Dicke v. Canyon County, et al.
Lynn Dicke |
Canyon County, Judge Davis Vandervelde, Canyon County Courthouse and Bryan F Taylor |
1:2022cv00368 |
August 24, 2022 |
US District Court for the District of Idaho |
David C Nye |
Civil Rights: Other |
42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act |
Plaintiff |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on March 2, 2023. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 25 NOTICE to Pro Se Litigants of the Summary Judgment Rule Requirement re #21 Second Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim (alw) |
Filing 24 NOTICE of Availability of Magistrate Judge and Requirement for Consent sent to counsel for Bryan F Taylor, Canyon County Courthouse re #20 #22 Notice of Appearance Consent/Objection to Magistrate due by 12/12/2022. (alw) Modified on 10/13/2022 to add party (alw). |
Filing 23 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Canyon County Courthouse. Canyon County Courthouse waiver sent on 10/3/2022, answer due 12/2/2022. (Reed, Dayton) |
Filing 22 NOTICE of Appearance by Dayton Patrick Reed on behalf of Canyon County Courthouse (Reed, Dayton) |
Filing 21 Second Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim Alexis R Klempel appearing for Defendants Canyon County, Bryan F Taylor. Responses due by 11/2/2022 (Attachments: #1 Memorandum in Support, #2 Exhibit)(Klempel, Alexis) |
Filing 20 NOTICE of Appearance by Alexis R Klempel on behalf of Bryan F Taylor (Klempel, Alexis) |
Filing 19 NOTICE of Availability of Magistrate Judge and Requirement for Consent sent to counsel for Judge Davis Vandervelde re #18 Notice of Appearance Consent/Objection to Magistrate due by 12/12/2022. (alw) |
Filing 18 NOTICE of Appearance by Dayton Patrick Reed on behalf of Judge Davis Vandervelde (Reed, Dayton) |
Filing 17 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Judge Davis Vandervelde. Judge Davis Vandervelde waiver sent on 10/3/2022, answer due 12/2/2022. (Reed, Dayton) |
Filing 16 NOTICE by Lynn Dicke (Attachments: #1 document, #2 document)(alw) |
Filing 15 Notice of a lawsuit and request to waive service of summons by Lynn Dicke (Attachments: #1 notice, #2 notice)(alw) |
Filing 14 Summons Issued as to Canyon County and Canyon County of Idaho. (Print attached Summons for service.) (Attachments: #1 Summons issued as to Canyon county)(jd) |
Filing 13 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Lynn Dicke. Canyon County served on 9/16/2022, answer due 10/7/2022; Judge Davis Vandervelde served on 9/16/2022, answer due 10/7/2022. (Attachments: #1 summons executed)(alw) |
Filing 12 Summons Issued as to Canyon County Courthouse, Bryan F Taylor. (Print attached Summons for service.) (alw) |
Filing 11 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Canyon County Courthouse, Judge Davis Vandervelde, Bryan F Taylor, filed by Lynn Dicke. (Attachments: #1 Summons)(alw) |
Filing 10 NOTICE to Pro Se Litigants of the Summary Judgment Rule Requirement re #8 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim (alw) |
Filing 9 NOTICE of Availability of Magistrate Judge and Requirement for Consent sent to counsel for Canyon County, Lynn Dicke re #2 Complaint, #7 Notice of Appearance Consent/Objection to Magistrate due by 11/28/2022. (alw) |
Filing 8 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim Alexis R Klempel appearing for Defendant Canyon County. Responses due by 10/18/2022 (Attachments: #1 Memorandum in Support)(Klempel, Alexis) |
Filing 7 NOTICE of Appearance by Alexis R Klempel on behalf of Canyon County (Klempel, Alexis) |
Filing 6 INITIAL REVIEW ORDER. Dickes Application for Leave to Proceed in Forma Pauperis (Dkt. #1 ) is DENIED as stated herein. Dickes Complaint (Dkt. #2 ) is deficient as it fails to state any claims uponwhich relief can be granted. Her Complaint is therefore DISMISSEDWITHOUT PREJUDICE. The Court grants Dicke leave to file an AmendedComplaint in substantial compliance with the Courts analysis above.. Signed by Judge David C. Nye. (caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by (alw) |
Filing 5 Summons Issued as to All Defendants. (Print attached Summons for service.) (Attachments: #1 Summons for Canyon County, Canyon County Courthouse)(jd) |
Filing 4 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Canyon County, Judge Davis Vandervelde, Canyon County Courthouse, filed by Lynn Dicke. (Attachments: #1 Supplement, #2 Exhibit)(jd) |
RECEIPT: Filing Fee Received $ 402.00, receipt # 30385. (jd) |
Filing 3 ORDER of Conditional Filing - caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by (ac) |
Filing 2 COMPLAINT against Canyon County, filed by Lynn Dicke. (Attachments: #1 Cover Sheet, #2 Summons, #3 Exhibit)(ac) |
Filing 1 APPLICATION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis by Plaintiff Lynn Dicke. Responses due by 9/14/2022 (ac) |
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