Uniloc USA, Inc. et al v. NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP. et al Featured Case

Uniloc USA Inc. filed a patent lawsuit against ten (10) companies over its anti-piracy software activation technology.

Plaintiff: Uniloc USA, Inc. and Uniloc Singapore Private Limited
Defendant: NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Pervasive Software, Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., FileMaker, Inc., Safenet, Inc., CA, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Sonic Solutions, Onyx Graphics, Inc., Symantec Corp., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc. and Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd.
Case Number: 6:2010cv00472
Filed: September 14, 2010
Court: U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
Office: Tyler Office
County: Smith
Nature of Suit: Patent
Cause of Action: 35 U.S.C. § 271 Patent Infringement
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on August 14, 2012. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
April 3, 2012 Filing 301 NOTICE of Change of Address by Charles D Huston (Huston, Charles)
January 23, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 300 ORDER granting 299 Stipulation of Dismissal filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. Any and all claims by pltfs against deft Filemaker, Inc. are dismissed with prejudice; Filemakers counterclaims are dismissed without prejudice. Parties shall each bear their own attorneys fees, expenses and costs. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 01/23/12. cc:attys 1-25-12(mll, )
January 20, 2012 Filing 299 STIPULATION of Dismissal of Defendant FileMaker, Inc. by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
December 1, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 298 ORDER granting 295 Motion to Stay. This civil action, including all discovery, is STAYED until further order of the Court, pending resolution of the California Action filed by Uniloc USA, Inc., Uniloc Corp. Pty, Ltd., and Uniloc Luxembourg S.A. The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED to administratively close this case. All pending motions are DENIED as moot. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 12/01/11. cc:attys 12-01-11 (mll, )
November 28, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 297 ORDER. The Court advises the parties that it does not accept communications to the Court outside of CM/ECF filings. Any letters, faxes, or other communications that have not been specifically requested by the Court will be disregarded. All arguments and communications to the Court shall be made through formal CM/ECF filings. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 11/28/11. cc:attys 11-29-11 (mll, )
November 22, 2011 Filing 296 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Markman Hearing Proceedings held on 10/19/11 before Judge Leonard Davis. Court Reporter: Shea Sloan, shea_sloan@txed.uscourts.gov. 91 pages NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 12/16/2011. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/27/2011. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/23/2012. (sms, )
November 18, 2011 Filing 295 Joint MOTION to Stay All Above Actions by FileMaker, Inc., Pervasive Software, Inc., Symantec Corp., Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Uniloc v. Sureloc Amended Complaint, # 2 Exhibit B - Ltr from Miller to Attys in Uniloc litigation re 216 patent, # 3 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
November 8, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 294 ORDER granting 293 Motion to Stay. All pending deadlines in this matter between Uniloc and Defendant Filemaker are stayed through and including 12-12-2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 11/08/11. cc:attys 11-08-11 (mll, )
November 7, 2011 Filing 293 Agreed MOTION to Stay All Deadlines for Defendant Filemaker, Inc. by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hartsell, Steven)
November 7, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 292 ORDER granting 291 Stipulation of Dismissal filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. All claims in this action by pltfs against deft Adobe Systems Inc are dismissed with prejudice; all counterclaims by deft are dismissed without prejudice. Each party shall bear their own costs, expenses, and attorney's fees. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 11/07/11. cc:attys 11-07-11(mll, )
November 4, 2011 Filing 291 STIPULATION of Dismissal as to Defendant Adobe Systems Inc. by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hartsell, Steven)
November 3, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 290 ORDER denying as moot 200 Motion for Protective Order; denying as moot 201 Motion to Expedite Briefing Schedule regarding Plaintiffs Motion For Entry of Protective Order; denying 243 Motion for Leave to Construe Previously Construed Term. This provisional claim construction Order sets forth the Courts initial constructions for the disputed claim terms in U.S. Patent No. 5,490,216. The Court will issue a Memorandum Opinion, including a full analysis of the disputed claim terms, at a later date. The Court may modify these provisional constructions when it issues the Memorandum Opinion. This Order is intended to serve as a guideline and framework with which the parties may proceed at an earlier point in the litigation. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 11/03/11. cc:attys 11-04-11 (mll, )
October 31, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 289 ORDER granting 287 Motion to Dismiss. All claims and counterclaims in this action between pltf and deft National Instruments Corporation are dismissed with prejudice, with each party to bear their own costs, expenses, and attorney's fees. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/31/11. cc:attys 11-01-11 (mll, )
October 31, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 288 ORDER granting 285 Motion to Dismiss. All claims and counterclaims in this action between pltf and deft Onyx Graphics Inc are dismissed with prejudice, with each party to bear their own costs, expenses, and attorney's fees. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/31/11. cc:attys 11-01-11 (mll, )
October 26, 2011 Filing 287 Agreed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant National Instruments Corporation by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hartsell, Steven)
October 25, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 286 ORDER that pltf and defts each pay $14,850.00 to Michael T. McLemore for services rendered and expenses incurred through 10-19-2011 as Technical Advisor to the Court, for a total amount of $29,700.00. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/25/11. cc:attys 10-26-11(mll, )
October 25, 2011 Filing 285 Agreed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant Onyx Graphics, Inc. by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
October 24, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 284 ORDER granting 282 Motion to Dismiss. All claims and counterclaims in this action between pltf and deft Pinnacle Systems Inc are dismissed with prejudice, with each party to bear their own costs, expenses, and attorney's fees. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/24/11. cc:attys 10-24-11 (mll, )
October 24, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 283 ORDER granting 281 Motion to Dismiss. All claims and counterclaims in this action between pltf and defts SafeNet Inc, Aladdin Knowledge Systems Inc, and Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd are dismissed with prejudice, with each party to bear their own costs, expenses, and attorney's fees. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/24/11. cc:attys 10-24-11 (mll, )
October 21, 2011 Filing 282 Agreed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant Pinnacle Systems, Inc. by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
October 21, 2011 Filing 281 Agreed MOTION to Dismiss Defendants SafeNet, Inc., Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Inc., and Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
October 19, 2011 Filing 280 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Leonard Davis: Markman & Motion Hearing held on 10/19/2011 re 243 Opposed MOTION for Leave to Construe Previously Construed Term filed by Pervasive Software, Inc. (Court Reporter Shea Sloan.) (Attachments: # 1 Attorney Sign-In Sheets) (rlf, )
October 19, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 279 ORDER granting 278 Motion to Dismiss Sonic Solutions. All claims and counterclaims asserted in this suit between Plaintiffs Uniloc USA, Inc. and Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, on the one hand, and Defendant Sonic Solutions, on the other hand, are hereby dismissed with prejudice. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/18/11. (mjc, )
October 17, 2011 Filing 278 Agreed MOTION to Dismiss Defendant Sonic Solutions by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
October 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 277 ORDER that as time allows, the Court will hear argument on all currently pending motions at the Markman hearing scheduled for 10-19-2011 at 9 a.m. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/12/11. cc:attys 10-13-11(mll, )
October 12, 2011 Filing 276 NOTICE by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. of Compliance Regarding Patent Rule 4-5(d) (Hartsell, Steven)
October 11, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 275 ORDER granting 272 Motion to Stay. All pending deadlines in this matter between Uniloc and Defendant Adobe are stayed through 11-09-2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/11/11. cc:attys 10-11-11 (mll, )
October 7, 2011 Filing 274 NOTICE by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. Regarding Estimated Amount of Time Required for Markman Hearing (Hartsell, Steven)
October 7, 2011 Filing 273 REPLY to 265 Claim Construction Brief, filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Declaration of Steven W. Hartsell, # 2 Exhibit G)(Hartsell, Steven)
October 5, 2011 Filing 272 Agreed MOTION to Stay All Deadlines with Defendant Adobe Systems, Inc. by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hartsell, Steven)
October 5, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 271 ORDER appointing Michael T. McLemore, 10333 Richmond Ave., Suite 1100, Houston, Texas 77042, to the position of technical advisor in this case with his costs to be assessed equally between Plaintiff and Defendants and timely paid as billed. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/4/11. (mjc, )
October 4, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 270 ORDER granting 269 Motion to Stay. All pending deadlines in this matter between Uniloc and Defendants SafeNet, Onyx, Aladdin, Pinnacle, and National Instruments are stayed through 11-07-2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/04/11. cc:attys 10-04-11 (mll, )
October 3, 2011 Filing 269 Agreed MOTION to Stay All Deadlines with Defendants SafeNet, Inc., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Inc., Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Ltd., Pinnacle Systems, Inc. and National Instruments Corporation by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hartsell, Steven)
September 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 268 ORDER granting 267 Motion to Stay. All pending deadlines in this matter are stayed to 10-10-2011 for Defendant and Counterclaimant Sonic Solutions LLC. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 09/29/11. cc:attys 9-29-11 (mll, )
September 26, 2011 Filing 267 Agreed MOTION to Stay for Stay of Deadlines for Sonic Solutions LLC by Sonic Solutions. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Granting Agreed Motion for Stay of Deadlines for Sonic Solutions LLC)(Thompson, Roderick)
September 26, 2011 Filing 266 SEALED PATENT ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS to Main Document: 265 Claim Construction Brief,. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of H. Ribera, # 2 Exhibit A - 1st Amended PR 3-1 and 3-2)(Jones, Michael)
September 26, 2011 Filing 265 Responsive CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF filed by FileMaker, Inc., Pervasive Software, Inc., Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 - '216 patent, # 2 Exhibit 2 - PTO Amendment, # 3 Exhibit 3 - Reply to PTO, # 4 Exhibit 4 - Response to PTO, # 5 Exhibit 5 - PTO Notice of Reexam, # 6 Exhibit 6 - PTO Dec of Pooch, # 7 Exhibit 7 - PTO Interview Summary, # 8 Exhibit 8 - PTO Dec of Rosenblatt)(Jones, Michael)
September 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 264 ORDER granting 260 Motion to Stay. All pending deadlines in this matter are stayed to 9-30-2011 for the Fish Defendants. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 09/22/11. cc:attys 9-23-11 (mll, )
September 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 263 ORDER. The Court intends to appoint Michael T. McLemore to the position of technical advisor in this case. Any objection to the appointment shall be presented to the Court for in camera review within 10 days of the date of this Order. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 09/22/11. cc:attys 9-23-11(mll, )
September 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 262 ORDER denying 113 Motion to Change Venue. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 09/20/11. cc:attys 9-21-11 (mll, )
September 19, 2011 Filing 261 SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re 243 Opposed MOTION for Leave to Construe Previously Construed Term filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit D, # 2 Exhibit E, # 3 Exhibit F)(Bumgardner, Barry)
September 15, 2011 Filing 260 Agreed MOTION to Stay All Deadlines with Defendants National Instruments Corp., Adobe Systems Inc., Safenet, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Inc. and Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hartsell, Steven)
September 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 259 ORDER granting 256 Motion to Stay. All pending deadlines in this matter are stayed to 9-26-2011 for Defendant and Counterclaimant Sonic Solutions LLC. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 09/13/11. cc:attys 9-13-11 (mll, )
September 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 258 ORDER granting 255 Motion to Withdraw; withdrawing 249 Motion for Leave. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 09/12/11. cc:attys 9-12-11 (mll, )
September 12, 2011 Filing 257 CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Declaration of Steven W. Hartsell, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D1, # 6 Exhibit D2, # 7 Exhibit D3, # 8 Exhibit D4, # 9 Exhibit D5, # 10 Exhibit D6, # 11 Exhibit D7, part 1, # 12 Exhibit D7, part 2, # 13 Exhibit D8, # 14 Exhibit D9, # 15 Exhibit E, # 16 Exhibit F)(Bumgardner, Barry) (Additional attachment(s) added on 9/15/2011: # 17 Exhibit E Searchable, # 18 Exhibit F Searchable) (mjc, ).
September 12, 2011 Filing 256 MOTION to Stay OF DEADLINES FOR SONIC SOLUTIONS LLC by Sonic Solutions. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order ORDER GRANTING AGREED MOTION FOR STAY OF DEADLINES FOR SONIC SOLUTIONS LLC)(Thompson, Roderick)
September 9, 2011 Filing 255 Unopposed MOTION to Approve the Joint Stipulation to Address Issues in Markman Proceeding and to Withdraw Dkt No. 249 re 249 MOTION for Leave to Address File History Disclaimer Issues, Arising From the Recent Reexamination, in the Upcoming Claim Construction Proceeings by Symantec Corp., Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
September 9, 2011 Filing 254 REPLY to Response to Motion re 243 Opposed MOTION for Leave to Construe Previously Construed Term filed by Pervasive Software, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Huston, Charles)
September 6, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 253 ORDER granting 252 Motion to Withdraw; withdrawing 248 Motion to Strike. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 09/06/11. cc:attys 9-07-11 (mll, )
September 2, 2011 Filing 252 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw 248 MOTION to Strike Previously Construed Claim Terms From the Parties' P.R. 4-3 Statement by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
September 1, 2011 Filing 251 RESPONSE in Opposition re 243 Opposed MOTION for Leave to Construe Previously Construed Term filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
September 1, 2011 NOTICE of Deficiency regarding DE 250. Atty used wrong event. Correction made at DE 251. (leh, )
August 31, 2011 Filing 250 FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE IGNORE. Atty filed corrected document at DE 251. PLEASE IGNORE. REPLY to Response to Motion re 243 Opposed MOTION for Leave to Construe Previously Construed Term filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward) Modified on 9/1/2011 (leh, ).
August 30, 2011 Filing 249 MOTION for Leave to Address File History Disclaimer Issues, Arising From the Recent Reexamination, in the Upcoming Claim Construction Proceeings by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., FileMaker, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pervasive Software, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc., Sonic Solutions, Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Claim Construction Letter, # 2 Text of Proposed Order, # 3 Text of Proposed Order Alternate Order)(Gardner, Allen)
August 29, 2011 Filing 248 MOTION to Strike Previously Construed Claim Terms From the Parties' P.R. 4-3 Statement by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
August 29, 2011 Filing 247 NOTICE by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. of Filing of Patent Rule 4-3 Joint Claim Construction and Pre-Hearing Statement (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Nelson, Edward)
August 29, 2011 Filing 246 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Symantec Corp. -- Notice of Compliance with P.R. 4-2 -- (Jones, Michael)
August 29, 2011 Filing 245 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Symantec Corp. -- Notice of Compliance with P.R. 3-3 and 3-4 -- (Jones, Michael)
August 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 244 ORDER granting 237 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Stacy L Zoern terminated. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/29/11. cc:attys 8-29-11 (mll, )
August 29, 2011 Filing 243 Opposed MOTION for Leave to Construe Previously Construed Term by Pervasive Software, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A (Rosenblatt Declaration), # 2 Exhibit B (Proposed Claim Construction), # 3 Text of Proposed Order)(Huston, Charles)
August 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 242 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/29/11. cc:attys 8-29-11(mll, )
August 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 241 ORDER granting 239 Motion for Extension of Time. Defts shall have to 9-16-2011 to comply with PR 3-3 and 3-4. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/29/11. cc:attys 8-29-11 (mll, )
August 26, 2011 Filing 240 Agreed MOTION for Protective Order by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
August 26, 2011 Filing 239 Agreed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Patent Rule 3-3 and 3-4 Disclosures by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Katz, Steven)
August 26, 2011 Filing 238 NOTICE by FileMaker, Inc. of Compliance of Service of P.R. 4-2 Disclosures (Smith, Melissa)
August 26, 2011 Filing 237 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Stacy L. Zoern by Pervasive Software, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Zoern, Stacy)
August 25, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 236 ORDER granting 234 Motion to Stay. All pending deadlines in this matter are stayed to 9-12-2011 for Defendant Sonic Solutions LLC. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/25/11. cc:attys 8-25-11 (mll, )
August 25, 2011 Filing 235 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Pervasive Software, Inc. Compliance with P.R. 4-2 - Service of Preliminary Claim Constructions (Huston, Charles)
August 24, 2011 Filing 234 Agreed MOTION to Stay of Deadlines for Sonic Solutions LLC by Sonic Solutions. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Granting Agreed Motion for Stay of Deadlines for Sonic Solutions LLC)(Tarlock, Marc)
August 23, 2011 Filing 233 NOTICE by CA, Inc. of Request for Termination of Electronic Notices (DeRieux, Elizabeth)
August 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 232 ORDER granting 223 Motion to Dismiss. All claims and counterclaims in this action between pltf and deft CA Inc are dismissed with prejudice, with each party to bear their own costs, expenses, and attorney's fees. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/22/11. cc:attys 8-23-11 (mll, )
August 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 231 ORDER granting 226 Motion for Extension of Time. Deft FileMaker, Inc shall have to 8-26-2011 to file its Opposition to pltfs' Motion for Protective Order. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/22/11. cc:attys 8-23-11 (mll, )
August 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 230 ORDER granting 225 Motion for Extension of Time. Defendant Symantec Corporations deadline to respond to Plaintiffs Motion forEntry of Protective Order is extended to 8-26-2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/22/11. cc:attys 8-23-11 (mll, )
August 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 229 ORDER granting 224 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 200 MOTION for Protective Order; Responses due by 8/26/2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/22/11. cc:attys 8-23-11 (mll, )
August 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 228 ORDER granting 222 Motion to Withdraw; withdrawing 113 Motion to Change Venue; withdrawing 162 Sealed Patent Motion. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/22/11. cc:attys 8-23-11 (mll, )
August 22, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 227 ORDER granting 196 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/22/11. cc:attys 8-23-11 (mll, )
August 19, 2011 Filing 226 Agreed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for a Protective Order by FileMaker, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Kim, Rudolph)
August 19, 2011 Filing 225 Agreed MOTION for Extension of Time to File RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR ENTRY OF PROTECTIVE ORDER by Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
August 19, 2011 Filing 224 Agreed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Katz, Steven)
August 19, 2011 Filing 223 Agreed MOTION to Dismiss by CA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(DeRieux, Elizabeth)
August 19, 2011 Filing 222 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw 162 Unopposed SEALED PATENT MOTION to Strike Exhibit B to Plaintiffs Preliminary Patent Infringement Contentions and Participation in Dkt. 113 Motion to Transfer Venue by CA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(DeRieux, Elizabeth)
August 18, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 221 ORDER denying without prejudice 98 Motion to Substitute Party. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/16/11. cc:attys 8-18-11 (mll, )
August 17, 2011 Filing 220 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc. re Proposed Claim Terms (Katz, Steven)
August 16, 2011 Filing 219 NOTICE by Symantec Corp. of Compliance with Discovery Order. (Jones, Michael)
August 16, 2011 Filing 218 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by FileMaker, Inc. - Notice of Compliance of Service (Smith, Melissa)
August 16, 2011 Filing 217 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Pervasive Software, Inc. Service of Proposed Claim Terms, Phrases and Clauses in accordance with P.R. 4-1(a) (Huston, Charles)
August 16, 2011 Filing 216 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Pervasive Software, Inc. Service of Invalidity Contentions (Huston, Charles)
August 16, 2011 Filing 215 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. Regarding Amended Infringement Contentions for Defendants Adobe Systems Inc., Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Inc., National Instruments Corp., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc. and SafeNet, Inc. (Nelson, Edward)
August 16, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 214 ORDER granting 210 Motion to Stay Deadlines for Sonic Solutions LLC. to 8/24/2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 8/15/11. (mjc, )
August 15, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 213 ORDER granting 212 Motion for Extension of Time for Symantec Corporation and XtreamLok, Pty to Comply with P.R. 3-3 and 3-4 to furnish invalidity contentions and accompanying document production to 8/26/2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 8/15/11. (mjc, )
August 12, 2011 Filing 212 Agreed MOTION For Extension of Time to Comply with P.R. 3-3 and 3-4 by Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
August 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 211 ORDER granting 209 Motion to Withdraw, and withdrawing 60 Motion to Dismiss. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/12/11. cc:attys 8-12-11 (mll, )
August 11, 2011 Filing 210 Agreed MOTION to Stay Deadlines for Sonic Solutions LLC by Sonic Solutions. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Thompson, Roderick)
August 11, 2011 Filing 209 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw 60 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue Pursuant to Rule 12(B)(3), FRCP MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue Pursuant to Rule 12(B)(3), FRCP by Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
August 10, 2011 Filing 208 NOTICE by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. Regarding Technical Advisor (Nelson, Edward)
August 10, 2011 Filing 207 NOTICE by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. of United States Patent Office's Notice of Intent to Issue Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate for Patent-in-Suit (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Nelson, Edward)
August 9, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 206 ORDER granting 204 Motion for Extension of Time. Parties shall have to 8-26-2011 to comply with PR 3-3 and 3-4. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/09/11. cc:attys 8-10-11 (mll, )
August 9, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 205 ORDER granting 203 Motion to Stay. All pending deadlines in this matter are stayed to 8-19-2011 for Defendant CA, Inc. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 08/09/11. cc:attys 8-10-11 (mll, )
August 8, 2011 Filing 204 Agreed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Patent Rule 3-3 and 3-4 Disclosures by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Katz, Steven)
August 5, 2011 Filing 203 Agreed MOTION to Stay Deadlines by CA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(DeRieux, Elizabeth)
August 5, 2011 Filing 202 RESPONSE to 178 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim of Defendant Symantec Corporation by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Nelson, Edward)
August 2, 2011 Filing 201 MOTION to Expedite Briefing Schedule regarding Plaintiffs Motion for Entry of Protective Order by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
August 2, 2011 Filing 200 MOTION for Protective Order by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
August 1, 2011 Filing 199 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc. of Compliance of Service of Initial Disclosures (Katz, Steven)
August 1, 2011 Filing 198 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Sonic Solutions regarding Initial Disclosures (Hollander, Christina)
August 1, 2011 Filing 197 NOTICE by FileMaker, Inc. of Compliance of Service of Initial Disclosures (Smith, Melissa)
August 1, 2011 Filing 196 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery re Initial Disclosures by CA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(DeRieux, Elizabeth)
August 1, 2011 Filing 195 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Pervasive Software, Inc. Initial Disclosures (Huston, Charles)
August 1, 2011 Filing 194 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Symantec Corp. regarding Initial Disclosures (Jones, Michael)
August 1, 2011 Filing 193 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. (Olin, Jaime)
July 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 192 ORDER granting 188 Motion to extend time. The new deadline for Sonic Solutions' first mediation is 8-13-2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 07/29/11. cc:attys 7-29-11 (mll, )
July 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 191 ORDER granting 187 Motion for Extension of Time. The new deadline for Uniloc and FileMaker Inc's first mediation is 8-13-2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 07/29/11. cc:attys 7-29-11 (mll, )
July 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 190 ORDER granting 186 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 162 Unopposed SEALED PATENT MOTION to Strike; Replies due by 8/8/2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 07/29/11. cc:attys 7-29-11 (mll, )
July 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 189 ORDER granting 184 Motion to Seal Document. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 07/29/11. cc:attys 7-29-11 (mll, )
July 28, 2011 Filing 188 Unopposed MOTION for Extension to Conduct First Mediation by Sonic Solutions. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hollander, Christina)
July 26, 2011 Filing 187 Unopposed MOTION For An Extension of Time to Conduct First Mediation by FileMaker, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Smith, Melissa)
July 25, 2011 Filing 186 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 162 Unopposed SEALED PATENT MOTION TO STRIKE EXHIBIT B TO PLAINTIFFS PRELIMINARY PATENT INFRINGEMENT CONTENTIONS by CA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(DeRieux, Elizabeth)
July 22, 2011 Filing 185 SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re 162 Defendant CA, Inc.s Motion to Strike Exhibit B to Plaintiffs Preliminary Patent Infringement Contentions filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit A, # 4 Exhibit B, # 5 Exhibit C, # 6 Exhibit D, # 7 Exhibit 3, # 8 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
July 22, 2011 Filing 184 Unopposed MOTION to Seal Document Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant CA, Inc.'s Motion to Strike Exhibit B to Plaintiffs' Preliminary Patent Infringement Contentions and Accompanying Declarations by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
July 20, 2011 Filing 183 NOTICE by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc. of Request for Correction of the Court's Docket (Healey, David)
July 19, 2011 Filing 182 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Motion and Status Proceedings held on 4/26/11 before Judge Leonard Davis. Court Reporter: Shea Sloan, shea_sloan@txed.uscourts.gov. 51 pages. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) business days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript will be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on our website at www.txed.uscourts.gov Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.. Redaction Request due 8/12/2011. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/22/2011. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/20/2011. (sms, )
July 19, 2011 Filing 181 NOTICE by Sonic Solutions of Request for Correction of the Court's Docket (Carroll, Otis)
July 15, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 180 ORDER granting 177 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 162 Unopposed SEALED PATENT MOTION to Strike; Responses due by 7/22/2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 07/15/11. cc:attys 7-15-11 (mll, )
July 14, 2011 Filing 179 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Frank E Scherkenbach for Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc. (mll, )
July 14, 2011 Filing 178 ANSWER to 1 Complaint, Affirmative Defenses and, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc., Uniloc Luxembourg S.A. by Symantec Corp..(Jones, Michael)
July 13, 2011 Filing 177 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to Defendant CA, Inc.'s Motion to Strike Exhibit B to Plaintiffs' Preliminary Patent Infringement Contentions by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
July 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 176 ORDER granting 172 Motion to Extend Time. Deft Symantec Corporation shall have to 8-11-2011 to conduct its first mediation with pltfs. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 07/13/11. cc:attys 7-13-11 (mll, )
July 13, 2011 Filing 175 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Jaime Kate Olin on behalf of Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. (Olin, Jaime)
July 13, 2011 Filing 174 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Steven Brannon Latimer on behalf of Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. (Latimer, Steven)
July 13, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 173 ORDER granting 171 Motion to Substitute Attorney. Added attorney Edward R Nelson, III, Barry Bumgardner, Steven Wayne Hartsell for Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. Attorney Dean G Bostock and Paul J Hayes terminated. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 07/13/11. cc:attys 7-13-11 (mll, )
July 7, 2011 Filing 172 Unopposed MOTION for Leave to Conduct First Mediation on August 11, 2011 re 150 Order by Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
July 5, 2011 Filing 171 Unopposed MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nelson, Edward)
July 1, 2011 Filing 170 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc. of Source Code (Katz, Steven)
July 1, 2011 Filing 169 NOTICE by FileMaker, Inc. of Voluntary Source Code Disclosure Pursuant to the Court's Docket Control Order [Dkt. 150] (Smith, Melissa)
June 30, 2011 Filing 168 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by CA, Inc. re Source Code Review (DeRieux, Elizabeth)
June 30, 2011 Filing 167 NOTICE by Symantec Corp. of Disclosure of Source Code (Jones, Michael)
June 30, 2011 Filing 166 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Sonic Solutions Sonic Solutions' Notice of Disclosure (Hollander, Christina)
June 30, 2011 Filing 165 NOTICE by Pervasive Software, Inc. Re Disclosure of Source Code (Zoern, Stacy)
June 29, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 164 ORDER granting 161 Motion to Seal Document. CA Inc's Motion to Strike Exhibit B to pltfs' Preliminary Patent Infringement Contentions and Supporting Memorandum of Law and accompanying declarations may be filed under seal. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 06/29/11. cc:attys 6-30-11 (mll, )
June 29, 2011 Filing 163 NOTICE by CA, Inc. Request for Termination of Electronic Notices (Guaragna, John)
June 28, 2011 Filing 162 SEALED PATENT MOTION by CA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order, # 2 Declaration of Joshua C. Krumholz with Exhibits A thru F, # 3 Declaration of Pricilla Sanginario, # 4 Declaration of Anthony Piergallini)(Krumholz, Joshua)
June 28, 2011 Filing 161 Unopposed MOTION to Seal Document Motion to Strike and Supporting Documents by CA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Krumholz, Joshua) (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/29/2011: # 2 Text of Proposed Order) (kls, ).
June 28, 2011 Filing 160 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by James Lewis Etheridge on behalf of Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. (Etheridge, James)
June 27, 2011 Filing 159 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Pervasive Software, Inc. re Accused Product Sales Data (Zoern, Stacy)
June 27, 2011 Filing 158 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc. (Katz, Steven)
June 27, 2011 Filing 157 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Symantec Corp. Pursuant to Docket Control Order Dkt. 150 (Jones, Michael)
June 24, 2011 Filing 156 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Sonic Solutions (Hollander, Christina)
June 24, 2011 Filing 155 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by CA, Inc. re Accused Product Sales Data (DeRieux, Elizabeth)
June 24, 2011 Filing 154 NOTICE by FileMaker, Inc. of Disclosures Pursuant to Docket Control Order [Dkt. 150] (Smith, Melissa)
June 23, 2011 Filing 153 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Michael A Jacobs on behalf of FileMaker, Inc. (Jacobs, Michael)
June 23, 2011 Filing 152 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Rudolph Y Kim on behalf of FileMaker, Inc. (Kim, Rudolph)
June 23, 2011 Filing 151 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Christopher Frederick Jeu on behalf of FileMaker, Inc. (Jeu, Christopher)
June 8, 2011 Deadlines set per 150 Docket Control Order: Amended Pleadings due by 10/1/2011; Respond to Amended Pleadings by 10-10-2011. Discovery due by 5/5/2012. Expert Witness List due by 3/26/2012; Rebuttal Expert Witnesses designated by 4-05-2012. Identify trial witnesses by 5/19/2012; Rebuttal Trial Witnesses identified by 5-30-2012. Jury instructions due by 8/24/2012. Mediation Completion due by 7/30/2011. Robert W Faulkner is appointed as Mediator in this cause. Dispositive Motions due by 6/2/2012; Response to Dispositive Motions due 6-17-2012. Proposed Pretrial Order due by 8/24/2012. Motions in Limine due 10-08-2012; Responses to Motions in Limine due 10-11-2012. Jury Selection set for 11/5/2012 09:00AM before Judge Leonard Davis. Jury Trial set for 11/13/2012 09:00 AM before Judge Leonard Davis. Markman Hearing set for 10/19/2011 09:00 AM before Judge Leonard Davis. Pretrial Conference set for 10/18/2012 09:00 AM before Judge Leonard Davis. Associated Cases: 6:10-cv-00373-LED, 6:10-cv-00471-LED, 6:10-cv-00472-LED, 6:10-cv-00591-LED, 6:10-cv-00636-LED, 6:10-cv-00691-LED, 6:11-cv-00033-LED(mll, ) Modified on 6/10/2011 (mll, ).
June 8, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 150 DOCKET CONTROL ORDER. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 06/08/11. cc:attys 6-09-11(mll, )
June 8, 2011 Filing 149 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Andrew Leibnitz for Sonic Solutions (mll, )
June 8, 2011 Filing 148 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Christina R Hollander for Sonic Solutions (mll, )
June 7, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 147 DISCOVERY ORDER. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 06/07/11. cc:attys 6-07-11(mll, )
June 6, 2011 Filing 146 NOTICE of Discovery Disclosure by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. (Initial Disclosures) (Hill, Jack)
June 3, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 145 ORDER granting 140 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Erin P Gibson; John M Guaragna; John Allcock and Brian K Erickson terminated. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 6/3/11. (mjc, )
June 3, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 144 ORDER granting 141 Motion for Extension of Time to File the proposed Docket Control Order. Deadline is 6/2/2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 6/3/11. (mjc, )
June 2, 2011 Filing 143 MOTION FOR ENTRY OF DOCKET CONTROL ORDER (PARTIALLY AGREED) by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Courts Order of May 20, 2011, # 2 Text of Proposed Order (Ex B - Proposed Docket Control Order incorporating the Plaintiffs positions), # 3 Text of Proposed Order (Ex C - Proposed Docket Control Order incorporating the Defendants positions))(Hill, Jack)
May 31, 2011 Filing 142 Joint MOTION ENTRY OF DISCOVERY ORDER by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
May 31, 2011 Filing 141 Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to File Docket Control Order by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hill, Jack)
May 31, 2011 Filing 140 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by CA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Guaragna, John)
May 27, 2011 Filing 139 NOTICE of Designation of Attorney in Charge to Roderick M Thompson on behalf of Sonic Solutions (Thompson, Roderick)
May 27, 2011 Filing 138 NOTICE of Designation of Attorney in Charge to Joshua C Krumholz on behalf of CA, Inc. (Krumholz, Joshua)
May 26, 2011 Filing 137 NOTICE by Symantec Corp. of Designation of Lead Counsel - Mark Flagel (Jones, Michael)
May 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 136 MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER. The parties shall submit agreed Docket Control and Discovery Orders to the Court by 5-31-2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 05/20/11. cc:attys 5-20-11(mll, )
May 9, 2011 Filing 135 SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re 113 Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) in Opposition to Defendants' Motion filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Bostock, Dean)
April 29, 2011 Filing 134 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney J Mitchell Herbert, Jr for CA, Inc.. (mll, )
April 29, 2011 Filing 132 RESPONSE in Support re 113 Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., CA, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc., Sonic Solutions, Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9)(Healey, David)
April 27, 2011 Filing 131 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Joshua C Krumholz for CA, Inc.. (mll, )
April 27, 2011 Filing 130 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Benjamin M Stern for CA, Inc.. (mll, )
April 27, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 129 ORDER granting 123 Motion for Extension of Time. Defts shall have to 4-29-2011 to file their Reply in Support of 113 Motion to transfer. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 04/27/11. cc:attys 4-27-11 (mll, )
April 26, 2011 Filing 133 4.26.11 Minute Entry - Status Conf: for proceedings held before Judge Leonard Davis: Status Conference held on 4/26/2011. (Court Reporter Shea Sloan.) (Attachments: # 1 Attorney Sign-in Sheets) (rlf, )
April 25, 2011 Filing 128 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Kurt L Glitzenstein for Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc.. (mll, )
April 25, 2011 Filing 126 NOTICE by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. re 120 Order, Set Hearings,, of In Camera Submission (Hill, Jack)
April 22, 2011 Filing 127 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Steven R Katz for Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc.. (mll, )
April 22, 2011 Filing 125 NOTICE by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc., Symantec Corp. re 116 Notice (Other) Response to Uniloc's Notice That Case Is Ready For Status Conference (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6)(Healey, David)
April 21, 2011 Filing 124 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Marc Tarlock for Sonic Solutions. (mll, )
April 21, 2011 Filing 123 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Reply On Motion To Transfer by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., CA, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc., Sonic Solutions, Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Healey, David)
April 20, 2011 Filing 122 NOTICE of Designation of Attorney in Charge to Paul J Hayes on behalf of Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. (Hayes, Paul)
April 20, 2011 Filing 121 NOTICE of Change of Address by Paul J Hayes (Hayes, Paul)
April 20, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 120 ORDER setting Status Conference for 4/26/2011 09:00 AM before Judge Leonard Davis. By 4-25-2011 at 9:00 a.m., pltfs shall submit, for in camera review, a table summarizing the licenses or settlements reached in the instant or prior cases involving the patents-in-suit. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 04/20/11. cc:attys 4-20-11(mll, )
April 11, 2011 Filing 119 AFFIDAVIT in Opposition re 113 Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) of Michael Lin filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Hayes, Paul)
April 11, 2011 Filing 118 AFFIDAVIT in Opposition re 113 Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) of Dean G. Bostock filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Hayes, Paul)
April 11, 2011 Filing 117 RESPONSE in Opposition re 113 Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - G)(Hayes, Paul) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/13/2011: # 2 Text of Proposed Order) (kls, ).
March 29, 2011 Filing 116 NOTICE by Uniloc USA, Inc. that Case is Ready for Status Conference (Bostock, Dean)
March 28, 2011 Filing 115 RESPONSE in Support re 98 MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c) MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c) filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Ward, Thomas)
March 25, 2011 Filing 114 NOTICE by FileMaker, Inc. re 113 Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) Notice of Joinder to Defendant's Joint Motion to Change Venue (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit - Declaration of John Pinheiro)(Smith, Melissa)
March 25, 2011 Filing 113 Joint MOTION to Change Venue Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., CA, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc., Sonic Solutions, Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1-Sony motion to transfer, # 2 Exhibit 2-Sony reply ISO motion to transfer, # 3 Exhibit 3-Sony reply to sur-reply ISO motion to transfer, # 4 Exhibit 4-Uniloc complaint (USDC D. RI), # 5 Exhibit 5-Notice of dismissal of Aladdin Knowledge Systems Inc., # 6 Exhibit 6-National Instruments Corporation declaration, # 7 Exhibit 7-Adobe Systems Incorporated declaration, # 8 Exhibit 8-SafeNet, Inc. declaration, # 9 Exhibit 9-CA, Inc. declaration, # 10 Exhibit 10-Pinnacle Systems, Inc. declaration, # 11 Exhibit 11-Sonic Solutions declaration, # 12 Exhibit 12-Onyx Graphics, Inc. declaration, # 13 Exhibit 13-Symantic Corp. declaration, # 14 Exhibit 14-Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Inc. and Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Ltd. declaration, # 15 Text of Proposed Order)(Healey, David)
March 18, 2011 Filing 112 RESPONSE in Opposition re 98 MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c) MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c) Defendants Opposition to Plaintiffs Motion to Substitute Parties Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P.25(c) filed by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., CA, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc., Sonic Solutions, Symantec Corp.. (Thompson, Roderick)
March 9, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 111 ORDER granting 106 Motion for Extension of Time. Deft Sonic Solutions shall have to 3-18-2011 to file its response to 98 Motion to Substitute Parties. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 03/09/11. cc:attys 3-10-11 (mll, )
March 9, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 110 ORDER granting 105 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 98 MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c); Responses due by 3/18/2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 03/09/11. cc:attys 3-10-11 (mll, )
March 9, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 109 ORDER granting 104 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 98 MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c); Responses due by 3/18/2011. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 03/09/11. cc:attys 3-10-11 (mll, )
March 9, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 108 ORDER granting 103 Motion for Extension of Time. Deft CA Inc shall have to 3-18-2011 to file its Response to pltfs' 98 Motion to Substitute Parties. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 03/09/11. cc:attys 3-10-11 (mll, )
March 9, 2011 Filing 107 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Sonic Solutions identifying Corporate Parent Sonic Holdings, Inc, Other Affiliate Sonic Solutions LLC for Sonic Solutions, Sonic Solutions. (Thompson, Roderick)
March 7, 2011 Filing 106 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Defendant Sonic Solutions' Unopposed Motion to Extend the Deadline to File a Response to Plaintiffs' Motion to Substitute Parties Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 25(c) by Sonic Solutions. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Sonic Solutions' Unopposed Motion to Extend the Deadline to File a Response to Plaintiffs' Motion to Substitute Parties Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 24(c))(Thompson, Roderick)
March 7, 2011 Filing 105 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 98 MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c) MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c) by Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Healey, David)
March 7, 2011 Filing 104 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 98 MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c) MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c) by Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
March 7, 2011 Filing 103 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response to Plaintiffs' Motion to Substitute Parties Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 25(c) by CA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Guaragna, John)
March 4, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 102 ORDER granting 101 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Aaron James Pickell terminated. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 03/04/11. cc:attys 3-04-11 (mll, )
March 3, 2011 Filing 101 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Aaron J. Pickell by Pervasive Software, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Zoern, Stacy)
March 2, 2011 NOTICE of Deficiency regarding the 100 Motion to Withdraw submitted by Pervasive Software, Inc. Document does not contain a Certificate of Conference. Correction should be made by one business day. (mjc, )
March 1, 2011 Filing 100 ***DOCUMENT FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE DISREGARD.*** MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Aaron J. Pickell by Pervasive Software, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Zoern, Stacy) Modified on 3/2/2011 (mjc, ).
February 18, 2011 Filing 99 Plaintiffs Uniloc USA, Inc. and Uniloc Singapore Private Limited's ANSWER to 97 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim of Pinnacle Systems, Inc. by Uniloc USA, Inc..(Bostock, Dean)
February 18, 2011 Filing 98 MOTION to Substitute Party Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(c) by Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Affidavit of Bradley C. Davis in Support of Motion, # 5 Text of Proposed Order)(Bostock, Dean)
February 15, 2011 Filing 97 First Amended ANSWER to 1 Complaint,, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. by Pinnacle Systems, Inc..(Healey, David)
January 19, 2011 Filing 96 NOTICE by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. re 60 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue Pursuant to Rule 12(B)(3), FRCP MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue Pursuant to Rule 12(B)(3), FRCP of Decision (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Hill, Jack)
December 10, 2010 Filing 95 REPLY to Response to Motion re 60 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue Pursuant to Rule 12(B)(3), FRCP MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue Pursuant to Rule 12(B)(3), FRCP filed by Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Mark Flagel, # 2 Exhibit J, # 3 Exhibit K, # 4 Exhibit L, # 5 Exhibit M, # 6 Exhibit N, # 7 Exhibit O, # 8 Exhibit P, # 9 Exhibit Q, # 10 Exhibit R, # 11 Exhibit S, # 12 Exhibit T)(Jones, Michael)
December 10, 2010 Filing 94 Plaintiffs' ANSWER to 79 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by SafeNet, Inc. by Uniloc USA, Inc..(Bostock, Dean)
December 10, 2010 Filing 93 Plaintiffs' ANSWER to 77 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by Pinnacle Systems, Inc. by Uniloc USA, Inc..(Bostock, Dean)
December 10, 2010 Filing 92 Plaintiffs' ANSWER to 75 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by Onyx Graphics, Inc. by Uniloc USA, Inc..(Bostock, Dean)
December 10, 2010 Filing 91 Plaintiffs' ANSWER to 73 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by National Instruments Corp. by Uniloc USA, Inc..(Bostock, Dean)
December 10, 2010 Filing 90 Plaintiffs' ANSWER to 71 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by Adobe Systems, Inc. by Uniloc USA, Inc..(Bostock, Dean)
December 10, 2010 Filing 89 Plaintiffs' ANSWER to 69 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Ltd. by Uniloc USA, Inc..(Bostock, Dean)
December 10, 2010 Filing 88 Plaintiffs' ANSWER to 67 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by Defendant Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Inc. by Uniloc USA, Inc..(Bostock, Dean)
December 10, 2010 Filing 87 Plaintiffs' ANSWER to 65 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by Defendant Filemaker, Inc. by Uniloc USA, Inc..(Bostock, Dean)
December 9, 2010 Filing 86 Plaintiffs' ANSWER to 57 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by Sonic Solutions, Inc. by Uniloc USA, Inc..(Bostock, Dean)
December 3, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 85 ORDER granting 84 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Eric M. Albritton terminated. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 12/03/10. cc:attys 12-03-10 (mll, )
December 2, 2010 Filing 84 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Eric M. Albritton by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Albritton, Eric)
November 30, 2010 Filing 83 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Yury Kapgan on behalf of Symantec Corp. (Kapgan, Yury)
November 30, 2010 Filing 82 RESPONSE in Opposition re 60 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue Pursuant to Rule 12(B)(3), FRCP MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue Pursuant to Rule 12(B)(3), FRCP filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Declaration of Bradley C. Davis, # 11 Declaration of Dean G. Bostock, # 12 Text of Proposed Order)(Ward, Thomas)
November 22, 2010 Filing 81 NOTICE by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. of Request for Status Conference (Hill, Jack)
November 19, 2010 Filing 80 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Safenet, Inc. (Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 79 SafeNet, Inc.'s ANSWER to 1 Complaint, and, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. by Safenet, Inc..(Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 78 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Pinnacle Systems, Inc. (Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 77 Pinnacle Systems, Inc.'s ANSWER to 1 Complaint, and, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. by Pinnacle Systems, Inc..(Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 76 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Onyx Graphics, Inc. (Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 75 Onyx Graphics, Inc.'s ANSWER to 1 Complaint, and, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. by Onyx Graphics, Inc..(Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 74 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP. (Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 73 National Instruments Corp.'s ANSWER to 1 Complaint, and, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. by NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP..(Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 72 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Adobe Systems Inc. (Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 71 Adobe Systems Inc.'s ANSWER to 1 Complaint, and, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. by Adobe Systems Inc..(Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 70 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd. (Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 69 Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd.'s ANSWER to 1 Complaint, and, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. by Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd..(Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 68 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc. (Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 67 Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Inc.'s ANSWER to 1 Complaint, and, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. by Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc..(Healey, David)
November 19, 2010 Filing 66 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by FileMaker, Inc. identifying Corporate Parent Apple Inc. for FileMaker, Inc.. (Smith, Melissa)
November 19, 2010 Filing 65 FileMaker, Inc.'s ANSWER to 1 Complaint, Affirmative Defenses and, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. by FileMaker, Inc..(Smith, Melissa)
November 19, 2010 Filing 64 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by CA, Inc. identifying Other Affiliate Careal Holding AG for CA, Inc.. (Guaragna, John)
November 19, 2010 Filing 63 ANSWER to 1 Complaint, by CA, Inc..(Guaragna, John)
November 18, 2010 Filing 61 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Symantec Corp. identifying Corporate Parent None for Symantec Corp.. (Jones, Michael)
November 18, 2010 Filing 60 MOTION to Dismiss for Improper Venue Pursuant to Rule 12(B)(3), FRCP by Symantec Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of M. Flagel, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit I, # 11 Text of Proposed Order)(Jones, Michael)
November 18, 2010 Filing 59 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Sonic Solutions (Carroll, Otis)
November 18, 2010 Filing 58 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Sonic Solutions (Carroll, Otis)
November 18, 2010 Filing 57 Sonic Solutions ANSWER to 1 Complaint,, COUNTERCLAIM against Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. by Sonic Solutions.(Carroll, Otis)
November 17, 2010 Filing 62 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Roderick M Thompson for Sonic Solutions. (mll, )
November 16, 2010 Filing 56 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Erin P Gibson for CA, Inc.. (mll, )
November 16, 2010 Filing 55 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney John Allcock for CA, Inc.. (mll, )
November 16, 2010 Filing 54 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Deborah J Race on behalf of Sonic Solutions (Race, Deborah)
November 16, 2010 Filing 53 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Otis W Carroll, Jr on behalf of Sonic Solutions (Carroll, Otis)
November 2, 2010 Filing 52 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Charles D Huston on behalf of Pervasive Software, Inc. (Huston, Charles)
October 28, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 51 ORDER granting 48 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer. FileMaker Inc is granted an extension of time to file its Answer or otherwise respond to pltf's Complaint by 11-19-2010. Signed by Judge Leonard Davis on 10/28/10. cc:attys 10-28-10 (mll, )
October 28, 2010 Filing 50 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Brian K Erickson on behalf of CA, Inc. (Erickson, Brian)
October 28, 2010 Filing 49 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by John M Guaragna on behalf of CA, Inc. (Guaragna, John)
October 27, 2010 Filing 48 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 1 Complaint, or otherwise respond to Plaintiff's Complaint by FileMaker, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Smith, Melissa)
October 27, 2010 Filing 47 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Stacy L Zoern on behalf of Pervasive Software, Inc. (Zoern, Stacy)
October 25, 2010 Filing 46 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Pervasive Software, Inc. (Pickell, Aaron)
October 25, 2010 Filing 45 ANSWER to 1 Complaint, by Pervasive Software, Inc..(Pickell, Aaron)
October 25, 2010 Filing 44 Defendant's Unopposed Second Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Symantec Corp..( Jones, Michael)
October 25, 2010 Defendant's Unopposed Second Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint 44 is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Symantec Corp. to 11/18/2010. 21 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( mll, )
October 18, 2010 Filing 43 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Allen Franklin Gardner on behalf of Symantec Corp. (Gardner, Allen)
October 15, 2010 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint 42 is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc. to 11/19/2010. 38 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( mll, )
October 15, 2010 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint 41 is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd. to 11/19/2010. 38 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( mll, )
October 12, 2010 Filing 42 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc..( Healey, David)
October 12, 2010 Filing 41 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd..( Healey, David)
October 12, 2010 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint 40 is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Onyx Graphics, Inc. to 11/19/2010. 35 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( mll, )
October 8, 2010 Filing 40 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Onyx Graphics, Inc..( Healey, David)
October 8, 2010 Filing 39 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Safenet, Inc..( Healey, David)
October 8, 2010 Filing 38 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Pinnacle Systems, Inc..( Healey, David)
October 8, 2010 Filing 37 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP..( Healey, David)
October 8, 2010 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint 38 is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Pinnacle Systems, Inc. to 11/19/2010. 35 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( mll, )
October 8, 2010 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint 37 is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP. to 11/19/2010. 39 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( mll, )
October 8, 2010 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint 39 is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Safenet, Inc. to 11/19/2010. 32 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( mll, )
October 7, 2010 Filing 36 Return of Service Executed as to Sonic Solutions on 9/24/2010, by cert mail through the Texas Secretary of State; answer due: 10/15/2010. (mll, )
October 7, 2010 Filing 35 Return of Service Executed as to Onyx Graphics, Inc. on 9/24/2010, by cert mail through the Texas Secretary of State; answer due: 10/15/2010. (mll, )
October 7, 2010 Filing 34 Return of Service Executed as to Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd. on 9/27/2010, by cert mail through the Texas Secretary of State; answer due: 10/18/2010. (mll, )
October 7, 2010 Filing 33 Return of Service Executed as to Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc. on 9/24/2010, by cert mail through the Texas Secretary of State; answer due: 10/15/2010. (mll, )
October 7, 2010 Filing 32 Return of Service Executed as to Pinnacle Systems, Inc. on 9/24/2010, by cert mail through the Texas Secretary of State; answer due: 10/15/2010. (mll, )
October 7, 2010 Filing 31 Return of Service Executed as to Safenet, Inc. on 9/23/2010, by cert mail through the Texas Secretary of State; answer due: 10/14/2010. (mll, )
October 6, 2010 Filing 30 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re CA, Inc..( DeRieux, Elizabeth)
October 6, 2010 Filing 29 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Elizabeth L DeRieux on behalf of CA, Inc. (DeRieux, Elizabeth)
October 6, 2010 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint 30 is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for CA, Inc. to 11/19/2010. 43 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( mll, )
October 6, 2010 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint 28 is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Adobe Systems Inc. to 11/19/2010. 44 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( mll, )
October 5, 2010 Filing 28 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Adobe Systems Inc..( Healey, David)
October 4, 2010 Filing 27 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Eric M. Albritton on behalf of Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. (Albritton, Eric)
September 30, 2010 Filing 26 Return of Service Executed as to CA, Inc. on 9/16/2010, by cert mail; answer due: 10/7/2010. (mll, )
September 30, 2010 Filing 25 Return of Service Executed as to Symantec Corp. on 9/16/2010, by cert mail. (mll, )
September 30, 2010 Filing 24 Return of Service Executed as to NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP. on 9/20/2010, by cert mail; answer due: 10/12/2010. (mll, )
September 30, 2010 Filing 23 Return of Service Executed as to Adobe Systems Inc. on 9/16/2010, by cert mail; answer due: 10/7/2010. (mll, )
September 24, 2010 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint 20 is granted pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Symantec Corp. to 10/28/2010. 21 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( mll, )
September 23, 2010 Filing 22 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Dean Geoffrey Dunlavey on behalf of Symantec Corp. (Dunlavey, Dean)
September 22, 2010 Filing 21 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Mark Alan Flagel on behalf of Symantec Corp. (Flagel, Mark)
September 22, 2010 Filing 20 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Symantec Corp..( Jones, Michael)
September 22, 2010 Filing 19 Return of Service Executed as to FileMaker, Inc. on 9/16/2010, by cert mail; answer due: 10/7/2010. (mll, )
September 16, 2010 Filing 18 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Dean G Bostock for Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (mll, )
September 16, 2010 Filing 17 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Paul J Hayes for Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (mll, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 16 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Symantec Corp.. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 15 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Sonic Solutions. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 14 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Safenet, Inc.. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 13 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Pinnacle Systems, Inc. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 12 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Pervasive Software, Inc. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 11 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Onyx Graphics, Inc.. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 10 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 9 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to FileMaker, Inc.. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Judge Leonard Davis added. (mll, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 8 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to CA, Inc.. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 7 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc.. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 6 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd.. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 5 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Adobe Systems Inc.. (kls, )
September 14, 2010 Filing 4 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Thomas John Ward, Jr on behalf of Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. (Ward, Thomas)
September 14, 2010 Filing 3 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc. identifying Corporate Parent Uniloc Corporation Pty. Limited. for Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Hill, Jack)
September 14, 2010 Filing 2 Notice of Filing of Patent/Trademark Form (AO 120). AO 120 mailed to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (Hill, Jack)
September 14, 2010 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Adobe Systems Inc., Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc., CA, Inc., FileMaker, Inc., NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP., Onyx Graphics, Inc., Pervasive Software, Inc., Pinnacle Systems, Inc., Safenet, Inc., Sonic Solutions, Symantec Corp. ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0540-2667655.), filed by Uniloc Singapore Private Limited, Uniloc USA, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(Hill, Jack)

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Plaintiff: Uniloc USA, Inc.
Represented By: Jack Wesley Hill
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Plaintiff: Uniloc Singapore Private Limited
Represented By: Jack Wesley Hill
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Defendant: Pervasive Software, Inc.
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Defendant: Adobe Systems Inc.
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Defendant: FileMaker, Inc.
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Defendant: Safenet, Inc.
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Defendant: CA, Inc.
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Defendant: Pinnacle Systems, Inc.
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Defendant: Sonic Solutions
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Defendant: Onyx Graphics, Inc.
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Defendant: Symantec Corp.
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Defendant: Alladin Knowledge Systems, Inc.
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Defendant: Alladin Knowledge Systems Ltd.
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