Travelers Property Casualty Company of America et al v. M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc. et al
Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America and Travelers Indemnity Company, The |
Scottsdale Insurance Company, Auto-Owners Insurance Company, Westfield Insurance Company, Arch Insurance Company, Kahn Development Company, Inc., Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Employers Mutual Casualty Company, Central Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Pilot Insurance Company, R.W. Ford Company, Inc., Motorists Mutual Insurance Company, Walker White, Inc., Gemini Insurance Company, Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance, Evanston Insurance Company, Promenade at Sandhill Condominium Association, Inc., Heritage Roofing Co., Inc., Owners Insurance Company, M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc., Meetze Plumbing Co., Inc., RSUI Indemnity Company, Amerisure Insurance Company, National Fire Insurance of Hartford, Netherlands Insurance Company, The, Contractors of Atlanta, Inc., Navigators Insurance Company, American Alternative Insurance Corporation, Cincinnati Insurance Company, The, Big Time Plastering, Inc., Zurich American Insurance Company, GR Masonry, Inc., Clarendon National Insurance Company, Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company, Western World Insurance Company and Illinois Union Insurance Company |
BB&T Insurance Services, Inc., Crescent South Agency, Inc., Admiral Insurance Company, Cayce Company, Inc. and American Guarantee and Liability Insurance Company |
M. B. Kahn Construction Co., Inc. |
3:2020cv01304 |
April 6, 2020 |
U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina |
Mary Geiger Lewis |
Sherri A Lydon |
Insurance |
28 U.S.C. § 2201 |
None |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on March 29, 2021. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 186 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE Executed by Arch Insurance Company, with Confirmation of Extension, Acknowledgement filed by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc.. (Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 185 Amended Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company.(Templeton, Morgan) |
Filing 184 RSUI Indemnity Company's ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by RSUI Indemnity Company.(Belcher, Alan) |
Filing 183 REPLY to Response to Motion re #73 MOTION to Dismiss Response filed by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Quarterly Statement of Navigators Insurance Company, #2 Exhibit B - President/CEO Agreement, #3 Exhibit C - Executive VP/CFO Agreement, #4 Exhibit D - CT List of Licensed Insurance Companies, #5 Exhibit E - NY Company Details Page for Navigators Insurance Company, #6 Exhibit F - Complaint, Navigators Ins. Co. v. Thunder Construction, #7 Exhibit G - List of Travelers' Management and Directors)(Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 182 Amended Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by American Alternative Insurance Corporation.(Novak, Justin) |
Filing 181 TEXT ORDER granting #176 Consent Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to ECF #125 . Plaintiffs and Counter-Defendants deadline to file a Reply to ECF 125 is extended to June 11, 2020. Signed by the Honorable Sherri A. Lydon on June 4, 2020. (lgib, ) |
Filing 180 TEXT ORDER granting #171 Consent Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer by Scottsdale Insurance Company. Defendants deadline to respond to Plaintiffs Complaint is extended to June 23, 2020. Signed by the Honorable Sherri A Lydon on 6/4/2020. (lgib, ) |
Filing 179 R.W. Ford Company, Inc. REPLY to Crossclaim #161 , ANSWER to Counterclaim #161 by R.W. Ford Company, Inc..(Rodgers, Stanley) |
Filing 178 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE Executed on behalf of Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company, with Extension, Acknowledgement filed by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc.. (Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 177 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE Executed on behalf of The Netherlands Insurance Company, with Extension, Acknowledgement filed by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc.. (Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 176 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #125 Response in Opposition to Motion,,, by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. Response to Motion due by 6/17/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 175 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE Executed as to Cross-Claim of M.B. Kahn Construction, Inc. Acknowledgement filed by Owners Insurance Company. (Templeton, Morgan) |
Filing 174 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE Executed as to Cross-Claim of M.B. Kahn Construction, Inc. Acknowledgement filed by Auto-Owners Insurance Company. (Templeton, Morgan) |
Filing 173 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Arch Insurance Company.(Kernodle, Trent) |
Filing 172 ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Arch Insurance Company.(Kernodle, Trent) |
Filing 171 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, #31 Summons Issued by Scottsdale Insurance Company. Response to Motion due by 6/16/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Martineau, Elizabeth) |
Filing 170 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by M. B. Kahn Construction Co., Inc. on Admiral Insurance Company (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Letter from Director of SC Department of Insurance)(Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 169 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by M. B. Kahn Construction Co., Inc. on American Guarantee and Liability Insurance Company (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Letter from Director of SC Department of Insurance)(Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 168 WAIVER OF SERVICE by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc.. Cayce Company, Inc. waiver executed on 5/26/2020, answer due 7/27/2020. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Executed Waiver of Service by Cayce Company, Inc.)(Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 167 REPLY by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc. to the Crossclaim of R. W. Ford Company, Inc.. (Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 166 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Netherlands Insurance Company, The.(Simons, Keating) |
Filing 165 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM by Netherlands Insurance Company, The. Response to Motion due by 6/16/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Memo in Support of Motion to Dismiss)No proposed order.(Simons, Keating) |
Filing 164 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company.(Simons, Keating) |
Filing 163 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM by Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company. Response to Motion due by 6/16/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Memo in Support of Motion to Dismiss)No proposed order.(Simons, Keating) |
Filing 162 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Zurich American Insurance Company.(Reeves, Phillip) |
Filing 161 Zurich American Insurance Company's ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, , First CROSSCLAIM against All Plaintiffs, First COUNTERCLAIM against All Plaintiffs by Zurich American Insurance Company.(Reeves, Phillip) |
Filing 160 REPLY by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc. to #98 Answer to Complaint,,,,, Crossclaim,,,,, Counterclaim,,,, of Kahn Development Company, Inc.. (Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 159 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM by American Alternative Insurance Corporation. Response to Motion due by 6/15/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Memo in Support, #2 Exhibit Atuahene Case, #3 Exhibit Auto-Owners Case (4th Circuit), #4 Exhibit Auto-Owners Case (D.S.C.), #5 Exhibit Boykin Anchor Case)No proposed order.(Novak, Justin) |
Filing 158 ANSWER to #1 Complaint by American Alternative Insurance Corporation. (Novak, Justin) Modified on 6/4/2020 to remove attachment and file separately (lgib, ). |
Filing 157 ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Evanston Insurance Company.(O'Neal, J) |
Filing 156 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Central Mutual Insurance Company.(Flynn, William) |
Filing 155 ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Central Mutual Insurance Company.(Flynn, William) |
Filing 154 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. Response to Motion due by 6/15/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 LR 26.01 Answers Liberty Mutual's Rule 26.01 Disclosures)No proposed order.(Templeton, Morgan) |
Filing 153 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance.(Domin, Timothy) |
Filing 152 ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Motorists Mutual Insurance Company. (Attachments: #1 LR 26.01 Answers : Answers to 26.01s)(McCullough, Clayton) |
Filing 151 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Illinois Union Insurance Company.(Bonnie, John) |
Filing 150 ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Illinois Union Insurance Company.(Bonnie, John) |
Filing 149 LETTER EXTENDING TIME TO ANSWER Cincinnati Insurance Company, The answer due 6/22/2020. (Wieters, Elizabeth) |
Filing 148 REPLY to Crossclaim #98 by Westfield Insurance Company.(Burchstead, Michael) |
Filing 147 RESPONSE in Opposition re #73 MOTION to Dismiss , #97 MOTION to Dismiss Response filed by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America.Reply to Response to Motion due by 6/5/2020 Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A Notice of Removal, #2 Exhibit B Complaint, #3 Exhibit C Hanover Complaint, #4 Exhibit D Complaint, #5 Exhibit E Continental Complaint)(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 146 DECLARATION by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex A Annual Statement, #2 Exhibit Ex B Annual Statement, #3 Exhibit Ex C Annual Statement)(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 145 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Cincinnati Insurance Company, The.(Wieters, Elizabeth) |
Filing 144 ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Cincinnati Insurance Company, The.(Wieters, Elizabeth) |
Filing 143 RESPONSE in Opposition re #84 MOTION to Bifurcate and Stay MOTION to Stay Response filed by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America.Reply to Response to Motion due by 6/5/2020 Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6. (Bruorton, James) |
Filing 142 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM by Clarendon National Insurance Company. Response to Motion due by 6/12/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Memo in Support, #2 Supporting Documents Clarendon National Insurance Company's Request for Judicial Notice in Support of Motion to Dismiss Travelers' Complaint, #3 Exhibit Exhibit A to Request for Judicial Notice, #4 Exhibit LR 7.02 Certificate of Counsel)No proposed order.(Brown, Stephen) |
Filing 141 ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance.(Domin, Timothy) |
Filing 140 REPLY to Crossclaim #83 by Westfield Insurance Company.(Burchstead, Michael) |
Filing 139 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE Executed on behalf of Navigators Insurance Company, with Extension Acknowledgement filed by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc.. (Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 138 TEXT ORDER granting Plaintiffs and Counter-Defendants #136 Consent Motion for Extension of Time. The current deadline for Defendant to respond or reply to the pleadings is extended to June 12, 2020. Signed by the Honorable Sherri A Lydon on 5/29/2020. (lgib, ) |
Filing 137 TEXT ORDER granting Plaintiffs and Counter-Defendants #135 Consent Motion for Extension of Time. The current deadline for Defendant to answer or otherwise respond to the pleadings is extended to June 12, 2020. Signed by the Honorable Sherri A Lydon on 5/29/2020. (lgib, ) |
Filing 136 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #83 Answer to Complaint,,,,,, Third Party Complaint,,,,,, Crossclaim,,,,,, Counterclaim,,,,, by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. Response to Motion due by 6/12/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 135 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #98 Answer to Complaint,,,,, Crossclaim,,,,, Counterclaim,,,, by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. Response to Motion due by 6/12/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 134 LETTER EXTENDING TIME TO ANSWER Zurich American Insurance Company answer due 6/1/2020. (Attachments: #1 Notice of Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleadings)(Reeves, Phillip) |
Filing 133 TEXT ORDER granting ECF #127 , #129 , and #130 Consent Motions for Extension of Time to File Answer or otherwise plead. Defendants responses to Plaintiffs complaint are due June 19, 2020. Signed by the Honorable Sherri A Lydon on 5/29/2020. (lgib, ) |
Filing 132 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by RSUI Indemnity Company.(Belcher, Alan) |
Filing 131 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO FRCP 7.1 by RSUI Indemnity Company.(Belcher, Alan) |
Filing 130 MOTION for Extension of Time by Gemini Insurance Company. Response to Motion due by 6/11/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5-26-20 Email providing consent)No proposed order.(Newton, Timothy) |
Filing 129 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Navigators Insurance Company. Response to Motion due by 6/11/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Mahon, Christy) |
Filing 128 MOTION to Dismiss , MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM ( Response to Motion due by 6/11/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. ) by RSUI Indemnity Company. (Attachments: #1 Memo in Support Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss, #2 Exhibit Second Amended Complaint, #3 Exhibit RSUI 2005 Policy, #4 Exhibit RSUI 2006 Policy, #5 Exhibit FCCI Insurance Company v. Island Park, LLC) No proposed order.(Belcher, Alan) (Attachment 1 replaced on 5/28/2020 to edit text) (lgib, ). |
Filing 127 MOTION for Extension of Time by Employers Mutual Casualty Company. Response to Motion due by 6/11/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5-26-20 Email providing consent)No proposed order.(Newton, Timothy) |
Filing 126 MOTION to Dismiss by Auto-Owners Insurance Company, Owners Insurance Company. Response to Motion due by 6/11/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 LR 26.01 Answers)No proposed order.(Templeton, Morgan) |
Filing 125 RESPONSE in Opposition re #122 MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Lance Meyer ( Filing fee $ 250 receipt number 0420-9122132), #121 MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Dale O. Thornsjo ( Filing fee $ 250 receipt number 0420-9122091) Response filed by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc..Reply to Response to Motion due by 6/4/2020 Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Letter to William R. Schmidt dated August 30, 2019 (redacted), #2 Exhibit B - Letter to William R. Schmidt dated October 10, 2019 (redacted, #3 Exhibit C - Letter to William R. Schmidt dated November 14, 2019 (redacted), #4 Exhibit D - Letter to William R. Schmidt dated February 6, 2020 (redacted))(Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 124 TEXT ORDER granting #120 Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer by National Fire Insurance of Hartford. Defendants response to Plaintiffs complaint is due June 9, 2020. Signed by Honorable Sherri A Lydon on 5/27/2020.(lgib, ) |
Filing 123 STIPULATION as to Service of Cross-Claim of M.B. Kahn Construction Co., Inc. on Cincinnati Insurance Company and Confirmation of Extension of Time to Respond by Cincinnati Insurance Company, The. (Wieters, Elizabeth) |
Filing 122 MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Lance Meyer ( Filing fee $ 250 receipt number 0420-9122132) by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. Response to Motion due by 6/10/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Supporting Documents Application for Admission, #2 Supporting Documents Certificate of Good Standing)Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 121 MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Dale O. Thornsjo ( Filing fee $ 250 receipt number 0420-9122091) by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. Response to Motion due by 6/10/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Supporting Documents Application for Admission, #2 Supporting Documents Certificate of Good Standing)Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 120 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by National Fire Insurance of Hartford. Response to Motion due by 6/10/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Aiken, Jefferson) |
Filing 119 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Navigators Insurance Company.(Mahon, Christy) |
Filing 118 NOTICE of Appearance by Christy E Mahon on behalf of Navigators Insurance Company (Mahon, Christy) |
Filing 117 TEXT ORDER granting ECF Nos. #114 , #115 , and #116 Consent Motions for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #97 Motion to Dismiss by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America; #73 Motion to Dismiss by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America; and #84 Motion to Bifurcate and Stay Motion to Stay Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. Responses to ECF Nos. #97 , #73 , and #84 are now due May 29, 2020. Signed by Honorable Sherri A Lydon on 5/21/2020. (mcot, ) |
Filing 116 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #84 MOTION to Bifurcate and Stay MOTION to Stay by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. Response to Motion due by 6/4/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 115 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #73 MOTION to Dismiss by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. Response to Motion due by 6/4/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 114 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #97 MOTION to Dismiss by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. Response to Motion due by 6/4/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. Proposed order is being emailed to chambers with copy to opposing counsel.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 113 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Gemini Insurance Company.(Newton, Timothy) |
Filing 112 ANSWER to Complaint by Gemini Insurance Company.(Newton, Timothy) |
Filing 111 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Employers Mutual Casualty Company.(Newton, Timothy) |
Filing 110 NOTICE of Appearance by William James Flynn on behalf of Central Mutual Insurance Company (Flynn, William) |
Filing 109 Case Reassigned to Judge Sherri A Lydon. Judge Mary Geiger Lewis no longer assigned to the case. (suro) |
Filing 106 CLERK'S NOTICE: Defendant Employers Mutual Casualty Company is reminded that Answers to Local Rule 26.01 Interrogatories are to be filed at the time a party first appears. Please file these answers to interrogatories no later than May 27, 2020. (cbru, ) |
Filing 105 REPLY to Crossclaim #83 by R.W. Ford Company, Inc..(Rodgers, Stanley) |
Filing 104 ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Employers Mutual Casualty Company.(Newton, Timothy) |
Filing 103 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO FRCP 7.1 by Westfield Insurance Company.(Burchstead, Michael) |
Filing 102 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Westfield Insurance Company.(Burchstead, Michael) |
Filing 101 CLERK'S NOTICE: Defendant Westfield Insurance Company is reminded that Answers to Local Rule 26.01 Interrogatories are to be filed at the time a party first appears. Additionally, defendant Big Time Plastering, Inc. is reminded that Local Rule 26.01 includes Interrogatories F and G which are directed to defendants only. Please file these answers to interrogatories no later than May 26, 2020. (cbru, ) Modified to edit text on 5/11/2020 (cbru, ). |
Filing 100 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Kahn Development Company, Inc..(Sowell, Thornwell) |
Filing 98 ANSWER to #1 Complaint; CROSSCLAIM against Western World Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Owners Insurance Company, Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance, Illinois Union Insurance Company, National Fire Insurance of Hartford, Navigators Insurance Company, Amerisure Insurance Company, Arch Insurance Company, Southern Pilot Insurance Company, Employers Mutual Casualty Company, Cincinnati Insurance Company, The, Central Mutual Insurance Company, Gemini Insurance Company, Auto-Owners Insurance Company, Clarendon National Insurance Company, Netherlands Insurance Company, The, Westfield Insurance Company, Motorists Mutual Insurance Company, Zurich American Insurance Company, Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company, American Alternative Insurance Corporation, Evanston Insurance Company, Scottsdale Insurance Company, RSUI Indemnity Company; COUNTERCLAIM against Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America by Kahn Development Company, Inc.(Sowell, Thornwell) Modified to edit text on 5/11/2020 (cbru, ). |
Filing 97 MOTION to Dismiss by Kahn Development Company, Inc.. Response to Motion due by 5/26/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Memo in Support)No proposed order.(Sowell, Thornwell) |
Filing 96 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Big Time Plastering, Inc..(Brown, Henry) |
Filing 95 ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Westfield Insurance Company.(Burchstead, Michael) |
Filing 94 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by R.W. Ford Company, Inc..(Rodgers, Stanley) |
Filing 93 Summons Issued as to American Guarantee and Liability Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 92 Summons Issued as to Admiral Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 91 Summons Issued as to Crescent South Agency, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 90 Summons Issued as to BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 89 Summons Issued as to Cayce Company, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 87 CLERK'S NOTICE: Defendant Big Time Plastering, Inc. is reminded that Answers to Local Rule 26.01 Interrogatories are to be filed at the time a party first appears. Please file these answers to interrogatories no later than May 26, 2020. (cbru, ) |
Filing 86 NOTICE of Appearance by Henry W Brown on behalf of Big Time Plastering, Inc. (Brown, Henry) |
Filing 85 ANSWER to #1 Complaint,,,,,,,, by Big Time Plastering, Inc..(Brown, Henry) |
Filing 84 MOTION to Bifurcate, MOTION to Stay by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc. Response to Motion due by 5/22/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Memo in Support)No proposed order.(Strickland, Robert). Added additional motion relief on 5/8/2020 (cbru, ). |
Filing 83 ANSWER to #1 Complaint; THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT against Admiral Insurance Company, American Guarantee and Liability Insurance Company, Cayce Company, Inc., Crescent South Agency, Inc., BB&T Insurance Services, Inc.; CROSSCLAIM against Western World Insurance Company, Contractors of Atlanta, Inc., Owners Insurance Company, Gemini Insurance Company, Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance, Auto-Owners Insurance Company, Illinois Union Insurance Company, Clarendon National Insurance Company, Netherlands Insurance Company, The, Westfield Insurance Company, Big Time Plastering, Inc., Navigators Insurance Company, Motorists Mutual Insurance Company, Amerisure Insurance Company, Zurich American Insurance Company, Heritage Roofing Co., Inc., Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company, Arch Insurance Company, Southern Pilot Insurance Company, American Alternative Insurance Corporation, Meetze Plumbing Co., Inc., Employers Mutual Casualty Company, Walker White, Inc., Cincinnati Insurance Company, The, R.W. Ford Company, Inc., Evanston Insurance Company, GR Masonry, Inc., Scottsdale Insurance Company, RSUI Indemnity Company, Central Mutual Insurance Company; COUNTERCLAIM against Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc.(Strickland, Robert) Modified to edit text on 5/8/2020 (cbru, ). |
Filing 81 CLERK'S NOTICE: Defendant R.W. Ford Company, Inc. is reminded that Answers to Local Rule 26.01 Interrogatories are to be filed at the time a party first appears. Please file these answers to interrogatories no later than May 22, 2020. (cbru, ) |
Filing 80 ANSWER to #1 Complaint by R.W. Ford Company, Inc. (Rodgers, Stanley) Modified to edit text on 5/8/2020 (cbru, ). |
Filing 79 NOTICE of Appearance by Phillip Earl Reeves on behalf of Zurich American Insurance Company (Reeves, Phillip) |
Filing 78 MEDIATION ORDER. Signed by Honorable Mary Geiger Lewis on 5/7/2020. (cbru, ) |
Filing 77 CONFERENCE AND SCHEDULING ORDER: Rule 26 Report due by 6/10/2020, Motions to Amend Pleadings due by 7/6/2020, Plaintiffs ID of Expert Witness due by 8/5/2020, Defendants ID of Expert Witnesses Due by 9/4/2020, Records Custodian Affidavit due by 9/4/2020, Discovery due by 11/3/2020, Motion in Limine due by 2/12/2021, Motions due by 11/18/2020, Rule 26(a)(3) Disclosures due by 2/1/2021, Jury Selection Deadline 3/8/2021, Mediation Due by 1/19/2021. Signed by Honorable Mary Geiger Lewis on 5/7/2020. (cbru, ) Modified to edit text on 5/8/2020 (cbru, ). |
Filing 75 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO FRCP 7.1 by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc..(Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 74 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc..(Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 73 MOTION to Dismiss by M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc.. Response to Motion due by 5/21/2020. Add an additional 3 days only if served by mail or otherwise allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 6 or Fed. R. Crim. P. 45. (Attachments: #1 Memo in Support of M. B. Kahn's Motion to Dismiss, #2 Exhibit A - Excerpt from Travelers' 2019 Form 10-K, #3 Exhibit B- SC Dept. of Insurance Company Lookup Summary for Zurich, #4 Exhibit C - SC Dept. of Insurance Company Lookup Summary for Navigators Ins. Co., #5 Exhibit D - SC Dept. of Insurance Company Lookup Summary for Clarendon National Ins. Co., #6 Exhibit E - Certificate of Insurance for Cayce Company, Inc., #7 Exhibit F - Certificates of Insurance for Contractors of Atlanta, Inc.)No proposed order.(Strickland, Robert) |
Filing 72 NOTICE of Appearance by Thornwell Forrest Sowell, III on behalf of Kahn Development Company, Inc. (Sowell, Thornwell) |
Filing 70 LETTER EXTENDING TIME TO ANSWER (Cincinnati Insurance Company, The answer due 6/1/2020) (Attachments: #1 Email from Plaintiff's counsel consenting to extension) Filing corrected for event type (cbru, ) |
Filing 69 NOTICE of Appearance by Elizabeth F Wieters on behalf of Cincinnati Insurance Company, The (Wieters, Elizabeth) |
Filing 68 DELETION OF DOCKET ENTRY NUMBERS 42-66. Reason: Documents not signed by e-filing attorney. Corrected Filing Document Number #67 . Modified filing date to that of original filing: 4/24/2020. Response due date modified to that of original filing: N/A. (cbru, ) |
Filing 67 ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE OF COMPLAINT by Travelers Property Casualty Company of America, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Phoenix Insurance Company, The. American Alternative Insurance Corporation served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Amerisure Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Arch Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Auto-Owners Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Central Mutual Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Clarendon National Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Employers Mutual Casualty Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Evanston Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Gemini Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Illinois Union Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Liberty Mutual Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Motorists Mutual Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; National Fire Insurance of Hartford served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Navigators Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Netherlands Insurance Company, The served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; RSUI Indemnity Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Scottsdale Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Southern Pilot Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Westfield Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Zurich American Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Cincinnati Insurance Company, The served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Owners Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020; Western World Insurance Company served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/12/2020. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - American Alternative Insurance, #2 Exhibit B - Amerisure Insurance, #3 Exhibit C - Arch Insurance, #4 Exhibit D - Auto-Owners Insurance, #5 Exhibit E - Central Mutual Insurance, #6 Exhibit F - Cincinnati Insurance, #7 Exhibit G - Clarendon National Insurance, #8 Exhibit H - Employers Mutual Insurance, #9 Exhibit I - Evanston Insurance, #10 Exhibit J - Gemini Insurance, #11 Exhibit K - Illinois Union Insurance, #12 Exhibit L - Liberty Mutual Insurance, #13 Exhibit M - Montgomery Mutual Insurance, #14 Exhibit N - Motorists Mutual, #15 Exhibit O - National Fire Insurance, #16 Exhibit P - Navigators Insurance, #17 Exhibit Q - Netherlands Insurance, #18 Exhibit R - Owners Insurance, #19 Exhibit S - Pennsylvania National, #20 Exhibit T - RSUI Indemnity Insurance, #21 Exhibit U - Scottsdale Insurance, #22 Exhibit V - Southern Pilot, #23 Exhibit W - Western World Insurance, #24 Exhibit X - Westfield Insurance, #25 Exhibit Y - Zurich American Insurance)(Bruorton, James) Modified to correct filing date and to edit text on 4/27/2020 (cbru, ). |
Filing 41 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO FRCP 7.1 by Travelers Property Casualty Company of America.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 40 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO FRCP 7.1 by Travelers Indemnity Company, The.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 39 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO FRCP 7.1 by Phoenix Insurance Company, The.(Bruorton, James) |
Filing 38 Summons Issued as to Zurich American Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 37 Summons Issued as to Westfield Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 36 Summons Issued as to Western World Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 35 Summons Issued as to Walker White, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 34 Summons Issued as to Netherlands Insurance Company, The. (cbru, ) |
Filing 33 Summons Issued as to Cincinnati Insurance Company, The. (cbru, ) |
Filing 32 Summons Issued as to Southern Pilot Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 31 Summons Issued as to Scottsdale Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 30 Summons Issued as to RSUI Indemnity Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 29 Summons Issued as to R.W. Ford Company, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 28 Summons Issued as to Promenade at Sandhill Condominium Association, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 27 Summons Issued as to Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance. (cbru, ) |
Filing 26 Summons Issued as to Owners Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 25 Summons Issued as to Navigators Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 24 Summons Issued as to National Fire Insurance of Hartford. (cbru, ) |
Filing 23 Summons Issued as to Motorists Mutual Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 22 Summons Issued as to Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 21 Summons Issued as to Meetze Plumbing Co., Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 20 Summons Issued as to M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 19 Summons Issued as to Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 18 Summons Issued as to Kahn Development Company, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 17 Summons Issued as to Illinois Union Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 16 Summons Issued as to Heritage Roofing Co., Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 15 Summons Issued as to GR Masonry, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 14 Summons Issued as to Gemini Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 13 Summons Issued as to Evanston Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 12 Summons Issued as to Employers Mutual Casualty Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 11 Summons Issued as to Contractors of Atlanta, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 10 Summons Issued as to Clarendon National Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 9 Summons Issued as to Central Mutual Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 8 Summons Issued as to Big Time Plastering, Inc. (cbru, ) |
Filing 7 Summons Issued as to Auto-Owners Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 6 Summons Issued as to Arch Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 5 Summons Issued as to Amerisure Insurance Company. (cbru, ) |
Filing 4 Summons Issued as to American Alternative Insurance Corporation. (cbru, ) |
Filing 3 Local Rule 26.01 Answers to Interrogatories by Phoenix Insurance Company, The, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America.(cbru, ) |
Filing 1 COMPLAINT against American Alternative Insurance Corporation, Amerisure Insurance Company, Arch Insurance Company, Auto-Owners Insurance Company, Big Time Plastering, Inc., Central Mutual Insurance Company, Cincinnati Insurance Company, The, Clarendon National Insurance Company, Contractors of Atlanta, Inc., Employers Mutual Casualty Company, Evanston Insurance Company, GR Masonry, Inc., Gemini Insurance Company, Heritage Roofing Co., Inc., Illinois Union Insurance Company, Kahn Development Company, Inc., Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, M.B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc., Meetze Plumbing Co., Inc., Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company, Motorists Mutual Insurance Company, National Fire Insurance of Hartford, Navigators Insurance Company, Netherlands Insurance Company, The, Owners Insurance Company, Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance, Promenade at Sandhill Condominium Association, Inc., R.W. Ford Company, Inc., RSUI Indemnity Company, Scottsdale Insurance Company, Southern Pilot Insurance Company, Walker White, Inc., Western World Insurance Company, Westfield Insurance Company, Zurich American Insurance Company ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0420-9038575.), filed by Travelers Property Casualty Company of America, Travelers Indemnity Company, The, Phoenix Insurance Company, The. Service due by 7/6/2020 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Second Amended Complaint, #2 Exhibit B - 11/24/15 Reservation of Rights Letter, #3 Exhibit C - 2/21/18 Supplemental Reservation of Rights Letter, #4 Exhibit D - 11/02/18 Reservation of Rights and Partial Disclaimer Letter, #5 Exhibit E - 2/01/19 Reservation of Rights and Partial Disclaimer Letter, #6 Exhibit F - 4/2/19 Reservation of Rights Letter, #7 Exhibit G - 8/12/19 M.B. Kahn Letter to Travelers, #8 Exhibit H - 10/17/19 Supplemental Reservation of Rights Letter, #9 Exhibit I - 11/13/19 M.B. Kahn Letter to Travelers, #10 Exhibit J - 2/28/20 Supplemental Reservation of Rights Letter)(cbru, ) Modified to add descriptions to attachments on 4/7/2020 (cbru, ). |
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