New York State Rifle and Pisto v. Cuomo
Defendant: Frank A. Sedita, III, District Attorney for Erie County
Petitioner: Donald B. Smith, Putnam County Sheriff, Timothy B. Howard, Erie County Sheriff, Barry C. Virts, Wayne County Sheriff, Thomas J. Lorey, Fulton County Sheriff and Reuel A. Todd, Oswego County Sheriff
Amicus Curiae: John Amidon, State of Delaware, State of Kentucky, Law Enforcement Action Network, State of Florida, State of Kansas, Second Amendment Foundation, Inc., Gary Wehner, State of Arizona, State of Nebraska, State of Utah, Matthew Gudger, Remington Arms Company, LLC, New York State Sheriffs' Association, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Nunzio Calce, State of Wyoming, State of Oklahoma, State of Alabama, Matthew Caron, State of Texas, Jeffrey Murray, M.D., Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, State of Arkansas, State of West Virginia, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc., State of North Dakota, Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, State of South Carolina, State of Massachusetts, Long Island Firearms, LLC, William J. Bratton, in his official capacity as Commissioner of the New York City Police Department, State of Michigan, City of New York, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Connecticut, State of Maryland, District of Columbia, State of California, State of Illinois, National Rifle Association, Inc., Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Empire State Arms Collectors Association, Inc., State of Iowa, State of Georgia, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, State of South Dakota, State of Idaho, State of Hawaii, State of Oregon, State of Alaska, International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, State of Louisiana and Pink Pistols
Defendant / Appellee: Gerald J. Gill, Chief of Police for the Town of Lancaster, New York, Lawrence Friedman, Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, Joseph A. D'Amico, Superintendent of the New York State Police and Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General of the State of New York
Plaintiff / Appellant: Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc., Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Thomas Galvin, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Roger Horvath, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., William Nojay, Bedell Custom and New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated
Case Number: 14-36
Filed: January 3, 2014
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
Nature of Suit: Other
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on January 6, 2016. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
January 6, 2016 Filing 338 U.S. SUPREME COURT NOTICE, granting Appellant-Cross-Appellee New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36 extension to file Writ of Certiorari, FILED.[1677167] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 01/06/2016 10:37 AM]
December 10, 2015 Filing 337 ERRATA SHEET, for Opinion dated 10/19/2015, by JAC. FILED.[1660542] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 12/10/2015 09:36 AM]
November 16, 2015 Filing 336 JUDGMENT MANDATE, ISSUED.[1642505] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 11/16/2015 10:24 AM]
October 19, 2015 Filing 335 JUDGMENT, FILED.[1622574] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 10/19/2015 03:23 PM]
October 19, 2015 Filing 331 CERTIFIED OPINION, dated 10/19/2015, to WDNY (BUFFALO), ISSUED.[1621737] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 10/19/2015 09:46 AM]
October 19, 2015 Filing 330 OPINION, affirming in part and reversing in part judgment of the district court, by JAC, RJL, CFD, FILED.[1621732] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 10/19/2015 09:43 AM]
October 19, 2015 Filing 329 NEW CASE MANAGER, Yana Segal, ASSIGNED.[1621713] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 10/19/2015 09:36 AM]
July 15, 2015 Filing 326 FRAP 28(j) LETTER, dated 07/15/2015, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-36, Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-37, RECEIVED. Service date 07/15/2015 by CM/ECF.[1554706] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 07/15/2015 03:02 PM]
July 13, 2015 Filing 324 FRAP 28(j) LETTER, dated 07/13/2015, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated, William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, RECEIVED. Service date 07/13/2015 by CM/ECF.[1552502] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 07/13/2015 04:49 PM]
May 11, 2015 Filing 322 FRAP 28(j) LETTER, dated 05/11/2015, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated, William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, RECEIVED. Service date 05/11/2015 by CM/ECF.[1507358] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 05/11/2015 04:32 PM]
May 6, 2015 Filing 320 FRAP 28(j) LETTER, dated 05/06/2015, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman, RECEIVED. Service date 05/06/2015 by CM/ECF.[1503463] [14-36] [Entered: 05/06/2015 05:25 PM]
March 17, 2015 Filing 318 FRAP 28(j) LETTER, dated 03/17/2015, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated, New York State Unified Court System, William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, RECEIVED. Service date 03/17/2015 by CM/ECF.[1463027] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 03/17/2015 04:16 PM]
March 13, 2015 Filing 316 FRAP 28(j) LETTER, dated 03/13/2015, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-36, Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-37, RECEIVED. Service date 03/13/2015 by CM/ECF.[1460147] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 03/13/2015 11:35 AM]
January 15, 2015 Filing 315 ARGUMENT CD, TRANSMITTED to James Krevitt.[1416994] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 01/15/2015 03:41 PM]
January 12, 2015 Filing 314 REQUEST FOR ARGUMENT CD, with fee, RECEIVED from C.D. Michel - Michel & Associates P.C. .[1413547] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 01/12/2015 04:16 PM]
December 11, 2014 Filing 313 LETTER, dated 12/09/2014, on behalf of James Krevitt requesting CD of the Oral Argument. Fee Paid. Forwarded to Calendar Team. Receipt # 220550. RECEIVED. Service date 12/11/2014 by US mail.[1391673] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 12/11/2014 04:27 PM]
December 9, 2014 Filing 312 CASE, before JAC, RJL, CFD, C.JJ., HEARD[1388902] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 12/09/2014 02:04 PM]
December 8, 2014 Filing 311 MOTION ORDER, granting motion to consolidate for argument [ # 308 ] filed by Appellant-Cross-Appellee New York State Unified Court System, Thomas Galvin, William Nojay, Roger Horvath, Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc., New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation and Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC in 14-36, FILED. [1387920][311] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 12/08/2014 04:43 PM]
December 3, 2014 Filing 308 MOTION, to consolidate for argument, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated, New York State Unified Court System, William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 12/03/2014 by CM/ECF. [1384201] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 12/03/2014 05:16 PM]
November 19, 2014 Filing 307 NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellee Gerald J. Gill, FILED. Service date 11/19/2014 by CM/ECF. [1373690] [14-36] [Entered: 11/19/2014 12:57 PM]
November 7, 2014 Filing 306 NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman, FILED. Service date 11/07/2014 by CM/ECF. [1365667] [14-36] [Entered: 11/07/2014 05:08 PM]
November 7, 2014 Filing 305 NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated, New York State Unified Court System, William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED. Service date 11/07/2014 by CM/ECF. [1365128] [14-36] [Entered: 11/07/2014 12:28 PM]
November 6, 2014 Filing 304 ARGUMENT NOTICE, to attorneys/parties, TRANSMITTED.[1364184] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 11/06/2014 02:07 PM]
October 27, 2014 Filing 302 CASE CALENDARING, for argument on 12/09/2014, A Panel at 1:00pm, SET.[1355179] [14-36, 14-37] [Entered: 10/27/2014 04:32 PM]
October 14, 2014 Filing 299 REPLY BRIEF, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman, FILED. Service date 10/14/2014 by CM/ECF. [1343961] [14-36, 14-37]
October 6, 2014 Filing 297 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae John Amidon, Nunzio Calce, Matthew Caron, Matthew Gudger, Long Island Firearms, LLC, Jeffrey Murray, Second Amendment Foundation, Inc. and Gary Wehner, FILED. Service date 10/06/2014 by CM/ECF.[1337853] [14-36]--[Edited 10/08/2014 by DE]
October 6, 2014 Filing 296 CASE CALENDARING, for the week of 12/08/2014, A, PROPOSED.[1337120] [14-36, 14-37]
September 29, 2014 Filing 293 REPLY BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated, New York State Unified Court System, William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED. Service date 09/29/2014 by CM/ECF. [1331294] [14-36, 14-37]
August 25, 2014 Filing 291 CORRECTED AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Major Cities Chiefs Association, FILED. Service date 08/25/2014 by CM/ECF. [1304251] [14-36]--[Edited 08/26/2014 by DE]
August 25, 2014 Filing 290 LETTER, correcting name of Amicus party, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Major Cities Chiefs Association, RECEIVED. Service date 08/25/2014 by CM/ECF.[1304208] [14-36]--[Edited 08/26/2014 by DE]--[Edited 08/26/2014 by DE]
August 21, 2014 Filing 289 MEMORANDUM, directing appeals 14-319 & 14-36 to be heard in tandem, FILED. [1301534] [14-36, 14-37]
August 21, 2014 Filing 288 MOTION ORDER, granting motion to have case considered in tandem with 14-319 [ # 283 ] filed by Appellee-Cross-Appellant Eric T. Schneiderman, Andrew M. Cuomo and Joseph A. D'Amico in 14-36, by RJL, FILED. [1301523][288] [14-36, 14-37]
August 20, 2014 Filing 285 CURED DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT: BRIEF [ # 231 ], [ # 258 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae District of Columbia, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Maryland, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, FILED.[1299330] [14-36]
August 19, 2014 Filing 283 MOTION, to consolidate for argument, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-36, Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-37, FILED. Service date 08/19/2014 by CM/ECF. [1298449] [14-36, 14-37]
August 14, 2014 Filing 281 CURED DEFECTIVE Amicus Brief [ # 231 ], [ # 258 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae District of Columbia, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Maryland, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, FILED.[1295683] [14-36]
August 13, 2014 Filing 280 ATTORNEY, Jonathan Elias Lowy for Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, in case 14-36, [ # 279 ], ADDED.[1294288] [14-36]
August 13, 2014 Filing 279 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/13/2014 by CM/ECF. [1294209] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 08/13/2014 by DE]
August 13, 2014 Filing 277 CURED DEFECTIVE Amicus Brief [ # 226 ], [ # 272 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae City of New York, FILED.[1294145] [14-36]
August 13, 2014 Filing 275 CURED DEFECTIVE Amicus Brief [ # 233 ], [ # 270 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED.[1294138] [14-36]
August 13, 2014 Filing 274 MOTION ORDER, granting motion for admission pro hac vice [ # 267 ] filed by Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, by GEL, FILED. [1293874][274] [14-36]
August 12, 2014 Filing 272 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae City of New York, FILED. Service date 08/12/2014 by CM/ECF. [1293355] [14-36]--[Edited 08/13/2014 by DE]
August 12, 2014 Filing 270 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/12/2014 by CM/ECF. [1293154] [14-36]--[Edited 08/13/2014 by DE]
August 12, 2014 Filing 269 SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36 Appellant-Cross-Appellee reply brief due date as 09/29/2014; FILED.[1293130] [14-36, 14-37]
August 12, 2014 Filing 267 MOTION, for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/12/2014 by email.[1293113] [14-36]
August 12, 2014 Filing 265 CURED DEFECTIVE Notice of Appearance as Amicus Counsel [ # 214 ], [ # 257 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae District of Columbia, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Maryland, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, FILED.[1293087] [14-36]
August 12, 2014 Filing 263 CURED DEFECTIVE Amicus Brief [ # 228 ], [ # 238 ], [ # 262 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED.[1293068] [14-36]
August 12, 2014 Filing 262 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Amicus Brief, [237], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED.[1293061] [14-36]
August 12, 2014 Filing 259 ATTORNEY, William F. Brockman for State of Iowa State of Hawaii State of Connecticut State of Massachusetts State of Maryland State of Illinois State of California State of Oregon District of Columbia State of Delaware, in case 14-36, [ # 257 ], ADDED.[1292899] [14-36]
August 12, 2014 Filing 258 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae District of Columbia, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Maryland, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, FILED. Service date 08/12/2014 by CM/ECF. [1292878] [14-36]--[Edited 08/14/2014 by DE]
August 12, 2014 Filing 257 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae State of Maryland, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, District of Columbia, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, FILED. Service date 08/12/2014 by CM/ECF. [1292860] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 08/12/2014 by DE]
August 12, 2014 Filing 255 ORAL ARGUMENT STATEMENT LR 34.1 (a), on behalf of filer Attorney David Thompson, Esq. for Appellant-Cross-Appellee Thomas Galvin, William Nojay, Roger Horvath, Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc., New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation and Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC in 14-36, FILED. Service date 08/12/2014 by CM/ECF. [1292506] [14-36, 14-37]
August 12, 2014 Filing 254 LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, informing Court of proposed due date 09/29/2014, RECEIVED. Service date 08/12/2014 by CM/ECF.[1292500] [14-36, 14-37]
August 11, 2014 Filing 252 CAPTION, per Court's order dated 08/11/2014 [ # 251 ], AMENDED.[1291986] [14-36]
August 11, 2014 Filing 251 MOTION ORDER, granting motion to amend caption [ # 243 ], FILED. [1291961][251] [14-36]
August 11, 2014 Filing 249 CURED DEFECTIVE Acknowledgment and Notice of Appearance forms [ # 241 ], [ # 244 ], [ # 247 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED.[1291898] [14-36]
August 11, 2014 Filing 248 ATTORNEY, Jonathan Klee Baum for Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, in case 14-36, [ # 247 ], ADDED.[1291895] [14-36]
August 11, 2014 Filing 247 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/11/2014 by CM/ECF. [1291865] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 08/11/2014 by DE]
August 11, 2014 Filing 245 ATTORNEY, Mark Thomas Ciani for Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, in case 14-36, [ # 244 ], ADDED.[1291814] [14-36]
August 11, 2014 Filing 244 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/11/2014 by CM/ECF. [1291792] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 08/11/2014 by DE]
August 11, 2014 Filing 243 MOTION, to amend caption, on behalf of Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 08/11/2014 by CM/ECF. [1291785] [14-36, 14-37]
August 11, 2014 Filing 242 ATTORNEY, Richard Paul Dearing for City of New York, in case 14-36, [ # 229 ], ADDED.[1291772] [14-36]
August 11, 2014 Filing 241 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENTS, Acknowledgment and Notice of Appearance forms, [239], [240], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED.[1291719] [14-36]
August 11, 2014 Filing 240 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/11/2014 by CM/ECF.[1291629] [14-36, 14-37]
August 11, 2014 Filing 239 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/11/2014 by CM/ECF.[1291628] [14-36, 14-37]
August 11, 2014 Filing 238 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/11/2014 by CM/ECF. [1291617] [14-36]--[Edited 08/12/2014 by DE]
August 11, 2014 Filing 237 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/11/2014 by CM/ECF. [1291600] [14-36]--[Edited 08/12/2014 by DE]
August 11, 2014 Filing 236 ATTORNEY, Dave Wharwood, James Edward Mendenhall for Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, in case 14-36, [ # 234 ], [ # 235 ], ADDED.[1291592] [14-36]
August 11, 2014 Filing 235 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/11/2014 by CM/ECF. [1291484] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 08/11/2014 by DE]
August 11, 2014 Filing 234 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/11/2014 by CM/ECF. [1291450] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 08/11/2014 by DE]
August 11, 2014 Filing 233 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Amicus Brief, [207], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED.[1291265] [14-36]
August 11, 2014 Filing 231 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Amicus Brief, [205], on behalf of Amicus Curiae District of Columbia, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Maryland, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, FILED.[1291195] [14-36]
August 8, 2014 Filing 229 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae City of New York in 14-36, FILED. Service date 08/08/2014 by CM/ECF. [1291003] [14-36, 14-37]
August 8, 2014 Filing 228 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Amicus Brief, [202], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED.[1290979] [14-36]
August 8, 2014 Filing 227 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, ADDED.[1290977] [14-36]
August 8, 2014 Filing 226 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Amicus Brief, [201], on behalf of Amicus Curiae William J. Bratton and City of New York, FILED.[1290886] [14-36]
August 8, 2014 Filing 225 MOTION ORDER, granting motions for admission pro hac vice [ # 188 ][ # 189 ], filed by Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, by CFD, FILED. [1290757][225] [14-36]
August 7, 2014 Filing 222 ORAL ARGUMENT STATEMENT LR 34.1 (a), on behalf of filer Attorney Claude S. Platton for Appellee-Cross-Appellant Eric T. Schneiderman, Andrew M. Cuomo and Joseph A. D'Amico in 14-36, Attorney Claude S. Platton for Appellant Eric T. Schneiderman, Andrew M. Cuomo and Joseph A. D'Amico in 14-37, FILED. Service date 08/07/2014 by CM/ECF. [1289769] [14-36, 14-37]
August 7, 2014 Filing 221 ATTORNEY, Barbara D. Underwood for Eric T. Schneiderman Andrew M. Cuomo Joseph A. D'Amico, in case 14-36 Barbara D. Underwood for Eric T. Schneiderman Andrew M. Cuomo Joseph A. D'Amico, in case 14-37, [ # 218 ], ADDED.[1289584] [14-36, 14-37]
August 7, 2014 Filing 220 MOTION ORDER, granting motion to amend document [ # 215 ] filed by Appellee-Cross-Appellant Eric T. Schneiderman, Andrew M. Cuomo and Joseph A. D'Amico, FILED. [1289558][220] [14-36]
August 7, 2014 Filing 218 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-36, Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-37, FILED. Service date 08/07/2014 by CM/ECF. [1289500] [14-36, 14-37]
August 7, 2014 Filing 216 CURED DEFECTIVE Letter [ # 211 ], [ # 215 ], on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman, FILED.[1289463] [14-36]
August 7, 2014 Filing 215 MOTION, to amend document, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-36, Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-37, FILED. Service date 08/07/2014 by CM/ECF. [1289451] [14-36, 14-37]
August 7, 2014 Filing 214 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Notice of Appearance as Amicus Counsel, [204], on behalf of Amicus Curiae District of Columbia, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Maryland, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, FILED.[1289379] [14-36]
August 7, 2014 Filing 213 MOTION ORDER, granting motions for admission pro hac vice [ # 196 ][ # 198 ], filed by Amicus Curiae State of Maryland, by CFD, FILED. [1289374][213] [14-36]
August 6, 2014 Filing 211 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Letter, [187], on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman, FILED.[1288828] [14-36]
August 6, 2014 Filing 210 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, District of Columbia, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, ADDED.[1287968] [14-36]
August 6, 2014 Filing 209 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, ADDED.[1287726] [14-36]
August 5, 2014 Filing 208 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, FILED. Service date 08/05/2014 by CM/ECF. [1287644] [14-36]--[Edited 08/06/2014 by DE]
August 5, 2014 Filing 207 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/05/2014 by CM/ECF. [1287555] [14-36]--[Edited 08/06/2014 by DE]
August 5, 2014 Filing 206 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, FILED. Service date 08/05/2014 by CM/ECF. [1287544] [14-36]--[Edited 08/06/2014 by DE]
August 5, 2014 Filing 205 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae State of Maryland, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, District of Columbia, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, FILED. Service date 08/05/2014 by CM/ECF. [1287543] [14-36]--[Edited 08/06/2014 by DE]
August 5, 2014 Filing 204 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae State of Maryland, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, District of Columbia, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, FILED. Service date 08/05/2014 by CM/ECF. [1287542] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 08/06/2014 by DE]
August 5, 2014 Filing 203 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae State of Maryland, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, District of Columbia, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Iowa, State of Massachusetts and State of Oregon, FILED. Service date 08/05/2014 by CM/ECF. [1287541] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 08/06/2014 by DE]
August 5, 2014 Filing 202 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/05/2014 by CM/ECF. [1287410] [14-36]--[Edited 08/06/2014 by DE]
August 5, 2014 Filing 201 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae City of New York and William J. Bratton, FILED. Service date 08/05/2013 by CM/ECF. [1287349] [14-36]--[Edited 08/06/2014 by DE]
August 5, 2014 Filing 195 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae State of Maryland, ADDED.[1286823] [14-36]
August 4, 2014 Filing 198 MOTION, for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae State of Maryland, FILED. Service date 08/04/2014 by email, US mail.[1286850] [14-36]
August 4, 2014 Filing 196 MOTION, for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae State of Maryland, FILED. Service date 08/04/2014 by email, US mail.[1286833] [14-36]
August 4, 2014 Filing 191 LETTER, informing Court that party will not be filing a brief, on behalf of Appellee Gerald J. Gill, RECEIVED. Service date 08/04/2014 by CM/ECF.[1286218] [14-36]--[Edited 08/04/2014 by DE]
August 1, 2014 Filing 189 MOTION, for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/01/2014 by email.[1285744] [14-36]
August 1, 2014 Filing 188 MOTION, for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 08/01/2014 by email.[1285739] [14-36]
August 1, 2014 Filing 187 LETTER, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman, RECEIVED. Service date 08/01/2014 by CM/ECF.[1285006] [14-36]
August 1, 2014 Filing 186 CORRECTED BRIEF, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-36, Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-37, FILED. Service date 08/01/2014 by CM/ECF. [1285003] [14-36, 14-37]
July 31, 2014 Filing 182 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae City of New York and William J. Bratton in 14-36 and Amicus Curiae City of New York and William J. Bratton in 14-37, ADDED.[1283396] [14-36, 14-37]
July 30, 2014 Filing 181 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence in 14-36 and Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence in 14-37, ADDED.[1283161] [14-36, 14-37]
July 30, 2014 Filing 180 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae City of New York and William J. Bratton, FILED. Service date 07/30/2014 by CM/ECF. [1282999] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 07/31/2014 by DE]
July 30, 2014 Filing 179 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, FILED. Service date 07/30/2014 by CM/ECF. [1282907] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 07/30/2014 by DE]
July 29, 2014 Filing 178 BRIEF, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman, FILED. Service date 07/29/2014 by CM/ECF. [1282424] [14-36, 14-37]
May 19, 2014 Filing 176 SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellee Gerald J. Gill Brief due date as 07/29/2014, FILED.[1227401] [14-36]
May 16, 2014 Filing 173 CURED DEFECTIVE Amicus Brief [ # 145 ], [ # 169 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc., FILED.[1227188] [14-36]
May 15, 2014 Filing 171 CAPTION, changing designation of party Frank A. Sedita, III from "Defendant-Appellee" to "Defendant" only, AMENDED.[1225428] [14-36]
May 15, 2014 Filing 170 CURED DEFECTIVE Letter [ # 164 ], [ # 166 ], on behalf of Appellee Frank A. Sedita, III in 14-36, FILED.[1225421] [14-36, 14-37]
May 15, 2014 Filing 169 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc., FILED. Service date 05/15/2014 by CM/ECF. [1225398] [14-36]--[Edited 05/16/2014 by DE]
May 15, 2014 Filing 167 CURED DEFECTIVE Amicus Brief [ # 155 ], [ # 160 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Pink Pistols in 14-36, 14-37, FILED.[1225370] [14-36, 14-37]
May 15, 2014 Filing 166 LETTER, requesting removal of appellee, on behalf of Appellee Frank A. Sedita, III, RECEIVED. Service date 05/15/2014 by CM/ECF.[1225361] [14-36]--[Edited 05/15/2014 by DE]
May 15, 2014 Filing 164 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, LETTER, [163], on behalf of Appellee Frank A. Sedita, III, FILED.[1225343] [14-36]
May 15, 2014 Filing 163 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee Frank A. Sedita, III, FILED. Service date 05/15/2014 by CM/ECF.[1225147] [14-37, 14-36]
May 14, 2014 Filing 162 LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellee Gerald J. Gill, informing Court of proposed due date 07/29/2014, RECEIVED. Service date 05/14/2014 by CM/ECF.[1224426] [14-37, 14-36]
May 14, 2014 Filing 160 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Pink Pistols, FILED. Service date 05/14/2014 by CM/ECF. [1223949] [14-36]--[Edited 05/15/2014 by DE]
May 12, 2014 Filing 159 CURED DEFECTIVE Amicus Brief [ # 144 ], [ # 146 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Michigan, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia and State of Wyoming, FILED.[1222470] [14-36]
May 12, 2014 Filing 156 CURED DEFECTIVE Amicus Briefs [ # 111 ], [ # 131 ], [ # 132 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-36, 14-37, FILED.[1222426] [14-36, 14-37]
May 12, 2014 Filing 155 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Amicus Brief, [107], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Pink Pistols in 14-36, FILED.[1222347] [14-36, 14-37]
May 12, 2014 Filing 154 CURED DEFECTIVE Notices of Appearance as Amicus Counsel [ # 110 ], [ # 148 ], [ # 149 ], [ # 150 ], [ # 152 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-36, FILED.[1222257] [14-36, 14-37]
May 12, 2014 Filing 153 ATTORNEY, James W. Porter II for Remington Arms Co., Inc., in case 14-36 James W. Porter II for Remington Arms Co., Inc., in case 14-37, [ # 152 ], ADDED.[1222247] [14-36, 14-37]
May 12, 2014 Filing 152 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 05/12/2014 by CM/ECF. [1222164] [14-36, 14-37]
May 12, 2014 Filing 151 ATTORNEY, James Wallace Porter III, John Parker Sweeney, Tara Sky Woodward for National Rifle Association Remington Arms Co., Inc., in case 14-36 James Wallace Porter III, John Parker Sweeney, Tara Sky Woodward for National Rifle Association Remington Arms Co., Inc., in case 14-37 , [ # 148 ], [ # 149 ], [ # 150 ], ADDED.[1221967] [14-36, 14-37]
May 12, 2014 Filing 150 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co. Inc., FILED. Service date 05/12/2014 by CM/ECF. [1221935] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/12/2014 by DE]
May 12, 2014 Filing 149 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co. Inc., FILED. Service date 05/12/2014 by CM/ECF. [1221918] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/12/2014 by DE]
May 12, 2014 Filing 148 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co. Inc., FILED. Service date 05/12/2014 by CM/ECF. [1221867] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/12/2014 by DE]
May 9, 2014 Filing 146 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Michigan, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia and State of Wyoming, FILED. Service date 05/09/2014 by CM/ECF. [1221308] [14-36]--[Edited 05/12/2014 by DE]
May 9, 2014 Filing 145 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Amicus Brief, [105], on behalf of Amicus Curiae National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc., FILED.[1221265] [14-36]
May 9, 2014 Filing 144 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Amicus Brief, [104], on behalf of Amicus Curiae State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Michigan, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia and State of Wyoming, FILED.[1221231] [14-36]
May 9, 2014 Filing 143 MOTION ORDER, granting motion to extend time to file an amicus curiae brief within 7 days of the date that Plaintiffs-Appellants-Cross-Appellees file their combined response and reply brief [ # 136 ] filed by Movant Second Amendment Foundation, Inc., Nunzio Calce, Long Island Firearms, LLC, Matthew Caron, Matthew Gudger, Jeffrey Murray, Gary Wehner and John Amidon, by GEL, FILED. [1221071][143] [14-36, 14-37]
May 9, 2014 Filing 142 MOTION ORDER, granting motions for admission pro hac vice [ # 114 ],[ # 115 ],[ # 116 ],[ # 117 ],[ # 118 ] filed by Amicus Curiae National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co., Inc., by GEL, FILED. [1221066][142] [14-36, 14-37]
May 8, 2014 Filing 137 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Michigan, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia and State of Wyoming in 14-36 and Amicus Curiae State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Michigan, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia and State of Wyoming in 14-37, ADDED.[1219837] [14-36, 14-37]
May 8, 2014 Filing 136 MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Movant John Amidon, Nunzio Calce, Matthew Caron, Matthew Gudger, Long Island Firearms, LLC, Jeffrey Murray, Second Amendment Foundation, Inc. and Gary Wehner in 14-37, 14-36, FILED. Service date 05/08/2014 by CM/ECF. [1219793] [14-37, 14-36]
May 8, 2014 Filing 134 CURED DEFECTIVE Notice of Appearance as Amicus Counsel [ # 130 ], [ # 133 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Empire State Arms Collectors Association, Inc., FILED.[1219628] [14-36]
May 8, 2014 Filing 133 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Empire State Arms Collectors Association, Inc., FILED. Service date 05/08/2014 by CM/ECF. [1219605] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/08/2014 by DE]
May 8, 2014 Filing 132 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Remington Arms Co., Inc., FILED. Service date 05/08/2014 by CM/ECF. [1219590] [14-36]--[Edited 05/12/2014 by DE]
May 8, 2014 Filing 131 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of National Rifle Association, FILED. Service date 05/08/2014 by CM/ECF. [1219589] [14-36]--[Edited 05/12/2014 by DE]
May 8, 2014 Filing 130 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Notice of Appearance as Amicus Counsel, [128], on behalf of Amicus Curiae Empire State Arms Collectors Association, Inc., FILED.[1219537] [14-36]
May 8, 2014 Filing 129 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae Empire State Arms Collectors Association, Inc. in 14-36 and Amicus Curiae Empire State Arms Collectors Association, Inc. in 14-37, ADDED.[1219531] [14-36, 14-37]
May 8, 2014 Filing 128 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Amicus Curiae International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, Law Enforcement Action Network, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc., New York State Sheriffs' Association, Pink Pistols, Remington Arms Co., Inc., Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc., Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., Appellee Lawrence Friedman, Gerald J. Gill, Frank A. Sedita, III, Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico, Eric T. Schneiderman and Movant John Amidon, Nunzio Calce, Matthew Caron, Matthew Gudger, Long Island Firearms, LLC, Jeffrey Murray, Second Amendment Foundation, Inc. and Gary Wehner in 14-36, -- Lawrence Friedman, Gerald J. Gill, Frank A. Sedita, III, Amicus Curiae International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, Law Enforcement Action Network, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc., New York State Sheriffs' Association, Pink Pistols, Remington Arms Co., Inc., Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico, Eric T. Schneiderman, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc., Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. and Movant John Amidon, Nunzio Calce, Matthew Caron, Matthew Gudger, Long Island Firearms, LLC, Jeffrey Murray, Second Amendment Foundation, Inc. and Gary Wehner in 14-37, FILED. Service date 05/08/2014 by CM/ECF. [1219502] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/08/2014 by DE]
May 8, 2014 Filing 126 NEW PARTY, Movants Second Amendment Foundation, Inc., Long Island Firearms, LLC, Matthew Caron, Matthew Gudger, Jeffrey Murray, Gary Wehner, John Amidon and Nunzio Calce in 14-36 and Movants Second Amendment Foundation, Inc., Long Island Firearms, LLC, Matthew Caron, Matthew Gudger, Jeffrey Murray, Gary Wehner, John Amidon and Nunzio Calce in 14-37, ADDED.[1219350] [14-36, 14-37]
May 8, 2014 Filing 125 SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman Brief due date as 07/29/2014, FILED.[1219317] [14-36]
May 7, 2014 Filing 121 LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-36, Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-37, informing Court of proposed due date 07/29/2014, RECEIVED. Service date 05/07/2014 by CM/ECF.[1218860] [14-36, 14-37]
May 7, 2014 Filing 119 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE for Motions for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 05/07/2014 by email.[1218760] [14-36, 14-37]
May 7, 2014 Filing 113 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae Pink Pistols in 14-36 and Amicus Curiae Pink Pistols in 14-37, ADDED.[1218619] [14-36, 14-37]
May 7, 2014 Filing 112 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Second Amendment Foundation, Inc., Long Island Firearms, LLC, Matthew Caron, Matthew Gudger, Jeffrey Murray, Gary Wehner, John Amidon and Nunzio Calce, FILED. Service date 05/07/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218608] [14-37, 14-36]--[Edited 05/08/2014 by DE]
May 7, 2014 Filing 111 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Amicus Briefs, [ # 1218010-2 ], [ # 1218013-2 ], on behalf of Amicus Curiae National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-36, FILED.[1218561] [14-36, 14-37]
May 7, 2014 Filing 110 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Notices of Appearance as Amicus Counsel, [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101], on behalf of Amicus Curiae National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-36, FILED.[1218515] [14-36, 14-37]
May 7, 2014 Filing 109 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-36 and Amicus Curiae National Rifle Association and Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-37, ADDED.[1218138] [14-36, 14-37]
May 7, 2014 Filing 108 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. in 14-36 and Amicus Curiae National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. in 14-37, ADDED.[1218117] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 107 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Pink Pistols, FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218078] [14-36]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 106 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Pink Pistols , FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218077] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 105 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc., FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218064] [14-36]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 104 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Michigan, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia and State of Wyoming, FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218020] [14-36]--[Edited 05/08/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 103 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Michigan, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia and State of Wyoming, FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218019] [14-37, 14-36]--[Edited 05/08/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 102 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Michigan, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia and State of Wyoming, FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218018] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/08/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 101 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Remington Arms Co., Inc., FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218006] [14-37, 14-36]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 100 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of National Rifle Association, FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218005] [14-37, 14-36]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 99 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Remington Arms Co., Inc., FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218004] [14-37, 14-36]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 98 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Remington Arms Co., Inc., FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218002] [14-37, 14-36]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 97 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of National Rifle Association, FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1218001] [14-37, 14-36]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 96 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of Remington Arms Co., Inc., FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1217999] [14-37, 14-36]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 95 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of National Rifle Association, FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1217998] [14-37, 14-36]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 94 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc., FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1217734] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 93 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of New York State Sheriffs' Association, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Law Enforcement Action Network and International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF. [1217687] [14-36]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 92 Movants Timothy B. Howard, Thomas J. Lorey, Donald B. Smith, Reuel A. Todd and Barry C. Virts, TERMINATED.[1217574] [14-36, 14-37]
May 6, 2014 Filing 91 CURED DEFECTIVE Letter [ # 89 ], [ # 90 ], on behalf of Movant Timothy B. Howard, International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, Law Enforcement Action Network, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Thomas J. Lorey, New York State Sheriffs' Association, Donald B. Smith, Reuel A. Todd and Barry C. Virts, FILED.[1217569] [14-36]
May 6, 2014 Filing 90 LETTER, informing Court that certain parties were incorrectly designated as amici curiae, on behalf of Movant Timothy B. Howard, International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, Law Enforcement Action Network, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Thomas J. Lorey, New York State Sheriffs' Association, Donald B. Smith, Reuel A. Todd and Barry C. Virts, RECEIVED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF.[1217534] [14-36]--[Edited 05/06/2014 by DE]
May 6, 2014 Filing 89 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Letter, [88], on behalf of Movant Timothy B. Howard, International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, Law Enforcement Action Network, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Thomas J. Lorey, New York State Sheriffs' Association, Donald B. Smith, Reuel A. Todd and Barry C. Virts, FILED.[1217445] [14-36]
May 6, 2014 Filing 88 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Movant Timothy B. Howard, International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, Law Enforcement Action Network, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Thomas J. Lorey, New York State Sheriffs' Association, Donald B. Smith, Reuel A. Todd and Barry C. Virts in 14-36, 14-37, FILED. Service date 05/06/2014 by CM/ECF.[1217418] [14-36, 14-37]
May 5, 2014 Filing 118 MOTION, for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 05/07/2014 by email.[1218755] [14-36, 14-37]
May 5, 2014 Filing 117 MOTION, for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 05/07/2014 by email.[1218753] [14-36, 14-37]
May 5, 2014 Filing 116 MOTION, for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Remington Arms Co., Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 05/07/2014 by email.[1218751] [14-36, 14-37]
May 5, 2014 Filing 115 MOTION, for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae National Rifle Association in 14-36, FILED. Service date 05/07/2014 by email.[1218747] [14-36, 14-37]
May 5, 2014 Filing 114 MOTION, for admission pro hac vice, on behalf of Amicus Curiae National Rifle Association in 14-36, FILED. Service date 05/07/2014 by email.[1218739] [14-36, 14-37]
May 5, 2014 Filing 87 NEW PARTY, Amicus Curiae New York State Sheriffs' Association, Timothy B. Howard, Reuel A. Todd, Barry C. Virts, Donald B. Smith, Thomas J. Lorey, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Law Enforcement Action Network and International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association in 14-36 and Movants New York State Sheriffs' Association, Timothy B. Howard, Reuel A. Todd, Barry C. Virts, Donald B. Smith, Thomas J. Lorey, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Law Enforcement Action Network and International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association in 14-37, ADDED.[1216653] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/07/2014 by DE]
May 5, 2014 Filing 86 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of New York State Sheriffs' Association, Timothy B. Howard, Reuel A. Todd, Barry C. Virts, Donald B. Smith, Thomas J. Lorey, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Law Enforcement Action Network and International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, FILED. Service date 05/05/2014 by CM/ECF. [1216580] [14-37, 14-36]--[Edited 05/05/2014 by DE]
May 5, 2014 Filing 85 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS AMICUS COUNSEL, on behalf of New York State Sheriffs' Association, Timothy B. Howard, Reuel A. Todd, Barry C. Virts, Donald B. Smith, Thomas J. Lorey, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Law Enforcement Action Network and International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, FILED. Service date 05/05/2014 by CM/ECF. [1216579] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 05/05/2014 by DE]
May 2, 2014 Filing 82 AMICUS BRIEF, on behalf of Amicus Curiae Empire State Arms Collectors, Inc., FILED. Service date 05/02/2014 by CM/ECF. [1215297] [14-36]--[Edited 05/05/2014 by DE]
May 1, 2014 Filing 79 CURED DEFECTIVE Brief & Special Appendix [ # 74 ], [ # 75 ], [ # 76 ], on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1214863] [14-36]
April 30, 2014 Filing 76 LETTER, regarding correction made to brief cover, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., RECEIVED. Service date 04/30/2014 by CM/ECF.[1213153] [14-36]--[Edited 05/01/2014 by DE]
April 30, 2014 Filing 75 BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED. Service date 04/30/2014 by CM/ECF. [1213152] [14-36, 14-37]
April 30, 2014 Filing 74 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Brief & Special Appendix, [73], on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1212840] [14-36]
April 29, 2014 Filing 73 BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED. Service date 04/29/2014 by CM/ECF. [1212273] [14-36, 14-37]
April 29, 2014 Filing 72 JOINT APPENDIX, volume 9 of 9, (pp. 2230-2415), on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1212270] [14-36, 14-37]
April 29, 2014 Filing 71 JOINT APPENDIX, volume 8 of 9, (pp. 1937-2229), on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1212265] [14-36, 14-37]
April 29, 2014 Filing 70 JOINT APPENDIX, volume 7 of 9, (pp. 1657-1936), on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1212258] [14-36, 14-37]
April 29, 2014 Filing 69 JOINT APPENDIX, volume 6 of 9, (pp. 1383-1656), on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1212256] [14-36, 14-37]
April 29, 2014 Filing 68 JOINT APPENDIX, volume 5 of 9, (pp. 1115-1382), on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1212251] [14-36, 14-37]
April 29, 2014 Filing 67 JOINT APPENDIX, volume 4 of 9, (pp. 855-1114), on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1212244] [14-36, 14-37]
April 29, 2014 Filing 66 JOINT APPENDIX, volume 3 of 9, (pp. 576-854), on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1212241] [14-36, 14-37]
April 29, 2014 Filing 65 JOINT APPENDIX, volume 2 of 9, (pp. 283-575), on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1212234] [14-36, 14-37]
April 29, 2014 Filing 64 JOINT APPENDIX, volume 1 of 9, (pp. 1-282), on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1212230] [14-36, 14-37]
April 24, 2014 Filing 63 ATTORNEY, Charles J. Cooper, Peter A. Patterson, David Thompson for New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc. Bedell Custom New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc. Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC Roger Horvath Beikirch Ammunition Corporation Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. Thomas Galvin William Nojay, in case 14-36 Charles J. Cooper, Peter A. Patterson, David Thompson for New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc. Bedell Custom New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc. Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC Roger Horvath Beikirch Ammunition Corporation Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. Thomas Galvin William Nojay, in case 14-37, [ # 60 ], [ # 61 ], [ # 62 ], ADDED.[1209735] [14-36, 14-37]--[Edited 04/24/2014 by DE]
April 24, 2014 Filing 62 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/24/2014 by CM/ECF. [1209723] [14-36, 14-37]
April 24, 2014 Filing 61 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/24/2014 by CM/ECF. [1209714] [14-36, 14-37]
April 24, 2014 Filing 60 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 04/24/2014 by CM/ECF. [1209701] [14-36, 14-37]
February 13, 2014 Filing 59 NEW CASE MANAGER, Dana Ellwood, ASSIGNED.[1156366] [14-37]
February 3, 2014 Filing 54 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-36, Appellant-Cross-Appellee Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-37, FILED. Service date 02/03/2014 by CM/ECF.[1148661] [14-36, 14-37]
February 3, 2014 Filing 53 SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. Brief due date as 04/29/2014; Joint Appendix due date as 04/29/2014, FILED.[1148191] [14-36]
February 3, 2014 Filing 50 LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, informing Court of proposed due date 04/29/2014, RECEIVED. Service date 02/03/2014 by CM/ECF.[1148156] [14-36, 14-37]
February 3, 2014 Filing 48 ATTORNEY, Claude S. Platton, [ # 44 ], in place of attorney Barbara D. Underwood, SUBSTITUTED.[1147754] [14-36, 14-37]
February 3, 2014 Filing 47 NEW CASE MANAGER, Dana Ellwood, ASSIGNED.[1147747] [14-36]
January 31, 2014 Filing 45 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee Gerald J. Gill, FILED. Service date 01/31/2014 by CM/ECF.[1147336] [14-37, 14-36]
January 31, 2014 Filing 44 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS SUBSTITUTE COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-36, Appellant-Cross-Appellee Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman in 14-37, FILED. Service date 01/31/2014 by CM/ECF. [1147222] [14-36, 14-37]
January 30, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 37 ORDER, dated 01/30/2014, dismissing appeal by 02/13/2014, unless Appellant-Cross-Appellee Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman, submits form C, D, & Acknowledgment and Notice of Appearance, FILED.[1145835] [14-37]
January 30, 2014 Filing 36 NOTICE, to Appellee Lawrence Friedman, Gerald J. Gill, Frank A. Sedita, III and Appellee-Cross-Appellant Andrew M. Cuomo, Joseph A. D'Amico and Eric T. Schneiderman, for failure to file an appearance, SENT.[1145823] [14-36]--[Edited 02/03/2014 by HT]
January 30, 2014 Filing 35 CURED DEFECTIVE < [ # 27 ], [ # 32 ], [ # 30 ], [ # 29 ], on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine < Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical < Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1145808] [14-36]
January 30, 2014 Filing 34 ATTORNEY, Matthew S. Lerner for Appellant-Cross-Appellee New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., Bedell Custom, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc., Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Roger Horvath, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc, Thomas Galvin & William Nojay, in case 14-36, [ # 32 ], ADDED.[1145806] [14-36]
January 30, 2014 Filing 32 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 01/30/2014 by CM/ECF. [1145675] [14-36, 14-37]
January 29, 2014 Filing 31 ATTORNEY, Stephen Porter Halbrook for Appellant-Cross-Appellee New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., Bedell Custom, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc., Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Roger Horvath, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., Thomas Galvin & William Nojay, in case 14-36, [ # 30 ], ADDED.[1144826] [14-36]
January 29, 2014 Filing 30 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 01/29/2014 by CM/ECF. [1144565] [14-36, 14-37]
January 29, 2014 Filing 29 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 01/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1144387] [14-36, 14-37]
January 29, 2014 Filing 28 CURED DEFECTIVE FORM C & D, [ # 21 ], on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1144370] [14-37]--[Edited 01/29/2014 by HT]
January 29, 2014 Filing 27 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, [22], NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, [23], NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, [24], on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1144365] [14-36]
January 29, 2014 Filing 26 FORM D, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 01/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1144302] [14-36, 14-37]
January 29, 2014 Filing 25 FORM C, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 01/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1144299] [14-36, 14-37]
January 29, 2014 Filing 24 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 01/29/2014 by CM/ECF. [1144291] [14-36, 14-37]
January 29, 2014 Filing 23 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 01/29/2014 by CM/ECF. [1144288] [14-36, 14-37]
January 29, 2014 Filing 22 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-36, FILED. Service date 01/29/2014 by CM/ECF.[1144283] [14-36, 14-37]
January 29, 2014 Filing 21 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, FORM C & D, [9], [8], on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1144262] [14-37]
January 28, 2014 Filing 33 ELECTRONIC INDEX, in lieu of record, FILED.[1145793] [14-36]
January 28, 2014 Filing 20 ELECTRONIC INDEX, in lieu of record, FILED.[1144260] [14-37]
January 28, 2014 Filing 19 CURED DEFECTIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, [ # 12 ], [ # 15 ], [ # 16 ], on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1144189] [14-37]
January 28, 2014 Filing 18 CURED DEFECTIVE LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, [ # 17 ], on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1144180] [14-37]
January 28, 2014 Filing 17 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, [13], on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1144173] [14-37]
January 28, 2014 Filing 16 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 01/28/2014 by CM/ECF.[1144169] [14-37, 14-36]
January 28, 2014 Filing 15 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, [14], on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1144166] [14-37]
January 28, 2014 Filing 14 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 01/28/2014 by CM/ECF.[1144012] [14-37, 14-36]
January 28, 2014 Filing 13 LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, informing Court of proposed due date 04/29/2014, RECEIVED. Service date 01/28/2014 by CM/ECF.[1143962] [14-37, 14-36]
January 28, 2014 Filing 12 DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, [5], on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED.[1143946] [14-37]
January 28, 2014 Filing 11 ATTORNEY, Stephen Porter Halbrook for Appellee-Cross-Appellant New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., Bedell Custom, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc., Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Roger Horvath, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., Thomas Galvin, & William Nojay, in case 14-37, [ # 7 ], ADDED.[1143939] [14-37]
January 28, 2014 Filing 10 ATTORNEY, Matthew S. Lerner for Appellee-Cross-Appellant, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., Bedell Custom, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc., Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Roger Horvath, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., Thomas Galvin, & William Nojay, in case 14-37, [ # 6 ], ADDED.[1143927] [14-37]
January 28, 2014 Filing 9 FORM D, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 01/28/2014 by CM/ECF.[1143917] [14-37, 14-36]
January 28, 2014 Filing 8 FORM C, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 01/28/2014 by CM/ECF.[1143911] [14-37, 14-36]
January 28, 2014 Filing 7 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 01/28/2014 by CM/ECF. [1143902] [14-37, 14-36]
January 28, 2014 Filing 6 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 01/28/2014 by CM/ECF. [1143900] [14-37, 14-36]
January 28, 2014 Filing 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee-Cross-Appellant Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc. in 14-37, FILED. Service date 01/28/2014 by CM/ECF.[1143895] [14-37, 14-36]
January 3, 2014 Filing 4 DISTRICT COURT JUDGMENT, dated 01/02/2014, RECEIVED.[1135060] [14-36]
January 3, 2014 Filing 3 DISTRICT COURT ORDER, dated 12/31/2013, RECEIVED.[1135059] [14-36]
January 3, 2014 Filing 2 PAYMENT OF DOCKETING FEE, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., district court receipt # 0209-1946206, FILED.[1135054] [14-36]
January 3, 2014 Filing 1 NOTICE OF CIVIL APPEAL, with district court docket, on behalf of Appellant-Cross-Appellee Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC, Thomas Galvin, Roger Horvath, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Inc., New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc., William Nojay, Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. and Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc., FILED. [1135051] [14-36]

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Amicus curiae: Remington Arms Company, LLC
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Amicus curiae: Major Cities Chiefs Police Association
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Amicus curiae: National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc.
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Amicus curiae: Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence
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Amicus curiae: William J. Bratton, in his official capacity as Commissioner of the New York City Police Department
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Amicus curiae: National Rifle Association, Inc.
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Amicus curiae: Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
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Amicus curiae: Empire State Arms Collectors Association, Inc.
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Amicus curiae: State of Iowa
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Amicus curiae: State of Georgia
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Amicus curiae: New Yorkers Against Gun Violence
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Amicus curiae: State of South Dakota
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Amicus curiae: State of Idaho
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Amicus curiae: State of Hawaii
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Amicus curiae: State of Oregon
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Amicus curiae: State of Alaska
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Amicus curiae: International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association
Represented By: Patrick Walsh Brophy
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Amicus curiae: State of Louisiana
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Amicus curiae: Pink Pistols
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Defendant: Frank A. Sedita, III, District Attorney for Erie County
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Defendant / appellee: Gerald J. Gill, Chief of Police for the Town of Lancaster, New York
Represented By: Kevin Miles Kearney
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Defendant / appellee: Lawrence Friedman
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Defendant / appellee: Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York
Represented By: Claude S. Platton
Represented By: Barbara D. Underwood
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Defendant / appellee: Joseph A. D'Amico, Superintendent of the New York State Police
Represented By: Claude S. Platton
Represented By: Barbara D. Underwood
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Defendant / appellee: Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General of the State of New York
Represented By: Claude S. Platton
Represented By: Barbara D. Underwood
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Plaintiff / appellant: Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc.
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Batavia Marine & Sporting Supply
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Thomas Galvin
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Beikirch Ammunition Corporation
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, LLC
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Roger Horvath
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Inc.
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: William Nojay
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: Bedell Custom
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Plaintiff / appellant: New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Incorporated
Represented By: Peter A. Patterson Esq.
Represented By: Brian T. Stapleton Esq.
Represented By: Stephen Porter Halbrook
Represented By: Charles J. Cooper Esq.
Represented By: Matthew S. Lerner
Represented By: David Thompson Esq.
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Petitioner: Donald B. Smith, Putnam County Sheriff
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Petitioner: Timothy B. Howard, Erie County Sheriff
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Petitioner: Barry C. Virts, Wayne County Sheriff
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Petitioner: Thomas J. Lorey, Fulton County Sheriff
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Petitioner: Reuel A. Todd, Oswego County Sheriff
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