Scherfen et al v. United States Department of Homeland Security et al Featured Case

Plaintiffs Erich Scherfen and Rubina Tareen alleged that Defendants' failed to provide any procedural due process to allow Plaintiffs to contest their continued designation on terrorist watch lists. Plaintiffs also alleged that Defendants selected and maintained Plaintiffs on the watch lists because of their Muslim faith and attendant religious activities.

Plaintiff: Erich Scherfen and Rubina Tareen
Defendant: United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Julie L. Myers
Case Number: 3:2008cv01554
Filed: August 19, 2008
Court: U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
Office: Civil Rights: Other Office
County: Schuylkill
Presiding Judge: Thomas I. Vanaskie
Presiding Judge:
Nature of Suit: None
Cause of Action: U.S. Government Defendant
Jury Demanded By: 28:1343 Violation of Civil Rights
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on May 29, 2019. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
April 19, 2010 Filing 79 SEALED ORDER (kn, )
April 17, 2010 Filing 78 Unopposed MOTION Modification of Court's March 2, 2010 Order re 75 Order,, by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Kelleher, Diane)
March 18, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 77 ORDER that Defendants motion for an extension of time within which to comply to this Courts Order of March 2, 2010 is GRANTED. On or before April 17, 2010,Assistant United States Attorney, G. Michael Thiel, shall confirm compliance with the Courts Order of March 2, 2010.Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 3/18/10 (jfg)
March 17, 2010 Filing 76 MOTION for Extension of Time to Enlargement of Time to Comply with Court's Order of March 2, 2010 by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Thiel, Michael)
March 2, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 75 ORDER 1. Assistant United States Attorney G. Michael Tliiel shall cause the sealed envelop containing this Court's Confidential Memorandum Opinion to be delivered in a secure manner to the Court Security Office of,the Litigation Security Section of the Department of Justice. 2. Within fourteen (14) days from the date of this Order, Assistant United States Attorney Thiel shall confirm compliance with this Order. 3. The Court Security Office of the Litiga1:ion Security Section of the Department of Justice shall maintain the Confidential Memorandum Opinion under seal pending further Order of this Court.Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 3/2/10. (jfg)
March 1, 2010 Filing 74 Letter from Atty Foerster to Judge Vanaskie In accordance with footnote 5 of your opinion in this matter dated February 2,2010, Plaintiffs respectfully request that the Court prepare a separate opinion setting forth the contentsof documents reviewed in camera and explaining more directly why Plaintiffs do not have standing. We understand that this document will not be available for inspection by the Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs' counsel, or the public, but that it will be held in the custody of the Court Security Office of the Litigation Security Section of the Department of Justice so that it will be availablein the event that further review is sought. (jfg)
February 2, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 73 ORDER - 1. The Clerk of Court shall maintain under seal in a secure location the the sealed envelopes accompanying this Order which contain the documents submitted by Defts ex parte for in camera review on or about July 8, 2009 and on or about August 6, 2009. 2. The Clerk of Court shall file this Order on the public docket, but shall NOT file in the Court's electronic case filing system the documents submitted for in camera review and that accompanying this Order in sealed envelopes. 3. The clerk of Court shall retain in a secure place the sealed envelopes and contents of those envelopes accompanying this Order until further Order of Court. Sealed envelopes placed in court vault. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 2/2/10. (kc, )
February 2, 2010 Filing 72 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER 1. Defendants Motion to Dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Dkt. 42) is GRANTED. 2. The Clerk of Court is directed to mark this matter CLOSED. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 2/2/10. (jfg)
January 8, 2010 Filing 71 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Oral argument held on 6/18/09 before Judge Vanaskie. Court Reporter Kristin Yeager, Telephone number 570.344.1323. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 1/29/2010. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 2/8/2010. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 4/8/2010. (cr, )
November 9, 2009 Filing 70 Letter from Atty Foerster to Judge Vanaskie Re: Determination of subject matter jurisdiction to this Court. (jfg)
August 31, 2009 Filing 69 Letter from Attorney Amy C. Foerster. (Foerster, Amy)
August 12, 2009 Filing 68 NOTICE by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation re 64 Order,, of Compliance with this Court's July 28, 2009 Order (Kelleher, Diane)
August 10, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 67 ORDER granting Varu Chilakamarri's 66 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 8/10/09 (ts, )
August 8, 2009 Filing 66 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Varu Chilakamarri by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation.(Chilakamarri, Varu)
July 29, 2009 SPECIAL ADMISSION FORM & ECF REGISTRATION FORM SENT to Attorney Dian Kelleher. (am)
July 28, 2009 Filing 65 NOTICE of Appearance by Diane Kelleher on behalf of all defendants (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit(s) Supervisor's Letter)(Kelleher, Diane)
July 28, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 64 ORDER 1. Within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Order, Defendants shall provide the Court with a copy of the unredacted version of the two page document referenced in Defendants July 27, 2009 correspondence. Defendants shall also include with the document a short declaration to explain the unredacted content. The Court shall review these documents in camera, ex parte.2. Defendants shall notify the Court within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Order whether the above referenced correspondence, including Plaintiffs July 20, 2009 and Defendants July 27, 2009 letters should be filed under seal.Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 7/28/09. (jfg)
July 8, 2009 Filing 63 NOTICE by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation (Chilakamarri, Varu)
June 18, 2009 Filing 61 COURT REPORTER NOTES OF PROCEEDINGS filed by K. Yeager of Oral argument before Judge Vanaskie on 6/18/09. In accordance with 28 U.S.C. Section 753(b), I certify that these original notes are a true and correct record of proceedings in the United States District Court for the Middle District of PA before Judge Vanaskie on 6/18/09. By s/ K. Yeager. (Court Reporter Notes are viewable by court staff only). (cr, )
May 29, 2009 Filing 60 REPLY BRIEF re 42 MOTION to Dismiss or, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment filed by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit(s) 1, # 2 Exhibit(s) 2)(Chilakamarri, Varu)
May 29, 2009 Filing 59 SPECIAL ADMISSIONS FORM APPROVED as to Varu ChilakamarriSigned by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 5/29/09. (ts, )
May 28, 2009 Filing 58 PETITION FOR SPECIAL ADMISSION (PRO HAC VICE) by Varu Chilakamarri on behalf of all defendants Attorney Chilakamarri is seeking special admission. Filing Fee waived. (Attachments: # 1 Letter)(kc, )
May 22, 2009 SPECIAL ADMISSION FORM SENT to Varu Chilakamarri. (jc)
May 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 57 ORDER granting 54 Motion for Extension of Time. Defts time to file their reply in support of their motion to dismiss or in the alternative, for summary judgment is hereby extended through May 29, 2009. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 5/21/09 (jfg)
May 21, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 56 ORDER granting 55 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Defts may file a reply in support of their motion to dismiss or in the alternative for sumary judgment that does not exceed 45 pages. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 5/21/09 (jfg)
May 20, 2009 Filing 55 Unopposed MOTION to Exceed Page Limitation by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation.(Chilakamarri, Varu)
May 20, 2009 Filing 54 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Brief to 53 Brief in Opposition filed by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation.(Chilakamarri, Varu)
May 13, 2009 Filing 53 BRIEF IN OPPOSITION re 42 MOTION to Dismiss or, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment //Supplemental Brief filed by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit(s) Exhibit A)(Foerster, Amy)
May 12, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 52 ORDER granting Plaintiffs' 51 Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Brief.Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 5/12/09 (ts, )
May 11, 2009 Filing 51 MOTION for Leave to File Supplemental Brief in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Proposed Order, # 2 Exhibit(s) Exhibit A)(Foerster, Amy)
April 27, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 50 ORDER granting 49 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 42 . Defts time to file their reply in support of their motion to dismiss or in the alternative for summary judgment is hereby extended through May 26, 2009. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 4/27/09 (jfg)
April 26, 2009 Filing 49 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Brief to 42 MOTION to Dismiss or, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment filed by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation.(Glass, David)
April 6, 2009 Filing 48 BRIEF IN OPPOSITION re 42 MOTION to Dismiss or, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment filed by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit(s) Exhibit A, # 2 Proposed Order)(Foerster, Amy)
April 6, 2009 Filing 47 RESPONSE by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen TO DEFENDANTS' STATEMENT PURSUANT TO MIDDLE DISTRICT L.R. 56.1. (Foerster, Amy)
April 6, 2009 DOCKET ANNOTATION - Documents 47 and 48 Deleted - Filed in error. Filer will refile. (pw, )
February 27, 2009 Filing 46 NOTICE by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation of Recently Decided Authority (Glass, David)
February 23, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 45 SCHEDULING ORDER: Oral Argument scheduled for 2/27/09 is RESCHEDULED to 6/18/2009 at 11:00 AM in Scranton before Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie.Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 2/23/09. (ao, )
February 13, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 44 ORDER granting plaintiffs' 43 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 42 MOTION to Dismiss or, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment Reply Brief due by 5/4/2009.Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 2/13/09 (ts, )
February 12, 2009 Filing 43 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Brief to 42 MOTION to Dismiss or, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment filed by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Foerster, Amy)
January 30, 2009 Filing 42 MOTION to Dismiss or, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Attachments: # 1 Def. Mot. Dis. or, in Alt., Summ. J. (Mem. Supp.), # 2 Def. Mot. Dis. or, in Alt., Summ. J. (Exs. 1-2), # 3 Def. Mot. Dis. or, in Alt., Summ. J. (Ex. 3), # 4 Def. Mot. Dis. or, in Alt., Summ. J. (Exs. 4-9), # 5 Def. Mot. Dis. or, in Alt., Summ. J. (Exs. 10-20), # 6 Def. Mot. Dis. or, in Alt., Summ. J. (Exs. 21-30), # 7 Def. Mot. Dis. or, in Alt., Summ. J. (Prop. Order), # 8 Def. Mot. Dis. or, in Alt., Summ. J. (Rule 56.1 Statement))(Glass, David)
January 26, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 41 ORDER granting 40 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Deft may file a memorandum in support of their motion to dismiss or in the alternative for summary judgment that does not exceed 90 pages. Pltfs may file a memo in opposition to defts motion of the same length as the memo in support thereof. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 1/26/09 (jfg)
January 23, 2009 Filing 40 Unopposed MOTION to Exceed Page Limitation by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation.(Glass, David)
January 9, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 39 ORDER 1. Defendants Motion for a Stay of Proceedings or, in the Alternative, for an Extension of Time (Dkt. Entry 33) is DENIED. 2. Defendants shall file their proposed dispositive motion and brief no later than Friday, January 30, 2009.Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 1/9/09 (jfg)
January 9, 2009 Filing 37 COURT REPORTER NOTES OF PROCEEDINGS filed by K. Yeager of Telephone conference Re: Stay of proceedings before Judge Vanaskie on 1/9/09. In accordance with 28 U.S.C. Section 753(b), I certify that these original notes are a true and correct record of proceedings in the United States District Court for the Middle District of PA before Judge Vanaskie on 1/9/09. By s/ K. Yeager. (Court Reporter Notes are viewable by court staff only). (cr, )
January 6, 2009 Filing 36 BRIEF IN OPPOSITION re 33 MOTION to Stay or, in the Alternative, for Extension of Time filed by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen.(Foerster, Amy)
January 6, 2009 Opinion or Order Filing 35 ORDER:THAT a telephonic conference shall be conducted on Friday, January 9, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. regarding Defendants Motion for a Stay of Proceedings, or, in the Alternative, for an Extension of Time. Attorney Katsas is responsible for arranging the call and all parties shall be ready to proceed before the undersigned is contacted. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 1/6/09. (jfg)
January 5, 2009 Filing 34 Plaintiffs' Answer in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for a Stay of Proceedings or, in the alternative, for an Extension of Time. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Order)(Foerster, Amy)
January 2, 2009 Filing 33 MOTION to Stay or, in the Alternative, for Extension of Time by Robert S. Mueller, III, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Attachments: # 1 Def. Mot. Stay or, in Alt., Ext. (Mem. Supp.), # 2 Def. Mot. Stay or, in Alt., Ext. (Prop. Order), # 3 Def. Mot. Stay or, in Alt., Ext. (Exs.))(Glass, David)
December 1, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 32 ORDER granting 29 Motion to Extend Time. the time of defts to file their porposed dispositive motin and the memo in support thereof is hereby extended through 1/9/09. the time of pltfs to file their opposition to defts motion is hereby extended through 2/20/09, and the time of defts to file their reply in support of the motion is hereby extended through 3/20/09. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 12/1/08 (jfg)
November 26, 2008 Filing 31 REPLY BRIEF re 29 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Dispositive Motion and Memorandum in Support Thereof filed by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation.(Glass, David)
November 26, 2008 Filing 30 REPLY by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen. to 29 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Dispositive Motion and Memorandum in Support Thereof. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Foerster, Amy)
November 26, 2008 Filing 29 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Dispositive Motion and Memorandum in Support Thereof by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation.(Glass, David)
October 15, 2008 Filing 28 AFFIDAVIT of Service for Complaint and original Summonses served on All Defendants on August 27 through September 2008, filed by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen. (Foerster, Amy)
October 14, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 27 ORDER 1. The case management conference scheduled for Thursday, October 16, 2008, at8:30 a.m. is CANCELLED.2. Defendants shall file their proposed dispositive motion and brief no later thanFriday, December 5, 2008. 3. Plaintiffs shall file a responsive brief no later than Friday, January 16, 2009. 4. Defendants reply brief, if any, shall be filed no later than Friday, February 13, 2009. 5. Oral argument shall be held on Friday, February 27, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. in the William J. Nealon Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, 235 North Washington Avenue, Scranton, PA 18501. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 10/14/08. (jfg)
October 14, 2008 Filing 26 COURT REPORTER NOTES OF PROCEEDINGS filed by K. Yeager of Telephone conference Re: Motion for extension of time before Judge Vanaskie on 10/14/08. In accordance with 28 U.S.C. Section 753(b), I certify that these original notes are a true and correct record of proceedings in the United States District Court for the Middle District of PA before Judge Vanaskie on 10/14/08. By s/ K. Yeager. (Court Reporter Notes are viewable by court staff only). (cr, )
October 14, 2008 Set/Reset Hearings: Oral Argument set for 2/27/2009 10:00 AM in Scranton before Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie. (jfg)
October 10, 2008 Filing 24 CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN //Joint by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen. (Foerster, Amy)
October 6, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 23 ORDER: THAT a telephone conference concerning defendants motion for extension of time will be held on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Attorney David M. Glass is responsible for placing the call to (570) 207-5720 and all parties should be ready to proceed before the undersigned is contacted. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 10/6/08. (jfg)
October 6, 2008 Filing 22 Plaintiffs' Answer in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Extension of Time. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Foerster, Amy)
October 2, 2008 Filing 21 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 1 Complaint by Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation.(Glass, David)
September 22, 2008 Filing 20 DISCLOSURE REPORT. (Foerster, Amy)
September 3, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 19 ORDER: Case Management Conference set for 10/16/2008 08:30 AM in Scranton before Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie.Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 9/3/08. (jfg)
September 3, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 18 ORDER granting 17 Motion to Withdraw. pLTFS MOTION FOR EXPEDITED PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION (DKT 5) is considered withdrawn without prejudice to its refiling at some point in the future, if deemed necessary by pltfs. Accordingly, the hearing scheduled for 9/18/08 is cancelled. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 9/3/08 (jfg)
September 2, 2008 Filing 17 MOTION to Withdraw 5 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit(s), # 2 Proposed Order)(Foerster, Amy)
August 26, 2008 Filing 16 NOTICE of Appearance by David M. Glass on behalf of all defendants (Glass, David)
August 26, 2008 Filing 15 NOTICE of Appearance by George Michael Thiel on behalf of all defendants. (Thiel, George)
August 21, 2008 Opinion or Order Filing 14 ORDER: 1. The Governments Brief in Opposition to Plaintiffs Expedited Motion for Preliminary Injunction shall be filed no later than Wednesday, September 3, 2008. 2. Plaintiffs Reply Brief shall be filed no later than Wednesday, September 10, 2008. 3. A hearing on Plaintiffs Expedited Motion for Preliminary Injunction (Dkt. Entry 5) will be held on Thursday, September 18, 2008, at 11:00 a.m. in the William J. Nealon Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, 235 North Washington Avenue, Scranton, PA 18501. The hearing will be held in a courtroom to be designated by the Clerk of Court. Counsel can obtain information on courtroom assignments by contacting the Clerk's office the Friday before the scheduled appearance. Signed by Honorable Thomas I. Vanaskie on 8/21/08. (jfg)
August 21, 2008 Filing 13 NOTICE of Appearance by Valerie Burch on behalf of all plaintiffs (Burch, Valerie)
August 21, 2008 Filing 11 Letter from Attorney Amy Foerster. (Foerster, Amy)
August 21, 2008 Filing 10 NOTICE of Appearance, filed by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen.(Walczak, Witold)
August 20, 2008 Filing 9 Praecipe to attach documents to Verified Complaint. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit(s) Attachments)(Foerster, Amy)
August 20, 2008 Filing 8 COURT REPORTER NOTES OF PROCEEDINGS filed by K. Yeager of Telephone conference Re: Emergency Matter before Judge Vanaskie on 8/20/08. In accordance with 28 U.S.C. Section 753(b), I certify that these original notes are a true and correct record of proceedings in the United States District Court for the Middle District of PA before Judge Vanaskie on 8/20/08. By s/ K. Yeager. (Court Reporter Notes are viewable by court staff only). (cr, )
August 20, 2008 Case assigned to Judge Vanaskie. (kc, )
August 19, 2008 Filing 7 EXHIBITS by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen re 5 Expedited MOTION for Preliminary Injunction. (ao, ) (admin, ).
August 19, 2008 Filing 6 BRIEF IN SUPPORT re 5 EXPEDITED MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen.(ao, ) (admin, ).
August 19, 2008 Filing 5 EXPEDITED MOTION for Preliminary Injunction by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order, # 2 Proposed Order)(ao, )
August 19, 2008 Filing 4 EXHIBIT C by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen re 1 Complaint. (ao, ) (admin, ).
August 19, 2008 Filing 3 EXHIBIT B by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen re 1 Complaint. (ao, ) (admin, ).
August 19, 2008 Filing 2 EXHIBIT A by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen re 1 Complaint. (ao, ) (admin, ).
August 19, 2008 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against all defendants ( Filing fee $350, Receipt Number 1363563), filed by Erich Scherfen, Rubina Tareen. (ao, ) (Additional attachment(s) added on 8/20/2008: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet) (admin, ).
August 19, 2008 Summons Issued as to Robert S. Mueller, III, United States Department of Justice, Michael B. Mukasey, National Counter Terrorism Center, Michael E. Leiter, Terrorist Screening Center, Donna Bucella, Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley, United States Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie L. Myers, United States Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, Federal Bureau of Investigation and provided to Atty Foerster for service on Defendant(s). (ao, )

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Plaintiff: Erich Scherfen
Represented By: Amy C. Foerster
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Plaintiff: Rubina Tareen
Represented By: Amy C. Foerster
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Defendant: United States Department of Homeland Security
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Defendant: Michael Chertoff
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Defendant: Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Defendant: Robert S. Mueller, III
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Defendant: United States Department of Justice
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Defendant: Michael B. Mukasey
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Defendant: National Counter Terrorism Center
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Defendant: Michael E. Leiter
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Defendant: Terrorist Screening Center
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Defendant: Donna Bucella
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Defendant: Transportation Security Administration
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Defendant: Kip Hawley
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Defendant: United States Customs and Border Protection
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Defendant: W. Ralph Basham
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Defendant: United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement
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Defendant: Julie L. Myers
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