPOSITION re: MOTION for Joinder in MOTION to Dismiss Case #31 #65 , MOTION to Dismiss Case #62 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 12, 2015 Filing 74 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Relief from THAT GEO DEFENDANTS AND THEIR COUNSEL PROVIDE SERVICE INFORMATION FOR AS-YET-UNSERVED GEO/CORNELL DEFENDANTS , who must be served by January 30, 2015 IMMEDIATE RELIEF REQUESTED filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Reichmann, Joseph)
January 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 73 MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. The motions noticed for hearing on 02/03/2015 (Docket no. #67 , Docket no. #68 , Docket no. #69 ) are hereby ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. As Plaintiff correctly noted, because the hearing dates have not been continued, the extension provided for under L.R. 7-11 do not apply, and the order taking the hearing dates off calendar does not affect the deadlines for filing oppositions (and replies) with respect to the motions in question. In re: MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) #71 , Notice #72 . (mkr)
January 6, 2015 Filing 72 NOTICE NOTICE RE: COURT'S JANUARY 06, 2015 MINUTE ORDER filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. , that all parties remain required timely to file oppositions and replies to pending motions (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 6, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 71 MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. The following motions have been set for hearing before MagistrateJudge Woehrle on the following dates: Docket no. 46, Plaintiff's motion to strike affirmative defenses, etc., January 6, 2015. Docket no. 59, Plaintiff's motion for sanctions, January 20, 2015. Docket no. 62, Defendants' motion to dismiss, February 3, 2015. Docket no. 67, Plaintiff's motion for sanctions, January 20, 2015. Docket no. 68, Plaintiff's motion for sanctions, January 20, 2015. Docket no. 69, Plaintiff's motion for sanctions, January 20, 2015. These hearing dates are ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. #46 #59 #62 #67 #68 #69 (SEE ORDER FOR FURTHER DETAILS) (gr)
January 6, 2015 Filing 70 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Joinder in MOTION to Dismiss Case #31 filed by defendant Kevin Louis Kincey. (Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Kevin Louis Kincey(pty:dft))(Coleman, Susan)
January 6, 2015 Filing 69 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park, for unethical and rule-breaking conduct, made pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 2/3/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 6, 2015 Filing 68 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Joel Mariam and Allison J. Fernandez, for misconduct, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 2/3/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 6, 2015 Filing 67 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions against Susan Coleman, for violation of Rule 11 and also pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927 and court's inherent powers filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 2/3/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
January 3, 2015 Filing 66 REQUEST for Clerk to Enter Default against Defendant Kevin Louis Kincey filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 30, 2014 Filing 65 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Joinder in MOTION to Dismiss Case #31 filed by defendants James E. Hyman, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Cathryn L. Porter. (Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party James E. Hyman(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party John R. Nieser(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Patrick N. Perrin(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Cathryn L. Porter(pty:dft))(Coleman, Susan)
December 30, 2014 Filing 64 OPPOSITION re: MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park for again violating rules, this time in violation of L.R. 7-10 , by filing and unauthorized surreply without first obtaining court permission to do so, #59 filed by Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. (Park, Richard)
December 29, 2014 Filing 63 PLAINTIFF'S OPPOSITION TO DEFENSE COUNSEL CRAIG JOEL MARIAM'S EX PARTE APPLICATION OPPOSITION re: EX PARTE APPLICATION to Strike Docket Nos. 35, 36, 56 #60 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 29, 2014 Filing 62 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss Case filed by DEFENDANTS George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, Brenda Burch, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, Charles E. Samuels, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Derek Anthony West. Motion set for hearing on 2/3/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Proof of Service, #3 Proposed Order)(Attorney Richard M Park added to party George Chinyere Adiele(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Ransom Ali(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Michael L. Benov(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Brenda Burch(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Eric Himpton Holder, Jr(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Kathleen M. Keeney(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Nicole Knight(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Harley G. Lappin, III(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Robert E. MCFadden(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Wes J. Mayhew(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Randy J. McWilliams(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Erwin Carl Meinberg(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Carmen Navarro(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Charles E. Samuels(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Sarah Marie Schuh(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party David Shinn(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Alexander W. Sinavsky(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Heriberto H. Tellez(pty:dft), Attorney Richard M Park added to party Derek Anthony West(pty:dft))(Park, Richard)
December 23, 2014 Filing 61 SUPPLEMENT to EX PARTE APPLICATION to Strike Docket Nos. 35, 36, 56 #60 filed by Defendant Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc. (Mariam, Craig)
December 23, 2014 Filing 60 EX PARTE APPLICATION to Strike Docket Nos. 35, 36, 56 filed by Defendant Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Craig J. Mariam, #2 Proposed Order Granting Ex Parte Application, #3 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
December 23, 2014 Filing 59 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park for again violating rules, this time in violation of L.R. 7-10 , by filing and unauthorized surreply without first obtaining court permission to do so, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 1/20/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 22, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 58 ORDER RE TRANSFER PURSUANT TO GENERAL ORDER 14-03 (Related Case) filed. Transfer of case declined by Judge Beverly Reid O'Connell, for the reasons set forth on this order. Related Case No. CV 13-00356 BRO(PLAx) (rn)
December 16, 2014 Filing 57 NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. correcting Response in Opposition to Motion, #54 (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Fernandez, Allison)
December 16, 2014 Filing 56 REPLY in support of MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Mariam for dishonest, rule-breaking conduct #35 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 16, 2014 Filing 55 REPLY Surreply to Motion to Impose Monetary Sanctions filed by Movant United States of America. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Park, Richard)
December 16, 2014 Filing 54 OPPOSITION to MOTION to Strike Answer in its entirety and affirmative defenses 1-26 Answer to Complaint (Referred) #39 and for imposition of L.R. 83-7 sanctions agasint defense counsel Craig Joel Mariam #46 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Fernandez, Allison)
December 16, 2014 Filing 53 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Allison Jean Fernandez counsel for Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. Adding Allison J. Fernandez as attorney as counsel of record for Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc; Wayne B. Ross: Dr. Mark J. DeMeo; Dr. Richard R. Wilber for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendants Allison J. Fernandez. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Attorney Allison Jean Fernandez added to party Mark J. Demeo(pty:dft), Attorney Allison Jean Fernandez added to party Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc(pty:dft), Attorney Allison Jean Fernandez added to party Wayne Ross(pty:dft), Attorney Allison Jean Fernandez added to party Richard R. Wilber(pty:dft))(Fernandez, Allison)
December 12, 2014 Filing 52 REPLY in support MOTION to Dismiss Case #31 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
December 9, 2014 Filing 51 STATEMENT of Withdrawal of ex parte application to turn over addresses EX PARTE APPLICATION for Order for Identification of Defendants so that they can be served with summons and complaint #45 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 9, 2014 Filing 50 REPLY in support of MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park for dishonest, illegal, and unethical conduct #37 and filing an arrogant opposition to sanctions motion filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 9, 2014 Filing 49 OPPOSITION to EX PARTE APPLICATION for Order for Identification of Defendants so that they can be served with summons and complaint #45 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
December 9, 2014 Filing 48 OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO IMPOSE MONETARY SANCTIONS in opposition re: MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park for dishonest, illegal, and unethical conduct #37 filed by Movant United States of America. (Attorney Richard M Park added to party United States of America(pty:bkmov))(Park, Richard)
December 9, 2014 Filing 47 Opposition to GEO defendants' Motion to Dismiss Opposition re: MOTION to Dismiss Case #31 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibits 1-4 in support of Opposition to Motion to Dismiss)(Reichmann, Joseph)
December 9, 2014 Filing 46 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Strike Answer in its entirety and affirmative defenses 1-26 Answer to Complaint (Referred) #39 and for imposition of L.R. 83-7 sanctions agasint defense counsel Craig Joel Mariam filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 1/6/2015 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 8, 2014 Filing 45 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Order for Identification of Defendants so that they can be served with summons and complaint filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Proposed Order)(Reichmann, Joseph)
December 5, 2014 Filing 44 NOTICE of Appearance filed by attorney Joseph Reichmann on behalf of Plaintiff Stephen Yagman (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 5, 2014 Filing 43 Response re: Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held, #41 , Notice of Appearance #42 (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 5, 2014 Filing 42 NOTICE of Appearance filed by attorney Joseph Reichmann on behalf of Plaintiff Stephen Yagman (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 5, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 41 MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. Plaintiff shall serve and file, on or before December 15, 2014, a notice informing the court and defendants whether (1) he is proceeding pro se, or (2) is represented by counsel. On option (1), Plaintiff shall file all further pleadings himself (which he may do by mail). On option (2), Counsel shall file an appropriate appearance. (mz)
December 4, 2014 Filing 40 NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber, identifying Stephen Yagman (Plaintiff), Wayne B. Ross (Defendant), Dr. Mark J. DeMeo (Defendant), Dr. Richard R. Wilber (Defendant), Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc. (Defendant), Alere, Inc. (Parent/Owner of Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc.). (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
December 4, 2014 Filing 39 ANSWER to Complaint - (Referred),,,,, #1 with JURY DEMAND filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
December 4, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 38 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS): ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: Off Calendar #19 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; Off Calendar #31 Motion to Dismiss Case; Off Calendar #35 Motion for Sanctions; Off Calendar #36 Motion for Sanctions; Off Calendar #37 Motion for Sanctions; Off Calendar #15 Motion for Summary Adjudication. The following motions have been set for hearing before Magistrate Judge Woehrle on the following dates: Docket no. 15, motion for summary adjudication, December 8, 2014. Docket no. 19, motion for partial summary judgment, December 16, 2014. Docket no. 31, motion to dismiss, December 30, 2104. Docket no. 35, motion for sanctions, December 30, 2014. Docket no. 36, motion for sanctions, December 30, 2014. Docket no. 37, motion for sanctions, December 30, 2014. These hearing dates are ORDERED OFF CALENDAR. The court will, as soon as possible, review these motions, along with other pending motions, determine whether to set any hearings, and issue further orders as appropriate. The parties will be notified by mail or e-mail of further proceedings on these motions. (mz)
December 2, 2014 Filing 37 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions against AUSA Richard Park for dishonest, illegal, and unethical conduct filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 12/30/2014 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 2, 2014 Filing 36 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Mariam for dishonest, rule-breaking conduct filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 12/30/2014 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 2, 2014 Filing 35 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Sanctions against Craig Mariam for dishonest, rule-breaking conduct filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 12/30/2014 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Reichmann, Joseph)
December 2, 2014 Filing 34 REPLY in support of MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issues #19 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
November 26, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 33 IN CHAMBERS ORDER-TEXT ONLY ENTRY by Judge Stephen V. Wilson re: EX PARTE APPLICATION to Strike Plaintiff's re MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issues #19 , EX PARTE APPLICATION for Joinder in EX PARTE APPLICATION to Strike Plaintiff's re MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issues #29 : The Court finds that the issues raised by Defendants ex parte applications [27, 29] should be addressed in the first instance by the Honorable Magistrate Judge Carla M. Woehrle. The Court accordingly REFERS these applications to Magistrate Judge Woehrle. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (pc) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
November 25, 2014 Filing 32 NOTICE OF CLERICAL ERROR: see attachment for further detail (rn)
November 25, 2014 Filing 31 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Dismiss Case filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. Motion set for hearing on 12/30/2014 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: #1 Memorandum, #2 Proposed Order, #3 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
November 25, 2014 Filing 30 OPPOSITION to MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issues #19 filed by Defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (Attachments: #1 Declaration S. Coleman, #2 Proof of Service)(Coleman, Susan)
November 25, 2014 Filing 29 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Joinder in EX PARTE APPLICATION to Strike Plaintiff's re MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issues #19 #27 filed by defendants Clarence E. Anthony, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, Ann M. Schlarb, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley.(Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Clarence E. Anthony(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party James Black(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party John J. Bulfin(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Norman A. Carlson(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Cornell Companies Inc(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Brian R. Evans(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Anne Newman Foreman(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Stephen Fuller(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Richard H. Glanton(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party John M. Hurely(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Ann M. Schlarb(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Katherine Turner(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party David J. Venturella(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Christopher C. Wheeler(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Thomas M. Wierdsma(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Julie M. Wood(pty:dft), Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party George C. Zolley(pty:dft))(Coleman, Susan)
November 25, 2014 Filing 28 OPPOSITION OPPOSITION re: EX PARTE APPLICATION to Strike Plaintiff's re MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issues #19 #27 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
November 24, 2014 Filing 27 EX PARTE APPLICATION to Strike Plaintiff's re MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issues #19 filed by Defendants Mark J. Demeo, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Wayne Ross, Richard R. Wilber. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Certificate of Service)(Attorney Craig J Mariam added to party Mark J. Demeo(pty:dft), Attorney Craig J Mariam added to party Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc(pty:dft), Attorney Craig J Mariam added to party Wayne Ross(pty:dft), Attorney Craig J Mariam added to party Richard R. Wilber(pty:dft))(Mariam, Craig)
November 21, 2014 Filing 26 REQUEST for Clerk to Enter Default against Defendant Kevin Louis Kincey filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Reichmann, Joseph)
November 21, 2014 Filing 25 PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman, Summons and Complaint on defendant Kevin Louis Kincey served on 10/23/2014. (Reichmann, Joseph)
November 20, 2014 Filing 24 Amended Response to Non-Party United States' Purported Related Case Statement re: Notice of Related Case(s) #22 , Notice of Related Case(s) #23 (Reichmann, Joseph)
November 19, 2014 Filing 23 NOTICE of Related Case(s) filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Opposition to United States' Notice of Related Case Related Case(s): 10-5860 (Reichmann, Joseph)
November 19, 2014 Filing 22 NOTICE of Related Case(s) United States of America. Related Case(s): CV13-00356 BRO (Park, Richard)
November 14, 2014 Filing 21 NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES in Electronically Filed Document. In re: Waiver of Service Executed #14 . The following error was found: The initials for the Judges noted at the end of the case number are incorrect. In response to this notice the court may order (1) an amended or correct document to be filed (2) the document stricken or (3) take other action as the court deems appropriate. You need not take any action in response to this notice unless and until the court directs you to do so. (mkr)
November 14, 2014 Filing 20 NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES in Electronically Filed Document. In re: Waiver of Service Executed #13 . The following error was found: The initials for the Judges noted at the end of the case number are incorrect. In response to this notice the court may order (1) an amended or correct document to be filed (2) the document stricken or (3) take other action as the court deems appropriate. You need not take any action in response to this notice unless and until the court directs you to do so. (mkr)
November 12, 2014 Filing 19 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment as to Issues filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 12/16/2014 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Declaration of Stephen Yagman, #2 Memorandum Statement of Uncontroverted Facts and Conclusions of Law, #3 Proposed Order Proposed Order on Motion for Summary Adjudication of Issues)(Reichmann, Joseph)
November 10, 2014 Filing 18 NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES in Filed Document RE: MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to of Issues #15 . The following error was found: Hearing information is incorrect. Filer set the MOTION for Summary Adjudication of Issues #15 on a day Judge Woehrle does not hear civil motions. Civil motions are heard on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM. In response to this notice the court may order (1) an amended or correct document to be filed (2) the document stricken or (3) take other action as the court deems appropriate. You need not take any action in response to this notice unless and until the court directs you to do so. (mkr)
November 7, 2014 Filing 14 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed filed by Defendant Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc. upon Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc waiver sent by Plaintiff on 10/8/2014, answer due 12/7/2014. Waiver of Service signed by Craig J. Mariam, Esq.. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
November 7, 2014 Filing 13 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed filed by Defendant Wayne Ross. upon Wayne Ross waiver sent by Plaintiff on 10/8/2014, answer due 12/7/2014. Waiver of Service signed by Craig J. Mariam, Esq.. (Attachments: #1 Proof of Service)(Mariam, Craig)
November 6, 2014 Filing 17 STATEMENT of Uncontroverted Facts and Conclusions of Law. In re: MOTION for Summary Adjudication as to of Issues #15 . Filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman.(mkr)
November 6, 2014 Filing 16 DECLARATION of Stephen Yagman in support of Plaintiff's MOTION for Summary Adjudication of Issues #15 . Filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (mkr)
November 6, 2014 Filing 15 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Adjudication of Issues, filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. Motion set for hearing on 12/8/2014 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Attachments: Lodged Proposed Order). (mkr).
October 31, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 12 MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. The ex parte application for extension of time by Defendant The GEO Group, Inc. (docket no. 6, filed October 28, 2014) is GRANTED. The deadline for Defendant The GEO Group, Inc. to file an initial responsive pleading or answer is extended to December 1, 2014. #6 (gr)
October 31, 2014 Filing 11 REQUEST for Clerk to Enter Default against Defendant James Black filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attorney Joseph Reichmann added to party Stephen Yagman(pty:pla))(Reichmann, Joseph)
October 31, 2014 Filing 10 PROOF OF SERVICE Executed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman, upon Defendant James Black served on 10/9/2014, answer due 10/30/2014. Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon Defendant Black in compliance with Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by substituted service at business address and by also mailing a copy. Original Summons returned. (Reichmann, Joseph)
October 31, 2014 Filing 9 REQUEST for Clerk to Enter Default against Defendant Geo Group Inc filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attorney Marion R Yagman added to party Stephen Yagman(pty:pla))(Yagman, Marion)
October 31, 2014 Filing 8 PROOF OF SERVICE Executed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman, upon Defendant Geo Group Inc served on 10/8/2014, answer due 10/29/2014. Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon GEO GROUP, INC. in compliance with Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by service on a domestic corporation, unincorporated association, or public entity. Original Summons returned. (Yagman, Marion)
October 29, 2014 Filing 7 OPPOSITION OPPOSITION re: EXPARTE APPLICATION for Extension of Time to File Initial Responsive Pleading #6 filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (Attorney Marion R Yagman added to party Stephen Yagman(pty:pla))(Yagman, Marion)
October 28, 2014 Filing 6 EXPARTE APPLICATION for Extension of Time to File Initial Responsive Pleading filed by Defendant Geo Group Inc. (Attachments: #1 Declaration, #2 Proposed Order)(Attorney Susan E Coleman added to party Geo Group Inc(pty:dft))(Coleman, Susan)
September 29, 2014 Filing 5 NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Stephen V. Wilson and referred to Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (et)
September 29, 2014 Filing 4 STATEMENT of Interested Parties filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (et)
September 29, 2014 Filing 3 60 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint - (Referred) #1 as to Defendants Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, Kathleen M. Keeney, Harley G. Lappin, III, Wes J. Mayhew, Charles E. Samuels. (et)
September 29, 2014 Filing 2 21 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint - (Referred) #1 as to Defendants George Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Clarence E. Anthony, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Brenda Burch, California the Geo Group Inc, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Jennifer Martin Del Campo, Mark J. Demeo, Benjamin E. Erwin, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Kim Fowler, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kevin Louis Kincey, Nicole Knight, Robert E. MCFadden, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Political Action Committee Inc, Cathryn L. Porter, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Mike Reed, Wayne Ross, John Rutherford, Ann M. Schlarb, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Katherine Turner, David J. Venturella, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Richard R. Wilber, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. (et)
September 29, 2014 Filing 1 COMPLAINT filed against DefendantsGeorge Chinyere Adiele, Ransom Ali, Clarence E. Anthony, Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel, Michael L. Benov, James Black, John J. Bulfin, Brenda Burch, California the Geo Group Inc, Norman A. Carlson, Cornell Companies Inc, Jennifer Martin Del Campo, Mark J. Demeo, Benjamin E. Erwin, Brian R. Evans, Anne Newman Foreman, Kim Fowler, Stephen Fuller, Geo Group Inc, Richard H. Glanton, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, John M. Hurely, James E. Hyman, Kathleen M. Keeney, Kevin Louis Kincey, Nicole Knight, Harley G. Lappin, III, Robert E. MCFadden, Wes J. Mayhew, Randy J. McWilliams, Erwin Carl Meinberg, Carmen Navarro, John R. Nieser, Patrick N. Perrin, Political Action Committee Inc, Cathryn L. Porter, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc, Mike Reed, Wayne Ross, John Rutherford, Charles E. Samuels, Ann M. Schlarb, Sarah Marie Schuh, David Shinn, Alexander W. Sinavsky, Heriberto H. Tellez, Katherine Turner, Twenty Unknown Named Defendants, David J. Venturella, Derek Anthony West, Christopher C. Wheeler, Thomas M. Wierdsma, Richard R. Wilber, Julie M. Wood, George C. Zolley. Case assigned to Judge Stephen V. Wilson and referred to Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Filing fee$400 PAID.), filed by Plaintiff Stephen Yagman. (et)

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Defendant: Sarah Marie Schuh
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Defendant: Kevin Louis Kincey
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Defendant: James Black
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Defendant: Kim Fowler
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Defendant: Derek Anthony West
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Defendant: Heriberto H. Tellez
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Defendant: Eric Himpton Holder, Jr/
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Defendant: Cathryn L. Porter
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Defendant: California the Geo Group Inc
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Defendant: Christopher C. Wheeler
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Defendant: John R. Nieser
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Defendant: Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc
Represented By: Kevin Ellis Whelan
Represented By: Allison Jean Fernandez
Represented By: Craig J Mariam
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Defendant: Ransom Ali
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Mike Reed
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Defendant: Brian R. Evans
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
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Defendant: Ann M. Schlarb
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Charles E. Samuels
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: George C. Zolley
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Kathleen M. Keeney
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: John M. Hurely
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Richard H. Glanton
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Patrick N. Perrin
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: George Chinyere Adiele
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Thomas M. Wierdsma
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Nicole Knight
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: John J. Bulfin
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: David J. Venturella
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Geo Group Inc
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Stephen Fuller
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: David Shinn
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Erwin Carl Meinberg
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Harley G. Lappin, III
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Brenda Burch
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Carmen Navarro
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Eliezeer Ben-Shmuel
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Katherine Turner
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Clarence E. Anthony
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Anne Newman Foreman
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Jennifer Martin Del Campo
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Defendant: Wayne Ross
Represented By: Kevin Ellis Whelan
Represented By: Allison Jean Fernandez
Represented By: Craig J Mariam
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Defendant: Alexander W. Sinavsky
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Norman A. Carlson
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Mark J. Demeo
Represented By: Kevin Ellis Whelan
Represented By: Allison Jean Fernandez
Represented By: Craig J Mariam
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Defendant: Benjamin E. Erwin
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Defendant: Robert E. MCFadden
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Julie M. Wood
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Sarah Marie Widiger
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Michael L. Benov
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: James E. Hyman
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Randy J. McWilliams
Represented By: Richard M Park
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Defendant: Twenty Unknown Named Defendants
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Defendant: Cornell Companies Inc
Represented By: Kristina Doan Strottman
Represented By: Susan E Coleman
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Defendant: Richard R. Wilber
Represented By: Kevin Ellis Whelan
Represented By: Allison Jean Fernandez
Represented By: Craig J Mariam
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Plaintiff: Stephen Yagman
Represented By: Marion R Yagman
Represented By: Joseph Reichmann
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Petitioner: United States of America
Represented By: Richard M Park
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