Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd. et al v. Hughes Network Systems, LLC et al
Plaintiff: Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd, Elbit Systems of America, LLC and Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd.
Defendant: Hughes Network Systems, LLC, Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc. and Helm Hotels Group
Not Classified By Court: David Keyzer and David Folsom
Case Number: 2:2015cv00037
Filed: January 21, 2015
Court: U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
Office: Marshall Office
County: Anderson
Presiding Judge: Roy S Payne
Referring Judge: Robert W Schroeder
Nature of Suit: Patent
Cause of Action: 35 U.S.C. § 271
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on December 18, 2019. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
December 18, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 593 FINAL JUDGMENT - ORDERED that the above-captioned case is DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE. All other claims for relief are DENIED AS MOOT. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 12/18/2019. (ch, )
December 18, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 592 ORDER granting #591 Joint MOTION to Dismiss STIPULATED DISMISSAL. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 12/18/2019. (ch, )
December 18, 2019 Filing 591 Joint MOTION to Dismiss STIPULATED DISMISSAL by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
November 26, 2019 Filing 590 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #589 Notice (Other). (Attachments: #1 Exhibit G to Calia Declaration)(Calia, Kurt)
November 26, 2019 Filing 589 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC ELBITS FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE OF ATTORNEYS FEES UNDER 35 U.S.C. 285 (Attachments: #1 Affidavit of Kurt G Calia)(Calia, Kurt)
November 25, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 588 ORDER re #579 Notice (Other), #580 Sealed Patent Document filed by Elbit Systems of America, LLC. ORDERED that the parties shall mediate their attorneys fees dispute before Judge David Folsom (5002-B Summerfield Drive, Texarkana, Texas 75503; Telephone (903) 255-3251) within 45 days of this Order. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder on 11/25/2019. (ch, ) Modified on 11/25/2019 (ch, ).
November 4, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 587 ORDER granting #586 Unopposed MOTION to Seal Exhibits 14, 26, and 27 of Declaration of Kurt G. Calia [ECF No. 581]. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 11/4/2019. (ch, )
November 1, 2019 Filing 586 Unopposed MOTION to Seal Exhibits 14, 26, and 27 of Declaration of Kurt G. Calia [ECF No. 581] by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit 14, #3 Exhibit 26, #4 Exhibit 27)(Calia, Kurt)
October 30, 2019 Filing 585 REDACTION to #580 Sealed Patent Document,,,,, by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Selwyn, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Affidavit Dhanani, #8 Exhibit 1, #9 Exhibit 2, #10 Exhibit 3, #11 Exhibit 4, #12 Exhibit F, #13 Exhibit G, #14 Exhibit H, #15 Exhibit I, #16 Exhibit J, #17 Exhibit K, #18 Exhibit L, #19 Exhibit M, #20 Exhibit N, #21 Exhibit O, #22 Exhibit P, #23 Exhibit Q, #24 Exhibit R, #25 Exhibit S, #26 Exhibit T, #27 Exhibit U, #28 Exhibit V, #29 Exhibit W, #30 Exhibit X, #31 Exhibit Y, #32 Exhibit Z, #33 Exhibit AA, #34 Exhibit BB, #35 Exhibit CC, #36 Exhibit DD, #37 Exhibit EE, #38 Exhibit FF, #39 Exhibit GG, #40 Exhibit HH, #41 Exhibit II, #42 Exhibit JJ, #43 Exhibit KK, #44 Exhibit LL, #45 Exhibit MM, #46 Exhibit NN, #47 Exhibit OO, #48 Exhibit PP, #49 Exhibit QQ, #50 Exhibit RR, #51 Exhibit UU, #52 Exhibit VV, #53 Exhibit WW, #54 Exhibit XX, #55 Exhibit YY, #56 Exhibit ZZ, #57 Exhibit AAA, #58 Exhibit BBB, #59 Exhibit CCC, #60 Exhibit DDD, #61 Exhibit EEE, #62 Exhibit FFF, #63 Exhibit GGG)(Smith, Melissa)
October 30, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 584 ORDER granting #583 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File REDACTION TO SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE REGARDING ATTORNEYS FEES. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 10/30/2019. (ch, )
October 29, 2019 Filing 583 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File REDACTION TO SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE REGARDING ATTORNEYS FEES by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Smith, Melissa)
October 25, 2019 Filing 582 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #579 Notice (Other),. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F)(Calia, Kurt)
October 25, 2019 Filing 581 Additional Attachments to Main Document: #579 Notice (Other),.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 (SEALED)Exhibit 14, #15 Exhibit 15, #16 Exhibit 16, #17 Exhibit 17, #18 Exhibit 18, #19 Exhibit 19, #20 Exhibit 20, #21 Exhibit 21, #22 Exhibit 22, #23 Exhibit 23, #24 Exhibit 24, #25 Exhibit 25, #26 (SEALED)Exhibit 26, #27(SEALED) Exhibit 27, #28 Exhibit 28, #29 Exhibit 29, #30 Exhibit 30, #31 Exhibit 31, #32 Exhibit 32, #33 Exhibit 33, #34 Exhibit 34, #35 Exhibit 35, #36 Exhibit 36, #37 Exhibit 37, #38 Exhibit 38, #39 Exhibit 39, #40 Exhibit 40, #41 Exhibit 41, #42 Exhibit 42, #43 Exhibit 43, #44 Exhibit 44, #45 Exhibit 45, #46 Exhibit 46, #47 Exhibit 47, #48 Exhibit 48)(Calia, Kurt) Modified on 11/1/2019 (ch, ).
October 25, 2019 Filing 580 SEALED NOTICE LLC re #571 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS, LLCS SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE REGARDING ATTORNEYS FEES (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Selwyn, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Affidavit Dhanani, #8 Exhibit 1, #9 Exhibit 2, #10 Exhibit 3, #11 Exhibit 4, #12 Exhibit F, #13 Exhibit G, #14 Exhibit H, #15 Exhibit I, #16 Exhibit J, #17 Exhibit K, #18 Exhibit L, #19 Exhibit M, #20 Exhibit N, #21 Exhibit O, #22 Exhibit P, #23 Exhibit Q, #24 Exhibit R, #25 Exhibit S, #26 Exhibit T, #27 Exhibit U, #28 Exhibit V, #29 Exhibit W, #30 Exhibit X, #31 Exhibit Y, #32 Exhibit Z, #33 Exhibit AA, #34 Exhibit BB, #35 Exhibit CC, #36 Exhibit DD, #37 Exhibit EE, #38 Exhibit FF, #39 Exhibit GG, #40 Exhibit HH, #41 Exhibit II, #42 Exhibit JJ, #43 Exhibit KK, #44 Exhibit LL, #45 Exhibit MM, #46 Exhibit NN, #47 Exhibit OO, #48 Exhibit PP, #49 Exhibit QQ, #50 Exhibit RR, #51 Exhibit UU, #52 Exhibit VV, #53 Exhibit WW, #54 Exhibit XX, #55 Exhibit YY, #56 Exhibit ZZ, #57 Exhibit AAA, #58 Exhibit BBB, #59 Exhibit CCC, #60 Exhibit DDD, #61 Exhibit EEE, #62 Exhibit FFF, #63 Exhibit GGG)(Smith, Melissa)
October 25, 2019 Filing 579 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC re #571 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE REGARDING ELBIT'S REVISED QUANTIFICATION OF ATTORNEYS' FEES (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Wesley Hill)(Calia, Kurt)
October 25, 2019 Filing 578 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC re #571 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief JOINT SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE REGARDING ATTORNEYS FEES (Calia, Kurt)
October 18, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 577 ORDER granting #576 Joint MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO SUBMIT JOINT NOTICE REGARDING ATTORNEYS FEES Motion. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 10/18/2019. (ch, )
October 17, 2019 Filing 576 Joint MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO SUBMIT JOINT NOTICE REGARDING ATTORNEYS FEES by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Smith, Melissa)
October 11, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 575 ORDER granting #574 Motion for Extension of Time to File Joint Notice Regarding Attorney's Fees. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 10/11/2019. (nkl, )
October 9, 2019 Filing 574 Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to File Joint Notice Regarding Attorney's Fees by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
October 2, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 573 ORDER granting #572 Motion for Extension of Time to File. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 10/02/2019. (nkl, )
October 1, 2019 Filing 572 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File JOINT NOTICE REGARDING ATTORNEYS FEES by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Smith, Melissa)
September 18, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 571 ORDER granting #564 Joint MOTION For Order Quantifying Attorneys' Fees Awarded to Elbit and Request for Hearing. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 9/18/2019. (ch, )
September 17, 2019 Filing 570 MANDATE of USCA - FEDERAL CIRCUIT as to #552 Notice of Appeal - FEDERAL CIRCUIT, filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC (USCA FEDERAL CIRCUIT - 18-1910) (ch, )
September 10, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 569 ORDER of USCA - FEDERAL CIRCUIT as to #552 Notice of Appeal - FEDERAL CIRCUIT, filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. ORDER filed denying #57 petition for panel rehearing filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC (USCA FEDERAL CIRCUIT - 18-1910) (ch, )
August 28, 2019 Filing 568 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Robert W. Schroeder III: Motion Hearing held on 8/28/2019 re #564 Joint MOTION For Order Quantifying Attorneys' Fees Awarded to Elbit and Request for Hearing filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Court Reporter Ed Reed.) (Attachments: #1 Attorney Sign In Sheet) (bas)
August 12, 2019 Filing 567 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Kevin A. Goldman on behalf of Hughes Network Systems, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-7386693. (Goldman, Kevin)
August 12, 2019 Filing 566 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Mark D. Selwyn on behalf of Hughes Network Systems, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-7386672. (Selwyn, Mark)
July 23, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 565 ORDER Setting Hearing on Motion #564 Joint MOTION For Order Quantifying Attorneys' Fees Awarded to Elbit and Request for Hearing : Motion Hearing set for 8/28/2019 02:00 PM in (Texarkana) before District Judge Robert W. Schroeder III.. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 7/23/19. (ch, )
July 17, 2019 Filing 564 Joint MOTION For Order Quantifying Attorneys' Fees Awarded to Elbit and Request for Hearing by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
June 25, 2019 Filing 563 USCA JUDGMENT as to #552 Notice of Appeal; ORDERED AND ADJUDGED:AFFIRMED IN PART, DISMISSED IN PART (klc, )
June 25, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 562 ORDER of USCA as to #552 OPINION filed for the court by Taranto, Circuit Judge; Mayer, Circuit Judge and Chen, Circuit Judge (klc, )
October 31, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 561 ORDER granting #560 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Christopher Scott Ponder terminated. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 10/31/2018. (ch, )
October 29, 2018 Filing 560 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Christopher S. Ponder by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
October 12, 2018 Filing 559 NOTICE of Change of Address by Kurt Calia (Calia, Kurt)
May 31, 2018 Filing 558 SEALED RESPONSE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC to #556 Notice (Other), filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Pankratz, Kurt)
May 29, 2018 Filing 556 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC re #545 Sealed Document,, SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE OF ATTORNEYS FEES UNDER 35 U.S.C. 285 (Attachments: #1 Affidavit of Kurt G. Calia, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C)(Calia, Kurt)
May 10, 2018 Filing 555 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST indicating transcript is already on file by Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Lee, William) Modified on 5/10/2018 (dlc, ).
May 1, 2018 Filing 554 NOTICE of Docketing Notice of Appeal from USCA re #552 Notice of Appeal - FEDERAL CIRCUIT, filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. USCA Case Number 18-1910 (klc, )
April 30, 2018 Filing 553 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT by USCA-Federal Circuit as to #450 Order, #485 Jury Instructions, #542 Judgment, #467 Order, #389 Order, #430 Order, #483 Jury Verdict, #388 Memorandum & Opinion, #410 Order on Sealed Motion, #208 Memorandum & Opinion, #552 Notice of Appeal - FEDERAL CIRCUIT, 540 Sealed Order, #394 Memorandum & Opinion, #215 Order on Motion for Reconsideration, #369 Order, and certified copy of Docket Sheet. (dlc, )
April 30, 2018 Transmission of Notice of Appeal, #542 Final Judgment, 540 Sealed Memorandum, #483 Verdict, #485 Jury Instructions, #410 Order, #450 Order, #394 Memorandum Opinion, #430 Order, #388 Memorandum Opinion, #389 Order, #467 Order, #208 Claim Construction Order, #215 Order, #369 Order, and certified copy of docket sheet to U S Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit by separate email. re #552 Notice of Appeal - FEDERAL CIRCUIT, (dlc, )
April 27, 2018 Filing 552 NOTICE OF APPEAL - FEDERAL CIRCUIT as to #542 Judgment, #388 Memorandum & Opinion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Report and Recommendations,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #410 Order on Sealed Motion, #394 Memorandum & Opinion, #215 Order on Motion for Reconsideration, #467 Order, #389 Order,,,,,, Terminate Motions,,,,, #208 Memorandum & Opinion, #369 Order, by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. Filing fee $ 505, receipt number 0540-6756634. (Lee, William)
April 26, 2018 Filing 551 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by William F Lee on behalf of Hughes Network Systems, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-6755100. (Lee, William)
April 23, 2018 Filing 550 REDACTION to 540 Sealed Order (Memorandum Opinion and Order re post-trial motions). (slo, )
April 20, 2018 Filing 549 Joint SEALED MOTION to Redact the Post-Trial Order by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Lynn, Jamie)
April 18, 2018 Filing 548 REDACTION to #546 Sealed Document, Defendant, Hughes Network Systems, LLC's Notice regarding Disputes Concerning Attorneys' Fees by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Dhanani Declaration, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Affidavit Guy Declaration, #7 Exhibit E, #8 Exhibit F, #9 Exhibit G, #10 Exhibit H, #11 Exhibit I, #12 Exhibit J)(Guy, G)
April 17, 2018 Filing 547 REDACTION to #545 Sealed Document,, Notice of Attorneys' Fees by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Affidavit of Kurt G. Calia, #9 Exhibit A, #10 Exhibit B, #11 Exhibit C, #12 Exhibit D, #13 Exhibit E, #14 Exhibit F, #15 Exhibit G, #16 Exhibit H, #17 Exhibit I, #18 Exhibit J, #19 Affidavit of Wesley Hill, #20 Exhibit A)(Calia, Kurt)
April 13, 2018 Filing 546 Sealed Document. Defendant, Hughes Network System, LLC's Notice Regarding Disputes Concerning Attorneys' Fees (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Dhanani, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Affidavit Declaration of Guy, #7 Exhibit E, #8 Exhibit F, #9 Exhibit G, #10 Exhibit H, #11 Exhibit I, #12 Exhibit J)(Guy, G)
April 13, 2018 Filing 545 Sealed Document-Elbit's Notice of Attorneys' Fees Under 35 U.S.C. 285 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Affidavit of Kurt G. Calia, #10 Exhibit A, #11 Exhibit B, #12 Exhibit C, #13 Exhibit D, #14 Exhibit E, #15 Exhibit F, #16 Exhibit G, #17 Exhibit H, #18 Exhibit I, #19 Exhibit J, #20 Affidavit of Wesley Hill, #21 Exhibit A)(Calia, Kurt)
April 13, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 544 ORDER granting #543 Unopposed Motion to Stay Enforcement of Judgment Pending Appeal. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 4/13/2018. (slo, )
April 13, 2018 Filing 543 Unopposed MOTION to Stay Enforcement of Judgment Pending Appeal by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Thames, Earl)
March 30, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 542 FINAL JUDGMENT. Consistent with the Court's Memorandum Opinion and Order entered this date, the Court hereby enters FINAL JUDGMENT. The Clerk of the Court is directed to close the case. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 03/30/18. (mll, )
March 30, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 541 ORDER REGARDING POST TRIAL REDACTIONS. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 03/30/18. (mll, )
March 26, 2018 Filing 539 NOTICE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC Joint Notice to Correct the Record (Dhanani, Ali)
March 1, 2018 Filing 538 RESPONSE to #537 Notice (Other) TO HUGHES SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE REGARDING ARCTIC CAT filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Fair, Andrea)
February 26, 2018 Filing 537 NOTICE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC Supplemental Notice Regarding Arctic Cat (Dhanani, Ali)
February 20, 2018 Filing 536 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 02/13/2018 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Kelly Polvi,Telephone number: 903.794.1018. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 3/16/2018. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 3/26/2018. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 5/24/2018. (klp, )
February 15, 2018 Filing 535 NOTICE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC of Filing Post-Trial Hearing Demonstratives (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex. A - Hughes' Renewed JMOL and Motion for New Trial Regarding Non-Infringement (Dkt. 505), #2 Exhibit Ex. B - Hughes' Motion for New Trial (Dkt. 505), #3 Exhibit Ex. C - Hughes' Renewed JMOL and Motion for New Trial Regarding Damages (Dkt. 505), #4 Exhibit Ex. D - Hughes' Motion for Judgment on Equitable Estoppel (Dkt. 506), #5 Exhibit Ex. E - Hughes' Opposition Regarding Costs and Interest (Dkt. 515), #6 Exhibit Ex. F - Hughes' Opposition Regarding Enhanced Damages (Dkt. 515), #7 Exhibit Ex. G - Hughes' Opposition Regarding Attorney's Fees (Dkt. 515))(Pankratz, Kurt)
February 14, 2018 Filing 534 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC Plaintiffs' Notice of Submission of Demonstratives (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C (part 1 of 2), #4 Exhibit C (part 2 of 2))(Calia, Kurt)
February 13, 2018 Filing 533 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Hughes Network Systems, LLC for proceedings held on 2/13/28 Motion Hearing before Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III. (Dhanani, Ali)
February 13, 2018 Filing 532 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC for proceedings held on 2/13/2018 Motion Hearing before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. (Fair, Andrea)
February 13, 2018 Filing 531 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Robert W. Schroeder III: Motion Hearing held on 2/13/2018 re #507 SEALED MOTION - Plaintiffs' Post-Trial Brief filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC, #505 SEALED MOTION Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law and Motion for a New Trial filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #506 SEALED MOTION for Judgment that Plaintiffs are Equitably Estopped from Asserting Infringement against Hughes Products filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Court Reporter Kelly Polvi) (Attachments: #1 Attorney Sign In Sheet) (bas)
January 18, 2018 Opinion or Order Filing 530 ORDER Resetting Hearing on Motion #507 SEALED MOTION - Plaintiffs' Post-Trial Brief, #505 SEALED MOTION Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law and Motion for a New Trial, #506 SEALED MOTION for Judgment that Plaintiffs are Equitably Estopped from Asserting Infringement against Hughes Products : Motion Hearing set for 2/13/2018 10:00 AM in Ctrm 319 (Texarkana) before District Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 1/18/2018. (slo, )
January 5, 2018 Filing 529 Unopposed MOTION to Reset Motions Hearing by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
December 11, 2017 Filing 527 REPORT of Mediation by David Folsom. Mediation result: suspended (Hughes Network Systems, LLC)(Folsom, David)
December 7, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 526 ORDER granting #524 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Michael Robert Sherby terminated. Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 12/7/2017. (slo, )
December 7, 2017 Filing 525 NOTICE of Supplemental Authority by Hughes Network Systems, LLC re #515 Sealed Response to Motion, #522 Sealed PATENT Sur-Reply to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion, #505 SEALED MOTION Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law and Motion for a New Trial of Supplemental Authority (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Dhanani, Ali) Modified on 12/7/2017 (slo, ).
November 27, 2017 Filing 524 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Michael Sherby by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
November 6, 2017 Filing 523 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #505 SEALED MOTION Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law and Motion for a New Trial filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit of Patrick Flynn, #2 Exhibit 14, #3 Exhibit 15, #4 Exhibit 16, #5 Exhibit 17, #6 Exhibit 18, #7 Exhibit 19, #8 Exhibit 20, #9 Exhibit 21, #10 Exhibit 22, #11 PX180, #12 PX841, #13 PX842, #14 PX843)(Calia, Kurt)
November 6, 2017 Filing 522 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #507 SEALED MOTION - Plaintiffs' Post-Trial Brief filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 30, #2 Exhibit 31, #3 Exhibit 32)(Pankratz, Kurt)
November 6, 2017 Filing 521 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #506 SEALED MOTION for Judgment that Plaintiffs are Equitably Estopped from Asserting Infringement against Hughes Products filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit of Grant Johnson, #2 Exhibit 13, #3 Exhibit 14, #4 Exhibit 15, #5 Exhibit 16)(Calia, Kurt)
October 26, 2017 Filing 520 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Lauren B Fletcher on behalf of Hughes Network Systems, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-6526620. (Fletcher, Lauren)
October 23, 2017 Filing 519 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #507 SEALED MOTION - Plaintiffs' Post-Trial Brief filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit (Second) of Christopher A. Martinez, #2 Affidavit of Grant D. Johnson, #3 Exhibit 59, #4 Exhibit 60, #5 Exhibit 61, #6 Exhibit 62, #7 Exhibit 63, #8 Exhibit 64, #9 Exhibit 65, #10 Exhibit 66, #11 Exhibit 67, #12 Exhibit 68, #13 PX140, #14 PX245, #15 PX840)(Calia, Kurt)
October 23, 2017 Filing 518 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #505 SEALED MOTION Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law and Motion for a New Trial filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 7, #2 Exhibit 8, #3 Exhibit 9)(Pankratz, Kurt)
October 23, 2017 Filing 517 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #506 SEALED MOTION for Judgment that Plaintiffs are Equitably Estopped from Asserting Infringement against Hughes Products filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Lynn Declaration, #2 Exhibit 18)(Pankratz, Kurt)
October 23, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 516 ORDER. (The parties are ORDERED to participate in post-trial mediation and shall schedule a mediation conference with a mediator of their choice to occur no later than December 15, 2017.) Signed by District Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 10/23/2017. (slo, )
October 9, 2017 Filing 515 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #507 SEALED MOTION - Plaintiffs' Post-Trial Brief filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 7, #9 Exhibit 8, #10 Exhibit 9, #11 Exhibit 10, #12 Exhibit 11, #13 Exhibit 12, #14 Exhibit 13, #15 Exhibit 14, #16 Exhibit 15, #17 Exhibit 16, #18 Exhibit 17, #19 Exhibit 18, #20 Exhibit 19, #21 Exhibit 20, #22 Exhibit 21, #23 Exhibit 22, #24 Exhibit 23, #25 Exhibit 24, #26 Exhibit 25, #27 Exhibit 26, #28 Exhibit 27, #29 Exhibit 28, #30 Exhibit 29, #31 Appendix PX234, #32 Appendix PX240, #33 Appendix PX840, #34 Appendix PX841, #35 Appendix PX842)(Pankratz, Kurt)
October 9, 2017 Filing 514 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #505 SEALED MOTION Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law and Motion for a New Trial filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit of Patrick N. Flynn, #3 Exhibit 1, #4 Exhibit 2, #5 Exhibit 3, #6 Exhibit 4, #7 Exhibit 5, #8 Exhibit 6, #9 Exhibit 7, #10 Exhibit 8, #11 Exhibit 9, #12 Exhibit 10, #13 Exhibit 11, #14 Exhibit 12, #15 Exhibit 13, #16 PX001, #17 PX015, #18 PX099, #19 PX102, #20 PX105, #21 PX180, #22 PX193, #23 PX262, #24 PX264, #25 PX274, #26 PX276, #27 PX295, #28 PX298, #29 PX724, #30 PX853)(Calia, Kurt)
October 9, 2017 Filing 513 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #506 SEALED MOTION for Judgment that Plaintiffs are Equitably Estopped from Asserting Infringement against Hughes Products filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit of Grant Johnson, #3 Exhibit 1, #4 Exhibit 2, #5 Exhibit 3, #6 Exhibit 4, #7 Exhibit 5, #8 Exhibit 6, #9 Exhibit 7, #10 Exhibit 8, #11 Exhibit 9, #12 Exhibit 10, #13 Exhibit 11, #14 Exhibit 12, #15 PX212, #16 PX227)(Calia, Kurt)
October 3, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 512 ORDER Setting Hearing on Motions #507 SEALED MOTION - Plaintiffs' Post-Trial Brief, #505 SEALED MOTION Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law and Motion for a New Trial, #506 SEALED MOTION for Judgment that Plaintiffs are Equitably Estopped from Asserting Infringement against Hughes Products : Motion Hearing set for 1/9/2018 10:00 AM in Ctrm 319 (Texarkana) before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III.. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 10/3/2017. (sm, )
September 22, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 511 ORDER VACATING #10 Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge Payne for pretrial matters due to trial in this matter has been held.. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 9/22/2017. (sm, )
September 22, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 510 ORDER granting #504 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Wallace J Lee terminated. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 9/22/2017. (sm, )
September 22, 2017 Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne no longer assigned to case due to referral order was vacated. (sm, )
September 20, 2017 Filing 509 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #507 SEALED MOTION - Plaintiffs' Post-Trial Brief. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit of Grant Johnson in Support of Plaintiffs' Bill of Costs, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Exhibit F, #8 Exhibit G, #9 Exhibit H)(Calia, Kurt)
September 20, 2017 Filing 508 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: (Johnson Decl Exs. 24-58) #507 SEALED MOTION - Plaintiffs' Post-Trial Brief. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 24, #2 Exhibit 25, #3 Exhibit 26, #4 Exhibit 27, #5 Exhibit 28, #6 Exhibit 29, #7 Exhibit 30, #8 Exhibit 31, #9 Exhibit 32, #10 Exhibit 33, #11 Exhibit 34, #12 Exhibit 35, #13 Exhibit 36, #14 Exhibit 37, #15 Exhibit 38, #16 Exhibit 39, #17 Exhibit 40, #18 Exhibit 41, #19 Exhibit 42, #20 Exhibit 43, #21 Exhibit 44, #22 Exhibit 45, #23 Exhibit 46, #24 Exhibit 47, #25 Exhibit 48, #26 Exhibit 49, #27 Exhibit 50, #28 Exhibit 51, #29 Exhibit 52, #30 Exhibit 53, #31 Exhibit 54, #32 Exhibit 55, #33 Exhibit 56, #34 Exhibit 57, #35 Exhibit 58)(Calia, Kurt)
September 20, 2017 Filing 507 SEALED MOTION - Plaintiffs' Post-Trial Brief by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit of Christopher Martinez, #3 Annexure A, #4 Annexure B, #5 Annexure C, #6 Annexure D, #7 Affidavit of Grant Johnson in Support of Post Trial Brief, #8 Exhibit 1, #9 Exhibit 2, #10 Exhibit 3, #11 Exhibit 4, #12 Exhibit 5, #13 Exhibit 6, #14 Exhibit 7, #15 Exhibit 8, #16 Exhibit 9, #17 Exhibit 10, #18 Exhibit 11, #19 Exhibit 12, #20 Exhibit 13, #21 Exhibit 14, #22 Exhibit 15, #23 Exhibit 16, #24 Exhibit 17, #25 Exhibit 18, #26 Exhibit 19, #27 Exhibit 20, #28 Exhibit 21, #29 Exhibit 22, #30 Exhibit 23)(Calia, Kurt)
September 20, 2017 Filing 506 SEALED MOTION for Judgment that Plaintiffs are Equitably Estopped from Asserting Infringement against Hughes Products by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit Declaration of Lynn, #3 Exhibit 1, #4 Exhibit 2, #5 Exhibit 3, #6 Exhibit 4, #7 Exhibit 5 - Part 1, #8 Exhibit 5 - Part 2, #9 Exhibit 5 Part 3, #10 Exhibit 6, #11 Exhibit 7 Part 1, #12 Exhibit 7 Part 2, #13 Exhibit 8, #14 Exhibit 9, #15 Exhibit 10, #16 Exhibit 11, #17 Exhibit 12, #18 Exhibit 13, #19 Exhibit 14, #20 Exhibit 15, #21 Exhibit 16, #22 Exhibit 17, #23 Appendix DX0581, #24 Appendix PX-212, #25 Appendix PX-215, #26 Appendix PX-227, #27 Appendix PX-480, #28 Appendix PX-495, #29 Appendix PX-566, #30 Appendix PX-847)(Pankratz, Kurt)
September 20, 2017 Filing 505 SEALED MOTION Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law and Motion for a New Trial by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Appendix PX-1, #9 Appendix PX-189, #10 Appendix PX-193, #11 Appendix PX-215, #12 Appendix PX-234, #13 Appendix PX-270, #14 Appendix PX-385, #15 Appendix PX-853, #16 Appendix DX0307, #17 Appendix DX0322, #18 Appendix DX0323, #19 Appendix DX0380, #20 Appendix DX0381, #21 Appendix DX0383, #22 Appendix DX0418, #23 Appendix DX0429, #24 Appendix DX0480, #25 Appendix DX0483, #26 Appendix DX0489, #27 Appendix DX0545, #28 Appendix DX0758)(Pankratz, Kurt)
September 11, 2017 Filing 504 UNOPPOSED MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Wallace Lee by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
August 24, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 503 ORDER ON POST TRIAL BRIEFING SCHEDULE granting #502 Motion for Entry of Schedule. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 8/24/2017. (sm, )
August 23, 2017 Filing 502 Joint MOTION for Entry of Post-Trial Briefing Schedule by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
August 13, 2017 Filing 501 Sealed Transcript - SEALED PORTION NO. 2 from the August 3, 2017 Afternoon Session of Jury Trial. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 500 Sealed Transcript - SEALED PORTION NO. 1 from the August 2, 2017 Morning Session of Jury Trial. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 499 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Jury Trial Proceedings - All Day held on 8/7/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 498 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Jury Trial Proceedings - Afternoon Session held on 8/4/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 497 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Jury Trial Proceedings - Morning Session held on 8/4/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 496 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Jury Trial Proceedings - Afternoon Session held on 8/3/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 495 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Jury Trial Proceedings - Morning Session held on 8/3/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 494 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Jury Trial Proceedings - Afternoon Session held on 8/2/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 493 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Jury Trial Proceedings - Morning Session held on 8/2/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 492 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Jury Trial Proceedings - Afternoon Session held on 8/1/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 491 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Jury Trial Proceedings - Morning Session held on 8/1/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 490 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Jury Trial Proceedings - Afternoon Session held on 7/31/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 13, 2017 Filing 489 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Pre-Trial, Voir Dire, and Jury Trial Proceedings - Morning Session held on 7/31/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter: Shelly Holmes, shelly_holmes@txed.uscourts.gov NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 9/7/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/18/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/16/2017. (sms, )
August 8, 2017 Filing 488 Minute Entry for day six of trial held before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III: Jury Trial completed on 8/7/2017. (Court Reporter Shelly Holmes) (SMC)
August 8, 2017 Filing 487 Defendants' Final Admitted Exhibits List. (SMC)
August 8, 2017 Filing 486 Plaintiffs' Final Admitted Exhibits List. (SMC)
August 8, 2017 Filing 485 Jury Instructions. (Attachments: #1 Appendix A)(SMC)
August 8, 2017 Filing 484 SEALED Jury Notes. (SMC)
August 8, 2017 Filing 483 Redacted Verdict Form (Foreperson's name is redacted.)(SMC)
August 8, 2017 Filing 482 Sealed Verdict Form. (SMC)
August 7, 2017 Filing 481 TRIAL BRIEF Regarding Preadmitted Exhibits Not in the Record by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Pankratz, Kurt)
August 7, 2017 Filing 480 Opposed MOTION for Judgment as a Matter of Law Pursuant to Rule 50(a) by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
August 7, 2017 Filing 479 TRIAL BRIEF Regarding Improper Arguments for Closing by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Pankratz, Kurt)
August 4, 2017 Filing 478 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III: Fifth Day of Jury Trial held on 8/4/2017. (Court Reporter Shelly Holmes.) (bga, )
August 3, 2017 Filing 477 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III: Fourth Day of Jury Trial held on 8/3/2017. (Court Reporter Shelly Holmes.) (bga, )
August 3, 2017 Filing 476 TRIAL BRIEF In Support of Plaintiffs' Right to Call a Rebuttal Witness by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Hill, Jack)
August 3, 2017 Filing 475 RESPONSE to #473 Trial Brief, filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Pankratz, Kurt)
August 2, 2017 Filing 474 RESPONSE to #469 Trial Brief by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Pankratz, Kurt)
August 2, 2017 Filing 473 TRIAL BRIEF SEEKING ENFORCEMENT OF THE COURTS ORDER ON TRIAL PROCEDURES IN LIGHT OF HUGHES MID-TRIAL REDUCTION OF DEFENSES by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Calia, Kurt)
August 2, 2017 Filing 472 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III: Third day of Jury Trial held on 8/2/2017. (Court Reporter Shelly Holmes) (bas)
August 2, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 471 ORDER TO PURCHASE JURY MEALS. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 8/2/17. (mrm, )
August 1, 2017 Filing 470 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III: Second day of Jury Trial held on 8/1/2017. (Court Reporter Shelly Holmes) (bas)
August 1, 2017 Filing 469 TRIAL BRIEF regarding Hughes' Arguments Contradicting the Court's Claim Construction Order by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Calia, Kurt)
July 31, 2017 Filing 468 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III: Jury Selection and first day of trial held on 7/31/2017. (Court Reporter Shelly Holmes) (Attachments: #1 Attorney Sign In Sheet) (bas)
July 31, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 467 ORDER - OVERRULING AND ADOPTING MAGISTRATE REPORT. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 7/31/2017. (ch, ) Modified on 7/31/2017 (ch, ).
July 31, 2017 Filing 466 SEALED RESPONSE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC to #464 Elbit's Objections Regarding Hughes' Opening Demonstratives. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit PX227, #2 Exhibit PX385)(Ponder, Christopher)
July 31, 2017 Filing 465 SEALED OBJECTIONS by Hughes Network Systems, LLC to Pretrial Rulings. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F)(Ponder, Christopher)
July 30, 2017 Filing 464 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC of Objections to Defendant's Opening Demonstratives (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A (opening demonstratives), #2 Exhibit B (opening demonstratives v.2), #3 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
July 28, 2017 Filing 463 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC of compliance regarding amended trial witness list (Calia, Kurt)
July 28, 2017 Filing 462 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Thomas John Ward, Jr on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC (Ward, Thomas)
July 28, 2017 Filing 461 NOTICE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC of Amended Pre-Admitted Deposition Designations (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Pankratz, Kurt)
July 28, 2017 Filing 460 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Pretrial Hearing Proceedings held on 7/25/17, before Judge Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Tammy Goolsby, Telephone number: 903/445-5355. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 8/21/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/31/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/30/2017. (dlc, )
July 28, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 459 ORDER - to meet and confer in person and in good faith at a mutually convenient location. If a dispute remains at the conclusion of this in-person meet and confer, the Court will hear in-person argument at 2:00 p.m. today. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 7/28/2017. (ch, )
July 28, 2017 Filing 458 NOTICE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC of Pre-Admitted Deposition Designations (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Pankratz, Kurt)
July 28, 2017 Filing 457 NOTICE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC of Pre-Admitted Trial Exhibit List (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Pankratz, Kurt)
July 28, 2017 Opinion or Order ORDER finding as moot #428 Motion for Protective Order, per resolution by the parties. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 7/28/17. (rsp1, )
July 27, 2017 Filing 456 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC of Deposition Designations (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Plaintiffs' Fourth Amended Deposition Designations)(Calia, Kurt)
July 27, 2017 Filing 455 Exhibit List by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Plaintiffs' Sixth Amended Exhibit List)(Calia, Kurt)
July 27, 2017 Filing 454 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 7/26/17 (Pretrial Hearing) before Judge Roy Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Shelly Holmes, CSR-TCRR,Telephone number: (903) 923-7464 (Shelly_Holmes@txed.uscourts.gov).

< Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 8/21/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/31/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/30/2017. (sholmes, )

July 25, 2017 Filing 453 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Final Pretrial Conference held on 7/25/2017 and continued on 7/26/2017. (Court Reporter Tammy Goolsby.) (bga, )
July 25, 2017 Filing 452 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Pretrial Conference Proceedings held on 7/21/17, before Judge Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Tammy Goolsby, Telephone number: 903/445-5355. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 8/18/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/28/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/26/2017. (dlc, )
July 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 451 ORDER granting #448 Motion to Withdraw #433 Emergency Motion to Stay. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 7/25/2017. (ch, )
July 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 450 ORDER ON MOTIONS IN LIMINE #371 SEALED MOTION IN LIMINE filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., #370 SEALED MOTION IN LIMINE filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 7/25/2017. (ch, )
July 25, 2017 Filing 449 NOTICE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC Joint Proposed Trial Management Procedures (Ponder, Christopher)
July 24, 2017 Filing 448 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw #433 Emergency MOTION to Stay Trial Pending Resolution of Request for Mandamus Relief by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
July 24, 2017 Filing 446 USCA-FEDERAL CIRCUIT ORDER, denying the motion to stay and the petition for writ of mandamus. The motion to expedite is denied as moot. Issued: July 24, 2017.(dlc, )
July 24, 2017 Filing 445 RESPONSE to Motion re #433 Emergency MOTION to Stay Trial Pending Resolution of Request for Mandamus Relief filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
July 24, 2017 Filing 444 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Pretrial Conference Proceedings held on 7/20/17, before Judge Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Tammy Goolsby, Telephone number: 903/445-5355. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 8/17/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/28/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/26/2017. (dlc, )
July 24, 2017 NOTICE of Hearing: Final Pretrial Conference set for 7/25/2017 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
July 21, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 443 ORDER ON TRIAL PROCEDURES. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 7/21/17. (ch, )
July 21, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 442 ORDER re #433 Emergency MOTION to Stay Trial Pending Resolution of Request for Mandamus Relief. ORDERED that Plaintiffs Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd. and Elbit Systems of America, LLC shall file a response to Defendants motion by 5:00 p.m., Monday, July 24, 2017. The response shall be limited to ten (10) pages.. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 7/21/17. (ch, )
July 21, 2017 Filing 441 NOTICE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC Defendant's Narrowed Deposition Designations (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Defendant's Narrowed Deposition Designations)(Ponder, Christopher)
July 20, 2017 Filing 447 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Interim Pretrial Conference held on 7/20/2017 and continued onto 7/21/2017. (Court Reporter Tammy Goolsby.) (Attachments: #1 Attorney Sign-In Sheet) (bga, )
July 20, 2017 Filing 440 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Hughes Network Systems, LLC for proceedings held on 7/20/17 Final Pretrial Hearing before Judge Roy S. Payne. (Thames, Earl)
July 20, 2017 Filing 439 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC for proceedings held on Final Pretrial Hearing before Judge Roy S. Payne. (Fair, Andrea)
July 20, 2017 Filing 438 SEALED RESPONSE TO OBJECTIONS by Elbit Systems of America, LLC, Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd. to #414 Response to OBJECTIONS filed by Elbit Systems of America, LLC, Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
July 20, 2017 Filing 437 USCA-FEDERAL CIRCUIT NOTICE OF DOCKETING: A petition for writ of mandamus has been filed. USCA-FEDERAL CIRCUIT CASE NO 17-130 (dlc, )
July 19, 2017 Filing 436 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC of Second Amended Deposition Designations (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Plaintiffs' Deposition Designations)(Fair, Andrea)
July 19, 2017 Filing 435 Exhibit List (Fourth Amended) by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit List)(Fair, Andrea)
July 19, 2017 Filing 434 Exhibit List by Hughes Network Systems, LLC.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Exhibit List)(Pankratz, Kurt)
July 19, 2017 Filing 433 Emergency MOTION to Stay Trial Pending Resolution of Request for Mandamus Relief by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
July 19, 2017 Filing 432 NOTICE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC Joint Proposed Trial Management Procedures (Pankratz, Kurt)
July 19, 2017 Filing 431 SEALED RESPONSE to Plaintiffs Objections to #388 and #389 Orders by Hughes Network Systems, LLC to #413 Response to Non-Motion (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
July 19, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 430 ORDER OVERRULING objections to Magistrate Judges rulings on Defendants Motions to Transfer #130 , #372 , and Motion to Stay #373 re: #389 Order, #388 Memorandum & Opinion, Report and Recommendations, #394 Memorandum & Opinion. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 7/19/2017. (sm, )
July 17, 2017 Filing 429 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Dispositive Motions Hearing held on July 14, 2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Darlene K. May,Telephone number: (903) 794-1018. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 8/10/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/21/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/19/2017. (dkm, )
July 17, 2017 Filing 428 Opposed MOTION for Protective Order from Plaintiffs' Untimely Amended Deposition Notice for Anthony Messineo by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Email Correspondence, #2 Exhibit July 10 Deposition Notice to Anthony Messineo, #3 Exhibit Email Correspondence, #4 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
July 14, 2017 Filing 427 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Hughes Network Systems, LLC for proceedings held on 7/14/17 objections hearing before Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III. (Thames, Earl)
July 14, 2017 Filing 426 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC for proceedings held on 7/14/2017 Objection Hearing before Judge Robert W. Shroeder III. (Fair, Andrea)
July 14, 2017 Filing 425 Minute Entry for proceedings held on 7/14/2017 before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III. (Court Reporter Darlene May) (Attachments: #1 Attorney Sign In Sheet) (bas)
July 13, 2017 Filing 424 NOTICE of Amended Witness Lists by Hughes Network Systems, LLC re #401 Response to Non-Motion, #130 Sealed Document,, (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-Plaintiff, #2 Exhibit B-Defendants)(Guy, G)
July 12, 2017 Filing 423 SEALED RESPONSE TO OBJECTIONS by Elbit Systems of America, LLC, Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd. to #404 Response to OBJECTIONS filed by Elbit Systems of America, LLC, Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
July 12, 2017 Filing 422 RESPONSE to #401 Response to #394 Memorandum & Opinion Plaintiff's RESPONSE to Hughes Network Systems, LLC's OBJECTIONS to Memorandum Opinion and Order Denying Motion to Sever and Transfer Claims filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
July 12, 2017 Filing 421 FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY RESPONSE to #401 Response to Non-Motion, #394 Memorandum & Opinion Plaintiff's RESPONSE to Hughes Network Systems, LLC's OBJECTIONS to Memorandum Opinion and Order Denying Motion to Sever and Transfer Claims filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea) Modified on 7/12/2017 (nkl, ).
July 12, 2017 ***FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY. Document # 421, RESPONSE. PLEASE IGNORE.*** (nkl, )
July 10, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 420 ORDER granting #418 Motion for Extension of Time to File Bill of Cost or Motion for Attorney Fees. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 7/10/17. (ch, )
July 7, 2017 Filing 419 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC of compliance regarding amended trial witness list (Calia, Kurt)
July 6, 2017 Filing 418 Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to File BlueTide's and Country Home's Bill of Costs or Motion for Attorney's Fees by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
July 6, 2017 Filing 417 SEALED PATENT REPLY to #415 Response to Non-Motion filed by Elbit Systems of America, LLC, Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Fair, Andrea)
July 6, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 416 ORDER granting #412 Joint Motion For Submission Of A Juror Questionnaire. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 7/6/2017. (ch, )
July 5, 2017 Filing 415 SEALED RESPONSE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC to #407 Plaintiffs' Notice of Supplemental Evidence filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Pankratz, Kurt)
July 5, 2017 Filing 414 SEALED OBJECTIONS by Hughes Network Systems, LLC to #388 Memorandum & Opinion, Report and Recommendations filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Pankratz, Kurt)
July 5, 2017 Filing 413 SEALED OBJECTIONS to #389 Order, #388 Memorandum & Opinion, Report and Recommendations, filed by Elbit Systems of America, LLC, Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
July 5, 2017 Filing 412 Joint MOTION Joint Motion For Submission Of A Juror Questionnaire by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Attachment 1 - Proposed Juror Questionnaire, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Smith, Melissa)
July 5, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 410 ORDER granting in part and denying in part #370 Sealed Motion; granting in part and denying in part #371 Sealed Motion. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 7/4/2017. (ch, )
July 4, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 409 ORDER ON TRIAL PROCEDURES -. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 7/4/2017. (ch, )
July 3, 2017 Filing 411 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Pretrial Conference Proceedings held on 6/26/17, before Judge Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Barbara Simpson, Telephone number: 318/226-8003. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 7/27/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/7/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/5/2017. (dlc, )
June 30, 2017 Filing 408 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC of compliance regarding asserted claims to present at trial (Fair, Andrea)
June 30, 2017 Filing 407 Sealed Document. Plaintiffs' Notice of Supplemental Evidence regarding Hughes Motion in Limine Number 9 (Dkt. 371). (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Fair, Andrea)
June 29, 2017 Filing 406 NOTICE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC Notice Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 282 (Pankratz, Kurt)
June 29, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 405 ORDER setting a hearing on #401 and #404 Orders (Hearing set for 7/14/2017 10:30 AM in Ctrm 319 (Texarkana) before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III.). Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 6/29/2017. (sm, )
June 29, 2017 Filing 404 RESPONSE/OBJECTIONS to #389 Order Denying Motion to Transfer (Dkt. 372), Motion to Stay (Dkt. 373), Daubert Motion to Exclude the Opinions of Christopher Martinez (Dkt. 314), and Motion to Strike Infringement Contentions (Dkt. 276) filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Pankratz, Kurt)
June 29, 2017 ***FILED IN ERROR, PER ATTORNEY. Document # 403, Response to Order. PLEASE IGNORE.*** (sm, )
June 28, 2017 Filing 403 ***FILED IN ERROR, PER ATTORNEY, PLEASE IGNORE***RESPONSE to #389 Order, #388 Memorandum & Opinion, Report and Recommendations (Objections to Orders Denying Motion to Transfer (Dkt. 372), Motion to Stay (Dkt.373), Daubert Motion to Exclude the Opinions of Christopher Martinez (Dkt. 314), and Motion to Strike Infringement Contentions (Dkt. 276) filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Pankratz, Kurt) Modified on 6/29/2017 (sm, ). Modified on 6/29/2017 (sm, ).
June 28, 2017 Filing 402 NOTICE of Additional Authority by Hughes Network Systems, LLC re #371 SEALED MOTION IN LIMINE (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Pankratz, Kurt)
June 27, 2017 Filing 401 RESPONSE to #394 Memorandum & Opinion Objections Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 72(a) by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Guy, G)
June 27, 2017 Filing 400 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC for proceedings held on June 26, 2017 Initial Pretrial Conference before Judge Roy S. Payne. (Hill, Jack)
June 26, 2017 Filing 399 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Initial Pretrial Conference held on 6/26/2017. (Court Reporter Barbara Simpson.) (Attachments: #1 Attorney Sign-In Sheet) (bga, )
June 26, 2017 NOTICE of Hearing: Final Pretrial Conference set for 7/20/2017 01:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
June 26, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 398 ORDER granting #396 Opposed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant BlueTide Communications filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC., BlueTide Communications, Inc. terminated., Attorney Patrick Colbert Clutter, IV; Ali Dhanani; M. Natalie Alfaro Gonzales; G Hopkins Guy, III; Eileen F Hyde; Michael E Jones; Samuel L Kassa; Jamie Roy Lynn; Kurt Max Pankratz; Christopher Scott Ponder; Michael Robert Sherby; Melissa Richards Smith; Earl Glenn Thames, Jr; Bradley Bowling and Melissa Leyla Butler terminated.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 06/26/2017. (nkl, )
June 26, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 397 ORDER granting #395 Opposed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant Country Home Investments, Inc. filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC., Country Home Investments, Inc. terminated., Attorney Patrick Colbert Clutter, IV; Ali Dhanani; M. Natalie Alfaro Gonzales; G Hopkins Guy, III; Eileen F Hyde; Michael E Jones; Jamie Roy Lynn; Kurt Max Pankratz; Christopher Scott Ponder; Michael Robert Sherby; Melissa Richards Smith; Earl Glenn Thames, Jr; Bradley Bowling and Melissa Leyla Butler terminated.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 06/26/2017. (nkl, )
June 25, 2017 Filing 396 Opposed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant BlueTide Communications by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
June 25, 2017 Filing 395 Opposed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant Country Home Investments, Inc. by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
June 23, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 394 MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER - denying #130 Motion to Sever and Transfer Claims. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 6/23/17. T(ch, )
June 22, 2017 Filing 393 STATUS REPORT [Joint] by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Calia, Kurt)
June 21, 2017 Filing 392 RESPONSE to #390 Sealed Patent Additional Attachments to Main Document Hughes' Supplemental Notice Regarding Motion to Transfer Venue Under Sect. 1404 filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Plaintiffs' Pre-Trial Disclosures)(Fair, Andrea)
June 21, 2017 Filing 391 ***FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY***RESPONSE to #390 Sealed Patent Additional Attachments to Main Document Hughes' Supplemental Notice Regarding Motion to Transfer Venue Under Sect. 1404 filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Fair, Andrea) Modified on 6/21/2017 (ch, ).
June 21, 2017 ***FILED IN ERROR. PER ATTORNEY Document # 391, Response. PLEASE IGNORE.*** (ch, ) Modified on 6/21/2017 (ch, ).
June 20, 2017 Filing 390 SEALED Supplemental Notice Regarding #130 Motion to Transfer Venue Under 35 USC 1404(a). (Attachments: #1 Exhibit - Walther Deposition Excerpt (Pankratz, Kurt)
June 20, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 389 ORDER MEMORIALIZING RULING ON NON DISPOSITIVE MOTIONS - Denied #372 SEALED MOTION TO TRANSFER, granted #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives. granted #313 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude Expert Testimony of Stephen G. Kunin. Denied #314 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Opinions Offered by Christopher Martinez. Denying #276 SEALED MOTION to Strike Elbit's '874 Patent Infringement Contentions. Denied #319 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Certain Opinions of Defendants' Damages Expert, Mr. W. Christopher Bakewell. Granting in part denying in part #275 Opposed SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING STRICKEN PRIOR ART REFERENCES AND UNDISCLOSED INVALIDITY THEORIES. Denied #312 SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Testimony of Dr. Stephen B. Wicker. Denied #316 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Strike Portions of Elbit's Expert Reports that rely on Previously-Unidentified Infringement Theories. Granted #277 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Elbit's New Priority Date Contentions for the '073 Patent. Denied as moot #373 SEALED MOTION TO STAY PROCEEDINGS PENDING RESOLUTION OF PROPER VENUE.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 6/20/2017. (ch, )
June 20, 2017 Filing 388 MEMORANDUM AND OPINION, REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re #314 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Opinions Offered by Christopher Martinez filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #292 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claim 28 of the '073 Patent for Lack of a "Means for Generating a Request" filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., #293 MOTION for Summary Judgment Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement for Hughes' GMR-1 Products filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., #297 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claims 2-5, 7-9, 11 and 12 of U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874 filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #319 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Certain Opinions of Defendants' Damages Expert, Mr. W. Christopher Bakewell filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC, #275 Opposed SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING STRICKEN PRIOR ART REFERENCES AND UNDISCLOSED INVALIDITY THEORIES filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC, #312 SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Testimony of Dr. Stephen B. Wicker filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC, #316 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Strike Portions of Elbit's Expert Reports that rely on Previously-Unidentified Infringement Theories filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #277 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Elbit's New Priority Date Contentions for the '073 Patent filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #295 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of No Coopying of U.S. Patent No. 6,240,073 filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., #372 SEALED MOTION TO TRANSFER UNDER 28 U.S.C. 1406 filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC, #313 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude Expert Testimony of Stephen G. Kunin filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #291 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of the Switching Means of United States Patent No 6,240,073 filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., #298 SEALED MOTION For Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claims 2-5, 7-9, 11 and 12 of U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874 filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #296 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of no Willfulness filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #276 SEALED MOTION to Strike Elbit's '874 Patent Infringement Contentions filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #294 SEALED MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment of No Damages with Respect to the '874 Patent filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., #373 SEALED MOTION TO STAY PROCEEDINGS PENDING RESOLUTION OF PROPER VENUE filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc... Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 6/20/2017. (ch, )
June 19, 2017 Filing 387 RESPONSE in Opposition re #373 SEALED MOTION TO STAY PROCEEDINGS PENDING RESOLUTION OF PROPER VENUE filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
June 19, 2017 Filing 386 RESPONSE in Opposition re #372 SEALED MOTION TO TRANSFER UNDER 28 U.S.C. 1406 filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Exhibit L, #13 Exhibit M, #14 Exhibit N, #15 Exhibit O, #16 Exhibit P, #17 Exhibit Q, #18 Exhibit R, #19 Exhibit S, #20 Affidavit Of Grant Johnson, #21 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
June 16, 2017 Filing 385 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #370 SEALED MOTION IN LIMINE filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14, #15 Exhibit 15, #16 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
June 16, 2017 Filing 384 JOINT NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC of Proposed Verdict Forms (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Calia, Kurt)
June 16, 2017 Filing 383 JOINT Proposed Jury Instructions by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Calia, Kurt)
June 16, 2017 Filing 382 Proposed Pretrial Order [JOINT] by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A-Plaintiffs Witness List, #2 Exhibit B-Defendants Witness List, #3 Exhibit C-Plaintiffs Exhibit List, #4 Exhibit D-Defendants Exhibit List, #5 Exhibit E-Plaintiffs Deposition Designations, #6 Exhibit F-Defendants Deposition Designations)(Calia, Kurt)
June 16, 2017 Filing 381 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #371 SEALED MOTION IN LIMINE filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
June 14, 2017 Filing 380 NOTICE by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC Notice of Request for Daily Transcript and Real Time Reporting of Court Proceedings (Dhanani, Ali)
June 12, 2017 Filing 379 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Melissa Richards Smith on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Smith, Melissa)
June 7, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 378 ORDER denying #375 Motion to Expedite Briefing on Defendants Motion to Stay Proceeding. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 6/7/2017. (ch, )
June 6, 2017 Filing 377 RESPONSE in Opposition re #375 Opposed MOTION to Expedite Briefing on Defendants' Motion to Stay Proceedings Pending Resolution of Proper Venue (Dkt. 373) filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
June 6, 2017 Filing 376 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC Request for Daily Transcripts and Real Time Reporting (Hill, Jack)
June 5, 2017 Filing 375 Opposed MOTION to Expedite Briefing on Defendants' Motion to Stay Proceedings Pending Resolution of Proper Venue (Dkt. 373) by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Ponder, Christopher)
June 5, 2017 Filing 374 Notice of Clarification by Hughes Network Systems, LLC to #130 Sealed Document. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of John Kenyon)(Pankratz, Kurt)
June 3, 2017 Filing 373 SEALED MOTION TO STAY PROCEEDINGS PENDING RESOLUTION OF PROPER VENUE by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
June 3, 2017 Filing 372 SEALED MOTION TO TRANSFER UNDER 28 U.S.C. 1406 by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Jamie R. Lynn, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
May 31, 2017 Filing 371 SEALED MOTION IN LIMINE by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit DX309, #11 Exhibit DX320, #12 Exhibit DX583, #13 Exhibit DX707, #14 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
May 31, 2017 Filing 370 SEALED MOTION IN LIMINE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
May 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 369 ORDER re #213 Objection to Claim Construction filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., #212 Objection to Claim Construction.. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 5/25/2017. (ch, )
May 18, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 367 ORDER granting #366 Sealed Motion TO WITHDRAW THE LETTER OF REQUEST ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE HAGUE CONVENTION BY THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 5/18/2017. (ch, )
May 17, 2017 Filing 366 Unopposed SEALED MOTION to Withdraw Letter of Request by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
May 9, 2017 Filing 365 SEALED SURREPLY to Response to Motion re #319 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Certain Opinions of Defendants' Damages Expert, Mr. W. Christopher Bakewell filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit L, #2 Exhibit M)(Pankratz, Kurt)
May 5, 2017 Filing 364 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #314 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Opinions Offered by Christopher Martinez filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1)(Fair, Andrea)
May 5, 2017 Filing 363 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #316 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Strike Portions of Elbit's Expert Reports that rely on Previously-Unidentified Infringement Theories filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 9)(Fair, Andrea)
May 4, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 362 ORDER granting #359 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 5/4/17. (ch, )
May 3, 2017 Filing 361 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 13, #2 Exhibit 14)(Pankratz, Kurt)
May 3, 2017 Filing 360 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #312 SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Testimony of Dr. Stephen B. Wicker filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 8)(Pankratz, Kurt)
May 3, 2017 Filing 359 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #319 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Certain Opinions of Defendants' Damages Expert, Mr. W. Christopher Bakewell by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
May 3, 2017 Filing 358 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #313 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude Expert Testimony of Stephen G. Kunin filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Fair, Andrea)
May 2, 2017 Filing 357 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #319 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Certain Opinions of Defendants' Damages Expert, Mr. W. Christopher Bakewell filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5)(Fair, Andrea)
April 27, 2017 Filing 356 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #316 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Strike Portions of Elbit's Expert Reports that rely on Previously-Unidentified Infringement Theories filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 12)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 27, 2017 Filing 355 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #314 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Opinions Offered by Christopher Martinez filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Pankratz, Kurt)
April 26, 2017 Filing 354 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #312 SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Testimony of Dr. Stephen B. Wicker filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Fair, Andrea)
April 26, 2017 Filing 353 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C)(Fair, Andrea)
April 26, 2017 Filing 352 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #313 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude Expert Testimony of Stephen G. Kunin filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 8, #2 Exhibit 9)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 351 ORDER granting #345 Motion to Amend/Correct. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 4/25/2017. (ch, )
April 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 350 ORDER granting #344 Motion for Extension of Time to File its sur-reply brief in response to Dkt. 323. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 4/25/2017. (ch, )
April 24, 2017 Filing 349 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY [Consolidated] to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #291 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of the Switching Means of United States Patent No 6,240,073, #292 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claim 28 of the '073 Patent for Lack of a "Means for Generating a Request", #293 MOTION for Summary Judgment Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement for Hughes' GMR-1 Products filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Calia, Kurt)
April 24, 2017 Filing 348 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY [Consolidated] to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #298 SEALED MOTION For Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claims 2-5, 7-9, 11 and 12 of U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874, #294 SEALED MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment of No Damages with Respect to the '874 Patent filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Calia, Kurt)
April 24, 2017 Filing 347 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY [Consolidated] to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #297 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claims 2-5, 7-9, 11 and 12 of U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874, #296 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of no Willfulness, #295 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of No Coopying of U.S. Patent No. 6,240,073 filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Calia, Kurt)
April 24, 2017 Filing 346 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #319 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Certain Opinions of Defendants' Damages Expert, Mr. W. Christopher Bakewell filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 24, 2017 ***FILED IN ERROR. PER ATTORNEY Document # 343, Sealed Response to Motion. PLEASE IGNORE.*** (ch, )
April 21, 2017 Filing 345 Joint MOTION to Amend/Correct the Docket Control Order by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Ponder, Christopher)
April 21, 2017 Filing 344 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Sur-reply Brief by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Ponder, Christopher)
April 21, 2017 Filing 343 ***FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY***SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #319 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Certain Opinions of Defendants' Damages Expert, Mr. W. Christopher Bakewell filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt) Modified on 4/24/2017 (ch, ).
April 20, 2017 Filing 342 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #329 Sealed Response to Motion,,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 6a)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 20, 2017 Filing 341 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #329 Sealed Response to Motion,, #339 Sealed Additional Attachments to Main Document. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5c)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 20, 2017 Filing 340 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #329 Sealed Response to Motion,,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5b2)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 20, 2017 Filing 339 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #329 Sealed Response to Motion,,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5b1)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 20, 2017 Filing 338 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #329 Sealed Response to Motion,,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5a)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 20, 2017 ***FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY. Document # 330, 332, 333, 334, 335, SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document. PLEASE IGNORE.*** (nkl, )
April 19, 2017 Filing 337 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #316 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Strike Portions of Elbit's Expert Reports that rely on Previously-Unidentified Infringement Theories filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 19, 2017 Filing 336 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #329 Sealed Response to Motion,,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 6b)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 19, 2017 Filing 335 FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 6a)(Pankratz, Kurt) Modified on 4/20/2017 (nkl, ).
April 19, 2017 Filing 334 FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5c)(Pankratz, Kurt) Modified on 4/20/2017 (nkl, ).
April 19, 2017 Filing 333 FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5b2)(Pankratz, Kurt) Modified on 4/20/2017 (nkl, ).
April 19, 2017 Filing 332 FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5b1)(Pankratz, Kurt) Modified on 4/20/2017 (nkl, ).
April 19, 2017 Filing 331 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #314 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Opinions Offered by Christopher Martinez filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 19, 2017 Filing 330 FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5a)(Pankratz, Kurt) Modified on 4/20/2017 (nkl, ).
April 19, 2017 Filing 329 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 7, #7 Exhibit 8, #8 Exhibit 9, #9 Exhibit 10, #10 Exhibit 11, #11 Exhibit 12)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 19, 2017 Filing 328 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #313 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude Expert Testimony of Stephen G. Kunin filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 19, 2017 Filing 327 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #312 SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Testimony of Dr. Stephen B. Wicker filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 7)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 18, 2017 Filing 326 SEALED RESPONSE by Elbit Systems of America, LLC, Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd. to #304 Sealed Document, filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 17, 2017 Filing 325 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #298 SEALED MOTION For Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claims 2-5, 7-9, 11 and 12 of U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874, #294 SEALED MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment of No Damages with Respect to the '874 Patent filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 17, 2017 Filing 324 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #297 Motion for Summary Judgment of No Pre-Suit Damages Based on Plaintiffs' Failure to Comply with 35 USC 287 by Hughes Network Systems, LLC #296 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of no Willfulness, #295 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of No Coopying of U.S. Patent No. 6,240,073 filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2)(Pankratz, Kurt) Modified on 4/18/2017 (ch, ).
April 13, 2017 Filing 323 SEALED DEFENDANTS' CONSOLIDATED REPLY IN SUPPORT OF ITS MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF UNITED STATES PATENT NO. 6,240,073 to Response to Motion re #291 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of the Switching Means of United States Patent No 6,240,073, #292 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claim 28 of the '073 Patent for Lack of a "Means for Generating a Request", #293 MOTION for Summary Judgment Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement for Hughes' GMR-1 Products filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 10, 2017 Filing 322 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #297 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claims 2-5, 7-9, 11 and 12 of U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874, #295 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of No Coopying of U.S. Patent No. 6,240,073, #296 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of no Willfulness filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Exhibit L, #13 Exhibit M, #14 Exhibit N, #15 Exhibit O, #16 Exhibit P, #17 Exhibit Q, #18 Exhibit R, #19 Exhibit S, #20 Exhibit T, #21 Exhibit U, #22 Exhibit V, #23 Exhibit W, #24 Exhibit X, #25 Exhibit Y, #26 Exhibit Z, #27 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 10, 2017 Filing 321 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #298 SEALED MOTION For Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claims 2-5, 7-9, 11 and 12 of U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874, #294 SEALED MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment of No Damages with Respect to the '874 Patent filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 7, 2017 Filing 320 Additional Attachments to Main Document (Certificate of Conference): #315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives.. (Fair, Andrea)
April 7, 2017 Filing 319 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Certain Opinions of Defendants' Damages Expert, Mr. W. Christopher Bakewell by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 7, 2017 ***FILED IN ERROR. PER ATTORNEY Document # 317, Sealed Motion to Exclude. PLEASE IGNORE.*** (ch, )
April 6, 2017 Filing 318 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #292 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claim 28 of the '073 Patent for Lack of a "Means for Generating a Request", #293 MOTION for Summary Judgment Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement for Hughes' GMR-1 Products, #291 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of the Switching Means of United States Patent No 6,240,073 filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 5, 2017 Filing 317 ***FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY*** SEALED MOTION to Exclude Certain Opinions of Defendants' Damages Expert, Mr. W. Christopher Bakewell by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea) Modified on 4/7/2017 (ch, ).
April 5, 2017 Filing 316 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Strike Portions of Elbit's Expert Reports that rely on Previously-Unidentified Infringement Theories by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Errata 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 5, 2017 Filing 315 SEALED MOTION to Strike Defendants' Experts Opinions regarding Previously-Undisclosed Non-Infringing Alternatives by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 5, 2017 Filing 314 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Opinions Offered by Christopher Martinez by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 5, 2017 Filing 313 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Exclude Expert Testimony of Stephen G. Kunin by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
April 5, 2017 Filing 312 SEALED MOTION to Exclude the Testimony of Dr. Stephen B. Wicker by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 4, 2017 Filing 311 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #277 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Elbit's New Priority Date Contentions for the '073 Patent filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F)(Fair, Andrea)
April 4, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 310 ORDER granting #302 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Daniel Alan Noteware, Jr terminated. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 4/3/2017. (ch, )
April 3, 2017 Filing 309 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #304 Sealed Document,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit N, PART 2 OF 2)(Lynn, Jamie)
April 3, 2017 Filing 308 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #304 Sealed Document,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit N, PART 1 OF 2)(Lynn, Jamie)
April 3, 2017 Filing 307 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #304 Sealed Document,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit M, PART 3c OF 3)(Lynn, Jamie)
April 3, 2017 Filing 306 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #304 Sealed Document,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit M, PART 3B OF 3)(Lynn, Jamie)
April 3, 2017 Filing 305 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #304 Sealed Document,. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit M, PART 3A OF 3)(Lynn, Jamie)
April 3, 2017 Filing 304 Sealed Document. Defendant Hughes Network Systems, LLC's Objections Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 72(A) to #287 Magistrate Judge Payne's March 20, 2017 Order Denying Hughes' Invalidity Contentions to Assert 35 U.S.C 102(F) (Dkt. 274) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit L, #2 Exhibit M, PART 1 OF 3, #3 Exhibit M, PART 2 OF 3)(Lynn, Jamie)
March 31, 2017 Filing 303 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #276 SEALED MOTION to Strike Elbit's '874 Patent Infringement Contentions filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 6, #2 Exhibit 7)(Fair, Andrea)
March 31, 2017 Filing 302 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Danny A. Noteware by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
March 30, 2017 Filing 301 SEALED PATENT SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to PATENT Motion re #275 Opposed SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING STRICKEN PRIOR ART REFERENCES AND UNDISCLOSED INVALIDITY THEORIES filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5, #2 Exhibit 6, #3 Exhibit 7, #4 Exhibit 8, #5 Exhibit 9, #6 Exhibit 10)(Pankratz, Kurt)
March 29, 2017 Filing 300 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #277 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Elbit's New Priority Date Contentions for the '073 Patent filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit F)(Lynn, Jamie)
March 29, 2017 Filing 299 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #276 SEALED MOTION to Strike Elbit's '874 Patent Infringement Contentions filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 8, #2 Exhibit 9, #3 Exhibit 10)(Lynn, Jamie)
March 24, 2017 Filing 298 SEALED MOTION For Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claims 2-5, 7-9, 11 and 12 of U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874 by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Dhanani, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Exhibit F, #8 Exhibit 220, #9 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 24, 2017 Filing 297 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of No Pre-Suit Damages Based on Plaintiffs' Failure to Comply with 35 USC 287 by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Dhanani, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit 6, #11 Exhibit 8, #12 Exhibit 9, #13 Exhibit 309, #14 Exhibit 313, #15 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali) Modified on 3/28/2017 (ch, ).
March 24, 2017 Filing 296 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of no Willfulness by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Dhanani Declaration, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Exhibit F, #8 Exhibit G, #9 Exhibit 309, #10 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 24, 2017 Filing 295 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of No Coopying of U.S. Patent No. 6,240,073 by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Ali Dhanani, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Exhibit F, #8 Exhibit G, #9 Exhibit H, #10 Exhibit I, #11 Exhibit J, #12 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 24, 2017 Filing 294 SEALED MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment of No Damages with Respect to the '874 Patent by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Ali Dhanani, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 24, 2017 Filing 293 MOTION for Summary Judgment Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement for Hughes' GMR-1 Products by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Ali Dhanani, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 24, 2017 Filing 292 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of Claim 28 of the '073 Patent for Lack of a "Means for Generating a Request" by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Ali Dhanani, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 24, 2017 Filing 291 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment of Noninfringement of the Switching Means of United States Patent No 6,240,073 by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Ali Dhanani, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Exhibit F, #8 Exhibit G, #9 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 22, 2017 Filing 290 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #275 Opposed SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING STRICKEN PRIOR ART REFERENCES AND UNDISCLOSED INVALIDITY THEORIES filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Hughes' Objections and Responses to Elbit's 3rd Set of Interrogatories, #2 Exhibit 2 - Expert Report of Richard M. Goodin re Source Code, #3 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
March 21, 2017 Filing 289 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #276 SEALED MOTION to Strike Elbit's '874 Patent Infringement Contentions filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Hupe (Comtech) Transcript, #2 Exhibit 2 - Walter (Sevis) Transcript, #3 Exhibit 3 - Email Correspondence Regarding '874 Contentions, #4 Exhibit 4 - Email Correspondence Regarding Meet & Confer, #5 Exhibit 5 - Email Regarding Comtech, #6 Affidavit Declaration of Rajesh Paul, #7 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
March 21, 2017 Filing 288 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #277 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Elbit's New Priority Date Contentions for the '073 Patent filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Wicker Invalidity Report, #2 Exhibit B - Plaintiff's Second Supplemental Responses, #3 Exhibit C - Plaintiff's Third Set of Interrogatories to Hughes, #4 Exhibit D - Letters Regarding Hughes Interrogatory Response No. 17, #5 Exhibit E - Barda, #6 Exhibit F - Reichman, #7 Exhibit G - Defendants Second Amended Joint Invalidity Contentions, #8 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
March 20, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 287 ORDER denying #274 Sealed Motion to Amend Invalidity Contentions. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 3/17/2017. (ch, )
March 14, 2017 Filing 286 SEALED RESPONSE IN OPPOSTION to Motion re #275 Opposed SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING STRICKEN PRIOR ART REFERENCES AND UNDISCLOSED INVALIDITY THEORIES filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Text of Proposed Order)(Ponder, Christopher)
March 14, 2017 Filing 285 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #274 SEALED MOTION for Leave to Amend Invalidity Contentins to Assert 35 USC 102(F) filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
March 8, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 284 ORDER granting #281 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re #277 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Elbit's New Priority Date Contentions for the '073 Patent, #276 SEALED MOTION to Strike Elbit's '874 Patent Infringement Contentions Responses due by 3/21/2017. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 3/8/2017. (ch, )
March 8, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 283 ORDER granting #282 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 3/8/2017. (ch, )
March 8, 2017 Filing 282 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #275 Opposed SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING STRICKEN PRIOR ART REFERENCES AND UNDISCLOSED INVALIDITY THEORIES until March 15, 2017 by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Ponder, Christopher)
March 7, 2017 Filing 281 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #276 SEALED MOTION to Strike Elbit's '874 Patent Infringement Contentions, #277 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Elbit's New Priority Date Contentions for the '073 Patent by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
March 6, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 280 ORDER granting #278 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re #274 SEALED MOTION for Leave to Amend Invalidity Contentins to Assert 35 USC 102(F) Responses due by 3/14/2017. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 3/6/2017. (ch, )
March 2, 2017 Filing 279 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by M. Natalie Alfaro Gonzales on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Gonzales, M.)
March 2, 2017 Filing 278 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #274 SEALED MOTION for Leave to Amend Invalidity Contentins to Assert 35 USC 102(F) by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
February 27, 2017 Filing 277 SEALED MOTION to Exclude Elbit's New Priority Date Contentions for the '073 Patent by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E)(Ponder, Christopher)
February 27, 2017 Filing 276 SEALED MOTION to Strike Elbit's '874 Patent Infringement Contentions by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 7)(Sherby, Michael)
February 24, 2017 Filing 275 Opposed SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING STRICKEN PRIOR ART REFERENCES AND UNDISCLOSED INVALIDITY THEORIES by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Text of Proposed Order)(Sudarshan, Ranganath)
February 21, 2017 Filing 274 SEALED MOTION for Leave to Amend Invalidity Contentins to Assert 35 USC 102(F) by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Exhibit F, #8 Exhibit G, #9 Exhibit H, #10 Exhibit I, #11 Exhibit J, #12 Exhibit K, #13 Exhibit 213, #14 Exhibit 214, #15 Supplement)(Ponder, Christopher)
February 21, 2017 Filing 273 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Motion Hearing Proceedings held on 2/7/17, before Judge Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Tammy Goolsby, Telephone number: 903/445-5355. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 3/17/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 3/27/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 5/25/2017. (dlc, )
February 21, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 272 ORDER granting #271 Motion to Amend/Correct Dr Wicker's expert report invalidity. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 2/17/2017. (ch, )
February 17, 2017 Filing 271 Unopposed MOTION to Amend/Correct the Expert Report of Dr. Stephen Wicker by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
February 15, 2017 Filing 270 SEALED SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE to Motion re #247 SEALED MOTION to Compel Documents and Testimony from Plaintiffs filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Shai Cohen In Support of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Hughes' Motion to Compel Documents and Testimony from Plaintiffs, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
February 15, 2017 NOTICE of DEFICIENCY regarding the #269 Sealed Document submitted by Elbit Systems of America, LLC. No certificate of authority to seal and wrong event used. Correction should be made by 1 business day and refiled. (sm, )
February 14, 2017 Filing 269 ***DEFICIENT DOCUMENT, PLEASE IGNORE***Sealed Document. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Shai Cohen in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to Hughes' Motion to Compel Documents and Testimony from Plaintiffs, #2 Text of Proposed Order Denying Defendants' Motion to Compel)(Fair, Andrea) Modified on 2/15/2017 (sm, ).
February 13, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 268 ORDER granting #267 Motion for Extension of Time to Submit Declaration. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 2/13/2017. (ch, )
February 10, 2017 Filing 267 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File /Submit Declaration by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
February 9, 2017 Filing 266 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC for proceedings held on 2/7/17 Motion Hearing before Judge Roy S. Payne. (Hill, Jack)
February 9, 2017 Filing 265 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC for proceedings held on 2/7/17 Motions Hearing before Judge Payne. (Jones, Michael)
February 9, 2017 Opinion or Order ORDER granting in part and denying in part #247 Sealed Motion. See #264 Minute Entry.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 2/9/2017. (rsp1, )
February 9, 2017 Opinion or Order ORDER denying #246 Sealed Motion. See #264 Minute Entry.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 2/9/2017. (rsp1, )
February 7, 2017 Filing 264 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Motion Hearing held on 2/7/2017 re #247 SEALED MOTION to Compel Documents and Testimony from Plaintiffs filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #246 SEALED MOTION TO EXCLUDE DEFENDANTS LATE-DISCLOSED DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION REGARDING HUGHESS PERSONAL EARTH STATION (PES) ALLEGED PRIOR ART filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Court Reporter Tammy Goolsby.) (bga, )
February 6, 2017 Filing 263 NOTICE of Joint Status Report by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC re #247 SEALED MOTION to Compel Documents and Testimony from Plaintiffs, #246 SEALED MOTION To Exclude Defendants LATE-DISCLOSED DOCUMENTS And Information Regarding HUGHESS PERSONAL EARTH STATION (PES) Alleged PRIOR ART (Jones, Michael)
February 6, 2017 Filing 262 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #246 SEALED MOTION TO EXCLUDE DEFENDANTS LATE-DISCLOSED DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION REGARDING HUGHESS PERSONAL EARTH STATION (PES) ALLEGED PRIOR ART filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Text of Proposed Order)(Ponder, Christopher)
February 2, 2017 Filing 261 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #247 SEALED MOTION to Compel Documents and Testimony from Plaintiffs filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A (Declaration of Larissa Rubin), #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
February 1, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 260 ORDER granting #258 Motion for Leave to Take Depositions after the Fact Discovery Deadline. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 2/1/17. (mrm, )
February 1, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 259 ORDER granting #257 Motion to Amend the Docket Control Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 2/1/17. (mrm, )
January 31, 2017 Filing 258 Joint MOTION for Leave to Take Depositions after the Fact Discovery Deadline by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
January 31, 2017 Filing 257 Joint MOTION to Amend/Correct the Docket Control Order by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
January 30, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 256 ORDER granting #255 Motion for a Five Day Extension for Submitting Expert Report on Damages. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 1/30/2017. (ch, )
January 27, 2017 Filing 255 Agreed MOTION FOR A FIVE-DAY EXTENSION TO THE DEADLINES RELATING TO EXPERT REPORTS ON DAMAGES by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
January 27, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 254 ORDER granting #250 Motion to Hear Plaintiffs Motion to Exclude (Dkt. 246) withDefendants Motion to Compel (Dkt. 247. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 1/27/2017. (ch, )
January 27, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 253 ORDER granting in part #251 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re #246 SEALED MOTION TO EXCLUDE DEFENDANTS LATE-DISCLOSED DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION REGARDING HUGHESS PERSONAL EARTH STATION (PES) ALLEGED PRIOR ART Responses due by 2/6/2016 AT 3:00 PM Central Time. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 1/27/2017. (ch, )
January 27, 2017 Filing 252 RESPONSE in Opposition re #251 Opposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #246 SEALED MOTION TO EXCLUDE DEFENDANTS LATE-DISCLOSED DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION REGARDING HUGHESS PERSONAL EARTH STATION (PES) ALLEGED PRIOR ART filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Calia, Kurt)
January 27, 2017 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #246 SEALED MOTION TO EXCLUDE DEFENDANTS LATE-DISCLOSED DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION REGARDING HUGHESS PERSONAL EARTH STATION (PES) ALLEGED PRIOR ART : Motion Hearing set for 2/7/2017 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
January 26, 2017 Filing 251 Opposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #246 SEALED MOTION TO EXCLUDE DEFENDANTS LATE-DISCLOSED DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION REGARDING HUGHESS PERSONAL EARTH STATION (PES) ALLEGED PRIOR ART by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Ponder, Christopher)
January 26, 2017 Filing 250 EXPEDITED MOTION TO HEAR PLAINTIFFS MOTION TO EXCLUDE (Dkt. 246) WITH DEFENDANTS MOTION TO COMPEL (Dkt. 247) by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
January 26, 2017 Filing 249 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Motion Hearing Proceedings held on 1/17/17, before Judge Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Tammy Goolsby, Telephone number: 903/445-5355. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 2/20/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 3/2/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 5/1/2017. (dlc, )
January 19, 2017 Filing 248 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Melissa Leyla Butler on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Butler, Melissa)
January 19, 2017 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #247 SEALED MOTION to Compel Documents and Testimony from Plaintiffs : Motion Hearing set for 2/7/2017 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
January 18, 2017 Filing 247 SEALED MOTION to Compel Documents and Testimony from Plaintiffs by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B)(Ponder, Christopher)
January 18, 2017 Filing 246 SEALED MOTION TO EXCLUDE DEFENDANTS LATE-DISCLOSED DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION REGARDING HUGHESS PERSONAL EARTH STATION (PES) ALLEGED PRIOR ART by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
January 18, 2017 Filing 245 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC for proceedings held on January 17, 2017 Motion Hearing before Judge Roy S. Payne. (Hill, Jack)
January 17, 2017 Filing 244 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Yiye Fu on behalf of All Plaintiffs. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-6114051. (Fu, Yiye)
January 17, 2017 Filing 243 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Motion Hearing held on 1/17/2017 re #231 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE PORTIONS OF DEFENDANTS DECEMBER 5, 2016 SECOND AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS AND THE ENTIRETY OF DEFENDANTS DECEMBER 7, 2016 THIRD AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC, #137 Second MOTION to Compel Defendant Hughes Network Systems, LLC to Answer Written Discovery Requests filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC, #233 SEALED MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER TO QUASH THE DEPOSITION NOTICE OF BEZHALEL MACHLIS filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC, #235 SEALED MOTION Corrected Motion for Protective Order to Quash the Deposition Notice of B. Machlis filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Court Reporter Tammy Goolsby.) (bga, )
January 17, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 242 ORDER finding as moot #137 Motion to Compel; granting in part and denying in part #231 Sealed Motion; denying #233 Sealed Motion; denying #235 Sealed Motion. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 1/17/20117. (nkl, )
January 17, 2017 Filing 241 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Wallace J Lee on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-6113142. (Lee, Wallace)
January 16, 2017 Filing 240 STATUS REPORT concerning #235 PLAINTIFFS Sealed Motion For PROTECTIVE ORDER To Quash The Deposition Notice of BEZHALEL MACHLIS [ AND #137 PLAINTIFFS Second Motion to Compel DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS, LLC To Answer Written Discovery Requests by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Calia, Kurt)
January 16, 2017 Filing 239 SEALED RESPONSE in Opposition to Motion re #235 Corrected Motion for Protective Order to Quash the Deposition Notice of B. Machlis filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Appendix Containing Excerpts of Documents Cited, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Ponder, Christopher)
January 16, 2017 Opinion or Order ORDER finding as moot #140 Motion to Expedite; granting #140 Motion for Hearing. See Notice of Hearing entered January 11, 2017. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 1/16/2017. (rsp1, )
January 13, 2017 Filing 238 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Samuel L Kassa on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-6110068. (Kassa, Samuel)
January 13, 2017 Filing 237 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Eileen F Hyde on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-6110033. (Hyde, Eileen)
January 11, 2017 Filing 236 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #231 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE PORTIONS OF DEFENDANTS DECEMBER 5, 2016 SECOND AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS AND THE ENTIRETY OF DEFENDANTS DECEMBER 7, 2016 THIRD AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Exhibit F)(Ponder, Christopher)
January 11, 2017 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #137 Second MOTION to Compel Defendant Hughes Network Systems, LLC to Answer Written Discovery Requests : Motion Hearing set for 1/17/2017 09:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
January 5, 2017 Filing 235 SEALED MOTION Corrected Motion for Protective Order to Quash the Deposition Notice of B. Machlis by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of B. Machlis, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
January 3, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 234 ORDER granting #232 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re #231 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE PORTIONS OF DEFENDANTS DECEMBER 5, 2016 SECOND AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS AND THE ENTIRETY OF DEFENDANTS DECEMBER 7, 2016 THIRD AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS Responses due by 1/11/2017. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/30/2016. (ch, )
January 2, 2017 Filing 233 SEALED MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER TO QUASH THE DEPOSITION NOTICE OF BEZHALEL MACHLIS by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Affidavit of Bezhalel Machlis, #3 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
December 28, 2016 Filing 232 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #231 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE PORTIONS OF DEFENDANTS DECEMBER 5, 2016 SECOND AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS AND THE ENTIRETY OF DEFENDANTS DECEMBER 7, 2016 THIRD AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
December 23, 2016 Filing 231 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE PORTIONS OF DEFENDANTS DECEMBER 5, 2016 SECOND AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS AND THE ENTIRETY OF DEFENDANTS DECEMBER 7, 2016 THIRD AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit of Kurt Calia, #3 Exhibit 1, #4 Exhibit 2, #5 Exhibit 3, #6 Exhibit 4, #7 Exhibit 5, #8 Exhibit 6, #9 Exhibit 7)(Calia, Kurt)
December 15, 2016 Filing 230 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC re #228 Emergency SEALED MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND REQUEST FOR HOTLINE CALL (Hill, Jack)
December 15, 2016 Filing 229 SEALED Opposition to Motion re #228 Emergency SEALED MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND REQUEST FOR HOTLINE CALL filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Text of Proposed Order)(Ponder, Christopher)
December 15, 2016 NOTICE the Teleconference set for December 21, 2016 is CANCELLED. (bga, )
December 15, 2016 Opinion or Order ORDER finding as moot #228 Sealed Motion in light of #230 notice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/15/2016. (crs, )
December 15, 2016 NOTICE of Telephonic Hearing on Motion #228 Emergency SEALED MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND REQUEST FOR HOTLINE CALL : TELEPHONIC Motion Hearing set for 12/21/2016 11:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. Plaintiff's counsel is responsible for setting up conference call. Contact the Court AFTER all parties have joined the call. The Court's conference telephone number is 903-938-7803.(bga, )
December 13, 2016 Filing 228 Emergency SEALED MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND REQUEST FOR HOTLINE CALL by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Calia, Kurt) (Additional attachment(s) added on 12/14/2016: #2 Text of Proposed Order) (nkl, ).
December 9, 2016 Filing 227 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC Third Amended Invalidity Contentions (Dhanani, Ali)
December 8, 2016 Filing 226 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC Second Amended Invalidity Contentions (Dhanani, Ali)
December 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 225 ORDER granting #223 Joint MOTION to Amend/Correct the Docket Control Order filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC., Pretrial Conference set for 6/26/2017 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne., Jury Selection set for 7/31/2017 09:00AM before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III., Motions in Limine due by 5/31/2017., Proposed Pretrial Order due by 6/16/2017. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/07/2016. (nkl, )
December 7, 2016 Filing 224 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Motion Hearing Proceedings held on 11/28/16, before Judge Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Tammy Goolsby, Telephone number: 903/445-5355. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 1/1/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/10/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/10/2017. (dlc, )
December 2, 2016 Filing 223 Joint MOTION to Amend/Correct the Docket Control Order by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
December 1, 2016 Filing 222 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC for proceedings held on 11/28/2016 before Judge Roy S. Payne. (Jones, Michael)
December 1, 2016 Filing 221 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC for proceedings held on 11/28/2016 Motion Hearing before Judge Roy S. Payne. (Fair, Andrea)
November 28, 2016 Filing 220 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Motion Hearing held on 11/28/2016 re #209 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and Inventor Depositions filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #206 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANTS SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Court Reporter Tammy Goolsby.) (bga, )
November 28, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 219 ORDER denying #206 Sealed Motion; granting in part and denying in part #209 Sealed Motion. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 11/23/2016. (ch, )
November 22, 2016 Filing 218 NOTICE of Report Concerning #209 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and Inventor Depositions by Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Pankratz, Kurt)
November 17, 2016 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #206 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANTS SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS, #209 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and Inventor Depositions : Motion Hearing RESET for 11/28/2016 01:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. *Note that only the TIME has changed*(bga, )
November 16, 2016 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #206 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANTS SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS, #209 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and Inventor Depositions : Motion Hearing RESET for 11/28/2016 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. *Note that only the TIME has changed*(bga, )
November 8, 2016 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #206 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANTS SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS, #209 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and Inventor Depositions : Motion Hearing set for 11/28/2016 01:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
November 7, 2016 Filing 217 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #206 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANTS SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Fair, Andrea)
November 7, 2016 Filing 216 RESPONSE in Opposition re #209 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and Inventor Depositions filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of L. Rubin, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
November 7, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 215 ORDER denying #214 Motion for Reconsideration of Court's Claim Construction Memorandum. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 11/7/2016. (ch, )
November 4, 2016 Filing 214 MOTION for Reconsideration re #208 Memorandum & Opinion by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
November 4, 2016 Filing 213 OBJECTION TO CLAIM CONSTRUCTION filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
November 4, 2016 Filing 212 OBJECTION TO CLAIM CONSTRUCTION filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC (Fair, Andrea)
October 28, 2016 Filing 211 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #206 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANTS SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B)(Pankratz, Kurt)
October 24, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 210 ORDER to Pay Technical Advisor. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 10/23/2016. (nkl, )
October 19, 2016 Filing 209 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and Inventor Depositions by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
October 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 208 CLAIM CONSTRUCTION MEMORANDUM AND ORDER. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 10/17/2016. (ch, )
October 17, 2016 Filing 207 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 9/28/16 (Claim Construction Hearing) before Judge Roy Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Amanda Leigh, CSR,Telephone number: amandaleighcsr@gmail.com. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 11/10/2016. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 11/21/2016. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 1/18/2017. (sholmes, )
October 10, 2016 Filing 206 SEALED MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANTS SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 AMENDED INVALIDITY CONTENTIONS by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit of Rajesh Paul, #3 Exhibit 1, #4 Exhibit 2, #5 Exhibit 3, #6 Exhibit 4, #7 Exhibit 5, #8 Exhibit 6, #9 Exhibit 7, #10 Exhibit 8, #11 Exhibit 9)(Calia, Kurt)
October 7, 2016 Filing 205 REPORT of Mediation by David Folsom. Mediation result: suspended (Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., and Country Home Investments, Inc.)(Folsom, David)
October 5, 2016 Filing 204 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 9/13/16 (Motion Hearing) before Judge Roy Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Tammy Goolsby, CSR,Telephone number: (903) 445-5355. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 10/31/2016. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 11/10/2016. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 1/6/2017. (sholmes, )
September 29, 2016 Opinion or Order ORDER granting in part and denying in part #141 Sealed Motion. The parties are instructed to comply with the orders set forth at the hearing. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 9/28/16. (bga, )
September 29, 2016 Opinion or Order ORDER granting in part and denying in part #189 Sealed Motion. The parties are instructed to comply with the orders set forth at the hearing. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 9/28/16. (bga, )
September 28, 2016 Filing 203 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Markman Hearing held on 9/28/2016. (Court Reporter Amanda Leigh.) (bga, )
September 28, 2016 Filing 202 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Markman Hearing held on 9/28/2016, Motion Hearing held on 9/28/2016 re #141 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Compel Complete Responses to Defendants' Interrogatory Nos. 1, 7, and 10 filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, #189 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL DEFENDANT BLUETIDE COMMUNICATIONS TO PROVIDE COMPLETE INTERROGATORY RESPONSES filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Court Reporter Amanda Leigh.) (Attachments: #1 Attorney Sign-In Sheet) (bga, )
September 27, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 201 ORDER denying #87 Motion to Strike Non-Conforming Portions of Defendants Invalidity Contentions. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 9/26/2016. (ch, )
September 23, 2016 Filing 200 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Earl Glenn Thames, Jr on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Thames, Earl)
September 21, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 199 ORDER granting #198 Motion to Amend/Correct P.R. 3-1 Infringement Contentions. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 9/21/2016. (ch, )
September 20, 2016 Filing 198 Unopposed MOTION to Amend/Correct PR 3-1 Infringement Contentions to Hughes Network Systems, LLC by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
September 19, 2016 Filing 197 SEALED PATENT RESPONSE to SEALED PATENT MOTION re #189 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL DEFENDANT BLUETIDE COMMUNICATIONS TO PROVIDE COMPLETE INTERROGATORY RESPONSES filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
September 14, 2016 Filing 196 Joint PR 4-5(d) Claim Construction Chart by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Calia, Kurt)
September 13, 2016 Filing 195 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Motion Hearing held on 9/13/2016 re #163 MOTION to Compel production of handwritten notes filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Court Reporter Tammy Goolsby.) (bga, )
September 13, 2016 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #189 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL DEFENDANT BLUETIDE COMMUNICATIONS TO PROVIDE COMPLETE INTERROGATORY RESPONSES, #141 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Compel Complete Responses to Defendants' Interrogatory Nos. 1, 7, and 10 : Motion Hearing set for 9/28/2016 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
September 13, 2016 Opinion or Order ORDER finding as moot #163 Motion to Compel in light of #195 . Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 9/13/16. (bga, )
September 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 194 ORDER finding as moot #67 Motion to Dismiss; finding as moot #69 Motion to Dismiss. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 9/12/2016. (nkl, )
September 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 193 ORDER APPOINTING TECHNICAL ADVISOR. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 9/12/2016. (nkl, )
September 12, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 192 ORDER withdrawing #174 Motion to Strike ; granting #191 Motion to Withdraw. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 9/12/2016. (nkl, )
September 9, 2016 Filing 191 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw #174 MOTION to Strike Infringement Contentions by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Pankratz, Kurt)
September 7, 2016 Filing 190 REPLY to #181 Claim Construction Brief, filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 21 - IPR Petition, #2 Exhibit 22 - Decision, #3 Exhibit 23 - Leopold Declaration, #4 Exhibit 24 - Elbert Testimony)(Fair, Andrea)
September 1, 2016 Filing 189 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL DEFENDANT BLUETIDE COMMUNICATIONS TO PROVIDE COMPLETE INTERROGATORY RESPONSES by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
September 1, 2016 Filing 188 Additional Attachments to Main Document: #187 Claim Construction Brief,.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit 13 - Part 1 of 2, #2 Exhibit Exhibit 13 - Part 2 of 2)(Dhanani, Ali)
August 31, 2016 Filing 187 RESPONSIVE CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 13, #2 Exhibit 14, #3 Exhibit 15, #4 Exhibit 16, #5 Exhibit 17, #6 Exhibit 18, #7 Exhibit 19, #8 Exhibit 20, #9 Exhibit 21)(Dhanani, Ali)
August 26, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 186 ORDER granting #78 Motion to Seal Document ; granting #78 Motion to Withdraw ; granting #78 Motion for Leave to File. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 8/26/2016. (ch, )
August 19, 2016 Filing 185 STATUS REPORT Report Concerning Defendant Hughes Network Systems, LLC's Motion to Strike Infringement Contentions (Dkt.174) by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Pankratz, Kurt)
August 15, 2016 Filing 184 RESPONSE in Opposition re #174 MOTION to Strike Infringement Contentions filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
August 12, 2016 Filing 183 NOTICE by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC re #175 Sealed Patent Response to Sealed Patent Motion, Notice of In Camera Submission of Documents (Jones, Michael)
August 10, 2016 Filing 182 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC of Submission of Technology Tutorial (Fair, Andrea)
August 10, 2016 Filing 181 CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Patrick N. Flynn, #2 Exhibit 1 to Flynn Declaration - U.S. Patent 6,240,073, #3 Exhibit 2 to Flynn Declaration - U.S. Patent 7,245,874, #4 Exhibit 3 to Flynn Declaration - Declaration of Bruce Elbert, #5 Exhibit 4 to Flynn Declaration - Internet Protocol Specifications excerpts, #6 Exhibit 5 to Flynn Declaration - Hughes' IPR 1 excerpts, #7 Exhibit 6 to Flynn Declaration - Hughes' IPR 2 excerpts, #8 Exhibit 7 to Flynn Declaration - PTAB's Institution Decision, #9 Exhibit 8 to Flynn Declaration - prosecution file history excerpts, #10 Exhibit 9 to Flynn Declaration - IEEE Dictionary excerpts, #11 Exhibit 10 to Flynn Declaration - 47 C.F.R. 61.47, #12 Exhibit 11 to Flynn Declaration - U.S. Patent 4,586,177, #13 Exhibit 12 to Flynn Declaration - Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary excerpts)(Hill, Jack)
August 10, 2016 Filing 180 NOTICE by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC of Compliance Regarding Technology Tutorial (Jones, Michael)
August 8, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 179 ORDER granting #177 Sealed Motion for Issuance of a Letter of Request. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 8/8/2016. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit) (ch, )
August 5, 2016 Filing 178 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #177 Unopposed SEALED MOTION For The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas to Issue a Letter of Request Pursuant to the Hague Convention filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Fair, Andrea)
August 5, 2016 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #174 MOTION to Strike Infringement Contentions : Motion Hearing set for 9/13/2016 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
August 3, 2016 Filing 177 Unopposed SEALED MOTION For The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas to Issue a Letter of Request Pursuant to the Hague Convention by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Appendix A, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 7, #9 Exhibit 8, #10 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
August 2, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 176 ORDER granting #173 Joint MOTION to Amend/Correct Joint Motion to Amend Docket Control Order granting #172 Joint MOTION for New Trial Date. Pretrial Conference set for 6/26/2017 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne., Jury Selection set for 7/31/2017 09:00 AM in Ctrm 106 (Marshall) before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 8/1/2016. (ch, )
August 1, 2016 Filing 175 SEALED PATENT RESPONSE to SEALED PATENT MOTION re #163 MOTION to Compel production of handwritten notes filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Ex 1 - Zatloukal Depo excerpt, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
July 29, 2016 Filing 174 WITHDRAWN PER ORDER #192 MOTION to Strike Infringement Contentions by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - 7-19-16 JLynn to Calia re Infringement Contentions, #2 Exhibit 2 - IPR Denial 073, #3 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael) Modified on 9/12/2016 (nkl, ).
July 28, 2016 Filing 173 Joint MOTION to Amend/Correct Joint Motion to Amend Docket Control Order by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Bowling, Bradley)
July 28, 2016 Filing 172 Joint MOTION for New Trial Date by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
July 25, 2016 Filing 171 STATUS REPORT regarding Plaintiffs Motion to Compel Production of Notes Relied Upon by Defendant Hughes Networks Systems, LLC in Preparation for E-Discovery Deposition (Dkt. 163) by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Hill, Jack)
July 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 170 ORDER granting #169 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Christopher P Nofal terminated. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 7/22/2016. (ch, )
July 21, 2016 Filing 169 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Christopher Nofal by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
July 21, 2016 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #163 MOTION to Compel production of handwritten notes : Motion Hearing set for 8/18/2016 01:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
July 21, 2016 CORRECTED NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #163 MOTION to Compel production of handwritten notes : Motion Hearing set for 9/13/2016 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
July 20, 2016 Filing 168 NOTICE of Change of Address by Jack Wesley Hill (Hill, Jack)
July 15, 2016 Filing 167 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Rajesh Paul on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-5837684. (Paul, Rajesh)
July 15, 2016 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #163 MOTION to Compel production of handwritten notes : Motion Hearing set for 9/13/2016 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
July 13, 2016 Filing 166 Sealed Document. Country Home Investments, Inc's Third Amended Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Second Amended Complaint for Patent Infringement (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex. 1, #2 Exhibit Ex. 2, #3 Exhibit Ex. 3, #4 Exhibit Ex. 4, #5 Exhibit Ex. 5, #6 Exhibit Ex. 6, #7 Exhibit Ex. 7, #8 Exhibit Ex. 8)(Dhanani, Ali)
July 13, 2016 Filing 165 Sealed Document. Hughes Network Systems, LLC's Second Amended Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Second Amended Complaint for Patent Infringement (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex. 1, #2 Exhibit Ex. 2, #3 Exhibit Ex. 3, #4 Exhibit Ex. 4, #5 Exhibit Ex. 5, #6 Exhibit Ex. 6, #7 Exhibit Ex.7, #8 Exhibit Ex. 8, #9 Exhibit Ex. 9, #10 Exhibit Ex. 10, #11 Exhibit Ex. 11, #12 Exhibit Ex. 12, #13 Exhibit Ex. 13, #14 Exhibit Ex. 14, #15 Exhibit Ex. 15)(Dhanani, Ali)
July 13, 2016 Filing 164 Sealed Document. Bluetide Communications, Inc's Second Amended Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Second Amended Complaint for Patent Infringement (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex. 1, #2 Exhibit Ex. 2, #3 Exhibit Ex. 3, #4 Exhibit Ex. 4, #5 Exhibit Ex. 5, #6 Exhibit Ex. 6, #7 Exhibit Ex.7, #8 Exhibit Ex. 8)(Dhanani, Ali)
July 13, 2016 Filing 163 MOTION to Compel production of handwritten notes by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
July 7, 2016 Filing 162 NOTICE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC re #137 Second MOTION to Compel Defendant Hughes Network Systems, LLC to Answer Written Discovery Requests (Calia, Kurt)
July 6, 2016 Filing 161 JOINT Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Calia, Kurt)
July 5, 2016 Filing 160 SEALED SURREPLY by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC to 130 Sealed Document - MOTION TO SEVER AND TRANSFER CLAIMS AGAINST HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS, LLC AND STAY CLAIMS AGAINST THE TWO REMAINING CUSTOMER DEFENDANTS (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of G. Johnson, #2 Exhibit Exhibit 17 to Johnson Decl.)(Fair, Andrea) Modified on 6/2/2017 (ch, ).
June 27, 2016 Filing 159 SEALED PATENT RESPONSE to SEALED PATENT MOTION re #137 Second MOTION to Compel Defendant Hughes Network Systems, LLC to Answer Written Discovery Requests filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
June 27, 2016 Filing 158 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re #141 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Compel Complete Responses to Defendants' Interrogatory Nos. 1, 7, and 10 filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Correspondence, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
June 24, 2016 Filing 157 SEALED REPLY TO RESPONSE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, Country Home Investments, Inc., BlueTide Communications, Inc. to #130 Sealed Document (Motion) - MOTION TO SEVER AND TRANSFER CLAIMS AGAINST HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS, LLC AND STAY CLAIMS AGAINST THE TWO REMAINING CUSTOMER DEFENDANTS filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, Country Home Investments, Inc., BlueTide Communications, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Ali Dhanani, #2 Exhibit Ex O, #3 Exhibit Ex P, #4 Exhibit Ex Q, #5 Exhibit Ex R, #6 Exhibit Ex S, #7 Exhibit Ex T, #8 Exhibit Ex U)(Dhanani, Ali) Modified on 6/24/2016 (sm, ). Modified on 6/2/2017 (ch, ).
June 24, 2016 ***FILED IN ERROR., PER ATTY, ATTY WILL REFILE Document # 156, Sealed Document (Reply). PLEASE IGNORE.*** (sm, )
June 23, 2016 Filing 156 ***FILED IN ERROR, PLEASE IGNORE***Sealed Document. Defendants' Reply in Support of Their Motion to Sever and Transfer Claims Against Hughes Network Systems, LLC and Stay Claims Against the Two Remaining Customer Defendants (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Ali Dhanani, #2 Exhibit Ex. O, #3 Exhibit Ex. P, #4 Exhibit Ex. Q, #5 Exhibit Ex. R, #6 Exhibit Ex. S, #7 Exhibit Ex. T)(Dhanani, Ali) Modified on 6/24/2016 (sm, ).
June 23, 2016 Filing 155 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Motions Hearing held on 06/17/2016 before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Brenda Hightower Smith, CSR, RPR, FCRR, Telephone number: 903-794-1018 (brenda_smith@txed.uscourts.gov). NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 7/18/2016. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 7/28/2016. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/26/2016. (bhs, )
June 20, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 154 ORDER granting #152 Motion for Extension of Time to File. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 06/20/2016. (rsp2, )
June 20, 2016 Filing 153 RESPONSE to Motion re #152 Opposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File an Opposition to Plaintiffs' Second Motion to Compel (Dkt. 137) filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Fair, Andrea)
June 20, 2016 Filing 152 Opposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File an Opposition to Plaintiffs' Second Motion to Compel (Dkt. 137) by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit A)(Ponder, Christopher)
June 17, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 151 ORDER granting in part and denying in part #115 Sealed Motion to Compel. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 6/17/2016. (ch, )
June 17, 2016 Filing 150 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Motion Hearing held on 6/17/2016 re #115 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL INTERROGATORY RESPONSES AND DOCUMENTS FROM DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Court Reporter Brenda Smith.) (bga, )
June 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 149 ORDER granting #145 Motion to Change Lead Attorney Designation. Kurt M. Pankratz shall henceforth be designated as sole lead attorney for Defendants in this case. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 6/15/2016. (ch, )
June 15, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 148 ORDER granting #146 Motion To Excuse Counsel from Attendance at 6/17/2016, Motin Hearing. ORDERED that G. Hopkins Guy, III is hereby excused from attendance at the June 17, 2016 motion hearing on behalf of Defendants in this case. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 6/15/2016. (ch, )
June 15, 2016 Filing 147 RESPONSE to Motion re #145 MOTION TO CHANGE LEAD ATTORNEY DESIGNATION, #146 MOTION Excuse Counsel from Attendance at June 17, 2016 Motion Hearing re #115 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL INTERROGATORY RESPONSES AND DOCUMENTS FROM DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Fair, Andrea)
June 14, 2016 Filing 146 MOTION Excuse Counsel from Attendance at June 17, 2016 Motion Hearing re #115 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL INTERROGATORY RESPONSES AND DOCUMENTS FROM DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
June 14, 2016 Filing 145 MOTION TO CHANGE LEAD ATTORNEY DESIGNATION by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Helm Hotels Group, Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
June 14, 2016 Filing 144 ***FILED IN ERROR PER ATTORNEY*** MOTION Excuse G. Hopkins Guy, III from attendance at hearing re #115 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL INTERROGATORY RESPONSES AND DOCUMENTS FROM DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Helm Hotels Group, Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael) Modified on 6/14/2016 (ch, ).
June 14, 2016 ***FILED IN ERROR. PER ATTORNEY Document # 44, Motion to Excuse. PLEASE IGNORE.*** (ch, )
June 13, 2016 Filing 143 SEALED RESPONSE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC to #130 Sealed Document - MOTION TO SEVER AND TRANSFER CLAIMS AGAINST HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS, LLC AND STAY CLAIMS AGAINST THE TWO REMAINING CUSTOMER DEFENDANTS (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of G. Johnson, #2 Exhibit 1 to Declaration, #3 Exhibit 2 to Declaration, #4 Exhibit 3 to Declaration, #5 Exhibit 4 to Declaration, #6 Exhibit 5 to Declaration, #7 Exhibit 6 to Declaration, #8 Exhibit 7 to Declaration, #9 Exhibit 8 to Declaration, #10 Exhibit 9 to Declaration, #11 Exhibit 10 to Declaration, #12 Exhibit 11 to Declaration, #13 Exhibit 12 to Declaration, #14 Exhibit 13 to Declaration, #15 Exhibit 14 to Declaration, #16 Exhibit 15 to Declaration, #17 Exhibit 16 to Declaration, #18 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea) Modified on 6/2/2017 (ch, ).
June 10, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 142 ORDER granting #139 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw #123 MOTION to Strike. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 6/10/16. (ch, )
June 10, 2016 Filing 141 Opposed SEALED MOTION to Compel Complete Responses to Defendants' Interrogatory Nos. 1, 7, and 10 by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2)(Dhanani, Ali)
June 9, 2016 Filing 140 Opposed MOTION to Expedite Briefing, Opposed MOTION for Hearing re #137 Second MOTION to Compel Defendant Hughes Network Systems, LLC to Answer Written Discovery Requests by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
June 6, 2016 Filing 139 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw #123 MOTION to Strike Defendants' Respective Unenforceability Affirmative Defenses by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Calia, Kurt)
June 3, 2016 Filing 138 SEALED SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re #115 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL INTERROGATORY RESPONSES AND DOCUMENTS FROM DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit of Christopher S. Ponder, #2 Exhibit 5, #3 Exhibit 6, #4 Exhibit 7)(Dhanani, Ali)
June 2, 2016 Filing 137 Second MOTION to Compel Defendant Hughes Network Systems, LLC to Answer Written Discovery Requests by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit of Kurt G. Calia, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E)(Calia, Kurt) (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/6/2016: #7 Text of Proposed Order) (ch, ).
May 26, 2016 Filing 136 SEALED PATENT RESPONSE to SEALED PATENT MOTION re #123 MOTION to Strike Defendants' Respective Unenforceability Affirmative Defenses filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of M. Sherby, #2 Ex. A - ELBIT_0005089 - Hughes IPoS, #3 Ex. B - ELBIT_0003135 - Asset Purchase Agreement - Elbit and Advantech 10.07.14, #4 Ex. C - ELBIT_0005506 - Schedule 1.1.1a - Included Assets, #5 Ex. D - ELBIT_0005827 - Closing Agreement bw Elbit Systems and Advantech Wireless reprint, #6 Ex. E - 2015-12-07 Plaintiffs' Rule 26(a)(1) Initial Disclosures, #7 Ex. F - 2016-04-14 Plaintiffs' First Supplemental Rule 26(a)(1) Initial Disclosures, #8 Ex. G - Elbit-Shiron-NewsRelease, #9 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
May 26, 2016 Filing 135 Sealed Document COUNTRY HOME INVESTMENTS, INC.S SECOND AMENDED ANSWERAND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT FORPATENT INFRINGEMENT. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8)(Dhanani, Ali)
May 26, 2016 Filing 134 Sealed Document BLUETIDE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.S FIRST AMENDED ANSWER ANDAFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR PATENTINFRINGEMENT. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8)(Dhanani, Ali)
May 26, 2016 Filing 133 Sealed Document HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS, LLCS FIRST AMENDED ANSWER AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14, #15 Exhibit 15)(Dhanani, Ali)
May 26, 2016 Filing 132 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC (Proposed Terms and Claim Elements for Construction) (Fair, Andrea)
May 26, 2016 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion #115 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL INTERROGATORY RESPONSES AND DOCUMENTS FROM DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS : Motion Hearing set for 6/17/2016 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
May 25, 2016 Filing 131 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC regarding Compliance with PR 4-1 (Jones, Michael)
May 24, 2016 Filing 130 Sealed Document - Motion to Sever and Transfer Claims Against Hughes Network Systems, LLC and Stay Claims Against the Two Remaining Customer Defendants (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Kenyon, #2 Declaration of Sevis, #3 Declaration of Lynn, #4 Exhibit A, #5 Exhibit B, #6 Exhibit C, #7 Exhibit D, #8 Exhibit E, #9 Exhibit F, #10 Exhibit G, #11 Exhibit H, #12 Exhibit I, #13 Exhibit J, #14 Exhibit K, #15 Exhibit L, #16 Exhibit M, #17 Exhibit N, #18 Text of Proposed Order)(Sherby, Michael) Modified on 6/2/2017 (ch, ).
May 24, 2016 Filing 129 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #128 Sealed Reply to Response to Motion. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit TT (Part 2) to Johnson Decl.)(Fair, Andrea)
May 24, 2016 Filing 128 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #115 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL INTERROGATORY RESPONSES AND DOCUMENTS FROM DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of G. Johnson, #2 Exhibit QQ to Johnson Decl., #3 Exhibit RR to Johnson Decl., #4 Exhibit SS to Johnson Decl., #5 Exhibit TT (Part 1) to Johnson Decl.)(Fair, Andrea)
May 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 127 ORDER granting #126 Motion to Amend/Correct Infringement Contentions. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 5/23/2016. (ch, )
May 19, 2016 Filing 126 Unopposed MOTION to Amend/Correct P.R. 3-1 Infringement Contentions to Defendant Hughes Network Systems, LLC by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
May 16, 2016 Filing 125 SEALED REPLY to Response to Motion re #115 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL INTERROGATORY RESPONSES AND DOCUMENTS FROM DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit Declaration of Michael Sherby, #3 Exhibit 1, #4 Exhibit 2, #5 Exhibit 3, #6 Exhibit 4)(Dhanani, Ali)
May 12, 2016 Filing 124 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Daniel Alan Noteware, Jr on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Noteware, Daniel)
May 9, 2016 Filing 123 ***WITHDRAWN PER #142**** MOTION to Strike Defendants' Respective Unenforceability Affirmative Defenses by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Responses due by 5/26/2016 (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit of Patrick N. Flynn, #3 Exhibit A, #4 Exhibit B)(Flynn, Patrick) Modified on 6/10/2016 (ch, ).
May 9, 2016 Filing 122 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Kurt Max Pankratz on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Pankratz, Kurt)
May 3, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 121 ORDER granting #120 Motion to Withdraw withdrawing #70 Motion to Stay;. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 5/3/2016. (ch, )
May 2, 2016 Filing 120 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw #70 MOTION to Stay Pending Inter Partes Review by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Ponder, Christopher)
May 2, 2016 Filing 119 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Udit Sood on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-5725659. (Sood, Udit)
April 28, 2016 Filing 118 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Motions Hearing held on 04/19/2016 before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Brenda Hightower Smith, CSR, RPR, FCRR, Telephone number: 903-794-1018 (brenda_smith@txed.uscourts.gov). NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 5/23/2016. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 6/2/2016. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/1/2016. (bhs, )
April 27, 2016 Filing 117 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Patrick N Flynn on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC (Flynn, Patrick)
April 26, 2016 Filing 116 SEALED ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: #115 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL INTERROGATORY RESPONSES AND DOCUMENTS FROM DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit AA to G. Johnson Decl., #2 Exhibit BB to G. Johnson Decl., #3 Exhibit CC to G. Johnson Decl., #4 Exhibit DD to G. Johnson Decl., #5 Exhibit EE to G. Johnson Decl., #6 Exhibit FF to G. Johnson Decl., #7 Exhibit GG to G. Johnson Decl., #8 Exhibit HH to G. Johnson Decl., #9 Exhibit II to G. Johnson Decl., #10 Exhibit JJ to G. Johnson Decl., #11 Exhibit KK to G. Johnson Decl., #12 Exhibit LL to G. Johnson Decl., #13 Exhibit MM to G. Johnson Decl., #14 Exhibit NN to G. Johnson Decl., #15 Exhibit OO to G. Johnson Decl., #16 Exhibit PP to G. Johnson Decl.)(Fair, Andrea)
April 26, 2016 Filing 115 SEALED MOTION TO COMPEL INTERROGATORY RESPONSES AND DOCUMENTS FROM DEFENDANT HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of G. Johnson, #2 Exhibit A to Johnson Decl., #3 Exhibit B to Johnson Decl., #4 Exhibit C to Johnson Decl., #5 Exhibit D to Johnson Decl., #6 Exhibit E to Johnson Decl., #7 Exhibit F to Johnson Decl., #8 Exhibit G to Johnson Decl., #9 Exhibit H to Johnson Decl., #10 Exhibit I to Johnson Decl., #11 Exhibit J to Johnson Decl., #12 Exhibit K to Johnson Decl., #13 Exhibit L to Johnson Decl., #14 Exhibit M to Johnson Decl., #15 Exhibit N to Johnson Decl., #16 Exhibit O to Johnson Decl., #17 Exhibit P to Johnson Decl., #18 Exhibit Q to Johnson Decl., #19 Exhibit R to Johnson Decl., #20 Exhibit S to Johnson Decl., #21 Exhibit T to Johnson Decl., #22 Exhibit U to Johnson Decl., #23 Exhibit V to Johnson Decl., #24 Exhibit W to Johnson Decl., #25 Exhibit X to Johnson Decl., #26 Exhibit Y to Johnson Decl., #27 Exhibit Z to Johnson Decl., #28 Text of Proposed Order)(Fair, Andrea)
April 20, 2016 Filing 114 PAPER TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC for proceedings held on April 19, 2016 Motion Hearing before Judge Roy S. Payne. (Hill, Jack)
April 19, 2016 Filing 113 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne: Motion Hearing held on 4/19/2016 re #104 SEALED PATENT MOTION for Protective Order filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Court Reporter Brenda Smith.) (bga, )
April 13, 2016 Filing 112 SEALED First Amended Answer and Affirmative Defenses by Country Home Investments, Inc. to #53 Amended Complaint,,,, filed by Country Home Investments, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, part 1 of 2, #2 Exhibit 1 part 2 of 2, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 7, #9 Exhibit 8, #10 Exhibit 9)(Dhanani, Ali)
April 13, 2016 Filing 111 SEALED RESPONSE by BlueTide Communications, Inc. to #53 Amended Complaint,,,, filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Part 1 of 2, #2 Exhibit Part 2 of 2, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 7, #9 Exhibit 8, #10 Exhibit 9)(Dhanani, Ali)
April 13, 2016 Filing 110 SEALED RESPONSE by Hughes Network Systems, LLC to #53 Amended Complaint,,,, filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, part 1 of 2, #2 Exhibit 1, part 2 of 2, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Exhibit 4, #6 Exhibit 5, #7 Exhibit 6, #8 Exhibit 7, #9 Exhibit 8, #10 Exhibit 9)(Dhanani, Ali)
April 11, 2016 Filing 109 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Andrea Leigh Fair on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC (Fair, Andrea)
April 6, 2016 Filing 108 RESPONSE in Opposition re #104 SEALED PATENT MOTION for Protective Order filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit of Bruce Elbert, #2 Exhibit A to Elbert Decl, #3 Exhibit B to Elbert Decl, #4 Affidavit of Ranganath Sudarshan, #5 Exhibit A, #6 Exhibit B, #7 Exhibit C, #8 Exhibit D, #9 Exhibit E, #10 Exhibit F, #11 Exhibit G)(Sudarshan, Ranganath)
April 6, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 107 ORDER granting #105 Motion to Expedite. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 4/6/2016. (ch, )
April 6, 2016 Motion Hearing set for 4/19/2016 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne.. (ch, )
April 5, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 106 ORDER; granting #103 Motion to Withdraw; withdrawing #100 Motion for Extension of Time to Move for Protective Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 4/5/16. (mrm, )
April 4, 2016 Filing 105 Joint MOTION to Expedite Briefing on #104 Motion for Protective Order and Request for Hearing by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
April 4, 2016 Filing 104 SEALED PATENT MOTION for Protective Order by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Ex A - fus - 3.14.16 Sudarshan Letter to Dhanani re Elbert, #2 Ex B - Attachment to Ex. A - Bruce_Elbert_CV, #3 Ex C - Attachment to Ex. A - Elbert prior experience, #4 Ex D - 2016-03-11 - Corr. to K. Calia re Bruce Elbert, #5 Ex E - Elbert 2011 CV, #6 Ex F - Bruce Elbert website bio, #7 Ex G - GLG - Who We Are, #8 Ex H - GLG.FAQ.January2016, #9 Ex I - Corporate Consulting _ GLG, #10 Ex J - 3-15-2016 Email from Lynn to Sudarshan, #11 Ex K - 3-21-2016 Email from Lynn to Sudarshan, #12 Ex L - 3-25-2016 Email from Calia to Lynn, #13 Ex. M - Nature - Insider Trading Sparks Concerns, #14 Ex. N - WSJ - Steven Cohen Implicated in Alleged Insider-Trading Scheme, #15 Ex. O - Book, #16 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
April 1, 2016 Filing 103 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw #100 Opposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File to Move for Protected Order by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 102 ORDER denying #35 Renewed Motion to Dismiss for Improper Venue; denying #23 Motion to Dismiss for Improper Venue. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 3/30/16. (mrm, )
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 101 ORDER denying #34 Renewed Partial Motion to Dismiss as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement; denying #22 Partial Motion to Dismiss as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 3/30/16. (mrm, )
March 29, 2016 Filing 100 Opposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File to Move for Protected Order by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D, #6 Exhibit E, #7 Exhibit F, #8 Exhibit G, #9 Exhibit H, #10 Exhibit I, #11 Exhibit J, #12 Exhibit K)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 99 ORDER finding as moot #21 Motion to Dismiss in view of #28 Amended Complaint. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 03/23/2016. (rsp2, )
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 98 ORDER finding as moot #48 in view of #49 . Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 03/23/2016. (rsp2, )
March 17, 2016 Filing 97 SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re #87 MOTION to Strike Non-Conforming Portions of Defendants' Invalidity Contentions filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of A. Dhanani, #2 Exhibit A - Chart A23)(Jones, Michael)
March 7, 2016 Filing 96 REPLY to Response to Motion re #87 MOTION to Strike Non-Conforming Portions of Defendants' Invalidity Contentions filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Henry, Claire)
March 4, 2016 Filing 95 ***FILED IN ERROR***NOTICE by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC of Withdrawal of Counsel (Jones, Michael) Modified on 3/4/2016 (ch, ).
March 4, 2016 ***FILED IN ERROR. NEED TO FILE A MOTION Document # 95, Notice of Withdrawal. PLEASE IGNORE.*** (ch, )
March 1, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 94 ORDER granting #93 Motion to Withdraw. ORDERED that Alali Dagogo-Jack be withdrawn as counsel of Record. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 3/1/2016. (ch, )
February 29, 2016 Filing 93 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw Counsel by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
February 26, 2016 Filing 92 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Christopher Scott Ponder on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Ponder, Christopher)
February 25, 2016 Filing 91 SEALED Opposition to Motion re #87 MOTION to Strike Non-Conforming Portions of Defendants' Invalidity Contentions filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit Declaration of Ali Dhanani, #3 Exhibit A, #4 Exhibit B, #5 Exhibit C, #6 Exhibit D, #7 Exhibit E-1, #8 Exhibit E-2, #9 Exhibit E-3, #10 Exhibit F, #11 Exhibit G, #12 Exhibit H)(Guy, G)
February 25, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 90 ORDER granting #86 MOTION to Dismiss Without Prejudice Claims against Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 2/25/2016. (ch, )
February 25, 2016 Filing 89 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Jamie Roy Lynn on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Lynn, Jamie)
February 25, 2016 Filing 88 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Bradley Bowling on behalf of BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Bowling, Bradley)
February 5, 2016 Filing 87 MOTION to Strike Non-Conforming Portions of Defendants' Invalidity Contentions by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Declaration of Kurt G. Calia, #3 Exhibit 1 to Calia Declaration - Defendants' Contentions, #4 Exhibit 2 to Calia Declaration - claim chart A35, #5 Exhibit 3 to Calia Declaration - claim chart B4, #6 Exhibit 4 to Calia Declaration - 01/26/2016 letter, #7 Exhibit 5 to Calia Declaration - 01/29/2016 email, #8 Exhibit 6 to Calia Declaration - 02/01/2016 email, #9 Exhibit 7 to Calia Declaration - 02/03/2016 email, #10 Exhibit 8 to Calia Declaration - 02/04/2016 email)(Hill, Jack)
February 2, 2016 Filing 86 MOTION to Dismiss Without Prejudice Claims against Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Kurt G. Calia, #2 Exhibit 1 to Calia Declaration - January 15, 2016 e-mail, #3 Exhibit 2 to Calia Declaration - January 19, 2016 e-mail, #4 Exhibit 3 to Calia Declaration - January 27, 2016 e-mail, #5 Exhibit 4 to Calia Declaration - February 1, 2016 e-mail, #6 Exhibit 5 to Calia Declaration - February 1, 2016 e-mail, #7 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
January 25, 2016 Filing 85 SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re #70 MOTION to Stay Pending Inter Partes Review filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of K. Calia, #2 Exhibit 1 to Calia Decl., #3 Exhibit 2 to Calia Decl., #4 Exhibit 3 to Calia Decl.)(Hill, Jack)
January 20, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 84 ORDER granting #81 Motion for Extension of Time to Comply. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 1/20/2016. (ch, )
January 19, 2016 Filing 83 SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re #69 MOTION to Dismiss Renewed Partial Motion to Dismiss as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit - Declaration of R. Sudarshan, #2 Exhibit 1 to Sudarshan Decl., #3 Exhibit 2 to Sudarshan Decl., #4 Exhibit 3 to Sudarshan Decl.)(Hill, Jack)
January 19, 2016 Filing 82 SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re #67 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Hill, Jack)
January 15, 2016 Filing 81 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to Comply with Court Order re #56 Order, Set/Clear Flags by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
January 14, 2016 Filing 80 SEALED PATENT REPLY to Response to PATENT Motion re #70 MOTION to Stay Pending Inter Partes Review filed by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of A. Dhanani, #2 Ex. 13 - FUS - Hughes' 1st Supp Response to Rogs (No. 3), #3 Ex. 14 - Apr. 16 Elbit Email, #4 Ex. 15 -Nov. 19 Dhanani Email, #5 Ex. 16 - Dec. 24-Dec. 30 Email, #6 Ex. 17- Jan. 6 Calia Email)(Jones, Michael)
January 14, 2016 Filing 79 RESPONSE in Opposition re #70 MOTION to Stay Pending Inter Partes Review filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of K. Calia, #2 Exhibit 1 to Calia Decl., #3 Exhibit 2 to Calia Decl., #4 Exhibit 3 to Calia Decl., #5 Exhibit 4 to Calia Decl., #6 Exhibit 5 to Calia Decl., #7 Exhibit 6 to Calia Decl., #8 Exhibit 7 to Calia Decl., #9 Exhibit 8 to Calia Decl., #10 Exhibit 9 to Calia Decl., #11 Exhibit 10 to Calia Decl., #12 Exhibit 11 to Calia Decl., #13 Exhibit 12 to Calia Decl., #14 Exhibit 13 to Calia Decl., #15 Exhibit 14 to Calia Decl., #16 Exhibit 15 to Calia Decl., #17 Exhibit 16 to Calia Decl., #18 Exhibit 17 to Calia Decl., #19 Exhibit 18 to Calia Decl., #20 Exhibit 19 to Calia Decl., #21 Exhibit 20 to Calia Decl., #22 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
January 14, 2016 Filing 78 Unopposed MOTION to Seal Document #75 Response in Opposition to Motion,,, , MOTION to Withdraw , MOTION for Leave to File by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
January 7, 2016 Filing 77 REPLY to Response to Motion re #67 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue filed by BlueTide Communications, Inc.. (Dhanani, Ali)
January 7, 2016 Filing 76 REPLY to Response to Motion re #69 MOTION to Dismiss Renewed Partial Motion to Dismiss as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Dhanani, Ali)
January 4, 2016 Filing 75 ***SEALED PER ORDER #186***RESPONSE in Opposition re #70 MOTION to Stay Pending Inter Partes Review filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of K. Calia, #2 Exhibit 1 to Calia Decl., #3 Exhibit 2 to Calia Decl., #4 Exhibit 3 to Calia Decl., #5 Exhibit 4 to Calia Decl., #6 Exhibit 5 to Calia Decl., #7 Exhibit 6 to Calia Decl., #8 Exhibit 7 to Calia Decl., #9 Exhibit 8 to Calia Decl., #10 Exhibit 9 to Calia Decl., #11 Exhibit 10 to Calia Decl., #12 Exhibit 11 to Calia Decl., #13 Exhibit 12 to Calia Decl., #14 Exhibit 13 to Calia Decl., #15 Exhibit 14 to Calia Decl., #16 Exhibit 15 to Calia Decl., #17 Exhibit 16 to Calia Decl., #18 Exhibit 17 to Calia Decl., #19 Exhibit 18 to Calia Decl., #20 Exhibit 19 to Calia Decl., #21 Exhibit 20 to Calia Decl., #22 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack) Modified on 8/26/2016 (ch, ).
December 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 74 ORDER REGARDING E-DISCOVERY IN PATENT CASES granting #71 Agreed MOTION FOR ENTRY OF E-DISCOVERY ORDER filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/28/2015. (nkl, )
December 28, 2015 Filing 73 RESPONSE to Motion re #67 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of R. Sudarshan, #2 Exhibit B to Sudarshan Decl.)(Hill, Jack)
December 28, 2015 Filing 72 RESPONSE to Motion re #69 MOTION to Dismiss Renewed Partial Motion to Dismiss as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of R. Sudarshan, #2 Exhibit 1 to Sudarshan Decl., #3 Exhibit 2 to Sudarshan Decl., #4 Exhibit 3 to Sudarshan Decl., #5 Exhibit 4 to Sudarshan Decl., #6 Exhibit 5 to Sudarshan Decl.)(Hill, Jack)
December 22, 2015 Filing 71 Agreed MOTION FOR ENTRY OF E-DISCOVERY ORDER by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
December 16, 2015 Filing 70 ***WITHDRAWN PER ORDER # 121*** MOTION to Stay Pending Inter Partes Review by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit Declaration of Dhanani, #3 Exhibit 1, #4 Exhibit 2, #5 Exhibit 3, #6 Exhibit 4, #7 Exhibit 5, #8 Exhibit 6, #9 Exhibit 7, #10 Exhibit 8, #11 Exhibit 9, #12 Exhibit 10, #13 Exhibit 11, #14 Exhibit 12)(Dhanani, Ali) Modified on 5/3/2016 (ch, ).
December 14, 2015 Filing 69 MOTION to Dismiss Renewed Partial Motion to Dismiss as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim by Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
December 14, 2015 Filing 68 ANSWER to #53 Amended Complaint,,,, and Affirmative Defenses to Second Amended Complaint by Country Home Investments, Inc..(Dhanani, Ali)
December 14, 2015 Filing 67 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue by BlueTide Communications, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit Declaration of Dhanani, #3 Exhibit Exhibit 1, #4 Exhibit Exhibit 2, #5 Exhibit Exhibit 3, #6 Exhibit Exhibit 4, #7 Exhibit Exhibit 5)(Dhanani, Ali)
December 9, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 66 ORDER REFERRING CASE to Mediator Hon. David Folsom, Jackson Walker, L.L.P., 6002 Summerfield Drive, Suite B, Texarkana, Texas 75503, telephone number 903-255-3251, fax number 903-255-3266, and email dfolsom@jw.com, is hereby appointed as mediator. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/9/2015. (ch, )
December 9, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 65 ORDER granting #61 Motion for Protective Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/9/2015. (ch, )
December 8, 2015 Filing 64 NOTICE of Designation of Mediator, Hon. David Folsom, filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Hill, Jack)
December 8, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 63 ORDER granting #59 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Respond to Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc.., Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC answer due 12/14/2015; BlueTide Communications, Inc. answer due 12/14/2015; Country Home Investments, Inc. answer due 12/14/2015; Helm Hotels Group answer due 12/14/2015; Hughes Network Systems, LLC answer due 12/14/2015.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/8/2015. (ch, )
December 8, 2015 Filing 62 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC Initial Disclosures (Dhanani, Ali)
December 7, 2015 Filing 61 Agreed MOTION for Protective Order by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order - Proposed Protective Order)(Hill, Jack)
December 7, 2015 Filing 60 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC (Initial Disclosures) (Hill, Jack)
December 7, 2015 Filing 59 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Respond to Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint by BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
December 4, 2015 Filing 58 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC (Local Patent Rules 3-1 and 3-2) (Hill, Jack)
December 3, 2015 NOTICE the parties are instructed to file a Notice of Designation of Mediator within 5 days or the Court will select one. (bga, )
December 2, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 57 DOCKET CONTROL ORDER - Pretrial Conference set for 3/21/2017 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne., Amended Pleadings due by 7/13/2016., Jury Selection set for 4/17/2017 09:00AM before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III., Mediation Completion due by 10/26/2016., Markman Hearing set for 9/28/2016 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne., Motions due by 3/1/2017., Proposed Pretrial Order due by 3/13/2017.). Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/2/2015. (ch, )
December 2, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 56 ORDER re #50 Suggestion of Bankruptcy. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/2/2015. (ch, )
December 2, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 55 DISCOVERY ORDER -. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 12/2/2015. (ch, )
November 30, 2015 Filing 54 Agreed MOTION for Entry of Discovery Order by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order - Proposed Discovery Order)(Hill, Jack)
November 23, 2015 Filing 53 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC, filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Hughes White Paper article, #2 Exhibit B - Hughes publication, #3 Exhibit C - MarineLink news article, #4 Exhibit D - Hughes publication, #5 Exhibit E - Hughes publication, #6 Exhibit F - The Best Western Premiers webpage, #7 Exhibit G - ESSI publication, #8 Exhibit H - Hughes publication, #9 Exhibit I - Hughes publication, #10 Exhibit J - Hughes publication, #11 Exhibit K - U.S. Patent No. 6,240,073, #12 Exhibit L - U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874, #13 Exhibit M - Hughes White Paper article, #14 Exhibit N - Hughes publication, #15 Exhibit O - Hughes press release, #16 Exhibit P - Technical Specification for ETSI'S GMR-1 standard, #17 Exhibit Q - Publication, #18 Exhibit R - Datasheet for the Memotec CX-U series, #19 Exhibit S - Datasheet for the Memotec NetPerformer series, #20 Exhibit T - Sevis webpage)(Hill, Jack)
November 19, 2015 Filing 52 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Claire Abernathy Henry on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC (Henry, Claire)
November 17, 2015 Filing 51 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Patrick Colbert Clutter, IV on behalf of Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Clutter, Patrick)
November 5, 2015 Filing 50 SUGGESTION OF BANKRUPTCY Upon the Record as to Defendant, Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC. (Johnson, Pamela)
October 30, 2015 NOTICE of Hearing: Scheduling Conference RESET for 11/20/2015 01:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. (bga, )
October 20, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 49 ORDER - Scheduling Conference set for 11/16/2015 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 10/20/15. (ch, )
August 28, 2015 Filing 48 Unopposed MOTION FOR SCHEDULING CONFERENCE by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
July 10, 2015 Filing 47 NOTICE of Readiness for Scheduling Conference by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC (Hill, Jack)
June 30, 2015 Filing 46 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Alali Dagogo-Jack on behalf of All Defendants. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-5271090. (Dagogo-Jack, Alali)
May 11, 2015 Filing 45 SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re #34 MOTION to Dismiss , Defendants' Renewed Partial Motion to Dismiss as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of R. Sudarshan, #2 Exhibit 1 to Sudarshan Declaration, #3 Exhibit 2 to Sudarshan Declaration, #4 Exhibit 3 to Sudarshan Declaration)(Hill, Jack)
May 11, 2015 Filing 44 SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re #35 MOTION to Dismiss Defendants Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC and Bluetide Communications, Inc's Renewed Motion to Dismiss for Improper Venue filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Hill, Jack)
May 5, 2015 Filing 43 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC identifying Corporate Parent EchoStar Corporation, Corporate Parent Hughes Satellite Systems Corporation for Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Dhanani, Ali)
April 30, 2015 Filing 42 REPLY to Response to Motion re #34 MOTION to Dismiss , Defendants' Renewed Partial Motion to Dismiss as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim filed by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Dhanani, Ali)
April 30, 2015 Filing 41 REPLY to Response to Motion re #35 MOTION to Dismiss Defendants Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC and Bluetide Communications, Inc's Renewed Motion to Dismiss for Improper Venue filed by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc.. (Dhanani, Ali)
April 28, 2015 Filing 40 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Michael Robert Sherby on behalf of Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Sherby, Michael)
April 23, 2015 Filing 39 RESPONSE to Motion re #35 MOTION to Dismiss Defendants Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC and Bluetide Communications, Inc's Renewed Motion to Dismiss for Improper Venue filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of C. Nofal, #2 Exhibit A to Nofal Declaration)(Hill, Jack)
April 23, 2015 Filing 38 RESPONSE to Motion re #34 MOTION to Dismiss , Defendants' Renewed Partial Motion to Dismiss as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of R. Sudarshan, #2 Exhibit 1 to Sudarshan Declaration, #3 Exhibit 2 to Sudarshan Declaration, #4 Exhibit 3 to Sudarshan Declaration, #5 Exhibit 4 to Sudarshan Declaration)(Hill, Jack)
April 20, 2015 Filing 37 Additional Attachments to Main Document: #35 MOTION to Dismiss Defendants Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC and Bluetide Communications, Inc's Renewed Motion to Dismiss for Improper Venue.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5)(Dhanani, Ali)
April 20, 2015 Filing 36 Additional Attachments to Main Document: #35 MOTION to Dismiss Defendants Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC and Bluetide Communications, Inc's Renewed Motion to Dismiss for Improper Venue.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 4)(Dhanani, Ali)
April 20, 2015 Filing 35 MOTION to Dismiss Defendants Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC and Bluetide Communications, Inc's Renewed Motion to Dismiss for Improper Venue by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Ali Dhanani, #2 Exhibit 1, #3 Exhibit 2, #4 Exhibit 3, #5 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
April 20, 2015 Filing 34 MOTION to Dismiss , Defendants' Renewed Partial Motion to Dismiss as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Country Home Investments, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
April 20, 2015 Filing 33 Country Home Investments, Inc's Answer and Affirmative Defenses ANSWER to #28 Amended Complaint,,, by Country Home Investments, Inc..(Dhanani, Ali)
April 14, 2015 Filing 32 SUMMONS Issued as to Country Home Investments, Inc.. (ch, )
April 2, 2015 Filing 31 RESPONSE to Motion re #23 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Christopher P. Nofal, #2 Exhibit A to Nofal Declaration)(Hill, Jack)
April 2, 2015 Filing 30 RESPONSE to Motion re #22 MOTION to Dismiss (Partial) as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit Declaration of Ranganath Sudarshan, #2 Exhibit 1 to Sudarshan Declaration, #3 Exhibit 2 to Sudarshan Declaration, #4 Exhibit 3 to Sudarshan Declaration)(Hill, Jack)
April 2, 2015 Filing 29 RESPONSE to Motion re #21 MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Hill, Jack)
April 2, 2015 Filing 28 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC, Country Home Investments, Inc., filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 A - Hughes White Paper article, #2 Exhibit B - Hughes publication, #3 Exhibit C - MarineLink news article, #4 Exhibit D - Hughes publication, #5 Exhibit E - Hughes publication, #6 Exhibit F - The Best Western Premiers webpage, #7 Exhibit G - ESSI publication, #8 Exhibit H - Hughes publication, #9 Exhibit I - Hughes publication, #10 Exhibit J - Hughes publication, #11 Exhibit K - U.S. Patent No. 6,240,073, #12 Exhibit L - U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874, #13 Exhibit M - Hughes White Paper article, #14 Exhibit N - Hughes publication, #15 Exhibit O - Hughes press release, #16 Exhibit P - Technical Specification for ETSI'S GMR-1 standard, #17 Exhibit Q - Publication)(Hill, Jack)
March 25, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 27 ORDER granting #24 Motion to Substitute Exhibits in Dft Motion to Dismiss. Signed by Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne on 3/25/2015. (ch, )
March 23, 2015 Filing 26 Additional Attachments to Main Document: #24 Unopposed MOTION Substitute Exhibits re #23 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue .. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 5)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 23, 2015 Filing 25 Additional Attachments to Main Document: #24 Unopposed MOTION Substitute Exhibits re #23 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue .. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 4)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 23, 2015 Filing 24 Unopposed MOTION Substitute Exhibits re #23 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dhanani, Ali)
March 16, 2015 Filing 23 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Ali Dhanani ISO Motion to Dismiss Venue, #2 Ex. 1 - Declaration of Ronald McAdams, #3 Ex. 2 - Declaration of Emil Regard for BlueTide, #4 Ex. 3 - Declaration of Gustaf Johansson, #5 Ex. 4 - Black Elk GOM Lease, #6 Ex. 5 - Annotated Black Elk GOM LEASE, #7 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
March 16, 2015 Filing 22 MOTION to Dismiss (Partial) as to Willfulness and Indirect Infringement for Failure to State a Claim by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Hughes Network Systems, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
March 16, 2015 Filing 21 MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim by Helm Hotels Group. (Attachments: #1 Declaration by Zach Glen for Helm Hotels Group MTD, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
March 16, 2015 Filing 20 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Ali Dhanani on behalf of Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Helm Hotels Group, Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Dhanani, Ali)
March 16, 2015 Filing 19 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by G Hopkins Guy, III on behalf of Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Helm Hotels Group, Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Guy, G)
February 13, 2015 Filing 18 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Helm Hotels Group.( Jones, Michael)
February 13, 2015 Filing 17 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re BlueTide Communications, Inc..( Jones, Michael)
February 13, 2015 Filing 16 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC.( Jones, Michael)
February 13, 2015 Filing 15 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Hughes Network Systems, LLC.( Jones, Michael)
February 13, 2015 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Helm Hotels Group to 3/23/2015. 30 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( ch, )
February 13, 2015 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for BlueTide Communications, Inc. to 3/19/2015. 30 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( ch, )
February 13, 2015 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC to 3/16/2015. 30 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( ch, )
February 13, 2015 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Hughes Network Systems, LLC to 3/16/2015. 30 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( ch, )
February 12, 2015 Filing 14 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Helm Hotels Group served on 1/29/2015, answer due 2/19/2015. (ch, )
February 10, 2015 Filing 13 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. BlueTide Communications, Inc. served on 1/27/2015, answer due 2/17/2015. (ch, )
February 10, 2015 Filing 12 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC served on 1/23/2015, answer due 2/13/2015. (ch, )
February 10, 2015 Filing 11 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Hughes Network Systems, LLC served on 1/23/2015, answer due 2/13/2015. (ch, )
January 29, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 10 ***VACATED PER ORDER #511***ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 1/29/2015. (ch, ) Modified on 9/22/2017 (sm, ).
January 28, 2015 Filing 9 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Kurt Calia on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-5030743. (Calia, Kurt)
January 27, 2015 Filing 8 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Grant D Johnson on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-5030508. (Johnson, Grant)
January 26, 2015 Filing 7 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice by Christopher P Nofal on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0540-5026422. (Nofal, Christopher)
January 26, 2015 In accordance with the provisions of 28 USC Section 636(c), you are hereby notified that a U.S. Magistrate Judge of this district court is available to conduct any or all proceedings in this case including a jury or non-jury trial and to order the entry of a final judgment. The form #Consent to Proceed Before Magistrate Judge is available on our website. All signed consent forms, excluding pro se parties, should be filed electronically using the event Notice Regarding Consent to Proceed Before Magistrate Judge. (ch, )
January 22, 2015 Filing 6 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Ranganath Sudarshan on behalf of Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC (Sudarshan, Ranganath)
January 21, 2015 Filing 5 SUMMONS Issued as to Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, (Attachments: #1 Blue Tide Communications Inc, #2 Helm Hotels Group, #3 Hughes Network Systems LLC)(ch, )
January 21, 2015 Filing 4 DEMAND for Trial by Jury by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Hill, Jack)
January 21, 2015 Filing 3 Notice of Filing of Patent/Trademark Form (AO 120). AO 120 mailed to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (Hill, Jack)
January 21, 2015 Filing 2 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC identifying Corporate Parent Elbit Systems - Holdings (1997) Ltd., Corporate Parent Elbit Systems Ltd., Corporate Parent Soltam Systems Ltd., Corporate Parent Kinetics Ltd. for Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd.; Corporate Parent Elbit Systems Ltd., Corporate Parent Elbit Systems U.S. Defense Holdings Inc., Corporate Parent Elbit Systems U.S. Corp. for Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Hill, Jack)
January 21, 2015 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, BlueTide Communications, Inc., Helm Hotels Group, Hughes Network Systems, LLC ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0540-5012471.), filed by Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd., Elbit Systems of America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet, #2 Exhibit A - Hughes White Paper article, #3 Exhibit B - Hughes publication advertising its IPoS-compliant broadband satellite systems, #4 Exhibit C - MarineLink news article, #5 Exhibit D - Hughes publication, #6 Exhibit E - Hughes publication, #7 Exhibit F - The Best Western Premiers webpage, #8 Exhibit G - ESSI publication, #9 Exhibit H - Hughes publication, #10 Exhibit I - Hughes publication, #11 Exhibit J - Hughes publication, #12 Exhibit K - U.S. Patent No. 6,240,073, #13 Exhibit L - U.S. Patent No. 7,245,874, #14 Exhibit M - Hughes White Paper article)(Hill, Jack)
January 21, 2015 Case ASSIGNED to Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III. (ch, )

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Defendant: Hughes Network Systems, LLC
Represented By: Christopher Scott Ponder
Represented By: Eileen F Hyde
Represented By: Melissa Richards Smith
Represented By: Daniel Alan Noteware, Jr.
Represented By: Jamie Roy Lynn
Represented By: Michael E Jones
Represented By: Lauren B Fletcher
Represented By: Michael Robert Sherby
Represented By: Kurt Max Pankratz
Represented By: Alali Dagogo-Jack
Represented By: Bradley Bowling
Represented By: Mark D. Selwyn
Represented By: Kevin A. Goldman
Represented By: Melissa Leyla Muenks
Represented By: M. Natalie Alfaro Gonzales
Represented By: Ali Dhanani
Represented By: Earl Glenn Thames, Jr
Represented By: William F Lee
Represented By: Patrick Colbert Clutter, IV
Represented By: G Hopkins Guy, III
Represented By: Samuel L Kassa
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Defendant: Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC
Represented By: Christopher Scott Ponder
Represented By: G Hopkins Guy, III
Represented By: Michael E Jones
Represented By: Michael Robert Sherby
Represented By: Alali Dagogo-Jack
Represented By: Ali Dhanani
Represented By: Patrick Colbert Clutter, IV
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Defendant: BlueTide Communications, Inc.
Represented By: Christopher Scott Ponder
Represented By: Eileen F Hyde
Represented By: Melissa Richards Smith
Represented By: Daniel Alan Noteware, Jr.
Represented By: Jamie Roy Lynn
Represented By: Michael E Jones
Represented By: Michael Robert Sherby
Represented By: Kurt Max Pankratz
Represented By: Alali Dagogo-Jack
Represented By: Bradley Bowling
Represented By: Melissa Leyla Muenks
Represented By: M. Natalie Alfaro Gonzales
Represented By: Ali Dhanani
Represented By: Earl Glenn Thames, Jr
Represented By: Patrick Colbert Clutter, IV
Represented By: G Hopkins Guy, III
Represented By: Samuel L Kassa
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Defendant: Country Home Investments, Inc.
Represented By: Christopher Scott Ponder
Represented By: Eileen F Hyde
Represented By: Melissa Richards Smith
Represented By: Daniel Alan Noteware, Jr.
Represented By: Jamie Roy Lynn
Represented By: Michael E Jones
Represented By: Michael Robert Sherby
Represented By: Kurt Max Pankratz
Represented By: Alali Dagogo-Jack
Represented By: Bradley Bowling
Represented By: Melissa Leyla Muenks
Represented By: M. Natalie Alfaro Gonzales
Represented By: Ali Dhanani
Represented By: Earl Glenn Thames, Jr
Represented By: Patrick Colbert Clutter, IV
Represented By: G Hopkins Guy, III
Represented By: Samuel L Kassa
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Defendant: Helm Hotels Group
Represented By: Michael E Jones
Represented By: Ali Dhanani
Represented By: G Hopkins Guy, III
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Plaintiff: Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd
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Plaintiff: Elbit Systems of America, LLC
Represented By: Wallace J Lee
Represented By: Christopher P Nofal
Represented By: Kurt G Calia
Represented By: Grant D Johnson
Represented By: Claire Abernathy Henry
Represented By: Yiye Fu
Represented By: Andrea Leigh Fair
Represented By: Jack Wesley Hill
Represented By: Udit Sood
Represented By: Rajesh Paul
Represented By: Patrick N Flynn
Represented By: Ranganath Sudarshan
Represented By: Thomas John Ward, Jr
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Plaintiff: Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd.
Represented By: Wallace J Lee
Represented By: Christopher P Nofal
Represented By: Kurt G Calia
Represented By: Grant D Johnson
Represented By: Claire Abernathy Henry
Represented By: Yiye Fu
Represented By: Andrea Leigh Fair
Represented By: Jack Wesley Hill
Represented By: Udit Sood
Represented By: Rajesh Paul
Represented By: Patrick N Flynn
Represented By: Ranganath Sudarshan
Represented By: Thomas John Ward, Jr
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Not classified by court: David Keyzer
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Not classified by court: David Folsom
Represented By: David Folsom
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